Y Cyfarfod Llawn - Y Bumed Senedd
Plenary - Fifth Senedd
Cyfarfu’r Cynulliad am 13:30 gyda’r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Assembly met at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Galw Aelodau y ddwy Senedd i drefn.
I call Members of both Parliaments to order.
Os caf i sylw pawb, er mwyn i fi fedru croesawu, yn arbennig, 39 o Aelodau'r Senedd Ieuenctid i ymuno â ni heddiw, yn ein sesiwn gyntaf ni o'r math yma, ac, o bosib, y sesiwn gyntaf yn y byd lle mae senedd genedlaethol wedi cwrdd mewn sesiwn ffurfiol gyda senedd ieuenctid etholedig hefyd. Dyw'r Senedd Ieuenctid ddim eto yn flwydd oed, ond eisoes mae wedi aeddfedu ac wedi esblygu mewn modd y gallwn ni i gyd fod yn falch iawn ohoni, ac mae blaenoriaethau'r Senedd Ieuenctid honno yn flaengar, yn feddylgar, ac yn feiddgar. Ac rŷm ni i gyd yn edrych ymlaen, dwi'n siŵr, i glywed mwy am y Senedd Ieuenctid yn ystod y sesiwn yma y prynhawn yma. Byddwn hefyd yn trafod a phleidleisio ar gynnig arbennig, sydd yn amlinellu egwyddorion craidd y berthynas a fydd yn datblygu rhwng y Senedd Ieuenctid a'r Cynulliad yma, wrth i'r gwaith pwysig o gynrychioli buddiannau pobl ifanc Cymru fynd rhagddo.
Felly, heb oedi mwy, rwy'n cyflwyno'r cynnig, ac yn galw ar Maisy Evans, Aelod Senedd Ieuenctid Torfaen, i ddweud mwy wrthym ni am arwyddocâd y cynnig hwnnw. Maisy Evans.
If I could have your attention, please, so that I can particularly welcome 39 Members of the Youth Parliament, who are joining us today in the first joint session of its kind, and, perhaps, the first ever session where a national parliament has met jointly with a youth parliament. The Youth Parliament is not yet a year old, but it has already matured and evolved in a way that we can all be very proud of, and the priorities of that Youth Parliament are innovative, thoughtful and bold. We're all looking forward, I'm sure, to hearing more about the Youth Parliament during this afternoon’s session. We will also be discussing and voting on a special motion, which outlines the core principles of the relationship that will develop between the Youth Parliament and this Assembly, as the important work of representing the interests of young people in Wales proceeds.
So, without further ado, I introduce the motion, and call on Maisy Evans, Youth Parliament Member for Torfaen, to tell us more about the significance of that motion. Maisy Evans.
Cynnig NDM7100 Elin Jones
Cynnig bod Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru:
1. Yn nodi y bydd gwaith Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru yn ystod ei thymor cyntaf yn canolbwyntio ar y materion a ganlyn:
a) iechyd meddwl a llesiant emosiynol;
b) sgiliau bywyd yn y cwricwlwm; ac
c) sbwriel a gwastraff plastig.
2. Yn cadarnhau ymrwymiad y Cynulliad i gefnogi’r gwaith y mae Aelodau Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru yn ymgymryd ag ef i ymgysylltu â phobl ifanc ledled Cymru.
3. Yn cytuno â’r datganiad ar y cyd sy’n amlinellu ymrwymiad y Cynulliad a Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru i weithio gyda’i gilydd ar ran pobl ifanc Cymru.
Motion NDM7100 Elin Jones
To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:
1. Notes that the Welsh Youth Parliament’s work for the duration of its first term will focus on the following issues:
a) mental health and emotional wellbeing;
b) life skills in the curriculum; and
c) littering and plastic waste.
2. Confirms the Assembly’s commitment to support the work undertaken by Welsh Youth Parliament Members to engage young people across Wales.
3. Agrees the joint declaration outlining the Assembly and Welsh Youth Parliament's commitment to work together on behalf of the young people of Wales.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. Braint ac anrhydedd yw sefyll yn y Siambr ar y diwrnod tyngedfennol hwn, ac mae'n wych gweld Aelodau'r Cynulliad ac Aelodau'r Senedd Ieuenctid gyda'i gilydd ar ddiwrnod mor hanesyddol yng Nghymru.
Cyfarfu Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru yma, yn y Siambr hon, am y tro cyntaf ym mis Chwefror eleni, a chawsom gyfle i siarad am y materion sydd bwysicaf i ni fel pobl ifanc yng Nghymru. Roedd y cyfraniadau a gafwyd yn angerddol, yn amrywiol ac yn ddiffuant. Dewisais i siarad am sgiliau bywyd yn y cwricwlwm, ac roedd y materion a godwyd yn cynnwys addysg ryw, ariannu ac, yn bennaf, addysg wleidyddol a dinasyddiaeth, gan fod barn pobl ifanc ar wleidyddiaeth wedi newid yn sylweddol dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf. Yng nghyd-destun Brexit a ffug newyddion, mae pobl ifanc mewn sefyllfa fwy bregus nag erioed o’r blaen, gyda materion o'r fath yn cael effaith uniongyrchol ar ein dyfodol ni. Mi fydd addysg safonol yn seiliedig ar wleidyddiaeth Prydain, ac yn ehangach, yn sicrhau bod dyfodol cenedlaethau iau wedi'i ddiogelu.
Fel y soniwyd eisoes, y materion y gwnaethom bleidleisio i'w blaenoriaethu yn ein tymor dwy flynedd cyntaf yw: iechyd emosiynol ac iechyd meddwl; sbwriel a gwastraff plastig; a sgiliau bywyd yn y cwricwlwm. Bydd fy nghyd-Aelodau yn helaethu ar y gwaith sy'n digwydd ym mhob un o'r meysydd hyn yn y man. Er mwyn i'n gwaith fod yn effeithiol, ac er mwyn i Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru allu cynrychioli holl bobl ifanc Cymru, mae'n hanfodol bod perthynas rhyngom ni a'r Cynulliad. Mae’r datganiad, a ddarllenir gennyf yn fuan, yn amlinellu’r egwyddorion i'r ddau sefydliad weithio gyda'i gilydd a'r hyn y gall pobl ifanc ei ddisgwyl gennym ni. Pleidleisiodd Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru yn ddiweddar i gytuno'r datganiad, ac rydym newydd gynnal digwyddiad yn y Pierhead i bwysleisio pwysigrwydd heddiw, o ran sicrhau bod ein gwaith yn cael ei ystyried gan y Cynulliad. Dyma ddatganiad Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru a’r Cynulliad:
Mae’r datganiad hwn yn nodi’r egwyddorion sy’n sail i’r berthynas rhwng Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru a Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru, i sicrhau bod gan bobl ifanc yng Nghymru lais ar y lefel uchaf. Bydd Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru a Chynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru yn gweithio gyda’i gilydd i: sicrhau bod materion, penderfyniadau, a gwaith Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru yn cael eu harwain gan ei Haelodau a'r bobl ifanc y maent yn eu cynrychioli; sicrhau bod gwaith Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru yn rhan annatod o'r broses gwneud penderfyniadau a strwythurau democrataidd yng Nghymru; parhau i wella'r ffyrdd y mae pobl ifanc yn cymryd rhan mewn prosesau gwneud penderfyniadau yng Nghymru, yn unol ag erthygl 12 o Gonfensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau'r Plentyn, sy'n datgan bod gan bobl ifanc yr hawl i ddweud eu barn yn rhydd ac i’w barn gael ei hystyried; ymrwymo i hawliau pobl ifanc i gael y gefnogaeth sydd ei hangen i ymgysylltu â gwaith Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru, a'u hannog i weithio, cyfathrebu ac ymgysylltu yn nwy iaith swyddogol y Cynulliad; sicrhau y gall pobl ifanc gyfrannu mewn amgylchedd hygyrch, cynhwysol a diogel; a gweithredu yn ôl egwyddorion didwylledd a thryloywder, gan ddarparu adborth clir, hygyrch ac o ansawdd da ar gyfraniad pobl ifanc i waith Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru a busnes y Cynulliad. [Cymeradwyaeth.]
Thank you very much, Llywydd. It’s a great privilege and an honour to be speaking in the Siambr on this momentous day, and it’s wonderful to see Assembly Members and Welsh Youth Parliament Members together on such a historic day in Wales.
The Welsh Youth Parliament met in this Chamber for the first time in February this year, and we were given the opportunity to speak about issues that matter most to us as young people in Wales. The contributions made were passionate, varied and sincere. I chose to speak about life skills in the curriculum, and the issues raised included sex education, finance and, primarily, political education and citizenship, given that the political opinions of Wales’s young people on politics has changed in recent years. In the context of Brexit and fake news, young people are in a more vulnerable position than ever before, as such matters and issues can have a direct effect on our future. Quality education based on the politics of Britain, and more broadly, will ensure that the future generations will be protected.
As has already been mentioned, the issues that we decided to prioritise during our first two-year term are: emotional and mental health; littering and plastic waste; and life skills in the curriculum My colleagues will elaborate on the work taking place within each of these areas in due course. For our work to be effective, and for the Welsh Youth Parliament to represent all the young people of Wales, it is vital that there is a relationship between us and the Assembly. The declaration, which I shall read out shortly, outlines the principles for both organisations to work together and what young people in Wales can expect from us. The Welsh Youth Parliament recently voted to agree the declaration, and we have just held an event at the Pierhead to outline the importance of today, in ensuring that our work is considered by the Assembly. This is the declaration of the Welsh Youth Parliament and the Assembly:
This declaration sets out the principles for the relationship between the National Assembly for Wales and the Welsh Youth Parliament, to ensure that young people in Wales have a voice at the highest level. The Welsh Youth Parliament and the National Assembly for Wales will collaborate to: ensure that issues, decisions, and the work of the Welsh Youth Parliament are led by its Members and the young people they represent; ensure that the Welsh Youth Parliament’s work is integral to decision making and democratic structures in Wales; continue to improve the ways in which young people are involved in decision-making processes in Wales, in accordance with article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which states that young people have the right to express their views freely and have their opinions listened to; commit to the rights of young people to access the support needed to engage with the work of the Welsh Youth Parliament, and encourage them to work, communicate and engage in both of the Assembly’s official languages; ensure that young people can contribute in an accessible, inclusive and safe environment; and to operate under the principles of openness and transparency, providing good-quality, clear and accessible feedback on the contribution of young people to the work of the Welsh Youth Parliament and Assembly business. [Applause.]
Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Thank you very much.
The next speaker is Jonathon Dawes, a Member for the Vale of Clwyd. Jonathon Dawes.
Y siaradwr nesaf yw Jonathon Dawes, Aelod dros Ddyffryn Clwyd. Jonathon Dawes.
Diolch, Presiding Officer. To begin, I do have to say that it's a real privilege for me today to be in the Chamber to talk about the really important issue to young people of life skills in the curriculum. And I thank the Welsh Youth Parliament for giving me this fantastic opportunity. As many Welsh Youth Parliament and Assembly Members know, since my election, and, in fact, even thinking about before I was elected, I have been an advocate for life skills in the curriculum, and I am very honoured to talk to you today about the Welsh Youth Parliament's work and my work personally on this real key issue.
After the Welsh Youth Parliament's first Plenary session in February, Members voted life skills as one of our top three issues, and I was very happy that Members supported this key issue after passionate speeches from Members across Wales. Collectively, as a youth parliament, we have taken steps to make real change for young people on this issue. Recently, we have created life skills committees, which have representatives from each region of Wales. In May, we launched our life skills survey for 11 to 25-year-olds during the Urdd Eisteddfod, and have organised two consultation events on life skills—one in north Wales, and the other in south Wales. All of these free actions will help us get a broad range of views from young people on what they want to see in the new curriculum, and then we will debate these in the October Youth Parliament Plenary session. I would like to encourage Assembly Members to share our survey on social media, like many already have, and attend these consultation events, to get the views on what should be in the new curriculum in terms of life skills from people who will be experiencing the new curriculum but who have also experienced the current and past curriculums, because, ultimately, this will help us learn from the mistakes of the old curriculum but also the good points when designing a new one.
In terms of me personally, this is a passion of mine, but it's by far the issue I get contacted about by young people on social media, and young people who live in my constituency. Since my election, I have spoken to hundreds of young people, and they all agree with me—life skills should play a dominant role in the new curriculum. They do feel that, despite spending 13 years in full-time education, they don't have the adequate skills that will help them achieve their potential in later life, including financial and political education. But it must be said, when I do speak to young people about the curriculum—and they are very passionate about this issue—the life skill that's brought up with me the most, that they all want to see, is CPR and basic first aid.
Many AMs across this Chamber have quite rightly championed this issue, but I and other Welsh Youth Parliament Members support the ongoing British Heart Foundation campaign for CPR to be included in the 2022 curriculum, and I do hope that the Government do think about this after the consultation period. It's important we do take a broad range of views from young people and that these views are considered at the highest level, and this is why being here in the Chamber today, in front of all the Assembly Members, is a massive step.
The curriculum does present us with a real opportunity to change it for the better, and some Welsh Youth Parliament Members have met with education Minister, Kirsty Williams, to share their opinions and represent the views of young people in their areas on this real pressing matter. We have all been contributing to sharing the current consultation on the new curriculum, and I believe that, to achieve a curriculum that addresses the improvement of life skills, amongst other things, we must work together, cross-party, with the Welsh Youth Parliament, to ensure Wales's new curriculum is something we can all be proud of. Thank you very much. [Applause.]
Diolch, Lywydd. I ddechrau, mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud ei bod yn fraint go iawn cael bod yn y Siambr heddiw i siarad am sgiliau bywyd yn y cwricwlwm, sy'n fater gwirioneddol bwysig i bobl ifanc. A diolch i Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru am roi'r cyfle gwych hwn i mi. Fel y gŵyr llawer o Aelodau'r Cynulliad a Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru, ers i mi gael fy ethol, ac chyn i mi gael fy ethol hyd yn oed, rwyf wedi bod yn dadlau dros sgiliau bywyd yn y cwricwlwm, ac mae'n anrhydedd i mi gael siarad â chi heddiw am waith Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru yn ogystal â fy ngwaith i'n bersonol ar y mater hynod allweddol hwn.
Ar ôl Cyfarfod Llawn cyntaf Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru ym mis Chwefror, pleidleisiodd yr Aelodau o blaid sgiliau bywyd fel un o'n tri mater pwysicaf, ac roeddwn yn hapus iawn fod yr Aelodau wedi cefnogi'r mater allweddol hwn ar ôl areithiau angerddol gan Aelodau ledled Cymru. Yn gyfunol, fel senedd ieuenctid, rydym wedi cymryd camau i sicrhau newid gwirioneddol i bobl ifanc ar y mater hwn. Yn ddiweddar, rydym wedi creu pwyllgorau sgiliau bywyd, sydd â chynrychiolwyr o bob rhanbarth o Gymru. Ym mis Mai, lansiwyd ein harolwg o sgiliau bywyd ar gyfer pobl ifanc 11 i 25 oed yn ystod Eisteddfod yr Urdd, ac rydym wedi trefnu dau ddigwyddiad ymgynghori ar sgiliau bywyd—un yng ngogledd Cymru, a'r llall yn ne Cymru. Bydd yr holl gamau rhydd hyn yn ein helpu i gael ystod eang o safbwyntiau gan bobl ifanc am yr hyn y maent eisiau ei weld yn y cwricwlwm newydd, ac yna byddwn yn trafod y rhain yng Nghyfarfod Llawn y Senedd Ieuenctid ym mis Hydref. Hoffwn annog Aelodau'r Cynulliad i rannu ein harolwg ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol, fel y mae llawer eisoes wedi'i wneud, a mynychu'r digwyddiadau ymgynghori hyn, i gael y safbwyntiau ar yr hyn a ddylai fod yn y cwricwlwm newydd o ran sgiliau bywyd, gan bobl a fydd yn cael profiad o'r cwricwlwm newydd ond sydd hefyd wedi cael profiad o'r cwricwlwm presennol a chwricwla'r gorffennol, oherwydd yn y pen draw, bydd hyn yn ein helpu i ddysgu o gamgymeriadau'r hen gwricwlwm, yn ogystal â dysgu o'r pwyntiau da wrth ddylunio un newydd.
O'm rhan i'n bersonol, rwy'n teimlo'n angerddol am y mater hwn, ond hwn yw'r mater sy'n codi amlaf o bell ffordd mewn negeseuon gan bobl ifanc ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol, a phobl ifanc sy'n byw yn fy etholaeth. Ers i mi gael fy ethol, rwyf wedi siarad â channoedd o bobl ifanc, ac maent i gyd yn cytuno â mi—dylai sgiliau bywyd chwarae rhan flaenllaw yn y cwricwlwm newydd. Er eu bod wedi treulio 13 blynedd mewn addysg amser llawn, teimlant nad oes ganddynt sgiliau digonol i'w helpu i gyflawni eu potensial yn ddiweddarach mewn bywyd, gan gynnwys addysg ariannol a gwleidyddol. Ond mae'n rhaid dweud, pan fyddaf yn siarad â phobl ifanc am y cwricwlwm—ac maent yn angerddol iawn am y mater hwn—y sgil bywyd a grybwyllir fwyaf, y sgil y mae pob un ohonynt eisiau ei weld, yw adfywio cardio-pwlmonaidd a chymorth cyntaf sylfaenol.
Mae llawer o Aelodau Cynulliad ar draws y Siambr wedi hyrwyddo'r mater hwn yn gwbl briodol, ond rwyf fi ac Aelodau eraill o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru yn cefnogi ymgyrch barhaus Sefydliad Prydeinig y Galon i gynnwys adfywio cardio-pwlmonaidd yng nghwricwlwm 2022, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y Llywodraeth yn ystyried hyn ar ôl y cyfnod ymgynghori. Mae'n bwysig ein bod yn casglu amrywiaeth eang o safbwyntiau gan bobl ifanc a bod y safbwyntiau hyn yn cael eu hystyried ar y lefel uchaf, a dyna pam fod bod yma yn y Siambr heddiw, o flaen holl Aelodau'r Cynulliad, yn gam enfawr.
Mae'r cwricwlwm yn rhoi cyfle gwirioneddol i ni ei newid er gwell, ac mae rhai o Aelodau Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru wedi cyfarfod â'r Gweinidog addysg, Kirsty Williams, i rannu eu safbwyntiau ac i gynrychioli barn pobl ifanc yn eu hardaloedd ar y mater gwirioneddol bwysig hwn. Mae pawb ohonom wedi bod yn cyfrannu at y broses o rannu'r ymgynghoriad presennol ar y cwricwlwm newydd, ac er mwyn sicrhau cwricwlwm sy'n mynd i'r afael â'r gwaith o wella sgiliau bywyd, ymysg pethau eraill, rwy'n credu bod yn rhaid i ni weithio gyda'n gilydd yn drawsbleidiol gyda Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru, er mwyn sicrhau bod cwricwlwm newydd Cymru yn rhywbeth y gall pawb ohonom ymfalchïo ynddo. Diolch yn fawr iawn. [Cymeradwyaeth.]
Our next speaker is Sandy Ibrahim, partner elected Member for Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team Wales. Sandy Ibrahim.
Ein siaradwr nesaf yw Sandy Ibrahim, yr Aelod a etholwyd gan bartner ar gyfer Tîm Cymorth Ieuenctid Ethnig Cymru. Sandy Ibrahim.
Thank you, Llywydd. I'm Sandy Ibrahim, and I represent the EYST organisation in the Welsh Youth Parliament. Today, 26 June, as I and many other people know, is an important day not just for a specific person, but for the whole Welsh Youth Parliament. So, today in my speech I'll be going through the work of the emotional and mental health committee and will give an overview of where we are and what our future plans are.
As the majority of us today will know, mental health problems affect one in 10 young people. They include anger, depression, loneliness, panic attacks, stress, anxiety and conduct disorder, and are often a direct response to what is happening in their lives. But in order to reduce this number and help every single young person, we all need to work together.
I am really proud to say that a massive amount of work has been taking place in Wales to look further into the issue of the emotional and mental health of young people. And mainly that's what we all want to see—positive work, and hopefully positive results. In April 2018, the 'Mind over Matter' report was published. This is basically a report on the step change needed in emotional and mental health support for children and young people in Wales. And exactly last week, the Assembly held an evidence session to follow up on this specific report.
Moving on, working on the mental health committee and also finding ways of improving positively obviously can't be the work of just the Welsh Youth Parliament on its own. Mainly, it will be all of us getting closer to organisations, people or even young people, working together to make this change and reach what we want to reach, and thankfully, until now, we have seen a lot of interest from organisations all across Wales, including Gofal, Mind Cymru and a few others too. Also, we are looking forward to start working closely with them through our theme of work.
Within the emotional and mental health committee, we have started taking actions to look at individual issues within this broad point, and in the future we will work more towards and also analyse which areas we want to specifically focus on. Through our time in here, we will obviously need to work with specific organisations, and we have started to look a bit further into that theme too in order to analyse who will be the key organisations that will work with us.
So, lastly, before I close my speech, I just wanted to say that, as much as I'm interested, I'm sure the whole Welsh Youth Parliament Members are interested in starting to hear from as many young people as possible, and also to make sure that we are focusing and working on the issues positively and, most importantly, effectively. Thank you. [Applause.]
Diolch, Lywydd. Sandy Ibrahim wyf fi, ac rwy'n cynrychioli'r Tîm Cymorth Ieuenctid Ethnig yn Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru. Mae heddiw, 26 Mehefin, fel y gwn i a llawer o bobl eraill, yn ddiwrnod pwysig, nid yn unig i berson penodol, ond i Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru yn ei chyfanrwydd. Felly, yn fy araith heddiw, byddaf yn trafod gwaith y pwyllgor iechyd meddwl a llesiant emosiynol ac yn rhoi trosolwg o'n sefyllfa a'n cynlluniau ar gyfer y dyfodol.
Fel y gŵyr y rhan fwyaf ohonom heddiw, mae problemau iechyd meddwl yn effeithio ar un o bob deg person ifanc. Maent yn cynnwys dicter, iselder, unigrwydd, pyliau o banig, straen, gorbryder ac anhwylder ymddygiad, ac yn aml maent yn ymateb uniongyrchol i'r hyn sy'n digwydd yn eu bywydau. Ond er mwyn lleihau'r nifer a helpu pob person ifanc, mae angen i bawb ohonom weithio gyda'n gilydd.
Rwy'n falch iawn o ddweud bod llawer iawn o waith wedi'i wneud yng Nghymru ar edrych ymhellach ar iechyd meddwl a llesiant emosiynol pobl ifanc. Ac yn bennaf, dyna y mae pawb ohonom eisiau ei weld—gwaith cadarnhaol, a chanlyniadau cadarnhaol, gobeithio. Ym mis Ebrill 2018, cyhoeddwyd yr adroddiad 'Cadernid Meddwl'. Adroddiad yw hwn yn y bôn ar y newid sylweddol sydd ei angen o ran cymorth iechyd meddwl a llesiant emosiynol ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc yng Nghymru. A'r wythnos diwethaf, cynhaliodd y Cynulliad sesiwn dystiolaeth i ddilyn yr adroddiad penodol hwn.
Gan symud ymlaen, ni all Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru ar ei phen ei hun fod yn gyfrifol am waith y pwyllgor iechyd meddwl a dod o hyd i ffyrdd o wella'n gadarnhaol. Yn bennaf, bydd pob un ohonom yn gweithio'n agosach â sefydliadau, pobl neu bobl ifanc hyd yn oed, ac yn gweithio gyda'n gilydd i sicrhau'r newid hwn a chyflawni'r hyn rydym eisiau ei gyflawni, a diolch byth, hyd yma, rydym wedi gweld llawer o ddiddordeb gan sefydliadau ledled Cymru, gan gynnwys Gofal, Mind Cymru ac ambell un arall hefyd. Hefyd, rydym yn edrych ymlaen at ddechrau gweithio'n agos gyda hwy drwy ein thema waith.
Yn y pwyllgor iechyd meddwl a llesiant emosiynol, rydym wedi dechrau cymryd camau i edrych ar faterion unigol o fewn y pwynt cyffredinol hwn, ac yn y dyfodol byddwn yn gwneud mwy ar hyn ac yn dadansoddi pa feysydd rydym eisiau canolbwyntio arnynt yn benodol. Drwy ein hamser yma, mae'n amlwg y bydd angen i ni weithio gyda sefydliadau penodol, ac rydym wedi dechrau rhoi mwy o ystyriaeth i'r thema honno hefyd er mwyn dadansoddi pwy fydd y sefydliadau allweddol a fydd yn gweithio gyda ni.
Felly, yn olaf, cyn i mi gloi, roeddwn eisiau dweud, er cymaint yw fy niddordeb, rwy'n siŵr fod gan holl Aelodau Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru ddiddordeb mewn dechrau clywed gan gynifer o bobl ifanc â phosibl, a sicrhau hefyd ein bod yn canolbwyntio ac yn gweithio ar y materion mewn modd cadarnhaol ac yn bwysicaf oll, mewn modd effeithiol. Diolch. [Cymeradwyaeth.]
I call now on Anwen Rodaway. Anwen is the partner elected Member for Learning Disability Wales. Anwen Rodaway to speak.
Galwaf yn awr ar Anwen Rodaway. Anwen yw'r Aelod a etholwyd gan bartner ar gyfer Anabledd Dysgu Cymru. Anwen Rodaway i siarad.
Cyn dechrau, rydw i eisiau cymryd eiliad i ddweud diolch i’r Llywydd am y cyfle i siarad â'r holl Gynulliad yma yn y Siambr heddiw.
Before I begin, I wish to take a moment to thank the Llywydd for the opportunity to address the full Assembly in the Chamber today.
I am Anwen and I represent Learning Disability Wales on the Welsh Youth Parliament. I am a member of the littering and plastic waste committee and today would like to give you a brief overview of where we are and what our plans are for this first term of the Welsh Youth Parliament.
At our most recent regional meeting, we formed committees to consider each of the three areas we have decided to work on. These brainstorming sessions were very productive and have given us a good starting point for understanding what the issues are, and we have some initial suggestions for moving forward.
Members of the littering and plastic waste committee discussed personal experiences and opinions. We shared information on activities we have personally been involved in to address reducing the amount of littering and plastic waste, as well as other examples of best practice we were aware of.
Some Members have been involved in litter picks both in school and within the communities they live in. Others have been involved in initiatives in their schools. For example, one Member’s school has introduced recycling stations around the school so students can recycle their plastic bottles, paper, cardboard and food containers when they were previously unable to. It is important to share these examples of best practice and encourage our own schools to make positive changes.
It is very important to us that we have a full understanding of the issues young people across Wales would like us to address. We have started to engage with the young people of Wales and are beginning to have conversations around why littering and plastic waste is so important to them and what their top priorities for action in this area are.
As well as these priorities, it is very important to us that our work within the Welsh Youth Parliament and the littering and plastic waste committee takes into consideration research done by other bodies and organisations, including the important work done by the Assembly. We are very encouraged by the decision to declare a climate emergency and the commitment to work to develop a plan for a carbon-zero future for Wales. We hope to work with you to bring the voice of young people in Wales to inform this plan. The community I live in have recently joined you in making their own declaration. I have joined the community working group with other young people in the community to make sure young people’s concerns are heard.
The Youth Parliament are aware of the recent report by the National Assembly’s Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee into the effects of microplastic and plastic pollution. It is vitally important we tackle not just the plastic we can see, but also the vast amount of microparticles and fibres we cannot. We commend the committee for this report and wholeheartedly agree with the conclusion of this report that Wales cannot waste another day in the battle against plastic pollution. The time to act is now. Diolch. [Applause.]
Anwen wyf fi ac rwy'n cynrychioli Anabledd Dysgu Cymru ar Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru. Rwy'n aelod o'r pwyllgor sbwriel a gwastraff plastig a hoffwn roi trosolwg byr i chi heddiw o'n sefyllfa a'n cynlluniau ar gyfer tymor cyntaf Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru.
Yn ein cyfarfod rhanbarthol diweddaraf, ffurfiwyd pwyllgorau i ystyried pob un o'r tri maes rydym wedi penderfynu gweithio arnynt. Roedd y sesiynau taflu syniadau hyn yn gynhyrchiol iawn ac maent wedi rhoi man cychwyn da i ni ar gyfer deall beth yw'r problemau, ac mae gennym rai awgrymiadau cychwynnol i fwrw ymlaen â hwy.
Bu aelodau'r pwyllgor sbwriel a gwastraff plastig yn trafod profiadau a safbwyntiau personol. Rhannwyd gwybodaeth am weithgareddau rydym wedi cymryd rhan ynddynt yn bersonol er mwyn mynd i'r afael â'r gwaith o leihau sbwriel a gwastraff plastig, yn ogystal ag enghreifftiau eraill o arferion gorau roeddem yn ymwybodol ohonynt.
Mae rhai Aelodau wedi bod yn cymryd rhan mewn sesiynau casglu sbwriel mewn ysgolion ac o fewn y cymunedau y maent yn byw ynddynt. Mae eraill wedi cymryd rhan mewn mentrau yn eu hysgolion. Er enghraifft, mae ysgol un Aelod wedi cyflwyno gorsafoedd ailgylchu o amgylch yr ysgol fel y gall disgyblion ailgylchu eu poteli plastig, eu papur, eu cardbord a'u cynwysyddion bwyd pan nad oeddent yn gallu gwneud hynny o'r blaen. Mae'n bwysig rhannu'r enghreifftiau hyn o arferion gorau ac annog ein hysgolion ein hunain i wneud newidiadau cadarnhaol.
Mae'n bwysig iawn i ni fod gennym ddealltwriaeth lawn o'r problemau y mae pobl ifanc ledled Cymru yn dymuno i ni fynd i'r afael â hwy. Rydym wedi dechrau ymgysylltu â phobl ifanc Cymru ac rydym yn dechrau cael sgyrsiau ynglŷn â pham fod sbwriel a gwastraff plastig mor bwysig iddynt a beth yw eu prif flaenoriaethau ar gyfer gweithredu yn y maes hwn.
Yn ogystal â'r blaenoriaethau hyn, mae'n bwysig iawn i ni fod ein gwaith yn Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru a'r pwyllgor sbwriel a gwastraff plastig yn ystyried ymchwil a wnaed gan gyrff a sefydliadau eraill, gan gynnwys y gwaith pwysig a wneir gan y Cynulliad. Mae'r penderfyniad i ddatgan argyfwng hinsawdd a'r ymrwymiad i ddatblygu cynllun ar gyfer dyfodol di-garbon i Gymru wedi bod yn galonogol iawn. Gobeithiwn weithio gyda chi i gynnwys llais pobl ifanc Cymru yn y cynllun hwn. Mae'r gymuned rwy'n byw ynddi wedi ymuno â chi yn ddiweddar i wneud eu datganiad eu hunain. Rwyf wedi ymuno â'r gweithgor cymunedol gyda phobl ifanc eraill yn y gymuned i sicrhau bod pryderon pobl ifanc yn cael eu clywed.
Mae Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru yn ymwybodol o'r adroddiad diweddar gan Bwyllgor Newid Hinsawdd, yr Amgylchedd a Materion Gwledig y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol ar effeithiau llygredd microblastig a phlastig. Mae'n hanfodol bwysig ein bod yn mynd i'r afael â'r nifer enfawr o ficroronynnau a ffibrau na allwn eu gweld yn ogystal â'r plastig y gallwn ei weld. Cymeradwywn y pwyllgor am yr adroddiad hwn a chytunaf yn llwyr â chasgliad yr adroddiad na all Cymru wastraffu diwrnod arall yn y frwydr yn erbyn llygredd plastig. Mae'n bryd i ni weithredu yn awr. Diolch. [Cymeradwyaeth.]
