Y Cyfarfod Llawn - Y Bumed Senedd
Plenary - Fifth Senedd
Cyfarfu’r Cynulliad am 13:30 gyda’r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Assembly met at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Galw’r Aelodau i drefn.
I call Members to order.
Mae [R] yn dynodi bod yr Aelod wedi datgan buddiant. Mae [W] yn dynodi bod y cwestiwn wedi’i gyflwyno yn Gymraeg.
[R] signifies the Member has declared an interest. [W] signifies that the question was tabled in Welsh.
Yr eitem gyntaf ar ein hagenda ni y prynhawn yma yw’r cwestiynau i’r Prif Weinidog, a’r cwestiwn cyntaf, Jenny Rathbone.
The first item on our agenda this afternoon is questions to the First Minister, and the first question, Jenny Rathbone.
Trafnidiaeth Gynaliadwy
Sustainable Transport
1. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am strategaeth Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer newid moddol i drafnidiaeth gynaliadwy? (OAQ51080)
1. Will the First Minister provide an update on the Welsh Government's strategy on a modal shift to sustainable transport? (OAQ51080)
We’re promoting sustainable transport by investing in our rail and bus services, by developing integrated public transport networks such as the metro in the north and south, ensuring active travel becomes more mainstream, and working with local partners to identify pinch-point areas and deliver infrastructure improvements to smooth traffic flow.
Rydym yn hyrwyddo trafnidiaeth gynaliadwy trwy fuddsoddi yn ein gwasanaethau rheilffyrdd a bysiau, trwy ddatblygu rhwydweithiau trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus integredig fel y metro yn y gogledd a'r de, sicrhau bod teithio llesol yn dod yn fwy prif ffrwd, a gweithio gyda phartneriaid lleol i nodi ardaloedd lle y ceir tagfeydd a darparu gwelliannau i'r seilwaith i hwyluso llif y traffig.
Thank you, First Minister. I just wanted to specifically focus on how we’re getting more people to bicycle, because I was very shocked when I had a delegation of year 12 students from St Teilo’s, all of whom are 16 or 17, and none of them were bicycling to school. One of them even said, ‘Oh, I live four miles away’, as if that was a long way to bicycle. If we look at the statistics, less than 3 per cent of children aged five to 16 go by bike, but 30 per cent, or more, go by car. If we can’t start with the current young generation, we’re never going to get the modal shift they’ve got in places like Holland, where 40 per cent go by bike, and, in one city in Denmark—the second city—80 per cent go by bicycle. So, what do you think the Government can do to really get that change in culture?
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. Roeddwn i eisiau canolbwyntio’n benodol ar sut yr ydym ni’n cael mwy o bobl i feicio, oherwydd i mi gael fy synnu’n fawr pan gefais i ddirprwyaeth o fyfyrwyr blwyddyn 12 o Ysgol Teilo Sant, pob un ohonynt yn 16 neu 17 oed, ac nid oedd yr un ohonynt yn beicio i’r ysgol. Dywedodd un ohonynt hyd yn oed, 'O, rwy'n byw pedair milltir i ffwrdd', fel pe byddai hynny’n ffordd bell iawn i feicio. Os edrychwn ni ar yr ystadegau, mae llai na 3 y cant o blant pump i 16 oed yn mynd ar feic, ond mae 30 y cant, neu fwy, yn mynd mewn car. Os na allwn ni ddechrau gyda'r genhedlaeth ifanc bresennol, ni fyddwn byth yn cael y newid moddol sydd ganddyn nhw mewn mannau fel yr Iseldiroedd, lle mae 40 y cant yn mynd ar feic, ac mewn un ddinas yn Denmarc—yr ail ddinas—mae 80 y cant yn mynd ar feic. Felly, beth ydych chi'n ei gredu y gall y Llywodraeth ei wneud i sicrhau’r newid hwnnw i ddiwylliant mewn gwirionedd?
The Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013, of course, is the basis for doing this, recognising that cycling, while important for health, is a mode of transport, and it’s important, as is walking, of course. I’ve always thought that in trying to encourage people to get onto bikes, it’s important that they feel safe, and a lot of people won’t go on the roads and mix with cars. In the countries that the Member’s mentioned, in the Netherlands, for example, and in Denmark, there is segregation between bikes and cars, and that’s one of the ways in which people can be encouraged to use bikes more. There’s a lot of work to be done, particularly in our cities, to establish bike routes into the cities. We have some bike routes that tend to take people away into the countryside, but we’re not yet in a position, I believe, where we can say that we have a proper network of urban cycle routes that will encourage the more reluctant cyclists to actually use a bike rather than feel they’ve got to compete with cars on the roads. But the active travel Act has begun the process of changing attitudes and encouraging local authorities to put in place proper provision for bikes.
Deddf Teithio Llesol (Cymru) 2013, wrth gwrs, yw’r sail ar gyfer gwneud hyn, gan gydnabod, er ei fod yn bwysig i iechyd, mai ffordd o deithio yw beicio, ac mae'n bwysig, fel y mae cerdded, wrth gwrs. Rwyf wedi meddwl erioed, wrth geisio annog pobl i fynd ar feiciau, ei bod hi'n bwysig eu bod nhw’n teimlo'n ddiogel, ac mae llawer o bobl yn anfodlon i fynd ar y ffyrdd a chymysgu gyda cheir. Yn y gwledydd y cyfeiriodd yr Aelod atynt, yn yr Iseldiroedd, er enghraifft, ac yn Denmarc, ceir gwahaniad rhwng beiciau a cheir, a dyna un o'r ffyrdd y gellir annog pobl i wneud mwy o ddefnydd o feiciau. Mae llawer o waith i'w wneud, yn enwedig yn ein dinasoedd, i sefydlu llwybrau beicio i mewn i'r dinasoedd. Mae gennym ni rai llwybrau beicio sy'n tueddu i fynd â phobl i ffwrdd i gefn gwlad, ond nid ydym ni mewn sefyllfa eto, yn fy nhyb i, lle gallwn ddweud bod gennym ni rwydwaith priodol o lwybrau beicio trefol a fydd yn annog y beicwyr mwy amharod i ddefnyddio beic yn hytrach na theimlo bod yn rhaid iddyn nhw gystadlu gyda cheir ar y ffyrdd. Ond mae'r Ddeddf teithio llesol wedi dechrau'r broses o newid agweddau ac annog awdurdodau lleol i gyflwyno darpariaeth briodol ar gyfer beiciau.
First Minister, a year ago, the Welsh Government’s position was that there were no immediate plans to use public funds for electric vehicle infrastructure. Now, since then, of course, the UK Government has stated its position to phase out diesel cars by 2040. Would you agree with me that it’s now essential that the Welsh Government does invest in electric vehicle charging points in town centres initially, and then further afield, to make that transition from diesel to electric cars a reality?
Prif Weinidog, flwyddyn yn ôl, safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru oedd nad oedd unrhyw gynlluniau uniongyrchol i ddefnyddio arian cyhoeddus ar gyfer seilwaith cerbydau trydan. Nawr, ers hynny, wrth gwrs, mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi nodi ei phenderfyniad i gael gwared ar geir diesel yn raddol erbyn 2040. A fyddech chi'n cytuno â mi ei bod yn hanfodol erbyn hyn bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn buddsoddi mewn pwyntiau gwefru cerbydau trydan yng nghanol trefi i gychwyn, ac yna ymhellach i fwrdd, i wneud y newid hwnnw o geir diesel i geir trydan yn realiti?
Well, we already do: for example, the on-street residential charge point scheme, which supports local authorities with 75 per cent of capital costs of procuring and installing residential charge points, and with an associated dedicated parking bay. It is a challenge now for all Governments to put in place the network of chargers that will be needed before 2040, and in particular ensuring standardisation as well of chargers. As somebody who drives a hybrid, there are several different sockets that are used, and it’s quite difficult to find the right charger. But I expect, over the next four or five years, particularly with intervention from Governments, including ourselves, building on what we’ve done already, we will see an expanding network of chargers, which will encourage more people then to look initially, I suspect, at hybrids, and then at fully electric vehicles.
Wel, rydym ni’n gwneud hynny eisoes: y cynllun pwynt gwefru preswyl, er enghraifft, sy'n cefnogi awdurdodau lleol gyda 75 y cant o gostau cyfalaf caffael a gosod pwyntiau gwefru preswyl, a chyda man parcio penodol cysylltiedig. Mae'n her nawr i bob Llywodraeth gyflwyno’r rhwydwaith o wefrwyr y bydd eu hangen cyn 2040, ac, yn benodol, sicrhau bod gwefrwyr yn cael eu safoni hefyd. Fel rhywun sy'n gyrru car hybrid, ceir llawer o wahanol socedi a ddefnyddir, ac mae'n eithaf anodd dod o hyd i'r gwefrydd iawn. Ond rwy'n disgwyl, dros y pedair neu bum mlynedd nesaf, yn enwedig gydag ymyrraeth gan Lywodraethau, gan gynnwys ni ein hunain, gan adeiladu ar yr hyn yr ydym ni wedi ei wneud eisoes, y byddwn yn gweld rhwydwaith cynyddol o wefrwyr, a fydd yn annog mwy o bobl wedyn i ystyried i gychwyn, rwy’n amau, hybridau, ac yna cerbydau cwbl drydan.
Rwy’n cytuno’n llwyr â’r pwynt ynglŷn â cherbydau trydan, felly mi wnaf droi yn ôl at y beicio, a pha mor bwysig yw hi felly bod seiclo yn rhan nid yn unig o’r cynlluniau teithio actif, ond hefyd yn rhan o gynlluniau teithio awdurdodau lleol. Rydw i wedi gweld gormod o’r cynlluniau lleol yma sydd yn sôn am seiclo yng nghyd-destun hamdden a chwaraeon, ond sydd ddim yn rhoi seiclo yng nghanol y cynlluniau fel ffordd o deithio, ac mae sir Gaerfyrddin yn enghraifft o hynny. Felly, a fyddwch chi yn gwella ac yn pwyso ar awdurdodau lleol i wneud yn siŵr bod seiclo yn rhan ganolog o gynlluniau teithio lleol?
I agree entirely on the point on electric vehicles. Perhaps I’ll turn back to cycling and how important it is that cycling is a part not only of the active travel plans, but also of the local authority travel plans. I have seen too many of these local plans referring to cycling in the context of leisure and sport and don’t put cycling at the heart of the plans as a means of transportation, and Carmarthenshire is an example of that. So, will you urge local authorities to ensure that cycling is a central party of planning for local transportation?
Mae e’n ganolog. Mae pob awdurdod lleol yn gorfod rhoi eu mapiau cyntaf i ni o’r llwybrau newydd y maen nhw’n mynd i’w datblygu yn eu hardaloedd. Maen nhw nawr yn gweithio ar fapiau rhwydwaith integredig, ac mae’n rhaid i nhw rhoi’r rheini i ni erbyn 3 Tachwedd 2017—eleni wrth gwrs—ac wedyn bydd modd mesur pa mor bell mae’r awdurdodau wedi mynd a faint fwy o gefnogaeth sydd eisiau ei rhoi iddynt er mwyn iddynt fynd yn y cyfeiriad iawn ar y cyflymder iawn.
It is central. Every local authority has to submit its initial maps of the new routes that they are going to develop within their area. They are now working on integrated network routes, and they have to submit them by 3 November this year, and then it will be possible to measure how much progress the authorities have made and how much more support they require in order to go at the right speed in the right direction.
Pencampwriaeth Pêl-droed Ewropeaidd UEFA
The UEFA European Football Championship
2. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am gais Caerdydd i gynnal gemau yn ystod pencampwriaethau pêl-droed Ewropeaidd UEFA yn 2020? (OAQ51086)
2. Will the First Minister make a statement on Cardiff's bid to hold matches for the 2020 UEFA European Football Championships? (OAQ51086)
Yes. We’ve been meeting with the Football Association of Wales about this potential bid. We already have an ambitious major events strategy and we’ll continue to meet with the key stakeholders to consider how we can take this forward.
Gwnaf. Rydym ni wedi bod yn cyfarfod â Chymdeithas Bêl-droed Cymru am y cynnig posibl hwn. Mae gennym ni strategaeth digwyddiadau mawr uchelgeisiol eisoes a byddwn yn parhau i gyfarfod â'r rhanddeiliaid allweddol i ystyried sut y gallwn fwrw ymlaen â hyn.
Yes, thanks for the response. It’s usually potentially a good idea to make a bid for these large events due to the potential to generate revenue for local businesses, although there is also the possibility of disruption as well. So, there is a balance that we have to make. But we do have a problem at the moment with the state of Cardiff Central Square and also the possible lack of capacity of Cardiff Central railway station. So, are you confident that those issues will be resolved in time for those championships in the summer of 2020?
Ie, diolch am yr ymateb. Fel rheol, mae o bosibl yn syniad da gwneud cynnig am y digwyddiadau mawr hyn oherwydd y potensial i greu refeniw i fusnesau lleol, er bod posibilrwydd o darfu hefyd. Felly, ceir cydbwysedd y mae'n rhaid i ni ei daro. Ond mae gennym ni broblem ar hyn o bryd gyda chyflwr Sgwâr Canolog Caerdydd a hefyd diffyg capasiti posibl gorsaf reilffordd Caerdydd Canolog. Felly, a ydych chi'n hyderus y bydd y materion hynny’n cael eu datrys mewn pryd ar gyfer y pencampwriaethau hynny yn haf 2020?
Yes. Central Square is being developed rapidly now. With regard to Cardiff Central station, that’s a matter for Network Rail. We have pushed Network Rail. I’ve done it in meetings with Network Rail and it’s being done in other ways to redevelop Cardiff Central. It’s at a cost of hundreds of millions of pounds but, nevertheless, it’s a redevelopment that is needed. We know that, potentially, the passenger numbers at the station will increase three-fold over the next 30 years. With 11 million passengers a year going through the station, it’s by far the busiest in Wales and it’s growing. We’re almost at the point where trains are queuing to get into the station. So, we have impressed on Network Rail the need to invest in that station given the fact that for so many people it’s the gateway to Wales.
Ydw. Mae'r Sgwâr Canolog yn cael ei ddatblygu'n gyflym nawr. O ran gorsaf Caerdydd Canolog, mater i Network Rail yw hwnnw. Rydym ni wedi pwyso ar Network Rail. Rwyf i wedi ei wneud mewn cyfarfodydd gyda Network Rail ac mae'n cael ei wneud mewn ffyrdd eraill i ailddatblygu Caerdydd Canolog. Mae'n costio cannoedd o filiynau o bunnoedd ond, serch hynny, mae'n ailddatblygiad sydd ei angen. Rydym ni’n gwybod ei bod yn bosibl y bydd nifer y teithwyr yn yr orsaf yn cynyddu i fod dair gwaith yn fwy dros y 30 mlynedd nesaf. Gyda 11 miliwn o deithwyr y flwyddyn yn mynd trwy'r orsaf, dyma’r orsaf brysuraf yng Nghymru o bell ffordd ac mae'n tyfu. Rydym ni bron wedi cyrraedd y pwynt lle mae trenau'n ciwio i fynd i mewn i'r orsaf. Felly, rydym ni wedi pwyso ar Network Rail yr angen i fuddsoddi yn yr orsaf honno o ystyried y ffaith mai dyma’r porth i Gymru i gynifer o bobl.
First Minister, I commend what your Government and the previous administration has done to attract high-level events and how you’ve worked with the respective sporting associations. I think that’s a key partnership, and these sorts of achievements produce a gift that keeps on delivering because the marketing value—. People still talk about the wonderful days when the FA Cup was in Cardiff. Many people would like it back, or at least the semi-finals, which, of course, are in Wembley still because of their particular business model. But it really is an exciting way to market Wales and there’ve been great, great benefits, and you should really learn the lessons about how much a Government can do to market the nation as a whole.
Prif Weinidog, rwy’n cymeradwyo'r hyn y mae eich Llywodraeth a'r weinyddiaeth flaenorol wedi ei wneud i ddenu digwyddiadau lefel uchel a sut yr ydych chi wedi gweithio gyda'r cymdeithasau chwaraeon priodol. Rwy'n credu bod honno'n bartneriaeth allweddol, ac mae'r mathau hyn o gyflawniadau yn rhodd sy'n parhau i gyflawni gan fod y gwerth marchnata—. Mae pobl yn dal i sôn am y diwrnodau gwych pan roedd Cwpan yr FA yng Nghaerdydd. Byddai llawer o bobl yn ei hoffi yn ôl, neu’r rowndiau cynderfynol o leiaf, sydd, wrth gwrs, yn Wembley o hyd oherwydd eu model busnes penodol. Ond mae wir yn ffordd gyffrous o farchnata Cymru a bu manteision mawr iawn, a dylech chi wir ddysgu'r gwersi am faint y gall Llywodraeth ei wneud i farchnata'r wlad yn ei chyfanrwydd.
Very much so. We’ve learnt that over the years. Not long after I became First Minister, the Ryder Cup was held and that was a huge event: some 25,000 people there on the final day, millions watching around the world. And, of course, culminating with the Champions League final, which, ironically, was almost a consolation prize for us for not getting to be chosen as a venue for the 2020 championships. It’s a consolation prize we very much welcome, of course, in that regard. But what’s been key to this is the vision that was shown particularly in the 1990s to develop the Principality Stadium. It was controversial at the time, and he must remember that. But when we look back at the old stadium, it was basically a concrete bowl with toilets. That’s the way it was described. Now, of course, it’s a far more modern stadium we can attract these events. And it’s true to say that sport carries probably the greatest reach of all when it comes to promoting Wales, and we know, of course, with the Euros last year, that probably had the greatest effect in terms of signalling to people that Wales exists as a separate nation, and, of course, triggering more interest in Wales, therefore triggering more investment in time and more visitors.
Yn sicr. Rydym ni wedi dysgu hynny dros y blynyddoedd. Ddim yn hir ar ôl i mi ddod yn Brif Weinidog, cynhaliwyd Cwpan Ryder ac roedd hwnnw’n ddigwyddiad enfawr: tua 25,000 o bobl yno ar y diwrnod olaf, miliynau’n gwylio o gwmpas y byd. Ac, wrth gwrs, yn gorffen gyda rownd derfynol Cynghrair y Pencampwyr, a oedd, yn eironig, bron yn wobr gysur i ni am beidio â chael ein dewis fel lleoliad ar gyfer pencampwriaeth 2020. Mae'n wobr gysur yr ydym ni’n ei chroesawu’n fawr, wrth gwrs, yn hynny o beth. Ond yr hyn sydd wedi bod yn allweddol yw'r weledigaeth a ddangoswyd yn enwedig yn y 1990au i ddatblygu Stadiwm Principality. Roedd yn ddadleuol ar y pryd, ac mae’n rhaid ei fod ef yn cofio hynny. Ond pan edrychwn ni’n ôl ar yr hen stadiwm, powlen goncrid â thoiledau oedd ef i bob pwrpas. Dyna'r ffordd y cafodd ei ddisgrifio. Nawr, wrth gwrs, mae'n stadiwm llawer mwy modern y gallwn ni ddenu'r digwyddiadau hyn. Ac mae'n wir dweud ei bod yn debyg mai chwaraeon sydd â’r cyrhaeddiad mwyaf oll pan ddaw i hyrwyddo Cymru, a gwyddom, wrth gwrs, gyda'r Euros y llynedd, mae’n debyg mai hynny gafodd yr effaith fwyaf o ran dangos i bobl fod Cymru'n bodoli fel cenedl ar wahân, ac, wrth gwrs, sbarduno mwy o ddiddordeb yng Nghymru, gan sbarduno mwy o fuddsoddiad mewn amser a mwy o ymwelwyr.
To present a slightly contrary view, Llywydd, in evidence to the Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee last week, the Wales Tourism Alliance said that whilst the focus will need to remain on major international events, they only tend to benefit a small number of locations, particularly Cardiff. The chief executive of the European Tourism Operators Alliance agreed and said there were lots of reasons for having a party, but economic benefit for the tourism industry is not necessarily one of them. What is the First Minister’s view and how can the Government take steps to ensure that large-scale international events don’t harm the Welsh tourism industry?
I gyflwyno safbwynt ychydig yn groes, Llywydd, mewn tystiolaeth i Bwyllgor yr Economi, Seilwaith a Sgiliau yr wythnos diwethaf, dywedodd Cynghrair Twristiaeth Cymru, er y bydd angen i'r pwyslais barhau ar ddigwyddiadau rhyngwladol mawr, maen nhw'n tueddu i fod ddim ond o fantais i nifer fach o leoliadau, a Chaerdydd yn benodol. Cytunodd prif weithredwr Cynghrair Gweithredwyr Twristiaeth Ewrop a dywedodd fod llawer o resymau i gael parti, ond nad yw budd economaidd i'r diwydiant twristiaeth o reidrwydd yn un ohonynt. Beth yw barn y Prif Weinidog a sut all y Llywodraeth gymryd camau i sicrhau nad yw digwyddiadau rhyngwladol ar raddfa fawr yn niweidio diwydiant twristiaeth Cymru?
We can have both. One of the issues that we face with large-scale events is we have to ensure that people have places to stay outside Wales. The reality is the capacity isn’t there entirely in Wales to host people as they come to Wales. That will develop over time. It isn’t the case that it’s either spending money on major events or spending money on the rest of Wales. For example, we’ve supported tourism initiatives around Wales. We look at initiatives such as Surf Snowdonia in the north and the support we give to rural businesses around Wales. In some ways, a major event provides an immediate economic impact, but also, of course, it acts as a catalyst for developing interest in Wales and, therefore, for tourism around the whole of Wales. So, the immediate impact, it’s true to say, is more localised, but the longer term impact, in my view, is much broader, and that’s of course the way we’d want it to be.
Gallwn ni gael y ddau. Un o'r problemau yr ydym ni’n eu hwynebu gyda digwyddiadau ar raddfa fawr yw bod yn rhaid i ni sicrhau bod gan bobl leoedd i aros y tu allan i Gymru. Y gwir amdani yw nad yw'r capasiti yno’n gyfan gwbl yng Nghymru i ddarparu llety i bobl wrth iddynt ddod i Gymru. Bydd hynny'n datblygu dros amser. Nid yw'n wir ei fod yn gwestiwn o wario arian ar ddigwyddiadau mawr neu wario arian ar weddill Cymru. Er enghraifft, rydym ni wedi cefnogi mentrau twristiaeth ledled Cymru. Rydym ni’n edrych ar fentrau fel Surf Snowdonia yn y gogledd a'r gefnogaeth yr ydym ni’n ei rhoi i fusnesau gwledig ledled Cymru. Mewn rhai ffyrdd, mae digwyddiad mawr yn cynnig effaith economaidd ar unwaith, ond hefyd, wrth gwrs, mae'n gweithredu fel sbardun ar gyfer datblygu diddordeb yng Nghymru ac, felly, ar gyfer twristiaeth ledled Cymru gyfan. Felly, mae'r effaith uniongyrchol, mae'n wir i ddweud, yn fwy lleol, ond mae'r effaith tymor hwy, yn fy marn i, yn llawer ehangach, a dyna’r ffordd y byddem ni eisiau iddi fod, wrth gwrs.
Cwestiynau Heb Rybudd gan Arweinwyr y Pleidiau
Questions Without Notice from the Party Leaders
Galwaf nawr ar arweinwyr y pleidiau i holi’r Prif Weinidog. Arweinydd yr wrthblaid, Andrew R.T. Davies.
I call now on party leaders to question the First Minister. The leader of the opposition, Andrew R.T. Davies.
Thank you, Presiding Officer. First Minister, last week, the Welsh Government presented its waiting list figures for the Welsh NHS, and the figures showed that, in Wales, one in seven people is on a waiting list, or 450,000 people. In England, that figure is one in 14. There are pressures across the United Kingdom when it comes to NHS services, and everyone acknowledges that. As we go into the busy winter months, and with the financial pressures that are on the Welsh NHS, with four of the seven health boards projecting a deficit in excess of £30 million, what help is your Government giving to health boards to address the spiralling numbers that are waiting on waiting lists here in Wales and, above all, the financial predicament that many LHBs face?
Diolch, Llywydd. Prif Weinidog, yr wythnos diwethaf, cyflwynodd Llywodraeth Cymru ei ffigurau rhestr aros ar gyfer GIG Cymru, ac roedd y ffigurau’n dangos bod un o bob saith o bobl, neu 450,000 o bobl, ar restr aros yng Nghymru. Un o bob 14 yw’r ffigur hwnnw yn Lloegr. Ceir pwysau ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig pan ddaw i wasanaethau'r GIG, ac mae pawb yn cydnabod hynny. Wrth i ni gyrraedd misoedd prysur y gaeaf, a chyda'r pwysau ariannol sydd ar GIG Cymru, gyda phedwar o'r saith bwrdd iechyd yn rhagweld diffyg o fwy na £30 miliwn, pa gymorth mae eich Llywodraeth yn ei roi i fyrddau iechyd i fynd i'r afael â'r niferoedd sy’n cynyddu’n gyflym sy'n aros ar restrau aros yma yng Nghymru ac, yn anad dim, y benbleth ariannol y mae llawer o BILlau yn ei hwynebu?
Well, first of all, I don’t accept the premise that the question is based on. If we look, for example, at referral-to-treatment times over 36 weeks, that’s improved by 35 per cent between March 2015 and March 2017. March 2017 was also the highest performance on the percentage of patients waiting over 26 weeks since March 2014. We know that diagnostic waiting times have improved by 58 per cent by March of this year. I don’t accept that somehow the situation is worse in every case in terms of Wales compared to England. He’s right to say that all health services face pressures.
He asks a fair question, which is: what preparations have been made for the winter? Every year, we make preparations for the winter. The pressures do come on. We’re not immune to the same pressures, as other countries in the UK, but we know that, over the past few years, the plans that we have made have been robust enough to deal with the pressures that come on during the winter, and I’m confident that we are in that same position again.
Wel, yn gyntaf oll, nid wyf yn derbyn y rhagdybiaeth y mae'r cwestiwn yn seiliedig arni. Os edrychwn ni, er enghraifft, ar amseroedd atgyfeirio-i-driniaeth dros 36 wythnos, mae hynny wedi gwella 35 y cant rhwng Mawrth 2015 a Mawrth 2017. Mawrth 2017 oedd y perfformiad uchaf hefyd o ran canran y cleifion a oedd yn aros dros 26 wythnos ers Mawrth 2014. Gwyddom fod amseroedd aros diagnostig wedi gwella 58 y cant erbyn mis Mawrth eleni. Nid wyf yn derbyn bod y sefyllfa rywsut yn waeth ym mhob achos o ran Cymru o'i chymharu â Lloegr. Mae’n iawn i ddweud bod yr holl wasanaethau iechyd yn wynebu pwysau.
Mae'n gofyn cwestiwn teg, sef: pa baratoadau sydd wedi eu gwneud ar gyfer y gaeaf? Bob blwyddyn, rydym ni’n gwneud paratoadau ar gyfer y gaeaf. Mae'r pwysau'n digwydd. Nid ydym yn ddiogel rhag yr un pwysau, fel gwledydd eraill yn y DU, ond gwyddom, dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, fod y cynlluniau yr ydym ni wedi eu gwneud wedi bod yn ddigon cadarn i ymdrin â’r pwysau a ddaw yn ystod y gaeaf, ac rwy'n hyderus ein bod ni yn yr un sefyllfa honno eto.
You’re quite right, First Minister; you and I could trade statistics, and the gallery upstairs and those watching on TV would just get bamboozled by those statistics, but the figures do show that, in Wales, for example, there’s been a 400 per cent increase in people waiting 12 months or more for a surgical procedure. In the best health board, Cwm Taf Local Health Board, no-one waits 12 months or more. In the worst, or one of the worst, Betsi Cadwaladr University Local Health Board, which is under the direct control of your Government, there’s been a 1,250 per cent increase in people waiting 12 months or more. So, it is the role of Government to make sure that good practice is spread out in the NHS here in Wales. So, why is someone in Betsi waiting so much longer for a procedure than someone in Cwm Taf? We only have seven health boards; surely, that good practice should be spilling out into all the health boards so that people do not see these spiralling waiting times here in Wales.
Rydych chi'n gwbl gywir, Prif Weinidog; gallech chi a minnau gyfnewid ystadegau, a byddai'r oriel i fyny'r grisiau a’r rheini sy'n gwylio ar y teledu yn cael eu drysu’n llwyr gan yr ystadegau hynny, ond mae'r ffigurau'n dangos, yng Nghymru, er enghraifft, y bu cynnydd o 400 y cant i nifer y bobl sy'n aros 12 mis neu fwy am driniaeth lawfeddygol. Yn y bwrdd iechyd gorau, Bwrdd Iechyd Lleol Cwm Taf, nid oes neb yn aros 12 mis neu fwy. Yn y gwaethaf, neu un o'r gwaethaf, Bwrdd Iechyd Lleol Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr, sydd dan reolaeth uniongyrchol eich Llywodraeth chi, bu cynnydd o 1,250 y cant i’r bobl sy'n aros 12 mis neu fwy. Felly, cyfrifoldeb y Llywodraeth yw sicrhau bod arferion da yn cael eu lledaenu yn y GIG yma yng Nghymru. Felly, pam mae rhywun yn Betsi yn aros cymaint yn hwy am lawdriniaeth na rhywun yng Nghwm Taf? Dim ond saith bwrdd iechyd sydd gennym ni; does bosib na ddylai'r arfer da hwnnw fod yn lledaenu i bob bwrdd iechyd fel nad yw pobl yn gweld yr amseroedd aros cynyddol hyn yng Nghymru.
Well, what I can say is we recently announced £50 million of performance moneys in order to continue—we are now trading statistics again, but I think we have to—in order to continue this improvement trend for waiting times. The health Secretary and I have been very clear on the need for further improvement in waiting times, and all health boards have committed to further improvements by the end of March 2018. There are plans in place for all organisations and monitoring arrangements to be in place to ensure the improvement is delivered, building on the progress over the last two years. Yes, there are inconsistencies. Yes, we want to make sure those inconsistencies are dealt with, which is why we’ve allocated this money and why, of course, health boards have made the commitment that they have.
Wel, yr hyn y gallaf ei ddweud yw ein bod ni wedi cyhoeddi £50 miliwn o arian perfformiad yn ddiweddar er mwyn parhau—rydym ni’n cyfnewid ystadegau eto nawr, ond rwy'n credu bod yn rhaid i ni—er mwyn parhau'r duedd hon o wella o ran amseroedd aros. Mae'r Ysgrifennydd dros Iechyd a minnau wedi bod yn eglur iawn ynghylch yr angen am welliant pellach i’r amseroedd aros, ac mae'r holl fyrddau iechyd wedi ymrwymo i welliannau pellach erbyn diwedd mis Mawrth 2018. Mae cynlluniau wedi’u sefydlu i’r holl sefydliadau a threfniadau monitro fod ar waith i sicrhau y darperir y gwelliant, gan adeiladu ar y cynnydd dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf. Oes, mae anghysondebau. Ydym, rydym ni eisiau sicrhau bod yr anghysondebau hynny yn cael sylw, a dyna pam yr ydym ni wedi dyrannu'r arian hwn a pham, wrth gwrs, y mae’r byrddau iechyd wedi gwneud yr ymrwymiad y maen nhw wedi ei wneud.
I agree with you, First Minister; the NHS is about acronyms and, obviously, statistics. But, very often, we miss the actual patients who are waiting on the clinicians who are under pressure, and they just want a straight answer. When you do have so many health boards in Wales, as I said, four of them—. And it’s worth repeating the deficits or the projected deficits that they do have, such as Hywel Dda Local Health Board, £49 million, Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Local Health Board, £35 million, Cardiff and Vale University Local Health Board, £31 million. A lot of people will say, ‘How can you manage those deficits whilst controlling and driving down the waiting times?’ Are you confident that, by the time we get to March, waiting times will be declining and the deficits will be in hand and wiped out, as the health Secretary has indicated? Or will you have to bail out the health boards that have these projected deficits?
Rwy’n cytuno â chi, Prif Weinidog; mae'r GIG yn ymwneud ag acronymau ac, yn amlwg, ystadegau. Ond, yn aml iawn, rydym ni’n methu’r cleifion gwirioneddol sy'n aros am y clinigwyr sydd dan bwysau, a’r cwbl maen nhw ei eisiau yw ateb plaen. Pan fo gennych chi gymaint o fyrddau iechyd yng Nghymru, fel y dywedais, mae pedwar ohonynt—. Ac mae'n werth ailadrodd y diffygion neu'r diffygion rhagamcanol sydd ganddyn nhw, fel Bwrdd Iechyd Lleol Hywel Dda, £49 miliwn, Bwrdd Iechyd Lleol Prifysgol Abertawe Bro Morgannwg, £35 miliwn, Bwrdd Iechyd Lleol Prifysgol Caerdydd a'r Fro, £31 miliwn. Bydd llawer o bobl yn dweud, 'Sut gallwch chi reoli'r diffygion hynny tra eich bod yn rheoli a lleihau'r amseroedd aros?' A ydych chi’n hyderus, erbyn i ni gyrraedd mis Mawrth, y bydd amseroedd aros yn lleihau ac y bydd y diffygion dan reolaeth ac yn cael eu dileu, fel y mae'r Ysgrifennydd dros Iechyd wedi ei nodi? Neu a fydd yn rhaid i chi roi arian cynorthwyol i’r byrddau iechyd sydd â'r diffygion rhagamcanol hyn?
No, we expect health boards to be able to manage with the resources that they have. Clearly, we could not be in a position where health boards knew that whatever they spent, they would be bailed out. That is an incentive for them not to be as rigorous in their financial management and their care for patients as they otherwise should be. So, they have been told that, by March of next year, we expect to see these improvements. If not, of course, they will need to explain why that is and explain why they have failed to meet the promises that they have given both to the Government and to the people of Wales.
