Y Cyfarfod Llawn
Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.
In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.
Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:30 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Prynhawn da. Croeso i'r Cyfarfod Llawn. Yr eitem gyntaf ar ein hagenda ni'r prynhawn yma yw'r cwestiynau i’r Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol. Mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Darren Millar.
Good afternoon. Welcome to this Plenary meeting. The first item on the agenda this afternoon is the questions to the Minister for Social Justice. The first question is from Darren Millar.
1. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am gyflwyno cynllun hybiau cynnes Llywodraeth Cymru? OQ58988
1. Will the Minister make a statement on the roll-out of the Welsh Government's warm hubs scheme? OQ58988

Thank you for the question. Warm hubs across Wales are now offering a range of support, depending on their location and their facilities. This includes a simple warm space with refreshments, to more substantive food, activities, free access to computers and Wi-Fi, and charging points for phones and tablets.
Diolch am eich cwestiwn. Mae hybiau cynnes ledled Cymru bellach yn cynnig amrywiaeth o gymorth, yn dibynnu ar eu lleoliad a’u cyfleusterau. Mae hyn yn cynnwys man cynnes syml gyda lluniaeth, i fwyd mwy sylweddol, gweithgareddau, mynediad am ddim at gyfrifiaduron a Wi-Fi, a phwyntiau gwefru ar gyfer ffonau a thabledi.
Thank you for that response, Minister. Will you join me in congratulating the faith communities across Wales, who've been particularly effective partners, that have engaged with the warm hubs scheme, across the country, in every corner of Wales? I know that, for example, Festival Church, in my own constituency—the church that I go to every Sunday—is one of those warm hubs that is reaching out to people in the local community and opening its doors in order to make itself available as a safe and warm space for people to be able to enjoy. But there are many thousands of these, of course, across the nation, and, therefore, would you join me in congratulating those faith communities, who've really worked hard to reach out and partner with the Welsh Government in order to deliver this important programme?
Diolch am eich ymateb, Weinidog. A wnewch chi ymuno â mi i longyfarch y cymunedau ffydd ledled Cymru, sydd wedi bod yn bartneriaid arbennig o effeithiol, ac sydd wedi ymgysylltu â’r cynllun hybiau cynnes, ledled y wlad, ym mhob cwr o Gymru? Gwn, er enghraifft, fod Eglwys Festival, yn fy etholaeth i—yr eglwys yr af iddi bob dydd Sul—yn un o’r hybiau cynnes hynny sy’n estyn allan at bobl yn y gymuned leol ac yn agor ei drysau fel ei fod ar gael fel man diogel a chynnes i bobl allu ei fwynhau. Ond mae miloedd lawer o’r rhain, wrth gwrs, ledled y genedl, ac felly, a wnewch chi ymuno â mi i longyfarch y cymunedau ffydd sydd wedi gweithio’n galed iawn i estyn allan a phartneru â Llywodraeth Cymru er mwyn rhoi'r rhaglen bwysig hon ar waith?
I will join you in congratulating faith communities who have played a part, as you say, across the board, all denominations. And indeed, on Monday, in our Cabinet cost-of-living sub-committee, we heard from the Muslim Council of Wales and, indeed, from the Church in Wales as well—Archbishop Andy John was talking about the food and shelter and fuel campaign that the churches have run. So, across all denominations, indeed, our mosques and temples, everyone's playing a key part, and I would like to particularly congratulate all our constituencies who've got those featured in their communities.
Ymunaf â chi i longyfarch y cymunedau ffydd o bob enwad sydd wedi chwarae eu rhan, fel y dywedwch. Ac yn wir, ddydd Llun, yn is-bwyllgor y Cabinet ar gostau byw, clywsom gan Gyngor Mwslimiaid Cymru, ac yn wir, gan yr Eglwys yng Nghymru hefyd—bu'r Archesgob Andy John yn sôn am yr ymgyrch bwyd a lloches a thanwydd a gynhaliwyd gan yr eglwysi. Felly, ar draws pob enwad, yn wir, ein mosgiau a'n temlau, mae pawb yn chwarae rhan allweddol, a hoffwn longyfarch yn arbennig ein holl etholaethau lle mae hynny'n digwydd yn eu cymunedau.
Minister, Cynon Valley boasts 19 winter welcome centres, offering local people a safe, accessible and warm environment during the day, and I'm sure that you would like to join with me in thanking all who are providing this invaluable resource this winter. The provision of advice and support for those who attend is a key objective of the centres. So, I'd like to ask what work is being done by the Welsh Government to facilitate the sharing of best practice in this regard, so that attendees can access the right support and that providers know what is expected of them.
Weinidog, mae gan Gwm Cynon 19 o ganolfannau croeso yn y gaeaf, sy’n cynnig amgylchedd diogel, hygyrch a chynnes i bobl leol yn ystod y dydd, ac rwy’n siŵr yr hoffech ymuno â mi i ddiolch i bawb sy’n darparu’r adnodd amhrisiadwy hwn y gaeaf hwn. Mae darparu cyngor a chymorth i'r bobl sy'n mynychu'r mannau hyn yn un o amcanion allweddol y canolfannau. Felly, hoffwn ofyn pa waith sy'n cael ei wneud gan Lywodraeth Cymru i hwyluso'r broses o rannu arferion gorau yn hyn o beth, fel bod mynychwyr yn gallu cael mynediad at y cymorth cywir, a darparwyr yn gwybod beth a ddisgwylir ganddynt.
Thank you very much, Vikki Howells. And again, the representation across all constituencies—yours in the Cynon Valley—of volunteers running these projects, instigating these projects, and I want to put on record again my sincere thanks to all of the volunteers who are responding, helping to support their communities. Also, just to confirm, this goes back to our £1 million warm hubs spending, which we distributed via local authorities. They work with local partners in the development and delivery of warm hubs. And actually, your point about good practice and sharing good practice has been really important. We met again, as I mentioned, our Cabinet sub-committee, with the Welsh Local Government Association, the Wales Council for Voluntary Action and Wales TUC on Monday, and, of course, sharing there of good practice, but also, as to the WLGA, I've met with leaders and they have exchanged good practice as we've met as well. I think this demonstrated the expertise that has now developed across Wales, and we will feed back what's working. I think that the development of those links to access to Wi-Fi, access to advice as well—. So, it's a place where every contact counts, for the 'Here to help' 'Claim what's yours' campaign—all sharing, but with volunteers at the heart of this.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Vikki Howells. Ac eto, y gynrychiolaeth ar draws yr holl etholaethau—eich un chi yng Nghwm Cynon—o wirfoddolwyr sy'n rhedeg y prosiectau hyn, yn cychwyn y prosiectau hyn, a hoffwn gofnodi fy niolch eto i'r holl wirfoddolwyr sy'n ymateb ac yn helpu i gefnogi eu cymunedau. Hefyd, hoffwn gadarnhau bod hyn yn deillio o'n gwariant o £1 filiwn ar hybiau cynnes, a ddosbarthwyd gennym drwy awdurdodau lleol. Maent yn gweithio gyda phartneriaid lleol i ddatblygu a darparu hybiau cynnes. Ac mewn gwirionedd, mae eich pwynt ynglŷn ag arferion da, a rhannu arferion da, wedi bod yn wirioneddol bwysig. Fel y soniais, cyfarfu is-bwyllgor y Cabinet eto ddydd Llun gyda Chymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru, Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru a TUC Cymru, ac wrth gwrs, rhannwyd arferion da yno, ond hefyd, o ran CLlLC, rwyf wedi cyfarfod ag arweinwyr ac maent hwythau wedi rhannu arferion da pan ydym wedi cyfarfod hefyd. Credaf fod hyn wedi dangos yr arbenigedd sydd wedi datblygu bellach ledled Cymru, a byddwn yn bwydo'n ôl yr hyn sy'n gweithio. Rwy'n credu bod datblygu'r cysylltiadau â mynediad at Wi-Fi, mynediad at gyngor hefyd—. Felly, mae'n fan lle mae pob cyswllt yn cyfrif, ar gyfer ymgyrch 'Hawliwch yr hyn sy’n ddyledus i chi' 'Yma i Helpu'—caiff popeth ei rannu, ond gyda gwirfoddolwyr wrth wraidd hyn.
2. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am drafodaethau Llywodraeth Cymru ynglŷn â chyflog ac amodau gweithwyr y Post Brenhinol yng Nghymru? OQ59003
2. Will the Minister provide an update on the Welsh Government's discussions regarding the pay and conditions of Royal Mail workers in Wales? OQ59003

Whilst Royal Mail remains a reserved matter, I have regular contact with both the Communications Workers Union and Royal Mail, given the significance of the service to both workers and communities across Wales. I last met with the CWU and Royal Mail, separately, on 11 and 16 January.
Er bod y Post Brenhinol yn fater a gedwir yn ôl, rwyf mewn cysylltiad rheolaidd ag Undeb y Gweithwyr Cyfathrebu a’r Post Brenhinol, o ystyried pwysigrwydd y gwasanaeth i weithwyr a chymunedau ledled Cymru. Cyfarfûm ddiwethaf ag Undeb y Gweithwyr Cyfathrebu a’r Post Brenhinol, ar wahân, ar 11 ac 16 Ionawr.
Okay. Thank you. Deputy Minister, I have been increasingly concerned about the misinformation being given by Royal Mail to MSs, MPs and the public. I've made it my mission to make sure that the truth is out there. I was pleased to talk to Darren Jones MP, who's the chair of the Westminster select committee, and was able to have that conversation with him prior to interviewing the chief executive officer of Royal Mail. And, similarly, it was good to jointly invite members of the Communication Workers Union to the Senedd, with Luke Fletcher. And 20 Members of the Senedd listened to what was actually really happening on the ground, including withholding sick pay from the workers.
Minister, do you agree with me that it's extremely concerning, what we're seeing, and the obvious attempts to water down the involvement of trade unions by private companies such as Royal Mail, and, also, in the public sector through UK Government legislation regarding tightening strikes et cetera, and that workers need to have their voices heard? This is so important, because such misinformation is given out to the public. So, thank you—I just wanted to get that across today.
Iawn. Diolch. Ddirprwy Weinidog, rwyf wedi bod yn gynyddol bryderus am y gamwybodaeth sy’n cael ei rhoi gan y Post Brenhinol i Aelodau o'r Senedd, Aelodau Seneddol a’r cyhoedd. Rwyf wedi'i gwneud yn genhadaeth i sicrhau bod pobl yn gwybod y gwir. Roeddwn yn falch o siarad â Darren Jones AS, cadeirydd pwyllgor dethol San Steffan, a chefais y sgwrs honno ag ef cyn iddo gyfweld â phrif weithredwr y Post Brenhinol. Ac yn yr un modd, braf oedd cael gwahodd aelodau o Undeb y Gweithwyr Cyfathrebu i’r Senedd, gyda Luke Fletcher. A gwrandawodd 20 Aelod o’r Senedd ar yr hyn a oedd yn digwydd ar lawr gwlad, gan gynnwys cadw tâl salwch yn ôl rhag y gweithwyr.
Weinidog, a ydych yn cytuno â mi fod yr hyn a welwn yn peri cryn bryder, ynghyd â'r ymdrechion amlwg i lastwreiddio cyfranogiad undebau llafur gan gwmnïau preifat fel y Post Brenhinol, a hefyd, yn y sector cyhoeddus drwy ddeddfwriaeth Llywodraeth y DU mewn perthynas â thynhau rheolau ar streiciau ac ati, a bod angen i leisiau gweithwyr gael eu clywed? Mae hyn mor bwysig, gan fod camwybodaeth o'r fath yn cael ei rhoi i'r cyhoedd. Felly, diolch—roeddwn yn awyddus i ddweud hynny heddiw.
Can I thank Carolyn Thomas for her question? I know this is an area that the Member's very committed to and passionate about, not least because of her own background as well. And it is good to have people here with lived experience, especially when something is in the headlines in the way she describes it in her question.
I absolutely agree with Carolyn Thomas. We completely oppose the UK Government's latest assault on workers and trade unions, who are the legitimate voice of workers in the workplace, whether that be public or private sector. On the minimum service levels Bill, the way to resolve industrial disputes is to get round the table and find a negotiated solution. And that isn't always easy; it's sometimes protracted, but that's the right way to do it, through meaningful negotiation, to seek a solution that not only sustains the service, but supports the workforce who are essential to providing that service. And that new legislation is the complete opposite way to go in terms of actually how we reach solutions to the current challenges that we face.
It will be no surprise to anybody here that I absolutely agree with the Member with regard to how vital it is that workers have the opportunity and choice to be represented collectively in the work environment, which enables them to be heard. It not only brings about benefits in terms of workers' pay and terms and conditions, but we know that the people that provide those services, whether that be companies such as Royal Mail, or within the public sector too, have ideas in terms of actually how you can improve that service. And, actually, by supporting your workers, and engaging a better workforce, it actually brings benefits for the employer as well, and it helps them with any challenges or issues at an early stage.
When I met with both CWU and Royal Mail, one thing that struck me with the CWU meeting is, actually, there were some positive proposals there of actually recognising the challenges Royal Mail faces as a company, because the way we live has changed, and the way people send fewer letters but more parcels. But, actually, on the recognition, as we've said in this place before, of the role that posties play in our communities, there is a way to actually build on that in a positive way, rather than drive it down. And I'm very much looking to work with CWU and Royal Mail in terms of how we can support that, not only to support the workforce, but to support services, and the universal service obligation that is so important to us here in Wales.
A gaf fi ddiolch i Carolyn Thomas am ei chwestiwn? Gwn fod hwn yn faes y mae’r Aelod yn ymrwymedig iawn iddo ac yn angerddol yn ei gylch, yn anad dim oherwydd ei chefndir ei hun. Ac mae'n dda cael pobl â phrofiad o'r materion yma, yn enwedig pan fo rhywbeth yn y penawdau yn y ffordd y mae'n ei ddisgrifio yn ei chwestiwn.
Cytunaf yn llwyr â Carolyn Thomas. Rydym yn llwyr wrthwynebu ymosodiad diweddaraf Llywodraeth y DU ar weithwyr ac undebau llafur, sef llais cyfreithlon gweithwyr yn y gweithle, boed yn y sector cyhoeddus neu'r sector preifat. O ran y Bil lefelau gwasanaeth lleiaf, y ffordd i ddatrys anghydfodau diwydiannol yw dod ynghyd o gwmpas y bwrdd i gytuno ar ateb. Ac nid yw hynny bob amser yn hawdd; gall gymryd amser weithiau, ond dyna’r ffordd iawn o wneud hyn, drwy negodi ystyrlon, i gytuno ar ateb sydd nid yn unig yn cynnal y gwasanaeth, ond yn cefnogi’r gweithlu sy’n hanfodol i ddarparu’r gwasanaeth hwnnw. Ac mae'r ddeddfwriaeth newydd honno'n mynd yn gwbl groes i'r ffordd y cytunwn ar atebion i'r heriau presennol sy'n ein hwynebu.
Ni fydd yn syndod i unrhyw un yma fy mod yn cytuno’n llwyr â’r Aelod ei bod yn hanfodol i weithwyr gael y cyfle a'r dewis i gael eu cynrychioli gyda'i gilydd yn yr amgylchedd gwaith, sy’n eu galluogi i gael eu clywed. Nid yn unig fod hynny'n arwain at fuddion i gyflogau a thelerau ac amodau gweithwyr, ond gwyddom fod gan y bobl sy’n darparu’r gwasanaethau hynny, boed yn gwmnïau fel y Post Brenhinol, neu yn y sector cyhoeddus hefyd, syniadau ynglŷn â sut y gallech wella’r gwasanaeth hwnnw. Ac mewn gwirionedd, mae cefnogi eich gweithwyr, a chreu gweithlu gwell yn creu buddion i'r cyflogwr hefyd, ac mae'n eu helpu gydag unrhyw heriau neu faterion ar gam buan.
Pan gyfarfûm ag Undeb y Gweithwyr Cyfathrebu a chyda'r Post Brenhinol, un peth a sylwais yn y cyfarfod ag Undeb y Gweithwyr Cyfathrebu oedd bod ganddynt gynigion cadarnhaol yn ymwneud â chydnabod yr heriau y mae'r Post Brenhinol yn eu hwynebu fel cwmni, gan fod y ffordd rydym yn byw ein bywydau wedi newid, a'r ffordd y mae pobl yn anfon llai o lythyrau ond mwy o barseli. Ond hefyd, fel rydym wedi'i ddweud o'r blaen yn y lle hwn, ar gydnabod y rôl y mae gweithwyr post yn ei chwarae yn ein cymunedau, mae ffordd o adeiladu ar hynny mewn ffordd gadarnhaol yn hytrach na'i diraddio. Ac rwy'n awyddus iawn i weithio gydag Undeb y Gweithwyr Cyfathrebu a'r Post Brenhinol ar sut y gallwn gefnogi hynny, nid yn unig er mwyn cefnogi'r gweithlu, ond er mwyn cefnogi gwasanaethau, a'r rhwymedigaeth gwasanaeth cyffredinol sydd mor bwysig i ni yma yng Nghymru.
Deputy Minister, as you know, the Royal Mail strikes over the Christmas period not only had a financial impact on Royal Mail, but caused profound reputational damage as well. I think we all here agree that it is an individual's right to take industrial action, but we need to be aware that these strikes have had far-reaching consequences that are just not limited to Royal Mail. Small and medium-sized businesses, who make up 99.4 per cent of Welsh businesses and 62 per cent of employment in Wales, rely heavily on seasonal trade and, having struggled to deliver in time for Christmas, have consequently experienced considerable loss in orders, with customers either having cancelled their orders or not bothered ordering at all. Now, whilst I have no doubt that many here are sympathetic to the strikers' cause, they have to be aware that many businesses who are already dealing with the impact of COVID and energy prices have not survived due to these strikes.
Also, Deputy Minister, unlike several years ago, when there were few alternatives, there are now many other companies who can compete for services that Royal Mail offers. And we have seen large companies like Currys switching their extremely large and lucrative contracts to other providers, which undoubtedly is going to provide additional financial strain on Royal Mail long term. As the Deputy Minister will know, Royal Mail has now announced plans to cut 10,000 roles by the end of August 2023 due to the strikes, and the mounting loss is expected to be around £350 million. What discussions have you had with Royal Mail—[Interruption.]—to limit job losses in Wales? Thank you.
Ddirprwy Weinidog, fel y gwyddoch, mae streiciau’r Post Brenhinol dros gyfnod y Nadolig nid yn unig wedi cael effaith ariannol ar y Post Brenhinol, ond wrth gwrs, wedi achosi niwed difrifol i'w henw da hefyd. Credaf fod pob un ohonom yma'n cytuno bod gan bob unigolyn hawl i gymryd camau gweithredu diwydiannol, ond mae angen inni fod yn ymwybodol fod y streiciau hyn wedi arwain at ganlyniadau pellgyrhaeddol nad ydynt yn gyfyngedig i’r Post Brenhinol yn unig. Mae busnesau bach a chanolig eu maint, fel 99.4 y cant o fusnesau Cymru a 62 y cant o gyflogaeth yng Nghymru, yn dibynnu’n helaeth ar fasnach dymhorol, ac o ganlyniad i fethu ag anfon nwyddau mewn pryd ar gyfer y Nadolig, wedi colli nifer sylweddol o archebion, gyda chwsmeriaid naill ai'n canslo eu harchebion neu ddim yn trafferthu archebu o gwbl. Nawr, er nad oes gennyf unrhyw amheuaeth fod llawer ohonom yn cydymdeimlo â sefyllfa'r streicwyr, mae'n rhaid iddynt fod yn ymwybodol fod llawer o fusnesau, sydd eisoes yn ymdopi ag effaith COVID a phrisiau ynni, wedi mynd i'r wal oherwydd y streiciau hyn.
Hefyd, Ddirprwy Weinidog, yn wahanol i ychydig flynyddoedd yn ôl, pan nad oedd llawer o ddewisiadau eraill i'w cael, ceir llawer o gwmnïau eraill bellach a all gystadlu am wasanaethau y mae’r Post Brenhinol yn eu cynnig. Ac rydym wedi gweld cwmnïau mawr fel Currys yn newid eu contractau hynod fawr a phroffidiol i ddarparwyr eraill, sydd, heb os, yn mynd i roi straen ychwanegol ar y Post Brenhinol yn y tymor hir. Fel y bydd y Dirprwy Weinidog yn gwybod, mae’r Post Brenhinol bellach wedi cyhoeddi cynlluniau i dorri 10,000 o swyddi erbyn diwedd mis Awst 2023 oherwydd y streiciau, a disgwylir i’r golled gynyddol fod oddeutu £350 miliwn. Pa drafodaethau a gawsoch gyda’r Post Brenhinol—[Torri ar draws.]—i sicrhau bod cyn lleied â phosibl o swyddi'n cael eu colli yng Nghymru? Diolch.
Diolch. Can I thank Mike Hedges for helping answer my question there in advance? I will say at the outset that I welcome Joel James putting on the record that he recognises that it's a person's right to take industrial action, and the decision to take industrial action is one that is never taken lightly by any worker or trade union. Here, we support the right of all workers to take industrial action, and it is always the last resort.
As I said previously, we know the best way to respond is to work in social partnership with employers and trade unions to find a negotiated solution. That isn't easy; it can be difficult, it can be protracted. But, it's the right thing to do. In my meetings with both CWU and Royal Mail, they have confirmed they are back in talks. Although I'm unable to comment on that, as it's not my place to do so today, we hope we can seek a solution. We know that Royal Mail faces many challenges, but the way to work through those challenges is to involve your workforce and support them to support our communities in Wales.
Diolch. A gaf fi ddiolch i Mike Hedges am fy helpu i ateb fy nghwestiwn yno ymlaen llaw? Fe ddywedaf ar y cychwyn fy mod yn croesawu'r ffaith bod Joel James wedi nodi ei fod yn cydnabod bod gan bob unigolyn hawl i weithredu'n ddiwydiannol, a bod y penderfyniad i weithredu'n ddiwydiannol yn un nad yw byth yn cael ei wneud yn ddifeddwl gan unrhyw weithiwr neu undeb llafur. Yma, rydym yn cefnogi hawl pob gweithiwr i weithredu'n ddiwydiannol, a dyna yw'r dewis olaf bob amser.
Fel rwyf eisoes wedi'i ddweud, gwyddom mai’r ffordd orau o ymateb yw gweithio mewn partneriaeth gymdeithasol â chyflogwyr ac undebau llafur i negodi ateb. Nid yw hynny'n hawdd; gall fod yn anodd, gall gymryd amser, ond dyna'r peth iawn i'w wneud. Yn fy nghyfarfodydd ag Undeb y Gweithwyr Cyfathrebu a chyda'r Post Brenhinol, maent wedi cadarnhau eu bod yn ôl mewn trafodaethau. Er na allaf wneud sylw ar hynny, gan nad fy lle i yw gwneud hynny heddiw, gobeithiwn y gallwn gytuno ar ateb. Gwyddom fod y Post Brenhinol yn wynebu llawer o heriau, ond y ffordd o weithio drwy’r heriau hynny yw cynnwys eich gweithlu a’u cefnogi hwy i gefnogi ein cymunedau yng Nghymru.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Altaf Hussain.
Questions now from party spokespeople. The Conservative spokesperson, Altaf Hussain.
Thank you very much, Presiding Officer. Minister, on Monday, allegations about rampant sexism and misogyny at the WRU resurfaced. We watched as harrowing tales unfolded of women who had contemplated suicide as a result of sexist bullying. All the while, senior management failed to take any action at all. In the programme, Charlotte Wathan, who was hired by the WRU to help transform women’s rugby, described hearing a man she worked with say he wanted to rape her in his hotel room in front of other members of staff in the office, including a senior manager. The WRU did eventually investigate but failed to speak to key witnesses, including the alleged perpetrator. Minister, while I accept that dealing with the issues raised in the BBC programme is a matter for the WRU, we have to make it clear that such behaviour has no place in today’s Wales. Will you, as the Minister for equality, be meeting with the WRU to underline the fact that sexism and misogyny are not to be tolerated in any workplace, especially in such a high-profile one like the WRU?
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Lywydd. Weinidog, ddydd Llun, clywsom honiadau unwaith eto fod casineb at fenywod a rhywiaeth yn rhemp yn Undeb Rygbi Cymru. Clywsom straeon torcalonnus am fenywod a oedd wedi ystyried hunanladdiad o ganlyniad i fwlio rhywiaethol. A thrwy'r adeg, ni chymerodd yr uwch-reolwyr unrhyw gamau o gwbl. Yn y rhaglen, dywedodd Charlotte Wathan, a gafodd ei chyflogi gan Undeb Rygbi Cymru i helpu i drawsnewid rygbi menywod, iddi glywed dyn y gweithiai gydag ef yn dweud ei fod eisiau ei threisio yn ei ystafell westy o flaen aelodau eraill o staff yn y swyddfa, gan gynnwys uwch-reolwr. Fe wnaeth Undeb Rygbi Cymru ymchwilio yn y pen draw, ond ni wnaethant siarad â thystion allweddol, gan gynnwys y cyflawnwr honedig. Weinidog, er fy mod yn derbyn mai mater i Undeb Rygbi Cymru yw ymdrin â’r materion a godwyd yn rhaglen y BBC, mae'n rhaid inni ddatgan yn glir nad oes unrhyw le i ymddygiad o’r fath yng Nghymru heddiw. A fyddwch chi, fel y Gweinidog cydraddoldeb, yn cyfarfod ag Undeb Rygbi Cymru i danlinellu’r ffaith na ddylid goddef rhywiaeth a chasineb at fenywod mewn unrhyw weithle, yn enwedig rhywle mor uchel ei broffil ag Undeb Rygbi Cymru?
Diolch yn fawr, Altaf Hussain. Thank you so much for making that strong statement this afternoon. I also watched the programme, as many did, I'm sure, across this Chamber. The details in those testimonies were absolutely devastating. I was just thinking again of the impact on those and the courage of the women who came forward—such courage to take after experiencing the harassment, the bullying, the abuse. But, I have to say, what came over was serious, I would say, institutional misogyny and sexism, which obviously imbued the organisation.
This is something that, of course, the Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport is engaging with. We fed back yesterday that she'd already met with WRU on the immediate actions it must take. But, I want to say, as Minister for Social Justice, that it is clear from our perspective, from our violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence strategy, women and girls have the right to be safe in all aspects of their lives. We are now extending our strategy to tackle abuse in the workplace and to challenge damaging behaviour and attitudes head on so that all women and girls in Wales can live fear free.
Diolch yn fawr, Altaf Hussain. Diolch yn fawr iawn am wneud y datganiad cryf hwnnw y prynhawn yma. Gwyliais innau'r rhaglen, fel llawer ar draws y Siambr hon, rwy’n siŵr. Roedd y manylion yn y tystiolaethau hynny'n gwbl erchyll. Roeddwn yn meddwl eto am yr effaith ar y bobl hynny a dewrder y menywod a roddodd dystiolaeth—y fath ddewrder ar ôl dioddef yr aflonyddu, y bwlio, y cam-drin. Ond mae'n rhaid imi ddweud ei bod yn amlwg, yn fy marn i, fod casineb at fenywod a rhywiaeth sefydliadol yn drwch yn y sefydliad.
Mae hwn yn fater y mae Dirprwy Weinidog y Celfyddydau a Chwaraeon yn ymwneud ag ef wrth gwrs. Fe ddywedasom ddoe ei bod eisoes wedi cyfarfod ag Undeb Rygbi Cymru i drafod y camau gweithredu y mae'n rhaid iddynt eu cymryd ar unwaith. Ond hoffwn ddweud, fel y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol, ei bod yn amlwg o'n safbwynt ni, o’n strategaeth trais yn erbyn menywod, cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol, fod gan fenywod a merched hawl i fod yn ddiogel ym mhob agwedd ar eu bywydau. Rydym bellach yn ehangu ein strategaeth i fynd i’r afael â cham-drin yn y gweithle ac i herio ymddygiad ac agweddau niweidiol yn uniongyrchol fel y gall pob menyw a merch yng Nghymru fyw heb ofn.
Thank you for that response, Minister. If only the WRU could be more like the FAW, who are to be congratulated for bringing in equal pay for male and female footballers. Of course, it behoves all of us to tackle misogyny head on. Chwarae Teg recently launched a petition aimed at making public spaces safer for women after the UN Women national committee UK found that 71 per cent of women in the UK have experienced sexual harassment in public places. Minister, what actions are the Welsh Government taking to ensure all our public spaces are safe for women and girls?
Diolch am eich ymateb, Weinidog. Pe bai Undeb Rygbi Cymru ond yn gallu bod yn debycach i Gymdeithas Bêl-droed Cymru, sy'n haeddu cael eu llongyfarch am gyflwyno cyflogau cyfartal i bêl-droedwyr gwrywaidd a benywaidd. Wrth gwrs, mae'n rhaid i bob un ohonom fynd i'r afael â chasineb at fenywod yn uniongyrchol. Yn ddiweddar, lansiodd Chwarae Teg ddeiseb gyda’r nod o wneud mannau cyhoeddus yn fwy diogel i fenywod ar ôl i bwyllgor cenedlaethol UN Women ar gyfer y DU nodi bod 71 y cant o fenywod yn y DU wedi dioddef aflonyddu rhywiol mewn mannau cyhoeddus. Weinidog, pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i sicrhau bod ein holl fannau cyhoeddus yn ddiogel i fenywod a merched?
Thank you, again, for those very strong statements in support of our violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence strategy, which, as I said, is now tackling the root cause of the violence, misogyny and sexism that women are facing. This is a societal problem that needs societal responses. It requires all of us, including all with any power, to be challenged in terms of their behaviours.
I do welcome, of course, the good news that we've got equal pay for our female footballers, which is fantastic. We congratulate the Football Association of Wales for showing the way forward. I think one of the saddest things in watching that programme as well was the fact that those women rugby players are wonderful women in sport, and they haven't been given the chance and the support that they need. But, again, in terms of every aspect of life, I think this is a really strong and, I'm sure, cross-party backing for our strategy. We must continually raise this in terms of the cultural change that we need in all our institutions, which has been reflected here in those comments today.
Diolch unwaith eto am eich datganiadau cryf iawn o blaid ein strategaeth trais yn erbyn menywod, cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol, sydd, fel y dywedais, bellach yn mynd i’r afael ag achos sylfaenol y trais, y casineb a’r rhywiaeth y mae menywod yn eu hwynebu. Mae hon yn broblem gymdeithasol sy'n galw am ymatebion cymdeithasol. Golyga fod angen i bob un ohonom, gan gynnwys pawb ag unrhyw bŵer, gael ein hymddygiad ein hunain wedi'i herio.
Wrth gwrs, rwy'n croesawu'r newyddion da fod gennym gyflogau cyfartal i'n pêl-droedwyr benywaidd, sy'n wych. Rydym yn llongyfarch Cymdeithas Bêl-droed Cymru am arwain y ffordd. Rwy'n credu mai un o’r pethau tristaf wrth wylio’r rhaglen honno hefyd oedd y ffaith bod y chwaraewyr rygbi benywaidd hynny'n fenywod gwych ym myd chwaraeon, ac nid ydynt wedi cael y cyfle a’r gefnogaeth sydd eu hangen arnynt. Ond unwaith eto, ym mhob agwedd ar fywyd, credaf fod cefnogaeth gref iawn, a thrawsbleidiol, rwy'n siŵr, i'n strategaeth. Mae'n rhaid inni barhau i godi hyn mewn perthynas â'r newid diwylliannol sydd ei angen arnom yn ein holl sefydliadau, sydd wedi’i adlewyrchu yma yn y sylwadau hyn heddiw.
Thank you, Minister. It's not just in public spaces that women do not feel safe. Even in the House of Commons Chamber, women face vile misogyny. Labour MP Rosie Duffield, during a recent speech on the Scottish gender reform Bill, was subject to vile abuse from fellow Labour MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle, who later went on to abuse every woman who raised concerns about the Bill. His actions should have been condemned, yet the Labour Party leadership doubled down, briefing against Rosie Duffield to the press, with Keir Starmer's head of comms saying that she should spend more time in her constituency and less time with J.K. Rowling. This had led Rosie to conclude that Labour has a women problem. Minister, is your Westminster colleague right? Is your party stonewalling women and allowing rampant sexism to blossom? Thank you.
Diolch, Weinidog. Nid mannau cyhoeddus yw'r unig leoedd lle nad yw menywod yn teimlo'n ddiogel. Hyd yn oed yn Siambr Tŷ’r Cyffredin, mae menywod yn wynebu casineb ffiaidd at fenywod. Yn ystod araith ddiweddar ar Fil diwygio cydnabod rhywedd yr Alban, cafodd yr AS Llafur, Rosie Duffield, ei cham-drin yn ffiaidd gan ei chyd-AS Llafur, Lloyd Russell-Moyle, a aeth yn ei flaen wedyn i gam-drin pob menyw a fynegodd bryderon am y Bil. Dylai ei ymddygiad fod wedi'i gondemnio, ond serch hynny, glynodd arweinyddiaeth y Blaid Lafur wrth eu safbwynt, gan wneud briff i'r wasg yn erbyn Rosie Duffield, gyda phennaeth cyfathrebu Keir Starmer yn dweud y dylai dreulio mwy o amser yn ei hetholaeth a llai o amser gyda J.K. Rowling. Gwnaeth hyn i Rosie ddod i’r casgliad fod gan Lafur broblem gyda menywod. Weinidog, a yw eich cyd-bleidiwr yn San Steffan yn iawn? A yw eich plaid yn anwybyddu menywod ac yn caniatáu i rywiaeth fynd yn rhemp? Diolch.
I'm very sad that we have got to finish what were very powerful and strong questions with that very unfortunate tone. I'm very proud of the stance that we're taking. The fact is that we've got an LGBTQ+ plan actually being presented in this Chamber. I hope that will receive the support of the whole Chamber in terms of LGBTQ+ rights and the strong actions that we're taking. I call on you, the Welsh Conservatives, to say that you will be backing what we in the Welsh Government, with our partners in the co-operation agreement, are taking forward. Of course, we need to treat each other as politicians with tolerance and respect. And that applies to all parties, I have to say—your party as well, Altaf. But let's just now look forward to a positive reception to what I think is going to be a really pioneering plan that will be a plan that will be recognised across the world in terms of its respect for LGBTQ+ people in Wales.
Rwy'n drist iawn fod yn rhaid inni orffen sesiwn gwestiynau bwerus a chryf iawn yn y cywair hwnnw. Rwy'n falch iawn o'n safbwynt. Y gwir amdani yw bod gennym gynllun LHDTC+ yn cael ei gyflwyno yn y Siambr hon. Rwy'n gobeithio y caiff gefnogaeth y Siambr gyfan o ran hawliau LHDTC+ a'r camau gweithredu cryf rydym yn eu cymryd. Galwaf arnoch chi, y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, i ddweud y byddwch chi'n cefnogi’r hyn rydym ni yn Llywodraeth Cymru, gyda’n partneriaid yn y cytundeb cydweithio, yn ei gyflwyno. Wrth gwrs, mae angen inni drin ein gilydd fel gwleidyddion gyda goddefgarwch a pharch. Ac mae hynny'n berthnasol i bob plaid, mae'n rhaid imi ddweud—eich plaid chithau hefyd, Altaf. Ond gadewch inni edrych ymlaen yn awr at dderbyniad cadarnhaol i’r hyn a fydd, rwy'n credu, yn gynllun gwirioneddol arloesol, ac yn gynllun a fydd yn cael ei gydnabod ledled y byd oherwydd ei barch at bobl LHDTC+ yng Nghymru.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Sioned Williams.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Sioned Williams.
Diolch, Llywydd. Weinidog, rŷch chi siŵr o fod wedi gweld yr ystadegau pryderus ynglŷn â thlodi dwfn yng Nghymru a gyhoeddwyd gan Sefydliad Bevan y bore yma. Mae'r dystiolaeth yna o aelwydydd yn cael trafferth enbyd i fforddio hanfodion bywyd—bwyd, cysgod, gwres—a hynny yn sgil incwm isel iawn neu dim incwm o gwbl, neu am fod dyled yn llyncu cyfran fawr o'u hincwm. Mae costau ynni, wrth gwrs, yn cyfrannu'n fawr i'r dyledion yma, ac mae National Energy Action wedi cynnig darlun o'r diffyg cynnydd tuag at gyflawni targedau tlodi tanwydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu hadroddiad monitro tlodi tanwydd diweddaraf. Y targed oedd 5 y cant o aelwydydd Cymru ar y mwyaf yn byw mewn tlodi tanwydd erbyn 2035; 45 y cant o aelwydydd ar hyn o bryd sy'n byw mewn tlodi tanwydd yng Nghymru.
Yn ein sesiwn graffu ar eich cyllideb ddrafft, fe sonioch chi wrth y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol yr wythnos diwethaf, wrth egluro pam nad ydych yn parhau i gyllido cynllun cymorth tanwydd Cymru, eich bod yn buddsoddi yn y gronfa cymorth dewisol ac y bydd hyn yn helpu'r rhai fydd yn canfod eu hunain mewn tlodi tanwydd—rhywbeth i'w groesawu. Oes modd i chi felly roi mwy o wybodaeth inni, Weinidog, am sut mae effaith y gronfa hon, y gronfa cymorth dewisol, wedi cael ei fesur, ac yn cael ei fesur a'i werthuso, yn erbyn mesurau o dlodi, a thlodi tanwydd yn enwedig?
Thank you, Llywydd. Minister, I'm sure you will have seen the concerning statistics on deep poverty in Wales published by the Bevan Foundation this morning. The evidence is there of households having grave difficulty in affording the necessities in life—food, shelter, heat—because of very low income or no income at all, or because debt takes up a large proportion of their income. Energy costs, of course, contribute greatly to these debts, and National Energy Action has offered a picture of the lack of progress towards achieving the Welsh Government's fuel poverty targets in its recent monitoring report. The target was 5 per cent of Welsh households at most living in fuel poverty by 2035; there are now 45 per cent living in fuel poverty in Wales.
In our scrutiny session on your draft budget, you told the Equality and Social Justice Committee last week, when explaining why you are not continuing to fund the Wales fuel support scheme, that you are investing in the discretionary assistance fund and this will help those who find themselves in fuel poverty—and that's to be welcomed. So, can you therefore provide us with more information how the impact of this fund has been measured and will be evaluated against measures of poverty, and fuel poverty particularly?
Diolch yn fawr. That's a really important question in terms of the ways in which we have been seeking as a Welsh Government to tackle the cost-of-living crisis and, indeed, particularly the impact on fuel poverty. As I said in my response to questions and scrutiny in terms of the draft budget, unfortunately, we did not get the funding from the UK Government that would enable us to move forward on many of the important schemes that we've been developing and, indeed, delivering—£1.6 billion this year in terms of tackling the cost-of-living crisis.
I think the important question you ask is about the impact of our winter fuel support scheme. I'm pleased to say that, as of today, there's 72 per cent take-up of the £200. We widened the eligibility in line with many of the requests across this Chamber, following up the successful first phase of that winter fuel support scheme, and, indeed, the committee's engagement in that—the Equality and Social Justice Committee's engagement—as well. And certainly we'll be able to report back on the further outcomes. It's very much dependant on local authorities. We've identified that when authorities can automate and passport the benefits like our winter fuel support scheme, then it reaches the people who need it most. But there is a chance over the next few weeks; please, across this Chamber, urge your constituents to take up that £200 from the winter fuel support scheme.
And also—and this is very crucial as well—there are those on prepayment meters. Again, on Monday, I met with energy suppliers, and it is quite clear—and it was clear in the press over the weekend—that people are not getting the voucher. We know that households have got that £400, but people on prepayment meters haven't all got that £400. I held them to account on Monday: 'Why haven't you got those vouchers out?' It is their responsibility. But I will be, obviously, reporting back and monitoring the impact of our winter fuel support scheme, our partnership with the Fuel Bank Foundation, and also recognising that the way forward that we're taking is to ensure that people take up all the benefits that they're entitled to.
Diolch yn fawr. Mae hwnnw'n gwestiwn gwirioneddol bwysig am y ffyrdd rydym wedi bod yn ceisio mynd i'r afael, fel Llywodraeth Cymru, â'r argyfwng costau byw, ac yn wir, yr effaith ar dlodi tanwydd yn enwedig. Fel y dywedais yn fy ymateb i gwestiynau a chraffu ar y gyllideb ddrafft, yn anffodus, ni chawsom y cyllid gan Lywodraeth y DU a fyddai’n ein galluogi i fwrw ymlaen â llawer o’r cynlluniau pwysig y buom yn eu datblygu, ac yn wir, yn eu cyflawni—£1.6 biliwn eleni i fynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng costau byw.
Credaf fod y cwestiwn pwysig rydych yn ei ofyn yn ymwneud ag effaith cynllun cymorth tanwydd y gaeaf. Rwy'n falch o ddweud, hyd heddiw, fod 72 y cant wedi manteisio ar y £200. Ehangwyd y cymhwysedd gennym yn unol â nifer o geisiadau ar draws y Siambr hon, yn dilyn cam cyntaf llwyddiannus cynllun cymorth tanwydd y gaeaf, ac yn wir, y rhan a chwaraeodd y pwyllgor yn hynny—y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol—hefyd. Ac yn sicr, byddwn yn gallu adrodd ar y canlyniadau pellach. Mae’n ddibynnol iawn ar awdurdodau lleol. Rydym wedi nodi, pan fydd awdurdodau'n gallu awtomeiddio a phasio buddion ymlaen, fel cynllun cymorth tanwydd y gaeaf, maent yn cyrraedd y bobl sydd angen y cymorth fwyaf. Ond mae cyfle i'w gael dros yr wythnosau nesaf; os gwelwch yn dda, ar draws y Siambr hon, anogwch eich etholwyr i fanteisio ar y £200 o gynllun cymorth tanwydd y gaeaf.
A hefyd—ac mae hyn yn allweddol iawn hefyd—mae mater y bobl sydd ar fesuryddion rhagdalu. Unwaith eto, ddydd Llun, cyfarfûm â chyflenwyr ynni, ac mae'n eithaf amlwg—ac roedd yn amlwg yn y wasg dros y penwythnos—nad yw pobl yn cael y daleb. Gwyddom fod aelwydydd wedi cael y £400, ond nid yw pawb ar fesuryddion rhagdalu wedi cael y £400. Fe wneuthum eu dwyn i gyfrif ddydd Llun: 'Pam nad ydych wedi darparu'r talebau hynny?' Eu cyfrifoldeb hwy yw gwneud hynny. Ond yn amlwg, byddaf yn adrodd yn ôl ac yn monitro effaith cynllun cymorth tanwydd y gaeaf, ein partneriaeth â'r Sefydliad Banc Tanwydd, a hefyd yn cydnabod mai ein dull gweithredu yw sicrhau bod pobl yn manteisio ar yr holl fudd-daliadau y mae ganddynt hawl iddynt.
Diolch, Weinidog. Rôn i'n gofyn yn benodol am y gronfa cymorth dewisol, ond efallai gallwn ni fynd nôl at hynny ar adeg arall.
Mae gen i gwestiwn am fesuryddion talu o flaen llaw, a'r pryder yma bod pobl yn cael eu gorfodi arnyn nhw yn groes i'w hewyllys, hyd yn oed pan nad yw'n ddiogel iddynt fod ar un, yn groes i ddyletswydd y cyflenwyr i wirio ac ystyried hynny. Dwi'n falch bod cymaint ohonom ni wedi cefnogi cynnig Jack Sargeant sy'n gofyn cwestiynau ynglŷn â'r mater yma.
Rŷn ni'n cofio bod Cyngor ar Bopeth wedi gweld mwy o bobl yn dod atyn nhw yn dweud eu bod nhw'n methu â fforddio topio eu mesuryddion lan dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf nag a wnaethon nhw yn y 10 mlynedd diwethaf. Mae hyn yn amlwg yn fater o frys o ran mynd i'r afael ag ef. Felly, sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn annog landlordiaid cymdeithasol i alluogi eu tenantiaid i dalu am eu hynni drwy ddulliau amgen, os ydynt am wneud hynny? Mae Llywodraeth San Steffan dros y Sul wedi annog cyflenwyr i beidio â gorfodi cwsmeriaid i dalu o flaen llaw am eu hynni, ond nid gwaharddiad mo hynny. Ydy Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gwneud unrhyw ymdrechion i geisio'r grymoedd y byddai eu hangen i wahardd neu gyfyngu gorfodi mesuryddion ar gwsmeriaid yng Nghymru?
Thank you, Minister. I was asking particularly about the discretionary assistance fund, but perhaps we could return to that at another time.
I do have a question on prepayment meters and this concern that people are being forced onto them against their will, even when it's not safe for them to be on such a meter, which is contrary to the duty of the supplier to check that. I'm pleased that so many of us have supported Jack Sargeant's proposal, which poses some questions on this very issue.
We know that Citizens Advice have seen more people coming to them saying that they can't afford to top up their meters in past 12 months than in the past 10 years. This is clearly an urgent issue that needs to be addressed. So, how does the Welsh Government encourage social landlords to enable their tenants to pay for their energy through alternative methods, if they want to do that? The Westminster Government over the weekend has encouraged suppliers not to force customers to prepay for their energy, but that's not a prohibition. Has the Welsh Government made any effort to seek the powers necessary to ban or limit the use of meters in Wales?
I thank you for that question, and I would also like to recognise and congratulate Jack Sargeant. Jack Sargeant has called over the past few weeks consistently for a ban on the forced installation of prepayment meters, and it is also a ban that I have endorsed and also raised with UK Ministers.
I have met with energy providers. As I just said, I met with them again on Monday, and the first thing I said is how appalled we are about, of course, the revelations about the ways in which court warrants are being used—I know there's a topical question about this—to force people to install prepayment meters without any permission from the customer. I said to them again that we cannot accept that this is the right practice. These are the most vulnerable people, in terms of prepayment meters. I've already mentioned that there's a low uptake of prepayment vouchers for traditional prepayment households—a 72 per cent redemption figure recently quoted by Ofgem. But, I also raised with them the importance that we should now move towards a social tariff, which, of course, would mean that we would address some of the issues relating to the most vulnerable customers.
Again, I've mentioned the fact that we've got our partnership with the Fuel Bank Foundation. Already, we've got about 70 partners signing up with them. I recall the question, Sioned Williams, about, perhaps, not all foodbanks knowing about it. We have spread that word. I've met again, actually, just this morning, with the End Child Poverty Network, the Trussell Trust, Children in Wales and Child Poverty Action Group—all of the organisations working with us on our tackling child poverty strategy—to make sure that people do take up our Fuel Bank Foundation prepayment vouchers. But, yes, we need to look, and I continuously look, to what we can do with our powers to actually work with and support the most vulnerable, the poorest.
I'll just finally say what I said on Monday to the energy providers: 'Stop making these standing charges'. This is absolutely critical. One told me that they didn't make the standing charges. They should all be in that position, and I'd be grateful if we could have support on that across the Chamber. Standing charges are being made even if people actually are not able to access energy as a result of a lack of money or vouchers to feed the meters.
Diolch am eich cwestiwn, a hoffwn hefyd gydnabod a llongyfarch Jack Sargeant. Mae Jack Sargeant wedi galw'n gyson dros yr ychydig wythnosau diwethaf am waharddiad ar osod mesuryddion rhagdalu gorfodol, ac mae hefyd yn waharddiad rwyf wedi’i gymeradwyo a’i godi gyda Gweinidogion y DU hefyd.
Rwyf wedi cyfarfod â darparwyr ynni. Fel rwyf newydd ei ddweud, cyfarfûm â hwy eto ddydd Llun, a'r peth cyntaf a ddywedais yw pa mor siomedig yr ydym, wrth gwrs, gyda'r hyn sydd wedi dod i'r amlwg ynglŷn â'r ffyrdd y caiff gwarantau llys eu defnyddio—gwn fod cwestiwn amserol ar hyn—i orfodi pobl i osod mesuryddion rhagdalu heb unrhyw ganiatâd gan y cwsmer. Dywedais wrthynt eto na allwn dderbyn mai dyma’r arfer cywir. Dyma’r bobl fwyaf agored i niwed, o ran mesuryddion rhagdalu. Rwyf eisoes wedi sôn mai nifer isel o aelwydydd rhagdalu traddodiadol sy'n manteisio ar dalebau rhagdalu—dyfynnwyd ffigur adbrynu o 72 y cant gan Ofgem yn ddiweddar. Ond codais gyda hwy hefyd ei bod yn bwysig inni symud yn awr tuag at dariff cymdeithasol, a fyddai, wrth gwrs, yn golygu y byddem yn mynd i’r afael â rhai o’r problemau mewn perthynas â’r cwsmeriaid mwyaf agored i niwed.
Unwaith eto, nodais fod gennym ein partneriaeth â'r Sefydliad Banc Tanwydd. Mae gennym eisoes oddeutu 70 o bartneriaid wedi cytuno i weithio gyda hwy. Rwy’n cofio’r cwestiwn, Sioned Williams, ynglŷn â'r posibilrwydd nad yw pob banc bwyd yn gwybod amdano. Rydym wedi lledaenu’r neges honno. Cyfarfûm eto y bore yma, a dweud y gwir, gyda'r Rhwydwaith Dileu Tlodi Plant, Ymddiriedolaeth Trussell, Plant yng Nghymru a'r Grŵp Gweithredu ar Dlodi Plant—pob un ohonynt yn sefydliadau sy'n gweithio gyda ni ar ein strategaeth i fynd i'r afael â thlodi plant—i sicrhau bod pobl yn manteisio ar dalebau rhagdalu'r Sefydliad Banc Tanwydd. Ond oes, mae angen inni ystyried, ac rwy'n ystyried yn barhaus, yr hyn y gallwn ei wneud gyda'n pwerau i gefnogi a gweithio gyda'r bobl fwyaf agored i niwed, y bobl dlotaf.
Yn olaf, rwy'n dweud yr hyn a ddywedais ddydd Llun wrth y darparwyr ynni: 'Rhowch y gorau i godi'r taliadau sefydlog hyn'. Mae hyn yn gwbl allweddol. Dywedodd un wrthyf nad oeddent yn codi taliadau sefydlog. Dylai pob un ohonynt fod yn y sefyllfa honno, a byddwn yn ddiolchgar pe gallem gael cefnogaeth i hynny ar draws y Siambr. Mae taliadau sefydlog yn cael eu codi hyd yn oed os nad yw pobl yn gallu cael ynni o ganlyniad i ddiffyg arian neu dalebau i fwydo'r mesuryddion.
3. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am ddiogelwch cymunedol yn y Rhyl a Phrestatyn? OQ58989
3. Will the Minister make a statement on community safety in Rhyl and Prestatyn? OQ58989
Thank you very much, Gareth Davies. We are working with the police and other partner organisations to promote community safety in Rhyl, Prestatyn and across Wales. Policing is a reserved matter, but we work closely with the police on strategic issues and provide significant funding for police community support officers to protect communities across Wales.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Gareth Davies. Rydym yn gweithio gyda’r heddlu a sefydliadau partner eraill i hyrwyddo diogelwch cymunedol yn y Rhyl, Prestatyn a ledled Cymru. Mae plismona'n fater a gedwir yn ôl, ond rydym yn gweithio’n agos gyda’r heddlu ar faterion strategol ac yn darparu cyllid sylweddol i swyddogion cymorth cymunedol yr heddlu er mwyn diogelu cymunedau ledled Cymru.
Thank you for that answer, Minister. Thanks to the work of the UK Government in increasing the amount of police officers in north Wales, crime is falling in Rhyl. But in a recent meeting with the local police force, it was noted that anti-social behaviour by youths as young as 13 is responsible for up to 75 per cent of all anti-social behaviour in Rhyl town centre. Sadly, a lack of strong family structure and parental responsibility is leading to these youths potentially turning to crime. Therefore, what steps will you take to ensure that people in Rhyl town centre are safe and what will you do to ensure that these youths do not continue to commit anti-social behaviour? Thank you.
Diolch am eich ateb, Weinidog. Diolch i waith Llywodraeth y DU ar gynyddu nifer swyddogion yr heddlu yng ngogledd Cymru, mae cyfraddau troseddu'n lleihau yn y Rhyl. Ond mewn cyfarfod diweddar gyda’r heddlu lleol, nodwyd mai ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol gan bobl mor ifanc â 13 oed yw hyd at 75 y cant o’r holl ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol yng nghanol tref y Rhyl. Yn anffodus, mae diffyg strwythur teuluol cryf a chyfrifoldeb rhieni yn golygu o bosibl fod y bobl ifanc hyn yn troi at droseddu. Felly, pa gamau y byddwch yn eu cymryd i sicrhau bod pobl yng nghanol tref y Rhyl yn ddiogel, a beth a wnewch i sicrhau nad yw ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol y bobl ifanc hyn yn parhau? Diolch.
Well, Gareth, as I've said, we're committed to keeping communities in Wales as safe as possible, both in Rhyl and Prestatyn, and across the country. We have sought to do that through our programme for government. Even though it's not devolved, we, the Welsh Government, have maintained our funding for 500 police community support officers, and we're increasing their number in these very stretched times by 100. These are funded by the Welsh Government, not by the UK Government—by the Welsh Government. We are the envy across England, in Wales, for what we're doing. I do want to put on record again that this means annual funding of over £22 million, and we've funded that despite policing being reserved and being in a challenging fiscal position.
I do want to answer your point about the fact that PCSOs, I think, are crucial in promoting community safety and tackling anti-social behaviour. We know that many of those issues that are facing people we are working on with other initiatives, in terms of our youth offending strategy and in terms of our work to tackle substance misuse, violence against women and domestic abuse. But I think that PCSOs act as ears and eyes on the ground for police forces; they build local relationships and create a sense of security in our communities.
Wel, Gareth, fel y dywedais, rydym wedi ymrwymo i gadw cymunedau yng Nghymru mor ddiogel â phosibl, yn y Rhyl a Phrestatyn, a ledled y wlad. Rydym wedi ceisio gwneud hynny drwy ein rhaglen lywodraethu. Er nad yw'r mater wedi’i ddatganoli, rydym ni, Llywodraeth Cymru, wedi cynnal ein cyllid ar gyfer 500 o swyddogion cymorth cymunedol yr heddlu, ac yn darparu 100 o swyddogion ychwanegol yn y cyfnod anodd hwn. Cânt eu hariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru, nid gan Lywodraeth y DU—gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Rydym yn destun eiddigedd ledled Lloegr, yng Nghymru, oherwydd yr hyn rydym yn ei wneud. Hoffwn gofnodi unwaith eto fod hyn yn golygu cyllid blynyddol o dros £22 miliwn, ac rydym wedi ariannu hynny er bod plismona'n fater a gedwir yn ôl a'n bod mewn sefyllfa ariannol heriol.
Hoffwn ateb eich pwynt ynglŷn â'r ffaith bod swyddogion cymorth cymunedol yr heddlu, yn fy marn i, yn hollbwysig i hyrwyddo diogelwch cymunedol a mynd i’r afael ag ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol. Gwyddom ein bod yn gweithio ar lawer o’r problemau sy’n wynebu pobl gyda mentrau eraill, fel ein strategaeth troseddwyr ifanc a'n gwaith ar fynd i’r afael â chamddefnyddio sylweddau, trais yn erbyn menywod a cham-drin domestig. Ond credaf fod swyddogion cymorth cymunedol yr heddlu'n glustiau a llygaid ar lawr gwlad i heddluoedd; maent yn adeiladu cysylltiadau lleol ac yn creu ymdeimlad o ddiogelwch yn ein cymunedau.
4. Pa gamau mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n eu cymryd i wella mynediad pobl anabl at wasanaethau cyhoeddus? OQ59000
4. What steps is the Welsh Government taking to improve disabled people's access to public services? OQ59000
Thank you, Jenny Rathbone. As part of the disability rights taskforce, the Welsh Government has set up a working group to focus on access to services. This working group is integral to driving forward changes to improve access to all services in Wales.
Diolch, Jenny Rathbone. Fel rhan o’r tasglu hawliau pobl anabl, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi sefydlu gweithgor i ganolbwyntio ar fynediad at wasanaethau. Mae'r gweithgor hwn yn hanfodol i hybu newidiadau er mwyn gwella mynediad at holl wasanaethau Cymru.
Thank you, Minister. We both attended the Royal National Institute of Blind People event last week here in the Senedd, and we heard patients from four different health boards provide a catalogue of woe about their struggle to get the services that they need and deserve. These testimonies were backed up by a recent survey by the RNIB, which indicated that one in three blind or partially sighted people had missed an appointment or had their health affected because they didn't receive information that was accessible to them. Over half received information about their healthcare from their GP in a format they couldn't read, and even more surprisingly, over one in 10 had been asked by their GP surgery what their preferred communication method is, and how they would like to receive information. The all-Wales standard for accessible communications and information for people with sensory loss was written in 2003, and communication methods have obviously blossomed since then, so I wondered if you could tell us, Minister, what work the Government is doing to update them and ensure that health boards are implementing them in all their work.
Diolch, Weinidog. Mynychodd y ddau ohonom ddigwyddiad Sefydliad Cenedlaethol Brenhinol Pobl Ddall yr wythnos diwethaf yma yn y Senedd, a chlywsom gleifion o bedwar bwrdd iechyd gwahanol yn rhannu eu gofidiau am eu brwydr i sicrhau’r gwasanaethau y maent eu hangen ac yn eu haeddu. Cafodd y tystiolaethau hyn eu cefnogi gan arolwg diweddar yr RNIB, a oedd yn nodi bod un o bob tri o bobl ddall neu rannol ddall wedi methu apwyntiad neu fod eu hiechyd wedi cael ei effeithio gan y ffaith nad oeddent wedi cael gwybodaeth a oedd yn hygyrch iddynt. Fe gafodd dros eu hanner wybodaeth am eu gofal iechyd gan eu meddyg teulu mewn fformat na allent ei ddarllen, a hyd yn oed yn fwy anhygoel, ychydig dros un o bob 10 a ddywedodd bod eu meddygfa wedi gofyn iddynt beth oedd eu dull cyfathrebu dewisol, a sut yr hoffent gael gwybodaeth. Ysgrifennwyd safonau Cymru gyfan ar gyfer darparu gwybodaeth hygyrch i bobl â nam ar eu synhwyrau a chyfathrebu â hwy yn 2003, ac yn amlwg, mae dulliau cyfathrebu wedi gwella ers hynny, felly roeddwn yn meddwl tybed a allech chi ddweud wrthym, Weinidog, pa waith y mae'r Llywodraeth yn ei wneud i'w diweddaru a sicrhau bod byrddau iechyd yn eu gweithredu yn eu holl waith.
Thank you very much, Jenny. Of course, it was really important to be there at the RNIB event—and I think many others joined us—and to speak to the director of the RNIB about these very points of evidence that you've given us. But, I thought what was most important about the event was the panel of people with sight loss who gave their lived experience of accessing healthcare information. But what was also good was that we did have officials there from the Welsh Government's health equality team who also attended, and it's important that those lessons are learnt from people at the front line. So, just to assure you that we're engaging with health board communication leads through the normal course of business of delivery of services, and therefore, we're flagging up all the needs to update health guidance for health boards regarding how they contact and interact with blind patients. That's the value of that kind of interaction they had on that day.
And the all-Wales standard for accessible communication does ensure that the communication and information needs of people with sensory loss are met. So, that is a standard that now is going to be monitored much more closely, because they have a duty—it's a commitment to equalities—and the forthcoming duty of quality as well, in terms of services. But we will be taking this forward in the taskforce, as I've described their role, in terms of the disability taskforce, which is co-chaired with a disabled person, and is taking forward accessible communications particularly.
Diolch yn fawr, Jenny. Wrth gwrs, roedd yn bwysig iawn ein bod yn mynychu'r digwyddiad RNIB—ac rwy'n credu bod llawer o bobl eraill wedi ymuno â ni—ac roedd yn bwysig ein bod yn siarad â chyfarwyddwr yr RNIB am yr union bwyntiau hyn o dystiolaeth rydych wedi'u rhoi i ni. Ond roeddwn yn credu mai'r peth pwysicaf am y digwyddiad oedd y panel o bobl â nam ar eu golwg a rannodd eu profiad byw o geisio mynediad at wybodaeth gofal iechyd. Ond roedd hefyd yn dda fod swyddogion o dîm cydraddoldeb iechyd Llywodraeth Cymru yn bresennol, ac mae'n bwysig fod y gwersi hynny'n cael eu dysgu gan bobl ar y rheng flaen. Felly, gallaf eich sicrhau ein bod yn ymgysylltu ag arweinwyr cyfathrebu byrddau iechyd drwy’r broses arferol o ddarparu gwasanaethau, ac felly'n tynnu sylw at yr holl anghenion i ddiweddaru canllawiau iechyd ar gyfer byrddau iechyd ynghylch sut maent yn cysylltu ac yn rhyngweithio â chleifion dall. Dyna werth y math o ryngweithio a gawsant ar y diwrnod hwnnw.
Ac mae safonau Cymru gyfan ar gyfer darparu gwybodaeth hygyrch yn sicrhau bod anghenion cyfathrebu a gwybodaeth pobl sydd â nam ar eu synhwyrau yn cael eu diwallu. Felly, bydd honno'n safon a fydd yn cael ei monitro'n llawer agosach nawr, oherwydd mae dyletswydd arnynt—mae'n ymrwymiad i gydraddoldeb—a'r ddyletswydd ansawdd sydd i ddod hefyd ar gyfer gwasanaethau. Ond byddwn yn bwrw ymlaen â hyn fel tasglu, ac rwyf wedi disgrifio rôl y tasglu anabledd sy'n cael ei gyd-gadeirio gydag unigolyn anabl, ac mae'n bwrw ymlaen â chyfathrebu hygyrch yn enwedig.
Although the blue badge scheme in Wales does not lie within your portfolio, removing the barriers for disabled people does, and the current blue badge scheme in Wales is creating barriers. I've been contacted by numerous constituents with a range of physical and neurodevelopmental conditions, whose blue badge parking permit applications or renewals were declined by local authorities quoting Welsh Government eligibility criteria. This states, amongst other things, that the local authority's decision on eligibility is final—there is no appeals process—causing applicants huge distress and requiring my intervention to have their applications reconsidered.
When I sat on the 2019 Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee inquiry into the blue badge scheme in Wales, we received joint written evidence from charities including Tenovus Cancer Care and Macmillan Cancer Support. They expressed disappointment when many of the committee's evidence-based recommendations in our subsequent report were rejected by the Welsh Government. Although the Welsh Government did refer to a review of eligibility criteria and guidance documentation, and the then Minister for Economy and Transport said that he had requested that officials work closely with local authorities to strengthen consistency in their approach to handling rejected applications, Tenovus Cancer Care have written stating that they regretfully report no change to implementation of the scheme, and the issues reported to the committee in 2019 persist. What actions can and will you therefore take accordingly?
Er nad yw cynllun y bathodyn glas yng Nghymru yn rhan o'ch portffolio, mae cael gwared ar y rhwystrau i bobl anabl yn rhan ohono, ac mae cynllun presennol y bathodyn glas yng Nghymru yn creu rhwystrau. Mae nifer o etholwyr wedi cysylltu â mi gydag ystod o gyflyrau corfforol a niwroddatblygiadol, y cafodd eu ceisiadau am drwyddedau parcio bathodyn glas, neu geisiadau i'w hadnewyddu, eu gwrthod gan awdurdodau lleol gan ddyfynnu meini prawf cymhwysedd Llywodraeth Cymru. Mae hyn yn dangos, ymhlith pethau eraill, fod penderfyniad yr awdurdod lleol ar gymhwysedd yn derfynol—nid oes proses apelio—ac mae hyn yn peri gofid enfawr i ymgeiswyr ac mae gofyn i mi ymyrryd er mwyn i'w ceisiadau gael eu hailystyried.
Pan oeddwn yn aelod o ymchwiliad Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb, Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau 2019 i gynllun y bathodyn glas yng Nghymru, cawsom dystiolaeth ysgrifenedig ar y cyd gan elusennau, gan gynnwys Gofal Canser Tenovus a Chymorth Canser Macmillan. Fe wnaethant fynegi siom pan wrthododd Llywodraeth Cymru lawer o argymhellion y pwyllgor a oedd yn seiliedig ar dystiolaeth yn ein hadroddiad dilynol. Er i Lywodraeth Cymru gyfeirio at adolygiad o feini prawf cymhwysedd a dogfennau canllawiau, a bod Gweinidog yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth ar y pryd wedi dweud ei fod wedi gofyn i swyddogion weithio'n agos gydag awdurdodau lleol i gryfhau cysondeb yn eu dull o ymdrin â cheisiadau a wrthodwyd, mae Gofal Canser Tenovus wedi ysgrifennu i ddweud eu bod yn siomedig iawn na fu unrhyw newid i weithrediad y cynllun, ac mae'r materion a adroddwyd i'r pwyllgor yn 2019 yn parhau. Pa gamau y gallwch chi, ac y byddwch chi felly yn eu cymryd yn unol â hynny?
Diolch yn fawr, Mark Isherwood. Thank you for that evidence on the implementation of the blue badge scheme, and the feedback that you've given. I certainly will be—. It's not my portfolio, but this is about taking forward access to services, and that includes all services' objectives. So, I will be taking that back to look at those issues.
Diolch yn fawr, Mark Isherwood. Diolch am y dystiolaeth honno ar weithrediad cynllun y bathodyn glas, a'r adborth rydych wedi'i roi. Yn sicr, byddaf—. Nid fy mhortffolio i ydyw, ond mae hyn yn ymwneud â bwrw ymlaen â mynediad at wasanaethau, ac mae hynny'n cynnwys amcanion pob gwasanaeth. Felly, byddaf yn edrych ar y materion hynny.
5. Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n gweithio gyda Cyllid a Thollau EF, yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau ac awdurdodau lleol i sicrhau bod cymorth ariannol sydd wedi'i gynllunio i gynorthwyo gyda chostau byw uwch yn cyrraedd cymaint o bobl â phosib? OQ59006
5. How is the Welsh Government working with HMRC, the Department for Work and Pensions and local authorities to ensure that financial support designed to assist with the increased cost of living reaches as many people as possible? OQ59006
Thank you, Luke Fletcher. Our financial support schemes have been designed to complement schemes delivered by the UK Government. Early engagement with the DWP and HMRC has enabled a proactive approach from local authorities, allowing them to utilise DWP data to reach as many people as possible.
Diolch, Luke Fletcher. Mae ein cynlluniau cymorth ariannol wedi'u llunio i gyd-fynd â chynlluniau sy'n cael eu darparu gan Lywodraeth y DU. Mae ymgysylltiad cynnar â'r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau a CThEF wedi galluogi awdurdodau lleol i fabwysiadu dull rhagweithiol, gan eu galluogi i ddefnyddio data'r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau i gyrraedd cynifer o bobl â phosibl.
Diolch am yr ateb yna, Gweinidog.
Thank you for that response, Minister.
I know that a lot of people are grateful for those gaps being plugged, but a concerning case was recently brought to my attention by a constituent in Wildmill who was precluded from claiming the UK Government's last round of cost-of-living support payments. When the cost of living skyrocketed, my constituent sought help but because he receives industrial injury disablement benefit, which means that, although he receives income-related disability support allowance as well as contributions-based employment and support allowance, he was unable to access the UK Government's cost-of-living payment scheme whatsoever. Is there any scope for the Welsh Government to consider stepping in and plugging gaps like this? This is just one of many cases that have come across my desk during a time of great hardship for many.
Rwy'n gwybod bod llawer o bobl yn falch o glywed bod y bylchau hynny'n cael eu llenwi, ond yn ddiweddar tynnwyd fy sylw at achos pryderus gan etholwr yn Wildmill a gafodd ei atal rhag hawlio'r cylch olaf o daliadau cymorth costau byw Llywodraeth y DU. Pan saethodd costau byw i fyny, bu'n rhaid i fy etholwr geisio cymorth ond oherwydd ei fod yn derbyn budd-dal anabledd anafiadau diwydiannol, sy'n golygu, er ei fod yn derbyn lwfans cymorth anabledd yn seiliedig ar incwm yn ogystal â lwfans cyflogaeth a chymorth yn seiliedig ar gyfraniadau, nid oedd yn gallu cael mynediad at gynllun taliadau costau byw Llywodraeth y DU o gwbl. A oes lle i Lywodraeth Cymru ystyried camu i'r adwy a llenwi bylchau fel hyn? Nid yw hwn ond yn un o lawer o achosion a ddaeth i fy sylw yn ystod cyfnod o galedi mawr i lawer.
Thank you very much for drawing that to our attention, Luke. I would like to take this up and follow this up with you, following your question today. This is where we have to work with the DWP and HMRC and there is good working, but actually, we have to ensure that the arrangements don't reduce access to means-tested benefits, and you've described that. We've got to identify opportunities to maximise reach. We actually have a pro forma that is being co-designed by Welsh Government, DWP and HMRC, but I will take this back on this particular issue. Can I just say that one of the disappointing outcomes I think recently of the work of the Welsh Affairs Committee was that they did suggest, they had a recommendation—it was chaired by Stephen Crabb—to bring together an inter-ministerial advisory board on social security between UK and Welsh Governments to look at the merits of devolving administration of welfare benefits to Wales? That was rejected by the UK Government, but I want to revisit that, because this is how we can address some of these issues.
Diolch yn fawr iawn am dynnu ein sylw at hynny, Luke. Hoffwn gael sgwrs ddilynol am y mater hwn gyda chi, yn dilyn eich cwestiwn heddiw. Dyma lle mae'n rhaid i ni weithio gyda'r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau a CThEF ac mae gwaith da yn mynd rhagddo, ond mewn gwirionedd, mae'n rhaid inni sicrhau nad yw'r trefniadau'n lleihau mynediad at fudd-daliadau sy'n dibynnu ar brawf modd, ac rydych wedi disgrifio hynny. Mae'n rhaid inni adnabod cyfleoedd i gyrraedd cynifer o bobl ag sy'n bosibl. Mewn gwirionedd, mae gennym brofforma a luniwyd ar y cyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru, yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau a CThEF, ond byddaf yn trosglwyddo'r neges ar y mater penodol hwn. A gaf fi ddweud mai un o'r pethau siomedig, rwy'n credu, am waith y Pwyllgor Materion Cymreig yn ddiweddar oedd y ffaith eu bod yn awgrymu, roedd ganddynt argymhelliad—fe'i cadeiriwyd gan Stephen Crabb—i greu bwrdd cynghori rhyngweinidogol ar nawdd cymdeithasol rhwng Llywodraeth y DU a Llywodraeth Cymru i edrych ar rinweddau datganoli gweinyddiaeth budd-daliadau lles i Gymru? Cafodd yr argymhelliad hwnnw ei wrthod gan Lywodraeth y DU, ond rwyf eisiau ailedrych ar hynny, oherwydd dyma sut y gallwn fynd i'r afael â rhai o'r materion hyn.
Can I thank Luke Fletcher for raising this question? I absolutely agree with the sentiments that all bodies should do everything they can to make sure that people get the support that they're entitled to. Towards the end of the previous Senedd, the then Welsh Government published its income maximisation plan specifically related to child poverty. This included objectives around helping families to be more financially resilient. I understand, Minister, that the Welsh Government supports the single advice fund that provides financial advice to families, which we would all welcome. But I would like to ask, Minister, what assessment have you made of the outcomes of the original income maximisation plan? How have you taken the lessons learnt to inform the actions that have been taken by the Government throughout the cost-of-living challenges that we're now facing? And what consideration have you given to updating this strategy in light of the current difficult economic climate?
A gaf fi ddiolch i Luke Fletcher am godi'r cwestiwn hwn? Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â'r teimladau y dylai pob corff wneud popeth yn eu gallu i sicrhau bod pobl yn cael y cymorth y mae ganddynt hawl iddo. Tuag at ddiwedd y Senedd flaenorol, cyhoeddodd Llywodraeth Cymru ar y pryd ei chynllun gweithredu pwyslais ar incwm yn benodol mewn perthynas â thlodi plant. Roedd hwn yn cynnwys amcanion a oedd yn ymwneud â helpu teuluoedd i fod yn fwy gwydn yn ariannol. Rwy'n deall, Weinidog, fod Llywodraeth Cymru'n cefnogi'r gronfa gynghori sengl sy'n rhoi cyngor ariannol i deuluoedd, rhywbeth y byddai pob un ohonom yn ei groesawu. Ond hoffwn ofyn, Weinidog, pa asesiad rydych wedi'i wneud o ganlyniadau'r cynllun gweithredu pwyslais ar incwm gwreiddiol? Sut ydych chi wedi defnyddio'r gwersi a ddysgwyd i lywio'r camau sydd wedi eu cymryd gan y Llywodraeth drwy gydol yr heriau costau byw rydym bellach yn eu hwynebu? A pha ystyriaeth rydych wedi'i rhoi i ddiweddaru'r strategaeth hon yng ngoleuni'r hinsawdd economaidd anodd ar hyn o bryd?
Thank you very much, Peter Fox. Income maximisation is one of the key tools to tackling poverty. When we commissioned the Wales Centre for Public Policy to advise us on our route to tackling poverty, income maximisation—getting money into the poorest people's pockets—came up as a key priority. Our 'Claim what's yours' campaign and then, following through, we've just recently launched our 'Here to help' campaign, which is a benefit take-up campaign, is critical to get that take-up. Of course, it is a take-up that can be enhanced by the work of Citizens Advice. We fund them through the single advice fund.
Just to give you an answer on the point about the third—. This is our third benefits take-up campaign, 'Here to help'. The previous two campaigns supported over 8,000 people to respond to the call to contact Advicelink Cymru and help them to claim an additional £2.7 million in support.
Diolch yn fawr, Peter Fox. Gwneud y gorau o incwm yw un o'r prif ffyrdd o fynd i'r afael â thlodi. Pan wnaethom gomisiynu Canolfan Polisi Cyhoeddus Cymru i'n cynghori ar ein llwybr i fynd i'r afael â thlodi, cafodd gwneud y gorau o incwm—rhoi arian ym mhocedi'r bobl dlotaf—ei gynnig fel blaenoriaeth allweddol. Mae ein hymgyrch 'Hawliwch yr hyn sy'n ddyledus i chi', ac i ddilyn hynny, rydym newydd lansio ein hymgyrch 'Yma i helpu' yn ddiweddar, sy'n ymgyrch i annog pobl i fanteisio ar fudd-daliadau, yn hanfodol i gynyddu'r nifer sy'n manteisio ar y budd-daliadau hynny. Wrth gwrs, mae gwaith Cyngor ar Bopeth yn gallu cynyddu'r nifer sy'n manteisio arnynt hefyd. Rydym yn eu hariannu drwy'r gronfa gynghori sengl.
I roi ateb i chi ar y pwynt am y trydydd—. Dyma ein trydedd ymgyrch i annog pobl i fanteisio ar fudd-daliadau, 'Yma i helpu'. Llwyddodd y ddwy ymgyrch flaenorol i gynorthwyo dros 8,000 o bobl i ymateb i'r alwad i gysylltu ag Advicelink Cymru a'u helpu i hawlio £2.7 miliwn ychwanegol o gymorth.
6. Pa gamau mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n eu cymryd i roi cefnogaeth ariannol i awdurdodau tân ac achub? OQ58992
6. What action is the Welsh Government taking to financially support fire and rescue authorities? OQ58992
The fire and rescue authorities determine almost all of their funding themselves through levying contributions on their constituent local authorities. The fire and rescue authorities in Wales do not receive core funding from the Welsh Government.
Mae'r awdurdodau tân ac achub yn pennu eu cyllid eu hunain i gyd bron drwy godi cyfraniadau gan eu hawdurdodau lleol cyfansoddol. Nid yw'r awdurdodau tân ac achub yng Nghymru yn cael cyllid craidd gan Lywodraeth Cymru.
I'm grateful to you for your answer. I've been made aware by members of the mid and west Wales fire authority that you informed the service there that the FireLink Airwave grant, used to support their essential radio platform, is set to end completely in April this year. By comparison, the Home Office is slowly reducing its FireLink grant funding by 20 per cent each year for five years for English fire and rescue authorities. Although this has been reduced gradually, this still gives fire and rescue authorities there the ability to plan for the removal of the grant and spread the financial impact, rather than just being given four months to find £0.5 million in their budgets. Given that the Airwave is an essential lifeline for blue-light services, including the coastguard, would you reconsider your decision and instead gradually reduce this grant?
Rwy'n ddiolchgar i chi am eich ateb. Cefais wybod gan aelodau awdurdod tân ac achub canolbarth a gorllewin Cymru eich bod wedi rhoi gwybod i'r gwasanaeth yno y bydd y grant Airwave FireLink, a ddefnyddir i gefnogi eu platfform radio hanfodol, yn dod i ben yn gyfan gwbl ym mis Ebrill eleni. Mewn cymhariaeth, mae'r Swyddfa Gartref yn araf leihau ei chyllid grant FireLink i awdurdodau tân ac achub Lloegr 20 y cant bob blwyddyn am bum mlynedd. Er bod hwn yn cael ei leihau'n raddol, mae'n dal i roi cyfle i awdurdodau tân ac achub yno gynllunio ar gyfer pan fydd y grant yn dod i ben a gwasgaru'r effaith ariannol, yn hytrach na chael pedwar mis yn unig i ddod o hyd i £0.5 miliwn yn eu cyllidebau. O ystyried bod Airwave yn achubiaeth hanfodol i wasanaethau golau glas, gan gynnwys gwylwyr y glannau, a fyddech yn ailystyried eich penderfyniad a lleihau'r grant hwn yn raddol yn lle hynny?
Can I thank the Member for his question? And this is something that's been raised with me previously as well. I would say, I understand the position of the fire and rescue authorities, but like them and constituent local authorities, we all face many funding challenges in the current climate. We do not normally provide funding for operational equipment or systems, such as FireLink, so they have to raise the funding from their own core resources.
As the Member will be aware from the Chancellor's autumn statement on 17 November, it represented a significant real-terms cut to the Welsh Government budget over the next two years, which has been compounded by external forces, such as the cost-of-living crisis and increased energy bills. It's very difficult, in setting a very challenging budget, for the Welsh Government to continue to fund operational communication equipment. As you say, it's meant that funding for FireLink, the service's operational communications system, had to cease from 2023-24. This represents less than 1 per cent of the overall funding that the service has received from their constituent authorities. Like I said, I recognise the challenges. Whilst previous budget settlements allowed us to provide the funding for these fees since 2010, it's been hard to justify that in the current financial climate. And, if the Member would like to support us in our efforts, he is more than welcome to have a word in the ear of his counterparts at UK Government and the Home Office, to help with further funding for us in Wales.
A gaf fi ddiolch i'r Aelod am ei gwestiwn? Ac mae hyn yn rhywbeth sydd wedi cael ei godi gyda fi o'r blaen hefyd. Byddwn yn dweud fy mod yn deall sefyllfa'r awdurdodau tân ac achub, ond fel hwy ac fel awdurdodau lleol cyfansoddol, rydym i gyd yn wynebu llawer o heriau ariannu yn yr hinsawdd bresennol. Nid ydym yn arfer darparu cyllid ar gyfer cyfarpar neu systemau gweithredol, fel FireLink, felly bydd yn rhaid iddynt godi'r cyllid hwnnw o'u hadnoddau craidd eu hunain.
Bydd yr Aelod yn ymwybodol, o ddatganiad yr hydref y Canghellor ar 17 Tachwedd, ei fod wedi cynrychioli toriad sylweddol mewn termau real i gyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru dros y ddwy flynedd nesaf, sydd wedi ei ddwysáu gan rymoedd allanol, megis yr argyfwng costau byw a biliau ynni uwch. Mae'n anodd iawn, wrth osod cyllideb heriol iawn, i Lywodraeth Cymru barhau i ariannu cyfarpar cyfathrebu gweithredol. Fel y dywedwch, mae wedi golygu y bydd yn rhaid torri cyllid ar gyfer FireLink, system gyfathrebu weithredol y gwasanaeth, o 2023-24 ymlaen. Mae'r cyllid hwn yn llai na 1 y cant o'r cyllid cyffredinol y mae'r gwasanaeth wedi bod yn ei gael gan eu hawdurdodau cyfansoddol. Fel y dywedais, rwy'n cydnabod yr heriau. Er bod setliadau cyllideb blaenorol wedi caniatáu inni ddarparu'r cyllid ar gyfer y ffioedd hyn ers 2010, bu'n anodd cyfiawnhau hynny yn yr hinsawdd ariannol sydd ohoni. Ac os hoffai'r Aelod ein cefnogi yn ein hymdrechion, mae croeso iddo gael gair yng nghlust ei gymheiriaid yn Llywodraeth y DU a'r Swyddfa Gartref, i helpu gyda chyllid pellach i ni yng Nghymru.
Good afternoon, Deputy Minister. Just to follow up on the situation in mid and west Wales, where I represent, along with others, the chief fire officer there highlighted the unsustainability of our fire services in rural areas if things carry on as they are. And I'm sure that we'd all be concerned about that. The service in mid and west Wales is staffed by a majority of retained firefighters and is supported by whole-time staff. However, the service is finding it more and more difficult to recruit and retain those firefighters. It's clear that the offer, in terms of pay, isn't commensurate with the number of hours that they work—some of them around 120 hours. So, I wondered if there would be a review of the Welsh Government grant, so that our fire services can make the necessary increases to our retained firefighter service. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Prynhawn da, Ddirprwy Weinidog. Hoffwn fynd ar drywydd y sefyllfa yng nghanolbarth a gorllewin Cymru, a gynrychiolir gennyf fi ac eraill, a thynnodd y prif swyddog tân yno sylw at ansefydlogrwydd ein gwasanaethau tân mewn ardaloedd gwledig os yw pethau'n parhau fel y maent. Ac rwy'n siŵr y byddem i gyd yn pryderu am hynny. Mae'r rhan fwyaf o staff y gwasanaeth yn y canolbarth a'r gorllewin yn ddiffoddwyr tân wrth gefn ac maent yn cael eu cefnogi gan staff amser llawn. Ond mae'r gwasanaeth yn ei chael yn fwyfwy anodd recriwtio a chadw'r diffoddwyr tân hynny. Mae'n amlwg nad yw'r cynnig cyflog yn gymesur â nifer yr oriau y maent yn eu gweithio—mae rhai ohonynt yn gweithio tua 120 awr. Felly, tybed a allwn gael adolygiad o grant Llywodraeth Cymru, fel y gall ein gwasanaethau tân wneud y cynnydd angenrheidiol i'n gwasanaeth diffoddwyr tân wrth gefn. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Can I thank Jane Dodds for your question and your interest in this area? Because, like you, I recognise that, for many communities across Wales, it is retained fire services that provide that much-needed and valued cover, and it's the same for myself in the north Wales area as well. I do want to point out, at the outset, though, that we don't directly fund fire and rescue authorities in Wales, so we wouldn't fund them directly for core services.
I do share the concerns around the future of the retained duty system, and we've seen changes in the way people work and live, which has presented many challenges. And I regularly meet with the chiefs and the chairs of the fire and rescue authorities, including the last time I spoke to the chief from the mid and west—we share concerns around the challenges for RDS and sustainability into the future. And I've committed to working with them and the other authorities to see, actually, how we can address those challenges. But we know that it's one that's going to take significant effort, and a need to be innovative about how we do that in the future, and work to support the sustainability of services, particularly in the more rural communities across Wales. And I'm actually due to meet the fire and rescue authorities and other representatives, as part of our new fire and rescue social partnership forum tomorrow, and I understand that this issue will be on the agenda for that as well.
A gaf fi ddiolch i Jane Dodds am eich cwestiwn a'ch diddordeb yn y maes hwn? Oherwydd, fel chi, rwy'n cydnabod mai gwasanaethau tân wrth gefn, i nifer o gymunedau ledled Cymru, sy'n darparu'r diogelwch sydd ei angen ac sy'n cael ei werthfawrogi, ac mae'r un peth yn wir i mi fy hun yn ardal gogledd Cymru hefyd. Er hynny, rwyf eisiau nodi ar y cychwyn nad ydym yn ariannu awdurdodau tân ac achub yn uniongyrchol yng Nghymru, felly ni fyddem yn eu hariannu'n uniongyrchol ar gyfer gwasanaethau craidd.
Rwy'n rhannu'r pryderon ynghylch dyfodol y system ar ddyletswydd yn ôl galw, ac rydym wedi gweld newidiadau yn y ffordd y mae pobl yn gweithio ac yn byw, sydd wedi creu sawl her. Ac rwy'n cyfarfod yn rheolaidd â'r penaethiaid a chadeiryddion yr awdurdodau tân ac achub, gan gynnwys y tro diwethaf imi siarad â phennaeth gwasanaeth y canolbarth a'r gorllewin—rydym yn rhannu pryderon ynghylch yr heriau i'r system ar ddyletswydd yn ôl galw a chynaliadwyedd i'r dyfodol. Ac rwyf wedi ymrwymo i weithio gyda hwy a'r awdurdodau eraill i weld, mewn gwirionedd, sut y gallwn fynd i'r afael â'r heriau hynny. Ond rydym yn gwybod y bydd hyn yn galw am ymdrech sylweddol, ac mae angen bod yn arloesol ynglŷn â sut rydym yn gwneud hynny yn y dyfodol, a gweithio i gefnogi cynaliadwyedd gwasanaethau, yn enwedig mewn cymunedau mwy gwledig ledled Cymru. Ac mewn gwirionedd rwyf i fod i gyfarfod â'r awdurdodau tân ac achub a chynrychiolwyr eraill yfory, fel rhan o'n fforwm partneriaeth gymdeithasol newydd ar gyfer gwasanaethau tân ac achub, ac rwy'n deall y bydd y mater hwn ar yr agenda ar gyfer hynny hefyd.
