Is the additional £50 million announced in August 2017 to further improve waiting times allocated to health boards with specific delivery targets, such as the funding referred to in WAQ74403 and, if so, could details be given on each local health board's specific delivery targets?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services | Answered on 27/11/2017

With the funding allocated to health boards in Wales, health boards have committed to the improvements against 36 weeks for RTT, 8 weeks for diagnostics and 14 weeks for therapy services as set out in the table below: 

  RTT Diagnostic Therapy
Abertawe Bro Morgannwg 2,640 0 0
Aneuring Bevan 145 0 0
Betsi Cadwaladr 4,237 0 0
Cardiff and Vale 800 998 0
Cwm Taf 0 0 0
Hywel Dda 1,700 0 275
Powys 0 0 0
All Wales 9,522 998 275

In addition, Aneurin Bevan UHB has committed to a maximum of 1,700 patients waiting over 6 weeks for diagnostics and Powys tHB has received funding to reduce the number of Powys residents waiting over 36 weeks in England.

This will give the best RTT position since May 2013, the best diagnostic position since June 2009 and the best therapy position since September 2011.