Na, rydym ni’n disgwyl i fyrddau iechyd allu ymdopi â'r adnoddau sydd ganddynt. Yn amlwg, ni allem fod mewn sefyllfa lle’r oedd byrddau iechyd yn gwybod y byddent yn cael arian cynorthwyol faint bynnag y maen nhw’n ei wario. Mae hynny'n gymhelliant iddyn nhw beidio â bod mor drylwyr yn eu rheolaeth ariannol a'u gofal am gleifion ag y dylent fod fel arall. Felly, dywedwyd wrthynt, erbyn mis Mawrth y flwyddyn nesaf, ein bod ni’n disgwyl gweld y gwelliannau hyn. Os na fyddwn yn eu gweld, wrth gwrs, bydd angen iddyn nhw esbonio pam mae hynny’n bod ac esbonio pam maen nhw wedi methu â chyflawni'r addewidion y maen nhw wedi eu gwneud i’r Llywodraeth ac i bobl Cymru.
Arweinydd grŵp UKIP, Neil Hamilton.
The leader of the UKIP group, Neil Hamilton.
Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. Just before we rose for the summer recess, the Government pulled the rug out from underneath the Circuit of Wales project, which would have brought hundreds of millions of pounds of much-needed private investment into the northern Valleys. As a fig leaf, the First Minister and his Government then proposed that they should invest £100 million of public money in a speculative scheme to create a new industrial park in the Ebbw Vale area. Given that the Ebbw Vale enterprise zone has been in operation now for quite a number of years, and tens of millions of pounds have already been invested in jobs in that area, but only 320 new jobs have been created and 70 safeguarded, why does the First Minister think that his speculative proposal is going to be any more successful?
Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. Cyn i ni godi ar gyfer toriad yr haf, tynnodd y Llywodraeth ei chefnogaeth i brosiect Cylchffordd Cymru yn ôl, a fyddai wedi dod â channoedd o filiynau o bunnoedd o fuddsoddiad preifat y mae wir ei angen i’r Cymoedd gogleddol. I geisio gwneud iawn am hyn, cynigiodd y Prif Weinidog a'i Lywodraeth wedyn y dylent fuddsoddi £100 miliwn o arian cyhoeddus mewn cynllun hapfasnachol i greu parc diwydiannol newydd yn ardal Glynebwy. O gofio bod ardal fenter Glynebwy wedi bod yn weithredol nawr ers cryn dipyn o flynyddoedd, a bod degau o filiynau o bunnoedd eisoes wedi eu buddsoddi mewn swyddi yn yr ardal honno, ond dim ond 320 o swyddi newydd wedi eu creu a 70 wedi eu diogelu, pam mae'r Prif Weinidog yn meddwl bod ei gynnig hapfasnachol yn mynd i fod yn fwy llwyddiannus?
I talk to businesses, and one of the issues particularly that businesses have flagged up with us is the lack of suitable premises where they can go in order to set up manufacturing. One of the issues that we’re looking at is being able to provide them with the premises that they need, of the right size. We don’t do that in terms of building empty buildings for no reason. We’ve done that by consulting with businesses, and asking businesses what they want. That’s actually a very sound way of investing for the future rather than, as he calls it, being speculative. It’s far from speculative. This is based on the feedback that we’re getting from business.
Rwy'n siarad â busnesau, ac un o'r materion yn benodol y mae busnesau wedi tynnu ein sylw ato yw’r diffyg adeiladau addas lle y gallant fynd er mwyn dechrau gweithgynhyrchu. Un o'r materion yr ydym ni’n eu hystyried yw gallu darparu'r safle sydd ei angen arnynt, o'r maint cywir. Nid ydym yn gwneud hynny o ran adeiladu adeiladau gwag am ddim rheswm. Rydym ni wedi gwneud hynny drwy ymgynghori â busnesau, a gofyn i fusnesau beth maen nhw ei eisiau. Mae hynny mewn gwirionedd yn ffordd gadarn iawn o fuddsoddi ar gyfer y dyfodol, yn hytrach na’r hyn y mae e’n ei alw’n hapfasnachol. Mae'n bell o fod yn hapfasnachol. Mae hyn yn seiliedig ar yr adborth yr ydym ni’n ei gael gan fusnesau.
Well, there are of course no firm offers to take space in the area that the First Minister is talking about. My colleagues and I had the advantage on Friday of visiting St Athan and seeing what’s happening at the Aston Martin construction that’s going on there, which is a Welsh Government success story—I fully acknowledge that and congratulate the First Minister. But, of course, St Athan is a very different kettle of fish from Ebbw Vale in terms of its potential attractiveness to investors, without improving the infrastructure still further in the northern Valleys. The whole point of the Circuit of Wales project and the job spin-offs that would come from it is not so much the racetrack itself, but the way in which the circuit would have put it on the map, in a sense, and would have attracted further automotive businesses around it. Given that, as a result of the collapse of that offer, the Welsh Government is trying now to fill a vacuum, I really can’t see why he has turned down the offer of hundreds of millions of pounds of private investment where the Government’s only liability was highly contingent on the total failure of the project, and the assets that would have been created fetching nothing.
Wel, wrth gwrs, nid oes unrhyw gynigion cadarn i gymryd lle yn yr ardal y mae'r Prif Weinidog yn sôn amdani. Cefais i a’m cydweithwyr y fantais ddydd Gwener o ymweld â Sain Tathan a gweld yr hyn sy'n digwydd yn yr adeilad Aston Martin sy'n digwydd yno, sy’n un o lwyddiannau Llywodraeth Cymru—rwy'n llwyr gydnabod hynny ac yn llongyfarch y Prif Weinidog. Ond, wrth gwrs, mae Sain Tathan yn sefyllfa gwbl wahanol i Lynebwy o ran pa mor ddeniadol y gallai fod i fuddsoddwyr, heb wella'r seilwaith ymhellach fyth yn y Cymoedd gogleddol. Holl bwynt prosiect Cylchffordd Cymru a'r swyddi a fyddai wedi deillio o hynny oedd nid gymaint y gylchffordd ei hun, ond y ffordd y byddai'r gylchffordd wedi ei roi ar y map, mewn ffordd, ac y byddai wedi denu busnesau modurol pellach o'i hamgylch. O gofio, o ganlyniad i fethiant y cynnig hwnnw, bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn ceisio llenwi bwlch erbyn hyn, ni allaf wir weld pam mae wedi gwrthod y cynnig o gannoedd o filiynau o bunnoedd o fuddsoddiad preifat pan oedd unig rwymedigaeth y Llywodraeth yn hynod ddibynnol ar fethiant llwyr y prosiect, a'r asedau a fyddai wedi cael eu creu yn werth dim arian.
No, we’ve explored this before. I’ve explained to him the issue of what counts as on the books and off the books. What he describes is speculative. Every business venture is speculative to some extent. But in some ways, in the questions he asks, he answered his first question, and that is: one of the reasons why St Athan proved attractive to Aston Martin is because there was a building there that fitted their spec. It was what they wanted. The site was right. Many businesses have said to us in conversations I’ve had, ‘Look, one of the issues we face in Wales is we want to go somewhere like Ebbw Vale, but where do we go? The buildings aren’t there. The premises we need aren’t there.’ That’s why part of the investment we’re putting into Ebbw Vale, into the Heads of the Valleys, is to make sure that the right premises are there so businesses can move in, rather than an obstacle being in place that won’t be removed without Government investment. Yes, is that speculative? Well, in the sense that all business is speculative, but it’s based, to my mind, on much sounder ground than the circuit was.
Na, rydym ni wedi archwilio hyn o'r blaen. Rwyf wedi esbonio iddo’r mater o’r hyn sy’n cyfrif fel bod ar y llyfrau ac oddi ar y llyfrau. Hapfasnachu yw’r hyn y mae e'n ei ddisgrifio. Mae pob menter fusnes yn hapfasnachol i ryw raddau. Ond mewn rhai ffyrdd, yn y cwestiynau y mae'n eu gofyn, atebodd ei gwestiwn cyntaf, sef: un o'r rhesymau pam yr oedd Sain Tathan yn ddeniadol i Aston Martin yw oherwydd bod adeilad yno a oedd yn addas i'w manyleb. Dyna’r oedden nhw ei eisiau. Roedd y safle'n iawn. Mae llawer o fusnesau wedi dweud wrthym mewn sgyrsiau yr wyf i wedi eu cael, 'Edrychwch, un o'r problemau yr ydym ni’n eu hwynebu yng Nghymru yw ein bod ni eisiau mynd i rywle fel Glynebwy, ond i ble byddwn ni'n mynd? Nid yw'r adeiladau yno. Nid yw'r safleoedd sydd eu hangen arnom ni yno.’ Dyna pam mae rhan o'r buddsoddiad yr ydym ni’n ei roi i Lynebwy, i Flaenau'r Cymoedd, i wneud yn siŵr bod y safleoedd iawn yno i fusnesau allu symud i mewn, yn hytrach na chael rhwystr na fydd yn cael ei symud heb fuddsoddiad gan y Llywodraeth. A yw hynny'n hapfasnachol? Wel, yn yr ystyr bod pob busnes yn hapfasnachol, ond mae'n seiliedig, yn fy marn i, ar dir llawer mwy cadarn na'r gylchffordd.
But of course the Circuit of Wales was more than just speculative because there was a fully worked out business case, which I understand was not undermined by the Welsh Government. The objection of the Welsh Government’s support for the project was based upon internal accounting conventions, in its opinion, in any event, set by Her Majesty’s Treasury. So, the Circuit of Wales project itself will rise or fall upon its own economic merits. No doubt the First Minister will have seen on WalesOnline today that the promoters of the project have now come up with another proposal that perhaps they could access funding for under the city deal. So, I’m anxious not to engage in any kind of inter-party fisticuffs today that might discourage the Welsh Government from helping the project, even at this late stage, to become viable. I wonder if the First Minister can, in the most general terms, give his support to making further efforts to look at whether the Circuit of Wales could actually be made into a reality.
Ond wrth gwrs roedd Cylchffordd Cymru yn fwy na hapfasnachol gan fod achos busnes wedi ei gwblhau'n llawn, yr wyf yn deall na chafodd ei danseilio gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Roedd gwrthwynebiad cefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru i'r prosiect yn seiliedig ar gonfensiynau cyfrifyddu mewnol, yn ei barn nhw, beth bynnag, a bennwyd gan Drysorlys Ei Mawrhydi. Felly, bydd prosiect Cylchffordd Cymru ei hun yn llwyddo neu’n methu ar sail ei rinweddau economaidd ei hun. Rwy’n siŵr y bydd y Prif Weinidog wedi gweld ar WalesOnline heddiw bod hyrwyddwyr y prosiect wedi cyflwyno cynnig arall erbyn hyn efallai y gallen nhw gael gafael ar gyllid ar ei gyfer o dan y fargen dinas. Felly, rwy’n awyddus i beidio â chymryd rhan mewn unrhyw gecru rhyngbleidiol heddiw a allai rwystro Llywodraeth Cymru rhag helpu'r prosiect, hyd yn oed ar y cam diweddar hwn, i fod yn hyfyw. Tybed a all y Prif Weinidog, yn y termau mwyaf cyffredinol, roi ei gefnogaeth i wneud ymdrechion pellach i ystyried pa un a all Cylchffordd Cymru gael ei throi’n realiti.
We’ve never rejected the circuit as an idea. It was simply the financial arrangements surrounding it. If the circuit is able to come up with a different proposal, then, of course, that’s something that we would look at. We don’t have an objection in principle, but we have to make sure that any project takes into account the interests of Welsh taxpayers and is able to demonstrate very strongly that the jobs that are promised are in fact deliverable. If there is something else that comes forward, then of course we’d look at that to see whether the circumstances have changed.
Nid ydym erioed wedi gwrthod y gylchffordd fel syniad. Dim ond y trefniadau ariannol o'i hamgylch. Os gall y gylchffordd gyflwyno cynnig gwahanol, yna, wrth gwrs, mae hynny’n rhywbeth y byddem ni’n ei ystyried. Nid oes gennym ni wrthwynebiad mewn egwyddor, ond mae'n rhaid i ni sicrhau bod unrhyw brosiect yn ystyried buddiannau trethdalwyr Cymru ac yn gallu dangos yn gadarn iawn ei bod yn bosibl darparu’r swyddi a addewir. Os bydd rhywbeth arall yn cael ei gynnig, yna wrth gwrs byddwn yn ystyried hynny i weld a yw'r amgylchiadau wedi newid.
Arweinydd Plaid Cymru, Leanne Wood.
Plaid Cymru leader, Leanne Wood.
Diolch, Llywydd. First Minister, can you imagine a country where megaprisons are placed in the middle of so-called enterprise zones? Or can you imagine a country that ends up being described as a Botany Bay of the twenty-first century and as a penal colony? Well, those were the words of Frances Crook, the respected chief executive of the Howard League.
First Minister, Wales must be the only country in the world where prisons are highlighted as tools for economic development, rather than as part of a country’s criminal justice system. Do you expect other prisons to close if the Port Talbot prison goes ahead? And can you confirm whether there will be a net jobs gain or do you think there’ll be a loss?
Diolch, Llywydd. Prif Weinidog, a allwch chi ddychmygu gwlad lle mae mega-garchardai yn cael eu lleoli yng nghanol ardaloedd menter, fel y’u gelwir? Neu a allwch chi ddychmygu gwlad sy'n cael ei disgrifio yn y pen draw fel Botany Bay yr unfed ganrif ar hugain ac fel gwladfa gosb? Wel, dyna eiriau Frances Crook, prif weithredwr uchel ei pharch yr Howard League.
Prif Weinidog, mae'n rhaid mai Cymru yw’r unig wlad yn y byd lle mae carchardai yn cael eu hamlygu fel offerynnau ar gyfer datblygu economaidd, yn hytrach nag fel rhan o system cyfiawnder troseddol gwlad. A ydych chi'n disgwyl i garchardai eraill gau os bydd carchar Port Talbot yn mynd rhagddo? Ac a allwch chi gadarnhau pa un a fydd yna gynnydd net mewn swyddi neu a ydych chi'n meddwl y bydd colled?
These are matters for the Ministry of Justice to answer. We’re not responsible for prison policy. But she asked a question about prisons. I have a prison in my constituency. It was very controversial when it was built. I was the ward councillor when it was built at the time. Now, no-one takes any notice of it. It employs many people, there’s a housing estate being built not far from the walls of the prison. But, nevertheless, it is important that people’s concerns are addressed, because I remember at the time people’s concerns. It is important that the MOJ carries out a full consultation with people in the area. That is their responsibility. Our responsibility lies with the issue of the land. Bluntly, we’ll look to get the best deal possible for the Welsh taxpayer for the land, regardless, of course, of how that land is disposed of. We are, on the issue of the prison, not actively promoting a prison. We want to get the best financial outcome for the Welsh taxpayer.
Materion i'r Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder eu hateb yw’r rhain. Nid ydym yn gyfrifol am bolisi carchardai. Ond gofynnodd gwestiwn am garchardai. Mae gen i garchar yn fy etholaeth i. Roedd yn ddadleuol iawn pan gafodd ei adeiladu. Fi oedd y cynghorydd ward pan gafodd ei adeiladu ar y pryd. Nawr, nid oes neb yn cymryd unrhyw sylw ohono. Mae'n cyflogi llawer o bobl, mae ystâd o dai yn cael ei hadeiladu nid nepell o furiau’r carchar. Ond, serch hynny, mae'n bwysig bod pryderon pobl yn cael sylw, gan fy mod i’n cofio pryderon pobl ar y pryd. Mae'n bwysig bod y Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder yn cynnal ymgynghoriad llawn gyda phobl yn yr ardal. Eu cyfrifoldeb nhw yw hynny. Ein cyfrifoldeb ni yw mater y tir. A dweud yn blaen, byddwn yn ceisio cael y cytundeb gorau bosibl i drethdalwyr Cymru am y tir, ni waeth sut y caiff y tir hwnnw ei ddefnyddio, wrth gwrs. Nid ydym ni, o ran mater y carchar, yn hyrwyddo carchar yn weithredol. Rydym ni eisiau cael y canlyniad ariannol gorau i drethdalwyr Cymru.
I’m glad you raised the question of the land, First Minister, because there’s a vision for a Swansea metro that has the potential to transform the city and its hinterland, and it’s the most attractive vision for our second city that we’ve seen in years. But the land earmarked for the Baglan prison appears to sit on the blueprint. Plaid Cymru’s view of that prison is well known, and there are Members of your own party who are in agreement with us that this is not the right site. Is it not the case that you will be selling off land that would otherwise be part of a future Swansea metro? Will you acknowledge that you are in a position to stop this project by refusing to sell this land? And if you do accept that, will you now refuse to sell that land?
Rwy'n falch eich bod chi wedi codi cwestiwn y tir, Prif Weinidog, gan fod gweledigaeth ar gyfer metro Abertawe sydd â'r potensial i weddnewid y ddinas a'i chefnwlad, a dyma'r weledigaeth fwyaf deniadol ar gyfer ein hail ddinas yr ydym ni wedi ei gweld ers blynyddoedd. Ond mae'n ymddangos bod y tir a glustnodwyd ar gyfer carchar Baglan ar y glasbrint. Mae safbwynt Plaid Cymru ar y carchar hwnnw yn hysbys, a cheir Aelodau o'ch plaid eich hun sy'n cytuno â ni nad dyma'r safle cywir. Onid yw'n wir y byddwch chi’n gwerthu tir a fyddai fel arall yn rhan o fetro Abertawe yn y dyfodol? A wnewch chi gydnabod eich bod chi mewn sefyllfa i roi terfyn ar y prosiect hwn trwy wrthod gwerthu’r tir hwn? Ac os ydych chi'n derbyn hynny, a wnewch chi wrthod gwerthu’r tir hwnnw nawr?
Well, we would not do anything that would jeopardise the future of the Swansea metro, that’s true, but there are broader issues here that do have to be addressed. The prisons are crumbling, there’s no question about that. As somebody who was familiar with the system at one time with my job, our prisons are long overdue being replaced—we know that some of them are Victorian. We export prisoners. Women prisoners cannot serve their sentences in Wales. There’s no category A prison in Wales. We still have too many prisoners who are unable to serve their time close to their communities, and that’s important from their perspective in terms of their rehabilitation. What I don’t know is whether she takes the view that there shouldn’t be a prison at all, or whether it should move on to another site. If it is the case that she would want it moved to another site, we’d be open to suggestions as to where that should be.
Wel, ni fyddem yn gwneud unrhyw beth a fyddai'n peryglu dyfodol metro Abertawe, mae hynny'n wir, ond ceir materion ehangach yma y mae'n rhaid mynd i'r afael â nhw. Mae'r carchardai yn syrthio’n ddarnau, nid oes amheuaeth am hynny. Fel rhywun a oedd yn gyfarwydd â'r system ar un adeg gyda'm swydd, mae wedi bod yn amser disodli ein carchardai ers amser maith—rydym ni’n gwybod bod rhai ohonyn nhw yn dod o oes Fictoria. Rydym ni’n allforio carcharorion. Ni all carcharorion benywaidd gyflawni eu dedfrydau yng Nghymru. Nid oes carchar categori A yng Nghymru. Mae gennym ni ormod o garcharorion nad ydynt yn gallu treulio eu hamser carchar yn agos at eu cymunedau, ac mae hynny'n bwysig o'u safbwynt nhw o ran eu hailsefydliad. Yr hyn nad wyf yn ei wybod yw pa un a yw hi'n credu na ddylai fod carchar o gwbl, neu pa un a ddylai symud i safle arall. Os yw'n wir y byddai hi eisiau iddo gael ei symud i safle arall, byddem yn agored i awgrymiadau o ble y dylai hynny fod.
You could argue there should be multiple sites, First Minister. All of the problems that you have just outlined will not be solved by building this megaprison so close to another new prison. Your economic policy is leading us to a situation where our national interests are not being upheld. Devolution and self-government are supposed to allow us to look after our own needs, to be an equal partner with our neighbours and not a servant. These superprisons are designed for the criminal justice needs not of our country, but of the country next door. And it’s not me saying that, it’s coming from the top English and UK voices on prison reform. Why are you setting up a commission on justice if not to deal with questions like this?
And it’s not just about prisons, First Minister, it’s this mantra of jobs at any cost that has led you to accepting the disposal of mud from a nuclear site in Welsh waters. What on earth is Wales doing taking waste from another country that could be radioactive? I don’t know why you granted that licence in the first place. I’d like to know whether you have any regrets about granting that licence. Will you agree to revoke it if it transpires that there is even the smallest risk to people’s health?
Gallech ddadlau y dylai fod sawl safle, Prif Weinidog. Ni fydd yr holl broblemau yr ydych chi newydd eu hamlinellu yn cael eu datrys trwy adeiladu'r mega-garchar hwn mor agos at garchar newydd arall. Mae eich polisi economaidd yn ein harwain at sefyllfa lle nad yw ein buddiannau cenedlaethol yn cael eu sicrhau. Mae datganoli a hunanlywodraeth i fod i’n galluogi i ofalu am ein hanghenion ein hunain, i fod yn bartner cyfartal gyda'n cymdogion ac nid yn was. Nid yw’r uwch-garchardai hyn wedi eu cynllunio ar gyfer anghenion cyfiawnder troseddol ein gwlad ni, ond ar gyfer y wlad drws nesaf. Ac nid fi sy’n dweud hynny, mae'n dod oddi wrth leisiau mwyaf blaenllaw Lloegr a'r DU ar ddiwygio carchardai. Pam ydych chi'n sefydlu comisiwn ar gyfiawnder os nad i ymdrin â chwestiynau fel hyn?
Ac nid yw’n ymwneud â charchardai’n unig, Prif Weinidog, y mantra hwn o swyddi am unrhyw bris sydd wedi arwain at i chi dderbyn gwarediad mwd o safle niwclear yn nyfroedd Cymru. Beth ar y ddaear mae Cymru'n ei wneud yn cymryd gwastraff gan wlad arall a allai fod yn ymbelydrol? Nid wyf yn gwybod pam y gwnaethoch chi ganiatáu’r drwydded honno yn y lle cyntaf. Hoffwn wybod a ydych chi’n edifar am ganiatáu’r drwydded honno. A wnewch chi gytuno i'w diddymu os daw i’r amlwg bod hyd yn oed y perygl lleiaf i iechyd pobl?
Well, she’s telling half the story. First of all, she knows full well that licensing is not done by Ministers; it’s done by an outside body—that’s the whole point—so that the politics is taken out of it. What I’ve seen so far is one person has said there may be an issue here. Well, of course, that issue needs to be addressed, but we’ve got be careful here because the waste from Wylfa goes to England, and if it wasn’t for Sellafield’s reprocessing plant it would shut immediately.
She has views on nuclear power that perhaps I wouldn’t share, but it’s too crude simply to say, ‘Well, this is nuclear waste being exported from England to Wales.’ We export a lot more out towards Sellafield. So, I don’t accept that this is an import-export issue. Where we have nuclear power, it’s important that there are adequate disposal facilities, but simply to present it in terms of an England-Wales battle ignores the fact we have our own nuclear power station, and we don’t have our own disposal facilities; we rely on England to deal with the waste that comes from Wylfa.
Wel, mae hi'n dweud hanner y stori. Yn gyntaf oll, mae hi'n gwybod yn iawn nad Gweinidogion sy’n gyfrifol am drwyddedu; corff allanol sy’n gyfrifol— dyna'r holl bwynt—fel bod y wleidyddiaeth yn cael ei chymryd allan ohoni. Yr hyn yr wyf i wedi ei weld hyd yn hyn yw bod un person wedi dweud y gallai fod problem yma. Wel, wrth gwrs, mae angen rhoi sylw i’r mater hwnnw, ond mae’n rhaid i ni fod yn ofalus yn y fan yma gan fod y gwastraff o Wylfa yn mynd i Loegr, a byddai’n cau ar unwaith pe na byddai am waith ailbrosesu Sellafield.
Mae ganddi safbwyntiau ar ynni niwclear na fyddwn i’n eu rhannu efallai, ond mae'n rhy syml i ddim ond dweud, 'Wel, gwastraff niwclear sy'n cael ei allforio o Loegr i Gymru yw hwn.' Rydym ni’n allforio llawer mwy allan i Sellafield. Felly, nid wyf yn derbyn bod hwn yn fater mewnforio ac allforio. Lle mae gennym ni ynni niwclear, mae'n bwysig bod cyfleusterau gwaredu digonol, ond mae cyflwyno hyn fel brwydr syml rhwng Cymru a Lloegr yn anwybyddu'r ffaith bod gennym ni ein gorsaf bŵer niwclear ein hunain, ac nad oes gennym ni ein cyfleusterau gwaredu ein hunain; rydym ni’n dibynnu ar Loegr i ymdrin â'r gwastraff sy'n dod o Wylfa.
Y Gwasanaeth Iechyd yng Ngogledd Cymru
The Health Service in North Wales
3. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am ymdrechion Llywodraeth Cymru i recriwtio a hyfforddi staff newydd ar gyfer y gwasanaeth iechyd yng ngogledd Cymru? (OAQ51084)[W]
3. Will the First Minister make a statement on the Welsh Government's efforts to recruit and train new staff for the health service in north Wales? (OAQ51084)[W]
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn rhoi cymorth mewn sawl ffordd i Fwrdd Iechyd Lleol Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr i recriwtio a hyfforddi staff. Mae hyn yn cynnwys buddsoddi mwy nag erioed mewn llefydd hyfforddi staff nyrsio a gweithwyr proffesiynol iechyd. Wrth gwrs, bydd yr Aelod yn gwybod am y datganiad a gafodd ei wneud cyn yr haf ynglŷn â’r ffordd rydym ni’n moyn sicrhau bod mwy o hyfforddi ar gael yn y gogledd er mwyn sicrhau bod mwy o gyfle i bobl ddod i’r gogledd i hyfforddi fel rhan o rwydwaith hyfforddi Cymru eang.
The Welsh Government supports Betsi Cadwaladr University Local Health Board to recruit and train staff in a number of ways, including record investment in nursing and allied health professional training places. Of course, the Member will know of the statement made before the summer about the way in which we wish to ensure that more training takes place in north Wales in order to ensure that there is more opportunity for people to come to train in north Wales as part of the Welsh training network.
Yn ôl ffigurau a gyhoeddwyd gan Gonffederasiwn GIG Cymru ym mis Mai eleni, roedd 141 o swyddi meddygol bwrdd iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr yn wag. Mae hyn yn cynrychioli 37 y cant o’r holl swyddi meddygol sy’n wag yn y gwasanaeth iechyd yng Nghymru, ac mi gawsom ni ddadl yn fan hyn wythnos diwethaf wrth drafod yr adroddiad gan y Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol ar recriwtio meddygol. Ond er yr holl dystiolaeth gan y pwyllgor, y proffesiwn a’r sector yn ehangach am yr angen i symud tuag at sefydlu ysgol feddygol yng ngogledd Cymru, mae’r Llywodraeth yn dal i wrthod ar sail datganiadau annelwig ynglŷn â chost a chymhlethdod y broses. Mae’r honiad bod sefydlu ysgol feddygol yn y gogledd yn rhy gostus yn nonsens llwyr o ystyried yr holl filiynau mae Betsi Cadwaladr yn ei wario ar ‘locums’—bron i £80 miliwn dros y tair blynedd diwethaf. Brif Weinidog, faint yn fwy o gleifion yn y gogledd ydych chi yn fodlon eu gweld ar restrau aros cyn i chi wrando ar yr arbenigwyr a thalu sylw i’r dystiolaeth?
According to figures published by the Welsh NHS Confederation in May this year, 141 medical posts in Betsi Cadwaladr health board were vacant, and this represents 37 per cent of all the medical positions that are vacant in the health service in Wales. We had a debate here last week as we discussed the Health and Social Care Committee report on medical recruitment. But despite all of the evidence supplied by the committee, the profession and the wider sector about the need to move towards establishing a medical school in north Wales, the Government is still refusing to do so on the basis of ambiguous statements on the cost and complexity of the process. The claim that the establishment of a medical school in north Wales is too costly is utter nonsense, given the millions that Betsi Cadwaladr spends on locums—almost £80 million over the past three years. First Minister, how many more patients in north Wales are you willing to see on waiting lists before you listen to the experts and pay attention to the evidence?
Wel, nid wyf wedi gweld y dystiolaeth gan arbenigwyr sy’n dweud y dylem ni gael ysgol feddygol annibynnol yn y gogledd. Mae’n rhaid i mi ddweud hynny—[Torri ar draws.]
Well, I haven’t seen any evidence from experts saying that we have to have an independent medical school in the north. I have to tell you that—[Interruption.]
Cariwch ymlaen, Brif Weinidog.
Carry on, First Minister.
Yn ail, beth rydym ni’n moyn sicrhau yw bod y gogledd yn cysylltu gyda’r de er mwyn creu system hyfforddi sydd ar draws Cymru yn gyfan gwbl. Beth sy’n cyfrif, wrth gwrs, yw’r ffaith bod y rheini sydd eisiau cael eu hyfforddi yn gweld bod y safon yn ddigon uchel. Rydym ni’n moyn sicrhau bod y safon yn gymwys ar draws Cymru, a dyna’n gwmws beth rydym ni’n mynd i’w wneud. Rydym ni’n gwybod ynglŷn â hyfforddi meddygon teulu, er enghraifft, yn y gogledd-ddwyrain a’r gogledd-orllewin, fod pob lle wedi cael ei lanw erbyn hyn ynglŷn â llefydd hyfforddi. Nid yw hynny’n iawn ynglŷn â chanol y gogledd, ond rydym wedi gweld bod mwy o bobl yn dod i’r gogledd i hyfforddi, ac rydym ni’n moyn sicrhau ein bod yn symud at ddatblygu system addysg feddygol yn y gogledd dros y blynyddoedd er mwyn sicrhau bod y gogledd yn cael ei ystyried fel rhywle lle mae hyfforddi yn gallu cymryd lle yn y ffordd fwyaf cyfan posibl, a dyna’n gwmws beth yw nod y Llywodraeth. Nid wyf yn credu ein bod yn llawer ymhell o’n gilydd ynglŷn â beth rydym ni’n moyn wneud.
Secondly, what we need to ensure is that the north links with the south to create a training system that is pan-Wales. But what does count, of course, is that those who require training see that the standard is high enough. We want to ensure that the standard is uniform across Wales, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do. We know, with regard to the training of GPs, for example, in the north-east and in the north west, that every place has been filled as regards the training places available. That is not true of the mid part of north Wales, but we want to ensure that more people come for training in north Wales, and we want to ensure that we move towards developing a system of medical education in north Wales over the ensuing years in order to ensure that the north is considered as a possible and potential training area. That is the aim of the Government. I don’t think that we disagree very much on that aim.
I’m really pleased that Sian Gwenllian has actually raised this again, and I would urge all north Wales AMs to make similar calls and to hold you to account, First Minister. This has been going on for years. Sian is quite right to mention there are 141 long-term vacancies. We have hospital wards in north Wales that have closed down for several months. We’ve met with the British Medical Association, we’ve met with other medical professionals, and there is a distinct need—it’s been proven—for a training centre somewhere in north Wales. The fact is, and the statistics prove this, that those who train in Cardiff move over into England. We cannot recruit. The Betsi board cannot recruit. Now, this is a board that’s in special measures. It’s got Welsh Government intervention, and yet it is failing at every level in terms of staff recruitment, in terms of keeping wards open. When are you, and when is your Cabinet Secretary, who consistently sits here during health questions shaking his head—? Well, I’m sorry, but you and the Cabinet Secretary—. We’re here to scrutinise you, and you are failing the patients of north Wales, you’re failing the health board, and you’re failing the actual staff who work there. We are in crisis in north Wales. We need a training centre in Bangor. The costs, as Sian has pointed out quite well, are there to be—. We cannot keep taking locum staff—
Rwy'n falch iawn bod Siân Gwenllian wedi codi hyn eto, a byddwn yn annog pob un o ACau y gogledd i wneud galwadau tebyg ac i'ch dwyn i gyfrif, Prif Weinidog. Mae hyn wedi bod yn digwydd ers blynyddoedd. Mae Siân yn llygad ei lle i sôn bod 141 o swyddi gwag hirdymor. Mae gennym ni wardiau ysbyty yn y gogledd sydd wedi cau am sawl mis. Rydym ni wedi cyfarfod â Chymdeithas Feddygol Prydain, rydym wedi cyfarfod â gweithwyr proffesiynol meddygol eraill, ac mae angen pendant—fe’i profwyd—am ganolfan hyfforddi rywle yn y gogledd. Y ffaith yw, ac mae'r ystadegau'n profi hyn, bod y rhai sy'n hyfforddi yng Nghaerdydd yn symud draw i Loegr. Nid ydym yn gallu recriwtio. Nid yw bwrdd Betsi yn gallu recriwtio. Nawr, mae hwn yn fwrdd sydd mewn mesurau arbennig. Mae ganddo ymyrraeth Llywodraeth Cymru, ac eto mae'n methu ar bob lefel o ran recriwtio staff, o ran cadw wardiau ar agor. Pryd ydych chi, a phryd mae eich Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, sy'n eistedd yma’n gyson yn ystod cwestiynau iechyd yn ysgwyd ei ben—? Wel, mae'n ddrwg gen i, ond rydych chi ac Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet—. Rydym ni yma i graffu arnoch chi, ac rydych chi'n methu â chyflawni ar ran cleifion y gogledd, rydych chi'n methu â chyflawni ar ran y bwrdd iechyd, ac rydych chi'n methu â chyflawni ar ran y staff gwirioneddol sy'n gweithio yno. Rydym ni mewn argyfwng yn y gogledd. Mae angen canolfan hyfforddi arnom ni ym Mangor. Mae'r costau, fel y dywedodd Siân yn eithaf da, yno i—. Ni allwn barhau i gymryd staff locwm—
Can you bring this to a question?
A allwch chi ddod â hyn i gwestiwn?
Yes, okay, thank you. We want a long-term solution. You’re the one who has the levers to do this; please, can we have a training school in Bangor?
Gallaf, iawn, diolch. Rydym ni eisiau ateb hirdymor. Chi yw'r un sydd â’r gallu i wneud hyn; a allwn ni gael ysgol hyfforddi ym Mangor os gwelwch yn dda?
Well, I agree with her when she says she wants more training opportunities in the north. There’s no distance between us on that; it’s how it’s delivered. She’s asking, ‘Can it be an independent medical school?’ Well, we know that that’s not what is recommended. We know it would be difficult because big medical schools are in big cities with big hospitals, which have a far greater spread of specialities. What can be done, however, is to make sure that Bangor is tied in—the whole of the north is tied in—more completely with Cardiff and Swansea, and that we move to put in place a system of development over the next few years in order to provide better opportunities in the north. That’s the way to do it. It’s important to be able to link Bangor with the bigger hospitals to provide the training opportunities in the most comprehensive way. I think everybody in the medical profession understands that. I get the point that we need to provide more training opportunities in the north. I don’t dispute what the Member for Arfon has said. It’s a question now of not, ‘Do we do it?’ but ‘What is the most effective way of doing it?’, and we believe we’ve outlined that.
