Answers to questions not reached in Plenary
17/09/2024Answers are published in the language in which they are provided, with a translation into English of responses provided in Welsh.
Questions For - First Minister
What impact does the Welsh Government expect the UK Government's removal of the winter fuel allowance will have on pensioners in Wales?
Levels of fuel poverty in Wales continue to be deeply concerning. The Welsh Government continues to support those in, or at risk of falling into, fuel poverty. Across Welsh Government, Ministers are integrating activity to tackle poverty within policies and service delivery including for example £30m in our NEST Scheme.
What is the Welsh Government doing to tackle opioid related deaths in Wales?
We invest over £67m in our substance misuse agenda. This includes a range of services to support those using opioids. We also continue with the rollout of Naloxone and Buvidal and the national WEDINOS programme analyses drugs so harm reduction advice can be given to individuals.