Y Cyfarfod Llawn - Y Bumed Senedd
Plenary - Fifth Senedd
Cyfarfu’r Cynulliad am 13:30 gyda’r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Assembly met at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Galw'r Aelodau i drefn.
I call Members to order.
Yr eitem gyntaf ar ein hagenda ni yw'r cwestiynau i'r Prif Weinidog, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Huw Irranca-Davies.
The first item on our agenda this afternoon is questions to the First Minister, and the first question is from Huw Irranca-Davies.
1. Pa ddefnydd a wneir o gynulliadau dinasyddion i fynd i'r afael â materion yn ymwneud â'r argyfwng newid yn yr hinsawdd a gafodd ei ddatgan gan Lywodraeth Cymru? OAQ54463
1. What use will be made of citizens assemblies to tackle issues relating to the climate change emergency declared by the Welsh Government? OAQ54463
Llywydd, amplifying the voice of citizens has been a policy over the 20 years of devolution. I recently met again with Citizens Cymru, one of the largest citizen-based bodies in Wales. Extinction Rebellion will lead a workshop on the role of citizens assemblies at next week's Welsh Government climate change conference.
Llywydd, bu cynyddu llais dinasyddion yn bolisi yn ystod yr 20 mlynedd o ddatganoli. Cefais gyfarfod unwaith eto yn ddiweddar gyda Dinasyddion Cymru, un o'r cyrff seiliedig ar ddinasyddion mwyaf yng Nghymru. Bydd Extinction Rebellion yn arwain gweithdy ar swyddogaeth cynulliadau dinasyddion yng nghynhadledd Llywodraeth Cymru ar y newid yn yr hinsawdd yr wythnos nesaf.
That is very welcome news indeed, First Minister. The First Minister will have noted that, only just over a week ago, I and several Assembly colleagues sponsored an event in the Senedd that brought together activists and campaigners, local authorities and other organisations, and members of the public, to focus minds and ideas on the climate emergency, but also the biodiversity emergency we face. And, this week again, today, in fact, we see protests right across the world, urging Governments to take the necessary urgent actions to respond to the clear evidence that we as individuals, as communities, as nations and governments, and internationally, need to do more, much more, to address the climate and biodiversity emergencies.
So, could our Welsh Government continue to work with others to establish citizens assemblies as a way to help us, us politicians, find a way forward with the urgency we truly need, and to work on this with those climate change activists and campaigners, as well as, crucially, the wider public? And, First Minister, in trying to work with others, including the campaigners, and many young people, including those who've been inspired by Greta Thunberg, what does he make of those who'd refer to such campaigners as 'nose-ringed, unco-operative, climate change crusties in their hemp-smelling bivouacs'?
Mae hynny'n newyddion i'w groesawu'n wir, Prif Weinidog. Bydd y Prif Weinidog wedi sylwi, dim ond ychydig dros wythnos yn ôl, fy mod i a nifer o gyd-Aelodau Cynulliad wedi noddi digwyddiad yn y Senedd a ddaeth â gweithredwyr ac ymgyrchwyr, awdurdodau lleol a sefydliadau eraill, ac aelodau o'r cyhoedd at ei gilydd, i ganolbwyntio meddyliau a syniadau am yr argyfwng hinsawdd, ond hefyd yr argyfwng bioamrywiaeth sy'n ein hwynebu. A'r wythnos hon eto, heddiw, a dweud y gwir, rydym ni'n gweld protestiadau ar draws y byd, yn annog Llywodraethau i gymryd y camau brys angenrheidiol i ymateb i'r dystiolaeth eglur bod angen i ni fel unigolion, fel cymunedau, fel gwledydd a llywodraethau, ac yn rhyngwladol, wneud mwy, llawer mwy, i fynd i'r afael â'r argyfyngau hinsawdd a bioamrywiaeth.
Felly, a fydd ein Llywodraeth Cymru yn gallu parhau i weithio gydag eraill i sefydlu cynulliadau dinasyddion fel ffordd o'n helpu ni, ni wleidyddion, i ddod o hyd i ffordd ymlaen gyda'r brys sydd wirioneddol ei angen arnom, ac i weithio ar hyn gyda'r gweithredwyr ac ymgyrchwyr newid hinsawdd hynny, yn ogystal, yn hollbwysig, â'r cyhoedd yn ehangach? A, Prif Weinidog, wrth geisio gweithio gydag eraill, gan gynnwys yr ymgyrchwyr, a llawer o bobl ifanc, gan gynnwys y rhai sydd wedi cael eu hysbrydoli gan Greta Thunberg, beth yw ei farn ef ar y rhai a fyddai'n cyfeirio at ymgyrchwyr o'r fath fel croengwn newid hinsawdd anghydweithredol sy'n gwisgo modrwyon trwyn, yn eu gwersylloedd sy'n drewi o gywarch?
Well, Llywydd, can I begin by congratulating Huw Irranca-Davies and those other Assembly Members who were involved in organising the event to which he referred, and particularly for the breadth of participation they achieved in bringing people together here at the Assembly? And of course the Welsh Government is keen to go on working with that wide range of citizens beyond the Assembly itself who have such a committed interest in climate change and making sure that, here in Wales, we are able to take the actions that fall to us in our time in order to respond to it.
Next week's climate change conference will be a real opportunity to do that. As well as the workshops run by Extinction Rebellion, there is a specific strand for young people, who've made an enormous contribution to making sure that this matter is kept in the public eye, and who are part of the action to which Huw Irranca-Davies referred that is going on across the United Kingdom, and more broadly, today.
We ought to welcome the fact that so many of our fellow citizens are so committed that they leave their own homes and take part in those protest actions, that they demonstrate their commitment in that practical way. Those people are to be congratulated and respected, not to be the target of the sort of language that Huw quoted. We look forward in Wales to go on having a purposeful relationship with all of those who want to make a contribution to tackling that major challenge of our time, to do it through citizens assemblies, but in many other ways as well, including our own Youth Parliament, and to draw people together to make that difference, rather than attempting to create division and to pretend that people who have a different point of view and want to make a different sort of contribution don't have the value that we know they do.
Wel, Llywydd, a gaf i ddechrau drwy longyfarch Huw Irranca-Davies a'r Aelodau Cynulliad eraill hynny a gymerodd ran yn y gwaith o drefnu'r digwyddiad y cyfeiriodd ato, ac yn enwedig am ehangder y cyfranogiad a sicrhawyd ganddyn nhw wrth ddod â phobl at ei gilydd yma yn y Cynulliad? Ac wrth gwrs, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn awyddus i barhau i weithio gyda'r amrywiaeth eang honno o ddinasyddion y tu hwnt i'r Cynulliad ei hun sydd â diddordeb mor ymroddedig yn y newid yn yr hinsawdd a gwneud yn siŵr ein bod ni, yma yng Nghymru, yn gallu cymryd y camau sy'n dod i'n rhan yn ein hoes er mwyn ymateb iddo.
Bydd cynhadledd newid yn yr hinsawdd yr wythnos nesaf yn gyfle gwirioneddol i wneud hynny. Yn ogystal â'r gweithdai sy'n cael eu cynnal gan Extinction Rebellion, ceir ffrwd benodol ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sydd wedi gwneud cyfraniad enfawr i wneud yn siŵr bod y mater hwn yn cael ei gadw yn llygad y cyhoedd, ac sy'n rhan o'r gweithredu y cyfeiriodd Huw Irranca-Davies ato sy'n digwydd ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig, ac yn ehangach, heddiw.
Dylem groesawu'r ffaith bod cynifer o'n cyd-ddinasyddion mor ymroddedig fel eu bod nhw'n gadael eu cartrefi eu hunain ac yn cymryd rhan yn y gweithredoedd protest hynny, eu bod nhw'n dangos eu hymrwymiad yn y ffordd ymarferol honno. Dylid llongyfarch a pharchu'r bobl hynny, nid eu defnyddio fel targed i'r math o iaith a ddyfynnodd Huw. Edrychwn ymlaen yng Nghymru at barhau i gael perthynas bwrpasol gyda phawb sydd eisiau gwneud cyfraniad at fynd i'r afael â'r brif her honno yn ein hoes, i wneud hynny trwy gynulliadau dinasyddion, ond mewn llawer o ffyrdd eraill hefyd, gan gynnwys ein Senedd Ieuenctid ein hunain, ac i dynnu pobl at ei gilydd i wneud y gwahaniaeth hwnnw, yn hytrach na cheisio creu rhaniadau ac esgus nad oes gan bobl sydd â gwahanol safbwynt ac sydd eisiau gwneud gwahanol fath o gyfraniad y gwerth yr ydym ni'n gwybod sydd ganddyn nhw.
Of course, the simple answer that you could have given to the latter part of the Member's question was that we need a general election, First Minister, and your party's stopping that happening. But, on the principal question of people's assemblies, surely what we need to be looking at is how we can take along with us community councils and county councils here in Wales, many of whom have passed motions supporting the declaration of a climate change emergency, but really do feel that, sometimes, they are not part of the process, especially at community and town council level. What work has the Welsh Government undertaken with colleagues in town and community councils, so that, where these resolutions are passed, they are fed into the network of advice and support that is given to communities over the change that they can make in their communities to play their part in reducing our carbon footprint?
Wrth gwrs, yr ateb syml y gallech chi fod wedi ei roi i ran olaf cwestiwn yr Aelod oedd bod angen etholiad cyffredinol arnom ni, Prif Weinidog, ac mae eich plaid chi yn atal hynny rhag digwydd. Ond, o ran y prif gwestiwn o gynulliadau pobl, siawns mai'r hyn y mae angen i ni fod yn edrych arno yw sut y gallwn ni gyd-dynnu â chynghorau cymuned a chynghorau sir yma yng Nghymru, y mae llawer ohonynt wedi pasio cynigion yn cefnogi datgan argyfwng newid hinsawdd, ond sydd wir yn teimlo, weithiau, nad ydyn nhw yn rhan o'r broses, yn enwedig ar lefel cynghorau cymuned a thref. Pa waith y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ei wneud gyda chydweithwyr mewn cynghorau tref a chymuned, fel bod y penderfyniadau hyn, pan eu bod yn cael eu pasio, yn cael eu cyfrannu at y rhwydwaith o gyngor a chymorth a roddir i gymunedau ynghylch y newid y gallan nhw ei wneud yn eu cymunedau i chwarae eu rhan i leihau ein hôl troed carbon?
Well, Llywydd, let me welcome the fact that so many principal councils, and town and community councils, have passed resolutions here in Wales, declaring their own intention to be part of the solution to the climate change emergency that we face. And I want to put on record my appreciation of the work that the best of our town and community councils do, right across Wales. Where we have town and community councils that have ambition, where they want to make the extra contribution that we know they can, we've got really successful examples in parts of Wales where those contributions make a difference. That's why we set up the group, chaired by Rhodri Glyn Thomas and Gwenda Thomas, earlier in this Assembly term, to make sure that the work that is done by the best of our town and community councils becomes more typical of the sector as a whole. As a result, we have worked closely with them. I myself have addressed their general meeting twice during this Assembly term, and my colleague Julie James has met with the sector again recently. We want to capture the commitment that town and community councils and their members make in Wales, because they have a genuine contribution that they can make to the decarbonisation and climate change agendas. We look forward to being able to work with them positively in the future.
Wel, Llywydd, gadewch i mi groesawu'r ffaith bod cynifer o brif gynghorau, a chynghorau tref a chymuned, wedi pasio penderfyniadau yma yng Nghymru, yn datgan eu bwriad eu hunain i fod yn rhan o'r ateb i'r argyfwng newid yn yr hinsawdd sy'n ein hwynebu. A hoffwn gofnodi fy ngwerthfawrogiad o'r gwaith y mae'r goreuon o blith ein cynghorau tref a chymuned yn ei wneud, ar draws Cymru gyfan. Lle mae gennym ni gynghorau tref a chymuned sydd ag uchelgais, lle maen nhw eisiau gwneud y cyfraniad ychwanegol yr ydym ni'n gwybod y gallan nhw ei wneud, mae gennym ni enghreifftiau llwyddiannus iawn mewn rhannau o Gymru lle mae'r cyfraniadau hynny yn gwneud gwahaniaeth. Dyna pam y sefydlwyd y grŵp gennym, dan gadeiryddiaeth Rhodri Glyn Thomas a Gwenda Thomas, yn gynharach yn ystod y tymor Cynulliad hwn, i wneud yn siŵr bod y gwaith sy'n cael ei wneud gan y goreuon o blith ein cynghorau tref a chymuned yn dod yn fwy nodweddiadol o'r sector yn gyffredinol. O ganlyniad, rydym ni wedi cydweithio'n agos â nhw. Rwyf i fy hun wedi annerch eu cyfarfod cyffredinol ddwywaith yn ystod y tymor Cynulliad hwn, ac mae fy nghyd-Weinidog, Julie James, wedi cyfarfod â'r sector eto yn ddiweddar. Rydym ni eisiau cefnogi'r ymrwymiad y mae cynghorau tref a chymuned a'u haelodau yn ei wneud yng Nghymru, oherwydd mae ganddyn nhw gyfraniad gwirioneddol y gallan nhw ei wneud at yr agendâu datgarboneiddio a newid yn yr hinsawdd. Edrychwn ymlaen at allu gweithio gyda nhw mewn modd cadarnhaol yn y dyfodol.
Does dim amheuaeth, wrth gwrs, fod Extinction Rebellion a'r streicwyr ysgol wedi trawsnewid y naratif o gwmpas yr argyfwng hinsawdd rŷn ni'n ei wynebu ar hyn o bryd. A dwi'n cytuno'n llwyr â chi fod angen llongyfarch a chefnogi'r rheini am eu hymdrechion. Wrth gwrs, mi wnaeth Plaid Cymru osod cynnig fan hyn bythefnos yn ôl yn gwneud hynny yng nghyd-destun y streicwyr ysgol, ac, yn anffodus, mi wnaeth eich plaid chi bleidleisio'n erbyn ein cynnig ni, a'i wella fe i'r graddau fel ei fod e'n rhyw ddatganiad digon tila. Ydych chi'n difaru gwneud hynny erbyn hyn?
There’s no doubt, of course, that Extinction Rebellion and the school strikers have transformed the narrative around the climate emergency that we’re currently facing. And I agree with you entirely that we should congratulate and support those people for their efforts. But, of course, Plaid Cymru did table a motion here a fortnight ago doing exactly that in the context of the school strikers, and, unfortunately, your party voted against our motion, and amended it to such an extent that it became a meaningless statement. Do you regret doing that now?
Wel, beth roeddem ni'n ei wneud ar lawr y Cynulliad oedd cydnabod y ffaith bod mwy nag un ffordd y mae pobl yn gallu gweithio yn y maes a bod mwy nag un cyfraniad ar gael i'n helpu ni i ddelio â'r argyfwng sy'n ein hwynebu ni. Rŷm ni yn cydnabod y ffaith mai pobl ifanc sydd wedi arwain y llwybr yma—wrth gwrs rŷm ni. Ond mae lot o gyfraniadau eraill y mae pobl yn gallu eu gwneud, a dyna pam roeddem ni'n rhoi'r gwelliannau roeddem ni fel plaid wedi eu rhoi i lawr, a'r gwelliannau yna oedd wedi cael eu cefnogi gan y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol.
Well, what we did on the Assembly floor was acknowledge the fact that there is more than one way in which people can work in this field and that there is more than one contribution available to supporters in dealing with the crisis we face. We do acknowledge the fact that young people have blazed a trail on this. But there are many other contributions that people can make, and that is why we as a party tabled the amendments, and those amendments were supported by the National Assembly.
2. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am wasanaethau tocynnau ar rwydwaith Trafnidiaeth Cymru? OAQ54477
2. Will the First Minister make a statement on ticketing services on the Transport for Wales network? OAQ54477
I thank the Member for the question. Transport for Wales will improve ticketing services through a combination of well-established and new methods. Two hundred and thirty-six new rail ticket machines will begin to be installed at stations early next year. At the same time, a new passenger app and web-based ticket sales will also be made available to passengers.
Diolchaf i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn. Bydd Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn gwella gwasanaethau tocynnau trwy gyfuniad o ddulliau sefydledig a newydd. Bydd dau gant tri deg a chwech o beiriannau tocynnau rheilffordd newydd yn dechrau cael eu gosod mewn gorsafoedd yn gynnar y flwyddyn nesaf. Ar yr un pryd, bydd ap newydd i deithwyr a thocynnau ar y we yn cael eu rhoi ar gael i deithwyr hefyd.
Thank you for that answer. First Minister, it's been brought to my attention that a customer who went to buy a ticket from the Transport for Wales app was offered the price of £30.05 for a cross-border train journey. That customer then checked National Rail, to find the same journey for £22.10. That difference could feed his kids for a couple of days. What is the Welsh Government going to do to ensure that Welsh train passengers are offered the fairest prices when they're travelling?
Diolch am yr ateb yna. Prif Weinidog, tynnwyd fy sylw at y ffaith bod cwsmer a aeth i brynu tocyn o ap Trafnidiaeth Cymru wedi cael cynnig y pris o £30.05 ar gyfer taith drên drawsffiniol. Yna, gwiriodd y cwsmer hwnnw National Rail, gan ddod o hyd i'r un daith am £22.10. Gallai'r gwahaniaeth hwnnw fwydo ei blant am ddiwrnod neu ddau. Beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn mynd i'w wneud i sicrhau bod teithwyr trên yng Nghymru yn cael cynnig y prisiau tecaf pan eu bod yn teithio?
Well, the Member points to a general issue, which is that train fares are confusing, and people do sometimes struggle to find the best deal that is available. We support those measures that have been taken to simplify fare structures. It's why here in Wales we are abolishing fares for under-11-year-olds, and we'll have half-price fares for under-16-year-olds on the network in Wales. It's why we're reducing fares in north Wales and on the Heads of the Valleys lines, and why we've introduced standard fares for people over 50 making journeys of more than 50 miles. But I'm very happy to look at the specific example that the Member raises, to see if there are any general lessons that can be drawn from it. We need transparent ticketing and transparent pricing so that passengers can easily navigate their way to the best deal for them.
Wel, mae'r Aelod yn cyfeirio at fater cyffredinol, sef bod tocynnau trên yn ddryslyd, ac mae pobl weithiau'n ei chael hi'n anodd dod o hyd i'r fargen orau sydd ar gael. Rydym ni'n cefnogi'r mesurau hynny a gymerwyd i symleiddio strwythurau prisiau. Dyna pam yr ydym ni yma yng Nghymru yn diddymu tocynnau ar gyfer pobl ifanc dan 11 oed, ac y bydd gennym ni docynnau hanner pris i bobl ifanc dan 16 oed ar y rhwydwaith yng Nghymru. Dyna pam yr ydym ni'n gostwng prisiau tocynnau yn y gogledd ac ar reilffyrdd Blaenau'r Cymoedd, a pham yr ydym ni wedi cyflwyno prisiau safonol i bobl dros 50 oed sy'n mynd ar deithiau hwy na 50 milltir. Ond rwy'n hapus iawn i ymchwilio i'r enghraifft benodol y mae'r Aelod yn ei chodi, i weld a oes unrhyw wersi cyffredinol y gellir eu dysgu o hynny. Mae angen tocynnau tryloyw a phrisiau tryloyw arnom ni, fel y gall teithwyr ddod o hyd i'r fargen orau iddyn nhw yn rhwydd.
Last week, First Minister, I was written to by a constituent, in a handwritten letter, who outlined her experience of travelling by rail. This particular person is a disabled person, has mobility issues, carries a blue badge. I got the impression that this person is an elderly person, and she certainly doesn't feel comfortable, apart from the mobility issues, using a ticket machine on a station, because previously she had made mistakes and found it difficult to use. She also outlined to me in her letter that she doesn't own a phone—a smartphone—let alone know how to use one. So, she explained her difficulties to the conductor when he came around to collect the fare and check the tickets on her, and she said he came short of accusing her of fare dodging. So, my issue is that, with this particular lady, she was issued with a penalty fare, and I suppose the question here, First Minister, is what support does Transport for Wales offer conductors in terms of how they respond to and how they support people who have disabilities and mobility issues. And how does Transport for Wales's revenue protection policy support the kind of issue that I've just outlined to you?
Yr wythnos diwethaf, Prif Weinidog, ysgrifennodd etholwr lythyr a ysgrifennwyd â llaw ataf yn amlinellu ei phrofiad o deithio ar y rheilffyrdd. Mae'r unigolyn penodol hwn yn berson anabl, sydd â phroblemau symudedd, ac sydd â bathodyn glas. Cefais yr argraff fod y person hwn yn berson oedrannus, ac yn sicr nid yw'n teimlo'n gyfforddus, ar wahân i'r problemau symudedd, yn defnyddio peiriant tocynnau mewn gorsaf, gan ei bod wedi gwneud camgymeriadau yn y gorffennol a'i gael yn anodd ei ddefnyddio. Amlinellodd i mi yn ei llythyr hefyd nad oes ganddi ffôn—ffôn clyfar—heb sôn am wybod sut i ddefnyddio un. Felly, esboniodd ei hanawsterau i'r casglwr tocynnau pan ddaeth o gwmpas i gasglu arian a gwirio'r tocynnau, a dywedodd nad aeth yr holl ffordd a'i chyhuddo o osgoi talu. Felly, fy mhroblem i, gyda'r wraig benodol hon, yw ei bod hi wedi gorfod talu pris cosb, ac mae'n debyg mai'r cwestiwn yn y fan yma, Prif Weinidog, yw pa gymorth y mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn ei gynnig i gasglwyr tocynnau o ran sut y maen nhw'n ymateb i bobl sydd ag anableddau a phroblemau symudedd. A sut mae polisi diogelu refeniw Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn cynorthwyo'r math o broblem yr wyf i newydd ei hamlinellu i chi?
Well, I thank the Member for that question. When the new rail ticket machines are installed early next year, they will be easier for passengers to use and, hopefully, the constituent who's written to you will feel confident in being able to use them. Conductors on trains have a difficult job to do. They do have a role to play in making sure that people pay the fare that they are expected to pay, but I would absolutely expect them to go about that job in a way that is sensitive to the circumstances of individuals who they come into contact with. It's why we are having training programmes for people who are working for Transport for Wales. It's why we have a group specifically set up to be able to reflect the experiences of people with disabilities who use our train services. And I'll make sure that, through the Minister responsible, we draw the attention of Transport for Wales to the correspondence that Russell George has received so that it can be part of the effort to learn from that and to ensure that such incidents don't get repeated.
Wel, diolchaf i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn yna. Pan fydd y peiriannau tocynnau rheilffordd newydd yn cael eu gosod ddechrau'r flwyddyn nesaf, byddan nhw'n haws i deithwyr eu defnyddio, a gobeithio y bydd yr etholwr sydd wedi ysgrifennu atoch yn teimlo'n hyderus o ran gallu eu defnyddio. Mae gan gasglwyr tocynnau ar drenau waith anodd i'w wneud. Mae ganddyn nhw ran i'w chwarae o ran sicrhau bod pobl yn talu'r pris y disgwylir iddyn nhw ei dalu, ond byddwn yn sicr yn disgwyl iddyn nhw wneud y swydd honno mewn ffordd sy'n sensitif i amgylchiadau unigolion y maen nhw'n dod i gysylltiad â nhw. Dyna pam yr ydym ni'n cynnal rhaglenni hyfforddi i bobl sy'n gweithio i Trafnidiaeth Cymru. Dyna pam mae gennym ni grŵp a sefydlwyd yn benodol i allu adlewyrchu profiadau pobl ag anableddau sy'n defnyddio ein gwasanaethau trên. A byddaf yn gwneud yn siŵr, drwy'r Gweinidog sy'n gyfrifol, ein bod ni'n tynnu sylw Trafnidiaeth Cymru at yr ohebiaeth y mae Russell George wedi ei derbyn fel ei fod yn gallu bod yn rhan o'r ymdrech i ddysgu o hynny ac i sicrhau nad yw digwyddiadau o'r fath yn cael eu hailadrodd.
First Minister, earlier this year it was announced that Transport for Wales had signed a £1.9 million contract with multinational information equipment and service company, Fujitsu, to improve efficiency and, as you said, to upgrade ticket office machines and mobile handsets across the rail network. So, First Minister, as the first train operator in the UK to commit to such an upgrade, the rail company's new STAR ticket office machines offer that prospect of providing an efficient ticketing system for all customers at stations, encouraging rail transport and taking cars of the road. So, First Minister, with the extra news of this investment in more than 200 new ticket machines plus providing ticket sales through local convenience stores to improve access, what additional ways can the Welsh Government use to ensure that Wales creates a modern, clean and customer-friendly railway service fit for the twenty-first century for our future generations and the climate emergency agenda?
Prif Weinidog, cyhoeddwyd yn gynharach eleni bod Trafnidiaeth Cymru wedi llofnodi contract gwerth £1.9 miliwn gyda chwmni offer a gwasanaethau gwybodaeth rhyngwladol, Fujitsu, i wella effeithlonrwydd ac, fel y dywedasoch, i uwchraddio peiriannau swyddfeydd tocynnau a setiau llaw symudol ar draws y rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd. Felly, Prif Weinidog, fel y gweithredwr trenau cyntaf yn y DU i ymrwymo i uwchraddio o'r fath, mae peiriannau swyddfa docynnau STAR newydd y cwmni rheilffordd yn cynnig y gobaith hwnnw o ddarparu system docynnau effeithlon i bob cwsmer mewn gorsafoedd, gan annog teithiau ar y rheilffyrdd a thynnu ceir oddi ar y ffordd. Felly, Prif Weinidog, gyda'r newyddion ychwanegol am y buddsoddiad hwn mewn mwy na 200 o beiriannau tocynnau newydd yn ogystal â gwerthu tocynnau mewn siopau cyfleustra lleol i wella mynediad, pa ffyrdd ychwanegol y gall Llywodraeth Cymru eu defnyddio i sicrhau bod Cymru'n creu gwasanaeth rheilffordd modern, glân ac ystyriol o gwsmeriaid sy'n addas ar gyfer yr unfed ganrif ar hugain i genedlaethau'r dyfodol ac i'r agenda argyfwng hinsawdd?
Well, I thank Rhianon Passmore for that, and behind her question lies the determination that we have and Transport for Wales has to make it as easy as possible for passengers in the very many different ways in which people now expect to be able to access tickets to be able to do so. Whether that is with the new and improved ticket machines, whether, as Rhianon Passmore said, by being able to purchase rail tickets at convenience stores or, as I suspect many people in this Chamber do, by being able to book tickets online, either through the new app or through web-based ways. We want to have as many ways as possible in which people are able to use our public transport services efficiently, easily and, therefore, as Rhianon said, to get cars off the road and people using the improved services, which we know will be there as Transport for Wales rolls out the franchise that was negotiated and which will lead to not simply better ways of buying tickets, but better services with which those tickets can be used.
Wel, diolchaf i Rhianon Passmore am hynna, ac yn sail i'w chwestiwn y mae'r penderfyniad sydd gennym ni ac sydd gan Trafnidiaeth Cymru i'w gwneud mor hawdd â phosibl i deithwyr yn yr amryw o wahanol ffyrdd y mae pobl yn disgwyl gallu cael gafael ar docynnau erbyn hyn i allu gwneud hynny. Boed hynny gyda'r peiriannau tocynnau newydd a gwell, boed hynny, fel y dywedodd Rhianon Passmore, drwy allu prynu tocynnau rheilffordd mewn siopau cyfleustra neu, fel y tybiaf fod llawer o bobl yn y Siambr hon yn ei wneud, drwy allu archebu tocynnau ar-lein, naill ai drwy'r ap newydd neu drwy ffyrdd ar y we. Rydym ni eisiau cael cynifer o ffyrdd â phosibl lle gall pobl ddefnyddio ein gwasanaethau cludiant cyhoeddus yn effeithlon, yn hawdd ac, felly, fel y dywedodd Rhianon, mynd â cheir oddi ar y ffordd a chael pobl i ddefnyddio'r gwasanaethau gwell, y gwyddom y byddan nhw ar gael wrth i Trafnidiaeth Cymru gyflwyno'r fasnachfraint y cytunwyd arni ac a fydd yn arwain nid yn unig at ffyrdd gwell o brynu tocynnau, ond gwell gwasanaethau y gellir defnyddio'r tocynnau hynny arnynt.
Cwestiynau nawr gan arweinwyr y pleidiau, ac arweinydd yr wrthblaid yn gyntaf, Paul Davies.
Questions now from the party leaders and, first of all, the leader of the opposition, Paul Davies.
Diolch, Llywydd. First Minister, can you tell us how many operations have been cancelled in the Welsh NHS in the last four years?
Diolch, Llywydd. Prif Weinidog, a allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni faint o lawdriniaethau sydd wedi cael eu canslo yn GIG Cymru yn y pedair blynedd diwethaf?
Llywydd, it's not an examination in which the Members thinks that we can find a figure out of fresh air. What I will tell him is this—anticipating his next question—over half the operations that are cancelled in the Welsh NHS are cancelled by patients.
Llywydd, nid yw'n archwiliad lle mae'r Aelodau yn credu y gallwn ni ganfod ffigur o 'nunlle. Yr hyn y gwnaf i ei ddweud wrtho yw hyn—gan ragweld ei gwestiwn nesaf—mae dros hanner y llawdriniaethau sy'n cael eu canslo yn GIG Cymru yn cael eu canslo gan gleifion.
Well, let me help you, First Minister. Over the last four years, the number of operations cancelled by Welsh health boards has increased by 7 per cent, with an incredible 170,000 operations having been cancelled since 2015 at no fault of patients. The Wales Audit Office has stated that each minute of surgery costs £14. We are therefore looking at tens of millions of pounds wasted in cancelled operations, which our Welsh NHS desperately needs. Now, despite being under direct control by your Government, First Minister, the health board that saw the largest increase in 2015, was, in fact, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, which saw a 31 per cent increase in cancelled operations. That is a damning verdict of you and your Government, as you are in direct control of that health board. What is your Government specifically doing about reducing cancelled operations, First Minister?
Wel, gadewch i mi eich helpu chi, Prif Weinidog. Dros y pedair blynedd diwethaf, mae nifer y llawdriniaethau sydd wedi cael eu canslo gan fyrddau iechyd Cymru wedi cynyddu gan 7 y cant, ac mae'r nifer anhygoel o 170,000 o lawdriniaethau wedi cael eu canslo ers 2015 heb fod unrhyw fai ar gleifion. Mae Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru wedi datgan bod pob munud o lawdriniaeth yn costio £14. Rydym ni'n edrych felly ar ddegau o filiynau o bunnoedd yn cael eu gwastraffu ar lawdriniaethau a ganslwyd, y mae ein GIG Cymru eu hangen yn ddybryd. Nawr, er ei fod o dan reolaeth uniongyrchol eich Llywodraeth chi, Prif Weinidog, y bwrdd iechyd lle cafwyd y cynnydd mwyaf yn 2015, mewn gwirionedd, oedd Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr, lle bu cynnydd o 31 y cant i lawdriniaethau a ganslwyd. Mae hwnnw'n ddyfarniad damniol arnoch chi a'ch Llywodraeth, gan eich bod chi'n rheoli'r bwrdd iechyd hwnnw'n uniongyrchol. Beth mae eich Llywodraeth yn ei wneud yn benodol ynghylch lleihau nifer y llawdriniaethau sy'n cael eu canslo, Prif Weinidog?
Well, Llywydd, the Member takes a complex subject and proceeds to try to simplify it beyond all sense. As I have said to him already, over half the operations that are cancelled are cancelled by patients themselves. Now, if this is an afternoon in which people want to read out letters that have been sent to them by constituents, let me tell you of a letter that was sent to me recently by a constituent of mine who went to have a cataract operation at the Heath hospital, where the surgeon was available and nurses were available and the operating arrangements were available to carry out five cataract operations that morning, and two patients turned up. And that was written to me asking what steps can be taken to share the responsibility.
So, the idea behind the Member's question was this sense that, somehow, it's the health service itself that is responsible for all those cancelled operations. As I've said, half of them are cancelled by patients. The next largest group that are cancelled are cancelled for clinical reasons, because when people present themselves for the operation, the assessment made by clinicians is that they are not fit on that day to have those operations carried out. The position is a great deal more complex than the Member implies, and it would have been useful, maybe, if, as well as quoting the number of cancelled operations that have increased, he would've quoted the number of extra operations that are carried out in the Welsh NHS as well, because he would've found that that number has gone up at the same time.
Wel, Llywydd, mae'r Aelod yn cymryd pwnc cymhleth ac yn mynd ati i geisio ei symleiddio y tu hwnt i bob synnwyr. Fel yr wyf i wedi dweud wrtho eisoes, mae dros hanner y llawdriniaethau sy'n cael eu canslo yn cael eu canslo gan gleifion eu hunain. Nawr, os yw hwn yn brynhawn pan fo pobl eisiau darllen llythyrau a anfonwyd atynt gan etholwyr, gadewch i mi ddweud wrthych chi am lythyr a anfonwyd ataf i yn ddiweddar gan un o'm hetholwyr a aeth i gael llawdriniaeth cataract yn ysbyty'r Mynydd Bychan, lle'r oedd y llawfeddyg ar gael ac roedd nyrsys ar gael ac roedd y trefniadau gweithredu ar gael i gyflawni pum llawdriniaeth cataract y bore hwnnw, a daeth dau o gleifion i'r ysbyty. Ac ysgrifennwyd hynny ataf i yn gofyn pa gamau y gellir eu cymryd i rannu'r cyfrifoldeb.
