WAQ73275 (e) Tabled on 27/03/2017

Given that the UK Government will shortly trigger Article 50, is the Welsh Government prepared to look again at the issue of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones , and whether an alternative approach to NVZ designations might be available via the Environment (Wales) Act 2016?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs | Answered on 05/04/2017

Until we actually leave the EU, we are obliged to comply with all European law. We may well have to continue to do so even after we leave depending on the outcome of negotiations but this will help us to maintain environmental standards and protect human and environmental health.

As regards NVZs, I am considering the results of the recent consultation and working with the farming industry to consider options. I will be interested to hear people's views if they feel alternative approaches to those included in the consultation can achieve the same or better outcomes whilst satisfying the requirements of the Directive.