OPIN-2024-0433 NSPCC Cymru - Keeping Your Child Safe in Sport Week 2024 (e) Tabled on 03/10/2024

This Senedd:
1. Notes NSPCC’s Keeping Your Child Safe in Sport Week 2024 7–11 October.
2. Supports the work of NSPCC's Child Protection in Sport Unit.
3. Recognises the importance of keeping children safe and building safe communities for children within sports clubs.
4. Welcomes the activity across Wales to engage with Keeping Your Child Safe in Sport Week.
5. Celebrates Keeping Your Child Safe in Sport Week’s ambitions to bring sporting communities together to promote openness and inclusivity within sport.
6. Encourages sports teams and clubs to take part in Keeping Your Child Safe in Sport Week by hosting team huddles and sharing good practice.