Felly, y syniad y tu ôl i gwestiwn yr Aelod oedd yr ymdeimlad hwn mai'r gwasanaeth iechyd ei hun, rywsut, sy'n gyfrifol am yr holl lawdriniaethau hynny a ganslwyd. Fel y dywedais, caiff eu hanner eu canslo gan gleifion. Mae'r grŵp mwyaf nesaf sy'n cael eu canslo yn cael eu canslo am resymau clinigol, oherwydd pan fydd pobl yn cyflwyno eu hunain ar gyfer llawdriniaeth, yr asesiad a wneir gan glinigwyr yw nad ydyn nhw yn ddigon iach ar y diwrnod hwnnw i gael y llawdriniaethau hynny. Mae'r sefyllfa yn llawer mwy cymhleth nag y mae'r Aelod yn ei awgrymu, a byddai wedi bod yn ddefnyddiol, efallai, yn ogystal â dyfynnu nifer y llawdriniaethau a ganslwyd sydd wedi cynyddu, pe byddai wedi dyfynnu nifer y llawdriniaethau ychwanegol a gyflawnir yn GIG Cymru hefyd, oherwydd byddai wedi canfod bod y nifer honno wedi cynyddu ar yr un pryd.
First Minister, these figures refer to non-clinical reasons. That's why they've been cancelled, First Minister. You need to get your facts right. You can spin it as much as you like, because, clearly, you and your Government are failing to run the health service here in Wales, you're failing to run north Wales's health boards, and even this morning, it was concerning to hear that your Government is struggling to get Cwm Taf maternity services out of special measures as well. And I hope this isn't another Betsi Cadwaladr in the making, where your Minister allows another health board to languish for years, failing the people that it's meant to serve.
Now, on the cancelled operations, First Minister, Dr Phil Banfield, chairman of the Welsh British Medical Association consultants committee, believes that the Welsh NHS has, and I quote, an
'insufficient capacity to cope with current demand…Continued under-funding, huge rota gaps and too few staff to provide adequate care'.
Those are his words. And I can hear the health Minister chuntering from a sedentary position. Those are his words. He goes on to say that the human cost of this is an increase in
'anxiety and distress…for patients and their families'
and for Welsh
'NHS staff trying their best to deliver high quality care'.
First Minister, what do you say to Dr Banfield and his colleagues and what will your Government do to deliver a Welsh NHS that is fit for the people of Wales?
Prif Weinidog, mae'r ffigurau hyn yn cyfeirio at resymau anghlinigol. Dyna pam maen nhw wedi cael eu canslo, Prif Weinidog. Mae angen i chi gael eich ffeithiau'n gywir. Gallwch ei gam-gynrychioli’r sefyllfa gymaint ag y mynnwch, oherwydd, yn amlwg, rydych chi a'ch Llywodraeth yn methu â rhedeg y gwasanaeth iechyd yma yng Nghymru, rydych chi'n methu â rhedeg byrddau iechyd y gogledd, a hyd yn oed y bore yma, roedd yn destun pryder clywed bod eich Llywodraeth yn ei chael hi'n anodd cael gwasanaethau mamolaeth Cwm Taf allan o fesurau arbennig hefyd. Ac rwy'n gobeithio nad yw hyn yn achos arall fel Betsi Cadwaladr sydd ar ddod, lle mae eich Gweinidog yn caniatáu i fwrdd iechyd arall weithredu mewn trafferthion am flynyddoedd, gan siomi'r bobl y mae i fod i'w gwasanaethu.
Nawr, o ran y llawdriniaethau a ganslwyd, Prif Weinidog, mae Dr Phil Banfield, cadeirydd pwyllgor meddygon ymgynghorol Cymdeithas Feddygol Prydain Cymru, yn credu bod gan GIG Cymru, ac rwy'n dyfynnu,
gapasiti annigonol i ymdopi â'r galw presennol...Tan-ariannu parhaus, bylchau rota mawr a dim digon o staff i ddarparu gofal digonol.
Ei eiriau ef yw'r rhain. A gallaf glywed y Gweinidog iechyd yn mwmian o safle eisteddog. Dyna ei eiriau. Mae'n mynd ymlaen i ddweud mai cost ddynol hyn yw cynnydd mewn
gorbryder a gofid...i gleifion a'u teuluoedd
ac i
staff GIG Cymru sy'n gwneud eu gorau i ddarparu gofal o ansawdd uchel.
Prif Weinidog, beth ydych chi'n ei ddweud wrth Dr Banfield a'i gydweithwyr a beth fydd eich Llywodraeth yn ei wneud i ddarparu GIG Cymru sy'n addas ar gyfer pobl Cymru?
Well, what I say to him and his colleagues is that when the general election to which his predecessor refers comes, the best advice to them is to vote for the Labour Party, because then the funding crisis that affects our public services, which is the direct result of his party and everything that they have done in 10 years of austerity—that's before, by the way, they embark on a 'no deal' Brexit and create another enormous hole in the national finances—then the difficulties of funding to which he's referred can be properly addressed. At the same time, my advice to them to vote Labour in that general election will also help to deal with the issue that is currently the single biggest contributor to cancelled operations, and that's the pension difficulties that his Government has created that mean that consultants right across Wales are no longer able to fill rotas in order to carry out operations, directly, Llywydd—directly as a result of policies that his party introduced, and it's having that impact.
Wel, yr hyn yr wyf i'n ei ddweud wrtho ef a'i gyd-Aelodau yw pan ddaw'r etholiad cyffredinol y mae ei ragflaenydd yn cyfeirio ato, y cyngor gorau iddyn nhw yw pleidleisio dros y Blaid Lafur, oherwydd wedyn gellir mynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng ariannu sy'n effeithio ar ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, sy'n ganlyniad uniongyrchol i'w blaid ef a phopeth y maen nhw wedi ei wneud yn ystod 10 mlynedd o gyni cyllidol—gyda llaw, mae hynny cyn iddyn nhw fwrw ati gyda Brexit 'heb gytundeb' a chreu twll enfawr arall yn y cyllid cenedlaethol—yna gellir mynd i'r afael yn briodol â'r anawsterau ariannu y mae ef wedi cyfeirio atynt. Ar yr un pryd, bydd fy nghyngor iddyn nhw bleidleisio dros y Blaid Lafur yn yr etholiad cyffredinol hwnnw hefyd yn helpu i ymdrin â'r mater sydd yr un cyfrannwr mwyaf at ganslo llawdriniaethau ar hyn o bryd, sef yr anawsterau pensiwn y mae ei Lywodraeth ef wedi eu creu sy'n golygu nad yw meddygon ymgynghorol ledled Cymru yn gallu llenwi rotas mwyach er mwyn cyflawni llawdriniaethau, yn uniongyrchol, Llywydd—yn uniongyrchol o ganlyniad i bolisïau a gyflwynwyd gan ei blaid ef, ac mae'n cael yr effaith honno.
Ar ran Plaid Cymru, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
On behalf of Plaid Cymru, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Diolch, Llywydd. Mae Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig wedi diweddaru'r drefn tariffs dros dro, fydd yn effeithio ar gerbydau, nwyddau bioethanol a dillad os adawn ni'r Undeb Ewropeaidd heb gytundeb, ond does yna ddim sicrwydd i ffermwyr. Felly, rydyn ni'n wynebu sefyllfa lle gallai ffermwyr gael eu prisio allan o farchnadoedd tramor, ac rydyn ni'n gwybod beth allai effaith hynny fod ar ffermydd a chymunedau gwledig. Yng ngoleuni'r cyhoeddiad hwnnw, a wnewch chi bwyso o'r newydd ar Lywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig er mwyn sicrhau na fydd ffermwyr Cymru yn cael eu hanghofio a'u taflu ar y domen yn sgil Brexit dinistriol?
Thank you, Llywydd. The UK Government has updated its temporary tariff regime, which will impact lorries, bioethanol and clothing if we leave the EU with no deal, but there are no assurances for farmers. So, we are looking at a situation where farmers could be priced out of foreign markets, and we know what the impact of that could be on farms and rural communities. In light of that announcement, will you put pressure on the UK Government anew in order to ensure that Welsh farmers aren’t forgotten and thrown on the scrap heap as a result of a destructive Brexit?
Diolch am y cwestiwn yna. Dwi wedi gweld y diweddariad gan Lywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig y bore yma. Dwi ddim wedi cael cyfle eto i ystyried yr effaith bydd hwnna'n ei gael yng Nghymru ym maes biodiesel yn enwedig. Rŷn ni wedi siarad o'r blaen gyda Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig am yr effaith bydd yr awgrymiadau gwreiddiol yn mynd i'w cael yma yng Nghymru, ac, wrth gwrs, siaradais i gyda'r Prif Weinidog newydd, Boris Johnson, pan oedd e yma yng Nghaerdydd, nôl yn yr haf, am yr effaith ar gefn gwlad yma yng Nghymru o gwympo mas o'r Undeb Ewropeaidd heb gytundeb, a doedd dim lot o atebion gyda fe. Doedd dim lot o fanylion tu ôl i'r atebion oedd gyda fe i roi hyder i fi bod Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig wedi meddwl yn fanwl am effaith y llwybr maen nhw eisiau mynd i lawr ar ffermwyr yma yng Nghymru. Ar ôl hynny, yn bron pob cyfarfod rŷn ni wedi cael gyda nhw, rŷn ni'n codi'r pynciau mae Rhun ap Iorwerth wedi eu codi'r prynhawn yma—rŷn ni'n dal i wneud hynny.
Thank you for that question. I have seen the United Kingdom Government update; I saw it this morning. I haven’t had an opportunity yet to consider the impact that will have in Wales on the biodiesel field, in particular. We have previously spoken to the United Kingdom Government about the effect that the original proposals would have here in Wales, and, of course, I spoke with the new Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, when he came here to Cardiff back in the summer about the impact on the countryside here in Wales, the rural communities, of falling out of the EU without any deal. He didn’t have very many answers, and he didn’t have very many details behind the answers that he did have to give me any confidence that the United Kingdom Government had considered in detail the impact of the path that they wish to follow on farmers here in Wales. Subsequently to that, in almost every meeting that we have had with them, we have raised the issues that Rhun ap Iorwerth has raised this afternoon—we continue to do that.
Dwi'n falch bod yna gonsensws rhyngom ni ar y mater yma, ond dwi rŵan am apelio am ail-greu'r consensws fu rhyngom ni ar enw y sefydliad yma. Yn y gorffennol, mi ddywedoch chi y byddech chi'n ffafrio'r enw 'Senedd', ac roeddwn i'n falch iawn o glywed hynny. Gaf i ofyn pam wnaethoch chi benderfynu torri'r consensws hwnnw drwy ddweud rŵan eich bod chi am gael gwared ar yr enw uniaith Gymraeg 'Senedd', enw sydd wedi ennill ei blwyf, wrth gwrs, yn eang iawn yn barod, ac yn hytrach eich bod chi rŵan am gefnogi gwelliant i'r Bil Senedd ac Etholiadau (Cymru) i'w alw yn 'Senedd Cymru/Welsh Parliament', fel enw swyddogol? Mae hwn yn fater sy'n mynd tu hwnt i linellau pleidiau—dwi'n ddiolchgar iawn i Hefin David a Mike Hedges am gydgyflwyno gwelliant gen i i'w drafod yfory—ond gaf i apelio arnoch chi, ar yr unfed awr ar ddeg, i ddangos hyder yng ngallu pobl Cymru, o ba bynnag iaith, i berchnogi un enw sy'n perthyn i bawb ohonom ni?
I’m pleased there is consensus between us on this issue, but I now want to appeal for regenerating a consensus that used to exist between us on the name of this institution. In the past, you have said that you would favour the name ‘Senedd’, and I was very pleased to hear that. Could I ask you why you decided to break with that consensus by saying that you now want to scrap the monolingual name ‘Senedd’, a name that has earned its place very widely already, and you now want to support an amendment to the Senedd and Elections (Wales) Bill to call it ‘Senedd Cymru/Welsh Parliament’, as its official name? Now, this is a matter that goes beyond party lines—and I’m very grateful to Hefin David and Mike Hedges for jointly tabling an amendment that we’ll discuss tomorrow—but may I appeal to you, at the eleventh hour, to show confidence in the ability of the people of Wales, whatever language they speak, to take ownership of one name that belongs to each and every one of us?
Wel, Llywydd, fel dwi wedi ei ddweud yn barod, dwi'n defnyddio'r term 'Senedd' bob tro dwi'n cyfeirio at y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol, a dwi'n meddwl, ledled Cymru, taw dyna beth fydd yr enw, a bydd pob un o bobl Cymru yn cyfeirio at le ŷn ni'n gweithio yn y ffordd yna. Ond rhywbeth i Aelodau'r Cynulliad yw e i benderfynu ar y cwestiwn yna, ac mae mwy nag un farn yn y Siambr hon. Bydd cyfle yfory i glywed gan bobl sydd eisiau ein perswadio ni i gefnogi un enw neu'r llall, a dwi'n edrych ymlaen at y ddadl.
Llywydd, as I’ve already said, I use the term ‘Senedd’ every time I allude to the National Assembly, and I believe that, throughout Wales, that will be the common usage, and that all people in Wales will allude to this place in that manner. But it is a matter for Assembly Members to decide on this question, and there is more than one view in this Chamber. There will be an opportunity tomorrow to hear the views of those who wish to persuade us to support one or other of the names, and I look forward to that debate.
If it's a matter for Members, can you confirm to us that you will allow your Ministers also a free vote on this matter? There's certainly no legal barrier to calling it 'Senedd' only, and in explaining his reason behind his amendments to drop the Welsh-only name, your predecessor, Carwyn Jones, said in The Guardian a few days ago it's because it would cause confusion. But who's confused? Those who've now long called this place the Senedd, who are being told that should be undone—and, of course, we can still call it Welsh Parliament if we want—I'm sure I would at times too—but we're talking about the official name. Is it those who don't speak Welsh who would be confused because they can't understand why Welsh Government believes they somehow can't cope with the word 'Senedd'.
I sincerely hope that we are all very serious about creating a bilingual Wales, but that does not mean compartmentalising people into Welsh speakers and non-Welsh speakers. Here's what you call your Parliament if you speak Welsh; here's what you call your Parliament if you don't. Let's be confident in ourselves, uniting the nation behind the name that belongs to everyone regardless of their language, reflecting both our heritage and the dawn of a new kind of democracy. This is our Senedd, a unique name for a unique Parliament.
Os mai mater i'r Aelodau ydyw, a allwch chi gadarnhau i ni y byddwch chi'n caniatáu i'ch Gweinidogion gael pleidlais rydd ar y mater hwn hefyd? Yn sicr, nid oes unrhyw rwystr cyfreithiol i'w alw'n 'Senedd' yn unig, ac wrth esbonio ei reswm am ei welliannau i gael gwared ar yr enw Cymraeg yn unig, dywedodd eich rhagflaenydd, Carwyn Jones, yn The Guardian ychydig ddiwrnodau yn ôl, bod hynny oherwydd y byddai'n achosi dryswch. Ond pwy sydd wedi drysu? Y rhai sydd wedi galw'r lle hwn yn Senedd ers talwm, sy'n cael eu hysbysu y dylid dadwneud hynny—ac, wrth gwrs, gallwn ddal i'w alw'n Welsh Parliament os ydym ni'n dymuno—rwy'n siŵr y byddwn i ar adegau hefyd—ond rydym ni'n sôn am yr enw swyddogol. Ai'r rhai nad ydyn nhw'n siarad Cymraeg a fyddai'n drysu oherwydd nad ydyn nhw'n gallu deall pam mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn credu na allan nhw ymdopi, rywsut, â'r gair 'Senedd'.
Rwy'n mawr obeithio ein bod ni i gyd wir o ddifrif am greu Cymru ddwyieithog, ond nid yw hynny'n golygu rhannu pobl yn siaradwyr Cymraeg a phobl ddi-Gymraeg. Dyma yr ydych chi'n galw eich Senedd os ydych chi'n siarad Cymraeg; dyma yr ydych chi'n galw eich Senedd os nad ydych. Gadewch i ni fod yn hyderus ynom ein hunain, gan uno'r genedl y tu ôl i'r enw sy'n perthyn i bawb waeth beth fo'u hiaith, gan adlewyrchu ein treftadaeth a dyfodiad math newydd o ddemocratiaeth. Ein Senedd ni yw hon, enw unigryw i Senedd unigryw.
Llywydd, my experience going out and about and talking to people over the summer and since, including children in English-medium and Welsh-medium schools, is that the term 'Senedd' is already in popular parlance, and it's what people use in practice. It's what I myself use and intend to go on using. The term that people think is best reflected in an Act of this Assembly may be different to that, as it is in Ireland, as you know. The Dáil is what people call the Parliament in the Republic; in the Act of Parliament that set it up, it's referred to as something more extensive. There'll be an opportunity tomorrow for people to hear the debate. There are views that deserve to be respected on all sides of this Chamber, and nobody, no individual and no party, has a monopoly of arguments on this matter. That's why we will debate it here, but Government will act collectively—that's the nature of being in government. Labour Members who are not members of the Government will be able to vote as they are persuaded by the arguments, and I look forward to hearing those arguments when the time comes tomorrow afternoon.
Llywydd, fy mhrofiad i o fynd allan a siarad â phobl dros yr haf ac ers hynny, gan gynnwys plant mewn ysgolion cyfrwng Saesneg a chyfrwng Cymraeg, yw bod y term 'Senedd' eisoes yn boblogaidd, a dyna mae pobl yn ei ddefnyddio yn ymarferol. Dyna rwyf i'n ei ddefnyddio ac yn bwriadu parhau ei ddefnyddio. Efallai fod y term y mae pobl yn credu y byddai'n cael ei adlewyrchu orau mewn Deddf gan y Cynulliad hwn yn wahanol i hynny, fel y mae yn Iwerddon, fel y gwyddoch. Y Dáil yw'r hyn y mae pobl yn galw'r Senedd yn y Weriniaeth; yn y Ddeddf Seneddol a'i sefydlodd, cyfeirir ato fel rhywbeth mwy helaeth. Bydd cyfle yfory i bobl glywed y ddadl. Ceir safbwyntiau sy'n haeddu cael eu parchu ar bob ochr i'r Siambr hon, ac nid oes gan neb, dim un unigolyn na'r un blaid, fonopoli ar ddadleuon ar y mater hwn. Dyna pam y byddwn yn ei drafod yn y fan yma, ond bydd y Llywodraeth yn gweithredu ar y cyd—dyna natur bod mewn Llywodraeth. Bydd Aelodau Llafur nad ydyn nhw yn aelodau o'r Llywodraeth yn gallu pleidleisio fel y maen nhw'n cael eu perswadio gan y dadleuon, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at glywed y dadleuon hynny pan ddaw'r amser brynhawn yfory.
Arweinydd Plaid Brexit, Mark Reckless.
Brexit Party leader, Mark Reckless.
Diolch, Llywydd. My grandfather was a Member of it—I think is called the Dáil. Llywydd, you worked very hard on trying to get a version of the Bill that we're debating tomorrow that has as close to a consensus as we could find, and you worked no harder, I think, than on the naming of our institution. Now, I wonder, First Minister, if you recall that there was a stage in the process where the plan was to have in the Welsh version, 'Senedd' or 'Senedd Cymru', and then in the English version, 'Welsh Parliament', and it was suggested that that was the best option to command the closest to a consensus. Yet that then changed, and it changed, I'm told, following representations from within the Labour group and from one senior figure in particular. You tell us now it's a choice for Members, but is it not the case that the Bill we have before us is as it is regarding the name because of the representations you made, suggesting that that would garner a consensus, and it's because of that we have a version of the Bill that we're going to need to amend tomorrow.
Diolch, Llywydd. Roedd fy nhad-cu yn aelod ohono—rwy'n credu mai'r Dáil yw ei enw. Llywydd, fe wnaethoch chi weithio'n galed iawn i geisio cael fersiwn o'r Bil yr ydym ni'n ei drafod yfory sydd mor agos at gonsensws ag y gallem ni ei gael, ac ni wnaethoch chi weithio'n ddim caletach, yn fy marn i, nag ar enwi ein sefydliad. Nawr, tybed, Prif Weinidog, a ydych chi'n cofio bod cam yn y broses lle mai'r bwriad oedd cael yn y fersiwn Gymraeg, 'y Senedd' neu 'Senedd Cymru', ac yna yn y fersiwn Saesneg, 'Welsh Parliament', ac awgrymwyd mai dyna oedd y dewis gorau i sicrhau'r agosaf at gonsensws. Ac eto, newidiodd hynny wedyn, a newidiodd, rwy'n clywed, yn dilyn sylwadau o'r tu mewn i'r grŵp Llafur a chan un ffigur uwch yn arbennig. Rydych chi'n dweud wrthym ni nawr mai dewis i'r Aelodau ydyw, ond onid yw'n wir bod y Bil sydd gennym ni ger ein bron ar y ffurf y mae ef o ran yr enw oherwydd y sylwadau a wnaed gennych chi, yn awgrymu y byddai hynny'n ennyn consensws, ac oherwydd hynny y mae gennym ni fersiwn o'r Bil y bydd angen i ni ei wella yfory.
Well, I certainly don't recognise that version of history. It's not a Government Bill, it's a Bill for Members of the Assembly. I absolutely think it is for Members here to put their arguments, to try to persuade one another. There will be many different points of view, and then we will decide on it in the democratic way. The Government has not been the sponsor or the inspiration for this Bill, and neither should we be.
Wel, nid wyf i'n adnabod y fersiwn honno o hanes, yn sicr. Nid Bil Llywodraeth yw ef, Bil i Aelodau'r Cynulliad yw ef. Rwy'n credu'n llwyr mai lle'r Aelodau yma yw cyflwyno eu dadleuon, i geisio perswadio ei gilydd. Bydd llawer o wahanol safbwyntiau, ac yna byddwn yn penderfynu arno yn y ffordd ddemocrataidd. Nid y Llywodraeth fu noddwr nag ysbrydoliaeth y Bil hwn, ac ni ddylem ni fod ychwaith.
I know the Government's not the sponsor, but you, First Minister, as an individual Member, were responsible for the representations that you made, and that was why I asked was it not the case that we have the version the Llywydd put forward because of those representations, and because of how strongly and forcefully you put forward that having 'Senedd' on a monolingual basis would command a consensus when it patently does not.
Now, another aspect of that Bill that you're now looking to change, and I hope you will vote for the amendments that are down in my name and that of your predecessor, relates to the rights of foreign nationals to vote. Now, I recall at Labour conference that there was a motion passed towards the end that said not only did Labour now want to keep freedom of movement with the European Union, but Labour wants to extend freedom of movement to the whole world, and give people an immediate right to vote, regardless of nationality. And a week or two later, we see Welsh Government come to seek to amend this Bill, which isn’t a Government Bill, to implement Corbyn and Labour’s policy. Now, if the situation is as you and your party wish, of lifting immigration restrictions and extending freedom of movement globally, have you made an estimate of how many people would be involved if we extend voting rights to foreign nationals in the way you now propose?
Rwy'n gwybod nad y Llywodraeth yw'r noddwr, ond chi, Prif Weinidog, fel Aelod unigol, oedd yn gyfrifol am y sylwadau a wnaethoch chi, a dyna pam y gofynnais onid oedd hi'n wir bod gennym ni'r fersiwn a gyflwynwyd gan y Llywydd oherwydd y sylwadau hynny, ac oherwydd pa mor gryf a grymus y gwnaethoch chi gynnig y byddai cael 'Senedd' ar sail uniaith yn ennyn consensws pan ei bod hi'n amlwg nad yw hynny'n wir.
Nawr, mae agwedd arall ar y Bil hwnnw yr ydych chi'n ceisio ei newid erbyn hyn, ac rwy'n gobeithio y byddwch chi'n pleidleisio o blaid y gwelliannau sydd wedi eu nodi yn fy enw i ac enw eich rhagflaenydd, yn ymwneud â hawliau gwladolion tramor i bleidleisio. Nawr, rwy'n cofio yng nghynhadledd y Blaid Lafur y pasiwyd cynnig tua'r diwedd a ddywedodd nid yn unig bod Llafur eisiau cadw'r rhyddid i symud o fewn yr Undeb Ewropeaidd, ond bod Llafur eisiau ymestyn rhyddid i symud i'r byd i gyd, a rhoi hawliau ar unwaith i bobl bleidleisio, waeth beth fo'u cenedligrwydd. Ac wythnos neu ddwy yn ddiweddarach, rydym ni'n gweld Llywodraeth Cymru yn dod i geisio diwygio'r Bil hwn, nad yw'n Fil Llywodraeth, i weithredu polisi Corbyn a'r Blaid Lafur. Nawr, os yw'r sefyllfa fel yr ydych chi a'ch plaid yn dymuno, o godi cyfyngiadau mewnfudo ac ymestyn rhyddid i symud yn fyd-eang, a ydych chi wedi gwneud amcangyfrif o faint o bobl a fyddai dan sylw pe byddem ni'n ymestyn hawliau pleidleisio i wladolion tramor yn y modd yr ydych chi'n ei gynnig nawr?
Llywydd, I think the Member is accusing me of supporting Labour Party policy, so I’m grateful to him for that. I look forward tomorrow to voting in favour of allowing those people from other parts of the world who have made their homes and their futures here in Wales to give them the opportunity to express their commitment to our futures by taking part in our democratic processes. That is absolutely the right thing for us to do, and it is particularly the right thing for us to do at a time when those people feel that their place in Wales is less secure than it ever has been, where they are made to feel by others that they’re not welcome to be here, and this party—and others, I hope, on the floor of this Assembly—will be determined to send exactly the opposite message. Those people have a stake in our futures and their futures, they live in our communities, they have a right to participate, and they have a right to participate democratically too.
Llywydd, rwy'n credu bod yr Aelod yn fy nghyhuddo i o gefnogi polisi'r Blaid Lafur, felly rwy'n ddiolchgar iddo am hynny. Edrychaf ymlaen yfory at bleidleisio o blaid caniatáu i'r bobl hynny o rannau eraill o'r byd sydd wedi gwneud eu cartrefi a'u dyfodol yma yng Nghymru i roi'r cyfle iddyn nhw fynegi eu hymrwymiad i'n dyfodol trwy gymryd rhan yn ein prosesau democrataidd. Dyna'n sicr yw'r peth iawn i ni ei wneud, ac mae'n arbennig y peth iawn i ni ei wneud ar adeg pan fo'r bobl hynny'n teimlo bod eu lle yng Nghymru yn llai diogel nag y bu erioed, lle maen nhw'n cael eu gwneud i deimlo gan eraill nad oes croeso iddyn nhw fod yma, a bydd y blaid hon—ac eraill, gobeithio, ar lawr y Cynulliad hwn—yn benderfynol o anfon y neges sy'n llwyr i'r gwrthwyneb. Mae gan y bobl hynny gyfran yn ein dyfodol ac yn eu dyfodol nhw, maen nhw'n byw yn ein cymunedau, mae ganddyn nhw hawl i gymryd rhan, ac mae ganddyn nhw hawl i gymryd rhan yn ddemocrataidd hefyd.
3. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am y broses ddisgyblu ar gyfer uwch-swyddogion mewn llywodraeth leol? OAQ54487
3. Will the First Minister make a statement on the disciplinary process for senior officers in local government? OAQ54487
I thank the Member for that. I have always been clear that, once the disciplinary process at Caerphilly council came to a conclusion, the regulations agreed by the National Assembly in 2006, and their implementation, should be reviewed on an all-Wales basis. The current system has not worked and needs to be reformed.
Diolchaf i'r Aelod am hynna. Rwyf i wedi bod yn eglur erioed, ar ôl i'r broses ddisgyblu yng Nghyngor Caerffili ddod i ben, y dylid adolygu'r rheoliadau y cytunwyd arnynt gan y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol yn 2006, a'u gweithrediad, ar sail Cymru gyfan. Nid yw'r system bresennol wedi gweithio ac mae angen ei diwygio.
Disreputable, dishonest and should have been dismissed long ago—these are the views of Caerphilly residents about Anthony O’Sullivan, the disgraced and now finally dismissed chief executive of Caerphilly County Borough Council. He was sacked last week after being found by the whole council of being guilty of gross misconduct. There were concerns raised about the way he was appointed by the then Plaid Cymru-led authority back in 2014, when the post wasn’t advertised to external competition. That rule was changed in 2014 by the Labour Welsh Government. Will the First Minister give his commitment today that the Oldham review will consider all aspects of recruitment and disciplinary practices for senior officers, and ensure that the misery that has been inflicted on the Caerphilly county borough for the past seven years cannot be repeated?
Enw drwg, anonest a dylai fod wedi cael ei ddiswyddo amser maith yn ôl—dyna farn trigolion Caerffili ar Anthony O'Sullivan, prif weithredwr Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili sydd mewn anfri ac wedi ei ddiswyddo o'r diwedd. Cafodd ei ddiswyddo yr wythnos diwethaf ar ôl i'r Cyngor cyfan ei gael yn euog o gamymddwyn difrifol. Codwyd pryderon am y ffordd y cafodd ei benodi gan yr awdurdod a arweiniwyd gan Blaid Cymru ar y pryd yn ôl yn 2014, pryd na hysbysebwyd y swydd i gystadleuaeth allanol. Newidiwyd y rheol honno yn 2014 gan Lywodraeth Lafur Cymru. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog roi ei ymrwymiad heddiw y bydd adolygiad Oldham yn ystyried pob agwedd ar arferion recriwtio a disgyblu uwch swyddogion, a sicrhau na ellir ailadrodd y dioddefaint a achoswyd i fwrdeistref sirol Caerffili yn ystod y saith mlynedd diwethaf?
Llywydd, can I think the Member for his continued attention to this mater? One of the first questions I answered on the floor of the Assembly as the then local government Minister was a question from Hefin David asking that the processes that have governed events at Caerphilly council should be reviewed, and I gave him an undertaking then that, once the process came to a conclusion, such a review would be instituted. And Members will have seen the written statement issued yesterday by Julie James, setting out the terms of that review, and the rapid timescales within which we expect it to report.
In the meantime, as Hefin David has said, principal councils are now required to advertise publicly a chief officer role where the salary is £100,000 or more per annum, and that is absolutely the way in which those very important posts should be made known to the public, and competed for on the basis of the best possible field of candidates. I look forward to the work that Peter Oldham QC will now carry out. I want to make sure that the whole process that was previously agreed on the floor of this Assembly is thoroughly reviewed. I want him to look at the way in which those rules have been implemented on the ground, in case there are flaws of implementation as well as any difficulties in the rule book itself. And I look forward to us being able to come back to the Assembly as rapidly as we are able to, in order to ensure that the events that have unfolded in Caerphilly will not be repeated elsewhere.
Llywydd, a gaf i ddiolch i'r Aelod am ei sylw parhaus i'r mater hwn? Un o'r cwestiynau cyntaf a atebais ar lawr y Cynulliad fel y Gweinidog llywodraeth leol ar y pryd oedd cwestiwn gan Hefin David yn gofyn i'r prosesau sydd wedi rheoli digwyddiadau yng nghyngor Caerffili gael eu hadolygu, a rhoddais addewid iddo bryd hynny, ar ôl i'r broses ddod i ben, y byddai adolygiad o'r fath yn cael ei sefydlu. A bydd yr Aelodau wedi gweld y datganiad ysgrifenedig a gyhoeddwyd gan Julie James ddoe, yn nodi telerau'r adolygiad hwnnw, a'r amserlenni cyflym yr ydym ni'n disgwyl iddo adrodd yn unol â nhw.
Yn y cyfamser, fel y mae Hefin David wedi ei ddweud, mae'n ofynnol erbyn hyn i brif gynghorau hysbysebu swydd prif swyddog yn gyhoeddus pan fo'r cyflog yn £100,000 neu fwy y flwyddyn, a dyna'n sicr y ffordd y dylai'r swyddi pwysig iawn hynny gael eu gwneud yn hysbys i'r cyhoedd, ac y dylid cystadlu amdanyn nhw ar sail y detholiad gorau posibl o ymgeiswyr. Edrychaf ymlaen at y gwaith y bydd Peter Oldham CF yn ei wneud nawr. Rwyf i eisiau gwneud yn siŵr bod yr holl broses y cytunwyd arni'n flaenorol ar lawr y Cynulliad hwn yn cael ei hadolygu'n drwyadl. Rwyf i eisiau iddo edrych ar y ffordd y mae'r rheolau hynny wedi cael eu gweithredu ar lawr gwlad, rhag ofn bod diffygion gweithredu yn ogystal ag unrhyw anawsterau yn y llyfr rheolau ei hun. Ac edrychaf ymlaen at allu dod yn ôl i'r Cynulliad mor gyflym ag y gallwn, er mwyn sicrhau na fydd y digwyddiadau a welwyd yng Nghaerffili yn cael eu hailadrodd mewn mannau eraill.
First Minister, I'm sure you will agree that it is totally unacceptable for all concerned that the chief executive of a local authority can be suspended on full pay for more than six years. I understand the case of Caerphilly council's former chief executive is the longest running disciplinary case of its kind in local government history. It is estimated to have cost the council already more than £4 million, which could actually cover all the homelessness in Wales—you know, we are suffering at the moment. And this £4 million—. Mr O'Sullivan is reported to be taking his case to an employment tribunal now. You know and I know that—you have already indicated—the system needs to be reviewed and reformed. You said that earlier on the television. Can you advise when this review will be commenced and how long you expect this process to take, please? Because this situation cannot be allowed to occur again in future, at a huge cost to the public purse and to the life and the reputation of the individual involved in this case.