Galwaf ar y Prif Weinidog, Mark Drakeford.
I call on the First Minister, Mark Drakeford.
Llywydd, diolch yn fawr a diolch, wrth gwrs, i bob Aelod o'r Senedd Ieuenctid. Mae'n bleser mawr i mi gymryd rhan yn y drafodaeth bwysig yma heddiw a dwi'n ddiolchgar i'r bobl ifanc sydd yn cyfrannu. Diolch i bob un ohonoch chi am eich sylwadau meddylgar a deallus.
Mae Cymru'n arwain y ffordd gyda hawliau plant a phobl ifanc ac mae'r Senedd Ieuenctid yn enghraifft bwysig arall o sut y gallwn ni gryfhau ein democratiaeth drwy eich cynnwys chi fel pobl ifanc yn ein trafodaethau. Mae gennych chi safbwynt unigryw i'w gyfrannu ac rydym ni angen clywed eich sylwadau ar faterion mawr sy'n wynebu Cymru heddiw.
Llywydd, thank you very much, and thank you very much to all Members of the Youth Parliament. It’s a huge pleasure for me to participate in this important debate today, and I'm grateful to the young people who have contributed. Thank you to each and every one of you for your thoughtful and intelligent comments.
Wales leads the way on children’s rights and young people’s rights, and the Youth Parliament is another important example of how we can strengthen our democracy by including you, as young people, in our discussions. You have a unique viewpoint and we need to hear your comments on the major issues facing Wales today.
Llywydd, in what we've heard already, I think the really heartening thing is to see the way in which the agenda set out by Members of the Youth Parliament chimes so well with the preoccupations of the National Assembly itself: the declaration of a climate emergency—the first national Parliament anywhere in the world to take that step; and the importance of mental health and well-being. It's very important indeed for us to hear today from someone representing young people with learning disabilities here in Wales. It's 100 years this year that we celebrate the foundation of learning disability nursing here in Wales. We've always, as a nation, had a particular interest in the well-being of people who have to make their way through life with a mental health condition that others are fortunate enough not to need to encounter.
As far as life skills in the curriculum are concerned, it's a reminder to us of why we are acting to extend to 16 and 17-year-olds in Wales the right to vote in local and National Assembly elections, because participation in democracy is a life skill by itself—it's something that you have to learn; it's something that you have to get used to. And the case for extending voting rights in Wales has been rooted in the belief that young people in our education system will now be properly prepared for those democratic duties, given the life skills that they need in order to be able to do that. We know that giving young people a voice in our democracy will encourage lifelong voting habits and greater participation in our democratic processes.
The involvement of Members of the Youth Parliament here on the floor with us this afternoon is a concrete example of the way in which we want to see our democracy develop into the future, giving everybody a stake in the future that we create here in this Chamber, and we're very grateful to you all for taking the time and the trouble to be with us this afternoon. Diolch yn fawr. [Applause.]
Lywydd, mewn perthynas â'r hyn a glywsom eisoes, credaf ei bod yn galonogol iawn gweld y ffordd y mae'r agenda a osodwyd gan Aelodau'r Senedd Ieuenctid yn cyd-fynd mor dda â diddordebau'r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol ei hun: datganiad o argyfwng hinsawdd—y Senedd genedlaethol gyntaf yn unrhyw le yn y byd i gymryd y cam hwnnw; a phwysigrwydd iechyd meddwl a llesiant. Mae'n bwysig iawn ein bod ni heddiw yn clywed gan rywun sy'n cynrychioli pobl ifanc ag anableddau dysgu yma yng Nghymru. Eleni, rydym yn dathlu 100 mlynedd ers creu sylfaen nyrsio anableddau dysgu yma yng Nghymru. Fel gwlad, rydym bob amser wedi bod â diddordeb arbennig yn llesiant pobl sy'n gorfod byw eu bywydau gyda chyflwr iechyd meddwl y mae pobl eraill yn ddigon ffodus i beidio â gorfod ei ddioddef.
O ran sgiliau bywyd yn y cwricwlwm, mae'n ein hatgoffa pam ein bod yn gweithredu i roi'r hawl i bobl ifanc 16 ac 17 oed yng Nghymru bleidleisio mewn etholiadau lleol ac yn etholiadau'r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol, oherwydd mae cymryd rhan mewn democratiaeth yn sgil bywyd ynddo'i hun—mae'n rhywbeth sy'n rhaid i chi ei ddysgu; mae'n rhywbeth sy'n rhaid i chi ddod i arfer ag ef. Ac mae'r achos dros ymestyn hawliau pleidleisio yng Nghymru wedi'i wreiddio yn y gred y bydd pobl ifanc yn ein system addysg yn cael eu paratoi'n briodol bellach ar gyfer y dyletswyddau democrataidd hynny, o gofio'r sgiliau bywyd sydd eu hangen arnynt er mwyn gallu gwneud hynny. Gwyddom y bydd rhoi llais i bobl ifanc yn ein democratiaeth yn annog arferion pleidleisio gydol oes a mwy o gyfranogiad yn ein prosesau democrataidd.
Mae presenoldeb Aelodau o'r Senedd Ieuenctid yma yn y Siambr gyda ni y prynhawn yma yn enghraifft bendant o'r ffordd rydym eisiau gweld ein democratiaeth yn datblygu yn y dyfodol, gan roi cyfran i bawb yn y dyfodol rydym yn ei greu yma yn y Siambr hon, ac rydym yn ddiolchgar iawn i bob un ohonoch am roi amser a gwneud ymdrech i fod yma gyda ni y prynhawn yma. Diolch yn fawr. [Cymeradwyaeth.]
Galwaf yn awr ar gynrychiolwyr y grwpiau gwleidyddol. Arweinydd y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, Paul Davies.
I now call on representatives of the political groups. Leader of the Welsh Conservatives, Paul Davies.
Diolch, Llywydd, ac mae'n bleser cael y cyfle i siarad ar ran y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig ar y ddadl bwysig hon. Gaf i ddweud, Llywydd, fod creu Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru yn un o lwyddiannau mwyaf Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, ac mae mor bwysig o ran cryfhau llais pobl ifanc yma yng Nghymru?
Hoffwn, yn gyntaf oll, ddiolch i Aelodau o'r Senedd Ieuenctid a agorodd y ddadl hon am eu hareithiau arbennig a deallus. Mae'n gwbl glir bod eu cyflwyniadau wedi cael eu hymchwilio a'u hystyried yn dda iawn, ac maent yn sicr wedi rhoi digon i ni feddwl am wrth ystyried sut yr ydym ni, fel Aelodau Cynulliad, yn mynd i’r afael â rhai o’r materion pwysicaf sy’n wynebu ein cymdeithas.
Wrth gwrs, y pwnc cyntaf y mae’r Senedd Ieuenctid wedi dewis canolbwyntio arno yw iechyd meddwl a lles emosiynol, sy’n fater hollbwysig i bawb yng Nghymru. Ar yr ochr hon o’r Siambr, rŷm ni’n awyddus i weld mwy o waith yn cael ei wneud i annog mesurau ataliol cryfach ac ymyriadau cynnar. Er enghraifft, rŷm ni am weld ysgolion ledled Cymru yn cymryd camau i ddatblygu ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar yn amgylchedd eu hysgolion, ac rŷm ni am i gyflogwyr edrych ar ffyrdd y gall eu busnesau ddarparu cymorth mwy cefnogol i’r rhai sy’n byw ac yn gweithio gyda chyflyrau iechyd meddwl.
Rŷm ni eisoes yn gwybod bod amaethyddiaeth yn cario un o’r cyfraddau hunanladdiad uchaf, ac felly dwi’n credu ei bod hi’n deg dweud y gallai unrhyw un ohonom ni ei chael hi’n anodd ymdopi â’n hiechyd meddwl unrhyw bryd yn ein bywydau. Nid oes ots ble rŷch chi’n byw, neu ble rŷch chi’n gweithio, rŷm ni i gyd yn ddynol, ac felly gallwn ni gael trafferth gyda phryderon a phwysau unrhyw amser o’n bywydau. Felly, mae’n hanfodol bod dull Llywodraeth Cymru o ymdrin ag iechyd meddwl yn cwmpasu ei holl feysydd polisi, fel bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn ystyried yr effaith y gallai ei strategaethau eu cael ar les iechyd meddwl pobl pan fydd yn cyflwyno strategaethau ar gyfer yr economi, yr amgylchedd a thai.
Dwi’n hynod o falch bod y Senedd Ieuenctid wedi dewis sgiliau bywyd yn y cwricwlwm fel ei hail flaenoriaeth, oherwydd mae fy nghyd-Aelodau a minnau wedi bod yn ymgyrchu dros hyn ers peth amser. Mae fy nghyd-Aelod Suzy Davies, er enghraifft, wedi bod yn arwain y ffordd wrth alw am ddiffibrilwyr i gael eu rhoi mewn ysgolion ac i ddysgu sgiliau cymorth cyntaf pwysig, fel CPR, mewn ysgolion ledled y wlad. Mae fy nghyd-Aelod Mark Isherwood hefyd wedi bod yn galw am ychwanegu Iaith Arwyddion Prydain at y cwricwlwm cenedlaethol ac am fynediad gwell at wasanaethau iaith arwyddion i blant a phobl ifanc ym meysydd iechyd a thrafnidiaeth gyhoeddus. A bydd Aelodau’n ymwybodol fy mod i wedi galw am well gwasanaethau cymorth i blant a phobl ifanc sy’n cael trafferth gydag awtistiaeth, gan gynnwys hyfforddiant i athrawon a gweithwyr addysgol, fel bod dysgwyr ag awtistiaeth yn cael mynediad at y gofal a’r cymorth priodol drwy’r system addysg.
Yn olaf, Llywydd, dwi’n falch taw trydedd flaenoriaeth y Senedd Ieuenctid yw taclo sbwriel a gwastraff plastig. Mae’r pwnc yma’n sicr wedi ei wthio i frig yr agenda gwleidyddol yn ddiweddar oherwydd rhaglenni fel Blue Planet, sydd wedi codi ymwybyddiaeth y mater yma ymysg y cyhoedd. Mae digon o enghreifftiau o arfer da ledled Cymru sydd yn delio â sbwriel a gwastraff plastig, ond mae’n glir bod angen inni wneud mwy i hyrwyddo’r gweithgareddau hynny. Ac mae yna gyfrifoldeb gennym ni i gyd, fel unigolion, i fod yn llawer mwy cyfrifol ar fel rŷm ni’n mynd i’r afael â’r broblem enfawr yma. Rŷm ni i gyd yn ffodus iawn i fyw mewn gwlad mor brydferth, ond er mwyn cadw ei harddwch ar gyfer y bobl ifanc sydd gyda ni heddiw, ac i genedlaethau'r dyfodol, mae’n hanfodol ein bod ni’n gwneud popeth o fewn ein gallu i’w diogelu a’i chadw’n lân.
Felly, wrth gloi, Llywydd, gaf i, unwaith eto, ar ran y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, ddiolch i Aelodau’r Senedd Ieuenctid sydd eisoes wedi siarad am eu cyfraniadau, a hefyd i holl Aelodau’r Senedd am y gwaith da y maen nhw wedi’i wneud yn barod yn yr amser byr ers iddynt gael eu hethol? Edrychaf ymlaen at glywed mwy gan y Senedd Ieuenctid ar eu blaenoriaethau yn y dyfodol ac i weithio’n agos iawn gyda nhw i ddatblygu syniadau a sicrhau bod y syniadau hynny’n cael eu gwireddu. Ac, wrth gwrs, fe fyddwn ni ar ochr hon y Siambr yn cefnogi’r cynnig hwn sydd ger ein bron ni heddiw. Diolch yn fawr iawn. [Cymeradwyaeth.]
Thank you, Llywydd, and it’s a pleasure to speak on behalf of the Welsh Conservatives in this important debate. May I say, Llywydd, that the creation of a Welsh Youth Parliament is one of the greatest successes of the National Assembly for Wales? It is so important in terms of strengthening the voice of young people here in Wales.
I would, first of all, like to thank Members of the Youth Parliament who opened this debate for their excellent and intelligent addresses. It is entirely clear that their contributions were well researched and were very considered, and they have certainly given us a great deal to think about as we consider how we, as Assembly Members, tackle some of the most important issues facing our society.
Of course, the first topic that the Youth Parliament has chosen to focus on is mental health and emotional well-being, which is a crucially important issue for everyone in Wales. On this side of the Chamber, we are eager to see more work done to encourage stronger preventative measures and early intervention. For example, we want to see schools the length and breadth of Wales taking steps to develop mindfulness awareness in their school, and we want employers to look at how their businesses can provide greater support to those living and working with mental health conditions.
We already know that agriculture has one of the highest suicide rates, and therefore I do think it’s fair to say that any one of us might find it difficult to cope with mental health issues at some point in our lives. It doesn't matter where you live or where you work, we are all human and we can have difficulty with anxiety and stress at any time in our lives. So, it’s crucially important that the Welsh Government’s approach to dealing with mental health encompasses all policy areas, so that the Welsh Government considers the impact that its strategies could have on the mental well-being of people when they introduce strategies for the economy, the environment and housing.
I'm extremely pleased that the Youth Parliament has chosen life skills in the curriculum as its second priority, because my fellow Members and I have been campaigning for this for some time. My fellow Member Suzy Davies, for example, has been leading the way in calling for defibrillators to be placed in our schools, and to teach important first aid skills, such as CPR, in schools across the country. My fellow Member Mark Isherwood has also been calling for adding British Sign Language to the national curriculum, and for better access to sign language services for children and young people in health and public transport. And Members will be aware that I have called for better support services for children and young people who have difficulties related to autism, including training for the education workforce, so that learners with autism do have access to appropriate support and care through the education system.
Finally, Llywydd, I’m pleased that the third priority of the Youth Parliament is to tackle littering and plastic waste. This topic certainly has come to the top of the political agenda recently because of programmes such as Blue Planet, which have raised awareness of this issue among the public. There are plenty of examples of good practice the length and breadth of Wales in dealing with littering and plastic waste, but clearly we need to do more to encourage those activities. And we all have responsibilities as individuals to be far more responsible in how we tackle this huge problem. We are all extremely fortunate to live in such a beautiful nation, but if we are to retain that beauty for the young people here today and for future generations, then it is crucial that we do everything that we can to safeguard the environment and to keep it clean.
So, in concluding, Llywydd, may I on behalf of the Welsh Conservatives thank Members of the Youth Parliament who have already spoken for their contributions, and also all Members of the Youth Parliament for the good work that they have already done in the brief period that’s passed since their election? I look forward to hearing more from the Youth Parliament on their priorities for the future, and to work closely with them in order to develop ideas and to ensure that those ideas are delivered. And, of course, we on this side of the Chamber will be supporting the motion before us today. Thank you very much. [Applause.]
Ar ran Plaid Cymru, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
On behalf of Plaid Cymru, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. Dwi’n gwybod fy mod i’n siarad ar ran Aelodau o bob plaid yma drwy ddweud ysbryd mor braf sydd yma yn y Senedd heddiw yma, ac y byddai hi’n dda cael teimlo’r ysbryd yna yn eich cwmni chi, fel Aelodau’r Senedd Ieuenctid, lawer tro eto yn y dyfodol.
Mae yna lawer mewn gwleidyddiaeth sy’n destun digalondid. P’un ai drwy fy ngyrfa i fel newyddiadurwr neu fel gwleidydd fy hun, mae difaterwch yn rhywbeth sydd wedi bod yn peri pryder i fi. Yn fwy diweddar, mae anoddefgarwch mewn gwleidyddiaeth yn rhywbeth y dylai ein poeni ni i gyd. Felly, mae cael rhywbeth gwirioneddol i’w ddathlu mewn gwleidyddiaeth yn braf iawn, ac mae gweld ffurfio a dilyn datblygiad cynnar ein Senedd Ieuenctid genedlaethol ni yn rhywbeth sy’n destun balchder mawr i ni gyd. Senedd Ieuenctid sy’n rhoi cyfle nid yn unig i bobl ifanc leisio barn, ond hefyd sydd yn fodd o godi ymwybyddiaeth ymysg pobl ifanc ledled Cymru o’r system wleidyddol, y system seneddol rydym ni'n rhan ohoni, ac sy'n cael effaith ar eich bywydau chi i gyd, ac wrth gwrs Senedd Ieuenctid sy'n blatfform i ddylanwadu go iawn ar benderfyniadau. Mae'ch Senedd chi yn llwyfan i helpu pobl ifanc, drwyddoch chi, i ddod yn rhan o wneud y penderfyniadau hynny sy'n mynd i siapio eich dyfodol chi i gyd. Dwi'n edrych ymlaen at weld hynny'n dod yn fwy a mwy amlwg wrth i'r oedran pleidleisio gael ei ymestyn i'r rhai sydd rhwng 16 a 18 oed.
Felly, mae'n wych gweld eich bod chi wedi mynd ati'n syth, wedi penderfynu rhoi ffocws clir ar dri thestun sy'n bwysig i chi. Yn wahanol i genedlaethau'r gorffennol, dwi'n meddwl, mae'ch cenhedlaeth chi wedi deall pwysigrwydd a gwerth siarad am iechyd meddwl. Mae dealltwriaeth o gyflyrau iechyd meddwl yn well nag erioed, ac mi all pwysau'r Senedd Ieuenctid sicrhau bod ymchwil a chefnogaeth a gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl a llesiant yn dod yn rhan gwbl greiddiol o brofiad addysg, iechyd, gyrfaol a chymdeithasol pobl ifanc ar hyd a lled Cymru.
Mae sgiliau bywyd, wedyn, ar y cwricwlwm yn ardal bwysig iawn i roi sylw iddi hi. Mae troi o berson ifanc i oedolyn yn rhywbeth gwych, rydych chi'n amlwg yn mwynhau'r cyfnod yma yn eich bywydau a dwi'n cofio'r cyfnod efo cyffro a hapusrwydd mawr, ond, wrth gwrs, mae yna heriau yn dod yn y cyfnod yna mewn bywyd, o fod yn gyfrifol yn ariannol, gofalu am eich iechyd eich hunan neu ofalu am iechyd pobl eraill drwy CPR ac yn y blaen. Felly, ie, beth am sicrhau bod y gefnogaeth rydych chi eisiau ei chael yno i chi drwy'r system addysg?
Ac mae'r ymwybyddiaeth gynyddol wedyn sy'n tyfu o'n ffordd wastraffus ni o fyw yn galonogol iawn hefyd, a chi bobl ifanc sy'n arwain mewn cymaint o ffyrdd, yn cynnwys ar y defnydd o blastig. Felly, efo'ch help chi, mi all Cymru gael gwared ar rai o'n patrymau diog a difeddwl o fyw.
Felly bwrwch ati hi. Cofiwch y bydd cefnogaeth a phlatfform y Cynulliad yma o hyd i chi, ond mae hi hefyd yn bwysig inni beidio ag ymyrryd yn eich gwaith chi, a gadael ichi lywio’r ffordd.
Thank you very much, Llywydd. I know that I speak on behalf of Members of every party in saying how pleasant and wonderful the spirit is in the Senedd today, and it would be good to be able to feel this vibe in your company, as Members of the Youth Parliament, many times again in the future.
There are many topics in politics that can be quite depressing. Whether during my career as a journalist or as a politician myself, apathy has been an issue that has caused me great concern. More recently, intolerance in politics is something that should worry us all. So, having something that we can truly celebrate in politics is very pleasant indeed, and seeing the formation and following the early development of our national Youth Parliament is something that is a topic of great pride for us all. A Youth Parliament that provides an opportunity not only for young people to voice their views, but to raise awareness amongst young people throughout the whole of Wales about the political and parliamentary system that we are all part of, and impacts on all your lives, and of course a Youth Parliament that’s a platform to have real influence on decision making. Your Parliament is a platform to assist and support young people, through you, to take part in those decisions that will shape all of your futures. I look forward to seeing that becoming more and more evident as the voting age is extended to those between 16 and 18 years of age.
So, it’s wonderful to see that you've started work immediately and started by putting a clear focus on three topics that are important to you. Differently to previous generations, your generation has understood the importance and value of talking about mental health. The understanding of mental health conditions is better than ever, and I think that the pressure from the Youth Parliament can ensure that research and support and mental health and well-being services will be a totally integral and core part of the education, health, career and social experience of young people the length and breadth of Wales.
Of course, the focus on life skills in the curriculum is a very important area. Growing from being a young person into adulthood is excellent. You're obviously enjoying this period in your lives—I remember it with great joy myself—but there are many challenges during that period, such as being financially responsible and taking care of your own health or other people’s health through CPR and so on. But, yes, let’s ensure that the support that you want is there for you through the education system.
Then there’s the increasing awareness of our wasteful way of living, which is very encouraging too. You, as young people, are taking the lead in so many ways, particularly on the use of plastic. With your assistance, Wales can get rid of some of our thoughtless and lazy ways of living.
So, good luck to you. Remember that the support and platform of the Assembly will always be here for you, but it’s also important that we don't intervene too much in your work, and allow you to lead the way.
Go for it. The reins are very much in your hands; you are firmly in control. It's been a pleasure to share this Senedd Chamber with you today. Thanks for raising all our spirits today, and we all look forward to seeing your accomplishments through the Youth Parliament of Wales and way, way beyond. [Applause.]
Ewch amdani. Mae'r awenau yn eich dwylo chi; chi sydd wrth y llyw. Mae wedi bod yn bleser rhannu Siambr y Senedd gyda chi heddiw. Diolch am godi ein hysbryd ni i gyd heddiw, ac mae pawb ohonom yn edrych ymlaen at weld eich cyflawniadau drwy Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru ac ymhell y tu hwnt. [Cymeradwyaeth.]
Plaid Brexit, Mark Reckless.
The Brexit Party, Mark Reckless.
I, too, would like to give a warm welcome to our Members of the Welsh Youth Parliament. I strongly suspect that some of you here today will be elected to join us in the Assembly in due course.
Unfortunately, too often, the positive cross-party work that goes on in the committees, in the adjacent rooms to this Chamber, is not widely reported. Headlines are made when cross words are exchanged in this Chamber. On much, including the issues that the Youth Parliament has highlighted, we are, however, agreed.
As we heard earlier—and thank you—the Children, Young People and Education Committee produced a report on the changes we need to see in mental health support provision for young people in Wales. I was on that committee and I was extraordinarily impressed by the work of the Chair of that committee, the Member for Torfaen, Lynne Neagle. Lynne is a Labour Member and we have our differences, most obviously in this Chamber on Brexit, but I've spent at least as much time agreeing with her on the issue of mental health support for young people, and I've nothing but praise for her work in this area, including her role on the task and finish group set up by Welsh Government.
When I was a teenager, and I'm sure other Members of the Assembly would agree, discussing one's emotional well-being was not as commonplace as it is today. We are pleased to see that the Welsh Youth Parliament is contributing to an atmosphere in which young people can get support more easily, because there is still stigma, if less than there was, and there are also still gaps in support. As Lynne said in her foreword to the report 'Mind over matter':
'It is estimated that three children in every average size classroom will have a mental health issue. By the age of 14, half of all mental health problems will have begun.'
We are all concerned about this, and we all must do more as an Assembly, as must Welsh Government, if we are genuinely to treat mental health equally with physical health, which I believe is the ambition of us all.
I would particularly value the input of the Youth Parliament on how much the greater reported incidents of mental health problems reflects greater willingness to be open about this issue, or the degree to which it reflects greater pressures on young people today, with the rise of online bullying and the pressures of social media.
To finish, and I hope she will not mind, I'd like to again quote the Member for Torfaen's words on mental health from the committee report:
'This is a subject that touches us all, and an area in which we all have a responsibility—and an ability—to make change happen.'
Colleagues, let's reflect on the good that we can do when we work with each other, let's come together on the issues in this motion, and let's make those changes happen. [Applause.]
Hoffwn innau hefyd estyn croeso cynnes i'n Haelodau o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru. Rwy'n tybio'n gryf y bydd rhai ohonoch yma heddiw'n cael eich ethol i ymuno â ni yn y Cynulliad maes o law.
Yn anffodus, yn rhy aml, nid yw'r gwaith trawsbleidiol cadarnhaol sy'n digwydd yn y pwyllgorau, yn yr ystafelloedd wrth ymyl y Siambr hon, yn cael ei gofnodi'n eang. Caiff penawdau eu creu pan fo geiriau croes yn cael eu cyfnewid yn y Siambr hon. Fodd bynnag, rydym yn gytûn ar nifer o faterion, gan gynnwys y materion y mae'r Senedd Ieuenctid wedi tynnu sylw atynt.
Fel y clywsom yn gynharach—a diolch i chi—lluniodd y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg adroddiad ar y newidiadau sydd angen i ni eu gweld yn y ddarpariaeth o gymorth iechyd meddwl i bobl ifanc yng Nghymru. Roeddwn ar y pwyllgor hwnnw, ac roeddwn yn llawn edmygedd o waith Cadeirydd y pwyllgor, yr Aelod dros Dorfaen, Lynne Neagle. Mae Lynne yn Aelod Llafur ac mae gennym ein safbwyntiau gwahanol, yn fwyaf amlwg yn y Siambr hon ar Brexit, ond rwyf wedi treulio o leiaf yr un faint o amser yn cytuno â hi ar gymorth iechyd meddwl i bobl ifanc, ac nid oes gennyf ddim ond canmoliaeth iddi am ei gwaith yn y maes hwn, gan gynnwys ei rôl yn y grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen a sefydlwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru.
Pan oeddwn yn fy arddegau, ac rwy'n siŵr y byddai Aelodau eraill o'r Cynulliad yn cytuno, nid oedd trafod llesiant emosiynol rhywun mor gyffredin ag y mae heddiw. Rydym yn falch o weld bod Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru yn cyfrannu at awyrgylch lle gall pobl ifanc gael cymorth yn haws, oherwydd mae stigma'n bodoli o hyd, hyd yn oed os yw'n llai nag y bu, ac mae bylchau yn y cymorth o hyd. Fel y dywedodd Lynne yn ei rhagair i adroddiad 'Cadernid Meddwl':
'Amcangyfrifir y bydd gan dri phlentyn ym mhob ystafell ddosbarth gyffredin broblem iechyd meddwl. Erbyn y bydd plentyn yn 14 oed, bydd hanner yr holl broblemau iechyd meddwl wedi dechrau.'
Rydym ni i gyd yn pryderu am hyn, ac mae'n rhaid i bob un ohonom wneud mwy fel Cynulliad, fel y mae'n rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru ei wneud, os ydym o ddifrif ynglŷn â thrin iechyd meddwl yn gydradd ag iechyd corfforol, sef yr uchelgais sydd gan bawb ohonom rwy'n credu.
Yn arbennig, buaswn yn gwerthfawrogi mewnbwn y Senedd Ieuenctid ar i ba raddau y mae'r cynnydd yn nifer yr achosion o broblemau iechyd meddwl a gofnodwyd yn adlewyrchu mwy o barodrwydd i fod yn agored am y mater hwn, ac i ba raddau y mae'n adlewyrchu mwy o bwysau ar bobl ifanc heddiw, gyda chynnydd bwlio ar-lein a phwysau cyfryngau cymdeithasol.
I gloi, a gobeithio na fydd ots ganddi, hoffwn ddyfynnu geiriau'r Aelod dros Dorfaen ar iechyd meddwl o adroddiad y pwyllgor unwaith eto:
'Mae hwn yn bwnc sy’n ein cyffwrdd i gyd, ac yn faes lle mae gennym ni oll gyfrifoldeb—a gallu—i wneud i newid ddigwydd.'
Gyd-Aelodau, gadewch i ni fyfyrio ar y daioni y gallwn ei wneud pan fyddwn yn gweithio gyda'n gilydd, gadewch i ni ddod at ein gilydd ar y materion yn y cynnig hwn, a gadewch i ni wneud i'r newidiadau hynny ddigwydd. [Cymeradwyaeth.]
Mi fyddaf i'n galw nawr ar Aelodau Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru o bob un o'r rhanbarthau. Ac yn gyntaf, Ifan Jones, Aelod Ynys Môn. Ifan Jones.
I will now call on Welsh Youth Parliament Members from each of the regions. First of all, Ifan Jones, Member for Ynys Môn. Ifan Jones.
Prynhawn da, bawb. Mae bod yn Aelod o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru yn y misoedd diwethaf wedi bod yn fraint, a dwi wedi cael gwneud ffrindiau efo’r bobl ifanc anhygoel yma. Yn rhanbarth y gogledd, rydym wedi bod yn gweithio efo’n gilydd ar sawl topig, yn cynnwys sgiliau bywyd yn y cwricwlwm, a byddwn yn cynnal digwyddiad efo pobl ifanc eraill ym Mhrifysgol Glyndŵr yn fuan, i gael clywed eu barn nhw amdano. Mae'n hynod o bwysig bod llais pob person ifanc yn cael ei glywed, er eu pellter o'r brifddinas, ac rwyf yn falch iawn cael cynrychioli Ynys Môn a sicrhau bod lleisiau pobl ifanc fy mro yn cael eu clywed yn y Senedd.
Rydym hefyd wedi bod yn trafod iechyd meddwl, a beth fedrwn ni, fel Senedd Ieuenctid, ei wneud er mwyn helpu'r bobl ifanc sy’n gorfod wynebu hunllef wrth geisio cael y cymorth iechyd meddwl priodol. Rydym wedi cael cyfarfod sawl Aelod Cynulliad, yn cynnwys Rhun ap Iorwerth ac Ann Jones, sydd wedi bod yn ddiddorol iawn, wrth inni ddarganfod mwy am eu rôl a chael gweld eu cefnogaeth tuag at y Senedd Ieuenctid.
Er ein bod ni yma heddiw i ddathlu, rhaid cofio bod 200,000 o blant mewn tlodi yng Nghymru, cannoedd yn gorfod disgwyl misoedd am gymorth iechyd meddwl, ac mae’r byd o’n cwmpas yn cael ei ddinistrio gan newid hinsawdd. Mae’n rhaid i ni, fel cynrychiolwyr Cymru, weithio efo’n gilydd i greu gwlad well a mwy cydradd i bawb. Mae gennym ni ddyletswydd i sicrhau bod pobl ifanc Cymru yn cael y dechrau gorau posib i fywyd. Ni ddylem orfod disgwyl misoedd am gymorth iechyd meddwl. Ni ddylem orfod ddioddef mewn tlodi. Ni ddylem orfod poeni am ein dyfodol. Diolch. [Cymeradwyaeth.]
Good afternoon, all. Being a Member of the Welsh Youth Parliament over the past few months has been a privilege, and I've been able to make friends with these amazing young people. In the north Wales region, we have been working together on a number of topics, including life skills in the curriculum, and we will be holding an event with other young people at Glyndŵr University soon, to hear their views on the topic. It’s extremely important that the voices of all young people are heard despite their distance from the capital city, and I'm very proud to be able to represent Ynys Môn and ensure that the voices of the young people of my area can be heard in the Assembly.
We've also been having discussions on mental health and what we as a Youth Parliament can do in order to support young people who have to face a nightmare in trying to access the appropriate support. We've had meetings with a number of Assembly Members, including Rhun ap Iorwerth and Ann Jones, which have been very interesting, as we found out more about their role, and saw their support for the Youth Parliament.