7. Pa drafodaethau mae'r Gweinidog wedi'u cael gyda Llywodraeth y DU ar gynnydd cyfamod yr heddlu? OQ58993
7. What discussions has the Minister had with the UK Government on the progress of the police covenant? OQ58993
Thank you, Alun Davies, for that question. The Welsh Government is closely involved in the development of the police covenant, including through membership of the covenant oversight group, which is chaired by the UK Government policing Minister. The possibility of a broader emergency services covenant is also being explored in Wales.
Diolch am y cwestiwn hwnnw, Alun Davies. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n ymwneud yn agos â'r gwaith o ddatblygu cyfamod yr heddlu, gan gynnwys drwy fod yn aelod o'r grŵp goruchwylio cyfamodau, sy'n cael ei gadeirio gan Weinidog plismona Llywodraeth y DU. Rydym hefyd yn archwilio'r posibilrwydd o greu cyfamod ehangach ar gyfer y gwasanaethau brys yng Nghymru.
Thank you very much, Minister. I had a meeting with the Police Federation of England and Wales in the autumn, just before Christmas, and I was quite disturbed to hear that they felt there was a great deal of inertia involved in the delivery of the covenant and that there are a number of services that are not being delivered, which should be delivered to police officers as part of this process. Would the Minister be prepared to meet with me and the police federation to discuss their concerns, and also to ensure that the needs of those who protect us are absolutely at the core of what the Welsh Government does, moving forward? I recognise the work that she's referred to in terms of a wider emergency services covenant, but it's important that we get this right, before we try to move on to do something different.
Diolch yn fawr. Cefais gyfarfod gyda Ffederasiwn Heddlu Cymru a Lloegr yn yr hydref, ychydig cyn y Nadolig, ac roeddwn yn bryderus i glywed eu bod yn teimlo bod llawer iawn o lesgedd gyda chyflwyno'r cyfamod a bod nifer o wasanaethau nad ydynt yn cael eu cyflwyno, y dylid eu cyflwyno i swyddogion heddlu fel rhan o'r broses hon. A fyddai'r Gweinidog yn barod i gyfarfod â mi a ffederasiwn yr heddlu i drafod eu pryderon, a hefyd i sicrhau bod anghenion y rhai sy'n ein hamddiffyn yn gwbl greiddiol i'r hyn y mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n ei wneud wrth symud ymlaen? Rwy'n cydnabod y gwaith y cyfeiriodd ato ar gyfamod gwasanaethau brys ehangach, ond mae'n bwysig ein bod yn cael hyn yn iawn, cyn inni geisio symud ymlaen i wneud rhywbeth gwahanol.
Thank you very much, Alun Davies, for feeding back from that meeting with the police federation, who I meet regularly, and recently met with the First Minister. The police federation arranged for us to meet many of those fantastic police officers who have shown great bravery and courage across our nation. Just to, again, ensure people, colleagues, are aware of this, the police covenant is a pledge to do more to help those who serve this country, and specifically to recognise the bravery, commitment and sacrifices of those who work or have worked in policing, and it is vital that police officers, staff and their families get equal access to support services during their time in service and afterwards. So, I will be very happy to follow up with a meeting as you propose.
Diolch yn fawr, Alun Davies, am rannu'r hyn a drafodwyd yn y cyfarfod gyda ffederasiwn yr heddlu, y byddaf yn cyfarfod â hwy yn rheolaidd, ac a gafodd gyfarfod â'r Prif Weinidog yn ddiweddar. Trefnodd ffederasiwn yr heddlu i ni gyfarfod â llawer o'r swyddogion heddlu gwych sydd wedi dangos dewrder mawr ar draws ein gwlad. Unwaith eto, i sicrhau bod pobl, cyd-Aelodau, yn ymwybodol o hyn, addewid yw cyfamod yr heddlu i wneud mwy i helpu'r rhai sy'n gwasanaethu'r wlad hon, ac yn benodol i gydnabod dewrder, ymrwymiad ac aberth y rhai sy'n gweithio neu sydd wedi gweithio ym maes plismona, ac mae'n hanfodol fod swyddogion heddlu, staff a'u teuluoedd yn cael mynediad cyfartal at wasanaethau cymorth yn ystod eu hamser mewn gwasanaeth ac wedi hynny. Felly, byddaf yn hapus iawn i gael cyfarfod dilynol gyda chi fel rydych wedi'i gynnig.
Ac, yn olaf, cwestiwn 8. Sarah Murphy.
Finally, question 8. Sarah Murphy.
8. Pa gamau mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n eu cymryd i ddatblygu cyfiawnder data? OQ58996
8. What steps is the Welsh Government taking to advance data justice? OQ58996
Thank you, Sarah Murphy. We are committed to ensuring that public authorities use data transparently, safely and ethically for the benefit of all citizens in Wales, as set out in mission 6 of the 'Digital strategy for Wales'.
Diolch, Sarah Murphy. Rydym wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau bod awdurdodau cyhoeddus yn defnyddio data yn dryloyw, yn ddiogel ac yn foesegol er budd holl ddinasyddion Cymru, fel y nodir yng nghenhadaeth 6 o'r 'Strategaeth ddigidol i Gymru'.
Thank you, Minister. The Data Justice Lab, based at Cardiff University, defines data justice as the
'relationship between datafication and social justice, highlighting the politics and impacts of data-driven processes and big data'—
essentially, highlighting the potential harms and risks to citizens. We have seen this in our Equality and Social Justice Committee inquiry into domestic violence and the needs of migrant women. Elizabeth, of the Step Up Migrant Women coalition, told us that, when they encouraged a woman to report domestic abuse to the police, they reported it online, and, eight days later, an immigration enforcement letter arrived at their house. And in 2019, it was reported that a police force in England admitted to a written agreement with the Department for Work and Pensions to share any information on disabled people taking part in climate protests. We also know that, in Hackney, the local authority used a predictive analysis database to assess all 53,000 children living there. They used this database to identify which children may be at risk from neglect, and they used their characteristics, such as age, ethnicity and deprivation, to create this score, which I would, essentially, call 'citizen scoring'. And the thing about citizen scoring, and this kind of data that's collected in public sectors, is that people are completely unaware that this behavioural data is being collected on them; they are being assessed, they are being categorised and they have no way to fight back on this and get any transparency around it. Researchers have argued that data practices have become normalised in our society, before a chance for a broader public discussion on the ethics and morals of the use of our data in this way. So, Minister, do you agree with me that, as citizen scoring continues to develop in the public sector, our human rights must be reflected both in the digital world as they should be offline?
Diolch. Mae'r Labordy Cyfiawnder Data, sydd wedi'i leoli ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, yn diffinio cyfiawnder data fel y
'berthynas rhwng creu data a chyfiawnder cymdeithasol, gan dynnu sylw at wleidyddiaeth ac effeithiau prosesau sy'n cael eu llywio gan ddata a data mawr'—
yn y bôn, tynnu sylw at y niwed a'r peryglon posibl i ddinasyddion. Rydym wedi gweld hyn yn ymchwiliad ein Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol i drais domestig ac anghenion menywod mudol. Dywedodd Elizabeth, o gynghrair Step Up Migrant Women, wrthym, pan wnaethant annog menyw i ddweud wrth yr heddlu am gam-drin domestig, fe wnaethant ei adrodd ar-lein, ac wyth diwrnod yn ddiweddarach, fe gyrhaeddodd llythyr rheolaeth fewnfudo ei thŷ. Ac yn 2019, adroddwyd bod heddlu yn Lloegr wedi cyfaddef bod ganddynt gytundeb ysgrifenedig gyda'r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau i rannu unrhyw wybodaeth am bobl anabl sy'n cymryd rhan mewn protestiadau hinsawdd. Gwyddom hefyd, yn Hackney, fod yr awdurdod lleol wedi defnyddio cronfa ddata dadansoddi rhagfynegol i asesu pob un o'r 53,000 o blant sy'n byw yno. Fe wnaethant ddefnyddio'r gronfa ddata hon i nodi pa blant a allai fod mewn perygl o gael eu hesgeuluso, gan ddefnyddio eu nodweddion, megis oedran, ethnigrwydd ac amddifadedd, i greu'r sgôr, rhywbeth y byddwn i, yn y bôn, yn ei alw'n 'sgorio dinasyddion'. A'r peth am sgorio dinasyddion, a'r math hwn o ddata sy'n cael ei gasglu mewn sectorau cyhoeddus, yw bod pobl yn hollol anymwybodol fod y data ymddygiadol hwn yn cael ei gasglu; maent yn cael eu hasesu, maent yn cael eu categoreiddio ac nid oes ganddynt unrhyw ffordd o ymladd yn ôl ar hyn a chael unrhyw fath o dryloywder yn ei gylch. Mae ymchwilwyr wedi dadlau bod arferion data wedi cael eu normaleiddio yn ein cymdeithas cyn inni gael cyfle i gynnal trafodaeth gyhoeddus ehangach ar foeseg defnyddio data yn y ffordd hon. Felly, Weinidog, wrth i sgorio dinasyddion barhau i ddatblygu yn y sector cyhoeddus, a ydych yn cytuno bod yn rhaid i'n hawliau dynol yn y byd digidol adlewyrchu ein hawliau dynol yn y byd go iawn?
Diolch yn fawr, Sarah Murphy. I do want to acknowledge and recognise the ways in which Sarah Murphy, particularly, is taking up this issue—and I think it benefits all of us—and chairing the cross-party group, because we are all learning about this, but we have responsibilities and we have powers. All in authority have powers, and we must recognise the link between data justice and social justice in the way that you've described. Thank you for referring to the ways in which this has now come to life, in terms of the evidence in the Equality and Social Justice Committee about migrant women and the way in which data can be abused, as well as used. This is about that kind of balance. I was pleased to give evidence to that committee, but also to look at this from a citizen's perspective and how citizens can engage. And so it has to be at the heart of our equality and social justice thinking—how do we engage with our citizens.
We're very fortunate that we've actually got the Data Justice Lab here in Cardiff University, and the work that they've done. And you've, obviously, engaged; we're engaged with it on citizen scoring. It's really important. And we do have a close relationship with the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation, but we want to see how we can get public bodies to consider data ethics by publishing guidance, and also that guidance would be very relevant across all sectors, indeed, taking this forward.
Diolch yn fawr, Sarah Murphy. Rwyf eisiau cydnabod y ffyrdd y mae Sarah Murphy, yn arbennig, yn mynd i'r afael â'r mater hwn—ac rwy'n credu ei fod o fudd i bob un ohonom—a'r ffordd y mae'n cadeirio'r grŵp trawsbleidiol, oherwydd rydym i gyd yn dysgu am hyn, ond mae gennym gyfrifoldebau ac mae gennym bwerau. Mae gan bawb mewn awdurdod bwerau, ac mae'n rhaid inni gydnabod y cysylltiad rhwng cyfiawnder data a chyfiawnder cymdeithasol yn y ffordd rydych wedi'i disgrifio. Diolch am gyfeirio at y ffyrdd y mae'r mater hwn bellach wedi dod yn fyw, o ran y dystiolaeth yn y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol am fenywod mudol a'r ffordd y mae data'n gallu cael ei gam-drin yn ogystal â'i ddefnyddio. Mae hyn yn ymwneud â'r math hwnnw o gydbwysedd. Roeddwn yn falch o roi tystiolaeth i'r pwyllgor hwnnw, ond hefyd i edrych ar hyn o safbwynt dinesydd a sut y gall dinasyddion ymgysylltu. Ac felly mae'n rhaid iddo fod wrth wraidd ein meddylfryd cyfiawnder cymdeithasol a chydraddoldeb—sut mae ymgysylltu â'n dinasyddion.
Rydym yn ffodus iawn fod gennym y Labordy Cyfiawnder Data yma ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, a'r gwaith y maent wedi'i wneud. Ac rydych chi, yn amlwg, wedi ymgysylltu; rydym yn ymgysylltu â'r mater mewn perthynas â sgorio dinasyddion. Mae'n bwysig iawn. Ac mae gennym berthynas agos â'r Ganolfan Moeseg Data ac Arloesi, ond rydym eisiau gweld sut y gallwn gael cyrff cyhoeddus i ystyried moeseg data drwy gyhoeddi canllawiau, a byddai'r canllawiau hynny'n berthnasol iawn ar draws pob sector yn wir wrth fwrw ymlaen â hyn.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog.
Thank you, Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw'r cwestiynau i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol a Gweinidog y Cyfansoddiad. Mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Carolyn Thomas.
The next item is questions to the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution, and the first question is from Carolyn Thomas.
1. A wnaiff y Cwnsler Cyffredinol roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am gyngor y mae wedi'i roi i Lywodraeth Cymru ynghylch effaith Bil Cyfraith yr UE a Ddargedwir (Dirymu a Diwygio) ar gymwyseddau datganoledig? OQ59008
1. What advice has the Counsel General provided to the Welsh Government regarding the impact of the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill on devolved competencies? OQ59008

Thank you for the question. As currently drafted, the Bill could see UK Government Ministers given unfettered authority to legislate in devolved areas, contrary to the democratically established devolution settlement. We have reiterated, at both an official and ministerial level, to the UK Government that our devolution settlement needs to be respected and preserved.
Diolch am y cwestiwn. Fel y mae'r cynllun wedi'i ddrafftio ar hyn o bryd, gallai'r Bil roi awdurdod dilyffethair i Weinidogion Llywodraeth y DU ddeddfu mewn meysydd sydd wedi'u datganoli, yn groes i'r setliad datganoli sydd wedi ei sefydlu'n ddemocrataidd. Rydym wedi ailadrodd i Lywodraeth y DU, ar lefel swyddogol a gweinidogol, fod angen parchu a gwarchod ein setliad datganoli.
Thank you. Important legislation, ranging from workers' rights to environmental protections, could all be about to go up in smoke in the bonfire of Brexit, if the retained EU law Bill continues to proceed in the current form. I'm grateful to you, Counsel General, for highlighting the serious implications of this Bill and the implications that it will have for us here in Wales and this Senedd, as many of the thousands of laws set out are about to become redundant at the end of this year, and they will fall under devolved competencies. I don't think people realise the implications. I know you keep highlighting it, but I just don't think people realise, and it will be too late when it happens. Counsel General, could you please provide an update on the representations that you have made to the UK Government about its infringement on devolved matters through this wholly unnecessary and dangerous Bill? Thank you.
Diolch. Gallai deddfwriaeth bwysig, yn amrywio o hawliau gweithwyr i reoliadau diogelu'r amgylchedd, fod ar fin diflannu yn dilyn Brexit, os yw Bil cyfraith yr UE a ddargedwir yn parhau i fwrw ymlaen ar ei ffurf bresennol. Rwy'n ddiolchgar i chi, Gwnsler Cyffredinol, am dynnu sylw at oblygiadau difrifol y Bil hwn a'r goblygiadau i ni yma yng Nghymru a'r Senedd hon, oherwydd bydd llawer o'r miloedd o ddeddfau a osodwyd yn cael eu diddymu cyn diwedd y flwyddyn, ac fe fyddant yn dod o dan gymwyseddau datganoledig. Nid wyf yn credu bod pobl yn sylweddoli beth fydd goblygiadau hyn. Rwy'n gwybod eich bod yn dal i dynnu sylw at y mater, ond nid wyf yn credu bod pobl yn sylweddoli, a bydd yn rhy hwyr pan fydd yn digwydd. Gwnsler Cyffredinol, a allech chi roi diweddariad ar y sylwadau rydych wedi'u gwneud i Lywodraeth y DU am y ffordd y mae'n tresmasu ar hawliau datganoledig gyda'r Bil cwbl ddiangen a pheryglus hwn? Diolch.
Well, this is a very serious Bill, a very serious piece of legislation, with very serious consequences. The concerns about those consequences, I believe, are shared across all political parties at the moment. I believe it is legislation that is ideologically driven by a small minority in Westminster, and I think there are serious consequences for all the Governments of the UK if the Bill proceeds in its current format.
The first thing to say is that we had very little engagement with it, with the content of the Bill. In fact, I think, as I reported to this Senedd, the first notice that we had was a call to meet on a Saturday with the Minister, Suella Braverman at that particular time, where we were given very little information about what would be involved. What I can say is that, since then, I have had a whole host of meetings. I have met on several occasions with Minister Rees-Mogg; we've had numerous items of correspondence, including a joint letter right at the beginning from myself and from the Scottish Government that highlighted the serious concerns about trying to change legislation in this particular way. This isn't a party-political point; this is about bad law. It is a bad way to change law, and it gives unfettered powers to the UK Government, with very serious consequence. It is also a way of bypassing Parliament, because it does not give powers to Parliament itself, to the scrutiny of legislation, to an understanding of what major pieces of legislation may change, but it gives it solely into the hands of UK Government Ministers. That should be something that should concern all those who are concerned with parliamentary democracy.
On top of the letters, I have met yesterday with Felicity Buchan, UK Government Minister, to reiterate those concerns, and I will be attending a meeting next week of the Interministerial Standing Committee, which I will be chairing, where this issue will also be raised again.
Two major concerns we have, of course, are that it contains concurrent powers that would enable the UK Government to change Welsh law without any reference to the Welsh Government. It also has a sunset clause, where all the retained EU law is revoked, irrespective of what it is or what scrutiny it may or may not have had, by 31 December 2023. The UK Government Ministers have given for themselves within this Bill a sort of get-out-of-jail card to be able to extend it, when they realised the consequence of what they're trying to do. We have asked for exactly the same powers and, unfortunately, we are not being given those either.
What I can say is that every concern that we have, which are shared by Scotland, and I believe are shared by many across political parties in Westminster Government, which are shared by businesses, who will bear considerable costs as a result of this Bill if it goes through in its current format—. And there have been no adequate responses to the concerns that have been raised.
Wel, mae hwn yn Fil difrifol iawn, yn ddeddfwriaeth ddifrifol iawn, gyda chanlyniadau difrifol iawn. Mae'r pryderon am y canlyniadau hynny, rwy'n credu, yn cael eu rhannu ar draws pob plaid wleidyddol ar hyn o bryd. Credaf ei bod yn ddeddfwriaeth sy'n cael ei llywio'n ideolegol gan leiafrif bach yn San Steffan, ac rwy'n credu bod canlyniadau difrifol i holl Lywodraethau'r DU os yw'r Bil yn bwrw ymlaen ar ei ffurf bresennol.
Yn gyntaf, ni chawsom fawr o ymwneud ag ef, â chynnwys y Bil. Yn wir, fel yr adroddais i'r Senedd hon, rwy'n credu mai'r hysbysiad cyntaf a gawsom oedd galwad i gyfarfod ar ddydd Sadwrn gyda'r Gweinidog, Suella Braverman ar yr adeg benodol honno, ac ni chawsom lawer o wybodaeth am yr hyn a fyddai'n cael ei drafod. Gallaf ddweud fy mod wedi cael llu o gyfarfodydd ers hynny. Rwyf wedi cyfarfod ar sawl achlysur â'r Gweinidog Rees-Mogg; rydym wedi cael nifer o eitemau o ohebiaeth, gan gynnwys llythyr ar y cyd ar y dechrau oddi wrthyf fi ac oddi wrth Lywodraeth Yr Alban a amlygodd y pryderon difrifol ynglŷn â cheisio newid deddfwriaeth yn y ffordd hon. Nid pwynt gwleidyddiaeth plaid mo hwn; mae hyn yn ymwneud â chyfraith wael. Mae'n ffordd wael o newid cyfraith, ac mae'n rhoi pwerau dilyffethair i Lywodraeth y DU, gyda chanlyniadau difrifol iawn. Mae hefyd yn ffordd o osgoi'r Senedd, oherwydd nid yw'n rhoi pwerau i'r Senedd ei hun i graffu ar ddeddfwriaeth, i ddeall yr hyn y gall darnau pwysig o ddeddfwriaeth ei newid, ond yn hytrach mae'n rhoi'r pwerau hyn i gyd yn nwylo Gweinidogion Llywodraeth y DU yn unig. Dylai hynny fod yn rhywbeth a ddylai boeni pawb sy'n ymwneud â democratiaeth seneddol.
Ar ben y llythyrau, cyfarfûm â Felicity Buchan, Gweinidog Llywodraeth y DU, ddoe i ailadrodd y pryderon hynny, a byddaf yn cadeirio cyfarfod o'r Pwyllgor Sefydlog Rhyngweinidogol yr wythnos nesaf lle bydd y mater hwn yn cael ei godi eto.
Dau bryder mawr sydd gennym, wrth gwrs, yw ei fod yn cynnwys pwerau cydamserol a fyddai'n galluogi Llywodraeth y DU i newid cyfraith Cymru heb gyfeirio at Lywodraeth Cymru o gwbl. Mae ganddo hefyd gymal machlud, lle mae holl gyfreithiau'r UE a ddargedwir yn cael eu diddymu, ni waeth beth ydyw ac ni waeth pa graffu a wnaed, neu na wnaed arno, erbyn 31 Rhagfyr 2023. Mae Gweinidogion Llywodraeth y DU wedi rhoi rhyw fath o docyn achub i'w hunain o fewn y Bil fel y gallant ei ymestyn, wedi iddynt sylweddoli beth fydd canlyniad yr hyn y maent yn ceisio ei wneud. Rydym wedi gofyn am yr un pwerau'n union ac yn anffodus nid ydym yn cael y rheini chwaith.
Yr hyn y gallaf ei ddweud yw bod pob pryder sydd gennym, sy'n cael eu rhannu gan yr Alban, sy'n cael eu rhannu gan lawer ar draws y pleidiau gwleidyddol yn Llywodraeth San Steffan rwy'n credu, ac sy'n cael eu rhannu gan fusnesau, a fydd yn ysgwyddo costau sylweddol o ganlyniad i'r Bil hwn os bydd yn cael ei dderbyn ar ei ffurf bresennol—. Ac nid oes ymatebion digonol wedi bod i'r pryderon a fynegwyd.
2. Pa asesiad mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'i wneud o effaith yr ardoll prentisiaethau ar hyfforddiant cyfreithiol yng Nghymru? OQ59002
2. What assessment has the Counsel General made of the impact of the apprenticeship levy on legal training in Wales? OQ59002
Thank you. Welsh Ministers have made it clear, since the time of its introduction, that the Welsh Government is not in favour of the UK apprenticeship levy. We've worked closely with the legal sector to introduce apprenticeships that will support growth and development.
Diolch. Mae Gweinidogion Cymru wedi dweud yn glir, ers iddo gael ei gyflwyno, nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru o blaid ardoll brentisiaethau'r DU. Rydym wedi gweithio'n agos gyda'r sector cyfreithiol i gyflwyno prentisiaethau a fydd yn cefnogi twf a datblygiad.
I thank the Counsel General for that answer and, indeed, there has been progress, working with partners in the legal profession, with the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives, with colleges and further education providers over the last few years to get to the point where we do now have foundation stage level 3 and advanced stage level 5 of the new CILEX professional qualification, the CPQ, but there is still a strong push from those out in the profession, particularly in solicitors, the Law Society amongst them, who believe that there needs also to be a level 7 solicitor apprenticeship programme in Wales. We still have the remaining problems with the apprenticeship levy and the fact that it's levied on Welsh companies, but we don’t have the full remit to use it in the way we'd want to in Wales. But I wonder: will he commit to work with those partner organisations to consider how this can be taken forward in due course?
Diolch i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol am yr ateb hwnnw ac yn wir mae cynnydd wedi bod, gan weithio gyda phartneriaid yn y proffesiwn cyfreithiol, gyda'r Sefydliad Siartredig Gweithredwyr Cyfreithiol, gyda cholegau a darparwyr addysg bellach dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf i gyrraedd y pwynt lle mae gennym gymhwyster cyfnod sylfaen lefel 3 yn awr a chymhwyster uwch lefel 5 o'r cymhwyster proffesiynol CILEx newydd, y CPQ, ond mae llawer yn y proffesiwn, yn enwedig cyfreithwyr, a Chymdeithas y Cyfreithwyr yn eu plith, yn credu bod angen rhaglen brentisiaeth lefel 7 ar gyfer cyfreithwyr yng Nghymru hefyd. Mae gennym broblemau o hyd gyda'r ardoll brentisiaethau a'r ffaith ei bod yn cael ei chodi ar gwmnïau Cymreig, ond nid oes gennym gyfrifoldeb llawn i allu ei defnyddio yn y ffordd y byddem eisiau ei defnyddio yng Nghymru. Ond tybed: a wnaiff ymrwymo i weithio gyda'r sefydliadau partner hynny i ystyried sut y gellir bwrw ymlaen â hyn maes o law?
Thank you. You've raised an important area, where Welsh Government has been looking at how it can support the development of the legal profession, those having access to it, and, ultimately, those being able to provide legal services within communities. The first thing to say about the apprenticeship levy, of course, is that it is a tax on employers, it was not one supported by us, and we get very little financial benefit as a consequence of it.
Coming back to, I think, the substance of your question, which is about legal education and training, as you say, last September, we introduced paralegal apprenticeships, which allow apprentices to gain Chartered Institute of Legal Executives qualifications, and the first cohort of those started in September 2022 at Coleg Sir Gâr in Carmarthen. As you say, we've extended it to level 3 and level 5, and we are looking at level 7; we are looking at the access to solicitor apprenticeships as well. That is slightly more complicated, because it raises issues in terms of what a lot of firms are already doing in terms of supporting and paying apprentices, and what we would really want to do is to ensure that anything that we might do would actually lead to better access for more people, more diverse access to that, and also result in people being able to provide legal services in communities, rather than just replacing expenditure that is already taking place. What I can say, though, is that we have published a specification for an assessment of the need for solicitor apprenticeships in Wales, which closed to tenders yesterday. Its aim is to establish the extent to which a solicitor degree apprenticeship may help meet the training and the development needs of the legal profession in Wales.
Diolch. Rydych wedi codi maes pwysig, lle mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yn ystyried sut y gall gefnogi datblygiad y proffesiwn cyfreithiol, y rhai sy'n cael mynediad ato, ac, yn y pen draw, y rhai sy'n gallu darparu gwasanaethau cyfreithiol o fewn cymunedau. Y peth cyntaf i'w ddweud am yr ardoll brentisiaethau, wrth gwrs, yw ei bod yn dreth ar gyflogwyr, nid oeddem yn ei chefnogi, ac ychydig iawn o fudd ariannol a gawn o ganlyniad iddi.
I droi'n ôl at sylwedd eich cwestiwn, sy'n ymwneud ag addysg a hyfforddiant cyfreithiol, fel y dywedwch, fis Medi diwethaf, fe wnaethom gyflwyno prentisiaethau paragyfreithiol, sy'n caniatáu i brentisiaid ennill cymwysterau Sefydliad Siartredig Gweithredwyr Cyfreithiol, a dechreuodd y garfan gyntaf o'r rheini yng Ngholeg Sir Gâr yng Nghaerfyrddin ym mis Medi 2022. Fel y dywedwch, rydym wedi ei ymestyn i gynnwys cymwysterau lefel 3 a lefel 5, ac rydym yn edrych ar gymhwyster lefel 7; rydym yn edrych ar y mynediad at brentisiaethau cyfreithwyr hefyd. Mae hynny ychydig yn fwy cymhleth, oherwydd ei fod yn codi materion ynghylch yr hyn y mae llawer o gwmnïau eisoes yn ei wneud o ran cefnogi a thalu prentisiaid, a'r hyn rydym eisiau ei wneud mewn gwirionedd yw sicrhau bod unrhyw beth y gallem ei wneud yn arwain at well mynediad i fwy o bobl, mynediad mwy amrywiol, a hefyd fod pobl yn gallu darparu gwasanaethau cyfreithiol mewn cymunedau, yn hytrach na dim ond disodli gwariant sydd eisoes yn digwydd. Yr hyn y gallaf ei ddweud, serch hynny, yw ein bod wedi cyhoeddi manyleb ar gyfer asesiad o'r angen am brentisiaethau cyfreithwyr yng Nghymru, a gaeodd i dendrau ddoe. Y nod yw sefydlu i ba raddau y gall gradd-brentisiaeth cyfreithiwr helpu i ddiwallu anghenion hyfforddiant a datblygiad y proffesiwn cyfreithiol yng Nghymru.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Darren Millar.
Questions now from the party spokespeople. The Conservative spokesperson, Darren Millar.
Diolch, Llywydd. Will the Minister provide an update on the Welsh Government's plans to bring forward a Senedd reform Bill?
Diolch, Lywydd. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am gynlluniau Llywodraeth Cymru i gyflwyno Bil diwygio'r Senedd?
Well, thank you for the question. The issue of a Senedd reform Bill is dependent on the policies being determined by this Senedd, so it's not a policy development that is being led by Government. There is considerable policy work that is going on at the moment with a view to the production of legislation. I will make statements in due course about that legislation. The objective, as you know, is to fulfil the recommendations of the special committee that was established. I hope to be able to make announcements in the not-too-distant future on the progress of that, and also once we have looked at the issues around the content of that legislation.
Wel, diolch am y cwestiwn. Mae Bil diwygio'r Senedd yn ddibynnol ar y polisïau sy'n cael eu pennu gan y Senedd hon, felly nid yw'n ddatblygiad polisi sy'n cael ei arwain gan y Llywodraeth. Mae cryn dipyn o waith polisi'n mynd rhagddo ar hyn o bryd gyda golwg ar gynhyrchu deddfwriaeth. Byddaf yn gwneud datganiadau maes o law am y ddeddfwriaeth honno. Yr amcan, fel y gwyddoch, yw cyflawni argymhellion y pwyllgor arbennig a sefydlwyd. Rwy'n gobeithio gallu gwneud cyhoeddiadau yn y dyfodol heb fod yn rhy bell ar gynnydd hynny, a hefyd ar ôl inni edrych ar y materion sy'n ymwneud â chynnwys y ddeddfwriaeth honno.
I'm grateful for that response, Minister. One of the key components, as you will know, of the proposals and plans for Senedd reform includes the mandatory zipping of candidates by gender on electoral ballot papers, in order to promote better gender equality here in the Senedd. But you'll be aware of the controversial decision by the UK Government to prevent the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill from becoming an Act and receiving Royal Assent, because of the reservations in equalities matters, which also apply here to the Senedd. In light of the developments north of the English border, can you tell us what assessment has been made of the Senedd's competence, as far as the Welsh Government is concerned, in relation to gender quotas and zipping? And can you confirm whether the Senedd, in your opinion, has competence in this area?
Rwy'n ddiolchgar am yr ymateb hwnnw, Weinidog. Fel y gwyddoch, mae un o elfennau allweddol y cynigion a'r cynlluniau ar gyfer diwygio'r Senedd yn cynnwys gorfodaeth i sicrhau bod rhestrau 'am yn ail' o ymgeiswyr yn ôl rhywedd ar bapurau pleidleisio etholiadol, er mwyn hyrwyddo gwell cydraddoldeb rhwng y rhywiau yma yn y Senedd. Ond fe fyddwch yn gwybod am benderfyniad dadleuol Llywodraeth y DU i atal Bil Diwygio Cydnabod Rhywedd (Yr Alban) rhag dod yn Ddeddf a derbyn Cydsyniad Brenhinol, oherwydd yr amheuon mewn perthynas â materion cydraddoldeb, sydd hefyd yn berthnasol yma i'r Senedd. Yn sgil y datblygiadau i'r gogledd o'r ffin â Lloegr, a wnewch chi ddweud wrthym pa asesiad a wnaed o gymhwysedd y Senedd, o ran Llywodraeth Cymru, a chwotâu rhywedd a rhestrau 'am yn ail'? Ac a wnewch chi gadarnhau a oes gan y Senedd gymhwysedd yn y maes hwn yn eich barn chi?
Thank you. The first thing is, we will be able to give a more definitive response once we've got to the stage of having draft legislation in front of us, to be able to look at that. And as you know, one of my obligations as Counsel General—and, again, the same with the Presiding Officer—is to actually look at the issue of competence. And again, that is a matter that also lies with the UK Government as well.
I'm aware of what the aspirations are in respect of the special committee and its particular recommendations. What we are doing is exploring all the different variations and options of ways of trying to fulfil that aspiration. What I would reiterate is perhaps the commitment that I've always given to the Senedd, that my role as a law officer, at the end of the day, with regard to competence, is to give a proper and fair and valid assessment of competence. And I will seek to ensure that the legislation that is brought before this Senedd is within the competence of this Senedd.
With regard to the point you make about section 35, I think that the issue of—. As long as we bring forward legislation that goes through proper parliamentary process, and is within competence, I do not think there is a role for UK Government in seeking to overturn legislation that has been properly determined in this place and within that competence. If there is a concern about competence that the UK Government has, then there is a way of dealing with that, and that is to refer it to the Supreme Court to determine.
Diolch. Ym gyntaf, byddwn yn gallu rhoi ymateb mwy pendant pan fyddwn wedi cyrraedd y cam o gael deddfwriaeth ddrafft o'n blaenau, inni allu edrych ar hynny. Ac fel y gwyddoch, un o'm rhwymedigaethau fel Cwnsler Cyffredinol—ac unwaith eto, yr un peth gyda'r Llywydd—yw edrych ar fater cymhwysedd. Ac eto, mae hwnnw'n fater sydd hefyd yn nwylo Llywodraeth y DU.
Rwy'n ymwybodol o'r dyheadau mewn perthynas â'r pwyllgor arbennig a'i argymhellion penodol. Rydym yn archwilio'r holl wahanol amrywiadau ac opsiynau ar gyfer ffyrdd o geisio cyflawni'r dyhead hwnnw. Carwn ailadrodd efallai yr ymrwymiad rwyf bob amser wedi'i roi i'r Senedd, mai fy rôl fel swyddog y gyfraith yn y pen draw, gyda chymhwysedd, yw rhoi asesiad priodol a theg a dilys o gymhwysedd. A byddaf yn ceisio sicrhau bod y ddeddfwriaeth a ddaw ger bron y Senedd hon o fewn cymhwysedd y Senedd hon.
Ar y pwynt a wnewch ynglŷn ag adran 35, rwy'n meddwl bod mater—. Cyn belled â'n bod yn cyflwyno deddfwriaeth sy'n mynd drwy broses seneddol briodol, ac sydd o fewn y cymhwysedd, nid wyf yn credu bod rôl i Lywodraeth y DU geisio gwyrdroi deddfwriaeth sydd wedi'i phennu'n briodol yn y lle hwn ac o fewn y cymhwysedd hwnnw. Os oes pryder gan Lywodraeth y DU ynghylch cymhwysedd, mae ffordd o ymdrin â hynny drwy ei gyfeirio at y Goruchaf Lys i'w benderfynu.
Well, of course, the way that the UK Government has acted in respect of the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill is as is laid out in section 35 of the Act of Parliament. So, it's well within the normal rules, and the decision has not been taken lightly.
But can I just go back to this issue of improved diversity here in the Senedd? We all agree that we want a diverse Senedd that represents the population of Wales, so that we can ensure that decisions are made that are right and proper and that reflect the citizens that we represent. But it does seem clear, in the advice that I have seen, that the Senedd does not have competence to be able to implement these zipped lists. And given that, why is the Government even wasting time on this matter, given that it could jeopardise any of the Senedd reform plans that other parties might have and want to deliver?
Wel, wrth gwrs, mae'r ffordd y mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi gweithredu mewn perthynas â Bil Diwygio Cydnabod Rhywedd (Yr Alban) yn dilyn yr hyn a osodwyd yn adran 35 o'r Ddeddf Seneddol. Felly, mae'n sicr o fewn y rheolau arferol, ac nid ar chwarae bach y gwnaed y penderfyniad.
Ond a gaf fi fynd yn ôl at fater gwell amrywiaeth yma yn y Senedd? Rydym i gyd yn cytuno ein bod eisiau Senedd amrywiol sy'n cynrychioli poblogaeth Cymru, fel y gallwn sicrhau bod penderfyniadau'n cael eu gwneud sy'n iawn ac yn briodol ac sy'n adlewyrchu'r dinasyddion a gynrychiolwn. Ond mae'n ymddangos yn glir, yn y cyngor a welais, nad oes gan y Senedd gymhwysedd i allu gweithredu'r rhestrau 'am yn ail' hyn. Ac o ystyried hynny, pam mae'r Llywodraeth yn gwastraffu amser ar y mater hwn hyd yn oed, o ystyried y gallai beryglu unrhyw un o'r cynlluniau i ddiwygio'r Senedd a allai fod gan bleidiau eraill ac y byddent yn awyddus i'w cyflawni?
Well, I think whatever legislation is brought before this place will only be out of competence if it goes beyond what is the statutory competence that we actually have. And if my confirmation is that I will ensure that the legislation that is brought before here will be within competence, then I don't think that the concerns that you have will arise. My intention is not to bring forward legislation that is out of competence; I will bring forward legislation that is there.
The issue of equality is a very complex area, and I think it is always a mistake to rely on individual pieces of advice that may be out of context, or that are not part of the whole picture, or that do not necessarily relate to the various options that might be considered. The Equality Act 2010 does make provision for exemptions to promote equality and diversity, and, of course, those are areas that we want to look at very, very carefully. It is a complex area of law; I can assure you it is being looked at very, very carefully, that the legal aspects will be properly analysed, and what we bring forward before this Senedd will be within competence.
Wel, nid wyf yn credu y bydd unrhyw ddeddfwriaeth a gyflwynir ger bron y lle hwn yn gymwys os yw'n mynd y tu hwnt i'r cymhwysedd statudol sydd gennym mewn gwirionedd. Ac os mai fy nghadarnhad yw y byddaf yn sicrhau y bydd y ddeddfwriaeth sy'n cael ei chyflwyno yma o fewn y cymhwysedd, nid wyf yn credu y bydd y pryderon sydd gennych yn codi. Fy mwriad yw peidio â chyflwyno deddfwriaeth heb fod ganddi gymhwysedd; byddaf yn cyflwyno deddfwriaeth sydd yno.
Mae mater cydraddoldeb yn faes cymhleth iawn, ac rwy'n credu ei bod bob amser yn gamgymeriad inni ddibynnu ar ddarnau unigol o gyngor a allai fod allan o'u cyd-destun, neu nad ydynt yn rhan o'r darlun cyfan, neu nad ydynt o reidrwydd yn ymwneud â'r gwahanol opsiynau y gellid eu hystyried. Mae Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 yn gwneud darpariaeth ar gyfer eithriadau i hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth, ac wrth gwrs, mae'r rheini'n feysydd rydym am edrych arnynt yn ofalus iawn. Mae'n faes cymhleth o'r gyfraith; gallaf eich sicrhau yr edrychir arno'n ofalus iawn, y bydd yr agweddau cyfreithiol yn cael eu dadansoddi'n briodol, ac y bydd yr hyn a gyflwynir gennym ger bron y Senedd hon o fewn y cymhwysedd.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Peredur Owen Griffiths.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Peredur Owen Griffiths.
Diolch, Llywydd. The UK Government's decision to veto the passage of the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill marks a new low in relations between Westminster and the devolved administrations. Over the past 13 years, this Tory Government has frequently demonstrated its thinly veiled disregard for devolution. Instead of working constructively with its devolved partners, it has resorted to damaging unilateral actions, such as the United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020, that trample over devolved competencies.
Could the Counsel General provide his assessment of the UK Government's recent use of the section 35 power under the Scotland Act 1998 to block the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill, and, in particular, the implications of this measure for the devolution settlement in the UK? And will the Counsel General go as far as me in saying that the UK Government's outrageous denial of the democratic will of the Scottish Parliament further underlines the utter fallacy of the notion that the United Kingdom is a partnership of equals?
Diolch, Lywydd. Mae penderfyniad Llywodraeth y DU i osod feto ar hynt Bil Diwygio Cydnabod Rhywedd (Yr Alban) yn nodi isafbwynt yn y berthynas rhwng San Steffan a'r gweinyddiaethau datganoledig. Dros y 13 mlynedd diwethaf, mae'r Llywodraeth Dorïaidd hon wedi dangos ei diffyg parch amlwg tuag at ddatganoli ar sawl achlysur. Yn hytrach na gweithio'n adeiladol gyda'i phartneriaid datganoledig, mae wedi ymroi i gamau gweithredu unochrog dinistriol, megis Deddf Marchnad Fewnol y Deyrnas Unedig 2020, sy'n sathru ar gymwyseddau datganoledig.
A wnaiff y Cwnsler Cyffredinol roi ei asesiad o ddefnydd diweddar Llywodraeth y DU o bŵer adran 35 o dan Ddeddf yr Alban 1998 i rwystro Bil Diwygio Cydnabod Rhywedd (yr Alban), ac yn benodol, goblygiadau'r mesur hwn i'r setliad datganoli yn y DU? Ac a wnaiff y Cwnsler Cyffredinol fynd mor bell â mi a dweud bod y ffordd warthus y mae Llywodraeth y DU yn gwadu ewyllys ddemocrataidd Senedd yr Alban yn tanlinellu ymhellach pa mor gwbl gyfeiliornus yw'r syniad fod y Deyrnas Unedig yn bartneriaeth gyfartal?
Thank you for the question. And, of course, this is an incredibly important issue that has arisen. Can I just say, firstly, on the gender recognition issue, of course the Gender Recognition Act 2004 is a reserved matter, so we are in a different position to that which the Scottish Government is in? The comment that's been made with regard to section 35 of the Scotland Act, I suppose, also ties into section 114 of the Government of Wales Act 2006, although the clauses are not exactly the same for Scotland and for Wales.
What I can say is that I have received, and am considering carefully, the seven-page document that sets out the UK Government's arguments in respect of its disagreement with the gender recognition Act that was passed in Scotland, and will consider now what the response of the Scottish Government is to that, whether there is a challenge, whether that raises significant constitutional issues that we would be concerned with. And, of course, as you know, I will have powers to intervene in any legal constitutional issues that might arise as a consequence of that.
It is probably premature to say anything further than that because there is so much detail. What I will do is express this particular comment that, firstly, after 20 years of Sewel actually working, we've had increasing numbers of the normalisation of the overriding of Sewel by the UK Government, which has been not only undermining the devolution settlement, but I believe it's beginning to undermine the inter-governmental machinery that has just recently been established. And this is a matter that is being raised, that I will be raising in appropriate meetings that I'll be having.
It is a matter of the most serious concern that if you have a Government within the United Kingdom that has legislation, that it goes through the correct processes, the correct parliamentary scrutiny, and is then passed, that it might be overturned on anything other than a significant constitutional issue that affects the whole of the United Kingdom. There are serious concerns as to whether that is the basis on which section 35 is potentially being triggered. But the issues around it are something I will consider very, very carefully, as well as the implications for the constitutional issues that might be relevant to Wales.
Diolch am y cwestiwn. Ac wrth gwrs, mae hwn yn fater eithriadol o bwysig. Os caf ddweud yn gyntaf, ar fater cydnabod rhywedd, wrth gwrs mae Deddf Cydnabod Rhywedd 2004 yn fater a gadwyd yn ôl, felly rydym mewn sefyllfa wahanol i'r hyn y mae Llywodraeth yr Alban ynddi? Rwy'n tybio bod y sylw a wnaed am adran 35 o Ddeddf yr Alban hefyd yn cyd-fynd ag adran 114 o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006, er nad yw'r cymalau'n union yr un fath i'r Alban a Chymru.
Yr hyn y gallaf ei ddweud yw fy mod wedi derbyn, ac yn ystyried yn ofalus, y ddogfen saith tudalen sy'n nodi dadleuon Llywodraeth y DU mewn perthynas â'i anghytundeb â'r Ddeddf cydnabod rhywedd a gafodd ei phasio yn yr Alban, a byddaf yn ystyried yn awr beth yw ymateb Llywodraeth yr Alban i hynny, a oes her, a yw hynny'n codi materion cyfansoddiadol sylweddol y byddem yn bryderus yn eu cylch. Ac wrth gwrs, fel y gwyddoch, bydd gennyf bwerau i ymyrryd mewn unrhyw faterion cyfansoddiadol cyfreithiol a allai godi o ganlyniad i hynny.
Mae'n debyg ei bod yn rhy fuan i ddweud unrhyw beth pellach na hynny gan fod cymaint o fanylion. Yr hyn a wnaf yw mynegi'r sylw penodol hwn ein bod, yn gyntaf, ar ôl 20 mlynedd o Sewel ar waith, wedi cael niferoedd cynyddol o enghreifftiau o normaleiddio diystyru Sewel gan Lywodraeth y DU, sydd nid yn unig wedi bod yn tanseilio'r setliad datganoli, ond rwy'n credu ei fod yn dechrau tanseilio'r peirianwaith rhynglywodraethol sydd newydd gael eu sefydlu'n ddiweddar. A dyma fater sy'n cael ei godi, y byddaf i yn ei godi, mewn cyfarfodydd priodol y byddaf yn eu cael.
Mae'n fater o'r pryder mwyaf difrifol, os oes gennych Lywodraeth o fewn y Deyrnas Unedig sydd â deddfwriaeth, ei bod yn mynd drwy'r prosesau cywir, y craffu seneddol cywir, ac yna'n cael ei phasio, ac y gallai gael ei gwyrdroi ar sail unrhyw beth heblaw mater cyfansoddiadol o bwys sy'n effeithio ar y Deyrnas Unedig gyfan. Mae yna bryderon difrifol ynglŷn ag ai dyna'r sail dros sbarduno adran 35. Ond byddaf yn ystyried y cwestiynau sy'n codi yn ofalus iawn, yn ogystal â'r goblygiadau i'r materion cyfansoddiadol a allai fod yn berthnasol i Gymru.
Diolch am yr ateb yna.
Thank you for that response.
Although the powers to legislate on gender recognition are not yet available to this Senedd, the First Minister has expressed a desire to introduce similar legislation to the GRR Bill here in Wales. He recently said in this Chamber,
'we will seek the powers. If we obtain those powers, we will put them to work here in Wales, and we will put proposals in front of this Welsh Parliament'.
However, it appears that these ambitions are increasingly at odds with the views of the UK Labour leadership. Earlier this month, Keir Starmer said that he had concerns about the proposed Bill, and stated his opposition to 16 and 17-year-olds having the ability to choose their gender. Furthermore, only 11 Labour MPs voted against the use of the section 35 powers in the Commons last week, the rest abstained. It's regrettable that UK Labour has apparently decided to follow the Tories' lead in indulging this cultural war on politics.
Can the Counsel General therefore confirm that it remains the Welsh Government's ambition to seek the necessary powers to legislate on a gender self-identification system along the same lines as those contained in the gender recognition reform Bill, including the reduction in the minimum age for applicants from 18 to 16? Diolch yn fawr.
Er nad yw'r pwerau i ddeddfu ar gydnabod rhywedd ar gael i'r Senedd hon eto, mae Prif Weinidog Cymru wedi mynegi awydd i gyflwyno deddfwriaeth debyg i'r Bil diwygio cydnabod rhywedd yma yng Nghymru. Dywedodd yn y Siambr hon yn ddiweddar,
'byddwn yn ceisio'r pwerau. Os cawn ni'r pwerau hynny, byddwn ni'n eu rhoi nhw ar waith yma yng Nghymru, a byddwn ni'n rhoi cynigion ger bron Senedd Cymru'.
Fodd bynnag, mae'n ymddangos bod yr uchelgeisiau hyn yn gynyddol groes i farn arweinyddiaeth Llafur y DU. Yn gynharach yn y mis, dywedodd Keir Starmer fod ganddo bryderon am y Bil arfaethedig, a mynegodd ei wrthwynebiad i bobl ifanc 16 ac 17 oed gael y gallu i ddewis eu rhywedd. Ar ben hynny, dim ond 11 o ASau Llafur a bleidleisiodd yn erbyn y defnydd o bwerau adran 35 yn Nhŷ'r Cyffredin yr wythnos diwethaf, fe wnaeth y gweddill ymatal. Gresyn fod Llafur y DU i'w gweld wedi penderfynu dilyn arweiniad y Torïaid ac ymroi i'r rhyfel diwylliannol hwn ar wleidyddiaeth.
A all y Cwnsler Cyffredinol gadarnhau felly mai uchelgais Llywodraeth Cymru o hyd yw ceisio'r pwerau angenrheidiol i ddeddfu ar system hunanddiffinio rhywedd ar hyd yr un llinellau â'r rhai sydd wedi'u cynnwys yn y Bil diwygio cydnabod rhywedd, gan gynnwys gostwng yr isafswm oedran i ymgeiswyr o 18 oed i 16 oed? Diolch yn fawr.
What I can say is to reiterate what the First Minister said, which is that, yes, we do wish to have those powers. It is an area that we wish to legislate in. What the precise content of that legislation might be, I'm sure the detail of that would still need to be considered. Equally so, we'd need to go through the floor of this Senedd. Can I also say, just in terms of the points you made about other Governments, of course there are concerns, just as there were concerns in Scotland? What was interesting about the legislation in Scotland was that it had cross-party support and it had cross-party opposition. There were those within the SNP who opposed it. There were those within the Scottish Labour Party that supported and opposed as well. I think it's in the nature of that particular legislation. But, the First Minister has been completely clear about the direction that we do want to go in. The detail of that is something I'm sure would be considered if and when we actually get legislative competence in that area.
Yr hyn y gallaf ei ddweud yw ailadrodd yr hyn a ddywedodd y Prif Weinidog, sef ein bod yn dymuno cael y pwerau hynny. Mae'n faes rydym am ddeddfu ynddo. Rwy'n siŵr y byddai angen ystyried y manylion ynglŷn â beth fyddai union gynnwys y ddeddfwriaeth honno. Yn yr un modd, byddai angen inni fynd drwy'r Senedd hon. A gaf fi ddweud hefyd, ar y pwyntiau a wnaethoch am Lywodraethau eraill, wrth gwrs fod yna bryderon, yn union fel roedd pryderon yn yr Alban? Yr hyn a oedd yn ddiddorol am y ddeddfwriaeth yn yr Alban oedd bod iddi gefnogaeth drawsbleidiol ac roedd iddi wrthwynebiad trawsbleidiol. Roedd rhai o fewn yr SNP yn ei gwrthwynebu. Roedd yna rai o fewn Plaid Lafur yr Alban a oedd yn cefnogi a rhai'n gwrthwynebu hefyd. Rwy'n credu mai dyna natur y ddeddfwriaeth benodol honno. Ond mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi bod yn gwbl glir ynglŷn â'r cyfeiriad rydym eisiau mynd iddo. Rwy'n siŵr fod manylion hynny'n rhywbeth a fyddai'n cael ei ystyried os a phan gawn gymhwysedd deddfwriaethol yn y maes.
3. Pa gyngor cyfreithiol mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'i roi i Lywodraeth Cymru ynglŷn â'i gallu i gynnal treial wythnos pedwar diwrnod yng Nghymru? OQ58997
3. What legal advice has the Counsel General provided to the Welsh Government regarding its ability to carry out a four-day week trial in Wales? OQ58997
I thank the Member. Whilst we have not committed to a pilot, we recognise the potential benefits of a shorter working week alongside other forms of flexible working. We are committed to working with social partners to encourage progressive working practices.
Diolch i'r Aelod. Er nad ydym wedi ymrwymo i gynllun peilot, rydym yn cydnabod manteision posibl wythnos waith fyrrach ochr yn ochr â mathau eraill o weithio hyblyg. Rydym wedi ymrwymo i weithio gyda phartneriaid cymdeithasol i annog arferion gweithio blaengar.
I'm grateful to the Counsel General for his answer this afternoon. I'm sure he'll be aware of the report published just yesterday by the Senedd's Petitions Committee, which I Chair. This report was endorsed by the majority of the committee, and it did recommend a four-day-week trial within the public sector in Wales. The pilot will build on the evidence of the private sector trials that have demonstrated already an increase in productivity and the benefits to an employee. Counsel General, this is no doubt a bold proposal, but it is one that might be challenging. But, just because something in challenging, does not mean we should not do it. Across the world, four-day-week trials have demonstrated success in increasing that productivity and improving the mental and physical health of workers and helping them upskill too. Can I ask you, Counsel General, will you commit to looking further at this matter, discussing with your Cabinet colleagues within Welsh Government, and coming back to this Senedd with a fuller report on the powers that we have to take this bold step forward?
Rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol am ei ateb y prynhawn yma. Rwy'n siŵr y bydd yn ymwybodol o'r adroddiad a gyhoeddwyd ddoe gan Bwyllgor Deisebau'r Senedd a gadeirir gennyf. Cafodd yr adroddiad ei gymeradwyo gan fwyafrif o'r pwyllgor, ac fe wnaeth argymell treialu wythnos pedwar diwrnod o fewn y sector cyhoeddus yng Nghymru. Bydd y peilot yn adeiladu ar dystiolaeth treialon y sector preifat sydd eisoes wedi dangos cynnydd mewn cynhyrchiant a'r manteision i weithiwr. Gwnsler Cyffredinol, mae'n siŵr fod hwn yn gynnig beiddgar, ond mae'n un a allai fod yn heriol. Ond nid yw'r ffaith bod rhywbeth yn heriol yn golygu na ddylem ei wneud. Ar draws y byd, mae treialon wythnos pedwar diwrnod wedi dangos llwyddiant o ran cynyddu cynhyrchiant a gwella iechyd meddwl a chorfforol gweithwyr a'u helpu i uwchsgilio hefyd. A gaf fi ofyn i chi, Gwnsler Cyffredinol, a wnewch chi ymrwymo i edrych ymhellach ar y mater hwn, a thrafod gyda'ch cyd-Weinidogion Llywodraeth Cymru, a dod yn ôl i'r Senedd hon gydag adroddiad llawnach ar y pwerau sydd gennym i gymryd y cam beiddgar hwn ymlaen?
Can I thank the Member for raising this? I think it is really important that these ideas are raised within this Chamber and questions is an appropriate way to actually do that. It does remind me that the controversy suddenly when the suggestion was made that we could potentially move to a four-day working week—I think probably that controversy existed when we moved from a seven-day working week to a six-day working week, when we moved from six days to five days, et cetera. It was probably the same controversy when we talked about stopping children from having to work down the mines and so on.
What we're interested in is economic efficiency, economic productivity, but also the well-being of society, the well-being of the people who work in society, and how flexible working and different types of working can actually be more productive. I think that's why there have been so many pilots. I'm looking at the moment—. I know that, across Government, we are taking a close interest in the evidence around the shorter working week. We don't have legislative competence in employment legislation, but there are many areas where we can influence. We have, of course, the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, and of course we have the Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Bill coming through as well, which seek to influence well-being and ethical employment and issues like that.
But, there have been trials. I'm looking at some of the research around this. Scotland is looking at this closely at the moment. That is, I think, something of interest. North America has had trials. Iceland has had trials. Spain is doing a pilot. Australia is looking at a pilot. So, this isn't just something that has come out of the blue. There are progressive and modern governments all over the world that are looking at ways of better working, better for the people who work, but equally better for the economies as well. The Spanish pilot was launched in 2022, and that's expected to run for two years. So, this is something where we have to keep an open mind. We have to want to seek to make change where change will improve people's working conditions, and we have to look at the evidence from the pilots that are produced. I know that this is something that Welsh Government will be very interested in.
A gaf fi ddiolch i'r Aelod am godi hyn? Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn fod y syniadau hyn yn cael eu codi yn y Siambr ac mae cwestiynau'n ffordd briodol o wneud hynny mewn gwirionedd. Mae'n fy atgoffa, pan ddaeth yr argymhelliad y gallem symud i wythnos waith pedwar diwrnod yn bwnc llosg yn sydyn iawn—rwy'n credu ei fod yn bwnc llosg mae'n debyg pan symudwyd o wythnos waith saith diwrnod i wythnos waith chwe diwrnod, pan symudwyd o chwe diwrnod i bum diwrnod, ac ati. Mae'n debygol ei fod yn bwnc llosg pan fuom yn sôn am atal plant rhag gorfod gweithio yn y pyllau glo ac yn y blaen.
Yr hyn y mae gennym ddiddordeb ynddo yw effeithlonrwydd economaidd, cynhyrchiant economaidd, ond hefyd llesiant cymdeithas, llesiant y bobl sy'n gweithio yn y gymdeithas, a sut y gall gweithio hyblyg a gwahanol fathau o weithio fod yn fwy cynhyrchiol mewn gwirionedd. Rwy'n meddwl mai dyna pam mae cymaint o gynlluniau peilot wedi bod. Rwy'n edrych ar hyn o bryd—. Rwy'n gwybod, ar draws y Llywodraeth, ein bod yn â diddordeb mawr yn y dystiolaeth ynghylch yr wythnos waith fyrrach. Nid oes gennym gymhwysedd deddfwriaethol mewn deddfwriaeth cyflogaeth, ond mae yna lawer o feysydd y gallwn ddylanwadu arnynt. Mae gennym Ddeddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015, ac wrth gwrs, mae gennym y Bil Partneriaeth Gymdeithasol a Chaffael Cyhoeddus (Cymru) yn dod drwodd hefyd, sy'n ceisio dylanwadu ar lesiant a chyflogaeth foesegol a materion o'r fath.
Ond fe gafwyd treialon. Rwy'n edrych ar rywfaint o'r ymchwil mewn perthynas â hyn. Mae'r Alban yn edrych ar hyn yn fanwl ar hyn o bryd. Mae'n fater sy'n ennyn diddordeb, rwy'n credu. Mae Gogledd America wedi cael treialon. Mae Gwlad yr Iâ wedi cael treialon. Mae Sbaen yn cynnal cynllun peilot. Mae Awstralia yn edrych ar gynllun peilot. Felly, nid yw hyn yn rhywbeth anarferol. Mae llywodraethau blaengar a modern ledled y byd yn edrych ar ffyrdd o weithio'n well, gwell i'r bobl sy'n gweithio, ond yn yr un modd, gwell i'r economïau hefyd. Cafodd cynllun peilot Sbaen ei lansio yn 2022, ac mae disgwyl iddo fod yn weithredol am ddwy flynedd. Felly, dyma rywbeth lle mae'n rhaid inni gadw meddwl agored. Mae'n rhaid inni fod eisiau newid lle bydd newid yn gwella amodau gwaith pobl, ac mae'n rhaid inni edrych ar y dystiolaeth o'r cynlluniau peilot sy'n cael eu cynhyrchu. Rwy'n gwybod bod hyn yn rhywbeth y bydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru ddiddordeb mawr ynddo.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (David Rees) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (David Rees) took the Chair.
I'm pleased this question has been raised today, and I thank the Member for Alyn and Deeside for bringing it up, as it's a perfect example of utter hypocrisy in the Welsh Labour Party. In one breath, they support the union paymasters who are hell-bent on bringing this country to its knees, with strike after strike after strike, but then, in the other breath, they're asking people to work fewer days and bring productivity and wages down. My constituents who work in Flintshire and the Deeside area are facing rising mortgages, higher energy bills, soaring prices across the board, and they want to do some overtime, work that extra hour or two, just to keep the wolf from the door, and the local Members want them to work less and reduce their prospects. You couldn't make it up. So, when will we see a Labour Party and a Welsh Government that truly supports the working people of north-east Wales and supports people who want to get on in life, rather than holding them down?
Rwy'n falch fod y cwestiwn hwn wedi'i godi heddiw, a diolch i'r Aelod dros Alun a Glannau Dyfrdwy am ei ofyn, gan ei fod yn enghraifft berffaith o ragrith llwyr yn y Blaid Lafur Gymreig. Mewn un anadl, maent yn cefnogi tâl-feistri'r undebau sy'n dal i fod yn benderfynol o ddifa'r wlad, gyda streic ar ôl streic ar ôl streic, ond gyda'r anadl nesaf, maent yn gofyn i bobl weithio llai o ddyddiau a gostwng chynhyrchiant a chyflogau. Mae fy etholwyr sy'n gweithio yn sir y Fflint ac ardal Glannau Dyfrdwy yn wynebu morgeisi cynyddol, biliau ynni uwch, prisiau uchel am bob dim, ac maent am weithio goramser, gweithio awr neu ddwy ychwanegol, i gadw'r blaidd o'r drws, ac mae'r Aelodau lleol am iddynt weithio llai a lleihau eu rhagolygon. Mae'n anghredadwy. Felly, pryd y gwelwn Blaid Lafur a Llywodraeth Cymru sydd o ddifrif yn cefnogi gweithwyr gogledd-ddwyrain Cymru ac yn cefnogi pobl sydd eisiau camu ymlaen mewn bywyd, yn hytrach na'u dal yn ôl?
Well, I'm sure, had the Member been around at the appropriate time, you would have been making exactly that speech when we went from seven days to a six-day working week, and I suppose you're still angry about the fact that we don't send children under 12 down the coal mines. Oh, I forgot—you actually closed most of the coal mines, so that probably dealt with that particular issue.
I note, as well, I'm sure you're probably still a supporter of the position that the Conservative Party took when it opposed the minimum wage and all the things that were said about the minimum wage at that particular time. So, listen, I hear what you say. I'm afraid you are still living in the Victorian age. We are now living in the twenty-first century and we want to look after the people who work for a living, and we want to have a good and efficient and productive economy.
Wel, pe bai'r Aelod wedi bod o gwmpas ar yr adeg honno, rwy'n siŵr y byddech wedi bod yn gwneud yn union yr un araith pan aethom o wythnos waith saith diwrnod i wythnos waith chwe diwrnod, ac rwy'n tybio eich bod yn dal yn ddig nad ydym yn anfon plant o dan 12 oed i lawr y pyllau glo. O, fe anghofiais—fe wnaethoch chi gau'r rhan fwyaf o'r pyllau glo, felly mae'n debyg fod hynny wedi cael gwared ar y broblem honno.
Rwy'n siŵr hefyd eich bod yn dal i gefnogi safbwynt y Blaid Geidwadol pan wrthwynebodd yr isafswm cyflog a'r holl bethau a ddywedwyd am yr isafswm cyflog ar y pryd. Felly, gwrandewch, rwy'n clywed beth a ddywedwch. Mae arnaf ofn eich bod chi'n dal i fyw yn Oes Fictoria. Rydym bellach yn byw yn yr unfed ganrif ar hugain ac rydym eisiau gofalu am y bobl sy'n gweithio am eu bywoliaeth, ac rydym eisiau cael economi dda ac effeithlon a chynhyrchiol.
4. Pa drafodaethau mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'u cael am sicrhau bod ymchwiliad cyhoeddus COVID-19 y DU yn gallu manteisio ar arbenigedd y sector cyfreithiol yng Nghymru? OQ58987
4. What discussions has the Counsel General had about ensuring that the UK COVID-19 public inquiry has access to the expertise of the Welsh legal sector? OQ58987
Determining legal expertise is a matter for the chair to the inquiry. The Welsh Government is committed to supporting the inquiry, and has been proactive in making the inquiry aware of Wales’s constitutional and legal arrangements so that levels of expertise can be assessed.
Mater i gadeirydd yr ymchwiliad yw penodi arbenigedd cyfreithiol. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i gefnogi'r ymchwiliad, a bu'n rhagweithiol wrth fynd ati i wneud yr ymchwiliad yn ymwybodol o drefniadau cyfansoddiadol a chyfreithiol Cymru fel bod modd asesu lefelau o arbenigedd.
If I could draw Members' attention to my declaration of interest. Of the 12 King's Counsel appointed and the 50 junior barristers appointed to the UK COVID inquiry, not one is based in Wales. That, of course, is not the position for Scotland or Northern Ireland. They would never put up with that, would they, Cwnsler Cyffredinol? Wales, once again, seems to be the forgotten nation—surely another strong argument for a Wales COVID inquiry. What action are you taking to remedy this situation and to ensure that the UK-wide inquiry reflects the devolved system here in Wales? Diolch yn fawr.
Os caf dynnu sylw'r Aelodau at fy natganiad o fuddiant. O'r 12 Cwnsler y Brenin, a'r 50 bargyfreithiwr iau a benodwyd i ymchwiliad COVID y DU, nid oes yr un ohonynt wedi eu lleoli yng Nghymru. Nid dyna'r sefyllfa yn yr Alban na Gogledd Iwerddon wrth gwrs. Ni fyddent byth yn goddef hynny, na fyddent, Gwnsler Cyffredinol? Mae'n ymddangos mai Cymru, unwaith eto, yw'r genedl a anghofiwyd—dadl gref arall dros ymchwiliad COVID i Gymru. Pa gamau a gymerwyd gennych i unioni'r sefyllfa a sicrhau bod ymchwiliad y DU yn adlewyrchu'r system ddatganoledig yma yng Nghymru? Diolch yn fawr.
Thank you for the question. The points you raise in terms of the Welsh legal profession, I think, are important ones. The UK inquiry team did indicate its intention to draw staff and legal support from across the UK, with the Welsh Government inquiry team recommending to them that advice be sought from the bar's Wales and Chester circuit. It is the case, of course, in terms of the legal representation being organised by the Welsh Government, that there is significant input from the Welsh bar, and obviously I will do everything I can, in every sphere that I work in, to actually promote the interests of the use of the Welsh legal profession where that is appropriate, and, of course, issues that may arise. Equally so, one issue the Welsh Government has pressed is very much the ability, and the confirmation that it will happen, of the use of Welsh language within those inquiry proceedings.
In terms of the inquiry itself, for me, the crux, the important thing, is what is the most effective way to ensure that the questions that society at large has, that the families of the bereaved have, with regard to COVID, are properly capable of being answered. What is the correct mechanism for ensuring that there are powers to ensure that evidence is available, that the witnesses are available, that everything that is necessary in order to answer those questions is done? That is why the Welsh Government has adopted the position that it has. But, I can confirm, again, and reiterate that of course there will be Welsh lawyers that are involved in the Welsh Government's representations to that COVID inquiry.
Diolch am y cwestiwn. Mae'r pwyntiau a wnewch am y proffesiwn cyfreithiol Cymreig yn rhai pwysig yn fy marn i. Nododd tîm ymchwiliad y DU ei fwriad i geisio cymorth staff a chymorth cyfreithiol o bob rhan o'r DU, gyda thîm ymchwiliad Llywodraeth Cymru yn argymell iddynt y dylid gofyn am gyngor o gylchdaith Cymru a Chaer y bar. Mae'n wir, wrth gwrs, o ran y gynrychiolaeth gyfreithiol sy'n cael ei threfnu gan Lywodraeth Cymru, fod mewnbwn sylweddol gan y bar yng Nghymru, ac yn amlwg fe wnaf bopeth a allaf, ym mhob agwedd ar fy ngwaith, i hyrwyddo manteision defnyddio'r proffesiwn cyfreithiol Cymreig lle bo hynny'n briodol, a materion a allai godi wrth gwrs. Yn yr un modd, un mater y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi pwyso amdano yw'r gallu i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg yn nhrefniadau'r ymchwiliad, a'r cadarnhad y bydd yn digwydd.
O ran yr ymchwiliad ei hun, i mi, yr hyn sy'n hollbwysig, yw beth yw'r ffordd fwyaf effeithiol o sicrhau bod y cwestiynau sydd gan gymdeithas yn gyffredinol, y cwestiynau y mae teuluoedd mewn profedigaeth oherwydd COVID am gael ateb priodol iddynt. Beth yw'r mecanwaith cywir ar gyfer sicrhau bod yna bwerau i sicrhau bod tystiolaeth ar gael, fod y tystion ar gael, fod popeth sy'n angenrheidiol er mwyn ateb y cwestiynau hynny'n cael ei wneud? Dyna pam mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi mabwysiadu'r safbwynt sydd ganddi. Ond gallaf gadarnhau unwaith eto, ac ailadrodd wrth gwrs y bydd yna gyfreithwyr Cymreig yn rhan o gynrychiolaeth Llywodraeth Cymru i'r ymchwiliad COVID.
5. Pa asesiad mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'i wneud o effaith Bil Trefn Gyhoeddus Llywodraeth y DU ar Gymru? OQ59004
5. What assessment has the Counsel General made of the impact of the UK Government's Public Order Bill on Wales? OQ59004
The Public Order Bill impacts on the vital right of people in Wales to have their voices heard and express their concerns freely. I will continue to impress upon the UK Government that Wales’s views must be heard in respect of the importance of the right to protest.
Mae'r Bil Trefn Gyhoeddus yn effeithio ar hawl hanfodol pobl yng Nghymru i sicrhau bod eu lleisiau'n cael eu clywed ac y gallant fynegi eu pryderon yn ddirwystr. Byddaf yn parhau i bwyso ar Lywodraeth y DU fod yn rhaid clywed barn Cymru ynghylch pwysigrwydd yr hawl i brotestio.
The Counsel General, the Minister, like me, will have been on many protests of different types over the years. And, in fact, over the decades, and indeed over generations and centuries, in Wales, there has been a vigorous tradition of public protest, and it's right that there should have been. From the earliest Greenham Common protestors drawn from Wales, including my own late friend and reliable critic, Eunice Stallard from Ystalyfera, to Ann Clwyd MP joining Tyrone O'Sullivan and miners in a sit-in deep underground at Tower Colliery, the Trawsfynydd protestors, Welsh language campaigners, anti-racism protestors, more recently environmental protestors, too, these campaigns have always led to heated debate and sometimes to controversy, and they've often inconvenienced people deeply. Indeed, Dirprwy Lywydd, many of us will recall the go-slow petrol protests and blockades led by a farmer from north Wales—the upstanding chair of the Flintshire branch of the Farmers Union of Wales, a member of the council of the Royal Welsh Show, the Welsh Pony and Cob Society, who then became an Assembly Member here—the late Brynle Jones. He was also part of the dumping of 40 tonnes of meat into the sea off Holyhead, in his version of the Boston Tea Party. So, what does he think, what does the Minister think that Brynle Jones, Eunice Stallard, Tyrone O'Sullivan or the protestors for the Welsh language or many others would think of the sweeping powers that UK Government are now taking for themselves to block public protest? And frankly, is it even needed when the powers they already have are so wide ranging?
Bydd y Cwnsler Cyffredinol, fel finnau, wedi bod mewn sawl protest o wahanol fathau dros y blynyddoedd. Ac mewn gwirionedd, dros y degawdau, ac yn wir dros genedlaethau a chanrifoedd yng Nghymru, gwelwyd traddodiad brwd o brotestio cyhoeddus, ac mae'n iawn mai felly y bu. O'r protestwyr cynharaf yng Nghomin Greenham a ddaeth o Gymru, gan gynnwys fy niweddar gyfaill a'm beirniad dibynadwy, Eunice Stallard o Ystalyfera, i Ann Clwyd AS yn ymuno â Tyrone O'Sullivan a glowyr mewn protest danddaearol ym mhwll glo'r Tower, protestwyr Trawsfynydd, ymgyrchwyr dros y Gymraeg, protestwyr gwrth-hiliaeth, protestwyr amgylcheddol yn fwy diweddar hefyd, mae'r ymgyrchoedd hyn bob amser wedi arwain at ddadlau tanbaid, ac maent yn aml wedi peri anghyfleustra mawr i bobl. Yn wir, Ddirprwy Lywydd, bydd llawer ohonom yn cofio'r protestiadau petrol drwy yrru'n araf a chodi rhwystrau ar y ffyrdd dan arweiniad ffermwr o ogledd Cymru—cadeirydd cangen sir y Fflint o Undeb Amaethwyr Cymru, aelod o gyngor y Sioe Frenhinol, Cymdeithas y Merlod a'r Cobiau Cymreig, a ddaeth wedyn yn Aelod Cynulliad yma—y diweddar Brynle Jones. Roedd hefyd yn rhan o brotest a waredodd 40 tunnell o gig i'r môr oddi ar Gaergybi, yn ei fersiwn ef o De Parti Boston. Felly, beth mae'n ei feddwl, beth mae'r Gweinidog yn ei feddwl y byddai Brynle Jones, Eunice Stallard, Tyrone O'Sullivan neu'r protestwyr dros y Gymraeg neu sawl un arall yn ei feddwl o'r pwerau ysgubol y mae Llywodraeth y DU bellach yn eu cymryd iddynt eu hunain i rwystro protestio cyhoeddus? Ac a bod yn onest, a oes ei angen hyd yn oed, pan fo'r pwerau sydd ganddynt eisoes mor eang?
Before you answer, Counsel General, for the record it's Brynle Williams.
Cyn i chi ateb, Gwnsler Cyffredinol, ar gyfer y cofnod, ei enw oedd Brynle Williams.
Brynle Williams, my apologies.
Brynle Williams, mae'n ddrwg gennyf.
I remember Brynle Williams well.
It's a really important question, and one that is arising so frequently on items of legislation. The Public Order Bill continues the UK Government's regressive approach towards the right to protest and free expression. It is another attack on the democratic rights of people across Wales. The latest amendments to the Bill would allow police to restrict protests even before they become disruptive, only to make the Bill more regressive and authoritarian. It reminds me of that film. Do you remember the film with—? I can't remember who it was, but they were arresting people because they could see into the future and they'd find out about and stop crimes by arresting people beforehand. Well, this is almost exactly the same power, where the police would have the power to arrest people who haven't actually committed any offence because they have the belief that an offence might be committed, irrespective of evidence, but almost an arbitrary power.
The Bill follows the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022, which again restricted civic rights and, again, we refused legislative consent to that, but the UK Government overrode it. We have to see what is happening, I think, within a series of regressive pieces of legislation that, bit by bit, are chipping away at freedoms and fundamental rights. We can talk about the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act, we have the Bill of rights being resurrected again, which seeks to take away the rights of citizens to exercise their rights on human rights in the UK courts. We have the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill, which gives arbitrary powers to a Secretary of State without any reference to evidence or any other party. So, basically, this is legislation that is really creating a more and more authoritarian form of government. Obviously, there will be on this, because I believe it does impact on our position here, consideration in respect of legislative consent. We'll have to look very carefully at that and at amendments to that. But, there is a warning and there is a responsibility on law officers and on parliaments to continually be alert to the freedom of its citizens. I have to say that this legislation, day by day, is taking away the rights and freedoms of the citizens of Wales.
Rwy'n cofio Brynle Williams yn dda.
Mae'n gwestiwn pwysig iawn, ac yn un sy'n codi mor aml ar eitemau o ddeddfwriaeth. Mae'r Bil Trefn Gyhoeddus yn parhau ag ymagwedd anflaengar Llywodraeth y DU tuag at yr hawl i brotestio a mynegiant rhydd. Mae'n ymosodiad arall ar hawliau democrataidd pobl ar draws Cymru. Byddai'r diwygiadau diweddaraf i'r Bil yn caniatáu i'r heddlu gyfyngu ar brotestiadau hyd yn oed cyn iddynt ddod yn aflonyddgar, gan wneud y Bil yn fwy anflaengar ac awdurdodol. Mae'n fy atgoffa o'r ffilm honno. A ydych chi'n cofio'r ffilm gyda—? Ni allaf gofio pwy, ond roeddent yn arestio pobl am y gallent weld i'r dyfodol ac fe fyddent yn darganfod ac yn atal troseddau drwy arestio pobl o flaen llaw. Wel, dyma'r un pŵer, bron yn union, lle byddai gan yr heddlu bŵer i arestio pobl nad ydynt wedi cyflawni unrhyw drosedd mewn gwirionedd oherwydd eu bod yn credu y gallai trosedd gael ei chyflawni, ni waeth beth fo'r dystiolaeth, pŵer sydd bron yn fympwyol.
Mae'r Bil yn dilyn Deddf yr Heddlu, Troseddu, Dedfrydu a'r Llysoedd 2022, a oedd unwaith eto'n cyfyngu ar hawliau dinesig ac unwaith eto, fe wnaethom wrthod cydsyniad deddfwriaethol i honno, ond cafodd ein gwrthwynebiad ei ddiystyru gan Lywodraeth y DU. Mae'n rhaid inni weld beth sy'n digwydd, rwy'n meddwl, o fewn cyfres o ddarnau anflaengar o ddeddfwriaeth sydd, fesul tipyn, yn erydu rhyddid a hawliau sylfaenol. Gallwn siarad am y Ddeddf Heddlu, Troseddu, Dedfrydu a'r Llysoedd, mae gennym y Bil hawliau'n cael ei atgyfodi eto, Bil sy'n ceisio dileu hawliau dinasyddion i arfer eu hawliau dynol yn llysoedd y DU. Mae gennym y Bil Streiciau (Lefelau Gwasanaeth Lleiaf), sy'n rhoi pwerau mympwyol i Ysgrifennydd Gwladol heb unrhyw gyfeirio at dystiolaeth nac unrhyw barti arall. Felly, yn y bôn, dyma ddeddfwriaeth sy'n creu math mwy a mwy awdurdodol o lywodraeth. Yn amlwg, bydd mwy o ystyriaeth i hyn mewn perthynas â chydsyniad deddfwriaethol, oherwydd credaf ei fod yn effeithio ar ein sefyllfa yma. Bydd rhaid inni edrych yn ofalus iawn ar hynny ac ar ddiwygiadau i hynny. Ond mae yna rybudd ac mae cyfrifoldeb ar swyddogion y gyfraith ac ar seneddau i barhau'n effro i ryddid eu dinasyddion. Mae'n rhaid imi ddweud bod y ddeddfwriaeth hon, ddydd ar ôl dydd, yn dwyn rhyddid a hawliau oddi wrth ddinasyddion Cymru.
6. Pa gyngor cyfreithiol y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'i roi i Lywodraeth Cymru ar effaith Bil Streiciau Trafnidiaeth (Lefelau Gwasanaeth Lleiaf) Llywodraeth y DU ar y setliad datganoli? OQ58999
6. What legal advice has the Counsel General provided to the Welsh Government on the impact of the UK Government's Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill on the devolution settlement? OQ58999
This Bill is unnecessary and it is ill-conceived. It cuts across devolution and attempts to undermine our social partnership approach here in Wales.
Mae'r Bil hwn yn ddiangen ac mae'n annoeth. Mae'n torri ar draws datganoli ac yn ceisio tanseilio ein dull o weithredu mewn partneriaeth gymdeithasol yma yng Nghymru.
Yet again, Counsel General, another example of aggressive legislation from the UK Tories, one that seeks to divide working people. It seeks to cover for the 12 years of Tory failure by blaming key workers. They are the very workers they clapped for during the pandemic. Counsel General, the right to strike is a basic right, and leaders across the United Kingdom should always seek to negotiate, not threaten key workers by removing their rights. Next week, I’ll be standing in solidarity with the Wales TUC at their national rally to defend working people’s freedoms. This is an incredibly important matter for working people and their families across Wales. As this aggressive piece of legislation proceeds through the House of Commons, will you come back to this Chamber and update Members of the Senedd on the steps the Welsh Government can take to mitigate its impact in Wales?
Unwaith eto, Gwnsler Cyffredinol, enghraifft arall o ddeddfwriaeth ymosodol gan Dorïaid y DU, un sy'n ceisio creu rhaniadau rhwng gweithwyr. Mae'n ceisio gwneud iawn am 12 mlynedd o fethiant y Torïaid drwy feio gweithwyr allweddol. Hwy yw'r union weithwyr y gwnaethant glapio iddynt yn ystod y pandemig. Gwnsler Cyffredinol, mae'r hawl i streicio'n hawl sylfaenol, a dylai arweinwyr ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig bob amser geisio trafod, nid bygwth gweithwyr allweddol drwy gael gwared ar eu hawliau. Yr wythnos nesaf, byddaf yn sefyll mewn undod â TUC Cymru yn eu rali genedlaethol i amddiffyn rhyddid gweithwyr. Mae hwn yn fater hynod bwysig i weithwyr a'u teuluoedd ledled Cymru. Wrth i'r ddeddfwriaeth ymosodol hon wneud ei ffordd drwy Dŷ'r Cyffredin, a wnewch chi ddod yn ôl i'r Siambr hon a rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i Aelodau'r Senedd ar y camau y gall Llywodraeth Cymru eu cymryd i liniaru ei heffaith yng Nghymru?
Thank you, again, for raising an incredibly important civil rights issue and something that also affects devolution. It’s worth saying, isn’t it, that when this issue first arose on minimum service levels, it was with regard to transport, and was of course a Bill that was laid, I think, in November last year. What was interesting in that Bill was that, at the very least, unnecessary though it was, the Bill contained a requirement to seek a voluntary agreement with trade unions over minimum service levels and it provided a mechanism for arbitration where that couldn't be achieved. Not only has this Bill now been extended to almost a complete range of public services, those requirements to seek agreement with the trade unions have been taken out of it. What has also been taken out of it is, of course, the system of arbitration. So, what does it do? It actually creates a wholly arbitrary power, a Henry VIII power of the worst scale, for the Secretary of State. So, you could have, for example, a Secretary of State sitting in his office in London deciding what the appropriate minimum service levels were for the ambulance service in south Glamorgan. It is an absolute nonsense and it is irrational. I think it has a number of other implications as well. I think it significantly challenges the International Labour Organization conventions on freedom of association. I believe it may well compete with or create an undermining of the trade and co-operation agreement, which requires us to comply with international agreements, and I think there may even be significant human rights issues that are within this.
This is a piece of legislation that is not necessary. We do not need this legislation in Wales and, as I said last week—I think in response to your urgent question on this issue—trade unions have always established minimum service levels. We have seen that up and down Wales and we've seen it throughout the UK. This is solely legislation that is an attempt to distract from the case that's being put by the trade unions in terms of public sector pay and terms and conditions, and it's an attempt to try and demonise workers in our public sector. It is a complete about-turn from those commitments that this Government gave that, after COVID, we would look after our public service workers differently. I can say that the Welsh Government is totally opposed to this legislation and we will not recommend consent to this legislation, and we will seek every lawful means that we have in terms of opposing it and its implementation.
Diolch, unwaith eto, am godi mater hawliau sifil sy'n anhygoel o bwysig a rhywbeth sydd hefyd yn effeithio ar ddatganoli. Mae'n werth dweud, onid yw, pan gododd y mater hwn gyntaf ynghylch lefelau gwasanaeth lleiaf, ei fod yn ymwneud â thrafnidiaeth, ac wrth gwrs roedd yn Fil a gyflwynwyd, rwy'n meddwl, ym mis Tachwedd y llynedd. Yn y Bil hwnnw, roedd yn ddiddorol o leiaf, er mor ddiangen, fod y Bil yn cynnwys gofyniad i geisio cytundeb gwirfoddol gydag undebau llafur dros lefelau gwasanaeth lleiaf ac roedd yn darparu mecanwaith ar gyfer cyflafareddu lle na ellid cyflawni hynny. Nid yn unig y mae'r Bil hwn bellach wedi'i ymestyn i gynnwys ystod gyflawn bron o wasanaethau cyhoeddus, mae'r gofynion i geisio cytundeb gyda'r undebau llafur wedi'u tynnu allan ohono. Tynnwyd y system gyflafareddu allan ohono hefyd wrth gwrs. Felly, beth mae'n ei wneud? Mewn gwirionedd mae'n creu pŵer cwbl fympwyol, pŵer Harri VIII o'r radd waethaf, i'r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol. Felly fe allech gael Ysgrifennydd Gwladol yn eistedd yn ei swyddfa yn Llundain, er enghraifft, yn penderfynu beth fyddai'r lefelau gwasanaeth lleiaf a fyddai'n briodol ar gyfer y gwasanaeth ambiwlans yn ne Morgannwg. Mae'n nonsens llwyr ac mae'n afresymol. Rwy'n meddwl bod iddo nifer o oblygiadau eraill hefyd. Rwy'n credu ei fod yn herio confensiynau'r Sefydliad Llafur Rhyngwladol ar ryddid i ymgysylltu yn sylweddol. Rwy'n credu y gallai'n hawdd gystadlu â'r cytundeb masnach a chydweithredu sy'n ei gwneud yn ofynnol inni gydymffurfio â chytundebau rhyngwladol, neu ei danseilio, ac rwy'n credu y gallai fod materion hawliau dynol sylweddol yn codi ohono hyd yn oed.
Dyma ddeddfwriaeth nad oes mo'i hangen. Nid oes angen y ddeddfwriaeth hon arnom yng Nghymru ac fel y dywedais yr wythnos diwethaf—mewn ymateb i'ch cwestiwn brys chi ar y mater hwn rwy'n credu—mae undebau llafur bob amser wedi sefydlu lefelau gwasanaeth lleiaf. Gwelsom hynny ar hyd a lled Cymru ac fe'i gwelsom ar hyd a lled y DU. Dyma ddeddfwriaeth sy'n ddim mwy nag ymgais i dynnu sylw oddi ar yr achos a gyflwynir gan yr undebau llafur ynghylch tâl a thelerau ac amodau'r sector cyhoeddus, ac mae'n ymgais i geisio pardduo gweithwyr yn ein sector cyhoeddus. Mae'n dro pedol llwyr o'r ymrwymiadau a roddodd y Llywodraeth hon y byddem, ar ôl COVID, yn gofalu am ein gweithwyr gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn wahanol. Gallaf ddweud bod Llywodraeth Cymru'n gwrthwynebu'r ddeddfwriaeth hon yn llwyr ac ni fyddwn yn argymell cydsyniad i'r ddeddfwriaeth hon, a byddwn yn ceisio pob dull cyfreithlon sydd gennym i'w gwrthwynebu hi a'i gweithrediad.
