Y Cyfarfod Llawn
Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.
In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.
Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:30 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Prynhawn da a chroeso i'r Cyfarfod Llawn. Yr eitem gyntaf y prynhawn yma yw'r cwestiynau i'r Prif Weinidog, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Luke Fletcher.
Good afternoon and welcome to this Plenary meeting. The first item this afternoon is questions to the First Minister, and the first question is from Luke Fletcher.
1. Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cydweithio gydag awdurdodau lleol i fynd i'r afael â'r pwysau ar wasanaethau atal digartrefedd dros gyfnod y Nadolig? OQ58891
1. How is the Welsh Government working with local authorities to tackle the pressure on homelessness prevention services over the Christmas period? OQ58891

I thank the Member for that question, Llywydd. The Welsh Government's commitment to ending homelessness remains unwavering at all times of the year. Our total investment in homelessness prevention and housing support is over £197 million this year, helping ensure no-one is left without the support or the accommodation they need.
Diolch i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn yna, Llywydd. Mae ymrwymiad Llywodraeth Cymru i roi terfyn ar ddigartrefedd yn parhau'n ddiwyro ar bob adeg o'r flwyddyn. Mae cyfanswm ein buddsoddiad mewn atal digartrefedd a chymorth tai dros £197 miliwn eleni, gan helpu i sicrhau nad oes neb yn cael eu gadael heb y cymorth na'r llety sydd eu hangen arnyn nhw.
Dioch, Prif Weinidog. It hasn't been that long since homelessness services were confronted by a nightmare scenario during the pandemic, and here they are again confronting another one. I'd like to highlight the case of Keith, a constituent in Maesteg, who recently got in touch for help as he and his wife are in crisis situation after recently receiving a section 21 notice, the deadline of which passed in November. They now face the prospect of a winter looking for accommodation that has disability access, whilst dealing with multiple and complex needs. But given the magnitude of the current situation, and given that there are roughly 25,000 empty properties here in Wales, is it now time for a Government national action plan on empty properties to help prevent distressing cases like Keith's in the future?
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. Nid yw wedi bod mor hir â hynny ers i wasanaethau digartrefedd wynebu senario hunllefus yn ystod y pandemig, a dyma nhw eto yn wynebu un arall. Hoffwn dynnu sylw at achos Keith, etholwr ym Maesteg, a gysylltodd yn ddiweddar am gymorth gan ei fod ef a'i wraig mewn sefyllfa o argyfwng ar ôl cael hysbysiad adran 21 yn ddiweddar, yr aeth ei ddyddiad terfyn heibio ym mis Tachwedd. Maen nhw bellach yn wynebu'r posibilrwydd o aeaf yn chwilio am lety sydd â mynediad i bobl anabl, gan ymdrin ag anghenion lluosog a chymhleth. Ond o ystyried difrifoldeb y sefyllfa bresennol, ac o ystyried bod tua 25,000 o eiddo gwag yma yng Nghymru, a yw hi bellach yn bryd cael cynllun gweithredu cenedlaethol gan y Llywodraeth ar eiddo gwag i helpu i atal achosion gofidus fel un Keith yn y dyfodol?

Well, Llywydd, to be threatened with homelessness at any time of the year is enormously stressful, as anybody in this Chamber who does casework regularly will know. But to be faced with that over the Christmas period, when you're fearful that services may not be available, is even more challenging, I'm sure, for anybody. There are two aspects to this, Llywydd, of course. There is the demand on the one side, and demand in the system has risen inexorably over this calendar year. In January, 1,100 people presented themselves to local authorities as threatened with or actually being homeless. It rose to 1,200 in February, to 1,300 in March. It was 1,400 by August, 1,500 in September, and I believe that the next set of figures will see it rise to over 1,600. These are huge surges in demand that make it even more difficult for local authorities to discharge their responsibilities, and part of the answer to that has to be to increase the supply of affordable housing. We have a commitment of 20,000 low-carbon homes for social rent during this Senedd term. We are acting to invest £65 million in transitional accommodation, by including £30 million of that in the area of Wales represented by Luke Fletcher, as a £30 million investment in a leasing scheme for Wales, but, also—and it's an important point the Member makes—the investment we are making in assisting local authorities to bring empty homes back into use. And there are some very significant examples of that around Wales—an outstanding one in Pembrokeshire and the area represented by our colleague Paul Davies, where the local authority, with support from the Welsh Government, was able to bring a large number of Ministry of Defence properties back into use for the general population. And the work done in Valleys communities, led my colleague Lee Waters, is another example of how we can, alongside our local authorities, invest in making sure that houses that otherwise stand empty can be brought back into beneficial use.
Wel, Llywydd, mae bod o dan fygythiad o fod yn ddigartref ar unrhyw adeg o'r flwyddyn yn straen aruthrol, fel y bydd unrhyw un yn y Siambr hon sy'n gwneud gwaith achos rheolaidd yn gwybod. Ond mae wynebu hynny dros gyfnod y Nadolig, pan ydych chi'n ofni efallai na fydd gwasanaethau ar gael, yn fwy heriol fyth, rwy'n siŵr, i unrhyw un. Ceir dwy agwedd ar hyn, Llywydd, wrth gwrs. Ceir y galw ar y naill ochr, ac mae'r galw yn y system wedi codi'n ddiwrthdro dros y flwyddyn galendr hon. Ym mis Ionawr, cyflwynodd 1,100 o bobl eu hunain i awdurdodau lleol fel rhai o dan fygythiad o fod yn ddigartref neu'n ddigartref mewn gwirionedd. Cododd i 1,200 ym mis Chwefror, i 1,300 ym mis Mawrth. Roedd yn 1,400 erbyn mis Awst, 1,500 ym mis Medi, ac rwy'n credu y bydd y gyfres nesaf o ffigurau yn dangos ei fod wedi codi i dros 1,600. Mae'r hwn yn ymchwydd enfawr i'r galw sy'n ei gwneud hi'n anoddach fyth i awdurdodau lleol gyflawni eu cyfrifoldebau, ac mae'n rhaid mai rhan o'r ateb i hynny yw cynyddu'r cyflenwad o dai fforddiadwy. Mae gennym ni ymrwymiad o 20,000 o gartrefi carbon isel i'w rhentu'n gymdeithasol yn ystod tymor y Senedd hon. Rydym ni'n gweithredu i fuddsoddi £65 miliwn mewn llety trosiannol, drwy gynnwys £30 miliwn o hynny yn yr ardal o Gymru a gynrychiolir gan Luke Fletcher, fel buddsoddiad o £30 miliwn mewn cynllun prydlesu i Gymru, ond, hefyd—ac mae'n bwynt pwysig y mae'r Aelod yn ei wneud—y buddsoddiad rydym ni'n ei wneud i gynorthwyo awdurdodau lleol i ddefnyddio tai gwag unwaith eto. A cheir rhai enghreifftiau arwyddocaol iawn o hynny ledled Cymru—un rhagorol yn sir Benfro a'r ardal a gynrychiolir gan ein cyd-Aelod Paul Davies, lle llwyddodd yr awdurdod lleol, gyda chymorth Llywodraeth Cymru, i ddefnyddio nifer fawr o eiddo'r Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn ar gyfer y boblogaeth gyffredinol. Ac mae'r gwaith a wnaed yng nghymunedau'r Cymoedd, dan arweiniad fy nghyd-Weinidog Lee Waters, yn enghraifft arall o sut y gallwn ni, ochr yn ochr â'n hawdurdodau lleol, fuddsoddi mewn gwneud yn siŵr bod tai sydd fel arall yn sefyll yn wag yn cael eu defnyddio'n fuddiol.
