Y Cyfarfod Llawn
Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.
In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.
Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:30 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Prynhawn da. Before I call on First Minister's questions today, and on behalf of us all, I want to express our condolences with our colleague Carolyn Thomas, after the sudden and cruel loss of her son, Ben. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Carolyn, and your family.
And, also, as we begin our proceedings today, I'm sure we are all horrified by the death and destruction we're witnessing in pictures from Turkey and Syria. Our thoughts as a Senedd are with the people of that region as they seek to rescue, to survive and to grieve.
Prynhawn da. Cyn i mi alw ar gwestiynau i'r Prif Weinidog heddiw, ac ar ran pob un ohonom ni, hoffwn fynegi ein cydymdeimlad gyda'n cyd-Aelod Carolyn Thomas, wedi colled sydyn a chreulon ei mab, Ben. Mae ein meddyliau a'n gweddïau gyda chi, Carolyn, a'ch teulu.
Ac, hefyd, wrth i ni ddechrau ein trafodion heddiw, rwy'n siŵr ein bod ni i gyd wedi'n harswydo wrth weld y marwolaethau a'r dinistr mewn lluniau o Dwrci a Syria. Mae ein meddyliau fel Senedd gyda phobl y rhanbarth hwnnw wrth iddyn nhw geisio achub, goroesi a galaru.
The Trefnydd now will be answering questions on behalf of the First Minister today, and the first question, cwestiwn 1, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Nawr bydd y Trefnydd yn ateb cwestiynau ar ran y Prif Weinidog heddiw, a'r cwestiwn cyntaf, cwestiwn 1, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
1. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog roi ddatganiad am ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru i ymgynghoriad y 2 Sisters Food Group ar gau ei safle yn Llangefni? OQ59108
1. Will the First Minister make a statement on the Welsh Government's response to the 2 Sisters Food Group's consultation on the closure of its site in Llangefni? OQ59108

Diolch. Welsh Government had no prior knowledge of the announcement of the 2 Sisters Food Group's consultation. We are committed to doing all we can to support the people affected and ensure all parties work together to deliver a sustainable future for the local economy.
Diolch. Nid oedd gan Lywodraeth Cymru unrhyw wybodaeth o flaen llaw am gyhoeddi ymgynghoriad y 2 Sisters Food Group. Rydym ni wedi ymrwymo i wneud popeth o fewn ein gallu i gynorthwyo'r bobl yr effeithir arnyn nhw a sicrhau bod pob parti yn cydweithio i sicrhau dyfodol cynaliadwy ar gyfer yr economi leol.
Diolch, Weinidog. Rydyn ni yn tynnu am bythefnos rŵan ers y cyhoeddiad—cyfnod byr oedd yr ymgynghoriad i gyd. Ac, er ei bod hi'n amlwg o'r cychwyn mai'r peryg ydy bod hwn yn benderfyniad sydd eisoes wedi ei wneud, mae hi'n allweddol, wrth gwrs, mai'r flaenoriaeth ydy gweld a oes unrhyw beth y mae modd ei wneud er mwyn newid meddwl y cwmni. Ond, mae'n rhaid ar yr un pryd baratoi am y gwaethaf. Rydyn ni yn sôn am impact enfawr ar y gymuned—3 y cant o holl weithlu Ynys Môn.
Yn wyneb hynny, ydy'r Gweinidog yn cytuno efo fi fod rhaid i'r ymateb fod yn sylweddol ac yn gyflym, a hynny gan Lywodraethau Cymru a Phrydain, gan fod gymaint o beth sydd wedi gyrru hyn, o Brexit i gostau ynni, yn faterion dan gyfrifoldeb Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig, ac, o fuddsoddiad mawr mewn creu swyddi i gefnogaeth efo costau byw, fod angen i Weinidogion yng Nghaerdydd, a Gweinidogion yn Llundain, wneud datganiad buan, y gallwn ni, y gymuned, y cyngor, y cynlluniau datblygu economaidd, ddisgwyl cefnogaeth ariannol sylweddol?
Thank you, Minister. It is now almost a fortnight since the announcement of the consultation—it was a short one anyway. And, although it was clear from the outset that the risk was that this was a decision that had already been made, it is crucial, of course, that the priority is to see whether there is anything that can be done to change the company's mind. But, we must simultaneously prepare for the worst. We are talking about a huge impact on the community—3 per cent of the whole workforce on Anglesey.
In light of that, would the Minister agree with me that the response must be significant and swift, from the Welsh and UK Governments, given that so much of what has driven this, from Brexit to energy costs, is the responsibility of the UK Government, and, from significant investment in job creation to support with the cost of living, that Ministers in London and Cardiff need to make an early statement that we, the community, the council and the economic development plans can expect significant financial support?
Thank you. I think 2 Sisters Poultry Ltd are maintaining it's a meaningful consultation and no decision has been made. But, I think you are quite right—we do need, obviously, to prepare for the worst. As I say, we had no prior knowledge of that. I think it would have been helpful had we have had some prior knowledge. We worked very closely with that plant, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic; you'll remember it did have an outbreak, and we worked very closely with them. We have had a relationship with them, so I think it was disappointing that they didn't contact us ahead of the announcement.
As you know—and you're absolutely a part of the discussions—we are all working in partnership together. On the day of the announcement, both I and the Minister for Economy met with the leader of Ynys Môn county council. Then there were further discussions. The First Minister himself met with the authority on the following morning, and, then, I know you met with the Minister for Economy last Tuesday, and, obviously, the taskforce has now been set up. It was held for the first time on 3 February, when all the partners that you referred to were there, along with the trade union and the Department for Work and Pensions. And I think it is absolutely right that—. This is another example, isn't it, of where Brexit, inflation and the energy crisis are having an absolute detrimental effect on all of our communities, creating that perfect storm that we really don't want to see. But, these are real people who are being affected by this, so we are, once again, urging the UK Government to act quickly to support Welsh businesses, and, as a Government, we will continue to do all we can.
Diolch. Rwy'n credu bod 2 Sisters Poultry Ltd yn mynnu ei fod yn ymgynghoriad ystyrlon ac nad oes unrhyw benderfyniad wedi'i wneud. Ond, rwy'n credu eich bod chi yn llygad eich lle—mae angen i ni, yn amlwg, baratoi ar gyfer y gwaethaf. Fel y dywedais, nid oedd gennym ni unrhyw wybodaeth o flaen llaw am hynny. Rwy'n credu y byddai wedi bod o gymorth pe baem ni wedi cael rhywfaint o wybodaeth o flaen llaw. Fe wnaethom weithio'n agos iawn gyda'r gwaith hwnnw, yn enwedig yn ystod pandemig COVID-19; byddwch yn cofio y bu brigiad o achosion yno, ac fe wnaethon ni weithio'n agos iawn gyda nhw. Bu gennym ni berthynas â nhw, felly rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n siomedig na wnaethon nhw gysylltu â ni cyn y cyhoeddiad.
Fel y gwyddoch—ac rydych chi'n sicr yn rhan o'r trafodaethau—rydym ni i gyd yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth gyda'n gilydd. Ar ddiwrnod y cyhoeddiad, fe wnes i a Gweinidog yr Economi gyfarfod ag arweinydd Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn. Yna cafwyd trafodaethau pellach. Fe wnaeth y Prif Weinidog ei hun gyfarfod â'r awdurdod ar y bore canlynol, ac yna, gwn eich bod chi wedi cyfarfod â Gweinidog yr Economi ddydd Mawrth diwethaf, ac, yn amlwg, mae'r tasglu wedi cael ei sefydlu bellach. Fe'i cynhaliwyd am y tro cyntaf ar 3 Chwefror, pan oedd yr holl bartneriaid y gwnaethoch chi gyfeirio atyn nhw yno, ynghyd â'r undeb llafur a'r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau. Ac rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n gwbl briodol bod—. Mae hon yn enghraifft arall, onid yw, o le mae Brexit, chwyddiant a'r argyfwng ynni yn cael effaith gwbl niweidiol ar ein holl gymunedau, gan greu'r storm berffaith honno nad ydym ni wir eisiau ei gweld. Ond, mae'r rhain yn bobl go iawn yr effeithir arnyn nhw gan hyn, felly rydym ni'n annog Llywodraeth y DU, unwaith eto, i weithredu'n gyflym i gynorthwyo busnesau Cymru, ac, fel Llywodraeth, byddwn ni'n parhau i wneud popeth o fewn ein gallu.
I'd first like to echo the comments made regarding the devastating impact of the proposed closure of the 2 Sisters Llangefni site, and the real importance for both the UK and Welsh Governments to work together to achieve as positive an outcome as possible. So, I certainly support the Member for Ynys Môn's calls for that.
It has been positive, Minister, as I'm sure you'd agree, to see that there are companies on the island and beyond looking to offer further employment to those people who are affected. I'm pleased also that Virginia Crosbie, MP for Ynys Môn, has been working with employers to see what opportunities can be provided to those impacted as well. You mentioned, Minister, the taskforce that Welsh Government have set up, and it's certainly good to see that happen as quickly as possible. But, I wonder what further assurances you can give that this taskforce will ensure those impacted are supported through the 45-day consultation period, and what work they are doing to look at the long-term viability of the site. And, then, furthermore, what analysis will that taskforce be making of the impact on the wider community of Ynys Môn and beyond? Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Hoffwn yn gyntaf ategu'r sylwadau a wnaed ynghylch effaith ddinistriol y cynllun arfaethedig i gau safle 2 Sisters yn Llangefni, a'r pwysigrwydd gwirioneddol i Lywodraethau'r DU a Chymru weithio gyda'i gilydd i sicrhau canlyniad mor gadarnhaol â phosibl. Felly, rwy’n sicr yn cefnogi galwadau'r Aelod dros Ynys Môn am hynny.
Mae wedi bod yn gadarnhaol, Gweinidog, fel yr wyf i'n siŵr y byddech chi'n cytuno, gweld bod cwmnïau ar yr ynys a thu hwnt yn ceisio cynnig cyflogaeth bellach i'r bobl hynny yr effeithir arnyn nhw. Rwy'n falch hefyd bod Virginia Crosbie, AS Ynys Môn, wedi bod yn gweithio gyda chyflogwyr i weld pa gyfleoedd y gellir eu darparu i'r rhai yr effeithir arnyn nhw hefyd. Fe wnaethoch chi grybwyll, Gweinidog, y tasglu y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ei sefydlu, ac mae'n sicr yn dda gweld hynny'n digwydd cyn gynted â phosibl. Ond, tybed pa sicrwydd pellach y gallwch chi ei roi y bydd y tasglu hwn yn sicrhau bod y rhai yr effeithir arnyn nhw yn cael eu cefnogi drwy'r cyfnod ymgynghori 45 diwrnod, a pha waith maen nhw'n ei wneud i edrych ar hyfywedd hirdymor y safle. Ac, wedyn, ar ben hynny, pa ddadansoddiad fydd y tasglu hwnnw'n ei wneud o'r effaith ar gymuned ehangach Ynys Môn a thu hwnt? Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Diolch. So, the taskforce does include Welsh Government, Ynys Môn council, UK Government, the Department for Work and Pensions, the company itself and Unite trade union. There are going to be two parts to it: there's going to be a leadership group, which will obviously have the ministerial input, and then there'll be an operational group, which will be at an official level. And that's to ensure that work progresses at pace. I think that it is really important that that taskforce looks at what we can do to support the affected employees and the communities. It is a really devastating announcement. I absolutely agree with you around that, and I'm aware that the taskforce, on Friday, did absolutely reaffirm its full support.
Diolch. Mae'r tasglu'n cynnwys Llywodraeth Cymru, cyngor Ynys Môn, Llywodraeth y DU, yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau, y cwmni ei hun ac undeb llafur Unite. Bydd dwy ran iddo: bydd grŵp arweinyddiaeth, a fydd yn amlwg yn cael y mewnbwn gweinidogol, ac yna bydd grŵp gweithredol, a fydd ar lefel swyddogol. Ac mae hynny i sicrhau bod gwaith yn mynd rhagddo yn gyflym. Rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig iawn bod y tasglu hwnnw'n edrych ar yr hyn y gallwn ni ei wneud i gynorthwyo'r gweithwyr yr effeithir arnyn nhw a'r cymunedau. Mae wir yn gyhoeddiad ofnadwy. Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â chi ynghylch hynny, ac rwy'n ymwybodol bod y tasglu, ddydd Gwener, yn sicr wedi ailddatgan ei gefnogaeth lawn.
2. Pa asesiad y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'i wneud o ddiogelwch adeiladau y mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr yn berchen arnynt? OQ59098
2. What assessment has the First Minister made of the safety of buildings owned by Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board? OQ59098
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board is responsible for the condition of its own estate. Business cases can be submitted to Welsh Government for capital funding for the health board's assessed priorities, which have to be considered against the backdrop of significant capital pressures across NHS Wales.
Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr sy'n gyfrifol am gyflwr ei ystad ei hun. Gellir cyflwyno achosion busnes i Lywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer cyllid cyfalaf ar gyfer blaenoriaethau a aseswyd y bwrdd iechyd, y mae'n rhaid eu hystyried yn erbyn cefndir pwysau cyfalaf sylweddol ar draws GIG Cymru.
Thank you, Trefnydd. Now, shockingly, some 74 per cent of the buildings owned by this board comply with statutory health and safety requirements, only 64 per cent comply with relevant statutory fire safety requirements, and only 62 per cent are operationally safe. And that's a very worrying concern for my constituents and also patients across north Wales. At Ysbyty Gwynedd, the design and layout actually present infection prevention and control risks. The hospital that you're directly supporting, Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, now has a maintenance backlog of £37 million. And Bryn y Neuadd, in Llanfairfechan, has a backlog of £27.7 million, and 70 per cent of its occupied floor area recorded as 'not functionally suitable'. And that particular hospital has some very, very vulnerable patients there. They deserve better.
Now, the health board's estate strategy states that,
'physical condition and statutory compliance of the estate has got worse since the 2019 Estate Strategy'.
Now, whilst I'd like clarity as to what financial assistance you will be providing, this is simply not a good state of affairs for a health board that swings from one crisis, or one scandal or story, week by week. Now, at some stage, when are you going to actually look at the management of this health board? And, actually, in something like this, if I was responsible for the maintenance and the upkeep of buildings in a managerial position, I would be expecting some kind of repercussion to come from such a poor report. So, what steps are you taking, Trefnydd, to make sure that my constituents, and other patients across north Wales—
Diolch, Trefnydd. Nawr, yn syfrdanol, mae tua 74 y cant o'r adeiladau sy'n eiddo i'r bwrdd hwn yn cydymffurfio â gofynion iechyd a diogelwch statudol, dim ond 64 y cant sy'n cydymffurfio â gofynion diogelwch tân statudol perthnasol, a dim ond 62 y cant sy'n weithredol ddiogel. Ac mae hynny'n bryder mawr iawn i fy etholwyr a hefyd i gleifion ar draws y gogledd. Yn Ysbyty Gwynedd, mae'r dyluniad a'r cynllun yn peri risgiau atal a rheoli heintiau mewn gwirionedd. Mae gan yr ysbyty rydych chi'n ei gefnogi'n uniongyrchol, Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, ôl-groniad cynnal a chadw o £37 miliwn erbyn hyn. Ac mae gan Bryn y Neuadd, yn Llanfairfechan, ôl-groniad o £27.7 miliwn, ac mae 70 y cant o'i arwynebedd llawr sydd wedi'i feddiannu wedi'i nodi'n 'weithredol anaddas'. Ac mae gan yr ysbyty penodol hwnnw rai cleifion agored iawn i niwed yno. Maen nhw'n haeddu gwell.
Nawr, mae strategaeth ystad y bwrdd iechyd yn dweud bod,
'cyflwr ffisegol a chydymffurfiad statudol yr ystad wedi gwaethygu ers Strategaeth Ystad 2019'.
Nawr, er y byddwn i'n hoffi eglurder ynghylch pa gymorth ariannol y byddwch chi'n ei ddarparu, yn syml, nid yw hon yn sefyllfa dda i fwrdd iechyd sy'n symud o un argyfwng, neu un sgandal neu stori, o wythnos i wythnos. Nawr, ar ryw adeg, pryd ydych chi'n mynd i edrych mewn gwirionedd ar reolaeth y bwrdd iechyd hwn? Ac, mewn gwirionedd, o ran rhywbeth fel hyn, pe bawn i'n gyfrifol am gynnal a chadw a chynhaliaeth adeiladau mewn swydd reoli, byddwn yn disgwyl i ryw fath o ôl-effeithiau ddeillio o adroddiad mor wael. Felly, pa gamau ydych chi'n eu cymryd, Trefnydd, i wneud yn siŵr y gall fy etholwyr, a chleifion eraill ar draws y gogledd—
I have been extremely generous, Janet Finch-Saunders, so just ask the question now.
Rwyf i wedi bod yn eithriadol o hael, Janet Finch-Saunders, felly gofynnwch y cwestiwn nawr.
Okay. So, what steps are you taking to ensure that my constituents, and patients across north Wales, can actually receive their medical treatment in safe facilities? Diolch.
Iawn. Felly, pa gamau ydych chi'n eu cymryd i sicrhau y gall fy etholwyr, a chleifion ar draws y gogledd, dderbyn eu triniaeth feddygol mewn cyfleusterau diogel? Diolch.
Well, I know what steps you could take, and you could put some pressure on your Government in Westminster to increase our capital budgets. Our capital budgets have not been increased by the UK Government. However, we have committed more than £335 million towards important NHS and social care capital projects this financial year, and a further £375 million next year to support those organisations, because it's right across Wales. We know we have a lot of our buildings, across all hospitals and health boards in Wales—. Some of them are over 30 years old. So, we know that there has been an increase in backlog figures, for instance, and I know that the Minister for Health and Social Services has met with the chair of the health board and the interim chief executive of Betsi to discuss what prioritisation the health board has, because, as I said in my opening answer to you, it's up to them to identify the priorities that they have, and then put in the bids to the Welsh Government. But you must appreciate the pressures on our capital budget.
Wel, rwy'n gwybod pa gamau y gallech chi eu cymryd, a gallech chi roi rhywfaint o bwysau ar eich Llywodraeth yn San Steffan i gynyddu ein cyllidebau cyfalaf. Nid yw ein cyllidebau cyfalaf wedi cael eu cynyddu gan Lywodraeth y DU. Fodd bynnag, rydym ni wedi ymrwymo mwy na £335 miliwn tuag at brosiectau cyfalaf y GIG a gofal cymdeithasol pwysig yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon, a £375 miliwn arall y flwyddyn nesaf i gynorthwyo'r sefydliadau hynny, oherwydd mae ar draws Cymru gyfan. Rydym ni'n gwybod bod gennym ni lawer o'n hadeiladau, ym mhob ysbyty a bwrdd iechyd yng Nghymru—. Mae rhai ohonyn nhw dros 30 oed. Felly, rydym ni'n gwybod y bu cynnydd mewn ffigurau ôl-groniad, er enghraifft, a gwn fod y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol wedi cyfarfod â chadeirydd y bwrdd iechyd a phrif weithredwr dros dro Betsi i drafod pa flaenoriaethu sydd gan y bwrdd iechyd, oherwydd, fel y dywedais yn fy ateb agoriadol i chi, mater iddyn nhw yw nodi'r blaenoriaethau sydd ganddyn nhw, ac yna gwneud y ceisiadau i Lywodraeth Cymru. Ond mae'n rhaid i chi werthfawrogi'r pwysau ar ein cyllideb gyfalaf.
Cwestiynau nawr gan arweinwyr y pleidiau. Arweinydd y Ceidwadwyr, Andrew R.T. Davies.
Questions now from party leaders. The leader of the Welsh Conservatives, Andrew R.T. Davies.

Thank you, Presiding Officer. Could I identify with the comments that you made earlier in this session, Presiding Officer? And could I ask you, Trefnydd, in light of the horrendous scenes that are coming from Turkey and Syria, and the size of the death total that's going up in the hundreds, if not the thousands, every hour, what assessment has the Welsh Government made of the assistance that we in Wales will be able to give? Very often, that involves search and rescue teams, it involves humanitarian aid and medical supplies generally. Obviously, the UK Government will be leading on this, but Wales has a proud tradition of helping out in situations like this, and speedy and timely intervention is critical. I assume you've made an assessment that the Welsh Government can make a key contribution. So, what will that contribution be and what dialogue have you had with the UK Government to make sure it happens in a timely manner?
Diolch, Llywydd. A gaf i uniaethu â'r sylwadau a wnaethoch yn gynharach yn y sesiwn hon, Llywydd? Ac a gaf i ofyn i chi, Trefnydd, yn sgil y golygfeydd erchyll sydd yn dod o Dwrci a Syria, a maint y cyfanswm o farwolaethau sy'n cynyddu fesul cannoedd, os nad miloedd, bob awr, pa asesiad mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ei wneud o'r cymorth y byddwn ni yng Nghymru yn gallu ei roi? Yn aml iawn, mae hynny'n cynnwys timau chwilio ac achub, mae'n cynnwys cymorth dyngarol a chyflenwadau meddygol yn gyffredinol. Yn amlwg, bydd Llywodraeth y DU yn arwain ar hyn, ond mae gan Gymru draddodiad balch o helpu mewn sefyllfaoedd fel hyn, ac mae ymyrraeth gyflym ac amserol yn hollbwysig. Rwy'n cymryd eich bod chi wedi gwneud asesiad y gall Llywodraeth Cymru wneud cyfraniad allweddol. Felly, beth fydd y cyfraniad hwnnw a pha sgwrs ydych chi wedi ei chael gyda Llywodraeth y DU i wneud yn siŵr ei fod yn digwydd mewn modd amserol?
I know the Minister for Social Justice has asked her officials to begin those discussions with the UK Government. She herself will be making a statement to the Senedd—probably a written statement, I would imagine. Those discussions have started and, as I say, further information will come forward. You're absolutely right, we do have a very proud tradition. I'm sure there are already people being identified to go and support the rescue operation. As you say, it's just devastating for the region. I do think the number of people killed is going to be significantly in the thousands, as you referred to.
Gwn fod y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol wedi gofyn i'w swyddogion ddechrau'r trafodaethau hynny gyda Llywodraeth y DU. Bydd hi ei hun yn gwneud datganiad i'r Senedd—datganiad ysgrifenedig mae'n debyg, byddwn yn dychmygu. Mae'r trafodaethau hynny wedi dechrau ac, fel y dywedais, bydd mwy o wybodaeth yn cael ei chyflwyno. Rydych chi yn llygad eich lle, mae gennym ni draddodiad balch iawn. Rwy'n siŵr bod pobl eisoes yn cael eu nodi i fynd i gynorthwyo'r gwaith achub. Fel rydych chi'n dweud, mae'n erchyll i'r rhanbarth. Rwyf i yn meddwl y bydd nifer y bobl a laddwyd yn sylweddol, yn y miloedd, fel y gwnaethoch chi ei ddweud.
I'm sure, as Members, we'd be greatly appreciative of an update as soon as possible, because not unreasonably, obviously, constituents and organisations that are able to help are getting in touch with us, and that would be most welcome. I can see the Minister indicating that will be forthcoming.
Last week, we had from the auditor general the report on the purchase of Gilestone Farm. It made for interesting reading. The description by the risk assessment board of the Welsh Government was that the process that was used to buy Gilestone Farm was 'novel'. Some people think of Yes, Minister or Yes, Prime Minister in the civil service speak when you think of such language. But, when you look into some of the comments within that report, it identifies six meetings over the period when key decisions were being made with officials and the Green Man Festival. They were on 22 October, 26 January, 28 January, 11 February, 7 March and 23 March. Not one single note or minute was taken of those meetings. Not one single note or minute. You're a Minister of some considerable standing, leader of the house, and have been in Government some considerable time. Can you think of a situation where an interested party would be so heavily engaged in discussions where they could potentially be such a beneficiary of a considerable sum of public funds and not a single minute, note or record of six meetings was taken during that time?
Rwy'n siŵr, fel Aelodau, y byddem ni'n gwerthfawrogi'n fawr iawn cael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf cyn gynted â phosibl, oherwydd nid yn afresymol, yn amlwg, mae etholwyr a sefydliadau sy'n gallu helpu yn cysylltu â ni, a byddai hynny i'w groesawu'n fawr. Gallaf weld y Gweinidog yn nodi y bydd hynny'n digwydd.
Yr wythnos diwethaf, cawsom gan yr archwilydd cyffredinol yr adroddiad ar brynu Fferm Gilestone. Roedd yn ddiddorol iawn ei ddarllen. Y disgrifiad gan fwrdd asesu risg Llywodraeth Cymru oedd bod y broses a ddefnyddiwyd i brynu Fferm Gilestone yn 'newydd'. Mae rhai pobl yn meddwl am ffordd y gwasanaeth sifil o siarad ar Yes, Minister neu Yes, Prime Minister pan fyddwch chi'n meddwl am iaith o'r fath. Ond, pan fyddwch chi'n ymchwilio i rai o'r sylwadau yn yr adroddiad hwnnw, mae'n nodi chwe chyfarfod dros y cyfnod pan oedd penderfyniadau allweddol yn cael eu gwneud gyda swyddogion a Gŵyl y Dyn Gwyrdd. Roedden nhw ar 22 Hydref, 26 Ionawr, 28 Ionawr, 11 Chwefror, 7 Mawrth a 23 Mawrth. Ni chymerwyd yr un nodyn na chofnod o'r cyfarfodydd hynny. Dim un nodyn na chofnod. Rydych chi'n Weinidog uchel iawn eich parch, yn arweinydd y tŷ, ac wedi bod yn y Llywodraeth ers cryn amser. A allwch chi feddwl am sefyllfa lle byddai parti â buddiant yn cymryd rhan mor fawr mewn trafodaethau pan allen nhw fod yn fuddiolwr swm sylweddol o arian cyhoeddus ac na chymerwyd un cofnod, nodyn na chofnod ysgrifenedig o chwe chyfarfod yn ystod y cyfnod hwnnw?
I have to say, I am a Minister that does make a lot of notes. I've always done that, and I've always dated them. I think that's really important. But, I think what we need to look at in relation to the auditor general's letter—. I think it did make for interesting reading. There were a lot of positives in there, which I'm sure you won't welcome, but there were a lot of positives around the way that Welsh Government did use that funding. Sometimes we have to be a bit more innovative. Government, by its very nature, is risk averse, and that's absolutely right when you're dealing with public money. You have to be very careful. But I did think, for me, I took a lot of positives from that letter. The pressures on our budget have been very well documented, especially the real-terms decrease we face. Any decisions to make use of funding, regardless of time of year, must ensure the proposals present value for money, and they've got to be clearly aligned with our policy priorities and they need to follow due process. I didn't see anything in that letter that didn't say that we did that.
Mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud, rwy'n Weinidog sy'n gwneud llawer o nodiadau. Rwyf i wedi gwneud hynny erioed, ac rwyf i wedi eu dyddio nhw erioed. Rwy'n credu bod hynny'n bwysig iawn. Ond, rwy'n credu mai'r hyn sydd angen i ni edrych arno o ran llythyr yr archwilydd cyffredinol—. Rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n ddiddorol ei ddarllen. Roedd llawer o bethau positif ynddo, yr wyf i'n siŵr na fyddwch chi'n eu croesawu, ond roedd llawer o bethau cadarnhaol o ran y ffordd y gwnaeth Llywodraeth Cymru ddefnyddio'r cyllid hwnnw. Mae'n rhaid i ni fod ychydig yn fwy arloesol weithiau. Mae llywodraeth, yn ôl ei natur, yn osgoi risg, ac mae hynny'n gwbl gywir pan ydych chi'n ymdrin ag arian cyhoeddus. Mae'n rhaid i chi fod yn ofalus iawn. Ond roeddwn i yn credu, i mi, fe wnes i gymryd llawer o bethau cadarnhaol o'r llythyr hwnnw. Mae'r pwysau ar ein cyllideb wedi cael llawer iawn o sylw, yn enwedig y gostyngiad termau real sy'n ein hwynebu. Mae'n rhaid i unrhyw benderfyniadau i wneud defnydd o gyllid, beth bynnag fo'r amser o'r flwyddyn, sicrhau bod y cynigion yn cynnig gwerth am arian, ac mae'n rhaid iddyn nhw gyd-fynd yn eglur â'n blaenoriaethau polisi ac mae angen iddyn nhw ddilyn y drefn briodol. Ni welais i unrhyw beth yn y llythyr hwnnw nad oedd yn dweud ein bod ni wedi gwneud hynny.
Minister, there are businesses the length and breadth of the country who apply to Welsh Government and the UK Government for support, sometimes for several hundred pounds, sometimes for thousands, sometimes for tens of thousands, if not millions. Here we have an intervention by the Welsh Government of £4.5 million where you cannot pinpoint a single note or minute of the interaction between the potential beneficiary of that intervention and the Government officials that were making decisions to advise the Minister at that time. In fact, the same Government officials commissioned the valuers and the legal firm to undertake the work without ministerial advice. Their advice was finished before the Minister actually said that they could spend the £60,000 on the procurement of that service.
My point is that many businesses the length and breadth of Wales—and you'll be familiar with this from your postbag as a constituency Member—bemoan the fact of all the level of information they have to provide to support grant application. We understand that there have to be the checks and balances, because it's public money. But why, in this case, was there not a single—not a single—note that could be drawn on to show the level of interaction and what was discussed, given the very quick intervention and turnaround time that the Government used in this particular aspect of purchasing the farm, which the auditor general highlights. There was no time pressure, because there wasn't another purchaser chasing the property. It's in his report. I can see the Minister turning round saying, 'That's not true.' It's in the auditor general's report. He could not find any other time constraint other than the self-imposed time constraint of Welsh Government. So, I ask you again: what examples in your ministerial career can you think of where such an interaction would not have had a minute, a note, a record so that that could be held in the accountability and transparency process and people can feel that they will get a fair crack of the whip when they apply for Government funding?
Gweinidog, ceir busnesau ar hyd a lled y wlad sy'n gwneud ceisiadau i Lywodraeth Cymru a Llywodraeth y DU am gymorth, weithiau am sawl can punt, weithiau am filoedd, weithiau am ddegau o filoedd, os nad miliynau. Yma mae gennym ni ymyrraeth gan Lywodraeth Cymru o £4.5 miliwn pryd na allwch chi gyfeirio at yr un nodyn na chofnod o'r rhyngweithio rhwng darpar fuddiolwr yr ymyrraeth honno a swyddogion y Llywodraeth a oedd yn gwneud penderfyniadau i gynghori'r Gweinidog ar y pryd. A dweud y gwir, fe wnaeth yr un swyddogion Llywodraeth gomisiynu'r gwerthwyr a'r cwmni cyfreithiol i wneud y gwaith heb gyngor gweinidogol. Daeth eu cyngor i ben cyn i'r Gweinidog ddweud mewn gwirionedd y gallen nhw wario'r £60,000 ar gaffael y gwasanaeth hwnnw.
Fy mhwynt i yw bod llawer o fusnesau ar hyd a lled Cymru—a byddwch yn gyfarwydd â hyn o'ch bag post fel Aelod etholaeth—yn achwyn am lefel yr wybodaeth y mae'n rhaid iddyn nhw ei darparu i gefnogi cais am grant. Rydym ni'n deall bod yn rhaid cadw cydbwysedd, gan ei fod yn arian cyhoeddus. Ond pam, yn yr achos hwn, nad oedd yr un—dim un—nodyn y gellid cyfeirio ato i ddangos lefel y rhyngweithio a'r hyn a drafodwyd, o gofio'r ymyrraeth gyflym iawn a'r amser cyflawni a ddefnyddiwyd gan y Llywodraeth yn yr agwedd benodol hon ar brynu'r fferm, y mae'r archwilydd cyffredinol yn tynnu sylw ato. Nid oedd unrhyw bwysau amser, oherwydd nid oedd prynwr arall ar ôl yr eiddo. Mae hyn yn ei adroddiad. Gallaf weld y Gweinidog yn troi rownd ac yn dweud, 'Nid yw hynny'n wir.' Mae yn adroddiad yr archwilydd cyffredinol. Ni allai ddod o hyd i unrhyw gyfyngiad amser arall ac eithrio cyfyngiad amser hunanosodedig Llywodraeth Cymru. Felly, gofynnaf i chi eto: pa enghreifftiau yn eich gyrfa weinidogol allwch chi feddwl amdanyn nhw pryd na fyddai rhyngweithio o'r fath wedi arwain at gofnod, nodyn, cofnod ysgrifenedig fel y gellid cadw'r rheini yn y broses atebolrwydd a thryloywder ac y gall pobl deimlo y bydd ganddyn nhw siawns teg pan fyddan nhw'n gwneud cais am gyllid Llywodraeth?
I think it's fair to say there had been discussions with Green Man about potential sites for some time. This wasn't just something that happened very quickly. Those discussions had been going on for some time, and the high-level outline business case that had been provided was enough to progress with the purchase. So, as I say, I think there were a lot of positives in that letter from the auditor general and we very much welcome that, and obviously we will look to learn lessons as always. There are always lessons to be learned.
Rwy'n meddwl ei bod hi'n deg dweud y bu trafodaethau gyda Dyn Gwyrdd am safleoedd posibl ers cryn amser. Nid rhywbeth a ddigwyddodd yn gyflym iawn oedd hyn. Roedd y trafodaethau hynny wedi bod yn digwydd ers tro, ac roedd yr achos busnes amlinellol lefel uchel a ddarparwyd yn ddigon i fwrw ymlaen â'r pryniant. Felly, fel y dywedais, rwy'n meddwl bod llawer o bethau cadarnhaol yn y llythyr hwnnw gan yr archwilydd cyffredinol ac rydym ni'n croesawu hynny'n fawr, ac yn amlwg byddwn yn ceisio dysgu gwersi fel bob amser. Mae gwersi i'w dysgu bob amser.
Arweinydd Plaid Cymru, Adam Price.
Leader of Plaid Cymru, Adam Price.

Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. When Plaid Cymru suggested in November that you used a combination of the Wales reserve departmental underspends and unallocated funding to fund a better pay offer for NHS staff, the Minister for Health and Social Services told us there was no unallocated spending available, there were no underspends, and that you couldn't use the Wales reserve. 'Even if we did have underspends,' she said,
'let's be clear that this could not be used to fund pay awards.... Reserves can't be used for everyday spending.'
She said,
'They can only be used once, and they're held for emergencies.'
For months you refused to negotiate, for months you refused to admit more money could be found, and for months you refused to acknowledge that we were in an emergency. Now, you've effectively u-turned on all of that. What took you so long?
Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. Pan awgrymodd Plaid Cymru ym mis Tachwedd i chi ddefnyddio cyfuniad o danwariant adrannol cronfeydd wrth gefn Cymru a chyllid heb ei ddyrannu i ariannu cynnig cyflog gwell i staff y GIG, dywedodd y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol wrthym nad oedd unrhyw wariant heb ei ddyrannu ar gael, nad oedd unrhyw danwariant, ac na allech chi ddefnyddio cronfa wrth gefn Cymru. 'Hyd yn oed pe bai gennym ni danwariant,' meddai,
'gadewch inni fod yn glir na ellid defnyddio hwnnw i ariannu dyfarniadau cyflog.... Ni ellir defnyddio cronfeydd wrth gefn ar gyfer gwariant bob dydd.'
'Dim ond unwaith y gellir eu defnyddio, a chânt eu cadw ar gyfer argyfyngau.'
Am fisoedd fe wnaethoch chi wrthod negodi, am fisoedd fe wnaethoch chi wrthod cyfaddef y gellid dod o hyd i fwy o arian, ac am fisoedd fe wnaethoch chi wrthod cydnabod ein bod ni mewn argyfwng. Nawr, rydych chi wedi gwneud tro pedol ar hynny i gyd i bob pwrpas. Pam gymeroch chi gymaint o amser?
Well, we're very pleased to announce that an enhanced pay offer was able to be made last week to the health trade unions, and that did call for several of the health unions to call off the strike action yesterday and today, and those discussions are obviously ongoing. We've had to prioritise money, we've had to look at reserves, we've had to look at underspends, and, obviously, as the year goes on, those underspends come to the fore, particularly this time of year. We're all, as Ministers, pressurising our officials to make sure what underspend there could be, and to make sure we use it to the very best of our ability. We've said all along we would have preferred a UK-wide conclusion, really, to this. We couldn't wait any longer for the UK Government to do this. We've managed to find a bit more money, and I think that money has been welcomed by the majority of people.
