For each year since 2011, how many Individual Patient Funding Requests (IPFRs) for medications have been made to each health board; and of these requests, how many IPFRs were accepted and how many were rejected by each health board?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport | Answered on 12/07/2016

Information on individual patient funding requests by health board is not collected centrally. Public Health Wales (PHW) has published annual reports, “Individual patient funding requests and top-up payments: annual report for Wales” for 2013 - 2015. They can be accessed on the PHW web site in the Annual Report section by clicking on the link below:-

Data for 2011-12 may be available from individual health boards.
The annual report of IPFR data for 2015-16 will be published in September by the All Wales Therapeutics and Toxicology Centre.