Can I first of all join you, First Minister, in giving credit to those local authorities for the work they do already in looking to prevent homelessness, but recognise the challenge that they have at the moment, particularly over this Christmas period? As we know, there are around 14,000 people in Wales currently in temporary accommodation, and in evidence-taking through the Local Government and Housing Committee recently, councils and council leaders, whilst recognising that funding is part of that challenge—as you've pointed out already—talked about the lack of housing supply that they're finding particularly challenging at the moment. And you mentioned the ambition to deliver those 20,000 low-carbon social homes, but there are barriers at the moment that developers are facing to deliver on those homes, and one of those is around the phosphate regulations. And there's an example in my region of north Wales where, in a field on the English side of the border, new social houses are being built, and in a field on the Welsh side of the border, those houses aren't able to be built because of the phosphate regulations that are there. So, people in Wales are not having the houses built that are required for them. So, I wonder, First Minister, what action you will be taking to accelerate this ambition to deliver on those homes, rather than us standing here again, in two and three years' time, talking about the homelessness challenge that faces us.
A gaf i yn gyntaf oll ymuno â chi, Prif Weinidog, i roi clod i'r awdurdodau lleol hynny am y gwaith y maen nhw eisoes yn ei wneud i geisio atal digartrefedd, ond cydnabod yr her sydd ganddyn nhw ar hyn o bryd, yn enwedig dros gyfnod y Nadolig hwn? Fel y gwyddom, mae tua 14,000 o bobl yng Nghymru mewn llety dros dro ar hyn o bryd, ac wrth gymryd tystiolaeth drwy'r Pwyllgor Llywodraeth Leol a Thai yn ddiweddar, fe wnaeth cynghorau ac arweinwyr cynghorau, gan gydnabod bod cyllid yn rhan o'r her honno—fel rydych chi wedi ei nodi eisoes—sôn am y diffyg cyflenwad tai y maen nhw'n ei gael yn arbennig o heriol ar hyn o bryd. Ac fe wnaethoch chi sôn am yr uchelgais i ddarparu'r 20,000 o gartrefi cymdeithasol carbon isel hynny, ond ceir rhwystrau ar hyn o bryd y mae datblygwyr yn eu hwynebu i ddarparu'r cartrefi hynny, ac mae un o'r rheini yn ymwneud â'r rheoliadau ffosffad. A cheir enghraifft yn fy rhanbarth i, y gogledd, lle mae tai cymdeithasol yn cael eu hadeiladu mewn cae ar ochr Lloegr o'r ffin, ac mewn cae ar ochr Cymru o'r ffin, ni ellir adeiladu'r tai hynny oherwydd y rheoliadau ffosffad sydd yno. Felly nid yw pobl yng Nghymru yn cael y tai wedi'u hadeiladu sydd eu hangen ar eu cyfer. Felly, tybed, Prif Weinidog, pa gamau y byddwch chi'n eu cymryd i gyflymu'r uchelgais hwn i ddarparu'r cartrefi hynny, yn hytrach nag ein bod ni'n sefyll yma eto, ymhen dwy a thair blynedd, yn sôn am yr her ddigartrefedd yr ydym yn ei hwynebu.

Well, the phosphates issue is a genuine one, Llywydd. I was able to meet the major players in this area at the Royal Welsh Show earlier this year, and there's a follow-up meeting with all of those players planned for early in the new year. That is to make sure that all those organisations that have a part to play in resolving the phosphates issue are able to do that, and that nobody spends their time pointing the finger at somebody else and saying, 'If only they did something, then this problem could be solved'. Now, the spirit at the meeting in Llanelwedd was much better than that; I thought people did come genuinely looking to advance the things that lay within their own responsibility. What the answer cannot be, Llywydd, is to allow house building to happen in places without a plan to make sure that that house building does not add to the already excessive levels of pollution in rivers in Wales. The pollution crisis that we face in some parts of Wales is absolutely real, and we can't make that worse in order to make something else better. But we know that if every organisation makes its contribution, it is possible to go on developing new houses on land that otherwise would not be available for that purpose, but it does depend, as I say, on collecting together all those different contributions and unlocking the current barriers that exist to developments that we would like to see go ahead.
Wel, mae'r mater ffosffadau yn un go iawn, Llywydd. Llwyddais i gael cyfarfod gyda'r prif ffigyrau yn y maes hwn yn y Sioe Frenhinol yn gynharach eleni, ac mae cyfarfod dilynol gyda'r holl ffigyrau hynny wedi'i drefnu ar gyfer dechrau'r flwyddyn newydd. Mae hynny i wneud yn siŵr bod yr holl sefydliadau hynny sydd â rhan i'w chwarae i ddatrys y mater ffosffadau yn gallu gwneud hynny, ac nad oes neb yn treulio'u hamser yn pwyntio bys at rywun arall a dweud, 'Pe bai nhw ond yn gwneud rhywbeth, yna gellid datrys y broblem hon'. Nawr, roedd yr ysbryd yn y cyfarfod yn Llanelwedd yn llawer gwell na hynny; roeddwn i'n meddwl bod pobl wedi dod gyda'r bwriad gwirioneddol o ddatblygu'r pethau yr oedden nhw'n gyfrifol amdanyn nhw. Yr hyn na all yr ateb fod, Llywydd, yw caniatáu i adeiladu tai ddigwydd mewn mannau heb gynllun i wneud yn siŵr nad yw'r gwaith adeiladu tai hwnnw'n ychwanegu at y lefelau llygredd sydd eisoes yn ormodol mewn afonydd yng Nghymru. Mae'r argyfwng llygredd yr ydym yn ei wynebu mewn rhai rhannau o Gymru yn gwbl real, ac ni allwn wneud hynny'n waeth er mwyn gwneud rhywbeth arall yn well. Ond rydym ni'n gwybod os bydd pob sefydliad yn gwneud ei gyfraniad, ei bod hi'n bosibl parhau i ddatblygu tai newydd ar dir na fyddai ar gael at y diben hwnnw fel arall, ond mae'n dibynnu, fel y dywedais, ar gasglu'r holl wahanol gyfraniadau hynny ynghyd a goresgyn y rhwystrau presennol sy'n bodoli ac yn atal datblygiadau yr hoffem ni eu gweld yn mynd rhagddynt.
First Minister, I was wondering whether you'd made an assessment of the half-year results of the Development Bank of Wales, and, in particular, its investment in housing projects, including the leasehold support scheme, which will secure new long-term properties for rent by local authorities, in turn helping to prevent homelessness.
