Answers to questions not reached in Plenary
02/05/2023Answers are published in the language in which they are provided, with a translation into English of responses provided in Welsh.
Questions For - First Minister
What lessons for the economy of Wales did the First Minister learn from his recent visit to the Basque Country?
My recent visit to the Basque Country was an opportunity to share learning on a variety of topics, including economic development, education and language policy. There is much to learn, for example, from the Basque model of innovation-driven social and economic development.
Will the Welsh Government provide an update on work to protect children and young people from smoking-related harm?
Supporting children and young people to have a smoke-free childhood is a key part of our tobacco control strategy, 'A smoke-free Wales'. We have banned smoking in settings where children spend their time, including school grounds and public playgrounds, and our JustBSmokefree programme works in schools to prevent smoking uptake.
What is the Welsh Government doing to support parents and carers in North Wales with the cost of the school day?
Our school essentials grant has made a big difference to many lower income families across Wales, helping to reduce the worry surrounding the purchase of school uniform and equipment. Funding of £13.6 million has been made available for this grant in 2023-24.