Wel, rwy'n cytuno â hi pan ei bod hi’n dweud ei bod hi eisiau mwy o gyfleoedd hyfforddi yn y gogledd. Nid oes unrhyw bellter rhyngom ni yn hynny o beth; sut mae’n cael ei ddarparu yw’r cwestiwn. Mae hi'n gofyn, 'A all hi fod yn ysgol feddygol annibynnol?' Wel, rydym ni’n gwybod nad dyna sy’n cael ei argymell. Rydym ni’n gwybod y byddai'n anodd gan fod ysgolion meddygol mawr mewn dinasoedd mawr ag ysbytai mawr, sydd â llawer mwy o amrywiaeth mewn arbenigedd. Yr hyn y gellir ei wneud, fodd bynnag, yw sicrhau bod Bangor wedi ei lynu—bod y gogledd cyfan wedi ei lynu—yn fwy pendant â Chaerdydd ac Abertawe, a'n bod yn cymryd camau i sefydlu system o ddatblygiad dros yr ychydig flynyddoedd nesaf er mwyn cynnig cyfleoedd gwell yn y gogledd. Dyna'r ffordd i'w wneud. Mae'n bwysig gallu cysylltu Bangor â'r ysbytai mwy i ddarparu'r cyfleoedd hyfforddi yn y ffordd fwyaf cynhwysfawr. Rwy'n credu bod pawb yn y proffesiwn meddygol yn deall hynny. Rwy'n derbyn y pwynt bod angen i ni gynnig mwy o gyfleoedd hyfforddi yn y gogledd. Nid wyf yn dadlau â’r hyn y mae'r Aelod dros Arfon wedi ei ddweud. Mae'n gwestiwn nawr nid o, 'A ddylem ni ei wneud?' ond 'Beth yw'r ffordd fwyaf effeithiol o’i wneud?', a chredwn ein bod ni wedi amlinellu hynny.
Cynllunio’r Gweithlu
Workforce Planning
4. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad ynglŷn â chynllunio’r gweithlu ym Mwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda? (OAQ51081)[W]
4. Will the First Minister make a statement on workforce planning in Hywel Dda University Local Health Board? (OAQ51081)[W]
Rŷm ni’n disgwyl i fwrdd Hywel Dda ddatblygu ei gynlluniau gweithlu fel eu bod yn cyfateb i anghenion y boblogaeth leol, nawr ac yn y dyfodol.
We expect Hywel Dda to develop its workforce plans so that they match the local population needs, both now and in the future.
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. A gaf i, jest yn gyntaf, gofnodi fy niolchiadau i staff ysbyty Bronglais a fu’n gofalu am fy mab yn ystod y pythefnos diwethaf yn yr adran ddamweiniau ac achosion brys? Felly, rwy’n ddiolchgar ac yn gwerthfawrogi’r gwaith y mae’r staff yn ei wneud ym mwrdd iechyd Hywel Dda. Ond, mae’n rhaid cydnabod—ac mae’r Gweinidog wedi cydnabod hyn wrthyf mewn ateb i gwestiwn dros yr haf—fod yna ddiffyg mewn rhai meysydd, a’r gwasanaeth pediatrig yn benodol yw hynny. Mae Dr Vas Falcao, sydd newydd ymddeol y flwyddyn ddiwethaf o ysbyty Llwynhelyg wedi dweud bod y gwasanaeth pediatrig yn y gorllewin ar fin methu—dyna ei eiriau—oherwydd y diffyg recriwtio. Mae gennym ni chwe swydd wag ar gyfer ymgynghorwyr pediatrig ar hyn o bryd ar gyfer ysbyty Llwynhelyg, ac nid yw’r ymgyrch recriwtio y llynedd gan ysbyty Bronglais wedi recriwtio un ymgynghorydd newydd. Felly, mae’n rhaid gofyn: a wnewch chi gymryd camau pendant a phenodol i sicrhau recriwtio gwell i staff yn y gorllewin?
Thank you, First Minister. May I first of all put on record my thanks to the staff of Bronglais hospital who cared for my son over the past fortnight in the accident and emergency department? I’m very grateful and I very much appreciate the work that the staff do at the Hywel Dda health board. But, we must acknowledge—and the Minister has acknowledged to me in answering a question over the summer—that there are problems in some areas, and paediatrics particularly. Doctor Vas Falcao, who just retired last year from Withybush hospital, has said that the paediatric service in the west is about to fail because of recruitment problems. We have six vacant posts for paediatric consultants at the moment at Withybush hospital, and last year’s recruitment campaign by Bronglais failed to recruit a single new consultant. So, we must ask whether you will take definite, specific steps to ensure better recruitment for staff in west Wales.
Wel, a gaf i ddweud yn gyntaf fy mod yn gobeithio bod y sefyllfa deuluol wedi gwella? Rwy’n flin i glywed—flin yn ystyr y de, nid y gogledd—i glywed am beth a ddigwyddodd yn y fan yna. Mae’n wir i ddweud bod yna’n dal i fod heriau yn y gorllewin. Rwy’n gwybod bod y sefyllfa yn Llwynhelyg yn rhywbeth dros dro, nid rhywbeth parhaol—a gaf i ddweud hynny—ac rwy’n gwybod bod y bwrdd iechyd yn gweithio’n galed er mwyn recriwtio’r bobl sydd eu heisiau arnyn nhw. Beth sydd ddim yn mynd i ddigwydd yw nad ydym yn mynd i fynd yn ôl i’r hen fodel a oedd yno. Nid felly ddywedodd y coleg brenhinol. Efallai bod un unigolyn wedi dweud hynny, ond nid felly oedd barn y coleg brenhinol. Ond, wrth gwrs, rwy’n gwybod bod y bwrdd yn gweithio’n galed drwy’r ymgyrch recriwtio sydd gennym ni er mwyn sicrhau bod y sefyllfa dros dro yn Llwynhelyg yn newid, er mwyn bod y system gofal yn dod yn ôl i beth oedd yno o’r blaen, sef 12 awr y dydd.
Well, may I say in the first place that I hope that your family situation has improved? I’m sorry to hear about what happened there. It’s true to say that there are still challenges in the west. I know that the situation in Withybush is a temporary position and not a permanent one—may I say that—and I know that the health board is working very hard to recruit the people they need. But what will not happen is that we will not revert to the old model, because the royal college is not of that view. Maybe one individual might think so, but that is not the view of the royal college. But, of course, I know that the health board is working very hard through the recruitment campaign that we have to ensure that the temporary situation in Withybush changes and reverts to what it was previously, that is, 12 hours per day.
Prif Weinidog, yn ôl bwrdd iechyd prifysgol Hywel Dda, maent wedi wynebu mwy o broblemau recriwtio yn ysbyty Llwynhelyg dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf oherwydd, medden nhw, lleoliad yr ysbyty. Dyna pam y mae’r bwrdd yn dweud ei fod wedi gorfod newid oriau gwasanaethau pediatrig, er enghraifft. Mae’r etholwyr yr wyf yn eu cynrychioli eisiau gweld gwasanaethau pediatrig llawn-amser yn cael eu hailgyflwyno yn yr ysbyty. Felly, a allwch chi gadarnhau bod eich Llywodraeth chi’n cytuno â’r nod hwnnw, a hefyd, a allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni un peth y mae eich Llywodraeth chi wedi’i wneud yn wahanol o’i gymharu â’r chwe mis diwethaf i ddelio â’r problemau recriwtio?
First Minister, according to the Hywel Dda health board, they have faced more recruitment problems at Withybush hospital over the past few years because of the location of the hospital. That’s why the board has said that they’ve had to change the opening hours for paediatric services, for example. The constituents that I represent want to see full-time paediatric services reintroduced in the hospital. So, can you confirm that your Government agrees with that aim, and also can you tell us one thing that your Government has done differently as compared to the past six months in order to deal with these recruitment problems?
Wel, mae’n fater, wrth gwrs, i’r bwrdd iechyd, ond mae yna ddyletswydd arnyn nhw i recriwtio ac maent yn dal i wneud hynny. A yw’n gofyn a ddylai pethau fynd yn ôl i beth yr oedden nhw? Na, achos nid felly y mae’r adroddiad yn ei ddweud; nid wyf yn credu y byddai’r gwasanaethau’n dod yn well o gwbl ynglŷn â hynny. Mae e’n wir i ddweud, dros y blynyddoedd, fod problemau wedi bod ynglŷn â recriwtio mewn ysbytai—rŷm ni’n mynd yn ôl degawdau nawr—y mwyaf i’r gorllewin rŷch chi’n mynd, y mwyaf o ysbytai addysgol rŷch chi’n mynd hefyd. Dyna pam mae’n hollbwysig, wrth gwrs, i sicrhau bod arbenigwyr, pan maen nhw’n mynd i ysbytai yn y gorllewin, yn teimlo fel rhan o rwydwaith sydd yn fwy er mwyn bod y gefnogaeth broffesiynol ganddyn nhw. Dyna beth sy’n digwydd, wrth gwrs, drwy’r cysylltiadau sydd ganddyn nhw gyda Treforys yn y gorllewin, ac yn y gogledd, wrth gwrs, gyda rhai o ysbytai Lerpwl. Ond, a gaf i ddweud wrtho unwaith eto fod y sefyllfa ar hyn o bryd yn Llwynhelyg yn rhywbeth dros dro ac nid yn rhywbeth sydd i fod yn barhaol?
Well, of course, it is a matter for the health board, but they have a duty to recruit and they are still attempting to do so. Is he asking whether things should revert to what they used to be? Well, no, because that is not what the report states; I don’t think there would be an improvement in services at all. It’s true to say that there have been problems regarding recruitment in hospitals over the years, going back decades now. The further west you go, the fewer training hospitals you have. That is why it is vital to ensure that when specialists go to hospitals in west Wales they feel part of a larger network so that they have that professional support. That’s what’s happening, of course, through the links that they have in Morriston in the west, and in the north with some of Liverpool’s hospitals. But may I tell him once again that the current situation in Withybush hospital is temporary, not permanent?
First Minister, I took the opportunity during the summer recess to meet with staff and also the chief executive of Hywel Dda health board. I particularly focused on the issue of the paediatric ambulatory care unit in Withybush and all the headline stories that we have heard. What I was told quite clearly is that they recognise that they have recruitment problems and that those recruitment problems are not unique just to them, nor to Wales, nor to the rest of the UK. What they did tell me was that they’re looking at those challenges in a positive way, so that they can deliver an alternative model to the one that is currently provided on a temporary basis. So, could I ask, First Minister, what discussions the Welsh Government has had, and will have in the future, with the health board about what those strategies might be able to deliver and how effective we could expect them to be?
Prif Weinidog, achubais ar y cyfle yn ystod toriad yr haf i gyfarfod â staff a hefyd prif weithredwr bwrdd iechyd Hywel Dda. Canolbwyntiais yn benodol ar fater yr uned gofal pediatrig ddydd yn Llwynhelyg a'r holl benawdau yr ydym ni wedi eu clywed. Yr hyn a ddywedwyd wrthyf yn eithaf eglur yw eu bod yn cydnabod bod ganddynt broblemau recriwtio ac nad yw'r problemau recriwtio hynny'n unigryw iddyn nhw, nac i Gymru, nac i weddill y DU. Yr hyn a ddywedasant wrthyf oedd eu bod yn edrych ar yr heriau hynny mewn ffordd gadarnhaol, fel y gallant ddarparu model gwahanol i'r un a ddarperir ar hyn o bryd ar sail dros dro. Felly, a gaf i ofyn, Prif Weinidog, pa drafodaethau mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi eu cael, ac y bydd yn eu cael yn y dyfodol, gyda'r bwrdd iechyd am yr hyn y gallai'r strategaethau hynny ei gyflawni a pha mor effeithiol y gallem ni ddisgwyl iddyn nhw fod?
I understand that on 21 September, a few days ago, a new consultant paediatrician was recruited to Withybush. Also, there have been the appointments of two locums and two substantive consultant posts across their paediatric services. The health board inform us that they’re also in discussions with two further candidates for a community paediatric and a consultant paediatric post. That is encouraging and, of course, in doing that, we want to make sure that there is more to come.
Rwy’n deall, ar 21 Medi, ychydig ddyddiau yn ôl, y recriwtiwyd pediatregydd ymgynghorol newydd i Lwynhelyg. Hefyd, penodwyd dau locwm ac i ddwy swydd ymgynghorol sylweddol ar draws eu gwasanaethau pediatrig. Mae'r bwrdd iechyd yn ein hysbysu eu bod hefyd mewn trafodaethau â dau ymgeisydd arall ar gyfer swydd bediatreg gymunedol a swydd bediatrig ymgynghorol. Mae hynny'n galonogol ac, wrth gwrs, trwy wneud hynny, rydym ni eisiau sicrhau bod mwy i ddod.
Cefnogi Prentisiaethau
Supporting Apprenticeships
5. Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi prentisiaethau yng Nghymru? (OAQ51057)
5. How is the Welsh Government supporting apprenticeships in Wales? (OAQ51057)
Well, I’m glad that the Member has asked the question, because we’re transforming the skills journey through the creation of apprenticeship pathways to deliver on our commitment of 100,000 apprenticeship places for those of all ages, in line with the Welsh Government’s priorities and in line with the promises that we made last year.
Wel, rwy'n falch bod yr Aelod wedi gofyn y cwestiwn, gan ein bod ni’n gweddnewid y daith sgiliau trwy greu llwybrau prentisiaeth i gyflawni ein hymrwymiad o 100,000 o leoedd prentisiaeth ar gyfer pobl o bob oed, yn unol â blaenoriaethau Llywodraeth Cymru ac yn unol â'r addewidion a wnaethom y llynedd.
Thank you for that. When, earlier this year, I raised in the Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee concern expressed by the four Welsh police forces that they couldn’t access the apprenticeship levy and the £2 million that they were paying into it, the skills Minister replied that the Welsh Government would instead strike up a grant or contract arrangements, in dialogue with the College of Policing, and that they had meetings in the diary with the police and crime commissioners. I was then told subsequently, in March, that those meetings had, at that stage, been cancelled and not rescheduled. How do you respond to the concern expressed in August by the four police and crime commissioners and chief constables in Wales that this could result in 45 fewer officers in north Wales and potential recruits choosing to sign up to work for English forces instead, and calling for urgent action from the Welsh Government because the situation is putting them at a distinct disadvantage, and finally pointing out that although in England the money that forces pay into the levy goes to the English police college, in Wales it goes to the Welsh Government and, therefore, this lies in your hands?
Diolch i chi am hynna. Pan godais, yn gynharach eleni, yn y Pwyllgor Economi, Seilwaith a Sgiliau, pryder a fynegwyd gan bedwar heddlu Cymru na allent gael mynediad at yr ardoll brentisiaeth a'r £2 filiwn yr oeddent yn ei dalu i mewn iddo, atebodd y Gweinidog dros sgiliau y byddai Llywodraeth Cymru, yn hytrach, yn gwneud trefniadau grant neu gontract, mewn deialog gyda'r Coleg Plismona, a bod ganddyn nhw gyfarfodydd yn y dyddiadur gyda'r comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu. Cefais fy hysbysu wedyn ym mis Mawrth, bod y cyfarfodydd hynny, bryd hynny, wedi eu canslo, ac nad oeddent wedi eu haildrefnu. Sut ydych chi'n ymateb i'r pryder a fynegwyd ym mis Awst gan y pedwar comisiynydd heddlu a throseddu a phrif gwnstabliaid yng Nghymru y gallai hyn arwain at 45 yn llai o swyddogion yn y gogledd a darpar recriwtiaid yn dewis ymuno â heddluoedd Lloegr yn hytrach, gan alw am gamau brys gan Lywodraeth Cymru oherwydd bod y sefyllfa yn eu rhoi dan anfantais amlwg, ac yn nodi i gloi er bod yr arian y mae heddluoedd yn Lloegr yn ei dalu i’r ardoll yn mynd i goleg heddlu Lloegr, ei fod yn mynd i Lywodraeth Cymru yng Nghymru ac, felly, chi sy’n gyfrifol am hyn?
Well, we could’ve done this if policing was devolved, but his party has sat there consistently in this Chamber and demanded that policing should not be devolved. We are not going to fund services that should be funded by a non-devolved body. This is a tax that was imposed by his party: a tax on business. We have received a share of that and we will use that money to pay for apprenticeships, but we cannot, in good faith, pay towards apprenticeship schemes that sit in non-devolved areas. That, surely, is the responsibility of the UK Government, as they keep on telling us.
Wel, gallem ni fod wedi gwneud hyn pe byddai plismona wedi ei ddatganoli, ond mae ei blaid ef wedi eistedd yn y fan yna yn gyson yn y Siambr hon a mynnu na ddylai plismona gael ei ddatganoli. Nid ydym ni’n mynd i ariannu gwasanaethau a ddylai gael eu hariannu gan gorff nad yw wedi ei ddatganoli. Treth a orfodwyd gan ei blaid ef yw hon: treth ar fusnes. Rydym ni wedi derbyn cyfran o honno a byddwn yn defnyddio'r arian hwnnw i dalu am brentisiaethau, ond ni allwn, yn ddidwyll, gyfrannu at gynlluniau prentisiaeth sydd mewn meysydd nad ydynt wedi eu datganoli. Cyfrifoldeb Llywodraeth y DU yw hynny, does bosib, fel y maen nhw’n ei ddweud wrthym drwy’r amser.
I’m sure the First Minister would agree with me that some of the most inspiring visits that we have as Assembly Members in our own constituencies are to employers, big and small, who take on apprenticeships on a regular basis, whether those are what we might call entry-level apprenticeships, higher apprenticeships or even degree apprenticeships as well—they’re graduate apprenticeships. Companies like Sony, who are actually now setting the standard in terms of apprenticeship development within the workforce. Companies in your own constituency, First Minister, such as Ford in Bridgend, who, over many, many years, have developed people in electromechanical engineering apprenticeships, in business management apprenticeships, and so much more.
There is a great deal to be done, but much that is being achieved, but would he agree with me that one of the most significant ways that we can increase the pipeline of apprenticeships is by investing in heavy, big infrastructure? And whilst we may have missed the opportunity with the investment of electrification all the way down to Swansea, there is a way to make up some of the ground, and that is for the UK Government to give the go-ahead on the tidal lagoon in Swansea, because that will develop civil engineering apprenticeships, project management apprenticeships, business management apprenticeships, and many, many more. That, on its own, would have a significant effect on apprenticeships right across the region.
Rwy'n siŵr y byddai'r Prif Weinidog yn cytuno â mi mai rhai o'r ymweliadau sy’n cynnig y mwyaf o ysbrydoliaeth i ni fel Aelodau'r Cynulliad yn ein hetholaethau ein hunain yw’r rheini â chyflogwyr, mawr a bach, sy'n cynnig prentisiaethau'n rheolaidd, pa un ai yw'r rheini’n rai y gallem ni eu galw’n brentisiaethau lefel mynediad, prentisiaethau uwch neu hyd yn oed prentisiaethau gradd hefyd—maen nhw’n brentisiaethau i raddedigion. Cwmnïau fel Sony, sydd bellach yn gosod y safon o ran datblygu prentisiaethau yn y gweithlu. Cwmnïau yn eich etholaeth eich hun, Prif Weinidog, fel Ford ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr, sydd, dros flynyddoedd lawer iawn, wedi datblygu pobl mewn prentisiaethau peirianneg electromecanyddol, mewn prentisiaethau rheoli busnes, a llawer iawn mwy.
Mae cryn dipyn i'w wneud, ond mae llawer yn cael ei gyflawni, ond a fyddai e'n cytuno â mi mai un o'r ffyrdd mwyaf arwyddocaol y gallwn ni gynyddu’r piblinell o brentisiaethau yw buddsoddi mewn seilwaith mawr, trwm? Ac er efallai i ni golli'r cyfle gyda’r buddsoddiad mewn trydaneiddio’r holl ffordd i lawr i Abertawe, mae ffordd arbed pethau i ryw raddau, sef bod Llywodraeth y DU yn cymeradwyo’r morlyn llanw yn Abertawe, oherwydd bydd hynny'n datblygu prentisiaethau peirianneg sifil, prentisiaethau rheoli prosiect, prentisiaethau rheoli busnes, a llawer iawn mwy. Byddai hynny, ar ei ben ei hun, yn cael effaith sylweddol ar brentisiaethau ar draws y rhanbarth cyfan.
Well, I very much agree with what the Member has said. Some may have noticed that I gave a speech on the weekend when I called on the UK Government to deliver the tidal lagoon. The response from the UK Government was that I should focus on public services in Wales and not mention the lagoon. Now, that causes me a great deal of trepidation because normally the response is, ‘We are still considering it.’ That suggests to me that they’re going to axe the lagoon, and that is something that is a great concern to me and, I’m sure, Members of this Chamber, indeed, outside of my own party.
This is a project that will deliver clean, green energy, not just for Wales but into the National Grid. It would deliver 1,000 jobs in manufacturing and maintenance, particularly in the area of Port Talbot, and we’ve had prevarication after prevarication after prevarication. Even an independent review, which I suspect was set up to say, ‘Don’t go ahead with it’ and then came up with the suggestion that we should go ahead with it, has reported that this project should happen. A billion pounds was put on the table for Northern Ireland—£1 billion for Northern Ireland; a coach and horses driven through the Barnett formula. We’ve heard that that’s sacrosanct; that was ignored, as far as Northern Ireland was concerned. Where is the tidal lagoon? The people of Wales deserve an answer, they deserve those jobs and they deserve the consideration of the UK Government.
Wel, rwy’n cytuno'n llwyr â'r hyn y mae’r Aelod wedi ei ddweud. Efallai y bydd rhai wedi sylwi fy mod wedi cyflwyno araith dros y penwythnos pan alwais ar Lywodraeth y DU i gyflwyno'r morlyn llanw. Yr ymateb gan Lywodraeth y DU oedd y dylwn i ganolbwyntio ar wasanaethau cyhoeddus yng Nghymru a pheidio â sôn am y morlyn. Nawr, mae hynny'n achosi cryn dipyn o anniddigrwydd i mi oherwydd yr ymateb fel rheol yw, 'Rydym ni’n dal i’w ystyried.' Mae hynny'n awgrymu i mi eu bod nhw’n mynd i gael gwared ar y morlyn, ac mae hynny'n rhywbeth sy'n peri pryder mawr i mi ac, rwy'n siŵr, i Aelodau'r Siambr hon, ac yn wir, y tu allan i'm plaid fy hun.
Mae hwn yn brosiect a fydd yn darparu ynni glân, gwyrdd, nid yn unig i Gymru ond i mewn i'r Grid Cenedlaethol. Byddai'n darparu 1,000 o swyddi ym meysydd gweithgynhyrchu a chynnal a chadw, yn enwedig yn ardal Port Talbot, ac rydym ni wedi cael tactegau osgoi dro ar ôl tro ar ôl tro. Mae hyd yn oed adolygiad annibynnol, yr wyf yn amau iddo gael ei drefnu i ddweud, 'Peidiwch â bwrw ymlaen ag ef' ac a wnaeth yr awgrym wedyn y dylem ni fwrw ymlaen ag ef, wedi dweud y dylai'r prosiect hwn ddigwydd. Rhoddwyd biliwn o bunnoedd ar y bwrdd ar gyfer Gogledd Iwerddon—£1 biliwn ar gyfer Gogledd Iwerddon; gyrru ceffyl a throl trwy fformiwla Barnett. Rydym ni wedi clywed bod hwnnw'n sacrosanct; anwybyddwyd hynny, cyn belled ag yr oedd Gogledd Iwerddon yn y cwestiwn. Ble mae'r morlyn llanw? Mae pobl Cymru'n haeddu ateb, maen nhw’n haeddu'r swyddi hynny ac maen nhw’n haeddu ystyriaeth Llywodraeth y DU.
Dyfodol Gwasanaethau Trawma yn Ne Cymru
The Future of Trauma Services in South Wales
6. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am ddyfodol gwasanaethau trawma yn ne Cymru? (OAQ51085)
6. Will the First Minister make a statement on the future of trauma services in south Wales? (OAQ51085)
I missed the question; there was a bit of yapping on my left, but I have the question—.
Ni chlywais y cwestiwn; roedd rhywfaint o barablu ar y chwith i mi, ond mae’r cwestiwn gen i—.
It’s on the order paper.
Mae ar y papur trefn.
A gaf i ymddiheuro? Wel, yn y cyfarfodydd bwrdd iechyd ym mis Medi, mae’r byrddau iechyd wrthi’n ystyried argymhellion ynglŷn â sefydlu rhwydwaith trawma mawr ar gyfer de Cymru, gorllewin Cymru a de Powys, ac mae hyn yn cynnwys derbyn yn ffurfiol adroddiad y panel o arbenigwyr annibynnol ar weithredu rhwydwaith trawma mawr a chanolfan trawma mawr.
May I apologise? Well, in the health board meetings in September, they will consider the recommendations regarding the establishment of a major trauma network for south Wales, west Wales and south Powys. This includes formally receiving the independent expert panel’s report on the operation of a major trauma network and a major trauma centre.
Diolch yn fawr am yr ateb yna, Prif Weinidog. Yn naturiol, mae’r argymhelliad i sefydlu’r brif ganolfan trawma yn Ysbyty Athrofaol Cymru yng Nghaerdydd yn esiampl arall o wasanaeth sy’n cael ei ganoli yng Nghaerdydd ar draul Ysbyty Treforys yn Abertawe, ac mae hyn yn dilyn colli gwasanaethau eraill fel niwrolawdriniaeth rai blynyddoedd yn ôl—niwrolawdriniaeth i blant a niwrolawdriniaeth i oedolion wedi mynd o Abertawe i Gaerdydd. Yn wir, collodd Treforys yr uned niwrolawdriniaeth i blant er bod yr unig niwrolawfeddyg i blant ar y pryd trwy Gymru gyfan yn Nhreforys, ond nid oedd hynny’n ddigon i gadw’r uned yn Nhreforys; aeth hi i Gaerdydd.
Yn naturiol, felly, mae yna bryder yn ne-orllewin Cymru fod gwasanaethau arbenigol yn cael eu colli ac nad yw Ysbyty Treforys yn ymddangos yn ddigon amlwg yng nghynlluniau Llywodraeth Cymru. Mae colli neu wanhau gwasanaethau yn tanseilio statws yr ysbyty fel canolfan ranbarthol o arbenigedd, a hefyd amcanion y fargen ddinesig yn Abertawe sy’n edrych i ddatblygu swyddi ymchwil a iechyd o ansawdd uchel. Hefyd, mae uned losgiadau Treforys—yr unig un yng Nghymru, sydd hefyd yn gwasanaethu gorllewin Lloegr—mae presenoldeb yr uned losgiadau yna yn hanfodol bwysig i unrhyw brif ganolfan drawma. Felly, yn dilyn hynny i gyd, a wnewch chi, fel Llywodraeth, ymrwymo i gyflwyno gweledigaeth fanwl ar gyfer safle Treforys sy’n adeiladu ar ei gryfderau amlwg?
Thank you very much for that response, First Minister. Naturally, the recommendation to establish the main trauma centre in the University of Wales Hospital, Cardiff, is another example of a service that is being centralised in Cardiff at the expense of Morriston Hospital in Swansea, and this follows the loss of other services such as neurosurgery some years ago—neurosurgery for children and adults has disappeared from Swansea to Cardiff. Indeed, Morriston lost the neurosurgery unit for children although the only paediatric neurosurgeon throughout the whole of Wales was based in Morriston, but that wasn’t enough to retain the unit in Morriston, and it was moved to Cardiff.
Naturally, therefore, there is concern in the south west of Wales that specialist services are being lost and that Morriston Hospital doesn’t appear to be prominent enough in Welsh Government plans. Losing or weakening services undermines the status of the hospital as a regional centre of expertise, and also the city deal objectives in Swansea, which is looking to develop research and health posts of high quality. Also, the burns unit at Morriston—the only one in Wales, which also serves the south-west of England—the presence of that burns unit is crucially important for any major trauma centre. So, given all of that, will you, as a Government, commit to introducing a detailed vision for the Morriston site that builds on its clear strengths?
Mae Treforys yn hollbwysig ynglŷn â gwasanaethau iechyd fel ysbyty mawr sydd yn gwasanaethau sut gymaint o bobl. Ond, mae’n sôn am y ffaith bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gwneud hyn. Nid barn Llywodraeth Cymru yw hwn. Pan fydd gennych chi sefyllfa fel hyn, lle mae yna bobl yn gryf o blaid un safle neu’r llall, yr unig ffordd y gallwch chi ddelio ag e yw sefydlu panel annibynnol. Dyna’n gwmws sydd wedi digwydd. Mae’r panel hwnnw wedi rhoi ei argymhellion mas i’r maes cyhoeddus. Rydym ni’n gwybod beth ŷn nhw, mae’n fater nawr i’r byrddau iechyd weithio gyda’i gilydd er mwyn sicrhau bod canolfan yn dod. Rydym ni’n gwybod ei bod hi’n amhosibl cael dwy—rydym ni’n gwybod hynny—dwy ganolfan, ond, wrth gwrs, mae’n hollbwysig nawr fod yr argymhellion yn cael eu hystyried ac, wrth gwrs, fod penderfyniad yn dod. Ond, ynglŷn â Llywodraeth Cymru, nid oes gyda ni farn, achos y ffaith bod yna banel wedi rhoi’r argymhellion ac mae nawr yn nwylo’r bwrdd iechyd. Os nad oes unrhyw fath o gytuno ynglŷn â byrddau iechyd, wedyn, wrth gwrs, byddai fe’n dod i Weinidogion Cymru ac wedi hynny, wrth gwrs, byddai’n rhaid ystyried pob ffaith ynglŷn â ble dylai’r safle fod.
Morriston is crucial as regards health services as a major hospital that serves such a large population. But, he is saying that the Welsh Government has done this. This isn’t the view of Welsh Government. When you have a situation where people are strongly in favour of one site or another, the only thing you can do is establish an expert panel, as happened. That panel has presented its recommendation to the public. We know what they are and it’s up to the health boards now to collaborate to ensure that we do secure a centre. We know that it’s impossible to get two centres—we know that—but it’s crucially important now that the recommendations are considered and that a decision is made. But, as regards Welsh Government, we have no view, because the panel has submitted the recommendations and it’s now in the hands of the health board. If there is no agreement between the health boards, then, of course, it will come to Welsh Ministers and then every fact would have to be considered as regards the siting.
Well, it’s three years since the expert panel was set up to consider the location of the new unit, and, in that time, neither Cardiff nor Bristol have got any closer to Aberystwyth or Haverfordwest, let alone places in my region. The head of the independent panel, as we heard, is now speaking of moving the burns unit from Morriston to Cardiff and that, for me, raises questions about quite how these recommendations are being made in the first place. Morriston is just about to receive £2 million towards investment in response to cardiac emergency times, for which we are grateful, but it’s obviously a material consideration in that decision, the length of time it takes ambulances to travel. I accept that care in transit is a material issue, but, if it’s being taken into consideration for deciding where emergency cardiac services are to be improved, why isn’t it such a material consideration in where trauma services are to be improved? I appreciate it’s not your opinion, but it will form the Cabinet Secretary’s decision. I’m hoping to hear that transit time will be something that is taken more seriously than it currently seems to be.
Wel, mae tair blynedd ers i'r panel arbenigol gael ei sefydlu i ystyried lleoliad yr uned newydd, ac, yn y cyfnod hwnnw, nid yw Caerdydd na Bryste wedi dod yn nes at Aberystwyth na Hwlffordd, heb sôn am fannau yn fy rhanbarth i. Mae pennaeth y panel annibynnol, fel y clywsom, yn sôn nawr am symud yr uned losgiadau o Dreforys i Gaerdydd ac mae hynny, i mi, yn codi cwestiynau ynghylch sut yn union y mae'r argymhellion hyn yn cael eu gwneud yn y lle cyntaf. Mae Treforys ar fin derbyn £2 filiwn tuag at fuddsoddiad mewn ymateb i amseroedd cardiaidd brys, yr ydym ni’n ddiolchgar amdano, ond mae'n amlwg yn ystyriaeth berthnasol yn y penderfyniad hwnnw, faint o amser y mae'n ei gymryd i ambiwlansys deithio. Rwy’n derbyn bod y gofal wrth ar y daith yn fater perthnasol, ond, os caiff ei ystyried ar gyfer penderfynu lle mae gwasanaethau cardiaidd brys am gael eu gwella, pam nad yw’n ystyriaeth berthnasol o ran ble mae gwasanaethau trawma am gael eu gwella? Rwy'n sylweddoli nad dyma eich barn chi, ond bydd yn llywio penderfyniad Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Rwy'n gobeithio clywed y bydd amser cludo yn rhywbeth a fydd yn cael ei gymryd yn fwy o ddifrif nag y mae'n ymddangos ei fod ar hyn o bryd.
Well, it might. It depends, of course, if the health boards agree or not. If they don’t, then of course it will come to the Cabinet Secretary for decision. Wherever you place the trauma centre, there will be people who are more than an hour away from it. It’s inevitable; the geography dictates that. Of course, we have air ambulances that are able to assist in terms of bringing people to hospitals more quickly. But the independent panel has made its recommendations; they’re out in the open now. It’s now for the health boards to decide amongst themselves what the most effective way should be of establishing a major trauma centre—not just a centre, but a trauma network as well. It can’t all be about one centre, important though that centre is, wherever it goes; it has to be about establishing a proper, responsive network to trauma that can feed into that trauma centre in the most appropriate time.
