WAQ72044 (e) Tabled on 07/02/2017

Will the Cabinet Secretary provide details of how much money each local health board has given to other local health boards within the last two years?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport | Answered on 10/02/2017

Local health boards transact with each other for the procurement and provision of healthcare and associated services.

The local health boards report annually in note 3. 2 ‘Expenditure on healthcare from other providers’ of their Statutory Accounts details of expenditure on healthcare with:

  • Other NHS Wales Health Boards
  • Other NHS Wales Trusts

 The details of what each local health board has spent annually on goods and services from other local health boards can therefore be found in the individual accounts of each local health board on the documents laid section of the National Assembly for Wales website.

http://www.assembly.wales/en/bus- home/Pages/Plenary.aspx?category=Laid%20Document