WAQ70407 (e) Tabled on 15/06/2016

Will the Minister confirm whether he will be using individual poverty reduction targets, as well as key indicators, to assess the application of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government | Answered on 23/06/2016

A set of 46 National Indicators will enable the Government, Assembly Members and any citizen in Wales to find out what progress is being made at a Wales level in achieving the seven well-being goals in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. These indicators - which include areas such as income poverty, material deprivation, educational attainment and employment - were laid before the National Assembly in March 2016. We will report annually on the new Well-being indicators to measure the progress our country makes.
“How to measure a nation’s progress? National Indicators for Wales” are available at the following link: