WAQ74036 (w) Tabled on 01/08/2017

Does the Cabinet Secretary intend to strengthen part B of the fire safety building regulations? W

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs | Answered on 09/08/2017

Fire safety building regulations are dealt with under Part B of the Building Regulations. I welcome the recent announcement by the Department of Communities and Local Government to establish an independent review of building regulations and fire safety following the Grenfell Tragedy. I welcome the intention to engage with Devolved Administrations as the issues flowing from Grenfell are likely to be equally relevant to us in Wales given the requirements of Part B – Fire Safety and related guidance have their origins in the previous England and Wales policy. I have requested an early discussion with the Chair of the Review.  I will consider the need to make changes to building regulations in Wales informed by the findings of the investigations, the public inquiry and the independent review.