Prif Weinidog, rwy'n siŵr y byddwch chi'n cytuno ei bod hi'n gwbl annerbyniol i bawb dan sylw y gall prif weithredwr awdurdod lleol gael ei wahardd dros dro ar gyflog llawn am fwy na chwe blynedd. Rwy'n deall mai achos cyn brif weithredwr cyngor Caerffili yw'r achos disgyblu mwyaf hirhoedlog o'i fath yn hanes llywodraeth leol. Amcangyfrifir ei fod wedi costio mwy na £4 miliwn i'r cyngor eisoes, a allai mewn gwirionedd leddfu'r holl ddigartrefedd yng Nghymru—yr ydym ni'n ei ddioddef ar hyn o bryd, wyddoch chi. A'r £4 miliwn hwn—. Dywedir bod Mr O'Sullivan yn mynd â'i achos i dribiwnlys cyflogaeth nawr. Rydych chi'n gwybod ac rwyf innau'n gwybod—rydych chi eisoes wedi nodi—bod angen adolygu a diwygio'r system. Dywedasoch hynny'n gynharach ar y teledu. A allwch chi ddweud pryd y bydd yr adolygiad hwn yn cael ei gychwyn a faint o amser yr ydych chi'n disgwyl i'r broses hon ei gymryd, os gwelwch yn dda? Oherwydd ni ellir caniatáu i'r sefyllfa hon godi eto yn y dyfodol, am gost enfawr i bwrs y wlad ac i fywyd ac enw da yr unigolyn dan sylw yn yr achos hwn.
I thank the Member for that. As Members will have seen in the written statement issued yesterday by Julie James, Peter Oldham QC has now been appointed to undertake a rapid review of existing arrangements. That work has therefore already begun. We hope that that will report early in the new year, so it is a genuinely rapid review, and then we will report to the floor of the National Assembly on the conclusions that Mr Oldham reaches and bring forward any changes to existing regulations that we need to make in order to avoid the difficulties that have been experienced in recent times at Caerphilly.
Diolchaf i'r Aelod am hynna. Fel y bydd yr Aelodau wedi gweld yn y datganiad ysgrifenedig a gyhoeddwyd ddoe gan Julie James, mae Peter Oldham CF wedi ei benodi erbyn hyn i gynnal adolygiad cyflym o'r trefniadau presennol. Felly, mae'r gwaith hwnnw eisoes wedi dechrau. Gobeithiwn y bydd hwnnw'n adrodd yn gynnar yn y flwyddyn newydd, felly mae'n adolygiad gwirioneddol gyflym, ac wedyn byddwn yn adrodd i lawr y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol ar y casgliadau y bydd Mr Oldham yn dod iddynt ac yn cyflwyno unrhyw newidiadau i'r rheoliadau presennol y mae angen i ni eu gwneud er mwyn osgoi'r anawsterau a gafwyd yn ddiweddar yng Nghaerffili.
4. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am reolau lobïo Llywodraeth Cymru? OAQ54503
4. Will the First Minister make a statement on the Welsh Government's lobbying rules? OAQ54503
Llywydd, the rules in relation to lobbying are set out in the ministerial code.
Llywydd, mae'r rheolau o ran lobïo wedi eu nodi yn nghod y gweinidogion.
First Minister, you were elected to lead your party claiming to be a twenty-first century socialist, but the simple truth is that there are no rules on corporate lobbying in Wales, making our Senedd the least protected in the UK and in Europe, in fact. Labour is the party opposing these rules. In the US, democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is working with none other than Ted Cruz to make a deal on banning lawmakers from lobbying. US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has launched a plan to curb corporate lobbying, including making it so that former members of Congress or senior staffers are not able to lobby. But there are no such rules here in Wales, or, indeed, plans. The lobbying firms are packed with former Assembly Members and special advisers, which is a recipe for corruption. Your Government has opposed bringing in even a statutory register of lobbyists, let alone something stronger. Do you recognise the need for stronger lobbying rules? And will you, as a self described socialist, join what is going on in the US by bringing in tough rules on corporate lobbying?
Prif Weinidog, fe'ch etholwyd i arwain eich plaid yn honni eich bod yn sosialydd ar gyfer yr unfed ganrif ar hugain, ond y gwir plaen amdani yw nad oes unrhyw reolau ar lobïo corfforaethol yng Nghymru, sy'n gwneud ein Senedd yr un sydd wedi ei diogelu leiaf yn y DU ac yn Ewrop, a dweud y gwir. Llafur yw'r blaid sy'n gwrthwynebu'r rheolau hyn. Yn yr Unol Daleithiau, mae'r sosialydd democrataidd Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez yn gweithio gyda Ted Cruz o bawb i daro bargen ar wahardd deddfwyr rhag lobïo. Mae ymgeisydd arlywyddol yr Unol Daleithiau Bernie Sanders wedi lansio cynllun i ffrwyno lobïo corfforaethol, gan gynnwys sicrhau nad yw cyn-aelodau'r Gyngres nac uwch staffwyr yn gallu lobïo. Ond nid oes rheolau o'r fath yma yng Nghymru, nac, yn wir, cynlluniau. Mae'r cwmnïau lobïo yn llawn o gyn-Aelodau Cynulliad a chynghorwyr arbennig, sy'n sicr o arwain at lygredd. Mae eich Llywodraeth wedi gwrthwynebu cyflwyno cofrestr statudol o lobïwyr hyd yn oed, heb sôn am rywbeth cryfach. A ydych chi'n cydnabod yr angen am reolau lobïo cryfach? Ac a wnewch chi, fel sosialydd hunan-ddisgrifiedig, ymuno â'r hyn sy'n digwydd yn yr Unol Daleithiau trwy gyflwyno rheolau llym ar lobïo corfforaethol?
Llywydd, these matters have been discussed and considered at the standards committee, a committee with which I think the Member has some familiarity, and I am content to abide by the advice that the standards committee provides.
Llywydd, mae'r materion hyn wedi eu trafod a'u hystyried yn y pwyllgor safonau, pwyllgor yr wyf i'n credu y mae'r Aelod yn gyfarwydd ag ef, ac rwyf i'n fodlon glynu wrth y cyngor y mae'r pwyllgor safonau yn ei roi.
As Neil McEvoy has said, or indicated, I think if one thing is clear about lobbying in Wales at the moment it's that there is a distinct lack of clarity, which has caused some of the issues over the last, well, few months and years. So, it's clear, as you mentioned, the standards committee report—I think my colleague Paul Davies was on the committee at the time that was looked into—came forward with various proposals of how to clarify matters within Wales. I think the idea of a lobbyist register was mentioned, whether that be voluntary or not. Can you tell me, since the publication of that report—yes, that has been discussed by standards committee, but, obviously, Welsh Government will need to provide a way forward through this—have you come to any conclusions in terms of whether a register would be a good way to go in the future, and whether that should be voluntary or non-voluntary, and how it would be regulated, in fact?
Fel y mae Neil McEvoy wedi dweud, neu ei awgrymu, rwy'n credu os oes un peth yn eglur am lobïo yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd y peth hwnnw yw bod diffyg eglurder amlwg, sydd wedi achosi rhai o'r problemau dros, wel, yr ychydig fisoedd a blynyddoedd diwethaf. Felly, mae'n eglur, fel y soniasoch, bod adroddiad y pwyllgor safonau—credaf fod fy nghyd-Aelod Paul Davies ar y pwyllgor ar yr adeg yr ymchwiliwyd i hynny—wedi cyflwyno cynigion amrywiol ynghylch sut i egluro materion yng Nghymru. Rwy'n credu bod y syniad o gofrestr lobïwyr wedi ei grybwyll, boed hwnnw'n wirfoddol ai peidio. A allwch chi ddweud wrthyf i, ers cyhoeddi'r adroddiad hwnnw—do, mae hynny wedi ei drafod gan y pwyllgor safonau, ond, yn amlwg, bydd angen i Lywodraeth Cymru ddarparu ffordd ymlaen drwy hyn—a ydych chi wedi dod i unrhyw gasgliadau o ran pa un a fyddai cofrestr yn un ffordd dda o weithredu yn y dyfodol, ac a ddylai hynny fod yn wirfoddol neu'n orfodol, a sut y byddai'n cael ei reoleiddio, mewn gwirionedd?
Well, Llywydd, as I said, I think these are matters for the standards committee to advise on, and my understanding is that, when the standards committee considered the matter of a register, it decided to make further inquiries and to give further thought to that matter. I look forward to receiving any advice that the standards committee provides, because these things are not matters for Government, they are matters for the standards of conduct of all Assembly Members, and that's why we have a standards committee to advise us on the best way to resolve these matters.
Wel, Llywydd, fel y dywedais, rwy'n credu bod y rhain yn faterion i'r pwyllgor safonau gynghori arnynt, ac yn ôl yr hyn a ddeallaf, pan ystyriodd y pwyllgor safonau y mater o gofrestr, penderfynodd wneud ymholiadau pellach a rhoi ystyriaeth bellach i'r mater hwnnw. Edrychaf ymlaen at gael unrhyw gyngor y mae'r pwyllgor safonau yn ei ddarparu, gan nad yw'r pethau hyn yn faterion i'r Llywodraeth, maen nhw'n faterion i safonau ymddygiad pob Aelod Cynulliad, a dyna pam mae gennym ni bwyllgor safonau i'n cynghori ni ar y ffordd orau o ddatrys y materion hyn.
5. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am yr achosion o glefyd y llengfilwyr yn y Barri dros y 12 mis diwethaf? OAQ54496
5. Will the First Minister make a statement on the outbreak of legionnaires' disease in Barry over the past 12 months? OAQ54496
I thank the Member for that question. Public Health Wales and partner agencies continue to investigate a higher than usual number of cases of legionnaire's disease in the Barry area. Extensive investigations have so far been unable to link any of these cases to a common source.
Diolchaf i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn yna. Mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru ac asiantaethau partner yn parhau i ymchwilio i nifer uwch na'r arfer o achosion o glefyd y llengfilwyr yn ardal y Barri. Hyd yma, nid yw ymchwiliadau helaeth wedi gallu cysylltu unrhyw un o'r achosion hyn â ffynhonnell gyffredin.
Thank you for that answer, First Minister. There are around 30 cases of legionnaire's disease in Wales each year, on average, but in the last 12 months there have been 11 in Barry. You're quite right that Public Health Wales has not yet been able to find a cause and does not consider it, yet, an official legionnaire's disease outbreak, but it's surely of great concern to residents. And they will remember the unfortunate deaths and serious illnesses in 1999 that occurred in the authority.
Members of the public, of course, can do many things to reduce their risk—basically to ensure standing water isn't left in taps, and draining water bowsers and garden hoses, and using commercial screen washes in their vehicles. Because I don't think many people realise that these are the vectors, often, and the way the disease is transmitted. Public Health Wales and their partner agencies, I understand, are advising employers to check their policies, because, unfortunately, the workplace has, in the past, also been a vector. Can you give us any specifics on what is being done to raise the public profile and, in particular, to ensure employers are doing what is their duty to do?
Diolch am yr ateb yna, Prif Weinidog. Ceir tua 30 o achosion o glefyd y llengfilwyr yng Nghymru bob blwyddyn, ar gyfartaledd, ond bu 11 yn y Barri yn ystod y 12 mis diwethaf. Rydych chi yn llygad eich lle nad yw Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru wedi llwyddo i ddod o hyd i achos hyd yn hyn ac nad yw'n ei ystyried yn argyfwng clefyd y llengfilwyr swyddogol, hyd yn hyn, ond mae'n sicr yn bryder mawr i drigolion. A byddan nhw'n cofio'r marwolaethau anffodus a'r afiechydon difrifol ym 1999 a gafwyd yn yr awdurdod.
Gall aelodau'r cyhoedd, wrth gwrs, wneud llawer o bethau i leihau eu risg—yn y bôn, sicrhau nad yw dŵr llonydd yn cael ei adael mewn tapiau, a draenio tanciau dŵr a phibelli dŵr gardd, a defnyddio golchyddion sgrin masnachol yn eu cerbydau. Oherwydd nid wyf i'n credu bod llawer o bobl yn sylweddoli mai'r rhain yw'r fectorau, yn aml, a'r ffordd y mae'r clefyd yn cael ei drosglwyddo. Mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru a'i asiantaethau partner, yn ôl yr hyn a ddeallaf, yn cynghori cyflogwyr i wirio eu polisïau, oherwydd, yn anffodus, mae'r gweithle wedi bod yn fector hefyd yn y gorffennol. A allwch chi roi unrhyw fanylion penodol i ni am yr hyn sy'n cael ei wneud i godi'r proffil cyhoeddus ac, yn benodol, i sicrhau bod cyflogwyr yn gwneud yr hyn y mae'n ddyletswydd arnyn nhw ei wneud?
I thank the Member for that question and drawing attention to the advice that Public Health Wales, drawing on wider UK expertise in this area, has provided to citizens and to businesses in Barry. The last press release containing advice for members of the public and for businesses was released in September. Since then, the incident management team that has been set up has continued to take action in the Barry area. It's due to meet next on 21 October. It will look at the latest information, including, for example, the recent testing of all four registered local water cooling towers in Barry, none of which turned out to be a source of the legionella bacteria.
Now, the incident management team will stay in place for six months beyond the latest incident, and the latest individual to be identified as suffering from legionnaire's disease was in August of this year. So, the incident management team will stay in place at least until the early months of next year. It will continue to work with businesses, it will continue to pursue any new avenues of inquiry that become available to it, and it will continue to provide advice for local citizens of the actions that they can take of the sort that David Melding set out: removing unused taps and shower heads, draining water bowsers and garden hoses, using commercial screen washes in vehicles, and so on—all of which are practical things that individuals can do and which will reduce the risk of further incidence of legionnaire's disease in Barry over the months ahead.
Diolchaf i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn yna ac am dynnu sylw at y cyngor y mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, gan ddefnyddio arbenigedd ehangach y DU yn y maes hwn, wedi ei roi i ddinasyddion ac i fusnesau yn y Barri. Cyhoeddwyd y datganiad diwethaf i'r wasg yn cynnwys cyngor i aelodau'r cyhoedd ac i fusnesau ym mis Medi. Ers hynny, mae'r tîm rheoli digwyddiadau sydd wedi ei sefydlu wedi parhau i weithredu yn ardal y Barri. Disgwylir iddo gyfarfod nesaf ar 21 Hydref. Bydd yn edrych ar yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf, gan gynnwys, er enghraifft, y profion diweddar ar bob un o'r pedwar tŵr oeri dŵr lleol sydd wedi eu cofrestru yn y Barri, na chanfuwyd bod yr un ohonyn nhw yn ffynhonnell o'r bacteria legionella.
Nawr, bydd y tîm rheoli digwyddiadau yn aros ar waith am chwe mis ar ôl y digwyddiad diweddaraf, ac roedd yr unigolyn diweddaraf y nodwyd ei fod yn dioddef o glefyd y llengfilwyr ym mis Awst eleni. Felly, bydd y tîm rheoli digwyddiadau yn aros ar waith hud at fisoedd cynnar y flwyddyn nesaf o leiaf. Bydd yn parhau i weithio gyda busnesau, bydd yn parhau i fynd ar drywydd unrhyw lwybrau ymchwilio newydd a fydd ar gael iddo, a bydd yn parhau i ddarparu cyngor i ddinasyddion lleol ar y camau y gallan nhw eu cymryd o'r math a nododd David Melding: tynnu tapiau a phennau cawod nad ydyn nhw'n cael eu defnyddio, draenio tanciau dŵr a phibellau dŵr gardd, defnyddio golchyddion sgrin masnachol mewn cerbydau, ac yn y blaen—sydd i gyd yn bethau ymarferol y gall unigolion eu gwneud ac a fydd yn lleihau'r perygl o fwy o achosion o glefyd y llengfilwyr yn y Barri dros y misoedd i ddod.
6. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog amlinellu sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi'r diwydiant fferyllol? OAQ54475
6. Will the First Minister outline how the Welsh Government is supporting the pharmaceutical industry? OAQ54475
I thank the Member for that. The Welsh Government supports the pharmaceutical industry through investment in research, product development, expert promotion and professional development. Earlier this year, for example, the Minister for health announced a new £100,000 funding package for pharmacist training. This funds specialist clinical skills training for 50 new pharmacists across Wales.
Diolchaf i'r Aelod am hynna. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi'r diwydiant fferyllol trwy fuddsoddi mewn gwaith ymchwil, datblygu cynnyrch, hyrwyddo arbenigol a datblygiad proffesiynol. Yn gynharach eleni, er enghraifft, cyhoeddodd y Gweinidog iechyd becyn ariannu £100,000 newydd ar gyfer hyfforddiant i fferyllwyr. Mae hwn yn ariannu hyfforddiant sgiliau clinigol arbenigol ar gyfer 50 o fferyllwyr newydd ledled Cymru.
Very positive news indeed, First Minister. And, as you will be aware, the pharmaceutical industry in the UK invests £4.3 billion per annum into research and development, more than any other sector of the economy, and the UK has the lowest prices for medicine in the whole of Europe as a consequence. How do you propose this support and investment is secured for the future, given the 'Medicines for the Many' policy launched at the recent Labour Party conference in Brighton—a policy that could rob research and development of much-needed investment, and a policy that the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry has stated will not lead to more patients getting access to the medicines that they need, the medicines that some desperately need?
Newyddion cadarnhaol iawn yn wir, Prif Weinidog. Ac, fel y byddwch yn gwybod, mae'r diwydiant fferyllol yn y DU yn buddsoddi £4.3 biliwn y flwyddyn mewn ymchwil a datblygu, mwy nag unrhyw sector arall o'r economi, a'r DU sydd â'r prisiau isaf am feddyginiaeth yn Ewrop gyfan o ganlyniad i hynny. Sut ydych chi'n bwriadu sicrhau'r cymorth a'r buddsoddiad hwn ar gyfer y dyfodol, o ystyried y polisi 'Meddyginiaethau i'r Llawer' a lansiwyd yng nghynhadledd ddiweddar y Blaid Lafur yn Brighton—polisi a allai gymryd buddsoddiad y mae mawr ei angen oddi wrth ymchwil a datblygu, a pholisi y mae Cymdeithas Diwydiant Fferyllol Prydain wedi dweud na fydd yn arwain at fwy o gleifion yn gallu cael gafael ar y meddyginiaethau sydd eu hangen arnyn nhw, y meddyginiaethau y mae rhai eu hangen yn ddybryd?
Llywydd, there's a long history here in Wales of supporting the pharmaceutical industry. If you'd permit me, I'd like to congratulate my old employers at Cardiff University, where the pharmacy department is this week celebrating its centenary, having opened its doors in October 1919. It continues to carry out research and professional training in the pharmacy field. There are many new ways—and very many calls around this Chamber over many years—in which we support the community pharmacy network here in Wales. But we do that because we have our eyes very firmly on the public interest. There is a long call—it was led by Dr Julian Tudor-Hart here in Wales—for Governments to take action, so that the public interest is put to the fore in medicine production. While we are very keen to work with the pharmaceutical industry to support the many good things that it does in Wales, we shouldn't turn our back on the idea that there may be further ways in which the public interest can be pursued in the pharmaceutical field. As a Government, it is always the public interest that guides our actions in investment, in support for the industry and in new possibilities for doing that in the future.
Llywydd, mae hanes hir yma yng Nghymru o gefnogi'r diwydiant fferyllol. Gyda'ch caniatâd, hoffwn longyfarch fy hen gyflogwyr ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, lle mae'r adran fferylliaeth yn dathlu ei chanmlwyddiant yr wythnos hon, gan iddi agor ei drysau ym mis Hydref 1919. Mae'n parhau i gynnal ymchwil a hyfforddiant proffesiynol ym maes fferylliaeth. Mae llawer o ffyrdd newydd—a llawer iawn o alwadau o amgylch y Siambr hon dros flynyddoedd lawer—yr ydym yn cefnogi'r rhwydwaith fferylliaeth gymunedol yma yng Nghymru. Ond rydym yn gwneud hynny oherwydd bod ein sylw wedi'i hoelio'n gadarn iawn ar fudd y cyhoedd. Mae yna alwad hir—fe'i harweiniwyd gan Dr Julian Tudor-Hart yma yng Nghymru—i Lywodraethau weithredu, fel bod lles y cyhoedd yn cael blaenoriaeth wrth gynhyrchu meddyginiaethau. Er ein bod yn awyddus iawn i weithio gyda'r diwydiant fferyllol i gefnogi'r llu o bethau da y mae'n ei wneud yng Nghymru, ni ddylem droi ein cefnau ar y syniad bod, o bosibl, ffyrdd eraill o fynd ar drywydd lles y cyhoedd yn y maes fferyllol. Fel Llywodraeth, lles y cyhoedd sydd bob amser yn llywio ein camau buddsoddi, wrth gefnogi'r diwydiant ac o ran posibiliadau newydd o wneud hynny yn y dyfodol.
I would agree that the public interest is integral here, which is why, in relation to the cystic fibrosis drug Orkambi, Vertex isn't only submitting an application for the drug, it's submitting a patient access scheme alongside that, which of course allowed for it to be okayed in Scotland. My question is: how often are these patient access schemes considered here in Wales alongside a drug application, so that we can not only help the drug industry and the pharmaceutical industry—because of course, they exist, and they must exist, although I understand that the parameters could change—but also in terms of how the patients could benefit? Because I do sincerely believe that, sometimes, it's so astronomical in price, that affects how the NHS can allow those drugs to be put on the market. So, we must find a way that, if these drugs sincerely change people's lives, they get access to them, but in a way that is ethical and that helps society as a whole.
Byddwn yn cytuno bod lles y cyhoedd yn rhan annatod o hyn, a dyna pam, o ran y cyffur ffibrosis systig Orkambi, nad yw Vertex yn cyflwyno cais am y cyffur yn unig, mae'n cyflwyno cynllun helpu cleifion i gael gafael arno ochr yn ochr â hynny, ac wrth gwrs fe wnaeth hynny ganiatáu iddo gael cymeradwyaeth yn yr Alban. Fy nghwestiwn i yw: Pa mor aml y caiff y cynlluniau helpu cleifion i gael gwasanaeth hyn eu hystyried yma yng Nghymru ar y cyd â chais am gyffur, fel y gallwn ni nid yn unig helpu'r diwydiant cyffuriau a'r diwydiant fferyllol— oherwydd, wrth gwrs, maen nhw'n bodoli, ac mae'n rhaid iddyn nhw fodoli, er fy mod yn deall y gallai'r paramedrau newid—ond hefyd o ran sut y gallai'r cleifion elwa? Oherwydd weithiau, rwy'n ddiffuant yn credu ei fod mor uchel o ran pris, bod hynny'n effeithio ar sut y gall y GIG ganiatáu i'r cyffuriau hynny gael eu rhoi ar y farchnad. Felly, mae'n rhaid i ni ddod o hyd i ffordd, os yw'r cyffuriau hyn wir yn newid bywydau pobl, eu bod yn gallu cael gafael arnynt, ond mewn ffordd sy'n foesegol ac sy'n helpu cymdeithas yn ei chyfanrwydd.
I agree entirely with the way that Bethan Sayed put the conundrum at the end of her question. Llywydd, can I express my frustration at the actions of Vertex here in Wales? This company said, in June this year, that it would put forward evidence and a proposal to the all-Wales medicines strategy group, and it has failed to do so. We cannot act to make the drugs available in Wales if the companies that supply them aren't prepared to put their products through the process that we have for their recognition. They said that they would do it in June. I wish that they would get on with it. We want patients in Wales to be able to benefit from medicines where those things have been properly considered. Patient access schemes are often part of the package that we agree with a company. The company was prepared to do it in Scotland, it's indicated that it was prepared to do it in Wales, yet it's failed to take the steps that it promised. I wish they would get on and do it.
Cytunaf yn llwyr â'r modd y rhoddodd Bethan Sayed y benbleth ar ddiwedd ei chwestiwn. Llywydd, a gaf i fynegi fy rhwystredigaeth ynghylch gweithredoedd Vertex yma yng Nghymru? Dywedodd y cwmni hwn, ym mis Mehefin eleni, y byddai'n cyflwyno tystiolaeth a chynnig gerbron grŵp strategaeth feddyginiaethau Cymru gyfan, ac mae wedi methu â gwneud hynny. Ni allwn weithredu i sicrhau bod y cyffuriau ar gael yng Nghymru os nad yw'r cwmnïau sy'n eu cyflenwi'n fodlon rhoi eu cynnyrch drwy'r broses sydd gennym ni i'w cydnabod. Fe wnaethon nhw ddweud y bydden nhw yn ei wneud ym mis Mehefin. Byddai'n dda gennyf pe bydden nhw'n bwrw ymlaen â hynny. Rydym ni eisiau i gleifion yng Nghymru allu elwa ar feddyginiaethau lle y rhoddwyd ystyriaeth briodol i'r pethau hynny. Mae cynlluniau helpu cleifion i gael gwasanaeth yn aml yn rhan o'r pecyn yr ydym ni'n ei gytuno arno gyda chwmni. Roedd y cwmni'n fodlon ei wneud yn yr Alban, maen nhw wedi dweud eu bod yn fodlon ei wneud yng Nghymru, ac eto mae wedi methu â chymryd y camau a addawyd ganddo. Byddai'n dda gennyf pe bydden nhw'n mynd ati i wneud hynny.
7. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am amseroedd aros ysbytai yn ardal Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Bae Abertawe? OAQ54502
7. Will the First Minister make a statement on hospital waiting times in the Swansea Bay University Health Board area? OAQ54502
I thank the Member. At the year end 2018-19, 36-week waits in the health board had fallen by 22 percent over the year, and stood at the lowest figure since April 2014. The health Minister has made available £50 million to health boards to build on recent progress and to improve waiting times further by March 2020. The Swansea Bay UHB has received, of course, its share of that funding.
Diolch i'r Aelod. Ar ddiwedd y flwyddyn 2018-19, roedd amseroedd aros 36 wythnos yn y Bwrdd Iechyd wedi gostwng gan 22 y cant yn ystod y flwyddyn, a hwn oedd y ffigur isaf ers mis Ebrill 2014. Mae'r Gweinidog iechyd wedi sicrhau bod £50 miliwn ar gael i fyrddau iechyd i barhau â'r cynnydd a wnaed yn ddiweddar ac i wella amseroedd aros ymhellach erbyn mis Mawrth 2020. Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Bae Abertawe wedi cael ei gyfran o'r arian hwnnw, wrth gwrs.
Could I thank the First Minister for that answer? It's very helpful to understand that we have seen a reduction—and we have seen a reduction, particularly with life-threatening conditions. I remember a time when waits for heart surgery were over 12 months, and cancer also a long time, but they've come down dramatically. But as we've seen the drops in times and waits for life-threatening conditions, we've seen a rise in waits for other conditions that have an impact upon people's quality of life. I'll give you two examples. I had a constituent who I wrote to back in February asking about a gallbladder situation, and I was informed there was a 143-week waiting list for that condition. I wrote back again in the summer saying, 'Sorry, we still haven't had any progress', and the waiting time had gone up by 26 weeks to 169 weeks. So, in 26 weeks waiting, it had gone up 26 weeks. So, effectively, that patient had not moved anywhere on that waiting list because of the changes. And we're seeing things with knee operations. And as these people wait for these conditions, they may not be life-threatening, but they are life-changing and they have chronic impacts upon people. Somebody with a knee wait may have to wait two years for a bad knee, but whilst they wait for that bad knee operation, the other knee goes as a consequence of the pressure placed on it. So, we are increasing the challenges for these people and worsening their quality of life. What is the Welsh Government doing to ensure that not just the life-threatening conditions are being reduced, but that the waiting times for other conditions are also being reduced?
A gaf i ddiolch i'r Prif Weinidog am yr ateb yna? Mae'n ddefnyddiol iawn deall ein bod wedi gweld gostyngiad—ac rydym ni wedi gweld gostyngiad, yn enwedig o ran cyflyrau sy'n peryglu bywyd. Rwyf i'n cofio adeg pan oedd yr amser aros am lawdriniaeth ar y galon dros 12 mis, a chanser hefyd yn amser hir, ond maen nhw wedi dod i lawr yn sylweddol. Ond wrth i ni weld y gostyngiad mewn amseroedd aros ar gyfer cyflyrau sy'n peryglu bywyd, rydym ni wedi gweld cynnydd yn yr amseroedd aros am gyflyrau eraill sy'n effeithio ar ansawdd bywyd pobl. Rhoddaf ddwy enghraifft i chi. Ysgrifennais at etholwr yn ôl ym mis Chwefror yn holi am sefyllfa'r goden fustl a dywedwyd wrthyf fod rhestr aros o 143 wythnos ar gyfer y cyflwr hwnnw. Ysgrifennais yn ôl eto yr haf gan ddweud, 'Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, rydym ni'n dal i fod heb weld unrhyw gynnydd', ac roedd yr amser aros wedi cynyddu gan 26 wythnos i 169 wythnos. Felly, mewn 26 wythnos o aros, roedd wedi cynyddu gan 26 wythnos. Felly, i bob pwrpas, nid oedd y claf hwnnw wedi symud i unman ar y rhestr aros honno oherwydd y newidiadau. Ac rydym ni'n gweld pethau gyda llawdriniaeth ar y pen-glin. Ac wrth i'r bobl hyn aros am y cyflyrau hyn, efallai nad ydyn nhw'n peryglu bywyd, ond maen nhw'n newid bywyd ac maen nhw'n cael effeithiau cronig ar bobl. Mae'n bosibl y bydd rhywun sy'n aros gyda'i ben-glin yn gorfod aros dwy flynedd ar gyfer pen-glin gwael, ond wrth aros am y pen-glin gwael hwnnw, mae'r pen-glin arall yn mynd o ganlyniad i'r pwysau a roddir arno. Felly, rydym ni'n cynyddu'r heriau i'r bobl hyn ac yn gwaethygu ansawdd eu bywydau. Beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i sicrhau nid yn unig bod y cyflyrau sy'n peryglu bywyd yn cael eu lleihau, ond bod yr amseroedd aros ar gyfer cyflyrau eraill hefyd yn cael eu lleihau?
Well, the Member's account demonstrates the pressures that public services in Wales are in 10 years into austerity, with the uncertainty that Brexit places on essential staff in our public services, and when pension arrangements mean that consultants in Wales are withdrawing from activity that otherwise they would have routinely been prepared to carry out. Now, of course, we expect all patients to be seen in order of clinical priority and that routine patient care is delivered in a timely fashion, but nobody here in this Chamber should be under any illusion about the very real pressures that all our public services, including the health service, are facing and the challenges that that poses when providing care in the timely way in which we would wish to see it. As I said, Llywydd, The Swansea Bay UHB succeeded last year across the range of things that it does in reducing longer waiting times and the additional money that the health Minister has provided earlier than ever in this financial year gives them the best opportunity we can provide to go on reducing those waiting times further.
Wel, mae'r hyn y mae'r Aelod yn ei ddweud yn dangos y pwysau sydd ar wasanaethau cyhoeddus yng Nghymru 10 mlynedd i mewn i gyni, gyda'r ansicrwydd y mae Brexit yn ei roi ar staff hanfodol yn ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, a phan fo trefniadau pensiwn yn golygu bod meddygon ymgynghorol yng Nghymru yn tynnu'n ôl o weithgarwch y bydden nhw fel arall wedi bod yn barod i'w gynnal fel mater o drefn. Nawr, wrth gwrs, rydym ni'n disgwyl i bob claf gael ei weld yn nhrefn blaenoriaeth glinigol a bod gofal rheolaidd i gleifion yn cael ei ddarparu mewn modd amserol, ond ni ddylai unrhyw un yn y fan yma yn y Siambr hon dwyllo ei hun ynghylch y pwysau gwirioneddol y mae ein holl wasanaethau cyhoeddus, gan gynnwys y gwasanaeth iechyd, yn eu hwynebu a'r heriau y mae hynny'n eu hachosi wrth ddarparu gofal yn y modd amserol yr ydym ni'n dymuno ei weld. Fel y dywedais, Llywydd, llwyddodd Fwrdd Iechyd Bae Abertawe y llynedd, ar draws yr amrywiaeth o bethau y mae'n ei wneud, i leihau amseroedd aros hwy ac mae'r arian ychwanegol y mae'r Gweinidog iechyd wedi ei ddarparu yn gynharach nag erioed yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon yn rhoi'r cyfle gorau y gallwn ni ei roi iddyn nhw i barhau i leihau'r amseroedd aros hynny ymhellach.
Ac yn olaf, cwestiwn 8—Neil Hamilton.
Finally, question 8—Neil Hamilton.
8. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am drafodaethau diweddar gyda Trafnidiaeth Cymru ar berfformiad ei wasanaethau yng Nghanolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru? OAQ54468
8. Will the First Minister provide an update on recent discussions with Transport for Wales on the performance of its services in Mid and West Wales? OAQ54468
I thank the Member. The Minister for Economy and Transport has regular discussions with Transport for Wales on the performance of rail services across the Wales and borders service. Transport for Wales are currently finalising their preparations for the autumn and winter months to underpin the reliability of their services.
Diolch i'r Aelod. Mae Gweinidog yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth yn cynnal trafodaethau rheolaidd â Thrafnidiaeth Cymru ar berfformiad gwasanaethau rheilffordd ar draws gwasanaeth Cymru a'r Gororau. Mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru wrthi'n cwblhau eu paratoadau ar gyfer misoedd yr hydref a'r gaeaf fel sail i ddibynadwyedd eu gwasanaethau.
