Answers to questions not reached in Plenary


Answers are published in the language in which they are provided, with a translation into English of responses provided in Welsh.

Questions For - Minister for Finance and Local Government

OQ60367 Tabled on 29/11/2023

What consideration has the Minister given to the impact of extreme weather events when allocating funding to local authorities?

Climate change and related weather events are a concern across Wales. Local authorities have statutory functions to deal with emergencies and are required to plan accordingly. We have protected the unhypothecated revenue funding for local authorities this year and in our last two budgets. 

Answered by Minister for Finance and Local Government | Answered on - 07/12/2023
OQ60381 Tabled on 29/11/2023

What discussions has the Minister had with the Minister for Health and Social Services about assisting NHS boards to reduce their deficits?

I regularly engage in bilateral meetings with the Minister for Health and Social Services. Protecting front-line services like our NHS is a priority for this Government. This was demonstrated in the additional £425 million allocated to support the NHS this financial year, and will also be reflected in next month’s budget.

Answered by Minister for Finance and Local Government | Answered on - 07/12/2023