Although we’re here today to celebrate, we must remember that there are 200,000 children in Wales living in poverty, hundreds have to wait months for mental health support, and the world around us is being destroyed by climate change. We, as Welsh representatives, must work together to create a better and more equal country for everybody. We have a duty to ensure that the young people of Wales have the best possible start in life. We shouldn't have to wait months for mental health support. We shouldn't have to suffer in poverty. We shouldn't have to worry about our future. Thank you. [Applause.]
Y siaradwr nesaf yw Alys Hall, Aelod y Rhondda.
The next speaker is Alys Hall, the Member for the Rhondda.
Diolch, Llywydd. Rydw i'n hynod o ddiolchgar i gael bod yma heddiw er mwyn dathlu digwyddiad mor bwysig i hanes Cymru, sef y sesiwn cyntaf ar y cyd rhwng y Senedd Ieuenctid a'r Cynulliad—y sesiwn gyntaf o'i math yn y byd—a hynny yn ystod yr ugeinfed flwyddyn o ddatganoli. Dwi yma yn cynrychioli fy nghyd-Aelodau o Orllewin De Cymru heddiw.
Ers cwrdd am y tro cyntaf ym mis Chwefror, rydym ni fel Aelodau rhanbarth Gorllewin De Cymru wedi ymgymryd mewn llawer o bethau gwahanol er mwyn cwrdd â phobl ifanc. Mae rhai Aelodau wedi cynnal gwasanaethau ysgol ar waith y Senedd Ieuenctid, tra bod rhai wedi cynnal sesiynau llai gydag unigolion, grwpiau bach, a grwpiau ieuenctid lleol. Mae'r rhan fwyaf ohonom ni hefyd wedi cwrdd â llawer ohonoch chi, Aelodau'r Cynulliad, er mwyn trafod problemau yn ein hardaloedd ni neu i sgwrsio am fudiadau ac achosion rydym ni'n eu cefnogi.
Tua mis yn ôl, es i i gwrdd â Leanne Wood, lle buom ni'n trafod period poverty a diffyg cymorth i ddisgyblion a phobl ifanc sy'n dioddef o broblemau iechyd meddwl. Rydym yn cymryd ein rôl o gynrychioli llais pobl ifanc ein hardaloedd lleol ni o ddifrif, ac yn ddiolchgar am yr amrywiaeth o gyfleon trwy’r Senedd Ieuenctid i sicrhau bod modd i’r lleisiau yma gael eu clywed.
Fel rhanbarth, rydym ni wedi cwrdd yn ein pwyllgorau i drafod sut i symud ymlaen gyda'r achosion y dewisom ni fel Senedd Ieuenctid, sef sgiliau bywyd yn y cwricwlwm, sbwriel a gwastraff plastig, a chefnogaeth iechyd meddwl ac emosiynol.
Ein prif ffocws ar hyn o bryd yw sgiliau bywyd yn y cwricwlwm, gan fod y cwricwlwm newydd yn cael ei gyflwyno y flwyddyn nesaf. Er mwyn casglu barn pobl ifanc yn ein rhanbarth, rydym ni fel Senedd Ieuenctid wedi cyhoeddi holiadur ar-lein. Rydym ni hefyd yn edrych ymlaen at ein digwyddiad fis nesaf, lle mae athrawon, disgyblion a grwpiau ieuenctid wedi cael eu gwahodd, er mwyn ymgymryd mewn sesiynau holi ac ateb a llawer o weithdai gwahanol. Mi fydd y digwyddiad yma yn Abertawe yn ein galluogi ni i weld safbwyntiau pobl o dros dde Cymru i gyd ar fater sgiliau bywyd yn y cwricwlwm, a hefyd yn eu galluogi nhw i siarad efo ni a llawer o bobl arall, fel Lynne Neagle, am y peth.
I gloi, hoffwn i ddiolch eto i chi am wrando arnaf i heddiw ac am yr holl gefnogaeth rydych chi, fel Aelodau Cynulliad Cymru, wedi rhoi hyd yma, ac yn parhau i roi i ni yn ystod ein tymor ni fel Aelodau Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru. Diolch. [Cymeradwyaeth.]
Thank you, Llywydd. I'm extremely grateful to be here today to celebrate such an important occasion in Welsh history, namely the first joint session between the Youth Parliament and the Assembly—the first session of its kind in the world—and that is during the twentieth anniversary of devolution. I'm here representing my fellow Members from South Wales West today.
Since our first meeting back in February, we as Members of the South Wales West region have undertaken a number of different engagements with young people. Some Members have hosted school assemblies on the work of the Youth Parliament, while others have held smaller sessions with individuals, small groups and local youth groups. Most of us have also met with many of you, the Assembly Members, to discuss problems in our areas or just to chat about the causes and organisations that we support.
About a month ago, I had a meeting with Leanne Wood, where we discussed period poverty and the lack of support for pupils and young people with mental health problems. We take our role of representing the voice of young people in our local areas seriously, and we're grateful for the range of opportunities through the Youth Parliament to ensure that these voices can be heard.
As a region, our committees have met to discuss how we can drive forward the causes selected by the Youth Parliament, namely life skills in the curriculum, littering and plastic waste, and support for mental and emotional health.
Our main focus at the moment is life skills in the curriculum, given that the new curriculum will be introduced next year. In order to gather the views of young people in our region, we as a Youth Parliament have published an online questionnaire. We also look forward to next month’s event, where teachers, pupils and youth groups have been invited to participate in question-and-answer sessions and a variety of workshops. This event, in Swansea, will enable us to gain the perspectives of people from across the whole of south Wales on the issue of life skills in the curriculum, and it will also enable them to speak to us and many other people, such as Lynne Neagle, about the topic.
To conclude, I’d like to thank you again for listening to me today and for all of the support that you, as Members of the National Assembly, have afforded us to date, and will continue to give us during our term as Members of the Welsh Youth Parliament. Thank you. [Applause.]
A'r siaradwr nesaf yw Angel Ezeadum, ac Angel Ezeadum yw'r Aelod a etholwyd gan bartner ar gyfer Race Council Cymru, ac yn siarad ar ran rhanbarth y de-ddwyrain. Angel Ezeadum.
Our next speaker is Angel Ezeadum. Angel Ezeadum is a partner-elected Member for Race Council Cymru, and speaks on behalf of the south-east region. Angel Ezeadum.
Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. I'm Angel Ezeadum and I'm here to represent the South Wales East region. Firstly, I would like to reiterate what a significant day this truly is as we are all gathered today to celebrate 20 years of devolution in Wales.
Regarding the work of the region, in our regional meetings we shared our hopes and aspirations about our work as Welsh Youth Parliament Members. The main consensus was that we hoped to make an impacting difference to Wales’s youth and empower the voices of young people. In our latest meeting, we formed the three committees based on the three key issues voted in at our session in the Chamber. Research was then undertaken to see what the National Assembly had already done or were doing to tackle the issue, in order to avoid any overlaps. We then discussed our goals and the steps we would have to take to be successful.
The Youth Parliament has used events such as the jamboree in the Senedd and the Urdd Eisteddfod in May to further promote our work and receive comments from a diverse range of children and young people. The use of technology, in particular with the life skills in the curriculum survey, has enabled us to reach a huge sum of young people in Wales, and in doing so, increase the participation, ensuring that we truly do give the youth a voice.
As a resident of Cardiff, I have worked alongside the elected representatives of the Cardiff constituencies and other partner-elected Members from Cardiff on tackling the issues in our city. We have met with many Assembly Members, such as Andrew R.T. Davies, who was the first to reach out to us, and Jenny Rathbone, who helped us with our speeches for the Chamber. Thank you to all of those who took time out of their busy schedule to meet with us.
Whilst this event is about celebrating how far we have come, it is also an opportunity to look forward to the future. This is just the beginning of our work for the Welsh Youth Parliament and I am looking forward to developing over the next 18 months, alongside my fellow Members, to shape a better Wales for our generation.
I am proud to be a Welsh Youth Parliament Member, and, so far, it has been great to be a representative for them. Thank you. [Applause.]
Diolch yn fawr, Lywydd. Angel Ezeadum wyf fi ac rwyf yma i gynrychioli rhanbarth Dwyrain De Cymru. Yn gyntaf, hoffwn ailadrodd pa mor arwyddocaol yw'r diwrnod hwn wrth i bob un ohonom ddod at ein gilydd heddiw i ddathlu 20 mlynedd o ddatganoli yng Nghymru.
O ran gwaith y rhanbarth, rydym wedi rhannu ein gobeithion a'n dyheadau am ein gwaith fel Aelodau Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru yn ein cyfarfodydd rhanbarthol. Y prif gonsensws oedd ein bod yn gobeithio gwneud gwahaniaeth effeithiol i ieuenctid Cymru a grymuso lleisiau pobl ifanc. Yn ein cyfarfod diweddaraf, ffurfiwyd y tri phwyllgor yn seiliedig ar y tri mater allweddol y pleidleisiwyd drostynt yn ein sesiwn yn y Siambr. Yna, cyflawnwyd ymchwil i weld beth oedd y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol wedi'i wneud eisoes neu wrthi'n ei wneud i fynd i'r afael â'r mater, er mwyn osgoi unrhyw orgyffwrdd. Wedyn, trafodasom ein nodau a'r camau y byddai'n rhaid i ni eu cymryd er mwyn llwyddo.
Mae'r Senedd Ieuenctid wedi defnyddio digwyddiadau fel y jamborî yn y Senedd ac Eisteddfod yr Urdd ym mis Mai i hyrwyddo ein gwaith ymhellach ac mae'n cael sylwadau gan amrywiaeth eang o blant a phobl ifanc. Mae'r defnydd o dechnoleg, yn enwedig mewn perthynas â'r arolwg ar sgiliau bywyd yn y cwricwlwm, wedi ein galluogi i gyrraedd llawer iawn o bobl ifanc yng Nghymru, a chynyddu cyfranogiad wrth wneud hynny, gan sicrhau ein bod yn rhoi llais i'r ieuenctid mewn gwirionedd.
Fel un sy'n byw yng Nghaerdydd, rwyf wedi gweithio gyda chynrychiolwyr etholedig etholaethau Caerdydd ac Aelodau eraill a etholwyd gan bartneriaid o Gaerdydd i fynd i'r afael â'r problemau yn ein dinas. Rydym wedi cyfarfod â llawer o Aelodau Cynulliad, megis Andrew R.T. Davies, sef y cyntaf i gysylltu â ni, a Jenny Rathbone, a fu'n gymorth i ni gyda'n hareithiau ar gyfer y Siambr. Diolch i bawb a ddaeth o hyd i amser yng nghanol eu hamserlenni prysur i gyfarfod â ni.
Er bod y digwyddiad hwn yn ymwneud â dathlu pa mor bell y daethom, mae hefyd yn gyfle i edrych ymlaen at y dyfodol. Dim ond megis dechrau y mae ein gwaith ar gyfer Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at ddatblygu dros y 18 mis nesaf, ochr yn ochr â fy nghyd-Aelodau, er mwyn llunio Cymru well ar gyfer ein cenhedlaeth ni.
Rwy'n falch o fod yn Aelod o Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru, a hyd yn hyn, mae wedi bod yn wych cael bod yn gynrychiolydd iddynt. Diolch. [Cymeradwyaeth.]
A'r siaradwr nesaf, felly, yw Cai Phillips. A Cai Phillips yw'r Aelod dros Orllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro. Cai Phillips.
The next speaker is Cai Phillips. And Cai Phillips is the Member for Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire. Cai Phillips.
Dioch, Llywydd. Prynhawn da, ac mae yn brynhawn da iawn yma yn y Senedd. Fy enw i yw Cai Phillips a dwi’n Aelod Senedd Ieuenctid dros Orllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro. Mae heddiw yn ddiwrnod hanesyddol a phwysig gan ei fod yn rhoi cyfle inni gwrdd a chydweithio â’r Aelodau 'hŷn'. Ar un ochr, profiad a doethineb, ac ar yr ochr arall, brwdfrydedd a syniadau newydd. Gobeithio y gallwn gydweithio i ddatrys rhai o’r problemau mawr sy’n ein hwynebu fel cenedl. Mae hefyd yn ddiwrnod i ddathlu 20 mlynedd o ddatganoli, ac, wrth gwrs, roedd canlyniad sir Gaerfyrddin wedi sicrhau 'ie' bendant i sefydlu Cynulliad i Gymru.
Rwy’n falch iawn o gynrychioli fy nghyd-Aelodau yn rhanbarth Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru. Dyma ardal sy’n odidog iawn, gyda thraethau, mynyddoedd a chefn gwlad. Mae yna saith Aelod yn y rhanbarth, sef Arianwen, Lois, Caleb, Emily, Rhys, Ellie a fi. Ni yw magnificent seven y rhanbarth, ac ers cael ein hethol rydym wedi cyfarfod ddwywaith, a thrafodwyd pynciau llosg sy’n bwysig i bobl ifanc, ac yn benodol y tri mater a gafodd eu dewis yn ein cyfarfod seneddol cyntaf.
Mae’n braf adrodd nôl ein bod wedi derbyn ymateb positif gan bobl ifanc ein rhanbarth. Mae’r Aelodau wedi codi ymwybyddiaeth mewn gwleidyddiaeth ac ennyn diddordeb mewn materion lleol, cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol. Rydym yn sicr bod ein presenoldeb ar wefannau cymdeithasol wedi helpu i godi proffil gwaith y Senedd Ieuenctid. Er hyn, nid oes dim byd gwell na chwrdd wyneb yn wyneb â'n cyfoedion a chael sgyrsiau am yr hyn sy’n bwysig ac yn eu poeni, er enghraifft drwy waith gwych cynghorau sirol ieuenctid, fel yr un yn sir Gâr. Hefyd, mae nifer o Aelodau wedi bod i ymweld ag ysgolion a sefydliadau yn eu hetholaethau. Yn ogystal, bydd yr Aelodau yn mynychu rhai o ddigwyddiadau mwyaf yr haf, fel yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol a'r sioe frenhinol, er mwyn casglu barn pobol ifanc, ac edrychaf ymlaen yn bersonol at glywed barn ymwelwyr ifanc yn y sioe. Mae’r ffyrdd hyn o ymgysylltu â phobol ifanc yn sicrhau bod pawb yn cael y siawns i ddweud eu dweud.
Mae’r digwyddiad a'r datganiad heddiw yn mynd i roi sylfaen gadarn i’r Senedd Ieuenctid am flynyddoedd i ddod. Mae’n rhoi sicrwydd a hyder i Aelodau'r Senedd Ieuenctid wrth wneud gwaith yn eu hardaloedd lleol, ac o fewn eu pwyllgorau. A bydd y gwaith a gynhelir i bwrpas, gan y bydd y Cynulliad yn gwrando ac yn gweithredu ar yr hyn sydd gan yr ifanc i'w ddweud. Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at yr her. Diolch. [Cymeradwyaeth.]
Thank you, Llywydd. Good afternoon, and it’s a very good afternoon here in the Senedd. My name is Cai Phillips, and I'm a Youth Parliament Member for Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire. Today is an historic and important day as it gives us the opportunity to meet and work with the more 'senior' Members. On one side, we have experience and wisdom, and on the other, enthusiasm and new ideas. We hope that we can work together to solve some of the big problems that face us as a nation. It is also a day to celebrate 20 years of devolution, and, of course, it was Carmarthenshire's ‘yes’ vote that ensured the establishment of a Welsh Assembly.
I am very proud to represent my fellow Members in the Mid and West Wales region. This is a very beautiful area, with beaches, mountains and countryside. There are seven members in the region, namely Arianwen, Lois, Caleb, Emily, Rhys, Ellie and me. We are the magnificent seven of the region, and since being elected we have met twice, and have discussed contentious issues that are important to young people, and in particular the three issues chosen at our first parliamentary meeting.
It is good to report back that we received a positive response from the young people of our region. Members have raised awareness of politics and created an interest in local, national and international issues. We are certain that our presence on social websites has helped to raise the profile of the Youth Parliament’s work. Despite this, there is nothing better than meeting our peers face to face and having conversations about what is important and what concerns them, for example through the excellent work of the youth county councils, such as the one in Carmarthenshire. Also, a number of Members have visited schools and establishments in their constituencies. In addition, Members will also be attending some of the biggest summer events, such as the National Eisteddfod and the Royal Welsh Show, in order to gather the views of young people, and I am personally looking forward to hearing the views of young visitors at the show. These ways of engaging with young people ensure that everyone has the opportunity to have their say.
The event and declaration today will give the Youth Parliament a solid foundation for years to come. It gives Members of the Youth Parliament certainty and confidence to carry out work in their local areas and within their committees. And the work carried out will be purposeful, as the Assembly will listen and act on what the young people have to say. We look forward to the challenge. Thank you. [Applause.]
Dwi'n galw nawr ar Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg i gau'r ddadl—Lynne Neagle.
I now call on the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee to close the debate—Lynne Neagle.
Thank you, Llywydd. It is a genuine honour to close today's momentous debate and to have the opportunity to thank everybody who’s been involved, over many months and years, to help us reach this important point in the history of our democracy here in Wales. It’s impossible to pay tribute to everyone individually, but our gratitude is significant nonetheless. Our particular thanks must go to the Welsh Youth Parliament Members. Having you here today with us is a genuine privilege for the Assembly. And can I say, from one inaugural Member of the Assembly in 1999 to all of you as inaugural Members of your Youth Parliament 20 years later, it’s great to be amongst the first?
Today marks a significant milestone in our work as a National Assembly and a Youth Parliament. Our commitment to working together as representatives of the people of Wales, across their ages, is one I warmly welcome as Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee. It’s clear from today’s discussions that, as two elected bodies, we share the same ambition. Our aim is to enable our people, whether young, old or anything in between, to live happy and healthy lives. I firmly believe that working together will provide us with a better opportunity of realising that ambition for the people of Wales. There is great truth in the old saying that the whole is often greater than the sum of its parts. It is apt that as we approach the thirtieth anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, and in the year that the office of the Children’s Commissioner for Wales celebrates an eighteenth birthday, our Youth Parliament begins its work.
The three priority areas you have identified have the potential to transform lives for the better. As many people know, the emotional and mental health of children and young people is an area particularly close to my heart, and I thank the Members who have made reference to the committee’s ‘Mind over matter’ work today.
I know I speak for all of us when I say that we are looking forward with great excitement and hope to watching your progress and seeing the outcomes of your hard work. But it is my firm belief that we shouldn’t only sit on the sidelines and watch your progress. Our committee has already benefited greatly from engaging with the Welsh Youth Parliament on proposals to remove the defence of reasonable punishment. Hearing the views of children and young people has been important to us in all elements of our committee’s work, and we look forward to building on this during the Youth Parliament's two-year term and beyond. I would encourage all other committees and the Youth Parliament to continue this mutually beneficial interaction. We have lots to learn from and share with each other.
I’d like to close today’s joint proceedings by re-emphasising article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, already referred to by Maisy Evans, Welsh Youth Parliament Member for Torfaen, so eloquently in her opening address. Article 12 states that young people have the right to express their views freely and have their opinion listened to in all matters affecting them. The establishment of the Welsh Youth Parliament and the signing today of the joint declaration, setting out the principles of how we will work together, is a huge milestone in our journey towards achieving that ambition. So, I will close by wishing all of us well in our joint endeavours.
Diolch, Lywydd. Mae'n anrhydedd go iawn i ddod â dadl gofiadwy heddiw i ben a chael cyfle i ddiolch i bawb sydd wedi bod yn gysylltiedig â hi, dros fisoedd a blynyddoedd lawer, i'n helpu i gyrraedd y pwynt pwysig hwn yn hanes ein democratiaeth yma yng Nghymru. Mae'n amhosibl talu teyrnged i bawb yn unigol, ond mae ein diolch yn sylweddol serch hynny. Mae'n rhaid i ni ddiolch yn arbennig i Aelodau Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru. Mae eich presenoldeb yma heddiw yn fraint wirioneddol i'r Cynulliad. Ac oddi wrth un o'r Aelodau Cynulliad cyntaf yn 1999 i bob un ohonoch chi fel Aelodau cyntaf eich Senedd Ieuenctid 20 mlynedd yn ddiweddarach, a gaf fi ddweud ei bod yn wych bod ymhlith y rhai cyntaf?
Mae heddiw'n garreg filltir bwysig yn ein gwaith fel Cynulliad Cenedlaethol ac fel Senedd Ieuenctid. Mae ein hymrwymiad i gydweithio fel cynrychiolwyr pobl Cymru, ar draws eu hoedrannau, yn un rwy'n ei groesawu'n fawr fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg. Mae'n amlwg o'r trafodaethau heddiw ein bod ni, fel dau gorff etholedig, yn rhannu'r un uchelgais. Ein nod yw galluogi ein pobl, boed yn ifanc, yn hen neu'n unrhyw beth rhwng y ddau, i fyw bywydau hapus ac iach. Credaf yn gryf y bydd gweithio gyda'n gilydd yn rhoi gwell cyfle i ni wireddu'r uchelgais hwnnw i bobl Cymru. Mae gwirionedd mawr yn yr hen ddywediad fod y darlun llawn yn aml yn fwy na chyfanswm ei rannau. Wrth i ni nesáu at ben blwydd Confensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau'r Plentyn yn 30 oed, a phen blwydd swydd Comisiynydd Plant Cymru yn 18 oed, mae'n briodol fod ein Senedd Ieuenctid yn dechrau ar ei gwaith.
Mae gan y tri maes blaenoriaeth rydych wedi'u nodi botensial i weddnewid bywydau er gwell. Fel y gŵyr llawer o bobl, mae iechyd meddwl a llesiant emosiynol plant a phobl ifanc yn faes sy'n arbennig o agos at fy nghalon, a diolch i'r Aelodau sydd wedi cyfeirio at waith y pwyllgor ar adroddiad 'Cadernid Meddwl' heddiw.
Gwn fy mod yn siarad ar ran pob un ohonom wrth ddweud ein bod yn edrych ymlaen yn llawn cyffro a gobaith at weld eich cynnydd a chanlyniadau eich gwaith caled. Ond credaf yn bendant y dylem wneud mwy na dim ond eistedd ar y cyrion a gwylio eich cynnydd. Mae ein pwyllgor eisoes wedi elwa'n fawr o ymgysylltu â Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru ar gynigion i gael gwared ar yr amddiffyniad o gosb resymol. Mae clywed barn plant a phobl ifanc wedi bod yn bwysig i ni ym mhob elfen o waith ein pwyllgor, ac edrychwn ymlaen at adeiladu ar hyn yn ystod tymor y Senedd Ieuenctid o ddwy flynedd a thu hwnt i hynny. Buaswn yn annog yr holl bwyllgorau eraill a'r Senedd Ieuenctid i barhau â'r rhyngweithio hwn sydd o fudd i'r ddwy ochr. Mae gennym lawer i ddysgu oddi wrth ein gilydd a llawer i'w rannu â'n gilydd.
Hoffwn ddod â'r trafodion ar y cyd heddiw i ben drwy ailbwysleisio erthygl 12 o Gonfensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau'r Plentyn, y cyfeiriwyd ato eisoes gan Maisy Evans, yr Aelod Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru dros Dorfaen, mewn modd mor huawdl yn ei hanerchiad agoriadol. Mae erthygl 12 yn datgan bod gan bobl ifanc hawl i fynegi eu safbwyntiau'n rhydd a chael eu barn wedi'i chlywed ym mhob mater sy'n effeithio arnynt. Mae sefydlu Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru ac arwyddo'r datganiad ar y cyd heddiw sy'n nodi egwyddorion y modd y byddwn yn gweithio gyda'n gilydd yn garreg filltir enfawr ar ein taith tuag at wireddu'r uchelgais hwnnw. Felly, rwyf am gloi drwy ddymuno'n dda i bob un ohonom yn ein hymdrechion ar y cyd.
Pob hwyl i ni oll, a diolch i chi i gyd.
Good luck to us all, and thank you, all.
Yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 11.15, mae’r Pwyllgor Busnes wedi penderfynu y cynhelir y bleidlais ar ddiwedd y ddadl yma ar y cynnig. Ac mae’r Senedd Ieuenctid eisoes wedi cytuno’r datganiad ar y cyd, a dwi nawr yn galw, felly, am bleidlais o’r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol ar y cynnig ar y datganiad ar y cyd. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 48, neb yn ymatal, neb yn erbyn. Felly, mae'r datganiad ar y cyd ar gydweithio â'r Senedd Ieuenctid wedi'i basio'n unfrydol gan y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol.
In accordance with Standing Order 11.15, the Business Committee has decided that a vote will be taken at the end of this debate. And the Youth Parliament has already agreed the joint declaration, and I call for a vote of the National Assembly on the motion on the joint declaration. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 48, no abstentions, none against. Therefore, the joint declaration on working with the Youth Parliament is unanimously passed by the National Assembly.
NDM7100 - Dadl ar y cyd â Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru: O blaid: 48, Yn erbyn: 0, Ymatal: 0
Derbyniwyd y cynnig
NDM7100 - Joint debate with the Welsh Youth Parliament: For: 48, Against: 0, Abstain: 0
Motion has been agreed
Diolch yn fawr iawn i bawb ac fe fyddwn ni'n dod â'r sesiwn yma i ben ac ailgychwyn am 14:30. Diolch yn fawr. [Cymeradwyaeth.]
Thank you to everyone and we will bring this session to a close and will reconvene at 14:30. Thank you. [Applause.]
Ataliwyd y Cyfarfod Llawn am 14:15.
Plenary was suspended at 14:15.
Ailymgynullodd y Cynulliad am 14:30, gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Assembly reconvened at 14:30, with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Galw'r Aelodau i drefn.
I call Members to order.
Cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog cyllid sydd gyntaf ar ein hagenda ni'r prynhawn yma. Mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Mandy Jones.
We move to questions to the Minister for finance. The first question is from Mandy Jones.
1. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am effeithiolrwydd y cynllun buddsoddi i arbed? OAQ54110
1. Will the Minister provide an update on the effectiveness of the invest-to-save scheme? OAQ54110
Since 2009, the invest-to-save scheme has invested £180 million in over 190 projects across the whole of Wales. It continues to provide financial assistance to Welsh public services and third sector organisations to help them improve their services and provide better outcomes for the people they serve.
Ers 2009, mae'r cynllun buddsoddi i arbed wedi buddsoddi £180 miliwn mewn dros 190 o brosiectau ar draws Cymru gyfan. Mae'n parhau i roi cymorth ariannol i wasanaethau cyhoeddus Cymru a sefydliadau'r trydydd sector i'w helpu i wella eu gwasanaethau a darparu canlyniadau gwell ar gyfer y bobl y maent yn eu gwasanaethu.
Thank you for that answer. I note that the invest-to-save scheme has invested around about £174 million since 2009. I also note that Betsi Cadwaladr is currently in receipt of over £3 million. Given that invest-to-save is an interest-free loan and repayable, and given that our public services are all struggling financially, how do you ensure repayment of the sums owed, and has the scheme hit its target in any way in terms of the savings achieved?
Diolch i chi am yr ateb hwnnw. Sylwaf fod y cynllun buddsoddi i arbed wedi buddsoddi tua £174 miliwn ers 2009. Sylwaf hefyd fod Betsi Cadwaladr yn derbyn dros £3 miliwn ar hyn o bryd. O ystyried bod buddsoddi i arbed yn fenthyciad di-log ac yn ad-daladwy, a chan fod ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus i gyd yn wynebu trafferthion ariannol, sut ydych chi'n sicrhau bod y symiau sy'n ddyledus yn cael eu had-dalu, ac a yw'r cynllun wedi cyrraedd ei darged mewn unrhyw ffordd o ran yr arbedion a sicrhawyd?
Thank you for asking that question. The portfolio of invest-to-save projects has a really wide range of repayment profiles. For general projects, the longest repayment profile is six years, and there are several being more than that. However, energy efficiency projects, for example, can be repaid within eight to 10 years. But, as I say, it depends on the project. But I can reassure you that the fund does have a 100 per cent recovery rate to date, with no bad debts being incurred since the creation of the fund in 2009.
Diolch i chi am ofyn y cwestiwn hwnnw. Mae gan y portffolio o brosiectau buddsoddi i arbed ystod eang iawn o broffiliau ad-dalu. Ar gyfer prosiectau cyffredinol, chwe blynedd yw'r proffil ad-dalu hiraf, ac mae sawl un yn fwy na hynny. Fodd bynnag, gellir ad-dalu prosiectau effeithlonrwydd ynni, er enghraifft, o fewn wyth i 10 mlynedd. Ond fel y dywedaf, mae'n dibynnu ar y prosiect. Ond gallaf eich sicrhau bod gan y gronfa gyfradd adennill o 100 y cant hyd yma, ac na chafwyd unrhyw ddyledion drwg ers creu'r gronfa yn 2009.
Invest-to-save has been successful over a period of time, but it mainly involves safe investments, certain, or almost certain, of producing savings. Alongside it, a more ambitious programme of innovate-to-save has been introduced—something I asked for over several years. Will the Minister provide an update on the effectiveness of the innovate-to-save scheme, and on whether any projects have been so successful that they have been taken up by other bodies?
Mae'r gronfa buddsoddi i arbed wedi bod yn llwyddiannus dros gyfnod o amser, ond mae'n ymwneud yn bennaf â buddsoddiadau diogel, sy'n sicr, neu bron yn sicr, o gynhyrchu arbedion. Law yn llaw â hynny, cyflwynwyd rhaglen fwy uchelgeisiol arloesi i arbed—rhywbeth y gofynnais amdano dros nifer o flynyddoedd. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am effeithiolrwydd y cynllun arloesi i arbed, ac a oes unrhyw brosiectau wedi bod mor llwyddiannus fel bod cyrff eraill wedi eu mabwysiadu?
I thank Mike Hedges for raising that; he's long been a champion of both invest-to-save and innovate-to-save. The innovate-to-save initiative between the Welsh Government, Nesta, Cardiff University and the Wales Council for Voluntary Action launched in February 2017 with a budget of £5.8 million. In March of this year, we added an additional £0.5 million to the budget, to take it up to £6.3 million. It does differ from invest-to-save in that the payment is non-repayable grant funding for projects selected to go through the research and development phase. Non-financial support is available in project management from Nesta, and research support available from Cardiff University. There is a real focus there on ideas that are at different stages to invest-to-save. These are projects that need to be researched and tested to assess whether or not the anticipated outcomes are likely to be achieved. Round 1 of the programme saw three projects being approved for loan funding, one of which was Leonard Cheshire, who were awarded £1 million to roll out their new model of care for people in receipt of direct payments. Fabric, in Swansea, has begun purchasing properties for implementing their semi-supported step-down accommodation for young people over the age of 18 who are leaving the care system. Llamau are also in negotiations with public sector partners to put in place a new and more sustainable funding model for the benefit of the people who they serve. Certainly, there are projects there that we could look to be upscaling in due course, and we'll be learning very much from the work that those projects are undertaking at the moment.