Wel, efallai. Mae'n dibynnu, wrth gwrs, os yw'r byrddau iechyd yn cytuno ai peidio. Os nad ydynt, yna wrth gwrs bydd yn dod at Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet i gael penderfyniad. Ble bynnag y byddwch chi'n lleoli’r ganolfan trawma, bydd pobl sydd dros awr oddi wrthi. Mae'n anochel; mae'r ddaearyddiaeth yn penderfynu hynny. Wrth gwrs, mae gennym ni ambiwlansys awyr sy'n gallu cynorthwyo o ran dod â phobl i ysbytai yn gyflymach. Ond mae'r panel annibynnol wedi gwneud ei argymhellion; maen nhw’n gyhoeddus erbyn hyn. Mater i’r byrddau iechyd nawr yw penderfynu ymhlith eu hunain beth ddylai’r ffordd fwyaf effeithiol fod o sefydlu canolfan trawma mawr—nid canolfan yn unig, ond rhwydwaith trawma hefyd. Ni all y cwbl ymwneud ag un ganolfan, er mor bwysig yw’r ganolfan honno, lle bynnag y mae'n mynd; mae'n rhaid iddo ymwneud â sefydlu rhwydwaith priodol, ymatebol i drawma a all gyfrannu at y ganolfan drawma honno yn yr amser mwyaf priodol.
Finally, David Rees.
Yn olaf, David Rees.
Diolch, Llywydd. First Minister, I can join with the concerns of my colleagues regarding the major trauma centre being located in Cardiff and the possible losses of services at Morriston. We know that, when services move, others tend to follow them. Now, in this case, there is no service move because it’s a new service, but what I want is guarantees that services at Morriston stay in Morriston, because they’ve built up a reputation, they’ve built up a service delivery for local people, and I don’t want to see that damaged in any way whatsoever. It’s important that Morriston stays, not just a leader of that network, but that the services it has stay.
Diolch, Llywydd. Prif Weinidog, a gaf i ymuno â phryderon fy nghyd-Aelodau am y brif ganolfan drawma yn cael ei lleoli yng Nghaerdydd a'r colledion posibl o wasanaethau yn Nhreforys. Gwyddom, pan fydd gwasanaethau’n symud, bod eraill yn tueddu i'w dilyn. Nawr, yn yr achos hwn, nid oes unrhyw wasanaeth yn symud gan ei fod yn wasanaeth newydd, ond yr hyn yr wyf i ei eisiau yw sicrwydd y bydd gwasanaethau yn Nhreforys yn aros yn Nhreforys, gan eu bod nhw wedi datblygu enw da, maen nhw wedi adeiladu darpariaeth gwasanaeth ar gyfer pobl leol, ac nid wyf eisiau gweld hynny’n cael ei niweidio mewn unrhyw fodd o gwbl. Mae'n bwysig bod Treforys yn aros, nid dim ond fel arweinydd y rhwydwaith hwnnw, ond bod y gwasanaethau sydd ganddo’n aros hefyd.
Morriston is bound to be an important district general hospital. It provides many specialised services for the hospitals further west in order for those hospitals to be able to provide the services for their people. I know that—. I’ve been told by consultants who work in Morriston that they often work in the hospitals further west as well. So, there’s no question of Morriston losing its status as one of our most important DGHs. Wherever the trauma centre goes, and that is something for the health boards to decide, it’s important, as I said, that that network is in place. At the end of the day, this is about providing more specialised and better care for people who are deeply in need of that care. We don’t have a trauma centre; we need one. It is based in the south, that’s true, but we need to have one trauma centre wherever that goes. But, certainly, as far as Morriston is concerned, it remains a big hospital serving an important city and will continue to provide specialised services, not just for Swansea, but for further west as well.
Mae Treforys yn siŵr o fod yn ysbyty cyffredinol dosbarth pwysig. Mae'n darparu llawer o wasanaethau arbenigol i'r ysbytai ymhellach i'r gorllewin er mwyn i'r ysbytai hynny allu darparu'r gwasanaethau i'w pobl. Rwy’n gwybod bod—. Mae meddygon ymgynghorol sy’n gweithio yn Nhreforys wedi dweud wrthyf eu bod yn aml yn gweithio yn yr ysbytai ymhellach i'r gorllewin hefyd. Felly, nid oes unrhyw gwestiwn y bydd Treforys yn colli ei statws fel un o'n Ysbytai Cyffredinol Dosbarth pwysicaf. Lle bynnag y bydd y ganolfan trawma’n mynd, ac mae hynny'n rhywbeth i'r byrddau iechyd ei benderfynu, mae'n bwysig, fel y dywedais, bod y rhwydwaith hwnnw ar waith. Yn y pen draw, mae hyn yn ymwneud â darparu gofal mwy arbenigol a gwell i bobl sydd wir angen y gofal hwnnw. Nid oes gennym ni ganolfan drawma; mae angen un arnom ni. Mae wedi ei lleoli yn y de, mae hynny'n wir, ond mae angen i ni gael un canolfan drawma lle bynnag y bydd honno'n mynd. Ond, yn sicr, cyn belled ag y mae Treforys yn y cwestiwn, mae'n dal yn ysbyty mawr sy'n gwasanaethu dinas bwysig a bydd yn parhau i ddarparu gwasanaethau arbenigol, nid yn unig i Abertawe, ond ymhellach i’r gorllewin hefyd.
Diolch i’r Prif Weinidog.
Thank you, First Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf yw’r datganiad a’r cyhoeddiad busnes, ac rydw i’n galw ar Jane Hutt, arweinydd y tŷ. Jane Hutt.
The next item is the business statement and announcement, and I call on Jane Hutt, the leader of the house. Jane Hutt.
Diolch, Llywydd. I have no changes to make to today’s agenda. Business for the next three weeks is as set out on the business statement and announcement found among the meeting papers available to Members electronically.
Diolch, Llywydd. Nid oes gennyf unrhyw newidiadau i'w gwneud i agenda heddiw. Mae’r busnes ar gyfer y tair wythnos nesaf fel y’i nodir ar y datganiad a'r cyhoeddiad busnes sydd i’w gweld yn y papurau cyfarfod sydd ar gael i’r Aelodau yn electronig.
As we are about to enter discussions on the Minister’s Welsh language White Paper, there are still some outstanding matters regarding standards that need completing, and I’m wondering whether we could have an early statement, please, on the timetable for publication of the Welsh language standards in health services.
Gan ein bod ar fin ddechrau trafodaethau ar Bapur Gwyn y Gweinidog ar gyfer y Gymraeg, mae yna rai materion yn ymwneud â safonau y mae angen eu cwblhau o hyd, ac roeddwn i’n meddwl tybed a gawn ni ddatganiad cynnar, os gwelwch yn dda, ar yr amserlen ar gyfer cyhoeddi safonau'r Gymraeg yn y gwasanaethau iechyd.
We do, of course, have a debate on the business statement coming up next week, and I’m sure that will include reference to the standards.
Mae gennym ni, wrth gwrs, ddadl ar y datganiad busnes yn digwydd yr wythnos nesaf, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd hynny'n cynnwys cyfeiriad at y safonau.
I want to ask for two Government statements. Firstly, as we know, not just in Cambridge and around major American universities, but in European cities such as Aarhus in Denmark and Mannheim in Germany, the university sector acts as an economic driver. Can I ask that the Welsh Government makes a statement on how it sees the university sector in Wales helping create wealth in Wales, either via science parks or promoting entrepreneurship?
The second statement I want to request—and it follows on from a question Dawn Bowden raised last week—is on the action being taken to monitor the progress made in cases of defective wall cavity insulation in Wales. I have had several complaints, as a constituency Member, about this. I know that other Members have, and I’m sure most Members who I’ve talked to—. Or I know most Members I’ve talked to have, and I can see no reason why almost all Members here will not have had those problems, and it does have a serious effect on those who are being affected by it. So, can I ask for a Government statement on the size of the problem and what they see as a way out of it? And I also know the problems that exist when the Government made the decision, instead of having one insurance company, they put it out to competition—a word that always makes me shiver—and the fact that it makes life very difficult, then, to find out who is responsible.
Rwyf eisiau gofyn am ddau ddatganiad gan y Llywodraeth. Yn gyntaf, fel y gwyddom, mae'r sector prifysgolion yn gweithredu fel sbardun economaidd, nid yn unig yng Nghaergrawnt ac ymhlith prifysgolion mawr America, ond mewn dinasoedd Ewropeaidd fel Aarhus yn Nenmarc a Mannheim yn yr Almaen. A gaf i ofyn i Lywodraeth Cymru wneud datganiad ar sut y mae’n gweld sector prifysgolion Cymru yn helpu i greu cyfoeth yng Nghymru, naill ai trwy barciau gwyddoniaeth neu drwy hyrwyddo entrepreneuriaeth?
Yr ail ddatganiad yr hoffwn ofyn amdano—ac y mae'n dilyn cwestiwn a godwyd gan Dawn Bowden yr wythnos diwethaf—ar y camau sy’n cael eu cymryd i fonitro'r cynnydd a wnaed mewn achosion o insiwleiddio waliau dwbl mewn modd diffygiol yng Nghymru. Rwyf wedi cael sawl cwyn, fel Aelod etholaethol, am hyn. Rwy’n gwybod bod Aelodau eraill, ac rwy'n siŵr bod y rhan fwyaf o’r Aelodau yr wyf i wedi siarad â nhw—. Neu rwy'n gwybod bod y rhan fwyaf o Aelodau yr wyf i wedi siarad â nhw wedi cael, ac ni allaf weld unrhyw reswm pam na fydd bron pob Aelod yma wedi cael y problemau hyn, ac mae’n cael effaith ddifrifol ar y rhai yr effeithir arnynt. Felly, a gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad gan y Llywodraeth ar faint y broblem ac ar yr hyn yr ystyrir yn ffordd allan ohoni? Ac rwyf hefyd yn gwybod y problemau a oedd yn bodoli pan wnaeth y Llywodraeth y penderfyniad, yn hytrach na chael un cwmni yswiriant, fe’i rhoddwyd allan i gystadleuaeth—gair sy'n fy ngwneud i grynu bob amser —yn ogystal â’r ffaith ei fod yn gwneud bywyd yn anodd iawn, wedyn, i ddarganfod pwy sy'n gyfrifol.
I thank Mike Hedges for those two questions. In terms of your first question, of course Wales’s universities are already, and indeed benefit from best practice such as the examples you give—Aarhus in Denmark and Mannheim in Germany. Of course, one of the ways that it does this is by fully engaging, as West Wales and the Valleys, with EU programmes like Manumix, and that encourages the sharing of best practice in the advanced manufacturing sector. But I would follow on from a question to, and a response by, the First Minister earlier on this afternoon, that, if the proposed tidal lagoon at Swansea is approved, which I know, across this Chamber, we all want and expect, it would present a golden opportunity for Swansea to seize national leadership on tidal lagoon research, technology, commercialisation, and supply chains, as Aarhus in Denmark has done with wind energy.
On your second question, it is important to report that the Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs has agreed changes to the competent person scheme requirements to help ensure insulation is not installed to unsuitable properties from 1 October. For existing installations, officials will be meeting with the main guarantee provider, the Cavity Insulation Guarantee Agency, to discuss progress in resolving outstanding claims.
Diolch i Mike Hedges am y ddau gwestiwn yna. O ran eich cwestiwn cyntaf, wrth gwrs, mae prifysgolion Cymru eisoes, ac yn wir, yn elwa ar arfer gorau, fel yr enghreifftiau yr ydych chi’n eu rhoi—Aarhus yn Denmarc a Mannheim yn yr Almaen. Wrth gwrs, un o'r ffyrdd y mae'n gwneud hyn yw trwy ymgysylltu'n llawn, fel Gorllewin Cymru a'r Cymoedd, gyda rhaglenni'r UE fel Manumix, ac mae hynny yn annog y broses o rannu arfer gorau yn y sector gweithgynhyrchu uwch. Ond rwyf am ddilyn trywydd cwestiwn i’r Prif Weinidog a’r ymateb iddo yn gynharach y prynhawn yma, sef, pe cymeradwyir y morlyn llanw arfaethedig yn Abertawe, y gwn, ar draws y Siambr hon, ein bod i gyd ei eisiau ac yn ei ddisgwyl, y byddai hyn yn gyfle euraidd i Abertawe arwain yn genedlaethol ar waith ymchwil, technoleg, masnacholi a chadwyni cyflenwi o gwmpas y morlyn llanw, fel y mae Aarhus yn Denmarc wedi’i wneud gydag ynni gwynt.
O ran eich ail gwestiwn, mae'n bwysig adrodd bod Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Amgylchedd a Materion Gwledig wedi cytuno ar newidiadau i ofynion y cynllun personau cymwys er mwyn helpu i sicrhau nad yw deunydd insiwleiddio yn cael ei osod mewn eiddo anaddas o 1 Hydref ymlaen. Ar gyfer gosodiadau presennol, bydd swyddogion yn cwrdd â'r prif ddarparwr gwarant, yr Asiantaeth Gwarantau Inswleiddio Waliau Dwbl, i drafod cynnydd o ran ymdrin â hawliadau sy’n dal heb eu datrys.
Can we have a statement from the Cabinet Secretary for the Economy and Transport on the obligations on local authorities to maintain safe highways and install traffic calming? Residents in the Pant Ddu Road area of Crumlin are working hard, and have been for many years, to secure traffic calming in their area. There’s been a doubling in the volume of traffic and the average speeds are now exceeding thresholds that I understand are needed for action in terms of the installation of traffic-calming measures. But it has been insinuated by the local authority that personal injury incidents or worse have to occur before criteria are met. So, can we have clarification on what the national guidance is for local authorities in terms of determining how an area can reach a criteria for traffic-calming measures before someone is hurt or worse?
A gawn ni ddatganiad gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth ar y rhwymedigaethau sydd gan awdurdodau lleol i gynnal priffyrdd diogel a chyflwyno mesurau gostegu traffig? Mae trigolion ardal Heol Pant Ddu yng Nghrymlyn yn gweithio'n galed, ac wedi gwneud hynny ers blynyddoedd lawer, i sicrhau gostegu traffig yn eu hardal nhw. Mae maint y traffig wedi dyblu ac mae'r cyflymder cyfartalog bellach yn uwch na'r trothwyon sydd, yr wyf ar ddeall, yn angenrheiddiol ar gyfer gosod mesurau gostegu traffig. Ond mae’r awdurdod lleol wedi ensynio bod yn rhaid i ddigwyddiadau anaf personol neu waeth ddigwydd cyn i'r meini prawf gael eu bodloni. Felly, a gawn ni eglurhad ynghylch beth yw’r canllawiau cenedlaethol ar gyfer awdurdodau lleol o ran penderfynu ar sut y gall ardal gyrraedd meini prawf ar gyfer mesurau gostegu traffig cyn i rywun gael ei anafu neu waeth na hynny?
Well, I’m sure many Members will agree with Steffan Lewis about these pressures that are being put on our local communities—particularly, of course, you refer to Crumlin in your area. The Cabinet Secretary, I’m sure, would want to clarify the lines of responsibility in terms of local authorities, also, the criteria in terms of our road safety grant schemes, which, of course, local authorities can apply for, and we allocate as a Welsh Government. So, I’m sure that the Cabinet Secretary would be happy to clarify and share that with all Members.
Wel, rwy'n siŵr y bydd llawer o Aelodau'n cytuno â Steffan Lewis am y pwysau hyn sy'n cael eu rhoi ar ein cymunedau lleol—yn arbennig, wrth gwrs, rydych chi'n cyfeirio at Grymlyn yn eich ardal chi. Byddai Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, rwy'n siŵr, eisiau egluro'r llinellau cyfrifoldeb o ran awdurdodau lleol, hefyd, y meini prawf o ran ein cynlluniau grantiau diogelwch ffyrdd, y mae awdurdodau lleol, wrth gwrs, yn gallu gwneud cais amdanynt, ac yr ydym ninnau’n eu dyrannu fel Llywodraeth Cymru. Felly, rwy'n siŵr y byddai Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn fodlon egluro a rhannu hynny gyda'r Aelodau i gyd.
Further to my cross-party statement, I wish to request a statement to this place on the status of music support services across Wales, the availability to Wales’s school pupils of affordable access to instrumental tuition and orchestral access, and the proposed benefit to Wales of a new national music performance strategy for Wales.
Yn ychwanegol at fy natganiad trawsbleidiol, hoffwn i ofyn am ddatganiad yn y lle hwn ar statws gwasanaethau cymorth i gerddoriaeth ledled Cymru, yr hyn sydd ar gael i ddisgyblion ysgolion Cymru o ran cyfleoedd fforddiadwy i gael hyfforddiant offerynnol a chymryd rhan mewn cerddorfeydd, a'r budd arfaethedig i Gymru o gael strategaeth perfformio cerddoriaeth genedlaethol newydd i Gymru.
I think we’re very well aware of Rhianon Passmore’s support and advocacy for this, in terms of access and opportunities for music education in our schools, and I’m sure that the Cabinet Secretary will be updating in due course.
Rwy'n credu ein bod ni'n ymwybodol iawn o gefnogaeth ac eiriolaeth Rhianon Passmore i hyn, o ran mynediad a chyfleoedd ar gyfer addysg gerddorol yn ein hysgolion, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn rhoi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf maes o law.
Could I ask for two statements from the Government? First of all, I’m sure, like me, business manager, you were really excited to hear John McDonnell promise to bring back private finance initiative in house, bringing it back home. So, could we have a Government statement about bringing home Welsh PFI, the cost to the Welsh taxpayer of doing that, and the policy of Welsh Government to bring back PFI payments in house? Because you don’t need to wait to elect a UK Labour Government; you can do it now, here in Cardiff Bay, and you can do it tomorrow. The people, for example in Ceredigion, where we have the first PFI school in Wales built for Penweddig—. It’s a very good school, but it’s very expensive when it comes to certain maintenance aspects of the contract. I’m sure Ceredigion County Council would love to know how you’re going to buy that back and give them the money to improve the education service even better than it is currently in Ceredigion. So, please, a statement on your policy on PFI and when we can expect the Labour Party policy announced over the weekend to be enacted here in Wales.
The second statement I’d like to request from perhaps the Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs is—. We heard the interchange between Leanne Wood, the leader of Plaid Cymru, and the First Minister on the extraction of Hinkley C construction mud and the placing of that mud in the Cardiff flats, as I understand it. There’s some controversy as to whether that is radioactive, whether it contains any substances we should be concerned about. Quite simply, a statement from the Government setting out the simple factual way that this application was gone through, who made the decision making, when it was made, and an assurance given that the conclusion of that statement was that no radioactive material is being deposited in Welsh waters—I think that would set everyone’s minds at rest.
A gaf i ofyn am ddau ddatganiad gan y Llywodraeth? Yn gyntaf oll, rwy'n siŵr, fel finnau, rheolwr busnes, eich bod chi’n falch iawn o glywed John McDonnell yn addo dod â menter cyllid preifat yn ôl yn fewnol, gan ddod â hyn yn ôl adref. Felly, a gawn ni ddatganiad gan y Llywodraeth ynghylch dod â Menter Cyllid Preifat Cymru adref, y gost i'r trethdalwr yng Nghymru o wneud hynny, a pholisi Llywodraeth Cymru i ddod â thaliadau Menter Cyllid Preifat yn ôl yn fewnol? Nid oes angen i chi aros i ethol Llywodraeth Lafur y DU; gallwch ei wneud nawr, yma ym Mae Caerdydd, a gallwch ei wneud yfory. Mae'r bobl, yng Ngheredigion er enghraifft, lle mae gennym ni’r ysgol Menter Cyllid Preifat gyntaf yng Nghymru a adeiladwyd ar gyfer Penweddig—. Mae'n ysgol dda iawn, ond mae'n ddrud iawn o ran dulliau cynnal a chadw penodol o'r contract. Rwy'n siŵr y byddai Cyngor Sir Ceredigion yn awyddus i gael gwybod sut yr ydych chi'n bwriadu prynu hynny yn ôl a rhoi'r arian iddyn nhw i wella'r gwasanaeth addysg a’i wneud hyd yn oed yn well na'r hyn sydd yng Ngheredigion ar hyn o bryd. Felly, os gwelwch yn dda, a gawn ni ddatganiad ar eich polisi ar y Fenter Cyllid Preifat a phryd y gallwn ni ddisgwyl i bolisi'r Blaid Lafur a gyhoeddwyd dros y penwythnos gael ei ddeddfu yma yng Nghymru.
Yr ail ddatganiad yr hoffwn ei gael gan, efallai, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Amgylchedd a Materion Gwledig yw—. Clywsom y drafodaeth rhwng Leanne Wood, arweinydd Plaid Cymru, a'r Prif Weinidog ar echdynnu mwd adeiladu Hinkley C a gosod y mwd hwnnw yng ngwastatiroedd Caerdydd, o’r hyn yr wyf yn ei ddeall. Mae cryn ddadlau ynghylch pa un a yw’r mwd hwnnw'n ymbelydrol, a pha un a yw’n cynnwys unrhyw sylweddau y dylem fod yn pryderu amdanyn nhw. Yn syml, datganiad gan y Llywodraeth yn nodi'r ffordd ffeithiol syml yr ymdriniwyd â’r cais hwn, pwy wnaeth y penderfyniad, pryd y cafodd ei wneud, a sicrwydd mai casgliad y datganiad hwnnw oedd nad oes deunydd ymbelydrol yn cael ei waddodi yn nyfroedd Cymru - rwy'n credu y byddai hynny'n tawelu meddwl pawb.
Thank you, Simon Thomas.
Diolch yn fawr am y cwestiynau.
On your first question, I think Simon Thomas is very well aware of the Welsh Labour Government plans—taking the lead, I would say, as far as this policy issue is concerned, because successive Welsh Labour Governments have consistently avoided the pitfalls of PFI, as you are aware. As a result of our approach over the last 18 years, I would say, going back to when I was health Minister, liabilities relating to the traditional PFI schemes in Wales are much lower than in other parts of the UK. The annual cost per head of PFI schemes in Wales, around £200, is less than a fifth of the cost per head in the rest of the UK, which is more than £1,000 per person. Obviously, it is about value for money. It’s about the way we are developing. And, of course, we’ve had much scrutiny and engagement with finance committees, current and previous, in developing, for example, the mutual investment model, which the finance Secretary announced on 28 February. That is a new form of public-private partnership, ensuring the delivery of vital public services sooner than capital budgets otherwise permit, in an attempt to reverse UK Government policies of austerity, because, obviously, we need that infrastructure, and we need to be able to finance it.
On your second point, yes, the Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs will clarify the position to reassure Members in terms of lines of responsibility and the actual situation, not just a report that has come out overnight, which obviously raises matters of great concern to many of us in terms of our constituents and Wales as a whole.
Diolch, Simon Thomas.
Thank you for those questions.
O ran eich cwestiwn cyntaf, rwy'n credu bod Simon Thomas yn ymwybodol iawn o gynlluniau Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru—sy’n arwain, byddwn i’n dweud, o ran y mater polisi hwn, oherwydd bod Llywodraethau Llafur Cymru olynol wedi osgoi peryglon Mentrau Cyllid Preifat yn gyson, fel y gwyddoch. O ganlyniad i'n hymagwedd dros y 18 mlynedd diwethaf, byddwn i’n dweud, yn mynd yn ôl i pan mai fi oedd y Gweinidog Iechyd, mae’r rhwymedigaethau sy'n ymwneud â'r cynlluniau Menter Cyllid Preifat traddodiadol yng Nghymru yn llawer is nag mewn rhannau eraill o'r DU. Mae cost flynyddol cynlluniau Menter Cyllid Preifat yng Nghymru fesul pen, sef oddeutu £200, yn llai na un rhan o bump o’r gost fesul pen yng ngweddill y DU, sy'n fwy na £1,000 y pen. Yn amlwg, mae'n ymwneud â gwerth am arian. Mae'n ymwneud â'r ffordd yr ydym yn datblygu. Ac wrth gwrs, rydym ni wedi cael llawer o graffu ac ymgysylltu â phwyllgorau cyllid, cyfredol a blaenorol, wrth ddatblygu, er enghraifft, y model buddsoddiad ar y cyd, a gyhoeddwyd gan yr Ysgrifennydd Cyllid ar 28 Chwefror. Mae hwnnw'n fath newydd o bartneriaeth gyhoeddus-breifat, sy’n sicrhau’r ddarpariaeth o wasanaethau cyhoeddus hanfodol yn gynt nag y mae'r cyllidebau cyfalaf yn ei chaniatáu fel arall, mewn ymdrech i wrthdroi polisïau cyni Llywodraeth y DU, oherwydd, yn amlwg, rydym ni angen y seilwaith hwnnw, ac mae angen inni allu ei ariannu.
O ran eich ail bwynt, bydd, fe fydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Amgylchedd a Materion Gwledig yn egluro'r sefyllfa i roi sicrwydd i’r Aelodau o ran llinellau cyfrifoldeb a'r sefyllfa wirioneddol, nid dim ond adroddiad sydd wedi dod allan dros nos, sy'n amlwg yn codi materion sy'n peri cryn bryder i lawer ohonom ni o ran ein hetholwyr ac o ran Cymru gyfan.
Cabinet Secretary, can I ask for a debate in Government time on the impact of welfare reform on devolved services in Wales? It has been some time since we’ve debated this issue here. As you’re aware, universal credit had its full service roll-out in Torfaen in July—the second part of Wales to go live on the full service—and already the signs are deeply worrying. The six-week wait for people to have to receive their money—I know very few people who could manage without six weeks’ income—is already resulting in an increased use of the food bank locally, and there are very alarming signs about the level and quality of information being provided by things like the employment and support allowance helpline, the universal credit helpline and Jobcentre Plus. I think it would be very beneficial if we were able to debate these issues and to exert some influence on the UK Government for the impact this is having on our communities and our devolved services.
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a gaf i ofyn am ddadl yn amser y Llywodraeth ar effaith diwygio lles ar wasanaethau datganoledig yng Nghymru? Bu peth amser ers i ni drafod y mater hwn yn y fan yma. Fel y gwyddoch, cyflwynwyd gwasanaeth llawn ar gyfer credyd cynhwysol yn Nhorfaen ym mis Gorffennaf—yr ail ran o Gymru i gael y gwasanaeth llawn—ac mae'r arwyddion yn achosi pryder mawr. Mae'r faith bod pobl yn gorfod aros chwe wythnos i gael eu harian—ychydig iawn o bobl yr wyf i’n eu hadnabod a allai ymdopi heb chwe wythnos o incwm—eisoes yn arwain at fwy o ddefnydd o'r banc bwyd yn lleol, ac mae arwyddion brawychus iawn ynglŷn â lefel ac ansawdd yr wybodaeth sy'n cael ei darparu gan bethau fel y llinell gymorth lwfans cyflogaeth a chymorth, y llinell gymorth credyd cynhwysol a’r Ganolfan Byd Gwaith. Rwy’n credu y byddai'n fuddiol iawn pe byddem ni’n gallu trafod y materion hyn a dylanwadu rhywfaint ar Lywodraeth y DU am yr effaith y mae hyn yn ei gael ar ein cymunedau a'n gwasanaethau datganoledig.
I’m sure that would be welcomed by Members across the Senedd, because you have the experience as the Member for Torfaen in terms of that pilot introduction of universal credit. I note that Welsh Women’s Aid raised this issue this week in terms of concern about what impact this could have, and we know in terms of domestic abuse and the stresses particularly facing women in that situation—. It is something that I feel we need to then consider ways in which we can update Members and debate these issues as well in terms of impacts.
Rwy'n siŵr y byddai croeso i hynny gan Aelodau ar draws y Senedd, gan fod gennych chi'r profiad fel yr Aelod dros Dorfaen o ran y cyflwyniad arbrofol hwnnw o gredyd cynhwysol. Rwy’n nodi bod Cymorth i Fenywod Cymru wedi codi'r mater hwn yr wythnos hon o ran pryder ynghylch yr effaith y gallai hyn ei chael, a gwyddom o ran cam-drin domestig a'r pwysau sy'n wynebu menywod yn arbennig yn y sefyllfa honno—. Mae'n rhywbeth yr wyf yn teimlo bod yn rhaid inni ystyried ffyrdd wedyn y gallwn ni roi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i Aelodau a thrafod y materion hyn hefyd o ran effeithiau.
Cabinet Secretary, could I ask the Minister to make a statement on the Rohingya Muslim refugees from old Burma, now Myanmar? The country has sent tens of thousands of people in an appalling and very desperate situation to neighbouring countries, Bangladesh and India. Only yesterday, Nicola Sturgeon had already approved £120,000 of initial aid to the Rohingya Muslims. These refugees—they are Muslims, Hindus and Christians. So, could you kindly make a statement on that issue? And, secondly, is there any possibility to help them out financially, morally, or to give medical aid to those areas, and for clean water to be given to those people from this side of the world? Thank you.
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a gaf i ofyn i'r Gweinidog wneud datganiad am ffoaduriaid Rohingya Muslim o’r hen Burma, Myanmar erbyn hyn? Mae'r wlad wedi anfon degau o filoedd o bobl mewn sefyllfa ddychrynllyd ac anobeithiol iawn i wledydd cyfagos, Bangladesh ac India. Ddoe ddiwethaf, roedd Nicola Sturgeon eisoes wedi cymeradwyo £120,000 o gymorth cychwynnol i Fwslimiaid Rohingya. Mae'r ffoaduriaid hyn—maen nhw’n Fwslimiaid, yn Hindŵiaid ac yn Gristnogion. Felly, a fyddwch chi mor garedig â gwneud datganiad ar y mater hwnnw? Ac, yn ail, a oes unrhyw bosibilrwydd o’u helpu'n ariannol, yn foesol, neu i roi cymorth meddygol i'r ardaloedd hynny, ac i roi dŵr glân i'r bobl hynny o'r rhan hon o’r byd? Diolch.
I think the situation of Myanmar refugees we’re very clearly aware of across this Chamber. Just in terms of our responsibilities, we have an asylum rights programme and we’re very much engaged with the Syrian refugees support as well. But, of course, not having devolved responsibilities for this we can obviously ask these questions of the UK Government, and be ready to provide support—and of course the close relationship that Wales has with Bangladesh as well in terms of these impacts.
Rwy'n credu ein bod ni’n ymwybodol iawn o’r sefyllfa ffoaduriaid Myanmar ar draws y Siambr hon. Dim ond o ran ein cyfrifoldebau, mae gennym ni raglen hawl i loches ac rydym ni’n ymgysylltu’n helaeth â’r cymorth i ffoaduriaid Syria hefyd. Ond wrth gwrs, gan nad oes gennym gyfrifoldebau datganoledig ar gyfer hyn, gallwn ni’n amlwg ofyn y cwestiynau hyn i Lywodraeth y DU, a bod yn barod i ddarparu cymorth—ac wrth gwrs, y berthynas agos sydd rhwng Cymru a Bangladesh hefyd, o ran yr effeithiau hyn.
Following on from Simon Thomas’s question, could we have a statement by the finance Secretary on the different types of innovative funding that are available for capital projects like the one that is going to be used in the new Velindre hospital in my constituency of Cardiff North? Because as Simon Thomas has said, there’s been a lot of publicity over the weekend about UK Labour’s plan to end PFI projects in England when we get into Government. And I would like to use the opportunity to commend her, as a member of previous Welsh Governments, in avoiding the worst excesses of PFI and leaving us in a much better position than the rest of the UK.
Yn dilyn cwestiwn Simon Thomas, a gawn ni ddatganiad gan yr Ysgrifennydd Cyllid ar y gwahanol fathau o gyllid arloesol sydd ar gael ar gyfer prosiectau cyfalaf fel yr un a fydd yn cael ei ddefnyddio yn yr ysbyty Felindre newydd yn fy etholaeth i yng Nghaerdydd? Oherwydd fel y dywedodd Simon Thomas, bu llawer o gyhoeddusrwydd dros y penwythnos ynglŷn â chynllun Llafur y DU i ddod â phrosiectau Menter Cyllid Preifat i ben yn Lloegr pan fyddwn ni mewn llywodraeth. A hoffwn achub ar y cyfle i'w chanmol, fel aelod o lywodraethau blaenorol Cymru, am osgoi elfennau gwaethaf y Mentrau Cyllid Preifat a’n gadael ni mewn sefyllfa llawer gwell na gweddill y DU.
Thank you, Julie Morgan, for enabling me to follow on and enhance the response that I gave to Simon Thomas earlier on. As I said to Simon Thomas, and to Members, particularly on the Finance Committee, of which you were a member in the last session, we spent a lot of time looking at ways, particularly when austerity was kicking in, in which we could, for example, assist local authorities with their borrowing powers. That led to the local government borrowing initiative, which resulted in Welsh Government assisting local authorities on an all-Wales highways environment programme, which actually addressed many of the issues that Steffan Lewis raised earlier on in terms of environmental improvements, but equally supporting, assisting—I have to use my words carefully—registered social landlords in terms of their borrowing powers, but looking at new ways in which we could assist infrastructure developments, not only the twenty-first schools capital programme. Again, this Welsh Labour Government is very proud that we moved into developing a capital programme in partnership with local authorities, in addition to our traditional public capital hospital building programme. But, of course, in terms of Velindre, we then looked at this new mutual investment model. I’ve already touched on that. It has to be a well-designed, well-planned and well-managed partnership that we have to lever in that funding to deliver this pioneering new cancer centre, which you have been very engaged in as the Member for Cardiff North, because we need to provide that new infrastructure for our first-class cancer services. And I know that the finance Secretary will want to update us—and, indeed, the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport—on how that is progressing in terms of delivering the new Velindre hospital centre.
