How has the additional £50 million investment to reduce waiting times been shared between Wales’s health boards, and what plans or strategies have each health board put in place to bring down waiting times?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services | Answered on 20/11/2017

The initial tranche of the additional £50 million to help reduce waiting times has been shared between health boards as shown in the table:


Abertawe Bro Morgannwg

Aneurin Bevan

Betsi Cadwaladr

Cardiff and Vale

Cwm Taf

Hywel Dda

All Wales

Costs (£m)









The additional funding will be used to reduce waiting times for RTT, diagnostic and therapy services. Health boards in Wales are using a range of measures to improve waits, including running additional sessions locally, for both outpatients and inpatient / day cases, in-sourcing activity and outsourcing activity to alternative providers, both NHS and independent in Wales and England.


Further conversations are on-going on the utilisation of the remaining £1.771 million.