Diolch i Mike Hedges am godi hynny; mae wedi bod yn hyrwyddo buddsoddi i arbed ac arloesi i arbed ers tro byd. Lansiwyd y fenter arloesi i arbed rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru, Nesta, Prifysgol Caerdydd a Chyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru ym mis Chwefror 2017 gyda chyllideb o £5.8 miliwn. Ym mis Mawrth eleni, ychwanegwyd £0.5 miliwn ychwanegol gennym at y gyllideb, i'w chodi i £6.3 miliwn. Mae'n wahanol i'r gronfa buddsoddi i arbed gan nad yw'r taliad yn arian grant ad-daladwy ar gyfer prosiectau sydd wedi'u dewis i fynd drwy'r cam ymchwil a datblygu. Mae cymorth anariannol ar gael gan Nesta ar gyfer rheoli prosiectau, ac mae cymorth ymchwil ar gael gan Brifysgol Caerdydd. Mae ffocws gwirioneddol yno ar syniadau sydd ar wahanol gamau i'r gronfa buddsoddi i arbed. Mae'r rhain yn brosiectau y mae angen ymchwilio iddynt a'u profi er mwyn asesu a yw'r canlyniadau a ragwelir yn debygol o gael eu cyflawni ai peidio. Yn rownd 1 y rhaglen gwelwyd tri phrosiect yn cael eu cymeradwyo ar gyfer cyllid benthyciad, ac un ohonynt oedd Leonard Cheshire, a enillodd £1 filiwn i gyflwyno eu model gofal newydd i bobl sy'n derbyn taliadau uniongyrchol. Mae Fabric, yn Abertawe, wedi dechrau prynu eiddo ar gyfer gweithredu eu llety cam-i-lawr â chymorth rhannol i bobl ifanc dros 18 oed sy'n gadael y system gofal. Mae Llamau hefyd yn cynnal trafodaethau gyda phartneriaid yn y sector cyhoeddus i roi model ariannu newydd a mwy cynaliadwy ar waith er budd y bobl y maent yn eu gwasanaethu. Yn sicr, mae prosiectau yno y gallem ystyried eu huwchraddio maes o law, a byddwn yn dysgu llawer iawn o'r gwaith y mae'r prosiectau hynny'n ei wneud ar hyn o bryd.
No discussion on invest-to-save is complete without a question from Mike Hedges—I think you've asked a question on it every time it's come up. Minister, I think this is one of those issues that is universally accepted across the Chamber as generally a good idea, and invest-to-save and its successor have a huge role to play in contributing to savings in local government and generating more cash. But I think I'm right in saying that, in 2014, five years into the scheme, Ministers commissioned Government social research to undertake an independent evaluation of invest-to-save. And that found that, whilst there were savings across the board, there were some areas where savings hadn't been delivered as expected. I wonder, now that we are 10 years into the project, and looking at successor schemes, do you plan on commissioning any further independent research to discover where the scheme has worked and areas where it can be improved?
Nid oes unrhyw drafodaeth ar fuddsoddi i arbed yn gyflawn heb gwestiwn gan Mike Hedges—rwy'n meddwl eich bod wedi gofyn cwestiwn yn ei gylch bob tro y mae wedi codi. Weinidog, credaf fod hwn yn un o'r materion hynny a dderbynnir gan bawb ar draws y Siambr fel syniad da ar y cyfan, ac mae gan fuddsoddi i arbed a'i olynydd rôl enfawr i'w chwarae yn cyfrannu at arbedion mewn llywodraeth leol a chynhyrchu mwy o arian. Ond rwy'n credu fy mod yn iawn i ddweud bod Gweinidogion, yn 2014, bum mlynedd i mewn i'r cynllun, wedi comisiynu ymchwil gymdeithasol gan y Llywodraeth i gynnal gwerthusiad annibynnol o'r gronfa buddsoddi i arbed. Ac er bod arbedion yn gyffredinol, canfu'r ymchwil nad oedd arbedion wedi'u sicrhau mewn rhai meysydd yn ôl y disgwyl. A chan fod 10 mlynedd bellach ers dechrau'r prosiect, a chan edrych ar gynlluniau olynol, tybed a ydych yn bwriadu comisiynu unrhyw ymchwil annibynnol arall i ddarganfod lle mae'r cynllun wedi gweithio a'r meysydd y gellir eu gwella?
Well, as you say, there was some research—an independent study, in fact—in 2014, which concluded that, on average, the fund generates a benefit of £3 for every £1 spent on that scheme. A frequent question, as Nick Ramsay says, is why good practice just doesn't seem to spread very easily, and this is something that we're working on with Cardiff University. We're researching the barriers, and also the enablers, for the spread of the good practice that we've learned through the innovate-to-save scheme. The evidence-gathering stage of that will be completed by 30 June, and then there will be the analysis of the findings throughout the summer. We've secured £4,000 of research funding in Cardiff University, which can be used to support events with academics and practitioners across Wales to discuss our findings and to highlight the benefits that we've been able to accrue through the invest-to-save scheme, and to try and ensure that those benefits are spread more widely.
Wel, fel y dywedwch, cafwyd rhywfaint o ymchwil—astudiaeth annibynnol mewn gwirionedd—yn 2014, a ddaeth i'r casgliad fod y gronfa, ar gyfartaledd, yn cynhyrchu budd o £3 am bob £1 a werir ar y cynllun hwnnw. Un cwestiwn sy'n cael ei ofyn yn aml, fel y dywed Nick Ramsay, yw pam nad yw arferion da fel pe baent yn lledaenu'n hawdd iawn, ac mae hyn yn rhywbeth yr ydym yn gweithio arno gyda Phrifysgol Caerdydd. Rydym yn ymchwilio i'r rhwystrau, a'r ffactorau sy'n galluogi hefyd, ar gyfer lledaenu'r arferion da yr ydym wedi'u dysgu drwy'r cynllun arloesi i arbed. Cwblheir y cam casglu tystiolaeth o hynny erbyn 30 Mehefin, ac yna caiff y canfyddiadau eu dadansoddi drwy gydol yr haf. Rydym wedi sicrhau £4,000 o gyllid ymchwil ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd y gellir ei ddefnyddio i gefnogi digwyddiadau gydag academyddion ac ymarferwyr ledled Cymru i drafod ein canfyddiadau ac i dynnu sylw at y manteision yr ydym wedi gallu eu cronni drwy'r cynllun buddsoddi i arbed, a cheisio sicrhau bod y manteision hynny'n cael eu lledaenu'n ehangach.
2. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am waredu asedau eiddo'r sector cyhoeddus? OAQ54117
2. Will the Minister make a statement on the disposal of public sector property assets? OAQ54117
The Welsh Government supports the principles of good asset management, including surplus asset disposal processes. Through published guidance such as 'Managing Welsh Public Money' and the continued work on asset collaboration led by Ystadau Cymru, we seek to embed best practice across the Welsh public sector.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi'r egwyddor o reoli asedau'n dda, gan gynnwys prosesau gwerthu asedau dros ben. Drwy ganllawiau a gyhoeddwyd megis 'Rheoli Arian Cyhoeddus Cymru' a'r gwaith parhaus ar gydweithredu ar asedau a arweinir gan Ystadau Cymru, rydym yn ceisio sefydlu arferion gorau ar draws y sector cyhoeddus yng Nghymru.
Thank you. Best practice is all good in theory. The transformation of public services across Wales has seen the disposal of some property assets. However, considerable estate remains, including the 137 surplus properties owned by Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board. The cost of maintaining this estate has now been estimated at £838 million over a 15-year period. Now, when considering that this health board sees the biggest deficit out of Wales, and seven NHS health boards at the end of 2018-19 are also seeing deficits, such expenditure does seem unsustainable and inappropriate. Now, there is a theory—you can correct me if I'm wrong—that if they do sell some of their assets no longer required, money comes back to the central pot here. So, one could argue, in businesses terms, with the health board already now into the fifth term of special measures, perhaps it's not on their main list of their priorities, having to deal with this. What steps can you take as a Welsh Government to work with the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and maybe, just maybe, look at any revenues that come from the disposal of those surplus assets actually going back in some way—not all of it, maybe, but some of it—so that they can actually use the money that is tied up now in those surplus buildings towards better outcomes for the patients in north Wales?
Diolch. Mae arferion gorau yn dda iawn yn ddamcaniaethol. Mae'r broses o drawsnewid gwasanaethau cyhoeddus ledled Cymru wedi arwain at werthu rhai asedau eiddo. Fodd bynnag, erys cryn dipyn o ystadau, gan gynnwys y 137 eiddo dros ben y mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr yn berchen arnynt. Amcangyfrifir bod y gost o gynnal yr ystâd hon yn £838 miliwn bellach dros gyfnod o 15 mlynedd. Nawr, wrth ystyried mai'r bwrdd iechyd hwn sydd â'r diffyg mwyaf yng Nghymru, a bod diffyg gan saith o fyrddau iechyd y GIG ar ddiwedd 2018-19, mae gwariant o'r fath i'w weld yn anghynaliadwy ac yn amhriodol. Nawr, mae yna ddamcaniaeth—gallwch fy nghywiro os wyf yn anghywir—fod arian yn dod yn ôl i'r pot canolog yma os ydynt yn gwerthu rhai o'u hasedau nad oes eu hangen mwyach. Felly, gallai rhywun ddadlau, mewn termau busnes, gyda'r bwrdd iechyd eisoes yn eu pumed tymor o fod yn destun mesurau arbennig, efallai nad yw gorfod ymdrin â hyn ar brif restr eu blaenoriaethau. Pa gamau y gallwch eu cymryd fel Llywodraeth Cymru i weithio gyda Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr ac i edrych efallai ar y posibilrwydd y gallai unrhyw refeniw a ddaw o werthu'r asedau dros ben hynny fynd yn ôl mewn rhyw ffordd—nid y cyfan, efallai, ond rhywfaint ohono—er mwyn iddynt allu defnyddio'r arian sydd wedi'i glymu yn awr yn yr adeiladau gwag hynny er mwyn cael gwell canlyniadau i gleifion yng ngogledd Cymru?
There is a financial limit at which health boards can retain the funds for any assets they dispose of, but above that limit then, the funds do come back to Welsh Government. And I think that's only right in the sense that the Welsh Government will have the overview across the whole of the Welsh public sector, and the Welsh NHS, in order to understand the pressures that are arising at that particular time. However, we have provided access to an online resource, which brings together guidance and advice for public sector estates work. The Ystadau Cymru group is pan-public sector group, working with health boards on encouraging the different public sector bodies to share and learn from their experience. We've got the asset collaboration programme in Wales, and during the last two financial years, funding has been made available to them in order to help drive their asset management improvements. But that also includes data quality, which can identify assets that those organisations can dispose of. But on the basis of what you've said to me today, I will ask the Chair of Ystadau Cymru to have a conversation with Betsi Cadwaladr health board to see if there is more work that they can do and that Welsh Government can do to support them in identifying assets that could be sold.FootnoteLink
Ceir terfyn ariannol lle gall byrddau iechyd gadw'r arian am unrhyw asedau a werthir ganddynt, ond uwchlaw'r terfyn hwnnw, daw'r arian yn ôl i Lywodraeth Cymru. Ac rwy'n credu bod hynny'n iawn yn yr ystyr y bydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru drosolwg ar draws sector cyhoeddus Cymru i gyd, a GIG Cymru, er mwyn deall y pwysau sy'n codi ar yr adeg benodol honno. Fodd bynnag, rydym wedi darparu mynediad at adnodd ar-lein, sy'n dod â chanllawiau a chyngor ar gyfer gwaith ystadau'r sector cyhoeddus at ei gilydd. Grŵp ar draws y sector cyhoeddus yw grŵp Ystadau Cymru, sy'n gweithio gyda byrddau iechyd i annog y gwahanol gyrff sector cyhoeddus i rannu eu profiadau a dysgu ohonynt. Mae gennym y rhaglen gydweithredu ar asedau yng Nghymru, ac yn ystod y ddwy flynedd ariannol ddiwethaf, mae cyllid wedi cael ei ddarparu iddynt er mwyn helpu i sbarduno gwelliannau yn eu dull o reoli asedau. Ond mae hynny hefyd yn cynnwys ansawdd data, a all nodi asedau y gall y sefydliadau hynny eu gwerthu. Ond ar sail yr hyn yr ydych wedi'i ddweud wrthyf heddiw, byddaf yn gofyn i Gadeirydd Ystadau Cymru gael sgwrs gyda bwrdd iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr i weld a oes rhagor o waith y gallant ei wneud ac y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei wneud i'w cynorthwyo i nodi asedau y gellid eu gwerthu.FootnoteLink
Janet Finch-Saunders raised important issues, but I just want to look at this from a slightly different angle. In the context of the climate emergency that we've declared, we obviously need to reduce our food miles and encourage more people to grow their own or source their food locally. So, I just wondered, when you're considering surplus assets, whether you might consider the provision of new allotment sites for people close to where they live, where there are none available, because that would enable people who don't currently have a garden, don't currently have a place to grow their vegetables, to be able to do that. So, I wondered if you'd let us know whether you'd give that sort of thing any consideration in these things.
Tynnodd Janet Finch-Saunders sylw at faterion pwysig, ond rwyf am edrych ar hyn o safbwynt ychydig yn wahanol. Yng nghyd-destun yr argyfwng hinsawdd a ddatganwyd gennym, mae'n amlwg fod angen i ni leihau ein milltiroedd bwyd ac annog mwy o bobl i dyfu eu bwyd eu hunain neu brynu bwyd lleol. Felly, pan fyddwch yn ystyried asedau dros ben, tybed a allech ystyried darparu safleoedd newydd ar gyfer rhandiroedd i bobl sy'n agos at eu cartrefi, lle nad oes rhai ar gael, oherwydd byddai hynny'n galluogi pobl nad oes ganddynt ardd ar hyn o bryd, ac sydd heb le i dyfu eu llysiau, i allu gwneud hynny. Felly, tybed a ydych wedi ystyried y math hwnnw o beth yn y pethau hyn?
The current key criteria for consideration when considering how to manage assets or dispose of assets include creating economic growth, delivering more integrated and customer-focused services, generating capital receipts, reducing running costs and decarbonisation of the public estate. But Julie James, Ken Skates and I have been doing a piece of work that looks across the Welsh public sector, particularly in terms of the land that we own, to see if we can take a much more strategic approach to that in the light of the First Minister's election manifesto, where he did say that he wanted to set up a division for land within Welsh Government, and then look at how we can work in a collaborative way with local authorities, with health boards and others who do have land or assets within their portfolios. And part of that work will be about redefining how we think of value for money. So, it's not about selling off a plot of land or an asset for the best possible price, but actually it's about considering value for money in the round—so, thinking about our responsibilities in terms of climate change, but also what the benefit could be for the local community. Your example is one of those things that certainly will be part of that mix in terms of considering best value.
Mae'r meini prawf allweddol presennol ar gyfer ystyried sut i reoli asedau neu werthu asedau yn cynnwys creu twf economaidd, darparu gwasanaethau mwy integredig sy'n canolbwyntio ar y cwsmer, cynhyrchu derbyniadau cyfalaf, lleihau costau rhedeg a datgarboneiddio'r ystâd gyhoeddus. Ond mae Julie James, Ken Skates a minnau wedi bod yn gwneud gwaith sy'n edrych ar draws y sector cyhoeddus yng Nghymru, yn enwedig o ran y tir yr ydym yn berchen arno, i weld a allwn fabwysiadu ymagwedd lawer mwy strategol tuag at hynny yng ngoleuni maniffesto etholiad y Prif Weinidog, lle dywedodd ei fod yn awyddus i sefydlu adran ar gyfer tir o fewn Llywodraeth Cymru, ac edrych wedyn ar sut y gallwn weithio mewn ffordd gydweithredol gydag awdurdodau lleol, gyda byrddau iechyd ac eraill sydd â thir neu asedau o fewn eu portffolios. A bydd rhan o'r gwaith hwnnw'n ymwneud ag ailddiffinio sut y byddwn yn meddwl am werth am arian. Felly, nid yw'n ymwneud â gwerthu darn o dir neu ased am y pris gorau posibl, ond yn hytrach ag ystyried gwerth am arian yn gyffredinol—felly, gan feddwl am ein cyfrifoldebau o ran y newid yn yr hinsawdd, ond hefyd beth y gallai'r budd fod i'r gymuned leol. Mae eich enghraifft yn un o'r pethau hynny a fydd yn sicr yn rhan o'r cymysgedd hwnnw o ran ystyried gwerth gorau.
Cabinet Minister, the saga of land at Lisvane in Cardiff being sold for £1.8 million by the regeneration investment fund for Wales, and subsequently sold for £39 million, has been well documented. But we understand that legal proceedings were issued in December 2017 against the two companies who were advisers to RIFW at the time, namely Amber Fund Management and the Lambert Smith Hampton group. Could the Minister update us on the latest situation with regard to these legal proceedings?
Weinidog y Cabinet, mae saga'r tir yn Llys-faen yng Nghaerdydd sy'n cael ei werthu am £1.8 miliwn gan gronfa buddsoddi Cymru mewn adfywio, ac a werthwyd wedyn am £39 miliwn wedi cael llawer o sylw. Ond deallwn fod achos cyfreithiol wedi'i gychwyn ym mis Rhagfyr 2017 yn erbyn y ddau gwmni a oedd yn gynghorwyr i'r gronfa ar y pryd, sef Amber Fund Management a grŵp Lambert Smith Hampton. A allai'r Gweinidog roi'r newyddion diweddaraf inni am y sefyllfa ddiweddaraf yn yr achosion cyfreithiol hyn?
I was the Minister in charge of that portfolio when those legal proceedings were taken forward. Unfortunately, they are still ongoing. So, as such, I am unable to update now, but I know the Minister for housing, who now has this within her portfolio, will obviously be keen to update Members as soon as there is something that we are able to say.
Fi oedd y Gweinidog a oedd yn gyfrifol am y portffolio hwnnw pan gychwynnwyd yr achosion cyfreithiol hynny. Yn anffodus, maent yn dal i fynd rhagddynt. Felly, oherwydd hynny, ni allaf roi'r newyddion diweddaraf yn awr, ond gwn y bydd y Gweinidog tai, sydd bellach yn gyfrifol am hyn yn ei phortffolio, yn awyddus i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Aelodau cyn gynted ag y bydd rhywbeth y gallwn ei ddweud.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Questions now from the party spokespeople. Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Diolch, Llywydd. Yn dilyn canslo'r llwybr du, a wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y capasiti benthyg arian oedd ar gael i Lywodraeth Cymru yn amodol ar ei wario ar gynllun yr M4? Ydy'r arian dal ar gael rŵan bod y cynllun ddim yn mynd yn ei flaen?
Thank you, Llywydd. Following the cancellation of the black route, will the Minister provide us with an update on the borrowing capacity that was available to the Welsh Government, conditional on it being spent on the M4 relief road? Is that funding still available now that that plan has been scrapped?
Thank you very much for the question. You'll recall that the funding that would have been earmarked for the M4, should the decision have been made to make the Orders, was up to £1 billion. But we have to remember that actually that £1 billion related to £150 million of borrowing that we're able to draw down on an annual basis up to a maximum of £1 billion. You'll have heard the Minister for Economy and Transport's recent statements—and the First Minister's statements—where he said that it will be the task group or the commission that is currently looking at ways in which to alleviate and address the transport and the congestion problems in and around the area of Newport that will have the first call on that funding.
Diolch yn fawr iawn am y cwestiwn. Fe gofiwch y byddai hyd at £1 biliwn o arian wedi'i glustnodi ar gyfer y M4 pe bai'r penderfyniad wedi'i wneud i wneud y Gorchmynion hynny. Ond mae'n rhaid i ni gofio mai'r hyn yw'r £1 biliwn hwnnw yw £150 miliwn o fenthyciadau y gallwn eu defnyddio ar sail flynyddol hyd at uchafswm o £1 biliwn. Byddwch wedi clywed datganiadau diweddar Gweinidog yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth—a datganiadau'r Prif Weinidog—pan ddywedodd mai'r grŵp gorchwyl neu'r comisiwn sydd ar hyn o bryd yn edrych ar ffyrdd o leddfu a mynd i'r afael â'r problemau trafnidiaeth a'r tagfeydd yn ardal Casnewydd a'r cyffiniau fydd yn penderfynu ar y cyllid hwnnw yn y lle cyntaf.
The question I was asking was about the principle, in fact, of the UK Treasury telling Welsh Government how it should be spending its money. There's no justification for the Treasury dictating to the Assembly or Welsh Government what its priorities should be. I think the command paper, 'Financial Empowerment and Accountability', published alongside the Wales Act 2014, said that
'Within the overall and annual limits, the Welsh Government will be able to borrow for any capital purposes without HM Treasury consent. Welsh Ministers will therefore have the autonomy and flexibility'.
The fiscal framework also says that
'There remain no restrictions about how the Welsh Government can use its borrowing powers'.
But we did end up with this conditionality. Now, the First Minister, when he was finance Minister, requested additional powers over borrowing, and there was specific reference in the letter to the Chief Secretary to the Treasury to borrowing to help fund the M4. And the result was the UK Government saying, 'Okay, you can have the money, on the condition that you spend it on that'. Does the Government now regret writing the letter in those terms? And if this Minister was in that position, would she have written the letter in the same way?
Roedd y cwestiwn a ofynnais yn ymwneud mewn gwirionedd â'r egwyddor fod Trysorlys y DU yn dweud wrth Lywodraeth Cymru sut y dylai wario'i harian. Nid oes unrhyw gyfiawnhad fod y Trysorlys yn dweud wrth y Cynulliad neu Lywodraeth Cymru beth ddylai fod yn flaenoriaethau iddynt. Rwy'n credu bod y papur gorchymyn, 'Atebolrwydd a Grymuso Ariannol', a gyhoeddwyd ar y cyd â Deddf Cymru 2014, yn dweud
'O fewn y trothwyon cyffredinol a blynyddol, bydd Llywodraeth Cymru’n gallu benthyca at unrhyw ddiben cyfalaf heb ganiatâd Trysorlys EM. Felly, byddai gan Weinidogion Cymru'r rhyddid a’r hyblygrwydd'.
Mae'r fframwaith cyllidol hefyd yn dweud
'Nid oes unrhyw gyfyngiadau bellach ar y ffordd y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ddefnyddio ei phwerau benthyca'.
Ond cawsom yr amodoldeb hwn yn y pen draw. Nawr, gofynnodd y Prif Weinidog, pan oedd yn Weinidog cyllid, am bwerau ychwanegol dros fenthyca, a chyfeiriwyd yn benodol yn y llythyr at Brif Ysgrifennydd y Trysorlys at fenthyca i helpu i ariannu'r M4. A'r canlyniad oedd bod Llywodraeth y DU wedi dweud, 'Iawn, gallwch gael yr arian, ar yr amod eich bod yn ei wario ar hynny'. A yw'r Llywodraeth yn edifar bellach am ysgrifennu'r llythyr yn y termau hynny? A phe bai'r Gweinidog presennol yn y sefyllfa honno, a fyddai wedi ysgrifennu'r llythyr yn yr un ffordd?
Well, what I did do was write to the Treasury last year seeking an increase in our borrowing limit, which, as I said, is currently £150 million a year, sequentially up to £1 billion, to help deliver our investment priorities. And when we talk about borrowing, when we talk about our capital fund, we talk about it in the round. So, we don't borrow against a specific project or a specific scheme. We borrow to increase our available capital in order to deliver our portfolio of priorities and projects for that year and years beyond.
In the UK Government budget last autumn, the Chancellor said there'd be a review of the Welsh Government's borrowing powers at the spending review and that they would consider whether the limit should be increased up to £300 million. However, that spending review has been delayed by the UK Government, so it's not clear when that will take place. But certainly, a priority in those discussions, which come around the comprehensive spending review, will be about our borrowing capacity.
Wel, yr hyn a wneuthum oedd ysgrifennu at y Trysorlys y llynedd yn gofyn am gynyddu ein terfyn benthyca, sydd, fel y dywedais, yn £150 miliwn y flwyddyn ar hyn o bryd, yn ddilyniannol hyd at £1 biliwn, i helpu i wireddu ein blaenoriaethau buddsoddi. A phan soniwn am fenthyca, pan soniwn am ein cronfa gyfalaf, rydym yn siarad am y peth yn ei gyfanrwydd. Felly, nid ydym yn benthyca yn erbyn prosiect penodol na chynllun penodol. Rydym yn benthyca i gynyddu'r cyfalaf sydd ar gael i ni er mwyn cyflawni ein portffolio o flaenoriaethau a phrosiectau ar gyfer y flwyddyn honno a'r blynyddoedd wedyn.
Yng nghyllideb Llywodraeth y DU yr hydref diwethaf, dywedodd y Canghellor y dylid cynnal adolygiad o bwerau benthyca Llywodraeth Cymru yn yr adolygiad o wariant ac y byddent yn ystyried a ddylid cynyddu'r terfyn i £300 miliwn. Fodd bynnag, mae'r adolygiad hwnnw o wariant wedi'i ohirio gan Lywodraeth y DU, felly nid yw'n glir pryd y bydd hynny'n digwydd. Ond yn sicr, un o flaenoriaethau'r trafodaethau hynny, a ddaw adeg yr adolygiad cynhwysfawr o wariant, fydd ein gallu i fenthyca.
I still maintain that mistakes were made in Welsh Government setting a trap for itself, which the UK Government then triggered, and I want assurances that such mistakes can't be made again.
Would the Minister agree with me that now is the time, considering the delay, if you like, and the need to spend money on the M4 now, to have a reaffirmation of the general principles of the fiscal framework and other inter-governmental agreements, which allow and secure full flexibility to Ministers in Welsh Government, and will the Minister agree to pursue that as a matter of urgency with the UK Government so that we don't find ourselves in the same position again?
Rwy'n dal i haeru bod camgymeriadau wedi'u gwneud yn yr ystyr fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gosod trap iddi'i hun, fod Llywodraeth y DU wedi manteisio arno wedyn, ac rwyf am gael sicrwydd na ellir gwneud camgymeriadau o'r fath eto.
O ystyried yr oedi, os mynnwch, a'r angen i wario arian ar y M4 yn awr, a fyddai'r Gweinidog yn cytuno â mi mai dyma'r amser i ailddatgan egwyddorion cyffredinol y fframwaith cyllidol a chytundebau rhynglywodraethol eraill, sy'n caniatáu ac yn sicrhau hyblygrwydd llawn i Weinidogion yn Llywodraeth Cymru, ac a wnaiff y Gweinidog gytuno i fynd ar drywydd hynny fel mater o frys gyda Llywodraeth y DU fel nad ydym yn wynebu'r un sefyllfa eto?
Well, as I say, I've already started these discussions in terms of our borrowing limit. But I'll be issuing a written statement later this week, which talks about the statement of funding policy, and that's a discussion that I started in my first quadrilateral with other finance Ministers, and with the support of the Scottish and Northern Irish administrations, which looks at a much more fair and much more transparent allocation of funding from the UK Government to the nations. But, as I say, I'll be making a further announcement on that later this week, or a further statement, I should say, on that later this week.
With regard to funding that would have been spent this year, it's only in the region of £20 million, which would have been expended on the M4 project should the decision have been made to go ahead with the black route, but, as I say, in future years now, we will look to see how best to spend that money with the first call being to address the issues around Newport.
Wel, fel y dywedaf, rwyf eisoes wedi dechrau'r trafodaethau hyn o ran ein terfyn benthyca. Ond byddaf yn cyhoeddi datganiad ysgrifenedig yn ddiweddarach yr wythnos hon, sy'n sôn am y datganiad ar bolisi ariannu, a dyna drafodaeth a ddechreuais yn fy nghyfarfod pedairochrog cyntaf gyda Gweinidogion cyllid eraill, a chyda chefnogaeth gweinyddiaethau'r Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon, sy'n edrych ar ddyraniad cyllid llawer mwy teg a llawer mwy tryloyw gan Lywodraeth y DU i'r gwledydd. Ond fel rwy'n dweud, byddaf yn gwneud cyhoeddiad pellach ar hynny yn ddiweddarach yr wythnos hon, neu ddatganiad pellach, dylwn ddweud, ar hynny yn ddiweddarach yr wythnos hon.
O ran yr arian a fyddai wedi'i wario eleni, dim ond tua £20 miliwn fyddai hwnnw, sef yr hyn a fyddai wedi'i wario ar brosiect yr M4 pe bai'r penderfyniad wedi'i wneud i fwrw ymlaen â'r llwybr du, ond fel y dywedaf, yn y dyfodol, byddwn yn edrych i weld beth yw'r ffordd orau o wario'r arian hwnnw a'r cam cyntaf fydd mynd i'r afael â'r problemau o gwmpas Casnewydd.
Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Nick Ramsay.
The Conservative spokesperson, Nick Ramsay.
Diolch, Llywydd. Can the Minister provide an update on the funding allocations being made available across portfolios to progress the decarbonisation of the Welsh economy?
Diolch, Lywydd. A all y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y dyraniadau cyllid sy'n cael eu darparu ar draws y portffolios er mwyn bwrw ymlaen â datgarboneiddio economi Cymru?
I thank Nick Ramsay very much for that. We're having the start of our discussions now in terms of the preparation for the 2020-21 budget. Obviously, we don't yet have a budget for that. We're having discussions in terms of the priorities that we would wish to see across Government. In each of the discussions that I've had with my colleagues, I've discussed our response to the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 and the importance of addressing a climate emergency, so this is very much front and centre of the work that we're doing.
The First Minister has asked each member of the Cabinet to lead on addressing a cross-cutting issue within our programme for government, and Vaughan Gething has been asked to lead on the decarbonisation piece of work. So, that is about looking across Government to make sure that we are maximising what we already do and also to see if there are further ways in which we can maximise our contribution to decarbonisation.
I've just come this morning from a meeting of the Cabinet sub-committee on decarbonisation. That's been meeting for around two years now. It's been very much at the forefront of developing our work in terms of cutting our emissions, and our response to the UK's Committee on Climate Change report and so on.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i Nick Ramsay am hynny. Rydym yn dechrau ein trafodaethau yn awr er mwyn paratoi ar gyfer cyllideb 2020-21. Yn amlwg, nid oes gennym gyllideb ar gyfer hynny eto. Rydym yn cynnal trafodaethau ar y blaenoriaethau y byddem yn dymuno eu gweld ar draws y Llywodraeth. Ym mhob un o'r trafodaethau a gefais gyda fy nghyd-Aelodau, rwyf wedi trafod ein hymateb i Ddeddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015 a phwysigrwydd mynd i'r afael ag argyfwng hinsawdd, felly mae hyn yn amlwg iawn ac yn ganolog i'r gwaith a wnawn.
Mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi gofyn i bob aelod o'r Cabinet arwain ar fynd i'r afael â mater trawsbynciol o fewn ein rhaglen lywodraethu, a gofynnwyd i Vaughan Gething arwain y gwaith ar ddatgarboneiddio. Felly, mae hynny'n golygu edrych ar draws y Llywodraeth i wneud yn siŵr ein bod yn gwneud y mwyaf o'r hyn a wnawn yn barod a gweld hefyd a oes ffyrdd eraill y gallwn gynyddu ein cyfraniad i ddatgarboneiddio.
Rwyf newydd ddod o gyfarfod y bore yma o is-bwyllgor y Cabinet ar ddatgarboneiddio. Bu'n cyfarfod ers tua dwy flynedd bellach. Mae wedi bod yn flaenllaw iawn yn y broses o ddatblygu ein gwaith ar leihau ein hallyriadau, a'n hymateb i adroddiad Pwyllgor y DU ar Newid Hinsawdd ac yn y blaen.
Thank you, Minister, I'm pleased to hear that progress. Ministers across departments have been making the right noises on decarbonising. Lesley Griffiths has said,
'just as Wales played a leading role in the first industrial revolution, I believe Wales can provide an example to others of what it means to achieve environmental growth.'
And she went on to talk about the importance of tackling climate change. That's all great, but, at the same time, you mentioned the future generations commissioner, who has said in a report that we are,
'lagging...behind other countries...in some key areas such as...public transport, active travel'.
In other words, areas, which, over the longer term, can really assist with reducing our carbon footprint as a country. So, I appreciate that this is a budget-setting exercise, probably, but in terms of a strategy for deciding those allocations in advance of that process so that departments know that they're going to get funding specifically to reduce carbonisation, how are you ensuring that that will happen?