7. Pa gyngor cyfreithiol y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'i roi i Lywodraeth Cymru ynglŷn ag effaith y Bil Streiciau Trafnidiaeth (Lefelau Gwasanaeth Lleiaf) ar y sector cyhoeddus yng Nghymru? OQ58986
7. What legal advice has the Counsel General provided to the Welsh Government regarding the impact of the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill on the Welsh public sector? OQ58986
I think that Member might have heard some of the comments I just made.
Rwy'n credu efallai fod yr Aelod wedi clywed rhai o'r sylwadau a wneuthum yn awr.
Yes, I did.
Do, fe wneuthum.
I'm happy to go straight into the Member's supplementary question.
Rwy'n hapus i fynd yn syth at gwestiwn atodol yr Aelod.
Diolch yn fawr. I'm not quite sure why those hadn't been grouped together. Of course, this Bill does extend to Wales and, as you suggested, grants sweeping powers to the Secretary of State in Whitehall. At length in the previous Bill, safety was discussed; well, safety has been removed completely. Public safety has been removed completely from this Bill. A Secretary of State sitting in Whitehall could stop a strike because of the impact it has on the rush hour in Cardiff, or could prevent a strike because it possibly might lead to hospital appointments being cancelled or could lead to classes being disrupted. Basically, in effect, a Secretary of State sitting in Whitehall could stop all future strikes here in Wales. So, what discussions have you had with the UK Government to ensure that the criteria for the minimum service levels will still allow effective striking to happen in Wales? Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch yn fawr. Nid wyf yn hollol siŵr pam na chafodd y rheini eu grwpio gyda'i gilydd. Wrth gwrs, mae'r Bil hwn yn ymestyn i Gymru ac fel yr awgrymwyd gennych, yn rhoi pwerau ysgubol i'r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol yn Whitehall. Trafodwyd diogelwch yn helaeth yn y Bil blaenorol; wel, mae diogelwch wedi'i ddileu'n llwyr. Mae diogelwch y cyhoedd wedi'i dynnu allan o'r Bil hwn yn gyfan gwbl. Fe allai Ysgrifennydd Gwladol yn Whitehall atal streic oherwydd yr effaith y mae'n ei chael ar yr awr frys yng Nghaerdydd, neu fe allai atal streic oherwydd y posibilrwydd y gallai arwain at ganslo apwyntiadau ysbyty neu y gallai arwain at darfu ar ddosbarthiadau. Yn y bôn, i bob pwrpas, gallai Ysgrifennydd Gwladol yn Whitehall atal pob streic yma yng Nghymru yn y dyfodol. Felly, pa drafodaethau a gawsoch gyda Llywodraeth y DU i sicrhau y bydd y meini prawf ar gyfer lefelau gwasanaeth lleiaf yn dal i ganiatáu i streicio effeithiol ddigwydd yng Nghymru? Diolch yn fawr.
Thank you, again, for the question. Representations have already been made. You'll be aware that I am—and, indeed, the First Minister is—very much on the record in a similar tone. It will be raised at future meetings that will be taking place. But, of course, in terms of the UK Government, I have to say, on this Bill, we have had no engagement. There has been no consultation, no engagement with the Welsh Government whatsoever on this.
It's worth also saying, on the point you raised about safety, that there is no impact assessment with this Bill yet. There was an impact assessment on the original one, the transport minimal service levels Bill, but, of course, they probably didn't want to go down the road of the impact assessment this time, because the last impact assessment basically said the likely consequence would be there would probably be an increase in forms of industrial action short of a strike. So, we wait and see what might appear then and what might happen to this Bill, and if it does go through, what may then happen in terms of any potential legal challenges. Again, what I can say is that I will ensure that, if there are valid legal interests that we have, and powers I have as Counsel General in terms of intervention, that is something I will give very serious consideration to.
Diolch eto am y cwestiwn. Mae sylwadau eisoes wedi'u cyflwyno. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol fy mod i—a'r Prif Weinidog yn wir—wedi ein cofnodi'n defnyddio cywair tebyg. Bydd yn cael ei godi mewn cyfarfodydd a fydd yn digwydd yn y dyfodol. Ond wrth gwrs, o ran Llywodraeth y DU, mae'n rhaid imi ddweud, ar y Bil hwn, na chawsom unrhyw ymgysylltiad. Ni chafwyd unrhyw ymgynghoriad, nac unrhyw ymgysylltiad o gwbl â Llywodraeth Cymru ar hyn.
Mae'n werth dweud hefyd, ar y pwynt a godwyd gennych ynghylch diogelwch, nad oes asesiad effaith ar gyfer y Bil hwn eto. Roedd asesiad effaith ar yr un gwreiddiol, y Bil lefelau gwasanaeth lleiaf ar gyfer trafnidiaeth, ond wrth gwrs, mae'n siŵr nad oeddent am fynd ar drywydd asesiad effaith y tro hwn, oherwydd, yn y bôn, dywedodd yr asesiad effaith diwethaf mai'r canlyniad tebygol fyddai cynnydd mewn mathau o weithredu diwydiannol ar wahân i streicio. Felly, rydym yn aros i weld beth allai ymddangos bryd hynny a beth allai ddigwydd i'r Bil hwn, ac os yw'n mynd rhagddo, beth all ddigwydd wedyn gydag unrhyw heriau cyfreithiol posibl. Eto, yr hyn y gallaf ei ddweud yw y byddaf yn sicrhau, os oes buddiannau cyfreithiol dilys gennym, a phwerau sydd gennyf fel Cwnsler Cyffredinol i ymyrryd, fod hynny'n rhywbeth y byddaf yn rhoi ystyriaeth ddifrifol iawn iddo.
8. Pa gyngor cyfreithiol y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'i roi i Lywodraeth Cymru ar weithredu'r Bil Diogelu'r Amgylchedd (Cynhyrchion Plastig Untro) (Cymru)? OQ58984
8. What legal advice has the Counsel General provided to the Welsh Government on the implementation of the Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Wales) Bill? OQ58984
Thank you for the question. After Royal Assent, the Act’s provisions will be commenced in stages, the first products being banned potentially in the autumn. We are working closely with those impacted by the Bill to ensure the bans are implemented successfully.
Diolch am y cwestiwn. Ar ôl Cydsyniad Brenhinol, bydd darpariaethau'r Ddeddf yn cael eu cychwyn fesul cam, gyda'r cynhyrchion cyntaf yn cael eu gwahardd yn yr hydref o bosibl. Rydym yn gweithio'n agos gyda'r rhai yr effeithir arnynt gan y Bil i sicrhau bod y gwaharddiadau'n cael eu gweithredu'n llwyddiannus.
Thank you. Following a request by the Welsh Government, the Business Committee agreed not to refer the Bill to a responsible committee for Stage 1 scrutiny. According to the Business Committee report, one of the reasons why you requested an expedited timetable for Senedd scrutiny was, and I quote, 'due to its intention to use the Bill as a practical example to support its case in relation to the UK internal market Act in the Supreme Court.' After the Welsh Government succeeded to cut our democratic scrutiny short and pass the Bill, you then advised the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee on 16 January that you've chosen not to use the legislation to challenge the internal market Act. I believe that your Welsh Government has played fast and loose with this Welsh Parliament's powers to use this legislative process to benefit your own legal agenda. Will you now apologise for your Welsh Government's actions and make a commitment on the public record that you acknowledge that the reason for challenging any law is in order to achieve the objective of the legislation and not to armour some politically motivated legal battle? Diolch.
Diolch. Yn dilyn cais gan Lywodraeth Cymru, cytunodd y Pwyllgor Busnes i beidio â chyfeirio'r Bil at bwyllgor cyfrifol ar gyfer gwaith craffu Cyfnod 1. Yn ôl adroddiad y Pwyllgor Busnes, un o'r rhesymau pam y gwnaethoch ofyn am amserlen gyflymach ar gyfer gwaith craffu'r Senedd oedd, ac rwy'n dyfynnu, 'oherwydd ei fwriad i ddefnyddio'r Bil fel enghraifft ymarferol i gefnogi ei achos mewn perthynas â Deddf marchnad fewnol y DU yn y Goruchaf Lys.' Wedi i Lywodraeth Cymru lwyddo i gwtogi ein proses graffu ddemocrataidd a phasio'r Bil, fe wnaethoch gynghori'r Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad ar 16 Ionawr eich bod wedi dewis peidio â defnyddio'r ddeddfwriaeth i herio Deddf y farchnad fewnol. Credaf fod eich Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yn fyrbwyll gyda phwerau'r Senedd hon yng Nghymru er mwyn defnyddio'r broses ddeddfwriaethol hon er budd eich agenda gyfreithiol eich hun. A wnewch chi ymddiheuro yn awr am weithredoedd eich Llywodraeth yng Nghymru a gwneud ymrwymiad cyhoeddus eich bod yn cydnabod mai'r rheswm dros herio unrhyw ddeddf yw i gyflawni amcan y ddeddfwriaeth ac nid fel arf mewn rhyw frwydr gyfreithiol wedi'i chymell yn wleidyddol? Diolch.
Thank you very much for that politically motivated question. What I can say to the Member is this: I think she may have a misunderstanding of what has happened with the process. It's because we initially started a judicial review process, and the judicial review went to the Court of Appeal, the Court of Appeal basically said that it wouldn't consider it unless there was a particular Bill in front of it, et cetera. We then sought to appeal to the Supreme Court on those issues, but also, it was necessary to have a Bill in preparation, to have a Bill that would be there.
The Bill has two motivations in terms of expedition. One is the one that was put forward by the Minister for Climate Change, and that is they need to get this Bill up and running as quickly as possible, that it was essential that it be in place. For my consideration, really, as the law officer, is the extent to which that Bill would be relevant, to get to be there in time, and be appropriate with regard to any particular reference to court. What changed since then, of course, is that the Supreme Court declined permission to appeal to it. So, the legislation has gone through and, of course, what kicks in then is the constitutional issue of a referral on competence to the Supreme Court. That is a power that lies with me, and it's also a power that lies specifically with the Attorney-General. The Attorney-General has chosen not to refer it. I regard that as a victory. I regard that a victory in the Attorney-General accepting our arguments in terms of our constitutional interpretation of the legal position. I'm prepared to support the Attorney-General in that particular position, and that is why I've chosen myself not to refer this to the Supreme Court. So, we can accept that the position now is the UK Government accepts the Welsh Government's legal analysis in respect of that particular piece of legislation. If the issue is to arise again, it could arise in other circumstances, but I felt it was appropriate that, when the UK Government's Attorney-General basically declined to refer it to the Supreme Court, I could rely on that as setting a precedent in terms of our interpretation of our constitutional position.
Diolch yn fawr iawn am y cwestiwn hwnnw a oedd wedi'i gymell yn gwleidyddol. Yr hyn y gallaf ei ddweud wrth yr Aelod yw hyn: rwy'n credu efallai ei bod wedi camddeall beth sydd wedi digwydd gyda'r broses. Y rheswm yw ein bod wedi dechrau proses adolygiad barnwrol i ddechrau, a bod yr adolygiad barnwrol wedi mynd i'r Llys Apêl, ac yn y bôn, fe ddywedodd y Llys Apêl na fyddai'n ei ystyried oni bai bod Bil penodol ger ei fron, ac ati. Fe wnaethom geisio apelio wedyn i'r Goruchaf Lys ar y materion hynny, ond hefyd, roedd angen paratoi Bil, cael Bil a fyddai yno.
Mae dau gymhelliad i gyflymu'r Bil. Un yw'r un a gyflwynwyd gan y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd, sef bod angen iddynt gael y Bil hwn ar waith cyn gynted â phosibl, a'i bod yn hanfodol ei fod yn ei le. Fy ystyriaeth i, mewn gwirionedd, fel swyddog y gyfraith, yw i ba raddau y byddai'r Bil hwnnw'n berthnasol, i allu cyrraedd yno mewn pryd, a bod yn briodol o ran unrhyw gyfeiriad penodol at y llys. Yr hyn a newidiodd ers hynny, wrth gwrs, yw bod y Goruchaf Lys wedi gwrthod caniatâd i apelio. Felly, mae'r ddeddfwriaeth wedi ei phasio ac wrth gwrs, yr hyn sy'n codi wedyn yw'r mater cyfansoddiadol o atgyfeiriad ar gymhwysedd i'r Goruchaf Lys. Mae hwnnw'n bŵer sydd gennyf fi, ac mae hefyd yn bŵer sydd gan y Twrnai Cyffredinol yn benodol. Mae'r Twrnai Cyffredinol wedi dewis peidio â'i atgyfeirio. Rwy'n ystyried hynny'n fuddugoliaeth. Rwy'n ystyried hynny'n fuddugoliaeth oherwydd bod y Twrnai Cyffredinol yn derbyn ein dadleuon o ran ein dehongliad cyfansoddiadol o'r sefyllfa gyfreithiol. Rwy'n barod i gefnogi'r Twrnai Cyffredinol gyda'r safbwynt hwnnw, a dyna pam y dewisais beidio ag atgyfeirio hyn at y Goruchaf Lys. Felly, gallwn dderbyn mai'r safbwynt yn awr yw bod Llywodraeth y DU yn derbyn dadansoddiad cyfreithiol Llywodraeth Cymru mewn perthynas â'r darn penodol hwnnw o ddeddfwriaeth. Os yw'r mater yn codi eto, gallai godi mewn amgylchiadau eraill, ond roeddwn yn teimlo ei bod yn briodol, pan wrthododd Twrnai Cyffredinol Llywodraeth y DU ei atgyfeirio at y Goruchaf Lys, y gallwn ddibynnu ar hynny fel rhywbeth sy'n gosod cynsail o ran ein dehongliad o'n sefyllfa gyfansoddiadol.
9. Pa gyngor cyfreithiol mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'i roi i Lywodraeth Cymru ynghylch a oes ganddi'r pwerau cyfreithiol i gynnal neu gomisiynu ymchwiliad i sut mae honiadau yn erbyn swyddogion o fewn lluoedd heddlu Cymru'n cael eu trin? OQ58995
9. What legal advice has the Counsel General provided to the Welsh Government about whether it has the legal powers to conduct or commission an inquiry into how allegations against officers within Welsh police forces are handled? OQ58995
Thank you for the question. Police conduct is an issue that we take extremely seriously. However, policing is currently reserved to the UK Government and so it is not the role of the Welsh Government to hold or lead an inquiry on policing practice.
Diolch am y cwestiwn. Mae ymddygiad yr heddlu yn fater rydym o ddifrif yn ei gylch. Ond ar hyn o bryd, mae plismona wedi'i gadw'n ôl gan Lywodraeth y DU ac felly, nid rôl Llywodraeth Cymru yw cynnal nac arwain ymchwiliad ar ymarfer plismona.
I thank you for that answer, Counsel General. Last November, The Sunday Times published a report that found that evidence of misogyny, racism, homophobia and corruption was found within Gwent Police, including amongst serving officers. Separately from this, of course, an inquiry has been established to investigate concerns about the culture and safety of women within the Metropolitan Police. I know that the Independent Office for Police Conduct is investigating Gwent Police, though the Police Federation have admitted the process is likely to be horrendously slow. I'd appreciate your view about whether we should be taking a preventative approach here, rather than waiting for something terrible to happen before acting. I take on board what you've just said, Counsel General, but, according to the BBC, the Welsh Government has previously indicated it would consider a national inquiry into the allegations. Could I ask you, please, your personal opinion perhaps about whether this should happen? Would you call on the UK Government either to do this or to devolve this power so that we could do it ourselves?
Diolch am yr ateb hwnnw, Gwnsler Cyffredinol. Fis Tachwedd y llynedd, cyhoeddodd The Sunday Times adroddiad a ddaeth i'r casgliad fod tystiolaeth o gasineb at fenywod, hiliaeth, homoffobia a llygredd wedi ei ganfod yn Heddlu Gwent, gan gynnwys ymhlith swyddogion a oedd yn gwasanaethu ar y pryd. Ar wahân i hyn, wrth gwrs, mae ymchwiliad wedi'i sefydlu i ymchwilio i bryderon am ddiwylliant a diogelwch menywod o fewn yr Heddlu Metropolitan. Rwy'n gwybod bod Swyddfa Annibynnol Ymddygiad yr Heddlu yn ymchwilio i Heddlu Gwent, er bod Ffederasiwn yr Heddlu wedi cyfaddef fod y broses yn debygol o fod yn erchyll o araf. Byddwn yn gwerthfawrogi eich barn ynglŷn ag a ddylem fabwysiadu ymagwedd ataliol yma, yn hytrach nag aros i rywbeth ofnadwy ddigwydd cyn gweithredu. Rwy'n derbyn yr hyn rydych newydd ei ddweud, Gwnsler Cyffredinol, ond yn ôl y BBC, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi dweud yn y gorffennol y byddai'n ystyried ymchwiliad cenedlaethol i'r honiadau. A gaf fi ofyn i chi am eich barn bersonol efallai ynglŷn ag a ddylai hyn ddigwydd? A wnewch chi alw ar Lywodraeth y DU naill ai i wneud hyn neu i ddatganoli'r pŵer hwn fel y gallem ei wneud ein hunain?
What I can say is that, although policing is not devolved, there is a close relationship. We meet with the democratically elected police and crime commissioners. I know the Minister for Social Justice meets very regularly to discuss a whole range of those issues: the anti-racist action plan, issues around diversity, all the issues in which policing interacts with various devolved governmental responsibilities. That's one of the reasons why we actually want policing devolved, because it is logical, it makes sense to do it, and every elected police and crime commissioner actually agrees that it should happen. I believe one day it will happen.
But what I can say is that, in response to those events that took place, the Minister for Social Justice did meet with Gwent Police and the crime commissioner Jeff Cuthbert, and chief constable Pam Kelly, on 14 November, and again on 23 November, to discuss the issue. The First Minister also met with the police and crime commissioner Jeff Cuthbert, and the chief constable Pam Kelly, on 20 December. I understand that both Senedd Members and Members of Parliament had multiple briefings by Gwent Police on this issue, and the Secretary of State for Wales has also confirmed that he is confident in the chief constable's leadership. I think this is a matter, obviously, where we have to wait and see now what further steps are taken. It clearly is a matter of interest to us, but I do say that we are restricted in the specific things that we can do, because of the lack of devolution of policing.
Yr hyn y gallaf ei ddweud yw, er nad yw plismona wedi'i ddatganoli, mae yna berthynas agos. Rydym yn cyfarfod â'r comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu a etholwyd yn ddemocrataidd. Rwy'n gwybod bod y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol yn cyfarfod yn rheolaidd iawn i drafod ystod gyfan o'r materion hynny: y cynllun gweithredu gwrth-hiliol, materion yn ymwneud ag amrywiaeth, yr holl faterion y mae plismona'n rhyngweithio ag amrywiol gyfrifoldebau llywodraethol datganoledig. Dyna un o'r rhesymau pam ein bod eisiau i blismona gael ei ddatganoli, oherwydd ei fod yn rhesymegol, mae'n gwneud synnwyr i'w wneud, ac mae pob comisiynydd heddlu a throseddu etholedig yn cytuno y dylai ddigwydd. Rwy'n credu un diwrnod y bydd yn digwydd.
Ond yr hyn y gallaf ei ddweud yw, mewn ymateb i'r digwyddiadau hynny, fe wnaeth y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol gyfarfod â Heddlu Gwent a'r comisiynydd troseddu, Jeff Cuthbert, a'r prif gwnstabl Pam Kelly ar 14 Tachwedd, ac eto ar 23 Tachwedd, i drafod y mater. Hefyd, cyfarfu'r Prif Weinidog â'r comisiynydd heddlu a throseddu Jeff Cuthbert a'r prif gwnstabl Pam Kelly ar 20 Rhagfyr. Deallaf fod Aelodau'r Senedd ac Aelodau Seneddol wedi cael sawl sesiwn briffio gan Heddlu Gwent ar y mater hwn, ac mae Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru hefyd wedi cadarnhau bod ganddo hyder yn arweinyddiaeth y prif gwnstabl. Rwy'n credu bod hwn yn amlwg yn fater lle mae'n rhaid inni aros i weld nawr pa gamau pellach sy'n cael eu cymryd. Mae'n amlwg yn fater o ddiddordeb inni, ond rwyf am ddweud ein bod wedi ein cyfyngu yn y pethau penodol y gallwn eu gwneud am nad yw plismona wedi'i ddatganoli.
Ac yn olaf, Joyce Watson.
And finally, Joyce Watson.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. The investigation by the College of Policing, His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services and the Independent Office for Police Conduct concluded that there are systematic deficiencies in the way that some police forces in England and also Wales deal with allegations of sex offences and domestic abuse against their own officers and staff. The figures compiled last year show that eight out of 10 officers kept their jobs after the accusation of domestic abuse. Nearly 2,000 officers faced accusations of sexual wrongdoing in a four-year period; just 8 per cent of those were sacked. The conviction rate for police employees accused of domestic abuse is half of that for the general population. All of this underpins a serious problem. The question, of course, here is, Counsel General, what is being done about it? I know it's not devolved, but what is devolved here is picking up the pieces by those people who become extremely distressed by what is happening and also victims of those crimes.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Daeth yr ymchwiliad gan y Coleg Plismona, Arolygiaeth Cwnstabliaeth a Gwasanaethau Tân ac Achub Ei Fawrhydi, a Swyddfa Annibynnol Ymddygiad yr Heddlu, i'r casgliad fod diffygion systematig yn y ffordd y mae rhai heddluoedd yn Lloegr, ac yng Nghymru hefyd, yn ymdrin â honiadau o droseddau rhyw a cham-drin domestig yn erbyn eu swyddogion a'u staff eu hunain. Mae'r ffigyrau a gasglwyd y llynedd yn dangos bod wyth o bob 10 swyddog wedi cadw eu swyddi wedi cyhuddiad o gam-drin domestig. Fe wnaeth bron i 2,000 o swyddogion wynebu cyhuddiadau o gamymddwyn rhywiol mewn cyfnod o bedair blynedd; dim ond 8 y cant o'r rheini a gafodd eu diswyddo. Mae'r gyfradd euogfarnau i weithwyr heddluoedd a gyhuddwyd o gam-drin domestig yn hanner yr hyn ydyw i'r boblogaeth gyffredinol. Mae hyn i gyd yn sail i broblem ddifrifol. Y cwestiwn yma, Gwnsler Cyffredinol, yw beth sy'n cael ei wneud yn ei gylch? Rwy'n gwybod nad yw wedi'i ddatganoli, ond yr hyn sydd wedi'i ddatganoli yma yw'r gwaith o ymdrin â'r bobl sydd mewn gofid mawr ynglŷn â'r hyn sy'n digwydd a hefyd dioddefwyr y troseddau hynny.
You make very important and very valid comments about the inadequacy of the current system, which has been exposed time and time again. I think it has come to a real head now, where, across police forces, there are serious failings in terms of the standards, the monitoring and so on of all of those matters that you raised. I think all they do is they do add reinforcement to the view that we have that the devolution of policing is a logical step that should take place, because it fits within a whole range of policies that we are engaged with and that the police on the ground are actually engaged with, whether it be domestic abuse, whether it be sexual abuse, whether it be assaults or whether it be domestic violence.
All of those sorts of issues and many other social issues are part and parcel of the broad range of policing and the sorts of services and responsibilities that we have. We continue to work and we will continue to act in partnership with all of those bodies and all of those agencies that we can do, but within the framework of what we are actually allowed to do, and, of course, there are limitations on that. But I do thank the Member for raising those; I've no doubt that she will continue to raise them, and quite justifiably so.
Rydych yn gwneud sylwadau pwysig iawn a dilys iawn am annigonolrwydd y system bresennol, sydd wedi'i amlygu dro ar ôl tro. Rwy'n credu ei fod wedi dod i benllanw yn awr, lle ceir methiannau difrifol ar draws heddluoedd i gyrraedd y safon ac i fonitro ac yn y blaen yn yr holl faterion hynny a godwyd gennych. Rwy'n credu mai'r cyfan y maent yn ei wneud yw atgyfnerthu'r farn sydd gennym fod datganoli plismona yn gam rhesymegol a ddylai ddigwydd, oherwydd ei fod yn cyd-daro ag ystod eang o bolisïau rydym yn ymwneud â hwy ac y mae'r heddlu ar lawr gwlad yn ymwneud â hwy, boed yn gam-drin domestig, yn gam-drin rhywiol, yn ymosodiadau neu'n drais yn y cartref.
Mae'r holl fathau hynny o bethau a llawer o faterion cymdeithasol eraill yn rhan annatod o'r amrywiaeth eang o agweddau ar blismona a'r mathau o wasanaethau a chyfrifoldebau sydd gennym. Rydym yn parhau i weithio a byddwn yn parhau i weithredu gymaint ag y gallwn mewn partneriaeth â'r holl gyrff hynny a'r holl asiantaethau hynny, ond o fewn fframwaith yr hyn y gadewir inni ei wneud, ac wrth gwrs, mae cyfyngiadau i hynny. Ond rwy'n diolch i'r Aelod am godi'r materion hyn; nid oes gennyf amheuaeth y bydd yn parhau i'w codi, a hynny'n gwbl gyfiawn.
Diolch i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol.
I thank the Counsel General.
Eitem 3 sydd nesaf, cwestiynau i Gomisiwn y Senedd. Bydd y rhain yn cael eu hateb gan y Llywydd. Yn gyntaf, Delyth Jewell.
Item 3 is next, questions to the Senedd Commission. The questions will be answered by the Llywydd, and the first is to be asked by Delyth Jewell.
1. A wnaiff y Comisiwn roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am gynnydd y trafodaethau sydd wedi arwain at staff y Comisiwn yn cyhoeddi streic ar 1 Chwefror? OQ59009
1. Will the Commission provide an update on the progress of negotiations that have led to the announcement of strike action by Commission staff on 1 February? OQ59009
Nid yw'r Comisiwn yn rhan o unrhyw drafodaethau ffurfiol gydag undebau llafur sy'n cynrychioli staff y Comisiwn ar hyn o bryd. Mae trefniadau cyflog presennol y Comisiwn ar waith tan fis Mawrth 2025, ac mae'r Comisiwn yn mwynhau partneriaeth gadarnhaol gyda'n swyddogion undebau lleol. Mae cynrychiolwyr Prydeinig PCS wedi cadarnhau bod anghydfod ffurfiol, fodd bynnag. Cynhelir y streic ar 1 Chwefror yn sgil anghydfod gyda Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig ar gyfres o egwyddorion ehangach—ar godiad cyflog, cyfiawnder pensiynau, sicrwydd swyddi a dim toriadau o ran telerau diswyddo. Fel Comisiwn, rydym yn parchu hawl aelodau'r undeb llafur i streicio.
The Commission is not involved in any formal negotiations with trade unions representing Commission staff at present. The current pay arrangements of the Commission are in place until March 2025, and the Commission enjoys a positive partnership with its local officials. The British representatives of PCS have confirmed that there is a formal dispute, however. The strike on 1 February is as a result of a dispute with the UK Government on a series of broader principles—a pay rise, pensions justice, job security and no cuts in redundancy terms. As a Commission, we respect the right of trade union members to strike.
Diolch am hynny. Mae'n swnio, felly, taw'r rhesymau ar gyfer y streic yw'r penderfyniadau sy'n cael eu gwneud yn San Steffan, yn lle unrhyw ddisbíwt sydd rhwng y Comisiwn a'r staff yma. Mae hynny'n adlewyrchu'r sefyllfa gyffredinol yng Nghymru, efallai, pan ydyn ni'n dod i weithwyr yn y sector cyhoeddus, lle mae yna benderfyniadau ariannu yn digwydd yn San Steffan ac mae'r penderfyniadau ariannu yna yn mynd i roi rhyw fath o gwtogiad, weithiau, ar faint o negodi sydd yn gallu digwydd.
Thank you for that. It sounds, therefore, that the reasons for the strike relate to decisions taken by Westminster rather than any dispute between the Commission and its staff. That reflects the general position in Wales when it comes to workers in the public sector, where funding decisions are taken in Westminster and those decisions will sometimes lead to some constraints on the negotiations that can happen.
Without a funding settlement that's based on need, Wales will always be at the whims of decisions made in the English Treasury. And, of course, funding isn't the only issue here. The UK Government has shown a total disregard for Welsh workers, announcing an intention to scrap the Trade Union (Wales) Act 2017.
Heb setliad cyllido sy'n seiliedig ar angen, bydd Cymru bob amser ar y pen anghywir i fympwy penderfyniadau a wneir yn Nhrysorlys Lloegr. Ac wrth gwrs, nid ariannu yw'r unig broblem yma. Mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi diystyru gweithwyr Cymru'n llwyr drwy gyhoeddi bwriad i gael gwared ar Ddeddf yr Undebau Llafur (Cymru) 2017.
Buaswn i'n dweud mai'r unig ffordd o warantu unrhyw hawliau ar gyfer gweithwyr fyddai os yw employment law yn cael ei ddatganoli i'r lle yma. Ond buaswn i'n gofyn i chi—dwi'n gwybod bod hynny y tu hwnt i beth y byddech yn gallu rhoi unrhyw farn arno—os oedd hynny yn digwydd, ac os oedd employment law yn cael ei ddatganoli, a fyddech chi'n gallu rhoi unrhyw syniad i ni o'r egwyddorion y byddai'r Comisiwn yn eu dilyn wrth fynd ati i negodi unrhyw pay neu conditions gyda'r gweithwyr yn y Senedd?
I would say that the only way of guaranteeing rights for workers would be to devolve employment law to this place. I know that's beyond any issue that you could give a view on, but if that were to happen—if employment law were to be devolved—could you give us any idea of which principles the Commission would follow in negotiating any pay or conditions issues with the staff in the Senedd?
Rŷch chi'n ceisio fy nhemtio i i roi pob math o atebion gwleidyddol i'r cwestiwn yna. Dwi ddim yn meddwl ei bod hi'n gyfrinach i neb i glywed fi'n ateb fel unigolyn i ddweud fy mod i o blaid datganoli mwy o rymoedd i'r Senedd yma. Ond, yng nghyd-destun y cwestiwn penodol ynglŷn â'r streic yr wythnos nesaf, i gadarnhau unwaith eto nad oes yna anghydfod penodol rhyngom ni a'r staff yn lleol yng nghyd-destun y trefniadau cyflog sydd mewn lle tan 2025. A dwi'n gobeithio bod hynny'n adlewyrchu, ar ran y Comisiwn yn gyfan, ar draws y pleidiau yn y lle yma, ein parch ni tuag at drafodaeth agored a synhwyrol gyda'r undebau llafur, sy'n cynrychioli'n gweithwyr ni fan hyn, a'n parch ni tuag at eu hawl nhw i streicio hefyd, os oes gyda nhw egwyddorion a phethau ymarferol, ac maen nhw'n dewis gwneud hynny.
You're trying to tempt me now to give you all kinds of political answers to that question. I don't think it's a secret to anybody to hear me say as an individual that I'm in favour of more devolution of powers to this Senedd. However, in the context of this specific question regarding the strike next week, to confirm once again that there is no specific dispute between us and our local staff in the context of the pay arrangements that are in place until 2025. And I do hope that that does reflect, on behalf of the Commission and across the parties in this Senedd, our respect to the open and sensible debate with the trade unions, that represent out workers here, and our respect for their right to strike as well, if they have practical issues and principles, and they wish to do so.
2. Sut mae'r Comisiwn yn hyrwyddo Senedd Cymru i'r byd? OQ59007
2. How does the Commission promote the Welsh Parliament to the world? OQ59007
Mae'r Comisiwn yn cefnogi cyfleoedd i hyrwyddo ac arddangos ein Senedd a'i gwaith arloesol ar lwyfan rhyngwladol. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cefnogi Aelodau i gymryd rhan mewn rhwydweithiau rhyngwladol, a hwyluso rhaglenni ar gyfer ymweliadau gan ddirprwyaethau rhyngwladol, fel Senedd ffederal Canada’r wythnos diwethaf, a chroesawu diplomyddion i'r lle yma, fel cynrychiolydd Llywodraeth Catalwnia y bore yma. Cytunwyd ar ein fframwaith rhyngwladol mewn cyfarfod Comisiwn yn ddiweddar. Mae’n amlinellu’r nod o godi proffil y Senedd a gwerth meithrin ein henw da drwy ymgysylltu a chydweithio, p’un a yw’r gwaith hwnnw’n cael ei arwain gan Aelodau neu bwyllgorau, neu a yw’n digwydd ar lefel swyddogion neu rhwng seneddau.
The Commission supports opportunities to promote and showcase our Parliament and its innovative work on the international stage. This includes supporting Members to participate in international networks and facilitating programmes for visiting parliamentary delegations, such as the Canadian federal Parliament last week, and welcoming diplomats to this place, such as the representation from Catalonia this morning. Our international framework was recently agreed in a Commission meeting. It sets out the objective of raising the Senedd’s profile and the value of building our reputation through engagement and collaboration, whether that work is led by Members or committees, or whether it happens at an official level or between parliaments.
Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. It's clear that significant work is done to promote the work of our national Parliament, and this could be done through the large acts, such as you mentioned, with the engagement with all the parliaments, or perhaps even smaller acts. Now, Cymru, as a nation, is a generous and welcoming place, and so is our Senedd, and I'm sure that Members, like myself, have received correspondence from people around the globe asking a range of questions. Most recently, I was written to by Oliver from France, asking me for one of my ties. Now, I know that Sarah Murphy often says that I have the nicest ties in this Parliament, and Oliver clearly agrees—[Laughter.]—but in all seriousness, Llywydd, it is clear that the work of our Senedd is reaching far and wide across the globe, and I wondered what further resources could be made available to allow Members to promote the work of Cymru's national Parliament, our Senedd.
Diolch yn fawr, Lywydd. Mae'n amlwg fod gwaith sylweddol yn cael ei wneud i hyrwyddo gwaith ein Senedd genedlaethol, a gellid gwneud hyn drwy'r gweithredoedd mawr, fel y sonioch chi, gydag ymgysylltiad â'r holl seneddau, neu weithredoedd llai efallai hyd yn oed. Nawr, mae Cymru, fel cenedl, yn lle hael a chroesawgar, ac felly hefyd ein Senedd, ac rwy'n siŵr fod yr Aelodau, fel finnau, wedi cael gohebiaeth gan bobl o amgylch y byd yn gofyn amryw o gwestiynau. Yn fwyaf diweddar, ysgrifennodd Oliver o Ffrainc ataf yn gofyn am un o fy nheis. Nawr, rwy'n gwybod bod Sarah Murphy yn aml yn dweud mai gennyf fi y mae'r teis gorau yn y Senedd, ac mae Oliver yn amlwg yn cytuno—[Chwerthin.]—ond o ddifrif, Lywydd, mae'n amlwg fod gwaith ein Senedd yn cyrraedd sawl rhan o'r byd, ac roeddwn yn meddwl tybed pa adnoddau pellach y gellid eu darparu i ganiatáu i Aelodau hyrwyddo gwaith ein Senedd genedlaethol yng Nghymru.
Well, I'm pleased to hear that your ties are a matter of international interest [Laughter.] I'd like to reinforce, in my response to you, and urge Members here to look at the opportunities they have as individual Members, as members of committees, to travel and to engage with parliaments and with projects right around the world, so that we can enrich our work here in terms of policy development, in terms of legislation, from the experiences in all parts of the world. I think COVID has restricted some of that international work; it opened up some additional opportunities through the use of Zoom and other technology. But there's nothing really to replace the direct experience of visiting and meeting with people from around the world to learn from where interesting ideas are happening on the ground, and for other people as well to learn from some of the good work that we're doing here in Wales. So, I urge you all, as Members of this Senedd, to look for opportunities, where the Commission can support you in any international work that you want to do on behalf of the people of Wales.
Wel, rwy'n falch o glywed bod eich teis yn fater o ddiddordeb rhyngwladol [Chwerthin.] Hoffwn gadarnhau yn fy ymateb i chi, ac annog yr Aelodau yma i edrych ar y cyfleoedd sydd ganddynt fel Aelodau unigol, ac fel aelodau o bwyllgorau, i deithio ac i ymgysylltu â seneddau a chyda phrosiectau ledled y byd, fel y gallwn gyfoethogi ein gwaith yma ar ddatblygu polisi a deddfwriaeth â phrofiadau o bob rhan o'r byd. Rwy'n credu bod COVID wedi cyfyngu ar rywfaint o'r gwaith rhyngwladol hwnnw; fe agorodd rai cyfleoedd ychwanegol drwy ddefnyddio Zoom a thechnoleg arall. Ond nid oes unrhyw beth cystal â'r profiad uniongyrchol o ymweld a chyfarfod â phobl o bob cwr o'r byd i ddysgu o'r syniadau diddorol sy'n digwydd ar lawr gwlad, ac i bobl eraill hefyd ddysgu am ychydig o'r gwaith da a wnawn yma yng Nghymru. Felly, rwy'n eich annog i gyd, fel Aelodau o'r Senedd hon, i chwilio am gyfleoedd, lle gall y Comisiwn eich cefnogi mewn unrhyw waith rhyngwladol y dymunwch ei wneud ar ran pobl Cymru.
Diolch i chi, Llywydd.
I thank the Llywydd.
A point of order by Jack Sargeant.
Pwynt o drefn gan Jack Sargeant.
I'm grateful, Presiding Officer, for allowing me the opportunity to correct the record. In questions to the Counsel General, it was not done lightly, but I forgot to remind Members of my interest as a proud trade union member, when asking a question about the strike. So, I'm grateful for the opportunity to remind Members that that is available online, but also for the opportunity to say, in the Chamber in front of yourself and in the presence of the Llywydd, that I am a proud member of both Community and Unite unions.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar, Lywydd, am ganiatáu imi gael cyfle i gywiro'r cofnod. Mewn cwestiynau i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol, ni chafodd ei wneud yn ysgafn, ond anghofiais atgoffa'r Aelodau o fy muddiant fel aelod balch o undeb llafur, wrth ofyn cwestiwn am y streic. Felly, rwy'n ddiolchgar am y cyfle i atgoffa'r Aelodau fod hynny ar gael ar-lein, ond hefyd am y cyfle i ddweud, yn y Siambr ger eich bron ac ym mhresenoldeb y Llywydd, fy mod yn aelod balch o undebau Community ac Unite.
Thank you. I'm not always convinced it's a point of order, but it's important to put it on the record, and that you've done so. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch. Nid wyf bob amser wedi fy argyhoeddi ei fod yn bwynt o drefn, ond mae'n bwysig ei gofnodi, a'ch bod wedi gwneud hynny. Diolch yn fawr.
Eitem 4 yw cwestiynau amserol, a bydd yr un cyntaf heddiw gan Jack Sargeant.
Item 4 is the topical questions, and the first today will be asked by Jack Sargeant.
1. Pa gyngor mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi ei roi i Lywodraeth Cymru ynghylch a yw prosesu cannoedd o warantau llys ar y tro, gan ganiatáu i gwmnïau ynni osod mesuryddion rhagdalu heb wiriadau unigol, yn torri hawliau sifil trigolion Cymru? TQ713
1. What advice has the Counsel General given the Welsh Government on whether processing hundreds of court warrants at a time, allowing energy firms to install prepay meters without individual checks, is a breach of Welsh residents’ civil rights? TQ713

The Welsh Government believes that moving customers to prepayment meters should be considered only as a last resort. During a cost-of-living crisis, it is deeply concerning that some of the most vulnerable householders are being forced into repayment arrangements, leaving them exposed to the risk of having no heating.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n credu mai dim ond fel opsiwn olaf y dylid ystyried symud cwsmeriaid i fesuryddion rhagdalu. Yn ystod argyfwng costau byw, mae'n bryderus iawn fod rhai o'r aelwydydd mwyaf bregus yn cael eu gorfodi i drefniadau ad-dalu, gan eu gadael yn agored i'r risg o fod heb wres.
I thank the Counsel General for his answer, and the leadership of Welsh Government colleague Jane Hutt in this topic. This is nothing short of a national scandal. We have seen hundreds of court orders issued at a time, and now data shows that, out of the 500,000 applied orders for forced switching to prepayment meters, only 72 were refused. Out of 500,000, just 72 were refused. Nobody could suggest that this shows anything other than no checks are taking place to establish if the consumers are vulnerable.
Now, because of this failure to carry out even very basic checks, vulnerable people are left with the constant threat of being cut off in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis in the middle of winter. Counsel General, this is a matter of life and death. The UK Government, which recognised over the weekend that something is going very wrong following consistent calls from the likes of myself and other campaigners, still choose to only ask the very companies who have so badly let our residents down just to do the right thing. Leadership is about taking decisions, especially when the evidence of wrongdoing is so overwhelming. Statistics show that almost 200,000 more people will be forcibly switched by the end of winter if nothing is done. Counsel General, do you support my calls for an immediate ban on the forced switching of prepay meters, and for those residents who have already been inappropriately switched by energy suppliers to be able to switch back, free of charge and quickly?
Diolch i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol am ei ateb, ac am arweinyddiaeth ei gyd-Aelod yn Llywodraeth Cymru Jane Hutt ar y mater hwn. Nid yw hyn yn ddim llai na sgandal genedlaethol. Rydym wedi gweld cannoedd o orchmynion llys yn cael eu cyhoeddi ar y tro, ac erbyn hyn mae data'n dangos, o'r 500,000 o orchmynion y ceisiwyd amdanynt ar gyfer newid gorfodol i fesuryddion rhagdalu, dim ond 72 a gafodd eu gwrthod. O 500,000 o geisiadau, dim ond 72 a gafodd eu gwrthod. Ni allai neb awgrymu nad yw hyn yn dangos nad oes gwiriadau'n digwydd i ganfod a yw'r defnyddwyr yn fregus.
Nawr, oherwydd y methiant hwn i gynnal gwiriadau sylfaenol hyd yn oed, mae pobl fregus yn cael eu bygwth yn gyson y byddant yn cael eu datgysylltu yng nghanol argyfwng costau byw yng nghanol y gaeaf. Gwnsler Cyffredinol, mae hyn yn fater o fywyd a marwolaeth. Mae Llywodraeth y DU, a gydnabu dros y penwythnos fod rhywbeth ymhell o'i le yn dilyn galwadau cyson gan bobl fel fi ac ymgyrchwyr eraill, yn dal i fodloni ar ofyn i'r union gwmnïau sydd wedi gwneud y fath gam â'n trigolion i wneud y peth iawn. Mae arweinyddiaeth yn ymwneud â gwneud penderfyniadau, yn enwedig pan fo'r dystiolaeth o gamwedd mor llethol. Dengys ystadegau y bydd bron i 200,000 yn fwy o bobl yn cael eu gorfodi i newid erbyn diwedd y gaeaf os na wneir unrhyw beth. Gwnsler Cyffredinol, a ydych yn cefnogi fy ngalwadau am waharddiad ar unwaith ar newid gorfodol i fesuryddion rhagdalu, a galluogi'r trigolion sydd eisoes wedi cael eu newid yn amhriodol gan gyflenwyr ynni i newid yn ôl, a hynny am ddim ac yn gyflym?
Thank you for the question, and again, the Member excels at raising issues of considerable importance to civil rights and liberties in our society. Let me give you these figures. It's only since you raised the question that this has been something I've really drawn my attention to, and I know it's the same, very much, for the Minister for Social Justice, who's been engaging directly on this particular issue.
But in terms of some of the data that we have already, we know from the media that there've been something like 500,000—half a million—warrants issued recently, and let's look at the Welsh situation from what we know so far. In Caernarfon magistrates' court in 2022, two such warrants were issued. In Cardiff magistrates' court in 2021, six warrants were issued and in 2022, 10 warrants were issued—a total of 16—and two were refused. In Swansea magistrates' court in 2020, 7,308 were issued, in 2021, 8,652 were issued and in 2022, 6,817 were issued, making a total, over those three years, of 22,777, of which, six were refused.
I've been looking at some of the public information on this, and again, this is something that I do want to take up. I was just looking at some of the comments that have been made around the figures that are now beginning to appear, and the commentary is like this: 'suppliers are able to obtain warrants to install prepayment meters when their customers fall into debt as a way for them to recoup money they're owed. They're generally more expensive than fixed energy tariffs and have been criticised by numerous charities for trapping low-income households in poverty' and 'they require households to pay for energy before actually using it, and usually on a higher rate'.
In further monitoring of this, it can now be revealed that the costs for the energy firms to gain permission to force entry are set at £22 per warrant, with courts granting up to 1,000 at a time in hearings lasting only 20 minutes. Then customers can be charged up to £150 for having a prepayment meter force fitted, including £56 for the warrant application. One investigation revealed how one court—this was in the north of England—granted 496 warrants that allowed firms to force entry into homes in just three minutes and 51 seconds.
I think there is a real civil justice issue when people's homes can be so readily and so easily entered, forcibly, and I think it is something that needs to be considered. Unfortunately, justice is not devolved, but I can give the Member every assurance that, in conjunction with the Minister for Social Justice who's been following this issue so closely, I will not only take this up with those particular energy companies as to what is going on and why the courts are being used, many often probably tens if not hundreds of miles from where people actually live, but this is something that I think we can validly take up, of significant concern, with both the justice Minister of the United Kingdom Government, and I think, also, with the Attorney General, just to examine and to consider the approach that the courts are adopting to basically receive spreadsheets of names and rubber stamp warrants en bloc. I think there are some very significant issues that need to be explored further, and I'm sure that we will seek to take that up in every way. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.
Diolch am y cwestiwn, ac eto, mae'r Aelod yn rhagori ar godi materion o gryn bwys i ryddid a hawliau sifil yn ein cymdeithas. Gadewch imi roi'r ffigurau hyn i chi. Nid oedd hyn yn rhywbeth a roddais fy sylw iddo mewn gwirionedd tan i chi godi'r mater, ac rwy'n gwybod bod hynny'n wir am y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol, sydd wedi bod yn ymgysylltu'n uniongyrchol ar y mater penodol hwn.
Ond o ran ychydig o'r data sydd gennym eisoes, rydym yn gwybod o'r cyfryngau fod rhywbeth tebyg i 500,000—hanner miliwn—o warantau wedi eu cyhoeddi yn ddiweddar, a gadewch inni edrych ar sefyllfa Cymru o'r hyn a wyddom hyd yma. Yn llys ynadon Caernarfon yn 2022, cyhoeddwyd dwy warant o'r fath. Yn llys ynadon Caerdydd yn 2021, cyhoeddwyd chwe gwarant ac yn 2022, cyhoeddwyd 10 warant—cyfanswm o 16—a gwrthodwyd dwy. Yn llys ynadon Abertawe yn 2020, cyhoeddwyd 7,308, yn 2021, cyhoeddwyd 8,652, ac yn 2022, cyhoeddwyd 6,817, gan wneud cyfanswm, dros y tair blynedd honno, o 22,777, gyda chwech ohonynt wedi eu gwrthod.
Bûm yn edrych ar rywfaint o'r wybodaeth gyhoeddus am hyn, ac eto, mae hyn yn rhywbeth rwyf eisiau mynd i'r afael ag ef. Roeddwn yn edrych ar rai o'r sylwadau sydd wedi'u gwneud ynghylch y ffigurau sydd bellach yn dechrau ymddangos, ac mae'r sylwebaeth fel hyn: 'mae cyflenwyr yn gallu cael gwarantau i osod mesuryddion rhagdalu pan fydd eu cwsmeriaid yn mynd i ddyled fel ffordd iddynt adennill arian sy'n ddyledus iddynt. Yn gyffredinol, maent yn ddrytach na thariffau ynni sefydlog ac maent wedi cael eu beirniadu gan nifer o elusennau am gadw aelwydydd incwm isel mewn tlodi' ac 'maent yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i aelwydydd dalu am ynni cyn ei ddefnyddio, ac fel arfer ar gyfradd uwch'.
Wrth fonitro hyn ymhellach, gellir datgelu bellach fod y costau i'r cwmnïau ynni gael caniatâd i orfodi mynediad wedi eu gosod ar £22 y warant, gyda llysoedd yn rhoi hyd at 1,000 ar y tro mewn gwrandawiadau sy'n para 20 munud yn unig. Yna, gellir codi tâl o hyd at £150 ar gwsmeriaid am gael mesurydd rhagdalu wedi'i osod drwy orfodaeth, gan gynnwys £56 ar gyfer cais y warant. Datgelodd un ymchwiliad sut roedd un llys—roedd hyn yng ngogledd Lloegr—wedi rhoi 496 o warantau a oedd yn caniatáu i gwmnïau orfodi mynediad i gartrefi mewn tri munud a 51 eiliad yn unig.
Rwy'n credu ei fod yna fater cyfiawnder sifil go iawn pan fo modd mynd i mewn i gartrefi pobl mor barod ac mor hawdd drwy orfodaeth, ac rwy'n credu ei fod yn rhywbeth sydd angen ei ystyried. Yn anffodus, nid yw cyfiawnder wedi'i ddatganoli, ond gallaf roi pob sicrwydd i'r Aelod, ar y cyd â'r Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol sydd wedi bod yn mynd ar drywydd y mater hwn yn ddiwyd iawn, y byddaf nid yn unig yn mynd i'r afael â hyn gyda'r cwmnïau ynni penodol hynny o ran yr hyn sy'n digwydd a pham y caiff y llysoedd eu defnyddio, a hynny'n aml ddegau os nad cannoedd o filltiroedd o ble mae pobl yn byw, ond mae hyn yn rhywbeth y credaf y gallwn fynd i'r afael ag ef yn ddilys, ac sydd o bryder sylweddol, gyda Gweinidog cyfiawnder Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig, a chyda'r Twrnai Cyffredinol hefyd rwy'n credu, i archwilio ac ystyried y dull y mae'r llysoedd yn ei fabwysiadu o dderbyn taenlenni o enwau a phasio gwarantau fesul llwyth. Rwy'n credu bod yna rai materion sylweddol iawn sydd angen eu harchwilio ymhellach, ac rwy'n siŵr y byddwn yn ceisio mynd i'r afael â hynny ym mhob ffordd. Diolch am ddod â'r mater hwn i'n sylw.
The Senedd has already heard from Jack about how unfair forcible installation of prepayment meters are; I endorse his points wholeheartedly. Prepayment meters are disproportionately prevalent in the social housing sector, which means that tenants on some of the lowest income bands in the country are having to pay the highest energy tariffs. It's incredibly perverse that those with the least are being forced to pay the most for energy. This means that families in poverty have been forced to shiver through the recent cold spell because they cannot afford to put the heating on. It is an outrage. If we cannot protect our citizens in Wales from the predatory practices of energy companies, then we should make it a priority to win that right.
We have already seen that Westminster will not act against the energy companies. Whilst people struggle to heat their homes, suppliers are continuing to make record profits on the back of soaring energy bills. The staggering speed at which courts are issuing warrants, as you've mentioned, often in a matter of minutes at a minimal cost to the energy companies, gives next to no legal recourse for customers to challenge their decisions. This is exploitation on an industrial scale. There should be an immediate ban on such practices. I urge you to look at this matter to see if there is any way that we can curb the exploitation of our citizens at the hands of energy companies. Diolch.
Mae'r Senedd eisoes wedi clywed gan Jack am ba mor annheg yw gosod mesuryddion rhagdalu; rwy'n cymeradwyo ei bwyntiau'n llwyr. Mae mesuryddion rhagdalu yn anghymesur o gyffredin yn y sector tai cymdeithasol, sy'n golygu bod tenantiaid ar rai o'r bandiau incwm isaf yn y wlad yn gorfod talu'r tariffau ynni uchaf. Mae'n hynod o wrthnysig fod y rhai sydd â llai nag eraill yn cael eu gorfodi i dalu mwy nag eraill am ynni. Mae hyn yn golygu bod teuluoedd mewn tlodi wedi cael eu gorfodi i grynu drwy'r cyfnod oer diweddar am na allant fforddio cael y gwres ymlaen. Mae'n warthus. Os na allwn amddiffyn ein dinasyddion yng Nghymru rhag arferion rheibus cwmnïau ynni, dylem ei gwneud yn flaenoriaeth i ennill yr hawl honno.
Rydym eisoes wedi gweld na fydd San Steffan yn gweithredu yn erbyn y cwmnïau ynni. Tra bo pobl yn ei chael hi'n anodd gwresogi eu cartrefi, mae cyflenwyr yn parhau i wneud yr elw mwyaf erioed o filiau ynni cynyddol. Mae'r cyflymder syfrdanol y mae llysoedd yn rhoi gwarantau, fel y sonioch chi, yn aml mewn mater o funudau ar gost fach iawn i'r cwmnïau ynni, yn rhoi'r nesaf peth i ddim cyfle i gwsmeriaid herio eu penderfyniadau ar lefel gyfreithiol. Ecsbloetio ar raddfa ddiwydiannol yw hyn. Dylai fod gwaharddiad ar unwaith ar arferion o'r fath. Rwy'n eich annog i edrych ar y mater hwn i weld a oes unrhyw ffordd y gallwn reoli'r ffordd y mae cwmnïau ynni'n ecsbloetio ein dinasyddion. Diolch.
I thank the Member for those additional comments. Just for the record, I think there are approximately 200,000 households in Wales that have prepayment meters for their mains gas and electricity. The Member has made his comments very, very forcibly, which I think add to all the other comments that have been made, and I'm sure that we'll all want to work collectively across all political parties to see that this is looked into, and to see that people's rights and protections are properly supported.
Diolch i'r Aelod am y sylwadau ychwanegol hynny. Ar gyfer y cofnod, rwy'n meddwl bod gan oddeutu 200,000 o aelwydydd yng Nghymru fesuryddion rhagdalu ar gyfer eu prif gyflenwad nwy a thrydan. Mae'r Aelod wedi gwneud ei sylwadau'n rymus iawn, gan ychwanegu at yr holl sylwadau eraill sydd wedi'u gwneud, ac rwy'n siŵr y byddwn i gyd eisiau gweithio ar y cyd ar draws pob plaid wleidyddol i sicrhau yr edrychir ar hyn, ac i weld bod hawliau ac amddiffyniadau pobl yn cael eu cynnal yn briodol.
Diolch, Cwnsler Cyffredinol. Bydd y cwestiwn amserol nesaf gan James Evans.
Thank you, Counsel General. The next topical question is to be asked by James Evans.
2. Pa drafodaethau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u cael gydag Undeb Rygbi Cymru ynglŷn â'r honiadau o ddiwylliant rhywiaethol yr adroddwyd arnynt gan y BBC? TQ714
2. What discussions has the Welsh Government had with the Welsh Rugby Union regarding the claims of a sexist culture reported by the BBC? TQ714

Can I thank James Evans for that question? I've met with the WRU twice in the last two days on the immediate actions that it must take to address the allegations set out in this BBC investigation.
A gaf fi ddiolch i James Evans am y cwestiwn hwnnw? Rwyf wedi cyfarfod ag Undeb Rygbi Cymru ddwywaith yn ystod y deuddydd diwethaf ynghylch y camau gweithredu y mae'n rhaid iddynt eu cymryd ar unwaith i fynd i'r afael â'r honiadau a nodwyd yn yr ymchwiliad gan y BBC.
I'd like to thank the Deputy Minister for your answer. I could have addressed this question to the Minister for Social Justice earlier as well. The recent and developing reports about the Welsh Rugby Union are deeply alarming. We've been told that, at the heart of the organisation, there is a toxic culture of sexism. We've heard allegations that a male employee made a comment in front of a senior member of staff about raping a female colleague. It's grotesque and it's unacceptable behaviour for anybody to make. As somebody who played rugby in a club that actively promotes and develops the women's game, and encourages young girls and women to play our national sport, it makes me sick to think that there are people who would foster a toxic culture like this within the WRU.
I want to applaud all those who have come forward to expose these deep-rooted problems within the union. It's obvious that there is need for immediate and transparent action to be taken to tackle these huge problems. There should be no hiding places for anybody who carries out this foul behaviour or for those who protect or condone it. Our society has no place for discrimination or violence against women. Minister, can you assure me and this Chamber that you're doing everything that you can to make sure that the administration of the Welsh Rugby Union does all that it needs to investigate these allegations, and make sure that you will hold the leadership of the Welsh Rugby Union accountable for the toxic environment that it has created at the heart of Welsh rugby?
Hoffwn ddiolch i'r Dirprwy Weinidog am eich ateb. Gallwn fod wedi cyfeirio'r cwestiwn hwn at y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol yn gynharach hefyd. Mae'r adroddiadau diweddar sy'n datblygu am Undeb Rygbi Cymru yn frawychus iawn. Cawsom wybod fod yna ddiwylliant gwenwynig o rywiaeth wrth galon y sefydliad. Clywsom honiadau fod gweithiwr gwrywaidd wedi gwneud sylw o flaen uwch-aelod o staff am dreisio cydweithiwr benywaidd. Mae'n wrthun ac mae'n ymddygiad annerbyniol i unrhyw un ei wneud. Fel rhywun a chwaraeodd rygbi mewn clwb sy'n mynd ati i hyrwyddo a datblygu gêm y menywod, ac yn annog merched ifanc a menywod i chwarae ein camp genedlaethol, mae'n fy ngwneud yn sâl i feddwl bod yna bobl a fyddai'n meithrin diwylliant gwenwynig o'r fath yn Undeb Rygbi Cymru.
Rwyf am gymeradwyo pawb sydd wedi camu ymlaen i ddatgelu'r problemau dwfn hyn o fewn yr undeb. Mae'n amlwg fod angen rhoi camau uniongyrchol a thryloyw ar waith i fynd i'r afael â'r problemau enfawr hyn. Ni ddylai fod lle i unrhyw un sy'n cyflawni'r ymddygiad ffiaidd hwn guddio na'r rhai sy'n ei amddiffyn neu'n ei esgusodi. Nid oes lle i wahaniaethu na thrais yn erbyn menywod yn ein cymdeithas. Weinidog, a wnewch chi fy sicrhau i a'r Siambr hon eich bod yn gwneud popeth yn eich gallu i sicrhau bod gweinyddiaeth Undeb Rygbi Cymru yn gwneud popeth y mae angen iddynt ei wneud i ymchwilio i'r honiadau hyn, a sicrhau y byddwch yn gwneud arweinyddiaeth Undeb Rygbi Cymru yn atebol am yr amgylchedd gwenwynig y mae wedi ei greu wrth galon rygbi Cymru?
Again, can I thank James Evans for those very powerful comments, which I would associate myself with? And can I start by making some general points in response? Firstly, the issues raised by the BBC investigation programme are without doubt devastating, and I would like to reiterate that we recognise the courage that it took to speak out after experiencing any form of harassment—to do that publicly on the programme that we saw, I think should be commended. Now, last year, as you know, as a Government, we published our national violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence strategy, which clearly sets out our ambitions to make Wales the safest place in Europe to be a woman, and that includes in the workplace. Now, the Welsh Government is not going to be a bystander to abuse, and we are committed to tackling harassment and bullying head on, because women and girls have the right to be safe in all aspects of their lives.
Now, on the specifics, as the First Minister stated here in the Chamber yesterday, we need to see urgent and transparent action that helps restore confidence in the WRU itself. And that requires public recognition on the part of the WRU of the scale and the nature of the issues that were aired in the television programme BBC Wales Investigates on Monday evening. Now, over recent days, I've been engaging with the WRU on the immediate actions that it must take to address these allegations and how it is providing a safe environment for its staff and wider stakeholders that is free from harassment and abuse of all kinds. I note the comments made by the chief executive in the media yesterday that they had fallen short in presenting Welsh rugby to the world and they are working on the necessary changes immediately to ensure that this is a sport that we can again all be proud of and that recognises the importance of gender equality and creating an environment that is free from abuse.
I met the chief executive again this morning, and I stated clearly our expectations for urgent action that will restore the trust of staff, players, supporters, parents and children in his organisation. I pressed for specific examples of what they are looking to implement to ensure the safety of those working for the WRU. And I was advised that these now include employing a people director, refreshing their HR policies, and staff engagement and equality training. Now, that is important, because, at the heart of the programme on Monday was the inequality faced by women, both in the WRU and within the women's game. And women should be able to go to work and engage in sporting activity free from harassment and abuse. Now, on the workplace issues themselves that were raised in the programme, I would say this: if an organisation does not have a problem with its culture, then complaints of this scale and nature would not come forward. And even if a formal process led by an external lawyer doesn't uphold a complaint, it doesn't mean that that incident didn't happen.
Now, what I have seen for myself is that the WRU has made positive recent progress in developing the women's game in Wales, with professional contracts for the national team, a newly formed development team and an under-18 regional competition, to outline just a few examples—all increasing the opportunities for women and girls in rugby. However, the WRU itself recognises that this follows years of inertia in developing the women's game, which is why it commissioned a review into the women's game a few years ago. There have been calls for this document to be made public; I support those calls, as I am of the firm belief that it is more damaging in the way it is being shrouded in secrecy than it is if that report was published. I have made that point to the chief executive this morning, and I have made that point to him previously in discussions with him. The WRU should, in the first place, make that document public and clarify how it responded to the review and how it is planning on further development of the women's game. I'm also aware that there have been calls for a Senedd committee inquiry, which I would of course also welcome.
Llywydd, this is a matter that I, as Deputy Minister for sport, take extremely seriously, and I will continue to press in the strongest possible way for the immediate and transformative reform of the WRU, an organisation that is at the heart of our nation's sporting, cultural and civic life.
Unwaith eto, a gaf fi ddiolch i James Evans am ei sylwadau pwerus iawn, sylwadau rwy'n cytuno â hwy? Ac a gaf fi ddechrau drwy wneud rhai pwyntiau cyffredinol mewn ymateb? Yn gyntaf, mae’r materion a godwyd gan raglen ymchwilio’r BBC yn ddychrynllyd, heb os, a hoffwn ailadrodd ein bod yn cydnabod y dewrder a gymerodd i godi llais ar ôl dioddef unrhyw fath o aflonyddu—credaf y dylid canmol y ffordd y gwelsom hynny’n cael ei wneud yn gyhoeddus ar y rhaglen. Nawr, y llynedd, fel y gwyddoch, fel Llywodraeth, gwnaethom gyhoeddi ein strategaeth genedlaethol ar drais yn erbyn menywod, cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol, sy'n nodi'n glir ein huchelgeisiau i sicrhau mai Cymru yw'r lle mwyaf diogel yn Ewrop i fod yn fenyw, ac mae hynny'n cynnwys yn y gweithle. Nawr, nid yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn mynd i gadw'n dawel am gam-drin, ac rydym wedi ymrwymo i fynd i'r afael ag aflonyddu a bwlio yn uniongyrchol, gan fod hawl gan fenywod a merched i fod yn ddiogel ym mhob agwedd ar eu bywydau.
Nawr, ar y manylion, fel y dywedodd y Prif Weinidog yma yn y Siambr ddoe, mae angen inni weld camau gweithredu tryloyw ar frys i helpu i adfer hyder yn Undeb Rygbi Cymru. Ac er mwyn sicrhau hynny, mae angen i Undeb Rygbi Cymru gydnabod yn gyhoeddus pa mor ddifrifol yw'r materion a gafodd eu darlledu yn y rhaglen deledu BBC Wales Investigates nos Lun. Nawr, dros y dyddiau diwethaf, rwyf wedi bod yn ymgysylltu ag Undeb Rygbi Cymru ynghylch y camau gweithredu y mae'n rhaid iddynt eu cymryd ar unwaith i fynd i'r afael â'r honiadau hyn a sut maent yn darparu amgylchedd diogel i'w staff a rhanddeiliaid ehangach sy'n rhydd rhag aflonyddu a chamdriniaeth o bob math. Nodaf y sylwadau a wnaed gan y prif weithredwr yn y wasg ddoe eu bod wedi syrthio'n fyr o'r disgwyliadau wrth arddangos rygbi Cymru i’r byd a'u bod yn gweithio ar y newidiadau angenrheidiol ar unwaith i sicrhau bod hon yn gamp y gall pob un ohonom fod yn falch ohoni unwaith eto ac sy’n cydnabod pwysigrwydd cydraddoldeb rhywiol a chreu amgylchedd sy’n rhydd rhag camdriniaeth.
Cyfarfûm â’r prif weithredwr eto y bore yma, a nodais ein disgwyliadau'n glir ar gyfer camau gweithredu brys a fydd yn adfer ymddiriedaeth staff, chwaraewyr, cefnogwyr, rhieni a phlant yn ei sefydliad. Pwysais arno am enghreifftiau penodol o’r hyn y maent yn bwriadu ei roi ar waith i sicrhau diogelwch y rheini sy’n gweithio i Undeb Rygbi Cymru. A dywedwyd wrthyf fod y rhain bellach yn cynnwys cyflogi cyfarwyddwr pobl, adnewyddu eu polisïau AD, a hyfforddiant cydraddoldeb ac ymgysylltu â staff. Nawr, mae hynny'n bwysig, gan mai'r anghydraddoldeb a wynebir gan fenywod oedd wrth wraidd y rhaglen ddydd Llun, yn Undeb Rygbi Cymru ac yng ngêm y menywod yn gyffredinol. A dylai menywod allu mynd i'r gwaith a chymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon yn rhydd rhag aflonyddu a chamdriniaeth. Nawr, ar y materion yn y gweithle ei hun a godwyd yn y rhaglen, byddwn yn dweud hyn: os nad oes gan sefydliad broblem gyda'i ddiwylliant, ni fyddai cwynion mor ddifrifol â'r rhain yn dod i'r amlwg. A hyd yn oed os nad yw proses ffurfiol a arweinir gan gyfreithiwr allanol yn cadarnhau cwyn, nid yw hynny'n golygu na ddigwyddodd y digwyddiad hwnnw.
Nawr, gwelais drosof fy hun fod Undeb Rygbi Cymru wedi gwneud cynnydd cadarnhaol yn ddiweddar ar ddatblygu gêm y menywod yng Nghymru, gyda chontractau proffesiynol ar gyfer y tîm cenedlaethol, tîm datblygu sydd newydd ei ffurfio a chystadleuaeth ranbarthol i chwaraewyr dan 18, i nodi ychydig o enghreifftiau'n unig—gyda phob un yn cynyddu'r cyfleoedd i fenywod a merched ym myd rygbi. Fodd bynnag, mae Undeb Rygbi Cymru eu hunain yn cydnabod bod hyn yn dilyn blynyddoedd o lesgedd o ran datblygu gêm y menywod, a dyna pam y gwnaethant gomisiynu adolygiad i gêm y menywod ychydig flynyddoedd yn ôl. Cafwyd galwadau i'r ddogfen hon gael ei chyhoeddi; rwy'n cefnogi’r galwadau hynny, gan fy mod yn credu’n gryf fod y ffordd y mae wedi'i chadw'n gyfrinachol yn fwy niweidiol na phe bai’r adroddiad wedi cael ei gyhoeddi. Gwneuthum y pwynt hwnnw i’r prif weithredwr y bore yma, a gwneuthum y pwynt iddo o’r blaen mewn trafodaethau gydag ef. Dylai Undeb Rygbi Cymru, yn y lle cyntaf, gyhoeddi'r ddogfen honno ac egluro sut y gwnaethant ymateb i’r adolygiad a sut maent yn cynllunio ar gyfer datblygu gêm y menywod ymhellach. Rwyf hefyd yn ymwybodol y bu galwadau am ymchwiliad gan bwyllgor Senedd, a byddwn yn croesawu hynny hefyd, wrth gwrs.
Lywydd, mae hwn yn fater rwyf fi, fel y Dirprwy Weinidog chwaraeon, o ddifrif yn ei gylch, a byddaf yn parhau i bwyso yn y ffordd gryfaf bosibl am ddiwygio a thrawsnewid Undeb Rygbi Cymru ar unwaith, gan ei fod yn sefydliad sy'n ganolog i chwaraeon a bywyd diwylliannol a dinesig ein cenedl.
Minister, the programme broadcast this week was a very distressing programme, and we heard some very distressing testimony. And I think we should all join together to applaud and to commend the women who spoke out then, and also, of course, the journalists who have told this story and who brought this to our attention.
To me, what this speaks of is not an individual HR issue, but a deep-rooted culture, and a culture that must change. And for all of us who have spent a lifetime supporting Welsh rugby at all levels, we want to see this change occur. And what I'm not interested in is hearing short-term, knee-jerk measures. I'm not interested in a short-term witch hunt; I'm interested in long-term, fundamental change, and long-term, fundamental cultural change. And I hope that Ieuan Evans will be leading that change, and what I will say is that the governance of the WRU needs to change, the culture of the WRU needs to change, and we need to ensure that the culture of rugby in this country is an inclusive culture and one which encourages women to be a fundamental part of it and doesn't force people out—that cannot be the case.
And what I would say to the WRU—if you are unable or unprepared to lead this change, then change will be forced upon you. This is not something that a sticking plaster will repair. This is not something that can be brushed under the carpet, and this is not something that the media will move on from next week. This calls for fundamental cultural change. And my question to you, Minister, is this: what will the Welsh Government do to work with the WRU to ensure that this change happens, and how will we understand that that change has happened? Because what I don't want to see is simply a list of actions, and we'll have a Senedd inquiry this time next year or whatever—what I want to see is that change taking place. It's for the WRU to lead this change, and it's for the WRU to take responsibility for that change. And I hope that we can all rely on the WRU to understand where it is today.
Weinidog, roedd y rhaglen a ddarlledwyd yr wythnos hon yn rhaglen dorcalonnus, a chlywsom dystiolaeth dorcalonnus. A chredaf y dylai pob un ohonom uno i gymeradwyo ac i ganmol y menywod a gododd eu lleisiau bryd hynny, a hefyd, wrth gwrs, y newyddiadurwyr sydd wedi adrodd ar y stori hon ac a ddaeth â'r mater i'n sylw.
I mi, nid mater AD unigol yw hyn ond diwylliant sydd wedi’i wreiddio’n ddwfn, a diwylliant y mae’n rhaid ei newid. Ac i bob un ohonom sydd wedi treulio oes yn cefnogi rygbi Cymru ar bob lefel, rydym am weld y newid hwn yn digwydd. Ac nid oes gennyf ddiddordeb mewn clywed am fesurau byrdymor, adweithiol. Nid oes gennyf ddiddordeb mewn hela gwrachod yn y tymor byr; rwyf am weld newid hirdymor, sylfaenol, a newid diwylliannol sylfaenol hirdymor. A gobeithio y bydd Ieuan Evans yn arwain y newid hwnnw, a’r hyn rwyf am ei ddweud yw bod angen i lywodraethiant Undeb Rygbi Cymru newid, mae angen i ddiwylliant Undeb Rygbi Cymru newid, ac mae angen inni sicrhau bod diwylliant rygbi yn y wlad hon yn ddiwylliant cynhwysol ac yn un sy’n annog menywod i fod yn rhan annatod ohono ac nad yw’n gorfodi pobl allan—ni all hynny ddigwydd.
A hoffwn ddweud wrth Undeb Rygbi Cymru—os nad ydych yn gallu neu os nad ydych yn barod i arwain y newid hwn, bydd y newid yn cael ei orfodi arnoch. Nid yw hyn yn rhywbeth y gellir rhoi plastr drosto. Nid yw hyn yn rhywbeth y gellir ei frwsio o dan y carped, ac nid yw'n rhywbeth y bydd y cyfryngau yn symud ymlaen ohono yr wythnos nesaf. Mae hyn yn galw am newid diwylliannol sylfaenol. A fy nghwestiwn i chi, Weinidog, yw hyn: beth fydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i weithio gydag Undeb Rygbi Cymru i sicrhau bod y newid hwn yn digwydd, a sut y byddwn yn deall bod y newid hwnnw wedi digwydd? Oherwydd nid wyf am weld rhestr o gamau gweithredu yn unig, ac y byddwn yn cael ymchwiliad gan y Senedd yr adeg hon y flwyddyn nesaf neu beth bynnag—rwyf am weld y newid yn digwydd. Mater i Undeb Rygbi Cymru yw arwain y newid, a mater i Undeb Rygbi Cymru yw ysgwyddo cyfrifoldeb am y newid. Ac rwy'n gobeithio y gall pob un ohonom ddibynnu ar Undeb Rygbi Cymru i ddeall y sefyllfa y mae ynddi heddiw.
Thank you, Alun Davies, for those comments, and, again, I couldn't agree more with the issues that you raise. The need for cultural change is something that we know, in any organisation, is the most difficult thing to bring about. Cultural change takes time. It takes changes of not just policies, it takes changes of personnel, it takes changes of attitude, and it is rarely something that can happen overnight. But I can assure you that I have made it absolutely clear that that cultural change has to happen, because, at the moment, the way that things are perceived within the WRU is not in line with the values of this Government.
Now, as a Government, clearly, we do not run the WRU. We don't own the WRU. They are an independent business, and we must be clear about where the decisions about the game in Wales are taken. And they are not taken by Welsh Government. But the whole point, and I think the point that you were making, Alun, is that rugby union, and international rugby union in particular, is so fundamental to the culture of this nation that we have to have an organisation that espouses the values of this nation as well. And that has to be that everybody, whether they are playing, or whether they work in the organisation, is valued and treated with respect and dignity, and that they are valued. And that will be the measure that I will put on the change within the WRU.
Now, I'm aware, Llywydd, that, as I'm on my feet, and perhaps just before I came into the Chamber, there was a press conference taking place with the WRU and with Ieuan Evans, who I did meet for the first time just a couple of weeks ago. And I have to say, in that conversation that I had with him a couple of weeks ago, I was very impressed with his determination to drive change within the WRU. Now, I have not had the opportunity, unfortunately, to catch up with what he said in this press conference, but I would very much hope that that is what he has set out very clearly in light of what happened, which was aired in this BBC programme on Monday.
Diolch am eich sylwadau, Alun Davies, ac unwaith eto, rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â’r materion a godwch. Gwyddom mai'r angen am newid diwylliannol, mewn unrhyw sefydliad, yw’r peth anoddaf i’w gyflawni. Mae newid diwylliannol yn cymryd amser. Mae'n cymryd newidiadau nid yn unig o ran polisïau, ond o ran personél, o ran agwedd, a phur anaml y gall ddigwydd dros nos. Ond gallaf roi sicrwydd i chi fy mod wedi dweud yn gwbl glir fod yn rhaid i’r newid diwylliannol hwnnw ddigwydd, oherwydd, ar hyn o bryd, nid yw’r ffordd y caiff pethau eu gweld yn Undeb Rygbi Cymru yn cyd-fynd â gwerthoedd y Llywodraeth hon.
Nawr, fel Llywodraeth, yn amlwg, nid ni sy'n rhedeg Undeb Rygbi Cymru. Nid ydym yn berchen ar Undeb Rygbi Cymru. Maent yn fusnes annibynnol, ac mae'n rhaid inni fod yn glir ynghylch ble y caiff y penderfyniadau ynglŷn â'r gêm yng Nghymru eu gwneud. Ac nid Llywodraeth Cymru sy'n gwneud y penderfyniadau hynny. Ond yr holl bwynt, a chredaf mai’r pwynt roeddech chi'n ei wneud, Alun, yw bod rygbi’r undeb, a rygbi’r undeb rhyngwladol yn arbennig, mor bwysig i ddiwylliant y genedl hon fel bod yn rhaid inni gael sefydliad sy’n arddel gwerthoedd y genedl hon hefyd. Ac mae'n rhaid iddynt sicrhau bod pawb, boed yn chwarae, neu boed yn gweithio yn y sefydliad, yn cael eu trin â pharch ac urddas, ac yn cael eu gwerthfawrogi. A dyna fydd y mesur y byddaf yn ei roi ar y newid o fewn Undeb Rygbi Cymru.
Nawr, rwy'n ymwybodol, Lywydd, wrth imi sefyll yma, ac efallai ychydig cyn imi ddod i mewn i'r Siambr, fod cynhadledd i'r wasg yn cael ei chynnal gydag Undeb Rygbi Cymru ac Ieuan Evans, y cyfarfûm ag ef am y tro cyntaf ychydig wythnosau yn ôl. Ac mae'n rhaid imi ddweud, yn y sgwrs a gefais ag ef ychydig wythnosau yn ôl, fod ei ymrwymiad i ysgogi newid o fewn Undeb Rygbi Cymru wedi creu cryn argraff arnaf. Nawr, nid wyf wedi cael cyfle, yn anffodus, i ddal i fyny â'r hyn a ddywedodd yn y gynhadledd i'r wasg, ond byddwn yn mawr obeithio mai dyna a nododd yn glir iawn yng ngoleuni'r hyn a ddigwyddodd, ac a ddarlledwyd ar raglen y BBC ddydd Llun.
Certainly, I would like to associate myself with all the comments made. The programme was a very difficult one to watch. It does raise questions, because we've rightly been proud of rugby as a national sport alongside football, and everybody should feel safe in the workplace, and they are absolutely abhorrent, those allegations. What has equally been abhorrent, in my view, has been the public statements to date from the WRU, which have not given me the assurances that they are taking this as seriously as they should. The fact also that there have been opportunities to address these concerns previously under the current leadership, but that hasn't seemingly happened, raises concerns in my view and does raise questions about the current leadership.
I haven't had those discussions, as you have had to date, face to face with the WRU, but can I ask you: do you feel reassured that the WRU is taking these allegations seriously enough and taking decisive action? And do you feel, as I do by now, that there needs to be a change of leadership if these allegations are going to be addressed to the degree that they need to be addressed?
Also, I am horrified, to be honest, that there still hasn't been a commitment to publish that report, despite you as Deputy Minister requesting that report. What has been the attitude when you have asked for that publication? Have you been given any assurances that the report will be made public?
Also, given that we do donate some public funds, make them available, to the WRU, and much of it is to make sure that the sport is more inclusive, including for women, how can we be giving public funds to a body where we certainly can't assure women that the environment they will face will be a safe one and that they'll be safe from misogyny and sexism? Is this something that you're currently reviewing as well, Minister?
Yn sicr, hoffwn gytuno â’r holl sylwadau a wnaed. Roedd y rhaglen yn un anodd iawn i'w gwylio. Mae'n codi cwestiynau, gan ein bod wedi bod yn falch iawn o rygbi fel camp genedlaethol ochr yn ochr â phêl-droed, a dylai pawb deimlo'n ddiogel yn y gweithle, ac mae'r honiadau'n gwbl wrthun. Yr hyn sydd yr un mor wrthun, yn fy marn i, yw’r datganiadau cyhoeddus hyd yn hyn gan Undeb Rygbi Cymru, gan nad ydynt wedi rhoi sicrwydd i mi eu bod yn rhoi ystyriaeth mor ddifrifol ag y dylent i'r mater. Mae’r ffaith hefyd y bu cyfleoedd i fynd i’r afael â’r pryderon hyn o dan yr arweinyddiaeth bresennol, ond nad yw hynny wedi digwydd i bob golwg, yn codi pryderon yn fy marn i, ac yn codi cwestiynau ynglŷn â'r arweinyddiaeth bresennol.
Nid wyf wedi cael y trafodaethau hynny a gawsoch chi hyd yma, wyneb yn wyneb ag Undeb Rygbi Cymru, ond a gaf fi ofyn i chi: a ydych yn dawel eich meddwl fod Undeb Rygbi Cymru o ddifrif ynghylch yr honiadau hyn ac yn rhoi camau pendant ar waith? Ac a ydych yn teimlo, fel rwyf innau'n teimlo bellach, fod angen newid arweinyddiaeth os ydynt am fynd i'r afael â'r honiadau hyn i'r graddau sydd eu hangen?
Hefyd, mae’n codi arswyd arnaf, a dweud y gwir, nad oes ymrwymiad wedi'i wneud o hyd i gyhoeddi’r adroddiad hwnnw, er eich bod chi, fel Dirprwy Weinidog, wedi gofyn am yr adroddiad hwnnw. Beth oedd eu hagwedd pan ofynnoch chi am y gyhoeddi hwnnw? A ydych wedi cael unrhyw sicrwydd y bydd yr adroddiad yn cael ei gyhoeddi?
Hefyd, o gofio ein bod yn rhoi arian cyhoeddus i Undeb Rygbi Cymru, a bod llawer ohono'n cael ei ddarparu er mwyn sicrhau bod y gamp yn fwy cynhwysol, gan gynnwys i fenywod, sut y gallwn roi arian cyhoeddus i gorff pan na allwn roi sicrwydd i fenywod y bydd yr amgylchedd y byddant yn ei wynebu yn un diogel ac y byddant yn ddiogel rhag rhywiaeth a chasineb at fenywod? A yw hyn yn rhywbeth rydych yn ei adolygu ar hyn o bryd hefyd, Weinidog?
Thanks, Heledd. Again, all very valid points that I would again associate myself with. The WRU has had the opportunity to address these issues over a period of time. The conversation I had with the chief executive this morning was that he set out to me a number of actions that the WRU has already taken. I told him in no uncertain terms that I felt that that needed to be far more explicit, that he needed to be public about what the WRU has done to address some of these issues, primarily in light of the report on the women's game.
The discussions that I've had with him previously on the report into the women's game and why there was a failure to publish was primarily because the women who gave evidence to develop that report were given an assurance that their confidentiality would be respected and their identities would not be disclosed. He made it very clear to me that he felt that, had they not been given that assurance, many of those women would not have come forward. So, he felt that he had to honour that confidentiality. I understand that, and I've made it clear to him that I don't think anybody is looking to identify anybody who has given evidence to that report, and such a report could be published and redacted so that people are not identified, and that's what I've called on him to do. So, we will wait and see whether, in light of those discussions I've had—those further discussions I've had—around that area this week, that actually happens.
There is a new leadership within the WRU. I talked about Ieuan Evans earlier on. He's only been the chair of the WRU for the last couple of weeks or so. He certainly seemed to be saying all the right things when I met with him. I haven't heard what he said in the press conference today. But I think it is now incumbent upon the WRU to actually demonstrate what their commitment is to make the changes that both yourself and Alun Davies have already clearly set out. Certainly, from the programme that we saw, the impression was that that has not yet happened. I think it is now for the WRU to prove that it is happening, and what they are setting out to ensure that it does happen.
Diolch, Heledd. Unwaith eto, pob un ohonynt yn bwyntiau dilys iawn y byddwn yn cytuno â hwy. Mae Undeb Rygbi Cymru wedi cael cyfle i fynd i'r afael â'r materion hyn dros gyfnod o amser. Yn y sgwrs a gefais gyda’r prif weithredwr y bore yma, nododd nifer o gamau gweithredu y mae Undeb Rygbi Cymru eisoes wedi’u rhoi ar waith. Dywedais wrtho'n blwmp ac yn blaen fy mod yn teimlo bod angen i hynny fod yn llawer mwy eglur, fod angen iddo ddweud yn gyhoeddus beth mae Undeb Rygbi Cymru wedi’i wneud i fynd i’r afael â rhai o’r materion hyn, yn anad dim yng ngoleuni’r adroddiad ar gêm y menywod.
Yn y trafodaethau a gefais gydag ef o’r blaen ynglŷn â'r adroddiad ar gêm y menywod a pham na chafodd ei gyhoeddi, y prif reswm yw am fod y menywod a roddodd dystiolaeth ar gyfer datblygu’r adroddiad hwnnw wedi cael sicrwydd y byddai eu cyfrinachedd yn cael ei barchu ac na fyddai eu henwau'n cael eu datgelu. Dywedodd yn glir iawn wrthyf ei fod yn teimlo, pe na baent wedi cael y sicrwydd hwnnw, y byddai llawer o’r menywod hynny heb roi tystiolaeth. Felly, teimlai fod yn rhaid iddo barchu eu cyfrinachedd. Rwy’n deall hynny, ac rwyf wedi dweud yn glir wrtho na chredaf fod unrhyw un yn ceisio darganfod pwy yw unrhyw un sydd wedi rhoi tystiolaeth i’r adroddiad, ac y gallai adroddiad o’r fath gael ei gyhoeddi a’i olygu fel na ellir adnabod pobl, a dyna y gelwais arno i'w wneud. Felly, cawn weld a fydd hynny'n digwydd, yng ngoleuni'r trafodaethau a gefais—y trafodaethau pellach a gefais—ynglŷn â hynny yr wythnos hon.