Wel, rydym ni'n falch iawn o gyhoeddi y llwyddwyd i wneud cynnig cyflog gwell i'r undebau llafur iechyd yr wythnos diwethaf, ac fe wnaeth hynny olygu bod nifer o'r undebau iechyd wedi gohirio'r streic ddoe a heddiw, ac mae'r trafodaethau hynny yn amlwg yn parhau. Bu'n rhaid i ni flaenoriaethu arian, bu'n rhaid i ni edrych ar gronfeydd wrth gefn, bu'n rhaid i ni edrych ar danwariant, ac, yn amlwg, wrth i'r flwyddyn fynd yn ei blaen, mae'r tanwariant hwnnw yn dod i'r fei, yn enwedig yr adeg yma o'r flwyddyn. Rydym ni i gyd, fel Gweinidogion, yn pwyso ar ein swyddogion i wneud yn siŵr pa danwariant allai fodoli, ac i wneud yn siŵr ein bod ni'n ei ddefnyddio hyd eithaf ein gallu. Rydym ni wedi dweud ar hyd yr amser y byddem ni wedi ffafrio ateb ar gyfer y DU gyfan, mewn gwirionedd, i hyn. Ni allem ni aros yn hwy i Lywodraeth y DU wneud hyn. Rydym ni wedi llwyddo i ddod o hyd i ychydig mwy o arian, ac rwy'n credu bod yr arian hwnnw wedi cael ei groesawu gan y mwyafrif o bobl.
The offer now of just 1.5 per cent extra as a pay rise on top of your, frankly, derisory original pay offer, has been described by Sharon Graham of Unite as 'a sticking plaster'. For many in the NHS this real-terms cut of more than 4 per cent in their pay will rub salt in the deep wounds caused by more than a decade of austerity. When you say now that this is your last and final offer, that this is, to quote the health Minister, 'the only deal in town', then why should anyone believe that statement when you've contradicted yourselves as a Government on so many occasions? You could, couldn't you, turn that one-off payment of 3 per cent into a permanent pay rise, again by using a combination of the Wales reserve next year and a reduction in agency spend? Instead of rejecting that now, only to accept it later, why don't you just do what is right right now?
Disgrifiwyd y cynnig nawr o ddim ond 1.5 y cant yn ychwanegol fel codiad cyflog ar ben eich cynnig sydd, mewn gwirionedd, yn chwerthinllyd, gan Sharon Graham o Unite fel 'plastr glynu'. I lawer yn y GIG bydd y toriad termau real hwn o fwy na 4 y cant i'w cyflogau yn rhwbio halen yn y briwiau dwfn a achoswyd gan dros ddegawd o gyni cyllidol. Pan fyddwch chi'n dweud nawr mai dyma eich cynnig olaf a therfynol, mai dyma, i ddyfynnu'r Gweinidog iechyd, 'yw'r unig fargen ar gael', yna pam ddylai unrhyw un gredu'r datganiad hwnnw pan ydych chi wedi gwrth-ddweud eich hunain fel Llywodraeth ar gymaint o achlysuron? Fe allech chi, oni allech, droi'r taliad untro hwnnw o 3 y cant yn godiad cyflog parhaol, eto drwy ddefnyddio cyfuniad o gronfa wrth gefn Cymru y flwyddyn nesaf a gostyngiad i wariant ar asiantaethau? Yn hytrach na gwrthod hynny nawr, dim ond i'w dderbyn yn ddiweddarach, pam na wnewch chi'r hyn sy'n iawn yn syth nawr?
Well, we've already used the next two years' reserve, so we've already done that. What we've done in that 3 per cent additional offer is—1.5 per cent is consolidated, as you said, and the other 1.5 per cent isn't. I have to say that we're doing this at risk obviously. This has been the hardest budget I've ever dealt with as a Minister, and I'm sure everybody sitting around me on the frontbench would agree. We've done our very best, and I think the Minister and her team, who worked relentlessly to bring this deal forward, and also along with the Minister for Finance and Local Government, who has found that funding, they should be congratulated not criticised for a u-turn or whatever you want to call it. This has been welcomed by the majority of people. We would not, of course, have wanted to see industrial action in the way that we have, and we're very pleased that the majority of trade unions did postpone the action that they were going to take on the sixth and seventh. That will allow time for meaningful negotiations to carry on. The Minister's door is always open, and I think it's really good that we have been able to carry on those discussions. We've also got to ask the NHS to do things. So, I know, as part of the proposal, the Minister is asking them to look at agency working to see what money could be saved from agency staff as well. So, it's about everybody playing their part and working together.
Wel, rydym ni eisoes wedi defnyddio cronfeydd wrth gefn y ddwy flynedd nesaf, felly rydym ni eisoes wedi gwneud hynny. Yr hyn yr ydym ni wedi ei wneud yn y cynnig ychwanegol hwnnw o 3 y cant yw—mae 1.5 y cant yn gyfnerthedig, fel y gwnaethoch chi ei ddweud, ac nid yw'r 1.5 y cant arall. Mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud ein bod ni'n gwneud hyn gyda risg yn amlwg. Hon fu'r gyllideb anoddaf i mi ymdrin â hi erioed fel Gweinidog, ac rwy'n siŵr y byddai pawb sy'n eistedd o'm cwmpas ar y fainc flaen yn cytuno. Rydyn ni wedi gwneud ein gorau glas, ac rwy'n credu bod y Gweinidog a'i thîm, a weithiodd yn ddiflino i gyflwyno'r cytundeb hwn, a hefyd ynghyd â'r Gweinidog Cyllid a Llywodraeth Leol, sydd wedi dod o hyd i'r cyllid hwnnw, dylid eu llongyfarch nid eu beirniadu am dro pedol neu beth bynnag yr ydych chi eisiau ei alw. Croesawyd hyn gan y mwyafrif o bobl. Ni fyddem, wrth gwrs, wedi bod eisiau gweld gweithredu diwydiannol yn y ffordd yr ydym ni wedi ei weld, ac rydym ni'n falch iawn bod y mwyafrif o undebau llafur wedi gohirio'r streic yr oedden nhw'n mynd i'w chynnal ar y chweched a'r seithfed. Bydd hynny'n caniatáu amser i drafodaethau ystyrlon barhau. Mae drws y Gweinidog ar agor bob amser, ac rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n dda iawn ein bod ni wedi gallu parhau â'r trafodaethau hynny. Mae'n rhaid i ni ofyn i'r GIG wneud pethau hefyd. Felly, gwn, yn rhan o'r cynnig, fod y Gweinidog yn gofyn iddyn nhw edrych ar waith asiantaeth i weld pa arian y gellid ei arbed drwy staff asiantaeth hefyd. Felly, mae'n fater o bawb yn chwarae eu rhan ac yn gweithio gyda'i gilydd.
But you can go further than that, Minister, can't you, because you do have the ability to raise additional revenue through your tax-varying powers? Now, I understand the Government's position is that you don't want to touch the basic rate, but even if you simply matched the increases in the higher and additional rates that are being introduced in Scotland on 1 April—the 42p and the 47p—that would raise £76 million, enough to turn your one-off payment this year into a permanent pay raise. And if you were able to use alternative means of doing that, you could use that £76 million instead to raise care workers' wages to £12 an hour. Why don't you use the powers that you have at this time to do what is right by this group of workers? You describe yourself as a socialist Government; why don't you take this opportunity to act like one?
Ond gallwch fynd ymhellach na hynny, Gweinidog, oni allwch, oherwydd mae'r gallu gennych chi i godi refeniw ychwanegol drwy eich pwerau amrywio trethi? Nawr, rwy'n deall mai safbwynt y Llywodraeth yw nad ydych chi eisiau cyffwrdd â'r gyfradd sylfaenol, ond hyd yn oed pe baech chi ddim ond yn cydweddu'r cynnydd i'r cyfraddau uwch ac ychwanegol â'r rhai sy'n cael eu cyflwyno yn yr Alban ar 1 Ebrill—y 42c a'r 47c—byddai hynny'n codi £76 miliwn, digon i droi eich taliad untro eleni yn godiad cyflog parhaol. A phe baech chi'n gallu defnyddio dulliau eraill o wneud hynny, gallech ddefnyddio'r £76 miliwn hwnnw yn hytrach i godi cyflogau gweithwyr gofal i £12 yr awr. Pam na wnewch chi ddefnyddio'r pwerau sydd gennych chi ar hyn o bryd i wneud yr hyn sy'n iawn i'r grŵp hwn o weithwyr? Rydych chi'n disgrifio eich hun fel Llywodraeth sosialaidd; pam na wnewch chi fanteisio ar y cyfle hwn i ymddwyn fel un?
We are a socialist Government, and I think just what we've done in this last week absolutely shows that; it shows the difference between us and the UK Government. But our position on tax is very clear; any analysis of the levers that are available to us as a Government via the Welsh rates of income tax demonstrates we simply cannot raise enough fairly enough to make good the holes that have been created by the economic crisis and ensure higher pay in our public services. So, I don't think it would be right in a cost-of-living crisis to ask anyone that pays the basic income rate to pay any extra money. And you refer to the higher rate, and we don't know if there would be any unintended consequences. I think you will have heard the Minister for Finance and Local Government saying in the same programme that you were interviewed on on Sunday that there could be unintended consequences. People who earn the levels of salary that they would have to earn to pay that higher rate of income tax, they're not like other people. They could just up and leave Wales and move to England, for instance. We don't know what would happen, and I think that is a piece of work that really needs looking at very carefully. I'm really not sure that your judgment on this is correct.
Rydym ni yn Llywodraeth sosialaidd, ac rwy'n credu bod yr hyn yr ydym ni wedi ei wneud yn yr wythnos diwethaf hon yn unig yn dangos hynny'n llwyr; mae'n dangos y gwahaniaeth rhyngom ni a Llywodraeth y DU. Ond mae ein safbwynt ar dreth yn eglur iawn; mae unrhyw ddadansoddiad o'r ysgogiadau sydd ar gael i ni fel Llywodraeth drwy gyfraddau treth incwm Cymru yn dangos na allwn ni godi digon, yn ddigon teg i wneud iawn am y tyllau sydd wedi cael eu creu gan yr argyfwng economaidd a sicrhau cyflog uwch yn ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Felly, nid wyf i'n credu y byddai'n iawn mewn argyfwng costau byw i ofyn i unrhyw un sy'n talu'r gyfradd incwm sylfaenol dalu unrhyw arian ychwanegol. Ac rydych chi'n cyfeirio at y gyfradd uwch, ac nid ydym ni'n gwybod a fyddai unrhyw ganlyniadau anfwriadol. Rwy'n credu y byddwch chi wedi clywed y Gweinidog Cyllid a Llywodraeth Leol yn dweud yn yr un rhaglen pryd cawsoch chi eich cyfweld arni ddydd Sul y gallai fod canlyniadau anfwriadol. Nid yw pobl sy'n ennill y lefelau cyflog y byddai'n rhaid iddyn nhw eu hennill i dalu'r gyfradd uwch honno o dreth incwm fel pobl eraill. Gallen nhw benderfynu gadael Cymru a symud i Loegr, er enghraifft. Nid ydym yn gwybod beth fyddai'n digwydd, ac rwy'n credu bod hwnnw'n ddarn o waith y mae gwir angen edrych arno'n ofalus iawn. Nid wyf i'n siŵr mewn gwirionedd bod eich barn ar hyn yn gywir.
3. Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n gweithio i wella mynediad at wasanaethau iechyd meddwl yng Nghwm Cynon? OQ59104
3. How is the Welsh Government working to improve access to mental health services in Cynon Valley? OQ59104
Thank you. We continue to provide significant and sustained funding to support the provision of mental health services across the whole of Wales. In addition to its mental health ring-fenced allocation, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board has received an additional £3.3 million of recurrent mental health funding this year to continue to improve mental health support.
Diolch. Rydym ni'n parhau i ddarparu cyllid sylweddol a pharhaus i gynorthwyo'r ddarpariaeth o wasanaethau iechyd meddwl ledled Cymru gyfan. Yn ogystal â'i ddyraniad wedi'i glustnodi ar gyfer iechyd meddwl, mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf Morgannwg wedi cael £3.3 miliwn yn ychwanegol o gyllid iechyd meddwl rheolaidd eleni er mwyn parhau i wella cymorth iechyd meddwl.
Thank you, Trefnydd. Ensuring people can access mental health services in a timely manner is important for our NHS, vital for people in need, and can even save lives. That's why I'm really pleased at the roll out of the '111 press 2' telephone service to access urgent mental health support. With the intention that this will be introduced to all health board areas in Wales by the end of March, what plans does Welsh Government have to raise awareness of this crucial service?
Diolch, Trefnydd. Mae sicrhau bod pobl yn gallu cael gafael ar wasanaethau iechyd meddwl yn amserol yn bwysig i'n GIG, yn hanfodol i bobl mewn angen, ac yn gallu hyd yn oed achub bywydau. Dyna pam rwy'n falch iawn o gyflwyniad y gwasanaeth ffôn '111 pwyswch 2' i gael gafael ar gymorth iechyd meddwl brys. Gyda'r bwriad y bydd hwn yn cael ei gyflwyno i holl ardaloedd byrddau iechyd Cymru erbyn diwedd mis Mawrth, pa gynlluniau sydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru i godi ymwybyddiaeth o'r gwasanaeth hollbwysig hwn?
Thank you. I absolutely agree with you; I think this is an excellent initiative, and all health boards across Wales are at different phases of the implementation now, but we are looking towards having that 24/7 coverage right across Wales by the end of this financial year. I know officials are working with colleagues in 111 to develop marketing materials for preparation for the national launch. Health boards have been raising awareness locally; I know myself as a Member of the Senedd and I'm sure others have been raising it on our social media profiles too, and I think that's important also. There will be much more of a national awareness launch made when all health boards are in the same position by April.
I think what's been really pleasing to see is that partners have welcomed this service, and I think what it does show is that the majority of callers to this number won't need referral to NHS mental health services following the intervention of a mental health practitioner to de-escalate their distress, for instance, they might need other types of support, and I think it's really important that it's the right access of support they're getting.
Diolch. Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â chi; rwy'n credu bod hon yn fenter ragorol, ac mae pob bwrdd iechyd ledled Cymru ar wahanol gamau o'r gweithredu nawr, ond rydym ni'n bwriadu cael y gwasanaeth 24/7 hwnnw ar draws Cymru gyfan erbyn diwedd y flwyddyn ariannol hon. Gwn fod swyddogion yn gweithio gyda chydweithwyr yn 111 i ddatblygu deunyddiau marchnata i baratoi ar gyfer y lansiad cenedlaethol. Mae byrddau iechyd wedi bod yn codi ymwybyddiaeth yn lleol; rwy'n gwybod fy hun fel Aelod o'r Senedd ac rwy'n siŵr bod eraill wedi bod yn ei godi ar ein proffiliau cyfryngau cymdeithasol hefyd, ac rwy'n meddwl bod hynny'n bwysig hefyd. Bydd llawer mwy o lansio ymwybyddiaeth genedlaethol yn digwydd pan fydd pob bwrdd iechyd yn yr un sefyllfa erbyn mis Ebrill.
Rwy'n credu mai'r hyn sydd wedi bod yn braf iawn ei weld yw bod partneriaid wedi croesawu'r gwasanaeth hwn, ac rwy'n credu mai'r hyn y mae'n ei ddangos yw na fydd mwyafrif y galwyr i'r rhif hwn angen atgyfeiriad i wasanaethau iechyd meddwl y GIG yn dilyn ymyrraeth ymarferydd iechyd meddwl i ddad-ddwysáu eu gofid, er enghraifft, efallai y bydd angen mathau eraill o gymorth arnyn nhw, ac rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig iawn eu bod nhw'n cael y mynediad cywir at gymorth.
I'd like to thank the representative for Cynon Valley for raising this important issue. Over the last 40 years in Wales, the number of female suicides per 100,000 of the population has dropped almost 50 per cent, from nine to five. For males, unfortunately, the number has increased, from 19 per 100,000 to 21 per 100,000, and thus men are therefore over four times more likely to commit suicide than women. As the Minister will know, there are links between deprivation and suicide, where there are almost twice as many suicides for those living in the most deprived areas compared to the least deprived, and Cardiff and Rhondda Cynon Taf, both within the region I represent, have the two highest concentrations of deprived areas in Wales. Therefore, Minister, what specific action is the Welsh Government taking to provide targeted support for males suffering from mental health issues in the most deprived areas within Cardiff and Rhondda Cynon Taf? Thank you.
Hoffwn ddiolch i'r cynrychiolydd dros Gwm Cynon am godi'r mater pwysig hwn. Dros y 40 mlynedd diwethaf yng Nghymru, mae nifer yr hunanladdiadau ymhlith menywod fesul 100,000 o'r boblogaeth wedi gostwng bron i 50 y cant, o naw i bump. I ddynion, yn anffodus, mae'r nifer wedi cynyddu, o 19 fesul 100,000 i 21 fesul 100,000, ac felly mae dynion dros bedair gwaith yn fwy tebygol o gyflawni hunanladdiad na menywod. Fel y bydd y Gweinidog yn gwybod, ceir cysylltiadau rhwng amddifadedd a hunanladdiad, lle mae bron i ddwywaith cymaint o hunanladdiadau ymhlith y rhai sy'n byw yn yr ardaloedd mwyaf difreintiedig o'u cymharu â'r lleiaf difreintiedig, ac mae gan Gaerdydd a Rhondda Cynon Taf, y ddau yn y rhanbarth yr wyf i'n ei gynrychioli, ddau o'r crynodiadau uchaf o ardaloedd difreintiedig yng Nghymru. Felly, Gweinidog, pa gamau penodol y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i ddarparu cymorth wedi'i dargedu ar gyfer dynion sy'n dioddef o broblemau iechyd meddwl yn yr ardaloedd mwyaf difreintiedig yng Nghaerdydd a Rhondda Cynon Taf? Diolch.
Thank you. Well, the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Well-being has been working closely with all the health boards to make sure additional funding has been targeted to support the services to which you refer. We've also worked with the police and other emergency services to make sure that the real-time suicide surveillance system in Wales is available. It's provided much more rapid access to information about probable suicides, for instance, and that is really being used to strengthen our preventative work.
Diolch. Wel, mae'r Dirprwy Weinidog Iechyd Meddwl a Llesiant wedi bod yn gweithio'n agos gyda'r holl fyrddau iechyd i wneud yn siŵr bod cyllid ychwanegol wedi cael ei dargedu i gefnogi'r gwasanaethau yr ydych chi'n cyfeirio atyn nhw. Rydyn ni hefyd wedi gweithio gyda'r heddlu a gwasanaethau brys eraill i wneud yn siŵr bod y system wyliadwriaeth hunanladdiad amser real yng Nghymru ar gael. Mae wedi darparu mynediad llawer mwy cyflym at wybodaeth am hunanladdiadau tebygol, er enghraifft, ac mae hynny wir yn cael ei ddefnyddio i gryfhau ein gwaith ataliol.
4. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am ddatblygiad Adeiladau'r Frenhines yn y Rhyl? OQ59102
4. Will the First Minister provide an update on the Queen's Buildings development in Rhyl? OQ59102
Our Transforming Towns programme is supporting the redevelopment of Rhyl's Queen's Buildings, bringing new vibrancy to the town centre. The market is expected to open this summer, following a £13.2 million investment, which builds on a broader programme of regeneration delivered in the town over recent years through strong local partnerships.
Mae ein rhaglen Trawsnewid Trefi yn cefnogi ailddatblygiad Adeiladau'r Frenhines yn y Rhyl, gan ddod â bywiogrwydd newydd i ganol y dref. Disgwylir i'r farchnad agor yr haf hwn, yn dilyn buddsoddiad o £13.2 miliwn, sy'n adeiladu ar raglen ehangach o adfywio a gyflawnwyd yn y dref dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf trwy bartneriaethau lleol cryf.
Thank you very much for that answer, Trefnydd, and I'm pleased to see the latest news that the ambition is for the Queen's Market Building to be opened, indeed, this summer, as you mentioned. And indeed, seeing the erection of the steel frame on the promenade in recent weeks has caused me much delight. However, there are many units to fill, and the opening in the summer of this year needs to be raring to go, with traders ready to do business in the local area to increase footfall in Rhyl, which has waned over the years with a struggling town centre and people choosing to go to Chester or Cheshire Oaks for their entertainment or to dine out and have a drink. What I want to ask is around the occupancy of the building, once established. So, what work is the Welsh Government doing to engage with local businesses, Denbighshire County Council and stakeholders to make sure that the building is a success when opened, and that local people can feel that they have a go-to place in their local town rather than it just being the latest in a long line of Welsh Government-funded projects that are socialist vanity projects? Thank you.
Diolch yn fawr iawn am yr ateb yna, Trefnydd, ac rwy'n falch o weld y newyddion diweddaraf mai'r uchelgais yw agor Adeilad Marchnad y Frenhines, yn wir, yr haf hwn, fel y gwnaethoch chi sôn. Ac yn wir, mae gweld codi'r ffrâm ddur ar y promenâd yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf wedi achosi llawer o bleser imi. Fodd bynnag, mae llawer o unedau i'w llenwi, ac mae angen i'r agoriad yn ystod yr haf eleni fod yn barod i fynd, gyda masnachwyr yn barod i fasnachu yn yr ardal leol i gynyddu nifer yr ymwelwyr â'r Rhyl, sydd wedi lleihau dros y blynyddoedd gyda chanol y dref sy'n cael trafferthion a phobl yn dewis mynd i Gaer neu Cheshire Oaks ar gyfer eu hadloniant neu i fwyta allan a chael diod. Mae'r hyn yr wyf i eisiau ei ofyn yn ymwneud â deiliadaeth yr adeilad, ar ôl ei sefydlu. Felly, pa waith mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i ymgysylltu â busnesau lleol, Cyngor Sir Ddinbych a rhanddeiliaid i wneud yn siŵr bod yr adeilad yn llwyddiant pan gaiff ei agor, ac y gall pobl leol deimlo bod ganddyn nhw rhywle atyniadol i fynd iddo yn eu tref leol yn hytrach na'i fod y prosiect diweddaraf mewn cyfres faith o brosiectau wedi'u hariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru sy'n brosiectau oferedd sosialaidd? Diolch.
Well, it's a pity the UK Government failed to support the application for levelling-up funding to support Rhyl. Those vanity projects that you refer to I think have really transformed Rhyl. It's a town I've known a lot longer than you, having spent many days there as a child, and I think it's really, really benefited from the Welsh Government funding. As I say, it's just a shame the UK Government didn't come forward with some levelling-up funding. I know Jason McLellan, the leader of Denbighshire Council, and working in partnership, has got some really ambitious plans for Rhyl. I visited it myself last summer as part of my visit to look at specifically regeneration projects as north Wales Minister, and it was really good to see that focus on regeneration, and I know they're working very hard to make sure those units are fully utilised.
Wel, mae'n drueni bod Llywodraeth y DU wedi methu â chefnogi'r cais am gyllid ffyniant bro i gynorthwyo'r Rhyl. Mae'r prosiectau oferedd hynny yr ydych chi'n cyfeirio atyn nhw wir wedi gweddnewid y Rhyl yn fy marn i. Mae'n dref yr wyf i wedi ei hadnabod yn llawer hwy na chi, ar ôl treulio diwrnodau lawer yno fel plentyn, ac rwy'n credu ei bod wedi elwa, heb amheuaeth, ar y cyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Fel y dywedais, mae'n drueni na wnaeth Llywodraeth y DU gynnig rhywfaint o gyllid ffyniant bro. Gwn fod gan Jason McLellan, arweinydd Cyngor Sir Ddinbych, ac yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth, gynlluniau uchelgeisiol iawn ar gyfer y Rhyl. Fe wnes i ymweld â hi fy hun yr haf diwethaf yn rhan o fy ymweliad i edrych ar brosiectau adfywio yn benodol fel Gweinidog gogledd Cymru, ac roedd yn dda iawn gweld y pwyslais hwnnw ar adfywio, a gwn eu bod nhw'n gweithio'n galed iawn i wneud yn siŵr bod yr unedau hynny'n cael eu defnyddio'n llawn.
5. Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n gweithio gyda Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf Morgannwg i gynyddu capasiti gwelyau gofal llai dwys i gleifion ar draws Pen-y-bont? OQ59109
5. How is the Welsh Government working with Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board to increase the capacity of step-down beds for patients across Bridgend? OQ59109
Working with the Welsh Government, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board and Bridgend County Borough Council have 48 step-down beds and community packages across Bridgend. This contributes towards the all-Wales total of 595 beds that have been created to support the discharge of people from hospital this winter.
Gan weithio gyda Llywodraeth Cymru, mae gan Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf Morgannwg a Chyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr 48 o welyau gofal llai dwys a phecynnau cymunedol ar draws Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr. Mae hyn yn cyfrannu at y cyfanswm Cymru gyfan o 595 o welyau sydd wedi cael eu creu i gynorthwyo'r broses o ryddhau pobl o'r ysbyty y gaeaf hwn.
Diolch. Thank you, Minister. Last month, the Royal College of Emergency Medicine hosted an event here in the Senedd on the future of emergency care in Wales. The event heard from clinicians on the ground who spoke about the need for a long-term sustainable strategy. Data shows that whilst attendance to A&E is similar year on year, capacity continues to be stretched. We know that there are a range of issues causing this, from patients having high complex needs to a reduction in community beds across Wales and the need to increase staffing levels of consultants. At the event, Bridgend was represented by our clinical director of emergency care for the Princess of Wales Hospital, and it was good, actually, to hear that the No. 1 issue, as it is in many other places, is not actually staff recruitment. However, it is the lack of community beds that is creating a slow hospital flow and thus impacting waiting times, because Princess of Wales has about 300 beds, and 160 of those are filled with medically fit patients, and 80 of those are simply waiting for a community or step-down bed. Bridgend is facing an exit block.
I appreciate the Welsh Government is working hard to combat these issues across Wales. The 595 community beds for Wales are welcome, but it is disappointing that just 15 of these beds reached Princess of Wales. How, then, Minister, is the access to more community beds determined, and what more can be done to ensure that those 80 patients in Bridgend, waiting in our hospital, can be discharged, improving the flow of patients through Princess of Wales as well as their care? Diolch.
Diolch, Gweinidog. Fis diwethaf, cynhaliodd y Coleg Brenhinol Meddygaeth Frys ddigwyddiad yma yn y Senedd ar ddyfodol gofal brys yng Nghymru. Clywodd y digwyddiad gan glinigwyr ar lawr gwlad a siaradodd am yr angen am strategaeth gynaliadwy hirdymor. Mae'r data yn dangos, er bod presenoldeb mewn adrannau damweiniau ac achosion brys yn debyg o flwyddyn i flwyddyn, mae capasiti yn parhau i gael ei ymestyn. Rydyn ni'n gwybod bod amrywiaeth o broblemau yn achosi hyn, o gleifion ag anghenion cymhleth iawn i ostyngiad mewn nifer y gwelyau cymunedol ledled Cymru a'r angen i gynyddu lefelau staffio meddygon ymgynghorol. Yn y digwyddiad, cynrychiolwyd Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr gan ein cyfarwyddwr clinigol gofal brys ar gyfer Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru, ac roedd yn dda, mewn gwirionedd, clywed nad y brif broblem, fel sy'n wir mewn llawer o fannau eraill, yw recriwtio staff mewn gwirionedd. Fodd bynnag, diffyg gwelyau cymunedol sy'n creu llif araf mewn ysbytai ac felly'n effeithio ar amseroedd aros, oherwydd mae gan Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru tua 300 o welyau, ac mae 160 o'r rheini wedi'u llenwi â chleifion sy'n feddygol iach, ac mae 80 o'r rheini yn aros am wely cymunedol neu wely gofal llai dwys. Mae Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr yn wynebu rhwystr ymadael.
Rwy'n sylweddoli bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio'n galed i fynd i'r afael â'r problemau hyn ledled Cymru. Mae'r 595 o welyau cymunedol i Gymru i'w croesawu, ond mae'n siomedig mai dim ond 15 o'r gwelyau yma wnaeth gyrraedd Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru. Sut, felly, Gweinidog, y mae'r mynediad at fwy o welyau cymunedol yn cael ei benderfynu, a beth arall ellir ei wneud i sicrhau y gellir rhyddhau'r 80 o gleifion hynny ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr, sy'n aros yn ein hysbyty, gan wella llif y cleifion drwy Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru yn ogystal â'u gofal? Diolch.
Diolch. As the Member knows, the focus for health and social care in Wales is on strengthening our community-based services. We want people to live at home, as independently as possible and for as long as possible. Although it is extremely challenging, I think there is an emerging picture of improved patient flow and reduced length of stay for some of our oldest and frailest patients, and that's partially contributed to a stable performance position in the NHS, despite the significant challenges that have been faced this winter.
Regarding the additional step-down beds and the community care packages created over the winter, as I described in my initial response, the total number now does stand at 595. And I know, in Bridgend, between 450 and 500 hours of extra reablement care have been commissioned and are being delivered locally.
Diolch. Fel y mae'r Aelod yn gwybod, mae'r pwyslais ar gyfer iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru ar gryfhau ein gwasanaethau cymunedol. Rydyn ni eisiau i bobl fyw gartref, mor annibynnol â phosibl ac am gyhyd â phosibl. Er ei fod yn anodd dros ben, rwy'n credu bod darlun sy'n dod i'r amlwg o well llif cleifion ac arosiadau o lai o hyd i rai o'n cleifion hynaf a mwyaf eiddil, ac mae hynny wedi cyfrannu'n rhannol at sefyllfa perfformiad sefydlog yn y GIG, er gwaethaf yr heriau sylweddol a wynebwyd y gaeaf hwn.
O ran y gwelyau gofal llai dwys ychwanegol a'r pecynnau gofal cymunedol a grëwyd dros y gaeaf, fel y disgrifiais yn fy ymateb cychwynnol, 595 yw'r cyfanswm erbyn hyn. A gwn, ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr, bod rhwng 450 a 500 awr o ofal ail-alluogi ychwanegol wedi eu comisiynu ac yn cael eu cyflawni'n lleol.
Minister, the provision of step-down care is vital if we are to tackle the ever-growing waiting times experienced by patients in my region and across Wales. Of course, if a previous Welsh Government had not closed community hospitals and overseen the removal of over 10,000 beds from our NHS, we might not be in this predicament today. However, what is important now is that step-down care is provided in as safe a manner as possible. Minister, I have received a number of reports that patients have been transferred to step-down beds whilst not medically stable. In such cases, the step-down ward has to depend on the ambulance service for emergency medical care. What steps are your Government taking to ensure that there are no unsafe transfers to step-down care and that any step-down bed has adequate medical as well as domiciliary care?
Gweinidog, mae darparu gofal cam-i-lawr yn hanfodol os ydyn ni am fynd i'r afael â'r amseroedd aros sy'n tyfu'n barhaus y mae cleifion yn fy rhanbarth i a ledled Cymru yn eu dioddef. Wrth gwrs, pe na bai Llywodraeth Cymru flaenorol wedi cau ysbytai cymunedol a goruchwylio proses o gael gwared ar dros 10,000 o welyau o'n GIG, efallai na fyddem ni yn yr helynt hwn heddiw. Fodd bynnag, yr hyn sy'n bwysig nawr yw bod gofal cam-i-lawr yn cael ei ddarparu mewn modd mor ddiogel â phosibl. Gweinidog, rwyf i wedi derbyn nifer o adroddiadau bod cleifion wedi eu trosglwyddo i welyau gofal cam-i-lawr pan nad oedden nhw'n sefydlog yn feddygol. Mewn achosion o'r fath, mae'n rhaid i'r ward gofal cam-i-lawr ddibynnu ar y gwasanaeth ambiwlans ar gyfer gofal meddygol brys. Pa gamau y mae eich Llywodraeth yn eu cymryd i sicrhau nad oes unrhyw drosglwyddiadau anniogel i ofal cam-i-lawr a bod gan unrhyw wely gofal llai dwys ofal meddygol digonol yn ogystal â gofal cartref?
Well, you used the very important word, and that was 'safe', and that is absolutely the priority. On 5 January, the Minister for Health and Social Services' officials held a national discharge summit with all regional partnership boards across Wales, to reiterate her expectations for every effort to be made to keep people at home and not admit them into hospital in the first place unless absolutely necessary, and, of course, the reverse, to enable those in hospital to leave hospital as soon as it was safe for them to do so, to help preserve our hospital capacity and prevent the risks associated with a prolonged hospital stay.
Wel, fe wnaethoch chi ddefnyddio'r gair pwysig iawn, a 'diogel' oedd hwnnw, a dyna'n sicr yw'r flaenoriaeth. Ar 5 Ionawr, cynhaliodd swyddogion y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol uwchgynhadledd ryddhau genedlaethol gyda'r holl fyrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol ledled Cymru, i ailadrodd ei disgwyliadau i bob ymdrech gael ei gwneud i gadw pobl gartref a pheidio â'u derbyn i'r ysbyty yn y lle cyntaf oni bai ei fod yn gwbl angenrheidiol, ac, wrth gwrs, y gwrthwyneb, i alluogi'r rhai yn yr ysbyty i adael yr ysbyty cyn gynted ag yr oedd yn ddiogel iddyn nhw wneud hynny, i helpu i gadw capasiti ein hysbytai ac atal y peryglon sy'n gysylltiedig ag arhosiad maith mewn ysbyty.
6. Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i wella lles anifeiliaid? OQ59099
6. What steps is the Welsh Government taking to improve animal welfare? OQ59099
Diolch. Revisions to our statutory guidance for the Animal Welfare (Breeding of Dogs) (Wales) Regulations 2014 have been published. The introduction of new animal welfare regulations will be prioritised over the revision of existing regulations during the term of the plan.
Diolch. Cyhoeddwyd diwygiadau i'n canllawiau statudol ar gyfer Rheoliadau Lles Anifeiliaid (Bridio Cŵn) (Cymru) 2014. Bydd cyflwyno rheoliadau lles anifeiliaid newydd yn cael ei flaenoriaethu dros ddiwygio rheoliadau presennol yn ystod cyfnod y cynllun.
That's very helpful to know. In the last 15 months, two Caerphilly residents have been killed by dangerous dogs. One was a 10-year-old boy, the other was an 83-year-old woman. Both were in the community of Penyrheol, which has been hit by these two tragic, separate, incidents. My colleague Wayne David MP has raised the issue in the House of Commons and is putting pressure on the UK Government to update and amend the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. A recent BBC Panorama documentary has highlighted the activities of unscrupulous dog breeders, who are breeding dogs and are combining breeds to get past loopholes in the law, and those dogs are then finding their way into communities like Penyrheol and others across Wales.
So, when updating the Animal Welfare (Breeding of Dogs) (Wales) Regulations 2014, which you have committed to, can this issue be considered, particularly cross-breeding? And I would be happy to sit down with the Minister to discuss the consequences of changing the law and how it can benefit those communities that have been affected in this tragic way.
Mae'n gymorth mawr cael gwybod hynna. Yn y 15 mis diwethaf, mae dau o drigolion Caerffili wedi cael eu lladd gan gŵn peryglus. Roedd un yn fachgen 10 oed, a'r llall yn fenyw 83 oed. Roedd y ddau yng nghymuned Penyrheol, sydd wedi cael ei tharo gan y ddau ddigwyddiad trasig, ar wahân, hyn. Mae fy nghydweithiwr Wayne David AS wedi codi'r mater yn Nhŷ'r Cyffredin ac mae'n rhoi pwysau ar Lywodraeth y DU i ddiweddaru a diwygio Deddf Cŵn Peryglus 1991. Mae rhaglen ddogfen y BBC Panorama yn ddiweddar wedi tynnu sylw at weithgareddau bridwyr cŵn diegwyddor, sy'n bridio cŵn ac yn cyfuno bridiau i osgoi bylchau yn y gyfraith, ac yna mae'r cŵn hynny yn cyrraedd cymunedau fel Penyrheol ac eraill ledled Cymru.