Diolch, Julie Morgan, am fy ngalluogi i ddilyn ac ymestyn yr ymateb a roddais i Simon Thomas yn gynharach. Fel y dywedais wrth Simon Thomas, ac wrth Aelodau, yn enwedig ar y Pwyllgor Cyllid, yr oeddech yn aelod ohono yn y sesiwn ddiwethaf, fe wnaethom ni dreulio llawer o amser yn edrych ar ffyrdd, yn enwedig pan oedd cyni yn dechrau cael effaith, y gallem ni, er enghraifft, eu defnyddio i gynorthwyo awdurdodau lleol gyda'u pwerau benthyca. Arweiniodd hynny at y fenter benthyca llywodraeth leol, a’i gwnaeth yn bosibl i Lywodraeth Cymru gynorthwyo awdurdodau lleol ar raglen amgylchedd priffyrdd Cymru gyfan, a oedd mewn gwirionedd yn mynd i'r afael â llawer o'r materion a godwyd gan Steffan Lewis yn gynharach o ran gwelliannau amgylcheddol, ond yn hefyd yn cefnogi, yn helpu—mae'n rhaid i mi ddewis fy ngeiriau yn ofalus—landlordiaid cymdeithasol wedi'u cofrestru o ran eu pwerau benthyca, ond gan ystyried ffyrdd newydd y gallem ni gynorthwyo datblygiadau seilwaith, nid yn unig y rhaglen gyfalaf ysgolion ar gyfer yr unfed ganrif ar hugain. Unwaith eto, mae’r Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru hon yn falch iawn ein bod ni wedi dechrau datblygu rhaglen gyfalaf mewn partneriaeth ag awdurdodau lleol, yn ogystal â'n rhaglen cyfalaf cyhoeddus draddodiadol ar gyfer adeiladu ysbytai. Ond wrth gwrs, o ran Felindre, fe wnaethom edrych ar y model buddsoddi cydfuddiannol newydd hwn wedyn. Rwyf eisoes wedi sôn am hynny. Mae'n rhaid iddi fod yn bartneriaeth dda, wedi'i chynllunio'n dda a'i rheoli'n dda y mae'n rhaid inni sicrhau’r cyllid hwnnw i gyflawni'r ganolfan ganser newydd arloesol hon, yr ydych chi wedi ymgysylltu’n helaeth â hi fel yr Aelod dros Ogledd Caerdydd, gan ein bod ni angen darparu'r seilwaith newydd hwnnw ar gyfer ein gwasanaethau canser o'r radd flaenaf. Ac rwy’n gwybod y bydd yr Ysgrifennydd Cyllid eisiau rhoi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i ni—ac, yn wir, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd, Lles a Chwaraeon—ar sut mae hynny'n datblygu o ran cyflawni canolfan ysbyty newydd Felindre.
I’m looking for a statement on Hinkley Point as well, leader of the Chamber, because last week I asked the Cabinet Secretary for the environment about the dredging of potentially radioactive mud from just outside the Hinkley Point nuclear reactor. She said that she was unable to comment on a specific determination process for granting the licence. Quite frankly, this is unacceptable, and I’m really not sure what to make of what the First Minister said earlier, to be frank. An environmental impact assessment has not been carried out. It’s quite simple. People know about this now and they’re outraged. This plan of yours has been called the twenty-first century toxic Tryweryn. Now, Wales is not a dumping ground. So, what is your Labour Government going to do to reassure people that there is no risk whatsoever from this material? And will you suspend the licence until a core sample has been undertaken, and not just the surface, but under the surface? I’m sure you’ll agree that the Welsh people have a right to know exactly what is about to be dumped on them.
Rwyf hefyd yn gofyn am ddatganiad ar Hinkley Point, arweinydd y Siambr, oherwydd yr wythnos diwethaf gofynnais i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Amgylchedd am echdynnu mwd a allai fod yn ymbelydrol, o’r man yn union y tu allan i adweithydd niwclear Hinkley Point. Dywedodd hi nad oedd hi'n gallu rhoi sylwadau ar y broses benderfynu benodol ar gyfer caniatáu’r drwydded. A bod yn gwbl onest, mae hyn yn annerbyniol, ac nid wyf yn siŵr sut i ymateb i’r hyn a ddywedodd y Prif Weinidog yn gynharach, a dweud y gwir. Nid oes asesiad o’r effaith amgylcheddol wedi'i gynnal. Mae'n ddigon syml. Mae pobl yn ymwybodol o hyn erbyn hyn, ac maen nhw’n flin iawn. Mae’r cynllun hwn sydd gennych, wedi cael ei alw yn Dryweryn wenwynig yr unfed ganrif ar hugain. Nawr, nid tomen ysbwriel yw Cymru. Felly, beth mae eich Llywodraeth Lafur chi yn mynd i’w wneud i sicrhau pobl nad yw’r deunydd hwn yn peri unrhyw berygl o gwbl? Ac a wnewch chi atal y drwydded tan y bydd sampl craidd wedi ei gymryd, ac nid dim ond ar yr wyneb, ond o dan yr wyneb? Rwy'n sicr y byddwch chi’n cytuno bod gan bobl Cymru yr hawl i gael gwybod yn union beth sydd ar fin cael ei ddympio arnyn nhw.
I did respond to Simon Thomas’s question earlier on, to say that the Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs will clarify our position in relation to this question.
Fe wnes i ymateb i gwestiwn Simon Thomas yn gynharach, gan ddweud y bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Amgylchedd a Materion Gwledig yn egluro ein sefyllfa ynghylch y cwestiwn hwn.
Could I first of all begin by echoing Mike Hedges’s call for either a statement, or actually a debate, I think, on the issue of cavity wall insulation? When it’s done well, it can really transform homes for the better. When it’s done poorly—and I suspect probably every Assembly Member in this place will now have instances of poor installation—it is a disaster. I have one constituent from a family of no great means but their only investment is their home. Their home was great, they’d invested a lot of money into it, until they were advised on a Government-backed scheme to actually invest in cavity wall insulation. It has destroyed their house and it has destroyed their family around it and it’s terrible to behold. And it’s not the only one. In a statement by the Cabinet Secretary, which we welcomed, back in June or July, she mentioned that 2,000 claims had been made under the Cavity Insulation Guarantee Agency’s advice, against 300,000—that’s one in 150. If there were one in 150 cars breaking down, or one in 150 cans of beans rife with mould that you picked up from a supermarket, there’d be an outcry. So, I think we do need this. I’d welcome the opportunity to have a full debate to see how widespread this issue really is—and the simple fact that CIGA are not paying the amount of compensation that goes anywhere near the repair of homes.
Could I also ask for the opportunity for a statement or a debate on the issue of the growing treatments of Botox and other such treatments that sometimes are being carried out in training courses by unqualified, unregistered, unregulated practitioners? And I say this because a GP in my constituency, out of interest, went to attend one of these, and it was in the kitchen of the individual who was carrying out the training while the dog was running around with no proper medical knowledge whatsoever, and they were offering certificates in how to inject Botox into people’s faces.
But, finally, could I ask the simplest one of all? Could I ask the Minister for a statement—and it’s very parochial—on the 17:19 service from Cardiff Central to Maesteg? It is regularly late by over half an hour. Last night, it was late by over 36 minutes leaving. It was the pattern for the rest of the night. It is the service that always falls to bits. Could we have a statement on what the heck is happening there?
A gaf i ddechrau trwy adleisio galwad Mike Hedges am naill ai ddatganiad, neu’n wir, dadl, rwy’n credu, ar y mater insiwleiddio waliau dwbl? Pan fo’r gwaith yn cael ei wneud yn iawn, gall yn wir weddnewid cartrefi er gwell. Pan fydd yn cael ei wneud yn wael–ac rwyf yn amau y bydd pob Aelod Cynulliad yn y lle hwn siwr o fod wedi cael profiad o osodiad gwael erbyn hyn– mae'n ofnadwy. Mae gennyf i un etholwr, sy’n dod o deulu nad oes ganddynt fawr o arian a’u hunig fuddsoddiad yw eu cartref. Roedd eu cartref yn wych, roedden nhw wedi buddsoddi llawer o arian ynddo, tan iddyn nhw gael cyngor drwy gynllun wedi ei gefnogi gan y Llywodraeth, i fuddsoddi mewn inswleiddio waliau dwbl. Mae hyn wedi dinistrio eu tŷ ac mae wedi dinistrio eu teulu ac mae'n ofnadwy gweld hynny. Ac nid dyna'r unig un. Mewn datganiad gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, y gwnaethom ei groesawu, yn ôl ym mis Mehefin neu fis Gorffennaf, soniodd fod 2,000 o hawliadau wedi'u gwneud o dan gyngor Asiantaeth Gwarantau Inswleiddio Waliau Dwbl, yn erbyn 300,000–sef un o bob 150. Pe byddai un o bob 150 o geir yn torri i lawr, neu un o bob 150 o ganiau ffa a brynwyd o’r archfarchnad yn llawn llwydni, byddai banllefau o brotest. Felly, rwyf yn credu bod angen hyn arnom ni. Byddwn i’n croesawu'r cyfle i gael dadl lawn i weld pa mor gyffredin yw'r broblem hon mewn gwrionedd—a'r ffaith syml nad yw’r Asiantaeth Gwarantau Inswleiddio Waliau yn talu hanner digon o iawndal i atgyweirio cartrefi.
A gaf i hefyd ofyn am y cyfle i gael datganiad neu ddadl ynglŷn â’r cynnydd yn nifer y triniaethau Botox a thriniaethau eraill o'r fath sydd weithiau'n cael eu cynnal mewn cyrsiau hyfforddi gan ymarferwyr nad ydynt yn gymwysedig, nad ydynt wedi eu cofrestru, nac yn cael eu rheoleiddio? Ac rwy'n dweud hyn oherwydd aeth meddyg teulu yn fy etholaeth i, o ran diddordeb, i un o'r cyrsiau hyn, ac roedd yr hyfforddiant yn cael ei gynnal yng nghegin yr unigolyn a oedd yn cynnal yr hyfforddiant heb unrhyw wybodaeth feddygol gywir o gwbl, tra bod y ci yn rhedeg ar hyd y lle, ac roeddent yn cynnig tystysgrifau ar sut i chwistrellu Botox i wynebau pobl.
Ond, yn olaf, a gaf i ofyn y cwestiwn symlaf oll? A gaf i ofyn i'r Gweinidog am ddatganiad—ac mae'n un plwyfol iawn—ar y gwasanaeth 17:19 o Ganol Caerdydd i Faesteg? Mae’n aml iawn hanner awr yn hwyr. Neithiwr, roedd y trên dros 36 munud hwyr yn gadael. Dyna oedd y patrwm am weddill y noson. Hwn yw’r gwasanaeth sydd bob amser yn methu. A allwn ni gael datganiad ar beth ar ddaear sy’n digwydd yn y fan honno?
Thank you, Huw Irranca-Davies. It’s important that we have that second question in terms of cavity wall insulation so that I can, again, assure Members that the competent person schemes were introduced into the building regulations in 2010 and included the insertion of insulation into cavity walls. These schemes allow installers to install insulation and to self-certify the work complies with the building regulations. The Cabinet Secretary has recently approved proposals to strengthen the requirements we place on competent person schemes to help ensure that only suitable properties are insulated. The new proposals include greater surveillance by the competent person scheme operators, as I’ve said, of their installers to help identify bad practice and non-compliant work, and these are going to be introduced from 1 October.
On your second point, which is very worrying—and you’ve drawn this to our attention today—in terms of what is described as unregulated facial procedures, following Royal Assent in July—this July, 2017—the Welsh Government is now developing the regulations for the new special procedures licensing system, which requires engagement with a wide range of professional practitioner groups to get the right support, guidance and enforcement procedures in place to enable high levels of compliance. We will give local authorities time to bed in these new special procedures in terms of that licensing system before we add any new ones, but over 2,000 practitioners and 900 premises in Wales will need to be reassessed under the requirements of the new licensing system.
You have got the Cabinet Secretary responsible for transport sitting next to me here today in terms of the lateness of the 17:19 from Cardiff to Maesteg, and he says he will ensure that this won’t happen. He is going to meet Arriva in the next month, and he’ll raise it with them, because we take customer satisfaction very seriously, particularly in relation to commuter services at that time of day for those travelling west out of Cardiff.
Diolch, Huw Irranca-Davies. Mae'n bwysig bod yr ail gwestiwn yna wedi codi o ran inswleiddio waliau dwbl fel y gallaf, unwaith eto, sicrhau’r Aelodau bod y Cynlluniau Personau Cymwys wedi eu cyflwyno i'r rheoliadau adeiladu yn 2010 a’u bod yn cynnwys gosod deunydd inswleiddio i waliau dwbl. Mae'r cynlluniau hyn yn caniatáu i osodwyr osod deunydd inswleiddio ac i hunanardystio bod y gwaith yn cydymffurfio â'r rheoliadau adeiladu. Mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet wedi cymeradwyo’r cynigion yn ddiweddar i atgyfnerthu’r gofynion a osodwn ar gynlluniau personau cymwys i helpu i sicrhau mai dim ond eiddo addas sy'n cael eu hinswleiddio. Mae'r cynigion newydd yn cynnwys mwy o wyliadwriaeth gan weithredwyr y cynllun personau cymwys, fel y dywedais, o'u gosodwyr, i helpu i nodi arferion gwael a gwaith nad yw’n cydymffurfio, a bydd y rhain yn cael eu cyflwyno o 1 Hydref.
O ran eich ail bwynt, sy'n peri pryder mawr–ac rydych chi eisoes wedi tynnu ein sylw at hynny heddiw – o ran yr hyn a ddisgrifir fel triniaethau i’r wyneb nad ydynt yn cael eu rheoleiddio, yn dilyn Cydsyniad Brenhinol ym mis Gorffennaf– y mis Gorffennaf hwn, 2017 - mae Llywodraeth Cymru bellach yn datblygu'r rheoliadau ar gyfer y system drwyddedu gweithdrefnau arbennig newydd, sy'n ei gwneud yn ofynnol i ymgysylltu ag ystod eang o grwpiau ymarferwyr proffesiynol i roi’r cymorth, arweiniad a gweithdrefnau gorfodi priodol ar waith, i alluogi lefelau cydymffurfio uchel. Byddwn yn rhoi amser i awdurdodau lleol ymwreiddio’r gweithdrefnau arbennig newydd hyn o ran y system drwyddedu honno, cyn i ni ychwanegu rhai newydd, ond bydd angen ailasesu dros 2,000 o ymarferwyr a 900 o safleoedd yng Nghymru, o dan ofynion y system drwyddedu newydd.
Mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet sy'n gyfrifol am drafnidiaeth yn eistedd wrth fy ochr i heddiw, o ran pa mor hwyr yw’r gwasanaeth 17:19 o Gaerdydd i Faesteg, ac mae e’n dweud y bydd yn sicrhau na fydd hynny’n digwydd. Mae’n mynd i gwrdd ag Arriva yn ystod y mis nesaf, a bydd yn codi’r mater hwn gyda nhw, oherwydd bod boddhad cwsmeriaid yn bwysig i ni, yn enwedig o ran gwasanaethau cymudo ar yr adeg honno o'r dydd i'r rhai sy'n teithio o Gaerdydd tuag at y gorllewin.
Following on from questions asked earlier about the impact of major events in Wales, we have a Welsh football team to be proud of, we have Welsh football supporters to be proud of, and we have a Welsh football association to be proud of, and its great credit to them all that Wales has been asked to put in a bid to potentially hold Euro 2020 games. Now, could we have a statement on what specifically Welsh Government will do to try to ensure that the Welsh FA is in pole position if the opportunity does arise to host games for Euro 2020?
Yn dilyn y cwestiynau a ofynnwyd yn gynharach am effaith digwyddiadau mawr yng Nghymru, mae gennym ni dîm pêl-droed Cymru i ymfalchïo ynddo, mae gennym ni gefnogwyr pêl-droed Cymru i ymfalchïo ynddynt, ac mae gennym ni gymdeithas pêl-droed Cymru i ymfalchïo ynddi, ac iddyn nhw i gyd y mae’r diolch bod Cymru wedi cael cyfle i wneud cais i gynnal gemau Ewro 2020. Nawr, a allwn ni gael datganiad ar yr hyn y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud yn benodol i geisio sicrhau bod Cymdeithas Pêl-droed Cymru ar y brig, os daw'r cyfle i gynnal gemau Ewro 2020?
I know that the Cabinet Secretary will want to update Members on this very important opportunity in terms of the 2020 games and in terms of building on our experience, which was shared earlier on this afternoon, I think it would be appropriate to move to reassure and update Members accordingly.
Gwn y bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn dymuno rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Aelodau ynghylch y cyfle pwysig iawn hwn o ran gemau 2020 ac o ran adeiladu ar ein profiad, a rannwyd yn gynharach y prynhawn yma, rwy'n credu y byddai'n briodol gwneud rhywbeth i roi sicrwydd a rhoi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i’r Aelodau yn hynny o beth.
Leader of the house, last night, I actually attended the fantastic performance by National Theatre Wales, which reflected on the crisis and the challenges faced by steelworkers in the time since January 2016 when there was a threat of 750 job losses and then possible closures. Now, I recommend to any Member who’s available to actually see it, and I know that some Members have already seen it. It brings home to us that the challenges they faced and the families faced were difficult at that time and are still difficult. Now, I know the Welsh Government at that point actually created an enterprise zone in Port Talbot to look at the diversification of the economy and to use the advanced manufacturing skills that were there to attract manufacturing businesses into the area. We’ve yet to have an oral statement from the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure to talk about the progress on that enterprise zone as to what is being done to attract those manufacturing businesses into the area so that we can use the skills that are abundant in the area and that are there, all ready for people to come in. It’s situated fantastically for that, but we need to see what’s happening with those jobs.
Arweinydd y tŷ, neithiwr, roeddwn i’n bresennol ym mherfformiad gwych National Theatre Wales, a oedd yn ystyried yr argyfwng a'r heriau a wynebwyd gan weithwyr dur yn y cyfnod ers mis Ionawr 2016 pan oedd bygythiad y gallai 750 o bobl golli eu swyddi ac efallai y byddai gweithfeydd yn cau. Nawr, rwy'n argymell i unrhyw Aelod sydd ar gael i fynd i weld y perfformiad, ac rwy’n gwybod bod rhai Aelodau eisoes wedi ei weld. Mae'n gwneud i ni sylweddoli bod yr heriau a wynebwyd ganddyn nhw a’u teuluoedd yn anodd ar yr adeg honno a’u bod yn dal yn anodd heddiw. Nawr, rwy’n gwybod bod Llywodraeth Cymru bryd hynny wedi creu ardal fenter ym Mhort Talbot i ystyried arallgyfeirio'r economi a defnyddio'r sgiliau gweithgynhyrchu uwch a oedd yno i ddenu busnesau gweithgynhyrchu i'r ardal. Nid ydym wedi cael datganiad llafar eto gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi a’r Seilwaith er mwyn trafod y datblygiad ar yr ardal fenter honno o ran yr hyn sy'n cael ei wneud i ddenu'r busnesau gweithgynhyrchu hynny i'r ardal, fel y gallwn ni ddefnyddio'r sgiliau helaeth sydd yn yr ardal ac sydd yno, yn barod i bobl ddod i mewn. Mae’r lleoliad yn wych ar gyfer hynny, ond mae angen inni weld beth sy'n digwydd gyda'r swyddi hynny.
Thank you, David Rees. The National Theatre Wales production—I think it’s called ‘We’re Still Here’—
Diolch, David Rees. Mae cynhyrchiad National Theatre Wales—Rwy'n credu mai ei enw yw 'We're Still Here'–
‘We’re Still Here’.
‘We’re Still Here’.
I’m looking forward to seeing this play myself later in the week. I think you have to go to the station, then you’re taken to the destination for this. National Theatre Wales, I think, we would all recognise is a very, very important institution that we support. But you raised important questions about progress on the enterprise zone, and, of course, in the context of the developing situation, I know that the Cabinet Secretary will want to respond in due course. Also, just to recognise the work that you were doing, David Rees, in terms of bringing these issues to attention, and the briefing later on today for all in terms of progress in terms of Tata Steel.
Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at weld y ddrama hon fy hun yn ddiweddarach yn yr wythnos. Rwy'n credu bod yn rhaid i chi fynd i'r orsaf, ac yna byddwch chi’n cael eich tywys i’r man perfformio ar gyfer y ddrama. Rwy’n credu y byddem i gyd yn cydnabod bod National Theatre Wales, yn sefydliad pwysig iawn, iawn yr ydym yn ei gefnogi. Ond fe wnaethoch chi godi cwestiynau pwysig am gynnydd yr ardal fenter, ac, wrth gwrs, yng nghyd-destun y sefyllfa sy'n datblygu, gwn y bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn dymuno ymateb maes o law. Hefyd, i gydnabod y gwaith yr oeddech chi yn ei wneud, David Rees, o ran dwyn sylw at y materion hyn, a'r sesiwn briffio yn ddiweddarach heddiw i bawb o ran y cynnydd ynghylch Tata Steel.
I was wondering if we could have a statement on local government procurement criteria and strategy. I’m asking because I’ve had contact from a furniture company in Port Talbot that bid for contracts with Bridgend County Borough Council. They’ve put furniture in quite a lot of schools across Wales, but they weren’t even allowed to put in a bid to Bridgend County Borough Council, because they said they didn’t have the experience or criteria to be able to do so. Therefore, that contract went to a company in Yorkshire. We took evidence on the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee last week from Mark Drakeford about community benefits, about trying to keep contracts in Wales where possible, and I’m not very happy to hear, for a company that I deem to be specialists, of that work going out of Wales. So, could we have a new statement issued on that community procurement? Do local authorities have a structure that they can follow, or does it change by local authority to local authority, which obviously puts those putting a bid in in a very difficult position?
Roeddwn i’n meddwl tybed a allwn ni gael datganiad ar strategaeth a meini prawf caffael llywodraeth leol. Rwy'n gofyn hyn oherwydd bod cwmni dodrefn ym Mhort Talbot sydd wedi gwneud ceisiadau am gontractau gyda Chyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, wedi cysylltu â mi. Maen nhw wedi rhoi dodrefn mewn llawer iawn o ysgolion ledled Cymru, ond ni chawsant hyd yn oed y cyfle i gyflwyno cais i Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, oherwydd bod y cyngor yn dweud nad oedd ganddynt y profiad na'r meini prawf i allu gwneud hynny. Felly, aeth y contract hwnnw i gwmni yn Swydd Efrog. Cawsom dystiolaeth yn y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb, Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau yr wythnos diwethaf gan Mark Drakeford ynghylch buddion cymunedol, am geisio cadw contractau yng Nghymru lle bo modd, ac nid wyf yn hapus iawn o glywed, am gwmni yr wyf yn ystyried yn arbenigwyr, bod y gwaith hwnnw wedi mynd y tu allan i Gymru. Felly, a allwn ni gael datganiad newydd yn ymwneud â’r caffael cymunedol hwnnw? A oes gan awdurdodau lleol strwythur y gallan nhw ei ddilyn, neu a yw'n newid o un awdurdod lleol i’r llall, sydd yn amlwg, yn rhoi'r rhai sy'n cyflwyno cais mewn sefyllfa anodd iawn?
In response to the Member, I know this will be a matter for Neath Port Talbot council, but, obviously, working in terms of the twenty-first century schools programme with other authorities in many instances. There is, of course, a new code of practice on ethical procurement in Wales, and community benefits are at the forefront and, indeed, ensuring that we have access for local supply chains wherever possible. So I’m sure this is a matter that the Cabinet Secretary would be able to clarify.
Mewn ymateb i'r Aelod, gwn mai mater i gyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot fydd hwn, ond, yn amlwg, gan weithio ar y cyd â’r rhaglen ysgolion yr unfed ganrif ar hugain, gydag awdurdodau eraill yn aml iawn. Wrth gwrs, mae cod ymarfer newydd ar gyfer caffael moesegol yng Nghymru, ac mae buddion cymunedol yn bwysig iawn ac, mewn gwirionedd, yn sicrhau ein bod yn rhoi cyfle i gadwyni cyflenwi lleol pryd bynnag y bo modd. Felly rwy'n siŵr bod hwn yn fater y byddai Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn gallu ei egluro.
I’ve been inspired by Huw Irranca-Davies’s request for something to be done about late trains to ask you, leader of the house, if we could have an update from the Cabinet Secretary on where we are with the awarding of the new Wales and borders franchise, currently of course with Arriva. I think it would be really helpful if we specifically had some information on where we are with the commissioning of new rolling stock. I think, in the past when I’ve raised this with the Minister, and possibly with the First Minister as well, it’s been suggested that the commissioning of new rolling stock would be primarily left until after the first phase of awarding of the franchise. Clearly, that leaves it very late, and I know that we would all want, and the public would want, the new franchise to hit the ground running so that when the company, whether it’s the existing company or whether it’s a new company, takes over the running of that franchise, we really can get off to a fresh start, and passengers and the public can have access to first-class trains and first-class rolling stock at the earliest opportunity.
Rwyf wedi fy ysbrydoli gan gais Huw Irranca-Davies i rywbeth gael ei wneud ynglŷn â threnau hwyr, i ofyn i chi, arweinydd y tŷ, pe gallem gael y newyddion diweddaraf gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ynglŷn â ble’r ydym ni o ran dyfarnu Masnachfraint Cymru a'r Gororau, sydd gan Arriva ar hyn o bryd wrth gwrs. Rwy'n credu y byddai'n ddefnyddiol iawn pe byddem yn cael rhywfaint o wybodaeth ynglŷn â ble’r ydym ni o ran comisiynu cerbydau newydd. Rwy'n credu, pan fy mod wedi codi’r mater hwn gyda’r Gweinidog yn y gorffennol, ac o bosibl gyda'r Prif Weinidog hefyd, awgrymwyd y byddai comisiynu cerbydau newydd yn cael ei adael i raddau helaeth tan ar ôl cam cyntaf dyfarnu'r fasnachfraint. Yn amlwg, mae hynny'n gadael pethau’n hwyr iawn, ac rwy’n gwybod y byddem ni i gyd eisiau, ac y byddai’r cyhoedd eisiau, i’r fasnachfraint newydd allu rhedeg pethau’n effeithiol o’r cychwyn cyntaf, fel bod y cwmni, pa un ai’r cwmni presennol neu gwmni newydd a fydd yn cymryd drosodd y gwaith o redeg y fasnachfraint honno, y gallwn ni ddechrau o’r newydd, ac y gall teithwyr a'r cyhoedd ddefnyddio trenau o’r radd flaenaf a cherbydau o’r radd flaenaf cyn gynted ag y bo modd.
Thank you to Nick Ramsay for that question. The Cabinet Secretary is making a statement later this week, updating on the franchise and, of course, he will answer those questions, particularly in relation to rolling stock.
Diolch i Nick Ramsay am y cwestiwn yna. Mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn gwneud datganiad yn ddiweddarach yr wythnos hon, gan roi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ar y fasnachfraint ac, wrth gwrs, bydd yn ateb y cwestiynau hynny, yn enwedig o ran cerbydau.
Diolch i arweinydd y tŷ.
Thank you, leader of the house.
Yr eitem nesaf yw’r datganiad gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg ar ‘Addysg yng Nghymru: Cenhadaeth ein cenedl—Cynllun Gweithredu 2017-21’. Rydw i’n galw ar yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet i wneud ei datganiad. Kirsty Williams.
The next item is the statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Education on ‘Education in Wales: Our national mission—Action Plan 2017-21’. I call on the Cabinet Secretary to make her statement. Kirsty Williams.
Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. I am pleased today to publish the Government’s action plan for education in Wales: our national mission. The global experts on education performance, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, recognised earlier this year that Government and the sector are working closely together with a commitment to improvement
‘visible at all levels of the education system’.
This action plan sets out the next stage in our reform journey, including development and delivery of a transformational new curriculum. At its heart is a focus on raising standards for all, reducing the attainment gap, and an education system that is a source of national pride and public confidence. This Government is committed to a Wales where every child can make the most of their potential and is equipped to deal with the changing world. Last week, the First Minister set out the priorities for this Government in our national strategy ‘Prosperity for All’ and the focus on building a Wales that is both ambitious and learning. We are at a crucial point in delivering on those ambitions. The OECD’s advice to us was unambiguous: hold our nerve, stay the course, but do more to communicate, clarify and ensure coherence in our programme, bring a focus to leadership and deliver a much-needed new curriculum in a timely manner. This action plan responds to those recommendations. It also builds on conversations and meetings I and officials have had right across our nation.
Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. Rwy’n falch heddiw o gyhoeddi cynllun gweithredu'r Llywodraeth ar gyfer addysg yng Nghymru: ein cenhadaeth genedlaethol. Mae'r arbenigwyr byd-eang ar berfformiad addysg, y Sefydliad ar gyfer Cydweithrediad a Datblygiad Economaidd, wedi cydnabod yn gynharach eleni bod y Llywodraeth a'r sector yn cydweithio'n agos ag ymrwymiad i welliant
‘gweladwy ar bob lefel o'r system addysg’.
Mae'r cynllun gweithredu hwn yn nodi'r cam nesaf ar ein taith ddiwygio, sy’n cynnwys datblygu a chyflwyno cwricwlwm newydd trawsnewidiol. Wrth ei wraidd mae pwyslais ar godi safonau i bawb, gan leihau'r bwlch cyrhaeddiad, a system addysg sy'n destun balchder i’n cenedl a hyder i’r cyhoedd. Mae'r Llywodraeth hon wedi ymrwymo i Gymru lle gall pob plentyn wneud y gorau o'i botensial ac ymdopi yn y byd sy'n newid. Yr wythnos diwethaf, nododd y Prif Weinidog flaenoriaethau'r Llywodraeth hon yn ein strategaeth genedlaethol ‘Ffyniant i Bawb’ a'r pwyslais ar ddatblygu Cymru sy'n uchelgeisiol ac sy’n dysgu. Rydym ar bwynt hollbwysig o ran cyflawni'r uchelgeisiau hynny. Roedd cyngor yr OECD inni yn ddiamwys: dylem gadw’r ffydd, dal ati, ond gwneud mwy i gyfathrebu, egluro a sicrhau cydlyniad yn ein rhaglen, rhoi pwyslais ar arweinyddiaeth a chyflwyno cwricwlwm newydd mawr ei angen mewn modd amserol. Mae'r cynllun gweithredu hwn yn ymateb i'r argymhellion hynny. Mae hefyd yn adeiladu ar sgyrsiau a chyfarfodydd yr wyf i a swyddogion wedi'u cael ledled ein cenedl.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (Ann Jones) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (Ann Jones) took the Chair.
We are building on strong foundations set out in previous plans and programmes. But we can be even better, setting high expectations of our young people and teachers. We are clear about the way forward. Since the OECD’s report, I have reflected on its recommendations. I have spoken to hundreds within the education workforce and listened to the challenge and advice from the scrutiny committees here at the Assembly. The OECD said,
‘To support the realisation of its education objectives and ultimately its vision of the Welsh learner, Wales should continue its curriculum reform…to ensure that its reform journey is comprehensive and effective.’
The timeline for delivery of our new curriculum, which is at the core of a transformed education system, is set out clearly within the action plan. Instead of a big-bang introduction overnight one September, it will be rolled out starting with primary schools and year 7s. International evidence is clear on this. We will also provide the right preparation time for schools and teachers—not time to stand still, but time to provide feedback, further engage with the new curriculum and be fully prepared for the new approach.
Work on content and the areas of learning and experience continues at pace. The new curriculum and assessment arrangements will be available for schools to feed back, test and refine in Easter 2019. Following that period, all schools will have access to the final curriculum from 2020, allowing them to get fully ready and prepared for statutory roll-out in September 2022. It will then be introduced from nursery to year 7 in 2022, rolling into year 8 for 2023, year 9 in 2024, and so on as the cohort moves through. Together, we will deliver on our new curriculum, taking the time to get it absolutely right, but building in that extra time through roll-out and an extra year does not mean slowing down. It means we will deliver on those connected priorities within the action plan that are essential to maintaining high standards and setting even higher ambitions.
First: ensuring a high-quality education profession—supporting teachers to be lifelong professional learners through new standards, a national approach to professional development and reformed initial teacher education.
Second: identifying and inspiring leaders to raise standards—tackling a historic lack of emphasis on leadership through establishing a national leadership academy, enhanced leadership development, reducing bureaucracy through business managers, improved communication from all levels, and new standards and a revised headship qualification.
Third: inclusive schools dedicated to excellence, equity and well-being—a culture of respect and challenge, ensuring that all are ready to learn through expanding the PDG, enhanced summer learning programmes, dedicated ‘more able’ provision, and innovative ways to identify and measure well-being alongside attainment.
And fourth: improved robust assessment, evaluation and accountability within a self-improving system—being consistent and clear about the things we wish to value and measure through a new annual national education report and report card, through formative assessment and a new assessment and evaluation framework that focuses on improvement at all levels. Our national mission sets out clear timelines, policies and actions across each one of these areas.
In conclusion, Deputy Presiding Officer, schools are having to prepare our young people for jobs that have not yet been created and challenges that we are yet to encounter. This will require a renewed commitment to improving both the skills and knowledge of our young people as we raise standards in a transformational curriculum. Our national mission is ambitious, innovative and confident as we work to deliver a reformed and successful education system. Taken together, our reforms will meet these challenges and deliver on the high expectations that I’m sure we all share in this Chamber for our children and young people.
Rydym yn adeiladu ar sylfeini cadarn a nodwyd mewn cynlluniau a rhaglenni blaenorol. Ond gallwn fod yn well fyth, a phennu disgwyliadau uchel o'n pobl ifanc a’n hathrawon. Rydym yn glir ynghylch y ffordd ymlaen. Ers adroddiad yr OECD, rwyf wedi ystyried ei argymhellion. Rwyf wedi siarad â channoedd o fewn y gweithlu addysg ac wedi gwrando ar yr her a’r cyngor gan y pwyllgorau craffu yma yn y Cynulliad. Dywedodd yr OECD,
‘I helpu i wireddu eu hamcanion o ran addysg ac, yn y pen draw, eu gweledigaeth o ddysgwyr Cymru, dylai Cymru barhau i ddiwygio eu cwricwlwm...i sicrhau bod eu taith ddiwygio'n gynhwysfawr ac yn effeithiol.’
Mae’r llinell amser ar gyfer cyflwyno ein cwricwlwm newydd, sydd wrth wraidd system addysg wedi'i thrawsnewid, wedi’i nodi’n glir o fewn y cynllun gweithredu. Yn hytrach na chyflwyniad mawr dros nos un mis Medi, caiff ei chyflwyno gan ddechrau gydag ysgolion cynradd a blwyddyn 7. Mae tystiolaeth ryngwladol yn glir ar hyn. Byddwn hefyd yn darparu'r amser paratoi cywir i ysgolion ac athrawon—nid amser i sefyll yn llonydd, ond amser i roi adborth, ymgysylltu ymhellach â'r cwricwlwm newydd a bod yn gwbl barod am y dull newydd.