Mae arweinyddiaeth newydd yn Undeb Rygbi Cymru. Soniais am Ieuan Evans yn gynharach. Dim ond ers ychydig wythnosau y bu'n gadeirydd Undeb Rygbi Cymru. Yn sicr, roedd fel petai'n dweud y pethau iawn pan gyfarfûm ag ef. Nid wyf wedi clywed yr hyn a ddywedodd yn y gynhadledd i'r wasg heddiw. Ond credaf ei bod bellach yn ddyletswydd ar Undeb Rygbi Cymru i ddangos beth yw eu hymrwymiad i wneud y newidiadau rydych chi ac Alun Davies eisoes wedi'u nodi'n glir. Yn sicr, o’r rhaglen a welsom, yr argraff oedd nad yw hynny wedi digwydd eto. Credaf mai mater i Undeb Rygbi Cymru nawr yw profi ei fod yn digwydd, a nodi beth maent yn ei roi ar waith i sicrhau ei fod yn digwydd.
I don't doubt what you're saying about Ieuan Evans being an excellent individual, but I'm just wondering whether, on his own, he's going to be able to turn this around. Because it's over a year ago that Amanda Blanc warned in her resignation speech that there was a time bomb of sexism and racism in the WRU, which has now exploded. So, in the light of the damage done to Wales, to our reputation, as a result of this perfect storm, and inaction by the WRU, what consideration has the Minister given to having an independent regulator for all publicly funded sporting bodies in Wales, so the culture of sporting bodies marking their own homework ceases?
Nid wyf yn amau'r hyn a ddywedwch, a bod Ieuan Evans yn unigolyn rhagorol, ond rwy'n meddwl tybed a fydd yn gallu newid hyn ar ei ben ei hun. Oherwydd mae dros flwyddyn wedi bod ers i Amanda Blanc rybuddio yn ei haraith wrth ymddiswyddo fod bom amser o rywiaeth a hiliaeth yn Undeb Rygbi Cymru, sydd bellach wedi ffrwydro. Felly, yng ngoleuni’r niwed a wnaed i Gymru, i’n henw da, o ganlyniad i’r storm berffaith hon, a diffyg gweithredu gan Undeb Rygbi Cymru, pa ystyriaeth y mae’r Gweinidog wedi’i rhoi i gael rheoleiddiwr annibynnol ar gyfer pob corff chwaraeon sy'n derbyn arian cyhoeddus yng Nghymru, fel bod y diwylliant o gyrff chwaraeon yn marcio eu gwaith cartref eu hunain yn dod i ben?
I heard that call for an independent regulator come from Tonia Antoniazzi in the programme. It's the first time I've heard that call made by anybody, so I would need to have some discussion with officials about what that might look like, how that would work in practice, what the legalities of that might be, how that would link in, for instance, with international bodies, because the national governing bodies of Wales don't stop in Wales; there are international rugby boards, there's UEFA for football, there's FIFA for football, there are international boards for all of our governing bodies. So, on the face of it, it's not as simple as it sounds. However, I do think there is something in there that we could look at, but I certainly can't make any commitments to that at this stage, because I think that does require some considerable investigation.
Llywydd, if you'll bear with me, I'm very conscious that I didn't answer one of the points that Heledd Fychan raised with me, which was about the public funding of the WRU. What I would say is that the Welsh Government clearly does have a long-standing financial relationship with the WRU, which is based on basically advancing public and economic objectives. And as one of our major partners, we have very, very clear expectations about what an organisation looks like and behaves like to be in receipt of public funds, and that that is something that we will be watching very, very carefully in future.
Sport Wales has recently developed, with the sector, a capability and governance guidance framework for all national governing bodies working in Wales, and that's been developed by the sector to help provide a supportive tool to help organisations across a range of sectors. Now, again, one of the things I will want to be speaking to the WRU about is whether they are taking all of that on board. It's a new set of guidance from Sport Wales, and I will be expecting the WRU to be complying with it.
Clywais yr alwad honno am reoleiddiwr annibynnol gan Tonia Antoniazzi yn y rhaglen. Dyma’r tro cyntaf imi glywed yr alwad honno gan unrhyw un, felly byddai angen imi gael trafodaeth gyda swyddogion ynglŷn â sut olwg a allai fod ar hynny, sut y byddai’n gweithio’n ymarferol, beth fyddai'r agweddau cyfreithiol ar hynny, sut y byddai’n berthnasol, er enghraifft, i gyrff rhyngwladol, gan nad yng Nghymru y mae'r gair olaf mewn perthynas â chyrff llywodraethu cenedlaethol Cymru; ceir byrddau rygbi rhyngwladol, ac UEFA ar gyfer pêl-droed, FIFA ar gyfer pêl-droed, ceir byrddau rhyngwladol ar gyfer pob un o'n cyrff llywodraethu. Felly, ar yr wyneb, nid yw mor syml ag y mae'n swnio. Fodd bynnag, credaf fod rhywbeth y gallem edrych arno yn y cyswllt hwnnw, ond yn sicr, ni allaf wneud unrhyw ymrwymiadau i hynny ar hyn o bryd, gan y credaf fod angen cryn dipyn o ymchwil ar y syniad hwnnw.
Lywydd, os maddeuwch i mi, rwy'n ymwybodol iawn nad atebais un o'r pwyntiau a gododd Heledd Fychan, a oedd yn ymwneud â rhoi arian cyhoeddus i Undeb Rygbi Cymru. Yr hyn y byddwn yn ei ddweud yw ei bod yn amlwg fod gan Lywodraeth Cymru berthynas ariannol hirsefydlog ag Undeb Rygbi Cymru, sy'n seiliedig, yn y bôn, ar hyrwyddo amcanion cyhoeddus ac economaidd. Ac fel un o'n prif bartneriaid, mae gennym ddisgwyliadau clir iawn ynglŷn â sut mae sefydliad yn edrych ac yn ymddwyn er mwyn cael arian cyhoeddus, ac mae hynny'n rhywbeth y byddwn yn ei wylio'n ofalus iawn yn y dyfodol.
Yn ddiweddar, mae Chwaraeon Cymru, gyda’r sector, wedi datblygu fframwaith o ganllawiau galluogrwydd a llywodraethu ar gyfer yr holl gyrff llywodraethu cenedlaethol sy’n gweithio yng Nghymru, ac mae hwnnw wedi’i ddatblygu gan y sector i helpu i ddarparu offeryn cefnogol i helpu sefydliadau ar draws ystod o sectorau. Nawr, unwaith eto, un o'r pethau yr hoffwn eu trafod gydag Undeb Rygbi Cymru yw i ba raddau y maent yn rhoi ystyriaeth i hwnnw. Mae’n gyfres newydd o ganllawiau gan Chwaraeon Cymru, a byddaf yn disgwyl i Undeb Rygbi Cymru gydymffurfio â hi.
I'm getting a bit fed up with standing up here talking about public bodies, sporting bodies, police, the fire, and talking about the culture that is underpinning them, of a systematic culture of misogyny, sexism in traditionally male-dominated areas. I'm getting a little bit tired of this.
The WRU has said it
'condemns the use of racist, homophobic or sexist language'.
Well, prove it. Because they haven't proved it, and neither have all the other organisations proved it yet. So, I've got to say, I found its statement, in response to the allegations, arrogant and dismissive. I thought that they minimised and they were gaslighting, in a way that many women here will recognise today. Particularly dismissive was the WRU's response to my colleague Tonia Antoniazzi's comment, and the Gower MP rightly suggested an independent body be established to look at those complaints against sporting governing bodies in Wales. If we look at the fact that she mentioned racism in cricket, and we've seen that play out; if we look at British Gymnastics, and we've seen that play out, how many Ministers are going to stand up here and explain what these public bodies aren't doing, because that's the question here?
So, I think what we need to do is go a little bit further here. The structures are clearly not working, the people who have overall responsibility say they didn't know what was happening at the bottom of their organisation. They hadn't had a conversation. Well, they should have. So, we need to ensure, in public-sponsored bodies, with public money, that those structures are sufficient enough to do two things: one, to make sure that all parts of that organisation know what's happening in the other parts of that organisation; and the other thing is safe passage for whistleblowers, because that is the other really important thing here, and also to vet those people who are going to take part in those organisations and also the people who oversee it.
I don't want to be standing up here next week, and I'm sure nobody else does, when we get another story that's breaking and another story. So, let's just really get a hold of this because this is a disgrace to Wales—an absolute disgrace to Wales. And, you know, what will it be next week? And to say that they can't publish a report because they have given, rightly, an opportunity for people not to be named in that report, is just a disgrace, because they know full well that they could publish that report by simply removing those names. So, they're hiding behind it again. I actually think we need a root-and-branch change of those people who were in charge of the WRU by their performance so far.
Rwyf wedi cael llond bol ar sefyll yma'n siarad am gyrff cyhoeddus, cyrff chwaraeon, yr heddlu, y gwasanaeth tân, ac yn sôn am y diwylliant sy’n sail iddynt, am ddiwylliant systemig o gasineb at fenywod a rhywiaeth mewn meysydd sydd wedi eu dominyddu, yn draddodiadol, gan ddynion. Rwy'n blino braidd ar hyn.
Mae Undeb Rygbi Cymru wedi dweud eu bod
'yn condemnio'r defnydd o iaith hiliol, homoffobig neu rywiaethol'.
Wel, profwch hynny. Oherwydd nid ydynt wedi'i brofi, ac nid yw'r holl sefydliadau eraill wedi'i brofi eto. Felly, mae'n rhaid imi ddweud fy mod yn credu bod eu datganiad mewn ymateb i'r honiadau yn drahaus ac yn ddiystyriol. Roeddwn o'r farn eu bod yn lleihau ac yn dibwyllo, mewn ffordd y bydd llawer o fenywod yma heddiw yn ei hadnabod. Roedd ymateb Undeb Rygbi Cymru i sylw fy nghyd-bleidiwr, Tonia Antoniazzi, yn arbennig o ddiystyriol ac awgrymodd AS Gŵyr, yn gwbl briodol, y dylid sefydlu corff annibynnol i edrych ar y cwynion yn erbyn cyrff llywodraethu chwaraeon yng Nghymru. Os edrychwn ar y ffaith ei bod wedi sôn am hiliaeth mewn criced, ac rydym wedi gweld yr hyn a ddigwyddodd gyda hynny; os edrychwn ar Gymnasteg Prydain, ac rydym wedi gweld yr hyn a ddigwyddodd gyda hynny, faint o Weinidogion sy'n mynd i godi yma ac egluro'r hyn nad yw'r cyrff cyhoeddus hyn yn ei wneud, gan mai dyma'r cwestiwn yma?
Felly, credaf mai’r hyn y mae angen inni ei wneud yw mynd gam ymhellach yma. Mae'n amlwg nad yw'r strwythurau'n gweithio, mae'r bobl sydd â'r cyfrifoldeb cyffredinol yn dweud nad oeddent yn gwybod beth oedd yn digwydd ar waelod eu sefydliad. Nid oeddent wedi cael sgwrs. Wel, dylent fod wedi cael un. Felly, mae angen inni sicrhau, mewn cyrff sy'n cael arian cyhoeddus, fod y strwythurau hynny'n ddigonol i wneud dau beth: un, sicrhau bod pob rhan o'r sefydliad hwnnw'n gwybod beth sy'n digwydd yn rhannau eraill y sefydliad hwnnw; a'r llall yw llwybr diogel i chwythwyr chwiban, gan mai dyna'r peth arall sy'n wirioneddol bwysig yma, yn ogystal â fetio'r bobl sy'n mynd i fod yn rhan o'r sefydliadau hynny a'r bobl sy'n eu goruchwylio.
Nid wyf am orfod codi yma yr wythnos nesaf, ac rwy'n siŵr nad oes unrhyw arall ychwaith, pan fydd stori arall yn torri, a stori arall. Felly, gadewch inni fynd i'r afael â'r sefyllfa hon yn iawn, gan fod hyn yn destun cywilydd i Gymru—yn destun cywilydd mawr i Gymru. A beth fydd y stori yr wythnos nesaf? Ac mae dweud na allant gyhoeddi adroddiad am eu bod wedi rhoi cyfle, yn briodol, i bobl beidio â chael eu henwi yn yr adroddiad yn warthus, gan eu bod yn gwybod yn iawn y gallent gyhoeddi'r adroddiad hwnnw drwy ddileu'r enwau. Felly, maent yn cuddio y tu ôl i hynny eto. Credaf fod angen newid y bobl a oedd yn gyfrifol am Undeb Rygbi Cymru yn llwyr yn ôl eu perfformiad hyd yma.
Well, thank you, Joyce, and many of those points that you raise, I think I have covered in responses to previous questions, and, again, I don't disagree with an awful lot of what you say. We have a responsibility as a Welsh Government, certainly, to ensure that bodies that we are financially involved with and that we have financial partnerships with are complying with rules, behaviour and cultural values that support our own. And if that is not happening, then we need to review those relationships, and I think I was making that very clear in response to Heledd Fychan's question. And it is that kind of partnership arrangement that is important, because, again, as I said in reply to Alun Davies, the WRU is an independent organisation—they are not part of Welsh Government and we cannot force them to do the things that we may want them to do, but we can make very, very clear what our expectations are. I think I couldn't have been clearer with the WRU this week about what our expectations are and we will be monitoring that very, very closely, and I will be expecting to see some significant change and significant movement in the way that this organisation is run in the weeks and months ahead.
Wel, diolch, Joyce, a chredaf fy mod wedi ymdrin â llawer o'r pwyntiau a godwch mewn ymatebion i gwestiynau blaenorol, ac unwaith eto, nid wyf yn anghytuno â llawer iawn o'r hyn a ddywedwch. Yn sicr, mae gennym ni fel Llywodraeth Cymru gyfrifoldeb i sicrhau bod cyrff y mae gennym berthynas ariannol â hwy ac y mae gennym bartneriaethau ariannol â hwy yn cydymffurfio â rheolau, ymddygiad a gwerthoedd diwylliannol sy’n cefnogi ein rhai ninnau. Ac os nad yw hynny'n digwydd, mae angen inni adolygu'r cysylltiadau hynny, a chredaf fy mod wedi dweud hynny'n glir iawn mewn ymateb i gwestiwn Heledd Fychan. A'r math hwnnw o drefniant partneriaeth sy'n bwysig, oherwydd, unwaith eto, fel y dywedais mewn ymateb i Alun Davies, mae Undeb Rygbi Cymru yn sefydliad annibynnol—nid ydynt yn rhan o Lywodraeth Cymru, ac ni allwn eu gorfodi i wneud y pethau rydym am iddynt eu gwneud, ond gallwn nodi ein disgwyliadau yn glir iawn. Ni chredaf y gallwn fod wedi bod yn gliriach gydag Undeb Rygbi Cymru yr wythnos hon ynglŷn â beth yw ein disgwyliadau a byddwn yn monitro hynny’n agos iawn, a byddaf yn disgwyl gweld newid sylweddol yn y ffordd y caiff y sefydliad hwn ei redeg yn yr wythnosau a'r misoedd i ddod.
Ac yn olaf ar y cwestiwn amserol hwn, Delyth Jewell.
And finally on this topical question, Delyth Jewell.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Like everyone, the Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee is aware of the allegations that have been made. Those allegations against the WRU are extremely serious. Worse than that, they are distressing, as we've heard. They've caused many people abject concern. I applaud the women who have come forward.
We, as a committee, are in agreement that anyone and everyone, regardless of their background, should be able to participate in sport without the fear of discrimination. No-one should ever be exposed to any form of prejudiced language or abuse, least of all in the place where they work, which is a place where everyone should be respected and treated equally.
The committee is aware of the developments that have taken place since the programme was aired. We'll be continuing to monitor the situation closely over the coming days and the committee will be meeting formally next week to discuss this issue and, as part of those discussions, will consider any action we should take. In order to inform those discussions next week, Minister, I'd welcome confirmation—anything further to what you've already said—of any discussions you, as a Government, have had with the WRU, and I'd also like to know what, if any, options the Welsh Government is considering to bring about cultural change at the WRU, taking on board what you've already said this afternoon. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Fel pawb, mae’r Pwyllgor Diwylliant, Cyfathrebu, y Gymraeg, Chwaraeon, a Chysylltiadau Rhyngwladol yn ymwybodol o’r honiadau a wnaed. Mae'r honiadau hynny yn erbyn Undeb Rygbi Cymru yn ddifrifol dros ben. Yn waeth na hynny, maent yn dorcalonnus, fel y clywsom. Maent wedi peri cryn bryder i lawer o bobl. Rwy'n canmol y menywod sydd wedi rhoi tystiolaeth.
Rydym ni, fel pwyllgor, yn gytûn y dylai unrhyw un a phawb, ni waeth beth fo’u cefndir, allu cymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon heb ofni gwahaniaethu. Ni ddylai unrhyw un byth orfod wynebu unrhyw fath o gamdriniaeth neu iaith ragfarnllyd, yn enwedig yn y man lle maent yn gweithio, sy’n fan lle dylai pawb gael eu parchu a’u trin yn gyfartal.
Mae’r pwyllgor yn ymwybodol o’r datblygiadau a wnaed ers i’r rhaglen gael ei darlledu. Byddwn yn parhau i fonitro’r sefyllfa’n agos dros y dyddiau nesaf, a bydd y pwyllgor yn cyfarfod yn ffurfiol yr wythnos nesaf i drafod y mater hwn, ac fel rhan o’r trafodaethau hynny, bydd yn ystyried unrhyw gamau y dylem eu cymryd. Er mwyn llywio’r trafodaethau hynny yr wythnos nesaf, Weinidog, byddwn yn croesawu cadarnhad—unrhyw beth yn ychwanegol at yr hyn rydych wedi’i ddweud eisoes—o unrhyw drafodaethau rydych chi, fel Llywodraeth, wedi’u cael gydag Undeb Rygbi Cymru, a hoffwn wybod hefyd pa opsiynau, os o gwbl, y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu hystyried i sicrhau newid diwylliannol yn Undeb Rygbi Cymru, gan ystyried yr hyn rydych wedi'i ddweud eisoes y prynhawn yma. Diolch yn fawr.
Yes, thank you, Delyth, and I think the intervention of the committee is very welcome and the support that the committee can offer here in terms of an inquiry to get beneath some of these issues, I think, would be very welcome and may be very, very helpful. But, again, I have to reiterate that I don't have the power or the authority to tell the WRU what they have to do. They are an independent organisation. What I can do is only reiterate what I have said previously, that I have left the WRU in absolutely no doubt whatsoever about what my expectations are for a major sporting governing body in Wales, what it should look like and how it should behave. And I would expect them to come back to me with their action plan very shortly, to set out exactly how they intend to tackle these issues.
Ie, diolch, Delyth, a chredaf fod ymyrraeth y pwyllgor i’w groesawu’n fawr ac y byddai’r cymorth y gall y pwyllgor ei gynnig yma ar ffurf ymchwiliad i fynd i'r afael â rhai o’r materion hyn i’w groesawu’n fawr, ac y gallai fod o gymorth mawr. Ond unwaith eto, mae’n rhaid imi ailadrodd nad oes gennyf bŵer nac awdurdod i ddweud wrth Undeb Rygbi Cymru beth sy'n rhaid iddynt ei wneud. Maent yn sefydliad annibynnol. Yr hyn y gallaf ei wneud yw ailadrodd yr hyn a ddywedais eisoes, sef fy mod wedi dweud yn blwmp ac yn blaen wrth Undeb Rygbi Cymru beth yw fy nisgwyliadau ar gyfer corff llywodraethu chwaraeon pwysig yng Nghymru, sut y dylai edrych a sut y dylai ymddwyn. A byddwn yn disgwyl iddynt ddod yn ôl ataf gyda'u cynllun gweithredu ar fyrder, i nodi sut yn union y maent yn bwriadu mynd i'r afael â'r materion hyn.
Diolch i'r Dirprwy Weinidog. Bydd y cwestiwn amserol olaf gan Rhun ap Iorwerth.
I thank the Deputy Minister. The final topical question will be asked by Rhun ap Iorwerth.
3. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad yn ymateb i gyhoeddiad cwmni 2 Sisters Food Group am ei ymgynghoriad i gau ei safle yn Llangefni? TQ720
3. Will the Minister make a statement in response to 2 Sisters Food Group's announcement of a consultation on closing its site in Llangefni? TQ720

Thank you for the question. The Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales and I met with the leader of the local authority this morning, once we were made aware of the deeply disappointing news. I recognise that it will be distressing for members of the workforce. Our officials are in contact with the company to try to understand the implications of the statement made today, and to offer any support we can to the workforce impacted by the announcement of the likely closure of the plant.
Diolch am eich cwestiwn. Cyfarfu'r Gweinidog Materion Gwledig a Gogledd Cymru a minnau ag arweinydd yr awdurdod lleol y bore yma, ar ôl inni gael gwybod am y newyddion hynod siomedig hwn. Rwy’n cydnabod y bydd yn peri gofid i aelodau’r gweithlu. Mae ein swyddogion mewn cysylltiad â’r cwmni i geisio deall goblygiadau’r datganiad a wnaed heddiw, ac i gynnig unrhyw gymorth y gallwn ei roi i’r gweithlu yr effeithir arno gan y cyhoeddiad y bydd y ffatri’n cau yn ôl pob tebyg.
Diolch am yr ateb yna. Mae'n anodd rhoi mewn geiriau faint o ergyd fyddai hyn pe bai'r ffatri'n cau. Mae dros 700 yn gweithio yno, yng nghalon Môn. Mae cyfran uchel iawn yn byw yn lleol iawn, yn ddigon agos i gerdded i'r gwaith. Mi fyddai colli'r swyddi'n treiddio drwy holl gymuned Llangefni a thu hwnt, a dwi'n meddwl am bawb sy'n cael eu taro gan hyn, yn weithwyr a'u teuluoedd, ac, wrth gwrs, dwi'n nabod sawl un yn dda.
Thank you for that response. It's difficult to put in words how much of a blow this would be if the factory were to close. Over 700 people are working there, at the heart of Anglesey. A high percentage live very locally, close enough to walk to work. Losing those jobs would permeate through the whole community of Llangefni and beyond, and I'm thinking about everyone who has been impacted by this, the workers and their families, and, of course, I know many of them well.
A long list of reasons was given to me by the 2 Sisters chief executive for coming to this decision: Brexit, inflation, workforce shortages, COVID, energy prices. There were elements around the condition, the size, and the location of the factory itself too, he said. But, we can see that those overarching factors are ones directly under the control of UK Government, and we have to look to UK Government for a response here too. I've spoken to Isle of Anglesey County Council this morning. I know you've spoken with them too, and I look forward to all of us coming together in the coming days.
And, yes, we are calling for Welsh Government support in every way possible, seeking, of course, to avoid or minimise job losses, and thereafter, in the worst case, there will no doubt be an offer of a taskforce. The Prime Minister said this lunch time that the Department for Work and Pensions has procedures it can put in place. But, let's be quite straight here: with the scale of this, the timing, with a consultation to close in a matter of weeks, leaving hardly any time to seek alternatives, we're going to need a damn sight more than a taskforce and retraining for staff to look for other opportunities. We need jobs. We need investment in local businesses to grow in the food sector, in energy. We need support for businesses with energy costs. And we need the delivery of things that we've played our part in paving the way for as a community—in energy, the council and Stena's freeport bid. I will not accept the fate of Ynys Môn being just a holiday and retirement island. And that's not to knock tourism, which has a very important role to play, but a community totally reliant on that ceases to operate like a normal community.
But, at the heart of this are the people, my constituents, facing losing their work in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis. So, will Welsh Government give that undertaking to support the workers and our community at this time, in every way, to provide support for families that will need it, and support for the council to deal with added pressure on services? And will Welsh Government work with and press on UK Government to address those issues that have proved to be so devastating here, and to co-operate to deliver solutions? This would be an appalling loss of jobs the day after workers were told, I understand, that all was good.
Rhoddwyd rhestr hir o resymau am y penderfyniad i mi gan brif weithredwr 2 Sisters: Brexit, chwyddiant, prinder gweithlu, COVID, prisiau ynni. Roedd yna elfennau'n ymwneud â chyflwr, maint a lleoliad y ffatri ei hun hefyd, meddai. Ond gallwn weld bod y ffactorau trosfwaol hynny'n rhai sydd o dan reolaeth uniongyrchol Llywodraeth y DU, ac mae'n rhaid inni edrych at Lywodraeth y DU am ymateb yma hefyd. Rwyf wedi siarad â Chyngor Sir Ynys Môn y bore yma. Gwn eich bod wedi siarad â hwy hefyd, ac edrychaf ymlaen at weld pob un ohonom yn dod at ein gilydd yn y dyddiau nesaf.
Ac ydym, rydym yn galw am gymorth Llywodraeth Cymru ym mhob ffordd bosibl, gan geisio osgoi colli swyddi, neu golli cyn lleied â phosibl o swyddi, ac wedi hynny, yn y senario waethaf, heb os, bydd cynnig i sefydlu tasglu. Dywedodd Prif Weinidog y DU amser cinio fod gan yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau weithdrefnau y gall eu rhoi ar waith. Ond gadewch inni fod yn gwbl glir yma: gyda mater mor fawr, gyda'r amseriad, gydag ymgynghoriad i gau mewn ychydig wythnosau, gan adael fawr ddim amser i chwilio am ddewisiadau amgen, bydd arnom angen mwy o lawer na thasglu ac ailhyfforddi staff i chwilio am gyfleoedd eraill. Mae arnom angen swyddi. Mae arnom angen buddsoddiad mewn busnesau lleol i dyfu yn y sector bwyd, ym maes ynni. Mae arnom angen cymorth i fusnesau gyda chostau ynni. Ac mae angen inni weld y pethau rydym wedi chwarae ein rhan yn paratoi'r ffordd ar eu cyfer fel cymuned yn cael eu cyflawni—ym maes ynni, y cyngor a chais porthladd rhydd Stena. Nid wyf yn derbyn mai tynged Ynys Môn yw bod yn ynys wyliau a lle i ymddeol. Ac nid yw hynny'n sarhad ar dwristiaeth, sydd â rhan bwysig iawn i'w chwarae, ond mae cymuned sy'n gwbl ddibynnol ar hynny'n peidio â gweithredu fel cymuned normal.
Ond wrth wraidd hyn, mae’r bobl, fy etholwyr, sy’n wynebu colli eu gwaith yng nghanol argyfwng costau byw. Felly, a wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru ymrwymo i gefnogi’r gweithwyr a’n cymuned ar yr adeg hon, ym mhob ffordd, i ddarparu cymorth i'r teuluoedd a fydd ei angen, a chymorth i’r cyngor allu ymdopi â phwysau ychwanegol ar wasanaethau? Ac a wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru weithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU a phwyso arni i fynd i'r afael â'r problemau sydd wedi bod mor ddinistriol yma, ac i gydweithredu er mwyn darparu atebion? Byddai colli'r swyddi hyn yn echrydus, a hynny ddiwrnod ar ôl i weithwyr gael gwybod bod popeth yn iawn, yn ôl yr hyn a ddeallaf.
Thank you for the series of points made. I have the same understanding from conversations today that Brexit and the change in trading conditions is a material factor, as is inflation generally, and energy specifically. And, of course, there has been a change to the energy support for businesses, and that the increase in energy overheads is, again, a significant factor.
The point about investment in the site and, comparatively, the facility compared to other sites in the group is a matter for the business. They've made choices around site investment. But, all those points, Brexit, inflation and energy, are all matters where the UK Government have made choices, and they've been very clear, I think, that that's where they see the particular challenge.
You're right, though, that the nature and the way of the communication of the decision leaves a very, very short window. They've indicated that they expect to make a decision, and then if they're going to go ahead with the indication on closure, it would happen by the end of the financial year. That means that after the consultation is over there are literally a handful of weeks before that would happen. So, this is a very, very tightened timescale, and I'm concerned about a range of consequences from that. You're absolutely right; there are over 700 workers, many of whom are very, very local. What that means is that those people of working age don't have work, and the potential for people to stay on the island requires an economic future.
So, yes, I remain seriously interested in the work we will carry on doing to create a sustainable economic future for Anglesey and the immediacy of it. Because some of the things that we will talk about are thing that will happen in a period of years, not weeks. So, there's a challenge about what happens in the interim. So, yes, we will work with anyone and everyone to try to secure the best possible outcome. We want to see if it is possible to save the jobs. If it isn't possible to do that, what are the next-best alternatives? What will be the future of the site? What about the supply chain? These are all matters where there aren't answers now, but I'm more than happy to work with the Member and other elected representatives and the local authority in doing so, and that will mean working with the UK Government. We do need an honest reflection on why we're here and what it will require to try to maintain these jobs or have alternatives in terms of employment in the very near future.
Diolch am y gyfres o bwyntiau a wnaed. Cefais innau ddeall hefyd o sgyrsiau heddiw fod Brexit a’r newid i amodau masnachu yn ffactor o bwys, ynghyd â chwyddiant yn gyffredinol, ac ynni yn benodol. Ac wrth gwrs, mae newid wedi bod i’r cymorth ynni i fusnesau, ac mae'r cynnydd mewn gorbenion ynni, unwaith eto, yn ffactor sylweddol.
Mater i’r busnes yw’r pwynt ynglŷn â buddsoddi yn y safle, ac yn yr un modd, y cyfleuster o’i gymharu â safleoedd eraill yn y grŵp. Maent wedi gwneud dewisiadau ynghylch buddsoddi yn y safle. Ond mae’r holl bwyntiau hynny, Brexit, chwyddiant ac ynni, oll yn faterion y mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi gwneud dewisiadau yn eu cylch, ac rwy'n credu eu bod wedi dweud yn glir iawn mai dyna sy'n achosi'r her benodol yn eu barn hwy.
Rydych yn iawn, fodd bynnag, fod y ffordd y cafodd y penderfyniad ei gyfathrebu yn golygu nad oes fawr o amser i fynd i'r afael â hyn. Maent wedi nodi eu bod yn disgwyl gwneud penderfyniad, ac os byddant yn bwrw ymlaen â'r penderfyniad i gau, byddai hynny'n digwydd erbyn diwedd y flwyddyn ariannol. Golyga hynny, ar ôl i’r ymgynghoriad ddod i ben, y byddai’n digwydd ymhen wythnosau yn unig. Felly, mae hon yn amserlen dynn iawn, ac rwy'n pryderu am ystod o ganlyniadau yn sgil hynny. Rydych yn llygad eich lle; ceir dros 700 o weithwyr, llawer ohonynt yn lleol iawn. Yr hyn y mae'n ei olygu yw nad oes gwaith gan bobl o oedran gweithio, ac mae'r potensial i bobl aros ar yr ynys yn galw am ddyfodol economaidd.
Felly, oes, mae gennyf ddiddordeb mawr o hyd yn y gwaith y byddwn yn parhau i'w wneud i greu dyfodol economaidd cynaliadwy i Ynys Môn, ac mae angen gwneud hynny ar unwaith. Oherwydd mae rhai o’r pethau y byddwn yn siarad amdanynt yn bethau a fydd yn digwydd ymhen blynyddoedd, nid wythnosau. Felly, mae yna her hefyd ynglŷn â'r hyn sy'n digwydd yn y cyfamser. Felly, byddwn yn gweithio gydag unrhyw un a phawb i geisio sicrhau'r canlyniad gorau posibl. Rydym am weld a oes modd achub y swyddi. Os nad oes modd gwneud hynny, beth yw'r dewisiadau amgen gorau? Beth fydd dyfodol y safle? Beth am y gadwyn gyflenwi? Mae’r rhain oll yn faterion nad oes atebion iddynt ar hyn o bryd, ond rwy’n fwy na pharod i weithio gyda’r Aelod a chynrychiolwyr etholedig eraill a’r awdurdod lleol i chwilio am atebion, a bydd hynny’n golygu gweithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU. Mae angen inni ystyried yn onest pam ein bod yn y sefyllfa hon a'r hyn y bydd ei angen er mwyn ceisio achub y swyddi hyn neu sicrhau dewisiadau amgen o ran cyflogaeth yn y dyfodol agos iawn.
Can I thank Rhun ap Iorwerth for submitting today's topical question? I'd like to echo the comments made by the Member for Ynys Môn. First and foremost, it's devastating news for residents on Ynys Môn, in particular in Llangefni as well, where, as we heard, there are 730 jobs at serious risk at the 2 Sisters Food Group there. It's extremely serious, especially in the context of a number of pressures on Ynys Môn at the moment.
Rhun ap Iorwerth rightfully highlighted a question being raised today with the Prime Minister by Virginia Crosby MP, and the response in terms of the commitment for DWP to provide those procedures and support where it can do that. But also, of course, there's a crucial role for the Welsh Government to play here. I certainly support the calls for that cross-governmental working, whether it's local government or UK, working, of course, with you here as the Welsh Government. So, I'd be keen to hear more about your expectations for how that might work in practice.
My question, Minister, is: of course, there are plans and there are investments and there are opportunities that you have already identified for Ynys Môn over the coming years; will you today commit to accelerate some of those investments and opportunities and plans in light of today's announcement and in light of other pressures that Ynys Môn is experiencing, so that those residents, those people who experience that potential job loss have the assurance that, on the very near horizon, there are some good opportunities lined up for them?
A gaf fi ddiolch i Rhun ap Iorwerth am gyflwyno'r cwestiwn amserol heddiw? Hoffwn ategu sylwadau'r Aelod dros Ynys Môn. Yn bennaf oll, mae'n newyddion trychinebus i drigolion Ynys Môn, yn enwedig yn Llangefni, ac fel y clywsom, mae yna 730 o swyddi mewn perygl difrifol yng nghwmni 2 Sisters Food Group yno. Mae'n hynod o ddifrifol, yn enwedig yng nghyd-destun y pwysau sydd ar Ynys Môn ar hyn o bryd.
Yn briodol, tynnodd Rhun ap Iorwerth sylw at gwestiwn sy'n cael ei ofyn heddiw i Brif Weinidog y DU gan Virginia Crosby AS, a'r ymateb mewn perthynas ag ymrwymiad yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau i ddarparu gweithdrefnau a chymorth lle gall wneud hynny. Ond hefyd, wrth gwrs, mae gan Lywodraeth Cymru rôl hollbwysig i'w chwarae yma. Rwy'n sicr o blaid y galwadau am weithio trawslywodraethol, boed yn llywodraeth leol neu'r DU, gyda chi yma fel Llywodraeth Cymru. Felly, byddwn yn awyddus i glywed mwy am eich disgwyliadau ynglŷn â sut y gallai hynny weithio'n ymarferol.
Fy nghwestiwn i, Weinidog, yw: mae yna gynlluniau ac mae yna fuddsoddiadau ac mae yna gyfleoedd rydych eisoes wedi eu nodi i Ynys Môn dros y blynyddoedd i ddod; a wnewch chi heddiw ymrwymo i gyflymu rhai o'r buddsoddiadau a'r cyfleoedd a'r cynlluniau hynny yn sgil y cyhoeddiad heddiw ac yn sgil pwysau eraill sydd ar Ynys Môn, fel bod y trigolion, y bobl a allai fod yn wynebu colli eu swyddi, yn cael sicrwydd fod yna rai cyfleoedd da ar y gorwel iddynt?
We'll work at the fastest pace possible to deliver economic benefit to not just Ynys Môn but to every community in Wales. What I can't do, though, is to try to say that, in the period of weeks that there is available to us, we can fast-forward all of those investments. Some of them just won't be ready. If you think about Menter Môn and the work they're doing, I think there's a great future on the island, but you can't pretend that work is going to be available at the start of April or indeed that the workforce that work at 2 Sisters are going to be able to take up all of those jobs.
There will be a need to think about the training and the skills requirements to actually think about all the different jobs that are available. So, I'm afraid that the ability to backfill 700 plus jobs in this sector in a matter of weeks isn't something, to be honest, for me to claim that I could do. What I will do, though, is I will carry on doing what I said in response to Rhun ap Iorwerth, that is working with every partner to understand not just what has happened and why, but to make the case in the first instance to see if we can support and keep the jobs—that's the first line—and then if that isn't possible, what comes next, how do we work with the community, how do we work with our stakeholders.
It's a positive that the Member of Parliament raised this in House of Commons with the Prime Minister, but you actually need more than just raising the issue. You need to see what steps the business is prepared to take and what steps the UK Government is prepared to take. Because on the trading terms with the European Union, there was a choice made about that—a clear-sighted choice. On some of the challenges around inflation, on some of the challenges around the change to the energy support, these are active choices that were made and have real-terms consequences that we are seeing today, I'm afraid.
Byddwn yn gweithio mor gyflym â phosibl i ddarparu budd economaidd nid yn unig i Ynys Môn ond i bob cymuned yng Nghymru. Yr hyn na allaf ei wneud, serch hynny, yw ceisio dweud, yn y cyfnod o wythnosau sydd ar gael i ni, y gallwn gyflymu'r holl fuddsoddiadau hynny. Ni fydd rhai ohonynt yn barod. Os ydych yn meddwl am Fenter Môn a'r gwaith y maent yn ei wneud, rwy'n credu bod yna ddyfodol mawr ar yr ynys, ond ni allwch esgus y bydd gwaith ar gael ddechrau mis Ebrill neu'n wir y bydd y gweithlu sy'n gweithio yn 2 Sisters yn gallu cymryd yr holl swyddi hynny.
Bydd angen meddwl am yr hyfforddiant a'r gofynion sgiliau i feddwl mewn gwirionedd am yr holl swyddi gwahanol sydd ar gael. Felly, mae arnaf ofn nad yw ôl-lenwi dros 700 o swyddi yn y sector hwn mewn mater o wythnosau yn rhywbeth y byddwn yn honni y gallwn ei wneud a bod yn onest. Ond rwyf am ddal ati i wneud yr hyn a ddywedais wrth ymateb i Rhun ap Iorwerth, sef gweithio gyda phob partner i ddeall nid yn unig yr hyn sydd wedi digwydd a pham ond i gyflwyno'r achos yn y lle cyntaf i weld a allwn ni gefnogi a chadw'r swyddi—dyna'r cam cyntaf—wedyn os nad yw hynny'n bosibl, yr hyn sy'n dod nesaf, sut y gweithiwn gyda'r gymuned, sut y gweithiwn gyda'n rhanddeiliaid.
Mae'n gadarnhaol fod yr Aelod Seneddol wedi codi hyn yn Nhŷ'r Cyffredin gyda'r Prif Weinidog, ond mae angen gwneud mwy na chodi'r mater yn unig. Mae angen gweld pa gamau y mae'r busnes yn barod i'w cymryd a pha gamau y mae Llywodraeth y DU yn barod i'w cymryd. Oherwydd yn y telerau masnachu gyda'r Undeb Ewropeaidd, gwnaed dewis clir ynghylch hynny—dewis clir. Ar rai o'r heriau ynghylch chwyddiant, ar rai o'r heriau ynghylch y newid i'r cymorth ynni, mae'r rhain yn ddewisiadau gweithredol a wnaed ac mae iddynt ganlyniadau termau real, ac rydym yn eu gweld heddiw, mae arnaf ofn.
I was devastated to have a phone call at 9 o'clock as well from residents in Anglesey. I've been talking, obviously, with you, Minister, and I've also been talking with Unite the Union, who've been having talks as well with the workforce. I need to declare also that I am a member of Unite the Union. I should have declared that earlier as well when I had questions to the Minister for Social Justice. So, apologies for that.
The factory employs a lot of local people, as the local Member said, but also people in Bangor and Caernarfon as well, and people from eastern Europe, India and Africa that come and make their home at Bangor as well. I know when we were campaigning around the 2 Sisters factory in Flintshire, when it came to Brexit as well, people were there campaigning for Brexit, but they were saying then that, you campaign for this and the impact on workers coming from eastern Europe might mean that factory would close in the future, because they're propping up those jobs for local people as well.
These possibly 730 jobs are low-paid workers, and for me, I know it's been raised about providing industry and further work, but I'm really concerned about families, about the impact on the mental health and well-being, on the children, and everything for these low-paid workers. So, do Anglesey council need money to help currently to deal with this situation? I know you said the DWP will work with them, but you know, social security isn't very good through the DWP. Universal credit takes, what, six weeks before it gets through. They're going to need immediate and very quick help.
So, what can be done? I heard that there is a taskforce being set up, and I'd like to be a member of that as well, working with Unite the Union and the local Member, but they will need this immediate help, because they won't have money saved up. They won't have backup. So, just what you can do on that, please, Minister.
Roeddwn innau'n siomedig iawn hefyd o gael galwad ffôn am 9 o'r gloch gan drigolion ar Ynys Môn. Yn amlwg, bûm yn siarad gyda chi, Weinidog, a bûm yn siarad hefyd gydag undeb Unite, sydd wedi bod yn cael trafodaethau gyda'r gweithlu. Mae angen imi ddatgan hefyd fy mod yn aelod o undeb Unite. Dylwn fod wedi datgan hynny'n gynharach hefyd pan oedd gennyf gwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol. Felly, ymddiheuriadau am hynny.
Mae'r ffatri'n cyflogi llawer o bobl leol, fel y dywedodd yr Aelod lleol, ond hefyd pobl ym Mangor a Chaernarfon hefyd, a phobl o ddwyrain Ewrop, India ac Affrica sy'n dod i wneud eu cartref ym Mangor hefyd. Mewn perthynas â Brexit hefyd, pan oeddem yn ymgyrchu o amgylch ffatri 2 Sisters yn sir y Fflint, roedd pobl yno'n ymgyrchu dros Brexit, ond roeddent yn dweud bryd hynny, rydych yn ymgyrchu dros hyn ac efallai y bydd yr effaith ar weithwyr sy'n dod o ddwyrain Ewrop yn golygu y byddai'r ffatri yn cau yn y dyfodol, oherwydd maent yn cynnal y swyddi i bobl leol yn ogystal.
Mae'r oddeutu 730 o swyddi hyn yn weithwyr ar gyflogau isel, ac i mi, rwy'n gwybod bod pwynt wedi'i wneud am ddarparu diwydiant a gwaith pellach, ond rwy'n wirioneddol bryderus am deuluoedd, am yr effaith ar iechyd meddwl a llesiant, ar y plant, a phopeth arall i'r gweithwyr hyn sydd ar gyflogau isel. Felly, a oes angen arian ar gyngor Ynys Môn i'w helpu i fynd i'r afael â'r sefyllfa hon ar hyn o bryd? Rwy'n gwybod eich bod wedi dweud y bydd yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau yn gweithio gyda hwy, ond wyddoch chi, nid yw nawdd cymdeithasol yn dda iawn drwy'r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau. Mae'n cymryd, faint, chwe wythnos, i gredyd cynhwysol ddod drwodd. Bydd angen cymorth cyflym iawn arnynt ar unwaith.
Felly, beth y gellir ei wneud? Clywais fod yna dasglu yn cael ei sefydlu, a hoffwn fod yn aelod o hwnnw hefyd, gan weithio gydag undeb Unite a'r Aelod lleol, ond byddant angen y cymorth hwn ar unwaith, oherwydd ni fydd ganddynt unrhyw arian wedi'i gynilo. Ni fydd ganddynt arian wrth gefn. Felly, a wnewch chi nodi beth y gallwch chi ei wneud ar hynny, os gwelwch yn dda, Weinidog.
Thank you, and thank you for contacting me this morning. I should make this clear, Dirprwy Lywydd: when redundancy events take place, it is often the case there has been a conversation with the council, with other support officials, with Business Wales, sometimes the development bank, sometimes directly with teams of Welsh Government officials, in this case Lesley Griffiths in her role as Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales. The food division have contacts with this sector, and of course, during the pandemic, I spent more time than I'd wish to finding out more about this particular sector, because there were COVID outbreaks, and we looked at some of the challenges. So, the company are aware of the existence of the Welsh Government, the fact that we've been actively engaged around this company, and they knew how to contact people in both the food division and the economy department. What hasn't happened is there wasn't contact with the Welsh Government. The news this morning was a surprise. There was no prior warning or engagement with us.
I did take a call from Unite the Union about what was likely to happen today, and they are obviously concerned about the direct loss of jobs that is signalled in the announcement. They are concerned about the health impact on their members of a large-scale redundancy event. There is almost always a health consequence for the workforce and the surrounding community. They're concerned about what the redundancy terms will be, and the room that may or may not provide people to deal with both the shock of the loss of employment with the final pay packet, and the opportunities that do or don't exist to seek further work. There are broader points about the supply chain and all those other people who will be affected by the closure: how genuine is the consultation, or not? What will be the future of the site, as well—a significant site in terms of its scale—and what might happen there if 2 Sisters go ahead with their closure? They're all points where we don't have answers yet. They're all points that we do need to work together on. I am grateful for the constructive approach taken by both Unite the Union and the council, and I'll look for a proper and constructive response from the company. I will of course work with elected representatives from across the political spectrum to try to get the best possible outcome for the workforce that are there and the surrounding community.
Diolch, a diolch am gysylltu â mi y bore yma. Dylwn wneud hyn yn glir, Ddirprwy Lywydd: pan fo diswyddiadau'n cael eu gwneud, yn aml bydd sgwrs wedi bod gyda'r cyngor, gyda swyddogion cymorth eraill, gyda Busnes Cymru, weithiau gyda'r banc datblygu, weithiau'n uniongyrchol gyda thimau o swyddogion Llywodraeth Cymru, yn yr achos hwn Lesley Griffiths yn ei rôl fel Gweinidog Materion Gwledig a Gogledd Cymru. Mae gan yr adran fwyd gysylltiadau â'r sector hwn, ac wrth gwrs, yn ystod y pandemig, treuliais fwy o amser nag y byddwn wedi'i ddymuno yn darganfod mwy am y sector penodol hwn, oherwydd cafwyd achosion o COVID, a buom yn edrych ar rai o'r heriau. Felly, mae'r cwmni'n ymwybodol o fodolaeth Llywodraeth Cymru, y ffaith ein bod ni wedi mynd ati i ymgysylltu â'r cwmni hwn, ac roeddent yn gwybod sut i gysylltu â phobl yn yr adran fwyd ac yn adran yr economi. Ond nid oes unrhyw gyswllt wedi bod â Llywodraeth Cymru. Roedd y newyddion y bore yma yn syndod. Ni chafwyd unrhyw rybudd nac unrhyw ymgysylltiad blaenorol â ni.
Cefais alwad gan undeb Unite am yr hyn a oedd yn debygol o ddigwydd heddiw, ac maent yn amlwg yn bryderus am y swyddi yr awgrymai'r cyhoeddiad y byddent yn cael eu colli'n uniongyrchol. Maent yn poeni am effaith diswyddiadau ar raddfa fawr ar iechyd eu haelodau. Bron bob amser ceir canlyniad iechyd i'r gweithlu a'r gymuned gyfagos. Maent yn poeni beth fydd y telerau diswyddo, i ba raddau y byddai'r pecyn cyflog terfynol yn galluogi i bobl ymdopi â'r sioc o golli cyflogaeth a pha gyfleoedd sy'n bodoli i chwilio am waith pellach. Ceir pwyntiau ehangach am y gadwyn gyflenwi a'r holl bobl eraill yr effeithir arnynt gan y cau: pa mor ddilys yw'r ymgynghoriad? Beth fydd dyfodol y safle, hefyd—safle sylweddol o ran ei faint—a beth allai ddigwydd yno os bydd 2 Sisters yn bwrw ati i gau? Mae'r rhain i gyd yn bwyntiau nad oes gennym atebion iddynt eto. Maent oll yn bwyntiau y mae angen inni weithio gyda'n gilydd arnynt. Rwy'n ddiolchgar am y dull adeiladol a fabwysiadwyd gan undeb Unite a'r cyngor, a byddaf yn edrych am ymateb priodol ac adeiladol gan y cwmni. Byddaf yn gweithio gyda chynrychiolwyr etholedig o bob rhan o'r sbectrwm gwleidyddol wrth gwrs i geisio sicrhau'r canlyniad gorau posibl i'r gweithlu sydd yno a'r gymuned oddi amgylch.
Ac yn olaf, Jenny Rathbone.
And finally, Jenny Rathbone.
I completely agree it's a disaster for the 730 staff who are employed there, but I think we have to ask some hard questions about this company as well, because in the past, as you said, Minister, there has been a serious outbreak of COVID, and eight years ago there were serious allegations of breaches of environmental health standards, which, when investigated by the Food Standards Agency, were not found to be correct. But when you're looking at what has happened and why, I wondered if you will investigate to make sure that this is a company that has maintained adequate workplace terms and conditions as well as adequate environmental health standards, because clearly those things would need rectifying if the company is to have any really substantive future.
Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr ei bod yn drychineb i'r 730 o staff sy'n cael eu cyflogi yno, ond rwy'n credu bod yn rhaid inni ofyn cwestiynau anodd am y cwmni hwn hefyd, oherwydd yn y gorffennol, fel y dywedoch chi, Weinidog, cafwyd nifer fawr o achosion o COVID, ac wyth mlynedd yn ôl roedd honiadau difrifol o dorri safonau iechyd yr amgylchedd, ond pan ymchwiliodd yr Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd i'r honiadau hynny, canfuwyd nad oeddent yn gywir. Ond pan fyddwch yn edrych ar yr hyn sydd wedi digwydd a pham, tybed a wnewch chi ymchwilio i sicrhau bod hwn yn gwmni sydd wedi cynnal telerau ac amodau digonol yn y gweithle yn ogystal â safonau iechyd amgylcheddol digonol, oherwydd yn amlwg byddai angen unioni'r pethau hynny os yw'r cwmni am gael unrhyw ddyfodol o werth.
The company has a significant footprint, and, of course, there's a significant site in north-east Wales. So, this is a company with a footprint across north Wales and beyond. One of the issues that the company have indicated has led to their likely closure decision, which they're formally consulting on and which they've announced today, is that the other sites have been invested in and have a different ability to them and a different capacity. That's a choice the company are making about how to invest, and that's one of the factors that goes into the choice. We will, of course, look to see what is happening on the site when trying to understand if it's possible to maintain the employment where it is, and if not we'll need to understand what alternative uses exist, and for those other sites that still exist and still employ significant numbers of people—I think there are about 1,000 workers on the site in north-east Wales—around what will the conditions be there. So, it's not just the picture in Llangefni, there is a broader picture, but understandably, the focus must remain on the Llangefni site, on the workforce, the impact on the community and the broader economy on the island and in north-west Wales.
Mae gan y cwmni ôl troed sylweddol, ac wrth gwrs, mae yna safle sylweddol yng ngogledd-ddwyrain Cymru. Felly, mae hwn yn gwmni sydd ag ôl troed ar draws gogledd Cymru a thu hwnt. Un o'r pethau y nododd y cwmni sydd wedi arwain at eu penderfyniad tebygol i gau, y maent yn ymgynghori'n ffurfiol arno ac a gyhoeddwyd ganddynt heddiw, yw bod y safleoedd eraill wedi derbyn buddsoddiad a bod ynddynt alluoedd a chapasiti gwahanol. Dewis y mae'r cwmni'n ei wneud ynglŷn â sut i fuddsoddi yw hwnnw, ac mae'n un o'r ffactorau wrth wneud y dewis. Wrth gwrs, byddwn yn edrych i weld beth sy'n digwydd ar y safle wrth geisio deall a yw'n bosibl cadw'r gyflogaeth lle mae, ac os na ellir gwneud hynny bydd angen inni ddeall pa ddefnyddiau amgen sy'n bodoli, ac i'r safleoedd eraill sy'n dal i fodoli ac sy'n dal i gyflogi niferoedd sylweddol o bobl—rwy'n credu bod tua 1,000 o weithwyr ar y safle yng ngogledd-ddwyrain Cymru—o ran beth fydd yr amodau yno. Ac mae'n ymwneud â mwy na'r sefyllfa yn Llangefni yn unig, mae yna ddarlun ehangach, ond yn ddealladwy, mae'n rhaid canolbwyntio ar safle Llangefni, ar y gweithlu, yr effaith ar y gymuned a'r economi ehangach ar yr ynys ac yng ngogledd-orllewin Cymru.
Diolch, Gweinidog.
Thank you, Minister.
Symudwn ymlaen at eitem 5, datganiadau 90 eiliad. Yn gyntaf, Samuel Kurtz.
We move on now to item 5, which is the 90-second statements. First, Samuel Kurtz.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Last week, ColegauCymru and the Construction Industry Training Board signed a long-awaited and eagerly anticipated co-operation agreement at Pembrokeshire College. The agreement is set to strengthen the relationship between the representatives of further education colleges in Wales and the representatives of the construction industry, a recognition that both organisations have a common interest in supporting the construction industry by facilitating apprenticeships and developing employers, young people and adult learners. Both organisations are not just committed to excellence but are striving to ensure that learners receive the correct training and skills required by industry priorities. Indeed, a great example of where further education colleges and CITB work together for the benefit of learners, employers and the wider Welsh economy is the Inspiring Skills Excellence in Wales programme, which raises awareness of vocational education and training and career pathways that will impact positively on Welsh businesses. As part of its programme, last week, Pembrokeshire College hosted over 70 learners from across Wales to compete in the first heat of the Skills Competition Wales. The competition covered 11 trades within the construction area and was attended by several local construction companies, including W.B. Griffiths and Son, Carreg Construction, CITB and Dyfed Training Group. I would like to congratulate all learners who took part and wish them the very best as they make their way through the competition. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Yr wythnos diwethaf, arwyddodd ColegauCymru a Bwrdd Hyfforddi'r Diwydiant Adeiladu gytundeb cydweithio hirddisgwyliedig yng Ngholeg Sir Benfro. Disgwylir i'r cytundeb gryfhau'r berthynas rhwng cynrychiolwyr colegau addysg bellach yng Nghymru a chynrychiolwyr y diwydiant adeiladu, a chydnabyddiaeth fod gan y ddau sefydliad ddiddordeb cyffredin mewn cefnogi'r diwydiant adeiladu drwy hwyluso prentisiaethau a datblygu cyflogwyr, pobl ifanc ac oedolion sy'n ddysgwyr. Mae'r ddau sefydliad wedi ymrwymo i ragoriaeth, ond maent hefyd yn ymdrechu i sicrhau bod dysgwyr yn cael yr hyfforddiant a'r sgiliau cywir sy'n angenrheidiol i flaenoriaethau'r diwydiant. Yn wir, mae'r rhaglen Ysbrydoli Rhagoriaeth Sgiliau yng Nghymru, sy'n codi ymwybyddiaeth o addysg a hyfforddiant galwedigaethol a llwybrau gyrfa a fydd yn effeithio'n gadarnhaol ar fusnesau Cymru, yn enghraifft wych o golegau addysg bellach a Bwrdd Hyfforddi'r Diwydiant Adeiladu yn cydweithio er budd dysgwyr, cyflogwyr ac economi ehangach Cymru. Yn rhan o'r rhaglen, yr wythnos diwethaf, fe wnaeth Coleg Sir Benfro groesawu dros 70 o ddysgwyr o bob cwr o Gymru i gystadlu yn rownd gyntaf Cystadleuaeth Sgiliau Cymru. Roedd y gystadleuaeth yn cynnwys 11 crefft yn y maes adeiladu ac roedd nifer o gwmnïau adeiladu lleol yn bresennol, yn cynnwys W.B. Griffiths a'i Fab, Carreg Construction, Bwrdd Hyfforddi'r Diwydiant Adeiladu a Grŵp Hyfforddi Dyfed. Hoffwn longyfarch pob dysgwr a gymerodd ran a dymuno'r gorau iddynt yn y gystadleuaeth. Diolch yn fawr.
Dwi am gymryd y cyfle i longyfarch O Ddrws i Ddrws, elusen cludiant cymunedol yn Llŷn, am ddarparu 20 mlynedd o wasanaeth i drigolion yr ardal. Ymgorfforwyd O Ddrws i Ddrws yn Ionawr 2003 ac, ers hynny, mae wedi cludo cannoedd o deithwyr ar filoedd o siwrneiau angenrheidiol—o apwyntiadau meddygol, siopa lleol neu ymweld ag anwyliaid, i ysgol, coleg neu i'r gwaith. Erbyn hyn, mae'r elusen yn darparu gwasanaeth llesiant, Lôn i Les, ac yn arloesi mewn gwasanaeth rhannu a gwefru ceir trydan, Gwefryl, a gwasanaeth Flecsi Llŷn, sy'n darparu cludiant cyhoeddus ar alw yn ystod misoedd yr haf yn ogystal. Mae'r diolch yn fawr i'r holl wirfoddolwyr a staff sydd wedi cyfrannu at barhad yr elusen dros y blynyddoedd, yn ymddiriedolwyr, gweinyddwyr a gyrwyr, etifeddwyr, dyngarwyr ac arianwyr, eu haelioni yn tystio i'r angen parhaol a'r gwaith hanfodol sydd yn cael ei gyflawni gan yr elusen. Heb wasanaethau O Ddrws i Ddrws, byddai bywyd cymunedol ymarferol annibynnol heb fynediad at drafnidiaeth bersonol yn amhosib yn Llŷn. Diolch amdanynt, ac ymlaen i'r 20 mlynedd nesaf.
I want to take the opportunity to congratulate O Ddrws i Ddrws, a community transport charity on the Llŷn peninsula, for providing 20 years of service to residents in the area. O Ddrws i Ddrws was incorporated in 2003, and since then it has carried hundreds of passengers on thousands of necessary journeys, from medical appointments, shopping locally or visiting loved ones, to getting to school, college or to work. Now the charity provides a well-being service, Lôn i Les, and is innovating in sharing and charging electric vehicles, Gwefryl, and the Flecsi Llŷn service, which provides public transport on demand during the summer months, too. Our thanks is great to all the volunteers and staff who have contributed to the charity over the years—trustees, administrators and drivers, and those funding. Their generosity is testament to the ongoing need for the crucial work that is delivered by this charity. Without O Ddrws i Ddrws services, community life and practical independent living without access to private transport would be impossible in Llŷn. So, I thank them for their work and on to the next 20 years.
This week is Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, and the charity Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust have launched their biggest campaign yet, the campaign to end cervical cancer. Around 160 cases are diagnosed annually, and it's the most common form of cancer for women under 35. But, here in Wales, we have the tools to make cervical cancer a thing of the past: a wide-ranging HPV vaccination programme, highly effective colposcopy and cervical screening services. Regular screening alone can reduce risk by up to 70 per cent. We're preventing more cases of cervical cancer than ever, but we also face barriers, including inequity in access and falling uptake. The impact of the pandemic has also been significant and work is needed to remedy this. The possibility of consigning a cancer to the history books is an exciting one, and one that we should embrace and be motivated by. To get there, we must tackle the issues of today, and look to programmes of the future. The latest report from Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust highlights the barriers and opportunities to eliminate cervical cancer. This Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, I would encourage everyone to take up their HPV vaccines and cervical screening, and to contact Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust for information and support. Together, we can eliminate cervical cancer.
Mae'n Wythnos Atal Canser Ceg y Groth yr wythnos hon, ac mae elusen Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust wedi lansio ei hymgyrch fwyaf eto, yr ymgyrch i gael gwared ar ganser ceg y groth. Mae tua 160 diagnosis yn cael eu gwneud bob blwyddyn, a dyma'r math mwyaf cyffredin o ganser i fenywod o dan 35 oed. Ond yma yng Nghymru, mae gennym yr arfau i sicrhau bod canser ceg y groth yn rhywbeth sy'n perthyn i'r gorffennol: rhaglen frechu feirws papiloma dynol, HPV, eang a gwasanaethau sgrinio serfigol a cholposgopi effeithiol iawn. Gall sgrinio rheolaidd yn unig leihau'r risg hyd at 70 y cant. Rydym yn atal mwy o achosion o ganser ceg y groth nag erioed, ond rydym hefyd yn wynebu rhwystrau, gan gynnwys anghydraddoldeb o ran mynediad a chwymp yn nifer y bobl sy'n manteisio ar y gwasanaeth. Mae effaith y pandemig hefyd wedi bod yn sylweddol ac mae angen gwneud gwaith i unioni hyn. Mae'r posibilrwydd o sicrhau bod un math o ganser yn rhywbeth sy'n perthyn i lyfrau hanes yn un cyffrous, ac mae'n bosibilrwydd y dylem ei groesawu a chael ein hysgogi ganddo. Er mwyn cyrraedd yno, mae'n rhaid inni fynd i'r afael â materion sy'n codi heddiw, ac edrych ar raglenni'r dyfodol. Mae'r adroddiad diweddaraf gan Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust yn tynnu sylw at y rhwystrau a'r cyfleoedd i gael gwared ar ganser ceg y groth. Yn ystod Wythnos Atal Canser Ceg y Groth, hoffwn annog pawb i gael eu brechlyn HPV a'u sgriniad serfigol, ac i gysylltu ag elusen Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust am wybodaeth a chefnogaeth. Gyda'n gilydd, gallwn gael gwared ar ganser ceg y groth.
Diolch i'r tri ohonoch chi.
Thank you to the three Members.
Nesaf yw'r cynnig i ethol Aelod i bwyllgor. Galwaf ar aelod o'r Pwyllgor Busnes i wneud y cynnig yn ffurfiol. Darren Millar.
The next item is a motion to elect a Member to a committee, and I call on a member of the Business Committee to formally move the motion. Darren Millar.
Cynnig NNDM8192 Elin Jones
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 17.14, yn ethol Mark Isherwood (Ceidwadwyr Cymreig) yn aelod o’r Pwyllgor Craffu ar Waith y Prif Weinidog yn lle Paul Davies (Ceidwadwyr Cymreig).
Motion NNDM8192 Elin Jones
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 17.14, elects Mark Isherwood (Welsh Conservatives) as a member of the Committee for the Scrutiny of the First Minister in place of Paul Davies (Welsh Conservatives).
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
I move.
Rwy'n cynnig.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Nac oes. Felly, derbynnir y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
The proposal is to agree the motion. Does any Member object? No. The motion is therefore agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Eitem 6 y prynhawn yma: dadl ar gynnig deddfwriaethol gan Aelod—Bil ar leihau ôl-troed carbon digidol. Galwaf ar Rhun ap Iorwerth i wneud y cynnig.
Item 6 is next this afternoon: debate on a Member's legislative proposal—a Bill on digital carbon footprint reduction, and I call on Rhun ap Iorwerth to move the motion.
Cynnig NDM8155 Rhun ap Iorwerth
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn nodi cynnig am Fil ar leihau ôl-troed carbon digidol
2. Yn nodi mai diben y Bil hwn fyddai:
a) ymateb i’r angen i fod yn fwy effeithlon yn ein defnydd o ddigidol yng Nghymru, fel rhan o’r ymdrech i gyrraedd net sero, yn benodol o ran defnydd ynni i redeg platfformau digidol;
b) cynnwys strategaeth i ymdrin â data sy’n cael eu creu, eu cadw a’u prosesu mewn ffordd mwy effeithlon o ran defnydd ynni;
c) gosod targedau ar gyfer sicrhau bod canolfannau data yn rhedeg yn y modd mwyaf effeithlon, yn cynnwys drwy ddefnyddio ffynonellau ynni adnewyddadwy, a thrwy hynny gefnogi datblygu sector data gwyrdd yng Nghymru;
d) sicrhau bod cynaladwyedd yn sail i bob penderfyniad a wneir wrth ymdrin â data gan gyrff cyhoeddus;
e) annog arloesi i helpu i ddatgarboneiddio ac i gyrraedd amcanion net sero cenedlaethol.
Motion NDM8155 Rhun ap Iorwerth
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Notes a proposal for a Bill on digital carbon footprint reduction.
2. Notes that the purpose of this Bill would be to:
a) respond to the need to be more efficient in our use of digital in Wales, as part of the effort to reach net zero, specifically in relation to the use of energy to run digital platforms;
b) include a strategy to deal with data that is created, stored and processed in a more energy efficient way;
c) set targets for ensuring that data centres run in the most efficient manner, including through the use of renewable energy sources, thereby supporting the development of a green data sector in Wales;
d) ensure that sustainability is the basis of all decisions made when public bodies deal with data;
e) encourage innovation to help decarbonise and reach national net-zero objectives.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Dirprwy Lywydd. Wel, dadl ydy hon am y berthynas rhwng y byd digidol a'r byd o'n cwmpas ni, am y rhyngweithio sydd yna rhwng ein defnydd ni o dechnoleg ddigidol a'n pryderon ni am newid hinsawdd. Mi ddywedaf i, reit ar y dechrau, fel cadeirydd y grŵp trawsbleidiol ar ddigidol, dwi'n eiddgar i'n gweld ni yn gwneud mwy o ddefnydd o blatfformau digidol, i ddatblygu platfformau newydd ac i wella ein sgiliau digidol. Mae hynny, dwi'n meddwl, am ein cyfoethogi ni mewn llawer ffordd: creu cyfleoedd economaidd, gwella'n hiechyd ni, cefnogi'n hiaith ni, popeth, yn cynnwys ein helpu ni i daclo'r argyfwng hinsawdd. Drwy dechnoleg ddigidol mae rheoli ein defnydd ni o ynni yn well, a dyna sut mae modelu ffyrdd effeithiol o gynhyrchu ynni gwyrdd, mae cynllunio ffyrdd llai niweidiol o deithio o gwmpas yn digwydd drwy dechnoleg ddigidol, ac yn y blaen.
Ond—a hyn dwi am ei gyflwyno heddiw—mae’n rhaid i ni sylweddol lawer mwy bod y defnydd yna o dechnoleg ddigidol ynddo ef ei hun yn cynhyrchu ôl-troed carbon. Dwi’n codi hyn oherwydd y drafodaeth hynod ddifyr gawsom ni ar hyn yn y cyfarfod diwethaf o’r grŵp trawsbleidiol ar ddigidol. A beth glywom ni yn y drafodaeth honno oedd y gallai’r ôl-troed carbon yna fod yn un mawr iawn, iawn, os nad ydym ni’n ofalus. Ac mi ddes i i’r casgliad yma: yn ogystal â datblygu ffyrdd ymarferol o fod yn fwy effeithiol yn ein defnydd ni o ddigidol, y gallem ni hefyd fod yn meddwl rŵan, oes yna le i ddeddfwriaeth newydd.
Mae’r cynnig ei hun yn amlinellu'r math o Fil dwi’n credu gallai fod werth ei ystyried. Dwi’n gofyn i chi ei gefnogi fo, o ran ei gynnwys fel y mae o, neu o ran yr egwyddor bod yn rhaid i ni feddwl ar hyd y llinellau yma, rŵan, er mwyn bod mewn sefyllfa gref i ddelio efo rhai o’r heriau sydd ond yn mynd i dyfu os na wnawn ni fynd i’r afael â nhw. A gyda llaw, dwi’n ymwybodol bod Llywodraeth Cymru'n taclo'r heriau mewn sawl ffordd—nid credu ydw i fod swyddogion yn ddall i’r heriau. Mae cyrff fel y Ganolfan Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus Digidol yn gweithio yn y maes yma, ond mae angen rywsut i’r heriau gael eu deall yn well gan fwy o bobl.
Dydy llawer ddim yn deall bod penderfyniadau bob dydd maen nhw’n eu gwneud yn cael effaith amgylcheddol. Faint o drydan all gael ei ddefnyddio, neu faint o ôl troed carbon allai gael ei ddefnyddio mewn cysylltiad â gyrru e-bost? Wel, ystyriwch faint o biliynau o e-byst sy’n cael eu hanfon. Efallai fod testun ambell e-bost yn codi’r tymheredd yn eich swyddfa chi, ond ystyriwch fod cadw’r data yn yr e-bost yna yn cyfrannu at boethi peiriannau mewn data centres, bod y gost amgylcheddol o oeri'r data centres yna yn mynd yn fwy ac yn fwy. Ystyriwch fod cynnwys attachment efo’r e-bost yn cynyddu'r angen am le storio data, ac y gall penderfyniad i yrru linc leihau'r ôl troed carbon. Mi allai deddfwriaeth yn gofyn am asesu ôl-troed carbon y defnydd o ddigidol mewn sefydliad anfon at wella arfer da o fewn y sefydliadau hynny.
Ystyriwch hefyd bod llawer ohonom ni'n boddi dan don o gyfathrebiadau junk ar e-bost. Beth os y gallai deddfwriaeth arwain at lai o e-byst yn cael eu hanfon a gwella yr amgylchedd a'n cynhyrchiant ni fel gweithlu ar yr un pryd?
Thank you very much, Dirprwy Lywydd. Well, this is a debate about the relationship between the digital world and the world around us, on the interaction that happens between our use of digital technology and our concerns about climate change. Let me say right at the outset that, as chair of the cross-party group on digital, I'm eager to see us make more use of digital platforms, to improve our digital skills, and to build new platforms. These, I think, will enrich us in so many ways, creating economic opportunities, improving our health, strengthening our language, everything, including helping us to tackle the climate crisis. Through digital technology, we can manage our use of energy better, and that's how we model effective ways of producing green energy, and we can plan less harmful ways of travelling around, and that happens through digital technology and so forth.
But—and this is what I am submitting today—we need to gain a greater realisation that that use of digital technology in itself produces a carbon footprint. I bring this up because of the very interesting discussion that we had on this issue at the last meeting of the cross-party group on digital. And what we heard in that discussion was that that carbon footprint can be a very, very large one, if we are not careful. And I came to this conclusion: as well as developing practical ways to be more effective in our use of digital, we could also be thinking now about whether there is scope for new legislation.
The proposal itself outlines the type of Bill that I believe could be worth considering, and I ask you to support it in terms of its current content, or in terms of the principle that we have to think along these lines now, in order to be in a strong position to deal with some of the challenges that are only going to pile up if we don't address them. And by the way, I am aware that the Welsh Government is aware of these challenges and is tackling them in several ways—I don't believe that officials and so forth are blind to these challenges. Bodies like the Centre for Digital Public Services work in this area. However, the challenges somehow need to be better understood by more people.
Many do not understand that the everyday decisions that they make have an environmental impact. How much electricity can be used, or how much of a carbon footprint could be created in connection with sending an e-mail? Well consider how many billions of e-mails are sent. Perhaps the text of the occasional e-mail raises the temperature in your office, but consider the fact that storing the data in that e-mail contributes to the heating of machines in data centres, and that the environmental cost of cooling those data centres becomes greater and greater. Consider that including an attachment to that e-mail greatly increases the need for data storage space, and that a decision to send a link could reduce the carbon footprint. Legislation requiring an assessment of the carbon footprint of using digital resources in an organisation could lead to improving good practices within those organisations.
Also, given that many of us are drowning in a tidal wave of junk, or at least unnecessary e-mail communications, what if legislation of that type could lead to fewer e-mails being sent, improving the environment and our own productivity as a workforce at the same time?
In case the message isn't clear enough: sending an A4 letter emits about 25g of carbon dioxide; an e-mail with an attachment is 50g—double—and without an attachment, 0.3g. And e-mails and attachments account for 300 million tonnes of carbon dioxide every year. So, think carefully about the content of the e-mail or the attachment, or even about sending the e-mail at all. I find the prospect of becoming more productive by thinking more environmentally to be something quite exciting.
And decisions we can all take involve much more than how many e-mails we send. Do we take a photo or a video on our phones? A photo takes up less storage space. How long do we store that data for? Do we take dozens of pictures at a time and never purge our albums? That has an impact. Not much if we break it down as individuals, but that's the whole thing about tackling climate change; it’s the collective.
One expert in this field from the M-SParc science park on Ynys Môn suggested to me that you can look at it in terms of our digital consumption and digital retention. We need to think about how much we consume in the first place—how much storage space we need to create for that video or that file or that e-mail or whatever, and then the extent to which we make long-term use of that storage space by not having good housekeeping measures in place to delete things in good time. Again, legislating to mandate assessments of digital carbon footprints of storage, for example, for any organisation could encourage that good practice. We can't just be hoarders of digital content and think there's no consequence to that.
And of course there's space that we absolutely need to use up. The development of new artificial intelligence models—hugely intensive in computing power and data storage space. But, we need to be doing that, so we need to shed more of the unnecessary stuff, but we also need to be less carbon-intensive in the way that data centres are run to store that data. Many will need to move to places where it's colder. Shifting into night-time use will save on energy costs but won’t help the environment, but shifting to powering from renewable sources does address that. And there’s a potential for Wales with our abundance of renewable energy there. At the same time, we need to learn the lessons of countries like Ireland, who face growing concerns over the amount that renewable energy data centres are consuming. Again, legislation could help focus minds.
I really could go on, but I'll stop there for now. I think I'm right in saying that this is the first time we’ve had this kind of debate on this kind of topic, and I look forward to Members’ contributions, as we try to give this issue much more prominence, and hopefully, get some legislation behind it, too.
Rhag ofn nad yw'r neges yn ddigon clir: mae anfon llythyr A4 yn allyrru tua 25g o garbon deuocsid; mae e-bost gydag atodiad yn 50g—dwbl—a heb atodiad, 0.3g. Ac e-byst ac atodiadau sydd i gyfrif am 300 miliwn tunnell o garbon deuocsid bob blwyddyn. Felly, meddyliwch yn ofalus am gynnwys yr e-bost neu'r atodiad, neu hyd yn oed am anfon yr e-bost o gwbl. I mi, mae'r cysyniad o fod yn fwy cynhyrchiol drwy feddwl mewn ffordd mwy amgylcheddol yn rhywbeth eithaf cyffrous.
Ac mae penderfyniadau y gallwn ni i gyd eu gwneud yn cynnwys llawer mwy na faint o e-byst a anfonwn. A ydym yn tynnu llun neu fideo ar ein ffonau? Mae llun yn cymryd llai o le storio. Am ba hyd rydym yn storio'r data hwnnw? A ydym yn tynnu dwsinau o luniau ar y tro a byth yn dileu lluniau o'r albwm? Mae hynny'n cael effaith. Nid yw'n cael llawer o effaith ar lefel unigolion, ond dyna'r holl bwynt am fynd i'r afael â newid hinsawdd; mae'n ymwneud â'r effaith gyfunol.
Awgrymodd un arbenigwr yn y maes o barc gwyddoniaeth M-SParc ar Ynys Môn y gallwch edrych arno o safbwynt ein defnydd digidol a'n storio digidol. Mae angen inni feddwl faint rydym yn ei ddefnyddio yn y lle cyntaf—faint o ofod storio sydd angen inni ei greu ar gyfer fideo neu ffeil neu e-bost neu beth bynnag, ac yna i ba raddau y gwawn ddefnydd hirdymor o'r gofod storio hwnnw drwy beidio â chael mesurau cymhennu da ar waith i ddileu pethau mewn da bryd. Unwaith eto, gallai deddfu i gynnal asesiadau gorfodol o olion traed carbon digidol mewn perthynas â storio, er enghraifft, ar gyfer unrhyw sefydliad, annog yr arferion da hynny. Ni allwn barhau i gronni cynnwys digidol a meddwl nad oes canlyniad i hynny.
Ac wrth gwrs mae yna le y mae angen inni ei ddefnyddio yn bendant. Datblygu modelau deallusrwydd artiffisial newydd—hynod ddwys o ran pŵer cyfrifiadurol a gofod storio data. Ond mae angen inni wneud hynny, felly mae angen inni gael gwared ar fwy o'r pethau diangen, ond mae angen inni hefyd fod yn llai drud-ar-garbon yn y ffordd y mae canolfannau data'n cael eu rhedeg i storio'r data hwnnw. Bydd angen i nifer symud i lefydd lle mae'n oerach. Bydd newid i ddefnydd gyda'r nos yn arbed costau ynni ond ni fydd yn helpu'r amgylchedd, ond mae newid i bweru o ffynonellau adnewyddadwy yn mynd i'r afael â hynny. Ac mae yna botensial i Gymru oherwydd bod gennym ddigonedd o ynni adnewyddadwy yma. Ar yr un pryd, mae angen inni ddysgu gwersi gan wledydd fel Iwerddon, sy'n wynebu pryderon cynyddol ynglŷn â faint y mae canolfannau data ynni adnewyddadwy yn ei ddefnyddio. Unwaith eto, gallai deddfwriaeth helpu i ganolbwyntio meddyliau.
Gallwn barhau, ond rwyf am ddod i ben am y tro. Rwy'n credu fy mod yn iawn i ddweud mai dyma'r tro cyntaf i ni gael dadl o'r fath ar y math hwn o bwnc, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at gyfraniadau'r Aelodau, wrth inni geisio tynnu mwy o sylw at y mater, a chyflwyno deddfwriaeth i'w gefnogi hefyd, gobeithio.
I would really like to thank our colleague Rhun ap Iorwerth for bringing forward this legislative proposal today, and I'm very pleased to be giving it my support. Of course, as our party's shadow Minister for climate change, we think that it's vital that we do embrace new technologies for the way that they can enhance our emission reduction systems, and this is something that Wales can take the lead on. Research by the International Energy Agency shows that 60 per cent of all low-carbon energy patents across the past five years have been connected to fuel switching and energy-efficient technologies, and this proposal for a Bill on digital carbon footprint reductions can be the key to doing exactly that.
Part (a) aims to
'respond to the need to be more efficient in our use of digital in Wales, as part of the effort to reach net zero, specifically in relation to the use of energy to run digital platforms'.
More clearly needs to be done by the Welsh Government in accelerating our use of green digital infrastructure. When we have so much technology at our fingertips now, the sources powering it have to be made as clean and renewable as possible.
Part (b) seeks to
'include a strategy to deal with data that is created, stored and processed in a more energy efficient way'.
And I completely agree: there has to be a more co-ordinated and joined-up approach to data management. This will not just benefit decarbonisation, but it will help in other sectors such as our health service, education and other departments.
I note, in particular, part (c), which aims to support the development of a green data sector in Wales. This seems to be a marvellous opportunity to provide a boost for home-grown green jobs in Wales. It would complement new offshore renewable projects such as tidal lagoons and windfarms, which we highlighted in our Welsh Conservative debate last week. The education and training opportunities, especially for our young people, would provide a significant incentive to build a career in a skilled, high-paying job right here in Wales.
And finally, part (e) seeks to
'encourage innovation to help decarbonise and reach national net-zero objectives'.
I agree, and I hope that this can be done on a UK-wide basis, bringing together the brightest and the best scientific minds from right across the country. The UK Government's Advanced Research and Innovation Agency, or ARIA, is a good example of this. This was set up to explore the enormous scientific opportunities of groundbreaking discoveries. The investments in data and technology that we make now have the potential to provide enormous economic return in the years and decades to come. Ultimately, if we can improve digital connectivity and infrastructure right across Wales, there is absolutely no reason why this technology cannot be applied to monitoring our climate change commitments. For the sake of future generations, it's a task that we must not fail on. I have no hesitation in supporting Rhun and this legislative proposal whatsoever. Diolch yn fawr.
Hoffwn ddiolch yn fawr i'n cyd-Aelod Rhun ap Iorwerth am gyflwyno'r cynnig deddfwriaethol hwn heddiw, ac rwy'n falch iawn o roi fy nghefnogaeth iddo. Wrth gwrs, fel Gweinidog yr wrthblaid dros newid hinsawdd, rydym yn credu ei bod yn hanfodol ein bod yn croesawu technolegau newydd oherwydd y ffordd y gallant wella ein systemau lleihau allyriadau, ac mae hwn yn rhywbeth y gall Cymru arwain arno. Mae ymchwil gan yr Asiantaeth Ynni Ryngwladol yn dangos bod 60 y cant o'r holl batentau ynni carbon isel dros y pum mlynedd diwethaf yn gysylltiedig â newid tanwydd a thechnolegau effeithlon o ran ynni, a gall y cynnig hwn ar gyfer Bil ar leihau ôl troed carbon digidol fod yn allweddol i wneud hynny.
Nod rhan (a) yw
'ymateb i’r angen i fod yn fwy effeithlon yn ein defnydd o ddigidol yng Nghymru, fel rhan o’r ymdrech i gyrraedd sero net, yn benodol o ran defnydd ynni i redeg platfformau digidol'.
Yn amlwg, mae angen i Lywodraeth Cymru wneud mwy i gyflymu ein defnydd o seilwaith digidol gwyrdd. Pan fo gennym gymaint o dechnoleg ar flaenau ein bysedd nawr, mae'n rhaid sicrhau bod y ffynonellau sy'n ei bweru mor lân ac adnewyddadwy â phosibl.
Mae rhan (b) yn galw am
'[g]ynnwys strategaeth i ymdrin â data sy’n cael eu creu, eu cadw a’u prosesu mewn ffordd mwy effeithlon o ran defnydd ynni'.
Ac rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr: mae'n rhaid cael dull mwy cydgysylltiedig o reoli data. Nid yn unig y bydd hyn o fudd i ddatgarboneiddio, ond bydd yn helpu mewn sectorau eraill fel ein gwasanaeth iechyd, addysg ac adrannau eraill.
Nodaf, yn benodol, ran (c), sydd â'r nod o gefnogi datblygiad sector data gwyrdd yng Nghymru. Mae'n ymddangos bod hwn yn gyfle gwych i roi hwb i swyddi gwyrdd yng Nghymru. Byddai'n ategu prosiectau adnewyddadwy newydd ar y môr fel môr-lynnoedd llanw a ffermydd gwynt, a amlygwyd gennym yn nadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yr wythnos diwethaf. Byddai'r cyfleoedd addysg a hyfforddiant, yn enwedig i'n pobl ifanc, yn darparu ysgogiad sylweddol i adeiladu gyrfa mewn swydd fedrus sy'n talu'n dda yma yng Nghymru.
Ac yn olaf, nod rhan (e) yw
'annog arloesi i helpu i ddatgarboneiddio ac i gyrraedd amcanion sero net cenedlaethol'.
Rwy'n cytuno, ac rwy'n gobeithio y gellir gwneud hyn ar sail y DU gyfan, gan ddod â'r meddyliau gwyddonol gorau a mwyaf disglair at ei gilydd o bob cwr o'r wlad. Mae Asiantaeth Ymchwil a Dyfeisio Blaengar Llywodraeth y DU, neu ARIA, yn enghraifft dda o hyn. Cafodd yr asiantaeth hon ei sefydlu i archwilio'r cyfleoedd gwyddonol enfawr sy'n deillio o ddarganfyddiadau arloesol. Mae gan y buddsoddiadau rydym yn eu gwneud nawr mewn data a thechnoleg botensial i ddarparu elw economaidd enfawr yn y blynyddoedd a'r degawdau i ddod. Yn y pen draw, os gallwn wella cysylltedd digidol a seilwaith ledled Cymru, nid oes unrhyw reswm o gwbl pam na ellir defnyddio'r dechnoleg hon i fonitro ein hymrwymiadau newid hinsawdd. Er mwyn cenedlaethau'r dyfodol, mae'n dasg y mae'n rhaid inni ei chyflawni. Rwy'n barod iawn i gefnogi Rhun a'r cynnig deddfwriaethol hwn. Diolch yn fawr.
I'd like to thank Rhun ap Iorwerth for bringing this Member's legislative proposal to the Chamber today. I think this is an opportunity to discuss an issue that many aren't aware exists in this ever-expanding digitised world. When we think about reducing our carbon footprint, there is often an assumption that going online acts as a sustainable alternative to combat our environmental impact, for example, by working from home instead of driving your car to work, or by going paperless to save trees, while storing all the information and data in the cloud. When we send an e-mail, we don't necessarily think about how that e-mail is being stored and what impact that storage is having on the environment.
But the reality is that data centres, which is what I'm going to focus on today, are physical buildings that require mass amounts of energy to store data. They are in use 24/7 and require a constant temperature of 12 degrees Celsius so that they do not destroy any data that is stored in them. They also require more energy and water to prevent the deterioration of servers, which is why research shows that data centres use nearly 3 per cent of the world's electricity consumption and account for 2 per cent of total greenhouse gas emissions. This is enough energy to power entire countries and emissions comparable to the entire global airline industry.
So, there is no doubt that this is creating an impact on our carbon footprint. We cannot have a situation where we replace one polluter with another, and, as Janet Finch-Saunders said, it's not all bad, we need this, absolutely, but we must be honest about the realities of data centres and put infrastructure in place that deals with sustainable methods such as green data centres before it is too late, and we heard some other suggestions from Rhun just now.
Companies such as Microsoft, Switch and other data process and storage companies must work to seek green innovations to maximise energy efficiency. There are good examples of this from reducing cooling with AI to using small numbers of servers when there is low traffic of data. I would also argue that any new data centres in Wales should not be built on greenfield sites.
In November 2021, I wrote to Welsh Government to ask them for their assessment of the environmental impacts of data centres. At the time, the Welsh Government stated that it had not taken an assessment and would continue to engage with other nations and their findings as more evidence emerged. I hope that, with the work going into the Wales data nation accelerator, where public services may rely on this collection and storage of data, the Welsh Government considers this growing evidence and that we do not generate unnecessary negative impacts on our environment. So, therefore, as a fellow chair of the cross-party group on digital rights and democracy, I will be supporting your Member's legislative proposal this afternoon, Rhun. Diolch.
Hoffwn ddiolch i Rhun ap Iorwerth am ddod â'r cynnig deddfwriaethol gan Aelod i'r Siambr heddiw. Rwy'n credu bod hwn yn gyfle i drafod mater nad yw llawer o bobl yn ymwybodol ei fod yn bodoli yn y byd digidol hwn sy'n ehangu'n barhaus. Pan fyddwn yn meddwl am leihau ein hôl troed carbon, yn aml mae yna ragdybiaeth fod mynd ar-lein yn gweithredu fel dewis arall cynaliadwy i wrthsefyll ein heffaith ar yr amgylchedd, er enghraifft drwy weithio gartref yn lle gyrru eich car i'r gwaith, neu drwy fynd yn ddi-bapur i achub coed, gan storio'r holl wybodaeth a data yn y cwmwl. Pan fyddwn yn anfon e-bost, nid ydym o reidrwydd yn meddwl sut mae'r e-bost hwnnw'n cael ei storio a pha effaith y mae storio'n ei chael ar yr amgylchedd.