Felly, wrth ddiweddaru Rheoliadau Lles Anifeiliaid (Bridio Cŵn) (Cymru) 2014, yr ydych chi wedi ymrwymo i'w wneud, a oes modd ystyried y mater hwn, yn enwedig traws-fridio? A byddwn yn hapus i eistedd i lawr gyda'r Gweinidog i drafod canlyniadau newid y gyfraith a sut y gall fod o fudd i'r cymunedau hynny yr effeithiwyd arnyn nhw yn y ffordd drasig yma.
Yes, absolutely, I'd be more than happy to meet with you. I had one in my own constituency as well—I had a fatal dog attack in my own constituency—and previous to Julie Morgan joining the Government, I remember having several meetings with her and a local Cardiff councillor around this. This is something that really needs to be got to grips with. As you say, the Dangerous Dogs Act is non-devolved, and I have raised this with colleagues in the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to see if the plan could be to amend the Act. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any movement by the UK Government to do that. The Act covers the ownership of specific breeds of dogs deemed to be dangerous, but we know, of course, that all breeds of dogs can show aggression sometimes. So, I think that's an important point to remember. For me, as a Welsh Government, I think it's really important to promote responsible ownership, particularly in relation to that particular point.
I'm certainly very happy to look at your suggestion. As you know, we updated the animal welfare licensing regulations, and we did close loopholes there relating to pet sales to try and improve enforcement by local authorities. We've had the enforcement project that Welsh Government has funded for three years. I think we need to make sure that the public are making informed decisions when they buy a pet, so that was part of those regulations as well. But there is absolutely more we can do. I've asked officials to actually start to look at dog licensing again. When I was young, people had to have a dog licence, and maybe now is the time to look at that. I have asked my interim chief veterinary officer to do that for me.
Byddwn, yn sicr, byddwn yn fwy na pharod i gyfarfod â chi. Roedd gen i un yn fy etholaeth fy hun hefyd—bu ymosodiad angheuol gan gi yn fy etholaeth fy hun—a chyn i Julie Morgan ymuno â'r Llywodraeth, rwy'n cofio cael sawl cyfarfod gyda hi a chynghorydd lleol yng Nghaerdydd ynghylch hyn. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth y mae wir angen mynd i'r afael ag ef. Fel rydych chi'n dweud, nid yw'r Ddeddf Cŵn Peryglus wedi'i datganoli, ac rwyf i wedi codi hyn gyda chydweithwyr yn Adran yr Amgylchedd, Bwyd a Materion Gwledig i weld a ellid cael cynllun i ddiwygio'r Ddeddf. Yn anffodus, nid yw'n ymddangos bod unrhyw symudiad gan Lywodraeth y DU i wneud hynny. Mae'r Ddeddf yn cwmpasu perchnogaeth bridiau penodol o gŵn yr ystyrir eu bod nhw'n beryglus, ond rydyn ni'n gwybod, wrth gwrs, y gall pob brîd o gŵn ddangos ymddygiad ymosodol weithiau. Felly, rwy'n meddwl bod hwnnw'n bwynt pwysig i'w gofio. I mi, fel Llywodraeth Cymru, rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig iawn hyrwyddo perchnogaeth gyfrifol, yn enwedig o ran y pwynt penodol hwnnw.
Rwy'n sicr yn hapus iawn i edrych ar eich awgrym. Fel y gwyddoch, fe wnaethon ni ddiweddaru'r rheoliadau trwyddedu lles anifeiliaid, ac fe wnaethon ni gau bylchau yn y rheini yn ymwneud â gwerthu anifeiliaid anwes i geisio gwella gorfodaeth gan awdurdodau lleol. Bu gennym ni'r prosiect gorfodi y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ei ariannu ers tair blynedd. Rwy'n credu bod angen i ni wneud yn siŵr bod y cyhoedd yn gwneud penderfyniadau cytbwys pan fyddan nhw'n prynu anifail anwes, felly roedd hynny'n rhan o'r rheoliadau hynny hefyd. Ond yn sicr mae mwy y gallwn ni ei wneud. Rwyf i wedi gofyn i swyddogion ddechrau edrych ar drwyddedu cŵn eto. Pan oeddwn i'n ifanc, roedd yn rhaid i bobl fod â thrwydded gŵn, ac efallai mai nawr yw'r amser i ystyried hynny. Rwyf i wedi gofyn i fy prif swyddog milfeddygol dros dro wneud hynny i mi.
Shifting focus onto the welfare of non-domestic animals, I'm sure you'll be aware in your role as rural affairs Minister that otters and foxes have been designated as carriers of the highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1. According to Animal and Plant Health Agency data, 66 mammals have been tested to date for the disease, with nine otters and foxes being found positive. It appears that these scavenging animals, who predate on infected birds, are at risk of contracting H5N1. So, given this, what steps is the Welsh Government taking to analyse this and ensure that this isn't spreading through the wild foxes and wild otters here in Wales?
I symud y pwyslais at les anifeiliaid nad ydyn nhw'n anifeiliaid anwes, rwy'n siŵr y byddwch chi'n ymwybodol yn eich swyddogaeth fel y Gweinidog materion gwledig bod dyfrgwn a llwynogod wedi'u dynodi'n gludwyr y ffliw adar pathogenig iawn H5N1. Yn ôl data'r Asiantaeth Iechyd Anifeiliaid a Phlanhigion, mae 66 o famaliaid wedi eu profi hyd yma ar gyfer y clefyd, a chanfuwyd bod naw o ddyfrgwn a llwynogod yn bositif. Mae'n ymddangos bod yr anifeiliaid carthysol hyn, sy'n ysglyfaethu ar adar heintus, mewn perygl o ddal H5N1. Felly, o ystyried hyn, pa gamau mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i ddadansoddi hyn a sicrhau nad yw hyn yn lledaenu drwy'r llwynogod gwyllt a'r dyfrgwn gwyllt yma yng Nghymru?
Thank you. As you know, we've had a continual outbreak of avian influenza across the UK over the past 16 to 17 months now. You're quite right, it's something that officials are working very closely on in relation to the findings from APHA because I don't think it's something that we've seen—I certainly hadn't been aware of it probably five years ago. So, I think it is something that is evolving—that's not the right word. So, if there is more information to come forward, I'll certainly be happy to share, but I know, again, that the interim chief veterinary officer is very keen to see what we can learn from that data.
Diolch. Fel y gwyddoch, rydym ni wedi cael achosion parhaus o ffliw adar ledled y DU dros yr 16 i 17 mis diwethaf bellach. Rydych chi yn llygad eich lle, mae'n rhywbeth y mae swyddogion yn gweithio'n agos iawn arno o ran y canfyddiadau gan APHA oherwydd nid wyf i'n credu ei fod yn rhywbeth yr ydym ni wedi ei weld—yn sicr doeddwn i ddim wedi bod yn ymwybodol ohono mae'n debyg bum mlynedd yn ôl. Felly, rwy'n credu ei fod yn rhywbeth sy'n esblygu—nid dyna'r gair cywir. Felly, os oes mwy o wybodaeth i ddod i'r amlwg, byddaf yn sicr yn hapus i rannu, ond gwn, eto, fod y prif swyddog milfeddygol dros dro yn awyddus iawn i weld beth allwn ni ei ddysgu o'r data hynny.
Good afternoon, Minister. You won't be surprised to know that one aspect that I've consistently raised here in the Siambr is that of banning greyhound racing. Obviously many of you know that I've raised the issue of our dog, Arthur. Sadly, we said goodbye to Arthur yesterday. Arthur was only 11, and he'd only been with us for three years. The period before, the eight years before, he'd been either in a dogs' home, or five years on a race track, which is where the dogs' home found him in absolutely squalid, terrible conditions. Arthur was a very anxious dog. His back legs went, and he had a very serious neck injury from racing. I don't want any more Arthurs; I don't want any more dogs that come out like Arthur. So, we have to ban greyhound racing. I would say to you: what is going to happen in relation to your officials not looking at whether greyhound racing should be regulated, but that we want greyhound racing banned here in Wales? Thank you. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Prynhawn da, Gweinidog. Fyddwch chi ddim yn synnu o wybod mai un agwedd yr wyf i wedi ei chodi yma'n gyson yn y Siambr yw gwahardd rasio milgwn. Yn amlwg mae llawer ohonoch chi'n gwybod fy mod i wedi codi mater ein ci, Arthur. Yn anffodus, fe wnaethon ni ffarwelio ag Arthur ddoe. Dim ond 11 oed oedd Arthur, a dim ond ers tair blynedd yr oedd wedi bod gyda ni. Y cyfnod cyn hynny, yr wyth mlynedd cyn hynny, roedd naill ai wedi bod mewn cartref cŵn, neu bum mlynedd ar drac rasio, lle daeth y cartref cŵn o hyd iddo mewn amodau gwael ofnadwy. Roedd Arthur yn gi pryderus iawn. Aeth ei goesau cefn, a chafodd anaf difrifol iawn i'w wddf wrth rasio. Nid wyf i eisiau gweld mwy fel Arthur; nid wyf i eisiau dim mwy o gŵn yn dod allan fel Arthur. Felly, mae'n rhaid i ni wahardd rasio milgwn. Byddwn yn dweud wrthych: beth sy'n mynd i ddigwydd o ran eich swyddogion ddim yn ystyried a ddylid rheoleiddio rasio milgwn, ond ein bod ni eisiau gweld rasio milgwn yn cael ei wahardd yma yng Nghymru? Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Jane, I'm so sorry to hear about Arthur. He had a wonderful three years with you. I absolutely know that. And if we can do something in memory of Arthur, we will certainly do that. As you know, this is something that I've been looking at very closely. We've had the Petitions Committee report into banning greyhound racing, and, as you know, my officials have been looking at what can be done in relation to that. We need to build up evidence if that is the way that we think it should go. We cannot do anything without evidence and I very much look forward to continuing this debate. But I am truly sorry about Arthur.
Jane, mae'n ddrwg iawn gen i glywed am Arthur. Cafodd dair blynedd wych gyda chi. Rwy'n gwybod hynny'n bendant. Ac os gallwn ni wneud rhywbeth er cof am Arthur, byddwn yn sicr yn gwneud hynny. Fel y gwyddoch, mae hyn yn rhywbeth yr wyf i wedi bod yn edrych arno'n fanwl iawn. Rydyn ni wedi cael adroddiad y Pwyllgor Deisebau ar wahardd rasio milgwn, ac, fel y gwyddoch, mae fy swyddogion wedi bod yn edrych ar yr hyn y gellir ei wneud yn hynny o beth. Mae angen i ni gasglu tystiolaeth os dyna'r ffordd yr ydym ni'n credu y dylai fynd. Ni allwn wneud unrhyw beth heb dystiolaeth ac edrychaf ymlaen yn fawr at barhau â'r ddadl hon. Ond mae'n wir ddrwg gen i am Arthur.
7. Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n cefnogi busnesau i ymestyn eu cynnig iechyd galwedigaethol? OQ59105
7. How is the Welsh Government supporting businesses to extend their occupational health offering? OQ59105
Thank you. In conjunction with the Healthy Working Wales programme, a new in-work support service will commence in April 2023. This will provide occupational and therapeutical support for employees to remain in or return to employment who are absent from work or at risk of becoming absent due to their physical or mental ill health.
Diolch. Ar y cyd â rhaglen Cymru Iach ar Waith, bydd gwasanaeth cymorth mewn gwaith newydd yn dechrau ym mis Ebrill 2023. Bydd hwn yn darparu cymorth galwedigaethol a therapiwtig i weithwyr aros mewn cyflogaeth neu ddychwelyd i gyflogaeth sy'n absennol o'r gwaith neu mewn perygl o fod yn absennol oherwydd eu salwch corfforol neu feddyliol.
I thank you, Trefnydd, for your response there. And, of course, Trefnydd, you may be aware that there are hundreds of thousands of people who have left the workforce since 2019, and there are big efforts in terms of keeping older people in their jobs for longer to support the economy. An early reported conclusion of a review from the Department for Work and Pensions is that companies that provide employees with extensive occupational health support have a better retention rate because they lose fewer staff to ill health or related problems. And I'm aware, of course, we have over 50,000 people currently waiting for over two years for treatment on the Welsh NHS. I'm aware that organisations such as the Senedd Commission or the Welsh Government will offer good occupational health support to their employees. I'm aware also of the tens of thousands of small businesses across Wales that won't have that same ability to offer that occupational health support. So, can I ask, Minister, what specifically the Welsh Government is doing to help very small businesses—maybe just one or two staff employed in each business—how are they supporting those businesses to offer better occupational health support to their staff?
Diolch i chi, Trefnydd, am eich ymateb yn y fan yna. Ac, wrth gwrs, Trefnydd, efallai eich bod chi'n ymwybodol bod cannoedd ar filoedd o bobl wedi gadael y gweithlu ers 2019, ac mae ymdrechion mawr o ran cadw pobl hŷn yn eu swyddi am gyfnod hirach i gefnogi'r economi. Un casgliad cynnar a adroddwyd o adolygiad gan yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau yw bod gan gwmnïau sy'n darparu cymorth iechyd galwedigaethol helaeth i weithwyr gyfradd gadw well oherwydd eu bod nhw'n colli llai o staff i salwch neu broblemau cysylltiedig. Ac rwy'n ymwybodol, wrth gwrs, bod gennym ni dros 50,000 o bobl yn aros dros ddwy flynedd ar hyn o bryd am driniaeth yn GIG Cymru. Rwy'n ymwybodol y bydd sefydliadau fel Comisiwn y Senedd neu Lywodraeth Cymru yn cynnig cymorth iechyd galwedigaethol da i'w gweithwyr. Rwy'n ymwybodol hefyd o'r degau o filoedd o fusnesau bach ledled Cymru na fydd ganddyn nhw'r gallu hwnnw i gynnig y cymorth iechyd galwedigaethol hwnnw. Felly, a gaf i ofyn, Gweinidog, beth yn benodol y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i helpu busnesau bach iawn—efallai dim ond un neu ddau o staff sy'n cael eu cyflogi ym mhob busnes—sut maen nhw'n cynorthwyo'r busnesau hynny i gynnig gwell cymorth iechyd galwedigaethol i'w staff?
Thank you. I did note the Chancellor’s recent comments urging older people to return to the labour market. Some of us have never left. And I think there is a concern, a genuine concern, about the number of people over the age of 50 who have left the labour market relatively early. You make a very important point around occupational health provision and, certainly, the Welsh Government do support businesses in Wales to create healthier workplaces by making improvements to their well-being and health practices. We've also got a new in-work support service. That's completely funded by the Welsh Government, and that provides occupational and therapeutical support for employees. And there is also dedicated information and guidance on how businesses can extend their occupational health offering. That's available on the Business Wales website, so I'd encourage any businesses to have a look at that. There are also relevant links on Public Health Wales’s Twitter page.
Diolch. Fe wnes i nodi sylwadau diweddar y Canghellor yn annog pobl hŷn i ddychwelyd i'r farchnad lafur. Nid yw rhai ohonom ni erioed wedi gadael. Ac rwy'n credu bod pryder, pryder gwirioneddol, am nifer y bobl dros 50 oed sydd wedi gadael y farchnad lafur yn gymharol gynnar. Rydych chi'n gwneud pwynt pwysig iawn o ran y ddarpariaeth iechyd galwedigaethol ac, yn sicr, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cynorthwyo busnesau yng Nghymru i greu gweithleoedd mwy iach trwy wneud gwelliannau i'w harferion llesiant ac iechyd. Mae gennym ni wasanaeth cymorth mewn gwaith newydd hefyd. Mae hwnnw wedi'i ariannu'n llwyr gan Lywodraeth Cymru, ac mae hwnnw'n darparu cymorth galwedigaethol a therapiwtig i weithwyr. A cheir gwybodaeth a chanllawiau penodol hefyd ar sut y gall busnesau ymestyn eu harlwy iechyd galwedigaethol. Mae'r rheini ar gael ar wefan Busnes Cymru, felly byddwn yn annog unrhyw fusnesau i gael golwg ar y rheini. Ceir dolenni perthnasol ar dudalen Twitter Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru hefyd.
8. Sut mae'r Llywodraeth yn bwriadu helpu'r aelwydydd mwyaf agored i niwed yn Nwyrain De Cymru gyda'r argyfwng costau byw? OQ59106
8. How is the Government planning to help the most vulnerable households in South Wales East with the cost-of-living crisis? OQ59106
We continue to support vulnerable people across Wales, including those in South Wales East, to help mitigate the cost-of-living crisis. Initiatives include our generous social wage, expanding our childcare offer, our universal primary free school meal offer, and reviewing the council tax reduction scheme to make it more equitable.
Rydyn ni'n parhau i gynorthwyo pobl agored i niwed ledled Cymru, gan gynnwys y rhai yn Nwyrain De Cymru, i helpu i liniaru'r argyfwng costau byw. Mae'r mentrau'n cynnwys ein cyflog cymdeithasol hael, ehangu ein cynnig gofal plant, ein cynnig prydau ysgolion cynradd am ddim cyffredinol, ac adolygu'r cynllun lleihau'r dreth gyngor i'w wneud yn decach.
Diolch yn fawr and I welcome that answer. I recently met with the enforcement conduct board and we discussed the unfair charges that are applied to many people struggling to pay off a debt. I was given an example of a woman who lives in social housing in Newport and receives universal credit and personal independence payments. She was subject to a High Court enforcement case on behalf of a utilities creditor. She asked the debt collection company if she could arrange an instalment plan, but the company insisted on a visit to see if she had any assets. This meant that, in addition to the £75 charge that was added to her debt because of the telephone stage of enforcement, £190 was added to her debt for the visit. Had she not been at home on the first visit, a second visit would have led to the stage 2 High Court enforcement fee of £195 being added on. The system adopted by some debt collection companies appears to be nothing more than a racket that prays upon the most vulnerable in our communities. It has to stop.
Can the Government issue guidance to the public sector and utility companies, so that they only work with debt collection companies who work in tandem with the enforcement conduct board? I would be grateful if you could also explore any ways of curtailing the rogue operators in this sector in order to protect our citizens.
Diolch yn fawr ac rwy'n croesawu'r ateb yna. Fe wnes i gyfarfod yn ddiweddar â'r bwrdd ymddygiad gorfodi ac fe wnaethon ni drafod y taliadau annheg sy'n cael eu codi ar lawer o bobl sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd talu dyled. Cefais enghraifft o fenyw sy'n byw mewn tŷ cymdeithasol yng Nghasnewydd ac sy'n derbyn taliadau credyd cynhwysol ac annibyniaeth personol. Bu'n destun achos gorfodi Uchel Lys ar ran credydwr cyfleustodau. Gofynnodd i'r cwmni casglu dyledion a allai drefnu cynllun rhandaliadau, ond mynnodd y cwmni ar ymweliad i weld a oedd ganddi unrhyw asedau. Roedd hyn yn golygu, yn ogystal â'r tâl o £75 a ychwanegwyd at ei dyled oherwydd y cam gorfodi dros y ffôn, yr ychwanegwyd £190 at ei dyled ar gyfer yr ymweliad. Pe na bai wedi bod gartref ar adeg yr ymweliad cyntaf, byddai ail ymweliad wedi arwain at ychwanegu ffi gorfodi cam 2 yr Uchel Lys o £195. Mae'n ymddangos nad yw'r system a fabwysiadwyd gan rai cwmnïau casglu dyledion yn ddim mwy na sgêm sy'n cam-fanteisio ar y rhai mwyaf agored i niwed yn ein cymunedau. Mae'n rhaid iddo stopio.
A all y Llywodraeth gyhoeddi canllawiau i'r sector cyhoeddus a chwmnïau cyfleustodau, fel eu bod nhw'n gweithio gyda chwmnïau casglu dyledion sy'n gweithio ar y cyd â'r bwrdd ymddygiad gorfodi yn unig? Byddwn yn ddiolchgar pe gallech chi hefyd archwilio unrhyw ffyrdd o leihau'r nifer o weithredwyr diegwyddor yn y sector hwn er mwyn diogelu ein dinasyddion.
Thank you, you raise a very important point, and I know the Minister for Social Justice, next week, is meeting with enforcement companies to bring forward that very point that you make, and I'm sure the Minister will be very happy to issue a written statement following those meetings.
Diolch, rydych chi'n codi pwynt pwysig iawn, a gwn fod y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol, yr wythnos nesaf, yn cyfarfod â chwmnïau gorfodi i gyflwyno'r union bwynt hwnnw rydych chi'n ei wneud, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd y Gweinidog yn hapus iawn i gyhoeddi datganiad ysgrifenedig yn dilyn y cyfarfodydd hynny.
Diolch i'r Trefnydd am ateb y cwestiynau yna i'r Prif Weinidog.
I thank the Trefnydd for responding to those questions on behalf of the First Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf yw'r datganiad a chyhoeddiad busnes, a'r Trefnydd eto sy'n gwneud y datganiad yma. Dwi'n galw arni i gyflwyno'r datganiad. Lesley Griffiths.
The next item is the business statement and announcement, and once again it's the Trefnydd who will make this statement. I call on the Trefnydd to make the statement. Lesley Griffiths.

Diolch. There are no changes to this week's business. Draft business for the next three weeks is set out on the business statement and announcement, which can be found amongst the meeting papers available to Members electronically.
Diolch. Does dim newidiadau i'r busnes yr wythnos hon. Mae busnes drafft ar gyfer y tair wythnos nesaf wedi'i nodi ar y datganiad busnes a'r cyhoeddiad, sydd i'w gweld ymhlith y papurau cyfarfod sydd ar gael i'r Aelodau yn electronig.
Trefnydd, can I call again for an oral statement on the investigation into the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board concerning the events that gave rise to the qualification of accounts for 2021-22 and the subsequent £122 million counter-fraud investigation, which is now under way? There are lots of questions that people in north Wales have and want answers to, including whether this investigation extends beyond the health board, when it will be concluded, are any prosecutions likely, will there be significant financial implications for NHS services in north Wales to our local residents, will there be a further qualification of the accounts for the last financial year, and whether there are also Welsh Government officials that might be implicated in this. I think these are fair questions, which we do need some answers to, and it would be helpful if we could have an oral statement that we can ask questions to the Minister about. I can see the Minister is nodding, so it looks like we might get one.
Trefnydd, a gaf i alw eto am ddatganiad llafar ar yr ymchwiliad i Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr yn ymwneud â'r digwyddiadau a achosodd i amodau gael eu gosod ar gyfrifon 2021-22 a'r ymchwiliad gwrth-dwyll dilynol gwerth £122 miliwn, sydd bellach ar y gweill? Mae llawer o gwestiynau gan bobl yn y gogledd ac maen nhw eisiau atebion iddynt, gan gynnwys a yw'r ymchwiliad hwn yn ymestyn y tu hwnt i'r bwrdd iechyd, pryd ddaw i ben, a oes unrhyw erlyniadau yn debygol, a fydd goblygiadau ariannol sylweddol i wasanaethau'r GIG yn y gogledd i'n trigolion lleol, a fydd rhagor o amodau i'r cyfrifon ar gyfer y flwyddyn ariannol ddiwethaf, ac a oes yna hefyd swyddogion Llywodraeth Cymru a allai fod yn gysylltiedig â hyn. Rwy'n credu bod y rhain yn gwestiynau teg, y mae angen atebion iddyn nhw, a byddai'n ddefnyddiol pe gallem gael datganiad llafar y gallwn ofyn cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog amdano. Rwy'n gweld bod y Gweinidog yn nodio, felly mae'n ymddangos y gallwn ni gael un.
The questions you ask are very fair and do need a thorough answer. I don't have the answers now. I think it's probably a little bit too early at the moment, but I think at the most appropriate time the Minister for Health and Social Services will do a statement.
Mae'r cwestiynau rydych chi'n eu gofyn yn deg iawn ac mae angen ateb trylwyr. Does gen i ddim yr atebion ar hyn o bryd. Rwy'n credu ei bod hi ychydig yn rhy gynnar ar hyn o bryd mae'n debyg, ond rwy'n credu ar yr adeg fwyaf priodol, bydd y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol yn gwneud datganiad.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (David Rees) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (David Rees) took the Chair.
Trefnydd, we have all rightfully been horrified by the testimony that has come forward relating to sexism, misogyny and racism within the Welsh Rugby Union. As Members will be aware, a Senedd scrutiny committee had the opportunity to question both the WRU and the Deputy Minister for arts and sport last week on the matter. During the scrutiny session with the Welsh Government, it was clear that the Welsh Government had been made aware of some serious allegations in May 2022, and that there had been discussions between the Deputy Minister and the WRU on these matters. I would like to request an oral statement from the Deputy Minister for arts and sport on this matter, clarifying what was known to Welsh Government and when, and outlining what steps were taken. Given the public interest in the matter and the significance of the allegations made, I would welcome the opportunity for the Senedd as a whole to be updated on the Welsh Government's discussions with the WRU during that time.
Trefnydd, rydyn ni i gyd wedi ein dychryn, yn briodol, gan y dystiolaeth sydd wedi ei chyflwyno yn ymwneud â rhywiaeth, casineb at fenywod a hiliaeth o fewn Undeb Rygbi Cymru. Fel y bydd yr Aelodau yn ymwybodol, cafodd un o bwyllgorau craffu'r Senedd gyfle i holi URC a Dirprwy Weinidog y celfyddydau a chwaraeon yr wythnos ddiwethaf ar y mater. Yn ystod y sesiwn graffu gyda Llywodraeth Cymru, roedd hi'n amlwg bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cael gwybod am rai honiadau difrifol ym mis Mai 2022, a bod trafodaethau wedi bod rhwng y Dirprwy Weinidog ac URC ar y materion hyn. Hoffwn ofyn am ddatganiad llafar gan Ddirprwy Weinidog y celfyddydau a chwaraeon ar y mater hwn, yn egluro'r hyn oedd yn hysbys i Lywodraeth Cymru a phryd, ac yn amlinellu pa gamau a gymerwyd. O ystyried budd y cyhoedd yn y mater ac arwyddocâd yr honiadau a wnaed, byddwn i'n croesawu cyfle i'r Senedd gyfan gael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am drafodaethau Llywodraeth Cymru ag URC yn ystod y cyfnod hwnnw.
Thank you. Following the committee appearance by both the chair and acting chief executive of the WRU, and obviously the Deputy Minister for culture and arts and her officials, I think the next step, and that's the most appropriate step, is for the Minister to write to the committee.
Diolch. Yn dilyn ymddangosiad cadeirydd a phrif weithredwr dros dro URC o flaen y pwyllgor, ac yn amlwg y Dirprwy Weinidog diwylliant a'r celfyddydau a'i swyddogion, rwy'n credu mai'r cam nesaf, a'r cam mwyaf priodol, yw i'r Gweinidog ysgrifennu at y pwyllgor.
His Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons published a very troubling report on Friday about its unannounced inspection of Eastwood Park prison. That inspection took place in October, and the conditions described by the inspectorate make for very difficult reading: bloodstains on the wall, extreme mental distress, including spiralling incidents of self-harm, which well-meaning but poorly trained staff were not equipped to deal with. As this is the main prison where south Wales women are being incarcerated, I'd like to request a statement from the Minister for Social Justice to find out at what point was she informed of these conditions and what has been done in these last three months to improve the desperate situation for women who are acutely unwell and yet being incarcerated on very short sentences in really awful conditions.
Cyhoeddodd Arolygiaeth Carchardai Ei Mawrhydi adroddiad oedd yn achosi llawer o bryder ddydd Gwener am ei harolygiad dirybudd o garchar Eastwood Park. Cynhaliwyd yr archwiliad hwnnw ym mis Hydref, ac mae'r amodau a ddisgrifiwyd gan yr arolygiaeth yn anodd iawn i'w darllen: staeniau gwaed ar y wal, trallod meddwl eithafol, gan gynnwys achosion o hunan-niweidio a oedd yn gwaethygu, nad oedd y staff, a oedd yn ceisio'u gorau ond a oedd wedi'u hyfforddi'n wael, yn gallu ymdopi â nhw. Gan mai dyma'r prif garchar lle mae menywod de Cymru yn cael eu carcharu, hoffwn ofyn am ddatganiad gan y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol i gael gwybod ar ba bwynt y cafodd wybod am yr amodau hyn a beth sydd wedi'i wneud yn y tri mis diwethaf hyn i wella'r sefyllfa enbyd i fenywod sy'n ddifrifol wael ac eto'n cael eu carcharu ar ddedfrydau byr iawn mewn amodau gwirioneddol ofnadwy.
Thank you. I know the report made for very harrowing reading. It identified substantive gaps in care and a real lack of support for some very distressed and vulnerable women. It's really important that women involved with the criminal justice system are held in safe and secure facilities that are absolutely fit for purpose. I know the Minister for Social Justice visited there recently with the Counsel General and will be making a written statement.
Diolch. Rwy'n gwybod bod yr adroddiad wedi bod yn ddirdynnol iawn i'w ddarllen. Nododd fylchau sylweddol mewn gofal a diffyg cefnogaeth go iawn i rai menywod gofidus ac agored iawn i niwed. Mae'n bwysig iawn bod menywod sy'n rhan o'r system cyfiawnder troseddol yn cael eu cadw mewn cyfleusterau diogel a sicr sy'n gwbl addas i'r diben. Rwy'n gwybod bod y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol wedi bod ar ymweliad yno yn ddiweddar gyda'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol a bydd yn gwneud datganiad ysgrifenedig.
I call for two oral statements or debates in Welsh Government time on two important matters.
The first of these is on accessible communication and information for people with a sensory loss. Public services have legal duties under section 20 of the Equality Act 2010 to ensure that disabled people can access services on an equal basis to non-disabled people, known as the reasonable adjustments duty. This includes making sure that people who have an impairment or sensory loss are provided with information in a format that they can read and understand. However, following the health Minister's response to the joint letter from RNIB Cymru and the RNID in Wales seeking clarity around the all-Wales standards for accessible communication and information for people with a sensory loss, they replied outlining a number of continuing concerns they still have, which they also shared with me as chair of the cross-party groups on disability and on deaf issues.
They highlighted the lack of scrutiny, accountability and reporting around the implementation of the standards across NHS Wales, and that this is a patient safety issue. They called on the Welsh Government for clarity around why the Welsh Government has not allocated the resources necessary to appoint an accessibility lead, despite accepting this as a recommendation on two separate occasions, initially made by the Senedd's Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee and then again by the Health and Social Care Committee. They called for a clear commitment from the Welsh Government to ensuring the standards are embedded within health boards and are accompanied by a clear action plan, targets and timescales. They called for transparent and public reporting on the standards, setting out which targets are not being met by which health boards and trusts. So, I call for an oral statement or debate accordingly.
I also call for an oral statement or debate in Welsh Government time on support for deaf children in Wales. National Deaf Children's Society Cymru have warned of a looming educational crisis for deaf children in Wales. Their Consortium for Research into Deaf Education survey of local authorities shows that the numbers of teachers that are deaf in Wales has fallen by 20 per cent over the last decade. In addition, more than a third of teachers that are deaf across Wales are over the age of 50, meaning they're likely to retire in the next 10 to 15 years.
Galwaf am ddau ddatganiad llafar neu ddadl yn amser Llywodraeth Cymru ar ddau fater pwysig.
Y cyntaf o'r rhain yw cyfathrebu a gwybodaeth hygyrch i bobl sydd â nam ar y synhwyrau. Mae gan wasanaethau cyhoeddus ddyletswyddau cyfreithiol o dan adran 20 o Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 i sicrhau bod pobl anabl yn gallu defnyddio gwasanaethau yn gyfartal â phobl nad ydynt yn anabl, a elwir yn ddyletswydd addasiadau rhesymol. Mae hyn yn cynnwys gwneud yn siŵr bod pobl sydd â nam ar y synhwyrau yn cael gwybodaeth ar ffurf y gallant ei ddarllen a'i ddeall. Fodd bynnag, yn dilyn ymateb y Gweinidog Iechyd i'r llythyr ar y cyd gan RNIB Cymru a'r RNID yng Nghymru yn gofyn am eglurder ynghylch safonau Cymru gyfan ar gyfer cyfathrebu a gwybodaeth hygyrch i bobl â nam ar y synhwyrau, fe wnaethon nhw ateb gan amlinellu nifer o bryderon parhaus sydd ganddyn nhw o hyd, ac fe wnaethon nhw eu rhannu gyda mi hefyd gan mai fi yw cadeirydd y grwpiau trawsbleidiol ar anabledd ac ar faterion byddar.
Fe wnaethon nhw dynnu sylw at y diffyg craffu, atebolrwydd ac adrodd ynghylch gweithredu'r safonau ar draws GIG Cymru, a bod hon yn broblem o ran diogelwch cleifion. Fe wnaethon nhw alw ar Lywodraeth Cymru am eglurder ynghylch pam nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru wedi clustnodi'r adnoddau angenrheidiol i benodi arweinydd hygyrchedd, er gwaethaf derbyn hyn fel argymhelliad ar ddau achlysur gwahanol, a wnaed yn wreiddiol gan Bwyllgor Cydraddoldeb, Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau'r Senedd ac yna eto gan y Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol. Fe wnaethon nhw alw am ymrwymiad clir gan Lywodraeth Cymru i sicrhau bod y safonau'n cael eu gwreiddio o fewn byrddau iechyd a bod cynllun gweithredu, targedau ac amserlenni clir yn cyd-fynd â nhw. Fe wnaethon nhw alw am adrodd tryloyw a chyhoeddus ar y safonau, yn nodi pa dargedau nad ydynt yn cael eu cyrraedd gan ba fyrddau iechyd ac ymddiriedolaethau. Felly, rwy'n galw am ddatganiad llafar neu ddadl yn unol â hynny.
Galwaf hefyd am ddatganiad llafar neu ddadl yn amser Llywodraeth Cymru ar gefnogaeth i blant byddar yng Nghymru. Mae Cymdeithas Genedlaethol Plant Byddar Cymru wedi rhybuddio am argyfwng addysgol ar y gorwel i blant byddar yng Nghymru. Mae arolwg y Consortiwm ar gyfer Ymchwil i Addysg Fyddar o awdurdodau lleol yn dangos bod nifer yr athrawon sy'n fyddar yng Nghymru wedi gostwng 20 y cant dros y degawd diwethaf. Yn ogystal â hynny, mae mwy na thraean o athrawon sy'n fyddar ledled Cymru dros 50 oed, sy'n golygu eu bod nhw'n debygol o ymddeol yn y 10 i 15 mlynedd nesaf.
Mark, you need to conclude now.
Mark, mae angen i chi ddod i ben nawr.
They're calling on the Welsh Government to implement a Wales-wide workforce strategy to recruit specialist staff to meet the additional learning needs of deaf children, provide funding to ensure there is sufficient training provision to create a new generation of teachers who are deaf, and to work with local authorities to ensure all parents are aware of the support available through the additional learning needs reforms. This is the fact behind the rhetoric.
I call again for an urgent oral statement or debate in Welsh Government time on these two issues, perhaps combined or perhaps separately. Thank you.
Maen nhw'n galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i weithredu strategaeth gweithlu ledled Cymru i recriwtio staff arbenigol i ddiwallu anghenion dysgu ychwanegol plant byddar, darparu cyllid er mwyn sicrhau bod digon o ddarpariaeth hyfforddiant i greu cenhedlaeth newydd o athrawon sy'n fyddar, ac i weithio gydag awdurdodau lleol i sicrhau bod pob rhiant yn ymwybodol o'r gefnogaeth sydd ar gael trwy'r diwygiadau anghenion dysgu ychwanegol. Dyma'r ffaith y tu ôl i'r rhethreg.
Galwaf eto am ddatganiad llafar brys neu ddadl yn amser Llywodraeth Cymru ar y ddau fater hyn, efallai wedi'u cyfuno neu efallai ar wahân. Diolch.
Thank you. In relation to your second question, you're absolutely right; it is vital that the learning needs of a deaf child are absolutely met. I will ask the Minister for Education and Welsh Language to write to you on the issue.
With regard to your first request—they wouldn't be able to be done together, because it would be two different Ministers—I know the Minister for Social Justice's officials work very closely with the disability equality taskforce, and at the most appropriate time, I'm sure she will be able to write you with some further information.