Prif Weinidog, tybed a oeddech chi wedi gwneud asesiad o ganlyniadau hanner blwyddyn Banc Datblygu Cymru, ac, yn benodol, ei fuddsoddiad mewn prosiectau tai, gan gynnwys y cynllun cymorth prydlesi, a fydd yn sicrhau eiddo hirdymor newydd i'w rhentu gan awdurdodau lleol, gan helpu wedyn i atal digartrefedd.

Llywydd, I thank Ken Skates for that question. I remember very vividly a visit that he and I made to the headquarters of the Development Bank of Wales in Wrexham, and it has been one of the outstanding success stories of the last decade. The half-year results, as Ken Skates says, were published in the last week or so. They show a continuing strong trend in direct investment that the bank is able to make, but also the way in which the bank is able to mobilise alongside it other investments from private sources. One of the areas in which the bank has been able to use financial transaction capital, for example, has, as Ken Skates said, been in the leasing scheme. Now, the leasing scheme is a very important part of increasing that supply of housing for rent that other colleagues here have mentioned this afternoon. It allows local authorities to take on properties that are otherwise in the private rented sector, and to invest in the conditions of those homes so that they can be let not just for the short run, but to the medium and long-term run, adding to the supply of affordable social rented homes in those areas. And the role that the Development Bank of Wales has played in allowing that to happen has been an additional string to the bow that it exercises in any case through Help to Buy and other parts of the housing landscape, where the bank's actions have been very important in sustaining that sector during challenging times.
Llywydd, diolch i Ken Skates am y cwestiwn yna. Rwy'n cofio'n eglur iawn ymweliad a wnaeth ef a minnau â phencadlys Banc Datblygu Cymru yn Wrecsam, ac mae wedi bod yn un o lwyddiannau eithriadol y degawd diwethaf. Cyhoeddwyd y canlyniadau hanner blwyddyn, fel y dywedodd Ken Skates, yn ystod yr wythnos ddiwethaf. Maen nhw'n dangos tuedd gref barhaus o fuddsoddiad uniongyrchol y mae'r banc yn gallu ei wneud, ond hefyd y ffordd y mae'r banc yn gallu rhoi ar waith ochr yn ochr ag ef fuddsoddiadau eraill o ffynonellau preifat. Un o'r meysydd lle mae'r banc wedi gallu defnyddio cyfalaf trafodion ariannol, er enghraifft, fel y dywedodd Ken Skates, fu yn y cynllun prydlesu. Nawr, mae'r cynllun prydlesu yn rhan bwysig iawn o gynyddu'r cyflenwad hwnnw o dai i'w rhentu y mae cyd-Aelodau eraill yma wedi sôn amdano y prynhawn yma. Mae'n caniatáu i awdurdodau lleol gymryd cyfrifoldeb am eiddo sydd fel arall yn y sector rhentu preifat, ac i fuddsoddi yng nghyflwr y cartrefi hynny fel y gellir eu gosod nid yn unig ar gyfer y byrdymor, ond ar gyfer y tymor canolig a'r hirdymor, gan ychwanegu at y cyflenwad o dai rhent cymdeithasol fforddiadwy yn yr ardaloedd hynny. Ac mae'r rhan y mae Banc Datblygu Cymru wedi ei chwarae o ran caniatáu i hynny ddigwydd wedi bod yn llinyn ychwanegol i'r bwa y mae'n eu defnyddio beth bynnag trwy Cymorth i Brynu a rhannau eraill o'r dirwedd dai, lle mae gweithredoedd y banc wedi bod yn bwysig iawn i gynnal y sector hwnnw yn ystod cyfnod heriol.
2. Sut fydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn defnyddio canlyniadau cyfrifiad 2021? OQ58867
2. How will the Welsh Government make use of the results of the 2021 census? OQ58867

I thank the Member for that. Llywydd, results from the 2021 census have started to be released, but key information, such as that on housing tenure, is yet to be published. The full picture will be used, for example, into strengthening the next 'Future Trends' report, which is a key requirement of the Well-being of Future Generations Act (Wales) 2015.
Diolch i'r Aelod am hynna. Llywydd, mae canlyniadau o gyfrifiad 2021 wedi dechrau cael eu cyhoeddi, ond nid yw gwybodaeth allweddol, fel gwybodaeth am ddaliadaeth tai, wedi'i chyhoeddi eto. Bydd y darlun llawn yn cael ei ddefnyddio, er enghraifft, i gryfhau'r adroddiad 'Tueddiadau'r Dyfodol' nesaf, sy'n un o brif ofynion Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015.
Thank you. Now, according to the latest census results we've seen, 55.2 per cent of people selected a Welsh-only identity in Wales in 2021, and that's a decrease from 57.5 per cent in 2011. Meanwhile, 18.5 per cent of people selected a British-only identity, which saw an increase from 16.9 per cent in 2011. However, the number of people selecting both Welsh and British identities also rose to 8.1 per cent in 2021, which was an increase from 7.1 per cent in 2011. Now, this does stand directly in contrast to your comments at the Welsh Affairs Committee, where you seemed to suggest that, somehow, British identity was on the decline and Welsh-only identity was increasing. The increase in people holding both Welsh and British national identity, recorded by the latest census over the past decade, actually now shows the strength and affection that people have for our centuries old union. People are clearly proud to be both Welsh and British, and they want to see—
Diolch. Nawr, yn ôl canlyniadau'r cyfrifiad diweddaraf yr ydym ni wedi eu gweld, dewisodd 55.2 y cant o bobl hunaniaeth Cymreig yn unig yng Nghymru yn 2021, ac mae hynny'n ostyngiad o 57.5 y cant yn 2011. Yn y cyfamser, dewisodd 18.5 y cant o bobl hunaniaeth Brydeinig yn unig, a oedd yn gynnydd o 16.9 y cant yn 2011. Fodd bynnag, cynyddodd nifer y bobl a ddewisodd hunaniaethau Cymreig a Phrydeinig hefyd i 8.1 y cant yn 2021, a oedd yn gynnydd o 7.1 y cant yn 2011. Nawr, mae hyn yn gwbl groes i'ch sylwadau yn y Pwyllgor Materion Cymreig, pan oedd yn ymddangos eich bod chi'n awgrymu, rhywsut, bod hunaniaeth Brydeinig yn gostwng a hunaniaeth Gymreig yn unig yn cynyddu. Mae'r cynnydd i nifer y bobl sydd â hunaniaeth genedlaethol Gymreig a Phrydeinig, a gofnodwyd gan y cyfrifiad diweddaraf dros y degawd diwethaf, yn dangos mewn gwirionedd y cryfder a'r hoffter sydd gan bobl o'n hundeb ganrifoedd oed. Mae pobl yn amlwg yn falch o fod yn Gymry ac yn Brydeinwyr, ac maen nhw eisiau gweld—
Can we address the question to the First Minister, rather than to your colleagues on your own benches? So, can we have the question, please, Janet Finch-Saunders?
A allwn ni gyfeirio'r cwestiwn at y Prif Weinidog, yn hytrach nag at eich cyd-Aelodau ar eich meinciau eich hun? Felly, a gawn ni'r cwestiwn, os gwelwch yn dda, Janet Finch-Saunders?