I thank the First Minister for that reply. He'll know that 24 per cent of the population in Mid and West Wales are over 65 and older people in particular rely on various forms of public transport more than others to get about. He'll be aware also of the fiasco of the concessionary bus pass website for the renewal scheme, which crashed on 11 September and took two weeks to get up and running again. Would he give us an assurance that everybody who wants to renew a bus pass will be able to do so before the end of the year? And given that overcrowding on trains and delays and cancellations are so frequently in the news, can he assure us that Transport for Wales is actually fit for purpose?
Diolch i'r Prif Weinidog am yr ateb yna. Bydd yn ymwybodol bod 24 y cant o boblogaeth y Canolbarth a'r Gorllewin dros 65 oed a bod pobl hŷn yn arbennig yn dibynnu mwy ar wahanol fathau o gludiant cyhoeddus nag eraill i fynd o le i le. Bydd yn ymwybodol hefyd o lanast y wefan tocynnau bysiau rhatach ar gyfer y cynllun adnewyddu, a dorrodd ar 11 Medi a chymerwyd pythefnos iddi fod yn weithredol eto. A wnaiff ef roi sicrwydd i ni y bydd pawb sydd am adnewyddu tocyn bws yn gallu gwneud hynny cyn diwedd y flwyddyn? Ac o gofio bod gorlenwi ar drenau ac oedi a chanslo i'w weld mor aml ar y newyddion, a all ef ein sicrhau bod Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn addas i'w ddiben mewn gwirionedd?
I thank the Member for the opportunity to reassure others in the Chamber that the website is now operating very effectively, and that as of this morning 211,000 had registered with it and that it is working in the way that we had originally intended. As for Transport for Wales, Members will have seen the statements put out by the Minister for transport at the end of last week demonstrating the changes that will be made on 15 December. They will see a 10 per cent increase in the number of passengers who can be carried on our railways. That will go alongside the £194 million investment in stations across Wales. It will lie alongside the reductions in fares that I mentioned earlier for children and for older people. It will lie alongside improvements that are being made, for example, to passenger experience, in information, and in Wi-Fi. Transport for Wales has the most ambitious programme of improvements to rail services in Wales during the whole period of devolution. They have embarked on that programme. As was always said, it will last over a period of years, and citizens and passengers in Wales are already seeing the benefits.
Diolch i'r Aelod am y cyfle i dawelu meddwl eraill yn y Siambr fod y wefan bellach yn gweithredu'n effeithiol iawn, a hyd at y bore yma, bod 211,000 wedi cofrestru arni, a'i bod yn gweithio yn y ffordd yr oeddem ni wedi ei fwriadu'n wreiddiol. O ran Trafnidiaeth Cymru, bydd yr Aelodau wedi gweld y datganiadau a gyflwynwyd gan y Gweinidog trafnidiaeth ddiwedd yr wythnos diwethaf yn dangos y newidiadau a fydd yn cael eu gwneud ar 15 Rhagfyr. Byddan nhw'n gweld cynnydd o 10 y cant yn nifer y teithwyr y gellir eu cludo ar ein rheilffyrdd. Bydd hynny'n cyd-fynd â'r buddsoddiad o £194 miliwn mewn gorsafoedd ledled Cymru. Bydd yn cyd-fynd â'r gostyngiadau mewn prisiau a grybwyllais yn gynharach ar gyfer plant a phobl hŷn. Bydd yn cyd-fynd â gwelliannau sy'n cael eu gwneud, er enghraifft, i brofiad teithwyr, o ran gwybodaeth, ac o ran Wi-Fi. Mae gan Trafnidiaeth Cymru y rhaglen fwyaf uchelgeisiol o welliannau i wasanaethau rheilffyrdd yng Nghymru a welwyd yn ystod holl gyfnod datganoli. Maen nhw wedi dechrau ar y rhaglen honno. Fel y dywedwyd bob amser, bydd yn para dros gyfnod o flynyddoedd, ac mae dinasyddion a theithwyr yng Nghymru eisoes yn gweld y manteision.
Diolch i'r Prif Weinidog.
Thank you, First Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf yw'r cwestiynau i'r Dirprwy Weinidog, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Vikki Howells.
The next item is questions to the Deputy Minister, and the first question is from Vikki Howells.
1. A wnaiff y Dirprwy Weinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y rhaglen cyfleusterau cymunedol? OAQ54469
1. Will the Deputy Minister provide an update on the community facilities programme? OAQ54469
I'm pleased to say that I've recently agreed community facilities programme grants worth £2.72 million to 22 projects. These awards bring the total number of projects funded by the programme to 157, a total of £27.3 million helping to improve community-run facilities across Wales.
Rwy'n falch o ddweud fy mod wedi cytuno'n ddiweddar ar grantiau'r rhaglenni cyfleusterau cymunedol gwerth £2.72 miliwn i 22 o brosiectau. Mae'r dyfarniadau hyn yn dod â chyfanswm nifer y prosiectau a ariennir gan y rhaglen i 157, sef cyfanswm o £27.3 miliwn sy'n helpu i wella cyfleusterau a gynhelir gan gymunedau ledled Cymru.
Thank you, Deputy Minister, for that update. I truly welcome the CFAP funding in Cynon Valley. It has helped some really amazing projects to get off the ground. But having said that, from my experience of dealing with community groups that are going through the application process, the timelines given to them are often unclear, the dates by which they expect officials to reply to them, or for funding to be confirmed, can often slip, and that makes the process very, very stressful for applicants and can lead to them losing other vital grants that are time sensitive. Will the Welsh Government look into the CFAP process to see what more can be done to progress bids in a timely manner and to minimise the stress placed upon applicants?
Diolch, Dirprwy Weinidog, am y diweddariad yna. Rwyf i wir yn croesawu cyllid y rhaglen cyfleusterau a gweithgareddau cymunedol yng Nghwm Cynon. Mae wedi helpu rhai prosiectau cwbl ryfeddol i gychwyn. Ond wedi dweud hynny, o fy mhrofiad i o ymwneud â grwpiau cymunedol sy'n mynd drwy'r broses ymgeisio, mae'r llinellau amser a roddir iddyn nhw yn aml yn aneglur, gall y dyddiadau y maen nhw'n disgwyl i swyddogion ymateb iddyn nhw, neu i'r arian gael ei gadarnhau lithro, ac oherwydd hynny, gall y broses achosi llawer o straen i ymgeiswyr a gall arwain at golli grantiau hanfodol eraill sy'n ddibynnol ar amser. A wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru ymchwilio i broses y rhaglen cyfleusterau a gweithgareddau cymunedol i weld beth mwy y gellir ei wneud i ddatblygu cynigion mewn modd amserol ac i leihau'r straen ar ymgeiswyr?
I thank Vikki Howells very much for her question and also for recognition of what the community facilities programme has brought in terms of investment to her constituency of Cynon Valley. But it is also very helpful to have that feedback regarding the application process. I think one of the strengths of the community facilities programme is that it is a rolling programme; there's not one cut-off date. So, it means that we can make awards and grant decisions throughout the year, and often, as you say, it's in partnership with other funding bids. Each project has a named case officer and they must keep in regular contact and provide a focus for communication. But it is good to see that in Cynon Valley, those three projects recently approved, including Cylch Meithrin Seren Fach—a refurbished building and expanded services—is one that will make a huge difference to that community.
Diolch yn fawr i Vikki Howells am ei chwestiwn a hefyd am gydnabod yr hyn y mae'r rhaglen cyfleusterau cymunedol wedi ei gyflawni o ran buddsoddi yn ei hetholaeth hi, Cwm Cynon. Ond mae hefyd yn ddefnyddiol iawn cael yr adborth hwnnw ynglŷn â'r broses ymgeisio. Rwy'n credu mai un o gryfderau'r rhaglen cyfleusterau cymunedol yw ei bod yn rhaglen dreigl; nid oes dyddiad terfyn penodol. Felly, mae'n golygu y gallwn ni wneud dyfarniadau a phenderfyniadau grant drwy gydol y flwyddyn, ac yn aml, fel y dywedwch, mae'n gweithio mewn partneriaeth â cheisiadau ariannol eraill. Mae gan bob prosiect swyddog achos penodol ac mae'n rhaid iddyn nhw gadw mewn cysylltiad rheolaidd a darparu canolbwynt ar gyfer cyfathrebu. Ond mae'n dda gweld bod y tri phrosiect hynny yng Nghwm Cynon, a gymeradwywyd yn ddiweddar, gan gynnwys Cylch Meithrin Seren Fach—adeilad wedi ei adnewyddu a gwasanaethau wedi eu hehangu—sydd yn un a fydd yn gwneud gwahaniaeth enfawr i'r gymuned honno.
Minister, you just mentioned three of the projects in Cynon Valley. I didn't quite catch, at the start of that, the number of projects overall that have been given funding, so if you could repeat that, I'd be grateful. From my own perspective, I'd be interested to know if any projects in Monmouthshire have received money since the scheme has been going, and what's being done to ensure that there is an even spread across urban and rural areas when it comes to communities applying for this funding? And very finally, I notice that on page 13 of the Welsh Government live document, it mentions procurement and that there must be evidence provided of projects being properly procured and care taken to ensure it's fair. We often talk about the need to ensure that, or try to get as big a proportion of Welsh procurement as possible to our own businesses. I wonder if that's been factored into the application process at all.
Gweinidog, rydych chi newydd sôn am dri o'r prosiectau yng Nghwm Cynon. Wnes i ddim deall, ar ddechrau hynna, nifer yr holl brosiectau sydd wedi cael cyllid, felly os gallech chi ailadrodd hynny, byddwn yn ddiolchgar. O fy safbwynt i, byddai gennyf ddiddordeb mewn gwybod pa un a oes unrhyw brosiectau yn Sir Fynwy wedi cael arian ers i'r cynllun fod yn weithredol, a beth sy'n cael ei wneud i sicrhau bod hyn yn cael ei rannu'n gyfartal ledled ardaloedd trefol a gwledig pan ddaw'n fater o gymunedau'n ymgeisio am y cyllid hwn? Ac yn olaf un, sylwaf ar dudalen 13 o ddogfen fyw Llywodraeth Cymru ei bod yn sôn am gaffael a bod yn rhaid darparu tystiolaeth bod prosiectau'n cael eu caffael yn briodol a bod gofal yn cael ei gymryd i sicrhau ei fod yn deg. Rydym yn aml yn sôn am yr angen i sicrhau hynny, neu geisio cael cyfran mor fawr â phosibl o gaffael Cymru ar gyfer ein busnesau ni ein hunain. Tybed a yw hynny wedi'i gynnwys yn y broses ymgeisio o gwbl.
Thank you, Nick Ramsay, for that question. I think, as there is a rolling programme of grants awarded—I know that over the years, Monmouthshire has benefited, but it very much depends on applications coming forward. As I said, there are 22 new projects just recently announced, and 157 since this programme started. I'll certainly write to you on any Monmouthshire projects that have come forward.FootnoteLink It is true that issues around procurement are important in terms of the grants that are awarded to these usually voluntary groups who are making applications, but also that procurement is fair and ethical. But also, we are now particularly looking at other issues in terms of any capital programmes that we are allocating funding for; that we also look at issues in terms of decarbonisation, biodiversity, impacts in terms of schemes that can, of course—. All of our capital funding now has to look at it through the lens of climate change.
Diolch, Nick Ramsay, am y cwestiwn yna. Rwy'n credu, gan fod rhaglen dreigl o grantiau yn cael ei dyfarnu—gwn fod Sir Fynwy wedi elwa dros y blynyddoedd, ond mae'n dibynnu i raddau helaeth ar geisiadau'n cael eu cyflwyno. Fel y dywedais, mae 22 o brosiectau newydd wedi eu cyhoeddi'n ddiweddar, a 157 ers i'r rhaglen hon ddechrau. Yn sicr, byddaf i'n ysgrifennu atoch am unrhyw brosiectau yn Sir Fynwy sydd wedi'u cyflwyno.FootnoteLink Mae'n wir bod materion sy'n ymwneud â chaffael yn bwysig o ran y grantiau a ddyfernir i'r grwpiau hyn sydd fel arfer yn rhai gwirfoddol sy'n gwneud ceisiadau, ond hefyd bod caffael yn deg ac yn foesegol. Ond hefyd, rydym ni bellach yn edrych yn arbennig ar faterion eraill o ran unrhyw raglenni cyfalaf yr ydym ni'n neilltuo cyllid iddyn nhw; ein bod hefyd yn edrych ar faterion yn nhermau datgarboneiddio, bioamrywiaeth, effeithiau o ran cynlluniau a all, wrth gwrs—. Nawr, mae'n rhaid i'n holl gyllid cyfalaf ei ystyried drwy lens y newid yn yr hinsawdd.
2. A wnaiff y Dirprwy Weinidog ddatganiad am gefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru i'r sector gwirfoddol yn Sir Benfro? OAQ54467
2. Will the Deputy Minister make a statement on the Welsh Government’s support for the voluntary sector in Pembrokeshire? OAQ54467
Welsh Government provides core funding for the Wales Council for Voluntary Action and county voluntary councils to deliver third sector support infrastructure across Wales, and £154,134 of this funding is provided to Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services, who help support the third sector in Pembrokeshire.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn darparu cyllid craidd ar gyfer Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru a'r cynghorau gwirfoddol sirol i ddarparu seilwaith cefnogi'r trydydd sector ledled Cymru, ac mae £154,134 o'r arian hwn yn cael ei ddarparu i Gymdeithas Mudiadau Gwirfoddol Sir Benfro, sy'n helpu i gefnogi'r trydydd sector yn Sir Benfro.
I'm grateful to the Deputy Minister for that response. I recently had the privilege of attending the open day of a local charity called HOPE, based in Neyland in my constituency, which supports people living with multiple sclerosis and other neurological conditions. The viability of this particular centre is largely down to the support it receives from local people, both in terms of donations, and in terms of voluntary support to patients and their families. Deputy Minister, this centre is a lifeline to a lot of local patients with complex conditions, and given its huge impact locally, can you tell us what specific support the Welsh Government can offer to smaller charities like this to protect their sustainability for the future?
Rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r Dirprwy Weinidog am yr ateb yna. Cefais y fraint yn ddiweddar o fynd i ddiwrnod agored elusen leol o'r enw HOPE, yn Neyland, yn fy etholaeth i, sy'n cefnogi pobl sy'n byw gyda sglerosis ymledol a chyflyrau niwrolegol eraill. Mae hyfywedd y ganolfan arbennig hon yn dibynnu yn bennaf ar y gefnogaeth a gaiff gan bobl leol, o ran rhoddion, ac o ran cymorth gwirfoddol i gleifion a'u teuluoedd. Dirprwy Weinidog, mae'r ganolfan hon yn achubiaeth i lawer o gleifion lleol sydd â chyflyrau cymhleth, ac o ystyried ei heffaith enfawr yn lleol, a allwch chi ddweud wrthym pa gymorth penodol y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei gynnig i elusennau llai fel hyn i ddiogelu eu cynaliadwyedd ar gyfer y dyfodol?
Well, thank you, Paul Davies, for that question. HOPE in Neyland sounds a very inspiring, local project. I'm not sure whether it's constituted as a local charity, but it's clearly going to be eligible for a range of funding sources. I think Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services are local county voluntary councils who we fund to help those organisations access funding, and also through the local authority, and indeed even town and community councils also have funds for these sort of projects. Anything to do with capital, then, obviously, I've already been referring to the community facilities programme in terms of opportunities, but it is very much local organisations linking up with, whether it's health, local government. It's possible that this could be a third sector organisation that might be eligible for the integrated care fund, so I would suggest that that could be discussed with the local Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services.
Wel, diolch, Paul Davies, am y cwestiwn yna. Mae HOPE yn Neyland yn swnio'n brosiect lleol, ysbrydoledig iawn. Nid wyf i'n siŵr a yw wedi'i gyfansoddi fel elusen leol, ond mae'n amlwg yn mynd i fod yn gymwys ar gyfer amrywiaeth o ffynonellau cyllid. Rwy'n credu bod Cymdeithas Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol Sir Benfro yn gynghorau gwirfoddol sirol lleol yr ydym ni'n eu hariannu i helpu'r sefydliadau hynny i gael arian, a hefyd drwy'r awdurdod lleol, ac yn wir mae hyd yn oed cynghorau tref a chymuned hefyd yn cael arian ar gyfer y mathau hyn o brosiectau. Unrhyw beth i'w wneud â chyfalaf, yna, yn amlwg, rwyf eisoes wedi bod yn cyfeirio at y rhaglen cyfleusterau cymunedol o ran cyfleoedd, ond mae'n ymwneud yn fawr â sefydliadau lleol yn cysylltu â, boed hynny'n iechyd, llywodraeth leol. Mae'n bosibl y gallai hwn fod yn fudiad trydydd sector a allai fod yn gymwys ar gyfer y gronfa gofal integredig, felly byddwn yn awgrymu y gellid trafod hynny gyda Chymdeithas Gwasanaethau Gwirfoddol leol Sir Benfro.
3. Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i ddiogelu hawliau dynol pobl Cymru yn y system cyfiawnder troseddol? OAQ54486
3. What action is the Welsh Government taking to protect the human rights of Welsh people in the criminal justice system? OAQ54486
The Welsh Government seeks to ensure that the Ministry of Justice and its agencies embed and uphold all human rights issues associated with Welsh people within the non-devolved criminal justice system.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ceisio sicrhau bod y Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder a'i hasiantaethau yn ymgorffori ac yn cynnal yr holl faterion hawliau dynol sy'n gysylltiedig â phobl Cymru o fewn y system cyfiawnder troseddol sydd heb ei datganoli.
Thank you for your answer, Deputy Minister. Last week, we debated giving prisoners the vote, which I opposed and was criticised for. My point in that debate was that we should be focusing on rehabilitation and support, and far too many ex-offenders are released without housing or any support mechanism according to their needs, which often relate to mental health issues. Deputy Minister, do you agree with me that this is a contravention of the human rights of ex-offenders, and will your Government ensure that every ex-offender has housing, support and welfare in place upon release, and not just a black bag containing a few possessions when they leave?
Diolch am eich ateb, Dirprwy Weinidog. Yr wythnos diwethaf, cawsom ni ddadl am roi'r bleidlais i garcharorion, y gwnes i ei wrthwynebu a chefais fy meirniadu oherwydd hynny. Fy mhwynt i yn y ddadl honno oedd y dylem ni fod yn canolbwyntio ar adsefydlu a chymorth, a bod llawer gormod o gyn-droseddwyr yn cael eu rhyddhau heb dai nac unrhyw fecanwaith cymorth yn unol â'u hanghenion, sydd yn aml yn ymwneud â materion iechyd meddwl. Dirprwy Weinidog, a ydych chi'n cytuno â mi fod hyn yn mynd yn groes i hawliau dynol cyn-droseddwyr, ac a wnaiff eich Llywodraeth sicrhau y bydd pob cyn-droseddwr yn cael llety, cymorth a lles pan gânt eu rhyddhau, ac nid dim ond bag du sy'n cynnwys ychydig o eiddo pan fyddan nhw'n gadael?
I thank the Member for that question, and I would say that we were pleased to accept the recommendations of the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee in its report on voting rights for prisoners, and we'll work to introduce legislation in the Assembly to enable some Welsh prisoners to vote in local government elections. But, I entirely agree that we need to invest, and ensure that the Ministry of Justice is investing in appropriate services for rehabilitation. That includes not only employment, but housing, education, and health services as well. And we are working, of course, with the Ministry of Justice at a local level, particularly in relation to female offending and our youth justice blueprints as well. But it is clearly crucial that we have rehabilitation, particularly in relation to housing, and we are working closely with the Minister for Housing and Local Government to ensure that rehabilitation and housing linked to the probation service are followed through.
Diolchaf i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn yna, a byddwn i'n dweud ein bod ni'n falch o dderbyn argymhellion y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb, Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau yn ei adroddiad ar hawliau pleidleisio i garcharorion, a byddwn ni'n gweithio i gyflwyno deddfwriaeth yn y Cynulliad i alluogi rhai carcharorion o Gymru i bleidleisio mewn etholiadau llywodraeth leol. Ond cytunaf yn llwyr bod angen i ni fuddsoddi, a sicrhau bod y Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder yn buddsoddi mewn gwasanaethau priodol ar gyfer adsefydlu. Mae hynny'n cynnwys nid yn unig cyflogaeth, ond tai, addysg a gwasanaethau iechyd hefyd. Ac rydym ni'n gweithio, wrth gwrs, gyda'r Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder ar lefel leol, yn enwedig o ran troseddu gan fenywod a'n glasbrintiau cyfiawnder ieuenctid hefyd. Ond mae'n amlwg yn hollbwysig bod gennym ni adsefydlu, yn enwedig o ran tai, ac rydym ni'n cydweithio'n agos â'r Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol i sicrhau bod yr adsefydlu a'r tai sy'n gysylltiedig â'r gwasanaeth prawf yn cael eu gweithredu.
When the Wales Governance Centre reported that Wales has the highest rate of imprisonment in western Europe, and although the total number of prison sentences have risen in Wales between 2010 and 2017, they've fallen by 16 per cent in England, they said that wider research is needed to try to explain Wales's high rate of imprisonment. This is particularly relevant given that many of the services required to manage offenders, ex-offenders and promote rehabilitation are already devolved, raising questions about the comparative effectiveness of these devolved services, where, for example, the acting Prisons and Probation Ombudsman said last year that, unlike English prisons, Welsh prisons do not offer integrated drug treatment systems, and where we heard at lunch time, at the cross-party group on policing, that the Welsh Government's advisory panel on substance misuse has not met in the last year, or so we were told. What research is the Welsh Government, or has the Welsh Government commissioned, undertaken or accessed since this report to meet the call by the report's author, so that we have a better understanding of the true causes of this excessive imprisonment rate?
Pan nododd Canolfan Llywodraethiant Cymru fod gan Gymru'r gyfradd uchaf o garcharu yng ngorllewin Ewrop, ac er bod cyfanswm y dedfrydau o garchar wedi codi yng Nghymru rhwng 2010 a 2017, maen nhw wedi gostwng gan 16 y cant yn Lloegr, dywedasant fod angen ymchwil i geisio egluro cyfradd carcharu uchel Cymru. Mae hyn yn arbennig o berthnasol o ystyried bod llawer o'r gwasanaethau sydd eu hangen i reoli troseddwyr, cyn-droseddwyr a hyrwyddo adsefydlu eisoes wedi eu datganoli, gan godi cwestiynau am effeithiolrwydd cymharol y gwasanaethau datganoledig hyn, pan, er enghraifft, y dywedodd yr Ombwdsmon Carchardai a Phrofiannaeth y llynedd nad yw carchardai yng Nghymru, yn wahanol i garchardai Lloegr, yn cynnig systemau integredig ar gyfer triniaeth cyffuriau, a phryd y clywsom ni amser cinio, yn y grŵp trawsbleidiol ar blismona, nad yw panel cynghori Llywodraeth Cymru ar gamddefnyddio sylweddau wedi cwrdd yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, neu dyna a ddywedwyd wrthym ni. Pa waith ymchwil y mae Llywodraeth Cymru, neu y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i gomisiynu, wedi'i gyflawni neu wedi cael gafael arno ers yr adroddiad hwn i fodloni'r galw gan awdur yr adroddiad, fel bod gennym ni well ddealltwriaeth o wir achosion y gyfradd carcharu ormodol hon?
It is, I think, very important that we do engage, as we have responsibilities for, with the devolved services around offenders and the criminal justice system. Of course, I've already mentioned the importance of our responsibilities relating to housing, to health and social care, and welfare, and of course substance misuse comes into that line of responsibilities. It's also very important that we see that the Ministry of Justice is delivering on expectations in terms of their responsibilities, and also in terms of funding.
I'm very pleased that we are now looking towards the reunification of the probation service, on 2 December of this year. The reunification of the probation service is vital in order for us to work together in an integrated way in terms of our services. The privatisation of the probation service was one of the worst policies of the Conservative Government, which did so much harm. But we can now see this reunification in Wales. But I would also expect the Ministry of Justice to deliver on the recommendations of the inspections of prisons. We know that there have been unannounced inspections of prisons, particularly at Berwyn, recently, and we would expect those recommendations to be delivered in terms of non-devolved services, and we will play our part in terms of our responsibilities.
Mae hi, rwy'n credu, yn bwysig iawn ein bod ni yn ymgysylltu, gan fod gennym ni gyfrifoldebau dros y gwasanaethau datganoledig yn ymwneud â throseddwyr a'r system cyfiawnder troseddol. Wrth gwrs, rwyf i eisoes wedi sôn am bwysigrwydd ein cyfrifoldebau ynglŷn â thai, iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, a lles, ac wrth gwrs mae camddefnyddio sylweddau yn dod o dan y cyfrifoldebau hynny. Mae hefyd yn bwysig iawn ein bod ni'n cadarnhau bod y Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder yn cyflawni ar ddisgwyliadau o ran eu cyfrifoldebau, a hefyd o ran cyllido.
Rwy'n falch iawn ein bod ni bellach yn edrych tuag at ailuno'r gwasanaeth prawf, ar 2 Rhagfyr eleni. Mae ailuno'r gwasanaeth prawf yn hanfodol er mwyn i ni weithio gyda'n gilydd mewn ffordd integredig o ran ein gwasanaethau. Preifateiddio'r gwasanaeth prawf oedd un o bolisïau gwaethaf y Llywodraeth Geidwadol, a wnaeth gymaint o niwed. Ond gallwn ni erbyn hyn weld yr ailuno hwn yng Nghymru. Ond byddwn i hefyd yn disgwyl i'r Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder gyflawni argymhellion yr arolygiadau o garchardai. Rydym ni'n gwybod y bu arolygiadau dirybudd o garchardai, yn enwedig yn y Berwyn, yn ddiweddar, a byddem ni'n disgwyl i'r argymhellion hynny gael eu cyflawni o ran gwasanaethau nad ydynt wedi eu datganoli, a byddwn ni'n chwarae ein rhan o ran ein cyfrifoldebau.
4. A wnaiff y Dirprwy Weinidog ddatganiad am bolisïau cyfiawnder Llywodraeth Cymru? OAQ54472
4. Will the Deputy Minister make a statement on the Welsh Government's justice policies? OAQ54472
While responsibility for justice policies and the justice system in Wales rests with the UK Government, delivery of justice services is inextricably linked to devolved services. The blueprints for youth justice and female offending, which I published in May, set out our distinct approach to the delivery of justice services in Wales.
Er mai Llywodraeth y DU sy'n gyfrifol am bolisïau cyfiawnder a'r system gyfiawnder yng Nghymru, mae cyswllt anorfod rhwng y broses o ddarparu gwasanaethau cyfiawnder a'r gwasanaethau datganoledig. Mae'r glasbrint ar gyfer cyfiawnder ieuenctid a throseddu ymhlith menywod, a gyhoeddais ym mis Mai, yn amlinellu ein hagwedd benodol at ddarparu gwasanaethau cyfiawnder yng Nghymru.
I'm grateful to you for that, Deputy Minister. I think, Presiding Officer, the Conservative Member for North Wales possibly inadvertently made a stronger case for the devolution of these services than the rest of us could ever make, in his earlier question. The fact that we do have a settlement that is broken in this regard leads to human suffering, day after day after day, and the systemic failure of a political and service system to meet the needs of people who are in or have been in the criminal justice system. Within that context, Deputy Minister—and we understand the background to it—is it possible for you to provide this place with an update on the delivery of those blueprints? The blueprints were designed, of course, in order to bring together these services, in order to produce a more holistic approach to policy, to ensure that young people and women, who all too often bear the brunt of these failures, have the services that they require and need in order to be successfully rehabilitated in our communities.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar i chi am hynna, Dirprwy Weinidog. Rwy'n credu, Llywydd, efallai fod yr Aelod Ceidwadol dros Ogledd Cymru, yn anfwriadol, wedi gwneud achos cryfach, dros ddatganoli'r gwasanaethau hyn yn ei gwestiwn cynharach nag y gallai'r gweddill ohonom ni fyth fod wedi'i wneud. Mae'r ffaith bod gennym ni setliad sydd wedi'i dorri yn hyn o beth yn arwain at ddioddefaint dynol, ddydd ar ôl dydd ar ôl dydd, a methiant systemig system wleidyddol a system wasanaeth i ddiwallu anghenion pobl sydd yn y system cyfiawnder troseddol neu sydd wedi bod ynddi. Yn y cyd-destun hwnnw, Dirprwy Weinidog—ac rydym ni'n deall y cefndir iddo—a yw'n bosibl i chi ddarparu diweddariad i'r lle hwn ar y modd y cyflenwir y glasbrintiau hynny? Dyluniwyd y glasbrintiau, wrth gwrs, er mwyn dod â'r gwasanaethau hyn at ei gilydd, er mwyn creu ymagwedd fwy cyfannol at bolisi, i sicrhau bod pobl ifanc a menywod, sydd yn dioddef waethaf yn sgîl y methiannau hyn yn rhy aml, yn cael y gwasanaethau sydd eu hangen arnynt er mwyn cael eu hadsefydlu'n llwyddiannus yn ein cymunedau.
I thank Alun Davies for that question, and also thank him for the work that he undertook, as my predecessor, leading up to the publication of those two blueprints on female offending and youth justice. I will be very happy to bring back an update to this Assembly in terms of the robust governance arrangements we're developing—that's both internally, in terms of Welsh Government policy, and our external stakeholders. We now have an overarching programme board for both blueprints. That met for the first time on 16 September. It does include senior officials, not just from Welsh Government—we are acting as chair—but the Ministry of Justice, the Youth Justice Board, the Home Office, and also representatives from police and crime commissioners. It is clear that we need to move forward on these blueprints and show that we can deliver, particularly, a youth justice system that treats children with fairness and respect and also an urgent solution to female offending in Wales. There are around 250 Welsh women currently held in prisons in England. We should not be in that situation. We want at least one residential women's centre in Wales. We've pressed for this, and I've been asking for an answer since April from Ministers. We now have a new Minister, and we will be meeting Robert Buckland shortly to discuss this and press further.
Diolch i Alun Davies am y cwestiwn yna, a diolch hefyd iddo am y gwaith a wnaeth, fel fy rhagflaenydd, yn arwain at gyhoeddi'r ddau lasbrint hynny ar gyfer menywod sy'n troseddu a chyfiawnder ieuenctid. Byddaf i'n falch iawn o ddod â diweddariad i'r Cynulliad hwn o ran y trefniadau llywodraethu cadarn yr ydym ni'n eu datblygu—mae hynny'n fewnol, o ran polisi Llywodraeth Cymru, a'n rhanddeiliaid allanol. Mae gennym ni fwrdd rhaglen trosfwaol erbyn hyn ar gyfer y ddau lasbrint. Cyfarfu hwnnw am y tro cyntaf ar 16 Medi. Mae'n cynnwys uwch swyddogion, nid yn unig o Lywodraeth Cymru—rydym ni'n gweithredu fel Cadeirydd—ond y Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder, y Bwrdd Cyfiawnder Ieuenctid, y Swyddfa Gartref, a hefyd cynrychiolwyr o gomisiynwyr yr heddlu a throseddu. Mae'n amlwg bod angen i ni symud ymlaen â'r glasbrintiau hyn a dangos ein bod yn gallu darparu, yn arbennig, system gyfiawnder ieuenctid sy'n trin plant â thegwch a pharch, a hefyd ateb brys i droseddu ymhlith menywod yng Nghymru. Mae tua 250 o fenywod o Gymru yn cael eu cadw mewn carchardai yn Lloegr ar hyn o bryd. Ni ddylem ni fod yn y sefyllfa honno. Rydym ni eisiau o leiaf un ganolfan breswyl i fenywod yng Nghymru. Rydym ni wedi pwyso am hyn, ac rwyf i wedi bod yn gofyn am ateb ers mis Ebrill gan Weinidogion. Mae gennym ni Weinidog newydd erbyn hyn, a byddwn yn cyfarfod â Robert Buckland yn fuan i drafod hyn ac i bwyso ymhellach.
5. Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i annog gwirfoddoli ymysg pobl ifanc yn sir Gaerfyrddin? OAQ54480
5. What action is the Welsh Government taking to encourage youth volunteering in Carmarthenshire? OAQ54480
Good afternoon, Angela Burns. Welsh Government values volunteering as an important expression of citizenship and as an essential component of democracy. And we are encouraging youth volunteering through our third sector support Wales grant, which provides both funding and local support.
Prynhawn da, Angela Burns. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwerthfawrogi bod gwirfoddoli yn fynegiant pwysig o ddinasyddiaeth ac yn elfen hanfodol o ddemocratiaeth. Ac rydym yn annog gwirfoddoli ymhlith pobl ifanc trwy ein grant cymorth trydydd sector yng Nghymru, sy'n darparu cyllid a chymorth lleol.
Thank you for that. And I just want to give you a quick apology, because actually when I say Carmarthenshire, in fact, this applies throughout the whole of Wales, my question.
We need volunteers for the future. We know our volunteers are dedicated, but they're ageing and there is a real gap coming along stream. So, I just wondered how innovative we could be as a nation, and I wondered what discussions you might have with, for example, the Minister for Education, first of all to encourage volunteering as part of the school programme. Because I think that with the new curriculum we have a real opportunity to perhaps try and slide that in, so that we train young people from a very early age with the whole principle of helping others, going out and finding things that they find of interest to volunteer in. And, secondly, what consideration, if any, has been given to the fact that if you undertake a proper volunteering scheme, that might act as some kind of credit towards your qualifications, your exams, your baccalaureate, like a points-based system, so that you're rewarded and encouraged to go out and volunteer, so it helps you and it helps the organisation or the people you're volunteering for?