Diolch. O ran eich ail gwestiwn, rydych chi'n hollol iawn; mae'n hanfodol bod anghenion dysgu plentyn byddar yn cael eu diwallu'n llwyr. Fe wnaf i ofyn i'r Gweinidog Addysg a'r Gymraeg ysgrifennu atoch ar y mater.
O ran eich cais cyntaf—ni fydden nhw'n gallu cael eu gwneud gyda'i gilydd, oherwydd byddai'n ddau Weinidog gwahanol—rwy'n gwybod bod swyddogion y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol yn gweithio'n agos iawn gyda'r tasglu cydraddoldeb anabledd, ac ar yr adeg fwyaf priodol, rwy'n siŵr y bydd hi'n gallu ysgrifennu atoch gydag ychydig o wybodaeth bellach.
Mi fuaswn i'n licio gofyn am ddadl a datganiad ar frys yn amser y Llywodraeth ar ddyfodol deintyddiaeth yng Nghymru, achos mae'n rhaid i fi ddweud ei bod hi'n anodd gweld dyfodol i ddeintyddiaeth NHS yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd. Flwyddyn yn ôl, mi oedd yna naw deintyddfa yn darparu gwasanaethau NHS yn Ynys Môn. Erbyn hyn, dim ond chwech sydd yna. Deintyddfa yng Nghaergybi ydy'r diweddaraf i roi gwybod i gleifion na fyddan nhw'n trin cleifion NHS o hyn ymlaen. Mae pobl yn clywed y dylen nhw fynd i chwilio am ddeintyddfa arall, ond does yna ddim deintyddfeydd eraill ar gael, a prin ydy hyder y bwrdd iechyd y gallan nhw ddod o hyd i rai i ddarparu gwasanaethau. A bod yn onest, er ein bod ni wedi colli'r tri yna, gyda'r lefel o forâl fel ag y mae o, a diffyg hyder yn y Llywodraeth, mi allen ni golli mwy. Mae iechyd deintyddol pawb yn mynd i ddioddef—pawb ar draws cymdeithas—ond wrth gwrs, y rhai lleiaf breintiedig sy'n mynd i ddioddef fwyaf. Maen nhw'n mynd i ddioddef yn unigol ac rydyn ni fel cymdeithas yn mynd i dalu'r pris am hynny. Mae angen sortio hyn allan, neu mi fydd y twll rydyn ni ynddo fo yn mynd yn ddyfnach. Rydyn ni angen i'r Llywodraeth gyflwyno cynllun am sut rydyn ni'n mynd i symud ymlaen o hyn, a hynny ar frys.
I'd like to ask for a debate and a statement in Government time on the future of dentistry in Wales, because I do have to say that it's hard to see a future for NHS dentistry in Wales at the moment. A year ago, there were nine dentists providing NHS services on Anglesey. Now, there are only six. In Holyhead, the dentist there is the latest to inform patients they won't be treating on the NHS now. They've told patients they should seek another dentist, but there aren't any other dentist surgeries available, and the health board isn't confident that they will be able to find dentists to provide those services. Although we've lost those three dentist surgeries, with the level of morale as it currently stands, and the lack of confidence in the Government, we could lose more. The dental health of everyone is going to suffer—everyone across society—but of course, those least privileged will suffer most. They're going to suffer as individuals and we as a society are going to pay the price for that. We need to sort this out, or the hole that we're in will get deeper. We need the Government to introduce a plan for how we're going to move forward, and as a matter of urgency.
Thank you. You'll be aware that the majority of dentists are independent self-employed practitioners. They can choose how they spend their time. I don't think there's any shortage of dentists, but I think there is a shortage of dentists who are prepared to treat more NHS patients. As you know, we have a new dental contract, and the Minister already did a written statement in relation to that, so I don't think there's any need for a further statement at the moment.
Diolch. Byddwch yn ymwybodol bod y mwyafrif o ddeintyddion yn ymarferwyr hunangyflogedig annibynnol. Maen nhw'n gallu dewis sut maen nhw'n treulio'u hamser. Dydw i ddim yn credu bod unrhyw brinder deintyddion, ond rwy'n credu bod yna brinder deintyddion sy'n barod i drin mwy o gleifion y GIG. Fel y gwyddoch chi, mae gennym gontract deintyddol newydd, ac mae'r Gweinidog eisoes wedi gwneud datganiad ysgrifenedig ar hynny, felly dydw i ddim yn credu bod angen datganiad pellach ar hyn o bryd.
Two written statements, please, Trefnydd, firstly with regard to Madrid, which is trying to encircle itself with a 75 km urban forest to mitigate the climate emergency and to improve biodiversity. There's a similar idea being put forward by campaigners here in Cardiff for the city to become a new park city, with large country parks on the outskirts of the city in areas such as St Fagans, Caerphilly mountain, the Rhymney river and St Mellons. Most of the Cardiff parks up to date were opened during the Victorian age, so there haven't been new parks in Cardiff for many decades. This would develop natural flood defences, improve air quality and absorb greenhouse emissions generated by the city. Could we have a written statement by the Government on this welcome initiative?
Secondly, could we have a written statement with regard to Cardiff's replacement local development plan? I had a very interesting meeting recently with the Radyr and Morganstown local development plan group on this issue. There are suggestions that large green spaces can be built inside the replacement local development plan in view of the lower-than-expected population growth in the last census and the environmental impact of excess run-off rainwater and flooding. So, could we please have a written statement on that also? Diolch.
Dau ddatganiad ysgrifenedig, os gwelwch yn dda, Trefnydd, yn gyntaf o ran Madrid, sy'n ceisio amgylchynu ei hun gyda choedwig drefol 75 km i liniaru'r argyfwng hinsawdd ac i wella bioamrywiaeth. Mae yna syniad tebyg yn cael ei gyflwyno gan ymgyrchwyr yma yng Nghaerdydd, i'r ddinas ddod yn ddinas barc newydd, gyda pharciau gwledig mawr ar gyrion y ddinas, mewn ardaloedd fel Sain Ffagan, mynydd Caerffili, afon Rhymni a Llaneirwg. Cafodd y rhan fwyaf o barciau Caerdydd hyd yma eu hagor yn ystod Oes Fictoria, felly does dim parciau newydd wedi bod yng Nghaerdydd ers degawdau lawer. Byddai hyn yn datblygu amddiffynfeydd llifogydd naturiol, yn gwella ansawdd yr aer ac yn amsugno allyriadau tŷ gwydr a gynhyrchir gan y ddinas. A allem ni gael datganiad ysgrifenedig gan y Llywodraeth ar y fenter hon sydd i'w chroesawu?
Yn ail, a gawn ni ddatganiad ysgrifenedig ar gynllun datblygu lleol newydd Caerdydd? Cefais gyfarfod diddorol iawn yn ddiweddar gyda grŵp cynllun datblygu lleol Radur a Threforgan ar y mater hwn. Mae awgrymiadau y gellir adeiladu mannau gwyrdd mawr y tu mewn i'r cynllun datblygu lleol newydd o ystyried y twf poblogaeth is na'r disgwyl yn y cyfrifiad diwethaf ac effaith amgylcheddol gormod o ddŵr glaw ffo a llifogydd. Felly, a allem ni gael datganiad ysgrifenedig ar hynny hefyd os gwelwch yn dda? Diolch.
With regard to your latter question, an LDP is a matter for the local authority, so I don't see any need for a Government statement. It was really good to hear about the first initiative you were discussing. As you know, one of our programme for government commitments is for a national forest right across Wales, and we're certainly doing all we can to make sure people are planting trees. You'll be aware of our Welsh Government initiatives, and I would encourage everybody to pick up a free tree from their nearest hub and either plant it in their garden or ensure that we can plant it for you if there is nowhere for you to do so. But it's always good to hear about new initiatives. As you know, one of our programme for government commitments is for a new national park. I know it's up in north-east Wales, but I think it is important that we identify areas where we can indeed have parks that, obviously, everybody can enjoy.
O ran eich cwestiwn olaf, mae CDLl yn fater i'r awdurdod lleol, felly dydw i ddim yn gweld unrhyw angen am ddatganiad gan y Llywodraeth. Roedd yn dda iawn clywed am y fenter gyntaf yr oeddech chi'n ei thrafod. Fel y gwyddoch chi, un o'n hymrwymiadau yn y rhaglen lywodraethu yw creu coedwig genedlaethol ledled Cymru, ac yn sicr rydyn ni'n gwneud popeth o fewn ein gallu i sicrhau bod pobl yn plannu coed. Byddwch yn ymwybodol o fentrau Llywodraeth Cymru, a byddwn i'n annog pawb i gasglu coeden am ddim o'u canolfan agosaf a naill ai ei phlannu yn eu gardd neu sicrhau y gallwn ni ei phlannu ar eich rhan os nad oes unman i chi wneud hynny. Ond mae bob amser yn dda clywed am fentrau newydd. Fel y gwyddoch chi, un o'n hymrwymiadau yn y rhaglen lywodraethu yw creu parc cenedlaethol newydd. Rwy'n gwybod ei fod i fyny yn y gogledd-ddwyrain, ond rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig ein bod yn nodi ardaloedd lle gallwn, yn wir, gael parciau y gall pawb, yn amlwg, eu mwynhau.
Minister, may I ask for a statement from the Minister for Climate Change regarding the historic dumping of toxic waste at Ty Llwyd quarry at Ynysddu? Caerphilly County Borough Council is now the owner of the site, having compulsorily purchased the quarry, but has refused to register Ty Llwyd as contaminated land in spite of local concern about leachate leaking out and polluting neighbourhood properties as well as the roads. Natural Resources Wales confirms it is solely the council's responsibility to register contaminated land, but Caerphilly CBC maintains that the leachate does not flow from its property. Will you join me in supporting the residents, Minister, and local councillors Jan Jones and Janine Reed, in calling for a public inquiry to be held into the potential threat to neighbouring land and the River Sirhowy from the leaking of harmful substances from Ty Llwyd quarry? Thank you.
Gweinidog, a gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad gan y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd ynghylch gwaredu gwastraff gwenwynig hanesyddol yn chwarel Ty Llwyd yn Ynys-ddu? Mae Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili bellach yn berchennog ar y safle, ar ôl prynu'r chwarel yn orfodol, ond mae wedi gwrthod cofrestru Ty Llwyd fel tir halogedig er gwaethaf pryder lleol ynghylch trwytholch yn gollwng ac yn llygru eiddo yn y gymdogaeth yn ogystal â'r ffyrdd. Mae Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn cadarnhau mai cyfrifoldeb y cyngor yn unig yw cofrestru tir halogedig, ond mae CBS Caerffili yn mynnu nad yw'r trwytholch yn llifo o'i eiddo. A wnewch chi ymuno â mi i gefnogi'r trigolion, Gweinidog, a'r cynghorwyr lleol Jan Jones a Janine Reed, wrth alw am gynnal ymchwiliad cyhoeddus i'r bygythiad posibl i dir cyfagos ac Afon Sirhywi yn sgil sylweddau niweidiol yn gollwng o chwarel Ty Llwyd? Diolch.
Public Health Wales have been fully engaged with Caerphilly council and are content with the measures currently being employed to minimise any human health risks. I know NRW are also working with the local authority and their contractors to provide some technical assistance and advice regarding further works that may be required to minimise off-site impacts caused by site drainage during peak rainfall events.
Mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru wedi ymgysylltu'n llawn â chyngor Caerffili ac maen nhw'n fodlon â'r mesurau sy'n cael eu defnyddio ar hyn o bryd i leihau unrhyw risgiau i iechyd pobl. Rwy'n gwybod bod CNC hefyd yn gweithio gyda'r awdurdod lleol a'u contractwyr i ddarparu rhywfaint o gymorth technegol a chyngor ynghylch gwaith pellach y gallai fod ei angen i leihau cymaint â phosibl effeithiau oddi ar y safle a achosir gan ddraenio o'r safle yn ystod achosion o law trwm.
Ac yn olaf, Mabon ap Gwynfor.
Finally, Mabon ap Gwynfor.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. I'd like to ask for two statements, please. Firstly, can I ask for an update from the Government regarding the uplift in funding for care workers, please? In December 2021, I think it was, the Government announced funding to ensure that care workers received the real living wage, which was due to be paid to the care workers from April 2022. My understanding is that the Government provided the funds for the local authorities, and in my constituency, at least, I know that Gwynedd county council in turn passed those funds on to the providers. However, there is one provider, Achieve Together, that has failed to pay its workers that uplift for the period between April to October 2022. This is money that is rightly the wages of its workforce. The company say that they can't pay out because not all authorities have passported the funds on, but it's not theirs to keep, so it begs the question what have they done with that money and when can their workers expect to see this pay that is rightfully theirs. I'd like the Deputy Minister to look into this and bring forward a statement if possible.
Finally and briefly, I've previously raised the issue of the T19 bus service from Blaenau Ffestiniog to Llandudno, which is due to stop at the end of this week. Neither I nor the residents of Blaenau Ffestiniog have received an update, nor heard anything, since I raised this. Can the Deputy Minister please give an urgent update on what plans are in place for that route so that my constituents can continue to attend school, get to work or get to their appointments on time? Diolch.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Hoffwn ofyn am ddau ddatganiad, os gwelwch yn dda. Yn gyntaf, a gaf i ofyn am ddiweddariad gan y Llywodraeth ynglŷn â'r cynnydd mewn cyllid i weithwyr gofal, os gwelwch yn dda? Ym mis Rhagfyr 2021, rwy'n credu, cyhoeddodd y Llywodraeth gyllid i sicrhau bod gweithwyr gofal yn derbyn y cyflog byw gwirioneddol, oedd fod i gael ei dalu i'r gweithwyr gofal o fis Ebrill 2022. Fy nealltwriaeth i yw bod y Llywodraeth wedi darparu'r arian i'r awdurdodau lleol, ac yn fy etholaeth i, o leiaf, gwn fod Cyngor Sir Gwynedd yn ei dro yn trosglwyddo'r arian hynny i'r darparwyr. Fodd bynnag, mae un darparwr, Achieve Together, sydd wedi methu â thalu ei weithwyr y cynnydd am y cyfnod rhwng Ebrill a Hydref 2022. Cyflogau teilwng ei weithlu yw'r arian hwn. Mae'r cwmni'n dweud nad ydyn nhw'n gallu ei dalu oherwydd nad yw pob awdurdod wedi pasbortio'r arian ymlaen, ond nid eu harian nhw ydyw i'w gadw, felly mae'n peri i rywun ofyn beth maen nhw wedi'i wneud gyda'r arian hwnnw a phryd y gall eu gweithwyr ddisgwyl gweld y cyflog hwn sy'n eiddo iddyn nhw yn briodol. Hoffwn i'r Dirprwy Weinidog edrych ar hyn a chyflwyno datganiad os yn bosib.
Ac yn olaf ac yn gryno, rwyf eisoes wedi codi mater gwasanaeth bws T19 o Flaenau Ffestiniog i Landudno, sydd ar fin dod i ben ddiwedd yr wythnos hon. Nid wyf i na thrigolion Blaenau Ffestiniog wedi cael diweddariad, na chlywed dim, ers i mi godi hwn. A all y Dirprwy Weinidog roi diweddariad brys ar ba gynlluniau sydd ar waith ar gyfer y llwybr hwnnw er mwyn i fy etholwyr allu parhau i fynychu'r ysgol, mynd i'r gwaith neu gyrraedd eu hapwyntiadau mewn pryd? Diolch.
Thank you. I don't think the Deputy Minister for Social Services was aware of the specific issue that you raise, and I think it would be really good if you could write to her, and she will certainly look into what was, obviously, a very worrying situation that you outlined.
In relation to bus services, you'll be aware that, across Wales, we've had some issues with being able to provide some certainty to our buses. I think the Deputy Minister for Climate Change will be making a statement around bus services probably a bit more generally, but it won't be in the very near future, but it will be, probably, in the next term.
Diolch. Dydw i ddim yn credu bod y Dirprwy Weinidog Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol yn ymwybodol o'r mater penodol yr ydych chi'n ei godi, ac rwy'n credu y byddai'n dda iawn pe gallech chi ysgrifennu ati, ac fe wnaiff hi yn sicr edrych i mewn i'r hyn a oedd, yn amlwg, yn sefyllfa bryderus iawn yr oeddech chi'n ei hamlinellu.
O ran gwasanaethau bysiau, byddwch yn ymwybodol ein bod ni, ledled Cymru, wedi bod â rhai problemau o ran gallu rhoi rhywfaint o sicrwydd i'n bysiau. Rwy'n credu y bydd y Dirprwy Weinidog Newid Hinsawdd yn gwneud datganiad ynghylch gwasanaethau bysiau ychydig yn fwy cyffredinol mae'n debyg, ond ni fydd yn y dyfodol agos iawn, ond bydd, mae'n debyg, yn ystod y tymor nesaf.
Diolch i'r Trefnydd.
I thank the Trefnydd.
Eitem 3 sydd nesaf, y datganiad gan y Dirprwy Weinidog Partneriaeth Gymdeithasol ar y cynllun gweithredu LGBTQ+. Galwaf ar y Dirprwy Weinidog, Hannah Blythyn.
Item 3 is next, and it's a statement by the Deputy Minister for Social Partnership on the LGBTQ+ action plan. I call on the Deputy Minister, Hannah Blythyn.

LGBT History Month offers an opportunity to reflect on how far we’ve come in the struggle for LGBTQ+ rights, and to celebrate the lives of LGBTQ+ people who, for too long and too often, have been hidden from history. But, we don’t just need to reflect on our past; we need to learn lessons from it. We will not forget the harm that discrimination, hate and exclusion have caused to so many LGBTQ+ people. Nor will we forget the progress and achievements that we've made over the past 40 years, thanks to the activists and allies that paved the way.
But we cannot be complacent. LGBTQ+ people can still face discrimination and harassment. We’re in an age when it can feel like we’re under attack and our rights at risk of being rolled back, with LGBTQ+ communities routinely weaponised in the name of so-called political and media debate. We remain absolute that the Welsh Government stands together with and within our LGBTQ+ communities in Wales. We want to create a Wales where everyone feels free, supported and safe to be and live their lives as their authentic selves. That’s why LGBTQ+ rights are embedded in our programme for government, are a key component of the co-operation agreement with Plaid Cymru, and why we have developed a bold and ambitious LGBTQ+ action plan.
I am proud to be able to announce the launch and publication today of our ambitious and wide-ranging LGBTQ+ action plan for Wales—the first of its kind. This plan strengthens protections for LGBTQ+ people, promotes equality for all, and helps co-ordinate actions across Government, communities and the country, in order to achieve our ambition of making Wales the most LGBTQ+ friendly nation in Europe. Whilst publishing this plan is a key step in this journey, our work to improve equality for LGBTQ+ people has already begun. Just last month, I set out our next steps in our work to ban conversion practices. Support services have been expanded across Wales, and a working group of experts has been formed. The group will provide us with the advice and expertise that we need to consign these abhorrent practices to history, and the first meeting has already taken place. Alongside this, our anti-hate crime communications campaign, Hate Hurts Wales, will have an increased LGBTQ+ focus this year, and will signpost to the Wales hate support centre, which offers confidential support to victims.
Progress has also been made in sexual health through the forthcoming HIV action plan for Wales, and we renew our commitments to tackle late diagnosis in Wales and HIV-related stigma, and improve the quality of life of people living with HIV. In the past year, we have provided funding to local Pride organisations around Wales. The grass-roots Pride fund supported north Wales Pride in Bangor, Pride in the Port in Newport, Swansea, Cowbridge, Barry Pride, and Glitter Pride, connecting communities across the country. We know the value of this and the difference it can make to the LGBTQ+ community, and this coming year, we will build on this success by expanding the grass-roots Pride fund. We hope to reach out further, embracing more rural areas and smaller towns, enabling Welsh language events and ensuring that there are opportunities for people to come together and be their true selves right across Wales.
Dirprwy Lywydd, I stated earlier how, sadly, all too often in the current climate, it feels like our rights are under attack, none more so than that of the trans community, from the toxicity of Twitter, to so-called populist politics and a media narrative designed to pitch people against one another. We recommit ourselves to supporting trans and non-binary people, and our starting point is that trans men are men, trans women are women, and non-binary identities are valid. The Welsh Government stands with all of our LGBTQ+ communities and, as politicians and public figures, we can and must be better.
That’s why we’re committed to doing all that we can to improve the lives of trans people in Wales, and to seeking any further power to do this, including our programme for government and co-operation agreement commitment to trigger a request to devolve the Gender Recognition Act 2004 and support our trans community, and preliminary work on this has already started. Work has also begun on developing guidance for local authorities and schools to support transgender children and young people, so that they can be confident and comfortable in supporting trans students in all aspects of school life.
Dirprwy Lywydd, I must acknowledge the support of so many in the making of this plan. A significant number of stakeholders, individuals and organisations have contributed to the plan’s development. People generously gave their time and many shared their experience of discrimination and hostility as citizens in Wales. They also shared their achievements as advocates, workers and leaders, as researchers, experts and professionals, and as communities. I want particularly to put on record my thanks to the LGBTQ+ expert panel, who provided help, advice and challenge, which allowed us to focus on what we could do to make a difference to people’s lives. I'd also like to thank the top team within the Welsh Government, whose hard work is behind me, being able to stand here and launch this plan today.
Indeed, it is a plan that reaches across Government, and I am grateful for the steadfast cross-Government support of my ministerial colleagues. This ongoing collective support will be vital in turning the plan from words on a page into practical actions that make a real difference. As they say, actions speak louder than words. It’s about changing lives not just changing legislation, it's about people, not policies alone. But words matter too; what we do and what we say has an impact. So let’s be clear, as we publish this LGBTQ+ action plan today, that, here in Wales, we stand for unity over division, inclusion rather than exclusion and hope not hate. Together in pride—making Wales the most LGBTQ+ friendly nation in Europe. Diolch.
Mae Mis Hanes LHDT yn rhoi cyfle i fyfyrio ar ba mor bell yr ydym wedi dod yn yr ymdrech dros hawliau LHDTC+, a dathlu bywydau pobl LHDTC+ sydd, am amser rhy hir ac yn rhy aml, wedi cael eu cuddio oddi wrth hanes. Ond, mae angen gwneud mwy na myfyrio ar ein gorffennol ni; mae angen i ni ddysgu gwersi ohono. Ni fyddwn ni'n anghofio am y niwed y mae gwahaniaethu, casineb ac allgáu wedi'i achosi i gymaint o bobl LHDTC+. Ni fyddwn chwaith yn anghofio y cynnydd a'r cyflawniadau a fu gennym yn ystod y 40 mlynedd diwethaf, diolch i'r ymgyrchwyr a'r cynghreiriaid sydd wedi braenaru'r tir.
Ond ni allwn laesu dwylo. Mae pobl LHDTC+ yn parhau i wynebu gwahaniaethu ac aflonyddu. Rydym ni mewn oes pryd gellir teimlo ein bod ni dan ymosodiad a'n hawliau ni mewn perygl o gael eu tynnu yn ôl, a chymunedau LHDTC+ yn aml yn cael eu gwneud yn arfau yn enw yr hyn a elwir yn ddadl wleidyddol ac yn y cyfryngau. Rydym ni'n parhau i fod yn unplyg fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn sefyll gydag ac ymhlith ein cymunedau LHDTC+ yng Nghymru. Rydyn ni'n dymuno creu Cymru lle mae pawb yn teimlo'n rhydd, eu bod yn cael eu cefnogi ac yn ddiogel i fyw a bod fel nhw eu hunain. Dyna pam mae hawliau LHDTC+ wedi eu hymgorffori yn ein rhaglen lywodraethu, maen nhw'n elfen allweddol o'r cytundeb cydweithio â Phlaid Cymru, a dyna pam rydyn ni wedi datblygu cynllun gweithredu LHDTC+ beiddgar ac uchelgeisiol.
Rwy'n falch iawn o allu cyhoeddi lansiad a chyhoeddiad heddiw ein cynllun gweithredu LHDTC+ uchelgeisiol ac eang i Gymru—y cyntaf o'i fath. Mae'r cynllun hwn yn cryfhau amddiffyniadau i bobl LHDTC+, yn hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb i bawb, ac yn helpu i gydlynu camau ar draws y Llywodraeth, y cymunedau a'r genedl, ar gyfer cyflawni ein huchelgais o sicrhau mai Cymru yw'r wlad fwyaf cyfeillgar i bobl LHDTC+ yn Ewrop. Er bod cyhoeddi'r cynllun hwn yn gam allweddol ar y daith, mae ein gwaith ni i wella cydraddoldeb i bobl LHDTC+ wedi dechrau yn barod. Dim ond yn y mis diwethaf, fe amlinellais ein camau nesaf yn ein gwaith o wahardd arferion trosi. Mae gwasanaethau cymorth wedi eu hehangu ledled Cymru, ac mae gweithgor o arbenigwyr wedi ei ffurfio. Fe fydd y grŵp yn rhoi'r cyngor a'r arbenigedd sydd eu hangen arnom i ymwared â'r hen arferion ffiaidd hyn, ac mae'r cyfarfod cyntaf eisoes wedi bod. Ochr yn ochr â hyn, bydd ein hymgyrch cyfathrebu trosedd gwrth-gasineb, Mae Casineb yn Brifo Cymru, â mwy o bwyslais ar LHDTC+ eleni, ac yn cyfeirio pobl at ganolfan cymorth casineb Cymru, sy'n cynnig cymorth cyfrinachol i ddioddefwyr.
Gwnaethpwyd cynnydd hefyd ym maes iechyd rhywiol drwy'r cynllun gweithredu HIV sydd ar ddod i Gymru, ac rydyn ni'n adnewyddu ein hymrwymiadau ni i fynd i'r afael â diagnosis hwyr yng Nghymru a'r gwarthnod sy'n gysylltiedig â HIV, a gwella ansawdd bywyd pobl sy'n byw gyda HIV. Yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, rydyn ni wedi rhoi arian i fudiadau Pride lleol ledled Cymru. Cefnogodd y gronfa Pride ar lawr gwlad Pride y gogledd ym Mangor, Pride in the Port yng Nghasnewydd, Abertawe, Y Bont-faen, Pride y Barri, a Glitter Pride, gan gysylltu cymunedau ledled y wlad. Rydyn ni'n gwybod cymaint yw gwerth hyn a'r gwahaniaeth y gall ei wneud i'r gymuned LHDTC+, ac yn y flwyddyn i ddod fe fyddwn ni'n ategu llwyddiant hwn drwy ehangu'r gronfa Pride ar lawr gwlad. Gobeithiwn ymestyn ymhellach eto, gan gyrraedd ardaloedd mwy gwledig a threfi llai, a galluogi digwyddiadau yn y Gymraeg a sicrhau bod cyfleoedd i bobl ddod at ei gilydd a bod yn nhw eu hunain ledled Cymru.
Dirprwy Lywydd, fe ddywedais i yn gynharach sut, yn anffodus, yn rhy aml yn yr hinsawdd bresennol, ei bod yn teimlo fel bod ein hawliau dan ymosodiad, a neb yn fwy felly na'r gymuned draws, o'r gwenwyn ar Twitter, i'r hyn a elwir yn wleidyddiaeth boblyddol a'r naratif yn y cyfryngau a gynlluniwyd i roi pobl benben â'i gilydd. Rydyn ni'n ymrwymo o'r newydd i gefnogi pobl draws ac anneuaidd, a'n man cychwyn yw mai dynion yw dynion traws, a menywod yw menywod traws, a bod hunaniaethau anneuaidd yn ddilys. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn sefyll gyda'n cymunedau LHDTC+ i gyd, ac yn wleidyddion ac yn ffigyrau cyhoeddus, fe allwn, ac mae'n rhaid i ni fod yn well.
Dyna pam rydyn ni wedi ymrwymo i wneud popeth yn ein gallu i wella bywydau pobl draws yng Nghymru, a cheisio unrhyw bŵer pellach i wneud hyn, gan gynnwys ein rhaglen lywodraethu ac ymrwymiad y cytundeb cydweithio i sbarduno cais i ddatganoli Deddf Cydnabod Rhywedd 2004 a chefnogi ein cymuned draws, ac mae gwaith rhagarweiniol wedi dechrau eisoes yn hyn o beth. Mae gwaith wedi dechrau hefyd ar ddatblygu canllawiau ar gyfer awdurdodau lleol ac ysgolion i gefnogi plant a phobl ifanc trawsryweddol, er mwyn iddyn nhw allu bod yn hyderus a chyfforddus wrth gefnogi myfyrwyr traws ym mhob agwedd ar fywyd yr ysgol.
Dirprwy Lywydd, mae'n rhaid i mi gydnabod cefnogaeth llawer wrth greu'r cynllun hwn. Mae nifer sylweddol o randdeiliaid, unigolion a sefydliadau wedi cyfrannu at ddatblygiad y cynllun. Rhoddodd rhai yn hael o'u hamser ac fe rannodd llawer eu profiad o wahaniaethu a gelyniaeth fel dinasyddion Cymru. Fe wnaethon nhw sôn hefyd am eu cyflawniadau fel eiriolwyr, gweithwyr ac arweinwyr, fel ymchwilwyr, arbenigwyr a gweithwyr proffesiynol, ac fel cymunedau. Fe hoffwn i gofnodi fy niolch yn benodol i'r panel arbenigol LHDTC+, a roddodd gymorth, cyngor a her, a oedd yn caniatáu i ni ganolbwyntio ar yr hyn y gallem ni ei wneud i wneud gwahaniaeth i fywydau pobl. Fe hoffwn i ddiolch hefyd i'r tîm gwych yn Llywodraeth Cymru, y mae eu gwaith caled nhw y tu cefn i mi, er mwyn gallu sefyll yn y fan hon yn lansio'r cynllun hwn heddiw.
Yn wir, mae hwn yn gynllun sy'n ymestyn ar draws y Llywodraeth, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar am gefnogaeth gadarn fy nghyd-Weinidogion ar draws y llywodraeth. Fe fydd y gefnogaeth barhaus hon yn hanfodol wrth droi'r cynllun o fod yn eiriau ar dudalen i fod yn gamau ymarferol sy'n gwneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol. Fel maen nhw'n dweud, mae gwneud yn well na dweud. Mae hyn yn ymwneud â newid bywydau nid dim ond newid deddfwriaeth, mae'n ymwneud â phobl, nid â pholisïau yn unig. Ond mae'r geiriau yn bwysig hefyd; mae'r hyn yr ydym ni'n ei wneud a'r hyn yr ydym ni'n ei ddweud yn gallu cael effaith. Felly gadewch i ni fod yn eglur, wrth i ni gyhoeddi'r cynllun gweithredu LHDTC+ hwn heddiw, ein bod ni, yma yng Nghymru, yn sefyll o blaid undod yn hytrach nag ymraniad, cynhwysiant yn hytrach nag allgáu a gobaith yn hytrach na chasineb. Gyda'n gilydd â balchder—gan sicrhau mai Cymru yw'r genedl fwyaf cyfeillgar i bobl LHDTC+ yn Ewrop. Diolch.
Thank you for your statement, Deputy Minister. We broadly welcome the LGBTQ+ action plan for Wales, as well as its introduction during LGBTQ+ History Month. We have come a long way in ensuring equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people. The mistakes of the past, such as section 11 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885, which saw thousands of men prosecuted in the 1950s just for loving another man. By the end of 1954, there were 1,069 homosexual men in prison in England and Wales. A high-profile figure like Alan Turing had fallen foul of these insidious laws. Thankfully, these laws are consigned to the dustbin of history, and Alan Turing was awarded a posthumous pardon. They have been replaced by a slew of equalities legislation, including a legal right to same-sex marriage. We should be proud of how far we have come to promoting LGBT rights, but there's so much more that can be done.
Just this weekend, the Pope, together with the Archbishop of Canterbury, rightly condemned nations that pursued anti-gay legislation. But yet, the Catholic Church still opposes same-sex marriage. We are all equal in the eyes of God, regardless of our chosen gender, or whom we choose to fall in love with. Nobody should feel threatened or abused because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. This is why my party welcomes this action plan. However, Deputy Minister, I do have a few concerns; your decision to seek powers over gender recognition is chief among them. Why do you believe that this is the right approach, as opposed to working together with the Governments across the United Kingdom, to secure an approach to gender recognition that protects the rights of the transgender community whilst at the same time protecting the rights of all women? Deputy Minister, do you not agree that the approach pursued by the Scottish Government is fraught with pitfalls for all groups, as demonstrated by the embarrassing u-turn over the Isla Bryson debacle? The Scottish First Minister has invented a new gender of rapist to avoid calling Isla Bryson a woman. I'm sure that you'll agree that there are real concerns from both the trans community and from those seeking to protect women's rights that need to be addressed in such a way as to protect everyone's rights. Do you agree that the best way is to approach the issue on a UK-wide basis so as to avoid having multiple differing or even conflicting systems of gender recognition, and that we need to have a measured debate without the hyperbole of death threats?
My other concern is around the ability of parents and the medical professionals to help young people struggling with gender dysphoria. Whilst it is absolutely right that we ban the despicable practice of conversion therapy, we must take great care to ensure that any new legislation does not have unintended consequences. Deputy Minister, what steps will you take to ensure that any new legislation does not prevent parents and medical professionals discussing a young person's concern regarding their sexuality or gender identity?
Finally Deputy Minister, whilst I welcome the commitment to ensuring that our nation of sanctuary remains inclusive of LGBTQ+ people, I do question the development of LGBTQ+ only asylum properties in Wales. We can and we must ensure that Wales is a safe and welcoming place for those forced to flee their home nations because they are being prosecuted for who they love or who they are, but we should be guaranteeing housing for all asylum seekers with protected characteristics. We cannot provide enough housing for those fleeing the conflict in Ukraine, many of whom will be LGBTQ+. Deputy Minister, as my colleague Mark Isherwood highlighted a couple of weeks ago, the Irish Government are providing modular housing to home thousands of refugees. What discussions have you had with your Cabinet colleagues about replicating such a move here in Wales so that we can house those fleeing prosecution and murder because of their sexual orientation or gender identity?
Thank you once again for your statement, Deputy Minister, and please be assured that my party will work with you to make Wales the most LGBTQ+ friendly nation in Europe, as well as tackling divisions, exclusion and hate. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch i chi am eich datganiad, Dirprwy Weinidog. Rydym ni'n croesawu'r cynllun gweithredu LHDTC+ i Gymru yn fras, yn ogystal â'i gyflwyno yn ystod Mis Hanes LHDTC+. Rydyn ni wedi dod yn bell o ran sicrhau cydraddoldeb i bobl lesbiaidd, hoyw, deurywiol, trawsryweddol a cwiar. Camgymeriadau'r gorffennol, megis adran 11 Deddf Diwygio Cyfraith Droseddol 1885, a welodd filoedd o ddynion yn cael eu herlyn yn y 1950au dim ond am garu dyn arall. Erbyn diwedd 1954, roedd 1,069 o ddynion cyfunrywiol yn y carchar yng Nghymru a Lloegr. Roedd ffigwr proffil uchel fel Alan Turing wedi tramgwyddo'r cyfreithiau dichellgar hyn. Diolch i'r drefn, mae'r cyfreithiau hyn wedi eu taflu ar domen hanes, ac fe roddwyd pardwn i Alan Turing ar ôl ei farwolaeth. Maen nhw wedi eu disodli gan lwyth o ddeddfwriaeth cydraddoldeb, gan gynnwys hawl cyfreithiol i briodasau un rhyw. Fe ddylem ni fod yn falch o ba mor bell yr ydym ni wedi dod o ran hyrwyddo hawliau LHDT, ond mae cymaint mwy y gellir ei wneud.
