WAQ73103 (e) Tabled on 02/03/2017

By Welsh Local Health Board, how many full time equivalent health visitors were employed in each of the past 5 years?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport | Answered on 16/03/2017

This information is available on StatsWales.
The number of full time equivalent health visitors in Wales over the past 5 years is shown below, using the most recent published data from StatsWales, as at 30 September. The 2016 data will be available from the end of March.

HB 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University LHB 140. 8 151. 2 165. 0 178. 5 175. 5
Aneurin Bevan University LHB 138. 0 153. 4 168. 7 136. 5 153. 9
Betsi Cadwaladr University LHB 143. 0 146. 4 153. 1 151. 7 165. 9
Cardiff and Vale University LHB 127. 4 133. 6 142. 3 156. 8 155. 6
Cwm Taf University LHB 73. 6 68. 8 104. 6 108. 5 113. 9
Hywel Dda University LHB 83. 9 87. 9 92. 1 96. 1 100. 1
Powys Teaching LHB 32. 1 33. 3 32. 6 29. 5 30. 7