—and we want to see a strong Wales in a strong United Kingdom. First Minister, will you make clear to your governing comrades over in Plaid Cymru that people have had enough of their divisive push for independence and that they want us to focus on the issues that really matter to the people of Wales?
—ac rydym ni eisiau gweld Cymru gref mewn Teyrnas Unedig gref. Prif Weinidog, a wnewch chi ei gwneud yn eglur i'ch cymrodyr llywodraethol draw ym Mhlaid Cymru bod pobl wedi cael digon o'u hymgyrch ddadunol dros annibyniaeth a'u bod nhw eisiau i ni ganolbwyntio ar y materion sy'n wirioneddol bwysig i bobl Cymru?
Look, I'm sorry—
Edrychwch, mae'n ddrwg gen i—
Will you stand up for our United Kingdom? [Interruption.]
A wnewch chi sefyll dros ein Teyrnas Unedig? [Torri ar draws.]
Well drafted by whoever drafted it.
Wedi'i ddrafftio'n dda gan bwy bynnag wnaeth ei ddrafftio.

Well, Llywydd, the identity question in the census is a very interesting one, and the results that it shows, I think, are definitely worth proper exploration. Now, why do we see some of the changes that the Member referred to? Well, we know that the number of deaths over the last decade exceeded the number of births that took place in Wales. So, the growth in the population in Wales comes exclusively from people who have not been living in Wales moving into Wales. Twenty-three thousand more people born in England were recorded as living in Wales in the 2021 census than as in 2011. They're very, very heavily concentrated in two local authorities in Wales: they live in Flintshire and they live in Newport. In other words, they live right by the border, and they're people whose lives are fluid, living in one place, working in another, and it's no surprise, therefore, that they bring that sense of their identity with them. I think those figures are worth serious debate. I would say that they reinforce what this party—my party—has always believed, that what people in Wales benefit from is strong devolution, with the capacity of this Senedd to make decisions on the things that affect only people in Wales, but benefit as well from being in the United Kingdom. That's always been the policy of my party, and I'm very happy to reinforce it again this afternoon.
Wel, Llywydd, mae'r cwestiwn hunaniaeth yn y cyfrifiad yn un diddorol iawn, ac mae'r canlyniadau y mae'n eu dangos, yn fy marn i, yn sicr yn werth eu harchwilio'n briodol. Nawr, pam rydym ni'n gweld rhai o'r newidiadau y cyfeiriodd yr Aelod atyn nhw? Wel, rydym ni'n gwybod bod nifer y marwolaethau dros y degawd diwethaf yn fwy na nifer y genedigaethau a gafwyd yng Nghymru. Felly, mae'r twf ym mhoblogaeth Cymru yn dod yn llwyr o bobl nad ydyn nhw wedi bod yn byw yng Nghymru yn symud i mewn i Gymru. Cofnodwyd bod tair mil ar hugain yn fwy o bobl a anwyd yn Lloegr yn byw yng Nghymru yng nghyfrifiad 2021 nag yn 2011. Maen nhw wedi'u crynhoi'n drwm iawn, iawn mewn dau awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru: maen nhw'n byw yn sir y Fflint ac maen nhw'n byw yng Nghasnewydd. Mewn geiriau eraill, maen nhw'n byw yn agos at y ffin, ac maen nhw'n bobl y mae eu bywydau'n gyfnewidiol, yn byw mewn un lle, yn gweithio mewn lle arall, ac nid yw'n syndod, felly, eu bod nhw'n dod â'r synnwyr hwnnw o'u hunaniaeth gyda nhw. Rwy'n credu bod y ffigurau hynny'n haeddu trafodaeth ddifrifol. Byddwn i'n dweud eu bod nhw'n atgyfnerthu'r hyn y mae'r blaid hon—fy mhlaid i—wedi ei gredu erioed, mai'r hyn y mae pobl yng Nghymru yn elwa arno yw datganoli cryf, gyda gallu'r Senedd hon i wneud penderfyniadau ynghylch y pethau sy'n effeithio ar bobl yng Nghymru yn unig, ond yn cael budd hefyd o fod yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Dyna fu polisi fy mhlaid i erioed, ac rwy'n hapus iawn i'w atgyfnerthu eto y prynhawn yma.
Mae’r Gymraeg yn perthyn i ni i gyd, ond mae canlyniadau’r sensws wedi achosi pryder. Mae enghraifft y Gymraeg wedi cynnig gobaith i ieithoedd lleiafrifol ar draws y byd ers blynyddoedd. Testun gobaith yw hi, ac, yng nghanol stŵr y siom am y ffigyrau hyn, hoffwn i ddeall sut bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn llwyddo i gynnig gobaith newydd ac i weithredu arno. Dywedodd Raymond Williams,
The Welsh language belongs to all of us, but the recent census results have given us cause for concern. The example of the Welsh language has long been a beacon of hope for minority languages across the world for many years. It's the subject of hope, and, amongst the clamours of dismay about these figures, I want to understand how the Welsh Government will succeed in offering new hope and acting on it. Raymond Williams said that,
'to be truly radical is to make hope possible, rather than despair convincing'.
'mae bod yn wirioneddol radical yn golygu gwneud gobaith yn bosibl, yn hytrach nag anobaith yn argyhoeddiadol'.
Mae’n rhaid i’r trobwynt hwn oleuo’r ffordd dywyll a throsi dyheadau da yn benderfyniad. Mae’n rhaid i’r hen iaith barhau. Sut byddwch chi’n sicrhau bod parhad yr iaith nid yn unig yn bosibl, ond yn anochel?
This turning point must be a light in the dark and turn goodwill into determination. Our old language must survive. How will you make the language’s survival not only possible, but inevitable?

Wrth gwrs, dwi'n cytuno gyda beth ddywedodd Raymond Williams, a dyna pam, ar ôl gweld y ffigurau yn y cyfrifiad, rydym ni'n dal i fod yn hyderus am ddyfodol yr iaith yma yng Nghymru, a dyna'r peth pwysig. Dwi'n cydnabod beth ddywedodd Delyth Jewell am bobl yn colli hyder pan wnaethon nhw weld y ffigurau i ddechrau. Ond, ar ôl cael cyfle i ystyried beth sydd yn y sensws ac i weld y gymhariaeth rhwng beth sydd yn y cyfrifiad a beth sydd yn y ffigurau rŷn ni'n gweld bob blwyddyn, dwi'n meddwl bod rhywbeth pwysig i fynd ar ei ôl yn y fan yna. Dyna pam dwi wedi cael y cyfle i siarad gyda'r bobl sy'n gyfrifol am statistics ac yn y blaen yn Llywodraeth Cymru, ac, ar ôl gwneud hynny, dwi'n mynd i ysgrifennu at Syr Ian Diamond, sy'n cadeirio yr ONS, sy'n gyfrifol am y cyfrifiad, i ofyn iddyn nhw wneud darn o waith gyda ni i weld beth sydd y tu ôl i'r ffigurau a welsom ni yr wythnos diwethaf a'r ffigurau mae'r ONS wedi'u cyhoeddi flwyddyn ar ôl blwyddyn nawr lle rŷn ni'n gallu gweld twf yn nefnydd yr iaith Gymraeg. Trwy wneud hynny, dwi'n meddwl y gallwn ni gymryd rhai gwersi i weld beth yn fwy rŷn ni'n gallu ei wneud i roi hyder i bobl yma yng Nghymru i ddefnyddio’r iaith ac i ddatblygu defnydd o'r iaith a nifer y bobl sy'n gallu siarad Cymraeg i'r dyfodol.