Dim ond y penwythnos hwn, fe gondemniodd y Pab, ynghyd ag Archesgob Caergaint, yn gyfiawn genhedloedd sy'n ceisio llunio deddfwriaeth wrth-hoyw. Ond eto, mae'r Eglwys Gatholig yn parhau i wrthwynebu priodas un rhyw. Rydyn ni i gyd yn gyfartal yng ngolwg Duw, beth bynnag yw ein rhywedd dewisol, na phwy yr ydym ni'n dewis syrthio mewn cariad â nhw. Ni ddylai neb deimlo dan fygythiad neu eu bod yn cael eu cam-drin oherwydd eu cyfeiriadedd rhywiol neu eu hunaniaeth o ran rhywedd. Dyna pam mae fy mhlaid yn croesawu'r cynllun gweithredu hwn. Fodd bynnag, Dirprwy Weinidog, mae gennyf i ychydig o bryderon; mae eich penderfyniad chi i geisio pwerau dros gydnabod rhywedd yn bennaf yn eu plith. Pam ydych chi o'r farn mai hwn yw'r dull cywir, yn hytrach na chydweithio gyda'r Llywodraethau ledled y Deyrnas Unedig, i sicrhau dull o gydnabod rhywedd sy'n diogelu hawliau'r gymuned drawsryweddol gan warchod hawliau pob menyw ar yr un pryd? Dirprwy Weinidog, onid ydych chi'n cytuno bod y dull a ddilynir gan Lywodraeth yr Alban yn llawn peryglon i bob grŵp, fel mae'r tro pedol cywilyddus ynglŷn â helynt Isla Bryson wedi dangos? Mae Prif Weinidog yr Alban wedi dyfeisio rhywedd newydd sef treisiwr er mwyn osgoi galw Isla Bryson yn fenyw. Rwy'n siŵr y byddwch chi'n cytuno bod pryderon gwirioneddol gan y gymuned traws a gan y rhai hynny sy'n ceisio diogelu hawliau menywod y mae angen mynd i'r afael â nhw yn y fath fodd fel y diogelir hawliau pawb. A ydych chi'n cytuno mai'r ffordd orau yw ymdrin â'r mater ar sail y DU gyfan er mwyn osgoi cael sawl system wahanol neu hyd yn oed systemau croes o gydnabod rhywedd, a bod angen i ni gael dadl bwyllog heb ormodiaith bygythiadau i ladd pobl?
Mae fy mhryder arall i'n ymwneud â gallu rhieni a'r gweithwyr meddygol proffesiynol i helpu pobl ifanc sy'n cael trafferth gyda dysfforia rhywedd. Er ei bod hi'n gwbl gywir ein bod yn gwahardd yr arfer anwaraidd o therapi trosi, mae'n rhaid i ni gymryd gofal mawr i sicrhau nad oes gan unrhyw ddeddfwriaeth newydd ganlyniadau anfwriadol. Dirprwy Weinidog, pa gamau a fyddwch chi'n eu cymryd i sicrhau nad yw unrhyw ddeddfwriaeth newydd yn atal rhieni a gweithwyr meddygol proffesiynol rhag trafod pryderon unigolyn ifanc ynghylch ei rywioldeb neu hunaniaeth rhywedd?
Yn olaf Dirprwy Weinidog, er fy mod i'n croesawu'r ymrwymiad i sicrhau bod ein cenedl noddfa ni'n parhau i fod yn gynhwysol o bobl LHDTC+, rwy'n holi ynglŷn â datblygiad llochesau LHDTC+ yn unig yng Nghymru. Fe allwn ni ac mae'n rhaid i ni sicrhau bod Cymru yn lle diogel a chroesawgar i'r rhai sy'n cael eu gorfodi i ffoi o'u gwledydd eu hunain oherwydd eu bod nhw'n cael eu herlyn am bwy y maen nhw'n eu caru neu bwy ydyn nhw, ond fe ddylem fod yn gwarantu tai i bob ceisiwr lloches sydd â nodweddion gwarchodedig. Ni allwn ddarparu digon o dai i'r rhai sy'n ffoi rhag y gwrthdaro yn Wcráin, y bydd llawer ohonyn nhw'n LHDTC+. Dirprwy Weinidog, fel wnaeth fy nghyd-Aelod Mark Isherwood dynnu sylw ato ychydig wythnosau yn ôl, mae Llywodraeth Iwerddon yn darparu tai modiwlar i gartrefu miloedd o ffoaduriaid. Pa drafodaethau a gawsoch chi gyda'ch cyd-Aelodau yn y Cabinet am efelychu cam o'r fath yng Nghymru ar gyfer cartrefu'r rhai sy'n ffoi rhag erlyniad a llofruddiaeth oherwydd eu cyfeiriadedd rhywiol neu eu hunaniaeth rhywedd?
Diolch unwaith eto am eich datganiad, Dirprwy Weinidog, ac fe allwch chi fod yn sicr y bydd fy mhlaid i'n gweithio gyda chi i sicrhau mai Cymru yw'r genedl fwyaf cyfeillgar i bobl LHDTC+ yn Ewrop, yn ogystal â mynd i'r afael ag ymraniadau, allgáu a chasineb. Diolch yn fawr.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. As this is a 30-minute statement, I don't think I've got enough time to pick up every contradiction that Altaf Hussain made in his contribution then. I welcome the opening remarks and the profound words you said—that we're all equal in the eyes of God. Yes, I can celebrate my life in church by having a funeral there, but I'm yet to be able to celebrate my love in church by being able to get married there. Those were positive words, but then you went on to unravel everything that you'd said in your commitment to help us make Wales the most LGBTQ+ friendly nation in Europe. You said about working with the UK Government. Actually, as a Welsh Government, we have engaged previously in good faith, particularly around plans to ban LGBTQ+ inclusive conversion practices. They then did a u-turn on that, and a u-turn on the u-turn. I think you're very much replicating the u-turn on the u-turn in your contribution as well. So, we have to do what we need to do to defend and protect our LGBTQ+ community in Wales. We have a duty and a responsibility to do that. I'm willing to work cross party, cross Government, across the UK, to do the right thing. But, we have to remember, as I said in my statement that this isn't about politics, it's not about policies, it's about people and their lives and their right to live with dignity and respect and to feel safe and supported.
Diolch i chi. Gan mai datganiad 30 munud yw hwn, dydw i ddim yn credu bod digon o amser i mi ymateb i bob gwrthddywediad gan Altaf Hussain yn ei gyfraniad yn y fan yna. Rwy'n croesawu'r sylwadau agoriadol a'r geiriau treiddgar y gwnaethoch chi eu dweud—ein bod ni i gyd yn gyfartal yng ngolwg Duw. Ydw, rwy'n gallu dathlu fy mywyd yn yr eglwys drwy gael angladd yno, ond nid wyf i'n gallu dathlu fy nghariad, hyd yn hyn, yn yr eglwys drwy allu priodi yno. Roedd y rhain yn eiriau cadarnhaol, ond fe aethoch chi ymlaen wedyn i ddatod popeth yr oeddech chi wedi ei ddweud yn eich ymrwymiad i'n helpu ni i sicrhau mai Cymru yw'r genedl fwyaf cyfeillgar i bobl LHDTC+ yn Ewrop. Roeddech chi'n sôn am weithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU. Mewn gwirionedd, yn Llywodraeth Cymru, rydyn ni wedi ymgysylltu yn flaenorol gyda phob ewyllys da, yn enwedig ar gynlluniau i wahardd arferion trosi sy'n cynnwys LHDTC+. A dyma nhw'n gwneud tro pedol ar hynny wedyn, a thro pedol ar y tro pedol. Rwy'n credu eich bod chi yn sicr yn efelychu'r tro pedol ar y tro pedol yn eich cyfraniad chi hefyd. Felly, mae'n rhaid i ni wneud yr hyn y mae angen i ni ei wneud i amddiffyn a diogelu ein cymuned LHDTC+ ni yng Nghymru. Mae gennym ni ddyletswydd a chyfrifoldeb i wneud hynny. Rwy'n barod i weithio yn drawsbleidiol, ar draws y Llywodraeth, ledled y DU, i wneud y peth iawn. Ond, mae'n rhaid i ni gofio, fel y dywedais i yn fy natganiad, nid yw hyn yn ymwneud â gwleidyddiaeth, nac yn ymwneud â pholisïau, mae'n ymwneud â phobl a'u bywydau nhw a'u hawl i fyw gydag urddas a pharch a theimlo yn ddiogel a chael eu cefnogi.
Diolch am y datganiad, Dirprwy Weinidog.
Thank you for the statement, Deputy Minister.
The co-operation agreement between the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru promises to make Wales the most LGBTQ+ friendly nation in Europe and support the publication of an LGBTQ+ action plan. Today is therefore a proud day for Plaid Cymru, as for Adam Price as the first LGBTQ+ party leader in the Senedd, with part of that commitment realised with the publication of the action plan, an action plan that shows so clearly our shared ambition with the Welsh Government for Wales to be the most LGBTQ+ friendly nation in Europe. It demonstrates also our shared values of fairness, tolerance and justice, of protecting and bestowing rights, not taking them away, and our shared determination to call out bigotry, hatred, inequality and discrimination in all corners of our nation. But this plan is just the start, because it addresses an urgent need to create a fairer Wales, because this is a Wales where hate crimes against LGBTQ+ people are increasing, and hate crimes against transgender people specifically are skyrocketing. Last year, Estyn found homophobic bullying was the most common kind of bullying in secondary schools. So, we agree with Stonewall Cymru that there is much work to do.
In Plaid Cymru, we often refer to our country as a community of communities, and I'm glad to see how this plan demonstrates that it is one for the whole of Wales. The recognition of rurality in the LGBTQ+ experience is a welcome example of this approach, as well as the need for further research to address this. So, could the Deputy Minister tell us how she proposes this will be taken forward? And does she agree that building alliances across communities and organisations, working with the young farmers, for example, will be crucially important to achieve this vision?
The intersectional approach of the plan is also very welcome, and, whilst not being a protected characteristic, I'm glad this plan acknowledges the Welsh language needs and identities of the LGBTQ+ community, and I'm particularly glad that the National Eisteddfod's Mas ar y Maes partnership with Stonewall Cymru and others is highlighted and there is an action to develop this further.
The Deputy Minister highlighted the cross-governmental approach of this plan, and it's certainly encouraging to see meaningful detail underpinning the vision and transparency about which Welsh Government team and department will be accountable for bringing this vision to life. The actions to tackle discrimination in the workplace are a crucial and practical component of this plan. I would, however, like some more detail on the stated outcome of LGBTQ+ people understanding and being able to use pathways for reporting discrimination in Welsh workplaces. As you may recall, I've previously raised with the Government the BMA's 'Sexual orientation and gender identity in the medical profession' report, which highlights that LGBTQ+ doctors are regularly suffering abuse and discrimination, and the staff often report they feel unable to voice their concerns with management. Both Scotland and England have independent mechanisms in place across their hospitals for staff to voice concerns about this in a safe way, but there's nothing in place across Wales yet, despite a 'freedom to speak up' framework being worked on. I was assured that the cross-governmental approach of the action plan would address these concerns, so could you provide me with assurances this will be the case?
I would like to specifically welcome the measurable nature of the actions and outcomes in the plan, for example, around the commitment to devolved powers in relation to gender recognition. We have seen in Scotland, even though they have greater autonomy to act than Wales in this area, the cross-party political consensus in the Scottish Parliament being undemocratically and outrageously frustrated by Westminster. So, while welcoming this action plan, I would ask you, Deputy Minister, to consider how we can really ultimately be the most LGBTQ+ friendly nation in Europe with one hand tied behind our backs by Westminster. In the immediate term, can you advise what strategies we can pursue to ensure these powers are rightly devolved and able to be implemented in relation to gender recognition? And, on the wider question of justice, do you, Deputy Minister, accept that the only sustainable way of creating an inclusive and safe criminal justice system for our LGBTQ+ community that works for Wales is by creating a system here in Wales, even if the Labour Party in Westminster continues to team up with the Tories to block it?
The theme for this year's LGBTQ+ history month is 'Behind the Lens'. This action plan undoubtedly sharpens our focus on the work that needs to be done to create the Wales we want to see by truly seeing all those who call Wales their home. That focus must be maintained, and the reality it captures must continuously inform how we achieve the vision of being the most LGBTQ+ friendly nation in Europe.
Mae'r cytundeb cydweithio rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru a Phlaid Cymru yn addo gwneud Cymru y genedl fwyaf cyfeillgar i bobl LHDTC+ yn Ewrop a chefnogi cyhoeddiad cynllun gweithredu LHDTC+. Mae heddiw felly yn ddiwrnod o falchder i Blaid Cymru, fel y mae i Adam Price gan mai ef yw'r arweinydd plaid LHDTC+ cyntaf yn y Senedd, gyda rhan o'r ymrwymiad hwnnw wedi ei wireddu wrth gyhoeddi'r cynllun gweithredu, cynllun gweithredu sy'n dangos ein huchelgais gyffredin ni â Llywodraeth Cymru mor eglur sef bod y genedl fwyaf cyfeillgar i bobl LHDTC+ yn Ewrop. Mae hynny'n dangos ein gwerthoedd cyffredin ni hefyd sef tegwch, goddefgarwch a chyfiawnder, a diogelu ac ymestyn hawliau, nid eu dwyn oddi ar bobl, a'n penderfyniad cyffredin i herio rhagfarn, casineb, anghydraddoldeb a gwahaniaethu ym mhob cwr o'n cenedl. Ond megis dechrau yw'r cynllun hwn, oherwydd mae'n mynd i'r afael â'r angen mawr am lunio Cymru decach, oherwydd mae hon yn genedl lle mae troseddau casineb yn erbyn pobl LHDTC+ yn cynyddu, ac mae troseddau casineb yn erbyn pobl drawsryweddol yn benodol yn codi i'r entrychion. Y llynedd, fe wnaeth Estyn ddarganfod mai bwlio homoffobig oedd y math mwyaf cyffredin o fwlio mewn ysgolion uwchradd. Felly, rydyn ni'n cytuno gyda Stonewall Cymru fod llawer o waith i'w wneud.
Ym Mhlaid Cymru, rydym ni'n cyfeirio yn aml at ein cenedl ni fel cymuned o gymunedau, ac rwy'n falch o weld sut mae'r cynllun hwn yn dangos ei fod yn un ar gyfer Cymru gyfan. Mae cydnabod cefn gwlad yn y profiad LHDTC+ yn enghraifft o'r ymagwedd hon sydd i'w groesawu, yn ogystal â'r angen am ymchwil pellach i fynd i'r afael â hyn. Felly, a wnaiff y Dirprwy Weinidog ddweud wrthym ni sut mae hi'n bwriadu datblygu hyn? Ac a yw hi'n cytuno y bydd meithrin cynghreiriau ledled ein cymunedau a'n sefydliadau ni, gan gydweithio gyda'r ffermwyr ifanc, er enghraifft, yn hanfodol bwysig ar gyfer cyflawni'r weledigaeth hon?
Mae yna groeso mawr i ddull croestoriadol y cynllun hefyd, ac, er nad yw honno'n nodwedd warchodedig, rwy'n falch fod y cynllun hwn yn cydnabod anghenion a hunaniaethau'r gymuned LHDTC+ yn y Gymraeg, ac rwy'n arbennig o falch bod partneriaeth Mas ar y Maes yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol â Stonewall Cymru ac eraill yn cael ei amlygu a bod yna waith yn digwydd i ddatblygu hyn ymhellach.
Tynnodd y Dirprwy Weinidog sylw at ddull trawslywodraethol y cynllun hwn, ac yn sicr, mae hi'n galonogol gweld manylder ystyrlon yn sail i'r weledigaeth a'r tryloywder y bydd tîm ac adran Llywodraeth Cymru yn atebol am wireddu'r weledigaeth hon. Mae'r camau gweithredu i fynd i'r afael â gwahaniaethu yn y gweithle yn hanfodol ac ymarferol o'r cynllun hwn. Fodd bynnag, hoffwn gael rhywfaint mwy o fanylion am ganlyniad datganedig dealltwriaeth pobl LHDTC+ ac yn gallu defnyddio llwybrau ar gyfer adrodd am wahaniaethu mewn gweithleoedd yng Nghymru. Fel rydych chi'n cofio, rwyf i wedi codi adroddiad y BMA ar gyfeiriadedd rhywiol a hunaniaeth rhywedd yn y proffesiwn meddygol gyda'r Llywodraeth o'r blaen, sy'n amlygu bod meddygon LHDTC+ yn dioddef gwawdio a gwahaniaethu yn rheolaidd, ac mae'r staff yn dweud eu bod nhw'n aml yn teimlo nad ydyn nhw'n gallu lleisio eu pryderon gyda rheolwyr. Mae gan yr Alban a Lloegr ddulliau annibynnol ar waith ar draws eu hysbytai er mwyn i staff leisio eu pryderon yn hyn o beth mewn ffordd ddiogel, ond nid oes unrhyw beth fel hyn ar waith yng Nghymru eto, er bod gwaith yn cael ei wneud ar fframwaith. Fe dderbyniais sicrwydd y byddai dull trawslywodraethol y cynllun gweithredu yn mynd i'r afael â'r pryderon hyn, felly a wnewch chi roi sicrwydd i mi mai hynny fydd yr achos?
Fe hoffwn i roi croeso penodol i natur fesuradwy'r gweithredoedd a'r canlyniadau yn y cynllun, er enghraifft, ynghylch yr ymrwymiad i bwerau datganoledig o ran cydnabod rhywedd. Rydym ni wedi gweld yn yr Alban, er bod ganddyn nhw fwy o ymreolaeth i weithredu na Chymru yn y cyswllt hwn, mae'r consensws gwleidyddol trawsbleidiol yn Senedd yr Alban wedi cael ei rwystro mewn ffordd annemocrataidd a gwarthus gan San Steffan. Felly, wrth groesawu'r cynllun gweithredu hwn, rwyf i am ofyn i chi, Dirprwy Weinidog, ystyried sut allwn ni fod mewn gwirionedd y genedl fwyaf cyfeillgar i LHDTC+ yn Ewrop gydag un llaw wedi ei chlymu y tu ôl i'n cefnau gan San Steffan. Yn y tymor cyfagos, a wnewch chi roi gwybod i ni pa strategaethau y gallwn ni eu dilyn nhw i sicrhau bod y pwerau hyn wedi cael eu datganoli mewn ffordd briodol ac y gellir eu gweithredu o ran cydnabod rhywedd? Ac, ar gwestiwn cyfiawnder yn fwy eang, a ydych chi, Dirprwy Weinidog, yn derbyn mai'r unig ffordd gynaliadwy o lunio system cyfiawnder troseddol gynhwysol a diogel i'n cymuned LHDTC+ sy'n gweithio dros Gymru yw trwy greu system yma yng Nghymru, hyd yn oed os yw'r Blaid Lafur yn San Steffan yn parhau i ymuno â'r Torïaid i rwystro hynny?
Thema mis hanes LHDTC+ eleni yw 'Tu ôl i'r Lens'. Yn ddiamau, mae'r cynllun gweithredu hwn yn hoelio ein sylw ar y gwaith sydd ei angen i greu'r Gymru yr ydym ni'n awyddus i'w gweld drwy ystyried yn wirioneddol bob un sy'n galw Cymru yn gartref. Mae'n rhaid parhau â'r canolbwynt hwnnw, ac mae'n rhaid i'r sefyllfa wirioneddol hon gael ei harwain yn barhaus gan ein dull ni o gyflawni'r weledigaeth o fod yn genedl fwyaf cyfeillgar i LHDTC+ yn Ewrop.
Diolch, Sioned. Indeed, I share your sentiments that this is a proud day for us, not just in this Siambr, but in communities across Wales, and I've had lost of positive feedback already about, actually, how important to have the plan itself is. But, like you say, the proof is in the application of those actions and actually how we make people feel safe and supported in the future. And I'd like to also place on record my thanks to Siân Gwenllian for the work she's done with us on this action plan, and the passionate commitment that came from Siân and the team to actually making this work and the recognition that the majority of this Senedd Chamber is supportive of our LGBTQ+ inclusive work and ambitions for Wales. I said previously—and I'm not going apologise for saying this over and over again—that actions are important; actions are what make a difference. But what we say can have such an impact as well, and not always in a positive way. So, I do think that we all need to think about that before we open our mouths or tweet some of the time as well—and that's not just for politicians; it's for others as well.
I will try and touch as much as I can on the points that you raised, but I am sure that it is something that we will pick up in ongoing dialogue following this. It's about the opportunities that we have got in terms of workplace inclusion. It's so important that you can go to work and feel like you can be yourself, or feel like you can raise a concern if something sadly happens and that you have a safe space or a place to go to to report that. So, I'm certainly happy to give assurances that we will build on what is in the action plan, and use every lever that we do currently have in Wales around that, particularly in the public sector.
There is best practice happening in the private sector too. I am visiting somewhere at the end of the month. So, hopefully we can work on that and share it. I was particularly keen, as part of the action plan, that we included the work that some of our trade union colleagues are already doing, because why reinvent the wheel if there are good resources there and good support networks? I think that we can really learn and spread that out across workplaces across Wales too, to make sure that people can go to work and truly be themselves and feel that they are in a safe space. Unless you are a multimillionaire or you have won the lottery, work is such a significant part of each and every one of our lives.
I welcome support around the inclusion and support for the Welsh language. It's so important that not only can you live your life as your true self, but in your first language as well, and be supported to do that and being able to do that as well.
The final thing to touch on is around the 35 per cent increase in LGBTQ+ hate crime. We talk about how far we have come, and I think that, rightly, LGBT history month is the time to talk about that and celebrate that. I said before in this Chamber that, when I was growing up in Wales, I couldn't marry the person that I loved. I could get discriminated against in goods and services. I couldn't be talked about in school. So, we have come a long way, but I recognise that we have got a long way to go still, and this plan is just a step in doing that. The elements around hate crime in the action plan not only look at what we need to do with policing and justice and the devolution of that, but also in supporting the community to feel those relationships with policing as well, and that we understand what hate crime is. I have said before that people don't really understand what that is. It doesn't have to be a physical attack; it can be verbal. I am sad to say, actually, that I looked at the figures for the last year, 2021-22, and I think that there was a 35 per cent increase in LGBT hate crime. Sadly, I am a statistic as part of that increase. I have talked about that in the Chamber as well. I think that it's important that we talk about it and raise it, and I very much welcome your support and your party's support, and I look forward to working together in common cause.
Diolch, Sioned. Yn wir, rwy'n rhannu eich teimladau fod hwn yn ddiwrnod o falchder i ni, nid yn unig yn y Siambr hon, ond mewn cymunedau ledled Cymru, ac rwyf wedi cael llawer o adborth cadarnhaol eisoes, mewn gwirionedd, yn mynegi pa mor bwysig yw'r cynllun ei hun. Ond, fel rydych chi'n dweud, fe ddaw'r dystiolaeth wrth gymhwyso'r camau hynny ac mewn gwirionedd wrth i ni wneud i bobl deimlo yn ddiogel a'u bod nhw'n cael eu cefnogi yn y dyfodol. Ac fe hoffwn i ddiolch i Siân Gwenllian ar y cofnod hefyd am y gwaith a wnaeth hi gyda ni ar y cynllun gweithredu hwn, a'r ymrwymiad angerddol a ddaeth oddi wrth Siân a'r tîm i wneud y gwaith hwn a'r gydnabyddiaeth bod mwyafrif Siambr y Senedd hon yn gefnogol i'n gwaith cynhwysol ni a'n huchelgeisiau ni o ran LHDTC+ i Gymru. Fe ddywedais i o'r blaen—ac nid wyf i am ymddiheuro am ddweud hyn dro ar ôl tro—bod gweithredu yn bwysig; gweithredu sy'n gwneud gwahaniaeth. Ond mae'r hyn yr ydym ni'n ei ddweud yn gallu bod ag effaith fawr hefyd, ac nid bob amser mewn ffordd gadarnhaol. Felly, rwyf i o'r farn bod angen i ni i gyd feddwl am hynny cyn i ni agor ein genau neu drydar weithiau hefyd—ac nid rhywbeth i wleidyddion yn unig ei ystyried mo hynny; mae hynny i bobl eraill ei ystyried hefyd.
Rwyf i am geisio cyffwrdd â chymaint ag y gallaf i o'r pwyntiau y gwnaethoch chi eu codi, ond rwy'n siŵr y bydd hyn yn rhywbeth y byddwn ni'n ei godi mewn deialog barhaus wedi hyn. Mae hynny'n ymwneud â'r cyfleoedd sydd gennym ni o ran cynhwysiant yn y gweithle. Mae hi mor bwysig eich bod chi'n gallu mynd i'r gwaith a theimlo eich bod chi'n gallu bod y chi eich hun, neu deimlo eich bod chi'n gallu mynegi eich pryderon chi os oes rhywbeth yn digwydd yn anffodus a bod gennych chi fan ddiogel neu le i fynd i roi hysbysiad o hynny. Felly, rwy'n sicr yn hapus i roi sicrwydd y byddwn ni'n adeiladu ar yr hyn sydd yn y cynllun gweithredu, ac yn defnyddio pob ysgogiad sydd gennym ni yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd yn hyn o beth, yn y sector cyhoeddus yn enwedig.
Mae arfer gorau yn bodoli yn y sector breifat hefyd. Rwyf i am ymweld â rhywle ar ddiwedd y mis. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio y gallwn ni weithio ar hynny a chydgyfranogi o hynny. Roeddwn i'n arbennig o awyddus, yn rhan o'r cynllun gweithredu, ein bod ni'n cynnwys y gwaith y mae rhai o'n cydweithwyr ni yn yr undebau llafur yn ei wneud eisoes, oherwydd pam ddylem ni ailddyfeisio'r olwyn os oes adnoddau da ar gael a rhwydweithiau da o gymorth? Rwy'n credu y gallwn ni ddysgu ac ehangu hynny mewn gweithleoedd ledled Cymru hefyd, i sicrhau bod pobl yn gallu mynd i'r gwaith a bod yn nhw eu hunain mewn gwirionedd a theimlo eu bod nhw mewn lle diogel. Oni bai eich bod chi'n aml filiwnydd neu eich bod chi wedi ennill y loteri, mae gwaith yn rhan bwysig iawn o'n bywydau ni i gyd.
Rwy'n croesawu cefnogaeth o ran cynhwysiant a chefnogaeth i'r Gymraeg. Mae hi mor bwysig i chi allu nid yn unig byw fel pwy ydych chi mewn gwirionedd, ond yn eich iaith gyntaf chi hefyd, a chael eich cefnogi i wneud hynny a gallu gwneud hynny hefyd.
Y peth olaf i gyffwrdd arno yw o ran cynnydd o 35 y cant mewn troseddau casineb LHDTC+. Rydyn ni'n sôn am ba mor bell yr ydym ni wedi teithio, ac rwy'n credu, yn briodol, mai mis hanes LHDT yw'r amser i siarad am hynny a dathlu hynny. Fe ddywedais i yn y Siambr hon o'r blaen, pan oeddwn i'n tyfu i fyny yng Nghymru, nid oeddwn i'n gallu priodi'r un yr oeddwn i'n ei charu. Fe allwn ni brofi gwahaniaethu yn fy erbyn o ran ceisio nwyddau a gwasanaethau. Ni ellid siarad amdanaf i yn yr ysgol. Felly, rydyn ni wedi dod yn bell, ond rwy'n cydnabod bod gennym ni ffordd bell i fynd eto, a dim ond cam ar y daith o wneud hynny yw'r cynllun hwn. Mae'r elfennau sy'n ymwneud â throseddau casineb yn y cynllun gweithredu nid yn unig yn edrych ar yr hyn sydd angen i ni ei wneud gyda phlismona a chyfiawnder a datganoli hynny, ond o ran cefnogi'r gymuned hefyd i deimlo'r berthynas honno gyda phlismona hefyd, a'n bod ni'n deall beth yw troseddau casineb. Rwyf i wedi dweud o'r blaen nad yw pobl yn deall yn iawn beth yw ystyr hynny. Nid oes raid iddo fod yn ymosodiad corfforol; fe all fod ar lafar. Peth digalon i mi yw dweud, mewn gwirionedd, fy mod i wedi edrych ar y ffigyrau ar gyfer y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, 2021-22, ac rwy'n credu bod cynnydd o 35 y cant wedi bod o ran troseddau casineb LHDT. Yn drist iawn, rwyf innau'n ystadegyn sy'n rhan o'r cynnydd hwnnw. Rwyf i wedi siarad am hynny yn y Siambr hefyd. Rwyf i o'r farn ei bod hi'n bwysig ein bod ni'n siarad am hyn ac yn codi hyn, ac rwy'n croesawu eich cefnogaeth chi a'ch plaid chi'n fawr, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at ymuno â chi i weithio gyda'n gilydd.
I welcome the statement today and the Welsh Government's support for the LGBTQ+ community. I welcome the commitment to making Wales the most LGBTQ+ friendly nation in Europe. I fully support the vision to improves the lives and outcomes for LGBTQ+ people.
I remember section 28. When I was teaching in a college, a student told me that he could bully someone who was gay and, if I tried to stop him, he would report me and get me sacked. I explained that I would always do the right thing, no matter what. We have come a long way from those days. I am disappointed that the Conservatives were unable to apologise for section 28, because it was serious discrimination and it was a really bad piece of legislation.
But I’m going to move on to the positive now. I would like to highlight the excellent work done by Pride in Swansea, and the way that Pride has grown in Swansea from a march to a full day of events, supported by the local community and the Deputy Minister. There were previously concerns from Swansea Pride about the funding available in Swansea. Has this now been resolved?
Rwy'n croesawu'r datganiad heddiw a chymorth Llywodraeth Cymru i'r gymuned LHDTC+. Rwy'n croesawu'r ymrwymiad i sicrhau mai Cymru yw'r genedl fwyaf cyfeillgar i bobl LHDTC+ yn Ewrop. Rwy'n llwyr gefnogi'r weledigaeth i wella bywydau a'r canlyniadau i bobl LHDTC+.
Rwy'n cofio adran 28. Pan oeddwn i'n dysgu mewn coleg, fe ddywedodd un myfyriwr wrthyf i y gallai ef fwlio rhywun a oedd yn hoyw a phe bawn i'n ceisio ei atal ef, fe fyddai ef yn adrodd amdanaf i a gwneud i mi gael fy niswyddo. Fe eglurais i y byddwn i'n gwneud y peth cyfiawn bob amser, er gwaetha'r cyfan. Rydyn ni wedi mynd ffordd bell ers y dyddiau hynny. Rwy'n siomedig nad oedd y Ceidwadwyr yn gallu ymddiheuro am adran 28, oherwydd roedd hwnnw'n wahaniaethu difrifol a darn o ddeddfwriaeth gwael ofnadwy ydoedd.
Ond rwyf i am symud ymlaen at bethau cadarnhaol nawr. Fe hoffwn i dynnu sylw at y gwaith rhagorol a wnaeth Pride yn Abertawe, a'r ffordd y mae Pride wedi tyfu yn Abertawe o fod yn orymdaith i fod yn ddiwrnod cyfan o ddigwyddiadau, gyda chefnogaeth y gymuned leol a'r Dirprwy Weinidog. Bu pryderon gan Pride Abertawe yn y gorffennol am yr arian a oedd ar gael yn Abertawe. A yw hynny wedi cael ei ddatrys erbyn hyn?
Can I thank Mike Hedges for his contribution and also for his commitment as a committed ally for the LGBTQ+ community in Wales? I was proud to march alongside Mike at the most recent Swansea Pride—the first march post pandemic—and it was wonderful to see lots of young people there as well, with the younger community coming out. It's important that we pass the baton on. This is what it's about, actually—creating a different Wales for them to grow up in.
You raised that spectre of section 28, and well done, Mike, for standing your ground and doing the right thing, but I wouldn't expect anything else from you, Mike Hedges. That shadow of section 28 still hangs over us. It still hangs over many teachers and schools who are still nervous about wanting to do the right thing, but may feel nervous. That's why the education part of this action plan, and the work we're already doing with our inclusive curriculum, is so, so important, so that children and young people are not only supported in schools, but also—the issues Sioned Williams raised around homophobic bullying as well—that teachers have that support to be able to support the children and young people in turn.
I wouldn't expect anything less from Mike than to mention trying to put a pitch in for support for Swansea Pride, and while Mike will understand I can't actually directly commit to any specific Pride support at the moment, I can refer to the grass-roots Pride fund, which we will be carrying on for the next year. I would expect Swansea Pride to be contacting officials, probably before I've got out of this Chamber, to try and put their bid in for future support. But I hope Swansea Pride continues to go from strength to strength, as do other Prides across the country, and I hope to be able to continue to support it.
A gaf i ddiolch i Mike Hedges am ei gyfraniad ac am ei ymrwymiad hefyd fel cynghreiriad ymroddedig i'r gymuned LHDTC+ yng Nghymru? Roeddwn i'n falch o orymdeithio ysgwydd wrth ysgwydd â Mike yn y Pride diweddaraf yn Abertawe—yr orymdaith gyntaf wedi'r pandemig—ac roedd hi'n hyfryd gweld llawer o bobl ifanc yno hefyd, a'r gymuned iau yn dod allan. Mae hi'n bwysig ein bod ni'n pasio'r baton ymlaen. Dyma yw'r nod, mewn gwirionedd—llunio Cymru wahanol iddyn nhw dyfu i fyny ynddi.
Fe wnaethoch chi ein hatgoffa ni o fwgan adran 28, a da iawn chi, Mike, am sefyll eich tir a gwneud y peth cyfiawn, ond ni fyddwn ni'n disgwyl unrhyw beth arall gennych chi, Mike Hedges. Mae cwmwl du adran 28 yn dal i fod uwch ein pennau ni. Mae hwnnw uwchben llawer o athrawon ac ysgolion sy'n dal i fod yn bryderus ynglŷn â dymuno gwneud y peth iawn, ond efallai eu bod nhw'n teimlo yn betrus. Dyna pam mae rhan addysg y cynllun gweithredu hwn, a'r gwaith yr ydym ni'n ei wneud eisoes â'n cwricwlwm cynhwysol ni, mor bwysig, fel bod plant a phobl ifanc nid yn unig yn cael eu cefnogi mewn ysgolion, ond hefyd—y materion a gododd Sioned Williams ynghylch bwlio homoffobig hefyd—bod athrawon yn cael y gefnogaeth honno i allu cefnogi'r plant a'r bobl ifanc yn eu tro.
Ni fyddwn i'n disgwyl unrhyw beth llai gan Mike na chrybwyll ymgais am gefnogaeth i Pride Abertawe, ac er y bydd Mike yn deall na allaf ymrwymo yn uniongyrchol mewn gwirionedd i unrhyw gefnogaeth i Pride benodol ar hyn o bryd, fe allaf gyfeirio at gronfa Pride ar lawr gwlad, y byddwn ni'n ei chario ymlaen am y flwyddyn nesaf. Fe fyddwn i'n disgwyl i Pride Abertawe gysylltu â swyddogion, mwy na thebyg cyn i mi ymadael â'r Siambr hon, i geisio rhoi eu cais nhw i mewn am gefnogaeth yn y dyfodol. Ond rwy'n gobeithio y bydd Pride Abertawe yn parhau i fynd o nerth i nerth, fel Pride mewn mannau eraill ledled y wlad, ac rwy'n gobeithio gallu parhau i'w gefnogi.
