WAQ76192 (e) Tabled on 13/03/2018

Will the Cabinet Secretary confirm whether assurances have been sought into how investment in Swansea University's Steel and Metals Institute will be spent and outline how he will assess the investment's effectiveness?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Transport | Answered on 19/03/2018

The Welsh Government has sought information on how investment in Swansea University’s Steel and Metals Institute will be spent. The primary purpose of Welsh Government funding was for resources and costs to establish the Steel and Metals Institute itself.  We will monitor that the funding is spent on that purpose.  Swansea University is responsible for funding to undertake the various projects, whether that be industrial research and development or competitively won funding.  The University is already working with partners and submitting proposals for this work.  

A Welsh Government official will be on the steering board and will be up-dating me regularly on the University’s progress in securing funding and undertaking research projects with industrial partners.