Ond y gwir amdani yw fod canolfannau data, sef yr hyn rwyf am ganolbwyntio arno heddiw, yn adeiladau ffisegol sydd angen ynni ar raddfa enfawr i storio data. Cânt eu defnyddio 24/7 ac maent angen cael eu cadw mewn tymheredd cyson o 12 gradd Celsius fel nad ydynt yn dinistrio unrhyw ddata sy'n cael ei storio ynddynt. Maent hefyd angen mwy o ynni a dŵr i atal dirywiad gweinyddion, a dyna pam mae ymchwil yn dangos bod canolfannau data'n defnyddio bron i 3 y cant o ddefnydd trydan y byd ac yn allyrru 2 y cant o gyfanswm yr allyriadau nwyon tŷ gwydr. Mae hyn yn ddigon o ynni i bweru gwledydd cyfan ac allyriadau'n debyg i allyriadau'r diwydiant awyrennau byd-eang.
Felly, nid oes unrhyw amheuaeth fod hyn yn creu effaith ar ein hôl troed carbon. Ni allwn gael sefyllfa lle mae un llygrwr yn cymryd lle llygrwr arall, ac fel y dywedodd Janet Finch-Saunders, nid yw'n ddrwg i gyd, mae arnom ei angen yn sicr, ond mae'n rhaid inni fod yn onest am realiti canolfannau data a rhoi seilwaith yn ei le sy'n ymdrin â dulliau cynaliadwy fel canolfannau data gwyrdd cyn ei bod yn rhy hwyr, a chlywsom ambell awgrym arall gan Rhun nawr.
Rhaid i gwmnïau fel Microsoft, Switch a chwmnïau eraill sy'n prosesu a storio data weithio i chwilio am atebion arloesol gwyrdd i sicrhau'r effeithlonrwydd ynni mwyaf posibl. Ceir enghreifftiau da o hyn, o leihau oeri drwy ddefnyddio deallusrwydd artiffisial, i ddefnyddio niferoedd bach o weinyddion pan fo traffig data'n isel. Byddwn hefyd yn dadlau na ddylai unrhyw ganolfannau data newydd gael eu hadeiladu ar safleoedd maes glas yng Nghymru.
Ym mis Tachwedd 2021, ysgrifennais at Lywodraeth Cymru i ofyn iddynt am eu hasesiad o effeithiau amgylcheddol canolfannau data. Ar y pryd, dywedodd Llywodraeth Cymru nad oedd wedi gwneud asesiad ac y byddai'n parhau i ymgysylltu â gwledydd eraill a'u canfyddiadau wrth i fwy o dystiolaeth ddod i'r amlwg. Gyda'r gwaith sy'n cael ei wneud ar gyflymydd cenedl ddata Cymru, lle gall gwasanaethau cyhoeddus ddibynnu ar y gwaith casglu a storio data, rwy'n gobeithio bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn ystyried y dystiolaeth gynyddol hon ac nad ydym yn cynhyrchu effeithiau negyddol diangen ar ein hamgylchedd. Felly, fel cyd-gadeirydd y grŵp trawsbleidiol ar hawliau digidol a democratiaeth, byddaf yn cefnogi eich cynnig deddfwriaethol gan Aelod y prynhawn yma, Rhun. Diolch.
Thank you, Rhun, for raising this important debate today. I fully support the proposals of this Bill, and I believe that we need to be much more forward thinking in our approach to policy that helps reduce our carbon footprint in technological areas, especially as we will be relying more heavily on digital data going forward into the future. It is only right that we put legislation into place that helps ensure that we are as efficient as possible with using and storing data and we have protocols in place, particularly within public bodies, to better share and remove data that is no longer needed.
As you may all recall, I recently spoke in the Chamber about dark data, and the truth is that, whilst we are investing huge sums of money to reduce carbon in industry, encouraging people to change behaviour, as well as changing the ways we heat our home and travel around, we are not actually addressing the elephant in the room—namely, we are adopting practices and embracing technological advances in our lives that are resulting in even more carbon dioxide being produced. For instance, nearly every mobile phone has a camera, which allows us to take movies and photos in a way we couldn't 10 years ago. We use apps that create data for fun, and we end up storing huge amounts that will never, ever be used again. Whilst I recognise that we should be doing everything we can to improve data storage and use in areas that we can influence, the inconvenient truth is that significant amounts of data will be produced in Wales and held on servers globally, and thus we are contributing to a production of carbon dioxide in places that we have no control over. For instance, data from our Apple phones is held in data centres in the US. We receive huge numbers of e-mails each day advertising promotions that we'll never, ever read, and these are held on servers in other countries that have to be powered and, more crucially, have to be cooled. We must also recognise the scale of this problem. Globally, more than half of all businesses have data that exists in a dormant or unused state, and it is estimated that 6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide will be produced annually just by storing this data, and this will never be used.
I finally want to say that, in terms of a Bill on digital carbon footprint, we also need to think about how we contribute to our global carbon emissions from data produced in Wales and stored abroad, and this will come from improving our understanding of how data flows through organisations and by creating policies that ensure our companies in Wales have processes in place that improve the visibility of dark data and better control our data storage. These policies then can also help companies and organisations to further comply with data privacy laws, such as the general data protection regulation. It is right that we introduce this legislation as soon as possible and that Wales makes a valuable contribution, because it is estimated that the amount of dark data stored worldwide will more than quadruple by 2025 to 91 ZB, which more than highlights the challenges ahead of us. Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd, and I would urge all Members here to support this motion. Thank you.
Diolch, Rhun, am gyflwyno'r ddadl bwysig hon heddiw. Rwy'n llwyr gefnogi cynigion y Bil hwn, ac rwy'n credu bod angen inni fod yn llawer mwy blaengar yn ein dull o lunio polisi sy'n helpu i leihau ein hôl troed carbon mewn meysydd technolegol, yn enwedig gan y byddwn yn dibynnu'n fwy helaeth ar ddata digidol wrth symud ymlaen. Nid yw ond yn iawn ein bod yn rhoi deddfwriaeth ar waith sy'n helpu i sicrhau ein bod mor effeithlon â phosibl wrth ddefnyddio a storio data a bod gennym brotocolau ar waith, yn enwedig o fewn cyrff cyhoeddus, i rannu data'n well a dileu data nad oes ei angen mwyach.
Fel y byddwch i gyd yn cofio, siaradais yn y Siambr yn ddiweddar am ddata tywyll, a'r gwir amdani yw, er ein bod yn buddsoddi symiau enfawr o arian ar leihau carbon mewn diwydiant, gan annog pobl i newid ymddygiad, yn ogystal â newid y ffyrdd rydym yn cynhesu ein cartrefi ac yn teithio o gwmpas, nid ydym mewn gwirionedd yn mynd i'r afael â'r broblem amlwg—sef ein bod yn mabwysiadu arferion ac yn croesawu datblygiadau technolegol yn ein bywydau sy'n arwain at gynhyrchu hyd yn oed mwy o garbon deuocsid. Er enghraifft, mae camera ar bron bob ffôn symudol, sy'n ein galluogi i dynnu lluniau a ffilmiau mewn ffordd na allem ei wneud 10 mlynedd yn ôl. Rydym yn defnyddio apiau sy'n creu data am hwyl, ac rydym yn storio symiau enfawr na fydd byth yn cael eu defnyddio eto. Er fy mod yn cydnabod y dylem wneud popeth yn ein gallu i wella storio a defnyddio data mewn meysydd y gallwn ddylanwadu arnynt, y gwir anghyfleus yw y bydd symiau sylweddol o ddata'n cael eu cynhyrchu yng Nghymru a'u cadw ar weinyddion ar draws y byd, ac felly rydym yn cyfrannu at gynhyrchu carbon deuocsid mewn mannau nad oes gennym unrhyw reolaeth drostynt. Er enghraifft, mae data o'n ffonau Apple yn cael ei gadw mewn canolfannau data yn UDA. Rydym yn derbyn niferoedd enfawr o e-byst bob dydd yn hysbysebu hyrwyddiadau na fyddwn byth yn eu darllen, ac mae'r rhain yn cael eu cadw mewn gwledydd eraill ar weinyddion sy'n rhaid eu pweru, ac yn fwy allweddol, sy'n rhaid eu hoeri. Rhaid inni hefyd gydnabod maint y broblem. Yn fyd-eang, mae gan fwy na hanner yr holl fusnesau ddata sy'n segur neu ddata nad yw'n cael ei ddefnyddio, ac amcangyfrifir y bydd 6 miliwn tunnell o garbon deuocsid yn cael ei gynhyrchu'n flynyddol drwy storio'r data hwn yn unig, ac ni fydd byth yn cael ei ddefnyddio.
I gloi, o ran Bil ar ôl troed carbon digidol, rwyf am ddweud bod angen inni feddwl hefyd ynglŷn â sut y cyfrannwn at ein hallyriadau carbon byd-eang gyda data sy'n cael ei gynhyrchu yng Nghymru a'i storio dramor, a daw hyn o wella ein dealltwriaeth o sut mae data yn llifo drwy sefydliadau a thrwy greu polisïau sy'n sicrhau bod gan ein cwmnïau yng Nghymru brosesau ar waith sy'n gwella amlygrwydd data tywyll ac sy'n rheoli ein prosesau storio data yn well. Gall y polisïau hyn helpu cwmnïau a sefydliadau wedyn i gydymffurfio ymhellach â deddfau preifatrwydd data, megis y rheoliadau cyffredinol ar ddiogelu data. Mae'n beth da ein bod yn cyflwyno'r ddeddfwriaeth hon cyn gynted â phosibl a bod Cymru'n gwneud cyfraniad gwerthfawr, oherwydd amcangyfrifir y bydd y swm o ddata tywyll sy'n cael ei storio'n fyd-eang yn cynyddu bedair gwaith i 91 ZB erbyn 2025, ac mae hynny'n bendant yn tynnu sylw at yr heriau sydd o'n blaenau. Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd, a hoffwn annog pob Aelod yma i gefnogi'r cynnig hwn. Diolch.
Galwaf ar Weinidog yr Economi, Vaughan Gething.
I call on the Minister for Economy, Vaughan Gething.

Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer, and thank you to the Member for raising the important issues in today's debate and proposal. We all know and agree that the use of digital data and technology is essential in providing opportunities that benefit people, communities, public services and businesses. We also know that our increasing reliance on digital can increase carbon emissions through the energy used in processing and storing large amounts of data and running digital platforms and technology—most Members have referred to this in their contributions.
I recognise the Member's policy intent in the motion and agree with its sentiment. In fact, the Member, in opening, recognised that an amount of work is already taking place in this field. However, including it in the Welsh Government legislative timetable would be a genuine challenge, as it is already under considerable pressure and may face more, depending on external events.
Our 'Digital strategy for Wales' already articulates how digital can actually help to reduce carbon emissions overall and achieve our net-zero ambitions by designing public services effectively, using data smartly and openly, and modernising technology. And of course, our future generations Act places a responsibility on public bodies to put sustainability at the heart of all policy decisions, and that includes investment in digital and data.
From a public sector perspective, as was acknowledged, the Centre for Digital Public Services is supporting organisations to develop effective digital services centred around the needs of users. That means using technology more efficiently, minimising carbon usage and reducing the need for travel. The centre recently undertook a discovery exercise and made recommendations on how digital can help towards net zero. They include the importance of measuring the carbon footprint of services and moving to shared services and platforms. The centre also recommends building sustainability into digital procurement. Social value is increasingly becoming part of the evaluation criteria for procurement, and that includes sustainability considerations. The centre is working on next steps to ensure delivery against these important recommendations.
A key ambition in our digital strategy is providing improved digital services through better and ethical use of data. Common use of agreed standards is vital to achieving this. By ensuring that data is easily accessible and published openly, or shared securely, we can minimise duplication of data and its storage, one of the key points made by the Member. This reduces both costs and carbon footprint. Openly reporting on the environmental performance of services also ensures accountability and transparency of energy use.
As we know, data is needed for almost everything at this point, and will be more so in the future. Data centres, as mentioned by Sarah Murphy, play a critical role in storing the data, software and hardware that underpin the services that we all use. They're integral to the delivery chain and are, of course, consumers of energy and power. There is, of course, a major responsibility on companies to reduce the carbon impact of the data that they hold. We know that the industry is taking this seriously and is reducing power consumption, switching to renewable and low-carbon energy sources and driving efficiencies, including, of course, the use of excess heat, and, again, Sarah Murphy mentioned this in her contribution.
In Wales, this is happening too. We expect to see more data centres in Wales in the future and want them to be built to current and future environmental standards. Our emissions reduction plan, Net Zero Wales, sets ourselves ambitious national targets. It highlights the role that digital infrastructure can play in decarbonisation, as well as decarbonising the energy supply itself. To support our ambitions, we'll publish the net-zero skills plan shortly; that will set out our commitment to net-zero skills by investing in people and talent as crucial drivers towards a stronger, fairer, greener economy. Digital skills will be one of the cross-cutting themes.
Our innovation strategy will also enable the Welsh Government to address carbon measurement and highlight the use of digital tools in helping us to fully understand the impact we have on carbon reduction. As I've said, I recognise that there is, of course, a digital footprint, and that footprint has a carbon footprint.
I do want to thank the Member for the way in which he opened the debate, in recognising that we are taking action, and the cross-party group is broadly supportive of the digital strategy. But there is both the carbon footprint to digital activity, which is real, but also, as has been highlighted, a real lack of awareness that there is a carbon footprint to digital activity. Part of our challenge is what we can do to both raise awareness and action to address that.
Now, I'm not convinced that extra legislation is the answer. However, there is always a balance as to when legislation can and may not deliver the policy progress that we all agree upon. So, I look forward to the Member further developing the proposal. The Welsh Government will not oppose the proposal today; we will abstain and Welsh Government-supporting backbenchers will have a free vote. I think there is more for us to discuss about the proposals that have been outlined today, practical action, and our willingness to actually consider that in the future.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd, a diolch i'r Aelod am godi'r materion pwysig yn y ddadl a'r cynnig heddiw. Rydym i gyd yn gwybod ac yn cytuno bod defnyddio data a thechnoleg ddigidol yn hanfodol wrth ddarparu cyfleoedd sydd o fudd i bobl, cymunedau, gwasanaethau cyhoeddus a busnesau. Rydym hefyd yn gwybod y gall ein dibyniaeth gynyddol ar dechnoleg ddigidol gynyddu allyriadau carbon drwy'r ynni a ddefnyddir wrth brosesu a storio llawer iawn o ddata a rhedeg platfformau digidol a thechnoleg—mae'r rhan fwyaf o'r Aelodau wedi cyfeirio at hyn yn eu cyfraniadau.
Rwy'n cydnabod bwriad polisi'r Aelod yn y cynnig ac yn cytuno â'r teimlad sy'n sail iddo. Mewn gwirionedd, roedd yr Aelod, wrth agor, yn cydnabod bod gwaith eisoes yn digwydd yn y maes hwn. Fodd bynnag, byddai ei gynnwys yn amserlen ddeddfwriaethol Llywodraeth Cymru yn her go iawn, gan ei bod eisoes o dan bwysau sylweddol ac fe allai wynebu mwy o bwysau, yn dibynnu ar ddigwyddiadau allanol.
Mae ein 'Strategaeth Ddigidol i Gymru' eisoes yn mynegi sut y gall technoleg ddigidol helpu i leihau allyriadau carbon yn gyffredinol a chyflawni ein huchelgeisiau sero net drwy gynllunio gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn effeithiol, gan ddefnyddio data'n glyfar ac yn agored, a moderneiddio technoleg. Ac wrth gwrs, mae ein Deddf cenedlaethau'r dyfodol yn rhoi cyfrifoldeb ar gyrff cyhoeddus i roi cynaliadwyedd wrth wraidd pob penderfyniad polisi, ac mae hynny'n cynnwys buddsoddi mewn technoleg ddigidol a data.
O safbwynt y sector cyhoeddus, fel y cydnabuwyd, mae'r Ganolfan Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus Digidol yn cefnogi sefydliadau i ddatblygu gwasanaethau digidol effeithiol sy'n canolbwyntio ar anghenion defnyddwyr. Mae hynny'n golygu defnyddio technoleg yn fwy effeithlon, lleihau'r defnydd o garbon a lleihau'r angen i deithio. Yn ddiweddar, cynhaliodd y ganolfan ymarfer darganfod a gwnaeth argymhellion ar sut y gall technoleg ddigidol helpu tuag at sero net. Maent yn cynnwys pwysigrwydd mesur ôl-troed carbon gwasanaethau a symud at wasanaethau a phlatfformau a rennir. Mae'r ganolfan hefyd yn argymell adeiladu cynaliadwyedd i mewn i brosesau caffael digidol. Mae gwerth cymdeithasol yn dod yn rhan gynyddol o'r meini prawf gwerthuso ar gyfer caffael, ac mae hynny'n cynnwys ystyriaethau cynaliadwyedd. Mae'r ganolfan yn gweithio ar y camau nesaf i sicrhau bod yr argymhellion pwysig hyn yn cael eu cyflawni.
Uchelgais allweddol yn ein strategaeth ddigidol yw darparu gwell gwasanaethau digidol drwy ddefnyddio data'n well ac yn fwy moesegol. Mae defnydd cyffredin o safonau y cytunwyd arnynt yn hanfodol er mwyn cyflawni hyn. Drwy sicrhau bod data'n hawdd i'w gael ac yn cael ei gyhoeddi'n agored, neu ei rannu'n ddiogel, gallwn leihau faint o ddata sy'n cael ei ddyblygu a'i storio, un o'r pwyntiau allweddol a wnaeth yr Aelod. Mae hyn yn lleihau costau ac ôl-troed carbon. Mae adrodd yn agored ar berfformiad amgylcheddol gwasanaethau hefyd yn sicrhau atebolrwydd a thryloywder o ran y defnydd o ynni.
Fel y gwyddom, mae angen data ar gyfer bron bopeth ar hyn o bryd, ac yn fwy felly yn y dyfodol. Mae canolfannau data, fel y crybwyllodd Sarah Murphy, yn chwarae rhan hanfodol yn storio'r data, y feddalwedd a'r caledwedd sy'n sail i'r gwasanaethau rydym i gyd yn eu defnyddio. Maent yn rhan annatod o'r gadwyn gyflenwi ac maent yn defnyddio ynni a phŵer wrth gwrs. Mae cyfrifoldeb mawr ar gwmnïau i leihau effaith carbon y data sydd ganddynt. Rydym yn gwybod bod y diwydiant o ddifrif ynglŷn â hyn ac yn lleihau'r defnydd o bŵer, gan newid i ffynonellau ynni adnewyddadwy a charbon isel ac ysgogi arbedion effeithlonrwydd, gan gynnwys y defnydd o wres gormodol wrth gwrs, ac unwaith eto, soniodd Sarah Murphy am hyn yn ei chyfraniad.
Mae hyn yn digwydd yng Nghymru hefyd. Rydym yn disgwyl gweld mwy o ganolfannau data yng Nghymru yn y dyfodol ac eisiau iddynt gael eu hadeiladu i safonau amgylcheddol y presennol a'r dyfodol. Mae ein cynllun ar gyfer lleihau allyriadau, Cymru Sero Net, yn gosod targedau cenedlaethol uchelgeisiol i ni'n hunain. Mae'n amlygu'r rôl y gall seilwaith digidol ei chwarae yn datgarboneiddio, yn ogystal â datgarboneiddio'r cyflenwad ynni ei hun. I gefnogi ein huchelgeisiau, byddwn yn cyhoeddi'r cynllun sgiliau sero net cyn bo hir; bydd hwnnw'n nodi ein hymrwymiad i sgiliau sero net drwy fuddsoddi mewn pobl a thalent fel elfennau hanfodol mewn economi gryfach, decach a gwyrddach. Bydd sgiliau digidol yn un o'r themâu trawsbynciol.
Bydd ein strategaeth arloesi hefyd yn galluogi Llywodraeth Cymru i fynd i'r afael â mesur carbon ac yn tynnu sylw at y defnydd o offer digidol i'n helpu i ddeall yn llawn yr effaith a gawn ar leihau allyriadau carbon. Fel y dywedais, rwy'n cydnabod bod yna ôl troed digidol wrth gwrs, ac mae ôl troed carbon i'r ôl troed hwnnw.
Rwyf am ddiolch i'r Aelod am y ffordd yr agorodd y ddadl drwy gydnabod ein bod yn gweithredu, ac mae'r grŵp trawsbleidiol yn gefnogol at ei gilydd i'r strategaeth ddigidol. Ond mae yna ôl troed carbon real i weithgaredd digidol, ond hefyd, fel y nodwyd, mae yna ddiffyg ymwybyddiaeth go iawn fod ôl troed carbon i weithgaredd digidol. Rhan o'n her yw'r hyn y gallwn ei wneud i godi ymwybyddiaeth a gweithredu i fynd i'r afael â hynny.
Nawr, nid wyf wedi fy argyhoeddi mai deddfwriaeth ychwanegol yw'r ateb. Fodd bynnag, mae yna gydbwysedd i'w daro bob amser o ran pryd y gall deddfwriaeth a phryd nad yw'n gallu sicrhau'r cynnydd polisi rydym i gyd yn cytuno arno. Felly, edrychaf ymlaen at weld yr Aelod yn datblygu'r cynnig ymhellach. Ni fydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwrthwynebu'r cynnig heddiw; byddwn yn ymatal a bydd pleidlais rydd i'r aelodau o'r meinciau cefn sy'n cefnogi Llywodraeth Cymru. Rwy'n credu bod mwy i ni ei drafod am y cynigion sydd wedi'u hamlinellu heddiw, am weithredu ymarferol ac am ein parodrwydd i ystyried hynny yn y dyfodol.
Galwaf ar Rhun ap Iorwerth i ymateb i'r ddadl.
I call on Rhun ap Iorwerth to reply to the debate.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i bawb sydd wedi cymryd rhan yn y drafodaeth yma, dwi'n credu sydd wedi bod yn un bwysig o ran cynyddu ymwybyddiaeth ymhlith pobl sydd ddim wedi meddwl am hyn o'r blaen ac atgyfnerthu'r ffaith ein bod ni, fel Senedd, yn barod i gymryd camau i geisio ymateb i broblem sydd ond yn mynd i fynd yn waeth. Dwi'n cydnabod dyw'r Gweinidog ddim wedi'i argyhoeddi bod yn rhaid i hynny gynnwys deddfwriaeth, ac efallai nad oes, ond mae'r ffaith ein bod ni yn barod i ystyried deddfwriaeth fel un o'r opsiynau yn golygu ein bod ni mewn llai o berig o fod mewn sefyllfa lle rydyn ni'n sylweddoli mewn blynyddoedd i ddod y dylem ni fod wedi bod yn cymryd rhywbeth mwy o ddifrif. Mae'n dda clywed Aelodau o'r meinciau cefn Llafur a Cheidwadol yn atgyfnerthu'r hyn oedd gen i i'w ddweud. Mae yna gytundeb clir bod yna fater yn y fan hyn y mae angen rhoi sylw iddo fo.
Thank you very much to everyone who's participated in this debate, which I think has been important in terms of raising awareness among people who perhaps hadn't thought about the issue before and reinforcing the fact that we, as a Senedd, are willing to take steps to try to respond to a problem that will only get worse. I recognise that the Minister has yet to be convinced that that has to include legislation, and perhaps it doesn't have to include legislation, but the fact that we are willing to consider legislation as one of the options does mean that we are at less of a risk of being in a position where we realise in years to come that we should have taken the issue more seriously. It's good to hear Members from the Labour and Conservative back benches reinforcing what I had to say in my contribution. There is clear agreement that there is an issue here that needs to be addressed.
There are two issues at play here. It's about using digital for greening, which is really important, as has been acknowledged here. Digital is the key to everything that we need to do to improve our actions in tackling climate change, but, at the same time, it's the greening of digital that we have to pay attention to. I'll keep on looking at the options for legislation and, hopefully, a positive vote today, which I'm fairly confident that we can get, will be a sign that that is very much something that we want to keep on the agenda as a Parliament. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Mae dau fater ar waith yma. Mae'n ymwneud â defnyddio technoleg ddigidol ar gyfer gwyrddu, sy'n bwysig iawn, fel sydd wedi'i gydnabod yma. Mae technoleg ddigidol yn allweddol i bopeth sydd angen inni ei wneud i wella ein gweithredoedd i fynd i'r afael â newid hinsawdd, ond ar yr un pryd, rhaid inni roi ein sylw i wyrddu digidol. Byddaf yn dal ati i edrych ar yr opsiynau ar gyfer deddfwriaeth, a gobeithio y bydd pleidlais gadarnhaol heddiw, ac rwy'n weddol hyderus y gallwn ei chael, yn arwydd fod hynny'n rhywbeth rydym yn awyddus iawn i'w gadw ar yr agenda fel Senedd. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid nodi'r cynnig? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Objection.] Oes. Felly, gohiriaf y bleidlais ar y cynnig tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
The proposal is to note the proposal. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, there is objection. Voting is therefore deferred until voting time.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
Eitem 7, dadl ar adroddiad y Pwyllgor Diwylliant, Cyfathrebu, y Gymraeg, Chwaraeon a Chysylltiadau Rhyngwladol, 'Costau cynyddol: Yr effaith ar ddiwylliant a chwaraeon', a galwaf ar Gadeirydd y pwyllgor i wneud y cynnig. Delyth Jewell.
We move now to item 7, the debate on the Culture, Communications, Welsh, Sport and International Relations Committee report, 'Increasing costs: Impact on culture and sport', and I call on the Chair of the committee to move the motion. Delyth Jewell.
Cynnig NDM8189 Delyth Jewell
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
Yn nodi adroddiad y Pwyllgor Diwylliant, Cyfathrebu, y Gymraeg, Chwaraeon, a Chysylltiadau Rhyngwladol, ‘Costau cynyddol: Yr effaith ar ddiwylliant a chwaraeon’, a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 25 Tachwedd 2022.
Motion NDM8189 Delyth Jewell
To propose that the Senedd:
Notes the report of the Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee, ‘Increasing costs: Impact on culture and sport’, which was laid in the Table Office on 25 November 2022.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Rwy’n gwneud y cynnig ar ran y pwyllgor.
Mae’n bleser gen i agor y ddadl heddiw am adroddiad y Pwyllgor Diwylliant, Cyfathrebu, y Gymraeg, Chwaraeon a Chysylltiadau Rhyngwladol ar effaith costau cynyddol ar ddiwylliant a chwaraeon. Hoffwn ddiolch i bawb a gymerodd ran yn yr ymchwiliad hwn ac sydd wedi rhannu eu profiadau nhw gyda ni fel pwyllgor. Mae hyn yn cynnwys y nifer sylweddol o ymatebion ysgrifenedig a gawsom. Mae hwnna'n dystiolaeth o ba mor bryderus y mae llawer o randdeiliaid am effaith costau byw ar eu gwaith. Hoffwn i ddiolch hefyd wrth gwrs i aelodau'r pwyllgor a’n tîm cynorthwyo am eu gwaith nhw.
Mae diwylliant a chwaraeon yn arbennig o agored i’r problemau sy’n cael eu hachosi gan gostau byw uwch. Dydy cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau heb ddychwelyd yn ôl i’r lefelau cyn y pandemig. Mae hyn yn niweidio’r incwm yn y sectorau hyn, ac yn golygu bod llawer o bobl—yn aml y rhai mwyaf difreintiedig—yn colli’r manteision corfforol, meddyliol a chymdeithasol sy’n gysylltiedig â chymryd rhan. Ac fel y clywsom ni, nid pethau moethus ydy chwaraeon a diwylliant, ond y pethau sy’n rhoi pwrpas i fywydau pobl, y pethau sy’n ennyn hapusrwydd. Dydy’r colled ddim yn ariannol yn unig.
Ond mae’r pictiwr ariannol ar gyfer y sectorau hyn yn un sy’n achosi pryder. Mae lleoliadau yn y sectorau yn aml yn defnyddio llawer o ynni ac yn gweithredu gyda maint elw cul iawn. Mae pyllau nofio, er enghraifft, yn ddrud i’w gwresogi, ac yn wynebu costau cynyddol mewn meysydd eraill, fel cemegion glanhau. Mae costau uwch a llai o incwm yn golygu bod lleoliadau fel hyn mewn perygl o gau yn barhaol. Unwaith y byddan nhw wedi cau, maen nhw’n annhebygol o ailagor.
Ac mae’r problemau yn ddifrifol gyda diwylliant hefyd. Dywedodd cyngor y celfyddydau ym mis Medi fod yr
'argyfwng sy’n wynebu'r sector mor fawr ag ar unrhyw adeg dros y ddwy flynedd diwethaf.'
Roedd y sectorau hyn dan fygythiad o gau lleoliadau ar raddfa eang yn barhaol yn ystod y pandemig. Fe wnaeth gweithredu cyflym yn ystod COVID, a chyllid hefyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru, dros £140 miliwn, gwnaeth hwnna atal hyn rhag digwydd. Ein pwynt ni fel pwyllgor yw y byddai'r arian hwn wedi cael ei wastraffu pe bai’r lleoliadau hyn yn cael eu cau nawr.
Rydyn ni wedi galw am gyllid ychwanegol wedi’i dargedu i gynnig achubiaeth i leoliadau a allai gau’n barhaol yn ystod y misoedd nesaf, ond sydd â siwr o fod dyfodol hir a chynaliadwy o’u blaenau fel arall. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn dweud ei bod wedi derbyn ein hargymhelliad allweddol ar gyfer cyllid ychwanegol ar gyfer y sectorau hyn; mae hwn i'w groesawu, ond mae’r swm sy’n cael ei ddarparu, yn anffodus, yn ffracsiwn o’r hyn y mae’r sector wedi galw amdano.
Mae’r Dirprwy Weinidog wedi cyfeirio at £3.75 miliwn ychwanegol ar gyfer diwylliant a chwaraeon yn ystod blwyddyn ariannol 2022-23. Wrth gwrs, mae arian ychwanegol yn beth i'w groesawu, ond gellir cymharu hyn â’r £5 miliwn i £10 miliwn ar gyfer y celfyddydau yn unig y mae cyngor y celfyddydau wedi galw amdano. Byddai’n dda gwybod faint o’r £3.75 miliwn y cyfeiriodd y Dirprwy Weinidog ato oedd ar gyfer dyfarniadau cyflog yn y sectorau hyn.
Dywedodd Llywodraeth Cymru wrthym yn ystod yr ymchwiliad fod y
'twf yng nghostau ynni ynghyd â chwyddiant cynyddol yn peri risgiau i unigolion, aelwydydd, busnesau, sefydliadau a sectorau na welwyd ers yr Ail Ryfel Byd.'
Ond ein barn ni fel pwyllgor yw nid yw’r ffordd y mae’n ymateb yn cyfateb i’r disgrifiad hwn. Cafodd Llywodraeth Cymru ganmoliaeth haeddiannol gan y sector ddiwylliannol am ba mor gyflym oedd ei hymateb i COVID-19, ond hyd yma, mae ei hymateb i effaith costau cynyddol ar ddiwylliant a chwaraeon wedi methu â chyd-fynd â pha mor ddifrifol yw’r argyfwng. Roedd y pandemig yn broblem gyffredinol a oedd yn gofyn am ymatebion penodol i’r sector. Mae’r un peth yn wir am yr argyfwng costau byw, ac yn anffodus, mae’r sefyllfa wedi gwaethygu ers cyhoeddi ein hadroddiad.
Mae gostyngiadau yn y cymorth ar gyfer biliau ynni gan Lywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig ym mis Ionawr 2023 wedi cynyddu pryderon ynghylch cau busnesau ar draws y sectorau diwylliant a chwaraeon. Dywedodd UK Active y bydd cynllun gostyngiad biliau ynni newydd y Llywodraeth yn methu â rhoi’r cymorth sydd ei angen ar filoedd o byllau nofio, canolfannau hamdden a champfeydd i osgoi cyfyngiadau pellach ar wasanaethau, cau canolfannau a cholli swyddi. Dywedodd y Music Venue Trust fod lleoliadau, ynghyd â’r sector lletygarwch cyfan, wedi’u rhoi mewn categori cyffredinol o gymorth sydd mor annigonol fel ei fod yn anochel yn gorfod arwain at gau lleoliadau yn barhaol.
Rydyn ni wedi dechrau gweld arwyddion sy’n peri pryder y gallwn weld lleoliadau yn cau ar raddfa eang ac yn barhaol, a hynny yn fuan iawn: yng Nghaerdydd, gyda dyfodol Neuadd Dewi Sant ac Amgueddfa Caerdydd; ac mae Cyngor Sir Powys wedi osgoi o drwch blewyn cau pyllau nofio dros dro mewn ymateb i’r argyfwng ynni. Mae un o’r deisebau mwyaf poblogaidd yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd yn galw am gyllid uniongyrchol i gefnogi pyllau nofio a chanolfannau hamdden yn ystod yr argyfwng ynni. Wrth gwrs, ym mis Tachwedd, rhybuddiodd UK Active fod 40 y cant o ardaloedd cyngor mewn perygl o golli eu canolfannau hamdden a phyllau nofio o fewn pum mis, neu weld gwasanaethau’n cael eu had-drefnu neu eu cau.
Felly, yn anffodus, dydy’r pictiwr ddim yn un braf; dyw e ddim yn un hawdd ei drafod, ond mae’n angenrheidiol inni ei drafod. Felly, rwy’n edrych ymlaen at glywed sylwadau Aelodau eraill, ac wrth gwrs, y Dirprwy Weinidog. Ac rwy’n gobeithio y gallwn ni gynnig gobaith yn yr adeg dywyll iawn yma.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. I move the motion on behalf of the committee.
It is my pleasure to open the debate today about the report by the Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport and International Relations Committee on the impact of increasing costs on culture and sport. I would like to thank everyone who took part in this inquiry and who shared their experiences with us as a committee. This includes the significant number of written responses that we received. That demonstrates how concerned many stakeholders are about the impact of the cost of living on their work. I would also, of course, like to thank the members of the committee and our support staff for their work.
Culture and sport are especially vulnerable to the problems caused by higher living costs. Participation in activities has not returned to pre-pandemic levels. This is harming income in these sectors, meaning that many people—often the most disadvantaged—are missing out on the physical, mental and social benefits associated with taking part. And as we heard, sport and culture are not luxury items; instead, they are the things that give purpose to people's lives, things that bring happiness. The loss is not just a financial one.
But the financial landscape for these sectors is a cause for concern. Venues in these sectors are often energy intensive and operate on the basis of very narrow profit margins. Swimming pools, for instance, are expensive to heat, and face rising costs in other areas, such as the cost of cleaning chemicals. Higher costs and lower income mean that venues like this are at risk of permanent closure. And once they have closed, they are unlikely to reopen.
And the problems are serious with culture too. The arts council said in September that
'the crisis facing the sector is as great as at any time over the last two years.'
These sectors were under threat of permanent and widespread closure of venues during the pandemic. Rapid action and funding from the Welsh Government during the COVID period of over £140 million prevented that from happening. Our point as a committee is that this money will have been wasted if these venues were to be closed now.
We have called for additional targeted funding to offer a lifeline to venues that may close permanently in the coming months, but would probably otherwise have a long and sustainable future ahead of them. The Welsh Government says it that has accepted our key recommendation for additional funding for these sectors; that's to be welcomed, but the amount that is being provided unfortunately is a fraction of what the sector has called for.
The Deputy Minister has referred to £3.75 million in additional funding for culture and sport during the 2022-23 financial year. Of course, additional funding is to be welcomed, but this can be compared to the £5 million to £10 million for the arts alone that the arts council has called for. It would be good to know how much of the £3.75 million that the Deputy Minister referred to was for pay awards in these sectors.
The Welsh Government told us during the inquiry that
'growth in energy costs, coupled with rising inflation, pose risks to individuals, households, businesses, organisations and sectors not seen since the Second World War.'
But our view as a committee is that the nature of its response does not match this description. The Welsh Government was deservedly praised by the cultural sector for the speed of its response to COVID-19. Thus far, however, its response to the impact of increasing costs on culture and sport has failed to match the severity of the crisis. The pandemic was a universal problem that required sector-specific responses. The same is true of the cost-of-living crisis, and unfortunately, the situation has deteriorated since our report was published.
Reductions in the support available for energy bills from the UK Government in January 2023 have exacerbated concerns about business closures across the culture and sports sectors. UK Active said that the Government's new energy bill reduction scheme fails to give thousands of swimming pools, leisure centres and gyms the support that they need to avoid further restrictions on services, centre closures and job losses. Music Venue Trust said that venues, along with the entire hospitality sector, have been placed in a general category of support that is so inadequate that it will inevitably lead to the permanent closure of venues.
We have started to see troubling signs that we could see venues closing permanently and on a large scale very soon. In Cardiff, this relates to the future of St David's Hall and the Museum of Cardiff; and Powys County Council has only just avoided closing swimming pools temporarily in response to the energy crisis. One of the most popular petitions in Wales at the moment is calling for direct funding to support swimming pools and leisure centres during the energy crisis. Of course, in November, UK Active warned that 40 per cent of council areas were at risk of losing their leisure centres and swimming pools within five months, or seeing their services being reorganised or closed.
So, unfortunately, the landscape is not a pleasant one; it is not an easy one to discuss, but we need to discuss it. I look forward, therefore, to hearing the comments of other Members, and of course, the Deputy Minister. And I hope that we can offer some hope in these very dark times.
I'd also like to thank, as Delyth Jewell has, stakeholders from the sports and cultural sectors in Wales for giving their time to the committee and setting out the key issues that they face.
A number of things struck me as we were gathering evidence for the report, including a huge range of problems that these sectors are facing. For example, we received evidence that showed that rises in wages were a big factor in staff turnover, as well as the affordability of keeping staff. So, it's clear that we must, again, rely on volunteers to help keep our vibrant culture sector going. I'm a big believer in volunteering, but think that giving them more burden without a solid support is not the way to go. So, it would be good to hear from the Deputy Minister what the Welsh Government is doing to ensure that people who follow careers in this area are encouraged, but also what support, additionally, over and above that, is provided to volunteers as well.
There is also the issue of preparedness. The funding from Welsh Government in recent years hasn't taken into account rises in costs before the pandemic. That's something that we heard from the witnesses that came before us. Clearly, cultural and sporting venues have been supported throughout the pandemic by the Welsh Government and the UK Government, but there has been a sense that their long-term funding is unknown, and short-term support, as outlined by the Deputy Minister in her response to the committee, won't help in that regard. So, surely we should be looking further down the road and making sure that these vital community resources are protected and nurtured. And I do feel the concerns outlined by stakeholders when they say, and I quote,
'The sector is financially fragile—lots of late bookings, lack of public confidence and cash, high numbers of no-shows so no secondary income on bars etc.'
That fragility, alongside rising energy costs, is causing venues to raise their prices, which, in turn, is pricing many individuals and families in Wales out of enjoying the arts and cultural sector, which then becomes a vicious cycle.
Dirprwy Lywydd, the really concerning part of the evidence we received was from Sport Wales, where they noted that two in five people's ability was negatively impacted by rising costs and that 30 per cent were saying that they were less active as a result. That should send alarm bells ringing right across Welsh Government departments, especially because of a focus on reducing obesity, as well as the value of sport in preventing long-term health conditions.
Turning to the Welsh Government's reply, I also welcome that the Deputy Minister has accepted all but two of the recommendations. However, I'm really interested that the Deputy Minister has accepted recommendation 4 about providing capital funding for the sport and culture sector on greening their energy consumption, but in her response she mentioned that this would be provided through the unhypothecated capital grant funding given to councils. And she said that this funding
'may be used to support sports and social facilities by Local Authorities in this way if Authorities consider it is appropriate to do so.'
For me, I feel that's a little bit of a get-out clause, as local authorities will have, obviously, competing priorities, and making sure sporting and cultural venues are energy efficient may not necessarily be top of that list. This was a point that Community Leisure UK Wales made very well in their evidence to the committee, so I'd be very interested to learn how this acceptance by the Deputy Minister does pan out over the years to come.
I'm also disappointed to see from the recommendations that the Welsh Government wasn't interested in opening dialogue with the UK Government on sporting and cultural packages of support, because I think that's a missed opportunity. For example, the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee in the UK Parliament were calling for value-added tax relief in November, which could really help live music and heritage sectors in Wales, including for building restorations and ticket sales. Also, we learned how important the cultural recovery fund was to many in the Welsh arts sector, and we need to ensure that that is built upon.
There seems to be a bit of a theme here. The other recommendation the Deputy Minister also declined was about improving engagement with the cultural sector. So, it looks like the Welsh Government perhaps doesn't play well with others, and that it's a one-way relationship. If the record of engagement with these sectors is, as you say, Deputy Minister, exemplar, then why is that recommendation included in the first place in the committee's report?
It's not just a call to ensure that our culture is protected, but, logically, it's a part of our economy too. It's a great pity that the Welsh Government missed out on huge economic opportunities, such as bidding for Eurovision and the Commonwealth Games, which would have showcased our talent on an international stage. So, to conclude, it should be incumbent on you as a Minister and us as Senedd Members to represent how important Wales's rich culture and sporting pride is, especially when it comes to keeping them going. Instead, what we shouldn't be guilty of is watching on from the sidelines rather than tackling the key issues that face these sectors. Thank you.
Hoffwn ddiolch hefyd, fel y gwnaeth Delyth Jewell, i randdeiliaid o'r sectorau chwaraeon a diwylliant yng Nghymru am roi eu hamser i'r pwyllgor a nodi'r materion allweddol sy'n eu hwynebu.
Fe wnaeth nifer o bethau fy nharo wrth inni gasglu tystiolaeth ar gyfer yr adroddiad, gan gynnwys ystod enfawr o broblemau y mae'r sectorau hyn yn eu hwynebu. Er enghraifft, cawsom dystiolaeth a oedd yn dangos bod cynnydd mewn cyflogau yn ffactor mawr mewn perthynas â throsiant staff, yn ogystal â fforddiadwyedd cadw staff. Felly, mae'n amlwg fod yn rhaid i ni, unwaith eto, ddibynnu ar wirfoddolwyr i helpu i gadw ein sector diwylliant bywiog i fynd. Rwy'n gredwr mawr mewn gwirfoddoli, ond yn credu nad rhoi mwy o faich arnynt heb gefnogaeth gadarn yw'r ffordd i fynd. Felly, byddai'n dda clywed gan y Dirprwy Weinidog beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i sicrhau bod pobl sy'n dilyn gyrfaoedd yn y maes hwn yn cael eu hannog, ond hefyd pa gefnogaeth ychwanegol at hynny sy'n cael ei darparu i wirfoddolwyr yn ogystal.
Mae parodrwydd hefyd yn fater sy'n codi. Nid yw'r arian gan Lywodraeth Cymru dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf wedi ystyried cynnydd mewn costau cyn y pandemig. Mae hynny'n rhywbeth y gwnaethom ei glywed gan y tystion a ddaeth ger ein bron. Yn amlwg, cafodd lleoliadau diwylliannol a chwaraeon eu cefnogi drwy gydol y pandemig gan Lywodraeth Cymru a Llywodraeth y DU, ond mae yna ymdeimlad na cheir gwybodaeth am eu cyllid hirdymor, ac ni fydd cefnogaeth yn y tymor byr, fel yr amlinellwyd gan y Dirprwy Weinidog yn ei hymateb i'r pwyllgor, yn helpu yn hynny o beth. Felly, dylem fod yn edrych ymhellach i lawr y ffordd a sicrhau bod yr adnoddau cymunedol hanfodol hyn yn cael eu diogelu a'u meithrin. Ac rwy'n teimlo'r pryderon a amlinellir gan randdeiliaid pan ddywedant,
'Mae'r sector yn fregus yn ariannol—llawer o archebion hwyr, diffyg hyder y cyhoedd ac arian parod, niferoedd uchel nad ydynt yn dod felly dim incwm eilaidd yn y bariau ac ati.'
Mae'r breuder hwnnw, ochr yn ochr â chostau ynni cynyddol, yn peri i leoliadau godi eu prisiau, sydd yn ei dro yn prisio llawer o unigolion a theuluoedd yng Nghymru allan o fwynhau'r sector celfyddydau a diwylliant, sydd wedyn yn troi'n gylch dieflig.
Ddirprwy Lywydd, Chwaraeon Cymru a ddarparodd y rhan wirioneddol bryderus o'r dystiolaeth a gawsom, lle nodwyd bod costau cynyddol yn effeithio'n negyddol ar allu dau o bob pump o bobl a bod 30 y cant yn dweud eu bod yn gwneud llai o weithgarwch corfforol o ganlyniad. Dylai hynny ganu larymau ar draws adrannau Llywodraeth Cymru, yn enwedig yn sgil ffocws ar leihau gordewdra, yn ogystal â gwerth chwaraeon i atal cyflyrau iechyd hirdymor.
Os caf droi at ateb Llywodraeth Cymru, rwyf innau hefyd yn croesawu'r ffaith bod y Dirprwy Weinidog wedi derbyn pob un heblaw dau o'r argymhellion. Fodd bynnag, mae gennyf ddiddordeb mawr yn y ffaith bod y Dirprwy Weinidog wedi derbyn argymhelliad 4 ynglŷn â darparu cyllid cyfalaf i'r sector chwaraeon a diwylliant ar gyfer gwyrddu eu defnydd o ynni, ond yn ei hymateb soniodd y byddai'n cael ei ddarparu drwy'r cyllid grant cyfalaf heb ei glustnodi a roddir i gynghorau. A dywedodd y gellid defnyddio'r arian hwn
'a roddir i Awdurdodau Lleol i gynnal eu cyfleusterau chwaraeon a chymdeithasol os yw Awdurdodau o'r farn ei bod yn briodol gwneud hynny.'
I mi, rwy'n teimlo bod hwnnw'n gymal osgoi braidd, gan y bydd gan awdurdodau lleol flaenoriaethau sy'n cystadlu, yn amlwg, ac efallai na fydd sicrhau bod lleoliadau diwylliannol a chwaraeon yn gwneud defnydd effeithlon o ynni ar frig y rhestr honno o reidrwydd. Roedd hwn yn bwynt a wnaed yn dda iawn gan Community Leisure UK Cymru yn eu tystiolaeth i'r pwyllgor, felly byddai gennyf ddiddordeb mawr mewn clywed sut mae'r derbyniad hwn gan y Dirprwy Weinidog yn datblygu dros y blynyddoedd i ddod.
Siom hefyd oedd gweld o'r argymhellion nad oedd gan Lywodraeth Cymru ddiddordeb mewn agor deialog gyda Llywodraeth y DU ar becynnau cymorth chwaraeon a diwylliannol, oherwydd rwy'n credu bod hwnnw'n gyfle a gollwyd. Er enghraifft, roedd y Pwyllgor Technoleg Ddigidol, Diwylliant, y Cyfryngau a Chwaraeon yn Senedd y DU yn galw am ryddhad treth gwerth ychwanegol ym mis Tachwedd, a allai fod yn help mawr i'r sector cerddoriaeth fyw a'r sector treftadaeth yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys ar gyfer adfer adeiladau a gwerthiant tocynnau. Hefyd, fe glywsom pa mor bwysig oedd y gronfa adferiad diwylliannol i lawer yn y sector celfyddydau yng Nghymru, ac mae angen inni sicrhau bod hynny'n cael ei ddatblygu.
Ymddengys bod yma thema. Roedd yr argymhelliad arall a wrthodwyd gan y Dirprwy Weinidog hefyd yn ymwneud â gwella ymgysylltiad â'r sector diwylliannol. Felly, mae'n edrych yn debyg efallai nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru'n dda am chwarae gydag eraill, ac mai perthynas un ffordd yw hi. Os yw'r hanes o ymgysylltu â'r sectorau hyn yn rhagorol fel y dywedwch, Ddirprwy Weinidog, pam mae'r argymhelliad hwnnw wedi ei gynnwys yn y lle cyntaf yn adroddiad y pwyllgor?
Nid yw'n alwad i sicrhau'n unig fod ein diwylliant yn cael ei ddiogelu, ond yn rhesymegol, mae'n rhan o'n heconomi hefyd. Mae'n drueni mawr fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi colli cyfleoedd economaidd enfawr, fel gwneud cais i gynnal Eurovision a Gemau'r Gymanwlad, a fyddai wedi arddangos ein talent ar lwyfan rhyngwladol. I gloi felly, dylai fod yn ddyletswydd arnoch chi fel Gweinidog a ninnau fel Aelodau o'r Senedd i ddangos pa mor bwysig yw diwylliant cyfoethog a balchder chwaraeon Cymru, yn enwedig i sicrhau eu bod yn parhau. Yn hytrach, yr hyn na ddylem fod yn euog ohono yw gwylio o'r cyrion yn hytrach na mynd i'r afael â'r materion allweddol sy'n wynebu'r sectorau hyn. Diolch.
Like others, I'd like to start my contribution this afternoon by thanking those people who gave evidence to the committee, and thanking the committee secretariat for the work they've done in producing this report. I think the report is very timely. It deals with some of the more fundamental issues that we face as a country, and, like Tom Giffard, I'm very grateful to the Minister for accepting all but two of our recommendations. In many ways, the committee report states what we already know—it states the obvious that costs have increased—and we've seen the impact of those increases in costs, and we can describe in different ways how those cost increases have affected arts, culture and sport in our own constituencies. But I want to make a somewhat different point this afternoon.
Whilst it's fair to argue that increased costs have similar impacts across the face of the country—the increased costs of electricity are the same here as they would be in Blaenau Gwent—what I would argue, though, is that the impact on people and places is different. If a Government's response is simply to treat all places and people equally, then they're not addressing the real issues that affect people in different parts of the country. We had a conversation in topical questions about the nature of equality in rugby, but the point I want to make this afternoon is that there's an important and fundamental nature of equality in all that we do in terms of arts, culture and sport, and that at the moment, I believe that we are failing the basic test of equality.
We had a conversation with the Minister last week over the Welsh Government's budget, and the Minister made the correct and clear case that it is a matter for different bodies, such as Sport Wales and the Arts Council of Wales, to distribute funding according to the remit letter that is set for them, and that the remit letter covers the next five years. I accept and I agree with that, and that is the correct answer to the question, but it misses the point. Because the Government has a responsibility in setting out that remit letter, so that the constituents I represent in Blaenau Gwent, and that, in fact, she represents in Merthyr, are treated equally as the people represented here by—Jenny Rathbone always catches my eye as I look across the Chamber, and I don't mean to pick on you, Jenny—but the people Jenny represents in the centre of Cardiff.
So, it is important, therefore, that people who are unable to pay the additional costs charged to access cultural or sporting activity have additional help to do so. It is important that those venues and facilities that are unable to sustain their programme of activities or their opening hours for the general public are able to do so, wherever they may be. And there is a greater reliance on Government help and Government support and the role and place of Government in places like Blaenau Gwent than in places like Cardiff. Therefore, if the test that we want to set for the Government is equality, then I want to see the Government doing more where there is greatest need and less where there is less need. And that is a difficult point to make for Government, because the Government likes to tell us that everywhere in Wales is having a little piece of jam, and we've been doing this for the 15 years I've been here. However, that means that some people are still left needing greater support whilst others receive support that perhaps they don't fully need. And it is the test of equality that I want to set for the Minister in debating and discussing this report, because it is important, and it does relate to the conversation we had earlier about equality.
Because what we are seeking to achieve in Wales is cultural change, cultural change in terms of sporting activity, so that people like me, who look like me—and, let's face it, I've bought a new suit every year for the last 15 years—are able to reduce their weight and are able to increase their fitness levels. But you're unable to do it if you're locking people out of sporting and fitness activities because they can't afford the costs of accessing them. We want to see cultural change whereby everybody has the same opportunity to express who they are, their cultural identity, their own background. But if they don't access the cultural venues that they need to in order to do that, you are locking them out from the culture of our country.
So, if we do want to see the change that I think we all want to see, on all sides of the Chamber, as it happens, then that means that the Government cannot stand back and say, 'I wrote a letter last year, and I'll come back to you in another five years.' It means that the Government has to be an activist Government, intervening in these matters, month after month and week after week and year after year. And that means that the Government, if it is serious about equality and serious about achieving its ambitions of equality, has to take tough decisions, and that, Minister, is what I want to hear in your reply to this debate. I'm grateful to Members.
Fel eraill, hoffwn ddechrau fy nghyfraniad y prynhawn yma drwy ddiolch i'r bobl a roddodd dystiolaeth i'r pwyllgor, a diolch i ysgrifenyddiaeth y pwyllgor am y gwaith a wnaethant yn cynhyrchu'r adroddiad hwn. Rwy'n credu bod yr adroddiad yn amserol iawn. Mae'n ymdrin â rhai o'r materion mwy sylfaenol sy'n ein hwynebu fel gwlad, ac fel Tom Giffard, rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn i'r Gweinidog am dderbyn pob un ond dau o'n hargymhellion. Mewn sawl ffordd, mae adroddiad y pwyllgor yn nodi'r hyn a wyddom eisoes—mae'n nodi'r amlwg, fod costau wedi cynyddu—a gwelsom effaith y cynnydd hwnnw mewn costau, a gallwn ddisgrifio mewn ffyrdd gwahanol sut mae'r cynnydd hwnnw wedi effeithio ar y celfyddydau, diwylliant a chwaraeon yn ein hetholaethau ein hunain. Ond rwyf eisiau gwneud pwynt ychydig yn wahanol y prynhawn yma.
Er ei bod yn deg dadlau bod costau uwch yn cael effeithiau tebyg ar draws y wlad—yr un yw'r costau trydan cynyddol yma ag y byddent ym Mlaenau Gwent—yr hyn y byddwn i'n ei ddadlau serch hynny yw bod yr effaith ar bobl a lleoedd yn wahanol. Os mai ymateb Llywodraeth yn syml yw trin pob lle a phobl yn gyfartal, nid ydynt yn mynd i'r afael â'r problemau go iawn sy'n effeithio ar bobl mewn gwahanol rannau o'r wlad. Cawsom sgwrs yn y cwestiynau amserol am natur cydraddoldeb yn y byd rygbi, ond y pwynt rwy'n awyddus i'w wneud y prynhawn yma yw bod elfen bwysig a sylfaenol o gydraddoldeb ym mhopeth a wnawn o ran y celfyddydau, diwylliant a chwaraeon, ac ar hyn o bryd, rwy'n credu ein bod yn methu prawf sylfaenol cydraddoldeb.
Fe gawsom sgwrs gyda'r Gweinidog yr wythnos diwethaf ynglŷn â chyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru, ac fe wnaeth y Gweinidog yr achos cywir a chlir mai mater i wahanol gyrff, fel Chwaraeon Cymru a Chyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, yw dosbarthu arian yn ôl y llythyr cylch gwaith a osodwyd ar eu cyfer, a bod y llythyr cylch gwaith yn ymdrin â'r pum mlynedd nesaf. Rwy'n derbyn ac rwy'n cytuno â hynny, a dyna'r ateb cywir i'r cwestiwn, ond mae'n methu'r pwynt. Oherwydd bod gan y Llywodraeth gyfrifoldeb i osod y llythyr cylch gwaith hwnnw, fel bod yr etholwyr rwy'n eu cynrychioli ym Mlaenau Gwent, a'r etholwyr y mae hi'n eu cynrychioli ym Merthyr Tudful mewn gwirionedd, yn cael eu trin yn gyfartal â'r bobl a gynrychiolir yma gan—Mae Jenny Rathbone bob amser yn dal fy llygad wrth imi edrych ar draws y Siambr, ac nid wyf yn pigo arnoch yn fwriadol, Jenny—ond y bobl y mae Jenny'n eu cynrychioli yng nghanol Caerdydd.
Felly, mae'n bwysig fod pobl nad ydynt yn gallu talu'r costau ychwanegol a godir i gael mynediad at weithgaredd diwylliannol neu chwaraeon yn cael cymorth ychwanegol i wneud hynny. Mae'n bwysig fod y lleoliadau a'r cyfleusterau nad ydynt yn gallu cynnal eu rhaglen weithgareddau na'u horiau agor i'r cyhoedd yn gyffredinol yn gallu gwneud hynny, ble bynnag y bônt. Ac mae mwy o ddibyniaeth ar gymorth Llywodraeth a chefnogaeth y Llywodraeth a rôl a lle Llywodraeth mewn llefydd fel Blaenau Gwent na mewn llefydd fel Caerdydd. Felly, os mai'r prawf a osodwn ar gyfer y Llywodraeth yw cydraddoldeb, rwyf am weld y Llywodraeth yn gwneud mwy lle mae'r angen mwyaf a llai lle mae llai o angen. Ac mae hwnnw'n bwynt anodd i'w wneud i'r Llywodraeth, oherwydd mae'r Llywodraeth yn hoffi dweud wrthym fod pob man yng Nghymru'n cael ychydig bach o jam, ac rydym wedi bod yn gwneud hyn ers y 15 mlynedd y bûm yma. Fodd bynnag, mae hynny'n golygu bod rhai pobl yn dal i fod angen mwy o gymorth tra bod eraill yn cael cymorth nad ydynt ei angen yn llawn efallai. Ac rwyf am osod prawf cydraddoldeb i'r Gweinidog wrth ddadlau a thrafod yr adroddiad hwn, oherwydd mae'n bwysig, ac mae'n ymwneud â'r sgwrs a gawsom yn gynharach am gydraddoldeb.
Oherwydd yr hyn y ceisiwn ei gyflawni yng Nghymru yw newid diwylliannol, newid diwylliannol o ran gweithgaredd chwaraeon, fel bod pobl fel fi, sy'n edrych fel fi—a gadewch inni ei wynebu, rwyf wedi prynu siwt newydd bob blwyddyn am y 15 mlynedd diwethaf—yn gallu colli pwysau ac yn gallu cynyddu eu lefelau ffitrwydd. Ond ni allwch ei wneud os ydych chi'n cloi pobl allan o weithgareddau chwaraeon a ffitrwydd am na allant fforddio'r gost o'u defnyddio. Rydym eisiau gweld newid diwylliannol lle mae pawb yn cael yr un cyfle i fynegi pwy ydynt, eu hunaniaeth ddiwylliannol, eu cefndir eu hunain. Ond os nad ydynt yn mynd i'r lleoliadau diwylliannol sydd eu hangen arnynt i wneud hynny, rydych chi'n eu cloi allan o ddiwylliant ein gwlad.
Felly, os ydym am weld y newid y credaf ein bod i gyd eisiau ei weld, ar bob ochr i'r Siambr fel mae'n digwydd, mae hynny'n golygu na all y Llywodraeth sefyll yn ôl a dweud, 'Ysgrifennais lythyr y llynedd, ac fe ddof yn ôl atoch mewn pum mlynedd arall.' Mae'n golygu bod yn rhaid i'r Llywodraeth fod yn Llywodraeth weithredol, ac ymyrryd yn y materion hyn, fis ar ôl mis ac wythnos ar ôl wythnos, flwyddyn ar ôl blwyddyn. Ac mae hynny'n golygu bod yn rhaid i'r Llywodraeth wneud penderfyniadau anodd os yw o ddifrif ynglŷn â chydraddoldeb ac o ddifrif am gyflawni ei huchelgeisiau cydraddoldeb, a dyna rwyf am ei glywed yn eich ateb i'r ddadl hon, Weinidog. Diolch i'r Aelodau.
A gaf fi hefyd ategu fy niolch innau i'r clercod, fy nghyd-Aelodau a phawb a ddarparodd dystiolaeth? Fel dywedodd y Cadeirydd wrth agor y drafodaeth hon, mae'r sefyllfa yn waeth nag yr oedd hi pan oeddem ni'n cymryd tystiolaeth, ac mi oedd hi yn sefyllfa ddigon tywyll o ran dyfodol diwylliant a chwaraeon ledled Cymru ar y pryd. Ac mae pwynt Alun Davies yn un allweddol bwysig, dwi'n credu, o ran cydraddoldeb, oherwydd dwi'n casáu gweld arolygon gan gynghorau lleol ar y funud sydd yn gofyn, 'Ydych chi eisiau cadw eich llyfrgell neu'ch amgueddfa ar agor, neu ydych chi eisiau cael eich bins wedi'u gwagio yn rheolaidd? Ydych chi eisiau i bobl hŷn yn ein cymdeithas gael gofal neu ydych chi eisiau amgueddfa?' Dydy'r rhain ddim yn ddewisiadau teg, ac mae'n ffaith ein bod ni'n dal i weld diwylliant a chwaraeon fel pethau 'neis i'w cael'—rhai o'r pethau yma sydd jest yn ategu bywyd, yn hytrach na bod yn rhan hollol, hollol hanfodol o ran pawb ohonom ni.
Y gwir amdani ydy, er gwaethaf y ffaith bod gennym ni amgueddfeydd lleol, bod gennym ni lyfrgelloedd, bod gennym ni sefydliadau cenedlaethol, mae yna'n dal gormod o bobl yma yng Nghymru lle dydyn nhw ddim yn gallu cael mynediad ar y funud, fel y mae hi efo'r hyn sydd ar gael. Mae yna bob math o rwystrau i hynny. Rydym ni'n gwybod bod cost trafnidiaeth yn un o'r rhwystrau hynny. Os ydych chi ddim yn ddigon agos i allu mwynhau rhai o'r pethau anhygoel sydd ar gael am ddim, os ydych chi'n methu â'u cyrraedd nhw—. Dwi'n gwybod am amryw o bobl sydd yn byw yn agos iawn at Sain Ffagan ond yn methu â'i gyrraedd gan does ganddyn nhw ddim car neu eu bod nhw'n methu â fforddio bws. Mae honna'n rhwystr. Hyd yn oed pan ydych chi'n byw yng Nghaerdydd, mae yna rwystrau o allu cyrraedd.
Dwi'n meddwl bod yn rhaid i ni edrych hefyd, pan fo gennych chi'r costau trafnidiaeth, o ran hefyd bod lot o bobl yn dal i deimlo dyw diwylliant ddim iddyn nhw oherwydd dydyn nhw ddim wedi cael y cyfle, ac mae polisïau fel mynediad am ddim i'n hamgueddfeydd cenedlaethol yn rhan allweddol. Ond beth sy'n rhwystro pobl rŵan fydd costau bws i allu dod. Mae nifer o ysgolion yn dibynnu ar fws i allu dod i'n hamgueddfeydd cenedlaethol ni. Mae honna'n broblem ddirfawr oherwydd byddan nhw'n methu â fforddio'r tripiau yma. Felly, mae'r hyn fydd ar gael yn lleol yn dod hyd yn oed yn fwy pwysig wedyn.
Rydyn ni'n sôn am wersi nofio; wel, mae cost hynny'n mynd i gynyddu. Mae pobl yn methu â'u fforddio nhw fel y mae hi. Yn lle ein bod ni'n cael ei weld o fel sgìl hollol allweddol, mi fydd yna benderfyniadau anodd yn cael eu gwneud, gan olygu bod yna lai o gyfleoedd, lle, ar yr un pryd, rydyn ni eisiau bod yn hyrwyddo'r agenda ataliadol, a hefyd, o ran cenedlaethau'r dyfodol, y ffaith ein bod ni eisiau i bawb gael yr un cyfle yng Nghymru, lle bynnag maen nhw'n byw. Felly, mae yna heriau gwirioneddol. Dwi'n meddwl mai un o'r pryderon mawr oedd yn dod allan o'r adroddiad hwn oedd y ffaith bod y cynnydd mewn costau yn mynd i gael yr effaith ar y rhai rydyn ni angen bod yn rhoi mwy o gyfleoedd iddyn nhw.
Un o'r pethau y byddwn i'n gofyn i'r Gweinidog, efallai, i ehangu, ydy pam y gwrthodwyd y degfed argymhelliad o ran cynyddu'r ddeialog o ran y sector diwylliannol. Dwi'n derbyn bod gennych chi berthynas dda, ond gaf i ofyn faint o ddealltwriaeth sydd yna, neu faint o fapio sy'n cael ei wneud, o ran y sefyllfa sy'n wynebu'r sector ar y funud, a hynny ledled Cymru, a beth fydd effaith hynny wedyn o ran cynulleidfaoedd? Dwi'n meddwl ei bod hi'n bwysig hefyd cydweithio efo'r sector addysg ac ati i ddeall beth ydy effeithiau diffyg tripiau ysgol ac ati o ran y mynediad hwnnw.
Un o'r pethau sydd ddim yn glir i fi o ran yr ymateb ydy sut ydyn ni hefyd yn mynd i fod yn adeiladu ar waith pethau fel yr adolygiad amgueddfeydd lleol a fuodd yn 2015, a oedd yn dangos yn glir effaith toriadau blaenorol o ran y gwasanaethau hyn. Mae'r sefyllfa hyd yn oed yn fwy difrifol rŵan. Felly, efallai fod yna ddeialog, ond lle mae'r gweithredu wedi bod? Heb os, mae'n sefyllfa ariannol hollol, hollol anodd i'n cynghorau lleol ni am mai gwasanaethau anstatudol ydy nifer o'r rhain, gan gynnwys o ran chwaraeon, felly. Felly, os ydyn ni'n cymryd hyn yng nghyd-destun hefyd y gwasanaeth iechyd, mi wnes i sôn yn gynharach ynglŷn â phwysigrwydd chwaraeon a diwylliant o ran yr elfen ataliadol hefyd, ein bod ni'n sicrhau cyfleoedd cyfartal i bawb yng Nghymru. Sut ydyn ni felly yn mynd i fod yn edrych yn wahanol ar gyllidebau Llywodraeth Cymru er mwyn sicrhau bod y cyfleoedd hyn yn parhau?
Fe fyddwn i'n hoffi'n gweld neges glir gan y Llywodraeth dydyn ni ddim yn ystyried diwylliant a chwaraeon fel pethau neis i'w cael pan fo amseroedd yn dda, fod hyn yn eithriadol o bwysig o ran gweledigaeth Llywodraeth Cymru o ran pob elfen o'r agenda, o daclo tlodi plant i iechyd y genedl. Felly, a gaf i ofyn, Dirprwy Weinidog, am eich ymateb chi o ran yr hyn sy'n digwydd ledled Cymru, o ran gweld lleihad mewn gwasanaethau yma ar hyn o bryd, a sut bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn sicrhau'r mynediad cydradd hwnnw i bawb, lle bynnag y bôn nhw yng Nghymru?
May I also add my thanks to the clerks, my fellow Members and everyone who provided evidence? As the Chair said in opening this debate, the situation is worse than it was when we were taking evidence, and the situation was grim enough in terms of the future of arts and culture then. And Alun Davies's point is crucially important, I think, in terms of equality, because I despise seeing surveys by local authorities at the moment asking, 'Do you want to keep your library, your museum open, or do you want your bins collected regularly? Do you want older people in society to be cared for, or do you want a museum?' These are not fair choices to put before people, and the fact is that we still see culture and sport as 'nice to have'—some of these things that are just little luxuries of life rather than being a crucial part of everyone's life.
The truth is that, despite the fact that we have local museums, that we have libraries, that we have national institutions, there are still too many people here in Wales who can't access them, as things currently stand. There are all sorts of barriers. We know that the cost of transport is one of those barriers. If you don't live close enough to enjoy some of the incredible things that are available free of charge—. I know of many people who live very near to St Fagans but they can't get there because they don't have a car or can't afford a bus, and that is a barrier. Even when you live in Cardiff, there are barriers in accessing these facilities.
I think we have to look, when you do have high transport costs, at the fact that a lot of people still think that culture simply isn't for them because they haven't had those opportunities, and policies such as free access to our national museums is crucial. But what's a barrier now is the travel costs to get there. Many schools rely on buses to come to our national museums. That's a huge problem, because they can't afford these coach trips. So, what's available locally becomes even more important.
We're talking about swimming lessons; well, the cost of those is going to increase. People can't afford them as things stand. But, rather than seeing it as a key skill, difficult decisions will be made, meaning that there will be fewer opportunities, while simultaneously we want to be promoting the preventative agenda, and also in terms of future generations, the fact that we want everyone to have the same opportunities, wherever they live in Wales. So, there are very real challenges, and I think one of the great concerns that emerged from this report was the fact that the increase in cost was going to have an impact on those that we need to provide more opportunities to.
One of the things that I would ask the Minister to expand upon is why the tenth recommendation was rejected in relation to increasing the dialogue with the cultural sector. I accept that you have a good relationship, but can I ask how much mapping is done in terms of the situation facing the sector at the moment across Wales and what will the impact of that be in terms of audiences and participation? I think it's important to work with the education sector to understand the impact of a lack of school trips in terms of that access too.
One of the things that's not clear to me in terms of the response is how can we build upon the work of things such as the review of local museums that took place in 2015, which clearly showed the impact of previous cuts on these services. But the situation is even more stark now. There might be dialogue, but where's the action? Without doubt, it's a dire financial situation for our local authorities, because many of these are non-statutory services, including sport. So, if we take this in the context of the health service, I mentioned earlier the importance of sport and culture in terms of the preventative element, that we do secure equal opportunities for everyone in Wales. How can we, therefore, look differently at Government budgets in order to ensure that these opportunities continue to be available?
I would like to see a clear message from Government that we don't consider sport and culture as nice to have when times are good, and that this is exceptionally important in terms of the vision of the Welsh Government in all elements of the agenda, from tackling child poverty to the nation's health. So, can I ask, Deputy Minister, for your response in terms of what's happening across Wales in seeing a reduction in these services, and how will the Welsh Government secure that equal access to everyone, wherever they are in Wales?
Daeth y Llywydd i'r Gadair.
The Llywydd took the Chair.
I'd also like to thank committee staff and all the organisations that took part in giving evidence for the report. One of the key messages here is that, with inflation reaching its highest level in more than 40 years, many people are cutting back on extra spending. For some, this includes spending on sport and cultural activities. In 2019-20, 23 per cent of all people and 31 per cent of children in Wales were living in relative income poverty. Not only are these families most likely to be impacted by the cost-of-living crisis, but Sports Wales research also suggests that they are the most likely group to be inactive, and this can cause serious health consequences.
It's a real concern that, according to Swim Wales, just 52 per cent of pupils moving to high school are able to swim. Swimming is an essential life skill that should be taught through schools as it will capture every child and may be something that families can no longer afford when hit with cost-of-living pressures. The Welsh Government provides some funding for free swimming, and that's really welcome, and it helps to keep pools open, but it really should be more. The Welsh Government's also facing real-terms cuts because of inflationary pressures, so I understand that pressure on the Welsh Government too.
Schools also say the increasing cost of bus transport is prohibitive when they are facing other cost pressures. North Wales and rural areas are particularly affected because transport is needed to get to sport centres and swimming pools, as my colleague Alun Davies, raised earlier. Transport operators could provide schools with free transport as part of the social value procurement contract to local authorities when bidding for home-to-school transport, and perhaps this is something that the Minister and Deputy Minister could raise through the WLGA.
The Local Government and Housing Committee—I see the chair is also present today—has raised concern about the resilience of libraries and leisure centres, as everything non-statutory is on the table following a decade of austerity, alongside current inflationary pressures, increased energy costs and rising wages. I believe that that committee is also going to be looking into this. Tennis clubs are also feeling these pressures, with feedback from Lawn Tennis Association venues prior to Christmas finding that 75 per cent are worried about energy costs, while 92 per cent of venues with more than eight courts were concerned about the impact of rising costs. All these organisations are calling for targeted support to those from areas of highest social deprivation whose participation is most affected by the pandemic and cost-of-living crisis. This is an important opportunity to support more young people to develop their life skills and opportunities through sport, including through volunteering, and support to address barriers they may face in progressing through workforce pathways.
We must not forget that sport and culture are part of the preventative services regarding physical and mental health and well-being, as my colleague Heledd Fychan raised earlier. These are part of the national health service. We've been talking previously in debates that it's not just about the NHS, it's about all these preventative services, going forward. Thank you.
Hoffwn ddiolch hefyd i staff y pwyllgor a’r holl sefydliadau a roddodd dystiolaeth ar gyfer yr adroddiad. Un o’r negeseuon allweddol yma yw, gyda chwyddiant ar ei lefel uchaf ers dros 40 mlynedd, mae llawer o bobl yn torri’n ôl ar wariant ychwanegol. I rai, mae hyn yn cynnwys gwariant ar chwaraeon a gweithgareddau diwylliannol. Yn 2019-20, roedd 23 y cant o holl bobl a 31 y cant o blant Cymru yn byw mewn tlodi incwm cymharol. Y teuluoedd hyn sydd fwyaf tebygol o gael eu heffeithio gan yr argyfwng costau byw, ond hefyd mae ymchwil Chwaraeon Cymru yn awgrymu mai hwy yw’r grŵp mwyaf tebygol o fod yn anweithgar, a gall hyn achosi canlyniadau iechyd difrifol.
Mae'n peri cryn bryder mai dim ond 52 y cant o ddisgyblion sy'n symud i'r ysgol uwchradd sy'n gallu nofio, yn ôl Nofio Cymru. Mae nofio'n sgìl bywyd hanfodol y dylid ei dysgu drwy'r ysgolion gan y bydd hynny'n darparu ar gyfer pob plentyn, a gall fod yn rhywbeth na all teuluoedd ei fforddio mwyach pan fyddant yn wynebu pwysau costau byw. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn darparu rhywfaint o gyllid ar gyfer nofio am ddim, ac mae hynny i'w groesawu'n fawr, ac mae'n helpu i gadw pyllau nofio ar agor, ond dylai fod yn fwy. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru hefyd yn wynebu toriadau mewn termau real oherwydd pwysau chwyddiant, felly rwy'n deall y pwysau ar Lywodraeth Cymru hefyd.
Dywed ysgolion hefyd fod cost gynyddol cludiant ar fysiau ysgol yn afresymol pan fyddant yn wynebu pwysau yn sgil costau eraill. Mae gogledd Cymru ac ardaloedd gwledig yn cael eu heffeithio'n arbennig gan fod angen trafnidiaeth i gyrraedd canolfannau chwaraeon a phyllau nofio, fel y nododd fy nghyd-Aelod, Alun Davies, yn gynharach. Gallai gweithredwyr trafnidiaeth ddarparu cludiant am ddim i ysgolion fel rhan o’r contract caffael gwerth cymdeithasol i awdurdodau lleol wrth wneud cais am gontractau cludiant o’r cartref i’r ysgol, ac efallai fod hyn yn rhywbeth y gallai’r Gweinidog a’r Dirprwy Weinidog ei godi drwy CLlLC.
Mae’r Pwyllgor Llywodraeth Leol a Thai—gwelaf fod y cadeirydd yn bresennol heddiw—wedi mynegi pryder ynghylch gwytnwch llyfrgelloedd a chanolfannau hamdden, gan fod popeth anstatudol ar y bwrdd wedi degawd o gyni, ochr yn ochr â’r pwysau chwyddiant ar hyn o bryd, costau ynni uwch a chyflogau cynyddol. Rwy'n credu bod y pwyllgor hwnnw'n mynd i ymchwilio i hyn hefyd. Mae clybiau tennis yn teimlo’r pwysau hyn yn ogystal, gydag adborth gan leoliadau'r Gymdeithas Tennis Lawnt cyn y Nadolig yn nodi bod 75 y cant yn poeni am gostau ynni, tra bo 92 y cant o leoliadau a chanddynt fwy nag wyth cwrt yn poeni am effaith costau cynyddol. Mae’r sefydliadau hyn oll yn galw am gymorth wedi’i dargedu ar gyfer y rheini o’r ardaloedd o amddifadedd cymdeithasol mwyaf y mae eu cyfranogiad wedi'i effeithio fwyaf gan y pandemig a’r argyfwng costau byw. Mae hwn yn gyfle pwysig i gynorthwyo mwy o bobl ifanc i ddatblygu eu sgiliau bywyd a’u cyfleoedd drwy chwaraeon, gan gynnwys drwy wirfoddoli, a chymorth i fynd i’r afael â’r rhwystrau y gallent eu hwynebu wrth gamu ymlaen drwy lwybrau’r gweithlu.
Mae'n rhaid inni beidio ag anghofio bod chwaraeon a diwylliant yn rhan o’r gwasanaethau ataliol mewn perthynas ag iechyd a lles corfforol a meddyliol, fel y nododd fy nghyd-Aelod Heledd Fychan yn gynharach. Mae’r rhain yn rhan o’r gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol. Rydym wedi sôn o'r blaen mewn dadleuon nad ymwneud â'r GIG yn unig y mae hyn, mae'n ymwneud â'r holl wasanaethau ataliol hyn, wrth symud ymlaen. Diolch.
I extend my thanks to the culture committee for undertaking this piece of work and raising this important issue.
Llywydd, I stand and contribute today in my role as chair of the Petitions Committee. One of the most popular petitions since the start of this year has focused on the impact of high energy costs on swimming pools and leisure centres. The petition titled 'Protect leisure centres and swimming pools from closure during the current energy crisis' has received over 4,700 signatures since it opened at the very end of 2022. That is a petition that is still collecting signatures today and until the end of this month. I've just checked on the very useful tool our Petitions Committee clerks have given us and facilitated, and every single constituency has had a signature on this petition. I think that raises the importance of what we're talking about here. The petition reads as follows:
'Swimming pools and leisure centres across the country are under threat as the energy crisis impacts communities across the nation. These facilities provide an essential service for the people of Wales, and are vital to the country's wellbeing. We, the undersigned, call on the Senedd and Welsh Government to recognise the vulnerability of swimming pools by providing a ring-fenced package of financial aid above and beyond the Final Local Government Settlement to ensure swimming pools remain open.'
As I said, Llywydd, this petition is still collecting signatures until the end of February, so it limits me to what I can say directly about the petition until it comes to the committee later this year. But if we reflect on last year and the Petitions Committee work when we published a piece of work based on preventing drowning, a theme that underpinned that work was the vital importance of young people being taught to swim and to understand the dangers of waters. Swimming lessons develop a key life skill that opens up a world of fun and physical activity, but also builds safety and confidence. We need facilities to teach skills in every corner of the country.
Diolch i’r pwyllgor diwylliant am ymgymryd â’r gwaith hwn a chodi’r mater pwysig hwn.
Lywydd, rwy’n codi i gyfrannu heddiw yn fy rôl fel cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Deisebau. Mae un o'r deisebau mwyaf poblogaidd ers dechrau'r flwyddyn hon wedi canolbwyntio ar effaith costau ynni uchel ar byllau nofio a chanolfannau hamdden. Mae’r ddeiseb o’r enw 'Diogelu canolfannau hamdden a phyllau nofio rhag gorfod cau yn ystod yr argyfwng ynni presennol' wedi denu dros 4,700 o lofnodion ers iddi agor ar ddiwedd 2022. Mae honno’n ddeiseb sy’n dal i gasglu llofnodion heddiw a hyd at ddiwedd y mis. Rwyf newydd wirio'r offeryn defnyddiol iawn y mae clercod y Pwyllgor Deisebau wedi'i roi i ni i'w ddefnyddio, ac mae llofnodion o bob etholaeth ar y ddeiseb hon. Credaf fod hynny'n arwydd o bwysigrwydd yr hyn y soniwn amdano yma. Mae’r ddeiseb yn nodi fel a ganlyn:
'Mae pyllau nofio a chanolfannau hamdden ledled y wlad dan fygythiad wrth i’r argyfwng ynni effeithio ar gymunedau ledled y genedl. Mae’r cyfleusterau hyn yn darparu gwasanaeth hanfodol i bobl Cymru ac maent yn hanfodol i lesiant y wlad. Rydym ni, sydd wedi llofnodi isod, yn galw ar y Senedd a Llywodraeth Cymru i gydnabod pa mor fregus yw sefyllfa pyllau nofio drwy ddarparu pecyn o gymorth ariannol wedi’i neilltuo y tu hwnt i’r Setliad Terfynol ar gyfer Llywodraeth Leol i sicrhau bod pyllau nofio’n gallu aros ar agor.'
Fel y dywedais, Lywydd, mae’r ddeiseb hon yn dal i gasglu llofnodion tan ddiwedd mis Chwefror, felly mae hynny’n cyfyngu ar yr hyn y gallaf ei ddweud yn uniongyrchol am y ddeiseb hyd nes y daw ger bron y pwyllgor yn nes ymlaen eleni. Ond os meddyliwn am y llynedd a gwaith y Pwyllgor Deisebau pan wnaethom gyhoeddi dogfen yn seiliedig ar atal boddi, un thema a oedd yn sail i’r gwaith hwnnw oedd pwysigrwydd hanfodol dysgu pobl ifanc i nofio ac i ddeall peryglon dyfroedd. Mae gwersi nofio'n datblygu sgìl bywyd allweddol sy'n agor y drws i fyd o hwyl a gweithgarwch corfforol, ond sydd hefyd yn datblygu diogelwch ac yn meithrin hyder. Mae angen cyfleusterau i ddysgu'r sgiliau hyn ym mhob cwr o'r wlad.
Will you take an intervention?
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad?
Of course.
Wrth gwrs.
I appreciate the work you're doing in the Petitions Committee, and I know you investigate the background to any petition. So, in the work that you probably will do, once you close the petition, could you investigate whether any swimming pools in Wales are actually operating with renewable energy? Because obviously, if they're not, they are going to be hugely vulnerable.
Rwy'n gwerthfawrogi'r gwaith a wnewch ar y Pwyllgor Deisebau, a gwn eich bod yn ymchwilio i gefndir unrhyw ddeiseb. Felly, yn y gwaith y byddwch yn ei wneud, yn ôl pob tebyg, ar ôl i'r ddeiseb gau, a allech ymchwilio i weld a oes unrhyw byllau nofio yng Nghymru yn gweithredu gydag ynni adnewyddadwy? Oherwydd yn amlwg, os nad ydynt, byddant mewn sefyllfa hynod fregus.
Can I thank Jenny Rathbone for that suggestion? That's certainly one we will look into further. It's a valued suggestion from the Member. Of course, any suggestions on the committee's work are always welcome.
Llywydd, the challenge facing those who run swimming pools was an issue raised in the culture committee's inquiry, as we've heard today, and it's in this report that we are debating. The committee heard that pools were already reducing temperatures to save money, and in one area officials were predicting the closure of pools within the next 12 months. I note the committee's third recommendation called on the Welsh Government to ensure that those who run pools and leisure centres were eligible for support for greening their energy consumption, and I quote,
'such as that available from the Welsh Government’s Energy Service'.
The Minister's response confirms that leisure trusts will be eligible, but I note again that the only financial support is made up of an interest-free loan. Of course, this is very welcome, and we should not take away from that fact, but that may not be sufficient to get us through the next 12 months. We all know, in this Chamber, that we are in particularly hard times, and we all know that we simply don't have all the money that we would want to meet our needs, but has the Minister given any thought to providing direct financial support to meet the costs now being faced by swimming pools and leisure centres? Diolch.
A gaf fi ddiolch i Jenny Rathbone am ei hawgrym? Mae hynny'n sicr yn rhywbeth y byddwn yn ymchwilio iddo ymhellach. Mae’n awgrym gwerthfawr gan yr Aelod. Wrth gwrs, mae unrhyw awgrymiadau ynglŷn â gwaith y pwyllgor i'w croesawu bob amser.
Lywydd, roedd yr her sy’n wynebu’r rheini sy’n rhedeg pyllau nofio yn fater a godwyd yn ymchwiliad y pwyllgor diwylliant, fel y clywsom heddiw, ac mae i'w gweld yn yr adroddiad rydym yn ei drafod. Clywodd y pwyllgor fod pyllau nofio eisoes yn gostwng eu tymheredd er mwyn arbed arian, ac mewn un ardal, roedd swyddogion yn rhagweld y bydd pyllau nofio’n cau o fewn y 12 mis nesaf. Sylwaf fod trydydd argymhelliad y pwyllgor yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i sicrhau bod y rheini sy’n rhedeg pyllau nofio a chanolfannau hamdden yn gymwys i gael cymorth i wyrddu eu defnydd o ynni,
'fel yr hyn sydd ar gael gan Wasanaeth Ynni Llywodraeth Cymru'.
Mae ymateb y Gweinidog yn cadarnhau y bydd ymddiriedolaethau hamdden yn gymwys, ond nodaf eto mai benthyciad di-log yw’r unig gymorth ariannol sydd ar gael. Wrth gwrs, mae hynny i’w groesawu’n fawr, ac ni ddylem fychanu'r ffaith honno, ond efallai na fydd hynny’n ddigon i’n cynnal am y 12 mis nesaf. Gŵyr pob un ohonom yn y Siambr hon ein bod mewn cyfnod arbennig o anodd, a gŵyr pob un ohonom nad oes gennym yr holl arian y byddem ei eisiau i ddiwallu ein hanghenion, ond a yw’r Gweinidog wedi ystyried darparu cymorth ariannol uniongyrchol i dalu'r costau a wynebir gan byllau nofio a chanolfannau hamdden yn awr? Diolch.