Diolch, Weinidog, rwy'n falch o glywed am y cynnydd hwnnw. Mae Gweinidogion ar draws adrannau wedi bod yn gwneud y synau cywir ynghylch datgarboneiddio. Dywedodd Lesley Griffiths,
'yn union fel y gwnaeth Cymru chwarae rhan flaenllaw yn y chwyldro diwydiannol cyntaf, rwy'n credu y gall Cymru fod yn esiampl i eraill o'r hyn y gall twf amgylcheddol ei olygu.'
Ac aeth ymlaen i sôn am bwysigrwydd mynd i'r afael â'r newid yn yr hinsawdd. Mae hynny i gyd yn wych, ond ar yr un pryd, fe sonioch chi am gomisiynydd cenedlaethau'r dyfodol, sydd wedi dweud mewn adroddiad ein bod,
yn llusgo... ar ôl gwledydd eraill... mewn rhai meysydd allweddol megis... trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, teithio llesol.
Mewn geiriau eraill, meysydd a all helpu o ddifrif dros y tymor hwy i leihau ein hôl troed carbon fel gwlad. Felly, rwy'n sylweddoli mai ymarfer pennu cyllideb yw hwn mae'n debyg, ond o safbwynt strategaeth ar gyfer penderfynu ar y dyraniadau cyn y broses honno er mwyn i adrannau wybod eu bod yn mynd i gael arian yn benodol ar gyfer lleihau carboneiddio, sut y sicrhewch y bydd hynny'n digwydd?
That's part of the discussions that I have with individual Ministers in seeking to understand their priorities within their portfolios as to how they would use the funding that they have and their responsibilities and the areas that they have to respond to in order to take forward our responsibilities in terms of the climate emergency.
I'm familiar with the future generations commissioner's discussion paper. I think it's an interesting and useful starting point for a discussion, but I do think that, at the same time, you have to have those discussions about the fact that, if you're identifying £1 billion of funding that is needed, well, where does it come from? Because, as I say week after week in the Assembly, our funding has been constrained and it's much lower than it was even 10 years ago. So, we have to have those discussions about where funding will come from, what activities will stop or what activities we'll divert funding from. And the second point of research that I think has to come from the commissioner in terms of her paper as well is to identify exactly what the carbon savings would be for each of those projects and each of those spending priorities that she's identified within the paper as well. I look forward to continuing those discussions with her at our next meeting.
Mae hynny'n rhan o'r trafodaethau a gefais gyda Gweinidogion unigol wrth geisio deall eu blaenoriaethau o fewn eu portffolios o ran sut y byddent yn defnyddio'r cyllid sydd ganddynt a'u cyfrifoldebau a'r meysydd y mae'n rhaid iddynt ymateb iddynt er mwyn symud ymlaen â'n cyfrifoldebau mewn perthynas â'r argyfwng hinsawdd.
Rwy'n gyfarwydd â phapur trafod comisiynydd cenedlaethau'r dyfodol. Rwy'n meddwl ei fod yn fan cychwyn diddorol a defnyddiol ar gyfer trafodaeth, ond rwy'n credu ar yr un pryd fod yn rhaid i chi gael trafodaethau am y ffaith, os ydych yn nodi £1 biliwn o gyllid sydd ei angen, wel, o ble mae'n dod? Oherwydd, fel y dywedaf wythnos ar ôl wythnos yn y Cynulliad, mae ein cyllid wedi'i gyfyngu ac mae'n llai o lawer na'r hyn ydoedd 10 mlynedd yn ôl hyd yn oed. Felly, mae'n rhaid inni drafod o ble y daw'r cyllid, pa weithgareddau fydd yn dod i ben neu pa weithgareddau y byddwn yn dargyfeirio cyllid oddi wrthynt. A'r ail bwynt ymchwil y tybiaf y bydd yn rhaid i'r comisiynydd ymdrin ag ef yng nghyd-destun ei phapur hefyd yw nodi'n union beth fyddai'r arbedion carbon ar gyfer pob un o'r prosiectau a'r blaenoriaethau gwariant y mae wedi'u nodi yn y papur. Edrychaf ymlaen at barhau'r trafodaethau hynny gyda hi yn ein cyfarfod nesaf.
Minister, the report that I referred to—and you have as well—also highlights that, while the Welsh Government's low-carbon plan contains 100 policies, only around 1 per cent of the Welsh Government's budget can actually be identified as specifically for decarbonisation. Would you agree that, probably, we need to be a bit more ambitious in the future with trying to get that percentage up? If I could just ask you about a couple of specifics, the First Minister, I think at last week's or the week before last's questions, spoke about plans for a new Welsh forest as part of creating a carbon sink so that we're not just looking to reduce our emissions but also looking to try and take some carbon out of the atmosphere as well. Could you outline funding that's been made available for that forest at this early stage and whether you've had any discussions with the environment Minister, as it would be I assume, in terms of where—. I think that forest isn't going to be in one place, so I think that there are going to be aspects of it across Wales—so, just how that's going to be funded.
Weinidog, mae'r adroddiad y cyfeiriais ato—ac rydych chi wedi gwneud hynny hefyd—yn tynnu sylw at y ffaith, er bod cynllun carbon isel Llywodraeth Cymru yn cynnwys 100 o bolisïau, mai dim ond 1 y cant o gyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru y gellir nodi ei fod yn benodol ar gyfer datgarboneiddio. A fyddech yn cytuno bod angen inni fod ychydig yn fwy uchelgeisiol yn y dyfodol wrth geisio codi'r ganran honno? Os caf eich holi am ychydig o fanylion, soniodd y Prif Weinidog yn ystod y cwestiynau yr wythnos diwethaf neu'r wythnos cynt am gynlluniau ar gyfer coedwig newydd i Gymru fel rhan o'r cynllun i greu dalfa garbon fel nad ceisio lleihau ein hallyriadau'n unig a wnawn ond ceisio tynnu rhywfaint o garbon allan o'r atmosffer hefyd. A allech amlinellu'r cyllid sydd wedi cael ei ddarparu ar gyfer y goedwig honno ar y cam cynnar hwn ac a ydych wedi cael unrhyw drafodaethau gyda Gweinidog yr amgylchedd, gan y buaswn yn tybio mai o ran lle—. Rwy'n credu na fydd y goedwig mewn un man, felly rwy'n credu y bydd agweddau arni ar draws Cymru—felly, sut yn union y bydd yn cael ei hariannu.
Thank you for raising that, and this is a particular area of interest for the First Minister. It's another item that was in his First Minister's manifesto. I haven't had a direct conversation about the national forest with the environment Minister, but I have been in contact with her officials who have been advising me on what the potential cost implications could be for that because, obviously, you need the capital investment but, actually, when you do plant woodland, there's a revenue impact and a revenue consequence for that on an ongoing basis as well. So, I've been seeking to better understand the funding implications with the support of the Minister's officials.
Diolch i chi am godi hynny, ac mae hwn yn faes sydd o ddiddordeb arbennig i'r Prif Weinidog. Mae'n eitem arall a oedd ym maniffesto'r Prif Weinidog. Nid wyf wedi cael sgwrs uniongyrchol am y goedwig genedlaethol gyda Gweinidog yr amgylchedd, ond bûm mewn cysylltiad â'i swyddogion a fu'n fy nghynghori ar y goblygiadau posibl o ran cost ar gyfer hynny oherwydd, yn amlwg, mae angen y buddsoddiad cyfalaf arnoch, ond mewn gwirionedd, pan fyddwch yn plannu coetiroedd, mae yna effaith refeniw a chanlyniad refeniw i hynny ar sail barhaus hefyd. Felly, rwyf wedi bod yn ceisio deall y goblygiadau ariannol yn well gyda chymorth swyddogion y Gweinidog.
Llefarydd Plaid Brexit, Mark Reckless.
The Brexit Party spokesperson, Mark Reckless.
I welcome the Minister's engagement with Assembly Members but also wider civic society, who are interested in this issue, around tax devolution and, in particular, the really significant issues around the yield from the Welsh rates of income tax. I know she's speaking on Tuesday at the Wales Governance Centre, and also thank you for organising your own conference on 19 July, which I'm looking forward to attending.
The Finance Committee had Robert Chote from the Office for Budget Responsibility come in last week. You're paying, I think, £100,000 a year for work from the OBR in response to what was done by Bangor University. I was quite struck to learn at the Finance Committee the extent to which the primary responsibility for the tax forecast, and the numbers and the model that drove that, rest with Welsh Government but then OBR come in and challenge that and give a measure of quality control. But it's a huge responsibility.
We have this £1 billion so-called 'black hole' with Scottish income tax revenues and, although we haven't changed that—the Welsh rates of income tax is an area where the Government has stuck by its manifesto pledge to keep those the same—that doesn't mean that the tax yield can't change very significantly for matters potentially outside our control. You had Mark Drakeford negotiate the fiscal compact, which I think other parties and Members were complimentary about, but there are still huge uncertainties about how these revenues will develop. I just wonder what lessons the Minister is learning from what's going on in Scotland with this £1 billion so-called 'black hole' and, in particular, whether she thinks there's a case for needing a greater level of contingency and reserve in the spending estimates going forward, given those uncertainties and what we're seeing with Scotland.
Rwy'n croesawu ymgysylltiad y Gweinidog ag Aelodau'r Cynulliad, ond hefyd y gymdeithas ddinesig ehangach, sydd â diddordeb yn y mater hwn ynglŷn â datganoli trethi ac yn benodol, y materion gwirioneddol arwyddocaol sy'n ymwneud â'r incwm a geir o gyfraddau treth incwm Cymru. Rwy'n gwybod ei bod yn siarad ddydd Mawrth yng Nghanolfan Llywodraethiant Cymru, a diolch hefyd am drefnu eich cynhadledd eich hun ar 19 Gorffennaf, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at ei mynychu.
Daeth Robert Chote o'r Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol i'r Pwyllgor Cyllid yr wythnos diwethaf. Rwy'n credu eich bod yn talu £100,000 y flwyddyn am waith gan y Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol mewn ymateb i'r hyn a wnaethpwyd gan Brifysgol Bangor. Cefais syndod o glywed yn y Pwyllgor Cyllid i ba raddau yr oedd Llywodraeth Cymru yn bennaf gyfrifol am y rhagolwg treth, a'r niferoedd a'r model a oedd yn gyrru hynny, ond wedyn daw'r Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol i mewn a herio hynny a rhoi rhywfaint o reolaeth ansawdd. Ond mae'n gyfrifoldeb enfawr.
Mae gennym yr £1 biliwn o 'dwll du' fel y'i gelwir gyda refeniw treth incwm yr Alban ac er nad ydym wedi newid hynny—mae cyfraddau treth incwm Cymru yn faes lle mae'r Llywodraeth wedi glynu at ei haddewid maniffesto i gadw'r rheini yr un fath—nid yw hynny'n golygu na all incwm trethi newid yn sylweddol iawn ar gyfer materion a allai fod y tu hwnt i'n rheolaeth. Mark Drakeford a negododd y compact ariannol, a chredaf fod y pleidiau a'r Aelodau eraill yn canmol hynny, ond mae ansicrwydd mawr o hyd ynglŷn â sut y bydd y refeniw hwn yn datblygu. Rwy'n dyfalu tybed pa wersi y mae'r Gweinidog yn eu dysgu o'r hyn sy'n digwydd yn yr Alban gyda'r £1 biliwn o 'dwll du' fel y'i gelwir ac yn benodol, a yw'n credu bod achos dros fod angen lefel uwch o arian wrth gefn yn yr amcangyfrifon gwario yn y dyfodol o ystyried yr ansicrwydd hwnnw a'r hyn a welwn gyda'r Alban.
Thank you for raising the issue of, as it's called, the '£1 billion black hole' in Scotland as a result of their moving to the Scottish rates of income tax. Obviously, it takes a number of years for that reconciliation in tax to be undertaken. So, it's only now that they're understanding really the impact. I think part of the reason why I can take some heart from the way in which we're doing things differently in Wales is because we do have the OBR scrutinising our figures and advising us there, whereas in Scotland it was the Scottish Fiscal Commission. So, we have the same organisation as the UK Government has scrutinising their figures. So, I think that they use, obviously, the same methodology and are able to consider the same impacts. So, I think that that does give us some protection rather than using two different organisations with two different methodologies to understand and analyse the data.
As I said, I met with the Office for Budget Responsibility. It's something, obviously, we will take a very close interest in. We're less exposed, again, than Scotland because we only have the 10p rate of income tax devolved to us, whereas the situation in Scotland is quite different because they have different powers devolved to them in respect of income tax. But, obviously, reconciliation and the importance of accurate and good data is something that we're, obviously, as you would imagine, holding as a high priority because we don't want to be in a situation in years to come where we find that we are having to pay back money that we had factored into our budgets over a number of years.
Diolch i chi am godi mater y 'twll du £1 biliwn' fel y'i gelwir yn yr Alban o ganlyniad i symud i gyfraddau treth incwm yr Alban. Yn amlwg, mae'n cymryd nifer o flynyddoedd i gyflawni'r cysoniad treth hwnnw. Felly, nid ydynt wedi gallu deall yr effaith yn iawn tan yn awr. Credaf mai rhan o'r rheswm pam y gallaf fod yn weddol falch o'r ffordd yr ydym yn gwneud pethau'n wahanol yng Nghymru yw bod y Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol yn craffu ar ein ffigurau ac yn ein cynghori yn yn hynny o beth, ond Comisiwn Cyllidol yr Alban oedd yn gwneud hynny yn yr Alban. Felly, mae gennym yr un sefydliad ag sydd gan Lywodraeth y DU i graffu ar ein ffigurau. Felly, credaf eu bod yn defnyddio'r un fethodoleg, wrth gwrs, a'u bod yn gallu ystyried yr un effeithiau. Felly, credaf fod hynny'n rhoi rhywfaint o warchodaeth i ni yn hytrach na defnyddio dau sefydliad gwahanol gyda dwy fethodoleg wahanol i ddeall a dadansoddi'r data.
Fel y dywedais, cyfarfûm â'r Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol. Yn amlwg, mae'n rhywbeth y bydd gennym ddiddordeb mawr ynddo. Rydym yn llai agored, unwaith eto, na'r Alban gan mai dim ond y gyfradd 10c o dreth incwm a ddatganolwyd i ni, ond mae'r sefyllfa yn yr Alban yn dra gwahanol oherwydd bod ganddynt bwerau gwahanol wedi'u datganoli iddynt mewn perthynas â'r dreth incwm. Ond yn amlwg, mae cysoni a phwysigrwydd data cywir a da yn rhywbeth yr ydym yn dal i roi blaenoriaeth uchel iddo fel y gallwch ddychmygu gan nad ydym am fod mewn sefyllfa yn y blynyddoedd i ddod lle gwelwn ein bod yn gorfod ad-dalu arian a gyfrifwyd gennym yn rhan o'n cyllidebau dros nifer o flynyddoedd.
I don't suggest that the Minister is complacent and, clearly, the OBR has a reputation that it has developed, but I'm a little cautious of thinking just because we have the OBR rather than our own commission that necessarily its performance will be better, because we're only funding it to the tune of £100,000 a year and they do not have the specific experience of the Welsh economy and thinking carefully about how Welsh revenue might diverge because it hasn't been necessary to think about that to the same degree before because the issue has not been of the significance that it now will be. So, I just caution the Minister to the extent that her department is primarily driving this and the OBR is coming in and giving its view and giving some views, but that must be a relatively limited given the £100,000 budget compared to the £1.6 million to the Scottish Fiscal Commission.
I ask, going forward, as to the sensitivity of this issue in terms of what the forecast is but also if the tax rates were to be changed, what the impact of that would be, and, in particular, the sensitivities along the border as to whether people might move either physically themselves or the reported income on which they would be paying tax. I know that it's an issue of great significance to Welsh Government and I'm sure you have a number of officials who are working very carefully on this, but it's also of huge significance to other parties in the Assembly, and as we get closer to the upcoming Assembly election, a little under two years, parties will want to think very carefully about what their policies are going to be for their manifesto, and a big input into that will be what those sensitivities are, what the risks around them are, and I just wonder what more the Minister and Welsh Government can do to share and open up the expertise they have in-house to the input of others, but also, perhaps, to give some common assessment on which political parties can talk about the impacts of their proposed tax policies.
Nid wyf yn awgrymu bod y Gweinidog yn hunanfodlon ac yn amlwg, mae gan y Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol enw da y mae wedi'i ddatblygu, ond rwy'n gochel braidd rhag meddwl, oherwydd bod gennym y Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol yn hytrach na'n comisiwn ein hunain y bydd eu perfformiad yn well o reidrwydd, gan mai dim ond £100,000 y flwyddyn a rown iddo ac nid oes ganddynt brofiad penodol o economi Cymru a meddwl gofalus ynglŷn â sut y gallai refeniw Cymru fod yn wahanol oherwydd ni fu angen meddwl am hynny i'r un graddau o'r blaen am nad oedd yr un arwyddocâd i'r mater ag a fydd yn awr. Felly, rwy'n rhybuddio'r Gweinidog i'r graddau mai ei hadran sy'n gyrru hyn yn bennaf a bod y Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol yn dod i mewn ac yn rhoi eu barn ac yn rhoi rhai safbwyntiau, ond rhaid bod hynny'n gymharol gyfyngedig o ystyried y gyllideb o £100,000 o gymharu â'r £1.6 miliwn sy'n mynd i Gomisiwn Cyllidol yr Alban.
Wrth symud ymlaen, rwy'n gofyn am sensitifrwydd y mater hwn o ran beth yw'r rhagolwg ond hefyd pe bai'r cyfraddau treth yn cael eu newid, beth fyddai effaith hynny, ac yn benodol, y sensitifrwydd ar hyd y ffin o ran a fyddai pobl yn symud naill ai'n gorfforol eu hunain neu'n symud yr incwm a gofnodwyd y byddent yn talu treth arno. Rwy'n gwybod ei fod yn fater o bwys mawr i Lywodraeth Cymru ac rwy'n siŵr fod gennych nifer o swyddogion yn gweithio'n ofalus iawn ar hyn, ond mae hefyd yn arwyddocaol iawn i bleidiau eraill yn y Cynulliad, ac wrth inni agosáu at etholiad nesaf y Cynulliad, mewn ychydig o dan ddwy flynedd, bydd y pleidiau am feddwl yn ofalus iawn am yr hyn fydd eu polisïau ar gyfer eu maniffesto, a mewnbwn mawr i hynny fydd beth yw'r sensitifrwydd hwnnw, beth yw'r peryglon ynghylch y polisïau hynny, a tybed beth yn rhagor y gall y Gweinidog a Llywodraeth Cymru ei wneud i rannu ac ehangu'r arbenigedd sydd ganddynt yn fewnol i gynnwys mewnbwn gan bobl eraill, ond hefyd, efallai, i roi asesiad cyffredin yn sail i bleidiau gwleidyddol allu siarad am effeithiau eu polisïau treth arfaethedig.
Well, we have developed a very good relationship, I think, with the OBR, and they've certainly been keen to support us as we develop our new taxes, for example, in terms of modelling what they might be for us when we do get to the point at which we are able to provide them with some parameters for the research work.
But I think that, as the Member says, as we move towards the next Assembly elections, it will be for all of our individual parties to set out what we will seek to do with income tax. So, if we were to raise it, what would we spend the additional funding on, and if we were to reduce it, where would the cuts fall? Because, of course, for every penny that we increase or decrease the rate of income tax by, that would have a £200 million impact on the Welsh budget. So, I think that we all need to be very mindful of that. But I don't have concerns about the service that we are receiving from the OBR. I think that we're working very well with them, but, were there concerns, I would certainly raise them directly.
Wel, rwy'n credu ein bod wedi datblygu perthynas dda iawn gyda'r Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol, ac maent yn sicr wedi bod yn awyddus i'n cefnogi wrth inni ddatblygu ein trethi newydd, er enghraifft mewn perthynas â modelu'r hyn y gallent fod i ni pan gyrhaeddwn y pwynt lle gallwn eu darparu gyda rhai paramedrau ar gyfer y gwaith ymchwil.
Ond fel y dywed yr Aelod, wrth i ni symud tuag at etholiadau nesaf y Cynulliad, rwy'n credu y bydd yn rhaid i bob un o'n pleidiau unigol nodi'r hyn y byddwn yn ceisio ei wneud gyda'r dreth incwm. Felly, pe baem yn ei chodi, ar beth y byddem yn gwario'r arian ychwanegol, a phe baem yn ei gostwng, ble byddai'r toriadau'n digwydd? Oherwydd, wrth gwrs, am bob ceiniog y byddwn yn codi neu'n gostwng cyfradd y dreth incwm, byddai hynny'n cael effaith o £200 miliwn ar gyllideb Cymru. Felly, credaf fod angen i bawb ohonom gofio hynny. Ond nid oes gennyf bryderon am y gwasanaeth a gawn gan y Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol. Credaf ein bod yn gweithio'n dda iawn gyda hwy, ond pe bai yna bryderon, buaswn yn sicr yn eu codi ar unwaith.
3. Pa ystyriaeth a roddodd y Gweinidog i hwyluso'r broses o greu banc cymunedol i Gymru wrth lunio cyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru? OAQ54102
3. What consideration did the Minister give to facilitating the creation of a community bank for Wales when formulating the Welsh Government's budget? OAQ54102
The Welsh Government supports the principle of establishing a community bank for Wales. The Welsh Government’s budget allocated resources to support new businesses. It will be for the Minister for the Economy and Transport to make any offer of seed funding to a community bank.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n cefnogi'r egwyddor o sefydlu banc cymunedol i Gymru. Dyrannodd cyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru adnoddau i gefnogi busnesau newydd. Mater i Weinidog yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth fydd gwneud unrhyw gynnig ynghylch arian sbarduno i fanc cymunedol.
Thank you for your answer, Minister. Obviously, in January, you did say to me then that the Welsh Government was at some very early stages in discussions with a number of stakeholders who were keen to explore the feasibility of establishing a community bank. Last week, the First Minister reiterated that the Government was indeed working with partners who were also preparing a full market business plan. I would be grateful if you could give some detail in terms of what sums of money will be allocated from the Government's budget in terms of the creation of a community bank. The First Minister has said that he wants the community bank to be in place before the end of this Assembly term, which, of course, is less than two years away. And I'd also be grateful if you could perhaps provide your own assessment of what public subsidy you think would be required to set up the community bank for Wales, as is being outlined, and also if you are aware of any grant or loan that has been requested of the Government in terms of setting up the community bank for Wales.
Diolch i chi am eich ateb, Weinidog. Yn amlwg, ym mis Ionawr, fe ddywedoch chi wrthyf bryd hynny fod Llywodraeth Cymru ar gamau cynnar iawn yn y trafodaethau gyda nifer o randdeiliaid a oedd yn awyddus i archwilio dichonoldeb sefydlu banc cymunedol. Yr wythnos diwethaf, ailadroddodd y Prif Weinidog fod y Llywodraeth yn gweithio gyda phartneriaid a oedd hefyd yn paratoi cynllun busnes llawn ar gyfer y farchnad. Buaswn yn ddiolchgar pe gallech roi rhywfaint o fanylion ynglŷn â pha symiau o arian a gaiff eu dyrannu o gyllideb y Llywodraeth i greu banc cymunedol. Mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi dweud ei fod am i'r banc cymunedol fod ar waith cyn diwedd tymor y Cynulliad hwn, sydd, wrth gwrs, lai na dwy flynedd i ffwrdd. A buaswn yn ddiolchgar hefyd pe gallech ddarparu eich asesiad eich hun o bosibl o ba gymhorthdal cyhoeddus y credwch y byddai ei angen i sefydlu banc cymunedol i Gymru, fel yr amlinellir, a hefyd a ydych yn ymwybodol o unrhyw grant neu fenthyciad y gofynnwyd i'r Llywodraeth amdano i sefydlu'r banc cymunedol i Gymru.
Thank you for raising the community bank idea. Of course, we do support the principle of establishing a community bank, and developing this is a priority for us. By means of an update, the Welsh Government officials met, and the Development Bank of Wales met with potential stakeholders in the third sector and the private sector last year, including the Public Bank for Wales Action Group, and they're seeking to establish a community bank for Wales. We've provided advice on the process that would need to be followed in order to access seed funding.
Officials are now reviewing a specific proposal and a request for seed funding from the Public Bank for Wales Action Group, working in collaboration with the UK-wide Community Savings Bank Association. Seed funding would be used by the Public Bank for Wales Action Group to initiate a phase of work that would include stakeholder engagement, market assessment, and feasibility for a community bank for Wales, which will then progress to application for a banking licence. An application for a banking licence can take quite some time—two years or more, sometimes—in order to have the necessary work done with the Prudential Regulation Authority and the Financial Conduct Authority. But I think it is too early to identify just how much capital funding we would be putting towards that and what element of subsidy might be needed on an ongoing basis. But that is all part of the work that is going on, but as I say, it is quite early days in terms of the project being scoped and discussions taking place with stakeholders.
Diolch am grybwyll y syniad o fanc cymunedol. Wrth gwrs, rydym yn cefnogi'r egwyddor o sefydlu banc cymunedol, ac mae datblygu hyn yn flaenoriaeth i ni. I roi diweddariad, cyfarfu swyddogion Llywodraeth Cymru a Banc Datblygu Cymru â rhanddeiliaid posibl yn y trydydd sector a'r sector preifat y llynedd, gan gynnwys y Grŵp Gweithredu Dros Fanc Cyhoeddus i Gymru, ac maent yn ceisio sefydlu banc cymunedol i Gymru. Rydym wedi darparu cyngor ar y broses y byddai angen ei dilyn er mwyn cael gafael ar gyllid sbarduno.
Mae swyddogion bellach yn adolygu cynnig penodol a chais am gyllid sbarduno gan y Grŵp Gweithredu Dros Fanc Cyhoeddus i Gymru, gan weithio ar y cyd â'r sefydliad DU gyfan, y Community Savings Bank Association. Byddai'r Grŵp Gweithredu Dros Fanc Cyhoeddus i Gymru yn defnyddio cyllid sbarduno i gychwyn cyfnod o waith a fyddai'n cynnwys ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid, asesu'r farchnad, a dichonoldeb banc cymunedol i Gymru, a fyddai wedyn yn arwain at gais am drwydded fancio. Gall cais am drwydded fancio gymryd peth amser—dwy flynedd neu fwy, weithiau—er mwyn cwblhau'r gwaith angenrheidiol gyda'r Awdurdod Rheoleiddio Darbodus a'r Awdurdod Ymddygiad Ariannol. Ond credaf ei bod yn rhy gynnar i nodi faint o arian cyfalaf y byddem yn ei roi tuag at hynny a pha elfen o gymhorthdal y gallai fod ei hangen ar sail barhaus. Ond mae hynny oll yn rhan o'r gwaith sy'n mynd rhagddo, ond fel y dywedais, mae'n ddyddiau cynnar iawn o ran cwmpasu'r prosiect a chynnal trafodaethau gyda rhanddeiliaid.
4. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am strategaeth eiddo ac asedau Llywodraeth Cymru? OAQ54111
4. Will the Minister make a statement on the Welsh Government's property and asset strategy? OAQ54111
Our corporate asset management strategy was published in 2016 to bring greater transparency to our approach to managing Government land and property assets. I'm committed to ensuring that the assets we hold as a Government deliver public value and actively support our objectives across Government.
Cyhoeddwyd ein strategaeth rheoli asedau corfforaethol yn 2016 er mwyn darparu mwy o dryloywder yn ein dull o reoli asedau tir ac eiddo'r Llywodraeth. Rwyf wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau bod yr asedau sydd gennym fel Llywodraeth yn darparu gwerth cyhoeddus ac yn cefnogi ein hamcanion yn weithredol ar draws y Llywodraeth.
I'm grateful to the Minister for that. In an earlier answer to the Member for Aberconwy, you said that you wished to invest in best practice in the management of the Welsh Government's asset portfolio, and you also encourage the sharing of experience and knowledge. Can I ask you to be a bit more proactive and ambitious than that, Minister? It appears to me that the Welsh Government, alongside the national health service and local government and other parts of the public sector, have enormous value in the assets and properties available to them, but it also appears to me that there is very little proactive management and proactive ambitious management of the assets in the ownership of the public sector as a whole. I'd be grateful, Minister, if you could outline to the National Assembly how you would seek to ensure that this management of assets takes place on a far more joined-up basis, on a more ambitious basis, and if you could outline to us what the objectives are and the targets for the management strategy that you have in place.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog. Mewn ateb cynharach i'r Aelod dros Aberconwy, fe ddywedoch eich bod am fuddsoddi mewn arferion gorau mewn perthynas â'r gwaith o reoli portffolio asedau Llywodraeth Cymru, a'ch bod hefyd yn annog rhannu profiad a gwybodaeth. A gaf fi ofyn i chi fod ychydig yn fwy rhagweithiol ac uchelgeisiol na hynny, Weinidog? Ymddengys i mi fod gan Lywodraeth Cymru, ochr yn ochr â'r gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol a llywodraeth leol a rhannau eraill o'r sector cyhoeddus, werth enfawr yn yr asedau a'r eiddo sydd ar gael iddynt, ond ymddengys i mi hefyd mai ychydig iawn o reolaeth ragweithiol a rheolaeth ragweithiol uchelgeisiol sydd i'w chael o ran yr asedau sydd ym mherchnogaeth y sector cyhoeddus yn gyffredinol. Buaswn yn ddiolchgar, Weinidog, pe gallech amlinellu i'r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol sut y byddech yn ceisio sicrhau bod y gwaith hwn o reoli asedau yn mynd rhagddo ar sail fwy cydgysylltiedig, ar sail fwy uchelgeisiol, a phe gallech amlinellu inni beth yw'r amcanion a'r targedau ar gyfer y strategaeth reoli sydd gennych ar waith.
Well, as I say, the corporate asset management strategy has been published, and I'm happy to provide the Member with more information. But it is fully aligned to the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 in its ways of working and well-being goals. And, in fact, it's very much designed to support the Act's challenge that Government decision making should be more holistic. It's about taking a broader perspective and recognising the interdependencies that exist and the importance of working together to maximise public value for money and the impact of corporate decision making. And that particular piece of work should ensure that we are maximising the policy outcomes.
I don't think there's a lack of ambition in this area because all of our departments have asset management strategies of their own, and I'm currently going through those at the moment to ensure that I'm satisfied that they meet our objectives across Government rather than just simply meeting individual department objectives.
We're also developing best practice for acquisitions as well, because we know that we do, from time to time, need to acquire land and buildings, and we need to ensure that that is done with the appropriate transparency and due diligence. There's a lot of work going on in this area. I referred to the work that the Minister for the economy and the Minister for local government and I are doing to change our approach to the land that we hold in Welsh Government to ensure that when it's disposed of in those cases, it is done so in a way that meets our cross-Government priorities, rather than simply being about the bottom line.
Wel, fel y dywedaf, mae'r strategaeth rheoli asedau corfforaethol wedi'i chyhoeddi, ac rwy'n fwy na pharod i roi mwy o wybodaeth i'r Aelod. Ond mae'n cyd-fynd yn gyfan gwbl â Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015 o ran ei ffyrdd o weithio a nodau llesiant. Ac mewn gwirionedd, mae wedi'i chynllunio i gefnogi her y Ddeddf y dylai proses y Llywodraeth o wneud penderfyniadau fod yn fwy cyfannol. Mae'n ymwneud â chael persbectif ehangach a chydnabod y rhyngddibyniaethau sy'n bodoli a phwysigrwydd cydweithio i sicrhau'r gwerth mwyaf am arian cyhoeddus a'r effaith fwyaf i benderfyniadau corfforaethol. A dylai'r gwaith penodol hwnnw sicrhau ein bod yn cael y canlyniadau polisi gorau.
