WAQ71600 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2016

How many charities based in Wales are in receipt of EU research and innovation funding?

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children | Answered on 07/12/2016

Further to my response to WAQ71518, while we collect information on the total number of businesses financially supported through the Research and Innovation priority of the European Structural Funds, we do not collect details concerning whether the business / enterprise is a registered charity.

EU Structural Funds have supported several organisations from the higher education sector to lead on research and innovation schemes, the details of which are published on the EU funds approved project sections of the Welsh Government website at http://gov.wales/docs/wefo/publications/161026-approved-projects.pdf and http://gov.wales/funding/eu-funds/previous/searchprojects1/?lang=en. Some of these HE organisations may be registered as charities, details of which can be found via the Charity Commission website at http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/showcharity/registerofcharities/RegisterHomePage.aspx
Through Horizon 2020 (2014–2020) and the Framework Programme 7 (2007–2013), the EU's largest research and innovation funding programmes, which are managed directly by the European Commission, beneficiaries are not categorised according to their charity status. However, the following organisations, which we understand to be registered charities as per the Charity Commission website, have been successful in obtaining Horizon 2020 and/or FP7 funds:

National Museum of Wales
Aberystwyth University
Cardiff University
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Bangor University
Swansea University
University of South Wales
University of Wales Trinity St David
University of Glamorgan
University of Wales Institute Cardiff
University of Newport