May I sincerely thank Delyth Jewell, the committee Chair, and her fellow committee members for this important report placed before the Senedd today? I believe that all of us in this Chamber understand that culture and sport are totally integral to the fabric and identity of Welsh life. We know that our cultural and sporting organisations barely endured the financial storm that the COVID pandemic brought to their doorstep, and this is despite the £140 million from Welsh Government, when many called for that to go elsewhere. But as they have re-emerged into a post-pandemic world, our arts sectors are now met with this crippling cost-of-living crisis, and this is alongside the remaining residue of COVID workforce capacity losses, as live music faces one of its worst landscapes since the second world war. I'm going to focus on just two of the committee's report recommendations, although I do have sympathy with recommendation 6, with the real amounts of money needed, but this is a fully devolved matter, and so I do understand why the Welsh Government has not accepted recommendation 6.
Firstly, recommendation 7, namely that the Welsh Government should encourage sporting and cultural activities in warm hubs and fund the providers accordingly. I'm very heartened to see that the Welsh Labour Government is committed to accepting this recommendation. In Islwyn, Caerphilly County Borough Council has designated warm hubs that they have called 'welcoming spaces' in a variety of venues, such as libraries, community centres, church halls, sports clubs and many other places. One such welcoming space is the Newbridge library, which sits within the Newbridge memorial hall, where my constituency office is located. But it is these iconic community buildings—like the Newbridge Memo, which hosted Paul Robeson—that have played an integral cultural role in the life of our communities that must continue to do so. Indeed, our industrial mining heritage is integrally tied with cultural and musical offers of such mining workmen's halls. I see for myself on a weekly basis how important this building is in terms of its cultural hub, and also its performing auditorium, existing at the very heart. So, it is right that the Welsh Government has linked this, and has provided an initial amount of £1 million to support the development and expansion of warm hubs across Wales. The pandemic, and now the cost-of-living crisis, has shown how we now need, more than ever, to create and sustain focal cultural community points where society can come together, because together we truly are stronger, and culturally we are stronger.
Finally, I want to turn to recommendation 8, namely that the Welsh Government should provide leadership to the culture and sport sectors during the cost-of-living crisis. It was good to see the Welsh Government accept this recommendation, and I note that the Government states it has committed almost £4 million during the financial year to the National Library of Wales, National Museum Wales and the arts sector, via the Arts Council of Wales, as well as a variety of other bodies. The ability of the culture and sporting sectors to uplift their managerial and leadership competence is vital to the delivery of events and offerings on the ground to members of the public and our communities, and I do look forward to watching this piece of work progress.
Llywydd, we are all, I believe, summoned here in Senedd Cymru as the custodians and guardians of the rich and vibrant tapestry of Welsh life, and not just guardians but proponents of our cultural life, to be vigilant, to safeguard Wales and to safeguard our cultural and sporting landscapes, and drive, steer and lead Wales into a new renaissance—identity, artistry and excellence. Diolch.
A gaf fi ddiolch o galon i Delyth Jewell, Cadeirydd y pwyllgor, a’i chyd-aelodau o’r pwyllgor am yr adroddiad pwysig hwn a gyflwynwyd ger bron y Senedd heddiw? Credaf fod pob un ohonom yn y Siambr hon yn deall bod diwylliant a chwaraeon yn rhan annatod o wead a hunaniaeth bywyd yng Nghymru. Gwyddom mai prin y goroesodd ein sefydliadau diwylliannol a chwaraeon y storm ariannol a ddaeth yn sgil pandemig COVID, a hynny er gwaethaf y £140 miliwn a ddarparwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru, pan alwodd llawer o bobl am i'r arian hwnnw fynd i rywle arall. Ond wrth iddynt ailafael ynddi mewn byd ôl-bandemig, mae ein sectorau celfyddydol bellach yn wynebu’r argyfwng costau byw aruthrol hwn, a hynny ochr yn ochr â'r colledion sy'n weddill ar ôl COVID-19 o ran capasiti'r gweithlu, wrth i gerddoriaeth fyw wynebu un o’i chyfnodau gwaethaf ers yr ail ryfel byd. Rwy’n mynd i ganolbwyntio ar ddau yn unig o argymhellion adroddiad y pwyllgor, er fy mod yn cydymdeimlo ag argymhelliad 6, â’r symiau sylweddol o arian sydd eu hangen, ond mae hwn yn fater sydd wedi’i ddatganoli’n llawn, ac felly rwy’n deall pam nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru wedi derbyn argymhelliad 6.
Yn gyntaf, argymhelliad 7, sef y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru annog gweithgarwch diwylliannol a chwaraeon mewn hybiau cynnes ac ariannu’r darparwyr yn unol â hynny. Rwy’n falch iawn o weld bod Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru wedi ymrwymo i dderbyn yr argymhelliad hwn. Yn Islwyn, mae gan Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili hybiau cynnes dynodedig y mae wedi'u galw'n 'fannau croesawgar' mewn amrywiaeth o leoliadau, megis llyfrgelloedd, canolfannau cymunedol, neuaddau eglwysi, clybiau chwaraeon a llawer o leoedd eraill. Un man croesawgar o’r fath yw llyfrgell Trecelyn, sy’n rhan o neuadd goffa Trecelyn, lle mae fy swyddfa etholaethol. Ond mae'r adeiladau cymunedol eiconig hyn—fel Memo Trecelyn, lle perfformiodd Paul Robeson—wedi chwarae rhan ddiwylliannol annatod ym mywyd ein cymunedau, ac mae'n rhaid iddynt barhau i wneud hynny. Yn wir, mae ein treftadaeth lofaol ddiwydiannol yn rhan annatod o gynigion diwylliannol a cherddorol neuaddau gweithwyr. Rwy’n gweld drosof fy hun yn wythnosol pa mor bwysig yw’r adeilad hwn fel hyb diwylliannol, a hefyd ei awditoriwm perfformio, sef calon yr adeilad. Felly, mae'n iawn fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cysylltu hyn, ac wedi darparu swm cychwynnol o £1 filiwn i gefnogi'r gwaith o ddatblygu ac ehangu hybiau cynnes ledled Cymru. Mae’r pandemig, a'r argyfwng costau byw bellach, wedi dangos sut mae angen i ni, yn fwy nag erioed, greu a chynnal canolfannau cymunedol diwylliannol lle gall cymdeithas ddod at ei gilydd, oherwydd gyda’n gilydd, rydym yn gryfach, ac yn ddiwylliannol, rydym yn gryfach.
Yn olaf, hoffwn droi at argymhelliad 8, sef y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru roi arweiniad i’r sectorau diwylliant a chwaraeon yn ystod yr argyfwng costau byw. Roedd yn dda gweld Llywodraeth Cymru yn derbyn yr argymhelliad hwn, a nodaf fod y Llywodraeth yn datgan ei bod wedi ymrwymo bron i £4 miliwn yn ystod y flwyddyn ariannol i Lyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, Amgueddfa Cymru a sector y celfyddydau, drwy Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, yn ogystal ag amrywiaeth o gyrff eraill. Mae gallu’r sectorau diwylliant a chwaraeon i gynyddu eu cymhwysedd i reoli ac arwain yn hanfodol i ddarparu digwyddiadau a chynigion ar lawr gwlad i'r cyhoedd a’n cymunedau, ac edrychaf ymlaen at weld y gwaith hwn yn mynd rhagddo.
Lywydd, credaf fod pob un ohonom wedi cael ein galw yma i Senedd Cymru fel ceidwaid a gwarcheidwaid tapestri cyfoethog a bywiog bywyd Cymru, ac nid yn unig i warchod, ond i gefnogi ein bywyd diwylliannol, i fod yn wyliadwrus, i ddiogelu Cymru ac i ddiogelu ein tirweddau diwylliannol a'n chwaraeon, ac i hybu, llywio ac arwain Cymru i mewn i ddadeni newydd—hunaniaeth, celfyddyd a rhagoriaeth. Diolch.
I do think this is a very important committee report and debate. The leisure sector has a very important role to play in our lives in Wales, including physical activity and sport. They are so important for the enjoyment of life, health and fitness, quality of life. And, thankfully, I think we've seen much better links between the worlds of sport and fitness and the worlds of health and, indeed, social care. In Newport, we're lucky in terms of our leisure trust, Newport Live, which I think has shown some very good examples generally and in terms of those links with the health sector. So, they've done much in terms of referrals for exercise, cardiac rehabilitation, dealing with long COVID, using centres for vaccination during the pandemic, and now, opening up the Newport centre for rough sleepers. So, they are working to establish links across the piece, which I think is very, very important.
But, as we've heard, this good work is under dire threat now because of energy costs, the cost-of-living crisis, inflation and, of course, the impact on salaries. Newport Live are committed to paying the living wage, and rightly so, and that in itself will result in something like a £350,000 per annum increase in their salary bill. So, what we see I think is less income and greater outgoings, and that will mean less sport and less physical activity. And, sadly, possible redundancies for committed workforces across Wales and the undermining of our work on health and well-being, which will add to long-term pressures on the national health service. And, of course, as we've already heard, it's the most vulnerable and relatively disadvantaged who are likely to suffer the most, because they will be priced out of the market, as it were, and not able to meet the costs, and indeed increased costs that are likely to come about to deal with these pressures on the sector.
So, it's such a difficult time. And, as we've heard, the impact on swimming pools is also very worrying, as part of the general picture. I think we know, don't we, that many more of our young people need to learn to swim, for the reasons that we've already heard about. I'm a regular user of my local swimming pool, and I've certainly noticed the drop in temperature in recent times, it must be said. But, it's a great benefit to adults who want to have the benefits of what is one of the very best forms of exercise as well as being so important in terms of teaching our young people to swim.
We face the prospect of reduced hours, increasing charges, the more disadvantaged suffering disproportionately more than groups with greater incomes—all of that is so worrying for so many of our Welsh Government's most important strategies and programmes. We saw a very important shoring up of the sector, I think, during the pandemic from Welsh Government and others, and it would be such a tragedy if that support was undermined by the current crisis and, perhaps, not matching support at this time to deal with this particular challenge. We know that, as ever, the UK Government is woefully lacking in its response in terms of those energy costs and their refusal to properly support the leisure sector at such a crucial time.
Could I say as well, Llywydd, that I do believe that this is the sector that has been proactive in dealing with some of these challenges? They're not just sitting about waiting for support to come to them. Jenny Rathbone mentioned the energy situation, for example, and I know that Newport Live have done much in terms of solar panels on roofs, energy efficiency; they have many more plans to use their roofs for those solar panels and to harness ground source heat. But they will require help to meet the initial cost, if they are able to do that, and it’s a real invest-to-save opportunity that I hope Welsh Government can support.
Llywydd, the leisure sector, sport and physical activity have so much to offer, and these leisure trusts are so important in terms of supporting local sports clubs and community groups. All of this is in this very important report and I just hope that we can—Welsh Government and others—rise to meet these challenges to offer this support, which is so important for the long term and the preventative agenda that our well-being of future generations Act requires us to take with the utmost seriousness.
Credaf fod hwn yn adroddiad pwyllgor ac yn ddadl bwysig iawn. Mae gan y sector hamdden ran bwysig iawn i’w chwarae yn ein bywydau yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys gweithgarwch corfforol a chwaraeon. Maent mor bwysig er mwyn mwynhau bywyd, ar gyfer iechyd a ffitrwydd ac ar gyfer ansawdd bywyd. A diolch byth, credaf ein bod wedi gweld cysylltiadau llawer gwell rhwng y byd chwaraeon a ffitrwydd a byd iechyd, ac yn wir, gofal cymdeithasol. Yng Nghasnewydd, rydym yn lwcus o'n hymddiriedolaeth hamdden, Casnewydd Fyw, sydd, yn fy marn i, wedi dangos enghreifftiau da iawn yn gyffredinol ac o ran cysylltiadau â’r sector iechyd. Felly, maent wedi gwneud llawer o waith gydag atgyfeiriadau ar gyfer ymarfer corff, adsefydlu cardiaidd, ymdrin â COVID hir, defnyddio canolfannau ar gyfer brechu yn ystod y pandemig, ac yn awr, agor canolfan Casnewydd ar gyfer pobl sy'n cysgu allan. Felly, maent yn gweithio i sefydlu cysylltiadau mewn sawl maes, sy'n bwysig tu hwnt yn fy marn i.
Ond fel y clywsom, mae’r gwaith da hwn dan fygythiad enbyd bellach oherwydd costau ynni, yr argyfwng costau byw, chwyddiant, ac wrth gwrs, yr effaith ar gyflogau. Mae Casnewydd Fyw wedi ymrwymo i dalu’r cyflog byw, yn gwbl briodol, a bydd hynny ynddo’i hun yn arwain at gynnydd o £350,000 y flwyddyn yn eu bil cyflogau. Felly, credaf mai'r hyn a welwn yw llai o incwm a mwy o alldaliadau, a bydd hynny'n golygu llai o chwaraeon a llai o weithgarwch corfforol. Ac yn anffodus, diswyddiadau posibl i weithluoedd ymroddedig ledled Cymru, gan danseilio ein gwaith ar iechyd a lles, a fydd yn ychwanegu at bwysau hirdymor ar y gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol. Ac wrth gwrs, fel rydym eisoes wedi'i glywed, y rhai mwyaf agored i niwed a chymharol ddifreintiedig sy'n debygol o ddioddef fwyaf, gan y byddant yn cael eu prisio allan o'r farchnad, fel petai, ac ni fyddant yn gallu talu'r costau, ac yn wir, y costau uwch y mae'r pwysau hwn ar y sector yn debygol o arwain atynt.
Felly, mae’n gyfnod mor anodd. Ac fel y clywsom, mae’r effaith ar byllau nofio hefyd yn peri cryn bryder, fel rhan o’r darlun cyffredinol. Credaf ein bod yn gwybod, onid ydym, fod angen i lawer mwy o'n pobl ifanc ddysgu nofio, am y rhesymau y clywsom amdanynt eisoes. Rwy’n defnyddio fy mhwll nofio lleol yn rheolaidd, ac yn sicr, rwyf wedi sylwi ar y tymheredd yn gostwng yn y cyfnod diweddar, mae'n rhaid dweud. Ond mae o fudd mawr i oedolion sydd am fanteisio ar un o’r mathau gorau o ymarfer corff, ac mor bwysig hefyd ar gyfer dysgu ein pobl ifanc i nofio.
Rydym yn wynebu’r posibilrwydd o lai o oriau, costau cynyddol, y rhai mwyaf difreintiedig yn dioddef yn anghymesur o gymharu â grwpiau incwm uwch—mae hynny oll yn peri cymaint o bryder mewn perthynas â chynifer o strategaethau a rhaglenni pwysicaf Llywodraeth Cymru. Gwelsom gamau pwysig iawn gan Lywodraeth Cymru ac eraill i gynnal y sector yn ystod y pandemig, a byddai’n gymaint o drasiedi pe bai’r cymorth hwnnw’n cael ei danseilio gan yr argyfwng presennol, a phe na bai cymorth cyffelyb yn cael ei ddarparu yn awr i fynd i’r afael â’r her benodol hon. Fe wyddom, fel bob amser, fod ymateb Llywodraeth y DU yn druenus o ddiffygiol mewn perthynas â chostau ynni a'r ffordd y maent yn gwrthod cefnogi’r sector hamdden yn briodol ar adeg mor dyngedfennol.
A gaf fi ddweud hefyd, Lywydd, fy mod yn credu mai dyma'r sector sydd wedi bod yn rhagweithiol wrth fynd i'r afael â rhai o'r heriau hyn? Nid ydynt yn eistedd o gwmpas yn aros am gymorth. Soniodd Jenny Rathbone am y sefyllfa ynni, er enghraifft, a gwn fod Casnewydd Fyw wedi gwneud llawer o waith yn gosod paneli solar ar doeau, a sicrhau effeithlonrwydd ynni; mae ganddynt lawer mwy o gynlluniau i ddefnyddio eu toeau ar gyfer paneli solar ac i ddefnyddio gwres o'r ddaear. Ond bydd angen cymorth arnynt i dalu'r gost gychwynnol os ydynt am allu gwneud hynny, ac mae'n gyfle buddsoddi i arbed gwych y gobeithiaf y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei gefnogi.
Lywydd, mae gan y sector hamdden, chwaraeon a gweithgarwch corfforol gymaint i’w gynnig, ac mae’r ymddiriedolaethau hamdden hyn mor bwysig ar gyfer cefnogi clybiau chwaraeon lleol a grwpiau cymunedol. Mae hyn oll wedi'i gynnwys yr adroddiad pwysig hwn, ac rwy'n gobeithio y gallwn—Llywodraeth Cymru ac eraill—ymateb i’r heriau hyn i gynnig y cymorth sydd mor bwysig ar gyfer y tymor hir a’r agenda ataliol y mae ein Deddf cenedlaethau'r dyfodol yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol inni fod yn gyfan gwbl o ddifrif yn ei chylch.
Dirprwy Weinidog y Celfyddydau a Chwaraeon i gyfrannu i'r ddadl nawr, Dawn Bowden.
The Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport to contribute to the debate, Dawn Bowden.

Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. Thank you. Can I put on record, first, my thanks to the Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee for their in-depth and considered inquiry into the impact of rising costs on culture and sport, and for bringing this debate to the Senedd this afternoon?
The impact of rising costs is particularly high across culture and sport areas within my portfolio, highlighting organisations and sectors that have been struggling to recover financially from the pandemic. And, as has been acknowledged by several contributors this afternoon, significant support was afforded to these sectors through the pandemic to ensure that they could recover post pandemic and be part of our post-pandemic recovery. However, unfortunately, we slid out of the pandemic into a cost-of-living crisis and an energy crisis that we had not anticipated. Large increases in energy prices are adding to those significant pressures on budgets, as we’ve heard. Less disposable income means people having to tighten belts and spend less on leisure and entertainment. Increased living costs are also impacting on the recruitment and retention of staff and volunteers, as people struggle to afford travel costs and childcare, or opt for better paid work. In some instances, the combined results of these challenges is reduced programmes of activities across Wales. Significant increases in supply chain costs, particularly in relation to materials and labour, are also impacting on capital projects and maintenance work.
So, turning to the committee’s report and recommendations, I’m pleased that the Welsh Government’s responded positively to the committee’s report and its recommendations, and we’re pleased to accept most of them—eight out of the 10—and on the two that we didn’t accept, I’ll expand a little bit further. So, on recommendation 6, the call for a UK-wide support package for the culture and sport sectors, as we’ve said, this is a matter wholly for the UK Government. The impact of the increased cost of living and the failure of the UK Government’s promises to replace EU funding in full has created significant challenges, and despite what Tom Giffard said, we should not be letting the UK Government off the hook on this one, and suggest that other people do the job for them. This is an area that is wholly a reserved matter and it is the responsibility of the UK Government. As a Welsh Government—
Diolch yn fawr, Lywydd. Diolch. A gaf fi gofnodi fy niolch yn gyntaf i’r Pwyllgor Diwylliant, Cyfathrebu, y Gymraeg, Chwaraeon, a Chysylltiadau Rhyngwladol am eu hymchwiliad manwl ac ystyriol i effaith costau cynyddol ar ddiwylliant a chwaraeon, ac am gyflwyno’r ddadl hon yn y Senedd y prynhawn yma?
Mae effaith costau cynyddol yn arbennig o uchel ar draws meysydd diwylliant a chwaraeon yn fy mhortffolio, yn enwedig i sefydliadau a sectorau sydd wedi'i chael hi’n anodd adfer yn ariannol wedi’r pandemig. Ac fel y cydnabuwyd gan sawl cyfrannwr y prynhawn yma, rhoddwyd cymorth sylweddol i’r sectorau hyn drwy’r pandemig i sicrhau y gallent adfer ar ôl y pandemig a bod yn rhan o’n hadferiad ar ôl y pandemig. Fodd bynnag, yn anffodus, aethom yn syth o'r pandemig i mewn i argyfwng costau byw ac argyfwng ynni nad oeddem wedi'u rhagweld. Mae cynnydd mawr mewn prisiau ynni yn ychwanegu at y pwysau sylweddol ar gyllidebau, fel y clywsom. Mae llai o incwm gwario'n golygu bod yn rhaid i bobl dynhau eu gwregysau a gwario llai ar hamdden ac adloniant. Mae costau byw uwch hefyd yn effeithio ar recriwtio a chadw staff a gwirfoddolwyr, wrth i bobl ei chael hi'n anodd fforddio costau teithio a gofal plant, neu ddewis swyddi sy'n talu'n well. Mewn rhai achosion, mae canlyniadau'r heriau hyn gyda'i gilydd yn arwain at gyfyngu rhaglenni gweithgareddau ledled Cymru. Mae cynnydd sylweddol yng nghostau'r gadwyn gyflenwi, yn enwedig mewn perthynas â deunyddiau a llafur, hefyd yn effeithio ar brosiectau cyfalaf a gwaith cynnal a chadw.
Felly, i droi at adroddiad ac argymhellion y pwyllgor, rwy’n falch fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymateb yn gadarnhaol i adroddiad y pwyllgor a’i argymhellion, ac rydym yn falch o dderbyn y rhan fwyaf ohonynt—wyth o’r 10 argymhelliad—ac rwyf am ymhelaethu ychydig ar y ddau na wnaethom eu derbyn. Felly, ar argymhelliad 6, yr alwad am becyn cymorth ar gyfer y DU gyfan i gefnogi’r sectorau diwylliant a chwaraeon, fel y dywedom, mater i Lywodraeth y DU yw hwn yn gyfan gwbl. Mae effaith y cynnydd mewn costau byw a methiant addewidion Llywodraeth y DU i ddarparu cyllid newydd yn lle cyllid yr UE yn llawn wedi creu heriau sylweddol, ac er gwaethaf yr hyn a ddywedodd Tom Giffard, ni ddylem adael i Lywodraeth y DU anwybyddu ei chyfrifoldeb am hyn, ac awgrymu bod pobl eraill yn gwneud y gwaith drostynt. Mae hwn yn faes a gedwir yn ôl yn gyfan gwbl, ac mae’n gyfrifoldeb i Lywodraeth y DU. Fel Llywodraeth Cymru—
Will you take an intervention?
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad?
In my actual contribution, I called on you to work with the UK Government—
Yn fy nghyfraniad, gelwais arnoch i weithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU—
To work with them, yes.
I weithio gyda hwy, do.
—which you didn't do. Not to let them off the hook in any way. As you know, I was part of the committee that put together that recommendation, and I still wholeheartedly believe in it. So, I just wanted to clarify that comment.
—sy'n rhywbeth na wnaethoch. Nid i adael iddi anwybyddu ei chyfrifoldeb mewn unrhyw ffordd. Fel y gwyddoch, roeddwn yn rhan o’r pwyllgor a luniodd yr argymhelliad hwnnw, ac rwy'n dal i gredu ynddo'n llwyr. Felly, roeddwn am egluro'r sylw hwnnw.
I think you probably have to understand it from our perspective, because actually, working with UK Government is actually a contradiction in terms, because they don’t let you work with them; they dictate to you what they want to dictate to you, they trample all over devolved areas of competence by trying to directly bypass us and put money into places that don’t fall into our programme for government. So they’re not the easiest people to work with. So, I’ll say that at the outset.
But as a Welsh Government, we will continue to work to prioritise our budgets to shield the most vulnerable and to maintain our commitment to create a stronger, fairer and greener Wales.
The other recommendation that we didn’t accept was recommendation 10, that the Welsh Government improves its engagement with the culture sector. Now, we have an exemplar record in terms of engagement with our sectors. We work closely and collaboratively with both sector bodies and individual organisations to monitor and understand the impact of the cost-of-living crisis, and this is being developed further through our work on the new culture strategy. Accepting this recommendation would have been contradictory, therefore, as it would have been accepting that we weren't doing what we clearly are in this area.
Rwy'n credu bod yn rhaid ichi ei ddeall o'n safbwynt ni, oherwydd mewn gwirionedd mae gweithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU yn groesosodiad, gan nad ydynt yn gadael ichi weithio gyda hwy; maent yn dweud yr hyn y maent am ei ddweud wrthych, maent yn sathru ar bob maes cymhwysedd datganoledig drwy geisio ein hosgoi'n llwyr a rhoi arian mewn mannau nad ydynt yn rhan o'n rhaglen lywodraethu. Felly, nid hwy yw'r bobl hawsaf i weithio gyda hwy. Felly, fe ddywedaf hynny ar y dechrau.
Ond fel Llywodraeth Cymru, byddwn yn parhau i weithio i flaenoriaethu ein cyllidebau i warchod y rhai mwyaf agored i niwed ac i gynnal ein hymrwymiad i greu Cymru gryfach, decach a gwyrddach.
Yr argymhelliad arall na wnaethom ei dderbyn oedd argymhelliad 10, y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru wella ei gwaith yn ymgysylltu â’r sector diwylliant. Nawr, mae gennym hanes ragorol o ymgysylltu â'n sectorau. Rydym yn gweithio’n agos ac ar y cyd â chyrff y sectorau a sefydliadau unigol i fonitro a deall effaith yr argyfwng costau byw, ac mae'r gwaith hwn yn cael ei ddatblygu ymhellach drwy ein gwaith ar y strategaeth ddiwylliant newydd. Byddai derbyn yr argymhelliad hwn wedi bod yn anghyson, felly, gan y byddai wedi golygu derbyn nad oeddem yn gwneud yr hyn rydym yn amlwg yn ei wneud yn y maes hwn.
In respect of other recommendations raised in the debate today, our responses are as follows: on working with the national library to preserve its collections in recommendation 1, the Welsh Government is working with colleagues at the national library and providing additional support, where possible, considering the impact of rising costs that we've seen in recent months. An additional £650,000 was awarded in 2022-23 to help address the increased cost of utilities and cost-of-living pressures, and a further £500,000 to pay for a new fire system to ensure the safety of their collections. In 2024-25, it will specifically receive an additional £1.5 million towards its new collection store.
The library will also be part of a wider project that we are looking at in relation to collections management and potential shared storage solutions across both national and local cultural organisations. This would explore capital improvements, including the potential to reduce costs through the sharing of resources and reduction in energy usage, through more environmentally friendly models and storage collections. The initial phase of this work is due to be completed in March 2024.
The national library will also see an increase in its revenue grant in aid. For the next two financial years, we have made available additional, time-limited and ring-fenced funding to support additional pressures relating to pay, the cost of living and utilities. Further additional funding will be provided to support the co-operation agreement priorities, including financial sustainability, and whilst further pressures relating to inflation remain a concern during this period, this additional funding will help support the national library in 2023-24 and 2024-25.
With regard to recommendation 2, again, this refers to a UK Government scheme. The energy bill relief scheme is a UK Government initiative, and we've already made representations to the UK Government around including intensive users, such as swimming pools, within the highest threshold for support. We're working closely with Sport Wales, with the Welsh Sports Association and Swim Wales to continue to make that case, because if prices go up, businesses will have to pay the additional costs.
Libraries and museums will also be eligible for extra support as energy-intensive industries, but leisure centres and swimming pools will not be equally protected from high energy prices. The Welsh Government included representations about swimming pools in its response to the consultation on the energy bill relief scheme, and is continuing to discuss these issues and to make representation to the UK Government. Officials also met with sector representatives on 20 January to gather evidence to make the strongest possible case for leisure centres and pools to be afforded the support that has been outlined today.
On recommendations 3 and 4 about support for leisure trusts greening their energy supply and consumption, local authorities and other public sector organisations can access technical and financial support from the Welsh Government's energy service to improve the energy efficiency of their swimming pools and leisure centres, including those managed by leisure trusts, helping to reduce carbon emissions, and the financial support comprising of zero-interest loans from the Wales funding programme. Now, organisations should be considering, of course, their own energy costs and resilience as part of their usual capital estate planning. However, the unhypothecated capital funding provided to local authorities may be used to support sports and social facilities by local authorities in this way if authorities consider it appropriate for them to do so, because, as Tom Giffard knows, we are very well aware that local authorities are clear that they do not want hypothecated funding. So, the additional uplift that they have had in their rate support grant this year enables them to make greater choices about how they utilise their funding.
Specific capital funds are also provided by Welsh Government for replacement and extensive refurbishment of remodelling of schools and colleges—for example, through the sustainable communities for learning programme. Such projects are now required to deliver net-zero carbon, and often include sports facilities. Funding is also provided through the local authority buildings capital grant, which is introduced from 2023-24, and which may also benefit sports or cultural buildings within the local authority estate. Such projects will also be eligible for support from the culture division's capital transformation scheme for local museums, libraries and archives. The funding we provide to Sport Wales also supports the sector to meet our expectations on the all-Wales net-zero plan and build resilience to the impacts of climate change, ensuring that we can deliver and continue to deliver on our key public services.
In response to recommendations 5 and 8, which focus upon provision of additional support and targeted funding to the sports and cultural sectors, the Welsh Government recognises the exceptional inflationary pressures to utility costs and cost-of-living pressures that the arm's-length bodies and also local sector organisations are experiencing. And to assist with these pressures, Welsh Ministers have agreed collectively to provide £4.175 million during the 2022-23 financial year to the National Library of Wales, Amgueddfa Cymru / National Museum Wales, the arts sector via the Arts Council of Wales, the sports sector via Sport Wales, the independent museums and community libraries in Wales—
Mewn perthynas â'r argymhellion eraill a gafodd sylw yn y ddadl heddiw, mae ein hymatebion fel a ganlyn: ar weithio gyda’r llyfrgell genedlaethol i ddiogelu ei chasgliadau yn argymhelliad 1, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio gyda chymheiriaid yn y llyfrgell genedlaethol ac yn darparu cymorth ychwanegol, lle bo modd, o gofio effaith y costau cynyddol a welsom dros y misoedd diwethaf. Dyfarnwyd £650,000 yn ychwanegol yn 2022-23 i helpu i fynd i’r afael â chost gynyddol cyfleustodau a phwysau costau byw, a £500,000 arall i dalu am system dân newydd i sicrhau diogelwch eu casgliadau. Yn 2024-25, bydd yn cael £1.5 miliwn ychwanegol yn benodol tuag at ei storfa gasgliadau newydd.
Bydd y llyfrgell hefyd yn rhan o brosiect ehangach rydym yn edrych arno mewn perthynas â rheoli casgliadau a'r posibilrwydd o rannu cyfleusterau storio ar draws sefydliadau diwylliannol cenedlaethol a lleol. Byddai hyn yn archwilio gwelliannau cyfalaf, gan gynnwys y potensial i leihau costau drwy rannu adnoddau a lleihau'r defnydd o ynni, drwy gyfleusterau storio casgliadau a modelau mwy ecogyfeillgar. Disgwylir i gam cychwynnol y gwaith hwn gael ei gwblhau ym mis Mawrth 2024.
Bydd refeniw cymorth grant y llyfrgell genedlaethol hefyd yn cynyddu. Ar gyfer y ddwy flynedd ariannol nesaf, rydym wedi darparu cyllid ychwanegol wedi’i glustnodi am amser cyfyngedig i gynnal pwysau ychwanegol sy'n ymwneud â chyflogau, costau byw a chyfleustodau. Bydd cyllid ychwanegol pellach yn cael ei ddarparu i gefnogi blaenoriaethau’r cytundeb cydweithio, gan gynnwys cynaliadwyedd ariannol, ac er bod pwysau pellach yn ymwneud â chwyddiant yn parhau i fod yn bryder yn ystod y cyfnod hwn, bydd y cyllid ychwanegol hwn yn helpu i gefnogi’r llyfrgell genedlaethol yn 2023-24 a 2024-25.
Ar argymhelliad 2, unwaith eto, mae hwn yn cyfeirio at un o gynlluniau Llywodraeth y DU. Menter Llywodraeth y DU yw’r cynllun rhyddhad ar filiau ynni, ac rydym eisoes wedi gwneud sylwadau i Lywodraeth y DU ynghylch cynnwys lleoliadau sy'n defnyddio llawer o ynni, megis pyllau nofio, o fewn y trothwy uchaf ar gyfer cymorth. Rydym yn gweithio’n agos gyda Chwaraeon Cymru, Cymdeithas Chwaraeon Cymru a Nofio Cymru i barhau i ddadlau’r achos hwnnw, oherwydd os bydd prisiau’n codi, bydd yn rhaid i fusnesau dalu’r costau ychwanegol.
Bydd llyfrgelloedd ac amgueddfeydd hefyd yn gymwys i gael cymorth ychwanegol fel diwydiannau ynni-ddwys, ond ni fydd canolfannau hamdden a phyllau nofio yn cael eu hamddiffyn i'r un graddau rhag prisiau ynni uchel. Gwnaeth Llywodraeth Cymru gynnwys sylwadau am byllau nofio yn ei hymateb i’r ymgynghoriad ar y cynllun rhyddhad ar filiau ynni, ac mae’n parhau i drafod y materion hyn ac i wneud sylwadau i Lywodraeth y DU. Cyfarfu swyddogion â chynrychiolwyr sector ar 20 Ionawr yn ogystal i gasglu tystiolaeth i ddadlau'r achos cryfaf posibl dros roi’r cymorth a amlinellwyd heddiw i ganolfannau hamdden a phyllau nofio.
Ar argymhellion 3 a 4 ynghylch cymorth i ymddiriedolaethau hamdden wyrddu eu cyflenwad ynni a'u defnydd o ynni, gall awdurdodau lleol a sefydliadau eraill yn y sector cyhoeddus gael cymorth technegol ac ariannol drwy wasanaeth ynni Llywodraeth Cymru i wella effeithlonrwydd ynni eu pyllau nofio a’u canolfannau hamdden, yn cynnwys y rheini a reolir gan ymddiriedolaethau hamdden, gan helpu i leihau allyriadau carbon, a’r cymorth ariannol ar ffurf benthyciadau di-log o raglen ariannu Cymru. Nawr, dylai sefydliadau ystyried eu costau ynni a’u gwytnwch eu hunain yn rhan o’u cynlluniau cyfalaf arferol ar gyfer eu hystadau. Fodd bynnag, gellir defnyddio'r cyllid cyfalaf heb ei neilltuo a ddarperir i awdurdodau lleol i gefnogi cyfleusterau chwaraeon a chymdeithasol gan awdurdodau lleol yn y modd hwn os yw awdurdodau o’r farn ei bod yn briodol iddynt wneud hynny, oherwydd, fel y gŵyr Tom Giffard, rydym yn ymwybodol iawn fod yr awdurdodau wedi dweud yn glir nad ydynt yn dymuno cael cyllid wedi'i neilltuo. Felly, mae'r cynnydd ychwanegol y maent wedi'i gael yn eu grant cynnal ardrethi eleni yn eu galluogi i wneud mwy o ddewisiadau ynglŷn â sut y maent yn defnyddio eu harian.
Caiff cyllid cyfalaf penodol ei ddarparu gan Lywodraeth Cymru hefyd ar gyfer gwaith adnewyddu ac ailwampio ailfodelu ysgolion a cholegau—er enghraifft, drwy'r rhaglen cymunedau dysgu cynaliadwy. Mae'n ofynnol bellach i brosiectau o'r fath sicrhau statws carbon sero net, ac yn aml, maent yn cynnwys cyfleusterau chwaraeon. Darperir cyllid hefyd drwy grant cyfalaf adeiladau awdurdodau lleol, a gyflwynir o 2023-24 ymlaen, ac a allai hefyd fod o fudd i adeiladau chwaraeon neu ddiwylliannol yn ystad yr awdurdod lleol. Bydd prosiectau o'r fath hefyd yn gymwys i gael cymorth drwy gynllun cyfalaf trawsnewid yr is-adran ddiwylliant ar gyfer amgueddfeydd, llyfrgelloedd ac archifdai lleol. Mae’r cyllid a ddarparwn i Chwaraeon Cymru hefyd yn cefnogi’r sector i gyflawni ein disgwyliadau mewn perthynas â chynllun sero net Cymru a meithrin gwytnwch rhag effeithiau newid hinsawdd, gan sicrhau y gallwn ddarparu a pharhau i ddarparu ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus allweddol.
Mewn ymateb i argymhellion 5 ac 8, sy’n canolbwyntio ar ddarparu cymorth ychwanegol a chyllid wedi’i dargedu i’r sectorau chwaraeon a diwylliant, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cydnabod y pwysau y mae cyrff hyd braich a sefydliadau sector lleol yn ei wynebu yn sgil chwyddiant eithriadol o ran costau cyfleustodau a chostau byw. Ac i gynorthwyo gyda’r pwysau hwn, mae Gweinidogion Cymru wedi cytuno ar y cyd i ddarparu £4.175 miliwn yn ystod blwyddyn ariannol 2022-23 i Lyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, Amgueddfa Cymru, sector y celfyddydau drwy Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, y sector chwaraeon drwy Chwaraeon Cymru, yr amgueddfeydd annibynnol a llyfrgelloedd cymunedol yng Nghymru—
Will you take an intervention?
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad?
—the Books Council of Wales and the independent creative industries in Wales.
—Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru a’r diwydiannau creadigol annibynnol yng Nghymru.
I'm listening to your speech. The Government has already responded to the report; I was hoping that the Minister would also respond to the debate. One of the issues I tried to raise in the debate was the issue of equality, and I think it's important that that and the matters that other colleagues have raised—very important issues—in this debate this afternoon—I think it's important that we hear a response to those issues, because we've read the Government response to the report, and we want to hear a response to the debate as well.
Rwy'n gwrando ar eich araith. Mae’r Llywodraeth eisoes wedi ymateb i’r adroddiad; roeddwn yn gobeithio y byddai’r Gweinidog hefyd yn ymateb i’r ddadl. Un mater y ceisiais ei godi yn y ddadl oedd mater cydraddoldeb, a chredaf ei bod yn bwysig fod hynny a’r materion y mae cyd-Aelodau eraill wedi’u codi—materion pwysig iawn—yn y ddadl hon y prynhawn yma—credaf ei bod yn bwysig inni glywed ymateb i’r materion hynny, gan ein bod wedi darllen ymateb y Llywodraeth i’r adroddiad, ac rydym am glywed ymateb i’r ddadl hefyd.
I was coming on to some of the points that you've raised earlier.
Roeddwn yn dod at rai o’r pwyntiau rydych wedi’u codi’n gynharach.
Well, it's fine to think about coming on to them, but we are already two minutes over time. I'll allow you a minute or so to conclude.
Wel, mae'n iawn meddwl am ddod atynt, ond rydym eisoes ddwy funud dros amser. Fe roddaf funud neu ddwy ichi gloi.
Okay. So, Sport Wales I think is the point that was majored by Alun Davies, which concerns participation in sport and providing equal access. I spoke about this in committee last week, on the funding for Sport Wales and the way in which our funding is set out very clearly—our direction to Sport Wales is set out very clearly in the remit letter. Part of that remit letter sets out very clearly where we expect that funding to be targeted, and that was the point I was trying to make in committee last week. The remit letter very clearly sets out that we are seeking to direct the significant capital investment funding over the next couple of years to be targeted into those areas of greatest need, and those will be in those areas of deprivation.
I'm very conscious of time, Llywydd, and I haven't really covered our response to all of the recommendations that were set out in the report. Suffice it to say, in closing, I want to reiterate that we are taking immediate steps across a number of areas to address the complex issues that have been raised by this report, and we'll seek to implement these recommendations that we've accepted with the importance that they deserve, supporting our collective efforts to respond to the cost-of-living and energy crisis, and we will continue to engage with the UK Government and press it to use the levers at its disposal to provide wider support to the culture and sports sectors. Diolch yn fawr.
Iawn. Felly, credaf mai Chwaraeon Cymru yw’r pwynt a gafodd sylw gan Alun Davies, sy’n ymwneud â chymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon a darparu mynediad cyfartal. Soniais am hyn yn y pwyllgor yr wythnos diwethaf, am y cyllid ar gyfer Chwaraeon Cymru a’r ffordd y mae ein cyllid wedi’i nodi’n glir iawn—mae ein cyfarwyddyd i Chwaraeon Cymru wedi’i nodi’n glir iawn yn y llythyr cylch gwaith. Mae rhan o’r llythyr cylch gwaith hwnnw’n nodi’n glir iawn ble rydym yn disgwyl i’r cyllid hwnnw gael ei dargedu, a dyna’r pwynt y ceisiwn ei wneud yn y pwyllgor yr wythnos diwethaf. Mae’r llythyr cylch gwaith yn nodi’n glir iawn ein bod yn ceisio cyfeirio’r cyllid buddsoddi cyfalaf sylweddol dros yr ychydig flynyddoedd nesaf i’w dargedu yn yr ardaloedd hynny lle mae’r angen mwyaf, sef yr ardaloedd o amddifadedd.
Rwy'n ymwybodol iawn o'r amser, Lywydd, ac nid wyf wedi rhoi sylw i'n hymateb i bob un o'r argymhellion a nodwyd yn yr adroddiad. Digon yw dweud, wrth gloi, fy mod am ailadrodd ein bod yn cymryd camau ar unwaith ar draws nifer o feysydd i fynd i’r afael â’r materion cymhleth a godwyd gan yr adroddiad hwn, a byddwn yn ceisio rhoi'r argymhellion rydym wedi’u derbyn ar waith gyda’r pwysigrwydd y maent yn ei haeddu, gan gefnogi ein hymdrechion cyfunol i ymateb i’r argyfwng costau byw ac ynni, a byddwn yn parhau i ymgysylltu â Llywodraeth y DU ac yn pwyso arnynt i ddefnyddio’r ysgogiadau sydd ganddynt at eu defnydd i ddarparu cymorth ehangach i’r sectorau diwylliant a chwaraeon. Diolch yn fawr.
Delyth Jewell i ymateb i'r ddadl nawr.
Delyth Jewell to reply to the debate.
Diolch, Llywydd. Wel, diolch i bawb sydd wedi cymryd rhan yn y ddadl y prynhawn yma. Dwi'n meddwl bod hon wedi bod yn ddadl hynod o bwerus. Roedd Tom Giffard wedi sôn am bwysigrwydd y lleoliadau hyn i'n cymunedau ni; roedd e'n sôn am fragility, pa mor fregus ydyn nhw. Ac roedd Alun Davies wedi sôn am fel mae effaith y creisis hwn yn effaith anghymesur, a beth roedd e jest yn sôn amdano yn yr intervention yna hefyd, fel mae pobl, y bobl fwyaf difreintiedig, ond hefyd yr ardaloedd mwyaf difreintiedig, nhw sydd yn dioddef waethaf gyda hyn. Mae hwnna'n bwynt hynod o bwysig, dwi'n meddwl, ac mae wedi codi nifer o weithiau mewn gwahanol ffyrdd yn ystod y ddadl. Roedd Heledd Fychan hefyd wedi tynnu sylw at yr un pwynt yma am gydraddoldeb. Dydy chwaraeon a diwylliant ddim yn bethau neis i'w cael, fel roedd Heledd yn ei ddweud; maen nhw'n allweddol. Rôn i'n meddwl bod beth roedd Heledd wedi'i ddweud am y costau mwy cudd, fel trafnidiaeth, roedd hwnna'n rhywbeth rili bwysig, a hefyd roedd yr un llinyn wedi codi o ran beth roedd Carolyn Thomas wedi'i ddweud—eto, y costau ar deuluoedd, pethau fel trafnidiaeth, a phwysigrwydd hyn i gyd i iechyd pobl.
Mae hi wastad yn dda clywed gan Aelodau ehangach y Senedd, yn ogystal ag aelodau o'r pwyllgor, wrth gwrs. Diolch i Jack Sargeant am sôn, eto, am y petition yma am byllau nofio. Mae'r sefyllfa yna yn eithriadol o ddifrifol ar gyfer y sector—ar gyfer y boblogaeth hefyd. Fel yr oedd Jack wedi ein hatgoffa ni i gyd, mae nofio yn gallu achub bywydau pobl. Fe wnawn ni ddod yn ôl at beth y mae'r Dirprwy Weinidog wedi'i ddweud am hyn. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth—bydd y pwyllgor wir eisiau cadw llygad barcud ar beth sy'n digwydd gyda hyn.
Fe wnaethon ni glywed gan Rhianon Passmore am fel y mae lleoliadau hamdden a diwylliannol yn ganolog i hanes ein cymunedau—Paul Robeson ac ati—ond hefyd i'n hiechyd ni nawr, gyda'r warm hubs. Roeddwn i'n meddwl bod y pwynt yna yn eithriadol o bwysig: fel y mae ymgasglu fel cymuned yn rhoi mwy o elw i ni mewn ffordd y mae'n anodd ei diffinio. Dyw e ddim jest yn cael ei ddiffinio'n ariannol; dwi'n meddwl bod hynny'n rhywbeth, eto, o ran ein hiechyd ni ac enaid y gymdeithas, efallai.
Roedd John Griffiths wedi sôn am y ffordd y mae ansawdd ein bywydau ni yn cael ei wella drwy'r canolfannau yna yng Nghasnewydd, ac mae hynny'n wir dros Gymru, wrth gwrs. Dwi'n meddwl yr oedd nifer o linynnau gwahanol yn codi, ac roedden nhw'n cael eu hadleisio—dwi'n cymysgu metaphors nawr, ond dwi'n meddwl bod nifer o bwyntiau a oedd yn rili bwysig yn ystod y ddadl.
Diolch i'r Dirprwy Weinidog am ei sylwadau. Dwi'n falch, eto, fod y mwyafrif o'n hargymhellion wedi cael eu derbyn. O ran y rhai sydd ddim wedi cael eu derbyn, rwy'n dal i boeni nad ydy'r Llywodraeth yn ymateb yn ddigonol i'r risgiau i iechyd hirdymor y sectorau diwylliant a chwaraeon, ac, mewn ffordd arall, y risgiau i iechyd y genedl. Nawr, wrth gwrs, yn ddelfrydol, byddai pecyn ariannu Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig yn sbarduno cyllid canlyniadol Barnett y gallai Llywodraeth Cymru ei ddefnyddio i ariannu pecyn argyfwng costau byw diwylliant a chwaraeon. Yn sicr, fel pwyllgor, byddwn ni eisiau gweld rhywbeth fel hyn yn digwydd.
Ond dydy Llywodraeth Cymru, fel dwi'n ei ddweud, ar y cyfan—. Eto gwnaf i ddod nôl at y pwynt am byllau nofio, ond ar y cychwyn dydyn nhw heb gychwyn trafodaethau â Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig i'r perwyl hwn. Yn ystod y pandemig, ni wnaeth Llywodraeth Cymru aros i Lywodraeth San Steffan weithredu. Ym mis Ebrill 2020, bu'n gweithredu gyda chyngor y celfyddydau i roi pecyn brys ar waith ymhell cyn iddi gael unrhyw gyllid ychwanegol gan Lywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig, a buaswn i'n dweud bod angen i Lywodraeth Cymru nawr efelychu'r teimlad o frys a oedd yn amlwg yn ystod y pandemig. Dwi'n meddwl bod cymaint o bethau sydd wedi cael eu codi yn y ddadl hon y prynhawn yma wedi amlygu pam mae hyn wir yn fater o frys.
Rydyn ni wedi dysgu, dwi'n meddwl, o'r pandemig ei bod hi weithiau'n well gorymateb yn hytrach nag aros a cheisio datrys problemau mwy yn y dyfodol. Eto, mae pethau wedi gwaethygu cymaint ers inni gyhoeddi'r adroddiad, dwi ddim yn meddwl y byddwn ni'n sôn am orymateb fan hyn. Mae'n wir bod cymaint o leoliadau, maen nhw'n wir o dan risg o gau'n barhaol. Eto, mae yna berygl difrifol o niweidio'r sectorau hyn am gyfnod amhenodol yn y dyfodol. Bydd hyn, yn ei dro, fel rydyn ni wedi'i glywed, yn niweidio incwm sefydliadau yn y sectorau, bydd yn golygu bod llawer o bobl—eto, y rhai mwyaf difreintiedig—ac, fel rydyn ni wedi'i glywed nifer o weithiau, yr ardaloedd mwyaf difreintiedig hefyd, byddan nhw'n colli mas ar gyfleoen a manteision corfforol, meddyliol a chymdeithasol sy'n gysylltiedig â chymryd rhan, yn ogystal â'r pethau mor anodd eu diffinio rydyn ni wedi clywed eto amdanyn nhw o ran enaid ein cymdeithas ni. Buaswn i yn erfyn ar y Llywodraeth i achub ar y cyfle hwn.
Yn olaf, buaswn i'n dweud eto ei fod yn dda clywed bod y Llywodraeth yn gwneud yr achos am byllau nofio yn arbennig i San Steffan; mae hynny'n rhywbeth i'w groesawu yn sicr. Rydyn ni wedi clywed yn helaeth yn ystod y ddadl am ba mor angenrheidiol ydy'r ymyriad yna. Felly, i gloi, fe wnaf i ddiolch eto i bawb sydd wedi cymryd rhan yn y ddadl ac, eto, yn yr ymgynghoriad. Rwy'n gobeithio, dal, y bydd mwy o oleuni ar gyfer y sectorau hynod bwysig i'n cymdeithas: diwylliant a chwaraeon.
Thank you, Llywydd. I thank everyone who took part in this debate. I think it has been a very powerful debate. Tom Giffard talked about the importance of these venues for our communities; he talked about how fragile they are. And Alun Davies talked about how the impact of this crisis is having a disproportionate impact, as he said in his intervention, and that the most disadvantaged people and areas suffer the biggest effects from this. That is a very important point and it has arisen in several ways in many different points during this debate. Heledd Fychan drew attention to the same point about equality. Sports and culture are not nice-to-have things, as Heledd said; they are vital. I thought that what Heledd said about the hidden costs, such as transport costs, I thought that was very important, and the same thread arose in terms of what Carolyn Thomas said—again, the costs on families, things such as transport, and the importance of all of this for health.
It's always good to hear from Members more broadly around the Chamber, rather than just the committee members. I thank Jack Sargeant, who spoke, again, about this petition about swimming pools. That situation is very serious for the sector and for the population as well. As Jack reminded us all, swimming can save lives. We'll return to what the Deputy Minister said about this. This is something that the committee will want to monitor, in terms of that issue.
We heard from Rhianon Passmore about how these venues are vital to the history of our communities—Paul Robeson and so forth—but also our health now, in terms of our warm hubs. I think that point is vital: how coming together as a community gives us a greater benefit, in a way that is hard to define. It's not just a financial benefit; it relates to the health and soul of our society.
John Griffiths mentioned how the quality of our lives is improved by these centres in Newport, and, of course, that's true across all of Wales. A lot of these threads arose time and again, and they were echoed—I'm mixing my metaphors now, but there were a number of points that were very important that arose during the debate.
I thank the Deputy Minister for her comments. I am pleased that the majority of our recommendations have been accepted. In terms of those that have not been accepted, I'm still concerned that the Government is not responding adequately to the long-term risks for the sport and culture sectors, and the risk to the health of the nation. Now, ideally, a UK Government funding package would drive Barnett consequentials that the Welsh Government could use to fund a package for the cost-of-living crisis for sport and culture. Certainly, as a committee, we would like to see something like that happening.
But the Welsh Government, as I said, on the whole—. Again, I'll return to the point about swimming pools, but at the outset they haven't started discussions with the UK Government to that end. During the pandemic, the Welsh Government didn't wait for the UK Government to act. In April 2020, it worked with the arts council to implement an emergency package long before it received any additional funding from the UK Government, and I would say that the Welsh Government now needs to emulate that sense of urgency that was evident during the pandemic. I think that there are so many things that have been raised during this debate this afternoon that have showed why this is such an urgent issue.
We have learned from the pandemic that it's sometimes better to overreact rather than wait and try to solve bigger problems in the future. Again, things have deteriorated so much since we published the report, I don't think we would be talking about overreacting here. There are so many venues now that are at risk of permanent closure. Again, there is a great risk of harming these sectors for an indefinite period in the future. This, in turn, as we've heard, will harm the income of organisations in these sectors, meaning that many people—again, often the most disadvantaged—and, as we've heard many times, the most disadvantaged areas, would miss out on the physical, mental and social benefits associated with taking part, as well those difficult-to-define things, as we've heard, such as the soul of our communities. So, I would urge the Government to seize this opportunity.
Finally, I would like to say again that it is good to hear that the Government is making the case for swimming pools particularly to Westminster; that's to be welcomed, certainly. We heard a lot in the debate about how vital that intervention is. So, to close, I would like to thank again everyone who took part in this debate and in the inquiry. I do hope that there will be more light shed on these very important sectors to our society: culture and sport.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn a nodi adroddiad y pwyllgor? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Nac oes. Felly, mae'r cynnig yna wedi ei dderbyn.
The proposal is to note the committee's report. Does any Member object? No. The motion is therefore agreed.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Detholwyd y gwelliannau canlynol: gwelliannau 1, 3 a 4 yn enw Darren Millar, a gwelliant 2 yn enw Lesley Griffiths. Os derbynnir gwelliant 2, caiff gwelliant 3 ei ddad-dethol.
The following amendments have been selected: amendments 1, 3 and 4 in the name of Darren Millar, and amendment 2 in the name of Lesley Griffiths. If amendment 2 is agreed, amendment 3 will be deselected
Eitem 8 sydd nesaf: dadl Plaid Cymru yw hon ar leihau'r pwysau ar y gwasanaeth iechyd. Dwi'n galw ar Rhun ap Iorwerth i wneud y cynnig.
Item 8 is next: the Plaid Cymru debate on reducing NHS pressures. I call on Rhun ap Iorwerth to move the motion.
Cynnig NDM8188 Siân Gwenllian
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn nodi sylwadau Conffederasiwn GIG Cymru fod GIG Cymru yn wynebu pwysau nad oes modd ymdopi ag ef.
2. Yn cefnogi ymdrechion arwrol gweithwyr y sector iechyd a gofal yng Nghymru wrth iddynt ddarparu gofal mewn amgylchiadau heriol.
3. Yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i gyflwyno strategaeth i leihau'r pwysau sy'n wynebu'r GIG gyda mesurau sy'n cynnwys, ond nad ydynt yn gyfyngedig i:
a) datrys anghydfodau cyflog cyfredol drwy ddyfarnu cynnig cyflogau gwell a sylweddol i weithwyr y GIG yng Nghymru;
b) strategaeth gyflawni glir gyda thargedau a chostau llawn, ar gyfer cynllun gweithlu newydd, gan gynnwys camau i dynnu elw o waith asiantaeth;
c) rhoi mesurau iechyd ataliol wrth wraidd pob polisi a gweithgaredd Llywodraeth Cymru sy'n gysylltiedig ag iechyd, gan gynnwys pob adran o'r Llywodraeth;
d) gwella gwytnwch ar y pwynt rhyngweithio rhwng iechyd a gofal, gan dynnu'r pwysau oddi ar ofal cymdeithasol drwy fwy o gapasiti cam i lawr y GIG, yn ogystal ag ehangu'r ddarpariaeth gofal cymdeithasol ar gyfer y tymor hwy; ac
e) gwella gweithio mewn partneriaethau, cyd-gynhyrchu atebion a darpariaeth o fewn y GIG, gan gynnwys drwy roi'r pŵer i weithrediaeth newydd y GIG wneud newid go iawn.
Motion NDM8188 Siân Gwenllian
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Notes the comments of the Welsh NHS Confederation that the Welsh NHS is facing pressures that ‘cannot be coped with’.
2. Supports the heroic efforts of health and care sector workers in Wales as they provide care in challenging circumstances.
3. Calls on the Welsh Government to bring forward a strategy to reduce the pressures facing the NHS with measures including, but not limited to:
a) resolving current pay disputes by awarding NHS workers in Wales an improved, substantive pay offer;
b) a clear delivery strategy with targets and full costing, for a new workforce plan, including steps to remove profit from agency working;
c) placing preventative health measures at the forefront of all Welsh Government health-related policy and activity, involving all Government departments;
d) improving resilience at the point of interaction between health and care, taking the pressure off social care through greater NHS step-down capacity, in addition to expanding social care provision for the longer term; and
e) improving partnership working, co-production of solutions and delivery within the NHS, including by giving the new NHS executive the power to make real change.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. Wythnos yn ôl, mi oeddem ni'n trafod cynnig gan Blaid Cymru yn galw am ddatgan creisis iechyd yng Nghymru. Yn yr un modd ag y mae arweinydd Llafur wedi galw sefyllfa'r NHS yn Lloegr yn greisis, a Llafur yn yr Alban yn galw sefyllfa'r NHS yn yr Alban yn greisis, mi oeddem ni'n eiddgar i weld Llafur mewn Llywodraeth yng Nghymru yn cydnabod y creisis yma. Gwrthod hynny wnaeth Gweinidogion Llafur wythnos yn ôl, ac mi ddywedodd y Prif Weinidog eto ddoe pam mae o'n gwrthod defnyddio'r term 'creisis'. Dim ond geiriau ydy hynny, meddai fo; does yna ddim gwerth i eiriau. Wel, yn yr un modd, mi allech chi ddadlau mai dim ond geiriau oedd datgan argyfwng hinsawdd. Ond, wrth gwrs, mae yna werth i eiriau—mae yna gydnabyddiaeth o ddifrifoldeb y sefyllfa. Mae o'n fodd i gynnig ffocws newydd, ac, yn wir, mi eglurais i yn y ddadl honno wythnos yn ôl ein bod ni am i'r cynnig gael ei weld mewn ffordd gadarnhaol, mewn difrif, mewn modd i arfogi'r Llywodraeth.
Er iddyn nhw wrthod hynny—a dyn a ŵyr, mae'r Llywodraeth angen cael ei harfogi yn hyn o beth—rydyn ni nôl yma heddiw yn gweithredu mewn ffordd gadarnhaol eto. Mae sawl rôl gennym ni fel gwrthbleidiau: ein gwaith ni ydy dal y Llywodraeth i gyfrif; ein gwaith ni ydy asesu pa mor effeithiol ydy'r mesurau y mae'r Llywodraeth yn eu cymryd—yn y cyd-destun penodol yma, ei heffeithlonrwydd wrth wario ei chyllidebau ar wasanaethau iechyd a gofal, wrth lunio polisi, wrth gefnogi staff. Mae hynny'n cynnwys ei dweud hi fel y mae hi, ei dweud hi fel y mae etholwyr yn ei gweld hi, yn bwysicach byth, ac, yn annatod, ydy, mae hynny yn golygu gwrthdaro weithiau. Ond rydyn ni ar y meinciau yma hefyd yn cymryd yn ddifrifol iawn ein rôl ni o fod yn rhagweithiol mewn rhoi cynigion amgen ar y bwrdd, ceisio dylanwadu ar y Llywodraeth i symud i gyfeiriad arbennig, nid dim ond amlinellu beth rydyn ni'n meddwl sydd o'i le efo'r cyfeiriad y maen nhw wedi ei ddewis.
Yng nghyd-destun creisis yn y gwasanaeth iechyd, mae'n rhaid inni i gyd, dwi'n meddwl, rhoi ein hegni i mewn i chwilio am atebion. A beth sydd gennym ni o'n blaenau ni heddiw, sydd wedi cael ei gyhoeddi gan Blaid Cymru yr wythnos yma, ydy cynllun: cyfres o argymhellion rydyn ni'n gofyn i Lywodraeth Cymru eu gweithredu. Y perig, wrth gwrs, ydy bod y Llywodraeth yn dweud, 'Ond rydyn ni wedi gwneud hyn i gyd yn barod.' Wel, sori, ond pe bai Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithredu'n effeithiol yn y meysydd yma, yn gwneud hyn i gyd yn barod, fyddai cyfres o gyrff iechyd proffesiynol, colegau brenhinol, cynrychiolwyr staff, ddim wedi gweithio efo ni i lunio'r cynllun yma. Maen nhw, fel ninnau, yn gwbl grediniol bod y Llywodraeth yn syrthio'n fyr iawn o'r hyn dylai fod yn cael ei wneud. Cynnyrch cydweithio ydy'r cynlluniau yma.
Thank you very much, Llywydd. A week ago, we were discussing a motion from Plaid Cymru calling for the declaration of a health crisis in Wales. Just as the Labour leader has described the situation in England as a crisis, and Labour in Scotland have described the situation as a crisis, we were eager to see Labour in Government in Wales recognise this crisis. The Labour Ministers rejected that a week ago, and the First Minister said again yesterday why he refused to use the term 'crisis'. Those are just words, according to him, and there's no value to them. Well, likewise, you could argue that declaring a climate emergency was just words. But words have value—there's a recognition of the gravity of the situation. It is a means of providing renewed focus, and I explained in that debate a week ago that we wanted the motion to be seen in a positive light, as a means of empowering Government.
Although they rejected that—and surely the Government needs to be empowered here—we're back today again proposing a positive motion. We have many roles as opposition parties: our work is to hold Government to account, to assess how effective Government measures are—in this particular context, their efficiency in spending their budgets on health and care services, in developing policy, in supporting staff. That includes telling it as it is, and as constituents see it, even more importantly, and, necessarily, that will sometimes lead to conflict. But we on these benches do take our role of being proactive in putting alternative proposals on the table seriously, trying to influence the Government to move in a particular direction, not just outlining what we think is wrong with the direction that they've chosen.
In the context of a crisis in the health service, we, I think, all have to put our energy into finding solutions. And what we have before us today, published by Plaid Cymru this week, is a plan: a series of recommendations that we're asking the Welsh Government to implement. The risk is, of course, that the Government will say, 'Well, we're already doing all of this.' Well, sorry, but if the Welsh Government were operating effectively in these areas and were doing all of these things already, then a series of health professional bodies, royal colleges, staff representative bodies, would not have worked with us to draw up this plan. They, like us, are entirely convinced that the Government is falling well short of what should be done. This is the product of collaboration.
It's no secret that we in Plaid Cymru believe that the first step to create the foundations for a sustainable NHS is to pay workers fairly. The First Minister recently claimed that making an improved pay offer would mean taking away money from health, but that's such a false way of looking at the situation, because providing a credible and substantive—not a one-off, but a credible and substantive—pay award for NHS workers surely is the best possible investment that we could be making in creating a more sustainable and resilient health service. They're tough choices; of course they're tough choices. But this particular choice simply has to be made. I used the word 'foundations'. The foundations of the NHS currently are pretty unfirm. Those foundations are the workers. We need to firm up those foundations if we're to build a resilient NHS. That has to be step one.
The second step in our plan is to address issues on workforce retention. Pay is one big part of workforce planning, but there's that wider issue. We need a wider strategy to retain the talented workforce at our disposal by making the NHS in Wales a more attractive and appealing place to work—3,000 NHS vacancies in Wales; 46 per cent of medical students in Wales relocating to England because they've got more foundation posts available. Now, the Government says that they have a workforce plan on the way, but a plan's nothing unless it's delivered, and we need a clear delivery strategy with targets and full costings for that new NHS workforce plan, and one that actually accurately reflects the needs—which is why we talk about the need for data on where exactly we do stand and where those vacancies are. We need clearly definable delivery metrics.
We've got to ensure that opportunities for career development are more available, encouraging medical students studying in Welsh universities to stay in Wales, encouraging people and helping them through continuous professional development to be able to work at the top of their competence. These are the things that lead when they're not done well to people deciding, 'You know what, this career is really not what I thought it would be; I'm not able to push myself to my limits', and the failure to deliver on these bare essentials are holding back the NHS.
Nid yw’n gyfrinach ein bod ni ym Mhlaid Cymru yn credu mai’r cam cyntaf i greu’r sylfeini ar gyfer GIG cynaliadwy yw talu gweithwyr yn deg. Honnodd y Prif Weinidog yn ddiweddar y byddai gwneud cynnig cyflog gwell yn golygu mynd ag arian oddi wrth iechyd, ond mae honno’n ffordd mor ffug o edrych ar y sefyllfa, gan mai darparu dyfarniad cyflog credadwy a sylweddol—nid rhywbeth untro, ond rhywbeth credadwy a sylweddol—i weithwyr y GIG yw’r buddsoddiad gorau posibl y gallem fod yn ei wneud i greu gwasanaeth iechyd mwy cynaliadwy a chadarn. Maent yn ddewisiadau anodd; wrth gwrs eu bod yn ddewisiadau anodd. Ond mae'n rhaid gwneud y dewis. Defnyddiais y gair 'sylfeini'. Mae sylfeini'r GIG yn eithaf ansicr ar hyn o bryd. Y gweithwyr yw'r sylfeini. Mae angen inni gryfhau'r sylfeini hynny os ydym am adeiladu GIG cadarn. Rhaid i hynny fod yn gam cyntaf.
Yr ail gam yn ein cynllun yw mynd i’r afael â materion sy'n ymwneud â chadw’r gweithlu. Mae cyflog yn un rhan bwysig o gynllunio'r gweithlu, ond mae mater ehangach yma. Mae angen strategaeth ehangach arnom i gadw'r gweithlu dawnus sydd ar gael i ni drwy wneud y GIG yng Nghymru yn lle mwy deniadol ac apelgar i weithio ynddo—mae 3,000 o swyddi gwag yn y GIG yng Nghymru; mae 46 y cant o fyfyrwyr meddygol yng Nghymru yn adleoli i Loegr gan fod ganddynt fwy o swyddi sylfaen ar gael. Nawr, mae'r Llywodraeth yn dweud bod ganddynt gynllun ar gyfer y gweithlu ar y ffordd, ond nid yw cynllun yn golygu dim heblaw ei fod yn cael ei gyflawni, ac mae angen strategaeth gyflawni glir arnom gyda thargedau a chostau llawn ar gyfer y cynllun newydd hwnnw ar gyfer gweithlu'r GIG, ac un sy'n adlewyrchu'r anghenion yn gywir—a dyna pam ein bod yn sôn am yr angen am ddata ar y sefyllfa a lle mae’r swyddi gwag hynny. Mae arnom angen mesurau ar gyfer cyflawni y gellir eu diffinio'n glir.
Mae'n rhaid inni sicrhau bod mwy o gyfleoedd ar gael ar gyfer datblygu gyrfaoedd, i annog myfyrwyr meddygol sy'n astudio ym mhrifysgolion Cymru i aros yng Nghymru, ac annog pobl a'u helpu drwy ddatblygiad proffesiynol parhaus i allu gweithio ar frig eu cymhwysedd. Pan na chânt eu gwneud yn dda, dyma'r pethau sy'n gwneud i bobl benderfynu, 'Wyddoch chi beth, nid yw'r yrfa hon yr hyn y tybiwn y byddai; ni allaf wthio fy hun hyd yr eithaf’, ac mae’r methiant i gyflawni’r pethau sylfaenol hyn yn llesteirio'r GIG.
The other part of this is a desperate need for Welsh Government to address the increase that we have seen in agency spending—£260 million spent on agency spending in 2022. That's not a figure just bouncing along. There's been a 40 per cent increase in a very short period of time, and that means money leaking away from the NHS into the coffers of private companies as profits. We want and absolutely support having roles that are brought in as overtime, additional shifts, and that flexibility is something that we need to build into the NHS much more, actually, but we need to take the private profit-making from agency working.
The third step in our plans is to give greater priority to preventative health measures right across the board, not just having preventative schemes—as, of course, Welsh Government has—but making the preventative the most important element in our attitude as a whole towards the health of the nation. Building a healthier Wales has to be a priority. We'll hear more from Sioned Williams about the fact that that means the kind of housing that people live in, the support that people are given to live healthy lives. It's not just a matter of the Minister deciding one week, 'You know what, people need to live healthier lives.' They need the support from Government to be able to do that, and I think the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 provides the legislative framework in this respect.
We tend to think about that legislation more in terms of climate change. I think we need to focus on using that legislation in terms of our health as a nation, and we need clear ministerial responsibility. In Westminster, you'd have a Minister without portfolio perhaps just looking after delivering the preventative. You know, that's an idea. Is that something that we need to do here, not that I'm in favour of having more Ministers? And this is policy from me here rather than being policy. But that's the kind of way we need to think. We need to think about who has that ministerial responsibility within Government.
We have to, as point 4, look at that interaction between health and social care. We were talking there about integration. We all support integration as a principle, but it's what happens at the junction between the two as well that we've been focusing a lot on in recent weeks—the delayed transfers of care. We need to be building capacity at that point. Capacity can be physical capacity, it can be virtual capacity, it can be permanent capacity, it can be temporary capacity. We've worked in very effective temporary ways during the COVID pandemic. We absolutely have to look at what happens at that junction because currently we're falling short, and the decision, still questioned by medical professionals, to release people from hospital without the proper care packages in place is not the way forward, and I think it shows a misunderstanding of the kind of approach that Welsh Government should be taking on this.
Finally, we need to create a delivery mechanism for the recovery. I think the new NHS executive, and we think the new NHS executive, provides a model for that. Government Ministers and successive Labour Governments have had a very long time to create a more resilient and better-equipped health service. I think the Ministers could benefit from empowering that NHS executive in a way that can deliver real change right across the NHS. If we have that new organisation in place, let's use it properly, give it teeth and give it the power to drive forward change.
One of the things that I think the NHS executive could drive is action in relation to delivering elective surgery hubs. I visited one in Clatterbridge the other day. A project is in place, costing around £25 million in total, creating four theatres, 18 additional beds. It's a factory that will not be affected by winter pressures, and so on. That might not be the exact model because that's an elective hospital, but we have to find ways of delivering that kind of change here in Wales. That investment, yes, needs to be made, but a business plan for that saves you the money of sending patients otherwise to private hospitals for treatment now and, of course, quicker treatment of patients stops that worsening of health conditions that are painful for the patients, difficult for their families, and very, very costly for the NHS.
So, that's our five-point plan. As we say, they're not our ideas; they're the result of listening to people on the front line and the organisations that represent them. Our plan addresses the real concerns they have with the way the health service is currently being managed and offers five deliverable steps that will make a tangible difference to all involved, so that, together, we can start healing our NHS, which is what we all here want. I look forward to contributions today and for a signal that, if they wouldn't accept the word 'crisis', that they do accept that there needs to be a new direction. Diolch yn fawr.
Y rhan arall o hyn yw'r taer angen i Lywodraeth Cymru fynd i'r afael â'r cynnydd a welsom mewn gwariant ar asiantaethau—£260 miliwn wedi'i wario ar asiantaethau yn 2022. Nid yw hwnnw'n ffigur bychan. Bu cynnydd o 40 y cant mewn cyfnod byr iawn o amser, a golyga hynny fod arian yn llifo o'r GIG i goffrau cwmnïau preifat fel elw. Rydym yn dymuno gweld, ac yn llwyr gefnogi rolau a gaiff eu dwyn i mewn fel goramser, shifftiau ychwanegol, ac mae'r hyblygrwydd hwnnw'n rhywbeth y mae angen inni ei gynnwys yn y GIG i raddau llawer mwy a dweud y gwir, ond mae angen inni gael gwared ar wneud elw preifat o waith asiantaeth.
Y trydydd cam yn ein cynlluniau yw rhoi mwy o flaenoriaeth i fesurau iechyd ataliol yn gyffredinol, nid yn unig drwy gael cynlluniau ataliol—fel sydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru wrth gwrs—ond drwy sicrhau mai’r elfen ataliol yw’r elfen bwysicaf yn ein hagwedd at iechyd y genedl yn gyffredinol. Mae'n rhaid i adeiladu Cymru iachach fod yn flaenoriaeth. Cawn glywed mwy gan Sioned Williams ynglŷn â'r ffaith bod hynny’n golygu’r math o dai y mae pobl yn byw ynddynt, y cymorth a roddir i bobl i fyw bywydau iach. Nid yw'n fater o’r Gweinidog yn penderfynu un wythnos, 'Wyddoch chi beth, mae angen i bobl fyw bywydau iachach.’ Mae angen cymorth arnynt gan y Llywodraeth i allu gwneud hynny, a chredaf fod Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015 yn darparu’r fframwaith deddfwriaethol yn hyn o beth.
Rydym yn tueddu i feddwl am y ddeddfwriaeth honno yn nhermau newid hinsawdd. Credaf fod angen inni ganolbwyntio ar ddefnyddio’r ddeddfwriaeth honno mewn perthynas â'n hiechyd fel cenedl, ac mae angen cyfrifoldeb gweinidogol clir arnom. Yn San Steffan, byddai gennych Weinidog heb bortffolio efallai i ofalu am gyflawni'r agenda ataliol. Dyna syniad. A yw hynny'n rhywbeth y mae angen inni ei wneud yma, nid fy mod o blaid cael mwy o Weinidogion? A pholisi gennyf fi yma yw hwn yn hytrach na'i fod yn bolisi. Ond dyna'r math o ffordd y mae angen inni feddwl. Mae angen inni feddwl pwy sydd â’r cyfrifoldeb gweinidogol hwnnw o fewn y Llywodraeth.
Mae’n rhaid inni edrych, fel pwynt 4, ar y rhyngweithio rhwng iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol. Rydym newydd fod yn trafod integreiddio. Mae pob un ohonom yn cefnogi integreiddio fel egwyddor, ond rydym hefyd wedi bod yn canolbwyntio llawer dros yr wythnosau diwethaf ar y man cyfarfod rhwng y ddau beth—yr oedi wrth drosglwyddo gofal. Mae angen inni feithrin capasiti yn y pwynt hwnnw. Gall capasiti fod yn gapasiti ffisegol, gall fod yn gapasiti rhithwir, gall fod yn gapasiti parhaol, gall fod yn gapasiti dros dro. Rydym wedi gweithio'n effeithiol iawn mewn ffyrdd dros dro yn ystod y pandemig COVID. Mae'n rhaid inni edrych ar yr hyn sy'n digwydd yn y man cyfarfod hwnnw, oherwydd ar hyn o bryd, rydym yn methu, ac nid y penderfyniad, sy'n dal i gael ei gwestiynu gan weithwyr meddygol proffesiynol, i ryddhau pobl o'r ysbyty heb y pecynnau gofal priodol ar waith yw'r ffordd ymlaen, a chredaf fod hynny'n dangos camddealltwriaeth o’r math o ymagwedd y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru fod yn ei mabwysiadu tuag at hyn.
Yn olaf, mae angen inni greu mecanwaith darparu ar gyfer yr adferiad. Yn fy marn i, a'n barn ni, mae gweithrediaeth newydd y GIG yn darparu model ar gyfer hynny. Mae Gweinidogion y Llywodraeth a Llywodraethau Llafur olynol wedi cael cryn dipyn o amser i greu gwasanaeth iechyd mwy gwydn ac wedi'i arfogi'n well. Credaf y gallai'r Gweinidogion elwa o rymuso gweithrediaeth y GIG mewn ffordd a all sicrhau newid gwirioneddol ar draws y GIG. Os yw'r sefydliad newydd hwnnw ar waith gennym, gadewch inni ei ddefnyddio’n iawn, gan roi dannedd iddo a rhoi grym iddo sbarduno newid.
Un o’r pethau credaf y gallai gweithrediaeth y GIG eu hysgogi yw camau gweithredu i ddarparu hybiau llawdriniaeth ddewisol. Ymwelais ag un yn Clatterbridge ychydig ddyddiau yn ôl. Mae prosiect ar waith yno, sydd wedi costio cyfanswm o oddeutu £25 miliwn i gyd, ac sydd wedi creu pedair theatr, 18 gwely ychwanegol. Mae'n ffatri nad effeithir arni gan bwysau'r gaeaf ac ati. Efallai nad dyna'r union fodel, gan fod hwnnw'n ysbyty triniaeth ddewisol, ond mae'n rhaid inni ddod o hyd i ffyrdd o gyflawni'r math hwnnw o newid yma yng Nghymru. Mae angen gwneud y buddsoddiad, oes, ond mae cynllun busnes ar gyfer hynny'n arbed arian ichi gan y byddai'n rhaid ichi anfon cleifion fel arall i ysbytai preifat i gael triniaeth, ac wrth gwrs, mae trin cleifion yn gyflymach yn atal cyflyrau iechyd sy'n boenus i'r claf, yn anodd i’w teuluoedd, ac yn gostus tu hwnt i’r GIG, rhag gwaethygu.
Felly, dyna ein cynllun pum pwynt. Fel y dywedwn, nid ein syniadau ni ydynt; canlyniad gwrando ar bobl ar y rheng flaen ydynt, a'r sefydliadau sy'n eu cynrychioli. Mae ein cynllun yn mynd i’r afael â’r pryderon gwirioneddol sydd ganddynt ynglŷn â’r ffordd y caiff y gwasanaeth iechyd ei reoli ar hyn o bryd, ac yn cynnig pum cam cyflawnadwy a fydd yn gwneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol i bawb, fel y gallwn, gyda’n gilydd, ddechrau iachau ein GIG, sef yr hyn y mae pob un ohonom yma yn ei ddymuno. Edrychaf ymlaen at y cyfraniadau heddiw, ac am arwydd eu bod yn derbyn bod angen cyfeiriad newydd, hyd yn oed os nad ydynt yn derbyn y gair 'argyfwng'. Diolch yn fawr.
Rwyf wedi dethol y pedwar gwelliant i'r cynnig, ac os derbynnir gwelliant 2, bydd gwelliant 3 yn cael ei ddad-ddethol. Dwi'n galw ar Russell George, felly, i gynnig gwelliannau 1, 3 a 4. Russell George.
I have selected the four amendments to the motion. If amendment 2 is agreed, amendment 3 will be deselected. I call on Russell George to move amendments 1, 3 and 4. Russell George.
Gwelliant 1—Darren Millar
Ychwanegu fel pwynt newydd ar ôl pwynt 2 ac ail-rifo yn unol â hynny:
Yn gresynu at y ffaith bod cyllideb ddrafft Llywodraeth Cymru yn cynnig torri'r gyllideb iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol mewn termau real yn 2023-2024.
Amendment 1—Darren Millar
Add as new point after point 2 and renumber accordingly:
Regrets that the Welsh Government's draft budget proposes to cut the health and social care budget in real terms in 2023-2024.
Gwelliant 3—Darren Millar
Yn is-bwynt 3(b), dileu 'dynnu elw o weithio asiantaeth' a rhoi yn ei le 'gapio cyfraddau cyflog asiantaeth'.
Amendment 3—Darren Millar
In sub-point 3(b), delete 'remove profit from agency working' and replace with 'cap agency pay rates'.
Gwelliant 4—Darren Millar
Ychwanegu fel pwynt newydd ar ddiwedd y cynnig:
Yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i sicrhau bod y gyllideb iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yn cael ei diwygio i sicrhau cynnydd mewn termau real yn 2023-24.
Amendment 4—Darren Millar
Add as new point at end of motion:
Calls upon the Welsh Government to ensure that the health and social care budget is revised to ensure an increase in real terms in 2023-24.
Cynigiwyd gwelliannau 1, 3 a 4.
Amendments 1, 3 and 4 moved.
Diolch, Llywydd, and I move the amendments in the name of my colleague Darren Millar. Can I thank Plaid Cymru for bringing forward this debate again? I say 'again' because we keep having health debates. It's very similar to a debate brought forward last week, and I don't think that we can have too many health debates in this Chamber. The Minister's looking, like, 'Please ease up a bit', but I think, seriously, I think we can't have too many debates around the challenges that our health service is facing. And the Welsh NHS is in a very unstable position, I would suggest, and I would agree with the Welsh NHS Confederation in their assessment of the pressures, as outlined in the motion today.
I also think it's important to stress that the issues that the NHS is facing, and some of our challenges, are in no way the fault of our fantastic health and care sector professionals who work across Wales. They're working in very challenging circumstances, and we of course thank them for all they do. And that's why I think the Welsh Government should bring forward a strategy to reduce the pressures on our NHS, and a start would be not to cut the health and social care budget in real terms, I would suggest.
One thing I did want to touch on in my contribution was—again, Andrew R.T. raised it with the First Minister yesterday—about the state of our infrastructure, the state of our hospitals, the poorly maintained state that they're in and the working environments that many have to work in. And, as Andrew pointed out yesterday, only 62 per cent of buildings owned by Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board are operationally safe, and that's not a rare position. Only 72 per cent of buildings owned by the Welsh health boards have been reported as operationally safe. Well, it's not too much to ask that our health workers, our nurses, have good working conditions to be in, and, of course, that's not to even mention the issues around patient safety. As the Welsh NHS Confederation pointed out ahead of today's debate, if we're going to have a workforce and we're going to improve the morale of our health professionals, and if we're going to retain nurses and be able to recruit more health professionals to our Welsh NHS, we've got to start by making sure that we've got a workplace that's fit for purpose. And I think it's absolutely crucial that we have that investment in our hospitals. I'm disappointed. I heard the First Minister yesterday, pointing the finger at Westminster. Well, hang on, it's been 25 years, a quarter of a century of a Labour-led Government that has been responsible for the Welsh NHS. I don't think that it's reasonable to be pointing the finger at Westminster when we've got the position that we're in, with only 62 per cent of buildings in Betsi being operationally safe.
But the other issue as well is investment in training, in terms of training new NHS staff. We have had some funding for that, and I think that's very welcome; I don't think that's enough, but I think that's very much welcomed. I think we all agree—we've talked about agency nursing a great deal in the Chamber—I think we're all on the same page to say that this is all going in the wrong direction. The spend on agency nursing has increased, as Rhun ap Iorwerth pointed out, and we cannot be in a position where the spend on agency nursing is increasing to the extent it is, which is why we've put forward one of our amendments today in terms of putting a cap on agency spend. That's not the solution; that's one part of the solution, but I would suggest that we need to make sure that we have a sustainable funding plan in place to recruit and train staff in both the health and social care sectors.
Just to talk briefly as well in terms of prevention. It's so important, prevention. It's not one of the Government's priorities. I do appreciate that you can't have too many priorities, otherwise there are no priorities, but prevention, I feel that that's been pushed down the list of priorities into the deprioritisation area. If we're going to enable us to have an NHS that meets some of our challenges, we've got to make sure that we're making sure that there's appropriate focus and spend on preventative measures as well.
Finally, Presiding Officer, I was very keen to support the last part of the motion that Plaid brought forward today in terms of the new NHS executive, and having power to make real change. I absolutely agree on that position. Certainly, in our Welsh Conservative manifesto in 2021, we pledged to create an NHS Wales as a separate organisation, independent from the Welsh Government, which would have, in my view, cut bureaucracy and made for quicker decisions to be made and to better equip the Welsh NHS. I can see the Minister sighing, but she'll probably, perhaps, address that in some of her closing remarks today. But, thank you, Presiding Officer.
Diolch, Lywydd, ac rwy'n cynnig y gwelliannau yn enw fy nghyd-Aelod Darren Millar. A gaf fi ddiolch i Blaid Cymru am gyflwyno’r ddadl hon unwaith eto? Rwy'n dweud 'unwaith eto' am ein bod bob amser yn cael dadleuon iechyd. Mae'n debyg iawn i ddadl a gyflwynwyd yr wythnos diwethaf, ac ni chredaf y gallwn gael gormod o ddadleuon iechyd yn y Siambr. Mae'r Gweinidog yn edrych fel pe bai'n dweud, 'Os gwelwch yn dda, rhowch rywfaint o saib i mi', ond o ddifrif, ni chredaf y gallwn gael gormod o ddadleuon ynghylch yr heriau y mae ein gwasanaeth iechyd yn eu hwynebu. A byddwn yn awgrymu bod GIG Cymru mewn sefyllfa ansefydlog iawn, a byddwn yn cytuno â Chydffederasiwn GIG Cymru a'u hasesiad o'r pwysau, fel yr amlinellwyd yn y cynnig heddiw.
Credaf hefyd ei bod yn bwysig pwysleisio nad yw’r problemau y mae’r GIG yn eu hwynebu, a rhai o’n heriau, yn fai mewn unrhyw ffordd ar ein gweithwyr proffesiynol gwych sy’n gweithio yn y sector iechyd a gofal ledled Cymru. Maent yn gweithio mewn amgylchiadau heriol iawn, ac rydym yn diolch iddynt wrth gwrs am bopeth a wnânt. A dyna pam y credaf y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru gyflwyno strategaeth i leihau’r pwysau ar ein GIG, a byddwn yn awgrymu y byddai peidio â thorri’r gyllideb iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol mewn termau real yn fan cychwyn.
Un peth roeddwn am ei grybwyll yn fy nghyfraniad—unwaith eto, cododd Andrew R.T. y mater gyda'r Prif Weinidog ddoe—oedd cyflwr ein seilwaith, cyflwr ein hysbytai, y cyflwr gwael y maent ynddo a'r amgylcheddau gwaith y mae'n rhaid i lawer o bobl weithio ynddynt. Ac fel y nododd Andrew ddoe, dim ond 62 y cant o'r adeiladau sy'n eiddo i Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr sy'n ddiogel yn weithredol, ac nid yw honno'n sefyllfa anghyffredin. Dim ond 72 y cant o'r adeiladau sy'n eiddo i fyrddau iechyd Cymru a gofnodwyd fel rhai sy'n ddiogel yn weithredol. Wel, nid yw'n ormod disgwyl bod gan ein gweithwyr iechyd, ein nyrsys, amodau gwaith da i weithio ynddynt, heb sôn, wrth gwrs, am y materion sy'n ymwneud â diogelwch cleifion. Fel y nododd Conffederasiwn GIG Cymru cyn y ddadl heddiw, os ydym am gael gweithlu ac am wella morâl ein gweithwyr iechyd proffesiynol, ac os ydym am gadw nyrsys a gallu recriwtio mwy o weithwyr iechyd proffesiynol i’n GIG yng Nghymru, mae’n rhaid inni ddechrau drwy sicrhau bod gennym weithle sy’n addas i’r diben. A chredaf ei bod yn gwbl hanfodol ein bod yn cael y buddsoddiad hwnnw yn ein hysbytai. Rwy'n siomedig. Clywais y Prif Weinidog ddoe yn pwyntio bys at San Steffan. Wel, arhoswch funud, ond ers 25 mlynedd, chwarter canrif, Llywodraeth Lafur sydd wedi bod yn gyfrifol am GIG Cymru. Nid wyf yn credu ei bod yn rhesymol pwyntio bys at San Steffan pan ydym yn y sefyllfa hon, gyda dim ond 62 y cant o adeiladau yn ardal bwrdd Betsi Cadwaladr yn ddiogel yn weithredol.