Of course, I agree with the comments made by Raymond Williams, and that's why, having seen the figures in the census, we are still confident about the future of the language here in Wales, and that's important. I acknowledge what Delyth Jewell said about people losing confidence when they initially saw the figures. But, having had time to consider the census results and to see that comparison between what's in the census and what's in the figures that we gather annually, then I think there's something important to pursue there. That's why I've taken the opportunity to speak with those responsible for statistics within the Welsh Government, and, having done that, I will write to Sir Ian Diamond, who chairs the ONS, which is responsible for the census, to ask them to carry out a piece of work alongside us in order to see what's behind those figures that we saw published last week and the figures that the ONS has published year on year now, which identify a growth in the use of the Welsh language. In doing that, then I do think that we can learn some lessons to see what more we can do to give people confidence here in Wales to use the Welsh language and to develop the use of the Welsh language and the numbers who are able to speak Welsh in future.
Cwestiynau nawr gan arweinwyr y pleidiau. Arweinydd y Ceidwadwyr, Andrew R.T. Davies.
Questions now from the party leaders. Leader of the Welsh Conservatives, Andrew R.T. Davies.

Thank you, Presiding Officer. Could I, Presiding Officer, wish you and the First Minister and all Members a very merry Christmas and hopefully a peaceful and happy new year?
Yesterday, First Minister, the health Minister met with the Royal College of Nursing and other unions in relation to the pending strike action that is proposed for Thursday of this week and next week. As I understand it, no offer was made at that meeting to try and resolve the pending strike action so that hospitals could function and people could get the appointments that they require. Why was no offer submitted to try and resolve this dispute?
Diolch, Llywydd. A gaf i, Llywydd, ddymuno Nadolig llawen iawn i chi a'r Prif Weinidog a'r holl Aelodau a blwyddyn newydd heddychlon a hapus, gobeithio?
Ddoe, Prif Weinidog, fe wnaeth y Gweinidog iechyd gyfarfod â'r Coleg Nyrsio Brenhinol ac undebau eraill ynghylch y streic sydd yn yr arfaeth ar gyfer dydd Iau yr wythnos hon a'r wythnos nesaf. Fel yr wyf i'n ei deall hi, ni wnaed unrhyw gynnig yn y cyfarfod hwnnw i geisio datrys y streic arfaethedig fel y gallai ysbytai weithredu a phobl gael yr apwyntiadau sydd eu hangen arnyn nhw. Pam na wnaed unrhyw gynnig i geisio datrys yr anghydfod hwn?

There is no money in the Welsh Government budget from his Government in London to allow us to make a better offer than funding in full, as we have, the pay award proposed by the independent pay award body.
Does dim arian yng nghyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru gan ei Lywodraeth ef yn Llundain i ganiatáu i ni wneud gwell cynnig nag ariannu'n llawn, fel yr ydym ni wedi ei wneud, y dyfarniad cyflog a gynigiwyd gan y corff dyfarnu cyflogau annibynnol.
First Minister, you have the levers to actually generate more money if you choose to pull those levers. You have additional money coming in the announcement that the Chancellor made in his recent announcement of £1.2 billion coming forward over the next two years. You have taken a political choice not to resolve or at least enter meaningful discussions by not tabling any offer whatsoever yesterday, as the general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing highlighted in her statement this morning.
I can hear your backbenchers whingeing and moaning; they are the ones who pressed the button in a debate only two weeks ago to deny the nurses a pay increase to meet the cost of living. You have the means to do it, will you re-engage in those negotiations and use those levers to put a meaningful proposal to the Royal College of Nursing and other medical professions to avoid the strike action?
Prif Weinidog, mae'r ysgogiadau gennych chi i gynhyrchu mwy o arian mewn gwirionedd os ydych chi'n dewis defnyddio'r ysgogiadau hynny. Mae gennych chi arian ychwanegol yn dod yn y cyhoeddiad a wnaeth y Canghellor yn ei gyhoeddiad diweddar o £1.2 biliwn i'w gyflwyno dros y ddwy flynedd nesaf. Rydych chi wedi gwneud dewis gwleidyddol i beidio â datrys neu o leiaf ymgymryd â thrafodaethau ystyrlon drwy beidio â gwneud unrhyw gynnig o gwbl ddoe, fel y nododd ysgrifennydd cyffredinol y Coleg Nyrsio Brenhinol yn ei datganiad y bore yma.
Gallaf glywed aelodau eich meinciau cefn yn swnian ac yn cwyno; nhw yw'r rhai a wnaeth bwyso'r botwm mewn dadl dim ond pythefnos yn ôl i atal codiad cyflog i'r nyrsys er mwyn gallu talu costau byw. Mae'r gallu gennych chi i'w wneud, a wnewch chi ail-gydio yn y trafodaethau hynny a defnyddio'r ysgogiadau hynny i wneud cynnig ystyrlon i'r Coleg Nyrsio Brenhinol a phroffesiynau meddygol eraill i osgoi'r streic?

The leader of the opposition, Llywydd, is utterly shameless—utterly without shame. He comes to the floor of the Senedd here when his Government in Westminster ended a meeting in acrimony with the Royal College of Nursing only last night, because they refused to put, as the leader of the RCN said, a single penny on the table to increase the pay of nurses in England, which would have led to, as they all know, a Barnett consequential that we could have used for pay here in Wales. That is the only way in which we are able to make a better offer here. We are tied entirely by the decisions that are made on pay by his colleagues in Westminster. That is the place that he should be lobbying. The minute that his Ministers are prepared to make a better offer for nurses in England, we will be able to make that offer here in Wales. If he is serious—I can't imagine for a minute that he would be— that we should divert all the money that we have received from the UK Government not for pay but to invest in the service of the NHS, that we should divert all of that away from sustaining the service and into pay, he should say that explicitly this afternoon, because people in Wales would be interested to hear that.
