WAQ74249 (w) Tabled on 25/09/2017

Will the Cabinet Secretary publish a summary of the main conclusions of any specific legal advice that she has received in developing the proposals of the White Paper, 'Striking the right balance: proposals for a Welsh-language Bill', regarding the impact that removing the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 schedules is likely to have on the National Assembly for Wales's ability to place language duties on private bodies that are already listed in the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 as it currently stands? W

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Education | Answered on 05/10/2017

The proposals in our White Paper, 'Striking the right balance: proposals for a Welsh Language Bill', aim to assist us to deliver our vision for a million Welsh speakers by 2050.

I am advised that there is no specific express reservation in the Wales Act 2017 in respect of the Assembly's ability to place Welsh language duties on any private businesses. Under the reserved powers model that which is not reserved is devolved, provided what is proposed does not breach any of the other restrictions in the Wales Act. 

There are specific express reservations in respect of certain matters, for example: financial services, including banking and insurance. Legislating about reserved matters is not within the power of the Assembly. However, there is also provision to the effect that, for example, imposing duties "in relation to the Welsh language" on persons falling within the scope of those other reservations is nevertheless permissible. Again, this is provided that what is proposed does not breach any of the other restrictions.

Following the public consultation, we will finalise our proposals for a Welsh Language Bill. The provisions of the Wales Act 2017 will require careful consideration in light of those proposals.