Ond y mater arall hefyd yw buddsoddi mewn hyfforddiant, a hyfforddi staff GIG newydd. Rydym wedi cael rhywfaint o gyllid ar gyfer hynny, a chredaf fod hynny i'w groesawu; ni chredaf ei fod yn ddigon, ond credaf ei fod i'w groesawu. Rwy'n credu bod pob un ohonom yn cytuno—rydym wedi sôn cryn dipyn am nyrsio asiantaeth yn y Siambr—rwy'n credu ein bod i gyd yn cytuno bod hyn oll yn mynd i'r cyfeiriad anghywir. Mae’r gwariant ar nyrsio asiantaeth wedi cynyddu, fel y nododd Rhun ap Iorwerth, ac ni allwn fod mewn sefyllfa lle mae’r gwariant ar nyrsio asiantaeth yn cynyddu i’r graddau y mae'n cynyddu ar hyn o bryd, a dyna pam ein bod wedi cyflwyno un o’n gwelliannau heddiw ar gapio gwariant ar asiantaethau. Nid dyna'r ateb; mae'n un rhan o'r ateb, ond byddwn yn awgrymu bod angen inni sicrhau bod gennym gynllun ariannu cynaliadwy ar waith i recriwtio a hyfforddi staff yn y sectorau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol.
Hoffwn sôn yn gryno hefyd am ddulliau ataliol. Mae atal mor bwysig. Nid yw’n un o flaenoriaethau’r Llywodraeth. Rwy'n sylweddoli na allwch gael gormod o flaenoriaethau, gan na fyddai unrhyw beth yn flaenoriaeth wedyn, ond teimlaf fod atal wedi'i wthio i lawr y rhestr o flaenoriaethau i'r man dadflaenoriaethu. Os ydym am allu cael GIG sy'n goresgyn rhai o'n heriau, mae'n rhaid inni wneud yn siŵr ein bod yn sicrhau y ceir ffocws priodol a gwariant priodol ar fesurau ataliol hefyd.
Yn olaf, Lywydd, roeddwn yn awyddus iawn i gefnogi rhan olaf y cynnig a gyflwynwyd gan Blaid Cymru heddiw ar weithrediaeth newydd y GIG, a chael pŵer i wneud newid go iawn. Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â’r safbwynt hwnnw. Yn sicr, ym maniffesto’r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn 2021, fe wnaethom addo creu GIG Cymru fel sefydliad ar wahân, yn annibynnol ar Lywodraeth Cymru, ac a fyddai, yn fy marn i, wedi lleihau biwrocratiaeth gan arwain at wneud penderfyniadau'n gyflymach ac wedi arfogi GIG Cymru yn well. Gallaf weld y Gweinidog yn ochneidio, ond efallai y gwnaiff hi fynd i'r afael â hynny yn ei sylwadau clo heddiw. Ond diolch, Lywydd.
Mae gweithlu'r gwasanaeth iechyd yn gwneud gwaith arwrol bob dydd. Dwi'n siŵr bod pob un ohonom efo llu o resymau i ddiolch iddynt am ofal rydym ni yn bersonol wedi'i dderbyn, neu aelodau o'n teulu, heb sôn am ein hetholwyr. Ond, gallwn ni ddim gwadu'r straen aruthrol sydd arnynt na'r ffaith bod staff hynod o brofiadol yn gadael bob wythnos gan na allant ddelio â'r straen bellach.
The NHS workforce do heroic work every day. I'm sure that all of us have many reasons to thank them for the care that we've had personally, or members of our family have had, let alone our constituents. But, we can't deny the great stress on them or the fact that very experienced staff are leaving every week because they can't deal with the stress anymore.
Visiting hospitals, visiting picket lines, and speaking to NHS workers, they describe a system in crisis that is stopping them from being able to do their job to the best of their ability. They know that people are dying that they could save, and that is taking a toll on their health and well-being, meaning that retention is increasingly becoming a concern. That's why this is the second step of our five-point plan, to focus specifically on the workforce.
I have to address some of the things that were raised by the First Minister yesterday. Of course the NHS is doing fantastic work each day, but if we're speaking to staff and they say there's a crisis, then I am angry that there wasn't that acknowledgement. But they don't just want us to acknowledge there's a crisis; they want to see action taken. That's the purpose of this five-point plan. If we were accused of scaremongering or trying to create drama in politics with our calls last week to acknowledge the crisis, that wasn't the point of it. The point was to acknowledge the truth that everybody knows that our NHS is in crisis and we must take action if we truly value it.
Whilst pay is, of course, important in terms of retention, this isn't the only element that needs to be addressed. We need to recruit, retain, redesign and retrain the health and care workforce. The implementation of these four Rs will ensure the establishment of a resilient health and care workforce. We need a costed workforce plan that sets out a range of short, medium and long-term solutions to grow, train and retain the workforce, underpinned by the necessary funding and based on the latest vacancy data and projected patient demand. Last November, 36 organisations from across health and social care, including royal colleges, charities, patient groups and professional bodies, came together to sign a joint letter to the First Minister, calling on the Welsh Government to publish the long-awaited national workforce implementation plan for health and care.
The impact of workforce shortages on patient care cannot be underestimated, as waiting times reached record levels in Wales. Cancer lists and ambulance performance times are currently the worst on record, and overall waiting list numbers passed 750,000 for the first time in October 2022. Yet with little to no reliable up-to-date workforce data, no national implementation plan for recruitment and retention, no consistent approach to the collection of accurate vacancy data collated across health boards and trusts, and no transparency on staffing shortages and rota gaps, no method of comparing the lessons learnt on recruitment and retention, and no way of knowing when we will finally receive answers from the Welsh Government, we simply are uninformed about the scale of the workforce crisis. But the responses we have received from a number of healthcare organisations highlight that there is a clear staffing crisis, and we need a clear delivery strategy with targets and full costing for a new workforce plan.
The Royal College of Midwives stated that we could only drive improvement in maternity care if there are enough midwives working in the NHS in every part of Wales. The Royal College of Surgeons and the Royal College of Physicians have called for a renewed emphasis on workforce. The British Medical Association and the Royal College of General Practitioners are calling for the introduction of incentives for existing doctors and GPs to remain in the health service. The Royal College of Psychiatrists and the Royal College of Nursing are calling for a retention strategy. The Welsh Government must reform centralised data collection so that staffing needs can be identified earlier. In addition to expanding and establishing improved pathways to continued professional development, this will ensure that health workers can work at the top of their competence whilst retaining within the NHS.
We also note that the Welsh Government have spent £260 million on agency staff in the past year, and this is haemorrhaging the sustainability of our NHS. I was told in a local hospital that I visited in my region that staff were being blocked from appointing to that department and, instead, were regularly calling in agency staff. And some of those agency staff would willingly take on contracts. But that's what I was told, and they were angry because they saw that as wasted money—the fact that they had agency staff willing to take on contracts but were being blocked. This has to be looked at, because the over-reliance on agency staff is a symptom of the Welsh Government's mismanagement of the NHS in Wales. Yes, we'll always need ways of bringing in staff for additional shifts, but profit must be removed from agency working, and we can't face a situation when we aren't seeing people being appointed into the roles when there are shortages and then only reliance on agency staff. We need to see action. This is a plan. I am urging Welsh Government to get behind it, acknowledge there's a crisis, then we can find solutions to save our NHS.
Wrth ymweld ag ysbytai, ymweld â llinellau piced, a siarad â gweithwyr y GIG, maent yn disgrifio system sydd mewn argyfwng ac sy'n eu hatal rhag gallu gwneud eu gwaith hyd eithaf eu gallu. Gwyddant fod pobl y gallent eu hachub yn marw, ac mae hynny’n cael effaith ar eu hiechyd a’u lles, sy’n golygu bod cadw staff yn dod yn bryder cynyddol. Dyna pam mai ail gam ein cynllun pum pwynt yw canolbwyntio’n benodol ar y gweithlu.
Mae'n rhaid imi sôn am rai o’r pethau a godwyd gan y Prif Weinidog ddoe. Wrth gwrs, mae'r GIG yn gwneud gwaith gwych bob dydd, ond os ydym yn siarad â staff a'u bod yn dweud bod yna argyfwng, rwy'n ddig na chaiff hynny mo'i gydnabod. Ond maent am inni wneud mwy na chydnabod bod yna argyfwng; maent am weld camau'n cael eu cymryd. Dyna ddiben y cynllun pum pwynt hwn. Os cawsom ein cyhuddo o godi bwganod neu geisio creu drama wleidyddol gyda’n galwadau yr wythnos diwethaf i gydnabod yr argyfwng, nid dyna oedd y diben. Y diben oedd cydnabod y gwir y mae pawb yn ei wybod, sef bod ein GIG mewn argyfwng a bod yn rhaid inni weithredu os ydym o ddifrif yn gweld ei werth.
Er bod cyflog yn bwysig mewn perthynas â chadw staff wrth gwrs, nid dyma'r unig elfen y mae angen mynd i'r afael â hi. Mae angen inni recriwtio, cadw, ailgynllunio ac ailhyfforddi’r gweithlu iechyd a gofal. O roi'r pedwar cam ar waith, gellir sefydlu gweithlu iechyd a gofal gwydn. Mae arnom angen cynllun wedi’i gostio ar gyfer y gweithlu sy’n nodi ystod o atebion tymor byr, tymor canolig a hirdymor i dyfu, hyfforddi a chadw’r gweithlu, wedi’i gynnal gan y cyllid angenrheidiol ac yn seiliedig ar y data diweddaraf ar swyddi gwag a’r galw a ragwelir gan gleifion. Fis Tachwedd diwethaf, daeth 36 o sefydliadau o bob rhan o iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol ynghyd, gan gynnwys colegau brenhinol, elusennau, grwpiau cleifion a chyrff proffesiynol, i lofnodi llythyr ar y cyd at y Prif Weinidog, yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i gyhoeddi’r cynllun gweithredu cenedlaethol hirddisgwyliedig ar gyfer y gweithlu iechyd a gofal.
Ni ellir diystyru effaith prinder yn y gweithlu ar ofal cleifion, wrth i amseroedd aros gyrraedd y lefelau uchaf erioed yng Nghymru. Mae rhestrau canser ac amseroedd perfformiad ambiwlansys ar y lefelau gwaethaf erioed ar hyn o bryd, ac aeth cyfanswm y niferoedd ar y rhestrau aros dros 750,000 am y tro cyntaf ym mis Hydref 2022. Er hynny, heb fawr ddim data cyfredol dibynadwy ar y gweithlu, dim cynllun gweithredu cenedlaethol ar gyfer recriwtio a chadw, dim dull cyson o gasglu data cywir ar swyddi gwag wedi'i gasglu ar draws byrddau ac ymddiriedolaethau iechyd, a dim tryloywder ynghylch prinder staff a bylchau mewn rotâu, dim dull o gymharu’r gwersi a ddysgwyd ar recriwtio a chadw staff, a dim ffordd o wybod pryd y cawn atebion gan Lywodraeth Cymru o’r diwedd, ni wyddom pa mor ddifrifol yw argyfwng y gweithlu. Ond mae’r ymatebion a gawsom gan nifer o sefydliadau gofal iechyd yn nodi bod yna argyfwng staffio amlwg, ac mae arnom angen strategaeth glir ar gyfer cyflawni gyda thargedau ac wedi'i chostio'n llawn i allu llunio cynllun newydd ar gyfer y gweithlu.
Dywedodd Coleg Brenhinol y Bydwragedd mai dim ond os oes digon o fydwragedd yn gweithio yn y GIG ym mhob rhan o Gymru y gallem ysgogi gwelliant mewn gofal mamolaeth. Mae Coleg Brenhinol y Llawfeddygon a Choleg Brenhinol y Meddygon wedi galw am bwyslais o’r newydd ar y gweithlu. Mae Cymdeithas Feddygol Prydain a Choleg Brenhinol yr Ymarferwyr Cyffredinol yn galw am gyflwyno cymelliadau i feddygon a meddygon teulu presennol aros yn y gwasanaeth iechyd. Mae Coleg Brenhinol y Seiciatryddion a'r Coleg Nyrsio Brenhinol yn galw am strategaeth cadw staff. Mae'n rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru ddiwygio’r broses o gasglu data’n ganolog er mwyn gallu nodi anghenion staffio yn gynt. Yn ogystal ag ehangu a sefydlu llwybrau gwell tuag at ddatblygiad proffesiynol parhaus, bydd hyn yn sicrhau bod gweithwyr iechyd yn gallu gweithio ar frig eu cymhwysedd gan aros yn y GIG.
Rydym hefyd yn nodi bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gwario £260 miliwn ar staff asiantaeth yn y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, ac mae hyn yn ddraen ar gynaliadwyedd ein GIG. Dywedwyd wrthyf mewn ysbyty lleol yr ymwelais ag ef yn fy rhanbarth fod staff yn cael eu rhwystro rhag penodi i’r adran honno, ac yn lle hynny, eu bod yn galw staff asiantaeth i mewn yn rheolaidd. A byddai rhai o'r staff asiantaeth hynny'n fodlon gweithio dan gontract. Ond dyna a ddywedwyd wrthyf, ac roeddent yn ddig am eu bod yn ystyried hynny'n wastraff arian—y ffaith bod ganddynt staff asiantaeth yn fodlon gweithio dan contract, ond eu bod yn cael eu hatal rhag gwneud hynny. Mae’n rhaid edrych ar hyn, gan fod yr orddibyniaeth ar staff asiantaeth yn symptom o gamreolaeth Llywodraeth Cymru o’r GIG yng Nghymru. Byddwn bob amser angen ffyrdd o ddod â staff i mewn ar gyfer shifftiau ychwanegol, ond mae'n rhaid cael gwared ar elw o waith asiantaeth, ac ni allwn wynebu sefyllfa lle nad ydym yn gweld pobl yn cael eu penodi i'r swyddi pan fo prinder, a dibyniaeth wedyn ar staff asiantaeth yn unig. Mae angen inni weld camau gweithredu. Dyma gynllun. Rwy'n annog Llywodraeth Cymru i'w gefnogi, cydnabod bod yna argyfwng, ac yna, gallwn ddod o hyd i atebion i achub ein GIG.
Anghofiais i ofyn i'r Gweinidog gynnig yn ffurfiol welliant 2, yn enw'r Llywodraeth.
I forgot to call on the Minister to move formally amendment 2.
Gwelliant 2—Lesley Griffiths
Dileu pwynt 3 a rhoi yn ei le:
Yn nodi'r camau sy'n cael eu cymryd gan Lywodraeth Cymru, GIG Cymru a phartneriaid llywodraeth leol sy’n cynnwys:
a) cyhoeddi buddsoddiad o £281m, y mwyaf erioed, mewn cyllidebau addysg a hyfforddiant i weithwyr iechyd proffesiynol ar 18 Ionawr 2023;
b) yr ymrwymiad i gyhoeddi cynllun y gweithlu erbyn diwedd Ionawr 2023;
c) y gwaith sydd ar y gweill gan y pwyllgor gweithredu gofal i greu gwelyau cymunedol ychwanegol;
d) y flaenoriaeth sy’n cael ei rhoi i ryddhau cleifion a gweithio gydag awdurdodau lleol;
e) y rhaglen diwygio contractau sy’n digwydd ar draws gofal sylfaenol;
f) y symud tuag at wasanaeth gofal cymunedol integredig sydd ar gael i bawb ym mhob rhan o Gymru;
g) y modelau sy'n cael eu datblygu drwy'r gronfa integreiddio rhanbarthol sydd ȃ’r bwriad penodol o greu capasiti cymunedol;
h) y gwaith sydd ar y gweill i gynyddu capasiti ailalluogi yn y gymuned;
i) rhoi Gweithrediaeth y GIG ar waith, a fydd yn gwella ansawdd a diogelwch gofal i bobl yng Nghymru.
Amendment 2—Lesley Griffiths
Delete point 3 and replace with:
Notes the actions being taken by the Welsh Government, NHS Wales and local government partners including:
a) the announcement of a record £281m investment in health professional education and training budgets on 18 January 2023;
b) the commitment to publish the workforce plan by the end of January 2023;
c) the ongoing work of the care action committee to create additional community beds;
d) the priority being given to discharge and working with local authorities;
e) the ongoing programme of contract reform underway across primary care;
f) the move towards an integrated community care service that is available to everyone across Wales;
g) the models being developed through the regional integration fund specifically aimed at creating community capacity;
h) the ongoing work to increase reablement capacity in the community; and
i) the implementation of the NHS Executive which will improve the quality and safety of care for people in Wales.
Cynigiwyd gwelliant 2.
Amendment 2 moved.

Yn ffurfiol.
Yn ffurfiol, felly wedi ei gynnig. Jenny Rathbone.
Formally, therefore that's been proposed. Jenny Rathbone.
Thank you, Llywydd. Well, it's 25 January today, and it feels like the twenty-fifth iteration of the debate by the opposition on what we should be doing but we're not doing in the NHS. But any real insights into what we should be doing seems to be lacking. It always just seems to be like groundhog day. So, I thought it was a really poor introduction by Rhun ap Iorwerth. As the health spokesperson, I would have expected some new ideas. If your five-point plan doesn't contain anything more than what you've told us today, then, really, it is not good enough.
Diolch, Lywydd. Wel, mae'n 25 Ionawr heddiw, ac mae'n teimlo fel y pumed fersiwn ar hugain o ddadl gwrthblaid ar yr hyn y dylem fod yn ei wneud ond nad ydym yn ei wneud yn y GIG. Ond mae'n ymddangos nad oes unrhyw fewnwelediad go iawn i'r hyn y dylem fod yn ei wneud. Mae'n ymddangos mai'r un hen stori yw hi bob amser. Felly, roeddwn yn meddwl ei fod yn gyflwyniad gwael iawn gan Rhun ap Iorwerth. Fel y llefarydd iechyd, byddwn wedi disgwyl rhai syniadau newydd. Os nad yw eich cynllun pum pwynt yn cynnwys unrhyw beth mwy na'r hyn rydych wedi'i ddweud wrthym heddiw, nid yw'n ddigon da.
Will you take just a brief intervention?
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad byr?
I'm sorry if it wasn't made clear that this is a plan that has been co-produced with those professional health bodies who say that Welsh Government is not taking action on these.
Mae'n ddrwg gennyf os na chafodd ei wneud yn glir mai cynllun yw hwn a gydgynhyrchwyd gyda'r cyrff iechyd proffesiynol sy'n dweud nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru'n gweithredu ar y rhain.
Well, I haven't seen it, and we haven't had the opportunity to look at it, and there are no new ideas in anything that you said, Rhun. You want us to pay NHS staff more, and I absolutely agree that they deserve to be paid more, but you say nothing about where we're going to get it. Is it because we've got some Roneo machine in Cathays Park?
Wel, nid wyf wedi'i weld, ac nid wyf wedi cael cyfle i edrych arno, ac nid oes unrhyw syniadau newydd yn unrhyw beth a ddywedoch chi, Rhun. Rydych chi eisiau inni dalu mwy i staff y GIG, ac rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr eu bod yn haeddu cael mwy o gyflog, ond nid ydych yn dweud o ble rydym yn mynd i'w gael. Ai oherwydd bod gennym ni ryw fath o beiriant Roneo ym Mharc Cathays?
Will you take another intervention?
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad arall?
I'll again emphasise that we have mapped out exactly how much and from where the money would come—the £175 million that we would bring in from unallocated funds and reprioritisation. We've made it very, very clear.
Fe bwysleisiaf eto ein bod wedi cynllunio'n union faint ac o ble y byddai'r arian yn dod—y £175 miliwn y byddem yn ei gyflwyno o gronfeydd heb eu dyrannu ac ailflaenoriaethu. Rydym wedi ei nodi'n glir iawn.
Unallocated? Well, I think it's not useful to continue that line of enquiry, simply because I haven't read what you've produced and we can have that debate another day.
But the reason why have vacancy levels is—. The fact that we have vacancy levels is serious, but the sole point of interest to me is to explore a bit further the point made by Heledd, which is a hospital in the South Wales Central region has been blocked from appointing to substantive post. That is a serious point and something that is worth unpicking. Now, we have to assume that that's because that health board, wherever it is, is trying not to overspend its budget for this year. We're in month 10 of a 12-month budget process. So, that is a really complex set of difficult circumstances. I appreciate what's going on there, and it must make it really difficult for the hospitals involved—
Heb eu dyrannu? Wel, nid wyf yn credu ei bod hi'n ddefnyddiol parhau ar y llwybr hwnnw, gan nad wyf wedi darllen yr hyn rydych chi wedi'i gynhyrchu a gallwn gael y ddadl honno ar ryw ddiwrnod arall.
Ond y rheswm pam mae gennym swyddi gwag yw—. Mae'r ffaith bod gennym gynifer o swyddi gwag yn ddifrifol, ond yr unig bwynt sydd o ddiddordeb i mi yw archwilio ychydig ymhellach y pwynt a wnaeth Heledd am ysbyty yn rhanbarth Canol De Cymru sydd wedi'i atal rhag penodi i swydd o bwys. Mae hwnnw'n bwynt difrifol ac yn rhywbeth sy'n werth edrych arno. Nawr, mae'n rhaid inni dybio mai'r rheswm am hynny yw bod y bwrdd iechyd hwnnw, ble bynnag y bo, yn ceisio peidio â gorwario ei gyllideb ar gyfer eleni. Rydym ym mis 10 o broses gyllidebol 12 mis. Felly, mae honno'n gyfres wirioneddol gymhleth o amgylchiadau anodd. Rwy'n deall beth sy'n digwydd yno, ac mae'n rhaid ei gwneud hi'n anodd iawn i'r ysbytai dan sylw—
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer took the Chair.
Will you take an intervention?
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad?
The hospital in question, I visited in August, and this is the situation I was told then. I visited again recently, and that was still the situation—just for some context.
Ymwelais â'r ysbyty dan sylw ym mis Awst, a dyma'r sefyllfa y rhoddwyd gwybod i mi amdani ar y pryd. Ymwelais eto'n ddiweddar, a dyna oedd y sefyllfa o hyd—i roi rhywfaint o gyd-destun.
Okay. It would be useful to know which health board, but, anyway, I'm sure you can tell the Minister after this debate. I really think that both the Conservatives and Plaid, who say they want to find more money to pay the nurses, need to say which bit of our budget we are going to raid in order to do that, unless there is movement from the UK Government who control the purse strings.
Now, a more important debate took place last Thursday here in the Senedd on Thursday evening, which the Minister was present at, as was I, as was Joyce Watson, as were several other Members. That was a grown-up debate, except that I was delighted to meet Katja Empson, who is a consultant in emergency medicine at the Heath hospital here in Cardiff, because it enabled me to say to her, to ask her, 'Why is it that Cardiff has been able to stop all these ambulances queuing up outside the hospital when other hospitals don't seem to have been able to do that? What is it that you've done that's different?' She gave me a really excellent answer about how it was really important to see the people waiting in the ambulances as part of the patients that they needed to treat, who were just as important as the people inside the building. So, that was owning the problem, which is that there were a lot of sick people outside who needed to come in. So, what did they do? It's a whole-system approach across the hospital to ensure that people are going through into the wards, where appropriate, and then leaving them when they've finished their medical treatment. She said that that is happening in Cardiff and it's not happening elsewhere. So, when I asked that question in the Q&A after the panel had spoken—'Why are other hospitals not actually achieving what Cardiff has achieved?'—he then passed me over to Katja Empson again. I already knew the answer and what she had to say. What I hadn't heard was what all the others might have said, who were from Bangor, from Wrexham and from the Princess of Wales and elsewhere.
I had a much better answer from the head of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, who appeared before the health committee in the House of Commons yesterday morning. When he was asked that very same question—. No, not the same question; he was asked, 'Why are there so many people overrunning the emergency departments across the UK?' He said there are far too many people being sent to hospital or turning up at the emergency departments who don't need to be there. That resonates with me with some of the things I want to see happening, which is the roll-out of the neighbourhood nursing teams, inspired by Buurtzorg. I understand that, only today, the national specification for community nursing was published, which is part of a strategic programme for rolling it out across Wales. It's happening all too slowly. The only really positive thing about this—
O'r gorau. Byddai'n ddefnyddiol gwybod pa fwrdd iechyd, ond beth bynnag, rwy'n siŵr y gallwch ddweud wrth y Gweinidog wedi'r ddadl hon. Rwy'n credu o ddifrif fod angen i'r Ceidwadwyr a Phlaid Cymru, sy'n dweud eu bod am ddod o hyd i fwy o arian i dalu'r nyrsys, ddweud pa ran o'n cyllideb rydym yn mynd i'w ysbeilio er mwyn gwneud hynny, oni bai bod yna symud gan Lywodraeth y DU sy'n rheoli'r pwrs.
Nawr, cynhaliwyd dadl bwysicach nos Iau diwethaf yma yn y Senedd lle roedd y Gweinidog yn bresennol, fel finnau, a Joyce Watson, a sawl Aelod arall. Roedd honno'n ddadl aeddfed, ac roeddwn wrth fy modd yn cyfarfod â Katja Empson, sy'n feddyg ymgynghorol mewn meddygaeth frys yn ysbyty'r Heath yma yng Nghaerdydd, am ei fod wedi fy ngalluogi i ddweud wrthi, i ofyn iddi, 'Pam mae Caerdydd wedi gallu atal yr holl ambiwlansys rhag ciwio tu allan i'r ysbyty pan nad yw'n ymddangos bod ysbytai eraill wedi gallu gwneud hynny? Beth a wnaethoch sy'n wahanol?' Rhoddodd ateb gwych iawn i mi ynglŷn â sut oedd hi'n bwysig iawn gweld y bobl a oedd yn aros yn yr ambiwlansys fel rhan o'r cleifion oedd angen iddynt eu trin, a oedd yr un mor bwysig â'r bobl y tu mewn i'r adeilad. Felly, perchnogi'r broblem oedd hynny, sef bod llawer o bobl sâl y tu allan yr oedd angen iddynt ddod i mewn. Felly, beth a wnaethant? Mae'n ddull system gyfan ar draws yr ysbyty i sicrhau bod pobl yn mynd drwodd i mewn i'r wardiau, lle bo hynny'n briodol, ac yna'n eu gadael pan fyddant wedi gorffen eu triniaeth feddygol. Dywedodd fod hynny'n digwydd yng Nghaerdydd ac nad yw'n digwydd mewn llefydd eraill. Felly, pan ofynnais y cwestiwn yn y sesiwn holi ac ateb ar ôl i'r panel siarad—'Pam nad yw ysbytai eraill yn cyflawni'r hyn y mae Caerdydd wedi'i gyflawni?'—cefais fy nhrosglwyddo i Katja Empson eto. Roeddwn yn gwybod yr ateb yn barod a'r hyn a oedd ganddi i'w ddweud. Yr hyn nad oeddwn wedi'i glywed oedd beth fyddai'r lleill i gyd wedi'i ddweud, y rhai a oedd yn dod o Fangor, o Wrecsam ac o ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru a mannau eraill.
Cefais ateb llawer gwell gan bennaeth y Coleg Brenhinol Meddygaeth Frys, a ymddangosodd ger bron y pwyllgor iechyd yn Nhŷ'r Cyffredin fore ddoe. Pan ofynnwyd yr un cwestiwn iddo—. Na, nid yr un cwestiwn; gofynnwyd iddo, 'Pam mae cymaint o bobl yn mynd i'r adrannau brys ar draws y DU?' Dywedodd fod llawer gormod o bobl yn cael eu hanfon i'r ysbyty neu'n mynychu adrannau brys heb fod angen iddynt fod yno. Mae hynny'n cyd-daro â rhai o'r pethau rwyf eisiau eu gweld yn digwydd, sef cyflwyno'r timau nyrsio cymdogaeth, a ysbrydolwyd gan Buurtzorg. Rwy'n deall, heddiw ddiwethaf, fod manyleb genedlaethol wedi'i chyhoeddi ar gyfer nyrsio cymunedol, sy'n rhan o raglen strategol ar gyfer ei chyflwyno ledled Cymru. Mae'n digwydd yn rhy araf. Yr unig beth cadarnhaol iawn am hyn—
Jenny, you'll need to conclude, please.
Jenny, bydd angen i chi ddod i ben, os gwelwch yn dda.
—just to complete on this, Deputy Presiding Officer—is that we are now using the electronic scheduling system that was tested in the pilot in Cwm Taf and elsewhere, so that we know exactly who is going to do what, all done by algorithm, as well as capturing the caseloads that are being managed in that community so we know exactly what resources we need to put into my constituency in Cardiff, or wherever it might be. This is a really, really important development, and I understand it is only happening in Wales, and therefore it's going to be a really important contribution to the system.
—os caf orffen gyda hyn, Ddirprwy Lywydd—yw ein bod ni nawr yn defnyddio'r system amserlennu electronig a gafodd ei phrofi yn y cynllun peilot yng Nghwm Taf ac mewn mannau eraill, fel ein bod yn gwybod yn union pwy sy'n mynd i wneud beth, a'r cyfan yn cael ei wneud drwy algorithm, yn ogystal â chasglu'r llwythi gwaith sy'n cael eu rheoli yn y gymuned honno fel ein bod yn gwybod yn union pa adnoddau sydd angen i ni eu rhoi i fy etholaeth i yng Nghaerdydd, neu ble bynnag y bo. Mae hwn yn ddatblygiad pwysig tu hwnt, ac rwy'n deall ei fod ond yn digwydd yng Nghymru, ac felly mae'n mynd i fod yn gyfraniad gwirioneddol bwysig i'r system.
We have many speakers, and I'm trying to keep to time to ensure we hit as many as possible. Gareth Davies.
Mae gennym lawer o siaradwyr, ac rwy'n ceisio cadw at yr amser i sicrhau ein bod yn cynnwys cynifer â phosibl. Gareth Davies.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd, and it's a pleasure to contribute to this debate this afternoon. As someone who worked in the NHS for 11 years prior to being elected to the Senedd, and someone who is deeply rooted in the Rhyl and Prestatyn area, I feel slightly qualified to share some history and truths about healthcare in Denbighshire and north Wales, and pressures, indeed.
The Royal Alexandra Hospital in Rhyl, or known locally as 'the Alex', was opened in 1872 and named this because Princess Alexandra of Wales became a patron of the hospital in 1882, and it was long believed in those times that fresh air treatment and the sea air were beneficial to patients, particularly with chest and breathing difficulties. To accommodate this, they had long, sprawling balconies so patients could breathe in that fresh air and do their lungs the world of good. And what they also had there were salt baths in the basement, which, according to folklore, are still there. And nowadays the room is used for storing equipment, but unfortunately I've never had the chance to go down there to see for myself, so I'll keep believing it's there, a little bit like the 'Little Venice' underground waterways, which reportedly hosted gondolas in the now-demolished Queen's building.
Now, I'll fast forward many, many years to the late 1970s and early 1980s, and thanks to Margaret Thatcher's devotion to Wales, the then Clwyd Health Authority built and opened the brand-new flagship Glan Clwyd Hospital in Bodelwyddan in 1980, hosting six operating theatres, an A&E department and numerous wards, costing in the region of £16 million—and how we'd love to see figures like that nowadays. And during the 1980s and early 1990s, Glan Clwyd Hospital was regarded as one of the best-performing hospitals in not only Wales but the whole of Great Britain, and attracted many healthcare professionals to the area so that they could become part of this great success story and the people of central and eastern north Wales could benefit from their expertise. And in the late 1990s and early 2000s, the Labour Government in Cardiff got their hands on it, and, since then, we've come to the situation we're in today, with spiralling waiting times, patients waiting up to 72 hours—yes, 72 hours—for ambulances and emergency treatment, and long waiting times for minor injuries, elective surgeries and clinical out-patient appointments. And I'm sure the founders of the hospital, if they are still with us, would be wincing at the current performance of Glan Clwyd Hospital.
And let me be clear, this is not the fault of hard-working front-line staff in the NHS; they are some of the best people you'll ever meet. It's the fault of successive Labour Governments in this place and endless tiers of useless middle managers, directors, bureaucrats and do-gooders who put their own careers and interests ahead of the health of the people of north Wales. And sometimes they're as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike. But the common theme here is that, in all of the history, major hospitals such as Glan Clwyd, Wrexham Maelor and Ysbyty Gwynedd were supported by smaller community or cottage hospitals, and, in years gone by, nearly every town had one. And slowly but surely, the agenda for centralisation took shape as local hospitals closed in Prestatyn, Flint and Mold, to name just a couple of examples. And one of the biggest lunacies of this agenda was when they closed Conwy community hospital in 2003. [Interruption.] Yes, I will. Sorry, I didn't see you there.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd, ac mae'n bleser cyfrannu at y ddadl hon y prynhawn yma. Fel rhywun a fu'n gweithio yn y GIG am 11 mlynedd cyn cael fy ethol i'r Senedd, a rhywun sydd â'i wreiddiau'n ddwfn yn ardal y Rhyl a Phrestatyn, rwy'n teimlo fy mod yn eithaf cymwys i rannu rhywfaint o hanes a gwirioneddau am ofal iechyd yn sir Ddinbych a gogledd Cymru, a'r pwysau ar y gofal hwnnw, yn wir.
Agorwyd Ysbyty'r Royal Alexandra yn y Rhyl, ysbyty a gâi ei galw'n 'yr Alex' yn lleol, ym 1872 a'r rheswm dros ei henwi'n hynny oedd bod y Dywysoges Alexandra o Gymru wedi dod yn noddwr i'r ysbyty ym 1882, a'r gred yn y cyfnod hwnnw oedd bod triniaeth awyr iach ac awyr y môr yn fuddiol i gleifion, yn enwedig cleifion anhwylderau'r frest a thrafferthion anadlu. Er mwyn darparu ar gyfer hyn, roedd ganddynt falconïau hir er mwyn i'r cleifion anadlu'r awyr iach a gwneud lles mawr i'w hysgyfaint. Ac roedd ganddynt faddonau halen yno hefyd ar yr islawr, sy'n dal i fod yno yn ôl y sôn. A'r dyddiau hyn defnyddir yr ystafell ar gyfer storio offer, ond yn anffodus ni chefais gyfle i fynd i lawr yno i weld drosof fy hun, felly rwyf am ddal i gredu eu bod yno, ychydig bach fel dyfrffyrdd tanddaearol Little Venice, lle roedd gondolas yn ôl y sôn yn adeilad y Frenhines sydd bellach wedi'i ddymchwel.
Nawr, fe neidiaf ymlaen dros lawer iawn o flynyddoedd hyd at ddiwedd y 1970au a dechrau'r 1980au, a diolch i ymroddiad Margaret Thatcher tuag at Gymru, fe adeiladodd ac fe agorodd Awdurdod Iechyd Clwyd ar y pryd yr Ysbyty Glan Clwyd blaenllaw newydd sbon ym Modelwyddan ym 1980, a chanddo chwe theatr lawdriniaethau, adran ddamweiniau a wardiau niferus, ac a gostiodd oddeutu £16 miliwn—a byddem wrth ein boddau yn gweld ffigurau fel hynny y dyddiau hyn. Ac yn ystod yr 1980au a dechrau'r 1990au, roedd Ysbyty Glan Clwyd yn cael ei ystyried yn un o'r ysbytai a oedd yn perfformio orau nid yn unig yng Nghymru ond ym Mhrydain gyfan, a denodd lawer o weithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol i'r ardal er mwyn iddynt allu dod yn rhan o'r llwyddiant ysgubol hwn ac er mwyn i bobl canol a dwyrain gogledd Cymru allu elwa o'u harbenigedd. Ac ar ddiwedd y 1990au a dechrau'r 2000au, cafodd y Llywodraeth Lafur yng Nghaerdydd eu dwylo arno, ac ers hynny, rydym wedi cyrraedd y sefyllfa rydym ynddi heddiw, gydag amseroedd aros cynyddol, cleifion yn aros hyd at 72 awr—ie, 72 awr—am ambiwlansys a thriniaeth frys, ac amseroedd aros hir i fân anafiadau, llawdriniaethau dewisol ac apwyntiadau clinigol i gleifion allanol. Ac rwy'n siŵr y byddai sylfaenwyr yr ysbyty, os ydynt yn dal i fod gyda ni, yn gwingo wrth weld perfformiad presennol Ysbyty Glan Clwyd.
A gadewch imi fod yn glir, nid bai staff gweithgar y rheng flaen yn y GIG yw hyn; hwy yw rhai o'r bobl orau y dowch chi byth ar eu traws. Bai Llywodraethau Llafur olynol yn y lle hwn ydyw, a haenau diddiwedd o reolwyr canol, cyfarwyddwyr, biwrocratiaid di-werth ac ymyrwyr daionus sy'n rhoi eu gyrfaoedd a'u diddordebau eu hunain o flaen iechyd pobl gogledd Cymru. Ac weithiau maent lawn mor ddefnyddiol â blwch llwch ar feic modur. Ond y thema gyffredin yma yn yr holl hanes yw bod ysbytai mawr fel Glan Clwyd, Ysbyty Maelor Wrecsam ac Ysbyty Gwynedd yn arfer cael cymorth ysbytai cymunedol neu ysbytai bwthyn llai o faint, ac yn y blynyddoedd a fu, roedd un o'r rheini gan bron bob tref. Ac yn araf ond yn sicr, fe luniwyd yr agenda ar gyfer canoli wrth i ysbytai lleol gau ym Mhrestatyn, y Fflint a'r Wyddgrug, i enwi ond ambell enghraifft. Ac un o'r pethau mwyaf gwallgof yn yr agenda hon oedd cau ysbyty cymunedol Conwy yn 2003. [Torri ar draws.] Iawn, fe wnaf. Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, nid oeddwn yn eich gweld.
Okay. It's just regarding Flint hospital. I believe that it's going to be a state-of-the-art, fit-for-purpose modern care home, which will not only have long and short-term placements but will also be able to rehabilitate people after a stay in hospital to regain their confidence and independence in their own homes. So, it's a modern facility. Some of the old hospitals, like Flint previously, would not be fit for purpose in this current state. Do you not agree? So, it's good that we're having this modernisation now of Flint hospital.
Iawn. Mae'n ymwneud ag ysbyty'r Fflint. Rwy'n credu ei fod yn mynd i fod yn gartref gofal modern o'r radd flaenaf ac addas i'r diben, gyda lle i bobl yn hirdymor ac yn y tymor byr a bydd hefyd yn gallu adsefydlu pobl ar ôl iddynt fod yn yr ysbyty i adfer eu hyder a'u hannibyniaeth yn eu cartrefi eu hunain. Felly, mae'n gyfleuster modern. Ni fyddai rhai o'r hen ysbytai, fel y Fflint o'r blaen, yn addas i'r diben yn eu cyflwr presennol. Onid ydych yn cytuno? Felly, mae'n dda ein bod yn gweld moderneiddio ysbyty'r Fflint yn awr.
Absolutely, it's a great thing, Carolyn, and I will touch on that later in my speech, about some of the intricacies of that.
One of the biggest lunacies of this agenda was when they closed the Conwy community hospital in 2003 to pave the way for the expansion of Llandudno General Hospital, which was subsequently downgraded to community status just a few years later. You couldn't make it up. Then, north Wales saw the introduction of Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board in 2009, which took the place of the three localised health boards in North East Wales NHS Trust, Conwy and Denbighshire NHS Trust, and North West Wales NHS Trust. And, since the formation of Betsi Cadwaladr, we've seen many of the long-term issues compounded, and it's widely regarded that the size of the board is far too big for its needs. So, I'd be interested to see what the Government think on that point in responding to the debate, on how we manage this problem and make sure that the people of north Wales truly have a health service that represents the local people's health needs. You've been in charge of this for so many years down here in Cardiff, Minister, and it's time that you really think seriously about this, as north Wales's health board is disproportionately worse performing than any other in Wales, and possibly even the UK at a stretch. So, it's time to up our game and get real about the severity of the problems in north Wales.
One success story was the opening of Holywell Community Hospital in 2009, complete with community wards, allied health professionals and a minor injuries unit. And this was widely seen as a model for the plans for the construction of north Denbighshire community hospital in Rhyl, which has been promised by Labour politicians—
Yn bendant, mae'n wych, Carolyn, a byddaf yn crybwyll hynny yn nes ymlaen yn fy araith, a rhai o fanylion hynny.
Un o'r pethau mwyaf gwallgof yn yr agenda hon oedd cau ysbyty cymunedol Conwy yn 2003 i baratoi'r ffordd ar gyfer ehangu Ysbyty Cyffredinol Llandudno, a gafodd ei israddio wedyn i statws cymunedol ychydig flynyddoedd yn ddiweddarach. Mae'n anhygoel. Yna, gwelodd gogledd Cymru gyflwyno Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr yn 2009 i gymryd lle'r tri bwrdd iechyd lleol, Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Gogledd Ddwyrain Cymru, Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Conwy a sir Ddinbych, ac Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Gogledd Orllewin Cymru. Ac ers ffurfio Betsi Cadwaladr, rydym wedi gweld llawer o'r problemau hirdymor yn dwysáu, ac ystyrir yn eang fod maint y bwrdd yn llawer rhy fawr i'w anghenion. Felly, byddai gennyf ddiddordeb mewn gweld beth yw barn y Llywodraeth ar y pwynt hwnnw wrth ymateb i'r ddadl, a sut rydym yn rheoli'r broblem hon ac yn gwneud yn siŵr fod gan bobl gogledd Cymru wasanaeth iechyd sy'n cynrychioli anghenion iechyd y bobl leol yn iawn. Rydych chi wedi bod yn gyfrifol am hyn ers cymaint o flynyddoedd i lawr yma yng Nghaerdydd, Weinidog, ac mae'n bryd ichi feddwl o ddifrif am hyn, gan fod bwrdd iechyd gogledd Cymru yn perfformio'n anghymesur waeth na'r un arall yng Nghymru, ac o bosibl yn y DU hyd yn oed. Felly, mae'n bryd inni wneud mwy a wynebu realiti difrifoldeb y problemau yng ngogledd Cymru.
Un stori lwyddiant oedd agor Ysbyty Cymunedol Treffynnon yn 2009, gyda wardiau cymunedol, gweithwyr proffesiynol perthynol i iechyd ac uned mân anafiadau. A châi hyn ei weld yn eang fel model i'r cynlluniau ar gyfer adeiladu ysbyty cymunedol gogledd sir Ddinbych yn y Rhyl, a addawyd gan wleidyddion Llafur—
Gareth, you need to finish as soon as possible please. Time is going on.
Gareth, mae angen ichi orffen cyn gynted â phosibl os gwelwch yn dda. Mae amser yn brin.
Okay. But with no tangible evidence and a spade not going in the ground, when will my constituents in Rhyl, Prestatyn, Rhuddlan, St Asaph and the surrounding areas be awarded this facility to take the pressures off Glan Clwyd Hospital?
I know I've run out of time, but I'd just encourage Members to support amendments 1, 3 and 4 as seen on the agenda. Thank you.
O'r gorau. Ond heb unrhyw dystiolaeth bendant a heb raw yn y ddaear, pryd y bydd fy etholwyr yn y Rhyl, Prestatyn, Rhuddlan, Llanelwy a'r cyffiniau yn cael y cyfleuster hwn i dynnu'r pwysau oddi ar Ysbyty Glan Clwyd?
Rwy'n gwybod fod fy amser ar ben, ond hoffwn annog yr Aelodau i gefnogi gwelliannau 1, 3 a 4 fel y'u gwelir ar yr agenda. Diolch.
Opening the debate, Rhun ap Iorwerth said that preventative has to be the attitude we take towards health, and I want to speak to the part of our motion that calls for the placing of preventative measures at the heart of all health-related policy and activity involving all Government departments.
Plaid Cymru has emphasised time and again when we debate health in all its aspects the need to give preventative measures better prominence and greater priority. In addressing the current crisis, the health Minister spoke about the need for people to assume greater responsibility for their health and well-being. We agree, of course, that prevention is better than cure. So, why does our motion call for all Government departments to be involved in this aspect of our plan for the NHS? What the health Minister failed to take full account of while making that call was the role of deprivation and poverty in people’s ability to do so.
How are people meant to be looking after their diet when they can’t afford to turn the oven on, when they’re cutting down on food? How can they ensure they don’t exacerbate or cause health conditions when they live in cold, damp, draughty houses they can’t afford to heat? When you are thinking about where the next meal is coming from, how to be able to afford the hot water to clean yourself and wash your clothes, when you’re working two jobs, juggling childcare, worrying about that bill you know that’s going to land that you can’t pay, how do you have the means—let alone the headspace—to attend a gym or go for a run? And how can people access leisure and sporting facilities, libraries, theatres—crucial to well-being—as well as fitness, when they are facing extensive cuts to funding?
The relationship between health and poverty is well understood: deprivation causes ill health, causes inequality in health outcomes, increases the pressure on health services. Ill health is costly to society, puts pressure on our health service. And at a time of economic constriction, at a time of raging levels of poverty, the prevention agenda is absolutely key, and in Wales, where over a third of children are in poverty—the highest level in the UK—and 45 per cent of households are struggling and trapped in fuel poverty, the need to prioritise prevention is urgent.
If we are to truly embed a preventative approach to health, we must take account of the socioeconomic circumstances when building that approach. Poverty and inequality are cross-governmental issues. In addressing the NHS crisis, we must take full account of the differences in the opportunities people have to lead healthy lives, and that must be a cross-governmental responsibility. The Food Foundation’s most recent annual report, ‘The Broken Plate’, asks important questions around how free people are to make healthy food choices around diet, noting that the poorest fifth of UK households would need to spend 43 per cent of their disposable income on food to meet the cost of the most recommended healthy diet; that compares to just 10 per cent for the richest fifth.
Health inequalities can also be related to access to care or services, the quality and experience of care, and we know this to be a long-standing issue in Wales. Health Inspectorate Wales’s national review of mental health crisis prevention, for example, emphasised that services in Wales needed to be better designed and focused around the needs of the individual. It highlighted a gap in Wales between primary care and secondary mental health services, with people falling between the criteria of different services that can provide support.
The Welsh NHS Confederation Health and Wellbeing Alliance report, ‘Mind the gap: what's stopping change?’, also highlighted that addressing the factors that cause ill health in the first place should be a central focus for the Welsh Government and local government, and yet there remains an implementation gap in tackling the underlying health inequalities. The recent update to that report, in partnership with the Royal College of Physicians, ‘Everything affects health’, spells out why they are calling on the Welsh Government to take cross-Government action to tackle those health inequalities. The report gives details of many examples across Wales and Welsh health boards and local authorities of preventative measures in action, with many public and third-sector organisations helping to reduce ill health and health inequalities among the most vulnerable in our society, but it's a patchwork.
These are the people who are most at risk of harmful behaviours such a smoking, excessive drinking and drug use, or are most likely to be socially isolated, in poor or temporary housing, have poor access to transport and well-being opportunities, or digitally excluded. The conclusion of this report is that cross-sector working of this nature should be supported and encouraged by the Welsh Government, with a cross-Government action plan. We agree that a cross-Government delivery plan setting out what every department is doing to tackle poverty and health inequalities, how success would be measured and evaluated, and how Welsh organisations can collaborate to reduce ill health, is long overdue. Public Health Wales—
Wrth agor y ddadl, dywedodd Rhun ap Iorwerth fod yn rhaid inni fabwysiadu ymagwedd ataliol tuag at iechyd, ac rwyf am siarad â'r rhan o'n cynnig sy'n galw am roi mesurau ataliol wrth wraidd pob polisi a gweithgaredd sy'n gysylltiedig ag iechyd gan gynnwys pob adran o'r Llywodraeth.
Mae Plaid Cymru wedi pwysleisio dro ar ôl tro wrth drafod iechyd yn ei holl agweddau yr angen i roi gwell amlygrwydd a mwy o flaenoriaeth i fesurau ataliol. Wrth fynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng presennol, siaradodd y Gweinidog iechyd am yr angen i bobl ysgwyddo mwy o gyfrifoldeb am eu hiechyd a'u llesiant. Rydym yn cytuno, wrth gwrs, fod atal yn well na gwella. Felly, pam mae ein cynnig yn galw ar bob adran o'r Llywodraeth i fod yn rhan o'r agwedd hon ar ein cynllun ar gyfer y GIG? Yr hyn y methodd y Gweinidog iechyd ei ystyried yn llawn wrth wneud yr alwad honno oedd rôl amddifadedd a thlodi yng ngallu pobl i wneud hynny.
Sut mae pobl i fod i ofalu am eu deiet pan na allant fforddio rhoi'r ffwrn ymlaen, pan fyddant yn torri lawr ar fwyd? Sut y gallant sicrhau nad ydynt yn gwaethygu neu'n achosi cyflyrau iechyd pan fyddant yn byw mewn tai oer, llaith, drafftiog na allant fforddio'u cynhesu? Pan ydych chi'n meddwl o ble y daw'r pryd nesaf, sut y gallwch fforddio'r dŵr poeth i olchi eich hun a'ch dillad, pan fyddwch yn gwneud dwy swydd, yn jyglo gofal plant, yn poeni am y bil y gwyddoch ei fod yn mynd i lanio ond na allwch mo'i dalu, sut fydd gennych fodd—heb sôn am le yn eich pen—i fynychu campfa neu fynd allan i redeg? A sut y gall pobl dalu i fynd i gyfleusterau hamdden a chwaraeon, llyfrgelloedd, theatrau—pethau sy'n allweddol i lesiant—yn ogystal â ffitrwydd, pan fyddant yn wynebu toriadau helaeth i'w cyllid?
Mae'r berthynas rhwng iechyd a thlodi yn un hawdd ei deall: mae amddifadedd yn achosi salwch, yn achosi anghydraddoldeb o ran canlyniadau iechyd, yn cynyddu'r pwysau ar wasanaethau iechyd. Mae salwch yn gostus i gymdeithas, yn rhoi pwysau ar ein gwasanaeth iechyd. Ac ar adeg o grebachu economaidd, ar adeg o lefelau tlodi enbyd, mae'r agenda ataliol yn gwbl allweddol, ac yng Nghymru, lle mae dros draean o blant yn byw mewn tlodi—y lefel uchaf yn y DU—a lle mae 45 y cant o aelwydydd yn ei chael hi'n anodd ac wedi'u caethiwo mewn tlodi tanwydd, mae'r angen i flaenoriaethu'r dull ataliol yn fater brys.
Os ydym o ddifrif am ymgorffori dull ataliol ym maes iechyd, rhaid inni ystyried yr amgylchiadau economaidd-gymdeithasol wrth ddatblygu dull o'r fath. Mae tlodi ac anghydraddoldeb yn faterion trawslywodraethol. Wrth fynd i'r afael ag argyfwng y GIG, mae'n rhaid inni ystyried yn llawn y gwahaniaethau yn y cyfleoedd sydd gan bobl i fyw bywydau iach, ac mae'n rhaid i hynny fod yn gyfrifoldeb trawslywodraethol. Mae adroddiad blynyddol diweddaraf y Sefydliad Bwyd, 'The Broken Plate', yn gofyn cwestiynau pwysig ynglŷn â pha mor rydd yw pobl i wneud dewisiadau bwyd iach yn eu deiet, gan nodi y byddai angen i'r pumed tlotaf o aelwydydd y DU wario 43 y cant o'u hincwm gwario ar fwyd i dalu cost y deiet iach a argymhellir fwyaf; mae hynny'n cymharu â dim ond 10 y cant o incwm gwario'r pumed cyfoethocaf.
Gall fod cysylltiad hefyd rhwng anghydraddoldebau iechyd a mynediad at ofal neu wasanaethau, ansawdd a phrofiad o ofal, a gwyddom fod hyn yn broblem ers amser maith yng Nghymru. Pwysleisiodd adolygiad cenedlaethol Arolygiaeth Iechyd Cymru o waith atal argyfwng iechyd meddwl, er enghraifft, fod angen cynllunio gwasanaethau yng Nghymru yn well a sicrhau eu bod yn canolbwyntio ar anghenion yr unigolyn. Tynnodd sylw at fwlch yng Nghymru rhwng gofal sylfaenol a gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl eilaidd, gyda phobl yn disgyn rhwng meini prawf gwahanol wasanaethau a all ddarparu cymorth.
Amlygodd adroddiad Cynghrair Iechyd a Lles Conffederasiwn GIG Cymru, 'Cofiwch y bwlch: beth sy'n atal newid?', y dylai mynd i'r afael â'r ffactorau sy'n achosi salwch yn y lle cyntaf fod yn ffocws canolog i Lywodraeth Cymru a llywodraeth leol, ac eto mae'r bwlch yn parhau o ran gweithredu i fynd i'r afael â'r anghydraddoldebau iechyd sylfaenol. Mae'r diweddariad diweddar i'r adroddiad hwnnw, mewn partneriaeth â Choleg Brenhinol y Meddygon, 'Mae popeth yn effeithio ar iechyd', yn nodi'n glir pam eu bod yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i weithredu'n drawslywodraethol i fynd i'r afael â'r anghydraddoldebau iechyd hynny. Mae'r adroddiad yn rhoi manylion sawl enghraifft ar draws Cymru a byrddau iechyd Cymru ac awdurdodau lleol o fesurau ataliol ar waith, gyda llawer o sefydliadau cyhoeddus a thrydydd sector yn helpu i leihau salwch ac anghydraddoldebau iechyd ymhlith y rhai mwyaf agored i niwed yn ein cymdeithas, ond mae'n dameidiog.
Dyma'r bobl sy'n wynebu'r risg fwyaf o ymddygiadau niweidiol fel ysmygu, yfed gormod a defnyddio cyffuriau, neu sydd fwyaf tebygol o fod wedi eu hynysu'n gymdeithasol, mewn tai tlawd neu dros dro, o fod â mynediad gwael at gyfleoedd trafnidiaeth a llesiant, neu wedi eu heithrio'n ddigidol. Casgliad yr adroddiad yw y dylai gweithio traws-sector o'r math yma gael ei gefnogi a'i annog gan Lywodraeth Cymru, gyda chynllun gweithredu trawslywodraethol. Rydym yn cytuno ei bod yn hen bryd cael cynllun cyflawni trawslywodraethol sy'n nodi'r hyn y mae pob adran yn ei wneud i fynd i'r afael â thlodi ac anghydraddoldebau iechyd, sut y byddai llwyddiant yn cael ei fesur a'i werthuso, a sut y gall sefydliadau Cymru gydweithio i leihau salwch. Mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru—
Sioned, can you conclude now, please?
Sioned, a wnewch chi orffen nawr, os gwelwch yn dda?
Public Health Wales states in its recent report 'Cost of living crisis in Wales: A public health lens' that the cost-of-living crisis is not just a temporary economic squeeze, it is a long-term public health issue affecting the whole population. We will never achieve the fairer Wales we all desire to see if our health service continues to be a means to address the consequences of poverty and inequality that are contributing so greatly and so shamefully to the crisis in our NHS.
Mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn dweud yn ei adroddiad diweddar 'Yr argyfwng costau byw yng Nghymru: Drwy lens iechyd cyhoeddus' nad gwasgfa economaidd dros dro yn unig yw'r argyfwng costau byw, mae'n fater iechyd cyhoeddus hirdymor sy'n effeithio ar yr holl boblogaeth. Ni fyddwn byth yn cyflawni'r Gymru decach y mae pob un ohonom yn awyddus i'w gweld os yw ein gwasanaeth iechyd yn parhau i fod yn fodd o fynd i'r afael â chanlyniadau tlodi ac anghydraddoldeb sy'n cyfrannu cymaint ac mewn ffordd mor gywilyddus at yr argyfwng yn ein GIG.
I stated yesterday in First Minister's questions that it is important that all of us here in Senedd Cymru, the Welsh Parliament, are candid about the very real challenges facing our beloved national health service right across the four nations of the United Kingdom. There is no corner of the United Kingdom that has not seen extensive pressures on each of its own constituent parts of the national health service. I stand addressing you as a proud Welsh Labour member. The national health service was created by the Labour Government of Clement Attlee, and it is the Labour Party's proudest moment, achievement and legacy to the people it was created to serve.
I know that in Wales its custodians, the Welsh First Minister and Welsh health Minister, understand and are dedicated to its survival and maintenance. Twenty-four hours ago, I asked the First Minister for his assurances that his Government would be devoted to the continuation of the reality of a universal, truly national public health service, free at the point of care, a principle based on experience of suffering, a holy grail battled for with the old BMA, and something my own grandfather fought for as his wife lay dying in childbirth, denied social insurance and subsequent medical care. It is that type of healthcare that I don't want here in Wales. The First Minister gave me his assurance in this Chamber, and I know that my constituents in Islwyn heard loud and clear that, no, we don't want that.
Does that mean, though, that the pressures facing the NHS today are not real? No, it doesn't. There is a clear and obvious danger at the front door of the national health service in primary care. How many of our constituents e-mail us, phone us or write to us as Members of the Senedd to express those concerns, their frustrations and worries about seeing a general practitioner? And yes, there are new ways we are doing things, they are embedding, but the demand of this moment is truly unprecedented since the birth of the national health service.
Community pharmacies play a role, as do our social prescribers, but it's the people of Wales who must be able to access without due hindrance a GP, because the alternatives on the ground are obvious. As we saw before Christmas with the rise in cases of strep A, worried parents with an ill child will, out of real, genuine fear, go to A&E if there are no alternatives. And what person will blame them? When your loved one is in pain and the diagnosis is unknown, who would take the risk of a single second lost? The national health service must exist for the people it was created for—its patients, our citizens.
Wes Streeting, the UK Labour shadow health Minister, has opened an initial exploratory discussion on whether, in the future, GPs should become salaried NHS staff. These are needed conversations with long-standing associations. Reluctance, institutionally, to change—
Dywedais ddoe yn y cwestiynau i'r Prif Weinidog ei bod hi'n bwysig fod pob un ohonom yma yn Senedd Cymru yn onest am yr heriau go iawn sy'n wynebu ein hannwyl wasanaeth iechyd gwladol ym mhedair gwlad y Deyrnas Unedig. Nid oes unrhyw ran o'r Deyrnas Unedig sydd heb weld pwysau helaeth ar bob un o rannau cyfansoddol y gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol. Rwy'n sefyll ger eich bron fel aelod Llafur Cymru balch. Cafodd y gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol ei greu gan Lywodraeth Lafur Clement Attlee, a honno oedd moment, cyflawniad a gwaddol mwyaf balch y Blaid Lafur i'r bobl y cafodd ei greu i'w gwasanaethu.
Gwn yng Nghymru fod ei geidwaid, Prif Weinidog Cymru a Gweinidog iechyd Cymru, yn deall ac wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau ei fod yn goroesi ac yn cael ei gynnal. Bedair awr ar hugain yn ôl, gofynnais i'r Prif Weinidog am ei sicrwydd y byddai ei Lywodraeth yn ymrwymo i barhau â realiti gwasanaeth iechyd cyhoeddus cyffredinol, gwirioneddol genedlaethol, am ddim yn y man lle rhoddir gofal, egwyddor sy'n seiliedig ar brofiad o ddioddef, greal sanctaidd yr ymladdwyd yn erbyn yr hen BMA amdano, a rhywbeth y bu fy nhad-cu fy hun yn ymladd drosto tra oedd ei wraig yn gorwedd ar ei gwely angau wrth roi genedigaeth, pan wadwyd yswiriant cymdeithasol a gofal meddygol dilynol iddynt. Dyna'r math o ofal iechyd nad wyf mo'i eisiau yma yng Nghymru. Rhoddodd y Prif Weinidog ei sicrwydd i mi yn y Siambr hon, a gwn fod fy etholwyr yn Islwyn wedi clywed yn glir nad ydym eisiau hynny.
Ond a yw hynny'n golygu nad yw'r pwysau sy'n wynebu'r GIG heddiw yn real? Nac ydy. Mae yna berygl amlwg wrth ddrws blaen y gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol ym maes gofal sylfaenol. Faint o'n hetholwyr sy'n anfon e-byst atom, yn ein ffonio neu'n ysgrifennu atom fel Aelodau o'r Senedd i fynegi'r ofnau hynny, eu rhwystredigaethau a'u pryderon ynglŷn â gweld meddyg teulu? Ac oes, mae yna ffyrdd newydd o wneud pethau, maent yn gwreiddio, ond mae'r galw ar hyn o bryd yn wirioneddol ddigynsail ers geni'r gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol.
Mae fferyllfeydd cymunedol yn chwarae rhan, fel mae ein presgripsiynwyr cymdeithasol, ond bydd yn rhaid i bobl Cymru allu cael mynediad dirwystr at feddyg teulu, oherwydd mae'r dewisiadau amgen ar lawr gwlad yn amlwg. Fel y gwelsom cyn y Nadolig gyda'r cynnydd yn nifer yr achosion o strep A, bydd rhieni sydd â phlentyn sâl ac arnynt ofn gwirioneddol yn mynd i adran ddamweiniau ac achosion brys os nad oes dewisiadau amgen. A phwy allai eu beio? Pan fydd rhywun annwyl mewn poen a heb wybod beth sy'n bod, pwy fyddai'n cymryd y risg o golli un eiliad? Rhaid i'r gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol fodoli ar gyfer y bobl y cafodd ei greu ar eu cyfer—ei gleifion, ein dinasyddion.
Mae Wes Streeting, Gweinidog iechyd yr wrthblaid ym Mhlaid Lafur y DU, wedi agor trafodaeth archwiliadol gychwynnol i weld a ddylai meddygon teulu, yn y dyfodol, ddod yn staff GIG cyflogedig. Mae angen y sgyrsiau hyn gyda chymdeithasau sefydledig. Mae amharodrwydd sefydliadol i newid—
Jenny Rathbone a gododd—
Jenny Rathbone rose—
Thank you for that. Would you agree, though, that not every one of our constituents needs to see a GP? They can see the pharmacist, they can see the nurse, and if they've got diabetes they're much better off with a diabetes service. So, it really isn't about salaried or not salaried GPs, but that's an important discussion.
Diolch am hynny. Ond a fyddech chi'n cytuno nad oes angen i bob un o'n hetholwyr weld meddyg teulu? Gallant weld y fferyllydd, gallant weld y nyrs, ac os oes ganddynt ddiabetes maent yn llawer gwell eu byd gyda gwasanaeth diabetes. Felly, nid yw'n ymwneud â meddygon teulu sy'n gyflogedig neu fel arall mewn gwirionedd, ond mae honno'n drafodaeth bwysig.
I absolutely agree with that, Jenny Rathbone; we have a whole host of different mechanisms of seeking healthcare. But this is an important discussion, and I'm going to develop it.
We know that another crucial facet of what we must address is ambulance waiting times in Wales. Nobody should die from an excessive wait for an ambulance. Now we know that new ambulance training posts are real. But it is right for us to challenge the status quo of consultants training for decades, subsidised by the state, to work, sometimes, three days a week in the private sector. Phoning 999 in an emergency should and must always be met with a rapid response. And the sight of queues of ambulances sat idle in hospital forecourts, as hospital handover waits occur, must be the exception and not the norm. Because the pressures and challenges are real for the NHS, and so are the consequences.
And so, to those of us, across this Chamber in this Senedd, who are committed to the model of the NHS as created by Labour's Aneurin Bevan, it is time for us to actually unite and not score political points on the solid principle of the NHS free at the point of care. If you believe that, and you want to fight for a free NHS, then the stakes have never, ever been so grave. The Tories are openly speculating about privatising the NHS—and actually, to be honest, have done for a very long time.
Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr, Jenny Rathbone; mae gennym lu o wahanol ffyrdd o gael gofal iechyd. Ond mae hon yn drafodaeth bwysig, ac rwy'n mynd i'w datblygu.
Fe wyddom mai elfen arall hanfodol sy'n rhaid inni fynd i'r afael â hi yw amseroedd aros ambiwlansys yng Nghymru. Ni ddylai neb farw o aros yn rhy hir am ambiwlans. Nawr, fe wyddom fod lleoedd hyfforddiant ambiwlans newydd yn rhai go iawn. Ond mae'n iawn inni herio status quo hyfforddiant meddygon ymgynghorol sydd ers degawdau'n derbyn cymhorthdal gan y wladwriaeth i weithio, weithiau, am dridiau yr wythnos yn y sector preifat. Dylai ffonio 999 mewn argyfwng arwain at ymateb cyflym bob amser. A rhaid i'r olygfa o giw o ambiwlansys yn aros yn segur o flaen ysbytai wrth aros i drosglwyddo cleifion fod yn eithriad ac nid yn norm. Oherwydd mae'r pwysau a'r heriau yn real i'r GIG, ac felly hefyd y canlyniadau.
Ac felly, i'r rhai ohonom ar draws y Siambr yn y Senedd hon sydd wedi ymrwymo i fodel y GIG fel y'i crëwyd gan Aneurin Bevan o'r Blaid Lafur, mae'n bryd inni uno a pheidio â sgorio pwyntiau gwleidyddol ar yr egwyddor gadarn o GIG sydd am ddim yn y man lle rhoddir gofal. Os ydych chi'n credu hynny, a'ch bod eisiau brwydro dros GIG sydd am ddim, ni fu erioed cymaint yn y fantol. Mae'r Torïaid yn rhoi ystyriaeth agored i breifateiddio'r GIG—ac i fod yn onest, maent wedi bod gwneud hynny ers amser hir iawn mewn gwirionedd.
Will the Member take an intervention?
A wnaiff yr Aelod dderbyn ymyriad?
No. She hasn't got time.
Na wnaiff. Nid oes ganddi amser.
I really want to finish, if you don't mind.
This has been advanced by former English health Minister Sajid Javid. These are your party's policies. He wants to explore people paying to see a GP—with everything that Sioned Williams has just articulated—and believes in opening up the NHS to the free market. This is what is at stake. With the Tories, it's always the same: they want to shrink the state, withdraw public finances—
Rwy'n awyddus iawn i orffen, os nad oes ots gennych.
Cafodd hyn ei ddatblygu gan gyn-Weinidog iechyd Lloegr, Sajid Javid. Dyma bolisïau eich plaid. Mae am archwilio'r syniad o bobl yn talu i weld meddyg teulu—gyda phopeth y mae Sioned Williams newydd ei fynegi—ac mae'n credu mewn agor y GIG i'r farchnad rydd. Dyma sydd yn y fantol. Gyda'r Torïaid, mae bob amser yr un peth: maent eisiau crebachu'r wladwriaeth, tynnu cyllid cyhoeddus yn ôl—
Rhianon, you need to conclude now, please.
Rhianon, mae angen ichi orffen nawr, os gwelwch yn dda.
—and claim this so-called better way.
—a honni bod honno'n ffordd well.
Rhianon, you need to conclude now, please.
Rhianon, mae angen ichi orffen nawr, os gwelwch yn dda.
And finally, Deputy Llywydd, I will be voting for the amendment as proposed by Lesley Griffiths. Thank you.
Ac yn olaf, Ddirprwy Lywydd, byddaf yn pleidleisio dros y gwelliant fel y'i cynigiwyd gan Lesley Griffiths. Diolch.
Rôn i allan ar linellau piced y gweithlu ambiwlansys ddydd Llun a dydd Iau diwethaf, yn siarad efo aelodau Unite am eu profiadau, a gofyn pam eu bod nhw wedi penderfynu gweithredu'n ddiwydiannol. Ac roedd y sgyrsiau efo Fiona, Ludwig, Catrin, Robin a'r gweddill yn werthfawr. Roedd eu hatebion yn drawiadol, a phob un yn dweud yr un peth. Roedd cyflog a'r chwyddiant diweddar yn rhan o'r mix. Roedd amgylchiadau gwaith yn rhan bwysig arall. Ond yr un peth roedden nhw oll yn teimlo'n gryf yn ei gylch oedd gofal y claf—yr angen i sicrhau ein bod ni, y cleifion, yn ddiogel ac yn cael y gofal gorau posib. Maen nhw'n gweld ac yn profi'r argyfwng yn y gwasanaeth iechyd yn ddyddiol, oherwydd y pryderon yma am ein hiechyd ni, y cleifion. Maen nhw wedi dewis mynd i yrfa o ofal, ac oherwydd y gofal yma sydd yn eu cyflyru, maen nhw'n barod i golli dyddiau o gyflog a'r buddiannau a ddaw yn sgil hynny er mwyn sicrhau ein bod ni'n derbyn y gofal gorau. Dyna i chi solidariti, a diolch amdanyn nhw.
Roedden nhw'n awyddus i ddadansoddi'r argyfwng iechyd, gan adrodd o'u profiadau personol, gan sôn am ddechrau sifft drwy fynd yn syth i ambiwlans a oedd yn segur y tu allan i ysbyty cyffredinol, a gorffen y sifft yn yr un ambiwlans, yn yr un ysbyty, efo'r un claf. Roedden nhw'n sôn am gleifion yn gorwedd ar drolïau nad oedd yn addas i glaf fod arnynt am oriau di-ben-draw. Roedd eu profiad oll yn peintio darlun clir o argyfwng. Ond, roedden nhw'n eithaf clir hefyd ynghylch un o brif wreiddiau'r broblem yma, sef y diffygion sylfaenol yn ein gallu i ddarparu gofal cymdeithasol. Er gwaetha'r ffaith eu bod nhw am weld gwella ar eu telerau a'u cyflogau, roedden nhw'n gwbl glir bod gofalwyr cymdeithasol yn haeddu cynnydd sylweddol, a bod yna ddiffyg parch tuag atyn nhw.
Mae dybryd angen diwygio gofal cymdeithasol a mynd i'r afael â gofal integredig unwaith ac am byth. Oherwydd mae yna un ffaith ddiymwad—mae Cymru yn heneiddio, a byddwn yn gweld cynnydd sylweddol yn y ganran o bobl oedrannus dros y blynyddoedd nesaf a fydd angen mwy o ofal yn y gymuned. Mae'n rhaid i ni wynebu hyn a pharatoi ar gyfer hyn drwy fuddsoddi mewn gwasanaethau ysbyty yn y cartref a sicrhau gofal meddygol arbenigol cymunedol ar draws Cymru. Rydym ni eisoes wedi colli nifer o welyau ysbyty cymunedol, sydd wedi rhoi mwy o bwysau ar ein hysbytai cyffredinol ac sydd, yn ei dro, yn arwain at gynnydd yn yr heintiau sy'n cael eu lledaenu yn yr ysbytai—nid C. difficile yn unig ond heintiau fel ffliw a COVID. Ac mae pobl hŷn yn fwy tueddol o ddal y clefydau yma yn eu gwendid. Cofiwch fod canran mawr o'r bobl gafodd COVID, yn enwedig yn yr ail don mwy niweidiol, wedi'i ddal yn yr ysbyty, a bod tua dau o bob pump o'r bobl yma wedi marw. Dyna pam bod yn rhaid datblygu capasiti cymunedol. Ar adeg o bandemig, epidemig, neu hyd yn oed pwysau gaeafol, mae'n angenrheidiol trio cadw'n pobl hŷn allan o'n hysbytai cyffredinol a'u cadw yn y gymuned.
Er mwyn gwella'r sefyllfa, mae'n rhaid ymhelaethu'r ddarpariaeth o ofal cymdeithasol er mwyn galluogi gwasanaeth mwy cyson ar draws Cymru, wedi'i halinio i'r gwasanaeth iechyd. Felly, gadwech inni edrych ar un enghraifft o arfer da: mae tîm gofal canolraddol Caerfyrddin wedi torri tir newydd. Dyma ichi farchoglu yn y gymuned, sydd yn darparu ystod o wasanaethau gofal a iechyd yn arbennig ar gyfer pobl hŷn, eiddil a bregus. Mae'r model yn gweithio yn amlasiantaeth, gan gynnwys cydweithio di-dor rhwng y gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal, ynghyd ag asiantaethau eraill a'r trydydd sector yn sir Gâr, a'u blaenoriaeth ydy ataliaeth a sicrhau ymyrraeth gynnar. Gall pobl gael mynediad i hybiau cymunedol am asesiadau, am gyngor, cymorth a thriniaethau, neu all y tîm fynd allan i gartrefi pobl. Dyma ichi esiampl o'r egwyddorion craidd ar waith ac arfer da y gellir ei rannu ar draws Cymru, a fydd yn tynnu pwysau oddi ar yr ysbytai cyffredinol.
Os ydyn ni am gael pobl adref ynghynt a lleihau y niferoedd sydd yn mynd i'r ysbyty, yna mae'n rhaid hefyd gwella y ddarpariaeth o adnoddau ar gyfer cleifion sydd ddim angen gofal acìwt. Yn ogystal â hyn, mae'n rhaid hefyd cael gwell cydlynu efo awdurdodau lleol er mwyn sicrhau bod asesiadau gofal amserol yn cael eu gwneud. Heb hyn, yna'r hyn sydd gennym ni ydy rhywbeth sy'n ymdebygu i ddrws sy'n troi drwy'r amser, gyda chleifion yn cael eu gyrru adref cyn gorfod mynd yn ôl i'r ysbyty eto ychydig wedyn. Mae datrys yr elfen gymunedol yn allweddol os ydyn ni am fynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng iechyd, neu mi fyddwn ni yn parhau i weld y staff yn digalonni, yn gadael, a'r gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal yn chwalu o dan y pwysau. Diolch.
I was out on the ambulance service picket lines last Monday and Thursday, speaking to Unite members and discussing their experiences, and asked them why they decided to take industrial action. And the conversations with Fiona, Ludwig, Catrin, Robin and the others were very valuable indeed. Their answers were striking, and everyone said the same thing. Salary and recent inflation was part of the mix. Working conditions was another important part of that mix. But the one thing that they all felt strongly about was patient care—the need to ensure that we, the patients, are safe and are given the best-possible care. They experience the crisis in the health service on a daily basis, because of these concerns about patient health. They have chosen a career in care, and because of that care, which drives them, they are willing to lose days of pay and the benefits that come as a result of that in order to ensure that we get the best-possible care. That's what solidarity looks like, and thank goodness for them.
They were keen to analyse the health crisis, reporting their personal experiences, talking about starting a shift by going immediately to an ambulance that was stuck outside a general hospital, and finishing that shift in that same ambulance, in the same hospital, with the same patient. They talked about patients lying on trollies that weren't fit for patients, for hours on end. Their experiences all painted a picture of a crisis. But they were also quite clear on one of the main drivers of this problem, namely the fundamental problems in our ability to provide social care. Despite the fact that they wanted to see improvement in terms of their pay and conditions, they were entirely clear that social carers deserved a substantial increase in salary, and that there was a lack of respect towards them.
We really need to reform social care and tackle integrated care once and for all. Because there is one undeniable fact—Wales is growing older, and we will see a substantial increase in the percentage of older people over the coming years who will need more care in the community. We must face this and prepare for it by investing in hospital-at-home services and securing specialist medical care in the community across Wales. We've already lost many community hospital beds, which has placed more pressure on our general hospitals and which, in turn, leads to an increase in hospital-spread diseases—not C. difficile alone, but things such as flu and COVID too. And older people are more likely to catch these diseases because they are weaker, and bear in mind that a large percentage of people who got COVID, particularly in the more damaging second wave, actually contracted the disease in hospital, and two in five of those people had died. And that's why we must develop community capacity. At a time of pandemic, epidemic or even winter pressures, it is necessary to keep our older people out of our general hospitals and to keep them in their communities.
In order to improve the situation, we must expand the provision of social care in order to enable a more consistent service across Wales, aligned with the health service. So, let us look at one example of good practice: the Carmarthen integrated care team have broken new ground. Now, these are knights in the community, providing a range of health and care services, particularly for older and vulnerable people. The model works in a multidisciplinary way, including seamless integration between health and care, as well as other agencies and the third sector in Carmarthenshire, and their priority is prevention and securing early intervention. People can access community hubs for assessment, for advice, support and treatments, or the team can go out to people's homes. This is an example of those core principles at work, and this is good practice that can be spread across Wales, which will take pressure off our general hospitals.
If we are to have people home sooner and reduce the numbers going to hospital in the first place, then we also have to improve the facilities for patients who don't need acute care. In addition to this, we must also have better co-ordination with local authorities in order to ensure that timely care assessments are made. Without this, what we have is something that is similar to a revolving door, with patients sent home before having to return to hospital soon afterwards. Resolving the community element is crucial if we're to tackle the health crisis or we will continue to see staff growing disheartened, leaving the service, and health and care services being destroyed by the pressures. Thank you.
Diolch i Blaid Cymru am osod y ddadl yma.
I thank Plaid Cymru for bringing this debate forward.
The Welsh NHS is facing pressures that 'cannot be coped with' and that's not me saying that; that's the Welsh NHS Confederation. And I'll be honest, it's no different in England, so, actually, we can't take any lessons from the Conservatives across there. We must work together here to acknowledge that, actually, we, as a small country of only 3 million people, can actually do something differently. We can actually resolve this together.
I found myself listening to this and actually reflecting on debate in the Senedd, and I feel that this is an adult, grown-up debate, and that's what our debates are. For those of us who've been in the other Chamber, as it were, that never happened. We never had the chance to put points across that were intervened with, where we could ask questions. And so, I do know that the health Minister probably again is feeling under siege, but this is an important issue, which we do need to debate, because we do need to hear ideas and also to be able to reflect the experiences of our constituents and places and people who we've spoken to. So, in that nature, I hope that the three points that I make this evening would be taken in that vein.
Firstly, the crisis in our social care sector here in Wales, which we've heard from Rhun ap Iorwerth about, we need to do more around that. National leaders in the NHS have directly stated that the pressures in our social care sector are driving up the demand for urgent care. It's happening at both ends. The preventative work that we want our social carers to do isn't happening, and the supportive work, and that means that people are going into crisis, and then, when they're coming out, there is just not enough for them there. So, I do hope that we'll be able to look at that issue—and I know I've raised this with the health Minister before.
We would like to see, in the Welsh Liberal Democrats, the implementation of the recommendations of the Holtham commission and work with professionals to introduce those reforms towards the creation of a single, national care service for Wales. Unless we move and work together in a more unified way, then it's going to be impossible to grapple with many of those issues.
The second issue for me—and again Rhun ap Iorwerth did mention this—is looking at the backlog of elective surgery. I've also met with the Royal College of Surgeons and heard about their proposals for surgical hubs, and I know that that's been mentioned by Russell George as well and also by the health Minister. I want to see this happening across Wales. It's happening in pockets, as I understand. The health Minister mentioned Abergele hospital, and there are other examples. But we need to see this being fairly and consistently applied across Wales, so that we can remove and reduce that pressure on our emergency care in our general hospitals.
And my final very brief point is this, and it is a question, which is why we have these debates and these discussions. I note that the Government amendment commits to a workforce plan to be delivered by the end of January. I've worked out that there are only six or seven days left until the end of January, so my question, a really positive question, I hope, is: could you tell us when the workforce will be delivered, because that's so important and touches on some of the areas that have been highlighted?
I just guess I come back to this issue of 'let's all work together'. Rhianon Passmore, you said a valid point, which is that these are needed conversations, and I guess that's how I see these debates and discussions in the Siambr. They are about us working together, listening to each other, not thinking that we've got the solutions because, actually, people come from places where those things are not happening. This is a real difficult issue and we need to work together to make sure that we do the best for the people we represent. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Mae GIG Cymru'n wynebu pwysau 'na ellir ymdopi ag ef', ac nid fi sy'n dweud hynny; Conffederasiwn GIG Cymru sy'n ei ddweud. Ac fe fyddaf yn onest, nid yw'n wahanol yn Lloegr, felly ni allwn dderbyn unrhyw wersi gan y Ceidwadwyr. Mae'n rhaid inni weithio gyda'n gilydd yma i gydnabod y gallwn ni, fel gwlad fach o ddim ond 3 miliwn o bobl, wneud rhywbeth yn wahanol mewn gwirionedd. Gallwn ddatrys hyn gyda'n gilydd.
Roeddwn yn gwrando ar hyn ac yn myfyrio ar y ddadl yn y Senedd, ac rwy'n teimlo bod hon yn ddadl aeddfed, a dyna yw ein dadleuon. I'r rhai ohonom sydd wedi bod yn y Siambr arall, fel petai, nid oedd hynny byth yn digwydd. Ni fyddem byth yn cael cyfle i wneud pwyntiau ac ymyrryd, lle gallem ofyn cwestiynau. Ac felly, rwy'n gwybod bod y Gweinidog iechyd, unwaith eto mae'n debyg, yn teimlo dan warchae, ond mae hwn yn fater pwysig, ac mae angen inni ei drafod, oherwydd mae angen inni glywed syniadau a gallu myfyrio hefyd ar brofiadau ein hetholwyr a'n llefydd a phobl rydym wedi siarad â hwy. Felly, yn yr ystyr honno, gobeithio y caiff y tri phwynt rwy'n eu gwneud heno eu cymryd yn yr ysbryd hwnnw.
Yn gyntaf, mae angen inni wneud mwy am yr argyfwng y clywsom amdano gan Rhun ap Iorwerth yn ein sector gofal cymdeithasol yma yng Nghymru. Mae arweinwyr cenedlaethol yn y GIG wedi dweud ar ei ben fod y pwysau yn ein sector gofal cymdeithasol yn cynyddu'r galw am ofal brys. Mae'n digwydd ar y ddau ben. Nid yw'r gwaith ataliol rydym eisiau i'n gofalwyr cymdeithasol ei wneud yn digwydd, a'r gwaith cefnogol, ac mae hynny'n golygu bod pobl yn cyrraedd pwynt o argyfwng, ac yna, pan ddônt allan, nid oes digon iddynt yno. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio y gallwn edrych ar y broblem honno—ac rwy'n gwybod fy mod wedi codi hyn gyda'r Gweinidog iechyd o'r blaen.
Hoffem ni yn y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymreig weld argymhellion comisiwn Holtham yn cael eu gweithredu, a gwaith gyda gweithwyr proffesiynol i gyflwyno'r diwygiadau hynny tuag at greu un gwasanaeth gofal cenedlaethol i Gymru. Oni bai ein bod ni'n symud ac yn gweithio gyda'n gilydd mewn ffordd fwy unedig, mae'n mynd i fod yn amhosibl mynd i'r afael â llawer o'r problemau hynny.
Yr ail fater i mi—ac unwaith eto fe wnaeth Rhun ap Iorwerth sôn am hyn—yw edrych ar yr ôl-groniad llawdriniaeth ddewisol. Rwyf innau hefyd wedi cyfarfod â Choleg Brenhinol y Llawfeddygon ac wedi clywed am eu cynigion ar hybiau llawfeddygol, a gwn fod hynny wedi cael ei grybwyll gan Russell George hefyd a chan y Gweinidog iechyd. Rwyf am weld hyn yn digwydd ar draws Cymru. Mae'n digwydd mewn pocedi, fel rwy'n deall. Fe soniodd y Gweinidog iechyd am ysbyty Abergele, ac mae yna enghreifftiau eraill. Ond mae angen inni weld hyn yn cael ei wneud yn deg ac yn gyson ledled Cymru, fel y gallwn leihau a chael gwared ar y pwysau ar ofal brys yn ein hysbytai cyffredinol.
A'r pwynt olaf rwyf am ei wneud yn fyr yw hwn, a chwestiwn ydyw, sef y rheswm pam y cawn y dadleuon a'r trafodaethau hyn. Nodaf fod gwelliant y Llywodraeth yn ymrwymo i gynllun gweithlu i'w ddarparu erbyn diwedd mis Ionawr. Sylwais mai dim ond chwech neu saith diwrnod sydd ar ôl tan ddiwedd mis Ionawr, felly fy nghwestiwn i, cwestiwn cadarnhaol iawn gobeithio, yw: a allwch chi ddweud wrthym pryd y bydd cynllun y gweithlu'n cael ei ddarparu, oherwydd mae hwnnw mor bwysig ac mae'n cyffwrdd â rhai o'r meysydd sydd wedi cael sylw?