Diolch ichi am hynny. A hoffwn i ymddiheuro'n gyflym ichi, oherwydd pan rwyf yn dweud Sir Gaerfyrddin, mewn gwirionedd, mae hyn yn berthnasol drwy Gymru gyfan, fy nghwestiwn i.
Mae angen gwirfoddolwyr arnom ar gyfer y dyfodol. Rydym yn gwybod bod ein gwirfoddolwyr yn ymroddedig, ond maen nhw'n heneiddio ac mae bwlch gwirioneddol yn datblygu yn y dyfodol. Felly, roeddwn i'n meddwl tybed pa mor arloesol y gallem ni fod fel cenedl, a tybed pa drafodaethau y gallech eu cael gyda'r Gweinidog Addysg, er enghraifft, yn gyntaf i annog gwirfoddoli yn rhan o raglen yr ysgol. Oherwydd yn fy marn i, mae gennym gyfle gwirioneddol gyda'r cwricwlwm newydd, i geisio cynnwys hynny o bosibl, fel ein bod yn hyfforddi pobl ifanc o oedran cynnar iawn yn yr egwyddor gyfan o helpu eraill, mynd ati i ddod o hyd i bethau sydd o ddiddordeb iddyn nhw wirfoddoli gyda nhw. Ac yn ail, pa ystyriaeth, os o gwbl, a roddwyd i'r ffaith, os byddwch yn ymgymryd â chynllun gwirfoddoli priodol, y gall hynny fod yn rhyw fath o gredyd tuag at eich cymwysterau, eich arholiadau, eich bagloriaeth, fel system pwyntiau, fel eich bod yn cael eich gwobrwyo a'ch annog i fynd allan i wirfoddoli, felly mae'n eich helpu chi ac mae'n helpu'r sefydliad neu'r bobl yr ydych yn gwirfoddoli iddynt?
Thank you for those questions. And, of course, they're relevant to the whole of Wales. Carmarthenshire, of course, is benefiting, I was going to say, from grant schemes for volunteering, and Wales grants schemes are actually exclusively supporting young people. I'm sure you've met many of them in your constituency, because volunteering, as I said, is an important expression of citizenship, and it is possible, accreditation for young people. It's an all-age volunteering policy that we have, but I certainly know that young people engaging through, not only the Welsh baccalaureate, but often through the Duke of Edinburgh award, have credits for their bronze, silver or gold. But I will certainly raise this with the Minister for Education in terms of the new opportunities with the new curriculum. But I think it is something when young people, as our citizens of the future, recognise that they have, not only a role to play—. Many of them also happen to be young carers as well in their own families, but are also increasingly, I would say, speaking up for their communities, engaging with activities like the climate change activities, youth forums, our Welsh Youth Parliament, and we do need to ensure that they're recognised for their contributions.
Diolch ichi am y cwestiynau hynny. Ac, wrth gwrs, maen nhw'n berthnasol i Gymru gyfan. Mae Sir Gaerfyrddin, wrth gwrs, yn elwa, roeddwn i am ddweud, ar gynlluniau grant ar gyfer gwirfoddoli, ac mae cynlluniau grantiau Cymru mewn gwirionedd yn cefnogi pobl ifanc yn unig. Rwy'n siŵr eich bod wedi cyfarfod â llawer ohonyn nhw yn eich etholaeth chi, oherwydd bod gwirfoddoli, fel y dywedais, yn fynegiant pwysig o ddinasyddiaeth, ac mae'n bosibl yn achrediad ar gyfer pobl ifanc. Polisi gwirfoddoli i bobl o bob oed sydd gennym ni, ond rwy'n sicr yn gwybod bod pobl ifanc sy'n ymgysylltu, nid yn unig trwy fagloriaeth Cymru, ond yn aml drwy wobr Dug Caeredin, yn cael credydau am eu gwobr efydd, arian neu aur. Byddaf yn sicr yn codi hyn gyda'r Gweinidog Addysg o ran y cyfleoedd newydd yn sgil y cwricwlwm newydd. Ond credaf ei fod yn rhywbeth pan fydd pobl ifanc, fel dinasyddion y dyfodol, yn cydnabod bod ganddyn nhw fwy na dim ond rhan i'w chwarae—. Mae llawer ohonyn nhw hefyd yn digwydd bod yn ofalwyr ifanc yn eu teuluoedd eu hunain, ond maen nhw hefyd, yn gynyddol, fe ddywedwn i, yn siarad dros eu cymunedau, yn ymgysylltu â gweithgareddau fel gweithgareddau newid hinsawdd, fforymau ieuenctid, Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru, ac mae angen inni sicrhau eu bod yn cael eu cydnabod am eu cyfraniadau.
Diolch i'r Dirprwy Weinidog.
Thank you, Deputy Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw'r datganiad a chyhoeddiad busnes, a dwi'n galw ar y Trefnydd i wneud ei datganiad, Rebecca Evans.
The next item is the business statement and announcement, and I call on the Trefnydd to make her statement, Rebecca Evans.
Diolch, Llywydd. There are no changes to this week's business. Draft business for the next three weeks is set out on the business statement and announcement, which can be found amongst the meeting papers available to Members electronically.
Diolch, Llywydd. Nid oes unrhyw newidiadau i fusnes yr wythnos hon. Mae'r busnes drafft ar gyfer y tair wythnos nesaf wedi'i nodi yn y datganiad a chyhoeddiad busnes, y gellir ei weld ymysg papurau'r cyfarfod sydd ar gael i'r Aelodau yn electronig.
Trefnydd, can I ask for a statement on parking arrangements at Welsh hospitals? Obviously, I am aware and fully support the free parking initiative that we have at hospitals across Wales, but this is causing some considerable problems in terms of parking at many of our hospital sites, not least Glan Clwyd Hospital, which serves many of my constituents.
In a bid to alleviate some of those problems, the health board in north Wales has provided a park-and-ride facility that has been extremely popular with patients and staff using the new parking arrangements for that hospital. But it is set to be withdrawn at the end of this month, and I'm very concerned about the stress that that might cause, particularly for those people who are frequent users of hospital services because of conditions like cancer and other chronic or life-limiting illnesses. I wonder whether the Government could bring forward a statement and whether there's any financial support that might be made available to support these park-and-ride schemes, which are, as I say, extremely popular with patients, extremely popular with staff and very, very useful in easing the congestion problems around our hospital sites.
Trefnydd, a gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad ar drefniadau parcio yn ysbytai Cymru? Yn amlwg, rwy'n ymwybodol ac yn cefnogi'n llwyr y fenter parcio am ddim sydd gennym mewn ysbytai ledled Cymru, ond mae hyn yn peri problemau parcio sylweddol ar lawer o'n safleoedd ysbyty, yn enwedig Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, sy'n gwasanaethu llawer o fy etholwyr i.
Mewn ymgais i liniaru rhai o'r problemau hynny, mae'r Bwrdd Iechyd yn y gogledd wedi darparu cyfleuster parcio a theithio sydd wedi bod yn hynod boblogaidd ymhlith cleifion a staff sy'n defnyddio'r trefniadau parcio newydd ar gyfer yr ysbyty hwnnw. Ond bwriedir ei dynnu yn ôl ar ddiwedd y mis hwn, ac rwy'n pryderu'n fawr ynghylch y pwysau y gall hynny ei achosi, yn enwedig i'r bobl sy'n defnyddio gwasanaethau ysbyty yn aml oherwydd cyflyrau fel canser a chyflyrau cronig eraill neu salwch sy'n cyfyngu ar fywyd. Tybed a wnaiff y Llywodraeth gyflwyno datganiad ac a oes unrhyw gymorth ariannol a allai fod ar gael i gynnal y cynlluniau parcio a theithio hyn, sydd, fel y dywedais i, yn hynod boblogaidd ymhlith cleifion, yn hynod boblogaidd ymhlith staff ac yn ddefnyddiol iawn o ran lliniaru'r problemau tagfeydd ar safleoedd ein hysbytai.
I thank Darren Millar for raising the issue. The health Minister is aware of the issue at Glan Clwyd and the park-and-ride facility in particular. I know that it's been raised with him by the local Member, Ann Jones, and the health Minister has agreed that he will write to all Members providing an update.FootnoteLink FootnoteLink
Diolch i Darren Millar am godi'r mater. Mae'r Gweinidog Iechyd yn ymwybodol o'r mater yng Nglan Clwyd a'r cyfleuster parcio a theithio yn benodol. Gwn fod yr Aelod lleol, Ann Jones, wedi ei godi gydag ef, ac mae'r Gweinidog Iechyd wedi cytuno y bydd yn ysgrifennu at yr holl Aelodau i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf.FootnoteLink FootnoteLink
I want to express my deep concern for the safety of Kurds in northern Syria. Despite being outgunned in many battles, the Kurds not only put a halt to the advance of Islamic State forces, but forced them to retreat. The Kurds did what western forces were unwilling to do on the ground, and they've paid a heavy price for that sacrifice. They're now running the prisons that hold thousands of captured IS fighters. The reward for such bravery and unstinting work: being left hung out to dry by the President of the United States, despite assurances that they would be afforded protection.
Trump has given the green light to Turkey to launch a military offensive in northern Syria by signalling his intention to pull US troops out of the region. We know what the plans of the Turkish Government are. Time and time again, the reward for Kurdish bravery and a justified campaign for autonomy, often encouraged by the west, has been a brutal put-down and no help from the international community. I'm well aware that foreign policy is not the remit of this Senedd—not yet anyway—but this Welsh Government can and should send a clear message to the Foreign Office that this treachery, which will cost thousands of Kurdish lives and put all of us at risk, will not be tolerated. We have a significant Kurdish community living in Wales, who are active in their local communities and are a force for good. The Kurdish people and anyone else in Wales wanting a fair and compassionate foreign policy want clear leadership from the Welsh Government on this matter. Will you therefore agree to a statement from the Government on this, outlining what can be done to help to protect those people who are families and friends of the Welsh Kurdish community, who are currently being badly let down?
Hoffwn i fynegi fy mhryder mawr ynghylch diogelwch Cwrdiaid yng ngogledd Syria. Er gwaethaf cael eu trechu mewn llawer o frwydrau, yn ogystal ag atal lluoedd y Wladwriaeth Islamaidd rhag gwthio ymlaen, mae'r Cwrdiaid hefyd wedi cael eu gorfodi i encilio. Gwnaeth y Cwrdiaid yr hyn yr oedd lluoedd y gorllewin yn anfodlon ei wneud ar lawr, ac maen nhw wedi talu pris mawr am yr aberth hwnnw. Erbyn hyn maen nhw'n rhedeg y carchardai sy'n dal miloedd o filwyr y Wladwriaeth Islamaidd sydd wedi'u cipio. Y wobr am y fath ddewrder a gwaith diflino: cael Arlywydd yr Unol Daleithiau yn cefnu arnyn nhw er gwaethaf sicrwydd y bydden nhw'n cael eu hamddiffyn.
Mae Trump wedi rhoi caniatâd i Dwrci lansio ymosodiad milwrol yng ngogledd Syria trwy nodi ei fwriad i dynnu milwyr yr UD o'r rhanbarth. Rydym yn gwybod beth yw bwriad Llywodraeth Twrci. Dro ar ôl tro, y wobr am ddewrder y Cwrdiaid ac ymgyrch gyfiawn dros ymreolaeth, wedi'i hannog yn aml gan y gorllewin, fu dirymu creulon heb ddim cymorth gan y gymuned ryngwladol. Rwy'n ymwybodol iawn nad polisi tramor yw cylch gwaith y Senedd hon—dim eto beth bynnag—ond gall y Llywodraeth hon a dylai'r Llywodraeth hon anfon neges glir i'r Swyddfa Dramor na fydd y brad hwn, a fydd yn costio miloedd o fywydau Cwrdaidd ac yn peryglu bywydau pob un ohonom, yn cael ei oddef. Mae gennym gymuned Gwrdaidd sylweddol sy'n byw yng Nghymru, sy'n weithgar yn eu cymunedau lleol ac sy'n rym er daioni. Hoffai'r bobl Gwrdaidd ac unrhyw un arall yng Nghymru sy'n dymuno polisi tramor teg a thosturiol weld arweiniad clir gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn y mater hwn. Felly a wnewch chi gytuno i ddatganiad gan y Llywodraeth ar hyn, yn amlinellu'r hyn y gellir ei wneud i helpu i amddiffyn y bobl hynny sy'n deulu ac yn ffrindiau i gymuned Cwrdaidd Cymru, sydd ar hyn o bryd wedi eu siomi'n arw?
I thank Leanne Wood for raising this serious issue with us this afternoon. I will speak directly with the Minister for international relations to explore what's the best way in which we can make the UK Government aware of the concerns that you've raised this afternoon, but I know they're concerns that are shared by many Members in this Chamber.
Diolch i Leanne Wood am godi'r mater difrifol hwn gyda ni'r prynhawn yma. Byddaf yn siarad yn uniongyrchol â'r Gweinidog dros gysylltiadau rhyngwladol i weld beth yw'r ffordd orau o sicrhau bod Llywodraeth y DU yn ymwybodol o'r pryderon a godwyd gennych y prynhawn yma, ond gwn eu bod yn bryderon y mae llawer o'r Aelodau yn y Siambr hon yn eu rhannu.
Last weekend, I, along with my colleague Chris Elmore MP accepted an invitation for a drink by Bridgend council leader, Huw David. We were delighted to do so because he offered to buy the first round, which is unheard of, quite frankly, but also because of the special nature of the pub that we went to. Two years ago, a group of villagers in Cefn Cribwr raised, with only one day to go, enough money to buy at auction the last pub in the village—a 150-year-old pub called the Three Horseshoes. They managed it. They've spent the last two years gutting it and totally refurbishing it and turning it into a community-owned and community-managed pub. It is beautiful, it is gorgeous inside. It serves coffee as well as beer, and so on and so forth. But I wonder if this is the right time, now, to ask for a debate on community-owned facilities. There is a rising tide of these facilities right across Wales—shops, cafes, pubs—and very often they become the beating heart of the villages and the towns that they are in. So, could I ask for that debate, as we go forward? I'd certainly celebrate it as a member of the co-operative party as well, who believes in co-operative models of ownership and management as well, and if the Minister, the Trefnydd, would like to discuss it further, I'm more than happy to do so, and I'll happily buy the first round at the Three Horseshoes so that we can discuss it further.
Y penwythnos diwethaf, derbyniais i, ynghyd â fy nghydweithiwr Chris Elmore AS, wahoddiad am ddiod gan arweinydd Cyngor Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, Huw David. Roeddem yn falch iawn o wneud hynny oherwydd cynigiodd e brynu'r rownd gyntaf, sy'n gwbl ddieithr i ni, a dweud y gwir, ond hefyd oherwydd natur arbennig y dafarn yr aethom iddi. Ddwy flynedd yn ôl, cododd grŵp o bentrefwyr yng Nghefn Cribwr, gydag un diwrnod yn unig yn weddill, ddigon o arian i brynu mewn arwerthiant y dafarn olaf yn y pentref—tafarn 150 oed o'r enw The Three Horseshoes. Fe wnaethon nhw lwyddo. Maen nhw wedi treulio'r ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf yn ei thynnu'n ôl i'w chragen a'i hadnewyddu'n llwyr a'i throi'n dafarn sy'n eiddo i'r gymuned ac sy'n cael ei rheoli gan y gymuned. Mae'n hardd, mae'n fendigedig y tu mewn. Mae'n gweini coffi yn ogystal â chwrw, ac yn y blaen ac yn y blaen. Ond tybed ai dyma'r adeg iawn, bellach, i ofyn am ddadl ar gyfleusterau sy'n eiddo i'r gymuned. Mae cynnydd yn y cyfleusterau hyn ledled Cymru—siopau, caffis, tafarndai—ac yn aml iawn maen nhw'n troi i fod yn ganolbwynt y pentrefi a'r trefi y maen nhw ynddynt. Felly, a gaf i ofyn am y ddadl honno, wrth inni fynd ymlaen? Byddwn i'n sicr yn ei ddathlu fel aelod o'r blaid gydweithredol hefyd, sy'n credu mewn modelau perchnogaeth a rheolaeth cydweithredol hefyd, ac os hoffai'r Gweinidog, y Trefnydd, drafod hyn ymhellach, rwy'n fwy na bodlon gwneud hynny. Byddaf yn hapus i brynu'r rownd gyntaf yn y Three Horseshoes inni allu trafod hyn ymhellach.
I thank Huw Irranca-Davies for that invitation that I'm certain that I can't say 'no' to. The importance of communities taking over local assets is very much recognised by Welsh Government, so I was really pleased, just last week, to publish an updated community asset transfer guide, which gives local authorities and others with interest in this area some concrete examples of community asset transfers that have gone very well. It explores as well some of the pitfalls and barriers that could exist in terms of successful projects, but also provides almost a route-map, really, in terms of how this kind of thing can be turned into a real success. And I'd be happy to share a copy of that with Huw Irranca-Davies, perhaps over that pint.
Diolch i Huw Irranca-Davies am y gwahoddiad hwnnw ac rwy'n sicr na allaf ddweud 'na' wrtho. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cydnabod yn fawr bwysigrwydd cymunedau'n cymryd yr awenau o ran asedau lleol, felly roeddwn i'n falch iawn, yr wythnos diwethaf, o gyhoeddi canllaw trosglwyddo asedau cymunedol wedi'i ddiweddaru, sy'n rhoi enghreifftiau pendant i awdurdodau lleol ac eraill sydd â diddordeb yn y maes hwn o drosglwyddo asedau cymunedol sydd wedi bod yn llwyddiannus iawn. Mae'n edrych ar rai o'r peryglon a'r rhwystrau a allai fodoli o ran prosiectau llwyddiannus, ond mae hefyd yn darparu trywydd bron, mewn gwirionedd, o ran sut y gellir troi'r math hwn o beth yn llwyddiant gwirioneddol. A byddwn yn hapus i rannu copi o hwnnw gyda Huw Irranca-Davies, efallai dros y peint hwnnw.
May I ask for a statement from the Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs on further measures to protect animals in homes, farms and in the wild? The UK Government has announced it is to consult on a step to ban the keeping of primates as pets, bringing in the compulsory microchipping of cats and on improving the welfare of live animals during transport. Please could we have a statement from the Minister, confirming that the Welsh Government will carefully consider the results of these consultations and implement any recommended measures in Wales to ensure we maintain the highest standard of animal welfare? Thank you.
A gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad gan Weinidog yr Amgylchedd, Ynni a Materion Gwledig ar fesurau eraill i amddiffyn anifeiliaid mewn cartrefi, ar ffermydd ac anifeiliaid sy'n byw'n wyllt? Mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi cyhoeddi y bydd yn ymgynghori ar gam i wahardd cadw primatiaid fel anifeiliaid anwes, gan gyflwyno'r orfodaeth i osod microsglodion ar gathod a gwella lles anifeiliaid byw wrth eu cludo. A gawn ni ddatganiad gan y Gweinidog yn cadarnhau y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ystyried yn ofalus ganlyniadau'r ymgynghoriadau hyn ac yn rhoi unrhyw fesurau a argymhellir ar waith yng Nghymru er mwyn sicrhau ein bod yn cynnal y safon uchaf o ran lles anifeiliaid? Diolch.
I thank Mohammad Asghar for raising that, and good standards of animal welfare is something that the Welsh Government is particularly passionate about. I know that the Minister for environment and rural affairs has this very, very high on her agenda. Obviously, we'll be looking at UK Government consultations in this area to see what we can learn from the responses that come forward to that, but I know that the Minister has her own very ambitious programme in terms of animal health and welfare and is advised by the experts on the animal health and welfare group in terms of the most effective things that we can be doing in Wales in this area.
Diolch i Mohammad Asghar am godi hynny, ac mae safonau da o ran lles anifeiliaid yn rhywbeth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn arbennig o angerddol yn ei gylch. Gwn fod hyn yn uchel iawn iawn ar agenda Gweinidog yr amgylchedd a materion gwledig. Yn amlwg, byddwn yn edrych ar ymgynghoriadau Llywodraeth y DU yn y maes hwn i weld beth y gallwn ei ddysgu o'r ymatebion a gyflwynir i hynny. Ond gwn fod gan y Gweinidog ei rhaglen uchelgeisiol ei hun o ran iechyd a lles anifeiliaid a'i bod yn cael ei chynghori gan yr arbenigwyr sy'n rhan o'r grŵp iechyd a lles anifeiliaid ar y pethau mwyaf effeithiol y gallwn ni eu gwneud yng Nghymru yn y maes hwn.
Trefnydd, can I ask for a statement from the Minister for environment, please? Last week, residents in my constituency, particularly in the Margam, Port Talbot and Taibach areas, experienced large noise pollution plus visible huge, black dust clouds coming from the blast furnaces as bleeders were required to ease the pressure. Now, when Tata put out their announcement on this, they actually blamed waterlogged products as part of the input. Now, they might be living in their offices in Tata, but I'm sure they understand a lot of rain comes into Port Talbot and it's not unique, but residents have had to put up with quite a large proportion of pollution and nuisance dust as a consequence of some of the recent events in Tata. Now, I appreciate the Minister actually visited Tata in the summer and had a discussion with them as to what works were going on, but this is getting to a stage now where we need to take some more action to ensure that they behave as a reasonable and responsible neighbour, to ensure that the residents of the area are not suffering through this unwarranted, unsolicited pollution.
Yesterday, we had a new statement from the Minister for transport, talking about M4 junctions 41 and 42 and the levels of nitrogen dioxide that have been reduced as a consequence of the actions, but if people travelling that road look to the sea, the see Tata and they see the emissions coming from Tata. So, it is important we address the emissions from our industrial industries and, in this case, Tata. So, can we have a statement from the Minister as to what discussion she's having with Tata to ensure that this does not happen again and they continue to act as a responsible neighbour, ensuring that people in that area can actually live in their houses, without, on going into the garden, being covered in black dust?
Trefnydd, a gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad gan Weinidog yr amgylchedd, os gwelwch yn dda? Yr wythnos diwethaf, roedd trigolion yn fy etholaeth i, yn enwedig yn ardaloedd Margam, Port Talbot a Taibach, wedi bod yn agored i lygredd sŵn mawr ynghyd â chymylau enfawr o lwch du amlwg yn dod o'r ffwrneisi chwyth gan fod angen offer gollwng i ryddhau'r pwysau. Nawr, pan wnaeth Tata ei gyhoeddiad am hyn, fe wnaethon nhw roi'r bai ar gynnyrch dwrlawn yn rhan o'r mewnbwn. Nawr, efallai eu bod nhw'n byw yn eu swyddfeydd yn Tata, ond rwy'n siŵr eu bod nhw'n deall bod llawer o law yn dod i Bort Talbot ac nid yw'n unigryw, ond mae trigolion wedi gorfod dioddef cyfran eithaf mawr o lygredd a llwch niwsans o ganlyniad i rai o'r digwyddiadau diweddar yn Tata. Nawr, rwy'n gwerthfawrogi bod y Gweinidog wedi ymweld â Tata yn yr haf a thrafod gyda nhw pa waith oedd yn cael ei wneud, ond mae hyn yn cyrraedd pwynt yn awr pan fo angen inni gymryd mwy o gamau i sicrhau eu bod yn ymddwyn fel cymydog rhesymol a chyfrifol, er mwyn sicrhau nad yw trigolion yr ardal yn dioddef oherwydd y llygredd di-alw-amdano a digymell hwn.
Ddoe, cawsom ddatganiad newydd gan y Gweinidog trafnidiaeth, a oedd yn sôn am gyffyrdd 41 a 42 yr M4 a'r lefelau nitrogen deuocsid sydd wedi lleihau o ganlyniad i'r camau gweithredu. Ond os yw pobl sy'n teithio ar y ffordd honno yn edrych tua'r môr, maen nhw'n gweld Tata ac maen nhw'n gweld yr allyriadau sy'n dod o Tata. Felly, mae'n bwysig ein bod yn mynd i'r afael â'r allyriadau o'n diwydiannau diwydiannol ac, yn yr achos hwn, Tata. Felly, a gawn ni ddatganiad gan y Gweinidog ynghylch pa drafodaeth y mae'n ei chael gyda Tata i sicrhau na fydd hyn yn digwydd eto a'u bod yn parhau i weithredu fel cymydog cyfrifol, gan sicrhau bod pobl yn yr ardal honno yn gallu byw yn eu tai, heb gael eu gorchuddio â llwch du wrth fynd allan i'r ardd?
So, the Minister for environment's been here to hear your concerns on behalf of your constituents this afternoon, and I know that she'd be very happy to meet with you within the next week to discuss the concerns that you've raised in more detail.
Felly, mae Gweinidog yr amgylchedd wedi bod yma i glywed eich pryderon ar ran eich etholwyr y prynhawn yma, a gwn y byddai'n hapus iawn i gyfarfod â chi yn ystod yr wythnos nesaf i drafod yn fanylach y pryderon a godwyd gennych.
Trefnydd, perhaps I could request two statements, please, the first one from the health Minister regarding the provision of minor injuries units in Wales, especially in view of the Choose Well message that I hope we're all hearing. As a constituency Member in my own region, of course, you'll be aware that the GP-led minor injuries unit in Singleton has been temporarily closed—some reconfiguration, but also some issues over staffing. In response to my recent freedom of information request, the new health board confirmed that they'd asked 430 GPs in the health board area if they would consider contributing to the rota as the existing handful of GPs there can't manage it themselves. That's over 400 GPs, and not one of them said 'yes'. I think that needs some direct ministerial investigation, as well as an up-to-date statement, perhaps, on the current state of the service across Wales.
The second: perhaps I could request from the environment Minister on the back of the state of nature report and the role of Welsh Government in protecting privately owned nature reserves of national importance. Kenfig nature reserve in my own region has been under the management of the local authority, by virtue of a lease that expires in December. Local residents and volunteers have naturally been very concerned about the future of this nationally significant reserve, as the council will not be renewing that lease. The corporation trust that owns the land has been anything but communicative and transparent about its proposals to ensure good management of that land from January, and, bearing in mind that the wider community of Kenfig is the beneficiary of the trust, I'm a bit worried about observance of fiduciary duties. But I would like some clarity, please, concerning the role of NRW in situations such as this, where these certainly nationally important sites appear to be in jeopardy. Is it just advisory, for example? And I would like confirmation of any powers that Welsh Government may have, directly or indirectly, as they do under the Historic Environment (Wales) Act 2016, to compel owners to maintain officially designated nature reserves to a particular standard, or to protect a particular identity. Thank you.
Trefnydd, a gaf i ofyn am ddau ddatganiad, os gwelwch yn dda, y cyntaf gan y Gweinidog iechyd ynghylch darparu unedau mân anafiadau yng Nghymru, yn enwedig yn wyneb y neges Dewis Doeth yr wyf i'n gobeithio ein bod ni i gyd yn ei chlywed. Fel Aelod etholaeth yn fy rhanbarth i, wrth gwrs, byddwch yn ymwybodol bod yr uned mân anafiadau dan arweiniad meddygon teulu yn Singleton wedi ei chau dros dro—rhywfaint o aildrefnu, ond hefyd rhai materion yn ymwneud â staffio. Mewn ymateb i fy nghais rhyddid gwybodaeth diweddar, cadarnhaodd y bwrdd iechyd newydd ei fod wedi gofyn i 430 o feddygon teulu yn ardal y bwrdd iechyd a fydden nhw'n ystyried cyfrannu at y rota gan na all y llond llaw presennol o feddygon teulu ei reoli eu hunain. Dros 400 o feddygon teulu, ac ni chafwyd ateb cadarnhaol gan yr un ohonynt. Rwy'n credu bod angen rhywfaint o ymchwiliad uniongyrchol gan y Gweinidog i hynny, yn ogystal â datganiad wedi'i ddiweddaru, efallai, ar gyflwr y gwasanaeth ar hyn o bryd ledled Cymru.
Yr ail: a gaf i ofyn i Weinidog yr amgylchedd, yn sgil yr adroddiad am gyflwr natur, a gwaith Llywodraeth Cymru o ran diogelu gwarchodfeydd natur o bwys cenedlaethol sy'n eiddo preifat. Mae gwarchodfa natur Cynffig yn fy rhanbarth i yn cael ei rheoli gan yr awdurdod lleol, yn rhinwedd prydles sy'n dod i ben ym mis Rhagfyr. Mae trigolion a gwirfoddolwyr lleol yn naturiol wedi bod yn pryderu'n fawr am ddyfodol y warchodfa hon sydd o bwys cenedlaethol, gan na fydd y Cyngor yn adnewyddu'r brydles honno. Ni fu ymddiriedolaeth y gorfforaeth sy'n berchen ar y tir yn barod i gyfathrebu a bod yn dryloyw ynglŷn â'i chynigion i sicrhau rheolaeth dda o'r tir hwnnw o fis Ionawr ymlaen ac, o gofio bod cymuned ehangach Cynffig yn fuddiolwr yr ymddiriedolaeth, rwy'n poeni braidd am gyflawni dyletswyddau ymddiriedol. Ond hoffwn gael rhywfaint o eglurder, os gwelwch yn dda, ynghylch swyddogaeth Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru mewn sefyllfaoedd fel hyn, pan fo'n ymddangos bod y safleoedd hyn sydd o bwys cenedlaethol yn y fantol. Ai dim ond cynghori y maen nhw, er enghraifft? A hoffwn gael cadarnhad o unrhyw bwerau a all fod gan Lywodraeth Cymru, yn uniongyrchol neu'n anuniongyrchol, fel sydd ganddyn nhw o dan Ddeddf yr Amgylchedd Hanesyddol (Cymru) 2016, i orfodi perchenogion i gadw gwarchodfeydd natur a ddynodir yn swyddogol i safon benodol, neu i ddiogelu hunaniaeth benodol. Diolch.
Thank you very much. On that issue of the Kenfig nature reserve and the importance of the management of nationally important land, there were some quite detailed aspects to your question there, so I'll ask the Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs to write to you in response to those particular concerns.FootnoteLink
Again, on the issue of the minor injuries unit at Singleton, and your concern more generally about minor injuries provision, and the survey that was done of GPs in terms of seeking their agreement to become part of that rota to provide the service, I know that the health Minister will be interested in what you've outlined this afternoon and, I'm sure, will look into it further.
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Ynglŷn â'r mater hwnnw ynghylch gwarchodfa natur Cynffig a phwysigrwydd rheoli tir sydd o bwys cenedlaethol, roedd rhai agweddau eithaf manwl ar eich cwestiwn, felly fe wnaf i ofyn i Weinidog yr Amgylchedd, Ynni a Materion Gwledig ysgrifennu atoch chi i ymateb i'r pryderon penodol hynny.FootnoteLink
Unwaith eto, o ran y mater ynghylch yr uned mân anafiadau yn Singleton, a'ch pryder yn fwy cyffredinol ynghylch darpariaeth gwasanaeth mân anafiadau, a'r arolwg a wnaed o feddygon teulu o ran ceisio cael eu cytundeb i ddod yn rhan o'r rota honno i ddarparu'r gwasanaeth, rwy'n gwybod y bydd gan y Gweinidog Iechyd ddiddordeb yn yr hyn yr ydych chi wedi'i amlinellu y prynhawn yma ac, rwy'n siŵr, bydd yn ymchwilio ymhellach i'r mater.
Trefnydd, last week a planning application for 111 houses on the edge of Raglan in my constituency, which had been called in by the Welsh Government, was refused by the independent planning inspector, and I received a copy of the report and the letter, primarily on the grounds of conflict with the well-being of future generations legislation. It strikes me that this legislation and the growing body of Welsh legislation in this area is having an increasing impact on planning decisions for local authorities across Wales, and I wonder if they are fully versed in all the aspects of the complexity of that legislation, because I've certainly been brought up to speed on it. So, I wonder if we could have a statement from the Minister for local government and planning on advice that's currently being given to local authorities so they are completely up to speed with issues such as the legislation that I've mentioned, and other areas—the climate emergency as well is having an increasing impact. It seems to me that the authorities would benefit from clarity surrounding the new framework that we're in.
Secondly and very quickly, in terms of Welsh-medium education, the Welsh Government obviously has the admirable intention to create one million Welsh speakers by 2050. However, in my neck of the woods there simply isn't currently the provision available to help increase the number of Welsh language learners. I think we have one Welsh-medium primary school in Monmouthshire. There is a plan for a second, but it's unclear where that will be. I wonder if, in light of that, we could have an update from the Welsh Government on how the Welsh Government intends to deliver on this promise and make sure that local authorities in south Wales can provide that Welsh-medium education where parents and pupils and teachers want it.