Mae arweinydd yr wrthblaid, Llywydd, yn hollol ddigywilydd—yn hollol ddigywilydd. Mae'n dod i lawr y Senedd yma pan wnaeth ei Lywodraeth ef yn San Steffan derfynu cyfarfod gyda'r Coleg Nyrsio Brenhinol ymhlith drwgdeimlad dim ond neithiwr, gan eu bod nhw wedi gwrthod, fel y dywedodd arweinydd y Coleg Nyrsio Brenhinol, rhoi'r un geiniog ar y bwrdd i gynyddu cyflogau nyrsys yn Lloegr, a fyddai wedi arwain, fel y maen nhw i gyd yn gwybod, at swm canlyniadol Barnett y gallem ni fod wedi ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer cyflogau yma yng Nghymru. Dyna'r unig ffordd y gallwn ni wneud gwell cynnig yma. Rydym ni wedi ein clymu'n llwyr gan y penderfyniadau sy'n cael eu gwneud ar gyflogau gan ei Weinidogion yn San Steffan. Dyna lle y dylai fod yn lobïo. Y munud y mae ei Weinidogion yn barod i wneud gwell cynnig i nyrsys yn Lloegr, byddwn ni'n gallu gwneud y cynnig hwnnw yma yng Nghymru. Os yw ef o ddifrif—allaf i ddim dychmygu am funud y byddai—y dylem ni ddargyfeirio'r holl arian yr ydym ni wedi ei gael oddi wrth Lywodraeth y DU nid ar gyfer cyflogau ond i fuddsoddi yng ngwasanaeth y GIG, y dylem ni ddargyfeirio hwnnw i gyd o gynnal y gwasanaeth ac i gyflogau, dylai ddweud hynny'n eglur y prynhawn yma, oherwydd byddai gan bobl yng Nghymru ddiddordeb mewn clywed hynny.
What is shameless, First Minister, is that people across Wales are in the worst waiting situation of any NHS. Only this week, we had to hear about the issue in Cwmbran where a grandfather was put on a plank in the back of a van, because the ambulance service could not respond to the cry of help from that family to convey him to hospital. What is a serious Government is a serious Government dealing with these issues, and putting something meaningful on the table to get those negotiations off the ground. The point I made to you in my first remarks was why was no offer coming forward from your Government. I understand that it is a difficult situation, I understand that money is tight, but you constantly talk about wanting more powers; you have the powers over terms and conditions within the NHS. You have the levers financially to raise more revenue if you choose to do that. You have, by this budget today that you've laid, chosen not to do that, but you've had £1.2 billion-worth of extra money. You also have an uplift in the finance from Wales for every £1 that is spent in England to £1.20 in Wales. You have taken a political decision to have this fight here in Wales, rather than use the tools available to you to resolve it. It's at your door that this is lying and no-one else's, and I implore you to get back to the negotiating table and resolve this issue as a matter of urgency, so that we don't see the despair and despondency that people are facing week in, week out, with increased waiting times and stories like I've just told you about the people in Cwmbran who had to rely on a plank and a van to convey their grandfather to hospital.
Yr hyn sy'n ddigywilydd, Prif Weinidog, yw bod pobl ledled Cymru yn y sefyllfa aros waethaf o unrhyw GIG. Dim ond yr wythnos hon, bu'n rhaid i ni glywed am y mater yng Nghwmbrân lle cafodd dad-cu ei roi ar astell yng nghefn fan, gan na allai'r gwasanaeth ambiwlans ymateb i'r gri am gymorth gan y teulu hwnnw i fynd ag ef i'r ysbyty. Yr hyn sy'n Llywodraeth ddifrifol yw Llywodraeth ddifrifol sy'n ymdrin â'r materion hyn, ac yn rhoi rhywbeth ystyrlon ar y bwrdd i roi hwb i'r trafodaethau hynny. Y pwynt a wnes i chi yn fy sylwadau cyntaf oedd pam nad oedd unrhyw gynnig yn cael ei wneud gan eich Llywodraeth. Rwy'n deall ei bod hi'n sefyllfa anodd, rwy'n deall bod arian yn dynn, ond rydych chi'n sôn yn gyson am fod eisiau mwy o bwerau; mae gennych chi'r pwerau dros delerau ac amodau o fewn y GIG. Mae gennych chi'r ysgogiadau yn ariannol i godi mwy o refeniw os ydych chi'n dewis gwneud hynny. Rydych chi wedi dewis, drwy'r gyllideb hon yr ydych chi wedi ei chyflwyno heddiw, peidio â gwneud hynny, ond rydych chi wedi cael gwerth £1.2 biliwn o arian ychwanegol. Mae gennych chi gynnydd hefyd i'r cyllid o Gymru am bob £1 sy'n cael ei gwario yn Lloegr i £1.20 yng Nghymru. Rydych chi wedi gwneud penderfyniad gwleidyddol i gael y frwydr hon yma yng Nghymru, yn hytrach na defnyddio'r dulliau sydd ar gael i chi i'w datrys. Chi sy'n gyfrifol am hyn a neb arall, ac rwy'n erfyn arnoch chi i ddychwelyd i'r trafodaethau a datrys y mater hwn ar frys, fel nad ydym ni'n gweld yr anobaith a'r digalondid y mae pobl yn eu hwynebu wythnos ar ôl wythnos, gydag amseroedd aros hwy a straeon fel yr un rwyf i newydd ei hadrodd wrthych chi am y bobl yng Nghwmbrân y bu'n rhaid iddyn nhw ddibynnu ar astell a fan i fynd â'u tad-cu i'r ysbyty.

Well, I'm afraid, Llywydd, that shouting at me does not disguise for a moment the emptiness of the points that the leader of the opposition has made this afternoon. He urges me on the one hand to use the money we've had from the UK Government to pay staff in the NHS, without for a second recognising that, if we were to do that, the service pressures that led to the sorts of difficulties that the ambulance service had to experience this weekend could only possibly get worse. So, his proposals would lead to more Cwmbrans, because we would have taken that money under his suggestion away from that service, and, instead, put it into pay.
The offer that we have made is the offer that was recommended by the independent pay review body. We've paid that in full, and we have negotiated with our colleagues in the trade union movement to shape that offer in a way that actually means that nurses on bands 1 to 4 of 'Agenda for Change', which is almost half the nurses in Wales, will receive 7.5 per cent uplift in their pay. Nurses on band 1, the lowest paid, will get an uplift of 10.8 per cent in their pay; they will be paid more than any other nurse in that position in any other part of the United Kingdom. And the discussions that my colleague, Eluned Morgan, had with the RCN and others yesterday were all about looking to see whether there are things beyond pay that we can do to make those jobs more attractive to people here in Wales.
The leader of the opposition says to me that we could raise money through raising taxes here in Wales. He's made that suggestion to me in the past. It's an astonishing suggestion for him to make. As a result of the decisions made in the autumn statement, taxes levied on people in Wales are higher than they have been for the last 70 years. Now, his proposal is that we should tax people in Wales even more than his Government's record levels have already imposed upon them. Does he think for a moment that that is a serious proposition to put to a Government here in a Wales—that, at a time when people cannot buy food and they cannot afford to pay for energy, that we should take even more money out of their pockets than his Government is taking already? That is not a choice that a serious Government would make here in Wales. And even if we did so, how does he imagine that that would allow us to make an offer to public service workers in Wales that would go anywhere near matching the level of inflation in the economy? It costs £100 million to raise 1 per cent more on public sector pay here in Wales.
Llywydd, this Government is clear: front-line workers in the NHS and elsewhere in the public service deserve to have their pay protected and not to see it being undermined by levels of inflation of the sort we see today. The only way that that can happen—he knows it; quite certainly people outside in Wales know it—is by the UK Government being prepared to fund those settlements in England and allowing the Barnett formula to allow us to do that in Wales. That will be a serious conversation, and a very different conversation to the one that he has offered us this afternoon.