Ni chredaf fod diffyg uchelgais yn y maes hwn gan fod gan bob un o'n hadrannau eu strategaethau rheoli asedau eu hunain, ac rwyf wrthi'n eu hystyried ar hyn o bryd i sicrhau fy mod yn fodlon eu bod yn cyflawni ein hamcanion ar draws y Llywodraeth yn hytrach na bodloni amcanion adrannau unigol yn unig.
Rydym hefyd yn datblygu arferion gorau ar gyfer caffael hefyd, gan y gwyddom, o bryd i'w gilydd, fod angen i ni gaffael tir ac adeiladau, ac mae angen i ni sicrhau bod hynny'n digwydd gyda'r tryloywder a'r diwydrwydd dyladwy priodol. Mae llawer o waith yn mynd rhagddo yn y maes hwn. Cyfeiriais at y gwaith y mae Gweinidog yr economi a'r Gweinidog llywodraeth leol a minnau'n ei wneud i newid ein dull o weithredu mewn perthynas â'r tir sydd gennym fel Llywodraeth Cymru i sicrhau, pan geir gwared arno yn yr achosion hynny, y gwneir hynny mewn ffordd sy'n bodloni ein blaenoriaethau trawslywodraethol, yn hytrach na'i fod yn ymwneud â'r llinell waelod yn unig.
Will the Minister update the Assembly on the progress of legal action being taken by the Welsh Government against the two firms that give advice on the sale of publicly owned land by the regeneration investment fund for Wales, which resulted in a financial loss for the Welsh taxpayer? Your progress report will be highly appreciated.
A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Cynulliad ar gynnydd camau cyfreithiol Llywodraeth Cymru yn erbyn y ddau gwmni sy'n cynghori ar werthiant tir cyhoeddus gan gronfa buddsoddi Cymru mewn adfywio, a arweiniodd at golled ariannol i drethdalwyr Cymru? Bydd eich adroddiad cynnydd yn cael ei werthfawrogi'n fawr.
Thank you. I was able to advise David Rowlands earlier on during questions this afternoon that I was the Minister who was in the portfolio when that action was instigated, and as yet the legal action is still going on, but the Minister now with responsibility, Julie James, will certainly update Members when there is something to update. Because it's an ongoing process, I'm afraid I can't comment further today, sorry.
Diolch. Rhoddais wybod i David Rowlands yn gynharach yn ystod sesiwn gwestiynau y prynhawn yma mai fi oedd y Gweinidog a oedd yn y portffolio pan gychwynnwyd yr achos hwnnw, ac mae'r camau cyfreithiol yn parhau ar hyn o bryd, ond bydd y Gweinidog sydd â'r cyfrifoldeb bellach, Julie James, yn sicr o roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Aelodau pan fydd rhywbeth i'w ddweud. Gan ei bod yn broses barhaus, mae arnaf ofn na allaf wneud sylwadau pellach heddiw, mae'n ddrwg gennyf.
5. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am asesiad Llywodraeth Cymru o effaith y gyfradd dreth trafodiadau tir uwch o 6 y cant mewn cysylltiad ag eiddo masnachol? OAQ54112
5. Will the Minister make a statement on the Welsh Government's assessment of the effect of the higher 6 per cent land transaction tax rate in respect of commercial property? OAQ54112
The first annual statistics for land transaction tax, covering 2018-19, will be published tomorrow. However, provisional outturn figures indicate that LTT non-residential revenues, amounting to £72 million, were higher than in four of the previous five years of stamp duty land tax. We will continue to monitor the impact of all Welsh taxes.
Bydd yr ystadegau blynyddol cyntaf ar gyfer trethi trafodiadau tir, ar gyfer 2018-19, yn cael eu cyhoeddi yfory. Fodd bynnag, mae ffigurau alldro amodol yn dangos bod refeniw amhreswyl trethi trafodiadau tir, cyfanswm o £72 miliwn, yn uwch nag mewn pedair o'r bum mlynedd flaenorol o dreth dir y dreth stamp. Byddwn yn parhau i fonitro effaith holl drethi Cymru.
Gosh. Well, I shall try and contain my excitement in looking forward to seeing these numbers tomorrow—thank you for letting us know that. What I will ask, though, is: the Minister or her predecessor has increased the rate for properties over £1 million in the commercial sector from 5 per cent to 6 per cent, and that sort of increase of a fifth will not lead to higher revenues if the base of transactions falls by a similar amount or more. And I've been concerned that, at least in the early quarterly data, there is evidence that that has happened. Could I ask, going forward—and there will be interaction with the Office for Budget Responsibility around what the forecasts are going to be, as we discussed earlier—will Welsh Government, in the interests of transparency and accountability, publish what the forecast tax take is for each of the bands for both residential and non-residential LTT?
Ew. Wel, fe geisiaf reoli fy nghyffro wrth edrych ymlaen at weld y ffigurau hyn yfory—diolch am adael i ni wybod hynny. Yr hyn rwyf am ei ofyn, fodd bynnag, yw: mae'r Gweinidog neu ei rhagflaenydd wedi cynyddu'r gyfradd ar gyfer eiddo dros £1 miliwn yn y sector masnachol o 5 y cant i 6 y cant, ac ni fydd y math hwnnw o gynnydd o un rhan o bump yn arwain at refeniw uwch os bydd nifer y trafodion yn gostwng cyfran debyg, neu fwy. Ac rwyf wedi bod yn bryderus, o leiaf yn y data chwarterol cynnar, fod yna dystiolaeth fod hynny wedi digwydd. A gaf fi ofyn, yn y dyfodol—a bydd rhyngweithio'n digwydd â'r Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol ynghylch beth fydd y rhagolygon, fel y trafodasom yn gynharach—a fydd Llywodraeth Cymru, er budd tryloywder ac atebolrwydd, yn cyhoeddi beth fydd yr incwm treth a ragwelir ym mhob band ar gyfer trethi trafodiadau tir preswyl ac amhreswyl?
Well, as I say, we will have the outturn data tomorrow, which we can look at in terms of the first year, and we always seek to publish as much information as we can, as we turn to our budget setting, so that we're able to have that scrutiny in committee as we undertake the budget-setting work.
I will say, though, that I know the Member has been particularly concerned about the higher rate of non-residential property transactions, but a lot of the data that is reported by industry analysts, so property investments, which are often share transactions rather than land transactions, and they're not liable for land transaction tax or stamp duty land tax. And so, the tax will have no effect on those transactions. So, any attempt to compare those two particular items aren't possible.
I will say that there are other reasons why companies will seek to base their businesses in Wales, and it's not all about the level of tax rates that we have. There will be access to a skilled workforce and the price of land, for example, is an important consideration when properties for non-residential purposes are bought. So, there are a wide range of factors in this, but obviously we'll continue to monitor the situation closely.
Wel, fel y dywedais, bydd y data alldro gennym yfory, a gallwn edrych arno o ran y flwyddyn gyntaf, a byddwn bob amser yn ceisio cyhoeddi cymaint o wybodaeth ag y gallwn, wrth inni baratoi i bennu ein cyllideb, fel y gallwn graffu yn y pwyllgor wrth i ni ymgymryd â'r gwaith o bennu'r gyllideb.
Hoffwn ddweud, fodd bynnag, fy mod yn ymwybodol fod yr Aelod wedi bod yn arbennig o bryderus ynglŷn â'r gyfradd uwch o drafodiadau eiddo amhreswyl, ond mae llawer o'r data a adroddir gan ddadansoddwyr y diwydiant, felly buddsoddiadau eiddo, sy'n aml yn drafodiadau cyfranddaliadau yn hytrach na thrafodiadau tir, ac nid ydynt yn agored i dreth trafodiadau tir neu dreth dir y dreth stamp. Ac felly, ni fydd y dreth yn cael unrhyw effaith ar y trafodiadau hynny. Felly, nid yw unrhyw ymgais i gymharu'r ddwy eitem benodol hynny'n bosibl.
Hoffwn ddweud bod rhesymau eraill pam y bydd cwmnïau'n awyddus i sefydlu eu busnesau yng Nghymru, ac nid yw popeth yn ymwneud â lefel y cyfraddau treth sydd gennym. Bydd yna fynediad at weithlu medrus, ac mae pris tir, er enghraifft, yn ystyriaeth bwysig pan fydd eiddo at ddibenion amhreswyl yn cael eu prynu. Felly, mae amrywiaeth eang o ffactorau yn hyn o beth, ond yn amlwg, byddwn yn parhau i fonitro'r sefyllfa'n agos.
I urge you, Minister, to look at the situation in Scotland, because companies there making similar sized purchases to the ones in Wales will be paying 4.5 per cent—that's below the English rate and, obviously, 1.5 per cent below ours. The month they made that decision, they saw their revenue increase by an amount that was highest on record, and their yearly rise so far stands at something over £13 million. So, I think there's a real lesson here about the level that is optimum for these taxation rates.
Rwy'n eich annog, Weinidog, i edrych ar y sefyllfa yn yr Alban, gan y bydd y cwmnïau sy'n prynu ar sail debyg i'r rhai yng Nghymru yn talu 4.5 y cant—mae hynny'n is na chyfradd Lloegr, ac yn amlwg, 1.5 y cant yn is na'n cyfradd ni. Yn y mis pan wnaethant y penderfyniad hwnnw, cawsant eu cynnydd refeniw uchaf erioed, ac mae eu cynnydd blynyddol hyd yn hyn yn fwy na £13 miliwn. Felly, credaf fod gwers wirioneddol i'w chael yma am y lefel orau ar gyfer y cyfraddau trethiant hyn.
Yes. And we will always seek to achieve the optimum level. I know in Scotland, when land and buildings transaction tax was first introduced in 2015, it had a higher non-residential top rate of 4.5 per cent, as David Melding said, and that was a higher rate than the previous stamp duty land tax at the time, but tax revenues in Scotland then increased. The following year, the UK Government increased the top rate of SDLT to 5 per cent, and tax revenues in Scotland then decreased, despite having a relatively lower rate there. In December, the Scottish Government announced it will be increasing its top rate to 5 per cent, which is forecast to increase tax revenues. So, I think it is important to look at what's happening in our neighbouring nations, but always to take the decisions that are best for us in Wales.
Yn sicr. A byddwn bob amser yn ceisio sicrhau'r lefel orau. Yn yr Alban, pan gyflwynwyd treth trafodiadau tir ac adeiladau am y tro cyntaf yn 2015, gwn fod ganddynt gyfradd amhreswyl uwch o 4.5 y cant, fel y dywedodd David Melding, ac roedd honno'n gyfradd uwch na threth dir flaenorol y dreth stamp ar y pryd, ond wedyn, cynyddodd refeniw treth yn yr Alban. Y flwyddyn ganlynol, cynyddodd Llywodraeth y DU gyfradd uchaf treth dir y dreth stamp i 5 y cant, a gostyngodd refeniw treth yn yr Alban yn sgil hynny, er bod ganddynt gyfradd gymharol is yno. Ym mis Rhagfyr, cyhoeddodd Llywodraeth yr Alban y byddant yn cynyddu eu cyfradd uchaf i 5 y cant, a rhagwelir y bydd hynny'n cynyddu refeniw treth. Felly, credaf ei bod yn bwysig ystyried yr hyn sy'n digwydd yn y gwledydd cyfagos, ond i wneud y penderfyniadau sydd orau i ni yng Nghymru bob amser.
6. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'u cael gyda'r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol ynghylch cyfrifyddu ac archwilio ariannol ym Mwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Bae Abertawe? OAQ54131
6. What discussions has the Minister had with the Minister for Health and Social Services about financial accounting and audit at Swansea Bay University Health Board? OAQ54131
I have regular discussions with the Minister for Health and Social Services on the financial positions of all NHS Wales organisations, including Swansea Bay University Health Board.
Rwy'n cael trafodaethau rheolaidd gyda'r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol ynglŷn â sefyllfa ariannol holl sefydliadau GIG Cymru, gan gynnwys Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Bae Abertawe.
Yr wythnos diwethaf, clywsom fod bwrdd iechyd Abertawe Bro Morgannwg, a elwir bellach yn fwrdd iechyd Bae Abertawe, unwaith eto wedi methu â chwrdd â'i ddyletswyddau ariannol. Mae'r bwrdd iechyd wedi gorwario dros gyfnod o dair blynedd ac oherwydd hynny bu'n rhaid i'r archwilydd cyffredinol gymhwyso ei farn archwilio ar ei gyfrifon am y flwyddyn 2018-19. Er bod bwrdd iechyd ABM wedi gwella ei sefyllfa ariannol o'i chymharu â'r llynedd, beth arall y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn mynd i wneud i sicrhau bod y gorwariant yma yn cael ei ddileu yn y dyfodol a bod gwasanaethau yn cael eu rhoi ar sylfaen gynaliadwy?
Last week, we heard that Abertawe Bro Morgannwg, which is now called the Swansea Bay University Health Board, has again failed to meet its financial duties. The health board has overspent over a period of three years and as a result of that, the auditor general had to qualify his views on its accounts for the year 2018-19. Although ABM health board had improved its financial situation as compared to last year, what else will the Welsh Government do to ensure that this overspend is dealt with and eradicated for the future, and that services are provided on a sustainable basis?
As Dai Lloyd says, the overspend in Swansea Bay University Health Board reduced from £32.4 million in 2017-18 to just under £10 million in 2018-19, and that's an improvement of £22.4 million. The health board did meet its Welsh Government control total of a maximum deficit of £10 million in 2018-19. Swansea Bay University Health Board is currently forecasting that it will break even in 2019-20.
Fel y dywed Dai Lloyd, gostyngodd y gorwariant ym Mwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Bae Abertawe o £32.4 miliwn yn 2017-18 i ychydig o dan £10 miliwn yn 2018-19, ac mae hwnnw'n welliant o £22.4 miliwn. Cyflawnodd y bwrdd iechyd eu cyfanswm rheoli gan Lywodraeth Cymru o uchafswm diffyg o £10 miliwn yn 2018-19. Ar hyn o bryd, mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Bae Abertawe yn rhagweld y byddant yn mantoli eu cyllideb yn 2019-20.
Based on the figures that you quoted to us just now, I'm not 100 per sure how a brand new board can show a track record of three years, but, on the face of it, the new board is going in the right direction. But do you know how much of that reduction in deficit is due to the removal of any debt attributable to the activities in the Bridgend end of operations—those operations, of course, having been moved now to Cwm Taf? What I'm trying to get to is whether this is a displacement of debt into a new health board from the previous one. Also, perhaps you can give us some indication of, now that this board is much smaller, how much less it will be getting from Welsh Government compared to the previous Abertawe Bro Morgannwg board, bearing in mind that it is no longer responsible for the Bridgend county borough constituents of mine.
Yn seiliedig ar y ffigurau a ddyfynnwyd i ni yn awr, nid wyf 100 y cant yn sicr sut y gall bwrdd newydd sbon ddangos hanes o dair blynedd, ond yn ôl pob golwg, mae'r bwrdd newydd yn mynd i'r cyfeiriad iawn. Ond a ydych yn gwybod faint o'r gostyngiad hwnnw yn y diffyg sy'n deillio o gael gwared ar unrhyw ddyled yn sgil y gweithrediadau yn ardal Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr—gan fod y gweithrediadau hynny, wrth gwrs, bellach wedi symud i Gwm Taf? Yr hyn rwy'n ceisio gweld yw a yw hyn yn enghraifft o symud dyled i fwrdd iechyd newydd o'r un blaenorol. Hefyd, efallai y gallwch roi rhyw syniad i ni, gan fod y bwrdd hwn yn llawer llai bellach, faint yn llai y bydd yn ei dderbyn gan Lywodraeth Cymru o gymharu â bwrdd blaenorol Abertawe Bro Morgannwg, o gofio nad yw bellach yn gyfrifol am fy etholwyr i ym mwrdeistref sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr.
Thank you for raising that question. I'm afraid I don't have those exact figures with me this afternoon, but I will be sure that the health Minister writes to you with them.FootnoteLink
Diolch am godi'r cwestiwn hwnnw. Mae arnaf ofn nad yw'r union ffigurau hynny gennyf y prynhawn yma, ond byddaf yn sicrhau bod y Gweinidog iechyd yn ysgrifennu atoch.FootnoteLink
7. A wnaiff y Gweinidog amlinellu'r camau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i leihau biliau'r dreth gyngor yng Ngorllewin De Cymru? OAQ54115
7. Will the Minister outline the steps the Welsh Government is taking to reduce council tax bills in South Wales West? OAQ54115
Our council tax reduction scheme supports around 280,000 households with their council tax bills. We've been working with local authorities to develop clear and consistent advice on this scheme, and the other discounts and exemptions available, to ensure all households receive the support that they're entitled to.
Mae ein cynllun gostyngiadau'r dreth gyngor yn rhoi cymorth i oddeutu 280,000 o gartrefi gyda'u biliau treth gyngor. Rydym wedi bod yn gweithio gydag awdurdodau lleol i ddatblygu cyngor clir a chyson ar y cynllun hwn, a'r gostyngiadau a'r eithriadau eraill sydd ar gael, i sicrhau bod pob cartref yn derbyn y cymorth y mae ganddynt hawl i'w gael.
Minister, my region has seen an average increase in band D council tax of 60 per cent since 2007. Over that time, inflation has only averaged around 2.5 per cent. Over the same period, people have seen their refuse collections halved, day centres closed, libraries closed and leisure centre services axed. Why are my constituents paying so much more for so much less? Minister, will you commit your Government to cutting council taxes next year, or will my constituents, once again, see rises greater than their increase in wages?
Weinidog, mae fy rhanbarth wedi wynebu cynnydd cyfartalog o 60 y cant yn y dreth gyngor band D ers 2007. Dros y cyfnod hwnnw, roedd chwyddiant oddeutu 2.5 y cant yn unig ar gyfartaledd. Dros yr un cyfnod, mae casgliadau sbwriel wedi eu haneru, mae canolfannau dydd wedi cau, mae llyfrgelloedd wedi cau ac mae gwasanaethau canolfannau hamdden wedi wynebu toriadau. Pam fod fy etholwyr yn talu cymaint yn fwy am gymaint yn llai? Weinidog, a wnewch chi ymrwymo'ch Llywodraeth i dorri trethi cyngor y flwyddyn nesaf, neu a fydd fy etholwyr, unwaith eto, yn wynebu cynnydd sy'n fwy na'r cynnydd yn eu cyflogau?
Well, the level of council tax is set by local authorities in Wales, but we have continued to protect local government in Wales from significant cuts against a backdrop of reducing budgets from the UK Government. That said, I'm completely aware of the severe pressures that local authorities are under, but they are receiving over £4.2 billion from the Welsh Government in core revenue funding to spend on delivering those key services to which you refer, and we included additional funding in the final budget, so the settlement saw an increase of 0.2 per cent on a like-for-like basis as compared to last year. So, clearly, these are challenging times.
But, in terms of the average band D council tax rate, it's £159 lower than the average band D council tax rate in England. And we've also allowed local authorities to maintain maximum flexibility in managing their budgets throughout the period of austerity, so we haven't imposed national limits on budget increases, but we do recognise that that's a matter for local determination. Also, we don't require local authorities to conduct costly referenda or to ring-fence funding raised through council tax for specific purposes. So, we do try to give local authorities the maximum flexibility that we can, whilst also trying to make council tax fairer. So, we've got rid of the sanction of imprisonment for the non-payment of council tax. We've legislated to ensure that all care leavers in Wales are exempt from council tax until their twenty-fifth birthday, and we're also continuing with our council tax reduction scheme, which means, as part of the 280,000 households that have help, 220,000 of those pay nothing at all. We're constantly working to find more ways to make council tax fairer, working in partnership with local authorities to do so.
Wel, awdurdodau lleol sy'n pennu lefel y dreth gyngor yng Nghymru, ond rydym wedi parhau i ddiogelu llywodraeth leol yng Nghymru rhag toriadau sylweddol yn wyneb cyllidebau llai a llai gan Lywodraeth y DU. Wedi dweud hynny, rwy'n gwbl ymwybodol o'r pwysau difrifol sy'n wynebu awdurdodau lleol, ond maent yn derbyn dros £4.2 biliwn gan Lywodraeth Cymru mewn cyllid refeniw craidd i'w wario ar ddarparu'r gwasanaethau allweddol hynny y cyfeiriwch atynt, ac fe wnaethom gynnwys cyllid ychwanegol yn y gyllideb derfynol, felly cynyddodd y setliad 0.2 y cant ar sail gyfatebol o gymharu â'r llynedd. Felly, yn amlwg, mae hwn yn gyfnod heriol.
Ond mae cyfradd gyfartalog treth gyngor band D £159 yn is na chyfradd gyfartalog treth gyngor band D yn Lloegr. Ac rydym hefyd wedi caniatáu i awdurdodau lleol gynnal yr hyblygrwydd mwyaf posibl wrth reoli eu cyllidebau drwy gydol y cyfnod o gyni, felly nid ydym wedi gosod cyfyngiadau cenedlaethol ar gynnydd mewn cyllidebau, ond rydym yn cydnabod bod hynny'n fater i'w bennu'n lleol. Hefyd, nid ydym yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i awdurdodau lleol gynnal refferenda drud na chlustnodi arian a godir drwy'r dreth gyngor at ddibenion penodol. Felly, rydym yn ceisio rhoi cymaint o hyblygrwydd ag y gallwn i awdurdodau lleol, gan geisio sicrhau bod y dreth gyngor yn decach. Felly, rydym wedi cael gwared ar y gosb o garchar am beidio â thalu'r dreth gyngor. Rydym wedi deddfu i sicrhau bod pawb sy'n gadael gofal yng Nghymru wedi'u heithrio rhag gorfod talu'r dreth gyngor hyd at eu pen blwydd yn 25, ac rydym hefyd yn parhau â'n cynllun gostyngiadau'r dreth cyngor, sy'n golygu, fel rhan o'r 280,000 o gartrefi sy'n derbyn cymorth, nad yw 220,000 o'r rheini yn talu ceiniog. Rydym yn gweithio'n gyson i ddod o hyd i fwy o ffyrdd o sicrhau bod y dreth gyngor yn decach, gan weithio mewn partneriaeth ag awdurdodau lleol i wneud hynny.
8. Pa ystyriaeth a roddodd y Gweinidog i helpu dioddefwyr trais domestig wrth ddrafftio cyllideb derfynol 2019-20? OAQ54094
8. What consideration did the Minister give to helping victims of domestic violence when drafting the final budget 2019-20? OAQ54094
In 2019-20, we have provided £15 million to support victims of all forms of violence, including domestic abuse, violence against women, and sexual violence in Wales.
Yn 2019-20, rydym wedi darparu £15 miliwn i gefnogi dioddefwyr pob math o drais, gan gynnwys cam-drin domestig, trais yn erbyn menywod, a thrais rhywiol yng Nghymru.
Thank you. Well, as Welsh Women's Aid said last month, access to specialist support, where and when survivors of abuse need it, is critical to enable women and girls to achieve safety and reach their full potential. But although there's a Welsh Government commitment to deliver secure and sustainable funding for specialist services, and we have commissioning guidance, secure funding for specialist services is yet to be delivered in many areas of Wales. And, of course, figures published last November from the Office for National Statistics quoted the crime survey for England and Wales, showing 2 million victims in England and Wales last year: 65 per cent women, 35 per cent men—where men are three times as likely as women to not report abuse because of feelings of shame, embarrassment, denial and stereotypes of masculinity, and men in Wales are four times more likely to die by suicide than women.
How, therefore, will you respond, or are you considering to respond, to the reports by BBC Wales in March that the Welsh charity Calan has seen a significant increase in male victims coming forward, replicating the findings of the work of the wonderful charities, KIM Inspire in Holywell, the domestic abuse safety unit in Deeside, and others, so that the concerns of Welsh Women's Aid for women and girl victims and survivors, but also the growing concerns being expressed regarding male victims, can be addressed through the appropriate support services in the future?
Diolch. Wel, fel y dywedodd Cymorth i Fenywod Cymru fis diwethaf, mae mynediad at gymorth arbenigol, lle a phan fydd goroeswyr camdriniaeth ei angen, yn hanfodol er mwyn galluogi menywod a merched i fod yn ddiogel ac i gyflawni eu potensial llawn. Ond er bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu cyllid diogel a chynaliadwy ar gyfer gwasanaethau arbenigol, ac mae gennym ganllawiau comisiynu, nid oes cyllid diogel ar gyfer gwasanaethau arbenigol wedi'i ddarparu eto mewn nifer o ardaloedd yng Nghymru. Ac wrth gwrs, dyfynnwyd arolwg troseddu Cymru a Lloegr yn y ffigurau a gyhoeddwyd fis Tachwedd diwethaf gan y Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol, a gwelwyd bod 2 filiwn o ddioddefwyr yng Nghymru a Lloegr y llynedd: 65 y cant yn fenywod, 35 y cant yn ddynion—lle mae dynion deirgwaith yn fwy tebygol na menywod o beidio â rhoi gwybod am gamdriniaeth oherwydd teimladau o gywilydd, embaras, gwadu a stereoteipiau gwrywdod, ac mae dynion yng Nghymru bedair gwaith yn fwy tebygol na menywod o farw drwy hunanladdiad.
Sut, felly, y byddwch yn ymateb, neu a ydych yn ystyried ymateb, i adroddiadau BBC Wales ym mis Mawrth fod yr elusen Gymreig, Calan, wedi gweld cynnydd sylweddol yn nifer y dioddefwyr gwrywaidd sy'n rhoi gwybod am gamdriniaeth, gan ailadrodd canfyddiadau gwaith yr elusennau gwych, KIM Inspire yn Nhreffynnon, yr uned ddiogelwch cam-drin domestig yng Nglannau Dyfrdwy, ac eraill, fel y gellir mynd i'r afael â phryderon Cymorth i Fenywod Cymru ynghylch dioddefwyr a goroeswyr sy'n fenywod a merched, ond hefyd y pryderon cynyddol sy'n cael eu mynegi ynglŷn â dioddefwyr gwrywaidd, drwy'r gwasanaethau cymorth priodol yn y dyfodol?
I was grateful to you for raising the joint report on supporting disabled people experiencing violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence here in the Chamber during business questions last month, and I know that, since then, the Minister with responsibility for this agenda had the opportunity to look at the report and has written to Welsh Women's Aid in order to set out what the Government might be able to do in terms of responding to that particular report.
The Welsh Government is committed to tackling all forms of gender-based violence, domestic abuse and sexual violence, and supporting all victims of domestic abuse. We do recognise that whilst it is a disproportionate experience for women and girls, it doesn't mean that violence and abuse directed to men and boys isn't perpetrated, because anybody can be affected by these issues. Welsh Government funds projects in Wales providing support services for male victims, including the Live Fear Free helpline and project Dyn. The helpline is gender responsive and includes targeted information specifically for male victims, and the Dyn project provides accessible support to all men who experience domestic abuse in Wales, regardless of age, gender, race, religion or sexual orientation. And we also have statutory guidance, which sets out core commissioning principles on which regional commissioning strategies should be based, and, again, that's about ensuring that all victims, regardless of their gender or their background, are able to access support.
Roeddwn yn ddiolchgar i chi am grybwyll yr adroddiad ar y cyd ar gefnogi pobl anabl sy'n wynebu trais yn erbyn menywod, cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol yma yn y Siambr yn ystod y cwestiynau busnes y mis diwethaf, a gwn, ers hynny, fod y Gweinidog sy'n gyfrifol am yr agenda hon wedi cael cyfle i edrych ar yr adroddiad ac wedi ysgrifennu at Cymorth i Fenywod Cymru er mwyn nodi'r hyn y gallai'r Llywodraeth ei wneud o ran ymateb i'r adroddiad penodol hwnnw.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i fynd i'r afael â phob math o drais ar sail rhywedd, cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol, a chefnogi pob dioddefwr cam-drin domestig. Rydym yn cydnabod, er ei fod yn brofiad anghymesur i fenywod a merched, nad yw hynny'n golygu na chyflawnir trais a chamdriniaeth tuag at ddynion a bechgyn, gan y gall y materion hyn effeithio ar unrhyw un. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ariannu prosiectau yng Nghymru sy'n darparu gwasanaethau cymorth i ddioddefwyr gwrywaidd, gan gynnwys llinell gymorth Byw Heb Ofn a phrosiect Dyn. Mae'r llinell gymorth yn ymateb yn ôl rhywedd ac mae'n cynnwys gwybodaeth wedi'i thargedu'n benodol ar gyfer dioddefwyr gwrywaidd, ac mae prosiect Dyn yn darparu cymorth hygyrch i bob dyn sy'n dioddef cam-drin domestig yng Nghymru, waeth beth fo'u hoed, eu rhywedd, eu hil, eu crefydd neu eu cyfeiriadedd rhywiol. Ac mae gennym hefyd ganllawiau statudol, sy'n nodi egwyddorion comisiynu craidd y dylid seilio strategaethau comisiynu rhanbarthol arnynt, ac unwaith eto, mae hynny'n ymwneud â sicrhau bod pob dioddefwr, waeth beth fo'u rhywedd neu eu cefndir, yn gallu cael cymorth.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog.
Thank you, Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw'r cwestiynau i Weinidog y Gymraeg a Chysylltiadau Rhyngwladol, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Mark Isherwood.
The next item, therefore, is questions to the Minister for International Relations and Welsh Language, and the first question is from Mark Isherwood.
1. Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi masnach ryngwladol Cymru? OAQ54093
1. How is the Welsh Government supporting Welsh international trade? OAQ54093
Diolch. We're actively working with companies across Wales to support them to grow their exports and are leveraging our international connections to link them with opportunities.
Diolch. Rydym yn gweithio gyda chwmnïau ledled Cymru i'w cynorthwyo i dyfu eu hallforion ac rydym yn defnyddio ein cysylltiadau rhyngwladol er mwyn eu cysylltu â chyfleoedd.
Thank you. According to media coverage, as Brussels has signed new trade deals around the world, goods from partner countries can enter the EU at reduced or zero-tariff rates and then flow free into Turkey, which, although not in the EU, is in the customs union for goods. Turkish companies don't benefit from reciprocal tariff cuts when exporting to those countries because Ankara is not part of the EU, and it's reported that Ankara, the Turkish Government, therefore started imposing protective tariffs on a number of imports for the EU last year, and concerns were raised about the implications for the UK and Wales, therefore, if we remained in the customs union, outside the EU, in the future. Similarly, The Guardian economic editor stated in April that those who argue that Britain would be better off negotiating its own trade deals have a point, because the EU is not especially interested in liberalising where it's weak but the UK is strong—in this case, in services. That was an interesting angle coming from The Guardian. So, in considering how the Welsh Government will develop international trade in a post-Brexit environment, how will it take into account these practical considerations, as highlighted by academics and others over recent months?
