WAQ70667 (w) Tabled on 08/07/2016

Will the Minister make a statement pm the recent Estyn report about Ysgol Syr Thomas Picton? W

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Education | Answered on 14/07/2016

Estyn is an independent body responsible for inspecting the quality of education services in Wales. Decisions in respect of the judgements reached by inspectors are entirely a matter for the inspectorate.
Sir Thomas Picton School, Pembrokeshire was inspected by Estyn in January 2015. Inspectors judged that both the school’s current performance and prospects for improvement were adequate and it was deemed to require monitoring by Estyn.
Following Estyn’s monitoring visit in June 2016, the school was found to have made insufficient progress in relation to the recommendations from the core inspection and judged to require special measures.
The school will draw up an action plan showing how it will address the recommendations. Estyn will continue to monitor the progress of the school on a termly basis until it is satisfied that the school has improved sufficiently to be removed from the formal category of special measures.
A range of parties will now continue their involvement in the progress of the school, including its governing body, the local authority, the regional consortia and Estyn. These agencies will all play a role in supporting and challenging the school to continue to make changes and improve standards.