WAQ70807 (w) Tabled on 28/07/2016

Will the Minister provide an update on establishing the National Centre for Learning Welsh? W

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Education | Answered on 16/08/2016

The National Centre for Learning Welsh has now been operational for a year. The Centre has appointed staff to work in locations across Wales and has undertaken a process to rationalise the number of providers from the 24 that existed to 10. The Centre published its Strategy for the period 2016-2020 on 30 July and I have established an independent committee to scrutinise the work of the Centre and advise me on matters such as value for money and how the Centre is responding to Welsh Government policies. Further information about the committee can be found here: http://gov.wales/topics/educationandskills/allsectorpolicies/welshmededuca/welsh-for-adults/welsh-for-adults-scrutiny-committee/?skip=1&lang=en