Diolch. Yn ôl sylw yn y cyfryngau, gan fod Brwsel wedi arwyddo cytundebau masnach newydd ledled y byd, gall nwyddau o wledydd partner fynd i mewn i'r UE ar gyfraddau is neu ddi-dariff ac yna maent yn rhydd i fynd i Twrci, sydd, er nad ydynt yn rhan o'r UE, yn rhan o'r undeb tollau ar gyfer nwyddau. Nid yw cwmnïau Twrci yn elwa o doriadau tariff cyfatebol wrth allforio i'r gwledydd hynny gan nad yw Ankara yn rhan o'r UE, a chafwyd adroddiadau fod Ankara, Llywodraeth Twrci, felly wedi dechrau gosod tariffau amddiffynnol ar nifer o fewnforion i'r UE y llynedd, a mynegwyd pryderon am y goblygiadau i'r DU ac i Gymru, felly, pe baem yn aros yn rhan o'r undeb tollau, y tu allan i'r UE, yn y dyfodol. Yn yr un modd, ym mis Ebrill, dywedodd golygydd economaidd y Guardian fod pwynt gan y rheini sy'n dadlau y byddai Prydain yn well ei byd yn trafod ei chytundebau masnach ei hun, gan nad oes gan yr UE ddiddordeb arbennig mewn rhyddfrydoli yn y mannau lle mae'n wan ond mae'r DU yn gryf—yn yr achos hwn, mewn gwasanaethau. Roedd honno'n agwedd ddiddorol gan y Guardian. Felly, wrth ystyried sut y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn datblygu masnach ryngwladol mewn amgylchedd ôl-Brexit, sut y bydd yn ystyried yr ystyriaethau ymarferol hyn, fel yr amlygwyd gan academyddion ac eraill dros y misoedd diwethaf?
Well, I think the first thing to say is that you're absolutely right in identifying that Turkey actually is in a customs union with the European Union. But I think what's important for us to note is that the relationship that matters most is our relationship with the European Union—60 per cent of our trade in goods is with the European Union. And therefore, what's important is that we understand that any loss in that market, even for a short period of time, would have a hugely damaging effect on our market here in Wales. What is of interest to me is that, actually, one of the leaders in the Tory party leadership election at the moment is suggesting that there is a possibility that we could have a scenario where we don't pay any tariffs during an implementation period. That has been comprehensibly rubbished by the Bank of England and by the European Union, so I think if the Member wants to ask about trade deals in the future, he has to understand that the most important deal is with the European Union, and at the moment, that deal seems a long way away.
Wel, credaf mai'r peth cyntaf i'w ddweud yw eich bod yn gwbl gywir wrth nodi bod Twrci mewn undeb tollau gyda'r Undeb Ewropeaidd. Ond credaf mai'r hyn sy'n bwysig i ni ei nodi yw mai'r berthynas bwysicaf yw ein perthynas â'r Undeb Ewropeaidd—mae 60 y cant o'n masnach mewn nwyddau gyda'r Undeb Ewropeaidd. Ac felly, yr hyn sy'n bwysig yw ein bod yn deall y byddai unrhyw golled yn y farchnad honno, hyd yn oed am gyfnod byr, yn cael effaith niweidiol iawn ar ein marchnad yma yng Nghymru. Yr hyn sydd o ddiddordeb i mi, mewn gwirionedd, yw bod un o'r arweinwyr yn etholiad arweinyddiaeth y blaid Dorïaidd ar hyn o bryd yn awgrymu bod posibilrwydd y gallem gael senario lle na fyddwn yn talu unrhyw dariffau yn ystod cyfnod gweithredu. Mae Banc Lloegr a'r Undeb Ewropeaidd wedi dweud bod hynny'n sothach, felly os yw'r Aelod am ofyn am gytundebau masnach yn y dyfodol, credaf fod yn rhaid iddo ddeall mai'r cytundeb gyda'r Undeb Ewropeaidd yw'r cytundeb pwysicaf, ac ar hyn o bryd, ymddengys bod y cytundeb hwnnw ymhell i ffwrdd.
2. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am fesurau i reoli tir sy'n eiddo i Cadw? OAQ54120
2. Will the Minister make a statement on measures to manage Cadw-owned land? OAQ54120
Thank you for that question. Cadw manages historic properties that are in the ownership or guardianship of Welsh Ministers in accordance with its published conservation principles. Cadw’s management also reflects its statutory duties in areas such as public health and safety and Welsh Government policy agendas, including sustainability.
Diolch am eich cwestiwn. Mae Cadw yn rheoli eiddo hanesyddol sy'n eiddo i neu dan warchodaeth Gweinidogion Cymru yn unol â'u hegwyddorion cadwraeth a gyhoeddwyd. Mae rheolwyr Cadw hefyd yn adlewyrchu eu dyletswyddau statudol mewn meysydd fel iechyd a diogelwch y cyhoedd ac agendâu polisi Llywodraeth Cymru, gan gynnwys cynaliadwyedd.
On Friday last week, Wayne David MP and I met with Cadw, particularly to discuss this issue, and they confirmed on the evening of 16 May they'd approved contractors to shoot a number of birds within the grounds of Caerphilly castle in order to control their numbers. There was a witness to this, and the witness posted pictures on social media, and these were carried by the Caerphilly Observer. As a result, there was something of a public outcry regarding the shooting of birds at the castle. Cadw unilaterally decided to suspend this approach, and they've told us that they've suspended it pending the outcome of a review of how they control bird populations on the castle grounds. It's emerged that Cadw have been able to use this as a means for some considerable time under the terms of a general licence awarded by Natural Resources Wales. In England, these licences are no longer awarded as the result of a legal challenge, and that is ongoing. The powers over these licences are devolved, as I understand it, and therefore in the responsibility of the Welsh Government. Will you give us some clarity on that, on those grounds, but also would you commit Welsh Government to supporting Cadw to find alternative ways to control bird populations at places like Caerphilly castle?
Ddydd Gwener diwethaf, cyfarfu Wayne David AS a minnau â Cadw, yn benodol er mwyn trafod y mater hwn, a chadarnhawyd ganddynt gyda'r nos ar 16 Mai eu bod wedi cymeradwyo contractwyr i saethu nifer o adar ar dir castell Caerffili er mwyn rheoli eu niferoedd. Roedd llygad-dyst i hyn, a phostiodd y llygad-dyst luniau ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol, a chawsant eu cyhoeddi gan y Caerphilly Observer. O ganlyniad, roedd y cyhoedd yn ddig iawn ynglŷn â saethu'r adar yn y castell. Penderfynodd Cadw ei hun roi'r gorau i'r dull hwn, ac maent wedi dweud wrthym eu bod wedi ei ohirio hyd nes y ceir canlyniadau'r adolygiad o sut y maent yn rheoli poblogaethau adar ar diroedd y castell. Daeth i'r amlwg fod Cadw wedi gallu defnyddio hyn fel dull ers peth amser o dan delerau trwydded gyffredinol a ddyfarnwyd gan Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Yn Lloegr, nid yw'r trwyddedau hyn yn cael eu dyfarnu mwyach o ganlyniad i her gyfreithiol, ac mae hynny'n parhau. Mae'r pwerau dros y trwyddedau hyn wedi'u datganoli, yn ôl yr hyn a ddeallaf, ac felly maent yn un o gyfrifoldebau Llywodraeth Cymru. A wnewch chi roi rhywfaint o eglurder inni ynglŷn â hynny, ar y sail honno, ond a wnewch chi hefyd ymrwymo Llywodraeth Cymru i gynorthwyo Cadw i ddod o hyd i ffyrdd eraill o reoli poblogaethau adar mewn lleoedd fel castell Caerffili?
Thank you for the way you've pursued this issue. I can confirm that everything that you say factually is correct. The activity of Cadw in controlling feral pigeons is permitted under a general licence derived from the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, which, as you say, is issued by Natural Resources Wales. Cadw have trialled a number of ways to control feral pigeons in the past, including using localised netting, blocking up holes in historic fabric—which, I'm sure you appreciate, is rather difficult—installing anti-perching spikes, using ultrasound, lifelike plastic deterrents and even birds of prey. These have not proven as effective as they would have wished, but I can not only confirm that the activity that Cadw undertook was legal, but in view of the concern that has been expressed by you today, and, indeed, by members of the public, Cadw has agreed to undertake a review. They assure me that this review will take place urgently, and that no further activity of the kind that you describe will take place until that review is completed. The review will include detailed advice about the environmental and the public health aspects of the control of feral pigeons, and I will certainly involve you and any other Members who are particularly concerned about these incidents in the discussions, after the review is completed.
Diolch am y ffordd rydych wedi mynd ar drywydd y mater hwn. Gallaf gadarnhau bod popeth a ddywedwch yn ffeithiol gywir. Caniateir gweithgarwch Cadw yn rheoli colomennod fferal o dan drwydded gyffredinol sy'n deillio o Ddeddf Bywyd Gwyllt a Chefn Gwlad 1981, sydd, fel y dywedwch, yn cael ei rhoi gan Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Mae Cadw wedi treialu nifer o ffyrdd o reoli colomennod fferal yn y gorffennol, gan gynnwys defnyddio rhwydi cyfyngedig, cau tyllau mewn adeiladwaith hanesyddol—sydd braidd yn anodd, fel y gallwch ei ddeall, rwy'n siŵr—gosod pigynnau gwrth-glwydo, defnyddio uwchsain, modelau plastig ataliol a hyd yn oed adar ysglyfaethus. Nid yw'r rhain wedi bod mor effeithiol ag y byddent wedi'i ddymuno, ond gallaf gadarnhau bod y gweithgarwch ar ran Cadw yn gyfreithiol, ond yn sgil y pryder a fynegwyd gennych heddiw, ac yn wir, gan aelodau'r cyhoedd, mae Cadw wedi cytuno i gynnal adolygiad. Maent wedi rhoi sicrwydd i mi y bydd yr adolygiad hwn yn cael ei gynnal ar frys, ac na fydd unrhyw weithgarwch pellach o'r math rydych yn ei ddisgrifio yn digwydd hyd nes y bydd yr adolygiad hwnnw wedi'i gwblhau. Bydd yr adolygiad yn cynnwys cyngor manwl ar yr agweddau amgylcheddol ac iechyd y cyhoedd ar reoli colomennod fferal, a byddaf yn sicr o'ch cynnwys chi ac unrhyw Aelodau eraill sy'n pryderu am y digwyddiadau hyn yn y trafodaethau, wedi i'r adolygiad gael ei gwblhau.
May I put on record my thanks to the Deputy Minister for his prompt response in dealing with the issue of vandalism at the Roman amphitheatre in Caerleon, which is managed by Cadw? I understand that an anti-social behaviour working group, which includes representatives from Cadw, Gwent Police, Newport City Council and the local community, met on 23 May to consider a range of options to tackle the issue. Can the Deputy Minister advise whether any proposals have been forthcoming following that meeting and will he ask Cadw to review security at other sites they manage also suffering from the same anti-social behaviour in Wales?
A gaf fi gofnodi fy niolch i'r Dirprwy Weinidog am ei ymateb prydlon wrth fynd i'r afael â fandaliaeth yn yr amffitheatr Rufeinig yng Nghaerllion, a reolir gan Cadw? Deallaf fod gweithgor ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol, sy'n cynnwys cynrychiolwyr o Cadw, Heddlu Gwent, Cyngor Dinas Casnewydd a'r gymuned leol, wedi cyfarfod ar 23 Mai i ystyried amrywiaeth o opsiynau i fynd i'r afael â'r mater. A all y Dirprwy Weinidog roi gwybod inni a oes unrhyw gynigion wedi dod i law yn dilyn y cyfarfod hwnnw ac a wnaiff ofyn i Cadw adolygu diogelwch mewn safleoedd eraill y maent yn eu rheoli yng Nghymru sydd hefyd yn dioddef o ganlyniad i'r un ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol?
Thank you for making those remarks. I have not yet seen a detailed report of those discussions, but I can confirm that they have taken place. The issue that we face, and I’ve been to the site, of course—to Caerleon and other historic sites—. The difficulty with these sites is, if you fence them in, then that doesn’t make them attractive for people to visit. It’s a balance, always, between the minimum protection required for sites to ensure that they’re not misused and the deterrent that it would form for people if sites were, as it where, overprotected. So, I still have some faith in the potential of education and, in particular, the involvement of young people in conservation activities themselves—I can see that my colleague the education Minister is nodding—and the various programmes that we have now with young ambassadors and young apprentices within Cadw and in other parts of my responsibilities are ways of introducing young people to the habits of conservation so that they don’t feel the need to cause any damage to what are, after all, very historic sites.
Diolch am wneud y sylwadau hynny. Nid wyf wedi gweld adroddiad manwl ar y trafodaethau hynny eto, ond gallaf gadarnhau eu bod wedi'u cynnal. Y broblem rydym yn ei hwynebu, ac rwyf wedi bod ar y safle, wrth gwrs—yng Nghaerllion a safleoedd hanesyddol eraill—. Yr anhawster gyda'r safleoedd hyn yw, os ydych yn eu ffensio, nid yw hynny'n eu gwneud yn lleoedd deniadol i bobl ymweld â hwy. Mae'n ymwneud â chael cydbwysedd, bob amser, rhwng y mesurau diogelwch lleiaf sydd eu hangen ar safleoedd i sicrhau nad ydynt yn cael eu camddefnyddio a'r modd y byddai'n atal pobl rhag ymweld pe bai safleoedd yn cael eu gor-ddiogelu, fel petai. Felly, mae gennyf rywfaint o ffydd o hyd ym mhotensial addysg, ac yn benodol, cynnwys pobl ifanc mewn gweithgareddau cadwraeth eu hunain—gallaf weld bod fy nghyd-Aelod y Gweinidog addysg yn nodio—ac mae'r rhaglenni amrywiol sydd gennym bellach gyda llysgenhadon ifanc a phrentisiaid ifanc yn Cadw ac mewn rhannau eraill o fy nghyfrifoldebau yn ffyrdd o gyflwyno pobl ifanc i arferion cadwraeth fel nad ydynt yn teimlo'r angen i achosi unrhyw ddifrod i'r hyn sydd, wedi'r cyfan, yn safleoedd hanesyddol iawn.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr—Darren Millar.
Questions now from the party spokespeople. Conservative spokesperson—Darren Millar.
Thank you, Llywydd. Will the Minister make a statement on discussions she holds with foreign officials and diplomats surrounding human rights?
Diolch, Lywydd. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am y trafodaethau y mae'n eu cynnal gyda swyddogion tramor a diplomyddion ynghylch hawliau dynol?
Thank you. Yes, this is something that is important for us as we are developing a new international strategy. And, of course, that will be a factor that we consider. But, of course, when relevant, we discuss those issues with representatives with whom we think there is an issue where it should be challenged.
Diolch. Ie, mae hyn yn rhywbeth sy'n bwysig i ni wrth i ni ddatblygu strategaeth ryngwladol newydd. Ac wrth gwrs, bydd hynny'n ffactor y byddwn yn ei ystyried. Ond wrth gwrs, pan fo'n berthnasol, rydym yn trafod y materion hynny gyda chynrychiolwyr lle credwn fod yna broblem y dylid ei herio.
Thank you for that response. Of course, one of the cornerstones of our democracy here in Wales and, indeed, the rest of the United Kingdom, is this proud tradition of respect that we have for human rights, and it's good to say that we've been a leader on human rights, in many respects, around the world for many, many years. You recently met with the Chinese vice-premier during his visit to Wales, and I was very pleased to see in media reports that you'd been promoting Welsh produce. Can you tell us: did you discuss human rights abuses in China with the vice-premier? You will have seen there have been many abuses in China historically, and I'm sure it was a welcome opportunity that people would have expected you to have taken.
Diolch am eich ymateb. Wrth gwrs, un o gonglfeini ein democratiaeth yma yng Nghymru, ac yn wir, gweddill y Deyrnas Unedig, yw'r traddodiad balch o barch sydd gennym tuag at hawliau dynol, ac mae'n dda dweud ein bod wedi arwain ar hawliau dynol mewn sawl ffordd ym mhob rhan o'r byd ers blynyddoedd lawer. Yn ddiweddar, cawsoch gyfarfod ag is-bennaeth Tsieina yn ystod ei ymweliad â Chymru, ac roeddwn yn falch iawn o weld mewn adroddiadau yn y cyfryngau eich bod wedi bod yn hyrwyddo cynnyrch Cymreig. A allwch ddweud wrthym: a wnaethoch chi drafod camweddau hawliau dynol yn Tsieina gyda'r is-bennaeth? Byddwch wedi gweld bod llawer o gamweddau wedi digwydd yn Tsieina yn hanesyddol, ac rwy'n siŵr ei fod yn gyfle i'w groesawu y byddai pobl wedi disgwyl i chi ei gymryd.
Of course, we're very aware of the issues surrounding human rights in China, in particular at the moment with the situation in Hong Kong, and also with the ethnic minorities, in terms of the Uighurs Muslims. So, those were live issues, and, indeed, I did raise the issue of human rights with the deputy premier at the dinner in the evening.
Wrth gwrs, rydym yn ymwybodol iawn o'r materion sy'n ymwneud â hawliau dynol yn Tsieina, yn enwedig ar hyn o bryd gyda'r sefyllfa yn Hong Kong, a hefyd gyda'r lleiafrifoedd ethnig, o ran Mwslimiaid Uighurs. Felly, roedd y rheini'n faterion byw, ac yn wir, codais fater hawliau dynol gyda'r dirprwy bennaeth yn y cinio gyda'r nos.
I'm extremely pleased to hear that you raised the human rights record of China with the deputy premier. It's extremely important that we ensure that these are issues that are raised at every single opportunity. I notice that you referred to the Uighurs Muslim population in China. We just had a meeting of the cross-party group on faith this afternoon, and we were talking about some of the pressures that that brings in terms of refugees around the world when there's persecution of people taking place as a result of their religious or political beliefs.
One of the other organisations that's raised concerns with Assembly Members in the past, of course, is the charity Open Doors, which has identified that 97 million Christians in China are at risk of arrest and physical harm. Can you assure the Assembly that every opportunity will be used to raise concerns about human rights abuses where they take place, whether that's in China, Turkey or any other country, when you have the opportunity to meet with officials and diplomats in the future?
Rwy'n falch iawn o glywed eich bod wedi codi record hawliau dynol Tsieina gyda'r dirprwy bennaeth. Mae'n eithriadol o bwysig ein bod yn sicrhau bod y rhain yn faterion sy'n cael eu codi ar bob cyfle. Sylwaf eich bod wedi cyfeirio at boblogaeth Mwslimiaid Uighurs yn Tsieina. Cafodd y grŵp trawsbleidiol ar ffydd gyfarfod y prynhawn yma, a buom yn sôn am beth o'r pwysau y mae hynny'n ei achosi gyda ffoaduriaid ledled y byd pan fo pobl yn cael eu herlid o ganlyniad i'w crefydd neu gredoau gwleidyddol.
Un o'r sefydliadau eraill sydd wedi codi pryderon gydag Aelodau'r Cynulliad yn y gorffennol, wrth gwrs, yw elusen Open Doors, sydd wedi nodi bod 97 miliwn o Gristnogion yn Tsieina mewn perygl o gael eu harestio a niwed corfforol. A allwch roi sicrwydd i'r Cynulliad y defnyddir pob cyfle i godi pryderon am gamweddau hawliau dynol lle maent yn digwydd, boed hynny yn Tsieina, Twrci neu unrhyw wlad arall, pan fyddwch yn cael cyfle i gyfarfod â swyddogion a diplomyddion yn y dyfodol?
Well, I can give you an assurance that, when we met with Turkey recently, the issue of human rights was very much at the top of the agenda there. And I agree that the persecution of Christians is something that we should absolutely confront. It's not just an issue in China. It's a big issue in the middle east, in Egypt, and, certainly, these are issues that need to be confronted and need to be discussed with the relevant authorities.
Wel, gallaf roi sicrwydd i chi, pan gyfarfuom â Thwrci yn ddiweddar, fod mater hawliau dynol ar frig yr agenda yno. Ac rwy'n cytuno bod erlid Cristnogion yn rhywbeth y dylem fynd i'r afael ag ef. Nid problem yn Tsieina yn unig yw hon. Mae'n broblem fawr yn y dwyrain canol, yn yr Aifft, ac yn sicr, mae'r rhain yn faterion y mae angen eu hwynebu ac mae angen eu trafod gyda'r awdurdodau perthnasol.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Leanne Wood.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Leanne Wood.
Llywydd, yn gynharach y flwyddyn hon cyhoeddodd y Llywodraeth gynlluniau ar gyfer gwneud Cymru yn genedl noddfa. Roeddwn i'n croesawu hyn, wrth gwrs. A dydd Mawrth dywedodd y Prif Weinidog fod Cymru yn wlad groesawgar a chynhwysol. A all y Gweinidog amlinellu'r hyn y mae ei hadran hi yn ei wneud i hyrwyddo'r neges groesawgar yma ar lwyfan y byd?
Llywydd, earlier this year the Government published plans to make Wales a nation of sanctuary. I welcome this, of course. On Tuesday, the First Minister said that Wales was a welcoming and inclusive nation. Can the Minister outline what her department is doing to promote this welcoming message on the international stage?
Diolch yn fawr. Ac, wrth gwrs, mae yn bwysig ein bod ni'n tanlinellu ein bod ni'n wlad sy'n croesawu pobl i'n plith ni. A'r wythnos diwethaf, er enghraifft, mi gaethon ni sefyllfa yma yn y Senedd lle gwnaethon ni groesawu pobl o Bangladesh a oedd yn chwarae criced gyda ni, ac roedd hi'n gyfle i ni unwaith eto ddweud ein bod ni'n ddiolchgar bod y gymuned Bangladeshaidd wedi dod yma atom ni yng Nghymru hefyd.
Yr wythnos yma, rŷch chi wedi clywed bod y Prif Weinidog wedi ei gwneud hi'n glir ein bod ni'n wlad agored, ein bod ni'n croesawu pobl. Mae e wedi gwneud cyhoeddiad i'r perwyl hwnnw. Ac roedd hynny'n bwysig achos ei fod e'n cyd-fynd ag ymweliad yr ambassador o Romania. Ac roedd e'n bwysig ei fod e'n clywed y neges yna'n glir, achos mae gyda ni lot o bobl sydd wedi dod i'n gwlad ni, sydd yn cyfrannu at ein gwlad, ac mae'n bwysig iawn eu bod nhw yn deall bod croeso iddyn nhw. Ac un o'r pethau rŷm ni'n ei wneud nawr i hyrwyddo ac i sicrhau eu bod nhw'n deall bod yna groeso iddyn nhw yw ein bod ni wedi rhoi cynlluniau, gyda'r arian sydd gyda ni wedi'i neilltuo ar gyfer Brexit, i sicrhau bod pobl yn ymwybodol o'u hawliau nhw. Ac rŷm ni wedi rhoi arian i sicrhau bod pobl yn gallu mynd at ganolfan a gofyn am beth yw eu hawliau nhw. Ac rŷm ni'n gobeithio, wrth gwrs, y bydd hwnna'n dod drosodd yn glir yn y strategaeth ryngwladol newydd.
Thank you very much. Of course, it is important that we do underline the fact that we are a country that welcomes people to our midst. Last week, for example, we had an event here in the Senedd where we welcomed people from Bangladesh who were playing cricket. It was an opportunity for us to say once again that we are grateful that the Bangladeshi community has joined us here in Wales.
This week, you have heard that the First Minister has made it clear that we are an open country and that we do welcome people. He’s made a statement to that effect. It is important, because it does align with the visit by the ambassador from Romania. It was important that he heard that message clearly, because we do have a lot of people who have joined us in our country, who do contribute to our country, and it is very important that they understand that they are welcome. One of the things that we are doing now to promote that and ensure that they understand that there is a welcome for them is that we’ve put plans in place, with the ring-fenced funding that we’ve got for Brexit, to ensure that people are aware of their rights. We have put money aside to ensure that people can visit a centre and ask what their rights are. We do hope that that is conveyed clearly in our new international strategy.
Diolch am yr ymateb, Gweinidog.
Thank you for that response, Minister.
I asked the question because I'm very concerned about the inhumane treatment of migrants, especially migrant children, on the US southern border with Mexico. At least 24 people, including six children, have so far died during the Trump administration in what can only be truthfully described as concentration camps. The US Government is separating thousands of children from their parents and are detaining them in cold cages that have been nicknamed 'dog pounds' and 'freezers' by the detained children. Their valuables, and even their medicines, are taken away from them, and, while the border patrol have a legal requirement to ensure safety and sanitary conditions, a lawyer from the US justice department recently argued in court that detained children don't need soap, toothbrushes or beds to be safe and sanitary while in border patrol custody. Minister, will your Government write to the US Government condemning these awful breaches of human rights?
Gofynnais y cwestiwn gan fy mod yn pryderu ynghylch trin ymfudwyr yn annynol, yn enwedig ymfudwyr sy'n blant, ar ffin ddeheuol yr Unol Daleithiau â Mecsico. Hyd yn hyn, mae o leiaf 24 o bobl, gan gynnwys chwech o blant, wedi marw yn ystod gweinyddiaeth Trump yn yr hyn na ellir ond eu disgrifio mewn gwirionedd yn wersylloedd crynhoi. Mae Llywodraeth yr Unol Daleithiau yn gwahanu miloedd o blant oddi wrth eu rhieni ac yn eu cadw mewn cewyll oer sy'n cael eu galw'n 'ffaldau cŵn' a 'rhewgelloedd' gan y plant a gedwir ynddynt. Caiff eu pethau gwerthfawr, a hyd yn oed eu meddyginiaethau, eu cymryd oddi arnynt, ac er bod gofyniad cyfreithiol ar batrôl y ffin i sicrhau diogelwch ac amodau glanweithiol, dadleuodd cyfreithiwr o adran gyfiawnder yr Unol Daleithiau yn y llys yn ddiweddar nad oes angen sebon, brwsys dannedd neu welyau ar blant a gedwir i fod yn ddiogel ac yn lanweithiol pan gânt eu cadw gan batrôl y ffin. Weinidog, a wnaiff eich Llywodraeth ysgrifennu at Lywodraeth yr Unol Daleithiau i gondemnio'r camweddau hawliau dynol ofnadwy hyn?
Well, I certainly condemn those breaches of human rights. And I think one of the most shocking things for me was that, actually, they haven't kept a clear account of when and who was separated from parents and children, and therefore it's been difficult to get these two groups back together, because of the chaos that is occurring on that border. Of course, we're very concerned to see those dreadful pictures; of course we're concerned when people are determined to build walls. And I think that's one of the things that we're concerned with with the Brexit discussion—actually what happens with that border with Ireland. We know that walls and borders create tensions, and that's certainly something that we don't want to see happening in future. The Member will be aware that, of course, in relation to international affairs, it's the United Kingdom Government that has responsibility, but I'm very happy to make our views clear to the UK Government.
Wel, yn sicr, rwy'n condemnio'r achosion hynny o dorri hawliau dynol. A chredaf mai un o'r pethau mwyaf syfrdanol i mi, mewn gwirionedd, oedd nad ydynt wedi cadw cofnod clir o ba bryd a phwy a wahanwyd oddi wrth eu rhieni a'u plant, ac felly mae hi wedi bod yn anodd dod â'r ddau grŵp hyn yn ôl at ei gilydd, oherwydd yr anhrefn ar y ffin honno. Wrth gwrs, rydym yn bryderus iawn wrth weld y lluniau ofnadwy hynny; wrth gwrs, rydym yn pryderu pan fydd pobl yn benderfynol o adeiladu waliau. A chredaf mai dyna un o'r pethau sy'n peri pryder i ni gyda thrafodaeth Brexit—beth sy'n digwydd mewn gwirionedd gyda'r ffin honno gydag Iwerddon. Gwyddom fod waliau a ffiniau yn creu tensiynau, ac mae hynny'n sicr yn rhywbeth nad ydym am ei weld yn digwydd yn y dyfodol. Bydd yr Aelod yn ymwybodol, wrth gwrs, o ran materion rhyngwladol, mai Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig sy'n gyfrifol am hynny, ond rwy'n fwy na pharod i fynegi ein barn yn glir i Lywodraeth y DU.
I welcome the Minister's response to my question. I think it's vital that we hold the US to account, as it's the most powerful state in the world, and is often considered to be one of the UK's closest allies. I am utterly appalled by the UK Government's complete silence on this. I believe that it might have something to do with the UK Government's attempts to cosy up to Donald Trump in the hope of getting some kind of trade deal—a trade deal that we all know would be detrimental to Wales and to our NHS. So, Minister, will you join me now in condemning the UK Government's unprincipled stance on the appalling actions of the United States Government?
Rwy'n croesawu ymateb y Gweinidog i fy nghwestiwn. Credaf ei bod yn hanfodol ein bod yn dwyn yr Unol Daleithiau i gyfrif, gan mai hwy yw'r wladwriaeth fwyaf pwerus yn y byd, ac yn aml fe'i hystyrir yn un o gynghreiriaid agosaf y DU. Mae tawelwch llwyr Llywodraeth y DU ar hyn wedi codi arswyd arnaf. Credaf y gallai hyn fod yn rhywbeth i'w wneud ag ymdrechion Llywodraeth y DU i foddio Donald Trump yn y gobaith o gael rhyw fath o gytundeb masnach—cytundeb masnach y gŵyr pob un ohonom a fyddai'n niweidiol i Gymru ac i'n GIG. Felly, Weinidog, a wnewch chi ymuno â mi yn awr i gondemnio safbwynt diegwyddor Llywodraeth y DU ar weithredoedd erchyll Llywodraeth yr Unol Daleithiau?
Well, I think, to be fair, we can't hold the United Kingdom responsible for what Donald Trump is doing on that border. But I do think that it would be appropriate for us to make our views known, and we will therefore write to the Foreign Secretary to let him know that this is how we feel in this—as a Welsh Government. But I think we also have to understand that, actually, the United States is also an ally. There are good friends who are part of the United States. You think about all those students who are going over from Wales to study in the United States. We've had inward investment figures today; the United States is one of the greatest inward investors to our country. And so we have to make sure that we make clear the difference between the United States as a nation and the leadership, the political leadership, that perhaps we are not always in agreement with.
Wel, a bod yn deg, nid wyf yn credu y gallwn ddwyn y Deyrnas Unedig i gyfrif am yr hyn y mae Donald Trump yn ei wneud ar y ffin honno. Ond credaf y byddai'n briodol inni fynegi ein barn, ac felly byddwn yn ysgrifennu at yr Ysgrifennydd Tramor i roi gwybod iddo mai dyma sut y teimlwn ynglŷn â hyn—fel Llywodraeth Cymru. Ond credaf fod yn rhaid i ni ddeall hefyd, mewn gwirionedd, fod yr Unol Daleithiau hefyd yn gynghreiriad. Mae gennym ffrindiau da sy'n rhan o'r Unol Daleithiau. Rydych yn meddwl am yr holl fyfyrwyr sy'n mynd o Gymru i astudio yn yr Unol Daleithiau. Rydym wedi cael ffigurau mewnfuddsoddi heddiw; yr Unol Daleithiau yw un o'r mewnfuddsoddwyr mwyaf i'n gwlad. Ac felly mae'n rhaid i ni sicrhau ein bod yn egluro'n glir y gwahaniaeth rhwng yr Unol Daleithiau fel cenedl a'r arweinyddiaeth, yr arweinyddiaeth wleidyddol, nad ydym bob amser yn cytuno â hi o bosibl.
3. Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn hyrwyddo'r Gymraeg yn Rhondda Cynon Taf? OAQ54125
3. How is the Welsh Government promoting the Welsh language in Rhondda Cynon Taf? OAQ54125
Rŷm ni'n gweithio gydag amrywiol bartneriaid i hyrwyddo'r iaith yn Rhondda Cynon Taf. Ac mae'n gyfnod rili cyffrous yna, gyda'r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yn ymweld yn 2022, a'r fenter iaith yn trefnu Parti Ponty i hyrwyddo defnydd yr iaith.
We are working with a wide range of local and national partners to promote the Welsh language in Rhondda Cynon Taf. And it's a very exciting period, with the National Eisteddfod visiting in 2022, and the menter iaith organising Parti Ponty to promote the language.