Of course, Deputy Minister, we all want the best for the LGBTQ+ community and we want to see a fairer Wales. But, as I read through this plan today, I read some of it with disbelief, and I find a lot of this plan genuinely concerning: pushing gender ideology in nurseries and schools, unfairness in sports, and, incredibly, seeing that you still want to push ahead for those powers to emulate the self-identification Bill in Scotland, despite the clear risks that it poses to women and children's safety. The UN expert on violence against women and girls warned on this move in Scotland, yet here is your plan. Your own Minister for Social Justice stood up in this Chamber time and time again talking about the importance of women-only refuges and spaces—it is so important, yet today you announce that you want to make it easier for biological males to enter those spaces. What about protecting women and girls? What about those Welsh mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, when creating this plan? Will something bad have to happen before you wake up and realise the massive safeguarding issues that self-identification poses? Here we are today wasting half an hour of Senedd time on—
Wrth gwrs, Dirprwy Weinidog, rydyn ni i gyd yn dymuno'r gorau i'r gymuned LHDTC+ ac rydyn ni'n dymuno gweld Cymru decach. Ond, wrth i mi ddarllen trwy'r cynllun hwn heddiw, rwy'n darllen rhywfaint ohono gydag anghrediniaeth, ac rwy'n gweld llawer o'r cynllun hwn yn achosi pryder gwirioneddol: sy'n gwthio ideoleg am rywedd mewn meithrinfeydd ac ysgolion, yn achosi annhegwch mewn chwaraeon, ac, yn anhygoel, yn gweld eich bod chi'n parhau i geisio'r pwerau hynny sy'n efelychu'r Bil hunanddiffinio yn yr Alban, er gwaethaf y risgiau clir y mae hwnnw'n eu hachosi i ddiogelwch menywod a phlant. Roedd arbenigwr y Cenhedloedd Unedig yn rhybuddio am drais yn erbyn menywod a merched oherwydd y symudiad hwn yn yr Alban, ond eto dyma eich cynllun chi. Safodd eich Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol chi yn y Siambr hon dro ar ôl tro yn sôn am bwysigrwydd llochesau a safleoedd ar gyfer menywod yn unig—mae hynny mor bwysig, ond eto heddiw rydych chi'n cyhoeddi eich bod chi am ei gwneud hi'n haws i wrywod biolegol fynd i mewn i'r safleoedd hynny. Beth am ddiogelu menywod a merched? Pa ystyriaeth a roddwyd i famau, merched, chwiorydd, a modrybedd Cymru wrth greu'r cynllun hwn? A fydd yn rhaid i rywbeth difrifol ddigwydd cyn i chi ddeffro a sylweddoli'r materion enfawr o ran diogelu y mae hunanddiffinio yn eu hachosi? Dyma ni heddiw yn gwastraffu hanner awr o amser y Senedd ar—
Can you ask your question, please?
A wnewch chi ofyn eich cwestiwn, os gwelwch chi'n dda?
—discussing a plan that you don't have many of the powers to change or implement. Wales having its own self-identification plan is a nonsense. It's clear from public opinion, Deputy Minister, that people see the importance of protecting women and children. When will you realise this?
—drafod cynllun nad oes gennych chi lawer o'r pwerau i'w newid na'i weithredu. Ffwlbri yw i Gymru fod â'i chynllun hunanddiffinio ei hun. Mae hi'n amlwg o farn y cyhoedd, Dirprwy Weinidog, fod pobl yn gweld pwysigrwydd amddiffyn menywod a phlant. Pryd ydych chithau am sylweddoli hynny?
Deputy Presiding Officer, it's hard to find the right words to respond to Laura Anne Jones's contribution. [Interruption.] Yes, 'shameful', and I don't think I have much to say in response to that. We have just talked in this Chamber earlier today, and we've got members of the community who are here watching—your words have a dangerous impact, Laura Anne Jones. They harm people, the words that you say, the discrimination that comes out of your mouth, and what I would say is I believe you're better than this. I think you're better than this. [Interruption.] I think you're better than this.
Dirprwy Lywydd, mae hi'n anodd dod o hyd i'r geiriau priodol i ymateb i gyfraniad Laura Anne Jones. [Torri ar draws.] Ie, 'cywilyddus', ac nid wyf i'n credu bod gennyf i lawer i'w ddweud mewn ymateb i hynna. Rydyn ni newydd fod yn siarad yn y Siambr hon yn gynharach heddiw, ac mae gennym ni aelodau o'r gymuned sydd yma'n gwylio—mae gan eich geiriau chi ddylanwad peryglus, Laura Anne Jones. Maen nhw'n niweidio pobl, y geiriau yr ydych chi'n eu dweud, y gwahaniaethu a ddaw o'ch genau chi, a'r hyn a fyddwn i'n ei ddweud yw fy mod i'n credu eich bod chi'n well na hyn. Rwy'n credu eich bod chi'n well na hyn. [Torri ar draws.] Rwy'n credu eich bod chi'n well na hyn.
Can I remind Members this is not a debate between two individual Members? This is a statement, and the Deputy Minister is answering the question put.
A gaf i atgoffa Aelodau nad dadl rhwng dau Aelod unigol yw hon? Datganiad yw hwn, ac ateb y cwestiwn a ofynnwyd y mae'r Dirprwy Weinidog.
I've nothing more to say to Laura Anne Jones, Deputy Presiding Officer.
Nid oes gennyf i ddim yn rhagor i'w ddweud wrth Laura Anne Jones, Dirprwy Lywydd.
Deputy Minister, thank you for this statement today. In my constituency, and covering Ogmore constituency as well—Huw Irranca-Davies's seat—we are really fortunate to have YPOP, which is a branch of the Bridgend Youth Council. YPOP is an online safe space for young people who are LGBTQ+ or allies, and the group hosts chat and chill drop-in sessions, special events and delivers training workshops. Whilst being a space to make friends and socialise, YPOP is also a space to come and receive support from the Bridgend council participation team if young people need it. And young people who attend YPOP have raised the point that more needs to be done to ensure that their teachers, GPs and those within the authorities have training around LGBTQ+ discrimination, how to tackle homophobia or transphobia, as well as support young people with their needs. I want to thank you, and also our education Minister as well, because I know that you're meeting me with one of our Youth Parliament Members to talk exactly about this this week, so thank you.
But there is a consistent message coming through from young people and other people in the LGBTQ+ community: that we need to normalise calling out the hate when we see it, whether that's in schools and the workplace, amongst peers, or in this Chamber. So, Deputy Minister, my question therefore is: how much consideration have you taken to rolling out the action plan in places like schools and ensuring that schools have the provisions to tackle the hate crime against the LGBTQ+ community that continues?
Dirprwy Weinidog, diolch i chi am y datganiad hwn heddiw. Yn fy etholaeth i, ac yn cwmpasu etholaeth Ogwr hefyd—sedd Huw Irranca-Davies—rydym ni'n ffodus iawn i fod ag YPOP, sef cangen o Gyngor Ieuenctid Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr. Mae YPOP yn ofod diogel ar-lein ar gyfer pobl ifanc sy'n LHDTC+ neu'n gynghreiriaid, ac mae'r grŵp yn cynnal sesiynau galw heibio er mwyn sgwrsio ac ymlacio, digwyddiadau arbennig ac yn darparu gweithdai hyfforddi. Wrth gynnig lle i wneud ffrindiau a chymdeithasu, mae YPOP yn fan hefyd i ddod iddi ar gyfer cael cefnogaeth gan dîm cyfranogi cyngor Pen-y-bont os oes angen hynny ar bobl ifanc. Ac mae pobl ifanc sy'n mynychu YPOP wedi codi'r pwynt bod angen gwneud mwy i sicrhau bod eu hathrawon, eu meddygon teulu a rhai yn yr awdurdodau yn cael hyfforddiant am wahaniaethu LHDTC+, a sut i fynd i'r afael â homoffobia neu drawsffobia, yn ogystal â chefnogi pobl ifanc gyda'u hanghenion. Fe hoffwn i ddiolch i chi, a'n Gweinidog addysg hefyd, oherwydd rwy'n gwybod eich bod chi am gwrdd â mi ac un o Aelodau ein Senedd Ieuenctid i siarad am hynny'n union yr wythnos hon, felly diolch i chi.
Ond mae neges gyson yn dod drwodd gan bobl ifanc a phobl eraill yn y gymuned LHDTC+: sef bod angen normaleiddio adrodd am y casineb pan welwn ni ef, boed hynny mewn ysgolion a'r gweithle, ymhlith cyfoedion, neu yn y Siambr hon. Felly, Dirprwy Weinidog, fy nghwestiwn felly yw: faint o ystyriaeth a wnaethoch chi ei roi i gyflwyno'r cynllun gweithredu mewn mannau fel ysgolion a sicrhau bod y darpariaethau gan yr ysgolion i fynd i'r afael â'r troseddau casineb yn erbyn y gymuned LHDTC+ sy'n parhau i ddigwydd?
I thank Sarah Murphy for her contribution, and can I thank YPOP for their work and the contributions that they've made? I'm looking forward to the meeting I have with Sarah and my colleague Jeremy Miles later with week with the Member of the Youth Parliament, but if you have young people's groups like that and you'd like to bring them to this place to engage further, then I'm sure I and many of my ministerial colleagues will be very happy to do that. Because it's absolutely right that they have a say and a stake in the issues that affect them, and that's why—. The action plan has 46 actions in it, and there is a real focus on not just schools but youth settings and young people as well to make sure, as I said before, that they get that support in place. But I think the point that you made was really, really important, about this is not just support for, perhaps, LGBTQ+ young people or questioning young people, it's about actually supporting their friends too to be better allies and to feel that they can speak out without them fearing what the impact would be for them. So, I think it's a really, really valid point that those young people have made, and I'm sure it's something that we can take away and work on with Jeremy Miles and my colleagues across Government to make sure that all young people, whether they are members of the LGBTQ+ community themselves or just want to be good allies to their friends in school, then there are ways in which we can do that.
Rwy'n diolch i Sarah Murphy am ei chyfraniad hi, ac a gaf i ddiolch i YPOP am eu gwaith a'r cyfraniadau a wnaethon nhw? Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at y cyfarfod sydd gennyf i gyda Sarah a fy nghydweithiwr Jeremy Miles yn ddiweddarach yn yr wythnos gyda'r Aelod o'r Senedd Ieuenctid, ond os oes gennych chi grwpiau pobl ifanc fel hynny ac y byddech chi'n hoffi dod â nhw i'r fan hon i ymgysylltu ymhellach, yna rwy'n siŵr y bydd llawer o fy nghyd-Weinidogion a minnau'n hapus iawn i wneud hynny. Oherwydd mae hi'n hollol iawn fod ganddyn nhw lais a chyfraniad yn y materion sy'n effeithio arnyn nhw, a dyna pam—. Mae gan y cynllun gweithredu 46 o gamau gweithredu ynddo, ac mae canolbwyntio gwirioneddol nid yn unig ar ysgolion ond lleoliadau ieuenctid a phobl ifanc hefyd i wneud yn siŵr, fel y dywedais i o'r blaen, bod y gefnogaeth honno ar waith ar eu cyfer nhw. Ond rwy'n credu bod y pwynt y gwnaethoch chi'n bwysig iawn, iawn wir o ran nad cefnogaeth ar gyfer pobl ifanc LHDTC+ yn unig neu bobl ifanc sy'n ymholi yn unig yw hon, ystyr hyn yw cefnogi eu ffrindiau nhw hefyd mewn gwirionedd i fod yn well cynghreiriaid a theimlo eu bod nhw'n gallu siarad allan heb ofni beth fyddai'r effaith arnyn nhw. Felly, rwy'n credu bod hwn yn bwynt dilys iawn, iawn a wnaeth y bobl ifanc hynny, ac rwy'n siŵr ei fod yn rhywbeth y gallwn ni ei gymryd i ffwrdd a gweithio arno gyda Jeremy Miles a fy nghyd-Aelodau ar draws y Llywodraeth i wneud yn siŵr bod pob unigolyn ifanc, os ydyn nhw'n aelodau o'r gymuned LHDTC+ eu hunain neu'n awyddus i fod yn gynghreiriaid da i'w ffrindiau yn yr ysgol, yna mae ffyrdd gennym ni o wneud hynny.
Diolch i'r Dirprwy Weinidog.
I thank the Deputy Minister.
Detholwyd y gwelliannau canlynol: gwelliant 1 yn enw Darren Millar, a gwelliant 2 yn enw Siân Gwenllian.
The following amendments have been selected: amendment 1 in the name of Darren Millar, and amendment 2 in the name of Siân Gwenllian.
Symudwn ymlaen at eitem 4 nawr, dadl ar y gyllideb ddrafft 2023-24. Galwaf ar y Gweinidog Cyllid a Llywodraeth Leol i wneud y cynnig. Rebecca Evans.
We move on to item 4 now, the debate on the draft budget for 2023-24. I call on the Minister for Finance and Local Government to move the motion. Rebecca Evans.
Cynnig NDM8194 Lesley Griffiths
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 20.12:
Yn nodi'r Gyllideb Ddrafft ar gyfer blwyddyn ariannol 2023-24 a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno gan y Gweinidog Cyllid a Llywodraeth Leol ar 13 Rhagfyr 2022.
Motion NDM8194 Lesley Griffiths
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 20.12:
Notes the Draft Budget for the financial year 2023-24 laid in the Table Office by the Minister for Finance and Local Government on 13 December 2022.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.

Diolch. I'm pleased to open this afternoon's debate on the Welsh Government's draft budget for 2023-24. Since we first had the opportunity to debate the draft budget in the Senedd on 13 December, Senedd committees have been busy scrutinising our spending plans. I welcome the very constructive sessions that I have had with the Finance Committee and that my ministerial colleagues have had with their respective committees. Before I provide some early reflections on the themes arising from scrutiny, it's important to recognise again the challenging context in which this draft budget is prepared. This has been a year where we have seen the ongoing impacts of inflation, three Prime Ministers, three Chancellors, and the shocking mismanagement of public finances by the UK Government. We received an autumn statement by the latest Chancellor that fell far short of the interventions needed to meet the challenges that we face. But, despite this, and building on our three-year spending review, the draft budget balances our response to the immediate crisis alongside investing in longer term change. We have taken difficult decisions, but we did so in the spirit of collaboration and transparency and putting the people and communities of Wales first.
Our main priorities for the 2023-24 budget are protecting front-line public services and our ambitions for the future, continuing to help those most affected by the cost-of-living crisis, and supporting our economy through recessionary times. Unlike what the Welsh Conservatives have set out in their amendment, we believe that those priorities—protecting public services, businesses and people—are the priorities of people in Wales. Building on the substantial increase in funding that I provided in our spending review, in this 2023-24 budget, I have allocated £165 million to the NHS, £70 million to deliver the real living wage for social care, and £227 million for local government. Core revenue funding for local government will increase by 7.9 per cent on a like-for-like basis, compared to the current year. No local authority will receive less than a 6.5 per cent increase. Alongside our support for public services, we will continue to support the economy and businesses with direct investment of £319 million for non-domestic rates relief. In response to the cost-of-living crisis, this budget targets support at those who need it most, including through investment in our basic income pilot and discretionary assistance fund.
I'll now turn to the points raised in scrutiny. I was pleased to see the Finance Committee recognising the difficult context in which we are delivering this budget, and I will, of course, continue to call on the UK Government to recognise the growing impact of inflation and to uplift our budget accordingly at the upcoming spring statement. I will continue to call on them to provide us with the fiscal flexibilities that we need to make the best use of our resources in difficult times. I welcome the Finance Committee's support for this, and I will be raising it at the next Finance: Interministerial Standing Committee meeting, which will take place later this week. And alongside my ministerial colleagues, I will continue to call on the UK Government to deliver a range of interventions to support those who need help most. The joint review of inter-governmental relations includes a package of reforms as the basis for the conduct of inter-governmental relations. It's our hope that we can work pragmatically with the UK Government, through the new inter-governmental relations review arrangements, before needing to invoke the formal dispute resolution process. However, we will not hesitate to use that process when we deem it necessary.
I'll now turn to the amendments put forward by Plaid Cymru on raising Welsh rates of income tax. We have been very clear that now is not the time to raise Welsh rates of income tax. Of course, we consider all of our tax levers as part of our budget preparations. However, the current tax burden is at its highest level for over 70 years. Rising inflation is affecting people across Wales, and we're in a cost-of-living crisis. We will not ask people to pay more at this time. Raising the higher and additional rates of income tax wouldn't raise enough money to make a significant difference to our spending plans. The largest contribution would have to come from the basic rate band taxpayers, and let's be clear that this would impact the lowest-paid workers in Wales. And these are the same workers who are seeking help from food banks, the same workers who are having to choose between heating their homes and feeding their families. The use of Welsh rates of income tax should be considered and strategic.
And turning to capital, there's no additional capital funding from the UK Government in the autumn statement, so there are no capital allocations within this budget. I'll be outlining further financial transactions capital allocations within our final budget, aligned to our priorities.
Turning to the information provided as part of the budget package this year, it's really important to remember that last year we delivered a multi-year budget up to 2025, alongside a zero-based review of capital allocations. This year was a single-year budget confirming changes to the budget settlement as part of the UK Government's autumn statement. These two budget packages—the multi-year and the single year—should clearly be considered together, and this will be the same for next year unless there are some fundamental changes to our budget settlement. The budget documentation this year focuses on the important changes that we've implemented for this budget round, rather than restating what's already been published, scrutinised and debated by this Senedd. I am, of course, open to further discussions to explore what additional information committees and stakeholders believe would aid scrutiny.
On the issue of pay, we recognise the strength of feeling that's been expressed by staff in these ballots for industrial action. We believe that all of our public sector workers should be fairly rewarded for the important work that they do. Unfortunately, our financial settlement falls far short of what is needed to meet the very significant challenges faced by our public services and workers across Wales. We cannot raise enough funding fairly enough through the limited powers we have to provide an inflation-matching pay rise to public sector workers. The autumn statement was a missed opportunity for the UK Government to give hard-working public sector workers a pay rise and prevent widespread disruptive industrial action across the UK.
But I am pleased that, in recent days, we have made progress in our discussions with trade union partners that have resulted in the current round of health strikes largely being paused while trade union members consider the latest offer that we have made to resolve the dispute. Hard choices have been required to find the money for the cost of this pay offer for this year. We've drawn down everything that we can from the Wales reserve and are seeking underspends from across Government to put this offer together. Using this money to increase pay now means that we face even more difficult choices in the future, but we are confident that it's the right thing to do.
In closing, I'd like to offer my thanks to all of those involved in shaping and scrutinising this draft budget. Scrutiny is a crucial part of the process, and, whilst I agree with the vast majority of the Finance Committee's recommendations, there are some that I will need to consider in the light of the limitations that I've set out today. I and my Cabinet colleagues will respond formally to the recommendations of all of the Senedd committee reports in advance of the vote on the final budget on 7 March.
To conclude, this is a budget for hard times and one where difficult choices have been made. However, in supporting public services, businesses and people, we have provided the certainty and clarity needed to navigate these difficult times. And I look forward to hearing from colleagues.
Diolch. Rwy'n falch o agor y drafodaeth y prynhawn yma ar gyllideb ddrafft Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer 2023-24. Ers i ni gael cyfle i drafod y gyllideb ddrafft am y tro cyntaf yn y Senedd ar 13 Rhagfyr, mae pwyllgorau'r Senedd wedi bod yn brysur yn craffu ar ein cynlluniau gwariant. Rwy'n croesawu'r sesiynau adeiladol iawn a gefais gyda'r Pwyllgor Cyllid a'r rhai a gafodd fy nghyd-Weinidogion gyda'u priod bwyllgorau. Cyn i mi gyflwyno rhai myfyrdodau cynnar ar y themâu sy'n deillio o'r gwaith craffu, mae'n bwysig cydnabod eto y cyd-destun heriol y mae'r gyllideb ddrafft hon yn cael ei pharatoi ynddo. Mae hon wedi bod yn flwyddyn pan welsom effeithiau parhaus chwyddiant, tri Phrif Weinidog, tri Changhellor, a'r gamreolaeth ysgytwol o arian cyhoeddus gan Lywodraeth y DU. Cawsom ddatganiad yn yr hydref gan y Canghellor diweddaraf a fethodd â chyrraedd y nod o bell fordd o ran yr ymyraethau sydd eu hangen i ymateb i'r heriau yr ydym yn eu hwynebu. Ond, er gwaethaf hyn, gan adeiladu ar ein hadolygiad gwariant tair blynedd, mae'r gyllideb ddrafft yn cydbwyso ein hymateb i'r argyfwng uniongyrchol ochr yn ochr â buddsoddi mewn newid tymor hirach. Rydyn ni wedi gwneud penderfyniadau anodd, ond fe wnaethon ni hynny mewn ysbryd o gydweithio a thryloywder a rhoi pobl a chymunedau Cymru yn gyntaf.
Ein prif flaenoriaethau ar gyfer cyllideb 2023-24 yw diogelu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus rheng flaen a'n huchelgeisiau ar gyfer y dyfodol, gan barhau i helpu'r rhai yr effeithir arnyn nhw fwyaf gan yr argyfwng costau byw, a chefnogi ein heconomi drwy gyfnod dirwasgiadol. Yn wahanol i'r hyn y mae'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig wedi ei nodi yn eu gwelliant, rydyn ni'n credu mai'r blaenoriaethau hynny—amddiffyn gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, busnesau a phobl—yw blaenoriaethau pobl yng Nghymru. Gan adeiladu ar y cynnydd sylweddol mewn cyllid a ddarparwyd gennyf yn ein hadolygiad gwariant, yng nghyllideb 2023-24, rwyf wedi dyrannu £165 miliwn i'r GIG, £70 miliwn i ddarparu'r cyflog byw gwirioneddol ar gyfer gofal cymdeithasol, a £227 miliwn ar gyfer llywodraeth leol. Bydd cyllid refeniw craidd ar gyfer llywodraeth leol yn cynyddu 7.9 y cant ar sail gyfatebol, o'i gymharu â'r flwyddyn bresennol. Ni fydd yr un awdurdod lleol yn cael llai na chynnydd o 6.5 y cant. Ochr yn ochr â'n cefnogaeth i wasanaethau cyhoeddus, byddwn yn parhau i gefnogi'r economi a busnesau gyda buddsoddiad uniongyrchol o £319 miliwn ar gyfer rhyddhad ardrethi annomestig. Mewn ymateb i'r argyfwng costau byw, mae'r gyllideb hon yn anelu cefnogaeth at y rhai sydd ei angen fwyaf, gan gynnwys trwy fuddsoddi yn ein cynllun treialu incwm sylfaenol a'n cronfa cymorth dewisol.
Trof yn awr at y pwyntiau a godwyd gan y gwaith craffu. Roeddwn yn falch o weld y Pwyllgor Cyllid yn cydnabod y cyd-destun anodd yr ydym yn cyflawni'r gyllideb hon ynddo, a byddaf, wrth gwrs, yn parhau i alw ar Lywodraeth y DU i gydnabod effaith gynyddol chwyddiant ac i godi ein cyllideb yn unol â'r datganiad gwanwyn sydd ar ddod. Byddaf yn parhau i alw arnyn nhw i roi'r hyblygrwydd cyllidol sydd ei angen arnom i wneud y defnydd gorau o'n hadnoddau mewn cyfnod anodd. Rwy'n croesawu cefnogaeth y Pwyllgor Cyllid ar gyfer hyn, a byddaf yn ei godi yng nghyfarfod nesaf Y Pwyllgor Sefydlog Rhyngweinidogol ar Gyllid, a fydd yn cael ei gynnal yn ddiweddarach yr wythnos hon. Ac ochr yn ochr â fy nghyd-Weinidogion, byddaf yn parhau i alw ar Lywodraeth y DU i ddarparu amrywiaeth o ymyraethau i gefnogi'r rhai sydd angen cymorth fwyaf. Mae'r adolygiad ar y cyd o gysylltiadau rhyng-lywodraethol yn cynnwys pecyn o ddiwygiadau fel sail i gynnal cysylltiadau rhyng-lywodraethol. Ein gobaith yw y gallwn weithio'n bragmataidd gyda Llywodraeth y DU, trwy'r trefniadau adolygu cysylltiadau rhyng-lywodraethol newydd, cyn bod angen cychwyn y broses o ddatrys anghydfod ffurfiol. Fodd bynnag, ni fyddwn yn oedi cyn defnyddio'r broses honno pan fyddwn yn ystyried ei bod yn angenrheidiol.
Trof yn awr at y gwelliannau a gyflwynwyd gan Blaid Cymru ar godi cyfraddau treth incwm Cymru. Rydym wedi bod yn glir iawn nad nawr yw'r amser i godi cyfraddau treth incwm Cymru. Wrth gwrs, rydym yn ystyried ein holl ysgogiadau treth fel rhan o'n paratoadau cyllideb. Fodd bynnag, mae'r baich treth presennol ar ei lefel uchaf ers dros 70 mlynedd. Mae chwyddiant cynyddol yn effeithio ar bobl ledled Cymru, ac rydyn ni mewn argyfwng costau byw. Ni fyddwn yn gofyn i bobl dalu mwy ar hyn o bryd. Ni fyddai codi'r cyfraddau uwch ac ychwanegol o dreth incwm yn codi digon o arian i wneud gwahaniaeth sylweddol i'n cynlluniau gwariant. Byddai'n rhaid i'r cyfraniad mwyaf ddod gan drethdalwyr y bandiau cyfradd sylfaenol, a gadewch i ni fod yn glir y byddai hyn yn effeithio ar y gweithwyr ar y cyflogau isaf yng Nghymru. A'r un gweithwyr yw'r rhain sy'n chwilio am gymorth gan fanciau bwyd, yr un gweithwyr sy'n gorfod dewis rhwng gwresogi eu cartrefi a bwydo'u teuluoedd. Dylid defnyddio cyfraddau Cymreig o dreth incwm gyda phwyll ac yn strategol.
A gan droi at gyfalaf, does dim arian cyfalaf ychwanegol gan Lywodraeth y DU yn natganiad yr hydref, felly does dim dyraniadau cyfalaf o fewn y gyllideb hon. Byddaf yn amlinellu rhagor o ddyraniadau cyfalaf trafodiadau ariannol o fewn ein cyllideb derfynol, wedi'u halinio â'n blaenoriaethau.
Gan droi at yr wybodaeth a ddarperir fel rhan o'r pecyn cyllideb eleni, mae'n bwysig iawn cofio ein bod wedi darparu cyllideb aml-flwyddyn hyd at 2025 y llynedd, ochr yn ochr ag adolygiad cwbl gynhwysfawr o ddyraniadau cyfalaf. Cyllideb un flwyddyn oedd eleni yn cadarnhau newidiadau i setliad y gyllideb fel rhan o ddatganiad Llywodraeth y DU yn yr hydref. Dylai'r ddau becyn cyllideb hyn—yr aml-flwyddyn a'r flwyddyn sengl—gael eu hystyried gyda'i gilydd yn glir, a bydd hyn yr un fath ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf oni bai bod rhai newidiadau sylfaenol i'n setliad cyllideb. Mae dogfennau'r gyllideb eleni yn canolbwyntio ar y newidiadau pwysig rydyn ni wedi'u gweithredu ar gyfer y rownd gyllideb hon, yn hytrach nag ail-ddatgan yr hyn sydd eisoes wedi ei gyhoeddi, wedi bod yn destun craffu ac wedi ei drafod gan y Senedd hon. Rwyf, wrth gwrs, yn agored i drafodaethau pellach i archwilio pa wybodaeth ychwanegol y mae pwyllgorau a rhanddeiliaid yn credu y byddai'n cynorthwyo'r gwaith craffu.
O ran cyflog, rydym yn cydnabod cryfder y teimladau a fynegwyd gan staff yn y pleidleisiau hyn ar gyfer gweithredu diwydiannol. Credwn y dylai ein holl weithwyr yn y sector cyhoeddus gael eu gwobrwyo'n deg am y gwaith pwysig maen nhw'n ei wneud. Yn anffodus, mae ein setliad ariannol yn llawer is na'r hyn sydd ei angen i ymateb i'r heriau sylweddol iawn y mae ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus a'n gweithwyr yn eu hwynebu ar draws Cymru. Ni allwn godi digon o gyllid trwy'r pwerau cyfyngedig sydd gennym i ddarparu codiad cyflog sy'n cyfateb â chwyddiant i weithwyr y sector cyhoeddus. Roedd datganiad yr hydref yn gyfle a gollwyd i Lywodraeth y DU i roi codiad cyflog i weithwyr sector cyhoeddus sy'n gweithio'n galed ac atal gweithredu diwydiannol aflonyddgar eang ledled y DU.
Ond rwy'n falch, yn y dyddiau diwethaf, ein bod wedi gwneud cynnydd yn ein trafodaethau gyda phartneriaid undebau llafur sydd wedi arwain at oedi'r rownd bresennol o streiciau iechyd i raddau helaeth tra bod aelodau undebau llafur yn ystyried y cynnig diweddaraf yr ydym wedi'i wneud i ddatrys yr anghydfod. Bu angen gwneud dewisiadau caled i ddod o hyd i'r arian ar gyfer cost y cynnig cyflog hwn am eleni. Rydym wedi tynnu popeth y gallwn ni o gronfa wrth gefn Cymru ac rydym yn chwilio am danwariant o bob rhan o'r Llywodraeth i roi'r cynnig hwn at ei gilydd. Mae defnyddio'r arian yma i gynyddu cyflogau nawr yn golygu ein bod ni'n wynebu dewisiadau anoddach fyth yn y dyfodol, ond rydyn ni'n ffyddiog mai dyna'r peth iawn i'w wneud.
Wrth gloi, hoffwn gynnig fy niolch i bawb sy'n ymwneud â llunio a chraffu ar y gyllideb ddrafft hon. Mae craffu yn rhan hanfodol o'r broses, ac er fy mod yn cytuno gyda'r mwyafrif llethol o argymhellion y Pwyllgor Cyllid, mae rhai y bydd angen i mi eu hystyried yng ngoleuni'r cyfyngiadau yr ydw i wedi'u nodi heddiw. Byddaf i a fy nghyd-Weinidogion yn y Cabinet yn ymateb yn ffurfiol i argymhellion holl adroddiadau pwyllgor y Senedd cyn y bleidlais ar y gyllideb derfynol ar 7 Mawrth.
I gloi, mae hon yn gyllideb ar gyfer amseroedd caled ac yn un pryd gwnaethpwyd dewisiadau anodd. Fodd bynnag, wrth gefnogi gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, busnesau a phobl, rydym wedi darparu'r sicrwydd a'r eglurder sydd ei angen i lywio drwy'r cyfnod anodd hwn. Ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at glywed gan gyd-Aelodau.
Galwaf ar Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Cyllid, Peredur Owen Griffiths.
I call on the Chair of the Finance Committee, Peredur Owen Griffiths.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Mae’n bleser gen i wneud cyfraniad yn y ddadl bwysig hon ar gyllideb ddrafft Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer 2023-24. Cyn i mi droi at feysydd penodol o fewn yr adroddiad, hoffwn ddweud bod y pwyllgor yn llwyr gydnabod yr anawsterau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi’u hwynebu wrth baratoi ei chynigion cyllidebol. Mae pwysau chwyddiant, costau ynni cynyddol a chynnydd mewn costau byw yn peri ansicrwydd ac yn rhoi pwysau digynsail ar gyllidebau sydd eisoes o dan straen. Mae hyn wedi'i waethygu gan gyfathrebu gwael rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru a Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig nad yw'n adlewyrchu perthynas waith effeithiol sy'n sail i sianeli cyfathrebu llyfn sy'n seiliedig ar gyd-barch. Dyna pam rydym ni'n cefnogi'r Gweinidog i bwyso ar Lywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig i sefydlu dulliau rhynglywodraethol cadarn i sicrhau y gall uwchgyfeirio anghytundebau yn effeithiol a datrys anghydfodau cyllid.
Fodd bynnag, nid yw'r heriau hyn yn golygu y dylem esgusodi’r Gweinidog neu na ellir gwella'r gyllideb ddrafft. Mewn gwirionedd, fel mae ein hadroddiad yn egluro, gwelsom fod nifer o feysydd lle mae'r gyllideb ddrafft yn siomi a lle y gellir gwneud gwelliannau.
Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd. It's a pleasure to contribute to this important debate on the Welsh Government’s draft budget for 2023-24. Before I turn to specific areas within the report, I would like to say that the committee fully recognises the difficulties faced by the Welsh Government in preparing its budgetary proposals. Inflationary pressures, rising energy costs and an increase in the costs of living are causing uncertainty and putting unprecedented pressures on already-stretched budgets. This has been exacerbated by poor communication between the Welsh Government and the UK Government, which is not reflective of an effective working relationship that is underpinned by smooth channels of communication based on mutual respect. That is why we support the Minister in pressing the UK Government to establish robust inter-governmental mechanisms, to ensure that it can effectively escalate disagreements and resolve funding disputes.
However, these challenges do not mean that we should let the Minister off the hook or that the Welsh Government's draft budget cannot be improved. In fact, as our report makes clear, we found that there are a number of areas where the draft budget disappoints and where improvements can be made.
Daeth y Llywydd i’r Gadair.
The Llywydd took the Chair.
First of all, the committee felt that there was a lack of clarity and candour regarding the Welsh Government's plans, particularly in terms of identifying where decisions have been made in the draft budget to halt, postpone or reduce funding. As a result, we have made a raft of recommendations calling for greater clarity in the information provided alongside the draft budget. This includes calling on the Minister to provide a full assessment of the impact that high inflation will have on its funding position and capital programme and for changes to be made to the way information is presented, so that the draft budget provides an assessment of the impact of spending decisions across portfolios.
Furthermore, I would like to note, on behalf of all committees, that, although we always welcome both oral and written evidence provided by the Welsh Government on the draft budget, we believe that more can be done to ensure that committees are provided with such evidence in good time. That is why I will shortly be consulting with Senedd committees on their experiences of scrutinising this year's draft budget and asking for practical ways in which improvements can be made to the next budget round.
Turning now to our views on the Welsh Government's use of fiscal levers, although we understand the Minister's decision not to raise taxes, the committee is surprised that the Welsh Government had not carried out detailed work on the behavioural impact of varying Welsh rates of income tax across all bands. This strongly suggests that the Minister has not given serious consideration to changing the rates during this budget round, which we found disappointing, and ask for this to be properly considered in the future. We heard evidence that the Welsh Government's fiscal tools need updating. In particular, we support the Minister's continued efforts in pressing the UK Government to increase the Welsh Government's overall and annual limits for borrowing and reserves at least in line with inflation. We also heard that the nature of our tax-raising powers is more limited than those enjoyed by our Scottish cousins. Although we acknowledge that doing so is far from straightforward, we would like the Minister to undertake foundational work into the benefits and risks of devolving powers to modify Welsh rates of income tax bands and thresholds.
A key aspect of this draft budget is the support provided to help with rising costs of living. On accessing benefits, the committee has long advocated a 'no wrong door' approach. As the demand for such support, sadly, increases, we believe more can be done to ensure that accessing such support is as easy and straightforward as possible. That is why we would like to see the Welsh Government fast-track the introduction of a unified benefits system, a Welsh benefits charter, to make it easier and simpler. We also believe that the current financial support schemes need tweaking, particularly in relation to eligibility thresholds, to ensure that they remain at suitable levels and are not excluding those at the margins of support. The committee has also made concrete recommendations to improve what is already on offer. This includes encouraging the expansion of the free childcare model, considering an increase in the value of the educational maintenance allowance, which has not been increased since the mid 2000s, and prioritising the development of a replacement Warm Homes programme as a matter of urgency to prevent fuel poverty.
Llywydd, all of us in this Chamber are fully aware of the pressures that public services are under. The additional funding provided by Welsh Government through this draft budget to support such services is a welcome move, and we are particularly interested in the innovative methods being explored to increase the money available, including the introduction of a social care levy to fund the rising cost of social care provision. However, the Senedd needs to know whether this funding allocated for next year is delivering tangible improvements. We therefore want the Welsh Government to explain the outcomes it expects to be delivered by NHS organisations and social care providers. In addition, although the Welsh Government has outlined priority areas for the NHS, it has been less forthcoming in outlining the areas it expects to deprioritise. As one stakeholder told us, 'If everything’s a priority, then nothing is a priority.' Such efforts to identify spending priorities are futile if the Minister cannot also explain which areas are less of a priority and will receive less funding as a result.
During our stakeholder event at Llanhilleth Miners Institute last June, representatives from the health and social care sectors told us that workforce planning is crucial to ensure that services remain resilient and fit for purpose—a theme echoed during our evidence sessions. Although we welcome the overdue publication last week of the Welsh Government’s national workforce implementation plan, we would like this to be extended across the Welsh public sector to provide long-term stability for services as well as support and direction. We cannot expect services to improve if we don’t look after those working so hard to keep them afloat.
Yn gyntaf oll, roedd y pwyllgor o'r farn bod diffyg eglurder a gonestrwydd ynglŷn â chynlluniau Llywodraeth Cymru, yn enwedig o ran nodi lle mae penderfyniadau wedi eu gwneud yn y gyllideb ddrafft i atal, gohirio neu leihau cyllid. O ganlyniad, rydym wedi gwneud llu o argymhellion yn galw am fwy o eglurder yn yr wybodaeth a ddarparwyd ochr yn ochr â'r gyllideb ddrafft. Mae hyn yn cynnwys galw ar y Gweinidog i ddarparu asesiad llawn o'r effaith y bydd chwyddiant uchel yn ei gael ar ei sefyllfa ariannu a'i rhaglen gyfalaf ac i newidiadau gael eu gwneud i'r ffordd y cyflwynir gwybodaeth, fel bod y gyllideb ddrafft yn darparu asesiad o effaith penderfyniadau gwariant ar draws portffolios.