Trefnydd, yr wythnos diwethaf cafodd cais cynllunio am 111 o dai ar gyrion Rhaglan yn fy etholaeth i, a alwyd i mewn gan Lywodraeth Cymru, ei wrthod gan yr arolygydd cynllunio annibynnol, a chefais gopi o'r adroddiad a'r llythyr, yn bennaf ar sail gwrthdaro â deddfwriaeth llesiant cenedlaethau'r dyfodol. Mae'n fy nharo bod y ddeddfwriaeth hon a'r corff cynyddol o ddeddfwriaeth Gymreig yn y maes hwn yn cael effaith gynyddol ar benderfyniadau cynllunio awdurdodau lleol ledled Cymru, tybed a ydyn nhw'n gwbl gyfarwydd â'r holl agweddau ar gymhlethdod y ddeddfwriaeth honno, gan fy mod i yn sicr wedi cael cyfarwyddyd ynghylch hynny. Felly, tybed a gawn ni ddatganiad gan y Gweinidog llywodraeth leol a chynllunio ynglŷn â chyngor sy'n cael ei roi i awdurdodau lleol ar hyn o bryd er mwyn iddyn nhw gael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ynghylch materion fel y ddeddfwriaeth yr wyf i wedi'i chrybwyll, a meysydd eraill—mae'r maes argyfwng hinsawdd hefyd yn cael effaith gynyddol. Mae'n ymddangos i mi y byddai'r awdurdodau'n elwa o gael eglurder ynghylch y fframwaith newydd yr ydym ni ynddo.
Yn ail ac yn gyflym iawn, o ran addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg, yn amlwg mae gan Lywodraeth Cymru'r bwriad clodwiw o gael miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050. Fodd bynnag, yn fy ardal i, nid yw'r ddarpariaeth ar gael i helpu i gynyddu nifer y disgyblion sy'n dysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Rwy'n credu bod gennym ni un ysgol gynradd Gymraeg yn Sir Fynwy. Mae yna gynllun ar gyfer ail, ond mae'n aneglur ble fydd honno. Tybed, o ystyried hynny, a gawn ni'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf gan Lywodraeth Cymru am y modd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu cyflawni'r addewid hwn a gwneud yn siŵr y gall awdurdodau lleol yn y de ddarparu'r addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg honno lle mae rhieni a disgyblion ac athrawon yn ei ddymuno.
Thank you for raising the issues. In respect of the first issue, the context was a particular local planning application and, obviously, I'd be unable to comment on the specifics of that. But I will explore with the Minister for Housing and Local Government how we're ensuring that local authorities and planning departments have all of the access that they need to information, advice and potential expertise in terms of undertaking the roles that they have and the considerations that they have to make in terms of planning. I'll also explore opportunities to discuss in further detail with local authorities whether they've identified any gaps in terms of access to information or expertise that we can potentially support them with in the undertaking of those roles.
I know that the Minister for International Relations and the Welsh Language will be very keen to provide an update on Welsh-medium education to Members, and I will speak to her about the most appropriate and opportune time to do that.
Diolch am godi'r materion. O ran y mater cyntaf, y cyd-destun yw ei fod yn gais cynllunio lleol penodol ac, yn amlwg, ni allaf roi sylwadau ynghylch manylion hynny. Ond byddaf yn archwilio gyda'r Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol sut yr ydym ni'n sicrhau y gall awdurdodau lleol ac adrannau cynllunio gyrchu'r holl wybodaeth, cyngor ac arbenigedd posib sydd eu hangen arnynt, o ran ymgymryd â'r swyddogaethau sydd ganddynt a'r ystyriaethau y mae'n rhaid iddynt eu gwneud o ran cynllunio. Byddaf hefyd yn archwilio cyfleoedd i drafod yn fanylach gydag awdurdodau lleol pa un a ydyn nhw wedi canfod unrhyw fylchau o ran cael gafael ar wybodaeth neu arbenigedd y gallwn ni o bosib eu cefnogi nhw gyda hynny wrth iddyn nhw ymgymryd â'r swyddogaethau hynny.
Rwy'n gwybod y bydd Gweinidog y Gymraeg a Chysylltiadau Rhyngwladol yn awyddus iawn i ddarparu'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg i Aelodau, a byddaf yn siarad â hi am y cyfnod mwyaf priodol a hwylus i wneud hynny.
Diolch i'r Trefnydd.
Thank you, Trefnydd.
Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw'r datganiad gan y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol ar y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf Morgannwg, a dwi'n galw'r Gweinidog i wneud ei ddatganiad—Vaughan Gething.
The next item, therefore, is the statement by the Minister for Health and Social Services on an update on Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, and I call on the Minister to make his statement—Vaughan Gething.
Diolch, Llywydd. In April, following publication of the royal colleges' report into maternity services at the former Cwm Taf University Health Board, I committed to updating Members on the interventions I had put in place to secure immediate and sustainable improvements. In addition to maternity services, this extended to improving the quality governance arrangements in place across the organisation as a whole. Earlier today I published the first quarterly update from the independent maternity services oversight panel that I established in April. This is a comprehensive report that sets out the extensive work the panel has overseen in the past months.
Diolch, Llywydd. Ym mis Ebrill, yn dilyn cyhoeddi adroddiad y colegau brenhinol ynghylch gwasanaethau mamolaeth yn hen Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf, ymrwymais i roi'r newyddion diweddaraf i Aelodau am yr ymyriadau yr oeddwn i wedi'u rhoi ar waith i sicrhau gwelliannau cynaliadwy ar unwaith. Yn ogystal â gwasanaethau mamolaeth, roedd hyn yn ymestyn i wella'r trefniadau llywodraethu ansawdd sydd ar waith ar draws y sefydliad cyfan. Yn gynharach heddiw, cyhoeddais y diweddariad chwarterol cyntaf gan y panel trosolwg annibynnol ar wasanaethau mamolaeth a sefydlais ym mis Ebrill. Mae hwn yn adroddiad cynhwysfawr sy'n nodi'r gwaith helaeth y mae'r panel wedi'i oruchwylio yn y misoedd diwethaf.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer took the Chair.
I am encouraged to hear the health board have fully engaged in this process, in an open, honest and transparent way, and fully recognised the scale of the challenge that they face. This is a consistent message that I have heard from all parties, including regulators, about the health board’s engagement in the wide range of interventions that have been put into place. As an organisation, they are now showing that they're determined to learn and improve. They welcomed the supportive, and at times challenging, way in which the panel has engaged with them. It is positive to hear that the work to involve and engage women and families is developing at pace in particular. Equally, the feedback from women about their experience is improving, with high levels of satisfaction being reported significantly more often than not.
I'm sure that we will all be pleased to hear that there is early evidence of improvement across a number of the recommendations, and that the foundations for this are now in place, albeit initial progress was slower than the panel had hoped for. It was important for the panel in their first update to place a particular focus on seeking evidence, both written and observational, through their check-in visits with staff to be assured that the immediate 11 'make safe' recommendations from the royal colleges’ review are being embedded in practice. In addition, my officials continue to have weekly calls with the maternity leads at the health board, reviewing a core set of metrics including staffing levels, acuity and any clinical risk issues to ensure patient safety and that women are receiving a good experience, and this information is also shared with the panel.
So, today I have also published the panel’s clinical review strategy. One of the key responsibilities that I set for the panel was to design and deliver a plan to review past cases. This will initially extend to cases falling from January 2016 to the end of September 2018, as proposed by the royal colleges' report. However, it will not end there. The panel have advised me that they wanted to start with a clean-sheet approach and take every opportunity to maximise opportunities for learning. They have therefore agreed a broad criteria, over and above those already required to be reported to existing national review systems. This included reviewing information relating to around 350 cases in which either the mother or baby had needed to be transferred out of the local unit for care. From this extensive first look they have determined that, across the full criteria, approximately 150 cases should be covered by a multidisciplinary review. This includes the original 43 cases that had been identified by the health board. It is important to make clear that these are not all serious incidents. This does however underscore the independent panel’s determination to look at a comprehensive range of cases so that they can determine what has gone well, in addition to determining where this may not have been the case. It is important to learn from good practice as well as from failings in care.
All of these cases will have an independent multidisciplinary review. My officials are working closely with the appropriate royal colleges to identify additional teams to work with the panel to get this next stage under way as soon as possible. I do want to assure all women and families, whose care is being identified for review, that they will be contacted by the panel and be given the opportunity to contribute to the review if they wish to do so and to pose any questions that they may have. They will be supported to do so as is needed. I also want to confirm again that any family who have concerns about their care can self-refer to the panel to seek a review. This process needs to be done thoroughly and robustly, but it will clearly take some time, so I'm not setting any deadlines for completion.
I'm determined that women and families must be at the heart of all the work that is in train to take forward all aspects of the improvements needed. I'm grateful to the panel for meeting with families yesterday so they could hear at first-hand about the work to date and the next steps. Whilst I want to ensure the greatest transparency and engagement in the work, I also recognise that these updates may be distressing too. But I sincerely hope that a continued focus on improvement, to ensure the very highest standards of care are provided going forward, will offer some degree of comfort. I do, however, recognise the loss and heartbreak that many families will have suffered, and for that I am truly sorry.
I also recognise that this is a difficult and challenging time for the staff, and I do want to thank them for their continued commitment, day in, day out, to continuing to provide maternity services in the area.
The past months have required much soul-searching for the board. I have no doubt from my conversations with the chair, Marcus Longley, and David Jenkins, who I asked to provide support and advice to the board on its leadership and governance, that the board accepts the need to make fundamental change to their previous way of working. They have reflected that they were not sufficiently focused on understanding service quality, patient experience, or engaging with their staff. They fully appreciate the need to rebuild public, staff and stakeholder trust and confidence.
The board acknowledge that the arrangements they have in place for the management of concerns and incidents needs significant improvement. A number of work streams are already under way to improve leadership and culture, as well as their quality governance arrangements. These actions will undoubtedly be further informed by the findings and recommendations from the joint Healthcare Inspectorate Wales and Wales Audit Office quality governance review in the coming months.
Overall, I am encouraged that there are clear signs of improvement and, importantly, a strong desire and will to achieve it. There is, without doubt, a long journey ahead and we are not yet in any position to consider any change in the organisation's escalation status. I'm grateful to the panel for their contribution and initial assessment, and for the advice and support that David Jenkins has provided. I'm confident that the interventions that have been put in place are proving effective. This is very much down to their professionalism and their approach, together with the reflective approach adopted by the board. There is, however, much more to do to deliver and sustain the lasting improvement in maternity care that all of us would wish to see.
Mae'n galonogol clywed bod y bwrdd iechyd wedi ymgysylltu'n llawn â'r broses hon, mewn ffordd agored, onest a thryloyw, ac wedi cydnabod yn llawn faint yr her sy'n eu hwynebu. Mae hon yn neges gyson yr wyf wedi'i chlywed gan bob plaid, gan gynnwys rheoleiddwyr, am ymgysylltiad y bwrdd iechyd â'r amrywiaeth eang o ymyriadau sydd wedi'u rhoi ar waith. Fel sefydliad, maen nhw bellach yn dangos eu bod nhw'n benderfynol o ddysgu a gwella. Roeddent yn croesawu'r ffordd gefnogol, a heriol ar adegau, y mae'r panel wedi ymgysylltu â nhw. Mae'n gadarnhaol clywed yn arbennig bod y gwaith o gynnwys a chymell menywod a theuluoedd yn datblygu'n gyflym. Yn yr un modd, mae'r adborth gan ferched am eu profiad yn gwella, gyda phobl yn dweud eu bod yn fodlon iawn yn llawer amlach na pheidio.
Rwy'n siŵr y byddwn i gyd yn falch o glywed bod tystiolaeth gynnar o welliant yn sgil nifer o'r argymhellion, a bod y sylfeini ar gyfer hyn bellach ar waith, er bod y cynnydd cychwynnol yn arafach nag yr oedd y panel wedi gobeithio amdano. Roedd yn bwysig i'r panel, yn ei ddiweddariad cyntaf, ganolbwyntio'n benodol ar chwilio am dystiolaeth, yn ysgrifenedig a thrwy arsylwi, drwy eu hymweliadau â staff er mwyn cael sicrwydd bod yr 11 argymhelliad 'diogelu' uniongyrchol o adolygiad y colegau brenhinol yn cael eu hymgorffori mewn ymarfer. Hefyd, mae fy swyddogion yn parhau i drafod yn wythnosol gyda'r arweinwyr mamolaeth yn y bwrdd iechyd, gan adolygu set graidd o fetrigau gan gynnwys lefelau staffio, aciwtedd ac unrhyw faterion sy'n ymwneud â risg glinigol i sicrhau diogelwch cleifion a bod menywod yn cael profiad da, a chaiff yr wybodaeth hon ei rhannu â'r panel hefyd.
Felly, heddiw rwyf hefyd wedi cyhoeddi strategaeth adolygu clinigol y panel. Un o'r prif gyfrifoldebau a osodais i'r panel oedd llunio a chyflwyno cynllun i adolygu achosion y gorffennol. I ddechrau, bydd hyn yn ymestyn i achosion rhwng mis Ionawr 2016 hyd at ddiwedd Medi 2018, fel y cynigiwyd gan adroddiad y colegau brenhinol. Fodd bynnag, nid dyna fydd diwedd pethau. Mae'r panel wedi dweud wrthyf eu bod eisiau dechrau gyda dalen lân a'u bod yn achub ar bob cyfle i greu'r cyfleoedd gorau ar gyfer dysgu. Felly, maen nhw wedi cytuno ar feini prawf eang, yn ychwanegol at y rhai y mae'n ofynnol eu cyflwyno eisoes i'r systemau adolygu cenedlaethol presennol. Roedd hyn yn cynnwys adolygu gwybodaeth yn ymwneud â thua 350 o achosion lle'r oedd angen trosglwyddo'r fam neu'r baban o'r uned leol i gael gofal. O'r olwg gyntaf eang hon maen nhw wedi penderfynu, ar draws yr holl feini prawf, y dylai tua 150 o achosion gael eu cwmpasu gan adolygiad amlddisgyblaethol. Mae hyn yn cynnwys y 43 o achosion gwreiddiol a nodwyd gan y bwrdd iechyd. Mae'n bwysig egluro nad yw'r rhain i gyd yn ddigwyddiadau difrifol. Fodd bynnag, mae hyn yn tanlinellu penderfyniad y panel annibynnol i edrych ar ystod gynhwysfawr o achosion fel y gall benderfynu beth sydd wedi mynd yn dda, yn ogystal â phenderfynu pryd na ddigwyddodd hynny o bosib. Mae'n bwysig dysgu o arferion da yn ogystal ag o fethiannau mewn gofal.
Cynhelir adolygiad amlddisgyblaethol annibynnol o bob un o'r achosion hyn. Mae fy swyddogion yn gweithio'n agos gyda'r colegau brenhinol priodol i ganfod timau ychwanegol i weithio gyda'r panel i ddechrau ar y cam nesaf hwn cyn gynted â phosib. Rwyf eisiau sicrhau pob menyw a phob teulu y cynhelir adolygiad o'r gofal a gawsant, y bydd y panel yn cysylltu â nhw ac y cânt gyfle i gyfrannu at yr adolygiad os ydyn nhw'n dymuno gwneud hynny ac i ofyn unrhyw gwestiynau sydd ganddyn nhw o bosib. Cânt eu cefnogi i wneud hynny fel bo'r angen. Rwyf hefyd eisiau cadarnhau y gall unrhyw deulu sy'n pryderu am eu gofal gyfeirio eu hunain i'r panel i ofyn am adolygiad. Mae angen i'r broses hon gael ei gwneud yn drylwyr ac yn gadarn, ond bydd yn amlwg yn cymryd peth amser, felly nid wyf yn gosod unrhyw derfynau amser ar gyfer cwblhau.
Rwy'n benderfynol bod yn rhaid i fenywod a theuluoedd fod wrth wraidd yr holl waith sydd ar y gweill i ddatblygu pob agwedd ar y gwelliannau sydd eu hangen. Rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r panel am gyfarfod â theuluoedd ddoe er mwyn iddyn nhw allu clywed yn uniongyrchol am y gwaith hyd yma a'r camau nesaf. Er fy mod i eisiau sicrhau'r tryloywder a'r ymgysylltiad mwyaf yn y gwaith, rwyf hefyd yn cydnabod y gall y diweddariadau hyn fod yn dorcalonnus hefyd. Ond rwy'n gobeithio'n ddiffuant y bydd pwyslais parhaus ar wella, er mwyn sicrhau y darperir y safonau uchaf o ofal yn y dyfodol, yn cynnig rhywfaint o gysur. Rwyf, fodd bynnag, yn cydnabod y golled a'r torcalon y bydd llawer o deuluoedd wedi'u dioddef, ac am hynny mae'n ddrwg iawn gennyf.
Rwyf hefyd yn cydnabod bod hwn yn gyfnod anodd a heriol i'r staff, ac mae arnaf eisiau diolch iddyn nhw am eu hymrwymiad parhaus, ddydd ar ôl dydd, i barhau i ddarparu gwasanaethau mamolaeth yn yr ardal.
Mae'r misoedd diwethaf wedi gofyn am lawer o hunanholi gan y bwrdd. Nid oes gennyf unrhyw amheuaeth, o'm sgyrsiau gyda'r Cadeirydd, Marcus Longley, a David Jenkins, y gofynnais iddyn nhw ddarparu cefnogaeth a chyngor i'r bwrdd ynglŷn â'i arweinyddiaeth a'i lywodraethiant, fod y bwrdd yn derbyn bod angen gwneud newidiadau sylfaenol i'w ffordd flaenorol o weithio. Maen nhw wedi sylweddoli'r ffaith nad oedden nhw'n canolbwyntio digon ar ddeall ansawdd gwasanaethau, profiad cleifion nac ymgysylltu â'u staff. Maen nhw'n llawn sylweddoli'r angen i ailadeiladu ymddiriedaeth a hyder y cyhoedd, staff a rhanddeiliaid.
Mae'r bwrdd yn cydnabod bod angen gwelliant sylweddol o ran y trefniadau sydd ganddyn nhw ar waith ar gyfer rheoli pryderon a digwyddiadau. Mae nifer o ffrydiau gwaith eisoes ar y gweill i wella arweinyddiaeth a diwylliant, yn ogystal â'u trefniadau llywodraethu ansawdd. Mae'n sicr y caiff y camau hyn eu llywio ymhellach gan ganfyddiadau ac argymhellion adolygiad llywodraethu ansawdd cyd-Arolygiaeth Gofal Iechyd Cymru a Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru yn ystod y misoedd nesaf.
Yn gyffredinol, mae hi'n galondid imi weld bod arwyddion clir o welliant ac, yn bwysig, awydd cryf a'r ewyllys i'w gyflawni. Yn ddiamau, mae taith hir o'n blaenau ac nid ydym ni eto mewn sefyllfa i ystyried unrhyw newid yn statws uwchgyfeirio'r sefydliad. Rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r panel am eu cyfraniad a'u hasesiad cychwynnol, ac am y cyngor a'r cymorth y mae David Jenkins wedi'u darparu. Rwy'n ffyddiog bod yr ymyriadau a weithredwyd yn profi'n effeithiol. Mae a wnelo hyn i raddau helaeth â'u proffesiynoldeb a'u hymagwedd, ynghyd â'r ymagwedd fyfyriol a fabwysiadwyd gan y bwrdd. Fodd bynnag, mae llawer mwy i'w wneud i ddarparu a chynnal y gwelliant parhaus mewn gofal mamolaeth y byddai pob un ohonom yn dymuno ei weld.
I'd like to thank you, Minister, for your statement today and also for the opportunity you afforded my staff members to receive a technical briefing on the report this morning. Of course, your statement is entitled 'Update on Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board', and I appreciate that in the content you mainly focused on the progress report and the clinical review strategy, which indeed I will do—I have a number of questions just to ask you on it. However, I do want to put on record again how incredibly sorry we are that this has happened to these families in this health board. How incredibly sorry that they've had to go through not just the trauma of losing a child but now trying to put right that exercise. We will try to support you in whatever way we can to ensure that those parents get the answers and, indeed, the justice that they seek. So, I have to ask you this first question, which is: what reassurances, Minister, can you provide that the senior management involved at the time are held accountable for the failings within the health board, in light of the panel's clear statement that they are not there, rightly so, to establish who is to blame? That is a separate area and we'd be grateful for an update on that.
In terms of the clinical review strategy and the quarterly progress report—very interesting reading. The update states that the interim minimum staffing levels have been agreed with the health board. Minister, could you just explain what those levels are and do they meet any existing recognised minimum staff levels for this service? I know we are waiting for the publication of Birthrate Plus, which isn't until later this month, but can you tell us whether those minimum staffing levels are above Birthrate Plus, about what you anticipate it would be, or slightly below? Can you shed any light on that at all?
In the report, the authors say that they are seeking independent validation of the board's claims that 30 per cent of those initial recommendations have been fully embedded into the working practices of the board. How satisfied are you? What confidence can we have in the health board, that this panel have to go out and get that independent validation?
Despite feedback that's been sought from surveys and comments collected from social media, the update states that the data of all of this has not yet been fully analysed and that the themes that have been identified are not influencing yet the improvement, quality and safety of the maternity services. So, could you please clarify, Minister, whether that's because of a lack of allocated resources, or is there this ingrained cultural inertia still within the health board?
Are you able to give us a time frame for when the 150 identified cases will be reviewed, so that there's peace of mind to be given to the patients? You said yourself that the panel is taking on self-referrals, which I think, actually, is an incredibly positive and outreach way of trying to handle a very difficult situation. But can you clarify whether those 39 so far are in addition to, or included in, the 150? What extra resources are you able to give to ensure that these referrals are heard in a timely manner, because there's been an upturn in complaints, as you yourself have identified. Not all of them will be serious, but nonetheless there's obviously still concern and worry about this whole issue, so we obviously need those additional resources.
Finally, could I ask what training is being put into place to retrain people who may need that retraining? During the technical briefing your officials offered this morning, they talked about the fact that it was very evident that they could see an ebb and a flow in practice and outcomes. It's very identifiable who, perhaps, needs that extra hand, who needs that extra support. So, what steps have been put in place to ensure that specific front-line staff members have been given that additional support that they need to improve the way they deliver midwifery care to the mothers and families in this health board?
My final point is your issue No. 11: culture within the service. The report says it
'remains work in progress and is likely to do so for the foreseeable future'.
I totally understand that. They say
'it is unrealistic to expect that longstanding issues related to culture, attitudes and behaviours can be addressed within a few months.'
Of course they can't. Cultural change does take a long time to embed. However, we can't wait too long. We do not want to see this dragging on and on and on as a running sore, like we have seen running sores in other health boards over other issues. Are you able to give any sense of time frame as to when you might hope to see some of these changes embedded right into the culture of that health board, and, of course, not just in maternity services but, as the panel said in one of their witness statements to the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee, there's an indication that some of this malaise, if you like, runs in other areas within this health board, and we need to drill down to see whether it is a one-off just in maternity services or whether this is a systemic issue. And if it's a systemic issue, really we have to get on top of it. But I do commend you and your team for the work that you've done so far, but we cannot take our foot off the accelerator on this.
Hoffwn ddiolch i chi, Gweinidog, am eich datganiad heddiw a hefyd am y cyfle a roesoch chi i fy aelodau staff i gael sesiwn friffio dechnegol ar yr adroddiad y bore yma. Wrth gwrs, teitl eich datganiad yw 'Yr Wybodaeth Ddiweddaraf am Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf Morgannwg', ac rwy'n gwerthfawrogi yn y cynnwys ichi ganolbwyntio'n bennaf ar yr adroddiad cynnydd a'r strategaeth adolygu clinigol, ac yn wir byddaf—mae gennyf nifer o gwestiynau i'w gofyn i chi yn ei chylch. Fodd bynnag, rwyf eisiau dweud ar goedd eto ei bod hi'n ddrwg calon gennym ni fod hyn wedi digwydd i'r teuluoedd hyn yn y bwrdd iechyd hwn. Mae'n ddrwg calon gennym ni eu bod wedi gorfod nid yn unig wynebu'r trallod o golli plentyn ond nawr ceisio cywiro'r ymarfer hwnnw. Byddwn yn ceisio eich cefnogi ym mha ffordd bynnag y gallwn ni er mwyn sicrhau bod y rhieni hynny'n cael yr atebion ac, yn wir, y cyfiawnder y maen nhw'n eu ceisio. Felly, mae'n rhaid imi ofyn y cwestiwn cyntaf hwn i chi, sef: pa sicrwydd, Gweinidog, allwch chi ei roi bod yr uwch-reolwyr oedd yn rhan o hyn ar y pryd yn cael eu dwyn i gyfrif am y methiannau yn y bwrdd iechyd, yng ngoleuni datganiad clir y panel nad eu swyddogaeth nhw, a hynny'n gwbl briodol, yw canfod pwy sydd ar fai? Mae hynny'n faes ar wahân a byddem yn ddiolchgar am yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am hynny.
O ran y strategaeth adolygu clinigol a'r adroddiad cynnydd chwarterol—darllen diddorol iawn. Mae'r diweddariad yn nodi bod y bwrdd iechyd wedi cytuno ar yr isafswm lefelau staffio dros dro. Gweinidog, a wnewch chi egluro beth yw'r lefelau hynny ac a ydyn nhw'n bodloni unrhyw isafswm lefelau staff cydnabyddedig presennol ar gyfer y gwasanaeth hwn? Rwy'n gwybod ein bod yn aros am gyhoeddiad Birthrate Plus, nad yw'n digwydd tan yn ddiweddarach y mis hwn, ond a wnewch chi ddweud wrthym ni a yw'r isafswm lefelau staffio hynny uwchlaw Birthrate Plus, oddeutu'r hyn y rhagwelwch chi y byddai, neu fymryn yn is? A allwch chi daflu unrhyw oleuni ar hynny o gwbl?
Yn yr adroddiad, dywed yr awduron eu bod yn ceisio dilysrwydd annibynnol ynghylch honiadau'r bwrdd bod 30 y cant o'r argymhellion cychwynnol hynny wedi'u gwreiddio'n llawn yn arferion gwaith y bwrdd. Pa mor fodlon ydych chi? Sut allwn ni ymddiried yn y bwrdd iechyd, pan fo'r panel hwn yn gorfod cael y dilysiad annibynnol hwnnw?
Er gwaethaf adborth a geisiwyd o arolygon a sylwadau a gasglwyd gan y cyfryngau cymdeithasol, mae'r diweddariad yn datgan nad yw'r data sy'n deillio o hyn i gyd wedi ei ddadansoddi'n llawn eto ac nad yw'r themâu a nodwyd yn dylanwadu eto ar welliant, ansawdd a diogelwch y gwasanaethau mamolaeth. Felly, a wnewch chi egluro, Gweinidog, a yw hynny oherwydd diffyg adnoddau wedi'u dyrannu, ynteu a yw'r ystyfnigrwydd diwylliannol cynhenid hwn yn dal i fod yn y bwrdd iechyd?
A wnewch chi roi amserlen i ni ar gyfer pryd y caiff y 150 o achosion a nodwyd eu hadolygu, fel y gall y cleifion fod yn dawel eu meddwl? Fe wnaethoch chi ddweud eich hun fod modd hunan-atgyfeirio i'r panel, a chredaf fod hynny, mewn gwirionedd, yn ffordd hynod gadarnhaol o estyn allan a cheisio ymdrin â sefyllfa anodd iawn. Ond a wnewch chi egluro pa un yw'r 39 hynny hyd yn hyn yn ychwanegol at, neu wedi eu cynnwys yn y 150? Pa adnoddau ychwanegol allwch chi eu neilltuo i sicrhau y caiff yr atgyfeiriadau hyn eu clywed yn brydlon, oherwydd bu cynnydd yn y cwynion, fel yr ydych chi eich hun wedi nodi. Ni fydd pob un ohonyn nhw'n ddifrifol, ond serch hynny, mae'n amlwg bod pryder a gofid o hyd ynghylch yr holl fater yma, felly mae'n amlwg bod angen yr adnoddau ychwanegol hynny arnom ni.
Yn olaf, a gaf i ofyn pa hyfforddiant fydd yna i ailhyfforddi pobl y gallai fod angen yr ailhyfforddi hwnnw arnyn nhw? Yn ystod y briff technegol a gynigiodd eich swyddogion y bore yma, fe wnaethon nhw siarad am y ffaith ei bod hi'n amlwg iawn y gallen nhw weld llanw a thrai o ran arferion a chanlyniadau. Mae'n amlwg iawn pwy, efallai, sydd angen y cymorth ychwanegol hwnnw, sydd angen y gefnogaeth ychwanegol honno. Felly, beth sydd wedi cael ei wneud i sicrhau bod staff penodol ar y rheng flaen wedi cael y cymorth ychwanegol hwnnw y mae ei angen arnyn nhw i wella'r ffordd y maen nhw'n darparu gofal bydwreigiaeth i famau a theuluoedd yn y bwrdd iechyd hwn?
Fy mhwynt olaf yw rhif 11 o'ch datganiad: diwylliant yn y gwasanaeth. Mae'r adroddiad yn dweud:
mae gwaith yn dal i fynd rhagddo a dyna fydd y sefyllfa debygol am y dyfodol rhagweladwy.
Deallaf hynny'n llwyr. Dywedant:
mae'n afrealistig disgwyl y gellir mynd i'r afael â materion hirsefydlog yn ymwneud â diwylliant, agweddau ac ymddygiad o fewn ychydig fisoedd.
Wrth gwrs na allan nhw. Mae newid diwylliannol yn cymryd amser hir i wreiddio. Fodd bynnag, ni allwn ni aros yn rhy hir. Nid ydym ni eisiau gweld hyn yn llusgo ymlaen ac ymlaen fel problem dragwyddol, fel y gwelsom ni broblemau tragwyddol mewn byrddau iechyd eraill ynglŷn â materion eraill. A wnewch chi roi unrhyw awgrym o amserlen o ran pryd y gallech chi obeithio gweld rhai o'r newidiadau hyn yn cael eu hymgorffori yn niwylliant y bwrdd iechyd hwnnw, ac, wrth gwrs, nid dim ond mewn gwasanaethau mamolaeth ond, fel y dywedodd y panel yn un o'i ddatganiadau tyst i'r Pwyllgor Iechyd, Gofal Cymdeithasol a Chwaraeon, mae awgrym bod rhywfaint o'r anhwylder hwn, os mynnwch chi, i'w weld mewn meysydd eraill yn y bwrdd iechyd hwn, ac mae angen inni dyrchu i weld ai dim ond mewn gwasanaethau mamolaeth y mae'n broblem neu a yw hyn yn fater systemig. Ac os yw'n fater systemig, yn wir mae'n rhaid i ni fynd i'r afael ag ef. Ond rwy'n eich cymeradwyo chi a'ch tîm am y gwaith yr ydych chi wedi'i wneud hyd yn hyn, ond ni allwn ni laesu dwylo ynghylch hyn.
Thank you for the comments and questions. I'll try to deal with as many of them as I can. If there are things that are missed, then, obviously, at the end of this, I know I'll have an opportunity to go to committee, and Members will, of course, be free to, and I'm sure they will, contact me.
At the outset, and on the point you started with, I just want to speak about the continuing commitment to families to continue being engaged with improvement. Lots of families have come forward since the report and since the work has started, in particular the engagement work. That has led to an increase in complaints, as you'd expect, and that's part of the reason why there's a challenge with the complaints function, but, actually, that's a complaints process that wasn't functioning as effectively as it should do, and the interim chief executive has recognised that, in terms of one of your points about resources into complaints. But I do want to thank again all those families who are not just engaged in wanting an answer for what went wrong, potentially, with their care, but also want to make a more general improvement, because some of these families may have children again, but some of them also, in a very selfless way, just want to make sure they're part of improving the whole service so other families don't go through what they've gone through. And that is quite an altruistic thing to do and a difficult thing to do, given the experiences they're having to go through again.
On your point about senior managers' accountability, at the outset, and again today, I made it clear and the panel are clear that it isn't their job to go and find people who are responsible, from the staff side. What they are also clear about—and they've had a joint meeting with the two regulators, the NMC, the Nursing and Midwifery Council, and the GMC, the General Medical Council—is that, if they do find issues in the clinical reviews that are undertaken that should be reported to professional or regulatory bodies for further investigation, then they will do so. But it's not their job to go looking for that. But, as they go through the reviews, if they find evidence of it, then they will make the referrals that are necessary. Obviously, if that happens, then they'll be reporting back publicly about what referrals have or haven't been made in terms of the numbers.
On your point about staff levels, in terms of the minimum staff levels, they're working towards doing that. Because there has been recruitment into the unit at the doctor level. Some people have left. In terms of the leadership, there's a new medical director, who has been in post for about two months. There's a new clinical director in the service, who has been in post for less than a month. And, when it comes to the midwifery numbers, I can't give you an indication, because I think that that would be the wrong thing to do until the Birthrate Plus assessment is made. That will give us a proper understanding of how staffed up the unit is.
Now, the health board—. Part of the challenge previously was—. The information provided announced their willingness to actively recruit to all of the vacancies. They're very clear about doing that now. They've done rather better on early recruitment. So, within the next few weeks, we'll have the Birthrate Plus assessment, and I'll make sure that the output of that is made available to Members generally. So, rather that me going on the fly today, I think, if you wait another few weeks, then everyone will have something that they can rely on in terms of the figures.
On the 11 'make safe' recommendations made in the royal colleges' review, eight of the 11 have been at the stage where the independent panel say that they've been achieved; three are still a work in progress. They're, to a large extent, about staffing and about the ability to embed change. So, they recognise that, in each of those areas, progress has been made, but they want the reassurance that it's been there over a longer period of time before they say that they've been achieved, and I think that that's the right approach to take.
