How many times in the last 18 months have Welsh Government representatives promoted Wales's work opportunities at health and social care jobs fairs?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services | Answered on 08/03/2018

To promote the Train Work Live campaign, Welsh Government officials attended the British Medical Journal Careers Fair in both 2016 and 2017 as part of a wider team which included representation from NHS organisations and the Wales Deanery. 


Officials have also exhibited at a number of other events, including the Royal College of Nursing Congress in 2017, the Community Practitioner and Health Visitor Association annual conference in 2017 and the annual Royal College of General Practitioner conference in 2016.


Health boards and trusts regularly attend job and career fairs as part of their ongoing recruitment programmes.  


The Welsh Government also funds Social Care Wales (SCW) to support the development of the social care workforce. SCW regularly attends career fairs alongside Care Ambassadors working in the sector, to support the recruitment of social care workers and to raise its profile as a career.


Local authorities and care providers, as direct employers of the social care workforce, also attend local job and career fairs as part of their recruitment programmes.