Mae gwaith ar y cynnwys a'r meysydd dysgu a phrofiad yn parhau yn gyflym. Bydd y cwricwlwm a'r trefniadau asesu newydd ar gael i ysgolion i roi adborth amdanynt, eu profi a’u mireinio erbyn Pasg 2019. Ar ôl y cyfnod hwnnw, bydd y cwricwlwm terfynol ar gael i bob ysgol o 2020 ymlaen, fel y gallant fod yn gwbl barod am ei gyflwyno'n statudol ym mis Medi 2022. Fe'i cyflwynir wedyn o'r dosbarth meithrin i flwyddyn 7 yn 2022, gan dreiglo i flwyddyn 8 ar gyfer 2023, blwyddyn 9 yn 2024, ac yn y blaen wrth i'r garfan symud drwodd. Gyda'n gilydd, byddwn yn cyflawni ein cwricwlwm newydd, gan gymryd yr amser i'w wneud yn hollol gywir, ond nid yw cymryd yr amser ychwanegol hwnnw i’w gyflwyno a blwyddyn ychwanegol yn golygu arafu. Mae'n golygu y byddwn yn cyflawni'r blaenoriaethau cysylltiedig hynny o fewn y cynllun gweithredu sy'n hanfodol i gynnal safonau uchel a gosod uchelgeisiau uwch fyth.
Yn gyntaf: sicrhau proffesiwn addysg o safon uchel—cefnogi athrawon i fod yn ddysgwyr proffesiynol gydol oes â safonau newydd, agwedd genedlaethol tuag at ddatblygiad proffesiynol ac addysg gychwynnol athrawon wedi’i diwygio.
Yn ail: canfod arweinwyr a’u hysbrydoli i godi safonau—ymdrin â diffyg pwyslais hanesyddol ar arweinyddiaeth drwy sefydlu academi arweinyddiaeth genedlaethol, datblygu arweinyddiaeth yn well, lleihau biwrocratiaeth drwy reolwyr busnes, gwell cyfathrebu o bob lefel, a safonau newydd a chymhwyster pennaeth diwygiedig.
Yn drydydd: ysgolion cynhwysol sy'n ymroddedig i ragoriaeth, cydraddoldeb a lles—diwylliant o barch a her, gan sicrhau bod pawb yn barod i ddysgu drwy ehangu'r Grant Amddifadedd Disgyblion, rhaglenni dysgu haf gwell, darpariaeth benodol ‘mwy abl’, a ffyrdd arloesol o gofnodi a mesur lles ochr yn ochr â chyrhaeddiad.
Ac yn bedwerydd: gwell asesiad, gwerthusiad ac atebolrwydd cadarn o fewn system hunanwella—bod yn gyson ac yn glir ynghylch y pethau yr ydym yn dymuno eu prisio a'u mesur drwy adroddiad a cherdyn adroddiad cenedlaethol blynyddol ar gyfer addysg, drwy asesiad ffurfiannol a fframwaith asesu a gwerthuso newydd sy'n canolbwyntio ar welliant ar bob lefel. Mae ein cenhadaeth genedlaethol yn nodi llinellau amser, polisïau a chamau gweithredu clir ar draws pob un o'r meysydd hyn.
I gloi, Dirprwy Lywydd, mae'n rhaid i ysgolion baratoi ein pobl ifanc am swyddi nad ydynt wedi'u creu eto a heriau nad ydym wedi’u hwynebu eto. Bydd hyn yn gofyn am ymrwymiad newydd i wella sgiliau a gwybodaeth ein pobl ifanc wrth inni godi safonau mewn cwricwlwm trawsnewidiol. Mae ein cenhadaeth genedlaethol yn uchelgeisiol, yn arloesol ac yn hyderus wrth inni weithio i gyflwyno system addysg ddiwygiedig a llwyddiannus. Gyda'i gilydd, bydd ein diwygiadau’n ateb yr heriau hyn ac yn cyflawni'r disgwyliadau uchel yr wyf yn siŵr ein bod i gyd yn eu rhannu yn y Siambr hon ar gyfer ein plant a'n pobl ifanc.
Thank you, Cabinet Secretary, for the statement that you’ve presented this afternoon. I think I said on your appointment as Cabinet Secretary I wished you well. You have a very important job. Children go through our education system, or students go through our education system once. They get one chance at it and it is vital they have the best environment possible to learn and thrive in that environment. But the statement today does cause some concern, and if I can start with the statement that the First Minister gave last week, ‘Prosperity for All: the national strategy’, where, in the education section of that strategy, which I presume underpins this, he acknowledges that there is still
‘too much variation in the attainment of school leavers, which means without the right skills some risk being left behind and wasting their potential.’
I’d be very grateful to understand exactly what you’ve identified as being the fault, as to why there is so much variation within the education system within Wales and why, sadly, so many people do end up being left behind, and how your strategy will change the direction of education so that it’s not just another education strategy that a Welsh Government is putting forward and that, in three, four, five years’ time, we are having the same conversation, because I think it is important to understand the key direction of where the education system here in Wales is going.
You start also by identifying the OECD and the PISA targets and it is on the record, obviously, as being not your target: the 500 for reading, writing and the sciences—and arithmetic obviously as well. This now forms part of the policy paper that you’ve launched, saying that it is a Welsh Government target to be hitting the 500 mark when the next OECD figures come through in 2021. So, I’d be grateful as to why you don’t see those figures as being your target, yet the document identifies them quite clearly as being a central pillar of driving standards up here in Wales. I’d also like to understand from the Cabinet Secretary, in particular around the reforms that were brought forward under Qualified for Life, which was the Government’s policy document 2014 to 2020, how, again, this document differs from that document, because if I’m correct, we’re still in 2017, and that document was setting the tone to take us through to 2020? Obviously, one of the key pillars of that document was the Schools Challenge Cymru programme, which was set to drive standards up in many of our schools, and from the assessments that have been made— certainly in its initial two years—they were having very promising results and successes with this scheme, and, obviously, it was terminated last year by your good self. Again, as I said, I, and I’m sure the teaching profession and parents would like to know exactly how much legs your policy document, if you like, has—which you brought forward today. Will they see the full term of the agenda that you’re setting out, or will it be another revision in two or three years’ time?
The curriculum that you’ve identified and the changes to the curriculum are welcome, and something from this side of the house that we’ve been calling for, given the increasing body of evidence that clearly shows that there did need to be a pause and almost a reflection on its implementation, and I commend you for doing that. But I would ask you: what assessment have you made of the capacity of schools to deal with, potentially, two curriculums being delivered within the school setting? We constantly have debates, we have discussions, as to the capacity of teachers and schools to develop a coherent learning environment and strategy, and, at the end of this process, they will, at a certain point, be delivering two curriculums within the school environment.
Teacher recruitment is a vital area, and we understand the problems there, but in your statement you touched on the historical lack of focus on leadership. Again, I would be really keen to understand what backs up that analysis of the historical lack of focus on leadership, given, obviously, that we’ve had a party within this Chamber who have run education for 17 to 18 years now, and I presume that’s an observation you are making about various policies that have come forward before to address the leadership crisis—which I think is a fair comment to make—when we do know that many deputy headteachers do not step up and take on a headship because they do not feel that they’re supported to do that, and there are very many good deputy heads who would make excellent headteachers, but, without that progression within the education system and without that support, we’re going to continue having that leadership crisis.
And one final point, if I may, Deputy Presiding Officer with your permission, on HE in particular: it is vital that from our schools students progress into the HE environment. Some of the numbers that have come out around HE recently clearly show that, sadly, the numbers are not going in the right direction and are actually falling backwards for participation in HE from some of our most deprived communities. The Seren network was established and regional hubs were created in order to assist Wales’s brightest pupils to access higher education. I would be grateful to understand how, with the reforms that you’ve launched today in our education system, we will reinvigorate the ambition to go forward into HE, and ultimately experience the wider world of education, whether that be here in Wales or anywhere else in the United Kingdom.
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, am y datganiad yr ydych wedi'i gyflwyno y prynhawn yma. Rwy’n meddwl fy mod wedi dweud ar adeg eich penodi’n Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet fy mod yn dymuno'n dda ichi. Mae gennych swydd bwysig iawn. Un waith y mae plant yn mynd drwy ein system addysg, neu y mae myfyrwyr yn mynd drwy ein system addysg. Un cyfle maen nhw’n ei gael ac mae'n hanfodol bod ganddynt yr amgylchedd gorau posibl i ddysgu a ffynnu yn yr amgylchedd hwnnw. Ond mae'r datganiad heddiw’n achosi rhywfaint o bryder, ac os caf ddechrau â’r datganiad a roddodd y Prif Weinidog yr wythnos diwethaf, ‘Ffyniant i Bawb: y strategaeth genedlaethol’, yn adran addysg y strategaeth honno, yr wyf yn tybio sy'n sail i hyn, mae'n cydnabod bod yna o hyd
‘gormod o amrywiad yng nghyrhaeddiad ymadawyr ysgol, sy'n golygu, heb y sgiliau cywir, bod rhai mewn perygl o gael eu gadael ar ôl a gwastraffu eu potensial.’
Byddwn yn ddiolchgar iawn i gael deall beth yn union yr ydych wedi'i nodi sydd ar fai, o ran pam mae cymaint o amrywiaeth yn y system addysg yng Nghymru a pham, yn anffodus, mae cynifer o bobl yn cael eu gadael ar ôl, a sut y bydd eich strategaeth yn newid cyfeiriad addysg fel bod Llywodraeth Cymru’n gwneud mwy na rhoi strategaeth addysg arall ar waith a’n bod, mewn tair, pedair, pum mlynedd, yn cael yr un sgwrs, oherwydd rwy'n meddwl ei bod yn bwysig deall y cyfeiriad allweddol y mae'r system addysg yma yng Nghymru’n symud iddo.
Rydych hefyd yn dechrau drwy nodi'r OECD a’r targedau PISA ac mae'n amlwg ar gofnod nad dyna yw eich targed: y 500 ar gyfer darllen, ysgrifennu a'r gwyddorau—a rhifyddeg yn amlwg hefyd. Mae hyn nawr yn rhan o'r papur polisi yr ydych wedi'i lansio, sy’n dweud mai targed Llywodraeth Cymru yw taro'r marc 500 pan ddaw'r ffigurau OECD nesaf yn 2021. Felly, byddwn yn ddiolchgar am gael gwybod pam nad ydych chi'n ystyried y ffigurau hynny fel eich targed, er bod y ddogfen yn nodi'n eithaf clir eu bod yn biler canolog o ran codi safonau yma yng Nghymru. Hoffwn hefyd gael deall gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, yn enwedig o ran y diwygiadau a gyflwynwyd o dan Cymwys am Oes, sef dogfen bolisi'r Llywodraeth 2014 i 2020, sut, eto, y mae'r ddogfen hon yn wahanol i'r ddogfen honno, oherwydd os wyf i’n gywir, rydym yn dal i fod yn 2017, ac roedd y ddogfen honno'n ein harwain hyd at 2020? Yn amlwg, un o brif bileri’r ddogfen honno oedd rhaglen Her Ysgolion Cymru, a oedd yn ceisio codi safonau mewn llawer o'n hysgolion, ac o'r asesiadau a wnaethpwyd—yn sicr yn ei dwy flynedd gyntaf—roeddent yn cael canlyniadau a llwyddiannau addawol iawn gyda'r cynllun hwn, ac, yn amlwg, fe'i terfynwyd y llynedd gennych chi eich hunan. Unwaith eto, fel y dywedais, byddwn i, ac, rwy'n siŵr, y proffesiwn addysgu a rhieni yn hoffi gwybod yn union faint o fynd sydd yn eich dogfen bolisi, os hoffech—yr un yr ydych chi wedi’i chyflwyno heddiw. A fyddant yn gweld tymor llawn yr agenda rydych chi'n ei nodi, ynteu a fydd yna ddiwygiad arall ymhen dwy neu dair blynedd?
Mae croeso i’r cwricwlwm yr ydych chi wedi'i nodi a'r newidiadau i'r cwricwlwm, ac mae’n rhywbeth yr ydyn ni ar yr ochr hon i'r tŷ wedi bod yn galw amdano, o ystyried y corff cynyddol o dystiolaeth sy'n dangos yn glir bod angen oedi a myfyrio, bron, o ran ei roi ar waith, ac rwy’n eich cymeradwyo am wneud hynny. Ond byddwn yn gofyn ichi: pa asesiad ydych chi wedi'i wneud o allu ysgolion i ymdrin, o bosib, â chyflwyno dau gwricwlwm o fewn lleoliad yr ysgol? Rydym yn cael dadleuon yn gyson, rydym yn cael trafodaethau, am allu athrawon ac ysgolion i ddatblygu amgylchedd a strategaeth gydlynol ar gyfer dysgu, ac ar ddiwedd y broses hon, byddant, ar ryw adeg, yn cyflwyno dau gwricwlwm o fewn amgylchedd yr ysgol.
Mae recriwtio athrawon yn faes hanfodol, ac rydym yn deall y problemau hynny, ond yn eich datganiad roeddech yn sôn am y diffyg pwyslais hanesyddol ar arweinyddiaeth. Unwaith eto, byddwn yn wirioneddol awyddus i ddeall beth sy'n ategu’r dadansoddiad hwnnw o'r diffyg pwyslais hanesyddol ar arweinyddiaeth, o ystyried, yn amlwg, ein bod wedi cael plaid yn y Siambr hon sydd wedi cynnal addysg am 17 i 18 mlynedd nawr, ac rwy’n tybio mai arsylwad yw hwnnw gennych ynglŷn â gwahanol bolisïau sydd wedi’u cyflwyno cyn hyn i ymdrin â'r argyfwng arweinyddiaeth—sydd, yn fy marn i, yn sylw teg i'w wneud—pan fyddwn yn gwybod nad yw llawer o ddirprwy benaethiaid yn camu ymlaen ac yn cymryd prifathrawiaeth oherwydd nad ydynt yn teimlo bod ganddynt gefnogaeth i wneud hynny, ac mae yna lawer iawn o ddirprwy benaethiaid da a fyddai'n gwneud penaethiaid rhagorol, ond, heb y dilyniant hwnnw o fewn y system addysg a heb y gefnogaeth honno, bydd yr argyfwng arweinyddiaeth hwnnw’n parhau.
Ac un pwynt olaf, os caf, Dirprwy Lywydd gyda'ch caniatâd, ar AU yn arbennig: mae'n hollbwysig bod myfyrwyr o'n hysgolion yn symud ymlaen i amgylchedd AU. Mae rhai o'r niferoedd sydd wedi dod allan ynglŷn ag AU yn ddiweddar yn dangos yn glir, yn anffodus, nad yw'r niferoedd yn mynd i'r cyfeiriad cywir, ac yn wir, eu bod yn gostwng o ran cyfranogiad mewn AU o rai o'n cymunedau mwyaf difreintiedig. Sefydlwyd rhwydwaith Seren a chrëwyd canolfannau rhanbarthol er mwyn cynorthwyo disgyblion mwyaf disglair Cymru i allu cael addysg uwch. Byddwn yn ddiolchgar am gael deall sut, gyda'r diwygiadau yr ydych wedi eu lansio heddiw yn ein system addysg, y byddwn yn adfywio'r uchelgais i fynd ymlaen i AU, ac yn y pen draw i brofi byd addysg ehangach, boed hynny yma yng Nghymru neu yn unrhyw le arall yn y Deyrnas Unedig.
Thank you very much, Andrew, for the comprehensive list of questions. The strategy that was announced by the First Minister is the overarching plan for the Government. This document that is launched today adds the meat on the bones that you were asking for just last week, about how the ambitions that are in ‘Prosperity for All’ will actually be delivered. And I make no bones about it: there is too much variation within our education system. There is too much variation in schools. We see that as something that needs to be tackled. We see within a single school a department that is performing really well and a department that is performing less well. We also see variations between individual schools in the same local education authority; sometimes only a matter of miles apart, the results can be very different, and we have to iron that out.
Now, there are a number of ways in which this strategy seeks to raise standards across our entire system. Of course, the most important factor is the quality of teaching. That is the biggest thing that we can do to improve the educational attainment of our children, that is to ensure that the quality of teaching across all of our schools is consistently high. That’s why there is so much emphasis in this document about how we can raise the quality of teaching, whether that be reforming our initial teacher education system, whether that’s a new national approach to continuous professional learning, new teaching standards that are currently being adopted for both classroom teachers and headteachers. Our system cannot be better than the teachers who deliver it, and that’s why this is at the core of our programme.
You talked about the issue around schools challenge. You’ll know that that was a time-limited programme, limited to only 40 schools. There are lots of schools across Wales that need help and support to develop them. Some of those schools did very well under Schools Challenge Cymru, but I’m afraid to say, in some cases, despite the additional resource, that did not translate into better results for students and, indeed, one schools challenge school just before the summer holidays was put under special measures by Estyn. So, we need an approach to school improvement, delivered by our regional consortia, for all schools in Wales—right the way across our country, rather than just limited to 40 handpicked institutions.
You raise the issue of PISA. There is nothing inconsistent in this document and the statements that I and the First Minister gave in answers to questions on 20 and 21 June earlier this year. What’s absolutely clear is that, for the 2021 PISA assessment that will be administered by a different administration in a new Government, whose results will be published by a different administration, that remains the long-term goal. What I am focused on is making improvement in the tests that will be taken next year, because I haven’t changed my mind: our performance in PISA is not what we would want it to be and we need to see improvement, not in 2021—we need to see improvement before that.
Now, Andrew, you do raise a very legitimate point about the issue of roll-out within the secondary sector, and whether having to teach two curricula in the school will be challenging. It’s normal practice for teachers to translate curriculum requirements into schemes of work for each year group in their school; no teacher teaches the same lesson to each and every year group. So, this phased roll-out in secondary schools allows the teaching profession the time to develop their new schemes of work year on year. Now, our teachers and those who represent them understand this, and they are very supportive of this approach. And international best practice would tell you that a phased roll-out gives us the best chance for success. The last time we had a major change to the curriculum, of course, was back in 1988, which was done very much top down and done overnight. And I’m afraid if you speak to people who were involved in the delivery of that reform, they’ll say that it caused significant chaos. But I’m very glad that I will have the opportunity later this week to talk to Lord Baker, and I will reflect on his experience of how he felt that that top-down, overnight big bang actually worked out.
Leadership, I think, has been an area where we have not had sufficient focus. The reasons for that, you know, I’m not clear on and I’m not sighted on, but what I am clear on is that, if we are to see the improvements that we need, we have to have a focus on leadership, and that’s why we are introducing our new leadership academy. We’ll be reforming the qualification for our headteachers, with new leadership standards and more support for existing headteachers and those who aspire to headship, and as we see the leadership academy develop and bed in, I’d hope to see that focus on leadership go down the whole school system to focus on leaders of individual subjects or individual year groups—leadership in our regional consortia, leadership in local education authorities. This is a national mission. We’ve all got to challenge ourselves and ask: ‘What are we going to bring to the table to see this national mission realised?’ And there’s a place for all of us in that, including Members here in the Chamber whose scrutiny and challenge in the committee has been a very important part of my deliberations when looking to set up the timetable for the curriculum.
With regard to HE, can I just say that HE isn’t the be-all and end-all? It’s the right thing for some people, but this idea that everybody has to do HE and that, if you don’t, then somehow you are a failure—I think we need to move away from that. We have to look at education in the right setting, for the right people at the right time in their lives, and that might mean going on to training when you’re in the world of work 10 years after you’ve left school. It may be a higher level apprenticeship. It may be a degree-related apprenticeship. There are many ways in which you can fulfil your potential. HE is an important part of that, yes, for a certain cohort of our population.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Andrew, am y rhestr gynhwysfawr o gwestiynau. Y strategaeth a gyhoeddwyd gan y Prif Weinidog yw cynllun cyffredinol y Llywodraeth. Mae'r ddogfen hon, a lansiwyd heddiw, yn ychwanegu'r cig ar yr esgyrn yr oeddech yn gofyn amdanynt yr wythnos ddiwethaf, o ran sut i gyflawni’r uchelgeisiau sydd yn ‘Ffyniant i Bawb’ mewn gwirionedd. Ac i fod yn ddi-lol: mae gormod o amrywiad yn ein system addysg. Mae gormod o amrywiad mewn ysgolion. Rydym yn gweld hynny fel rhywbeth y mae angen ei unioni. Rydym yn gweld o fewn un ysgol, adran sy'n perfformio'n dda iawn ac adran sydd ddim yn perfformio cystal. Rydym hefyd yn gweld amrywiadau rhwng ysgolion unigol yn yr un awdurdod addysg lleol; weithiau rai milltiroedd yn unig ar wahân, gall y canlyniadau fod yn wahanol iawn, ac mae'n rhaid inni unioni hynny.
Nawr, mae'r strategaeth hon yn ceisio codi safonau ar draws ein system gyfan mewn nifer o ffyrdd. Wrth gwrs, y ffactor pwysicaf yw ansawdd yr addysgu. Dyna'r peth mwyaf y gallwn ei wneud i wella cyrhaeddiad addysgol ein plant, sef sicrhau bod ansawdd yr addysgu ar draws pob un o'n hysgolion yn gyson uchel. Dyna pam mae cymaint o bwyslais yn y ddogfen hon ynghylch sut y gallwn godi safon yr addysgu, boed hynny drwy ddiwygio ein system addysg gychwynnol i athrawon, boed hynny drwy ddull cenedlaethol newydd o ddysgu proffesiynol parhaus, neu fabwysiadu safonau addysgu newydd ar hyn o bryd i athrawon dosbarth a phenaethiaid. Ni all ein system fod yn well na'r athrawon sy'n ei chyflwyno, a dyna pam mae hyn wrth wraidd ein rhaglen.
Rydych wedi sôn am y mater sy'n ymwneud â’r her ysgolion. Fe wyddoch mai rhaglen am amser cyfyngedig oedd honno, wedi'i chyfyngu i ddim ond 40 o ysgolion. Mae llawer o ysgolion ar draws Cymru sydd angen cymorth a chefnogaeth i'w datblygu. Gwnaeth rhai o'r ysgolion hynny’n dda iawn o dan Her Ysgolion Cymru, ond rwy'n ofni dweud, mewn rhai achosion, er gwaethaf yr adnoddau ychwanegol, nad oedd hynny'n cyfateb i well canlyniadau i fyfyrwyr ac, yn wir, cafodd un o ysgolion yr her ysgolion ei rhoi dan fesurau arbennig gan Estyn ychydig cyn gwyliau’r haf. Felly, mae angen ffordd o wella ysgolion, wedi’i chyflwyno gan ein consortia rhanbarthol, ar gyfer pob ysgol yng Nghymru—yr holl ffordd ar draws ein gwlad, yn hytrach na bod yn gyfyngedig i 40 o sefydliadau dethol.
Rydych yn sôn am PISA. Nid oes dim byd anghyson yn y ddogfen hon a'r datganiadau a wnes i a'r Prif Weinidog wrth ateb cwestiynau ar 20 a 21 Mehefin yn gynharach eleni. Yr hyn sy'n hollol glir yw, ar gyfer asesiad PISA yn 2021 a gaiff ei weinyddu gan weinyddiaeth wahanol mewn Llywodraeth newydd, y caiff ei ganlyniadau eu cyhoeddi gan weinyddiaeth wahanol, mai dyna yw’r nod hirdymor o hyd. Yr hyn yr wyf i’n canolbwyntio arno yw gwelliant yn y profion a gaiff eu sefyll y flwyddyn nesaf, gan nad wyf wedi newid fy meddwl: nid yw ein perfformiad yn PISA cystal ag yr hoffem ac mae angen inni weld gwelliant, nid yn 2021—mae angen inni weld gwelliant cyn hynny.
Nawr, Andrew, rydych yn codi pwynt dilys iawn ynghylch cyflwyno hyn yn y sector uwchradd, ac a fydd gorfod addysgu dau gwricwlwm yn yr ysgol yn heriol. Mae'n arferol i athrawon drosi gofynion cwricwlwm yn gynlluniau gwaith i bob grŵp blwyddyn yn eu hysgol; nid oes dim athro’n addysgu'r un wers i bob grŵp blwyddyn. Felly, mae'r cyflwyniad graddol hwn mewn ysgolion uwchradd yn rhoi’r amser i'r proffesiwn addysgu i ddatblygu eu cynlluniau gwaith newydd o flwyddyn i flwyddyn. Nawr, mae ein hathrawon a'r bobl sy'n eu cynrychioli’n deall hyn, ac maent yn gefnogol iawn i'r ymagwedd hon. A byddai arfer gorau rhyngwladol yn dweud wrthych mai cyflwyno'n raddol sy’n rhoi'r cyfle gorau inni i lwyddo. Y tro diwethaf y cawsom newid mawr i'r cwricwlwm, wrth gwrs, oedd yn ôl yn 1988, a gwnaethpwyd hynny’n sicr o’r brig i lawr ac fe'i gwnaethpwyd dros nos. Ac rwy'n ofni pe baech yn siarad â phobl a fu’n ymwneud â chyflawni'r diwygiad hwnnw, byddent yn dweud ei fod wedi achosi anhrefn sylweddol. Ond rwy'n falch iawn y caf y cyfle yn nes ymlaen yr wythnos hon i siarad â'r Arglwydd Baker, a byddaf yn myfyrio ar ei brofiad o sut yr oedd yn teimlo bod y newid mawr hwnnw o’r brig i lawr, dros nos, wedi gweithio.
Mae arweinyddiaeth, rwy'n meddwl, wedi bod yn faes lle nad ydym wedi canolbwyntio'n ddigonol. Nid wyf yn deall y rhesymau dros hynny, wyddoch chi, nid wyf yn eu gweld, ond yr hyn yr wyf yn ei ddeall yw, os ydym ni i weld y gwelliannau sydd eu hangen arnom, bod yn rhaid inni ganolbwyntio ar arweinyddiaeth, a dyna pam yr ydym yn cyflwyno ein hacademi arweinyddiaeth newydd. Byddwn yn diwygio'r cymhwyster ar gyfer ein penaethiaid, gan gynnwys safonau arweinyddiaeth newydd a mwy o gefnogaeth i benaethiaid presennol a'r rhai sy'n dymuno bod yn benaethiaid, ac wrth inni weld yr academi arweinyddiaeth yn datblygu ac yn ei sefydlu ei hun, byddwn yn gobeithio gweld y pwyslais hwnnw ar arweinyddiaeth yn mynd i lawr y system ysgolion gyfan i ganolbwyntio ar arweinwyr pynciau unigol neu grwpiau blwyddyn unigol—arweinyddiaeth yn ein consortia rhanbarthol, arweinyddiaeth mewn awdurdodau addysg lleol. Mae hon yn genhadaeth genedlaethol. Mae’n rhaid i bob un ohonom ein herio ein hunain a gofyn: ‘Beth ydym ni'n mynd i’w gynnig i weld y genhadaeth genedlaethol hon yn cael ei gwireddu?’ Ac mae lle i bob un ohonom yn hynny, gan gynnwys Aelodau yma yn y Siambr y mae eu craffu a'u herio yn y pwyllgor wedi bod yn rhan bwysig iawn o'm hystyriaethau wrth geisio sefydlu'r amserlen ar gyfer y cwricwlwm.
O ran AU, a gaf i ddweud nad AU yw popeth? Mae’n iawn i rai pobl, ond mae’r syniad hwn bod yn rhaid i bawb wneud AU ac, os nad ydych, eich bod rywsut yn fethiant—rwy'n meddwl bod angen inni symud oddi wrth hynny. Mae'n rhaid inni edrych ar addysg yn y lleoliad cywir, i'r bobl gywir ar yr adeg gywir yn eu bywydau, a gallai hynny olygu mynd ymlaen i hyfforddiant pan fyddwch chi yn y byd gwaith 10 mlynedd ar ôl ichi adael yr ysgol. Gall fod yn brentisiaeth lefel uwch. Gall fod yn brentisiaeth sy'n gysylltiedig â gradd. Mae yna lawer o ffyrdd y gallwch chi gyflawni'ch potensial. Mae AU yn rhan bwysig o hynny, ydy, i garfan benodol o'n poblogaeth.
A gaf i ddiolch i’r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet am ei datganiad a chroesawu rhan helaeth o gynnwys y datganiad ac, yn wir, y cynllun gweithredu. Nid wyf yn meddwl y byddai neb yn anghytuno ag uchelgais hirdymor y Llywodraeth yma—yn syml iawn, sicrhau bod pob plentyn ifanc yn cyflawni ei botensial. Mae hynny’n rhywbeth yr wyf yn gwybod y byddai pawb yn awyddus i’w weld. Ond yr hyn sydd gennym ni yn y cynllun gweithredu yma yw lot o stwff lefel uchel. Mae’n debyg y bydd y manylion ynglŷn â sut yn union y bydd rhai o’r agweddau hyn yn cael eu gweithredu yn dod yn gliriach, a dyna lle, efallai, y bydd llawer o’r glo mân.
Nawr, un o’r ffactorau mwyaf arwyddocaol, rwy’n credu, yn y datganiad yma yw'r newid yn yr amseru o safbwynt cyflwyno’r cwricwlwm. Mae’n amlwg bod nifer wedi nodi hynny. Rydw i, fel y mae’r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn gwybod, wedi bod yn codi hyn yn gyson gyda hi—yn ôl ym mis Tachwedd y llynedd, yn ôl ym mis Mawrth a mis Mai yn y pwyllgor, a fan hyn yn y Siambr. Bob tro, rydych chi wedi dweud eich bod yn hyderus bod yr amserlen wreiddiol yn addas, ar y pryd. Felly, rwy’n croesawu’r ffaith ei bod wedi newid, a byddwn yn lico gofyn—flwyddyn ar ôl i fi a nifer yn y sector fod yn gofyn am hyn i ddigwydd—pam eich bod chi’n teimlo mai nawr yw’r amser i wneud hynny, ac efallai ddim wedi gwneud hynny yn gynt yn ystod y broses.
Liciwn i wybod hefyd beth fyddwch chi’n ei ddefnyddio i fesur llwyddiant rhai o’r diwygiadau a fydd yn cael eu cyflwyno. Mae yna gyfeiriad wedi bod at ddefnyddio targedau PISA fel un ffon fesur. Pan waredodd y Llywodraeth flaenorol, wrth gwrs, eu targedau PISA, fe ddisgrifioch chi hynny fel tlodi uchelgais llwyr. Ond y targedau is yna a fabwysiadwyd sydd yn ymddangos yn y cynllun gweithredu yma.
And, of course, when I pressed you in the committee on the PISA targets, you made it perfectly clear that the PISA target isn’t your target. Well, it’s in the action plan, so do we therefore conclude that it isn’t your action plan? I think we need clarity as to whether the First Minister has overruled you on PISA or whether you’ve actually changed your mind and are now happy to accept the targets that you previously described as demonstrating an absolute poverty of ambition.
Now, the reference to an overarching workforce development plan from autumn 2018 of course is welcome. You mentioned, in that context, work to improve the quality of the supply workforce. Maybe you could elaborate a little bit on what you have in mind there, and does that include changing the model of supply delivery in Wales, which I know many have raised with you concerns about and worries that there are many flaws in the way that that is currently operating. You say that you’ll agree a long-term model of assessment and evaluation of schools—where does that, potentially, leave school categorisation? Will you be moving away from what some people see as contentious traffic light systems? I think there’s been a suggestion that that might happen and it would be good to have clarity as to whether those are here to stay, or whether you see those as being potentially under review in the medium term.
There’s not much reference to resources and resourcing some of these proposed actions in the plan, so I think it would be true to say that schools will be looking for assurance from you that they will have the tools and the resources required to achieve and deliver the proposed curriculum changes and, of course, the broader changes that are being mooted.
Mae yna gyfeiriad hefyd yn y cynllun gweithredu ac yn eich datganiad chi at ddefnyddio’r pwerau newydd sydd yn dod i’r lle hwn, wrth gwrs, ar dâl ac amodau gwaith i athrawon. Efallai y gallwch chi roi ychydig o awgrym i ni ac ymhelaethu, efallai, ar y math o newidiadau y byddwch chi’n eu hystyried. Rŷch chi eisoes wedi awgrymu y byddwch chi’n barod i edrych ar yr amodau gwaith fel rhywbeth sydd angen, efallai, ei adolygu.
Ac wrth gyflwyno’r cwricwlwm newydd, wrth gwrs, mae angen inni wneud yn siŵr y bydd yna adnoddau dysgu addas ar gael ar gyfer darparu’r cwricwlwm newydd. Rŷm ni’n gwybod am y trafferthion sydd wedi bod o safbwynt adnoddau cyfrwng Cymraeg yn y gorffennol, a byddwn yn hoffi clywed sicrwydd gennych chi heddiw na fydd y cwricwlwm newydd yn cael ei gyflwyno oni bai fod yr holl adnoddau angenrheidiol ar gael yn y Gymraeg ac yn y Saesneg, lle bo hynny’n angenrheidiol.
Yn olaf, a gaf i groesawu hefyd y cyfeiriadau at waith ieuenctid o fewn y cynllun gweithredu? Mae’n bwysig ein bod ni’n gweld gwaith ieuenctid fel rhan o’r cynnig addysg sydd gennym ni yng Nghymru. Mae cydnabyddiaeth bod darparu gwasanaeth ieuenctid cryf yn ganolog wrth inni ystyried dyfodol y sector addysg yn un sy’n galonogol iawn i fi, a’r gydnabyddiaeth, wrth gwrs, fod addysg anffurfiol â rôl gwbl, gwbl greiddiol wrth gefnogi addysg ffurfiol hefyd.
May I thank the Cabinet Secretary for her statement and welcome, for the most part, the content of the statement and indeed the action plan? I don’t think anyone would disagree with the long-term ambition of the Government here—quite simply, ensuring that all children achieve their potential. I’m sure that’s something everyone would want to see. But what we have in this action plan is a great deal of high-level stuff, and the detail on exactly how some of these aspects will be implemented will become clearer, and that, perhaps, is where the nitty-gritty lies.
Now, one of the most significant factors in this statement, I think, is the change of timetable in terms of introducing the curriculum. Many have noted that and, as the Cabinet Secretary knows, I have been raising this consistently with her—back in November of last year, back in March and May in committee and also in the Chamber. And, every time, you’ve told me that you’re confident that the original timetable is appropriate, or was at that time, so I welcome the fact that there has been a change, and I would like to ask: why now, a year after I and many in the sector asked for this, do you feel that now is the right time to do that, and why didn’t you do it sooner during this process?
