WAQ74322 (e) Tabled on 04/10/2017

Following his announcement in plenary on 14 June that a HCV elimination plan would be issued to NHS Wales and the Health Boards over the summer, will the Cabinet Secretary confirm: a) what discussions have taken place with blood-borne virus leads about the scope of any revised guidance, and; b) when the plan will be issued so that work can continue the great work to work towards elimination of this disease?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport | Answered on 11/10/2017

Work towards the elimination of viral hepatitis has been progressing well during the summer. The Welsh Viral Hepatitis Subgroup submitted a comprehensive framework to my officials in September. Based on the information provided, my officials have considered the most appropriate actions to achieve the targets. The Chief Medical Officer will be issuing a Welsh Health Circular to the NHS and community pharmacies imminently which will focus on those measures that will reduce, and ultimately prevent, ongoing transmission of hepatitis C, whilst ensuring all those currently infected have access to treatment