I'll come back to one of those in particular that relates to another one of your questions. On the time frame for reviews, the panel themselves indicate that they expect those reviews to start next month—for the reviews to actually start. They're not giving, and I'm not giving, any kind of timeline for when those reviews end. They'll do them in batches, so they won't all get all held up to the last one being done. They'll be done in batches, and we have got to work with other royal colleges to provide independent staff to do them. Because it won't just be the college of obstetrics and gynaecology and the college of midwives that will have their members needing to be there—some of them, the care will be wider and we'll need to have other people involved in the reviews as well. And I think that it's important that they're done right, rather than done quickly. I understand that the Member and others will ask me to try and provide a time frame, but I think that it's the wrong thing to do. It's much more important that they're done properly, and that families, as I say, have the opportunity to be involved.
In terms of the self-referral in, that's a self-referral for an assessment. It doesn't mean that everyone who has a concern will need to undergo a full clinical review. But I think that the assurance for members of the public who are concerned is that the panel will be involved in that assessment. So, it won't be the health board deciding for them whether they need a full review or not. The panel will be engaged within that as well. So, we'll have that independence from the panel about whether a full review or not is required, but they will have the opportunity to be supported in doing so.
In terms of when the intervention will end, well, again, there'll be quarterly reports on the general improvements provided through the independent panel. I've committed to publishing those on the escalation status. You will know that there's a long-running process where we consider the escalation of every organisation. And it's when the organisation itself has made the requisite improvement that that status will change. So, some of this will be longer term, and that's the same about the cultural change that's highlighted in the report as well. I don't think that it'd be reasonable to expect all of that cultural change to have taken place. It is a work in progress. The ebb and flow you're describing is what we'd expect to see in any, not just public service, but any private sector business where you need to make a significant cultural change with your staff. So, that will need to carry on, not just in midwifery but in the medical service as well. It's not just a change at one point in time, but something that is actually within the culture of the organisation and expectations of staff of each other, and indeed the way that they treat and work with the public.
Diolch am y sylwadau a'r cwestiynau. Byddaf yn ceisio ymdrin â chymaint ohonyn nhw ag y gallaf. Os caiff pethau eu hepgor, yna, yn amlwg, ar ddiwedd hyn, rwy'n gwybod y caf gyfle i fynd i'r pwyllgor, a bydd Aelodau, wrth gwrs, yn rhydd i, ac rwy'n siŵr y gwnant, gysylltu â mi.
Ar y dechrau, ac o ran eich sylw dechreuol, fe hoffwn i siarad am yr ymrwymiad parhaus i deuluoedd y byddwn yn parhau i gadw llygad ar welliannau. Mae llawer o deuluoedd wedi dod ymlaen ers yr adroddiad ac ers i'r gwaith ddechrau, yn enwedig y gwaith ymgysylltu. Mae hynny wedi arwain at gynnydd yn nifer y cwynion, fel y byddech yn ei ddisgwyl, ac mae hynny'n rhan o'r rheswm pam mae her ynghylch y swyddogaeth gwyno, ond, mewn gwirionedd, mae honno'n broses gwyno nad oedd yn gweithredu mor effeithiol ag y dylai, ac mae'r prif weithredwr dros dro wedi cydnabod hynny, o ran un o'ch sylwadau am neilltuo adnoddau ar gyfer cwynion. Ond hoffwn ddiolch eto i bob un o'r teuluoedd hynny sydd nid yn unig eisiau ateb ynghylch yr hyn a aeth o'i le, o bosib, gyda'u gofal, ond sydd hefyd eisiau gweld gwelliant mwy cyffredinol, oherwydd efallai bydd rhai o'r teuluoedd hyn yn cael plant eto, ond mae rhai ohonyn nhw hefyd, mewn ffordd anhunanol iawn, dim ond eisiau gwneud yn siŵr eu bod yn rhan o wella'r gwasanaeth cyfan fel nad yw teuluoedd eraill yn mynd drwy'r hyn yr aethon nhw drwyddo. Ac mae hynny'n beth eithaf anhunanol i'w wneud a pheth anodd ei wneud, o ystyried y profiadau y mae'n rhaid iddyn nhw fynd trwyddyn nhw eto.
Ynglŷn â'ch sylw am atebolrwydd uwch-reolwyr, ar y dechrau, ac eto heddiw, eglurais ac mae'r panel yn glir nad ei waith ef yw canfod y bobl sy'n gyfrifol, o ran y staff. Yr hyn y maen nhw hefyd yn glir yn ei gylch—ac maen nhw wedi cael cyfarfod ar y cyd â'r ddau reolydd, yr NMC, sef y Cyngor Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth, a'r GMC, sef y Cyngor Meddygol Cyffredinol—yw, os ydynt yn canfod materion yn yr adolygiadau clinigol a gyflawnir y dylid eu hadrodd i gyrff proffesiynol neu reoleiddiol i'w hymchwilio ymhellach, yna byddant yn gwneud hynny. Ond nid eu gwaith nhw yw mynd i chwilio am hynny. Ond, wrth iddyn nhw graffu ar yr adolygiadau, os deuant o hyd i dystiolaeth o hynny, byddan nhw'n atgyfeirio fel sy'n angenrheidiol. Yn amlwg, os bydd hynny'n digwydd, byddan nhw'n adrodd yn ôl i'r cyhoedd ynghylch pa atgyfeiriadau sydd wedi neu heb eu gwneud o ran y niferoedd.
O ran eich sylw ynglŷn â lefelau staff, o ran yr isafswm lefelau staff, maen nhw'n gweithio tuag at wneud hynny. Oherwydd bod meddygon wedi eu recriwtio i'r uned. Mae rhai pobl wedi gadael. O ran yr arweinyddiaeth, mae cyfarwyddwr meddygol newydd, sydd yn ei swydd ers tua deufis. Mae cyfarwyddwr clinigol newydd yn y gwasanaeth, sydd yn y swydd ers llai na mis. Ac, o ran niferoedd y bydwragedd, alla i ddim rhoi syniad i chi, oherwydd fy mod yn credu nad dyna fyddai'r peth cywir i'w wneud nes cwblhau'r asesiad Birthrate Plus. Bydd hynny'n rhoi dealltwriaeth briodol inni o'r modd y caiff yr uned ei staffio.
Nawr, mae'r bwrdd iechyd—. Rhan o'r her yn y gorffennol oedd—. Roedd yr wybodaeth a ddarparwyd yn datgan eu parodrwydd i fynd ati i recriwtio i'r holl swyddi gwag. Maen nhw'n glir iawn am wneud hynny nawr. Maen nhw wedi gwneud yn well o ran recriwtio'n gynnar. Felly, yn yr ychydig wythnosau nesaf, bydd gennym ni asesiad Birthrate Plus, a byddaf yn sicrhau bod canlyniad hwnnw ar gael i Aelodau yn gyffredinol. Felly, yn hytrach na fy mod i'n dweud rhywbeth byrbwyll heddiw, rwy'n credu, os arhoswch chi ychydig wythnosau, yna bydd gan bawb rywbeth y gallan nhw ddibynnu arno o ran y ffigurau.
O ran yr 11 argymhelliad 'diogelu' a wnaed yn adolygiad y colegau brenhinol, mae wyth o'r 11 wedi cyrraedd y cam pan fo'r panel annibynnol yn dweud eu bod wedi'u cyflawni; mae tri yn dal i fod yn waith sydd ar y gweill. Maen nhw, i raddau helaeth, yn ymwneud â staffio ac â'r gallu i ymgorffori newid. Felly, maen nhw'n cydnabod, ym mhob un o'r meysydd hynny, bod cynnydd wedi'i wneud, ond maen arnyn nhw eisiau'r sicrwydd y gwnaed y cynnydd hwnnw dros gyfnod hwy o amser cyn iddyn nhw ddweud eu bod wedi cael eu cyflawni, ac rwy'n credu mai dyna'r ymagwedd gywir i'w choleddu.
Dof yn ôl at un o'r rheini yn benodol sy'n ymwneud ag un arall o'ch cwestiynau. O ran yr amserlen ar gyfer adolygiadau, mae'r panel eu hunain yn nodi eu bod yn disgwyl i'r adolygiadau hynny ddechrau fis nesaf—i'r adolygiadau ddechrau mewn gwirionedd. Nid ydynt yn rhoi, ac nid wyf i'n rhoi, unrhyw fath o amserlen ar gyfer pryd bydd yr adolygiadau hynny'n gorffen. Byddant yn eu cwblhau mewn sypiau, fel na chaiff pob un ohonyn nhw eu dal yn ôl hyd nes caiff yr olaf ei gwblhau. Cânt eu gwneud mewn sypiau, ac mae'n rhaid i ni weithio gyda cholegau brenhinol eraill i ddarparu staff annibynnol i'w cwblhau nhw. Oherwydd nid aelodau'r coleg obstetreg a gynaecoleg a'r coleg bydwragedd yn unig fydd yn gorfod bod yn bresennol—rhai ohonyn nhw, bydd y gofal yn ehangach ac mae angen i ni gael pobl eraill i gymryd rhan yn yr adolygiadau hefyd. Ac rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig y cânt eu gwneud yn iawn, yn hytrach na'u gwneud yn gyflym. Rwy'n deall y bydd yr Aelod ac eraill yn gofyn i mi geisio darparu amserlen, ond rwy'n credu mai dyna'r peth anghywir i'w wneud. Mae'n llawer pwysicach y cânt eu gwneud yn iawn, a bod teuluoedd, fel y dywedais, yn cael y cyfle i gymryd rhan.
O ran yr hunangyfeirio, hunangyfeirio ar gyfer asesiad yw hynny. Nid yw'n golygu y bydd angen i bawb sy'n pryderu gael adolygiad clinigol llawn. Ond rwy'n credu mai'r sicrwydd i aelodau'r cyhoedd sy'n pryderu yw y bydd y panel yn rhan o'r asesiad hwnnw. Felly, nid y bwrdd iechyd fydd yn penderfynu ar eu rhan pa un a oes angen adolygiad llawn neu beidio. Bydd y panel yn rhan o hynny hefyd. Felly, bydd gennym ni'r annibyniaeth honno ar y panel ynghylch a oes angen adolygiad llawn neu beidio, ond bydd cyfle iddyn nhw gael cymorth i wneud hynny.
O ran pryd ddaw'r ymyriad i ben, wel, unwaith eto, bydd y panel annibynnol yn darparu adroddiadau chwarterol ar y gwelliannau cyffredinol. Rwyf wedi ymrwymo i gyhoeddi'r rhai am y statws uwchgyfeirio. Byddwch yn gwybod y bu proses ar waith ers tro lle'r ydym ni'n ystyried y cynnydd ym mhob sefydliad. A bydd y statws hwnnw'n newid pan fo'r sefydliad ei hun wedi gwneud y gwelliant angenrheidiol. Felly, bydd rhywfaint o hyn yn fwy hirdymor, a bydd yr un peth yn wir am y newid diwylliannol sy'n cael ei amlygu yn yr adroddiad hefyd. Nid wyf yn credu y byddai'n rhesymol disgwyl i'r holl newid diwylliannol hwnnw fod wedi digwydd. Mae'n waith sydd ar y gweill. Y llanw a thrai hwnnw yr ydych chi'n ei ddisgrifio yw'r hyn y byddem yn disgwyl ei weld mewn unrhyw, nid dim ond gwasanaeth cyhoeddus, ond unrhyw fusnes yn y sector preifat lle mae angen i chi wneud newid diwylliannol sylweddol gyda'ch staff. Felly, bydd angen i hynny barhau, nid ym maes bydwreigiaeth yn unig ond yn y gwasanaeth meddygol hefyd. Nid newid ar un adeg yn unig yw hyn, ond rhywbeth sydd mewn gwirionedd yn niwylliant y sefydliad a disgwyliadau staff o'i gilydd, ac yn wir y modd y maen nhw'n trin ac yn gweithio gyda'r cyhoedd.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog am ei ddiweddariad ar y sefyllfa yng Nghwm Taf. Mi fyddwch yn gwybod bod y pwyllgor iechyd hefyd yn craffu ar ddigwyddiadau Cwm Taf, achos mae hwn yn fater dyrys. Mae'r babanod wedi marw. Mae teuluoedd wedi'u rhwygo'n ddarnau. Mae'r adroddiad yma heddiw yn destun pryder enfawr. Bum mis ers y bleidlais o ddiffyg hyder yn y Gweinidog iechyd, mae sicrhau bod gwasanaethau mamolaeth yng Nghwm Taf yn ddiogel yn dal heb ddigwydd. Mae gan deuluoedd yr hawl i ddisgwyl gwasanaethau sydd, bennaf oll, yn ddiogel, ond sydd hefyd yn effeithiol ac wedi'u rheoli'n dda. Gyda'r bwrdd iechyd mewn mesurau arbennig, dylai'r Gweinidog iechyd sicrhau ar fyrder fod gwelliannau'n digwydd. Mae'r Gweinidog yn dweud ei fod yn hapus bod pobl wedi derbyn yr angen am newid. Nawr, gyda phob parch, dyw hynny ddim yn ddigon. Fe alwodd Plaid Cymru a'r teuluoedd am newid bum mis yn ôl. Beth mae o wedi bod yn ei wneud ers mis Mai?
Nid siarad am welliannau sydd angen nawr, ond gweithredu. Mae gan y bwrdd iechyd job o waith aruthrol i'w wneud, ac, ar fater mor bwysig, yn enwedig pan fo'r gwasanaethau hyn dan oruchwyliaeth uniongyrchol y Gweinidog iechyd, rhaid iddo fe dorchi ei lewys yn hytrach nag eistedd yn ôl a disgwyl bod gwelliannau'n digwydd hebddo fe. Mae'r adroddiad yma heddiw yn dweud pethau fel bod adborth gan y staff a chleifion yn awgrymu, a rwy'n dyfynnu:
I thank the Minister for his update on the situation at Cwm Taf. You will be aware that the health committee is also scrutinising events in Cwm Taf, because this is a very grave issue. Babies have died. Families have been torn to pieces. This report today is, of course, of huge concern. Five months since the vote of no confidence in the health Minister, ensuring that maternity services in Cwm Taf are safe still hasn’t happened. Families have the right to expect services that are, above all, safe, but are also effective and efficient and well managed. With the health board in special measures, the health Minister should ensure as a matter of urgency that improvements are made. The Minister says that he is content that people have accepted the need for change. Now, with all due respect, that simply isn’t enough; Plaid Cymru and the families called for change five months ago. What has he been doing since May?
Talking about improvements is not what’s necessary now—we need action. The health board has a huge job of work to do and, on such an important issue, particularly when these services are directly overseen by the health Minister, he must pull up his sleeves rather than sitting back and expecting improvements to be made without him. This report today says that feedback from staff and patients suggests, and I quote:
'There remains a need to change the underlying culture and values so shockingly revealed in the Listening to Women and Families report'.
Mae angen o hyd i newid y diwylliant a'r gwerthoedd sylfaenol sydd wedi'u datgelu mor frawychus yn yr adroddiad Gwrando ar Fenywod a Theuluoedd.
Ie, mi oedd e'n syndod enfawr bod y fath bethau wedi digwydd, ac mae angen gweithredu ar fyrder. Allwn ni ddim bod yn hapus bod pethau jest yn dechrau newid nawr a dweud bod yna ffordd bell i fynd. Mae angen gweithredu ar fyrder. A fel dŷch chi wedi cyfeirio, mae tri allan o'r 11 argymhellion brys gan y colegau brenhinol eto heb eu gweithredu—yr adolygiad o lefelau staffio mamolaeth diogel; nid yw'r bwrdd iechyd yn llawn hapus bod staff yn arfer y canllawiau diogelwch yn ddigonol; ac mae newid diwylliant yn mynd i gymryd amser hir. Ie, efallai'n wir, ond mae'n bosib newid diwylliant ac mae angen ei newid ef ar fyrder achos mae'n teuluoedd ni yng Nghwm Taf wedi dioddef yn enbyd ers blynyddoedd maith ac yn parhau i ddioddef. Mae marwolaeth baban yn ddigwyddiad echrydus i ddigwydd i unrhyw deulu. Felly, beth ydych chi'n ei wneud i brysuro'r gwelliant angenrheidiol yng ngwasanaethau mamolaeth Cwm Taf?
Yes, it was hugely shocking that such things happened, and we need urgent action. We cannot be content that things are only now starting to change and say there is a long way to go. We need action as a matter of urgency. And, as you’ve mentioned, three of the 11 urgent recommendations by the royal colleges have yet to be implemented—the review of safe staffing levels in maternity services; the health board isn’t content that staff exercise safety guidance adequately; and a change of culture will take a long time. Yes, that may be the case, but cultures can be changed and it needs to be changed as a matter of urgency, because families in Cwm Taf have suffered dreadfully over many years and continue to suffer. The death of a baby is an appalling event for any family. So, what are you doing to hasten the necessary improvements in maternity services in Cwm Taf?
I think there were two broad questions in the comments made by the Member. The first was about the rapidity of the change that has taken place to date and I think the second was broadly what I'm doing myself. On the three of the 11 'make safe' recommendations that were made, the panel have been really clear about the fact that work is in progress in each of those areas. It is not the case that nothing has happened in any of those, and, actually, if I'd stood up today and said that the cultural change required has taken place, then people in this Chamber and outside it would not believe me and nor should they. I know from my own experience outside of life in this place that, if you're looking to deliver significant cultural change in any workplace, it is not something that happens rapidly and it is not something that happens by demanding that it takes place. You have to bring people with you. And this is difficult. You have to be honest. This is difficult for people—[Interruption.] This is difficult for people working with each other in delivering that cultural change in the way they've worked in the past, and we need to take people with us to make sure the service is not just delivering and saying, 'Look, the right sort of things are happening now', but that that change is embedded and is sustainable. So, I think for me to try to say today that, 'Actually, there's enough progress made in each of those areas and everything is fine' would absolutely not have been the right thing to do.
And the same point—when I met the panel yesterday, they made the point that, on the implementation of protocols, they were clear there was much greater awareness and adherence to all of those protocols, which is one of the real problem issues identified in the royal colleges' report, but they wanted to see that adherence carry on for a longer period of time before they signed off that that change had been achieved rather than being a work in progress. And I think that's the honesty that all of us should want to have from the panel and from me as well rather than—. The convenience factor for me would be to say that everything is achieved, but I need to be able to look myself in the mirror, as well as, when I meet families at the end of this year, to look at them in the face and say that we're doing the right thing and being honest about this.
And that comes back to what I'm doing: I've been really clear in my expectations in public and in meeting the panel that the most important thing is to do this properly. The most important thing is to deliver the improvements. So, we are providing all of the resources that we could and should do to make sure that the clinical review process takes place with the appropriate expertise that is required, with the additional resourcing that it'll require to make that happen, and, in addition, the clarity and expectation in the work that's being done, and that additional scrutiny is taking place, not just with the board, but with other stakeholders too.
In all of the other parts of ministerial life, the other factors and challenges at the moment, I can honestly say this is one of my very top priorities and one of the biggest calls on my time, as it should be. So, there's no lack of understanding, there's no lack of ministerial effort or engagement. But what I won't do is to say that I can, and will, deliver change faster than anyone should believe is possible at the expense of actually doing the right thing by all those families and those staff who, understandably, have been let down in the past, and to make sure they're not let down in the future.
Rwy'n credu bod dau gwestiwn cyffredinol yn y sylwadau a wnaed gan yr Aelod. Roedd y cyntaf yn ymwneud â pha mor gyflym y bu'r newid hyd yma, ac rwy'n credu mai'r ail yn fras oedd yr hyn yr wyf i yn ei wneud fy hun. Ar y tri o'r 11 argymhelliad 'diogelu' a wnaed, bu'r panel yn glir iawn ynghylch y ffaith bod gwaith yn mynd rhagddo ym mhob un o'r meysydd hynny. Nid yw'n wir dweud nad oes dim wedi digwydd mewn unrhyw un o'r meysydd hynny, ac, mewn gwirionedd, pe bawn i wedi codi heddiw a dweud bod y newid diwylliannol sydd ei angen wedi digwydd, yna ni fyddai pobl yn y Siambr hon na'r tu allan yn fy nghredu, ac ni ddylen nhw chwaith. Rwy'n gwybod o'm profiad fy hun y tu allan i fywyd yn y fan yma, os ydych chi'n ystyried cyflwyno newid diwylliannol sylweddol mewn unrhyw weithle, nid yw'n rhywbeth sy'n digwydd yn gyflym ac nid yw'n rhywbeth sy'n digwydd drwy fynnu ei fod yn digwydd. Mae'n rhaid i chi ddarbwyllo pobl. Ac mae hyn yn anodd. Mae'n rhaid i chi fod yn onest. Mae hyn yn anodd i bobl—[Torri ar draws.] Mae hyn yn anodd i bobl sy'n gweithio gyda'i gilydd i gyflawni'r newid diwylliannol hwnnw yn y ffordd y maen nhw wedi gweithio yn y gorffennol, ac mae angen inni ddarbwyllo pobl i sicrhau bod y gwasanaeth yn gwneud mwy na dim ond cyflawni a dweud, 'Edrychwch, mae'r math cywir o bethau'n digwydd nawr', ond bod y newid hwnnw wedi gwreiddio ac yn gynaliadwy. Felly, rwy'n credu mai cam gwag iawn fyddai imi geisio dweud heddiw, 'Mewn gwirionedd, mae digon o gynnydd wedi'i wneud ym mhob un o'r meysydd hynny ac mae popeth yn iawn.'
A'r un pwynt—pan gyfarfûm â'r panel ddoe, gwnaethant y pwynt, o ran gweithredu protocolau, eu bod nhw'n glir bod llawer mwy o ymwybyddiaeth a glynu wrth yr holl brotocolau hynny, sy'n un o'r problemau gwirioneddol a nodwyd yn adroddiad y colegau brenhinol, ond roedden nhw eisiau gweld yr ymlyniad hwnnw'n parhau am gyfnod hwy cyn iddyn nhw gytuno bod y newid wedi'i gyflawni yn hytrach na'i fod yn waith sydd ar y gweill. Ac rwy'n credu mai dyna'r gonestrwydd y dylai pob un ohonom fod eisiau ei chael gan y panel a gennyf fi yn hytrach na—. Y peth cyfleus i mi fyddai dweud bod popeth yn cael ei gyflawni, ond mae angen i mi allu edrych ar fy hun yn y drych, yn ogystal â, pan fyddaf i'n cwrdd â theuluoedd ar ddiwedd y flwyddyn hon, edrych i fyw eu llygaid a dweud ein bod ni'n gwneud y peth iawn a bod yn onest am hyn.
A daw hynny'n ôl at yr hyn rwy'n ei wneud: rwyf wedi bod yn glir iawn o ran fy nisgwyliadau yn gyhoeddus ac o ran cwrdd â'r panel, mai'r peth pwysicaf yw gwneud hyn yn iawn. Y peth pwysicaf yw cyflawni'r gwelliannau. Felly, rydym ni'n darparu'r holl adnoddau y gallem ni ac y dylem ni fod yn ei wneud i sicrhau bod y broses adolygu clinigol yn digwydd gyda'r arbenigedd priodol sydd ei angen, gyda'r adnoddau ychwanegol y bydd eu hangen i sicrhau bod hynny'n digwydd, a hefyd, eglurder a disgwyliad yn y gwaith sy'n cael ei wneud, a bod craffu ychwanegol yn digwydd, nid yn unig gyda'r bwrdd, ond gyda rhanddeiliaid eraill hefyd.
Ym mhob agwedd arall ar fywyd Gweinidog, y ffactorau a'r heriau eraill ar hyn o bryd, gallaf ddweud yn onest mai hon yw un o'm blaenoriaethau pennaf ac un o'r pethau yr wyf i wedi neilltuo'r amser mwyaf iddo, fel y dylwn i. Felly, does dim diffyg dealltwriaeth, does dim diffyg ymdrech nac ymgysylltiad gweinidogaethol. Ond yr hyn na wnaf yw dweud y gallaf, ac y gwnaf, gyflwyno newid yn gynt nag y dylai unrhyw un gredu sy'n bosib ar draul gwneud y peth priodol i'r holl deuluoedd hynny a'r staff hynny sydd, yn ddealladwy, wedi cael eu siomi yn y gorffennol, ac i wneud yn siŵr na chânt eu siomi yn y dyfodol.
Can I thank you, Minister, for your statement? And, at this point, can I once again put on record my condolences and thoughts with the families who were affected by the failings in this health board and have had to live with those tragedies since then? Can I also repeat the thanks to the members of the independent maternity oversight panel for their work, and, in particular, Mick Giannasi, who gave me several hours of his time at Prince Charles Hospital when I had the opportunity to talk to him directly about the work of the oversight panel and see at first hand some of the things that were being put into place, including talking to some of the staff and some of the new managers who were there? So, I was very grateful to him for having the opportunity to do that.
I was also pleased to attend the briefing this morning that you facilitated with the oversight panel, together with my colleague Vikki Howells, and we had the opportunity to directly ask the oversight panel questions at that briefing. What I would say is, unlike some of the comments that I've heard this afternoon, I see this slightly differently in terms of what I've seen, what I've heard and what I've experienced in talking to some of the staff and patients. And I do take some reassurance from the thorough work that the panel has now put in progress and as a result of your intervention, although no-one, as you've said, and as others have indicated, should underestimate the challenges that still lie ahead. Indeed, one of the things we heard from the briefing this morning was that, following the inquiry into the Morecambe Bay maternity services, it took some six years from the point at which Morecambe Bay went into special measures to the time that they were considered to be a good unit. And that unit now is actually seen as an exemplar of maternity provision. So, I think the point I'm making here is that anybody who thinks that there is a quick fix to this is clearly not on top of the brief in terms of what needs to be done. There are no quick and easy solutions, it seems to me.
However, I'm sure that you would agree that the experience of women and families must remain at the heart of this improvement journey. So, to that extent, the response to the 11 'make safe' recommendations so far is encouraging, though, as you've already indicated, there clearly is much more to do. Now, I note that the number of cases in the clinical review has been extended as the criteria of the panel has been broadened, to ensure that all appropriate lessons can be drawn from the process. While that is something that I welcome, I will await the expert evidence from those reviews before making any detailed comment on them. But I am encouraged to hear about signs of improved performance as a result of the changes already in place.
Now, Minister, you've talked a lot about resourcing, but, as the work has to be centred on improving the experience of women using this service, can you assure us that you will continue to provide the resources that are required to support the work with those women and families who wish to continue to be involved with this review?
And, finally, do you agree with me that, if we are to achieve some of the cultural changes that clearly are needed, we must create an environment in which people, staff, feel confident about speaking up and speaking out without fear or favour about poor practice and poor behaviour? Because, for too long, doing that has been a career-ending decision for too many staff. And, if we are to see that cultural change, people have to feel secure in the knowledge that they can make those concerns known to the highest levels of the authority without fearing for their own careers in the process.
A gaf i ddiolch i chi, Gweinidog, am eich datganiad? Ac, yn y fan yma, a gaf i ddweud eto fy mod yn cydymdeimlo ac yn meddwl am y teuluoedd yr effeithiwyd arnyn nhw gan y methiannau yn y bwrdd iechyd hwn gan orfod byw gyda'r trychinebau hynny ers hynny? A gaf i hefyd ategu'r diolch i aelodau'r panel trosolwg annibynnol ar wasanaethau mamolaeth am eu gwaith, ac yn arbennig i Mick Giannasi, a roddodd sawl awr o'i amser yn Ysbyty'r Tywysog Siarl imi pan gefais gyfle i siarad ag ef yn uniongyrchol am waith y panel trosolwg a gweld yn uniongyrchol rai o'r pethau a oedd yn cael eu rhoi ar waith, gan gynnwys siarad â rhai o'r staff a rhai o'r rheolwyr newydd a oedd yno? Felly, roeddwn i'n ddiolchgar iawn iddo am gael y cyfle i wneud hynny.
Roeddwn hefyd yn falch o allu bod yn y sesiwn friffio y bore yma a hwyluswyd gennych chi gyda'r panel trosolwg, ynghyd â'm cydweithiwr Vikki Howells, a chawsom gyfle i ofyn cwestiynau i'r panel trosolwg yn uniongyrchol yn y briff hwnnw. Yr hyn y byddwn i'n ei ddweud yw, yn wahanol i rai o'r sylwadau a glywais y prynhawn yma, rwy'n gweld hyn ychydig yn wahanol o ran yr hyn yr wyf wedi'i weld, yr hyn yr wyf wedi'i glywed a'r hyn yr wyf wedi'i brofi wrth siarad â rhai o'r staff a'r cleifion. Ac mae gennyf beth sicrwydd o ganlyniad i'r gwaith trylwyr y mae'r panel bellach wedi'i wneud ac o ganlyniad i'ch ymyriad, er na ddylai neb, fel yr ydych chi wedi dweud, ac fel y mae eraill wedi nodi, danbrisio'r heriau sy'n dal o'n blaenau. Yn wir, un o'r pethau a glywsom ni o'r sesiwn friffio y bore yma oedd, ar ôl yr ymchwiliad i wasanaethau mamolaeth Morecambe Bay, cymerodd ryw chwe blynedd o'r adeg y daeth Morecambe Bay yn destun mesurau arbennig i'r amser yr ystyrid nhw'n uned dda. Ac fe gaiff yr uned honno bellach ei gweld fel enghraifft o ddarpariaeth gwasanaethau mamolaeth. Felly, rwy'n credu mai'r pwynt rwy'n ei wneud yma yw nad yw unrhyw un sy'n credu bod ateb cyflym i hyn yn amlwg yn gyfarwydd â'r briff o ran yr hyn sydd angen ei wneud. Nid oes atebion cyflym a hawdd, mae'n ymddangos i mi.
Fodd bynnag, rwy'n siŵr y byddech yn cytuno bod yn rhaid i brofiad menywod a theuluoedd barhau i fod wrth wraidd y daith hon i wella. Felly, i'r graddau hynny, mae'r ymateb i'r 11 argymhelliad 'diogelu' hyd yn hyn yn galonogol, er, fel yr ydych chi eisoes wedi nodi, mae'n amlwg bod llawer mwy i'w wneud. Nawr, sylwaf fod nifer yr achosion yn yr adolygiad clinigol wedi eu hymestyn wrth i feini prawf y panel gael eu hehangu, er mwyn sicrhau y gellir dysgu'r holl wersi priodol o'r broses. Er bod hynny'n rhywbeth yr wyf yn ei groesawu, arhosaf am y dystiolaeth arbenigol o'r adolygiadau hynny cyn gwneud unrhyw sylw manwl arnyn nhw. Ond mae'n galondid imi glywed am arwyddion o well perfformiad o ganlyniad i'r newidiadau sydd eisoes ar waith.
Nawr, Gweinidog, rydych chi wedi sôn gryn dipyn am adnoddau, ond, gan fod yn rhaid i'r gwaith ganolbwyntio ar wella profiad menywod sy'n defnyddio'r gwasanaeth hwn, a wnewch chi ein sicrhau y byddwch yn parhau i ddarparu'r adnoddau sydd eu hangen i gefnogi'r gwaith gyda'r menywod a'r teuluoedd hynny sy'n dymuno parhau i fod yn rhan o'r adolygiad hwn?
Ac, yn olaf, a ydych chi'n cytuno â mi, os ydym ni'n mynd i gyflawni rhai o'r newidiadau diwylliannol y mae eu hangen yn amlwg, fod yn rhaid inni greu amgylchedd lle y bydd pobl, staff, yn teimlo'n hyderus ynghylch mynegi barn a chodi llais mewn modd teg a chytbwys ynghylch arferion gwael ac ymddygiad gwael? Oherwydd, ers rhy hir o lawer, mae gwneud hynny wedi bod yn benderfyniad sy'n terfynu gyrfa gormod o staff. Ac, os ydym ni eisiau gweld y newid diwylliannol hwnnw, mae'n rhaid i bobl deimlo'n ddiogel gan wybod y gallan nhw fynd â'r pryderon hynny at yr awdurdod uchaf posib heb ofni am eu gyrfaoedd eu hunain wrth wneud hynny.
Thank you for the comments and the questions that you've asked. In terms of your first point about there being no quick fix, that is absolutely right, and I just need to be honest with people about that at the outset, as I have been in the first statement today as well, rather than suggesting that there will be a point of political convenience that will drive what happens, rather than doing the right thing by the service and honestly reporting the level of progress that has been made, as well as that that is still required. Again, I'm happy to reiterate that women and families will be at the centre of the work that is being done in the engagement work that is being led initially by Cath Broderick, and now the health board are taking a greater lead on, as they should do. In taking that forward, there are going to be three public-facing events—one in Merthyr, one in Llantrisant within the next six weeks or so, and then one in the new year in Bridgend, so that the health board will try to co-produce their future strategy with women and families to try to make sure that there isn't a disengagement between the service and the people using it.
The improvements are real that the panel set out, but they're not even, and we're not in a state of perfection. In any human service, there is always room for error, even in a good service. But I wouldn't try to pretend that people won't have things come to their postbag that are more recent, where there are reasons to go back to the health board. I wouldn't try to say that to anybody. But it is, nevertheless, true that it is in a better place now than it was before the intervention had started. My ambition is to see that improvement carry on and on and on, because I don't want to hear continued, justified complaints being made about the quality of care and the experience of women and their families in any of these services.
That's why I can confirm that there will be future resources to support women and families who are engaged in this. There are the resources in the support services that are often provided by the third sector. So, for example, the Snowdrop support group and the Sands service, again, are available to families to make use of, and what I think is a very helpful 'frequently answered questions' sheet that the panel have produced for the public that sets out how to get in touch with them. But, in addition, if women and families need to be supported in engaging with the panel on some of the review work, then we'll look to see how we actually properly facilitate that to make sure they're supported. And, obviously, the community health council are engaged in doing that work as well.