Ar ben hynny, hoffwn nodi, ar ran yr holl bwyllgorau, er ein bod bob amser yn croesawu'r dystiolaeth lafar ac ysgrifenedig a ddarperir gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar y gyllideb ddrafft, rydym yn credu y gellir gwneud mwy i sicrhau bod pwyllgorau'n cael tystiolaeth o'r fath mewn da bryd. Dyna pam y byddaf yn ymgynghori'n fuan gyda phwyllgorau'r Senedd ynghylch eu profiadau o graffu ar y gyllideb ddrafft eleni a gofyn am ffyrdd ymarferol y gellir gwneud gwelliannau i'r rownd gyllideb nesaf.
Gan droi nawr at ein barn am ddefnydd Llywodraeth Cymru o ysgogiadau cyllidol, er ein bod yn deall penderfyniad y Gweinidog i beidio codi trethi, mae'r pwyllgor yn synnu nad oedd Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyflawni gwaith manwl ar effaith ymddygiadol amrywio cyfraddau treth incwm Cymru ar draws pob band. Mae hyn yn awgrymu'n gryf nad yw'r Gweinidog wedi rhoi ystyriaeth ddifrifol i newid y cyfraddau yn ystod y rownd gyllideb hon, a oedd yn siomedig, ac rydym yn gofyn i hyn gael ei ystyried yn iawn yn y dyfodol. Clywsom dystiolaeth bod angen diweddaru offer cyllidol Llywodraeth Cymru. Yn benodol, rydym yn cefnogi ymdrechion parhaus y Gweinidog i bwyso ar Lywodraeth y DU i gynyddu terfynau cyffredinol a blynyddol Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer benthyca a chronfeydd wrth gefn o leiaf yn unol â chwyddiant. Clywsom hefyd fod natur ein pwerau codi trethi yn fwy cyfyngedig na'r rhai a fwynheir gan ein cefndryd yn yr Alban. Er ein bod yn cydnabod bod gwneud hynny ymhell o fod yn syml, hoffem i'r Gweinidog wneud gwaith sylfaenol ar fanteision a pheryglon datganoli pwerau i addasu cyfraddau bandiau a throthwyon treth incwm Cymru.
Un o agweddau allweddol y gyllideb ddrafft hon yw'r gefnogaeth a ddarperir i helpu gyda chostau byw cynyddol. O ran cael mynediad at fudd-daliadau, mae'r pwyllgor wedi hen argymell dull 'dim drws anghywir'. Wrth i'r galw am gefnogaeth o'r fath, yn anffodus, gynyddu, credwn y gellir gwneud mwy i sicrhau bod cael mynediad at gymorth o'r fath mor rhwydd a syml â phosibl. Dyna pam yr hoffem weld Llywodraeth Cymru yn defnyddio gweithdrefn garlam er mwyn cyflwyno system fudd-daliadau unedig, siarter budd-daliadau Cymru, er mwyn ei gwneud hi'n haws a symlach. Credwn hefyd fod angen mân gywiriadau i'r cynlluniau cymorth ariannol presennol, yn enwedig mewn cysylltiad â throthwy cymhwysedd, er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn aros ar lefelau addas ac nad ydyn nhw'n eithrio'r rhai ar ymylon cefnogaeth. Mae'r pwyllgor hefyd wedi gwneud argymhellion pendant i wella'r hyn sydd eisoes ar gael. Mae hyn yn cynnwys annog ehangu'r model gofal plant am ddim, ystyried cynnydd yng ngwerth lwfans cynhaliaeth addysg, nad yw wedi cael ei gynyddu ers canol y 2000au, a blaenoriaethu datblygu rhaglen Cartrefi Clyd newydd ar frys i atal tlodi tanwydd.
Llywydd, mae pob un ohonom yn y Siambr hon yn llwyr ymwybodol o'r pwysau sydd ar wasanaethau cyhoeddus. Mae'r cyllid ychwanegol a ddarperir gan Lywodraeth Cymru drwy'r gyllideb ddrafft hon i gefnogi gwasanaethau o'r fath yn gam i'w groesawu, ac mae gennym ddiddordeb arbennig yn y dulliau arloesol sy'n cael eu harchwilio i gynyddu'r arian sydd ar gael, gan gynnwys cyflwyno ardoll gofal cymdeithasol i ariannu cost gynyddol darparu gofal cymdeithasol. Ond mae angen i'r Senedd wybod a yw'r cyllid hwn sy'n cael ei glustnodi ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf yn sicrhau gwelliannau diriaethol. Rydym felly eisiau i Lywodraeth Cymru egluro'r canlyniadau y mae'n disgwyl i sefydliadau'r GIG a darparwyr gofal cymdeithasol eu cyflawni. Hefyd, er bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi amlinellu meysydd blaenoriaeth i'r GIG, mae'n llai parod i amlinellu'r meysydd y mae'n disgwyl iddyn nhw golli blaenoriaeth. Fel y dywedodd un rhanddeiliad wrthym, 'Os yw popeth yn flaenoriaeth, yna does dim blaenoriaeth.' Ofer yw ymdrechion o'r fath i nodi blaenoriaethau gwario os na all y Gweinidog egluro hefyd pa feysydd sydd â llai o flaenoriaeth ac o ganlyniad yn derbyn llai o gyllid.
Yn ystod ein digwyddiad rhanddeiliaid yn Sefydliad y Glowyr Llanhiledd fis Mehefin diwethaf, dywedodd cynrychiolwyr o'r sectorau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol wrthym fod cynllunio'r gweithlu yn hanfodol er mwyn sicrhau bod gwasanaethau'n parhau i fod yn gydnerth ac yn addas i'r diben—thema a gafodd ei hailadrodd yn ystod ein sesiynau tystiolaeth. Er ein bod yn croesawu'r cyhoeddiad hwyr yr wythnos diwethaf o gynllun gweithredu cenedlaethol ar gyfer y gweithlu Llywodraeth Cymru, hoffem ei weld yn cael ei ymestyn ar draws sector cyhoeddus Cymru i ddarparu sefydlogrwydd tymor hir i wasanaethau yn ogystal â chefnogaeth a chyfeiriad. Ni allwn ddisgwyl i wasanaethau wella os nad ydym yn gofalu am y rhai sy'n gweithio mor galed i'w cynnal.
Yn olaf, hoffwn gyfeirio at yr amser a roddwyd i graffu ar y gyllideb ddrafft. Er ein bod yn derbyn nad oes gan Lywodraeth Cymru reolaeth dros amseriad digwyddiadau cyllidol Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig, mae’r ffaith bod yr amserlen ar gyfer craffu ar y gyllideb ddrafft hon wedi ei thocio am y bedwaredd flwyddyn yn olynol yn destun pryder. Nid yw hyn yn deg ar Aelodau o'r Senedd, rhanddeiliaid, na'r cyhoedd yn gyffredinol. Rydym yn gresynu at yr effaith a gaiff hyn ar ein gallu i ymgysylltu ac ystyried cynigion y gyllideb ddrafft.
Wedi dweud hynny, rwy'n croesawu bwriad Llywodraeth Cymru i edrych o'r newydd ar ddiweddaru ein prosesau o ran y gyllideb, ac rwy'n falch bod y Gweinidog yn barod i ystyried ffyrdd o wella cyfleoedd craffu yn y Senedd. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cynnal sesiynau craffu cyn y gyllideb, pan fydd y broses o gyhoeddi'r gyllideb ddrafft wedi'i gohirio. Roeddem yn ystyried y dull hwn yn arbennig o ddefnyddiol eleni, wrth i ni geisio deall y ffactorau y tu ôl i broses Llywodraeth Cymru o lunio'r gyllideb.
I gloi, Llywydd, dywedais wrth Aelodau yn ystod cyllideb ddrafft y llynedd fy mod yn ystyried ymgysylltu â phobl ar draws Cymru, a gwrando ar randdeiliaid, yn flaenoriaeth. Hoffwn ddiolch i bawb a roddodd dystiolaeth ac a rannodd eu safbwyntiau gyda ni drwy'r gwaith. Eleni, mae'r pwyllgor wedi sefydlu pont gyswllt glir rhwng ein gwaith ymgysylltu, y drafodaeth o ran blaenoriaethau, a'n canfyddiadau yn yr adroddiad hwn. Ein nod yw adeiladu ar y gwaith hwn ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf wrth i ni edrych ymlaen at gylch cyllideb 2024-25. Diolch yn fawr.
Lastly, I would like to make a point about the time given to scrutinise the draft budget. Although we accept that the Welsh Government has no control over the timing of UK Government fiscal events, we are concerned that the timetable for scrutiny of this draft budget was truncated for the fourth consecutive year. This is not fair on Members of the Senedd, stakeholders, or the public at large, and we regret the impact that this has on our ability to engage and consider the draft budget proposals.
Having said that, I welcome the Welsh Government’s intention to look afresh at updating our budget processes, and I'm glad that the Minister is open to looking at ways to enhance scrutiny opportunities in the Senedd. This includes holding pre-budget scrutiny sessions, when the publication of the draft budget has been delayed. We found such an approach particularly helpful this year, as we sought to understand the factors behind the Welsh Government’s budget formulation process.
To close, Llywydd, I told Members during last year’s draft budget debate that I view engaging with people across Wales and listening to stakeholders as a priority. I would like to thank all of those who provided evidence and shared their views with us through our work. This year, the committee has established a clear arc between our engagement work, the priorities debate, and our findings in this report. Our aim is to build on this work for next year as we look forward to the 2024-25 budget round. Thank you very much.
Rwyf wedi dethol y gwelliannau i'r cynnig, a galwaf ar Peter Fox yn gyntaf i gynnig gwelliant 1 a gyflwynwyd yn enw Darren Millar. Peter Fox.
I have selected the amendments to the motion, and I call on Peter Fox to move amendment 1, tabled in the name of Darren Millar. Peter Fox.
Gwelliant 1—Darren Millar
Ychwanegu pwynt newydd ar ddiwedd y cynnig:
Yn credu bod Cyllideb Ddrafft Llywodraeth Cymru 2023-24 yn methu â chyflawni blaenoriaethau pobl Cymru.
Amendment 1—Darren Millar
Add as new point at end of motion:
Believes that the Welsh Government’s Draft Budget 2023-24 fails to deliver on the priorities of the people of Wales.
Cynigiwyd gwelliant 1.
Amendment 1 moved.
Diolch, Llywydd. I move the amendment in the name of Darren Millar. First of all, I would like to thank the Minister for her statement. I recognise the difficult financial backdrop that this year's budget has been drafted within. There are, hopefully, though, some positive signs that the current high levels of inflation will now start to ease over the course of this year. Thanks to the decisive action taken by the Prime Minister and the Chancellor, the Bank of England is now suggesting that any economic downturn will be shorter and shallower than first thought.
Some of the decisions that were taken were difficult, we know, but they were the medicine that we needed to improve the health of the UK's finances. We now need Ministers here, in this place, in Wales, to start dealing properly with the huge challenges this country is facing and stop looking for other people to blame. Because challenges can be overcome, and if we're going to create the Wales that we all want to see, then the Welsh Government needs to step up and sort things out here.
Llywydd, we know what the immediate issues facing our communities are. We debate these here week after week in this Chamber. This budget has to deal with the immediate pressures facing society, so we have to prioritise our actions and make sure that we deliver on these. I know that the Minister understands this, and there are areas in the draft budget that I generally do welcome, such as the additional money for mental health services, the additional non-domestic rates relief for businesses in the retail, leisure and hospitality sectors, and also the increase in the local government settlement.
But, despite this, there are areas of the draft budget where the Welsh Government are letting so many people down, as we've just heard from the Chair of the Finance Committee, such as the real-terms cut in the education budget. Then there's the real-terms cut in the health and social care budgets. And let's not forget that the only Government in Britain to actually cut the NHS budget was a Labour Government here in Wales in 2012. And we know that even before the pandemic, the Labour Government were only spending around £1.05 of the £1.20 that they received from UK Government for every £1.00 spent in England, in both the education and the health services here. The people of Wales need to know where that additional money has been spent.
There are well-meaning announcements, such as the real living wage for social care workers and teachers' pay uplift, but we know that councils will be expected to fund the vast majority of these increases from the revenue support grant, rather than the Welsh Government stepping in and providing direct funding to enable these, meaning much-needed resources will be directed away from front-line services. Again, this an issue that has been raised by councils on numerous occasions and where they will be told, 'It's in your settlement', which just passes the buck onto local authorities.
And then there's the usual funding of pet projects, such as: the constitutional commission—a one-way talking shop; millions being spent on unnecessary tinkering around the elections policy and more politicians, which take money from public services and focus it here in Cardiff Bay; and not to mention things like universal basic income pilots and blanket 20 mph default speed restrictions. For the Government that has called this very budget 'A budget for hard times', it doesn't seem as if Ministers are solely focused on these hard times, does it?
To put it simply, Llywydd, we need a plan that focuses on the immediate problems faced by the people and businesses of Wales, and this is where the Welsh Conservatives believe that the draft budget can improve. We know, as a result of the autumn 2022 budget, the Welsh Government will receive an additional £1.2 billion over the next two years. Let's spend that money on delivering on people's priorities instead of what I've mentioned earlier.
In its draft budget, the Welsh Government is looking to reprioritise some nearly £90 million from within existing departmental plans to, and I quote, refocus
'limited resources towards the areas of greatest need.'
In a budget of almost £23 billion, we believe that this reprioritisation work could have gone further to enable existing funding streams to do more. As a group, we have identified further funding streams worth over £100 million over the next two years that could be refocused in the immediate term, together with adjustments to some existing budgets that would be cost neutral, but help significantly towards helping people with the cost-of-living challenges, supporting businesses to create jobs and prosperity, and clearing the backlogs in our health service. Reprioritising some current funding streams is needed until the pressures we face begin to ease and services are on a more stable footing once again.
However, it's difficult to find out where all of the money here is spent. I’ve certainly found it difficult to get under the bonnet of this budget. In my previous role within the council, I could understand every element of the budget, but it's only Ministers here who know where the pockets of potential additional funding lie. But let's be honest, how much of the £350 million in central administration funding allocated in the draft budget is spent on actually delivering on people's priorities? How does spending £6 million on elections policy, £2 million on a constitutional commission, or over £8 million on international relations—
Diolch, Llywydd. Rwy'n cynnig y gwelliant yn enw Darren Millar. Yn gyntaf oll, hoffwn ddiolch i'r Gweinidog am ei datganiad. Rwy'n cydnabod y cefndir ariannol anodd y mae'r gyllideb eleni wedi'i drafftio ynddo. Er hynny, mae rhai arwyddion cadarnhaol y bydd y lefelau uchel presennol o chwyddiant nawr yn dechrau gostwng yn ystod eleni. Diolch i'r camau pendant a gymerwyd gan Brif Weinidog y DU a'r Canghellor, mae Banc Lloegr bellach yn awgrymu y bydd unrhyw ddirywiad economaidd yn fyrrach ac yn fasach na'r hyn a dybiwyd ar y dechrau.
Roedd rhai o'r penderfyniadau a gymerwyd yn anodd, rydyn ni'n gwybod, ond nhw oedd y feddyginiaeth oedd ei hangen arnom i wella iechyd cyllid y DU. Nawr mae angen i Weinidogion yma, yn y lle hwn, yng Nghymru, ddechrau ymdrin yn iawn â'r heriau enfawr y mae'r wlad hon yn eu hwynebu a rhoi'r gorau i chwilio am bobl eraill i'w beio. Oherwydd gellir goresgyn heriau, ac os ydyn ni'n mynd i greu'r Gymru rydyn ni i gyd eisiau ei gweld, yna mae angen i Lywodraeth Cymru gamu ymlaen a rhoi trefn ar bethau yma.
Llywydd, rydyn ni'n gwybod beth yw'r materion uniongyrchol y mae ein cymunedau yn eu hwynebu. Rydym yn trafod y rhain yma wythnos ar ôl wythnos yn y Siambr hon. Mae'n rhaid i'r gyllideb hon ymdrin â'r pwysau uniongyrchol y mae cymdeithas yn eu hwynebu, felly mae'n rhaid i ni flaenoriaethu ein gweithredoedd a sicrhau ein bod yn cyflawni'r rhain. Rwy'n gwybod bod y Gweinidog yn deall hyn, ac mae meysydd yn y gyllideb ddrafft yr wyf i'n eu croesawu yn gyffredinol, fel yr arian ychwanegol ar gyfer gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl, y rhyddhad ardrethi annomestig ychwanegol i fusnesau yn y sectorau manwerthu, hamdden a lletygarwch, a hefyd y cynnydd yn y setliad llywodraeth leol.
Ond, er gwaethaf hyn, mae meysydd yn y gyllideb ddrafft lle mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn siomi cymaint o bobl, fel yr ydym newydd glywed gan Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Cyllid, fel y toriad mewn termau real yn y gyllideb addysg. Yna mae'r toriad mewn termau real yn y cyllidebau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol. A pheidiwn ag anghofio mai'r unig Lywodraeth ym Mhrydain i dorri cyllideb y GIG mewn gwirionedd oedd Llywodraeth Lafur yma yng Nghymru yn 2012. Ac rydyn ni'n gwybod hyd yn oed cyn y pandemig, fod y Llywodraeth Lafur dim ond yn gwario tua £1.05 o'r £1.20 roedden nhw wedi'i dderbyn gan Lywodraeth y DU am bob £1.00 oedd yn cael ei wario yn Lloegr, ar addysg a'r gwasanaethau iechyd yma. Mae pobl Cymru angen gwybod lle mae'r arian ychwanegol yna wedi cael ei wario.
Ceir cyhoeddiadau llawn bwriadau da, megis y cyflog byw gwirioneddol i weithwyr gofal cymdeithasol a chodiad cyflog athrawon, ond gwyddom y bydd disgwyl i gynghorau ariannu'r mwyafrif helaeth o'r cynnydd hwn o'r grant cymorth refeniw, yn hytrach na bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn camu i mewn a darparu cyllid uniongyrchol i alluogi'r rhain, sy'n golygu y bydd adnoddau y mae mawr eu hangen yn cael eu cyfeirio oddi wrth wasanaethau rheng flaen. Unwaith eto, mae hwn yn fater sydd wedi ei godi gan gynghorau ar sawl achlysur pan ddywedir wrthyn nhw, 'Mae yn eich setliad chi', sydd dim ond yn trosglwyddo'r cyfrifoldeb i awdurdodau lleol.
Ac yna mae cyllid arferol hoff brosiectau, megis: y comisiwn cyfansoddiadol—siop siarad un ffordd; miliynau yn cael eu gwario ar botsian diangen ynghylch y polisi etholiadau a mwy o wleidyddion, sy'n tynnu arian o wasanaethau cyhoeddus a'i ganolbwyntio yma ym Mae Caerdydd; heb sôn am bethau fel cynlluniau treialu incwm sylfaenol cyffredinol a chyfyngiadau cyflymder 20 mya diofyn cyffredinol. O fod yn Llywodraeth sydd wedi galw'r union gyllideb hon yn 'Gyllideb ar gyfer amseroedd caled', nid yw'n ymddangos fel pe bai Gweinidogion yn canolbwyntio'n llwyr ar yr amseroedd caled hyn, nag yw hi?
I'w roi'n syml, Llywydd, mae angen cynllun sy'n canolbwyntio ar y problemau uniongyrchol y mae pobl a busnesau Cymru yn eu hwynebu a dyma lle mae'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn credu y gall y gyllideb ddrafft wella. Gwyddom, o ganlyniad i gyllideb hydref 2022, y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn cael £1.2 biliwn yn ychwanegol dros y ddwy flynedd nesaf. Gadewch i ni wario'r arian hwnnw ar gyflawni blaenoriaethau pobl yn lle ar yr hyn rydw i wedi'i grybwyll yn gynharach.
Yn ei chyllideb ddrafft, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu ailflaenoriaethu tua bron i £90 miliwn o gynlluniau adrannol presennol er mwyn, a dyfynnaf,
'ailbennu ffocws ein hadnoddau cyfyngedig i roi sylw i’r meysydd â'r angen mwyaf.'
Mewn cyllideb o bron i £23 biliwn, credwn y gallai'r gwaith ailflaenoriaethu hwn fod wedi mynd ymhellach i alluogi ffrydiau ariannu presennol i wneud mwy. Fel grŵp, rydym wedi nodi ffrydiau ariannu ychwanegol gwerth dros £100 miliwn dros y ddwy flynedd nesaf y gellid eu hailganolbwyntio yn y tymor uniongyrchol, ynghyd ag addasiadau i rai cyllidebau presennol a fyddai'n gost niwtral, ond yn helpu'n sylweddol tuag at helpu pobl gyda'r heriau costau byw, cefnogi busnesau i greu swyddi a ffynnu, a chlirio'r ôl-groniadau yn ein gwasanaeth iechyd. Mae angen ailflaenoriaethu rhai ffrydiau ariannu presennol nes bod y pwysau sy'n ein hwynebu yn dechrau lleddfu a bod gwasanaethau mewn sefyllfa sefydlog unwaith eto.
Er hynny, mae'n anodd canfod lle mae'r holl arian yma'n cael ei wario. Yn sicr dwi wedi ei chael hi'n anodd gweld glo mân y gyllideb hon. Yn fy rôl flaenorol o fewn y cyngor, gallwn ddeall pob elfen o'r gyllideb, ond dim ond Gweinidogion yma sy'n gwybod lle mae pocedi cyllid ychwanegol posib yn gorwedd. Ond gadewch i ni fod yn onest, faint o'r £350 miliwn o gyllid gweinyddu canolog a ddyrannwyd yn y gyllideb ddrafft sy'n cael ei wario ar gyflawni blaenoriaethau pobl mewn gwirionedd? Sut mae gwario £6 miliwn ar bolisi etholiadau, £2 filiwn ar gomisiwn cyfansoddiadol, neu dros £8 miliwn ar gysylltiadau rhyngwladol—
Will you take an intervention?
A wnewch chi gymryd ymyriad?
Yes, okay, I will do.
Iawn, fe wnaf i.
I say to Peter Fox, I'm not trying to score a political point here. I just would like to ask—[Interruption.] No, I'm really not. What is the Conservative policy now on universal free school meals? What is your current view on that particular policy?
Dywedaf wrth Peter Fox, nid wyf yn ceisio sgorio pwynt gwleidyddol yma. Hoffwn ofyn—[Torri ar draws.] Na, dydw i wir ddim. Beth yw polisi'r Ceidwadwyr nawr ar brydau ysgol am ddim cyffredinol? Beth yw eich barn bresennol ar y polisi penodol hwnnw?
I'm not reflecting on that at the moment.
Dydw i ddim yn myfyrio ar hynny ar hyn o bryd.
I'd like to know what it is. I'd like to know what it is, that's all. And it's not—.
Hoffwn i wybod beth yw e. Hoffwn i wybod beth yw e, dyna'i gyd. Ac nid yw—.
My personal view is that there are many people in Wales who can well afford to pay for meals for their children. Would you expect free meals for your children? Would I? I don't think so. So, let's just be honest, and I'll go back again.
So, how much is that? Where does the spending of £6 million on election policy, where does £2 million on a constitutional commission and £8 million on international relations—outside, of course, of the Wales and Africa programme, which we support—deliver a more sustainable health service, more jobs and pay some bills?
And the Welsh Conservative action plan does not seek to whack up income tax on hard-working people whose budgets are already stretched, which Plaid intend to do, and I agree with the Minister on this. They can pretend that their plans would impact on the highest earners the most, but we all know that it's the basic income tax payers, who make up the bulk of Welsh taxpayers, who will foot the bill under Plaid's plans.
Llywydd, with the funding that we have identified as a group, we have looked at six key areas that could be funded to better deliver on people's priorities. We would take immediate action to clear the bedblocking, open up hospitals and end the disgrace of ambulances queuing outside A&Es by introducing care hotels. These were introduced elsewhere in the UK during the pandemic—indeed, in Devon, they're still in use—and are designed to protect acute hospital capacity, providing step-down facilities for people who require support but not hospital care.
Surgical hubs would also be established in each region, to provide additional relief to the Welsh health system—they've been talked about, but they're not being delivered—creating more operating theatres, meaning we can begin to tackle the unacceptably long waiting lists, with one in four people in Wales desperate for treatment, especially around orthopaedics, which we know the professional sector have made a lot of suggestions on.
To support the economy, a microbusiness support fund would enable businesses to get off the ground and expand by helping them with paying the national insurance contributions of two new additional staff members. A trial scheme would be established to subsidise the cost of solar panels for small businesses, helping them to reduce their energy bills and contribute to Wales's net-zero ambition.
We would expand upon the Government's empty homes scheme by turning it into a help-to-buy scheme for empty homes and those in need of renovation, so that we can help people onto the property ladder and unlock almost 20,000 homes sitting empty in Wales.
Finally, we would unlock some of the eye-watering £2.5 billion plus of useable reserves currently sitting in local authority bank accounts, so that we can freeze council tax in the immediate future, helping those further to deal with the cost-of-living crisis.
Fy marn bersonol i yw bod yna lawer o bobl yng Nghymru sy'n gallu fforddio talu am brydau bwyd i'w plant yn iawn. A fyddech chi'n disgwyl prydau am ddim i'ch plant chi? A fyddwn i? Dydw i ddim yn credu. Felly, gadewch i ni fod yn onest, ac fe af yn ôl eto.
Felly, faint yw hynny? Ble mae'r gwariant o £6 miliwn ar bolisi etholiadol, ble mae'r £2 filiwn ar gomisiwn cyfansoddiadol a £8 miliwn ar gysylltiadau rhyngwladol—heblaw, wrth gwrs, rhaglen Cymru ac Affrica, yr ydym yn ei chefnogi—yn darparu gwasanaeth iechyd mwy cynaliadwy, mwy o swyddi a thalu biliau?
Ac nid yw cynllun gweithredu'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn ceisio cynyddu treth incwm i bobl sy'n gweithio'n galed y mae eu cyllidebau eisoes dan straen, yr hyn y mae Plaid yn bwriadu ei wneud, ac rwy'n cytuno â'r Gweinidog ar hyn. Gallant esgus y byddai eu cynlluniau'n effeithio ar yr enillwyr uchaf fwyaf, ond rydym i gyd yn gwybod mai pobl sy'n talu'r dreth incwm sylfaenol, sef y rhan fwyaf o drethdalwyr Cymru, fydd yn talu'r bil o dan gynlluniau Plaid.
Llywydd, gyda'r cyllid yr ydym wedi ei nodi fel grŵp, rydym wedi edrych ar chwe maes allweddol y gellid eu hariannu i gyflawni blaenoriaethau pobl yn well. Byddem yn cymryd camau ar unwaith i atal blocio gwelyau, agor ysbytai a rhoi diwedd ar y sefyllfa warthus o ambiwlansys yn ciwio y tu allan i adrannau damweiniau ac achosion brys trwy gyflwyno gwestai gofal. Cyflwynwyd y rhain mewn mannau eraill yn y DU yn ystod y pandemig—yn wir, yn Nyfnaint, maen nhw'n dal i gael eu defnyddio—ac maen nhw wedi'u cynllunio i ddiogelu capasiti acíwt mewn ysbytai, gan ddarparu cyfleusterau cam-i-lawr ar gyfer pobl sydd angen cymorth ond nid gofal ysbyty.
Byddai hybiau llawfeddygol hefyd yn cael eu sefydlu ym mhob rhanbarth, er mwyn rhoi rhyddhad ychwanegol i system iechyd Cymru—maen nhw wedi cael eu trafod, ond dydyn nhw ddim yn cael eu cyflawni—creu mwy o theatrau llawdriniaethau, sy'n golygu y gallwn ddechrau mynd i'r afael â'r rhestrau aros annerbyniol o hir, gydag un o bob pedwar o bobl yng Nghymru yn daer am driniaeth, yn enwedig ym maes orthopaedeg, yr ydym yn gwybod bod y sector proffesiynol wedi gwneud llawer o awgrymiadau yn ei gylch.
Er mwyn cefnogi'r economi, byddai cronfa cymorth i ficrofusnes yn galluogi busnesau i ddechrau gweithredu ac ehangu trwy eu helpu gyda thalu cyfraniadau yswiriant cenedlaethol dau aelod newydd o staff. Byddai cynllun prawf yn cael ei sefydlu i roi cymhorthdal tuag at gost paneli solar i fusnesau bach, eu helpu nhw i leihau eu biliau ynni a chyfrannu at uchelgais sero net Cymru.
Byddem yn ehangu ar gynllun tai gwag y Llywodraeth trwy ei droi'n gynllun cymorth i brynu cartrefi gwag a'r rhai sydd angen eu hadnewyddu, fel y gallwn helpu pobl ar yr ysgol eiddo a datgloi bron i 20,000 o gartrefi sy'n sefyll yn wag yng Nghymru.
Yn olaf, byddem yn datgloi'r swm enfawr o dros £2.5 biliwn o gronfeydd wrth gefn y gellir eu defnyddio sydd ar hyn o bryd yn eistedd mewn cyfrifon banc awdurdodau lleol, fel y gallwn rewi'r dreth gyngor yn y dyfodol agos, gan roi cymorth ychwanegol i'r rheini i ymdrin â'r argyfwng costau byw.
Will you take an intervention, Peter?
A wnewch chi gymryd ymyriad, Peter?
To do so—. I'll finish this point, Mike, if I may. To do so, a formula would be used by the Welsh Government to enable an adjustment in the RSG where councils hold usable reserves above a set threshold. The money adjusted from the RSG over the threshold would be redistributed to create a sector-wide funding floor to enable all councils to retain council tax levels at the current levels. We're seeing some authorities with useable reserves of £270 million. That is unacceptable. I'm happy to take the intervention now.
I wneud hynny—. Fe orffennaf y pwynt yma, Mike, os caf i. I wneud hynny, byddai fformiwla yn cael ei ddefnyddio gan Lywodraeth Cymru er mwyn galluogi addasu'r grant cynnal ardrethi, pryd mae cynghorau'n dal cronfeydd wrth gefn y gellir eu defnyddio uwchben trothwy penodol. Byddai'r arian sy'n cael ei addasu o'r grant cynnal ardrethi dros y trothwy yn cael ei ailddosbarthu er mwyn creu cyllid gwaelodol ar draws y sector er mwyn galluogi pob cyngor i gadw lefelau treth y cyngor ar y lefelau presennol. Rydym yn gweld rhai awdurdodau sydd â chronfeydd wrth gefn y gellir eu defnyddio o £270 miliwn. Mae hynny'n annerbyniol. Rwy'n hapus i gymryd ymyriad nawr.
I was going to say it's based upon the standard spending assessment, the rates support grant, taking into account the ability of councils to raise money. Would you have to also change the standard spending assessment in order to change the rates support grant?
Roeddwn i'n mynd i ddweud ei fod wedi'i seilio ar yr asesiad gwariant safonol, y grant cynnal ardrethi, gan ystyried gallu cynghorau i godi arian. A fyddai'n rhaid i chi hefyd newid yr asesiad gwariant safonol er mwyn newid y grant cynnal ardrethi?
What I'm suggesting here is something not dissimilar to what we would do if we were leading councils and we found our schools accruing huge balances and not using those for the purpose they were created for, that resource to help educate our young children. This is purely suggesting that where a council holds significant reserves above a threshold, a small adjustment of £150,000 per £1 million over that threshold would be held back in the RSG and distributed out as a funding floor to allow all authorities to be able to save people from paying the excessive council tax that once again is being proposed.
In summary, Llywydd, I recognise that the Welsh Government, like all Governments, is facing substantial challenges in the immediate term, but today we have brought the Welsh Conservative action plan forward, which will help to address some of the immediate problems our people and businesses face, and to deliver more resilient communities and public services, using existing resources, because we need to double down on our efforts to tackle the most pressing issues that we are currently facing and deliver a better tomorrow for the people of today.
Yr hyn rwy'n ei awgrymu yn y fan yma yw rhywbeth nad yw'n annhebyg i'r hyn y byddem yn ei wneud pe byddem yn arwain cynghorau a gweld ein hysgolion yn cronni balansau enfawr gan beidio â defnyddio'r rheini i'r diben y cawsant eu creu ar ei gyfer, yr adnodd hwnnw i helpu i addysgu ein plant ifanc. Awgrym yn unig yw hwn, pan fo cyngor yn dal cronfeydd wrth gefn sylweddol uwchben trothwy, byddai addasiad bach o £150,000 am bob £1 miliwn dros y trothwy hwnnw yn cael ei ddal yn ôl yn y grant cynnal ardrethi a'i ddosbarthu fel cyllid gwaelodol i ganiatáu i bob awdurdod arbed pobl rhag talu'r dreth gyngor ormodol sydd unwaith eto'n cael ei chynnig.
I grynhoi, Llywydd, rwy'n cydnabod bod Llywodraeth Cymru, fel pob Llywodraeth, yn wynebu heriau sylweddol yn y tymor agos, ond heddiw rydym wedi cyflwyno cynllun gweithredu'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, a fydd yn helpu i fynd i'r afael â rhai o'r problemau uniongyrchol y mae ein pobl a'n busnesau yn eu hwynebu, ac i gyflawni cymunedau a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus mwy cydnerth, gan ddefnyddio'r adnoddau presennol, oherwydd mae angen i ni ddyblu ein hymdrechion i fynd i'r afael â'r materion mwyaf dybryd yr ydym yn eu hwynebu ar hyn o bryd a chyflawni yfory gwell i bobl heddiw.
Gwelliant 2 nawr, i'w gynnig gan Adam Price.
Amendment 2 now, to be moved by Adam Price.
Gwelliant 2—Siân Gwenllian
Ychwanegu pwynt newydd ar ddiwedd y cynnig:
Yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i gynyddu'r gyfradd dreth sylfaenol gan 1 geiniog, y gyfradd dreth uwch gan 2 geiniog, a'r gyfradd dreth ychwanegol gan 3 ceiniog er mwyn cynyddu'r gyllideb sydd ar gael i fynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng iechyd a gofal a rhoi help ariannol i bobl sydd â'r anghenion mwyaf.
Amendment 2—Siân Gwenllian
Add as new point at end of motion:
Calls on Welsh Government to increase the basic rate of tax by 1 pence, the higher rate of tax by 2 pence, and the additional rate of tax by 3 pence for the purpose of increasing the budget available to deal with the health and care crisis and provide financial help for people in the greatest need.
Cynigiwyd gwelliant 2.
Amendment 2 moved.
Diolch, Llywydd. There can be no doubt that the Welsh Government lacks the money it needs to do what is necessary to build the kind of decent society that we want to see. That is more true now than it has ever been, I think. Ultimately, that lack of money stems from our lack of power. We lack the powers necessary to grow our economy in Wales, which is one absolutely critical way by which we can generate the revenue necessary to create that kind of society. We also lack the financial powers to control our own fiscal policy—the borrowing powers, the tax-varying powers—to enable us to raise the resources we need, and to do so fairly. Our debate tomorrow, for example, is about giving Wales the power to set the income tax bands and thresholds so we can have the flexibility that Scotland currently enjoys. Our solution to this dilemma, of course, ultimately, and as soon as we can, is to become an independent nation, so we have all of the tools and levers available to us to create that society we want to see. But that is not currently our position.
