WAQ71914 (e) Tabled on 20/01/2017

Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on the PINS decision on Sychnant Pass, with particular regard to the large numbers of public objections received, and initial refusal by the Planning Committee of Conwy County Borough Council?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs | Answered on 01/02/2017

Once a decision has been issued on an appeal against the refusal of planning permission, the Welsh Ministers have no further jurisdiction in the matter. In practice this means the Welsh Ministers cannot review the decision or comment on it in any way. The only way a decision can be challenged is through the courts. The challenge period in this case expired on 27 January.

A copy of the Inspectors decision and her reasoning behind the decision to allow the appeal can be found on the Planning Inspectorate's Wales casework web-site https://acp.planningportal.gov.uk/CaseSearch.aspx
The Planning Inspectorate's reference number for the appeal is 3148027.