What assessment has been made of Cantref Housing Association's consultation with tenants regarding merging with another housing association under the terms of the Housing Act 1996? R, W
Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children | Answered on 20/09/2016
Ysgrifennodd Tai Cantref at eu tenantiaid yn rhoi manylion am sut i godi pryderon neu holi cwestiynau am y cynigion. Rhoddwyd cyfle pellach i drafod y mater mewn cyfarfodydd o baneli’r tenantiaid, diwrnod hwyl gan y tenantiaid a chyfarfodydd eraill rhwng y tenantiaid a’r staff. Roedd y mwyafrif o’r ymatebion a dderbyniwyd yn bositif at ei gilydd.