Vote Outcomes Local Government and Housing Committee 16/05/2024

Gwelliant 115

Amendment 115

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Adam Price Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 116

Amendment 116

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Adam Price Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 99

Amendment 99

O blaid / For: 2 Yn erbyn / Against: 4 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Sarah Murphy
Adam Price

Gwelliant 2

Amendment 2

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Adam Price Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 3

Amendment 3

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Adam Price Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 16

Amendment 16

O blaid / For: 5 Yn erbyn / Against: 0 Ymatal / Abstain: 1
John Griffiths Adam Price
James Evans
Lee Waters
Peter Fox
Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 100

Amendment 100

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Adam Price Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 102

Amendment 102

O blaid / For: 2 Yn erbyn / Against: 4 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Sarah Murphy
Adam Price

Gwelliant 103

Amendment 103

O blaid / For: 2 Yn erbyn / Against: 4 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Sarah Murphy
Adam Price

Gwelliant 104

Amendment 104

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Adam Price Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 20

Amendment 20

O blaid / For: 5 Yn erbyn / Against: 1 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
John Griffiths Adam Price
James Evans
Lee Waters
Peter Fox
Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 105

Amendment 105

O blaid / For: 2 Yn erbyn / Against: 4 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Sarah Murphy
Adam Price

Gwelliant 106

Amendment 106

O blaid / For: 2 Yn erbyn / Against: 4 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Sarah Murphy
Adam Price

Gwelliant 9

Amendment 9

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Adam Price Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 108

Amendment 108

O blaid / For: 2 Yn erbyn / Against: 4 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Sarah Murphy
Adam Price

Gwelliant 49

Amendment 49

O blaid / For: 4 Yn erbyn / Against: 2 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
John Griffiths James Evans
Lee Waters Peter Fox
Sarah Murphy
Adam Price

Gwelliant 50

Amendment 50

O blaid / For: 1 Yn erbyn / Against: 5 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
Adam Price John Griffiths
James Evans
Lee Waters
Peter Fox
Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 51

Amendment 51

O blaid / For: 4 Yn erbyn / Against: 2 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
John Griffiths James Evans
Lee Waters Peter Fox
Sarah Murphy
Adam Price

Gwelliant 118

Amendment 118

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Adam Price Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 119

Amendment 119

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Adam Price Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 52

Amendment 52

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Adam Price Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 53

Amendment 53

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Adam Price Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 110

Amendment 110

O blaid / For: 2 Yn erbyn / Against: 4 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Sarah Murphy
Adam Price

Gwelliant 121

Amendment 121

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Adam Price Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 4

Amendment 4

O blaid / For: 1 Yn erbyn / Against: 5 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
Adam Price John Griffiths
James Evans
Lee Waters
Peter Fox
Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 5

Amendment 5

O blaid / For: 1 Yn erbyn / Against: 5 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
Adam Price John Griffiths
James Evans
Lee Waters
Peter Fox
Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 111

Amendment 111

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Adam Price Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 123

Amendment 123

O blaid / For: 1 Yn erbyn / Against: 5 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
Adam Price John Griffiths
James Evans
Lee Waters
Peter Fox
Sarah Murphy

Gwelliannau 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 a 76

Amendments 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 and 76

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Adam Price Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 77

Amendment 77

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Adam Price Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 89

Amendment 89

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Adam Price Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 90

Amendment 90

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Adam Price Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 91

Amendment 91

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Adam Price Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 92

Amendment 92

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Adam Price Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 112

Amendment 112

O blaid / For: 2 Yn erbyn / Against: 4 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Sarah Murphy
Adam Price

Gwelliant 113

Amendment 113

O blaid / For: 2 Yn erbyn / Against: 4 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Sarah Murphy
Adam Price

Gwelliant 114

Amendment 114

O blaid / For: 2 Yn erbyn / Against: 4 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Sarah Murphy
Adam Price

Gwelliant 125

Amendment 125

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 2 Ymatal / Abstain: 1
James Evans John Griffiths Lee Waters
Peter Fox Sarah Murphy
Adam Price

Gwelliant 126

Amendment 126

O blaid / For: 1 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 2
Adam Price John Griffiths James Evans
Lee Waters Peter Fox
Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 94

Amendment 94

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Adam Price Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 127

Amendment 127

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Adam Price Sarah Murphy

Gwelliant 128

Amendment 128

O blaid / For: 1 Yn erbyn / Against: 2 Ymatal / Abstain: 3
Adam Price John Griffiths James Evans
Sarah Murphy Lee Waters
Peter Fox

Gwelliant 129

Amendment 129

O blaid / For: 3 Yn erbyn / Against: 3 Ymatal / Abstain: 0
James Evans John Griffiths
Peter Fox Lee Waters
Adam Price Sarah Murphy