Diolch, Llywydd. Does dim dwywaith nad oes gan Lywodraeth Cymru yr arian sydd ei angen arni i wneud yr hyn sy'n angenrheidiol i adeiladu'r math o gymdeithas deg yr ydym eisiau ei gweld. Mae hynny'n fwy gwir nawr nag y bu erioed, rwy'n credu. Yn y pen draw, mae'r diffyg arian hwnnw'n deillio o'n diffyg pŵer ni. Nid oes gennym y pwerau sydd eu hangen i dyfu ein heconomi yng Nghymru, sy'n ffordd gwbl hanfodol i gynhyrchu'r refeniw sy'n angenrheidiol i greu'r math yna o gymdeithas. Nid oes gennym chwaith y pwerau ariannol i reoli ein polisi cyllidol ein hunain—y pwerau benthyca, y pwerau amrywio trethi—i'n galluogi ni i godi'r adnoddau sydd eu hangen arnom, ac i wneud hynny'n deg. Mae ein dadl yfory, er enghraifft, yn ymwneud â rhoi'r grym i Gymru bennu'r bandiau treth incwm a'r trothwyon er mwyn i ni gael yr hyblygrwydd y mae'r Alban yn ei fwynhau ar hyn o bryd. Ein datrysiad i'r dilema hwn, wrth gwrs, yn y pen draw, a chyn gynted ag y gallwn ni, yw dod yn genedl annibynnol, fel bod gennym ni yr holl offer a'r ysgogiadau sydd ar gael i ni i greu'r gymdeithas honno yr ydym eisiau ei gweld. Ond nid dyna ein safbwynt ni ar hyn o bryd.
Will you take an intervention?
A wnewch chi gymryd ymyriad?
Yes, certainly.
Gwnaf, yn siŵr.
Given the uncertainty around that last statement about independence, isn't that one of the greatest risks you could take with the economy?
O ystyried yr ansicrwydd ynghylch y datganiad diwethaf yna am annibyniaeth, onid yw hynny'n un o'r risgiau mwyaf y gallech chi ei gymryd gyda'r economi?
We totally disagree. We urge you to read the report by Melin Drafod, which was drafted by members of the Labour Party, as well as members of Plaid Cymru and people of no party, and came to the conclusion that there is no fiscal impediment to Wales actually becoming an independent nation, and that there are huge advantages in terms of the kind of fair and prosperous society that we want to see. But that is not what we're debating today, Llywydd.
Currently, our position is this: the choice we face is whether to use the powers that we do have, or simply accept the financial envelope essentially passed to us from Westminster. The problem with the latter course is that, to all intents and purposes, we face either the worst-case scenario—austerity mark 2 under the current Conservative administration—or, at best, with a change of Government, a flatlining of public expenditure. Coming after a decade and more of austerity, when our public services are crying out for investment, Sir Keir Starmer has said, hasn't he, recently, that, apart from the admittedly ambitious capital commitments in terms of investment in the green economy, there will be no new money—not my words, his words—and that people need to think of Labour's agenda as that of a decade, because there will be no substantial additional investment in the first five years. That's a more conservative pitch even than New Labour in 1997, which promised to stick to the Tory spending plans for the first two years. Essentially, it's five years of no additional substantial money.
Labour and the Conservatives at Westminster are closer than they admit on the main fiscal challenge that we face; they just involve different kinds of wishful thinking. The Tories pretend that it's possible to cut taxes while maintaining the 'quality' of public services—I'm putting that in inverted commas. Labour says it can improve public services without spending or taxing more. Neither party is prepared to tell the difficult truth that even with reform—necessary reform—and innovation in our public services, the health and care required by a rapidly ageing population requires investment. We've had a social care system chronically underfunded, and it's been in crisis for a generation. We've managed somehow with a gradually deteriorating healthcare system up until recently. The NHS was fragile and getting worse—winter crises becoming the norm, the rise in life expectancy stalling, avoidable deaths rising, health inequalities worsening. The NHS at its core, though struggling, still was largely able to take the strain, largely because of the heroic efforts of the workforce. But the combination of the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis, plus 12 years of austerity, means that the entire health and care system now is buckling, and unless we do something radical, it is going to collapse. That's the stark truth.
That's the deep truth at the heart of the current pay dispute, which isn't just about pay, or even mostly about pay, if you speak to the people on the picket lines; it's about a healthcare system that is brittle and a workforce in health and care that is exhausted and is at breaking point. Twelve years of austerity have meant declining real wages for the workforce and rising illness for the patients, and now it's the NHS itself that is chronically sick. With that rapidly ageing and ailing population, with a decade of underinvestment in technology, and now ballooning waiting lists, and a workforce that feels desperately undervalued, we have created our own crisis. It was there to be seen, wasn't it? We all know this. It was there starkly in the pandemic in the lack of capacity in the NHS, the shortage of beds, the shortage of equipment, the shortage of workers that led us to scrambling to make up for these deficiencies, that surely contributed to the higher death rates that we saw here than many of our European neighbours.
Difficult as it is, we believe now is the time, Minister, to be honest with the people. Money alone, we know, is not the answer, but without it, there is no way out of this crisis. The people that will end up paying the highest price will be precisely those on the lowest incomes—it is they that are always most dependent on the quality of our public services. Look at all the evidence the Welsh Government actually produces in terms of health inequalities. Cuts in health and care affect those on lower incomes more than anyone else; they can't escape their dependency on public service, they can't go private. They will pay if we do not act now. They will pay not in money, but with shorter lives and with more painful lives. That is the stark reality, and we must invest for them.
Rydym yn anghytuno'n llwyr. Rydyn ni'n eich annog i ddarllen adroddiad Melin Drafod, a gafodd ei ddrafftio gan aelodau o'r Blaid Lafur, yn ogystal ag aelodau o Blaid Cymru a phobl nad oedden nhw o unrhyw blaid, a ddaeth i'r casgliad nad oes unrhyw rwystr cyllidol i Gymru rhag dod yn genedl annibynnol mewn gwirionedd, a bod manteision enfawr o ran y math o gymdeithas deg a ffyniannus yr ydym eisiau ei gweld. Ond nid dyna yr ydym yn ei drafod heddiw, Llywydd.
Ar hyn o bryd, ein safbwynt ni yw hyn: y dewis yr ydym yn ei wynebu yw a ddylid defnyddio'r pwerau sydd gennym, neu dim ond derbyn yr amlen ariannol a basiwyd i ni o San Steffan yn y bôn. Y broblem gyda'r llwybr olaf yw, i bob pwrpas, ein bod ni'n wynebu naill ai'r senario gwaethaf—cyni rhif 2 o dan y weinyddiaeth Geidwadol bresennol—neu, ar y gorau, gyda newid Llywodraeth, gwariant cyhoeddus gwastad. Ar ôl degawd a mwy o gyni, pan fo ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn crefu am fuddsoddiad, mae Syr Keir Starmer wedi dweud, onid yw e, yn ddiweddar, ar wahân i'r ymrwymiadau cyfalaf uchelgeisiol, rhaid cyfaddef, o ran buddsoddiad yn yr economi werdd, ni fydd arian newydd—nid fy ngeiriau i, ei eiriau ef—a bod angen i bobl feddwl am agenda Llafur fel un degawd, oherwydd ni fydd buddsoddiad ychwanegol sylweddol yn y pum mlynedd gyntaf. Mae hwnnw'n ogwydd mwy ceidwadol hyd yn oed na Llafur Newydd ym 1997, a oedd yn addo cadw at gynlluniau gwario'r Torïaid am y ddwy flynedd gyntaf. Yn y bôn, mae'n bum mlynedd o ddim arian sylweddol ychwanegol.
Mae Llafur a'r Ceidwadwyr yn San Steffan yn agosach nag y maen nhw'n cyfaddef o ran y brif her ariannol yr ydym yn ei hwynebu; maen nhw'n cynnwys gwahanol fathau o obaith ofer. Mae'r Torïaid yn esgus ei bod hi'n bosib torri trethi, ac ar yr un pryd, cynnal 'ansawdd' gwasanaethau cyhoeddus—rwy'n rhoi hwnnw mewn dyfynodau. Mae Llafur yn dweud y gall wella gwasanaethau cyhoeddus heb wario na threthu yn fwy. Nid yw'r naill blaid na'r llall yn barod i ddweud y gwir anodd, hyd yn oed gyda diwygiad—diwygiad angenrheidiol—ac arloesedd yn ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, mae'r iechyd a'r gofal sydd ei angen ar boblogaeth sy'n heneiddio'n gyflym yn gofyn am fuddsoddiad. Rydym wedi cael system gofal cymdeithasol sydd wedi'i thanariannu'n ofnadwy, ac mae wedi bod mewn argyfwng ers cenhedlaeth. Rydym wedi llwyddo rywsut gyda system gofal iechyd sy'n dirywio'n raddol hyd at yn ddiweddar. Roedd y GIG yn fregus ac yn gwaethygu—argyfyngau'r gaeaf yn dod yn rhywbeth arferol, y cynnydd mewn disgwyliad oes yn arafu, marwolaethau y gellir eu hosgoi yn codi, anghydraddoldebau iechyd yn gwaethygu. Roedd y GIG yn ei hanfod, er ei fod yn ei chael hi'n anodd, yn dal i allu cymryd y straen i raddau helaeth, yn bennaf oherwydd ymdrechion arwrol y gweithlu. Ond mae'r cyfuniad o'r pandemig a'r argyfwng costau byw, ynghyd â 12 mlynedd o gyni, yn golygu bod y system iechyd a gofal gyfan nawr yn gwegian, ac oni bai ein bod yn gwneud rhywbeth radical, mae'n mynd i chwalu. Dyna'r gwir plaen.
Dyna'r gwir plaen sydd wrth wraidd yr anghydfod cyflog presennol, nad yw'n ymwneud â chyflog yn unig, neu hyd yn oed â chyflog yn bennaf, os siaradwch chi â'r bobl ar y llinellau piced; mae'n ymwneud â system gofal iechyd sy'n fregus a gweithlu ym maes iechyd a gofal sydd wedi blino'n lân ac sydd ar dorri. Mae 12 mlynedd o gyni wedi golygu gostwng cyflogau real i'r gweithlu a salwch cynyddol i'r cleifion, ac erbyn hyn y GIG ei hun sydd â salwch cronig. Gyda'r boblogaeth sy'n heneiddio ac yn clafychu'n gyflym, gyda degawd o danfuddsoddi mewn technoleg, a bellach rhestrau aros yn chwyddo, a gweithlu sy'n teimlo nad yw'n cael ei werthfawrogi, rydym wedi creu ein hargyfwng ein hunain. Roedd yno i'w weld, onid oedd? Rydyn ni i gyd yn gwybod hyn. Roedd yno'n amlwg yn y pandemig o ran diffyg capasiti yn y GIG, y prinder gwelyau, y prinder offer, y prinder gweithwyr a'n harweiniodd i sgrialu i wneud yn iawn am y diffygion hyn, sy'n sicr wedi cyfrannu at y cyfraddau marwolaeth uwch a welsom yma o'u cymharu â'n cymdogion Ewropeaidd.
Er mor anodd, credwn mai nawr yw'r amser, Gweinidog, i fod yn onest gyda'r bobl. Nid arian yn unig, fe wyddom, yw'r ateb, ond hebddo, nid oes unrhyw ffordd allan o'r argyfwng hwn. Y bobl a fydd yn talu'r pris uchaf yn y pen draw fydd yr union rai ar yr incwm isaf—nhw sydd bob amser yn fwyaf dibynnol ar ansawdd ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Edrychwch ar yr holl dystiolaeth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru mewn gwirionedd yn ei chynhyrchu yn nhermau anghydraddoldebau iechyd. Mae toriadau ym maes iechyd a gofal yn effeithio ar y rhai sydd ar incwm is yn fwy na neb arall; dydyn nhw ddim yn gallu dianc rhag eu dibyniaeth ar wasanaeth cyhoeddus, dydyn nhw ddim yn gallu mynd yn breifat. Byddan nhw'n talu os na fyddwn ni'n gweithredu nawr. Byddan nhw'n talu, nid gydag arian, ond gyda bywydau byrrach a gyda bywydau mwy poenus. Dyna'r realiti plaen, ac mae'n rhaid i ni fuddsoddi ar eu cyfer nhw.
I'm struggling to understand your ideation around this, really, because last week I saw in the press that Plaid Cymru want to raise taxes across Wales. How will that help the lowest paid people in the country?
Rwy'n cael trafferth deall eich syniadaeth chi ynghylch hyn, mewn gwirionedd, oherwydd yr wythnos diwethaf gwelais yn y wasg fod Plaid Cymru eisiau codi trethi ledled Cymru. Sut bydd hynny'n helpu'r bobl sy'n derbyn y cyflogau isaf yn y wlad?
I've just precisely explained to you. It's actually those on the lower incomes that stand to suffer most from the cuts in public services right across the piece, and that's true in health as well. So, if we don't invest, it is those people on the lower incomes that will suffer falling life expectancy, shorter lives, more painful lives. That's why we have to do it.
That is why we are making this proposal that, yes, includes an increase in the basic rate as well. We wish we had the powers they have in Scotland, so that we could have a starter rate, which would be lower, we could have intermediate rates, and that's what we're focusing on tomorrow. But we have to work within the constraints that we're under. But even then, if the Government disagrees with us, then, as the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales said, at least use the additional or the higher rate, as I said earlier. Raising it to the level of Scotland would actually raise £72 million next year, £76 million the year after. That would at least allow you to raise care worker rates to £12 an hour, which would make a significant impact upon the crisis of vacancies in that sector. I hear this phrase, 'the highest tax rates for 70 years'. It's strange to hear the talking points of the TaxPayers' Alliance on the lips of Labour Ministers. But I think, actually, in the history books, and doing the maths, 70 years ago was the Clement Attlee Labour Government—was that a terrible time in terms of what we were able to do, coming out of the second world war and the huge burden that we were dealing with? Just as we were deciding in the pandemic would we—[Interruption.] No, I won't take an intervention; I've taken one from you already.
We decided, didn't we, out of the pandemic, that we were going to build a better society, we were going to build back better, and we seem to have forgotten all that. We've forgotten all the clapping that we did to recognise the key workers. And when we look across the world, we have a lower rate of tax than the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development average, and yet we keep on telling people that you can get Scandinavian-level quality of public services and expect to pay an American level of taxation. We have to be honest with the people, we have to do it now, and we have to do it urgently, because there are no cost-free options here, Minister, and if we continue along the path that we're on, then I fear, quite frankly, for the future of our nation.
Rwyf newydd egluro'n union i chi. Mewn gwirionedd, y rhai sydd ar yr incwm is sy'n mynd i ddioddef fwyaf o'r toriadau mewn gwasanaethau cyhoeddus ar draws y meysydd, ac mae hynny'n wir ym maes iechyd hefyd. Felly, os nad ydyn ni'n buddsoddi, y bobl hynny ar yr incwm is fydd yn dioddef disgwyliad oes yn gostwng, bywydau byrrach, bywydau mwy poenus. Dyna pam mae'n rhaid i ni ei wneud e.
Dyna pam rydyn ni'n gwneud y cynnig hwn sydd, ydi, yn cynnwys cynnydd yn y gyfradd sylfaenol hefyd. Fe fyddem yn dymuno bod â'r pwerau sydd ganddyn nhw yn yr Alban, fel y gallem gael cyfradd gychwynnol, a fyddai'n is, gallem gael cyfraddau canolradd, a dyna beth rydyn ni'n canolbwyntio arno yfory. Ond mae'n rhaid i ni weithio o fewn y cyfyngiadau sydd arnom ni. Ond hyd yn oed wedyn, os yw'r Llywodraeth yn anghytuno â ni, yna, fel y dywedodd Comisiynydd Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol Cymru, o leiaf defnyddiwch y gyfradd ychwanegol neu'r gyfradd uwch, fel y dywedais i'n gynharach. Byddai ei godi i lefel yr Alban mewn gwirionedd yn codi £72 miliwn y flwyddyn nesaf, £76 miliwn y flwyddyn ganlynol. Byddai hynny o leiaf yn caniatáu i chi godi cyfraddau gweithwyr gofal i £12 yr awr, a fyddai'n cael effaith sylweddol ar argyfwng swyddi gwag yn y sector hwnnw. Rwy'n clywed yr ymadrodd hwn, 'y cyfraddau treth uchaf ers 70 mlynedd'. Mae'n rhyfedd clywed geiriau Cynghrair y Trethdalwyr ar wefusau Gweinidogion Llafur. Ond rwy'n credu, mewn gwirionedd, yn y llyfrau hanes, ac wrth wneud y fathemateg, 70 mlynedd yn ôl roedd hi'n Lywodraeth Lafur Clement Attlee—oedd hynny'n gyfnod ofnadwy o ran yr hyn roedden ni'n gallu ei wneud, gan ddod allan o'r ail ryfel byd a'r baich enfawr yr oeddem yn ymdrin ag ef? Yn union fel roedden ni'n penderfynu yn y pandemig a fydden ni—[Torri ar draws.] Na, dydw i ddim yn cymryd ymyriad; rwyf wedi cymryd un oddi wrthoch chi'n barod.
Fe benderfynon ni, oni wnaethon ni, allan o'r pandemig, ein bod ni'n mynd i adeiladu cymdeithas well, roedden ni'n mynd i adeiladu'n ôl yn well, ac mae'n ymddangos ein bod ni wedi anghofio hynny i gyd. Rydym wedi anghofio'r holl glapio a wnaethom i gydnabod y gweithwyr allweddol. A phan edrychwn ar draws y byd, mae gennym gyfradd is o dreth na chyfartaledd y Sefydliad ar gyfer Cydweithrediad a Datblygiad Economaidd, ac eto rydym yn parhau i ddweud wrth bobl y gallwch gael ansawdd lefel Sgandinafaidd o wasanaethau cyhoeddus a disgwyl talu lefel Americanaidd o drethiant. Mae'n rhaid i ni fod yn onest â'r bobl, mae'n rhaid i ni ei wneud nawr, ac mae'n rhaid i ni ei wneud ar frys, oherwydd does dim opsiynau di-gost yma, Gweinidog, ac os ydyn ni'n parhau ar hyd y llwybr yr ydyn ni arno, yna rwy'n poeni, a dweud y gwir, ynghylch dyfodol ein cenedl.
I will be speaking in my capacity as Chair of the Local Government and Housing Committee. I would like to thank the Welsh Local Government Association, the Minister for Finance and Local Government and the Minister for Climate Change for attending the committee's evidence sessions.
As a committee, Llywydd, we acknowledged that setting a draft budget in the face of extreme economic pressures is a difficult challenge for the Welsh Government. We welcomed the increase in funding for all local authorities, and in particular that the overall increase is higher than the indicative figures provided last year. But despite this, of course, the increases are lower than the rate of inflation, and we are concerned that inflationary pressures mean local authorities will still be facing difficult decisions that could impact on service delivery.
Local government told us of an overspend of £200 million across Welsh authorities in the current financial year, which will have to be recovered from reserves, and that's despite the increase in funding provided at the start of the year. Relying on reserves to cover overspend is not sustainable, of course, and local authorities told us they are already fearful of the resources available for future years. We believe it is crucial that the Welsh Government and local government prepare now for sustained pressures on local authority budgets in order to mitigate further cuts to already-stretched services. We have therefore recommended that the Welsh Government outlines how it is working with local government to prepare for sustained pressure in future years.
We have a particular concern around the capital funding for local authorities. We welcome the increase in general capital funding, but are mindful again that inflationary pressures mean that authorities won't be able to do as much with that funding. Local authorities told us that, once more this year, highway maintenance is still a pressure for most councils. It is therefore disappointing that there is no specific highways capital funding in situ. Before finalising the budget for the next financial year, we would like the Welsh Government to look again at the overall allocations for the local transport fund and ensure there is sufficient capital funding for local authorities to adequately maintain the highway and roads network.
Another recurring concern relayed to us by local government was the continued challenge to recruit and retain staff to work in the social care sector. The chair of the Health and Social Care Committee will speak, I know, of their concerns on this issue. We support that committee's recommendation that the Welsh Government should commit to providing six-monthly updates on the work of the social care fair work forum.
Llywydd, we were concerned that the funding allocated to the Gypsy and Traveller sites capital grant is lower than in previous years, particularly as during our inquiry into the provision of sites we heard and saw that some local authority sites are in urgent need of maintenance or refurbishment. But, as a committee, we were even more concerned to learn that there has been no spend from the capital grant during this financial year and none is forecast to occur before the end of March. We believe this is a stark illustration of why we decided to undertake our work on the provision of sites for Gypsies, Roma and Travellers in the first place and shines a light on the extent of the problems in delivering sufficient and suitable accommodation for these communities. It does seem to be too low a priority for the Welsh Government and local authorities, and this has to change. We have made a joint recommendation with the Equality and Social Justice Committee and recommended the Welsh Government should urgently set out the reasons for the lack of progress on the use of the Gypsy and Traveller site capital grant and how it plans to work with local authorities to ensure take up of this important fund. It should also clarify what will happen to the underspend from last year's budget.
Homelessness and related support services is another area of concern for us in this draft budget. There is an unprecedented number of people currently in temporary accommodation in Wales, and this, of course, puts severe resourcing pressure on support services. An additional revenue funding of £10 million has been allocated for homelessness prevention, but we are concerned that this is not enough to deal with current challenges. The housing support grant allocation remains at £166.8 million in cash terms. This is a real-terms reduction. Services funded by this grant are critical to the prevention and alleviation of homelessness. We are therefore worried about the impact that this cut will have on these services at a time when we are relying on them more than ever. It's also worrying that front-line staff, who are working incredibly hard, are struggling to make ends meet.
We appreciate the challenge facing the Minister for Climate Change in setting the draft budget, but we recommend that the Welsh Government must make it a priority to provide additional funding for the housing support grant ahead of the final budget. It's a key area of preventative spend. We are also concerned with the number of people in temporary accommodation and the 22,000 long-term empty properties in Wales, and we believe that they must again be given more priority. And, of course, the 20,000 additional homes, Llywydd, even though these will not be all new builds, we are very concerned that it is going to be difficult to reach this target, given the cost of materials and issues with the supply chain and workforce.
Decarbonisation is the final area of the committee's concern, Llywydd. But we are very supportive of the Minister's decision not to roll back on housing standards as a cost-saving measure. We are facing a climate crisis, and that is the right decision. Diolch yn fawr.
Rwyf am siarad yn rhinwedd fy swydd fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Llywodraeth Leol a Thai. Hoffwn ddiolch i Gymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru, y Gweinidog Cyllid a Llywodraeth Leol a'r Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd am ddod i sesiynau tystiolaeth y pwyllgor.
Fel pwyllgor, Llywydd, gwnaethom gydnabod bod gosod cyllideb ddrafft yn wyneb pwysau economaidd eithafol yn her anodd i Lywodraeth Cymru. Roeddem yn croesawu'r cynnydd mewn cyllid i bob awdurdod lleol, ac yn arbennig bod y cynnydd cyffredinol yn uwch na'r ffigurau dangosol a ddarparwyd y llynedd. Ond er gwaethaf hyn, wrth gwrs, mae'r cynnydd yn is na chyfradd chwyddiant, ac rydym yn pryderu fod pwysau chwyddiant yn golygu y bydd awdurdodau lleol yn dal i wynebu penderfyniadau anodd a allai effeithio ar ddarparu gwasanaethau.
Dywedodd llywodraeth leol wrthym am orwariant o £200 miliwn ar draws awdurdodau Cymru yn y flwyddyn ariannol bresennol, y bydd yn rhaid ei adfer o gronfeydd wrth gefn, a hynny er gwaethaf y cynnydd mewn cyllid a ddarparwyd ar ddechrau'r flwyddyn. Nid yw dibynnu ar gronfeydd wrth gefn i dalu am orwario yn gynaliadwy, wrth gwrs, a dywedodd awdurdodau lleol wrthym eu bod eisoes yn poeni am adnoddau sydd ar gael ar gyfer y blynyddoedd i ddod. Credwn ei bod yn hanfodol bod Llywodraeth Cymru a llywodraeth leol yn paratoi nawr ar gyfer pwysau parhaus ar gyllidebau awdurdodau lleol er mwyn lleihau mwy o doriadau i wasanaethau sydd eisoes dan bwysau. Rydym felly wedi argymell bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn amlinellu sut mae'n gweithio gyda llywodraeth leol i baratoi ar gyfer pwysau parhaus yn ystod y blynyddoedd i ddod.
Mae gennym bryder penodol ynghylch yr arian cyfalaf i awdurdodau lleol. Rydym yn croesawu'r cynnydd mewn cyllid cyfalaf cyffredinol, ond rydym yn ymwybodol eto bod pwysau chwyddiant yn golygu na fydd awdurdodau'n gallu gwneud cymaint â'r cyllid hwnnw. Yn ôl yr awdurdodau lleol, unwaith yn rhagor eleni, mae cynnal a chadw priffyrdd yn dal i fod yn bwysau i'r rhan fwyaf o gynghorau. Mae'n siomedig felly nad oes arian cyfalaf priffyrdd penodol yn ei le. Cyn cwblhau'r gyllideb ar gyfer y flwyddyn ariannol nesaf, hoffem i Lywodraeth Cymru edrych eto ar y dyraniadau cyffredinol ar gyfer y gronfa trafnidiaeth leol a sicrhau bod digon o arian cyfalaf i awdurdodau lleol gynnal a chadw'r rhwydwaith priffyrdd a ffyrdd yn ddigonol.
Pryder arall cyson a basiwyd ymlaen i ni gan lywodraeth leol oedd yr her barhaus i recriwtio a chadw staff i weithio yn y sector gofal cymdeithasol. Bydd cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol yn siarad, fe wn, am eu pryderon ynglŷn â'r mater hwn. Rydym yn cefnogi argymhelliad y pwyllgor hwnnw y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru ymrwymo i ddarparu diweddariadau chwe mis ar waith y fforwm gwaith teg gofal cymdeithasol.
Llywydd, roeddem yn pryderu bod yr arian a ddyrannwyd i'r grant cyfalaf ar gyfer safleoedd Sipsiwn a Theithwyr yn is nag mewn blynyddoedd blaenorol, yn enwedig oherwydd yn ystod ein hymchwiliad i ddarparu safleoedd, fe glywsom a gwelsom fod angen cynnal ac adnewyddu rhai safleoedd awdurdod lleol ar frys. Ond, fel pwyllgor, roeddem hyd yn oed yn fwy pryderus o ddysgu na fu unrhyw wariant o'r grant cyfalaf yn ystod y flwyddyn ariannol hon ac ni ragwelir y bydd yr un ohonyn nhw'n digwydd cyn diwedd mis Mawrth. Rydym yn credu bod hwn yn ddarlun plaen o'r rheswm pam y gwnaethom benderfynu ymgymryd â'n gwaith o ddarparu safleoedd ar gyfer Sipsiwn, Roma a Theithwyr yn y lle cyntaf ac mae'n taflu goleuni ar faint y problemau wrth ddarparu llety digonol ac addas ar gyfer y cymunedau hyn. Mae'n ymddangos ei fod yn flaenoriaeth rhy isel i Lywodraeth Cymru ac awdurdodau lleol, ac mae'n rhaid i hyn newid. Rydym wedi gwneud argymhelliad ar y cyd gyda'r Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol ac rydym wedi argymell y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru nodi'r rhesymau dros ddiffyg cynnydd yn y defnydd o grant cyfalaf safle Sipsiwn a Theithwyr a sut mae'n bwriadu gweithio gydag awdurdodau lleol i sicrhau eu bod yn manteisio ar y cyllid pwysig hwn. Dylai hefyd egluro beth fydd yn digwydd i'r tanwariant o gyllideb y llynedd.
Mae digartrefedd a gwasanaethau cymorth cysylltiedig yn faes arall sy'n peri pryder i ni yn y gyllideb ddrafft hon. Mae nifer digynsail o bobl mewn llety dros dro yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd, ac mae hyn, wrth gwrs, yn rhoi pwysau adnoddau difrifol ar wasanaethau cymorth. Mae cyllid refeniw ychwanegol o £10 miliwn wedi'i ddyrannu ar gyfer atal digartrefedd, ond rydym yn poeni nad yw hyn yn ddigon i ymdrin â'r heriau presennol. Mae'r dyraniad grant cymorth tai yn parhau i fod yn £166.8 miliwn mewn termau arian parod. Mae hyn yn ostyngiad mewn termau real. Mae gwasanaethau sy'n cael eu hariannu gan y grant hwn yn hanfodol i atal a lleddfu digartrefedd. Rydym yn pryderu felly am yr effaith y bydd y toriad hwn yn ei chael ar y gwasanaethau hyn ar adeg pan fyddwn yn dibynnu arnyn nhw yn fwy nag erioed. Mae'n destun pryder hefyd bod staff rheng flaen, sy'n gweithio'n hynod o galed, yn ei chael hi'n anodd cael dau ben llinyn ynghyd.
Rydym yn gwerthfawrogi'r her y mae'r Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd yn ei hwynebu wrth bennu'r gyllideb ddrafft, ond rydym yn argymell bod rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru ei gwneud hi'n flaenoriaeth i ddarparu cyllid ychwanegol ar gyfer y grant cymorth tai cyn y gyllideb derfynol. Mae'n faes allweddol o wariant ataliol. Rydym hefyd yn pryderu am nifer y bobl mewn llety dros dro a'r 22,000 o eiddo gwag hirdymor yng Nghymru, ac rydym yn credu bod yn rhaid rhoi mwy o flaenoriaeth iddyn nhw unwaith eto. Ac wrth gwrs, yr 20,000 o gartrefi ychwanegol, Llywydd, er na fydd y rhain i gyd yn adeiladau newydd, rydym yn pryderu'n fawr y bydd yn anodd cyrraedd y targed hwn, o ystyried cost deunyddiau a phroblemau gyda'r gadwyn gyflenwi a'r gweithlu.
Datgarboneiddio yw maes olaf pryder y pwyllgor, Llywydd. Ond rydym yn gefnogol iawn i benderfyniad y Gweinidog i beidio â thynnu'n ôl ar safonau tai fel mesur arbed costau. Rydym yn wynebu argyfwng hinsawdd, a dyna'r penderfyniad cywir. Diolch yn fawr.
You're lucky you're in the class of '99, John Griffiths [Laughter.] I was particularly generous there. Russell George. You're not—you're not.
Rydych chi'n lwcus eich bod yn nosbarth '99, John Griffiths [Chwerthin.] Roeddwn i'n arbennig o hael yn y fan yna. Russell George. Dydych chi ddim—dydych chi ddim.
I'm in the class of 2011, Llywydd.
Thank you, Llywydd. I'm speaking in my capacity as the Chair of the Health and Social Care Committee. Now, last year, I opened my contribution to this debate by thanking everyone who worked in the health and social care sector, including volunteers and unpaid carers across Wales, for their dedication and their commitment. The winter months, as we know, are always challenging in the health and social care sector, and unfortunately, this winter is no exception at all—far from it. So, on behalf of the Health and Social Care Committee, I thank them very sincerely, once again, for all that they do.
Now, the draft budget includes more than £10 billion for health and social services, as well as, of course, the provision for social care within the local government settlement, and we, as a committee, have explored how the Welsh Government is planning to use these considerable financial levers to achieve its desired outcomes and ambitions for our health and social care. The financial context, of course, is challenging. That's got to be recognised, and constrained, of course, by high inflation and high energy costs, and the impact, of course, of the pandemic and the cost of living continues to affect staff and services. And our health and social care sectors, of course, are grappling with an increased demand, in terms of tackling the waiting times backlog and dealing with longstanding workforce issues. Inevitably, this affects the range of activities that can be delivered, and potentially the timescales of both activity and outcomes.
We welcome, as a committee, the Minister’s six priorities for health boards. That's very welcome, and if progress can be made in these key areas, it should unlock capacity and free up resources to enable progress to be made in other areas in the longer term. However, if these are priorities, by definition, other areas are not priorities, and we have some concerns that health boards may not have been given clear guidance about which areas the Minister considers as politically acceptable for them to draw back from. So, the Minister said to us in committee that she will review the health boards' integrated medium-term plans once they have been submitted to see whether she is comfortable with the decisions that they have taken. But, we all know that decisions to reduce funding or focus may be challenging or unpopular as well as necessary, and potential opportunities to draw back in some areas at a local level may only be apparent if full consideration is given to regional or national options. So, our report therefore calls on the Welsh Government to update us on discussions with health boards, including any concerns that health boards have raised, and any further guidance that Ministers have given on how health boards are expected to mitigate any resulting impact on the areas that are not amongst the six priorities.
I referred to the pressures that we've seen in health and social care this winter, and we agree with the Minister that addressing these issues relating to patient flow and delayed transfers of care are vital to unlocking the gridlock we have seen in the system. Now, part of the solution has to be resolving the long-standing social care workforce issues that we're all aware of, and we support the Government's commitment to the real living wage for social care workers—I very much support that myself—but we agree also with the Deputy Minister that it will not be enough on its own to address increasingly acute shortages. So, I know that the Minister does understand the urgency of the issues, such as improving access to sick pay, embedding domiciliary care workers in multidisciplinary teams and addressing the discrepancies in pay and conditions for social care and health service workers. But we are not yet persuaded that the social care fair work forum work is being progressed at the pace that is needed, that voluntary measures for collective bargaining or pay structures are adequate, or that there is enough clarity about how the recommendations of the national care services expert group will be progressed to deliver the Welsh Government's longer term ambitions for social care. So, to help us monitor this area, we have asked the Minister to commit to providing us with regular six-monthly updates, through our ecommendation 9.
So, I thank my colleagues on the Health and Social Care Committee and also the clerking team and the wider integrated team as well for all their support in terms of drafting our report. And, Deputy Llywydd, as a good Member of the 2011 intake, you can see that I'm dead on five minutes. [Laughter.]
Rwyf i yn nosbarth 2011, Llywydd.
Diolch, Llywydd. Rwy'n siarad yn rhinwedd fy swydd fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol. Nawr, y llynedd, agorais fy nghyfraniad i'r ddadl hon drwy ddiolch i bawb a weithiodd yn y sector iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, gan gynnwys gwirfoddolwyr a gofalwyr di-dâl ledled Cymru, am eu hymroddiad a'u hymrwymiad. Mae misoedd y gaeaf, fel rydyn ni'n gwybod, bob amser yn heriol yn y sector iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, ac yn anffodus, nid yw'r gaeaf hwn yn eithriad o gwbl—ymhell ohoni. Felly, ar ran y Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, diolch iddyn nhw'n ddiffuant iawn, unwaith eto, am bopeth maen nhw'n ei wneud.
Nawr, mae'r gyllideb ddrafft yn cynnwys mwy na £10 biliwn ar gyfer gwasanaethau iechyd a chymdeithasol, yn ogystal â'r ddarpariaeth ar gyfer gofal cymdeithasol o fewn y setliad llywodraeth leol, wrth gwrs, ac rydyn ni, fel pwyllgor, wedi archwilio sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu defnyddio'r ysgogiadau ariannol sylweddol hyn i gyflawni ei chanlyniadau a'i huchelgeisiau a ddymunir ar gyfer ein gofal iechyd a chymdeithasol. Mae'r cyd-destun ariannol, wrth gwrs, yn heriol. Mae'n rhaid cydnabod hynny, ac wedi ei gyfyngu, wrth gwrs, gan chwyddiant uchel a chostau ynni uchel, ac wrth gwrs mae effaith y pandemig a chostau byw yn parhau i effeithio ar staff a gwasanaethau. Ac mae ein sectorau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, wrth gwrs, yn ymrafael â mwy o alw, o ran mynd i'r afael â'r ôl-groniad amseroedd aros ac ymdrin â materion yn ymwneud â'r gweithlu hirsefydlog. Yn anochel, mae hyn yn effeithio ar yr ystod o weithgareddau y gellir eu darparu, ac o bosibl amserlenni gweithgaredd a chanlyniadau.
Rydym yn croesawu, fel pwyllgor, chwe blaenoriaeth y Gweinidog ar gyfer y byrddau iechyd. Mae hynny i'w groesawu'n fawr, ac os gellir gwneud cynnydd yn y meysydd allweddol hyn, dylai ddatgloi capasiti a rhyddhau adnoddau i alluogi gwneud cynnydd mewn meysydd eraill yn y tymor hirach. Fodd bynnag, os blaenoriaethau yw'r rhain, yn ôl diffiniad, nid yw meysydd eraill yn flaenoriaethau, ac mae gennym rai pryderon efallai na chafodd byrddau iechyd ganllawiau clir ynghylch pa feysydd y mae'r Gweinidog yn eu hystyried fel rhai y mae'n dderbyniol yn wleidyddol iddyn nhw dynnu'n ôl ohonyn nhw. Felly, dywedodd y Gweinidog wrthon ni mewn pwyllgor y bydd hi'n adolygu cynlluniau tymor canolig integ