WAQ72998 (e) Tabled on 14/02/2017

Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on the considerations of the Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee (WHSSC) to develop a tertiary paediatric rheumatology service in Wales, and what advice he has provided to the Committee with regard to such a service being included in the WHSSC Integrated Commissioning Plan for 2017/18?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport | Answered on 21/02/2017

This was one of the matters that was discussed when I met Ann Lloyd, the Chair of WHSSC on 19 January. WHSSC has confirmed their intention to undertake a comprehensive review of paediatric specialised services for the Welsh population in the first half of the financial year 2017/18. The purpose of this work is to review the needs of the Welsh population against all the key paediatric specialties and assess any gaps in provision against demand, service quality and specification.  

 WHSSC will involve patient groups and the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS) in the review to capture their perspective of service need and experience. This work will produce a service strategy and plan which will inform the next planning round, the Project Initiation Document for which is going to Joint Committee in March. It is intended that work on the 2018-19 projects will commence in April.