WAQ73331 (e) Tabled on 04/04/2017

In relation to community asset transfer, what discussions has the Cabinet Secretary held with local authorities in the Fifth Assembly term to date, and what guidance has been issued on this matter?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government | Answered on 18/04/2017

The Welsh Government is adopting a co-ordinated and collaborative approach to the Community Asset Transfer agenda with much of the external engagement with local authorities being conducted via the National Assets Working Group, for which I have Ministerial responsibility. It is currently chaired by a local authority Chief Executive and the membership also includes additional local authority sector representation and the Welsh Local Government Association. I attended a meeting of the group on 24 November 2016.

You will be aware that the National Assets Working Group has produced a best practice guide, which can be found at: 



An updated version of the guide is currently being finalised with the intention to publish before the summer recess.