Wel, mae gen i ofn, Llywydd, nad yw gweiddi arnaf i'n celu am eiliad gwacter y pwyntiau y mae arweinydd yr wrthblaid wedi eu gwneud y prynhawn yma. Mae'n fy annog ar y naill law i ddefnyddio'r arian yr ydym ni wedi ei gael gan Lywodraeth y DU i dalu staff yn y GIG, heb gydnabod am eiliad, pe baem ni'n gwneud hynny, mae dim ond gwaethygu fyddai'r pwysau gwasanaeth a arweiniodd at y mathau o anawsterau y bu'n rhaid i'r gwasanaeth ambiwlans eu hwynebu y penwythnos hwn. Felly, byddai ei gynigion yn arwain at fwy o achosion fel yr un yng Nghwmbrân, gan y byddem ni wedi cymryd yr arian hwnnw yn ôl ei awgrym oddi wrth y gwasanaeth hwnnw, ac, yn hytrach, ei gyfrannu at gyflogau.
Y cynnig rydym ni wedi ei wneud yw'r cynnig a argymhellwyd gan y corff adolygu cyflogau annibynnol. Rydym ni wedi talu hwnnw'n llawn, ac rydym ni wedi trafod gyda'n cydweithwyr yn y mudiad undebau llafur i lunio'r cynnig hwnnw mewn ffordd sy'n golygu mewn gwirionedd y bydd nyrsys ar fandiau 1 i 4 yr 'Agenda ar gyfer Newid', sef bron i hanner y nyrsys yng Nghymru, yn cael codiad o 7.5 y cant yn eu cyflogau. Bydd nyrsys ar fand 1, y rhai sy'n derbyn y cyflogau isaf, yn cael codiad o 10.8 y cant yn eu cyflogau; byddan nhw'n cael mwy o gyflog nag unrhyw nyrs arall yn y swydd honno mewn unrhyw ran arall o'r Deyrnas Unedig. A holl ddiben y trafodaethau a gafodd fy nghyd-Weinidog, Eluned Morgan, gyda'r Coleg Nyrsio Brenhinol ac eraill ddoe oedd edrych i weld a oes pethau y tu hwnt i gyflogau y gallwn ni eu gwneud i wneud y swyddi hynny yn fwy deniadol i bobl yma yng Nghymru.
Mae arweinydd yr wrthblaid yn dweud wrthyf i y gallem ni godi arian trwy godi trethi yma yng Nghymru. Mae wedi gwneud yr awgrym hwnnw i mi yn y gorffennol. Mae'n awgrym syfrdanol iddo ei wneud. O ganlyniad i'r penderfyniadau a wnaed yn natganiad yr hydref, mae'r trethi sy'n cael eu codi ar bobl yng Nghymru yn uwch nag y maen nhw wedi bod yn ystod y 70 mlynedd diwethaf. Nawr, ei gynnig ef yw y dylem ni drethu pobl yng Nghymru hyd yn oed yn fwy nag y mae lefelau uchaf erioed ei Lywodraeth eisoes wedi eu gorfodi arnyn nhw. A yw'n meddwl am eiliad bod hwnnw'n gynnig o ddifrif i'w wneud i Lywodraeth yma mewn Cymru—sydd, ar adeg pan nad yw pobl yn gallu prynu bwyd a ddim yn gallu fforddio talu am ynni, y dylem ni gymryd hyd yn oed mwy o arian allan o'u pocedi nag y mae ei Lywodraeth ef yn ei gymryd yn barod? Nid yw hwnnw'n ddewis y byddai Llywodraeth ddifrifol yn ei wneud yma yng Nghymru. A hyd yn oed pe baem ni'n gwneud hynny, sut mae'n dychmygu y byddai hynny'n caniatáu i ni wneud cynnig i weithwyr gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yng Nghymru a fyddai'n dod yn agos at gyfateb i lefel chwyddiant yn yr economi? Mae'n costio £100 miliwn i godi 1 y cant yn fwy ar gyflogau sector cyhoeddus yma yng Nghymru.
Llywydd, mae'r Llywodraeth hon yn eglur: mae gweithwyr rheng flaen yn y GIG ac mewn rhannau eraill o'r gwasanaeth cyhoeddus yn haeddu cael eu cyflogau wedi'u diogelu ac i beidio â'u gweld yn cael eu tanseilio gan lefelau chwyddiant o'r math yr ydym ni'n eu gweld heddiw. Yr unig ffordd y gall hynny ddigwydd—mae'n gwybod hyn; yn gwbl sicr mae pobl y tu allan yng Nghymru yn ei wybod—yw drwy Lywodraeth y DU sy'n barod i ariannu'r setliadau hynny yn Lloegr a chaniatáu i fformiwla Barnett ganiatáu i ni wneud hynny yng Nghymru. Bydd honno'n sgwrs ddifrifol, ac yn sgwrs wahanol iawn i'r un y mae wedi ei chynnig i ni y prynhawn yma.
Arweinydd Plaid Cymru, Adam Price.
Plaid Cymru leader, Adam Price.

Diolch, Llywydd. Over the last few days, Labour's shadow health Secretary in Westminster, Wes Streeting, has referred to the RCN and Unison's offer to suspend strike action, if the UK health Secretary was prepared to discuss pay. That is an offer that is too good to refuse, but that is what the Tories are doing at Westminster, and that's what you are doing in Wales. Steve Barclay met with the unions and refused to negotiate over pay; Eluned Morgan met the unions and refused to negotiate over pay. For Wales: see England. And you say your hands are tied, but how, then, has the Scottish Government been able to get to a position where two health unions have called off their strike action, and others have paused it pending a new ballot, because they have negotiated a better agreement for those workers? You yourselves as a Government, through Transport for Wales, have averted strike action in Transport for Wales. Why? Because you were prepared to negotiate a better agreement than was offered to those workers than in England. If you can do it in Transport for Wales, why not in the NHS?
Diolch, Llywydd. Dros y dyddiau diwethaf, mae Ysgrifennydd iechyd yr wrthblaid Lafur yn San Steffan, Wes Streeting, wedi cyfeirio at gynnig y Coleg Nyrsio Brenhinol ac Unsain i ohirio streiciau, pe bai Ysgrifennydd iechyd y DU yn barod i drafod cyflogau. Mae hwnnw'n gynnig sy'n rhy dda i'w wrthod, ond dyna mae'r Torïaid yn ei wneud yn San Steffan, a dyna'r ydych chi'n ei wneud yng Nghymru. Fe wnaeth Steve Barclay gyfarfod â'r undebau a gwrthod trafod cyflogau; fe wnaeth Eluned Morgan gyfarfod â'r undebau a gwrthod trafod cyflogau. Ar gyfer Cymru: gweler Lloegr. Ac rydych chi'n dweud bod eich dwylo wedi'u clymu, ond sut, felly, y mae Llywodraeth yr Alban wedi gallu cyrraedd sefyllfa lle mae dau undeb iechyd wedi gohirio eu streiciau, ac eraill wedi eu hoedi tra eu bod yn aros am bleidlais newydd, gan eu bod nhw wedi dod i well cytundeb gyda'r gweithwyr hynny? Rydych chi eich hunain fel Llywodraeth, drwy Trafnidiaeth Cymru, wedi osgoi streic yn Trafnidiaeth Cymru. Pam? Oherwydd eich bod chi'n barod i drafod gwell cytundeb na'r hyn a gynigwyd i'r gweithwyr hynny yn Lloegr. Os gallwch chi ei wneud yn Trafnidiaeth Cymru, pam ddim yn y GIG?