I’d also like to know what you will use as a yardstick for success in terms of some of the reforms that will be introduced, because reference has been made to using PISA targets as one yardstick. When the previous Government actually turned its back on its PISA targets, you described that as a total lack of ambition. But it’s the lower targets that were adopted that appear in this action plan.
Ac wrth gwrs, pan roddais bwysau arnoch yn y pwyllgor ynglŷn â thargedau PISA, fe’i gwnaethoch yn gwbl glir nad targed PISA yw eich targed chi. Wel, mae yn y cynllun gweithredu, felly a ydym felly’n dod i'r casgliad nad eich cynllun gweithredu chi ydyw? Rwy'n meddwl bod angen eglurder arnom a yw'r Prif Weinidog wedi eich goruwchreoli ar PISA ynteu a ydych chi wedi newid eich meddwl ac nawr yn fodlon derbyn y targedau a ddisgrifiwyd gennych o’r blaen fel rhai sy'n dangos diffyg uchelgais llwyr.
Nawr, mae croeso i’r cyfeiriad at gynllun datblygu gweithlu cyffredinol o hydref 2018 ymlaen, wrth gwrs. Gwnaethoch sôn, yn y cyd-destun hwnnw, am waith i wella ansawdd y gweithlu llanw. Efallai y gallech ymhelaethu ychydig ar yr hyn sydd gennych mewn golwg yn y fan honno, ac a yw hynny'n cynnwys newid y model cyflenwi llanw yng Nghymru; gwn fod llawer wedi codi pryderon â chi bod llawer o ddiffygion yn y ffordd y mae hynny'n gweithredu ar hyn o bryd. Rydych yn dweud y byddwch yn cytuno ar fodel asesu ac arfarnu hirdymor i ysgolion—beth allai hynny, o bosibl, ei olygu ar gyfer categoreiddio ysgolion? A fyddwch yn symud oddi wrth yr hyn y mae rhai pobl yn eu hystyried yn systemau goleuadau traffig dadleuol? Rwy'n meddwl y bu awgrym y gallai hynny ddigwydd a byddai'n dda cael eglurder ynghylch a yw'r rheini yma i aros, ynteu a ydych chi'n meddwl y gellid adolygu’r rheini yn y tymor canolig.
Nid oes llawer o gyfeiriad at adnoddau ar gyfer rhai o'r camau arfaethedig hyn yn y cynllun, felly rwy’n meddwl y byddai'n wir dweud y bydd ysgolion yn chwilio am sicrwydd gennych y bydd ganddynt yr offer a'r adnoddau sydd eu hangen i gyflawni a chyflwyno'r newidiadau arfaethedig i’r cwricwlwm ac, wrth gwrs, y newidiadau ehangach sy'n cael eu cynnig.
There is also reference in the action plan and in your statement to using the new powers that will come to this place, of course, in terms of teachers’ pay and conditions. Perhaps you could give a suggestion and perhaps expand upon the kinds of changes that you will consider. You’ve already suggested that you will be willing to look at conditions of service as something that may need review.
And in introducing the curriculum, of course, we need to ensure that appropriate teaching resources will be available in order to provide that new curriculum. We know the difficulties that there have been in terms of Welsh-medium materials in the past, and I would like to be given an assurance from you today that the new curriculum will not be introduced unless all of the necessary resources are in place in Welsh and in English, where necessary.
Finally, may I also welcome the references to youth work within the action plan? It’s important that we see youth work as part of the education offer that we have in Wales. A recognition that providing strong youth services is central in considering the future of the education sector is something that is very encouraging for me, and the recognition, of course, that informal education has a crucial role in supporting formal education too.
Thank you, Llyr, for that set of questions. Could I say that what we have got in the document, I believe, is a very clear set of actions associated with whom we expect to deliver them, whether that be central Government, whether that be tier 2 of our system, the regional consortia, the LEAs and other partners such as Estyn and the Education Workforce Council and schools themselves? And those are outlined in timelines, associated with each of the four enabling objectives that we have within the document.
On the issue around the roll-out of the curriculum, what I have said, each time I’ve been asked about this, is that, yes, I believe that we can meet the original suggested timetable in Graham Donaldson’s work, but I’ve also gone on to say that I will always keep that under review, and if I feel that it is necessary to amend the suggested timetable for roll-out to ensure that our curriculum transformation is successful, then I’d be willing to do that. There was simply a lack of clarity as to how roll-out would happen. The document—. And previously, there was no plan for roll-out. And this is one of the things that schools have asked for: ‘Can we have clarity about actually how this will be rolled out?’ And I’m providing that clarity that we have not had before and I’ve also listened very carefully to the work of the committee and to professionals the length and breadth of Wales about how much time we need to ensure that our profession will be ready to take on these changes. And, again, that is absolutely crucial and it’s right that we signal this change and provide that clarity now, as we launch our new national strategy, and, as I said, to give clarity to the profession who’ve been asking how it will actually happen.
You raised the very important issue of supply teaching. It’s important that not just the individual people who find themselves working in the supply sector—. It’s not to diminish their contribution, but, actually, overreliance on supply, we know, has an impact on standards. It’s inevitable. So, this is a source of concern to me. You’ll be aware that the previous Minister set up a task and finish group to report on how we could take this forward and didn’t really come up with any overall solution of how to address this agenda, but there were important things that it suggested and, for instance, that we’ve taken forward. So, supply teachers’ access to Hwb: the very professionals who probably need access to that resource more than any other professionals were denied from getting that because we were not giving them a log-on and a password to be able to get onto that system. That has now been addressed.
But looking to the longer term and different ways in which we could organise the supply sector, I, like you, am very aware that there’s been much interest shown in the Northern Ireland model. Now, there are pros and cons to the Northern Ireland model, but I have officials in Northern Ireland this very week—this very week—looking to see whether the Northern Ireland model is one that could be easily transferred to Wales, but we have to recognise that some of this can’t be done until the powers of teachers’ pay and conditions are devolved to us. So, there is some constraint around that, but we are actively looking at different models to be able to address some of the longer term structural problems around how supply teaching is organised at present.
The Member may be interested in some of the local authorities that are looking to work together to have a supply teacher hub model, where a supply teacher will be made available to a cluster of schools and will be working for that particular cluster of schools. There have been a number of local authorities that have come forward and have shown active interest in being part of that pilot. So, there’s lots going on in the issue of supply teaching.
With regard to terms and conditions, it’s really important to reassure people, because some unions have been more enthusiastic than others about the devolution of pay and conditions, to reiterate the promise that no teacher will be worse off as a result of this system, and we do want it to align ourselves with our ambitions within this document, which is all about raising standards and closing that attainment gap.
Resourcing for all of this, of course, sits alongside the usual budgetary processes that we have in Government, at a time when UK austerity continues to be really challenging, and we will do our very best to ensure that our schools have the resources that they need, recognising, of course, that school funding comes in two tranches—yes, via the education department for things like the pupil development grant, but also via local government, via the revenue support grant—and we have to be mindful of that approach to how money actually gets into our schools.
As you know, I have a particular passion for ensuring that we have equity in our system. It’s in this document: an equity for all our students, and that includes those students that pursue their education through the medium of Welsh. It is not fair that students do not have timely access to Welsh-medium resources. The Member will be aware that I held a summit on this earlier in the year—I’m sorry that you were not able to attend that summit—and I continue to have discussions with the Welsh Books Council, with the university press, publishers and the WJEC about how we can improve on this situation. It will be crucial in developing the new curriculum, because if big publishing houses are not interested in working with us now, they’re certainly not going to suddenly wake up and decide they want to resource a brand-new curriculum. So, we have to look to ourselves, not to others, to find creative solutions to that problem. But we have to have an equitable system for all of our children.
Youth work: absolutely crucial. This document tries to make those linkages between what happens in schools, what happens in communities, what happens in the home and how that relates to attainment, and having the opportunity for engagement in non-formal education activities, whether that’s your local youth club, whether that’s your local young farmers’ club—whatever it may be that is in your locality. Access to that for young people is vitally, vitally important if we are to address not only attainment, but also to address issues around well-being, because that’s the service, in many ways, that we can use to address issues around well-being.
Diolch, Llyr, am y gyfres honno o gwestiynau. A gaf i ddweud mai’r hyn sydd gennym yn y ddogfen, yn fy marn i, yw cyfres glir iawn o gamau gweithredu sy'n gysylltiedig â phwy yr ydym yn disgwyl iddynt eu cyflawni, boed hynny’n Llywodraeth ganolog, boed hynny'n haen 2 ein system, y consortia rhanbarthol, yr AALlau a phartneriaid eraill fel Estyn a'r Cyngor Gweithlu Addysg ac ysgolion eu hunain? Ac mae’r rheini wedi’u hamlinellu mewn llinellau amser, sy'n gysylltiedig â phob un o'r pedwar amcan galluogi sydd gennym yn y ddogfen.
O ran y mater o gyflwyno'r cwricwlwm, yr hyn a ddywedais, bob tro y gofynnwyd imi am hyn, yw, ydw, rwy'n credu y gallwn gyflawni'r amserlen wreiddiol a awgrymwyd yng ngwaith Graham Donaldson, ond rwyf hefyd wedi mynd ymlaen i ddweud y byddaf bob amser yn adolygu hynny, ac os wyf yn teimlo bod angen diwygio'r amserlen a awgrymwyd ar gyfer cyflwyno i sicrhau ein bod yn trawsnewid y cwricwlwm yn llwyddiannus, y byddwn yn fodlon gwneud hynny. Yn syml, roedd diffyg eglurder ynghylch sut y byddai'r broses gyflwyno'n digwydd. Y ddogfen—. A chyn hynny, nid oedd cynllun ar gyfer cyflwyno. A dyma un o'r pethau y mae ysgolion wedi gofyn amdano: ‘A allwn ni gael eglurder ynglŷn â sut y caiff hyn ei gyflwyno?’ Ac rwy'n darparu'r eglurder hwnnw nad ydym wedi'i gael o'r blaen ac rwyf hefyd wedi gwrando'n ofalus iawn ar waith y pwyllgor ac ar weithwyr proffesiynol ledled Cymru ynglŷn â faint o amser sydd ei angen arnom i sicrhau y bydd ein proffesiwn yn barod i ymgymryd â'r newidiadau hyn. Ac, unwaith eto, mae hynny'n hollbwysig ac mae'n iawn ein bod yn nodi'r newid hwn ac yn darparu'r eglurder hwnnw nawr, wrth inni lansio ein strategaeth genedlaethol newydd, ac, fel y dywedais, i roi eglurder i'r proffesiwn sydd wedi bod yn gofyn sut y bydd yn digwydd mewn gwirionedd.
Rydych wedi codi mater pwysig iawn addysgu llanw. Mae'n bwysig nad dim ond y bobl unigol sy'n gweithio yn y sector llanw—. Nid wyf yn dymuno bychanu eu cyfraniad, ond, y gwir yw ein bod yn gwybod bod dibynnu’n ormodol ar athrawon llanw’n effeithio ar safonau. Mae'n anochel. Felly, mae hyn yn destun pryder i mi. Byddwch yn gwybod bod y Gweinidog blaenorol wedi sefydlu grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen i roi gwybod sut y gallem fwrw ymlaen â hyn, ac na ddaeth o hyd i unrhyw ateb cyffredinol o ran sut i ymdrin â'r agenda hon, ond roedd yn awgrymu pethau pwysig ac, er enghraifft, rydym wedi gwneud y pethau hyn. Felly, sicrhau bod Hwb ar gael i athrawon llanw: roedd yr union weithwyr proffesiynol sydd ag angen defnyddio’r adnodd hwnnw’n fwy nag unrhyw weithwyr proffesiynol eraill yn cael eu gwrthod rhag cael hynny oherwydd nad oeddem yn rhoi enw mewngofnodi a chyfrinair iddynt allu defnyddio’r system honno. Mae hynny bellach wedi cael ei unioni.
Ond wrth edrych yn fwy hirdymor ar wahanol ffyrdd y gallem drefnu'r sector llanw, rwyf i, fel chi, yn ymwybodol iawn y bu llawer o ddiddordeb ym model Gogledd Iwerddon. Nawr, mae yna fanteision ac anfanteision i fodel Gogledd Iwerddon, ond mae gennyf swyddogion yng Ngogledd Iwerddon yr wythnos hon—yr wythnos hon—yn edrych i weld a yw model Gogledd Iwerddon yn un y gellid ei drosglwyddo’n hawdd i Gymru, ond mae'n rhaid inni gydnabod na ellir gwneud rhywfaint o hyn nes bod pwerau cyflog ac amodau athrawon wedi'u datganoli inni. Felly, mae rhywfaint o gyfyngiadau o gwmpas hynny, ond rydym wrthi'n edrych ar wahanol fodelau i allu datrys rhai o'r problemau strwythurol hirdymor o ran sut mae addysgu llanw wedi’i drefnu ar hyn o bryd.
Efallai y bydd gan yr Aelod ddiddordeb mewn rhai o'r awdurdodau lleol sy'n bwriadu gweithio gyda'i gilydd i gael model canolbwynt athrawon llanw, lle bydd athro llanw ar gael i glwstwr o ysgolion ac yn gweithio i'r clwstwr penodol hwnnw o ysgolion. Mae nifer o awdurdodau lleol wedi dod ymlaen ac wedi dangos diddordeb go iawn mewn bod yn rhan o'r cynllun peilot hwnnw. Felly, mae llawer yn digwydd ym maes addysgu llanw.
O ran telerau ac amodau, mae'n bwysig iawn tawelu meddyliau pobl, oherwydd bod rhai undebau wedi bod yn fwy brwdfrydig nag eraill ynghylch datganoli cyflog ac amodau, i ailadrodd yr addewid na fydd unrhyw athro mewn sefyllfa waeth o ganlyniad i'r system hon, ac rydym am iddi gyd-fynd â'n huchelgeisiau o fewn y ddogfen hon, sy'n ymwneud â chodi safonau a chau'r bwlch cyrhaeddiad hwnnw.
Wrth gwrs, mae’r adnoddau ar gyfer hyn oll yn cyd-fynd â'r prosesau cyllidebol arferol sydd gennym yn y Llywodraeth, ar adeg pan fo cyni y DU yn parhau i fod yn heriol iawn, a gwnawn ein gorau glas i sicrhau bod gan ein hysgolion yr adnoddau sydd eu hangen arnynt, gan gydnabod, wrth gwrs, bod arian i ysgolion yn dod mewn dwy gyfran—ie, drwy'r adran addysg ar gyfer pethau fel y grant datblygu disgyblion, ond hefyd drwy lywodraeth leol, drwy'r grant cefnogi refeniw—a rhaid inni fod yn ymwybodol o'r dull hwnnw o ran sut y mae arian yn cyrraedd ein hysgolion mewn gwirionedd.
Fel y gwyddoch, mae gen i angerdd arbennig dros sicrhau bod gennym degwch yn ein system. Mae yn y ddogfen hon: tegwch i'n holl fyfyrwyr, ac mae hynny'n cynnwys y myfyrwyr hynny sy'n dilyn eu haddysg drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Nid yw'n deg nad oes adnoddau cyfrwng Cymraeg ar gael i fyfyrwyr yn amserol. Bydd yr Aelod yn ymwybodol fy mod wedi cynnal uwchgynhadledd ar hyn yn gynharach yn y flwyddyn—mae'n ddrwg gennyf nad oeddech yn gallu dod i’r uwchgynhadledd honno—ac rwy'n dal i gael trafodaethau gyda Chyngor Llyfrau Cymru, gyda gwasg y brifysgol, cyhoeddwyr a CBAC ynghylch sut y gallwn wella’r sefyllfa hon. Bydd yn hollbwysig wrth ddatblygu'r cwricwlwm newydd, oherwydd os nad oes gan dai cyhoeddi mawr ddiddordeb mewn gweithio gyda ni nawr, yn sicr, nid ydynt yn mynd i ddeffro'n sydyn a phenderfynu eu bod am ddarparu adnoddau ar gyfer cwricwlwm newydd sbon. Felly, mae'n rhaid inni ddod o hyd i atebion creadigol i'r broblem honno ein hunain, nid disgwyl i bobl eraill wneud hynny. Ond mae'n rhaid i ni gael system sy’n deg i’n holl blant.
Gwaith ieuenctid: hollbwysig. Mae'r ddogfen hon yn ceisio gwneud y cysylltiadau hynny rhwng yr hyn sy'n digwydd mewn ysgolion, yr hyn sy'n digwydd mewn cymunedau, yr hyn sy'n digwydd yn y cartref a’r berthynas rhwng hynny a chyrhaeddiad, a chael cyfle i wneud gweithgareddau addysg anffurfiol, yn eich clwb ieuenctid lleol, yn eich clwb ffermwyr ifanc lleol—beth bynnag sydd yn eich ardal chi. Mae sicrhau bod hynny ar gael i bobl ifanc yn hanfodol, hanfodol bwysig os ydym am ymdrin nid yn unig â chyrhaeddiad, ond hefyd i ymdrin â materion sy'n ymwneud â lles, oherwydd dyna'r gwasanaeth, mewn sawl ffordd, y gallwn ei ddefnyddio i ymdrin â materion sy'n ymwneud â lles.
Can I thank the Cabinet Secretary for her statement and welcome the plan that she’s published today? We know, of course, that there are challenges, but I think that it is a very welcome plan and that it is very useful to have everything in one document, in one place, with the timescales attached. I also welcome the announcement that you’ve made about the curriculum and the phased approach. I think the most important thing when doing something as ambitious as this is that we get it right for learners, and I’m grateful that you have listened and have responded in that way. As you know, it is an area that the committee has looked at and is continuing to look at. One of the issues that was raised is that the schools that aren’t pioneer schools did not feel sufficiently in the loop and sufficiently involved in the process. So, I would like to ask what your plans are, going forward, to make sure that that changes and that we are all on the same journey in Wales.
I was also really pleased to see the very strong focus in this document on the need to improve teacher education and professional development. As you’re aware, that’s also an issue that the committee is looking at. One of the concerns that I’ve had is that embarking on something as ambitious as curriculum reform can act as a distraction for some from the absolutely fundamental need to ensure that we have the best quality teaching possible. As you’re aware, this is an issue that Estyn has raised regularly as one of the weakest areas of our system. So, I’d like to ask how you intend to ensure, going forward, that we are all fully focused on that in particular in the profession.
But I do want to give a very warm welcome today to the focus in the plan on well-being. As you’re aware, this is something that I feel very strongly about. The committee is embarking on a new inquiry into the emotional and mental health of children and young people, and we see the role of the schools as absolutely fundamental in that. As you’re aware, there is an enormous amount of good practice out there in individual schools. You announced the pilot yesterday with the health Secretary. But I would like to ask, in terms of early intervention and that universal support for children and young people, how you intend to ensure that that good practice is rolled out as far as possible across Wales, but more importantly how you intend to ensure that schools are accountable for delivering on the well-being agenda.
Just to close by saying that, like Llyr, I really welcome the emphasis on youth work. It’s great to see it mainstreamed in a document like that and to see the role that it plays fully recognised. Thank you.
A gaf i ddiolch i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet am ei datganiad a chroesawu'r cynllun y mae hi wedi'i gyhoeddi heddiw? Rydym yn gwybod, wrth gwrs, fod yna heriau, ond rwy’n meddwl bod croeso mawr i’r cynllun a’i bod yn ddefnyddiol iawn cael popeth mewn un ddogfen, mewn un lle, gyda'r amserlenni ynghlwm. Rwyf hefyd yn croesawu’r cyhoeddiad yr ydych wedi'i wneud am y cwricwlwm a'r ymagwedd fesul cam. Rwy'n meddwl mai'r peth pwysicaf wrth wneud rhywbeth mor uchelgeisiol â hyn yw ein bod yn ei wneud yn iawn ar gyfer dysgwyr, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar eich bod wedi gwrando ac wedi ymateb yn y modd hwnnw. Fel y gwyddoch, mae'n faes y mae'r pwyllgor wedi edrych arno ac y mae'n parhau i edrych arno. Un o'r materion a godwyd yw nad oedd yr ysgolion nad ydynt yn ysgolion arloesol yn teimlo eu bod wedi eu cynnwys yn ddigonol na’u bod wedi cymryd rhan ddigonol yn y broses. Felly, hoffwn ofyn beth yw eich cynlluniau, ar gyfer y dyfodol, i sicrhau bod hynny'n newid a'n bod ni i gyd ar yr un daith yng Nghymru.
Roeddwn hefyd yn falch iawn o weld y pwyslais cryf iawn yn y ddogfen hon ar yr angen i wella addysg a datblygiad proffesiynol i athrawon. Fel y gwyddoch, mae hynny hefyd yn fater y mae'r pwyllgor yn ei ystyried. Un o'r pryderon a fu gennyf i yw y gall cychwyn ar rywbeth mor uchelgeisiol â diwygio'r cwricwlwm dynnu sylw rhai pobl oddi wrth yr angen hollbwysig i sicrhau bod gennym addysgu o’r safon orau bosibl. Fel y gwyddoch, mae hwn yn fater y mae Estyn wedi'i godi'n rheolaidd fel un o feysydd gwannaf ein system. Felly, hoffwn ofyn sut ydych chi’n bwriadu sicrhau, ar gyfer y dyfodol, ein bod i gyd yn canolbwyntio'n llawn ar hynny yn benodol yn y proffesiwn.
Ond rwyf am roi croeso cynnes iawn heddiw i’r pwyslais yn y cynllun ar lesiant. Fel y gwyddoch, mae hyn yn rhywbeth yr wyf yn teimlo'n gryf iawn amdano. Mae'r pwyllgor yn cychwyn ar ymchwiliad newydd i iechyd emosiynol a meddyliol plant a phobl ifanc, ac rydym yn credu bod gan yr ysgolion ran gwbl sylfaenol i’w chwarae yn hynny o beth. Fel y gwyddoch, mae llawer iawn o arfer da yno mewn ysgolion unigol. Rydych wedi cyhoeddi'r cynllun treialu ddoe gyda'r Ysgrifennydd iechyd. Ond hoffwn ofyn, o ran ymyrraeth gynnar a’r gefnogaeth gyffredinol honno i blant a phobl ifanc, sut yr ydych yn bwriadu sicrhau bod yr arfer da hwnnw’n cael ei gyflwyno cyn belled ag y bo modd ledled Cymru, ond yn bwysicach sut yr ydych yn bwriadu sicrhau bod ysgolion yn atebol am gyflawni’r agenda lles.
Dim ond i gau drwy ddweud fy mod, fel Llyr, yn croesawu'r pwyslais ar waith ieuenctid yn fawr. Mae'n wych ei weld yn cael ei brif ffrydio mewn dogfen fel hyn a gweld cydnabyddiaeth lawn i’r rhan y mae'n ei chwarae. Diolch.
Thank you, Lynne. The whole purpose of the document is to respond to the OECD’s criticism about a previous lack of communication from the centre, and we have to listen to that and hold ourselves accountable for clarity around that communication and a coherence about all the strands of reform that are going on at the moment. There’s lots of reform, and sometimes people ask the question, ‘Well, why and for what purpose?’ If we want the profession to engage in this, we have to be very clear ourselves, and that’s what the plan is dedicated to doing.
Quality teaching is absolutely at the heart of the plan, and we are embarking, as you will know, on a range of programmes, but just to highlight the national approach to professional learning and what does that actually mean. So, we’re working with the regional education consortia on this, and there are broadly three main areas that we are focusing on. The first is helping all teachers to understand fully and prepare for the new curriculum and new teaching approaches. That’s regardless of whether you’re in a pioneer school or not, because we need all our teachers to understand the basics of this new approach to the curriculum. That’s already under way, and our new professional teaching standards are a key to achieving this, because they create that entitlement for teachers to say, ‘I have a right to this continual professional learning throughout my career.’
There are more specific skills that all teachers, again, will need and those relate to assessment, curriculum design and the cross-curricular responsibilities that they will have for delivering this new curriculum. Some of that work is under way at present, but we need to develop that further as we go forward. That’s one of the reasons why we need to adjust the timetable for the curriculum: to ensure that that kind of professional learning offer is available consistently, right the way across Wales. Of course, then, there will be specific support needs arising out of the individual areas of learning and experience that are subject specific or AoLE specific. So, there are three strands to the professional learning offer that we will have available.
Like you, Lynne, I have a personal commitment to the issue of well-being. What we know is that we can’t expect children to make the most of their educational opportunities if they’re dealing with other things in their life. I can’t take away bereavement. I can’t take away that some children’s parents will split up. I can’t take away that there will be other traumas in that child’s life. But what we can do is help those children have the resilience that they need, so that when life throws the inevitably tough times at them, and there will be tough times for them, they will have within them the resources that they can call on to manage those situations appropriately and respond to and not be worn down by them. That’s for all our children. We shouldn’t fall into the trap of saying there’s only a specific type of child who suffers from that, because these are universal truths. That’s why we are working across Government. The new project that was announced yesterday will take place in your constituency of Torfaen, and Blaenau Gwent and south Powys. Wrexham and Denbighshire and Ceredigion will all take part in that project, and we’re looking to see that learning—. We’re trying to learn from that so that we can ensure that there’s a consistent roll-out across the country. Crucially, of course, the new curriculum includes the AoLE of health and well-being, so this will be an integral part of what we do in our schools and it will have equal status to the other AoLEs within the curriculum. That’s one of the exciting prospects, I think, about why we’re taking this forward.
Estyn. Well, of course, we’ve announced—. I’m very supportive of the review that they themselves have announced, because unless we get Estyn and inspection aligned to our new curriculum, again, schools will just revert to type and do what they think Estyn needs of them. So, we need to ensure our Estyn inspection regime is aligned to our new curriculum, so that there is not an inconsistency and a confusion for schools, and the review will report next year.
Diolch, Lynne. Holl ddiben y ddogfen yw ymateb i feirniadaeth yr OECD am ddiffyg cyfathrebu blaenorol gan y ganolfan, a rhaid inni wrando ar hynny a’n dal ein hunain yn atebol am eglurder o ran y cyfathrebu hwnnw a chydlyniad ynghylch yr holl feysydd diwygio sy’n digwydd ar hyn o bryd. Mae llawer o ddiwygio, ac weithiau mae pobl yn gofyn y cwestiwn, ‘Wel, pam ac i ba ddiben?’ Os ydym ni’n dymuno i'r proffesiwn ymgysylltu â hyn, mae'n rhaid inni fod yn glir iawn ein hunain, a dyna beth mae'r cynllun yn ymroddedig i'w wneud.
Mae addysgu o safon yn gwbl ganolog i’r cynllun, ac rydym yn cychwyn, fel y gwyddoch, ar ystod o raglenni, ond dim ond i dynnu sylw at yr agwedd genedlaethol tuag at ddysgu proffesiynol a beth mae hynny'n ei olygu mewn gwirionedd. Felly, rydym yn gweithio gyda'r consortia addysg rhanbarthol ar hyn, ac mae tri phrif faes yr ydym yn canolbwyntio arnynt yn fras. Y cyntaf yw helpu pob athro i ddeall y cwricwlwm newydd a’r ymagweddau addysgu newydd yn llawn, a pharatoi amdanynt. Mae hynny pa un a ydych mewn ysgol arloesi ai peidio, oherwydd mae angen i’n holl athrawon ddeall nodweddion sylfaenol yr ymagwedd newydd hon at y cwricwlwm. Mae hynny eisoes ar y gweill, ac mae ein safonau addysgu proffesiynol newydd yn allweddol i gyflawni hyn, oherwydd maen nhw'n creu'r hawl honno i athrawon ddweud, ‘Mae gen i hawl i'r dysgu proffesiynol parhaus hwn drwy gydol fy ngyrfa.’
Mae yna sgiliau mwy penodol y bydd eu hangen ar bob athro, unwaith eto, ac mae'r rheini'n ymwneud ag asesu, dylunio’r cwricwlwm a'r cyfrifoldebau trawsgwricwlaidd y bydd ganddynt i gyflwyno'r cwricwlwm newydd hwn. Mae rhywfaint o'r gwaith hwnnw ar y gweill ar hyn o bryd, ond mae angen inni ddatblygu hynny ymhellach wrth inni symud ymlaen. Dyna un o'r rhesymau pam y mae angen inni addasu'r amserlen ar gyfer y cwricwlwm: i sicrhau bod y math hwnnw o gynnig dysgu proffesiynol ar gael yn gyson, ledled Cymru gyfan. Wrth gwrs, yna, bydd anghenion cymorth penodol yn codi o'r meysydd dysgu unigol a phrofiad sy'n benodol i bwnc neu’n benodol i faes dysgu a phrofiad. Felly, mae tair elfen i'r cynnig dysgu proffesiynol a fydd ar gael gennym.
Fel chi, Lynne, mae gen i ymrwymiad personol i les. Yr hyn yr ydym yn ei wybod yw na allwn ddisgwyl i blant wneud y gorau o'u cyfleoedd addysgol os ydynt yn ymdopi â phethau eraill yn eu bywyd. Ni allaf atal profedigaeth. Ni allaf atal rhieni rhai plant rhag gwahanu. Ni allaf atal trawma arall ym mywyd y plentyn hwnnw. Ond yr hyn y gallwn ei wneud yw helpu i sicrhau bod gan y plant hynny y gwydnwch sydd ei angen arnynt, felly pan fydd bywyd yn anochel yn rhoi amser anodd iddynt, a bydd amser anodd iddynt, bydd ganddynt adnoddau y gallant eu defnyddio i reoli'r sefyllfaoedd hynny’n briodol ac ymateb iddynt heb iddynt fod yn draul arnynt. Mae hynny i’n holl blant. Ni ddylem ddisgyn i mewn i'r trap o ddweud mai dim ond un math penodol o blentyn sy'n dioddef o hynny, oherwydd mae’r rhain yn wirioneddau cyffredinol. Dyna pam yr ydym yn gweithio ar draws y Llywodraeth. Bydd y prosiect newydd a gyhoeddwyd ddoe yn digwydd yn eich etholaeth yn Nhorfaen, ac ym Mlaenau Gwent ac yn ne Powys. Bydd Wrecsam a Sir Ddinbych a Cheredigion oll yn cymryd rhan yn y prosiect hwnnw, ac rydym yn gobeithio gweld y dysgu hwnnw—. Rydym yn ceisio dysgu oddi wrth hynny fel y gallwn sicrhau y caiff ei gyflwyno’n gyson ledled y wlad. Yn hollbwysig, wrth gwrs, mae'r cwricwlwm newydd yn cynnwys maes dysgu a phrofiad iechyd a lles, felly bydd hyn yn rhan annatod o'r hyn a wnawn yn ein hysgolion a bydd ganddo statws cyfartal i'r meysydd dysgu a phrofiad eraill o fewn y cwricwlwm. Dyna un o'r pethau cyffrous, rwy’n meddwl, o ran pam yr ydym yn bwrw ymlaen â hyn.
Estyn. Wel, wrth gwrs, rydym wedi cyhoeddi—. Rwy'n gefnogol iawn o'r adolygiad y maen nhw eu hunain wedi ei gyhoeddi, oherwydd oni bai bod Estyn ac arolygwyr yn cyd-fynd â'n cwricwlwm newydd, eto, bydd ysgolion yn dilyn yr hen arfer ac yn gwneud yr hyn y maent yn meddwl sydd ei angen gan Estyn. Felly, mae angen inni sicrhau bod ein trefn arolygu Estyn yn cyd-fynd â'n cwricwlwm newydd, fel nad oes anghysondeb a dryswch i ysgolion, a chawn adroddiad yr adolygiad y flwyddyn nesaf.
Thank you for your statement, Cabinet Secretary. I do welcome your announcement that the new curriculum will be phased in, but I do so with a little bit of caution. On the one hand, a phased roll-out makes sense, for instance, it enables teething troubles to be resolved and it gives more time for teachers, as you’ve said, to adapt; however, it’s surely going to involve at least some teaching staff having to teach to two different curricula, and the potential for additional stress and confusion for teachers, pupils and parents concerns me. Have you consulted teachers about this potential challenge and how it will be addressed? What support, help and advice are you going to offer teachers and school leaders to ease the transition?
No matter how good the new curriculum may be, the standard of teaching is key. That’s something you’ve already mentioned today: the standard of teaching. So, I would like you to explain how the new teacher standards regime will ensure that the new curriculum will be taught as effectively and as well as can be achieved. How will the new standards support and promote the new curriculum and ensure that any teaching staff who are not performing to the correct standard are helped to achieve it, and if they can’t, are helped to an alternative path?
Comment has been made by teaching unions that teachers won’t be ready to teach the new curriculum, and I think your planned roll-out is at least partly in response to that. But how are you going to make sure that, even with the additional time, those teachers will be ready and confident to deliver the new curriculum in accordance with your timetable?
Lastly, you refer to the education report and report card. I would like you to give a little bit more detail about this. Would you explain how it will work and what the objectives will be? You’ve also said that you want to have improved robust assessment and accountability. I just ask: assessment and accountability of whom, and how do you envisage this working in practice? Thank you.
Diolch am eich datganiad, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Rwy’n croesawu eich cyhoeddiad y caiff y cwricwlwm newydd ei gyflwyno fesul cam, ond gwnaf hynny gydag ychydig o rybudd. Ar y naill law, mae cyflwyniad graddol yn gwneud synnwyr; er enghraifft, mae'n galluogi datrys problemau am ei fod yn newydd ac mae'n rhoi mwy o amser i athrawon, fel y gwnaethoch ddweud, i addasu; fodd bynnag, mae'n sicr y bydd yn golygu y bydd rhaid i o leiaf rai staff addysgu dau gwricwlwm gwahanol, ac mae'r potensial am straen a dryswch ychwanegol i athrawon, disgyblion a rhieni yn peri pryder imi. Ydych chi wedi ymgynghori ag athrawon ynghylch yr her bosibl hon a sut i roi sylw iddi? Pa gefnogaeth, cymorth a chyngor ydych chi'n mynd i’w cynnig i athrawon ac arweinwyr ysgolion i hwyluso'r cyfnod pontio?
Ni waeth pa mor dda fydd y cwricwlwm newydd, mae safon yr addysgu’n allweddol. Mae hynny’n rhywbeth yr ydych eisoes wedi'i grybwyll heddiw: safon yr addysgu. Felly, hoffwn ichi esbonio sut y bydd y drefn safonau athrawon newydd yn sicrhau y caiff y cwricwlwm newydd ei addysgu mor effeithiol a chystal â phosibl. Sut y bydd y safonau newydd yn cefnogi ac yn hyrwyddo'r cwricwlwm newydd ac yn sicrhau bod unrhyw staff addysgu nad ydynt yn perfformio i'r safon gywir yn cael eu helpu i gyflawni hynny, ac os na allant, yn cael eu helpu at lwybr arall?