On your final point on supporting people to speak up, that's part of the culture change we need to see happen, to move away from a punitive culture, where people feel that if they step outside, either with their managers, or in a prevailing group of opinion with their peers in work—that people feel punished in their day to day work—and that, actually, we do move to being a learning organisation, where people recognise where things go wrong, as well as recognising excellence, to be able to point that out and to talk about it in a learning environment. And that's part of the reason why I'm really clear the panel can't have a role in saying 'It's your job to go and find people who are responsible', because, actually, that will turn it into a blame culture. It will reinforce a punitive culture, rather than moving on to being a genuine learning environment, where people are supported to point out when things go wrong, to hold their hands up for themselves when things go wrong, to make the improvements that all of us want to us to see in a real and sustained way.
Diolch am y sylwadau a'r cwestiynau yr ydych chi wedi'u gofyn. O ran eich pwynt cyntaf ynghylch nad oes ateb cyflym, mae hynny'n hollol gywir, ac mae angen imi fod yn onest â phobl am hynny ar y dechrau, fel y bûm yn y datganiad cyntaf heddiw hefyd, yn hytrach nag awgrymu y bydd adeg o gyfleustod gwleidyddol yn gyrru'r hyn sy'n digwydd, yn hytrach na gwneud y peth priodol i'r gwasanaeth ac adrodd yn onest ynghylch faint o gynnydd a wnaed, yn ogystal â'r hyn sydd angen ei wneud o hyd. Unwaith eto, rwy'n hapus i ailadrodd y bydd menywod a theuluoedd yn ganolog i'r gwaith sy'n cael ei wneud yn y gwaith ymgysylltu sy'n cael ei arwain yn y lle cyntaf gan Cath Broderick, ac y mae gan y bwrdd iechyd bellach fwy o ran arweiniol ynddo, fel y dylai fod ganddo. Wrth fwrw ymlaen â hynny, bydd tri digwyddiad cyhoeddus—un ym Merthyr, un yn Llantrisant o fewn y chwe wythnos nesaf, ac yna un yn y flwyddyn newydd ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr, er mwyn i'r bwrdd iechyd geisio cyd-gynhyrchu ei strategaeth ar gyfer y dyfodol â menywod a theuluoedd i geisio gwneud yn siŵr nad oes ymddieithrio rhwng y gwasanaeth a'r bobl sy'n ei ddefnyddio.
Mae'r gwelliannau a gyflwynwyd gan y panel yn rhai gwir, ond nid ydyn nhw'n gyson, ac nid ydym ni mewn sefyllfa berffaith. Mewn unrhyw wasanaeth dynol, mae lle i gamgymeriadau bob amser, hyd yn oed mewn gwasanaeth da. Ond ni fyddwn i'n ceisio esgus na fydd pobl yn cael gohebiaeth fwy diweddar, lle mae rhesymau dros fynd yn ôl at y bwrdd iechyd. Ni fyddwn i'n ceisio dweud hynny wrth neb. Ond mae'n wir, serch hynny, ei fod mewn lle gwell nawr nag yr oedd cyn i'r ymyrraeth ddechrau. Fy uchelgais yw gweld y gwelliant hwnnw'n parhau a pharhau, oherwydd nid wyf eisiau clywed cwynion parhaus, y mae cyfiawnhad drostynt, am ansawdd y gofal a phrofiad menywod a'u teuluoedd yn unrhyw un o'r gwasanaethau hyn.
Dyna pam y gallaf gadarnhau y bydd adnoddau yn y dyfodol i gefnogi menywod a theuluoedd sy'n ymwneud â hyn. Mae adnoddau yn y gwasanaethau cymorth a ddarperir yn aml gan y trydydd sector. Felly, er enghraifft, mae grŵp cymorth Snowdrop a'r gwasanaeth Sands, unwaith eto, ar gael i deuluoedd, ynghyd â'r daflen ddefnyddiol iawn yn fy marn i sef 'cwestiynau cyffredin' y mae'r panel wedi'i chynhyrchu ar gyfer y cyhoedd sy'n nodi sut i gysylltu â nhw. Ond hefyd, os oes angen cefnogi menywod a theuluoedd i ymgysylltu â'r panel gyda rhywfaint o'r gwaith adolygu, yna byddwn yn ceisio gweld sut yr ydym ni mewn gwirionedd yn hwyluso hynny'n briodol i wneud yn siŵr eu bod yn cael eu cefnogi. Ac, yn amlwg, mae'r Cyngor Iechyd Cymuned wrthi'n gwneud y gwaith hwnnw hefyd.
Ynghylch y pwynt olaf a wnaethoch chi am gynorthwyo pobl i ddweud eu dweud, mae hynny'n rhan o'r newid diwylliant y mae angen iddo ddigwydd, i symud oddi wrth ddiwylliant o gosbi, lle mae pobl yn teimlo, os ydyn nhw'n tynnu'n groes, naill ai gyda'u rheolwyr, neu mewn grŵp gyda'u cyfoedion yn y gwaith lle mae un farn yn drech—fod pobl yn teimlo y cânt eu cosbi yn eu gwaith beunyddiol—a'n bod, mewn gwirionedd, yn symud tuag at fod yn sefydliad sy'n dysgu, lle mae pobl yn cydnabod lle mae pethau'n mynd o chwith, yn ogystal â chydnabod rhagoriaeth, er mwyn gallu cyfeirio at hynny a siarad amdano mewn sefyllfa lle mae modd dysgu. A dyna ran o'r rheswm pam yr wyf i'n wirioneddol glir na all y panel gysylltu ei hun â geiriau fel 'eich gwaith chi yw mynd i ddarganfod pobl sy'n gyfrifol', oherwydd, mewn gwirionedd, bydd hynny'n troi'n ddiwylliant beio. Bydd yn atgyfnerthu diwylliant o gosbi, yn hytrach na symud ymlaen i fod yn amgylchedd dysgu gwirioneddol, lle caiff pobl eu cefnogi i ddweud pan aiff pethau o chwith, i gyfaddef o'u gwirfodd pan aiff pethau o chwith, i wneud y gwelliannau y mae pob un ohonom ni eisiau eu gweld mewn ffordd real a pharhaus.
Thank you for your statement, Minister, and your earlier written statement. May I too offer my condolences to all those families affected? I welcome the steps being taken to make maternity services in Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board safe, but there must be accountability, because families have suffered unimaginable grief. The fact that, as the independent review states, there is a very long way to go is of great concern to my constituents who became part of the health board earlier this year. Of course, we also have the huge problem of restoring public faith in the service. Unfortunately, solving this issue will be one of the biggest challenges. We need action and change, and we need it sooner rather than later. Minister, how will you address the concerns of future parents in the Bridgend area about maternity services now that they come under the Cwm Taf health board?
Whilst I understand the changes will take time, and progress is being made, my constituents will be rightly concerned for their safety, and the safety of their babies. Minister, will neighbouring health boards be called upon to support maternity services in Cwm Taf to alleviate the fears of expectant mothers, who will be concerned that services are still unsafe? I note from your statement that your officials have weekly calls with the maternity leads at the health board to review metrics. Given the criticism from the outgoing chair of ABMU, who stated that weekly calls from Welsh Government were hampering improvements, Minister, are you satisfied that Welsh Government officials are not hampering improvement efforts at Cwm Taf?
And finally, Minister, given the failings of Cwm Taf, ABMU and Betsi, many people are calling for a wide-ranging inquiry into the NHS in Wales. Are you satisfied that the current structures are fit for purpose, and how will you ensure that no other systemic failures materialise at this or any other health board? Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch am eich datganiad, Gweinidog, a'ch datganiad ysgrifenedig yn gynharach. A gaf innau hefyd gydymdeimlo â'r holl deuluoedd hynny yr effeithiwyd arnyn nhw? Rwy'n croesawu'r hyn sy'n cael ei wneud i sicrhau bod gwasanaethau mamolaeth ym Mwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf Morgannwg yn ddiogel, ond rhaid cael atebolrwydd, oherwydd bod teuluoedd wedi dioddef galar anhygoel. Mae'r ffaith, fel y mae'r adolygiad annibynnol yn dweud, fod llawer iawn i'w wneud o hyd yn peri pryder mawr i'm hetholwyr a ddaeth yn rhan o'r bwrdd iechyd yn gynharach eleni. Wrth gwrs, mae gennym ni hefyd y broblem enfawr o adfer ffydd y cyhoedd yn y gwasanaeth. Yn anffodus, datrys y mater hwn fydd un o'r heriau mwyaf. Mae angen gweithredu a newid, ac mae angen hynny'n fuan yn hytrach nag yn hwyrach.
Gweinidog, sut fyddwch chi'n ymdrin â phryderon rhieni'r dyfodol yn ardal Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr ynghylch gwasanaethau mamolaeth gan eu bod bellach yn dod o dan Fwrdd Iechyd Cwm Taf? Er fy mod i'n deall y bydd y newidiadau'n cymryd amser, a bod cynnydd yn cael ei wneud, bydd fy etholwyr yn poeni'n briodol am eu diogelwch, ac am ddiogelwch eu babanod. Gweinidog, a fydd galw ar fyrddau iechyd cyfagos i gefnogi gwasanaethau mamolaeth yng Nghwm Taf i leddfu ofnau mamau beichiog, a fydd yn poeni bod gwasanaethau'n dal yn anniogel? Sylwaf o'ch datganiad y bu eich swyddogion yn trafod yn wythnosol gyda'r arweinwyr mamolaeth yn y bwrdd iechyd i adolygu metrigau. O gofio'r feirniadaeth gan y cadeirydd sydd ar fin gadael Bwrdd Iechyd Abertawe Bro Morgannwg, a ddywedodd fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn cysylltu'n wythnosol yn llesteirio gwelliannau, Gweinidog, a ydych chi'n fodlon nad yw swyddogion Llywodraeth Cymru yn llesteirio ymdrechion i wella yng Nghwm Taf?
Ac yn olaf, Gweinidog, o ystyried diffygion Cwm Taf, Abertawe Bro Morgannwg a Betsi Cadwaladr, mae llawer o bobl yn galw am ymchwiliad pellgyrhaeddol i'r GIG yng Nghymru. A ydych chi'n fodlon bod y strwythurau presennol yn addas i'r diben, a sut fyddwch chi'n sicrhau na fydd unrhyw fethiannau systemig eraill yn amlygu eu hunain yn y bwrdd iechyd yma neu unrhyw fwrdd iechyd arall? Diolch yn fawr.
On your final point about a wide-ranging review of the whole structure of the health service, of course, we had an independent parliamentary review at the start of this Assembly term, and they indicated that the structure of the health service in Wales makes sense. They were very clear that they did not recommend a wide-ranging structural review and turning the apple cart upside down. It's often attractive for a politician to say the answer is to reorganise the structure of a service, and there are times when it does need to take place. But we've just had an independent review that says that is not the right thing to do. And of course we've seen the challenges in a wholesale restructure across our border, where, regardless of your view on the Lansley changes, there has been a significant amount of churn within the English system. I don't think that is something that I would recommend or be prepared to impose upon the service here in Wales.
In terms of your point about whether the Welsh Government is hampering the improvement, given that we've put maternity services in the former Cwm Taf area into special measures—and the whole organisation is in targeted intervention—it would be extraordinary if there wasn't regular interaction between Welsh Government officials and the service. It's part of the point about the whole escalation status and what it means: the further up you go, the more interaction, the more oversight, the more scrutiny you can expect from Welsh Government. And if I were to say, 'Actually, I'm taking a light-touch approach to improvement', then I think Members in this place would quite rightly question what on earth I'm doing and why my officials aren't in more regular contact. We heard the exact opposite point, of course, made in Dai Lloyd's contribution. He wanted to see even greater intervention and forcing the pace more. I've been really clear about the approach we're taking—I think it's the right one. So, those weekly calls will continue until we're clear that the service is on a more sustained improvement trajectory.
On neighbouring health boards and support, it's true that neighbouring health boards are supporting the service in Cwm Taf Morgannwg. The heads of midwifery meet as a group and they look at service issues in a very collective way. That's been really positive—and the proactive offers of help that have been provided, and the way in which recruitment issues have been dealt with around the service, to try to make sure that the service wasn't capsized by taking people out of the Cwm Taf area. But more broadly, it's about supporting people to make their choices, because some people have made a choice, saying they don't wish to attend a birth centre in the former Cwm Taf area, and that choice has been made available to them. It's important that people are supported in making those choices and start that conversation with their local community midwife. But that's been important in the way that neighbouring services have happened.
Bridgend is not in the same position as the former Cwm Taf area, it is not in special measures for the maternity service there. We've had a recent interaction with Healthcare Inspectorate Wales; there has been no suggestion that that's a required action for that part of the Cwm Taf Morgannwg area. So, I want to provide that reassurance to people who are going to give birth in the Bridgend area—they do not need to have any concerns on the level of improvement that is required in the former Cwm Taf area. But of course, every part of our service has the opportunity to reconsider what's happened, to reconsider what improvement it could still make in its own services.
Ynghylch y pwynt olaf a wnaethoch chi am adolygiad cynhwysfawr o strwythur cyfan y gwasanaeth iechyd, wrth gwrs, cawsom adolygiad seneddol annibynnol ar ddechrau'r tymor Cynulliad hwn, ac fe wnaethon nhw ddangos bod strwythur y gwasanaeth iechyd yng Nghymru'n gwneud synnwyr. Roedden nhw'n glir iawn nad oedden nhw'n argymell adolygiad strwythurol eang a throi'r drol. Mae'n aml yn ddeniadol i wleidydd ddweud mai'r ateb yw ad-drefnu strwythur gwasanaeth, ac mae yna adegau pan fo angen gwneud hynny. Ond rydym ni newydd gael adolygiad annibynnol sy'n dweud nad dyna'r peth iawn i'w wneud. Ac wrth gwrs rydym ni wedi gweld yr heriau mewn ailstrwythuro cynhwysfawr ar draws y ffin, lle, beth bynnag fo'ch barn am newidiadau Lansley, bu cryn dipyn o newid yn y system yn Lloegr. Nid wyf yn credu bod hynny'n rhywbeth y byddwn i'n ei argymell neu'n barod i'w orfodi ar y gwasanaeth yma yng Nghymru.
O ran eich pwynt ynghylch a yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn llesteirio'r gwelliant, o gofio ein bod wedi gwneud gwasanaethau mamolaeth yn hen ardal Cwm Taf yn destun mesurau arbennig—ac mae'r sefydliad cyfan yn destun ymyrraeth wedi'i dargedu—byddai'n rhyfeddol pe na bai rhyngweithio rheolaidd rhwng swyddogion Llywodraeth Cymru a'r gwasanaeth. Mae'n rhan o ddiben yr holl statws uwchgyfeirio a'r hyn y mae'n ei olygu: po uchaf yr ewch chi, po fwyaf y rhyngweithio, po fwyaf yr oruchwyliaeth, y mwyaf o graffu y gallwch ei ddisgwyl gan Lywodraeth Cymru. A phe bawn i'n dweud, 'Mewn gwirionedd, ni fyddaf yn llym iawn o ran gwella', yna rwy'n credu y byddai aelodau yn y fan yma yn cwestiynu'n briodol beth ar y ddaear rwy'n ei wneud a pham nad yw fy swyddogion yn cysylltu'n fwy rheolaidd. Clywsom y sylw a wnaed i'r gwrthwyneb yn llwyr, wrth gwrs, yng nghyfraniad Dai Lloyd. Roedd yntau eisiau gweld hyd yn oed mwy o ymyrryd a gwthio hynny ynghynt. Rwyf wedi bod yn glir iawn ynglŷn â sut yr ydym ni'n mynd ati—rwy'n credu mai dyma'r ffordd gywir. Felly, bydd y galwadau wythnosol hynny'n parhau nes ein bod yn glir bod y gwasanaeth yn gwella'n fwy cyson.
O ran byrddau iechyd cyfagos a chymorth, mae'n wir fod byrddau iechyd cyfagos yn cefnogi'r gwasanaeth yng Nghwm Taf Morgannwg. Mae penaethiaid bydwreigiaeth yn cyfarfod fel grŵp ac maen nhw'n edrych ar faterion o ran gwasanaeth mewn ffordd gyfunol iawn. Bu hynny'n gadarnhaol iawn—a'r cynigion rhagweithiol o gymorth sydd wedi'u darparu, a'r ffordd y mae materion recriwtio wedi cael eu trin o amgylch y gwasanaeth, i geisio sicrhau nad oedd tarfu ar y gwasanaeth drwy dynnu pobl allan o ardal Cwm Taf. Ond yn fwy cyffredinol, mae'n ymwneud â chefnogi pobl i wneud eu dewisiadau, oherwydd bod rhai pobl wedi gwneud dewis, gan ddweud nad ydyn nhw'n dymuno mynd i ganolfan eni yn hen ardal Cwm Taf, a rhoddwyd y dewis hwnnw iddyn nhw. Mae'n bwysig bod pobl yn cael eu cynorthwyo i wneud y dewisiadau hynny a dechrau'r sgwrs honno gyda'u bydwraig gymunedol leol. Ond bu hynny'n bwysig gyda gwasanaethau cyfagos.
Nid yw Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr yn yr un sefyllfa â hen ardal Cwm Taf, nid yw'r gwasanaeth mamolaeth yn y fan yna yn destun mesurau arbennig. Rydym ni wedi rhyngweithio'n ddiweddar ag Arolygiaeth Gofal Iechyd Cymru; ni chafwyd unrhyw awgrym bod hynny'n weithred ofynnol ar gyfer y rhan honno o ardal Cwm Taf Morgannwg. Felly, rwyf eisiau rhoi'r sicrwydd hwnnw i bobl sy'n mynd i roi genedigaeth yn ardal Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr—nid oes angen iddyn nhw fod ag unrhyw bryderon ynglŷn â faint o welliant sy'n ofynnol yn hen ardal Cwm Taf. Ond wrth gwrs, mae pob rhan o'n gwasanaeth yn cael cyfle i ailystyried yr hyn sydd wedi digwydd, i ailystyried pa welliannau y gallai hi barhau i'w gwneud yn ei gwasanaethau ei hun.
Thank you. We've had all the major spokespeople now on this statement, and I have still a number of Members who wish to contribute. So, can I ask the remaining speakers now if they would just do a brief introduction to their one question, please? David Melding.
Diolch. Mae pob un o'r prif lefarwyr nawr wedi siarad ar y datganiad hwn, ac mae gennyf nifer o aelodau o hyd sy'n dymuno cyfrannu. Felly, a gaf i ofyn i'r siaradwyr sy'n weddill nawr a fydden nhw'n gwneud cyflwyniad byr i'w un cwestiwn, os gwelwch yn dda? David Melding.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. It's quite simple what we need to know: when do you expect maternity services in Cwm Taf to be safe—not good, not excellent, not sector leading—when will they be safe? This report says there's a very long way to go. And, frankly, I find your approach remarkably passive. You've sat on your hands, you did nothing about the chief executive—you waited for her to resign. You calmly now tell us that you think the board that was unable to oversee the performance of this health board and the services they provide is the one to get us out of trouble, and the only thing you've done about that side of the senior management is send David Jenkins in there to keep an eye on things. I think we need better than this, frankly. We still, according to this report, have problems with the complaints process and responding to complaints. The culture still needs to improve dramatically, staff are not confident and neither are patients. Guidelines and protocols are not yet adequately embedded. What sort of training scheme is going on? How long is this going to last where we are providing health services that are not in accordance with protocols and guidelines? And in terms of the current progress on the improvement plan, I just read from the report that from the beginning of July, the pace of progress has started to falter. Minister, you need to take some responsibility here, because the one thing that hasn't happened is that we've had leadership and energy from you.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Mae'n eithaf syml beth sydd angen i ni ei wybod: pryd ydych chi'n disgwyl y bydd gwasanaethau mamolaeth yng Nghwm Taf yn ddiogel—ddim yn dda, ddim yn rhagorol, ddim yn arwain y sector—pryd fyddan nhw'n ddiogel? Mae'r adroddiad hwn yn dweud bod ffordd bell iawn i fynd. Ac a dweud y gwir, rwy'n cael eich ymagwedd yn hynod oddefol. Nid ydych chi wedi gweithredu, ni wnaethoch chi unrhyw beth ynghylch y prif weithredwr—fe wnaethoch chi aros iddi ymddiswyddo. Rydych chi'n dweud yn bwyllog wrthym ni nawr eich bod o'r farn mai'r bwrdd na allai oruchwylio perfformiad y bwrdd iechyd hwn a'r gwasanaethau y maen nhw'n eu darparu yw'r un i ddatrys ein trafferthion, a'r unig beth yr ydych chi wedi'i wneud ynghylch yr uwch reolwyr yn hynny o beth yw anfon David Jenkins yno i gadw llygad ar bethau. Rwy'n credu bod angen gwell na hyn, a dweud y gwir. Rydym ni'n dal i gael problemau, yn ôl yr adroddiad hwn, gyda'r broses gwyno ac ymateb i gwynion. Mae angen i'r diwylliant wella'n sylweddol o hyd, nid yw'r staff yn hyderus nac ychwaith y cleifion. Nid yw canllawiau a phrotocolau wedi'u hymsefydlu'n ddigonol eto. Pa fath o gynllun hyfforddi sy'n mynd rhagddo? Pa mor hir y mae hyn yn mynd i bara lle'r ydym ni'n darparu gwasanaethau iechyd nad ydyn nhw'n unol â phrotocolau a chanllawiau? Ac o ran y cynnydd presennol yn y cynllun gwella, darllenais o'r adroddiad fod cyflymdra'r cynnydd wedi dechrau pallu o ddechrau mis Gorffennaf. Gweinidog, mae angen i chi gymryd rhywfaint o gyfrifoldeb yma, oherwydd yr un peth sydd heb ddigwydd yw ein bod ni wedi cael arweiniad ac egni gennych chi.
Well, I completely reject the accusation made by David Melding. He's regularly urbane and reasonable as opposed to the rather temperature-raising approach he's taken today. I have intervened in the health board. I have set in train a proper process of independent scrutiny and oversight for that improvement, and I will continue to be honest with people about the level of improvement made and the actions still required. If you look at what the panel themselves say about the progress made, they themselves are honest about the areas where progress has been made and is embedded and the areas where progress has been made but it is not yet at the point when they are prepared to sign off to say that that is progress that has been embedded. They're also clear about the work that is ongoing every day to provide assurance about the safety of the service. I'm not going to give a free pass to anyone in the health service to sit back and allow things to wash over them; I've taken action, I've been clear about what that is and I will continue to report back honestly and openly about the progress made to date. And if any further support is required, that is the point about having an independent panel to make clear what is required, as well as the interaction of my officials, and I will continue to act to safeguard the service.
Wel, gwrthodaf yn llwyr y cyhuddiad a wnaed gan David Melding. Fel arfer mae'n gwrtais a rhesymol yn hytrach na dangos ymagwedd braidd yn ymfflamychol fel y gwnaeth heddiw. Rwyf wedi ymyrryd yn y bwrdd iechyd. Rwyf wedi sefydlu proses briodol o graffu a goruchwylio annibynnol ar gyfer y gwelliant hwnnw, a byddaf yn parhau i fod yn onest â phobl ynghylch faint o welliant a wneir a'r hyn sy'n dal angen ei wneud. Os edrychwch chi ar yr hyn y mae'r panel ei hun yn ei ddweud am y cynnydd a wnaed, maen nhw eu hunain yn onest am y meysydd lle gwnaed cynnydd ac sydd wedi ymwreiddio a'r meysydd lle gwnaed cynnydd ond lle nad yw eto wedi cyrraedd y sefyllfa lle maen nhw'n barod i roi sêl bendith a dweud bod y cynnydd hwnnw wedi ymwreiddio. Maen nhw hefyd yn glir ynghylch y gwaith sy'n mynd rhagddo bob dydd i roi sicrwydd ynglŷn â diogelwch y gwasanaeth. Nid wyf yn mynd i roi rhwydd hynt i neb yn y gwasanaeth iechyd laesu dwylo a chaniatáu i bethau ddigwydd; rwyf wedi gweithredu, rwyf wedi bod yn glir ynghylch beth yw hynny a byddaf yn parhau i adrodd yn ôl yn onest ac yn agored am y cynnydd a wnaed hyd yma. Ac os oes angen cymorth pellach, dyna ddiben cael panel annibynnol i egluro'r hyn sydd ei angen, yn ogystal â rhyngweithio fy swyddogion, a byddaf yn parhau i weithredu i ddiogelu'r gwasanaeth.
Minister, thank you for your update today. My question is around the issue of cultural change. We all know that cultural change is something that's very, very difficult to implement, but it's so important and underpins all the work that needs to be done to put Cwm Taf maternity services on a safe and sustainable footing. The oversight panel began their work in May of this year, and I know that they are currently looking back over historic cases of concern, but if cases of concern are brought forward by families relating to the period after May of this year, will the panel be made aware of these, or will they just be dealt with in-house by the health board? I ask this because it is absolutely imperative that we see evidence of culture change, and I am concerned that any potential new cases, which may indicate a continuation of some of the cultural issues we have seen previously, absolutely must be examined if we are to be confident that this cultural change really is happening on the ground.
Gweinidog, diolch am eich diweddariad heddiw. Mae fy nghwestiwn yn ymwneud â'r mater o newid diwylliant. Rydym ni i gyd yn gwybod bod newid diwylliannol yn rhywbeth sy'n anodd iawn ei weithredu, ond mae mor bwysig ac yn sail i'r holl waith sydd angen ei wneud i roi gwasanaethau mamolaeth Cwm Taf ar sail ddiogel a chynaliadwy. Dechreuodd y panel trosolwg ar ei waith ym mis Mai eleni, ac rwy'n gwybod eu bod ar hyn o bryd yn edrych yn ôl dros achosion hanesyddol a oedd yn peri pryder, ond os cyflwynir achosion o bryder gan deuluoedd yn ymwneud â'r cyfnod ar ôl mis Mai eleni, a gaiff y panel ei hysbysu am y rhain, neu a gânt eu trin yn fewnol yn unig gan y bwrdd iechyd? Gofynnaf hyn oherwydd mae'n gwbl hanfodol ein bod yn gweld tystiolaeth o newid diwylliant, ac rwyf yn pryderu os cyflwynir unrhyw achosion newydd posib, a allai awgrymu parhad rhai o'r materion diwylliannol a welsom ni o'r blaen, mae'n hanfodol ein bod yn rhoi sylw manwl iddyn nhw os ydym ni i fod yn ffyddiog bod y newid diwylliannol hwn yn digwydd mewn gwirionedd ar lawr gwlad.
I'm happy to deal with that. You're right about the length of time that cultural change takes—not just to take place, but to be sustained and embedded within the service. It's important to note that the normal complaints process should still continue, so 'Putting Things Right' is still the first point of access and people can be supported by the community health council in making those complaints as usual. However, if families do want to refer in to the independent review process, then they can do so. As I said in my statement, the panel will be involved in determining whether those cases do need to have an independent review or not. So, it's not simply the case that people will need to only and uniquely deal with the health board; if they have concerns in this area, they can refer in and the panel will be involved in determining whether a full clinical review is required or not.
Rwy'n fodlon ymdrin â hynny. Rydych chi'n gywir ynghylch yr amser y mae newid diwylliannol yn ei gymryd—nid yn unig i ddigwydd, ond i'w gynnal a'i wreiddio yn y gwasanaeth. Mae'n bwysig nodi y dylai'r broses gwyno arferol barhau, felly 'Gweithio i Wella' yw'r ffordd gyntaf o wneud hyn o hyd a gall y Cyngor Iechyd Cymuned gefnogi pobl wrth wneud y cwynion hynny fel arfer. Fodd bynnag, os yw teuluoedd eisiau cyfeirio at y broses adolygu annibynnol, gallant wneud hynny. Fel y dywedais yn fy natganiad, bydd y panel yn ymwneud â phenderfynu a oes angen i'r achosion hynny gael adolygiad annibynnol ai peidio. Felly, nid yw'n wir y bydd angen i bobl ymdrin â'r bwrdd iechyd yn unig; os oes ganddyn nhw bryderon yn y maes hwn, gallant gyfeirio eu hunain a bydd y panel yn rhan o'r broses o benderfynu a oes angen cynnal adolygiad clinigol llawn ai peidio.
My thoughts also go out to all the families who've suffered deep and enduring loss. Could I add to the comments that were made by my colleague Dawn Bowden on the issue of the ability to encourage and support whistleblowers on the front line, but also to encourage people to speak out at board level as well? Because it does seem to me that one of the failures here was the lack of confidence to challenge at board level and the lack of information put in front of that board. And I'd appreciate his thoughts, bearing in mind the progress that has been reported, but also the need for fundamental change at board level, as to whether we are now confident that board members are confident to challenge, to ask questions, to contradict, because that is also a point of failure here and we need to challenge that. Is he confident that the board is now fundamentally changing in that way?
Mae fy meddyliau innau hefyd gyda'r holl deuluoedd sydd wedi dioddef colled ddofn a pharhaus. A gaf i ychwanegu at y sylwadau a wnaethpwyd gan fy nghydweithiwr Dawn Bowden ar fater y gallu i annog a chefnogi chwythwyr chwiban yn y rheng flaen, ond hefyd i annog pobl i roi gwybod am bryderon ar lefel y bwrdd hefyd? Oherwydd y mae'n ymddangos i mi mai un o'r methiannau yma oedd y diffyg hyder i herio ar lefel y bwrdd a'r diffyg gwybodaeth a gyflwynwyd i'r bwrdd hwnnw. A byddwn yn gwerthfawrogi ei farn, gan gofio'r cynnydd a adroddwyd, ond hefyd yr angen am newid sylfaenol ar lefel bwrdd, o ran a ydym ni'n ffyddiog bellach bod aelodau'r bwrdd yn hyderus i herio, i ofyn cwestiynau, i wrth-ddweud, oherwydd mae hynny hefyd yn bwynt o fethiant yn y fan yma ac mae angen inni herio hynny. A yw'n ffyddiog bod y bwrdd bellach yn newid yn sylfaenol yn y modd hwnnw?
If you look back to the initial royal colleges review, they recognise that information presented to the board was not always the full picture. It's one of the big challenges that face the organisation. The phrase that the board received false assurance was a real concern for me when reading that report. When I said in my statement there has been lots of soul-searching at board level, there really has. People really have taken very seriously and very much to heart what has happened on their watch and their responsibility for putting it right.
The work that David Jenkins has done is important in both not just advising the board, but providing a different level of assurance to me about the change in the board's behaviour and approach. So, they are already more challenging, they are already seeking further information and they're being very clear in wanting to have more independent members involved in different parts of the work of the board, as well as in reorganising their quality, safety and risk function, as well. These may sound, occasionally, as if they are simply moving pieces around, but it actually really matters about how an organisation works and functions. Actually, for Members here, I think David Jenkins has been invited and has accepted an invitation to go to the health committee so that people have an opportunity to question him directly about the behaviours he's seen and the move on that has plainly been required from the way they had previously worked.
Os edrychwch yn ôl at adolygiad cychwynnol y colegau brenhinol, maen nhw'n cydnabod nad oedd yr wybodaeth a gyflwynwyd i'r bwrdd yn ddarlun cyflawn bob amser. Dyma un o'r heriau mawr sy'n wynebu'r sefydliad. Roedd y sylw a wnaed fod y bwrdd wedi cael ffug sicrwydd yn bryder gwirioneddol i mi wrth ddarllen yr adroddiad hwnnw. Pan ddywedais i yn fy natganiad fod llawer o hunanholi wedi bod ar lefel y bwrdd, roedd hynny'n wir iawn. Mae pobl wedi cymryd o ddifrif calon yr hyn sydd wedi digwydd ar eu goruchwyliaeth nhw a'u cyfrifoldeb nhw i'w gywiro.
Mae'r gwaith a wnaeth David Jenkins yn bwysig nid yn unig o ran cynghori'r bwrdd, ond o ran rhoi gwahanol lefel o sicrwydd i mi am y newid yn ymddygiad a dull y bwrdd o weithredu. Felly, maen nhw eisoes yn fwy heriol. Maen nhw eisoes yn chwilio am ragor o wybodaeth ac maen nhw'n glir iawn eu dymuniad eu bod eisiau gweld mwy o aelodau annibynnol yn ymwneud â gwahanol rannau o waith y bwrdd, yn ogystal ag ad-drefnu eu hansawdd, eu diogelwch a'u swyddogaeth o ran risgiau. Fe all hyn swnio, o bryd i'w gilydd, fel symud darnau o gwmpas yn unig, ond mewn gwirionedd mae hyn yn bwysig o ran sut mae sefydliad yn gweithio a beth yw ei swyddogaethau. A dweud y gwir, i'r Aelodau yn y fan hon, rwy'n credu bod David Jenkins wedi cael ei wahodd ac wedi derbyn y gwahoddiad i fynd i'r Pwyllgor Iechyd fel bod cyfle i bobl ei holi'n uniongyrchol am yr ymddygiad a welodd ef a'r symud ymlaen sy'n amlwg wedi bod yn ofynnol o'r ffordd yr oedden nhw wedi gweithio yn flaenorol.
Thank you very much, Minister.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Gweinidog.
Yr eitem nesaf yw datganiad gan y Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol ar ddigartrefedd. Galwaf ar y Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol, Julie James.
The next item is a statement by the Minister for Housing and Local Government on homelessness, and I call on the Minister for Housing and Local Government, Julie James.