WAQ76356 (e) Tabled on 16/04/2018

Further to WAQ76311, what assurances can the Cabinet Secretary provide that Llandudno North Shore will be restored once again to a sandy beach as part of any ongoing and/or new coastal defence works?

Answered by Minister for Environment | Answered on 25/04/2018

The design of any future scheme to reduce the risk of flooding and coastal erosion at Llandudno North Shore is the responsibility of the Risk Management Authority. 


Conwy County Borough Council is currently working on producing an Outline Business Case (OBC) for a potential future scheme at Llandudno North Shore through the Coastal Risk Management Programme.  This business case will identify the current and future risk and consider different options for managing that risk.  It will then put forward a preferred management option based on the specific conditions at the location. 


The OBC was preceded by a Beach Management Plan setting out options for Llandudno.  As part of this work Conwy County Borough Council has been working closely with the Llandudno Coastal Forum and local Councillors.  This included a public drop in session with the local community to discuss options for addressing risk.  Further consultation will continue through the process.


Beach re-nourishment is one option which could be considered by the Local Authority if appropriate to reduce flood risk.