WAQ70904 (w) Member declared an interest Tabled on 31/08/2016

What steps is the Minister taking to ensure that a clear and translucent consultation happens regarding the future of Cantref Housing Association, to ensure that the opinions of the Local Authority, the shareholders and the tenants are heard? R, W

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children | Answered on 20/09/2016

Anfonodd Tai Cantref wybodaeth yn ymwneud â’r bwriad i uno â Thai Cymru a’r Gorllewin at bob un o’u tenantiaid a gwahoddwyd ymatebion er mwyn mynd i’r afael ag unrhyw bryderon. Fe wnaeth Tai Cantref hefyd gynnal cyfarfodydd gyda rhanddeiliaid, gan gynnwys y tenantiaid, yr awdurdodau lleol a’r cyfranddalwyr, ym mis Gorffennaf ac ym mis Awst eleni.