Mae'n debyg fy mod yn dod yn ôl at y pwynt, 'gadewch i bawb ohonom weithio gyda'n gilydd'. Rhianon Passmore, fe wnaethoch chi bwynt dilys, sef bod angen y sgyrsiau hyn, ac rwy'n tybio mai dyna sut rwy'n gweld y dadleuon a'r trafodaethau hyn yn y Siambr. Maent yn ymwneud â ni'n gweithio gyda'n gilydd, yn gwrando ar ein gilydd, nid meddwl bod gennym yr atebion oherwydd, mewn gwirionedd, mae pobl yn dod o lefydd lle nad yw'r pethau hynny'n digwydd. Mae hwn yn fater anodd iawn ac mae angen inni weithio gyda'n gilydd i sicrhau ein bod yn gwneud y gorau ar ran y bobl a gynrychiolwn. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
We know from these debates and from our own experience, Dirprwy Lywydd, that the pressures on the NHS are immense. It is often a very reactive service of necessity in many ways because, obviously, the NHS has to cope with what is coming at it, and often, what is coming at it is extremely demanding on every last bit of its resource. But we also know, and as Jane Dodds said, we do need, hopefully, some degree of consensus and agreement in terms of some of the ways of dealing with these challenges. We all know that we do need to be more preventative. And despite these day-to-day pressures, it is necessary to get heads above parapets and look at how we can be more long term and preventative, but also deal with current pressures, because a lot of the health prevention agenda will deal with the current issues as well as the longer term.
I would just like to highlight one example of links that can be made to deal with these matters and that is parkruns. It's an amazing, world-wide, free phenomenon. In Newport, at 9 o'clock on a Saturday morning, every Saturday morning, we often have several hundred people out running, aged from eight to 80, all degrees of physical fitness, often people who are running for rehabilitation having gone through or are going through cancer treatment, for example, and many links made to other preventative groups—couch to 5K, or working with Move, which specifically relates to how exercise can help with cancer during and after treatment. Lots of really, really good links.
It is addictive, Dirprwy Lywydd, as many others will know when they do the parkrun. I hope to do my one hundred and fiftieth this Saturday in Newport. I also hope to be on the junior parkrun on the Sunday morning with my grandson, who's eight years old, who is becoming addicted to the junior parkrun as well. People who help organise these parkruns—and we have some 47 now in Wales—what they want is to link more strongly with the health sector. So, we do have links, we have GP practices prescribing the parkrun, and I think it's something like 24 per cent of parkruns that have those links with practices. But we know that many more GP practices could have these links. Social prescribing is so important, and this is a significant part of that. The Welsh Government is out to consultation on all forms of social prescribing, and I do believe that that consultation could consider the collaboration that exists between parkruns and their key stakeholders, including public health boards, third sector organisations, national governing bodies and practitioners.
We need to utilise all possible sources of help with the preventative agenda, Dirprwy Lywydd, and this, I believe, is an important part of that. There is such commitment and goodwill to these parkruns, Dirprwy Lywydd. It is an amazing public health initiative, and it's one that we can utilise more fully in meeting these challenges that we all acknowledge.
Gwyddom o'r dadleuon hyn ac o'n profiad ein hunain, Ddirprwy Lywydd, fod y pwysau ar y GIG yn aruthrol. Yn aml, mae'n wasanaeth adweithiol iawn a hynny o anghenraid mewn sawl ffordd oherwydd, yn amlwg, mae'n rhaid i'r GIG ymdopi â'r hyn sy'n dod i'w ran, ac yn aml, mae'r hyn sy'n dod i'w ran yn hynod o heriol ac yn mynnu pob gronyn o'i adnoddau. Ond rydym hefyd yn gwybod, ac fel y dywedodd Jane Dodds, mae angen rhyw faint o gonsensws a chytundeb ynglŷn â rhai o'r ffyrdd o ymdopi â'r heriau hyn. Rydym i gyd yn gwybod bod angen inni fod yn fwy ataliol. Ac er gwaethaf y pwysau o ddydd i ddydd, mae angen mentro ac edrych i weld sut y gallwn fod yn fwy hirdymor ac ataliol, gan ymdrin hefyd â'r pwysau presennol, oherwydd bydd llawer o'r agenda iechyd ataliol yn ymwneud â'r materion presennol yn ogystal â'r tymor hwy.
Hoffwn dynnu sylw at un enghraifft o gysylltiadau y gellir eu gwneud i ymdrin â'r materion hyn, sef sesiynau parkrun. Mae'n ffenomen anhygoel, fyd-eang, rad ac am ddim. Yng Nghasnewydd, am 9 o'r gloch ar fore Sadwrn, bob bore Sadwrn, bydd gennym gannoedd o bobl allan yn rhedeg, rhwng wyth ac 80 oed, pob gradd o ffitrwydd corfforol, yn aml pobl sy'n rhedeg er mwyn adsefydlu sydd wedi, neu yn mynd drwy driniaeth canser, er enghraifft, a gwnaed llawer o gysylltiadau â grwpiau ataliol eraill—couch to 5K, neu weithio gyda Move, sy'n ymwneud yn benodol â sut y gall ymarfer corff helpu gyda chanser yn ystod ac ar ôl triniaeth. Llawer o gysylltiadau gwirioneddol dda.
Mae'n tyfu arnoch, Ddirprwy Lywydd, fel y bydd nifer o rai eraill yn gwybod pan fyddant yn gwneud parkrun. Rwy'n gobeithio gwneud fy sesiwn parkrun rhif 150 ddydd Sadwrn yng Nghasnewydd. Rwyf hefyd yn gobeithio bod ar y parkrun iau fore Sul gyda fy ŵyr, sy'n wyth oed, ac sy'n dwli ar y sesiynau parkrun iau. Yr hyn y mae pobl sy'n helpu i drefnu'r sesiynau parkrun ei eisiau—ac mae gennym oddeutu 47 o grwpiau parkrun yng Nghymru bellach—yw cysylltiad cryfach â'r sector iechyd. Felly, mae gennym gysylltiadau, mae gennym feddygfeydd yn presgripsiynu sesiynau parkrun, ac rwy'n credu bod gan oddeutu 24 y cant o grwpiau parkrun gysylltiadau â phractisau. Ond fe wyddom y gallai llawer mwy o feddygfeydd gael y cysylltiadau hyn. Mae presgripsiynu cymdeithasol mor bwysig, ac mae hyn yn rhan bwysig o hynny. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n ymgynghori ar bob math o bresgripsiynu cymdeithasol, ac rwy'n credu y gallai'r ymgynghoriad ystyried y cydweithio sy'n bodoli rhwng grwpiau parkrun a'u rhanddeiliaid allweddol, gan gynnwys byrddau iechyd cyhoeddus, sefydliadau'r trydydd sector, cyrff llywodraethu cenedlaethol ac ymarferwyr.
Mae angen inni ddefnyddio pob ffynhonnell o gymorth sy'n bosibl gyda'r agenda ataliol, Ddirprwy Lywydd, ac yn fy marn i, mae sesiynau parkrun yn rhan bwysig o hynny. Mae cymaint o ymrwymiad ac ewyllys da ynghlwm wrth y sesiynau parkrun, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Mae'n fenter iechyd cyhoeddus anhygoel, ac mae'n un y gallwn ei defnyddio'n llawnach i fynd i'r afael â'r heriau y mae pawb ohonom yn eu cydnabod.
Galwaf ar y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol, Eluned Morgan.
I call on the Minister for Health and Social Services, Eluned Morgan.

Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd. I'd like to thank Plaid Cymru for allowing me another opportunity to set out what we're already doing to reform and support the NHS, at a time when it's under more pressure than it's ever been in its history. And I'm pleased to see that, many of the points set out in the resolution, we are already delivering on through a whole series of actions, and actions that we too have developed with medical groups, and front-line workers, and the kinds of organisations that you have clearly engaged with. So, we're probably speaking to the same people, which is why we've come up with many of the same conclusions. And, if we're honest, in terms of the headlines—and I think you only published this plan yesterday, so I haven't had a chance to look at the detail—in terms of the headlines, if we're honest, it's not very original, but I look forward to reading some of the details.
Now, in the first point of the resolution, Plaid points to comments made by the Welsh NHS Confederation that suggest that the Welsh NHS is facing pressures that cannot be coped with. And I'd just like to point out that the NHS has 2 million contacts a month in a population of 3.1 million. So, the vast majority of the people who have contact with the NHS are receiving a good service. And, I think it's really, really important that we don't lose sight of that, and that's why I won't accept that the NHS is in crisis. But, the NHS, the confederation were referring to a specific period of time over Christmas when demand has never been as high. But, on top of that, I think it's really important to point out that, when they stated this, their comments didn't relate solely to Wales, they referred to the pressures in the NHS, and the director said that these pressures were being seen across the UK, in Northern Ireland, in Wales and in England.
Now, we know that our health and care services are under pressure, and, my God, it was unrelenting pressure over Christmas. We have never seen flu rates as high since the swine flu pandemic back in 2010. COVID rates—I was just looking at the wastewater signals, and, at Christmas time, they were through the roof. And all of these things came together, which is why we had that really, really pressurised time over Christmas. And, of course, we had a lot of parents concerned about strep A. So, that explains the pressure and the pressure has diminished considerably. Now, we're not out of it. Cold weather has an impact, so, constantly, we're looking out for what's coming next. But, it is clear that the pressure that we saw over Christmas has diminished significantly.
Now, the official statistics show that nearly 400,000 hospital consultations were carried out in November, and over 110,000 patient pathways were closed. That's an increase of 4.7 per cent from the previous month. And it's important to note that we are now back to pre-pandemic levels, which is quite incredible. Let's not forget, we're still in the pandemic, but we are back to pre-pandemic levels. Now, November also saw a second consecutive fall in the number of patients waiting to start treatment. We are continuing to make progress on the longest waits, and the number of pathways waiting longer than one year for their first out-patient appointment dropped by 10.3 per cent—so, that's for the third month in a row.
Now, the period referred to by the Welsh NHS was an exceptional month, as I say, and the highest number of calls to 111, and the most red calls for immediately life-threatening calls to the ambulance service ever made. But the system improvements that we're driving forward at pace are making a difference, and without these improvements it's clear that the pressures on services would have been even greater.
Our health and care sector workers are continuing to work tirelessly in exceptional circumstances, and I'd like to join many in the Chamber today in applauding their heroic efforts. Now, I'm very aware of the pressure on workforce and I'd very much like to pay them more money. We've been around the whole of Government to reprioritise, to look at our budgets, to see if there's more that we can put on the table, and we have put money on the table to try and help the situation this year. But I'm not seeing any hands going up from Plaid Cymru saying, 'We're going to reprioritise the co-operation agreements.' [Interruption.] You have not. You have not made any effort to reprioritise your budgets. We've done it and you haven't. You go and explain that to the ambulance workers and the nurses, because you haven't done it. The offer has not been there and you need to go and explain that to all the people who you say are on the front line with you.
Diolch yn fawr, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Hoffwn ddiolch i Blaid Cymru am ganiatáu cyfle arall imi nodi'r hyn rydym eisoes yn ei wneud i ddiwygio a chefnogi'r GIG, ar adeg pan fo dan fwy o bwysau nag y bu erioed yn ei hanes. Ac rwy'n falch o weld ein bod yn cyflawni llawer o'r pwyntiau a nodir yn y cynnig drwy gyfres o gamau gweithredu, a gweithredoedd rydym ninnau hefyd wedi'u datblygu gyda grwpiau meddygol, a gweithwyr rheng flaen, a'r mathau o sefydliadau rydych chi'n amlwg wedi bod yn ymwneud â hwy. Felly, mae'n debyg ein bod yn siarad â'r un bobl, a dyna pam ein bod wedi dod i lawer o'r un casgliadau. Ac i fod yn onest, ar y prif benawdau—ac rwy'n credu mai ddoe ddiwethaf y cyhoeddoch chi'r cynllun hwn, felly nid wyf wedi cael cyfle i edrych ar y manylion—ar y prif benawdau, nid yw'n wreiddiol iawn, ond edrychaf ymlaen at ddarllen rhai o'r manylion.
Nawr, ym mhwynt cyntaf y cynnig, mae Plaid Cymru'n cyfeirio at sylwadau a wnaed gan Gonffederasiwn GIG Cymru, sy'n awgrymu bod GIG Cymru yn wynebu pwysau na ellir ymdopi ag ef. A hoffwn nodi bod 2 filiwn o gysylltiadau'r mis yn digwydd o fewn y GIG mewn poblogaeth o 3.1 miliwn. Felly, mae'r mwyafrif helaeth o'r bobl sy'n cael cysylltiad â'r GIG yn cael gwasanaeth da. Ac rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig tu hwnt nad ydym yn colli golwg ar hynny, a dyna pam nad wyf am dderbyn bod y GIG mewn argyfwng. Ond roedd cydffederasiwn y GIG yn cyfeirio at gyfnod penodol o amser dros y Nadolig pan na fu'r galw erioed mor uchel. Ond ar ben hynny, rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig iawn nodi, pan wnaethant ddatgan hyn, nad cyfeirio at Gymru'n unig a wnâi eu sylwadau, roeddent yn cyfeirio at y pwysau yn y GIG, a dywedodd y cyfarwyddwr fod y pwysau hwn i'w weld ar draws y DU, yng Ngogledd Iwerddon, yng Nghymru ac yn Lloegr.
Nawr, fe wyddom fod ein gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal o dan bwysau, a mawredd, roedd yn bwysau di-ildio dros y Nadolig. Nid ydym erioed wedi gweld cyfraddau ffliw mor uchel ers y pandemig ffliw moch yn ôl yn 2010. Cyfraddau COVID—roeddwn i'n edrych ar y canlyniadau dŵr gwastraff, ac adeg y Nadolig, roeddent drwy'r to. Ac fe ddaeth y pethau hyn i gyd at ei gilydd, a dyna pam y cawsom amser gwirioneddol anodd dros y Nadolig. Ac wrth gwrs, roedd gennym lawer o rieni'n pryderu am strep A. Felly, mae hynny'n esbonio'r pwysau ac mae'r pwysau wedi lleihau'n sylweddol. Nawr, nid ydym wedi cefnu ar y pethau hyn. Mae tywydd oer yn cael effaith, felly rydym yn cadw gwyliadwriaeth yn barhaus i weld beth sy'n dod nesaf. Ond mae'n amlwg fod y pwysau a welsom dros y Nadolig wedi lleihau'n sylweddol.
Nawr, mae'r ystadegau swyddogol yn dangos bod bron i 400,000 o ymgynghoriadau ysbyty wedi'u cyflawni ym mis Tachwedd, a chafodd dros 110,000 o lwybrau cleifion eu cau. Mae hynny'n gynnydd o 4.7 y cant o'r mis cyn hynny. Ac mae'n bwysig nodi ein bod bellach yn ôl i'r lefelau cyn y pandemig, sy'n eithaf anhygoel. Peidiwn ag anghofio ein bod yn dal i fod mewn pandemig, ond rydym yn ôl i'r lefelau cyn y pandemig. Nawr, fe welodd mis Tachwedd ail gwymp yn olynol hefyd yn nifer y cleifion sy'n aros i ddechrau triniaeth. Rydym yn parhau i wneud cynnydd ar yr arosiadau hiraf, a gostyngodd nifer y llwybrau sy'n aros yn hwy na blwyddyn am eu hapwyntiad cyntaf i gleifion allanol 10.3 y cant—felly, mae hynny am y trydydd mis yn olynol.
Nawr, roedd y cyfnod y cyfeirir ato gan GIG Cymru yn fis eithriadol, fel y dywedais, gyda'r nifer uchaf erioed o alwadau 111, ac o alwadau coch lle roedd bywyd yn y fantol i'r gwasanaeth ambiwlans. Ond mae'r gwelliannau rydym yn eu gwneud ar fyrder i'r system yn gwneud gwahaniaeth, a heb y gwelliannau hyn mae'n amlwg y byddai'r pwysau ar wasanaethau wedi bod yn fwy byth.
Mae ein gweithwyr yn y sector iechyd a gofal yn parhau i weithio'n ddiflino mewn amgylchiadau eithriadol, a hoffwn ategu sawl un yn y Siambr heddiw i gymeradwyo eu hymdrechion arwrol. Nawr, rwy'n ymwybodol iawn o'r pwysau sydd ar y gweithlu a hoffwn yn fawr allu talu mwy o arian iddynt. Rydym wedi bod o amgylch y Llywodraeth gyfan i ailflaenoriaethu, i edrych ar ein cyllidebau, i weld a oes mwy y gallwn ei roi ar y bwrdd, ac rydym wedi rhoi arian ar y bwrdd i geisio helpu'r sefyllfa eleni. Ond nid wyf yn gweld neb yn codi llaw o Blaid Cymru i ddweud, 'Rydym yn mynd i ailflaenoriaethu'r cytundebau cydweithio.' [Torri ar draws.] Nac ydych. Nid ydych wedi gwneud unrhyw ymdrech i ailflaenoriaethu eich cyllidebau. Rydym ni wedi gwneud hynny ac nid ydych chi. Ewch i egluro hynny wrth y gweithwyr ambiwlans a'r nyrsys, oherwydd nid ydych chi wedi ei wneud. Nid yw'r cynnig wedi bod yno ac mae angen ichi fynd i egluro hynny wrth yr holl bobl y dywedwch eu bod ar y rheng flaen gyda chi.
Will you take an intervention?
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad?
No, I won't take an intervention. The Welsh Government is committed to providing the NHS with the workforce it needs to meet ever-increasing demand. We're achieving this through increased training places, encouraging young people to take up health professions and recruiting outside Wales when necessary. Last week, I announced a £281 million investment—. Can you stop, please? Do you want to listen? Do you want to listen to this debate?
Na, nid wyf am dderbyn ymyriad. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu'r gweithlu sydd ei angen ar y GIG er mwyn diwallu'r galw cynyddol. Rydym yn cyflawni hyn drwy fwy o lefydd hyfforddi, annog pobl ifanc i fynd ar drywydd proffesiynau iechyd a recriwtio y tu allan i Gymru pan fo angen. Yr wythnos diwethaf, cyhoeddais fuddsoddiad o £281 miliwn—. A wnewch chi roi'r gorau iddi, os gwelwch yn dda? A ydych chi eisiau gwrando? A ydych chi eisiau gwrando ar y ddadl hon?
Minister, you continue.
Weinidog, parhewch.
Last week, I announced a £281 million investment package to support education and training programmes for healthcare professionals in Wales. For the ninth consecutive year, funding in Wales will increase, with an extra 8 per cent for 2023-24, and this will support the highest ever number of training opportunities in Wales. The NHS has more people working in it than at any time before in its history, focusing on prevention and care for members of society across every community in Wales.
Now, I'm really pleased that there has been a discussion on the prevention approach, and I think actually we could do with a much broader debate on that. So, I'm not going to try and address that today, because I think it's so important. You heard some of the things yesterday that we're planning to do. I do think it's a complicated, it's a sensitive and it's a difficult debate, but we do have to have that debate. And, you know, headlines don't help things, actually. But we do need to make sure that there's an understanding, like John has said—actually, there are things that people can do that don't cost money. But we need that very sensitive, difficult conversation. [Interruption.] Well, we've been having those conversations, and Lynne is responsible for 'Healthy Weight: Healthy Wales'. A massive amount of research has gone into that in terms of how we best approach this issue. We don't pluck these things out of the air; we work with professionals to know what will work best.
Now, I have said that, by the end of this month, I will be launching the health and care workforce plan. I've got it, I'm just making a few little tweaks—I've made several tweaks, I can assure you, as it's gone along. This has been tested with many of the organisations that I know you've been speaking to as well, and one of the things within that will be about reducing the bill for agency workers. I think we've got to be realistic, we're not going to be able to switch it off overnight, because we'd have to switch off hospitals, and I'm certainly not prepared to do that.
Now, we know that hospital discharge is having an impact on patient flow. Work is ongoing in a number of areas to strengthen and make improvements so that people are not remaining in hospital beds any longer than is necessary. Now, I, along with Julie Morgan, have been jointly chairing a care action group of senior NHS and local government leaders to drive progress, and we have secured, this winter, 595 additional community beds for step-down care. That's this winter. It has taken huge pressure off—
Yr wythnos diwethaf, cyhoeddais becyn buddsoddi gwerth £281 miliwn i gefnogi rhaglenni addysg a hyfforddiant ar gyfer gweithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol yng Nghymru. Am y nawfed flwyddyn yn olynol, bydd y cyllid yng Nghymru'n cynyddu, gydag 8 y cant ychwanegol ar gyfer 2023-24, a bydd hyn yn cefnogi'r nifer uchaf erioed o gyfleoedd hyfforddi yng Nghymru. Mae gan y GIG fwy o bobl yn gweithio ynddo nag ar unrhyw adeg o'r blaen yn ei hanes, gan ganolbwyntio ar atal a gofal i aelodau o'r gymdeithas ar draws pob cymuned yng Nghymru.
Nawr, rwy'n falch iawn fod trafodaeth wedi bod ar y dull ataliol, ac rwy'n credu y gallem wneud gyda thrafodaeth lawer ehangach ar hynny. Felly, nid wyf am geisio mynd i'r afael â hynny heddiw, oherwydd rwy'n credu ei fod mor bwysig. Ddoe, fe glywsoch chi rai o'r pethau y bwriadwn eu gwneud. Rwy'n meddwl ei bod yn ddadl gymhleth, sensitif ac anodd, ond mae'n rhaid inni gael y ddadl honno. Wyddoch chi, nid yw'r penawdau'n helpu pethau mewn gwirionedd. Ond mae angen inni wneud yn siŵr fod yna ddealltwriaeth, fel y dywedodd John—mewn gwirionedd, mae yna bethau y gall pobl eu gwneud nad ydynt yn costio arian. Ond mae angen y sgwrs sensitif ac anodd honno. [Torri ar draws.] Wel, rydym wedi bod yn cael y sgyrsiau hynny, a Lynne sy'n gyfrifol am 'Pwysau Iach: Cymru Iach'. Mae llawer iawn o ymchwil wedi mynd i mewn i hynny a'r ffordd orau o fynd i'r afael â'r mater. Ni ddaw'r pethau hyn o ddim; rydym yn gweithio gyda gweithwyr proffesiynol i wybod beth fydd yn gweithio orau.
Nawr, rwyf wedi dweud, erbyn diwedd y mis hwn, y byddaf yn lansio cynllun y gweithlu iechyd a gofal. Mae'n barod, rwy'n gwneud ambell i newid bach, dyna i gyd—rwyf wedi gwneud sawl newid bach, gallaf eich sicrhau, wrth iddo ddod yn ei flaen. Cafodd ei brofi gyda nifer o'r sefydliadau y gwn eich bod wedi bod yn siarad â hwy hefyd, ac un o'r pethau yn hwnnw fydd lleihau'r bil am weithwyr asiantaeth. Rwy'n meddwl bod yn rhaid inni fod yn realistig, nid ydym yn mynd i allu rhoi'r gorau i'w defnyddio dros nos, oherwydd byddai'n rhaid inni roi'r gorau i ddefnyddio ysbytai, ac yn sicr, nid wyf yn barod i wneud hynny.
Nawr, rydym yn gwybod bod rhyddhau cleifion o ysbytai'n cael effaith ar lif cleifion. Mae gwaith yn parhau mewn nifer o feysydd i gryfhau a gwneud gwelliannau fel nad yw pobl yn aros mewn gwelyau ysbyty yn hwy nag y bo angen. Nawr, rwyf i, ynghyd â Julie Morgan, wedi bod yn cadeirio grŵp gweithredu gofal ar y cyd o uwch-arweinwyr y GIG a llywodraeth leol i ysgogi cynnydd, ac rydym wedi sicrhau, y gaeaf hwn, 595 o welyau cymunedol ychwanegol ar gyfer gofal cam-i-lawr. Y gaeaf hwn yw hynny. Mae wedi tynnu pwysau enfawr oddi ar—
Minister, you will need to conclude.
Weinidog, bydd angen ichi ddod i ben.
—the system. Whilst in England they made an announcement that they were going to deliver 7,000, I think they're just starting on sending the money out now. So, I think it's probably worth recognising, because I can't tell you how much work that has been—really granular work, working with every local authority, every health board, making that delivery happen. It's been really difficult.
And just to conclude, because there's so much more that I could say, my No. 1 priority in the NHS planning framework that I've sent out to health boards is the requirement for NHS organisations to develop a closer relationship with local government in order to tackle the issues of delayed transfer of care and to push more care into the community. So, I wholeheartedly agree with Mabon on this: that's where we need to really focus our attention—we need to get the support out into our communities, particularly when we're looking at an ageing population. There's so much more I can say. I understand that we're under pressure, but thank you very much and I hope you'll support our amendment.
—y system. Yn Lloegr fe wnaethant gyhoeddiad eu bod yn mynd i ddarparu 7,000, ond rwy'n credu mai megis dechrau anfon yr arian allan y maent. Felly, rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n werth ei gydnabod, mae'n debyg, oherwydd ni allaf ddweud wrthych faint o waith oedd hynny—gwaith manwl iawn, gweithio gyda phob awdurdod lleol, pob bwrdd iechyd, gwneud i'r ddarpariaeth honno ddigwydd. Mae wedi bod yn anodd iawn.
Ac i gloi, oherwydd mae cymaint mwy y gallwn ei ddweud, fy mhrif flaenoriaeth yn fframwaith cynllunio'r GIG a anfonais at fyrddau iechyd yw'r gofyniad i sefydliadau'r GIG ddatblygu perthynas agosach gyda llywodraeth leol er mwyn mynd i'r afael â phroblemau oedi wrth drosglwyddo gofal ac i wthio mwy o ofal i mewn i'r gymuned. Felly, rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â Mabon ar hyn: dyna lle mae angen inni ganolbwyntio ein sylw mewn gwirionedd—mae angen inni gael y gefnogaeth allan i'n cymunedau, yn enwedig pan edrychwn ar boblogaeth sy'n heneiddio. Mae cymaint mwy y gallwn ei ddweud. Rwy'n deall ein bod dan bwysau, ond diolch yn fawr iawn ac rwy'n gobeithio y gwnewch chi gefnogi ein gwelliant.
Galwaf ar Rhun ap Iorwerth i ymateb i'r ddadl.
I call on Rhun ap Iorwerth to reply to the debate.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Dirprwy Lywydd. Just to give us all a breather, I'll start with giving some attention to Gareth Davies's contribution, speaking as he did of Margaret Thatcher's devotion to Wales. It's only a few letters, but I'd rather remember her demolition of Wales in her time as Prime Minister. And you know what, on these benches, Labour and ourselves, we share a contempt towards the actions of that Prime Minister. And I was grateful for Rhianon Passmore's—
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Ddirprwy Lywydd. I bawb ohonom gael ein gwynt atom, fe ddechreuaf drwy roi ychydig o sylw i gyfraniad Gareth Davies, a siaradodd fel y gwnaeth am ymroddiad Margaret Thatcher i Gymru. Mae gennyf well cof am y ffordd y dinistriodd hi Gymru yn ei chyfnod fel Prif Weinidog. Wyddoch chi beth, ar y meinciau hyn, y Blaid Lafur a ninnau, rydym yn rhannu dirmyg tuag at yr hyn a wnaeth hi fel Prif Weinidog. Ac roeddwn i'n ddiolchgar iawn am gyfraniad Rhianon Passmore—
Will you take an intervention?
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad?
Gyda phleser.
I'm glad you've mentioned Margaret Thatcher, one of the greatest Prime Ministers this nation has ever had. Unlike your party and the Labour Party, she had never voted to cut an NHS budget. Under her premiership, the NHS budget rose above and beyond the recommendations of the Labour Party leaders at the time and yet you, your party and the party of Government here in Wales, the Labour Party, voted to cut an NHS budget years ago. Do you regret that?
Rwy'n falch eich bod wedi sôn am Margaret Thatcher, un o'r Prif Weinidogion gorau a gafodd y wlad hon erioed. Yn wahanol i'ch plaid chi a'r Blaid Lafur, ni phleidleisiodd hi erioed dros dorri cyllideb y GIG. O dan ei phrifweinidogaeth hi, cododd cyllideb y GIG uwchlaw a thu hwnt i argymhellion arweinwyr y Blaid Lafur ar y pryd ac eto fe bleidleisioch chi, eich plaid chi a'r blaid sy'n llywodraethu yma yng Nghymru, y Blaid Lafur, dros dorri cyllideb y GIG flynyddoedd yn ôl. A ydych chi'n difaru hynny?
I would like to listen to the Member's response to the intervention.
Hoffwn wrando ar ymateb yr Aelod i'r ymyriad.
You have ensured having that on the record today. Margaret Thatcher's legacy will be on the record forever in her damage that was caused to Welsh communities.
Back to Rhianon Passmore's contribution, we do share a shared ideal about the principles of the NHS, the principles around which the NHS was based, and we want, together, to protect those key principles. She was right also to say that these were issues that are relevant to Scotland, to Northern Ireland, to England. Labour say it's a crisis in Scotland, it's a crisis in England. That's why we're saying, 'Admit it's a crisis in Wales.' So, I'm glad that she sees it in the same way as I do. She also said that this is a serious debate, and I'd like to thank individuals—
Rydych chi wedi sicrhau bod hynny'n cael ei gofnodi heddiw. Bydd gwaddol Margaret Thatcher ar gof a chadw am byth gyda'r difrod a achoswyd i gymunedau Cymru.
Yn ôl at gyfraniad Rhianon Passmore, rydym yn rhannu delfryd gyffredin am egwyddorion y GIG, yr egwyddorion y seiliwyd y GIG arnynt, a chyda'n gilydd, rydym eisiau diogelu'r egwyddorion allweddol hynny. Roedd hi'n iawn hefyd i ddweud bod y rhain yn faterion sy'n berthnasol i'r Alban, i Ogledd Iwerddon, i Loegr. Mae Llafur yn dweud ei bod hi'n argyfwng yn yr Alban, mae'n argyfwng yn Lloegr. Dyna pam ein bod ni'n dweud, 'Cyfaddefwch ei bod hi'n argyfwng yng Nghymru.' Felly, rwy'n falch ei bod hi'n ei weld yn yr un ffordd â fi. Dywedodd hefyd fod hon yn ddadl ddifrifol, a hoffwn ddiolch i unigolion—
Will you take an intervention?
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad?
Of course.
Wrth gwrs.
With the greatest respect, I recognise the unprecedented challenges. I do not feel, in terms of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, that it is helpful to label and use semantics about something that's of such great proportional interest to the people of Wales, and I did not say that.
Gyda'r parch mwyaf, rwy'n cydnabod yr heriau digynsail. Nid wyf yn teimlo, o ran y Coleg Brenhinol Meddygaeth Frys, ei bod yn ddefnyddiol inni labelu a defnyddio semanteg am rywbeth sydd o ddiddordeb mor fawr i bobl Cymru, ac ni ddywedais hynny.
In the opening remarks of that conference, the word 'crisis' was indeed used, and I'm sure your Labour colleagues in Scotland and England will note that you disagree with their assessment of the state of the NHS.
But you did say that we need a serious debate, and it is a serious debate. We heard serious contributions from Jane Dodds, from John Griffiths, from Members on my benches, Russell George. It's very, very important. I'll have to comment on Jenny Rathbone's not-so-serious comments—I think insulting comments. Not insulting to me—that's politics, that's fine—but insulting to those bodies that contributed towards these ideas, an attack on a plan she clearly knew nothing about and is less interested in learning about.
I looked at my social media during the debate, at some of the comments that have been made. The British Medical Association: grateful to see some of their key calls on pay, workforce and social care reflected in the five-point plan. The Royal College of Midwives:
'Great to see the need for fair pay for NHS staff at the top of @Plaid_Cymru's 5-Point Plan.... Good too to see the plan prioritise the...retention of NHS staff'.
The Royal College of Surgeons:
'We are pleased to contribute to this work on #surgical hubs.'
I visited Clatterbridge with the Royal College of Surgeons on Monday. They were pleased, they were at our launch of our manifesto because they have contributed towards it. And of course the Minister says that she speaks to them as well, but maybe they can speak more candidly with us in wanting to make sure that it's emphasised that steps Government are saying—. I'm not saying Government's doing nothing; I'm just saying Government isn't doing what needs to be done, and isn't pushing the agenda as quickly as it can. For example, in response to the Minister's comments on the preventative, she said that this is sensitive, this is difficult. You know what, on the preventative, hit it hard—hit it hard: put it front and centre of everything the Government says. Every time you talk about health, talk about the preventative, doing today what makes us healthier tomorrow—the figurative tomorrow of 10 years from now, of course, but the actual tomorrow; you're getting ready today for that operation you've got next week. All that preventative agenda really needs to be prioritised.
So, on to the Minister's comments. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt when she said, 'Thanks for giving me another opportunity to explain what the Government is doing.' It could have been read as sarcasm; I will just see it as a tongue-in-cheek comment from a Minister who has to answer questions day in and day out. And you know what? We make no apologies for asking those questions. We make no apologies for working with partners across health and care in putting together a five-point plan that some Members might want to ridicule, but they're ridiculing the plan put forward by the workers themselves. 'Nothing to see here' isn't good enough from Government. I feared that it would be, 'We're doing this already.'
Yn sylwadau agoriadol y gynhadledd honno, defnyddiwyd y gair 'argyfwng' yn wir, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd eich cymheiriaid Llafur yn yr Alban a Lloegr yn nodi eich bod yn anghytuno â'u hasesiad o gyflwr y GIG.
Ond fe ddywedoch chi fod angen dadl ddifrifol arnom, ac mae'n ddadl ddifrifol. Clywsom gyfraniadau difrifol gan Jane Dodds, gan John Griffiths, gan Aelodau ar fy meinciau i, Russell George. Mae'n bwysig tu hwnt. Bydd yn rhaid imi wneud sylw am sylwadau Jenny Rathbone, nad oeddent lawn mor ddifrifol—sylwadau sarhaus yn fy marn i. Nid yn sarhaus i mi—dyna yw gwleidyddiaeth, mae hynny'n iawn—ond yn sarhaus i'r cyrff a gyfrannodd tuag at y syniadau hyn, ymosodiad ar gynllun nad oedd hi, yn amlwg, yn gwybod dim amdano, a chynllun y mae ganddi lai fyth o ddiddordeb mewn dysgu amdano.
Edrychais ar fy nghyfryngau cymdeithasol yn ystod y ddadl, ar rai o'r sylwadau a wnaed. Cymdeithas Feddygol Prydain yn ddiolchgar i weld rhai o'u prif alwadau ar gyflogau, y gweithlu a gofal cymdeithasol yn cael eu hadlewyrchu yn y cynllun pum pwynt. Coleg Brenhinol y Bydwragedd:
'Gwych gweld yr angen am dâl teg i staff y GIG ar frig Cynllun 5-Pwynt @Plaid_Cymru.... Da hefyd gweld y cynllun yn blaenoriaethu...cadw staff GIG'.
Coleg Brenhinol y Llawfeddygon:
'Rydym yn falch o gyfrannu at y gwaith hwn ar hybiau llawfeddygol.'
Fe ymwelais â Clatterbridge gyda Choleg Brenhinol y Llawfeddygon ddydd Llun. Roeddent yn falch, roeddent yn lansiad ein maniffesto oherwydd eu bod wedi cyfrannu tuag ato. Ac wrth gwrs mae'r Gweinidog yn dweud ei bod hi'n siarad â hwy hefyd, ond efallai eu bod yn gallu siarad yn fwy gonest gyda ni am eu bod eisiau gwneud yn siŵr fod yna bwyslais ar y camau y mae'r Llywodraeth yn dweud—. Nid wyf yn dweud nad yw'r Llywodraeth yn gwneud dim; rwy'n dweud nad yw'r Llywodraeth yn gwneud yr hyn sydd angen ei wneud, ac nid yw'n gwthio'r agenda mor gyflym ag y gall. Er enghraifft, i ymateb i sylwadau'r Gweinidog ar y dull ataliol, fe ddywedodd ei fod yn sensitif, ei fod yn anodd. Wyddoch chi beth, ar y dull ataliol, gwthiwch yn galed—gwthiwch y dull ataliol yn galed: rhowch y dull ataliol ar y blaen ac yn y canol ym mhob dim y mae'r Llywodraeth yn ei ddweud. Bob tro y byddwch chi'n sôn am iechyd, soniwch am y dull ataliol, gwneud heddiw yr hyn sy'n ein gwneud ni'n iachach yfory—yr yfory ffigurol 10 mlynedd o nawr wrth gwrs, ond yr yfory go iawn hefyd; rydych chi'n paratoi heddiw ar gyfer y llawdriniaeth y byddwch yn ei chael yr wythnos nesaf. Mae gwir angen blaenoriaethu'r holl agenda ataliol.
Felly, ymlaen at sylwadau'r Gweinidog. Rwyf am roi mantais yr amheuaeth iddi pan ddywedodd, 'Diolch am roi cyfle arall imi egluro beth mae'r Llywodraeth yn ei wneud.' Gellid bod wedi ei ddeall fel sylw sarcastig; fe wnaf ei ystyried yn sylw tafod yn y foch gan Weinidog sy'n gorfod ateb cwestiynau o un dydd i'r llall. Wyddoch chi beth? Nid ydym yn ymddiheuro am ofyn y cwestiynau hynny. Nid ydym yn ymddiheuro am weithio gyda phartneriaid ar draws iechyd a gofal ar lunio cynllun pum pwynt y gallai rhai Aelodau fod eisiau ei wawdio, ond maent yn gwawdio'r cynllun a gyflwynwyd gan y gweithwyr eu hunain. Nid yw 'dim i'w weld yma' yn ddigon da gan Lywodraeth. Roeddwn yn ofni mai, 'Rydym yn gwneud hyn eisoes' fyddai hi.
Rhun, you need to conclude, please.
Rhun, mae angen i chi ddod i ben, os gwelwch yn dda.
Yes, yes. I take some positives in an acceptance from Government that we are making the right calls, that she thinks she is moving in the direction on agency staffing; you're saying things now that you weren't a week ago on agency staffing.
Oes. Rwy'n ystyried derbyniad y Llywodraeth ein bod yn gwneud y galwadau cywir fel rhywbeth cadarnhaol, ei bod yn credu ei bod yn symud i'r cyfeiriad cywir ar staff asiantaeth; rydych chi'n dweud pethau nawr nad oeddech chi'n eu dweud wythnos yn ôl ar staff asiantaeth.
That's just not true.
Nid yw hynny'n wir.
Well, it is. The First Minister refused to engage on agency workers in any negative way in the Senedd last week.
But let's continue with the serious debate. We'll keep on pushing, as will our partners, this five-point plan, because we need to bring all our ideas to the table to resolve the problems facing the NHS.
Wel, ydy. Fe wrthododd y Prif Weinidog drafod gweithwyr asiantaeth mewn unrhyw ffordd negyddol yn y Senedd yr wythnos diwethaf.
Ond gadewch inni barhau gyda'r ddadl ddifrifol. Byddwn yn parhau i wthio'r cynllun pum pwynt hwn, fel y bydd ein partneriaid, oherwydd mae angen inni ddod â'n holl syniadau at y bwrdd i ddatrys y problemau sy'n wynebu'r GIG.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig heb ei ddiwygio? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Gohiriaf y bleidlais ar y cynnig tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
The proposal is to agree the motion without amendment. Does any Member object? [Objection.] There are objections. I will therefore defer voting until voting time.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
Ac rydyn ni wedi cyrraedd y cyfnod pleidleisio. Oni bai bod tri Aelod yn dymuno i mi ganu'r gloch, symudaf yn syth i'r cyfnod pleidleisio. Na. Felly, mae'r bleidlais gyntaf ar eitem 6, dadl ar gynnig deddfwriaethol gan Aelod. Galwaf ar bleidlais ar y cynnig, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Rhun ap Iorwerth. Agor y bleidlais.
And that brings us to voting time. And unless three Members wish for the bell to be rung, we will move immediately to voting time. No. The first vote is on item 6, debate on a Member's legislative proposal. I call for a vote on the motion, tabled in the name of Rhun ap Iorwerth. Open the vote.
So, therefore, in favour 34, 16 abstentions, one against. Therefore, the motion is agreed.
Felly, o blaid 34, roedd 16 yn ymatal, un yn erbyn. Felly, derbyniwyd y cynnig.
Eitem 6. Dadl ar Gynnig Deddfwriaethol gan Aelod - Bil ar leihau ôl-troed carbon digidol: O blaid: 34, Yn erbyn: 1, Ymatal: 16
Derbyniwyd y cynnig
Item 6. Debate on a Member's Legislative Proposal - A Bill on digital carbon footprint reduction: For: 34, Against: 1, Abstain: 16
Motion has been agreed
Byddwn nawr yn pleidleisio ar eitem 8, dadl Plaid Cymru. Galwaf am bleidlais ar y cynnig, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Siân Gwenllian. Os caiff y cynnig ei wrthod, byddwn yn pleidleisio ar y gwelliannau a gyflwynwyd i'r cynnig. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 11, dim yn ymatal, yn erbyn 40. Felly, mae'r cynnig wedi ei wrthod.
We will now vote on item 8, the Plaid Cymru debate. And I call for a vote on the motion, tabled in the name of Siân Gwenllian. If the proposal is not agreed, we will vote on the amendments tabled to the motion. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 11, no abstentions, 40 against. Therefore, the motion is not agreed.
Eitem 8. Dadl Plaid Cymru - Lleihau'r pwysau ar y GIG. Cynnig heb ei ddiwygio: O blaid: 11, Yn erbyn: 40, Ymatal: 0
Gwrthodwyd y cynnig
Item 8. Plaid Cymru Debate - Reducing NHS pressures. Motion without amendment: For: 11, Against: 40, Abstain: 0
Motion has been rejected
Galwaf yn awr am bleidlais ar welliant 1, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Darren Millar. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 25, neb yn ymatal, yn erbyn 26. Mae gwelliant 1 wedi'i wrthod.
I now call for a vote on amendment 1, tabled in the name of Darren Millar. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 25, no abstentions, 26 against. Therefore, amendment 1 is not agreed.
Eitem 8. Dadl Plaid Cymru. Gwelliant 1, cyflwynwyd yn enw Darren Millar: O blaid: 25, Yn erbyn: 26, Ymatal: 0
Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant
Item 8. Plaid Cymru debate. Amendment 1, tabled in the name of Darren Millar: For: 25, Against: 26, Abstain: 0
Amendment has been rejected
Gwelliant 2—galwaf am bleidlais ar welliant 2, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Lesley Griffiths. Os derbynnir gwelliant 2, caiff gwelliant 3 ei ddad-dethol. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 26, neb yn ymatal, yn erbyn 25, felly mae gwelliant 2 wedi'i dderbyn.
We now move to amendment 2. I call for a vote on amendment 2, tabled in the name of Lesley Griffiths. If amendment 2 is agreed, amendment 3 will be deselected. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 26, no abstentions, 25 against. Therefore, amendment 2 is agreed.
Eitem 8. Dadl Plaid Cymru. Gwelliant 2, cyflwynwyd yn enw Lesley Griffiths: O blaid: 26, Yn erbyn: 25, Ymatal: 0
Derbyniwyd y gwelliant
Item 8. Plaid Cymru debate. Amendment 2, tabled in the name of Lesley Griffiths: For: 26, Against: 25, Abstain: 0
Amendment has been agreed
Cafodd gwelliant 3 ei ddad-ddethol.
Amendment 3 deselected.
Galwaf am bleidlais ar welliant 4, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Darren Millar. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 25, neb yn ymatal, 26 yn erbyn. Mae gwelliant 4 wedi'i wrthod.
I call for a vote on amendment 4, tabled in the name of Darren Millar. Close the vote. In favour 25, no abstentions, 26 against. Therefore, amendment 4 is not agreed.
Eitem 8. Dadl Plaid Cymru. Gwelliant 4, cyflwynwyd yn enw Darren Millar: O blaid: 25, Yn erbyn: 26, Ymatal: 0
Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant
Item 8. Plaid Cymru debate. Amendment 4, tabled in the name of Darren Millar: For: 25, Against: 26, Abstain: 0
Amendment has been rejected
Galwaf nawr am bleidlais ar y cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio.
I now call for a vote on the motion as amended.
Cynnig NDM8188 fel y’i diwygiwyd:
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn nodi sylwadau Conffederasiwn GIG Cymru fod GIG Cymru yn wynebu pwysau nad oes modd ymdopi ag ef.
2. Yn cefnogi ymdrechion arwrol gweithwyr y sector iechyd a gofal yng Nghymru wrth iddynt ddarparu gofal mewn amgylchiadau heriol.
3. Yn nodi'r camau sy'n cael eu cymryd gan Lywodraeth Cymru, GIG Cymru a phartneriaid llywodraeth leol sy’n cynnwys:
a) cyhoeddi buddsoddiad o £281m, y mwyaf erioed, mewn cyllidebau addysg a hyfforddiant i weithwyr iechyd proffesiynol ar 18 Ionawr 2023;
b) yr ymrwymiad i gyhoeddi cynllun y gweithlu erbyn diwedd Ionawr 2023;
c) y gwaith sydd ar y gweill gan y pwyllgor gweithredu gofal i greu gwelyau cymunedol ychwanegol;
d) y flaenoriaeth sy’n cael ei rhoi i ryddhau cleifion a gweithio gydag awdurdodau lleol;
e) y rhaglen diwygio contractau sy’n digwydd ar draws gofal sylfaenol;
f) y symud tuag at wasanaeth gofal cymunedol integredig sydd ar gael i bawb ym mhob rhan o Gymru;
g) y modelau sy'n cael eu datblygu drwy'r gronfa integreiddio rhanbarthol sydd â’r bwriad penodol o greu capasiti cymunedol;
h) y gwaith sydd ar y gweill i gynyddu capasiti ailalluogi yn y gymuned;
i) rhoi Gweithrediaeth y GIG ar waith, a fydd yn gwella ansawdd a diogelwch gofal i bobl yng Nghymru.
Motion NDM8188 as amended:
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Notes the comments of the Welsh NHS Confederation that the Welsh NHS is facing pressures that ‘cannot be coped with’.
2. Supports the heroic efforts of health and care sector workers in Wales as they provide care in challenging circumstances.
3. Notes the actions being taken by the Welsh Government, NHS Wales and local government partners including:
a) the announcement of a record £281m investment in health professional education and training budgets on 18 January 2023;
b) the commitment to publish the workforce plan by the end of January 2023;
c) the ongoing work of the care action committee to create additional community beds;
d) the priority being given to discharge and working with local authorities;
e) the ongoing programme of contract reform underway across primary care;
f) the move towards an integrated community care service that is available to everyone across Wales;
g) the models being developed through the regional integration fund specifically aimed at creating community capacity;
h) the ongoing work to increase reablement capacity in the community; and
i) the implementation of the NHS Executive which will improve the quality and safety of care for people in Wales.
Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 26, neb yn ymatal, 25 yn erbyn, felly mae'r cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio wedi'i dderbyn.
Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 26, no abstentions, 25 against. Therefore, the motion as amended is agreed.
Eitem 8. Dadl Plaid Cymru - Lleihau'r pwysau ar y GIG. Cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio: O blaid: 26, Yn erbyn: 25, Ymatal: 0
Derbyniwyd y cynnig fel y'i diwygiwyd
Item 8. Plaid Cymru debate - Reducing NHS pressures. Motion as amended: For: 26, Against: 25, Abstain: 0
Motion as amended has been agreed
That brings the votes to an end today.
Daw hynny â'r pleidleisio i ben am heddiw.
We will now move on to the short debate, and if those Members who are leaving could please do so quietly.
Symudwn ymlaen yn awr at y ddadl fer, ac os gallai'r Aelodau sy'n gadael wneud hynny'n dawel os gwelwch yn dda.
Galwaf ar Jack Sargeant i siarad am y pwnc a ddewiswyd ganddo. Jack Sargeant.
I call on Jack Sargeant to speak to the topic he's chosen. Jack Sargeant.
Diolch yn fawr, Deputy Presiding Officer, and in opening today's short debate I'd like to give a minute of my time to both Sioned Williams and Jane Dodds.
A 'cost-of-living crisis' is another way of saying that increasing numbers of people are being forced into poverty. It's a sign of failure of policy makers and of the way our economy is organised. It is not inevitable, and we can and we should seek to make people's lives easier and tackle poverty. We all know what happens if we don't.
This is a familiar script. We've read it all before. Poverty removes people's agency and, particularly when it's experienced in childhood, causes trauma that scars people for life. And we often talk about the need to judge people on merit. Well, how is that possible when an increasing number of people's life chances are affected from the start by poverty?
Couple this with the incredible cost of picking up the pieces after the trauma that poverty causes and you have to wonder why the UK Conservative Government are doing so little to stop certain organisations actively making things so much worse. One such group is energy suppliers. I'm sure Members will have seen the campaigning I have done and that organisations have done, calling for a ban on the forced installation of prepayment meters, and I'm grateful to the many of you who signed my statement of opinion that I tabled this week, calling for that very ban.
In fact, every single Member of the backbenches from the Welsh Labour Party, every single Member in Plaid Cymru, every single Member in the Welsh Liberal Democrats did sign the motion. But not a single Conservative Member. Presiding Officer, we don't even have one in the Chamber. We have just one online. Not one Tory signed this statement of opinion calling for a ban. And I'm calling for a ban not just because these meters serve to ensure that the poorest in our society pay the most for their energy, but it is because, in front of our very eyes—whether that's your Labour eyes, your Plaid Cymru eyes, your Liberal Democrat eyes or your Tory eyes—a national scandal is taking shape, a scandal that is putting lives at risk. I will briefly set out what is happening.
Diolch yn fawr, Ddirprwy Lywydd, ac wrth agor y ddadl fer heddiw hoffwn roi munud o fy amser i Sioned Williams a Jane Dodds.
Mae 'argyfwng costau byw' yn ffordd arall o ddweud bod nifer cynyddol o bobl yn cael eu gorfodi i fyw mewn tlodi. Mae'n arwydd o fethiant llunwyr polisi a'r ffordd y caiff ein heconomi ei threfnu. Nid yw'n anochel, ac fe allwn ac fe ddylem geisio gwneud bywydau pobl yn haws a mynd i'r afael â thlodi. Rydym i gyd yn gwybod beth sy'n digwydd os na wnawn hynny.
Mae hon yn sgript gyfarwydd. Rydym wedi darllen y cyfan o'r blaen. Mae tlodi'n cael gwared ar bŵer pobl, ac yn enwedig pan fo'n brofiad plentyndod, mae'n achosi trawma sy'n creithio pobl am oes. Ac rydym yn aml yn sôn am yr angen i farnu pobl yn ôl eu teilyngdod. Wel, sut mae hynny'n bosibl pan fydd nifer cynyddol o gyfleoedd bywyd pobl yn cael eu heffeithio o'r dechrau gan dlodi?
Cysylltwch hyn â'r gost anhygoel o hel y darnau wedi'r trawma y mae tlodi'n ei achosi ac mae'n rhaid ichi ystyried pam mae Llywodraeth Geidwadol y DU yn gwneud cyn lleied i atal rhai sefydliadau rhag mynd ati i wneud pethau'n gymaint gwaeth. Un grŵp o'r fath yw'r cyflenwyr ynni. Rwy'n siŵr y bydd yr Aelodau wedi gweld yr ymgyrchu y bûm yn ei wneud ac y bu sefydliadau'n ei wneud i alw am waharddiad ar osod mesuryddion rhagdalu yn orfodol, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar i nifer ohonoch a arwyddodd fy natganiad barn a gyflwynwyd gennyf yr wythnos hon, yn galw am y gwaharddiad hwnnw.
Yn wir, mae pob un Aelod ar feinciau cefn Plaid Lafur Cymru, pob un Aelod ym Mhlaid Cymru, pob un Aelod o'r Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymreig wedi arwyddo'r cynnig. Ond nid oes unrhyw Aelod Ceidwadol wedi gwneud hynny. Lywydd, nid oes gennym un yn y Siambr hyd yn oed. Un yn unig sydd gennym ar-lein. Nid oes un Tori wedi arwyddo'r datganiad barn yn galw am waharddiad. Ac rwy'n galw am waharddiad nid yn unig oherwydd bod y mesuryddion hyn yn sicrhau bod y tlotaf yn ein cymdeithas yn talu mwy na neb arall am eu hynni, ond oherwydd bod sgandal genedlaethol yn ymffurfio o flaen ein llygaid—boed yn llygaid Llafur, llygaid Plaid Cymru, llygaid Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol neu eich llygaid Torïaidd—sgandal sy'n peryglu bywydau. Fe nodaf yn fyr beth sy'n digwydd.
In the middle of a cold winter and significant growth in poverty, with inflation rampant and wages lagging behind, we're allowing energy companies to forcibly switch people to the most expensive and precarious way of paying for energy—hundreds of thousands of people. And of the 500,000 applications for court orders to forcibly switch residents, just 72 were refused, and that's despite the so-called requirement for energy companies to ensure that prepayment meters are suitable for customers regarded as vulnerable—those who are disabled, those with long-term health conditions.
Presiding Officer, there is meant to be a ban on switching to a prepayment meter if the consumer does not want one, yet we have reports of batches of court orders being taken at once, sometimes hundreds issued at a time. Does this suggest to anyone that the appropriate checks are happening? Vulnerable people are being switched in the middle of winter with either little or, in fact, no work to see who they are or what their conditions and circumstances are. This leaves many constantly living with the fear of being cut off. Citizens Advice have reported that somebody is cut off every 10 seconds because they cannot afford their top-up to their prepayment meter. Quite frankly, this is a matter of life and death.
It is abundantly clear that neither the regulator, Ofgem, nor the UK Government have grasped the extent of this problem. I have been highlighting this for some months now. When I wrote to Grant Shapps, the Secretary of State, at the end of December, he gave a standardised reply demonstrating no concern at all. But finally, this weekend just gone, after hundreds of thousands have already been switched, he's finally recognised the need for serious concern. But he has allowed the situation to continue, and instead written and asked for co-operation from suppliers. Well, I am clear that in the middle of this winter, in the middle of this cost-of-living crisis, we cannot leave this to the courts, we cannot leave this to the suppliers, and that's why, once again, I am calling on the Secretary of State and Ofgem to ban the forced installation of prepayment meters, or at least at a very minimum, Presiding Officer, they should order a halt to enforce prepayment meter switches until companies can show beyond doubt that they do perform the process safely.
Fortunately, Presiding Officer, unlike the UK Tory Government, I'm not burdened with an ideological belief that despite all evidence, things must be left to the goodwill of these companies. It is time for these UK Tories to show leadership. Let's be clear: prepayment meters are installed because it suits the energy suppliers. I hope we all can agree that preserving lives is much more important than that. And as I said at the start, poverty isn't just about the immediate prepay scandal that will impact people's lives forever; the cold that results from people not using energy or being cut off will have so many more impacts. It will inhibit children's ability to learn. It will cause people to fall ill and develop chronic conditions. It will cause trauma and mental health problems, and create so many more issues that it is impossible to speak to them all now.
But access to heat and energy should be something that we all can take for granted, no matter what our background is. It should be a principle on which our system of energy supply is designed around, but instead it's abundantly clear that what takes precedence over this is the interests of energy suppliers. And this Tory crisis will grind on, and Government must become agile to spot the risks and support people. And I'll end, Presiding Officer, with this: if the Tory Government in Westminster cannot simply do that, then they should now call a general election and let the people decide what the Government's priority should be. Diolch yn fawr.
Yng nghanol gaeaf oer a thwf sylweddol mewn tlodi, gyda chwyddiant yn rhemp a chyflogau'n llusgo ar ôl, rydym yn caniatáu i gwmnïau ynni newid pobl i'r ffordd fwyaf drud ac ansicr o dalu am ynni—cannoedd o filoedd o bobl. Ac o'r 500,000 o geisiadau am orchmynion llys i newid preswylwyr yn orfodol, dim ond 72 a gafodd eu gwrthod, a hynny er gwaethaf y gofyniad honedig i gwmnïau ynni sicrhau bod mesuryddion rhagdalu yn addas ar gyfer cwsmeriaid yr ystyrir eu bod yn fregus—pobl anabl, pobl â chyflyrau iechyd hirdymor.
Lywydd, mae newid i fesurydd rhagdalu i fod wedi'i wahardd os nad yw'r defnyddiwr eisiau un, ac eto mae gennym adroddiadau am sypiau o orchmynion llys yn cael eu rhoi ar unwaith, a channoedd yn cael eu cyhoeddi ar y tro. A yw hyn yn awgrymu bod y gwiriadau priodol yn digwydd? Mae pobl fregus yn cael eu newid yng nghanol y gaeaf heb fawr o waith, os o gwbl, i weld pwy ydynt neu beth yw eu hamgylchiadau. Golyga hyn fod llawer o bobl yn byw gyda'r ofn parhaus y bydd eu cyflenwad yn cael ei dorri. Mae Cyngor ar Bopeth wedi dweud bod cyflenwad rhywun yn cael ei dorri bob 10 eiliad am na allant fforddio eu taliad atodol i'w mesurydd rhagdalu. A bod yn hollol onest, mae'n fater o fywyd a marwolaeth.
Mae'n gwbl amlwg nad yw'r rheoleiddiwr, Ofgem, na Llywodraeth y DU wedi dirnad maint y broblem. Bûm yn tynnu sylw at hyn ers rhai misoedd bellach. Pan ysgrifennais at Grant Shapps, yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol, ddiwedd mis Rhagfyr, rhoddodd ateb safonol nad oedd yn mynegi unrhyw bryder o gwbl. Ond o'r diwedd, y penwythnos diwethaf, ar ôl i gannoedd o filoedd gael eu newid eisoes, mae o'r diwedd wedi cydnabod bod hyn yn destun pryder difrifol. Ond mae wedi caniatáu i'r sefyllfa barhau, ac yn hytrach, ysgrifennodd at y cyflenwyr i ofyn am eu cydweithrediad. Wel, yng nghanol y gaeaf hwn, yng nghanol yr argyfwng costau byw hwn, rwy'n sicr na allwn adael hyn i'r llysoedd, na allwn adael hyn i'r cyflenwyr, a dyna pam, unwaith eto, y galwaf ar yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol ac Ofgem i wahardd gosod mesuryddion rhagdalu yn orfodol, neu fan lleiaf un, Lywydd, dylent orchymyn y dylai'r orfodaeth i newid i fesurydd rhagdalu gael ei hatal hyd nes y gall cwmnïau ddangos y tu hwnt i bob amheuaeth eu bod yn cyflawni'r broses yn ddiogel.
Yn ffodus, Lywydd, yn wahanol i Lywodraeth Dorïaidd y DU, nid wyf wedi fy nghyfyngu gan gred ideolegol, er gwaethaf yr holl dystiolaeth, fod yn rhaid gadael pethau i ewyllys da'r cwmnïau hyn. Mae'n bryd i'r Torïaid yn y DU ddangos arweiniad. Gadewch inni fod yn glir: caiff mesuryddion rhagdalu eu gosod oherwydd bod hynny'n fwy cyfleus i'r cyflenwyr ynni. Gobeithio y gallwn i gyd gytuno bod achub bywydau'n llawer pwysicach na hynny. Ac fel y dywedais ar y dechrau, mae a wnelo tlodi â mwy na'r sgandal rhagdalu uniongyrchol, a bydd yn effeithio ar fywydau pobl am byth; bydd yr oerfel a ddaw pan na fydd pobl yn defnyddio ynni neu wrth i'w cyflenwad gael ei dorri yn arwain at gymaint mwy o effeithiau. Bydd yn rhwystro gallu plant i ddysgu. Bydd yn achosi i bobl fynd yn sâl a datblygu cyflyrau cronig. Bydd yn achosi problemau trawma ac iechyd meddwl, ac yn creu cymaint mwy o broblemau y mae'n amhosibl siarad amdanynt i gyd nawr.
Ond dylai gwres ac ynni fod yn rhywbeth y gall pob un ohonom ei gymryd yn ganiataol, ni waeth beth yw ein cefndir. Dylai fod yn egwyddor i seilio ein system gyflenwi ynni o'i chwmpas, ond yn hytrach, mae'n gwbl glir fod buddiannau cyflenwyr ynni'n cael blaenoriaeth dros hynny. A bydd yr argyfwng Torïaidd hwn yn rhygnu yn ei flaen, ac mae'n rhaid i'r Llywodraeth fod yn ystwyth i weld y risgiau a chefnogi pobl. Ac fe ddof i ben gyda hyn, Lywydd: os na all y Llywodraeth Dorïaidd yn San Steffan wneud hynny, dylent alw etholiad cyffredinol nawr a gadael i'r bobl benderfynu beth ddylai blaenoriaeth y Llywodraeth fod. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch i Jack Sargeant am ddod â'r pwnc yma gerbron y prynhawn yma. Mae Plaid Cymru yn llwyr gefnogi gwaharddiad ar orfodi cwsmeriaid i dalu am eu hynni drwy fesuryddion talu o flaen llaw, ac fel y codais i gyda'r Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol yn y Siambr y prynhawn yma, mae angen i Lywodraeth Geidwadol San Steffan wneud mwy nag annog cyflenwyr trydan a nwy i atal yr arfer gwbl anniogel ac annheg yma sy'n effeithio'n gwbl anghymesur ac yn andwyol ar aelwydydd mwyaf bregus Cymru. Mae angen gwaharddiad. Ac os nad yw San Steffan yn medru amddiffyn pobl Cymru rhag agwedd farus ac anghyfrifol y cyflenwyr ynni, mae angen i Lywodraeth Cymru geisio'r grymoedd sydd eu hangen i wneud hynny.
Mae pobl yn datgysylltu eu hunain o'u mesuryddion, o olau, o wres, o'r gallu i ymolchi mewn dŵr twym a chadw eu dillad yn lân. Mae pobl, fel dywedoch chi, yn marw wrth i gyflyrau iechyd gael eu gwaethygu yn sgil byw mewn tai oer. Maen nhw'n marw nawr. Rhaid dwyn Llywodraeth San Steffan i gyfrif am hynny. Rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru weithredu i wneud yr hyn y gall hi ei wneud i warchod ei dinasyddion.
Thank you to Jack Sargeant for bringing this topic before us this afternoon. Plaid Cymru fully supports a ban on forcing customers to pay for their energy through prepayment meters, and as I raised with the Minister for Social Justice in the Chamber this afternoon, the Conservative Government in Westminster needs to do more than encourage electricity and gas suppliers to prevent this unsafe and unfair practice that has a totally disproportionate and detrimental on the most vulnerable households of Wales. There needs to be a ban. And if Westminster can't protect the people of Wales from the greed and irresponsibility of the energy providers, the Welsh Government needs to seek the powers necessary to do that.
People are disconnecting themselves from their meters, from light, heat, the ability to wash with warm water and keep their clothes clean. People, as you said, are dying as health conditions are exacerbated as a result of living in cold houses. They are dying now. We must hold the Westminster Government to account for that. The Welsh Government must take action to do what it can to safeguard its citizens.
Thank you so much to Jack. You are a tireless advocate and champion for issues relating to people living in poverty, as I know are many around this Siambr. For those of you who don't know why I joined this mad world of politics, let me tell you what it was. For 25 years, I practised as a social worker, visited families where we were doing child protection work, found those families to be amongst the poorest. The poor just get poorer. The poor just have no resources to deal with what's going on. The poor have no options, have no hope, and I hope that myself, and I'm sure, all of us here—and I'm very sorry not to see anybody from the Conservatives, not even online any more—I know that we all want to see things change.
I would go one step further, I would say we should ban all prepayment meters, not just those who are forced to consider it, but all prepayment meters, because they are the devil incarnate in terms of looking at how we can help people who are in poverty. They don't have the resources, they don't have the energy, they don't have the strength to resist what's going on. So, I do call on the Minister to consider how do we ban them in Wales, how can we make sure that they don't get installed any further into our homes in Wales. Thank you. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Diolch o galon i Jack. Rydych chi'n ddadleuwr ac yn ymgyrchydd diflino dros faterion yn ymwneud â phobl sy'n byw mewn tlodi, fel nifer o rai eraill o gwmpas y Siambr hon. I'r rhai ohonoch nad ydych yn gwybod pam yr ymunais â byd gwallgof gwleidyddiaeth, gadewch imi ddweud wrthych. Am 25 mlynedd, bûm yn weithiwr cymdeithasol, yn ymweld â theuluoedd lle roeddem yn gwneud gwaith amddiffyn plant, a gweld bod y teuluoedd hynny ymhlith y tlotaf. Mae'r tlodion yn mynd yn dlotach. Nid oes gan bobl dlawd unrhyw adnoddau i ymdopi â'r hyn sy'n digwydd. Nid oes gan bobl dlawd unrhyw opsiynau, nid oes ganddynt obaith, ac rwy'n gobeithio fy mod i, a phawb yma rwy'n siŵr—ac mae'n ddrwg iawn gennyf na welaf unrhyw un o blith y Ceidwadwyr yma, ddim hyd yn oed ar-lein mwyach—rwy'n gwybod ein bod ni i gyd eisiau gweld pethau'n newid.
Fe awn gam ymhellach, a byddwn yn dweud y dylem wahardd pob mesurydd rhagdalu, nid y rhai sy'n cael eu gorfodi i'w ystyried, ond pob mesurydd rhagdalu, oherwydd maent yn bethau dieflig pan edrychwn ar sut y gallwn helpu pobl sy'n byw mewn tlodi. Nid oes ganddynt adnoddau, nid oes ganddynt egni, nid oes ganddynt nerth i wrthsefyll beth sy'n digwydd. Felly, galwaf ar y Gweinidog i ystyried sut y gallwn wahardd y rhain yng Nghymru, sut y gallwn sicrhau na chânt eu gosod yn ein cartrefi yng Nghymru mwyach. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Galwaf ar y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol i ymateb i'r ddadl. Jane Hutt.
I call on the Minister for Social Justice to reply to the debate. Jane Hutt.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Can I start by thanking Jack Sargeant for bringing this debate today? It does provide me with an opportunity, once again, to reassure people across Wales that supporting them through this cost-of-living crisis remains our priority. I've talked at length in recent months about the impact of spiralling energy prices, the effect of inflation, particularly food inflation, the disastrous fall-out from the UK Government's mishandling of the economy, which has decimated our budgets and pushed people into poverty.
But these facts and figures don't tell you what this crisis actually means for people living with those pressures every day. They don't convey the personal cost to the mother who is going without food so that her children can be fed, the elderly person who is too worried about their finances to put the heating on, or the harrowing experience of the family that find themselves homeless because they can no longer afford their rent—one of an ever-increasing number of families and individuals that are experiencing being without a home for the first time. The bottom line is, Dirprwy Lywydd, that the amount of money that people have coming in, increasingly, no longer covers the amount needed to cover the basic essentials for life such as housing costs, heating and food. The books no longer balance, and as the weeks go past, their capacity to meet these essential costs reduces further and their levels of debt increase.
But I share the concerns that Jack Sargeant has raised today in this debate, in the topical question earlier on this afternoon, consistently at every opportunity, about the growing use of prepayment meters by energy companies as a means of reclaiming energy debt. We know that paying for energy charges on a prepayment plan is significantly more expensive for some of the most vulnerable and poorest households in our society, even where that customer is on a smart meter and there's no increase in the administrative charges for the supplier. So, on Monday this week—and I've reported on this already this afternoon—I met once again with energy suppliers and I called on them to give me their assurance that due diligence was being followed and people were not being moved onto prepayment meters against their will, in particular those already on a smart meter. I will continue to meet with them regularly to ensure that, on the promises they gave me—and they did give me some promises about their practices, saying one after another that this was only a last resort—I will hold them to account in my engagement with them and look to those means, which have been raised by Jack and colleagues today, where we could actually influence those decisions.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. A gaf fi ddechrau drwy ddiolch i Jack Sargeant am gyflwyno'r ddadl hon heddiw? Mae'n rhoi cyfle i mi, unwaith eto, i sicrhau pobl ledled Cymru mai ein blaenoriaeth yw eu cefnogi drwy'r argyfwng costau byw hwn. Rwyf wedi siarad yn helaeth yn ystod y misoedd diwethaf am effaith prisiau ynni cynyddol, am effaith chwyddiant, yn enwedig chwyddiant bwyd, am ganlyniadau trychinebus methiant Llywodraeth y DU i reoli'r economi, sydd wedi dinistrio ein cyllidebau a gwthio pobl i fyw mewn tlodi.
Ond nid yw'r ffeithiau a'r ffigurau hyn yn dweud wrthych beth mae'r argyfwng hwn yn ei olygu mewn gwirionedd i bobl sy'n byw gyda phwysau o'r fath bob dydd. Nid ydynt yn cyfleu'r gost bersonol i'r fam sy'n mynd heb fwyd er mwyn bwydo'i phlant, y person oedrannus sy'n poeni gormod am eu harian i droi'r gwres ymlaen, neu brofiad dirdynnol y teulu sy'n cael eu gwneud yn ddigartref am na allant fforddio eu rhent mwyach—un o nifer cynyddol o deuluoedd ac unigolion sy'n wynebu bod heb gartref am y tro cyntaf. Yn y bôn, Ddirprwy Lywydd, fwy a mwy, nid yw'r swm o arian sydd gan bobl yn dod i mewn bellach yn ddigon i dalu am hanfodion sylfaenol bywyd fel costau tai, gwresogi a bwyd. Nid oes modd mantoli'r cyfrifon, ac wrth i'r wythnosau fynd heibio, mae eu gallu i dalu'r costau hanfodol hyn yn lleihau ymhellach ac mae lefel eu dyled yn cynyddu.
Ond rwy'n rhannu'r pryderon y mae Jack Sargeant wedi'u nodi heddiw yn y ddadl hon, yn y cwestiwn amserol yn gynharach y prynhawn yma, ac ar bob cyfle'n gyson, am y defnydd cynyddol o fesuryddion rhagdalu gan gwmnïau ynni fel modd o adennill dyledion ynni. Fe wyddom fod talu am ynni ar gynllun rhagdalu yn llawer drytach i rai o'r aelwydydd mwyaf bregus a thlawd yn ein cymdeithas, hyd yn oed lle mae'r cwsmer ar fesurydd clyfar a lle nad oes cynnydd yn y taliadau gweinyddol i'r cyflenwr. Felly, ddydd Llun yr wythnos hon—a nodais hyn eisoes y prynhawn yma—cyfarfûm unwaith eto â chyflenwyr ynni a galwais arnynt i roi eu sicrwydd i mi eu bod yn rhoi camau diwydrwydd dyladwy ar waith ac nad oedd pobl yn cael eu newid i fesuryddion rhagdalu yn erbyn eu hewyllys, yn enwedig y rhai sydd eisoes ar fesurydd clyfar. Byddaf yn parhau i gyfarfod â hwy'n rheolaidd i sicrhau, yn sgil yr addewidion a roddasant i mi—ac fe wnaethant addewidion i mi mewn perthynas â'u harferion, gan ddweud un ar ôl y llall mai dewis olaf yn unig oedd hwn—y byddaf yn eu dwyn i gyfrif yn fy ymgysylltiad â hwy ac yn edrych ar y dulliau a nodwyd gan Jack a chyd-Aelodau heddiw, lle gallem ddylanwadu ar y penderfyniadau hynny mewn gwirionedd.
However, there's now evidence that suppliers aren't following the basic rules to protect people in vulnerable circumstances. Again, Jack, you referred to the Citizen's Advice evidence. From September to December last year, more than three times the number of people were moved onto a prepayment meter for debt compared to the same period in 2019. Front-line advisers consistently see evidence of people in vulnerable circumstances being moved onto prepayment meters, in breach of energy supplier regulation. So, they are in breach. We need to look at those regulations, and that's what I'm going to do. These practices continued even after Ofgem wrote to suppliers in November to remind them of their obligations. Ofgem also published a report on Monday outlining its concerns about the sharp growth in households struggling to pay their bills being switched over to prepayment meters, sometimes without their even knowing about it, as we know, leaving them without heating.
National Energy Action Cymru has highlighted the case of the magistrates' court that approved 496 warrants to install prepayment meters in just four minutes. Who are these magistrates? We must go to them. We must address this with them. Such practices risk vulnerable customers, including those with medical conditions, being forced onto prepayment meters when this could be unsafe. Approximately 200,000 households in Wales rely on prepayment meters for their mains gas and electricity. This represents about 15 per cent of all our households. Twenty-four per cent of tenants in the private rented sector use prepayment meters, and almost half of social housing tenants rely on prepayment meters.
Welsh households were amongst the hardest hit by the increase in the standing charges being applied to household bills from last April. The highest increase in Britain was in north Wales, up 102 per cent, with south Wales witnessing standing charges up 94 per cent, the fourth highest in Britain. These additional costs to already rising fuel bills have had a disproportionate negative impact on low-income households and those on prepayment meters in particular. Citizen's Advice has highlighted record numbers of people who can no longer afford to top up their prepayment meters, including disproportionate demand from single-adult households, women and disabled households. There's no doubt that placing a customer on a more expensive tariff when they're already struggling to pay is disconnection by the back door.
You know of the Welsh Government's range of initiatives that we've put forward and that we're implementing to keep homes warm this winter. The one I want to particularly just focus on is the Fuel Bank Foundation partnership, which has so far helped 14,377 people who are struggling to prepay for their fuel and were at risk of self-disconnection. The fuel voucher scheme has resulted in 5,500 vouchers being issued to help top up prepayment meters. People struggling to pay for their off-grid fuel have also received support.
So, as I have done this afternoon, I'd take this opportunity to again urge Members to use their social media to encourage constituents who have a traditional prepayment meter to use their vouchers from the UK Government scheme. There is a 90-day expiry limit, and a worryingly large number are outstanding. But, I was also assured by energy suppliers on Monday that they would reissue those vouchers. I'm going to hold them to it, so they reissue those vouchers until people receive those vouchers. It's only 72 per cent at this time, for that £400, which is vital to the poorest in Wales.
So, you know that we have our fuel support scheme already reaching 310,000 households with the £200 payment this year, increasing eligibility. I'd again urge eligible households, this financial year, to ensure they apply for this vital support, because this is crucial in terms of getting money into people's pockets. Our current funding allocation from the UK Government isn't sufficient for us to repeat the scheme in 2023-24, but we will lobby UK Ministers to provide further financial support for people during this difficult time. And we have also ensured that our discretionary assistance fund is there, with an increase, as you know, in the draft budget, to access emergency financial help in a crisis.
We continue to call on the UK Government, which holds the key levers for tackling poverty, to put in place practical actions that have an immediate and positive impact on those affected by the rising cost of energy, particularly those on prepayment meters. And we have called, and I'm sure that you will join me today in calling for the removal of standing charges for prepayment customers. That hopefully could be another statement of opinion. For two years, we've called on UK Ministers and Ofgem to introduce a social tariff to protect the most vulnerable households. They are now saying that they will look at this. I'm meeting Ofgem shortly. Most of the energy suppliers I met this week were moving towards being in support of this. We have got to call for that social tariff together.
So, finally, thank you to Jack Sargeant, a tireless advocate and campaigner. I pay tribute to Jack for his determination. He's put this matter in the headlines not just here in Wales, but widespread across the UK. You've highlighted the detrimental impacts that the forced change to prepayment meters has had for vulnerable households. You've galvanised political and public support for proper checks to be undertaken in every case before switching a customer to prepayment. And you've repeated calls to Ofgem and the UK Government to ban the forced installation of prepayment meters, and I have backed all those calls, Jack, and it's so good to hear that our colleagues from Plaid Cymru and Welsh Liberal Democrats are backing the calls as well. So, you did make a difference last weekend—we've got to recognise that Jack Sargeant did have an influence. Grant Shapps wrote to UK energy suppliers this weekend, restating their duty under the regulations to protect vulnerable customers struggling to pay their bills. But that's not strong enough, that's not good enough. We've got to look at those regulations to see what we can do, and we have to ensure that we take these calls and this campaign forward together. Thank you very much. Diolch yn fawr, Jack.
Er hynny, ceir tystiolaeth erbyn hyn nad yw cyflenwyr yn dilyn y rheolau sylfaenol i ddiogelu pobl mewn amgylchiadau bregus. Unwaith eto, Jack, fe gyfeirioch chi at dystiolaeth Cyngor ar Bopeth. Rhwng mis Medi a mis Rhagfyr y llynedd, cafodd dros dair gwaith y nifer o bobl eu newid i fesurydd rhagdalu oherwydd dyled o'i gymharu â'r un cyfnod yn 2019. Mae cynghorwyr rheng flaen yn gyson yn gweld tystiolaeth o bobl mewn amgylchiadau bregus yn cael eu newid i fesuryddion rhagdalu, yn groes i reoliadau ar gyfer cyflenwyr ynni. Felly, maent yn tramgwyddo. Mae angen inni edrych ar y rheoliadau hynny, a dyna rwy'n mynd i'w wneud. Parhaodd yr arferion hyn hyd yn oed ar ôl i Ofgem ysgrifennu at gyflenwyr ym mis Tachwedd i'w hatgoffa o'u rhwymedigaethau. Hefyd, ddydd Llun cyhoeddodd Ofgem adroddiad yn amlinellu eu pryderon am y twf sydyn yn nifer y cartrefi sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd talu eu biliau ac sy'n cael eu newid i fesuryddion rhagdalu, weithiau heb iddynt wybod hyd yn oed, fel y gwyddom, gan eu gadael heb wres.
Mae National Energy Action Cymru wedi tynnu sylw at achos llys ynadon a gymeradwyodd 496 o warantau i osod mesuryddion rhagdalu mewn pedwar munud yn unig. Pwy yw'r ynadon hyn? Rhaid inni fynd atynt. Rhaid inni fynd i'r afael â hyn gyda hwy. Mae arferion o'r fath yn peryglu cwsmeriaid bregus, gan gynnwys y rhai sydd â chyflyrau meddygol, drwy eu gorfodi ar fesuryddion rhagdalu pan allai hynny fod yn beryglus. Mae tua 200,000 o gartrefi yng Nghymru'n dibynnu ar fesuryddion rhagdalu am eu prif gyflenwad nwy a thrydan. Mae hyn oddeutu 15 y cant o'n holl aelwydydd. Mae 24 y cant o denantiaid yn y sector rhentu preifat yn defnyddio mesuryddion rhagdalu, ac mae bron i hanner y tenantiaid tai cymdeithasol yn dibynnu ar fesuryddion rhagdalu.
Roedd aelwydydd Cymru ymhlith y rhai a gafodd eu taro waethaf gan y cynnydd yn y taliadau sefydlog ar filiau aelwydydd er mis Ebrill diwethaf. Roedd y cynnydd mwyaf ym Mhrydain yng ngogledd Cymru, i fyny 102 y cant, gyda de Cymru'n gweld taliadau sefydlog yn codi 94 y cant, y pedwerydd uchaf ym Mhrydain. Mae'r costau ychwanegol hyn ar filiau tanwydd sydd eisoes yn cynyddu wedi cael effaith negyddol anghymesur ar aelwydydd incwm isel a'r rhai ar fesuryddion rhagdalu yn fwyaf arbennig. Mae Cyngor ar Bopeth wedi tynnu sylw at y nifer uchaf erioed o bobl na all fforddio taliad atodol ar gyfer eu mesuryddion rhagdalu, gan gynnwys galw anghymesur gan aelwydydd un oedolyn, menywod ac aelwydydd anabl. Nid oes unrhyw amheuaeth fod gosod cwsmer ar dariff drytach a hwythau eisoes yn ei chael hi'n anodd talu yn fodd o ddatgysylltu drwy'r drws cefn.
Fe wyddoch am ystod Llywodraeth Cymru o fentrau a gyflwynwyd gennym ac a weithredir gennym i gadw cartrefi'n gynnes y gaeaf hwn. Yr un yr hoffwn ganolbwyntio'n arbennig arno yw partneriaeth Sefydliad y Banc Tanwydd, sydd hyd yma wedi helpu 14,377 o bobl sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd rhagdalu am eu tanwydd ac a oedd yn wynebu risg o ddatgysylltu eu hunain. Mae'r cynllun talebau tanwydd wedi arwain at roi 5,500 o dalebau i helpu gyda thaliad atodol ar gyfer mesuryddion rhagdalu. Mae pobl sy'n cael trafferth talu am eu tanwydd oddi ar y grid hefyd wedi cael cymorth.
Felly, fel y gwneuthum y prynhawn yma, hoffwn fanteisio ar y cyfle hwn eto i annog Aelodau i ddefnyddio eu cyfryngau cymdeithasol i annog etholwyr sydd â mesurydd rhagdalu traddodiadol i ddefnyddio eu talebau gan gynllun Llywodraeth y DU. Dônt i ben ar ôl 90 diwrnod, ac mae'r nifer sydd eto i'w defnyddio yn bryderus o uchel. Ond cefais sicrwydd gan gyflenwyr ynni ddydd Llun y byddent yn ailddarparu'r talebau hynny. Fe wnaf yn siŵr eu bod yn cadw at hynny, felly byddant yn ailddarparu'r talebau hynny hyd nes y bydd pobl yn cael y talebau hynny. Nid yw ond yn 72 y cant ar hyn o bryd, am y £400, sy'n hanfodol i'r bobl dlotaf yng Nghymru.
Felly, fe wyddoch fod gennym ein cynllun cymorth tanwydd eisoes yn cyrraedd 310,000 o aelwydydd gyda'r taliad o £200 eleni, gan gynyddu cymhwysedd. Unwaith eto, byddwn yn annog aelwydydd cymwys, y flwyddyn ariannol hon, i sicrhau eu bod yn ymgeisio am y cymorth hanfodol hwn, oherwydd mae'n hanfodol er mwyn cael arian i bocedi pobl. Nid yw ein dyraniad cyllid presennol gan Lywodraeth y DU yn ddigonol inni ailadrodd y cynllun yn 2023-24, ond byddwn yn lobïo Gweinidogion y DU i ddarparu cymorth ariannol pellach i bobl yn ystod y cyfnod anodd hwn. Ac rydym hefyd wedi sicrhau bod ein cronfa cymorth dewisol yno, gyda chynnydd yn y gyllideb ddrafft, fel y gwyddoch, i allu cael cymorth ariannol brys mewn argyfwng.
Rydym yn parhau i alw ar Lywodraeth y DU, sydd â'r prif ysgogiadau at ei defnydd ar gyfer mynd i'r afael â thlodi, i roi camau ymarferol ar waith sy'n effeithio'n uniongyrchol a chadarnhaol ar y rhai yr effeithir arnynt gan gost gynyddol ynni, yn enwedig y rhai ar fesuryddion rhagdalu. Ac rydym wedi galw, ac rwy'n siŵr y byddwch chi'n ymuno â mi heddiw i alw am ddileu taliadau sefydlog ar gyfer cwsmeriaid rhagdalu. Fe allai hynny fod yn ddatganiad barn arall, gobeithio. Ers dwy flynedd, rydym wedi galw ar Weinidogion y DU ac Ofgem i gyflwyno tariff cymdeithasol i ddiogelu'r aelwydydd mwyaf agored i niwed. Maent bellach yn dweud y byddant yn edrych ar hyn. Rwy'n cyfarfod ag Ofgem yn fuan. Roedd y rhan fwyaf o'r cyflenwyr ynni y gwneuthum eu cyfarfod yr wythnos hon yn symud tuag at gefnogi hyn. Mae'n rhaid inni alw am y tariff cymdeithasol gyda'n gilydd.
Felly, yn olaf, diolch i Jack Sargeant, dadleuwr ac ymgyrchydd diflino. Rwy'n talu teyrnged i Jack am ei natur benderfynol. Mae wedi rhoi'r mater hwn yn y penawdau nid yn unig yma yng Nghymru, ond yn eang ar draws y DU. Rydych chi wedi tynnu sylw at yr effeithiau niweidiol y mae'r newid gorfodol i fesuryddion rhagdalu wedi'u cael ar aelwydydd bregus. Rydych chi wedi ysgogi cefnogaeth wleidyddol a chyhoeddus i gynnal gwiriadau priodol ym mhob achos cyn newid cwsmer i fesurydd rhagdalu. Ac rydych chi wedi ailadrodd galwadau ar Ofgem a Llywodraeth y DU i wahardd gosod mesuryddion rhagdalu drwy orfodaeth, ac rwyf wedi cefnogi'r holl alwadau hynny, Jack, ac mae mor dda clywed bod ein cyd-Aelodau o Blaid Cymru a'r Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymreig yn cefnogi'r galwadau hefyd. Felly, fe wnaethoch chi wahaniaeth y penwythnos diwethaf—mae'n rhaid inni gydnabod bod gan Jack Sargeant ddylanwad. Ysgrifennodd Grant Shapps at gyflenwyr ynni'r DU y penwythnos hwn yn datgan eu dyletswydd o dan y rheoliadau i ddiogelu cwsmeriaid bregus sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd talu eu biliau. Ond nid yw hynny'n ddigon cryf, nid yw hynny'n ddigon da. Mae'n rhaid inni edrych ar y rheoliadau hynny i weld beth y gallwn ei wneud, ac mae'n rhaid inni sicrhau ein bod yn symud ymlaen gyda'r galwadau hyn a'r ymgyrch hon gyda'n gilydd. Diolch yn fawr iawn, Jack.
Diolch, Weinidog, a diolch i Jack Sargeant. A daw hynny â busnes heddiw i ben.
Thank you, Minister, and thank you to Jack Sargeant. And that brings today's proceedings to a close.
Daeth y cyfarfod i ben am 19:22.
The meeting ended at 19:22.