Mae undebau addysgu wedi dweud na fydd athrawon yn barod i addysgu'r cwricwlwm newydd, ac rwy’n meddwl bod y ffordd yr ydych yn bwriadu ei gyflwyno o leiaf yn rhannol yn ymateb i hynny. Ond sut ydych chi’n mynd i wneud yn siŵr, hyd yn oed gyda'r amser ychwanegol, y bydd yr athrawon hynny’n barod ac yn hyderus i gyflwyno'r cwricwlwm newydd yn unol â'ch amserlen?
Yn olaf, rydych yn cyfeirio at yr adroddiad addysg a'r cerdyn adrodd. Hoffwn ichi roi ychydig mwy o fanylion am hyn. A fyddech chi'n esbonio sut y bydd yn gweithio a beth fydd yr amcanion? Rydych hefyd wedi dweud eich bod am gael asesiadau ac atebolrwydd cadarn a gwell. Rwy’n gofyn: asesiadau ac atebolrwydd i bwy, a sut ydych chi'n rhagweld y bydd hyn yn gweithio yn ymarferol? Diolch.
Can I thank Michelle for her questions? Key to the first set of questions is the issue around professional learning and, as I’ve outlined to previous speakers, there is a comprehensive timeline associated with what we expect to deliver for a national professional learning model, as well as improved initial teacher education. The new teaching and leadership standards are an important part of this, because they quite clearly set out the expectation that we expect teachers to be lifelong learners themselves. They should be the best student in the classroom. I’ve got no time for somebody who claims that they are the finished article. There is always an opportunity to continue to learn more and to reflect that back in your practice within the classroom.
But let’s not be—. Let’s not mix up teaching standards with issues around professional competency. They are two very, very different things, and there are two very distinct processes for dealing with that. Let’s not get hung up that these professional standards are about dealing with issues around professional competency. There is more that we need to do. There is more that we need to do to support staff who are struggling and to ensure they have the opportunity to address difficulties in their performance, and there is more that we need to do to support schools as employers and LEAs if they find themselves in a situation where, despite all best efforts, somebody should not really remain in the classroom, but that is different from the professional teaching standards and the expectations that are set out.
I’m glad that Michelle has brought up the issue of the report card and the national annual report, because nobody else has picked up on that, and it is an important new innovation. We’ve looked at international best practice, and it’s all very well holding individual schools to account via a school categorisation model; this is about holding the Welsh Government to account. This is about sitting down on an annual basis to judge where we are as a nation in terms of our education system—yes, in terms of attainment, but also looking at the wider determinants that we’re talking about in this document. And it’s about that self-reflection as a Government on where we are. If Michelle would like to look at international examples of best practice, I would alert her to the system in Ontario for instance, which we’ve been learning a lot about. So, this is about holding us to account, not just holding teachers to account, or schools to account, or the consortia to account, but holding this Government to account for its performance on a national basis, and I’m really pleased that you picked up on that.
A gaf i ddiolch i Michelle am ei chwestiynau? Y mater allweddol i'r gyfres gyntaf o gwestiynau yw dysgu proffesiynol ac, fel yr wyf wedi'i amlinellu wrth siaradwyr blaenorol, mae llinell amser gynhwysfawr yn gysylltiedig â'r hyn yr ydym yn disgwyl ei gyflawni ar gyfer model dysgu proffesiynol cenedlaethol, yn ogystal â gwell addysg gychwynnol i athrawon. Mae'r safonau addysgu ac arweinyddiaeth newydd yn rhan bwysig o hyn, gan eu bod yn nodi'n glir y disgwyliad ein bod yn disgwyl i athrawon fod yn ddysgwyr gydol oes eu hunain. Nhw ddylai fod y myfyriwr gorau yn yr ystafell ddosbarth. Nid oes gen i amser i rywun sy'n honni eu bod nhw wedi meistroli’r grefft. Mae cyfle bob amser i barhau i ddysgu mwy ac i adlewyrchu hynny yn eich ymarfer yn yr ystafell ddosbarth.
Ond dewch inni beidio—. Dewch inni beidio â chymysgu safonau addysgu â materion sy'n ymwneud â chymhwysedd proffesiynol. Maent yn ddau beth gwahanol iawn, iawn, ac mae dwy broses wahanol iawn ar gyfer ymdrin â hynny. Rhaid inni beidio â meddwl bod y safonau proffesiynol hyn yn fater o ymdrin â materion sy'n ymwneud â chymhwysedd proffesiynol. Mae angen inni wneud mwy. Mae angen inni wneud mwy i gefnogi staff sy'n cael trafferth ac i sicrhau bod ganddynt y cyfle i ymdrin ag anawsterau yn eu perfformiad, ac mae angen inni wneud mwy i gefnogi ysgolion fel cyflogwyr ac AALlau os ydynt yn eu canfod eu hunain mewn sefyllfa lle, er gwaethaf yr holl ymdrechion gorau, na ddylai rhywun aros yn yr ystafell ddosbarth, ond mae hynny'n wahanol i'r safonau addysgu proffesiynol a'r disgwyliadau a nodir.
Rwy'n falch bod Michelle wedi sôn am fater y cerdyn adrodd a'r adroddiad blynyddol cenedlaethol, gan nad oes neb arall wedi sôn am hynny, ac mae'n fenter newydd pwysig. Rydym wedi edrych ar arfer gorau rhyngwladol, ac mae'n hawdd iawn dal ysgolion unigol i gyfrif drwy fodel categoreiddio ysgolion; mae hyn yn fater o ddal Llywodraeth Cymru i gyfrif. Mae hyn yn fater o eistedd yn flynyddol i farnu ble yr ydym fel cenedl o ran ein system addysg—ie, o ran cyrhaeddiad, ond edrych hefyd ar y penderfynyddion ehangach yr ydym yn sôn amdanynt yn y ddogfen hon. Ac mae'n fater o hunan-fyfyrio fel Llywodraeth ar ble yr ydym. Os hoffai Michelle edrych ar enghreifftiau rhyngwladol o arfer gorau, byddwn yn tynnu ei sylw at y system yn Ontario, er enghraifft, yr ydym wedi bod yn dysgu llawer amdani. Felly, mae’n fater o’n dwyn ni i gyfrif, nid dim ond dwyn athrawon i gyfrif, neu ysgolion i gyfrif, neu’r consortia i gyfrif, ond dwyn y Llywodraeth hon i gyfrif am ei pherfformiad yn genedlaethol, ac rwy'n falch iawn eich bod wedi sôn am hynny.
Thank you. I have five more speakers. We’ve had one from each of the four parties, so, if the five speakers can just ask a question, I am prepared to extend the session. If I find that you don’t, then I will cut the session down. Jenny Rathbone.
Diolch. Mae gen i bum siaradwr arall. Rydym wedi cael un o bob un o'r pedair plaid, felly, os gall y pum siaradwr ofyn cwestiwn, rwy'n barod i ymestyn y sesiwn. Os byddaf yn gweld na allwch, byddaf yn torri'r sesiwn i lawr. Jenny Rathbone.
Thank you for your statement and your deliberative approach to rolling this forward and making a success of it. My question is on objective 3. Some things can’t wait, so will you look at the research published in the British Medical Journal by Professor Allyson Pollock on the importance of children not getting collision in contact sports, and banning rugby tackles in schools? She was right on PFI, so we need to ensure that we are taking notice of this research, as this being a major contributor to concussion in young people.
Diolch am eich datganiad a'ch agwedd fwriadol at gyflwyno hyn a gwneud llwyddiant ohono. Mae fy nghwestiwn am amcan 3. Ni all rhai pethau aros, felly a wnewch chi edrych ar yr ymchwil a gyhoeddwyd yn y British Medical Journal gan yr Athro Allyson Pollock am bwysigrwydd peidio â gadael i blant gael gwrthdrawiadau mewn chwaraeon cyswllt, a gwahardd taclo rygbi mewn ysgolion? Roedd hi'n iawn am Fenter Cyllid Preifat, felly mae angen inni sicrhau ein bod yn cymryd sylw o'r ymchwil hwn, gan ei fod yn cyfrannu'n fawr at gyfergyd mewn pobl ifanc.
Thank you, Jenny, for that. I am aware that my predecessor, Huw Lewis, met with campaigners on this particular issue and statements were issued at that time. I am also aware that my colleague Rebecca Evans is actively pursuing this case and we’ll be working across Government to look at evidence and to look at ways forward.
Diolch, Jenny, am hynny. Rwy'n gwybod bod fy rhagflaenydd, Huw Lewis, wedi cwrdd ag ymgyrchwyr ar y mater penodol hwn a bod datganiadau wedi’u cyhoeddi bryd hynny. Rwyf hefyd yn ymwybodol bod fy nghyd-Aelod, Rebecca Evans, yn mynd ati i ymdrin â'r achos hwn a byddwn yn gweithio ar draws y Llywodraeth i edrych ar dystiolaeth ac i edrych ar ffyrdd ymlaen.
The Children, Young People and Education Committee took evidence from Mick Waters last week, and I welcome what you said about separating competence and the new standards. But I do have a little bit of concern about the language used in some of the standards. It’s quite complex and takes some time to interpret. Mick Waters said that they held long conversations when the working group were developing their descriptors and that they need to be—could they be so precise that they can’t be misinterpreted, in which case they’re at risk of becoming trite, or whether they become complex and sometimes difficult to make sense of initially. And the feedback from teachers was that they appreciated the complex descriptors. Now, I’m concerned by that because some of the descriptors I had trouble interpreting myself, given some of the complexity and the language. What role will the Education Workforce Council play in, where there may be those difficulties, helping refine them?
I’ve also noted that the professional learning passport is mentioned several times in the descriptors, in the standards. For example, it states that the professional learning passport is used to support reflective practice and record an active commitment to continued professional learning. We know that the professional learning passport hasn’t had a wide uptake, despite the £300,000-worth of funding from the Welsh Government. So, how will the professional learning passport be further embedded to enable the descriptors and the new standards to be used effectively? I feel that the EWC has an important role to play here and would like to see an enhanced reflective role for the EWC in the development of the professional standards.
Cymerodd y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg dystiolaeth gan Mick Waters yr wythnos diwethaf, ac rwy’n croesawu’r hyn a ddywedasoch am wahanu cymhwysedd a'r safonau newydd. Ond mae gen i rywfaint o bryder am yr iaith a ddefnyddir mewn rhai o'r safonau. Mae'n eithaf cymhleth ac mae'n cymryd peth amser i’w dehongli. Dywedodd Mick Waters eu bod wedi cael sgyrsiau hir pan oedd y gweithgor yn datblygu eu disgrifyddion a bod angen iddynt fod—a allent fod mor fanwl nes na ellir eu camddehongli, sy’n golygu eu bod mewn perygl o ddod yn ystrydebol, neu a ydynt yn mynd yn gymhleth ac weithiau'n anodd gwneud synnwyr ohonynt i ddechrau. A’r adborth gan athrawon oedd eu bod yn gwerthfawrogi'r disgrifyddion cymhleth. Nawr, rwy’n pryderu am hynny oherwydd cefais drafferth i ddehongli rhai o'r disgrifyddion fy hun, o ystyried y cymhlethdod a'r iaith. Pa ran y bydd y Cyngor Gweithlu Addysg yn ei chwarae, lle gallai’r anawsterau hynny fodoli, i helpu i’w mireinio?
Rwyf hefyd wedi nodi bod y pasbort dysgu proffesiynol yn cael ei grybwyll sawl gwaith yn y disgrifyddion, yn y safonau. Er enghraifft, mae'n nodi bod y pasbort dysgu proffesiynol yn cael ei ddefnyddio i gefnogi ymarfer myfyriol a chofnodi ymrwymiad gweithgar i ddysgu proffesiynol parhaus. Gwyddom nad yw'r pasbort dysgu proffesiynol wedi cael ei ddefnyddio gan lawer o bobl, er gwaethaf y gwerth £300,000 o arian gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Felly, sut y caiff y pasbort dysgu proffesiynol ei fewnosod ymhellach i alluogi'r disgrifyddion a'r safonau newydd i gael eu defnyddio'n effeithiol? Rwyf i o’r farn bod gan y Cyngor Gweithlu Addysg ran bwysig i'w chwarae yma a hoffwn weld swyddogaeth fyfyriol well i'r Cyngor Gweithlu Addysg wrth ddatblygu'r safonau proffesiynol.
Thank you very much, Hefin. Can I assure you that the teaching standards were developed by the professionals for the professionals, and, indeed, they also trialled in schools before they were formally adopted? It is a source of concern to me that the professional learning passport has not been as well used as I would like it to. I think it has real potential, and we need to reflect on how we can make it as easy for professionals to use as possible and as relevant for them to use as possible—not having to go home and spend hours and hours and hours doing extra work, but, actually, how they can use that interactively as they go about their daily work, sharing that with other professionals in their schools, and, of course, information technology is a great way in which we can address some of that. The EWC initially had a role to play in the initial work on teaching standards carried out by the previous administration. The EWC is a new organisation. They’ve done a tremendously good job in registering all the different professions that we now ask them to register. They’ve got an important new role in validating initial teacher education courses and we will constantly reflect as to other roles that the EWC could perform on our behalf.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Hefin. Hoffwn eich sicrhau bod y safonau addysgu wedi cael eu datblygu gan y gweithwyr proffesiynol ar gyfer y gweithwyr proffesiynol, ac, yn wir, eu bod hefyd wedi cael eu treialu mewn ysgolion cyn iddynt gael eu mabwysiadu'n ffurfiol. Mae'n destun pryder imi nad yw'r pasbort dysgu proffesiynol wedi cael ei ddefnyddio fel yr hoffwn. Rwy’n meddwl bod ganddo botensial go iawn, ac mae angen inni fyfyrio ar sut y gallwn ei wneud mor hawdd i weithwyr proffesiynol ei ddefnyddio â phosib ac mor berthnasol i'w ddefnyddio â phosib—heb orfod mynd adref a threulio oriau ac oriau’n gwneud gwaith ychwanegol, ond, mewn gwirionedd, sut y gallant ddefnyddio hynny’n rhyngweithiol wrth iddynt wneud eu gwaith bob dydd, gan rannu hynny â gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill yn eu hysgolion, ac wrth gwrs, mae technoleg gwybodaeth yn ffordd wych y gallwn ymdrin â rhywfaint o hynny. I ddechrau roedd gan y Cyngor Gweithlu Addysg ran i'w chwarae yn y gwaith cychwynnol ar safonau addysgu a gynhaliwyd gan y weinyddiaeth flaenorol. Mae'r Cyngor Gweithlu Addysg yn sefydliad newydd. Maent wedi gwneud gwaith aruthrol o dda wrth gofrestru'r holl wahanol broffesiynau yr ydym nawr yn gofyn iddynt eu cofrestru. Mae ganddynt swyddogaeth newydd bwysig o ddilysu cyrsiau addysg cychwynnol i athrawon a byddwn yn myfyrio’n gyson am swyddogaethau eraill y gallai'r Cyngor Gweithlu Addysg eu cyflawni ar ein rhan.
I’ll declare an interest as a former teacher. I know what you said about professional standards, and there’s a lot of talk about generic standards and raising standards, and lots of slogans, lots of buzz words. But I’m concerned about the detail, really. So, I wonder if you’ll allow me to give you a little test, Cabinet Secretary. Can you outline the contents of the new teaching qualification for teaching assistants—what it involves and how many hours that it actually takes, because the teaching assistants who I speak to are just not very impressed?
Rwy’n datgan buddiant fel cyn athro. Rwy'n gwybod beth a ddywedasoch am safonau proffesiynol, ac mae llawer o sôn am safonau generig a chodi safonau, a llawer o sloganau, llawer o eiriau. Ond rwy'n poeni am y manylion, a dweud y gwir. Felly, tybed a wnewch chi ganiatáu imi roi prawf bach ichi, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. A allwch amlinellu cynnwys y cymhwyster addysgu newydd ar gyfer cynorthwywyr addysgu—beth mae'n ei olygu a faint o oriau y mae'n ei gymryd mewn gwirionedd, gan nad yw wedi gwneud argraff dda iawn ar y cynorthwywyr addysgu yr wyf i yn siarad â nhw?
Well, I’m sorry to hear that. In Wales, we’ve traditionally used teaching assistants to a great deal of effect. It’s really interesting, when I visit other countries, like Finland, and, most recently, southern Irish schools, that teaching assistants do not play a part in the education system at all, or to a very, very, very, very small degree. Usually, the only adult in the room is the qualified teacher. Now, I think teaching assistants have an important part to play, especially in our foundation phase, and, if there are questions about the quality of the professional learning opportunities that our teaching assistants have, I do meet regularly with Unison to talk about these and I’m happy to take them up.
Wel, mae'n ddrwg gennyf glywed hynny. Yng Nghymru, rydym yn draddodiadol wedi defnyddio cynorthwywyr addysgu’n effeithiol iawn. Mae'n ddiddorol iawn, pan fyddaf yn ymweld â gwledydd eraill, fel y Ffindir, ac, yn fwyaf diweddar, ysgolion de Iwerddon, nad yw cynorthwywyr addysgu yn chwarae rhan yn y system addysg o gwbl, neu maent yn gwneud hynny i raddau bach iawn, iawn, iawn. Fel arfer, yr unig oedolyn yn yr ystafell yw'r athro cymwysedig. Nawr, rwy'n meddwl bod gan gynorthwywyr addysgu ran bwysig i'w chwarae, yn enwedig yn ein cyfnod sylfaen, ac os oes cwestiynau am ansawdd y cyfleoedd dysgu proffesiynol sydd gan ein cynorthwywyr addysgu, rwy'n cyfarfod yn rheolaidd ag Unison i siarad am y rhain ac rwy’n hapus i sôn amdanynt.
But what is it?
Ond beth ydyw?
It was a question. Rhianon Passmore.
Roedd yn gwestiwn. Rhianon Passmore.
Thank you. First of all, I would like to welcome the action plan as a positive and transformational step forward for Wales, and my question really is based around the fact that we do have the best ever GCSE results for Wales. Are we complacent in that journey in moving forward? Do you feel that attainment gap that we are now closing is closing fast enough? And are you very confident that the way forward for us is to continue with the OECD’s commentary around the fact that this transformational curriculum is the right way forward for Wales? Thank you.
Diolch. Yn gyntaf oll, hoffwn groesawu'r cynllun gweithredu fel cam cadarnhaol a thrawsnewidiol ymlaen i Gymru, ac mae fy nghwestiwn mewn gwirionedd yn seiliedig ar y ffaith bod gennym y canlyniadau TGAU gorau erioed i Gymru. A ydym ni’n hunanfodlon ar y daith honno wrth symud ymlaen? Ydych chi'n teimlo bod y bwlch cyrhaeddiad yr ydym bellach yn ei gau yn cau'n ddigon cyflym? Ydych chi'n hyderus iawn mai'r ffordd ymlaen inni yw parhau â sylwadau’r OECD ynghylch y ffaith mai'r cwricwlwm trawsffurfiol hwn yw'r ffordd gywir ymlaen i Gymru? Diolch.
Could I say I’m absolutely not complacent at all? Is the attainment gap closing fast enough? No, it’s not. I’m particularly concerned about the fact that our children on free school meals continue not to reach the same attainment levels as their richer counterparts. But I’m also equally concerned about how few children in some local authorities who are on school action plus reach the level 2+ threshold. In some local authorities it’s a real, real cause for concern. I’m also concerned, for instance, about children who do not receive their education in a traditional school, whether that be in a pupil referral unit or in education otherwise than at school. So, there are many, many levels to this issue around the attainment gap. It’s not just about free school meals. It is about additional learning needs and it is about EOTAS, and this action plan sets out what we intend to do with all aspects of that.
A gaf i ddweud nad wyf yn hunanfodlon o gwbl? A yw'r bwlch cyrhaeddiad yn cau'n ddigon cyflym? Nac ydy. Rydw i'n pryderu'n arbennig am y ffaith bod ein plant sy’n cael prydau ysgol am ddim yn parhau i fethu â chyrraedd yr un lefelau cyrhaeddiad â'u cyfoedion cyfoethocach. Ond rydw i hefyd yr un mor bryderus ynglŷn â chyn lleied o blant mewn rhai awdurdodau lleol sydd ar Gweithredu gan yr Ysgol a Mwy sy’n cyrraedd y trothwy lefel 2+. Mewn rhai awdurdodau lleol mae'n destun pryder go iawn. Rwyf hefyd yn pryderu, er enghraifft, am blant nad ydynt yn cael eu haddysg mewn ysgol draddodiadol, boed hynny mewn uned cyfeirio disgyblion neu mewn addysg heblaw yn yr ysgol. Felly, mae llawer iawn o lefelau i'r mater hwn o gwmpas y bwlch cyrhaeddiad. Nid dim ond mater o brydau ysgol am ddim yw hwn. Mae'n ymwneud ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol ac mae'n ymwneud ag addysg heblaw yn yr ysgol, ac mae'r cynllun gweithredu hwn yn nodi'r hyn yr ydym yn bwriadu ei wneud gyda phob agwedd ar hynny.
Thank you. And, finally, Huw Irranca-Davies.
Diolch. Ac, yn olaf, Huw Irranca-Davies.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Croesawaf y datganiad heddiw, ond a allaf ofyn i’r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet esbonio sut y bydd y cyhoeddiad heddiw yn helpu addysg yn yr iaith Gymraeg yn enwedig? Rwy’n falch o gael dwy ysgol Gymraeg ardderchog yn fy etholaeth i. Mae ysgol Llangynwyd yn gwasanaethu’r gorllewin, ac mae Llanhari yn gwasanaethu’r dwyrain, ond bydd y ddwy yn ei chael hi’n anodd i ddod o hyd i ddigon o athrawon ffiseg a chemeg a mathemateg ac ati. Gyda’r galw cynyddol am addysg i’r lefel uchaf yn y Gymraeg ym mhob pwnc, sut ydym ni yn sicrhau ein bod yn gwella safonau addysgol ar gyfer pob plentyn a pherson ifanc, yn enwedig ym mamiaith Cymru?
I welcome today’s statement, but may I ask the Cabinet Secretary to explain how today’s announcement will assist Welsh-medium education in particular? I am pleased to have two excellent Welsh-medium schools in my constituency. Ysgol Llangynwyd serves the west, and Llanhari serves the east, but both will find difficulty in finding sufficient numbers of chemistry, maths, and physics teachers and so on. With increasing demand for high-quality Welsh-medium education in all subjects, how are we ensuring that we improve educational standards for all children and young people, particularly in the mother tongue of Wales?
I’m really sorry, Deputy Presiding Officer, I’m not sure whether I got all of that. But what I will say is: Huw, you’re absolutely right. If we’re to have an equitable education system we need to ensure that children have equal chances, whether they are in English-medium, Welsh-medium, or bilingual provision. And, that’s, again, one of the reasons to make a decision about slowing the curriculum introduction down slightly, so that we can address the needs specifically in the Welsh-medium sector. There are a number of programmes in which we can do that. So, that’s alternative routes into teaching for more mature students. It’s developing maybe people who are working in a learning support capacity at the moment. It’s about increasing our secondment schemes, so people who have language capabilities can have a break from school to go and develop them further.
It’s even about innovative technological advances. So, officials have been up recently to look at the delivery of Gaelic education in the Outer Hebrides. My goodness me, if we think we’ve got challenges in rural Wales, go to the Outer Hebrides and look to see how you provide a bilingual education system in the Outer Hebrides. One of the ways in which they’ve supported Gaelic—[Interruption.] One of the ways in which they’ve supported Gaelic—[Interruption.] As I was just saying, my officials were there just over the summer. One of the ways they’ve supported that is by the e-school, and that has been absolutely fantastic in terms of attainment for those children. So, they’ve got university professors teaching science via Gaelic over an internet link. They’ve got a philosophy professor at a university teaching philosophy via Gaelic over a link. Actually, what this is doing is enabling more children and parents to make that positive choice about learning through Gaelic, and then that, in itself, drives then more demand to be able to demonstrate to people, ‘You have a real professional opportunity and a lifelong career should you move into this sector’. So, we’re actively looking at whether those technological solutions that are being used innovatively in other parts of the world—whether we can adopt some of that best practice here in Wales to address those situations.
Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, Dirprwy Lywydd, nid wyf yn siŵr a ddeallais i hynny i gyd. Ond yr hyn y gwnaf ei ddweud yw: Huw, rydych chi'n hollol gywir. Os ydym ni am gael system addysg deg, mae angen inni sicrhau bod gan blant gyfle cyfartal, boed hynny mewn darpariaeth cyfrwng Saesneg, cyfrwng Cymraeg neu ddwyieithog. A, dyna, unwaith eto, un o'r rhesymau dros wneud penderfyniad ynghylch arafu cyflwyniad y cwricwlwm ychydig, fel y gallwn ymdrin â'r anghenion yn benodol yn y sector cyfrwng Cymraeg. Mae yna nifer o raglenni y gallwn eu defnyddio i wneud hynny. Felly, dyna ffyrdd eraill i mewn i addysgu i fyfyrwyr mwy aeddfed. Mae'n fater o ddatblygu efallai pobl sy'n gweithio mewn swydd cymorth dysgu ar hyn o bryd. Mae'n fater o gynyddu ein cynlluniau secondiad, fel y gall pobl sydd â gallu iaith gael seibiant o'r ysgol i fynd i'w ddatblygu ymhellach.
Mae hyd yn oed yn ymwneud â datblygiadau technolegol arloesol. Felly, mae swyddogion wedi bod yn ddiweddar i edrych ar ddarpariaeth addysg Gaeleg yn yr Hebrides Allanol. Bobol bach, os ydym ni’n meddwl bod gennym heriau yng Nghymru wledig, ewch i'r Hebrides Allanol ac edrychwch i weld sut ydych chi’n darparu system addysg ddwyieithog yn yr Hebrides Allanol. Un o'r ffyrdd y maent wedi cefnogi Gaeleg—[Torri ar draws.] Un o'r ffyrdd y maent wedi cefnogi Gaeleg—[Torri ar draws.] Fel yr oeddwn yn ei ddweud, roedd fy swyddogion yno dros yr haf. Un o'r ffyrdd y maent wedi cefnogi hynny yw â’r e-ysgol, ac mae hynny wedi bod yn hollol wych o ran cyrhaeddiad y plant hynny. Felly, mae ganddynt athrawon prifysgol yn addysgu gwyddoniaeth drwy'r Gaeleg dros gyswllt rhyngrwyd. Mae ganddynt athro athroniaeth mewn prifysgol yn addysgu athroniaeth drwy'r Gaeleg dros gyswllt. Mewn gwirionedd, beth mae hyn yn ei wneud yw galluogi mwy o blant a rhieni i wneud y dewis cadarnhaol hwnnw ynglŷn â dysgu drwy'r Gaeleg, ac yna mae hynny, ynddo'i hun, yn sbarduno mwy o alw i allu dangos i bobl, ‘Mae gennych chi gyfle proffesiynol go iawn a gyrfa gydol oes pe byddech chi'n symud i'r sector hwn’. Felly, rydym wrthi'n edrych i weld a yw'r atebion technolegol hynny sy'n cael eu defnyddio’n arloesol mewn rhannau eraill o'r byd—a allwn ni fabwysiadu rhywfaint o'r arfer gorau hwnnw yma yng Nghymru i ymdrin â'r sefyllfaoedd hynny.
Thank you, Cabinet Secretary.
Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet.
Item 4 on the agenda this afternoon is a statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure on transport proposals for Deeside, and I call on Ken Skates to introduce the statement.
Eitem 4 ar yr agenda y prynhawn yma yw datganiad gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Economi a Seilwaith ynglŷn â chynigion trafnidiaeth ar gyfer Glannau Dyfrdwy, a galwaf ar Ken Skates i gyflwyno'r datganiad.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. I welcome this opportunity today to update Members regarding a number of transport developments in Deeside. It goes without saying that, as a Government, we are absolutely determined to spread prosperity and support economic development across all parts of Wales.
In March this year I launched my transport vision for north Wales and the north-east Wales metro. This vision is to create a quality integrated transport system across the region that maximises the economic opportunities by connecting people, communities, and businesses to jobs, facilities, and services. Improving connectivity goes beyond the regional border, which is why I’ve set up a transport steering group that brings together key partners from north Wales, Merseyside, and Cheshire to deliver my vision. The steering group will co-ordinate the development of a work programme for the north-east Wales metro as well as taking forward investments in other parts of the region. Over recent months it has worked with local authorities, business sectors, and bus and rail operators to develop a package of transport investments for delivery over the coming months.
The main focus has been on creating integrated transport hubs at key employment sites across north Wales and the wider Mersey Dee area. In north Wales these hubs are centred in the Bangor, Abergele, Rhyl, St Asaph, Wrexham, and Deeside areas. It is my intention over the coming weeks to announce a programme of metro initiatives in the Wrexham hub area, but today my focus is on Deeside.
My statement today will announce my decision about the preferred option for the Deeside corridor scheme, as well as outlining wider initiatives being taken forward in the Deeside area. I’ll be making further statements over the coming weeks and months to explain my proposals for the other hubs.
Transport integration is about joining up all transport modes, and the package of measures we are planning for Deeside delivers on all modes and improves infrastructure and services. Importantly, the improvements support the Deeside plan published earlier this year by Flintshire County Council. I would like to congratulate the authority on their plan, which identifies the transport interventions necessary to deliver opportunities for economic growth. The package of measures we are taking forward goes a long way towards meeting the aspirations within the Deeside plan.
Firstly, I am pleased to announce that, after taking into account the technical, social, economic, and environmental aspects of the Deeside corridor scheme, plus the outcome of the public consultation we held, I have decided to adopt the red route as the preferred option. This option, which includes increased capacity on the existing A548 and a new road between the A55 and A548, I believe, will address the transport problems we had previously identified in the A55/A494/A548 Deeside corridor improvement key stage 2 study. The proposed route will help address the chronic congestion the area suffers, it will improve journey times for both businesses and commuting traffic, and it will also strengthen the social and economic links between north Wales, Deeside industrial estate, Chester and beyond. Villages such as Oakenholt and Northop Hall will see the benefits from reduced through traffic on the A548 and B5125.
Deputy Presiding Officer, I will be publishing a TR111 plan in order protect the route under the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 1995. This means that the local planning authority will refer to the Welsh Government all future planning applications that are near the preferred route. The next steps will be to investigate further and develop a preliminary design. In particular, we will be looking at the environmental and engineering issues in more detail, taking account of the comments made during the consultation and looking at a junction strategy and options for side roads and accesses. The design will also take into consideration the demands that may arise from advances in technology such as connected and autonomous vehicles. It is critical that what we deliver with our investment today is fit for the future.
Following preliminary design, we will publish draft Orders under the Highways Act 1980 and the Acquisition of Land Act 1981. The draft Orders comprise the powers to establish a line, modify the side roads, purchase land and put in place any other rights we need to deliver the scheme. We will also be progressing the delivery of the A494 River Dee improvement scheme. This scheme will investigate options that will resolve the existing traffic bottleneck at this location of the network and overcome the serviceability issues with the existing bridge.
Our development work to improve connectivity by rail is also moving to the next stage. We are currently discussing with Network Rail the commissioning of further work on a new Deeside Parkway and co-locating Shotton higher and Shotton lower. The latter will enable a seamless interchange for passengers wanting to change between the Wrexham and Bidston line and the north Wales main coast line. As for Deeside Parkway, this offers an exciting opportunity to improve access to the business park, the introduction of park-and-ride provision, and facilities for road freight traffic. We will be working closely with Flintshire County Council to deliver these proposals further.
I have provided the local authority with funding to improve access to Deeside by sustainable modes. Over £1 million has been allocated to improve bus services and to encourage walking and cycling. Part of this money will be spent on developing bus interchanges, bus priority measures on the B5129 Shotton corridor and bus infrastructure on Deeside industrial park. The remainder of the grant will support the introduction of active travel routes within the Deeside industrial park. This will result in a complete network of dedicated cycleways on all access routes within Deeside industrial park, with seamless links to rail and bus hubs. Secure cycle parking will be built into the design of the transport hubs. The cycling and walking provisions in the Deeside industrial park will be used as the exemplar to guide the development of other key employment hubs across the region.
We are also working with local authorities in the Mersey-Dee area, and with bus operators, to develop a bus quality partnership scheme aimed at improving the travel experience and increasing passenger numbers. We’ve already invested £5.5 million in the Northern Gateway site to facilitate commercial development. Further investment of £4.7 million has been committed to continue with building additional road infrastructure, to open land for development and attract further businesses to locate at the site. This infrastructure will improve transport connectivity to and within the site.
All the initiatives I have described will go a long way to address the barriers to accessing jobs in the Deeside hub. They will also form one of the building blocks that will deliver a north-east Wales metro vision of a well-connected and high-quality integrated transport system.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Croesawaf y cyfle hwn heddiw i ddiweddaru'r Aelodau ynglŷn â nifer o ddatblygiadau trafnidiaeth yng Nglannau Dyfrdwy. Does dim angen dweud ein bod ni, fel Llywodraeth, yn gwbl benderfynol i greu ffyniant a chefnogi datblygu economaidd ym mhob rhan o Gymru.
Ym mis Mawrth eleni, lansiais fy ngweledigaeth trafnidiaeth ar gyfer gogledd Cymru a metro gogledd-ddwyrain Cymru. Mae’r weledigaeth hon yn golygu creu system drafnidiaeth gyfannol o ansawdd da ar draws y rhanbarth gan gynyddu'r cyfleoedd economaidd trwy gysylltu pobl, cymunedau a busnesau â swyddi, cyfleusterau a gwasanaethau. Mae gwella cysylltedd yn mynd y tu hwnt i'r ffin ranbarthol, a dyna pam yr wyf wedi sefydlu grŵp llywio trafnidiaeth sy'n dod â phartneriaid allweddol o ogledd Cymru, Glannau Mersi a Swydd Gaer ynghyd i gyflawni fy ngweledigaeth. Bydd y grŵp llywio yn cy