Answers to questions not reached in Plenary


Answers are published in the language in which they are provided, with a translation into English of responses provided in Welsh.

Questions For - Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution and Cabinet Office

OQ61088 Tabled on 08/05/2024

Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on the Finance: Interministerial Standing Committee?

The last full meeting of the Finance: Interministerial Standing Committee took place in January and included a discussion around measures to tackle poverty. This was followed by an extraordinary meeting in March which focused on implications of the UK Budget. We are looking to hold the next meeting in June.

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution and Cabinet Office | Answered on - 15/05/2024
OQ61096 Tabled on 08/05/2024

What discussions has the Cabinet Secretary had with the Cabinet Secretary for Housing, Local Government and Planning about providing Welsh Government funding to set up a scheme for private homeowners who are unable to afford repairs associated with finding RAAC in their homes?

This is clearly a very difficult and distressing time for all those residents affected by Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC). Until survey work is complete, we cannot assess the overall situation. However, we are clear that this is a UK wide issue and that a coordinated response would be appropriate.

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution and Cabinet Office | Answered on - 15/05/2024
OQ61098 Tabled on 08/05/2024

Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on council tax reform in Wales?

Having listened carefully to people’s views from our consultation, there was a clear appetite for reform but delivered over a slower timeframe. I will deliver some improvements to make council tax fairer this term, and continue engaging on the right structural reforms for 2028. I have issued a statement today setting out the plans.

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution and Cabinet Office | Answered on - 15/05/2024
OQ61105 Tabled on 08/05/2024

What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the impact of its taxation policies on the tourism sector?

We want to grow tourism that is good for Wales. We monitor the health of the visitor economy through regular research and engagement with our partners. We provide Regulatory Impact Assessments for all legislative proposals relating to taxation.

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution and Cabinet Office | Answered on - 15/05/2024

Questions For - Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs

OQ61084 Tabled on 08/05/2024

How will the Welsh Government meet its emission-reduction targets?

In 2021 we published Net Zero Wales, our emissions reduction plan for Carbon Budget 2. It sets out the actions we are taking across all emissions sectors and builds the foundations for Carbon Budget 3, and our net zero 2050 target. Our focus is now on delivering the plan.  

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs | Answered on - 16/05/2024
OQ61085 Tabled on 08/05/2024

What is the Welsh Government doing to protect the wellbeing of domestic pets?

As I advised the Member in April, our priorities are set out in the Animal Welfare Plan for Wales. It includes a timetable for delivery against our Programme for Government commitments and other animal welfare priorities. Our latest progress report was published February.

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs | Answered on - 16/05/2024
OQ61094 Tabled on 08/05/2024

Will the Cabinet Secretary set out his priorities for improving animal welfare?

I remain committed to our ambitious 5-Year Animal Welfare Plan, including our Programme for Government commitments. I am confident our Plan will deliver real and lasting improvements to the lives of farmed, companion and other kept animals across Wales.

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs | Answered on - 15/05/2024
OQ61101 Tabled on 08/05/2024

What priority is the Cabinet Secretary giving to improving soil health in the sustainable farming scheme?

Soil health planning is an integral part of the proposed Scheme as a ‘Universal Action’. Understanding soil health is important for the resilience of farm businesses by helping to reduce waste and increasing production potential. We plan to encourage and reward further improvements to soils health through the Scheme.  

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs | Answered on - 15/05/2024