I am very grateful, Minister, that you have referred to the National Eisteddfod in 2022 visiting RCT; it's going to be a key opportunity to build on the 28,000 Welsh speakers who are already in Rhondda Cynon Taf. And I think it's a major opportunity for language recovery in a really important part of Wales, because, if we're going to be a bilingual nation, it's in this area, and others like it, that we need to see the maximum gain. It's also an opportunity for economic regeneration, promoting tourism and the culture of the area. And I do hope the Welsh Government will be co-operating with the council, who already have a plan to develop their strategy up to 2022, so maximum benefit could be achieved from this wonderful opportunity.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn, Weinidog, eich bod wedi cyfeirio at y ffaith y bydd yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yn ymweld â RhCT yn 2022; bydd yn gyfle allweddol i adeiladu ar y 28,000 o siaradwyr Cymraeg sydd eisoes yn Rhondda Cynon Taf. A chredaf ei fod yn gyfle pwysig i adfer iaith mewn rhan wirioneddol bwysig o Gymru, oherwydd, os ydym am fod yn genedl ddwyieithog, bydd angen i ni weld y cynnydd mwyaf yn yr ardal hon ac ardaloedd eraill tebyg. Mae hefyd yn gyfle ar gyfer adfywio economaidd, hyrwyddo twristiaeth a diwylliant yr ardal. A gobeithiaf y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn cydweithio â'r cyngor, sydd â chynllun eisoes i ddatblygu eu strategaeth hyd at 2022, fel y gellid sicrhau'r budd mwyaf posibl o'r cyfle gwych hwn.
Wel, diolch yn fawr. Ac, wrth gwrs, dwi'n gobeithio bod pobl yn ardal Rhondda yn edrych ymlaen at y digwyddiad yna. Dwi'n meddwl mai beth sy'n bwysig i'w gofio gyda'r Eisteddfod yw nad gŵyl wythnos yw hi—mae'r paratoadau yn dechrau nawr. A beth sy'n bwysig am yr Eisteddfod yw bod y legacy yn mynd ymlaen ar ôl i'r Eisteddfod adael. Ond mae'n gyfle i ni godi cynnwrf yn yr ardal tuag at yr iaith Gymraeg, a dwi'n falch dros ben bod cyngor Rhondda Cynon Taf yn cymryd hwn o ddifrif, eu bod nhw wedi croesawu'r Eisteddfod, a'u bod nhw, dwi'n deall, wedi hefyd penodi swyddog i sicrhau bod hwn yn rhywbeth sy'n datblygu, nid jest yn 2022, ond yn dechrau lot cyn i'r digwyddiad ddigwydd.
Thank you very much. Of course, I do hope that people in the Rhondda area are looking forward to that event. I think what’s important to remember with the Eisteddfod is that it’s not just a week-long festival—the preparations are starting now. What’s important about the Eisteddfod is that the legacy does carry on after the Eisteddfod leaves. But it is an opportunity for us to raise levels of excitement in the area about the Welsh language. I'm very pleased that RCT council is taking this seriously, that they have welcomed the Eisteddfod, and that they, as I understand it, have also appointed an officer to ensure that this is something that does develop, not just in 2022, but starting a long time before that event.
Un o'r ffyrdd dŷn ni'n mynd i hyrwyddo'r iaith Gymraeg, wrth gwrs, yw drwy addysg, a sicrhau bod pobl yn gallu dysgu'r Gymraeg a dysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Un o'r pethau dwi wedi clywed yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf, a dwi wedi gweld hyn yn fy etholaeth fy hun, yw dyw cynghorau lleol ddim yn fodlon talu am drafnidiaeth ar gyfer y plant sydd eisiau mynychu ysgolion Cymraeg a'u galluogi nhw i ddysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.
Dwi'n falch iawn gweld bod y Gweinidog Addysg yn ei lle ar gyfer y sesiwn yma y prynhawn yma. Ac a oes yna fodd i chi, Gweinidog, Gweinidogion, gydweithio gyda'ch gilydd i sicrhau bod pob un person a phob un plentyn yn gallu mynychu ysgolion Cymraeg, os dyna yw eu dewis, lle bynnag maen nhw'n byw yn ein gwlad?
One of the ways in which we can promote the Welsh language, of course, is through education, and ensuring that people can learn Welsh and learn through the medium of Welsh. One of the things that I’ve heard over the past few weeks, and I have seen this in my own constituency, is that local councils aren’t willing to pay for transportation for those children who want to attend Welsh-medium schools, thereby enabling them to learn through the medium of Welsh.
I’m very pleased to see that the education Minister is in her seat for this session this afternoon. Could you, Minister, Ministers, work together in order to ensure that every individual and every child can attend Welsh-medium schools if that is their choice, wherever they live in our nation?
Wel, wrth gwrs, mae hwn yn rhywbeth sy'n bwysig iawn i'r Llywodraeth. Mae hwn yn gwestiwn i'r Gweinidog Addysg, mewn gwirionedd, ond mae hwn yn bwnc rŷn ni wedi trafod eisoes. Wrth gwrs, rŷn ni'n ymwybodol bod yna ddau gyngor lle mae hwn yn rhywbeth maen nhw'n ei drafod ar hyn o bryd. Mae'n bwysig dwi'n meddwl fod pobl yn deall bod yna ymgynghoriad yn mynd ymlaen ynglŷn ag a ddylai fod yna gost i bobl fynd i'r chweched dosbarth yn rhai o'r ysgolion yma, a dwi'n meddwl ddylen ni annog pobl i ymateb i'r ymgynghoriad yna, achos dyna'r ffordd orau efallai i ddwyn perswâd ar rai pobl sydd efallai yn dal â meddwl agored ynglŷn â beth ddylai ddigwydd yn y dyfodol.
Of course, this is something that’s very important for the Government. This is a question for the education Minister, in truth, but this is a subject that we have discussed previously. Of course, we are aware that there are two councils where this is something that they’re discussing at present. It is important that people understand that there is a consultation that’s ongoing on whether there should be a cost paid by people who attend sixth forms in some of these schools. I do think that we should encourage people to respond to that consultation, because that’s the best way to persuade some people who perhaps still have an open mind about what should happen in future.
I'd like to join my colleague, David Melding, in expressing my excitement at the National Eisteddfod coming to Rhondda Cynon Taf in 2022, and bringing important cultural and economic benefits as well, of course, as raising the profile of the Welsh language. I think one of the most important ways that we can actually make sure that we meet our target of a million Welsh speakers by 2050 is to increase the number of pupils who access Welsh-medium education. While RCT has a strong track record in delivering that, I think the role of the meithrin is really important in encouraging young children into that sphere.
I've been working closely with a meithrin in Cynon Valley, Cylch Meithrin Seren Fach, which is totally oversubscribed. They need funds in order to expand. They're turning away children and families week after week and they have to access a plethora of different funding streams as a charity in order to try and meet the target that they require. So, my question to you, Deputy Minister, is: what discussions have you had with Welsh Government colleagues to ensure that meithrins can access the funding that they need?
Hoffwn ymuno â fy nghyd-Aelod, David Melding, i fynegi fy nghyffro ynglŷn â'r ffaith y bydd yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yn dod i Rondda Cynon Taf yn 2022, ac yn darparu buddion diwylliannol ac economaidd pwysig, yn ogystal, wrth gwrs, â chodi proffil yr iaith Gymraeg. Credaf mai un o'r ffyrdd pwysicaf y gallwn sicrhau ein bod yn cyrraedd ein targed o filiwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050 yw cynyddu nifer y disgyblion sy'n cael addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg. Er bod gan RhCT hanes cryf o gyflawni hynny, credaf fod rôl y cylch meithrin yn bwysig iawn wrth annog plant ifanc i ddilyn y trywydd hwnnw.
Rwyf wedi bod yn gweithio'n agos gyda chylch meithrin yng Nghwm Cynon, Cylch Meithrin Seren Fach, sy'n gwbl orlawn. Mae angen arian arnynt i ehangu. Maent yn troi plant a theuluoedd ymaith wythnos ar ôl wythnos ac mae'n rhaid iddynt sicrhau llu o wahanol ffrydiau ariannu fel elusen er mwyn ceisio cyflawni'r targed sydd ei angen arnynt. Felly, fy nghwestiwn i chi, Ddirprwy Weinidog, yw: pa drafodaethau a gawsoch gyda'ch cyd-Aelodau yn Llywodraeth Cymru i sicrhau y gall cylchoedd meithrin gael yr arian sydd ei angen arnynt?
Well, we have actually increased funding very, very significantly to make sure that there is an opportunity for people to access Welsh language education at the earliest opportunity. That includes meithrin. So, they've had £1 million to expand, and I'm pleased to say that in the past year Rhondda Cynon Taf has actually had £2.7 million specifically to help develop Welsh language meithrin provision in that area. And I think you're absolutely right: if we don't get the basics right, if we can't get people into the system at the beginning, then we're not likely to persuade them when they go into mainstream education. So, this is fundamental. The Welsh Government has recognised it's fundamental, and that is why we are really putting supreme effort into this area, and we are on target in terms of the numbers of ysgolion meithrin that we hoped to open up until this point.
Wel, rydym wedi cynyddu cyllid yn sylweddol iawn i sicrhau bod cyfle i bobl gael mynediad at addysg Gymraeg cyn gynted â phosibl. Mae hynny'n cynnwys cylchoedd meithrin. Felly, maent wedi cael £1 filiwn i ehangu, ac rwy'n falch o ddweud bod Rhondda Cynon Taf wedi cael £2.7 miliwn dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf yn benodol ar gyfer datblygu'r ddarpariaeth feithrin Gymraeg yn yr ardal honno. A chredaf eich bod yn llygad eich lle: os nad ydym yn cael y pethau sylfaenol yn iawn, os na allwn gael pobl i mewn i'r system ar y dechrau, yna nid ydym yn debygol o'u perswadio pan fyddant yn mynd i mewn i addysg brif ffrwd. Felly, mae hyn yn hollbwysig. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cydnabod ei fod yn hollbwysig, a dyna pam ein bod yn gwneud ymdrech wirioneddol fawr yn y maes hwn, ac rydym ar y trywydd iawn o ran nifer yr ysgolion meithrin roeddem yn gobeithio eu hagor erbyn y pwynt hwn.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (Ann Jones) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (Ann Jones) took the Chair.
4. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am drafodaethau diweddar a gynhaliwyd rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru a dirprwyaeth o Tsieina? OAQ54128
4. Will the Minister make a statement on recent discussions held between the Welsh Government and a delegation from China? OAQ54128
Vice-Premier Hu's visit to Wales reaffirmed Wales and China’s long-standing relationship. Following the positive news on lifting market access for beef, it showcased Welsh agriculture, produce and innovation. The visit included a productive bilateral meeting with the First Minister to discuss opportunities for further collaboration across business, culture and education.
Cadarnhaodd ymweliad yr Is-Bennaeth Hu â Chymru berthynas hirsefydlog Cymru a Tsieina. Yn dilyn y newyddion cadarnhaol ar godi mynediad at y farchnad ar gyfer cig eidion, cafwyd cyfle i arddangos amaethyddiaeth, cynnyrch ac arloesedd Cymru. Roedd yr ymweliad yn cynnwys cyfarfod dwyochrog cynhyrchiol gyda'r Prif Weinidog i drafod cyfleoedd am ragor o gydweithio mewn busnes, diwylliant ac addysg.
I thank the Minister for that answer on the range of things that were discussed. I wonder if one of those items was the issue of climate change and how the two nations on a very different scale, with different degrees of complexity, can actually learn from each other and could show leadership. We know that China has been, in the recent decade, investing significantly in renewables, but it's also building itself a fleet of new coal-fired power stations at the same time. Meanwhile, of course, we have declared not only a climate change emergency but set our challenging zero-carbon targets. So, I wonder, was part of the discussions to do with climate change, not only on the challenges but the opportunities and how we may share experience and both show leadership on the world stage?
Diolch i'r Gweinidog am ei hateb ar yr amrywiaeth o bethau a drafodwyd. Tybed a oedd newid hinsawdd yn un o'r eitemau hynny, a sut y gall y ddwy genedl ar raddfa wahanol iawn, gyda gwahanol lefelau o gymhlethdod, ddysgu oddi wrth ei gilydd a dangos arweinyddiaeth. Gwyddom fod Tsieina, yn y degawd diwethaf, wedi buddsoddi'n sylweddol mewn ynni adnewyddadwy, ond ar yr un pryd, maent hefyd yn adeiladu fflyd o orsafoedd ynni glo newydd. Yn y cyfamser, wrth gwrs, rydym ni wedi datgan argyfwng hinsawdd a hefyd wedi gosod ein targedau di-garbon heriol. Felly, tybed a oedd rhan o'r trafodaethau'n ymwneud â'r newid yn yr hinsawdd, nid yn unig o ran yr heriau ond o ran y cyfleoedd a sut y gallwn rannu profiad a dangos arweinyddiaeth ar lwyfan byd-eang?
Indeed I did take the opportunity to speak to the vice-premier about this specific issue, because I do think that China is absolutely instrumental in terms of whether we are going to be able to tackle this issue and keep below the 2 degrees C that is absolutely crucial for all of us. We all know that there was a period where there were two coal-fired power stations being opened in China every single week and it's true that about 69 per cent of their energy is still produced by coal. The Minister was very clear that he understood this to be a very significant issue for his nation. When he was leading a region, he was instrumental, he was telling me, in changing the way that public transport was organised so that there was a shift to renewables. I think it is worth actually dwelling on the fact that, for every dollar that the United States spends on renewable energy, China spends three. So, it is by far the leading investor in renewable energy around the world. The impact on people, particularly in Beijing—he was telling me that the air quality in Beijing is so terrible now that this is something that they are taking extremely seriously.
Yn wir, manteisiais ar y cyfle i siarad â'r is-bennaeth ynglŷn â'r mater penodol hwn, gan y credaf fod Tsieina yn gwbl allweddol mewn perthynas â'n gallu i fynd i'r afael â'r broblem a chadw o dan y 2C sy'n gwbl hanfodol i bob un ohonom. Gŵyr pob un ohonom fod yna gyfnod pan oedd dwy orsaf bŵer glo yn cael eu hagor yn Tsieina bob wythnos ac mae'n wir fod glo yn dal i gynhyrchu oddeutu 69 y cant o'u hynni. Dywedodd y Gweinidog yn glir iawn ei fod yn deall bod hwn yn fater pwysig iawn i'w wlad. Pan oedd yn arwain rhanbarth, dywedodd wrthyf ei fod wedi chwarae rhan allweddol yn newid y ffordd y câi trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus ei threfnu er mwyn sicrhau newid i ynni adnewyddadwy. Credaf ei bod yn werth myfyrio ar y ffaith bod Tsieina yn gwario tair doler am bob doler y mae'r Unol Daleithiau yn ei gwario ar ynni adnewyddadwy. Felly, hwy yw prif fuddsoddwr y byd o bell ffordd mewn ynni adnewyddadwy. Mae'r effaith ar bobl, yn enwedig yn Beijing—dywedodd wrthyf fod hyn yn rhywbeth y maent yn gyfan gwbl o ddifrif yn ei gylch am fod ansawdd yr aer yn Beijing mor ofnadwy bellach.
5. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am gyhoeddi strategaeth ryngwladol Llywodraeth Cymru? OAQ54122
5. Will the Minister make a statement on the publication of the Welsh Government’s international strategy? OAQ54122
I shall be publishing a draft strategy to go out for full consultation before the end of term.
Byddaf yn cyhoeddi strategaeth ddrafft er mwyn cynnal ymgynghoriad llawn arni cyn diwedd y tymor.
Can I thank the Minister for the answer? I very much welcome the publication of the strategy before the end of this summer term, because it's crucial that we actually see the direction that the Welsh Government is taking. Can I also congratulate you on the number of meetings you've had with the various ambassadors and other representatives who have come to Wales? But we want to see the strategies, because we want to be able to assess against your targets and your priorities as to whether those meetings are meaningful or not. When I met with the Basque President, he actually identified that they had already identified strategies, and nations and regions that they wanted to work with as a consequence of that. Have you got priorities in your strategy that we can look at and will those priorities be part of that consultation process so that we can have a look at what you're saying, what you're doing and see if they meet the needs of Wales?
A gaf fi ddiolch i'r Gweinidog am ei hateb? Croesawaf gyhoeddiad y strategaeth cyn diwedd tymor yr haf, gan ei bod yn hanfodol i ni weld y cyfeiriad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn mynd iddo. A gaf fi hefyd eich llongyfarch ar nifer y cyfarfodydd rydych wedi'u cael gyda'r gwahanol lysgenhadon a chynrychiolwyr eraill sydd wedi dod i Gymru? Ond rydym am weld y strategaethau, gan ein bod am allu asesu yn erbyn eich targedau a'ch blaenoriaethau a yw'r cyfarfodydd hynny'n ystyrlon ai peidio. Pan gyfarfûm ag Arlywydd Gwlad y Basg, nododd eu bod eisoes wedi nodi strategaethau, a chenhedloedd a rhanbarthau roeddent yn awyddus i weithio gyda hwy o ganlyniad i hynny. A oes gennych flaenoriaethau yn eich strategaeth y gallwn edrych arnynt ac a fydd y blaenoriaethau hynny'n rhan o'r broses ymgynghori honno fel y gallwn edrych ar yr hyn rydych yn ei ddweud, yr hyn rydych yn ei wneud a gweld a ydynt yn diwallu anghenion Cymru?
Thank you. I think there will be an opportunity. Can I assure the Chair of the committee that we have taken the contributions of his committee very seriously when drafting the strategy? Of course, some of the things we want to do is to raise the profile of Wales internationally. We want to make sure that that international aspect of what we do helps to contribute to the wealth of our country in terms of inward investment and exports, and we've had some very good news in terms of inward investment into Wales today. But also, we want to demonstrate that we're a globally responsible nation. But in relation to are we going to identify—. Because we can't do everything; I think we have to recognise that. So, we will need to focus. There will be a list of areas that we're hoping to focus on and, of course, people will then be able to give their feedback as to whether they think we have identified the correct areas.
Diolch. Credaf y bydd cyfle i'w gael. A gaf fi roi sicrwydd i Gadeirydd y pwyllgor ein bod wedi rhoi ystyriaeth ddifrifol iawn i gyfraniadau ei bwyllgor wrth ddrafftio'r strategaeth? Wrth gwrs, rhai o'r pethau rydym am eu gwneud yw codi proffil Cymru yn rhyngwladol. Rydym am sicrhau bod yr agwedd ryngwladol honno ar yr hyn a wnawn yn helpu i gyfrannu at gyfoeth ein gwlad o ran mewnfuddsoddiad ac allforion, ac rydym wedi cael newyddion da iawn o ran mewnfuddsoddi i Gymru heddiw. Ond hefyd, rydym am ddangos ein bod yn genedl sy'n gyfrifol yn fyd-eang. Ond o ran a fyddwn yn nodi—. Oherwydd ni allwn wneud popeth; credaf fod yn rhaid i ni gydnabod hynny. Felly, bydd angen i ni gael ffocws. Bydd yna restr o feysydd rydym yn gobeithio canolbwyntio arnynt, ac wrth gwrs, bydd pobl wedyn yn gallu rhoi eu hadborth ynglŷn ag a ydynt yn credu ein bod wedi nodi'r meysydd cywir.
It's not just the Deputy Minister for the economy who thinks that this Welsh Government doesn't really know what it's doing on the economy. Last year, you said that while the Labour Party is good at distributing money, it was not—quote—
'so familiar with knowing how to generate wealth which can then be taxed and shared for the benefit of the wider economy.'
Now, strategy or no, you're going to be dealing with some very experienced international wealth generators from whom we could learn a lot or who could contribute directly to the economy. Does your Government know how to get them to Wales without us being ripped off? Because episodes like Pinewood suggest that it may not.
Nid Dirprwy Weinidog yr economi yn unig sy'n credu nad yw'r Llywodraeth hon yn gwybod yn iawn beth mae'n ei wneud ar yr economi. Fe ddywedoch y llynedd, er bod y Blaid Lafur yn dda am ddosbarthu arian, nad oedd—dyfynnaf—
mor gyfarwydd â gwybod sut i gynhyrchu cyfoeth y gellir ei drethu a'i rannu wedyn er budd yr economi ehangach.
Nawr, strategaeth ai peidio, byddwch yn ymdrin â chynhyrchwyr cyfoeth rhyngwladol profiadol iawn y gallem ddysgu llawer ganddynt, neu a allai gyfrannu'n uniongyrchol at yr economi. A yw eich Llywodraeth yn gwybod sut i'w denu i Gymru heb i ni gael ein twyllo? Oherwydd mae hanesion fel Pinewood yn awgrymu efallai nad ydych.
Thank you. I think what's clear is that, actually, we already have a very clear strategy in relation to inward investment. Today, we've heard that we have managed to land 51 new inward investment projects into Wales. That's produced 3,700 jobs. We know that 75 per cent of that amount is because of Welsh Government intervention. These wouldn't have come without us. So, of course, we are anxious to ensure that that success is built upon, and we are of course doing everything we can. It's very difficult to attract attention to your particular place when you're competing with so many other areas, so what we will be trying to do in the international strategy is to demonstrate where we have genuine global leadership, to attract the attention onto ourselves as a nation, to attract attention to ourselves because we are a beautiful country with skills, people—and it's after that that you can start having the conversations that lead on to inward investment.
Diolch. Credaf mai'r hyn sy'n glir, mewn gwirionedd, yw bod gennym eisoes strategaeth glir iawn mewn perthynas â mewnfuddsoddi. Heddiw, clywsom ein bod wedi llwyddo i sicrhau 51 o brosiectau mewnfuddsoddi newydd i Gymru. Mae hynny wedi cynhyrchu 3,700 o swyddi. Gwyddom fod 75 y cant o'r ffigur hwnnw o ganlyniad i ymyrraeth Llywodraeth Cymru. Ni fyddai'r rhain wedi eu sicrhau heblaw amdanom ni. Felly, wrth gwrs, rydym yn awyddus i sicrhau ein bod yn adeiladu ar y llwyddiant hwnnw, ac wrth gwrs, rydym yn gwneud popeth yn ein gallu. Mae'n anodd iawn denu sylw at eich lle penodol chi pan fyddwch yn cystadlu yn erbyn cymaint o ardaloedd eraill, felly yr hyn y byddwn yn ceisio'i wneud yn y strategaeth ryngwladol yw dangos lle rydym yn arwain ar sail wirioneddol fyd-eang, i ddenu sylw atom ni ein hunain fel cenedl, i ddenu sylw atom ni ein hunain gan ein bod yn wlad brydferth gyda sgiliau, pobl—ac ar ôl hynny gallwch ddechrau cael y sgyrsiau sy'n arwain at fewnfuddsoddi.
6. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am pa gamau pellach y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i gyrraedd y targed o 1 filiwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050? OAQ54097
6. Will the Minister make a statement on what further steps the Welsh Government is taking to achieve the target of one million Welsh speakers by 2050? OAQ54097
Ers lansio Cymraeg 2050, dŷn ni wedi bod yn canolbwyntio ar osod sylfeini, er enghraifft drwy wella cynllunio, addysg a thechnoleg gwybodaeth. Dŷn ni hefyd wrthi yn sicrhau bod y Gymraeg yn rhan bwysig o bob maes polisi ar draws y Llywodraeth, yn ogystal ag edrych ar gryfhau swyddogaethau cynllunio ieithyddol yn ein sefydliad ni.
Since launching Cymraeg 2050, we've been focusing on laying firm foundations, for example, through planning, education and ICT. We're also ensuring that the Welsh language is an important part of all policy areas across Government, as well as looking at strengthening language planning functions in our institution.
Weinidog, er mwyn cyrraedd y targed uchelgeisiol yma, dwi'n siŵr y byddwch chi'n cytuno y bydd rhaid i ni recriwtio llawer mwy o athrawon sy'n gallu siarad Cymraeg ac athrawon sy'n gallu addysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Yn anffodus, mae nifer y myfyrwyr sy'n gallu addysgu yn y Gymraeg ar y lefel isaf ers 10 mlynedd, a dim ond 10 y cant o ymgeiswyr sy'n gallu gwneud hyn ar hyn o bryd. O ystyried y ffactorau hyn ac yn dilyn rhai o'r sylwadau sydd wedi cael eu gwneud yn y Siambr hon y prynhawn yma, beth ŷch chi a Llywodraeth Cymru yn mynd i wneud er mwyn gwrthdroi’r sefyllfa hon? Pa drafodaethau ŷch chi wedi'u cael gyda'r Gweinidog addysg i sicrhau bod mwy o fyfyrwyr yn cael eu hannog i addysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg?
Minister, in order to achieve this ambitious target, I’m sure you would agree that we will need to recruit far more teachers who can speak Welsh and teachers who are able to teach through the medium of Welsh. Unfortunately, the number of students who can teach through the medium of Welsh is at its lowest level for 10 years, and only 10 per cent of applicants are able to do this at the moment. Given these factors, and following some of the comments that have been made in this Chamber this afternoon, what are you and the Welsh Government going to do in order to turn this situation around? What discussions have you had with the education Minister to ensure that more students are encouraged to teach through the medium of Welsh?
Wel, dŷn ni'n ymwybodol dros ben bod rhaid i ni gynyddu faint o athrawon sy'n medru dysgu trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Wrth gwrs, mae yna gam cyn hynny—hynny yw, mae'n rhaid i ni sicrhau bod digon o bobl gyda lefel A Cymraeg fel eu bod nhw'n gallu mynd ymlaen i addysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg lle bo hynny'n bosibl. Dŷn ni wedi gweld bod yna berthynas rhwng y bobl sydd yn astudio lefel A Cymraeg a'r rheini sydd yn mynd mewn i addysg Gymraeg a dŷn ni'n ceisio annog mwy o'r rheini. Dŷn ni wedi rhoi £150,000 i annog plant yr oedran iawn i ddewis lefel A Cymraeg fel pwnc. Felly, mae hynny, rŷn ni'n gobeithio, yn mynd i wneud gwahaniaeth. Wrth gwrs, rydych chi'n ymwybodol bod eisoes gyda ni gymhelliant o £5,000 yn ychwanegol i geisio cael mwy o bobl i ymgymryd â dysgu Cymraeg a hyfforddi drwy'r Gymraeg. Wrth gwrs, beth sy'n bwysig hefyd yw ein bod ni'n ehangu'r cynllun sabothol. Mae hwnna'n rhywbeth dŷn ni'n edrych arno; dyw e ddim o reidrwydd yn rhywbeth sy'n para am flwyddyn. Ond dŷn ni'n edrych ar ble mae pobl efallai yn siarad ychydig o Gymraeg ond mae jest angen i ni helpu adeiladu eu hyder. Mae lot o'r gwaith yna yn mynd ymlaen hefyd.
Well, we are aware that we need to increase the number of teachers who can teach through the medium of Welsh. Of course, there is a step before that—that is, we have to ensure that enough people have a Welsh A-level so that they can go on to teach through the medium of Welsh, where that’s possible. We’ve seen that there’s a relationship between the people who study Welsh at A-level and those who go into Welsh-medium education, and we’re trying to encourage more of them. We’ve put £150,000 towards trying to encourage children of the right age to choose A-level Welsh as a subject, so we hope that will make a difference. Of course, you’re aware that we’ve already got an incentive of £5,000 in addition to try to get more people to teach Welsh and train through the medium of Welsh. Of course, what’s important is that we are expanding the sabbatical scheme, and that’s something that we’ve been looking at; it’s not something that necessarily lasts a year. But we’re looking at where people can speak a little Welsh, and we then need to just help to build that confidence. A lot of that work is going on at the moment.
On a personal level, I'm trying to increase the number of Welsh-speaking teachers by one. Whilst we will not know the number of Welsh speakers in 2050 because there'll be no means to find that out, we'll know the number after the 2021, 2031, 2041 and 2051 censuses. How many Welsh speakers do you expect in the 2021 census? One thing I do know is we're not going to go from 600,000 to 1 million in a one-year period.
Ar lefel bersonol, rwy'n ceisio cynyddu nifer yr athrawon sy'n siarad Cymraeg drwy ychwanegu un. Er na fyddwn yn gwybod beth fydd nifer y siaradwyr Cymraeg yn 2050 gan na fydd modd o ganfod hynny, byddwn yn gwybod beth fydd y ffigur ar ôl cyfrifiadau 2021, 2031, 2041 a 2051. Faint o siaradwyr Cymraeg rydych yn eu disgwyl yng nghyfrifiad 2021? Un peth y gwn i yw nad ydym yn mynd i fynd o 600,000 i 1 filiwn mewn cyfnod o flwyddyn.
Beth sy'n glir yw ein bod ni wedi creu strategaeth am y tymor hir. Wrth gwrs, mae'n rhaid i ni sicrhau ein bod ni'n mesur y cynnydd. Mae'r ffaith bod yr annual population survey wedi dangos bod erbyn hyn 896,000 o bobl yn medru'r Gymraeg yn rhoi rhywfaith o obaith i ni. Wrth gwrs, mae'n rhaid i ni fod yn ymwybodol nad dyna'r mesur dŷn ni'n ei ddefnyddio—y cyfrifiad yw'r mesur dŷn ni'n ei ddefnyddio. Un o'r pethau mae'n rhaid i ni ei wneud yw sicrhau bod gan bobl sy'n medru'r Gymraeg yr hyder i ddweud eu bod nhw'n medru'r Gymraeg. Mae hwnna yn broblem i lot o bobl, a dwi'n gobeithio, er enghraifft, Mike, erbyn 2050, y byddwch chi yn un o'r bobl yna fydd gyda'r hyder i dicio'r bocs yna a sicrhau eich bod chi hefyd yn gallu dweud eich bod chi'n un o'r miliwn yna.
Well, what’s clear is that we have put in place a strategy for the long term. Of course, we have to ensure that we measure our progress along the way. The fact that the annual population survey has demonstrated that now 896,000 people are able to speak Welsh gives us some hope. Of course, we have to be aware that that isn’t the yardstick that we use—we are actually using the census as our yardstick. One of the things that we have to do is to ensure that people who are able to speak Welsh have the confidence to say that they speak Welsh. That is a problem for many people, and I do hope, for example, Mike, that by 2050 you will be one of those people who will have the confidence to tick that box to ensure that you, too, can say that you are one of that million.
Question 7 [OAQ54123] has been withdrawn. Question 8—Russell George.
Tynnwyd cwestiwn 7 [OAQ54123] yn ôl. Cwestiwn 8—Russell George.
8. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am yr hyn y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i hyrwyddo twristiaeth yng nghanolbarth Cymru? OAQ54095
8. Will the Minister make a statement on what the Welsh Government is doing to promote tourism in mid Wales? OAQ54095
Thank you for the question. Mid Wales—canolbarth Cymru—had a successful Easter period, with 40 per cent of businesses reporting more visitors than the same period last year. The Member will also be aware that we have retained, for the purposes of tourism, mid Wales as a tourism region. And I look forward to my contribution personally: I shall be staying at the Caer Beris hotel in Llanelwedd for the Royal Welsh for at least four days.
Diolch am eich cwestiwn. Cafodd canolbarth Cymru gyfnod llwyddiannus dros y Pasg, gyda 40 y cant o fusnesau'n nodi mwy o ymwelwyr na'r un cyfnod y llynedd. Bydd yr Aelod hefyd yn ymwybodol ein bod wedi cadw, at ddibenion twristiaeth, canolbarth Cymru fel rhanbarth twristiaeth. Ac edrychaf ymlaen at fy nghyfraniad personol: byddaf yn aros yng ngwesty Caer Beris yn Llanelwedd ar gyfer y Sioe Frenhinol am o leiaf bedwar diwrnod.