Well, let me just make two points: we know how the Scottish Government has been able to make that offer, and it's a decision for the Scottish Government to make. They have made it by taking £400 million out of the NHS and transferring that money into pay. That is not a decision that we have felt able to make here in Wales. And, as for the deal struck by Transport for Wales, it is self-financing. They have been able to agree changes to working practices with their workers that mean that they are able to afford to make a different pay offer, and no such opportunities exist in the NHS.
Wel, gadewch i mi wneud dau bwynt yn unig: rydym ni'n gwybod sut mae Llywodraeth yr Alban wedi gallu gwneud y cynnig hwnnw, ac mae'n benderfyniad i Lywodraeth yr Alban ei wneud. Maen nhw wedi ei wneud trwy gymryd £400 miliwn allan o'r GIG a throsglwyddo'r arian hwnnw i gyflogau. Nid yw hwnnw'n benderfyniad yr ydym ni wedi teimlo y gallwn ni ei wneud yma yng Nghymru. Ac o ran y cytundeb a sicrhawyd gan Trafnidiaeth Cymru, mae'n hunanariannu. Maen nhw wedi gallu cytuno ar newidiadau i arferion gwaith gyda'u gweithwyr sy'n golygu eu bod nhw'n gallu fforddio gwneud cynnig cyflog gwahanol, ac nid oes unrhyw gyfleoedd o'r fath yn bodoli yn y GIG.
They haven't taken £400 million out of the NHS, they've invested it in the NHS workforce and have recognised that, without actually sustaining the morale of that workforce, then there wouldn't be an NHS, because, actually, who is there to deliver it? Now, Rishi Sunak has said that an inflationary pay increase for all public sector workers would cost £28 billion; the Institute for Fiscal Studies points out that that's an inflated figure, because it doesn't include the pay deals already offered. Now, last week Eluned Morgan said that an inflationary pay increase would cost £900 million in Wales. But again, that's across the entire public sector, it doesn't acknowledge the over-£200 million that you've already committed as part of your current offer to NHS staff. So what, First Minister, would it take to top up what you've already offered to the 7.5 per cent pay award that has averted the strikes in Scotland? It's around £120 million. Are you seriously saying that you don't have any money left in the Welsh reserve; there is no unallocated funding left, that you could not use some of the £200 million you spend annually on private sector services in the NHS, that you couldn't better spend that on public sector staff?
Dydyn nhw ddim wedi cymryd £400 miliwn allan o'r GIG, maen nhw wedi ei fuddsoddi yng ngweithlu'r GIG ac wedi cydnabod, heb gynnal ysbryd y gweithlu hwnnw mewn gwirionedd, yna ni fyddai GIG, oherwydd, mewn gwirionedd, pwy sydd yno i'w ddarparu? Nawr, mae Rishi Sunak wedi dweud y byddai codiad cyflog yn unol â chwyddiant i holl weithwyr y sector cyhoeddus yn costio £28 biliwn; mae'r Sefydliad Astudiaethau Cyllid yn nodi bod hwnnw'n ffigwr chwyddedig, gan nad yw'n cynnwys y cytundebau cyflog a gynigiwyd eisoes. Nawr, dywedodd Eluned Morgan yr wythnos diwethaf y byddai codiad cyflog yn unol â chwyddiant yn costio £900 miliwn yng Nghymru. Ond eto, mae hynny ar draws y sector cyhoeddus cyfan, nid yw'n cydnabod y £200 miliwn a mwy yr ydych chi eisoes wedi ei ymrwymo yn rhan o'ch cynnig presennol i staff GIG. Felly beth, Prif Weinidog, fyddai'n ei gymryd i ychwanegu at yr hyn yr ydych chi eisoes wedi ei gynnig i'r dyfarniad cyflog o 7.5 y cant sydd wedi atal y streiciau yn yr Alban? Tua £120 miliwn. A ydych chi'n dweud o ddifrif nad oes gennych chi unrhyw arian ar ôl yng nghronfa wrth gefn Cymru; nad oes unrhyw gyllid heb ei ddyrannu ar ôl, na allech chi ddefnyddio rhywfaint o'r £200 miliwn rydych chi'n ei wario'n flynyddol ar wasanaethau sector preifat yn y GIG, na allech chi wario'r arian hwnnw'n well ar staff sector cyhoeddus?

Well, I'm afraid that's a deeply confused question, Llywydd. It is the Scottish Government itself that published figures that showed that it had taken £400 million out of plans that it otherwise had to spend on NHS services and had transferred that into pay. Now, that is a perfectly legitimate decision for them to make. But they didn't find £400 million of new money; they took it out of things, and that's what he's got to recognise. They took it out of things that they had planned for the NHS to do: more operations, more ambulance capacity, more in primary care investment—all the things that Plaid Cymru Members advocate on the floor of this Chamber, week after week. And in Scotland, there will be less of that, as a result of the decisions that the Scottish Government has made. And, he says to me that we should follow them and that we should take £120 million out of the service of the NHS and use it to top up the pay of workers. Well, that's fine, he can make that case; we have stared at that case as well, and we have decided that, given the stresses and the strains that we see in the NHS every single day, where we see the need still to recover from COVID, with people waiting for treatments that they otherwise would have received, to take £120 million out of that effort and to put it in pay would not be the choice that we would make. I agree with what the shadow health spokesperson said in England; it was an offer too good to refuse. It's a matter of great disappointment, I think, that, when Steven Barclay had an opportunity to meet the RCN, he didn't find a way of making an improved offer to them, because we would then have had the opportunity to have made that improved offer here in Wales.
Wel, mae gen i ofn bod hwnna'n gwestiwn dryslyd tu hwnt, Llywydd. Llywodraeth yr Alban ei hun wnaeth gyhoeddi ffigurau a oedd yn dangos ei bod wedi cymryd £400 miliwn allan o gynlluniau yr oedd ganddi fel arall i'w gwario ar wasanaethau GIG a throsglwyddo hynny i gyflogau. Nawr, mae hwnnw'n benderfyniad cwbl ddilys iddyn nhw ei wneud. Ond ni wnaethon nhw ddod o hyd i £400 miliwn o arian newydd; fe wnaethon nhw ei gymryd allan o bethau, a dyna y mae'n rhaid iddo ei gydnabod. Fe wnaethon nhw ei gymryd allan o bethau yr oedden nhw wedi cynllunio i'r GIG eu gwneud: mwy o lawdriniaethau, mwy o gapasiti ambiwlans, mwy mewn buddsoddiad gofal sylfaenol—yr holl bethau y mae Aelodau Plaid Cymru yn eu hyrwyddo ar lawr y Siambr hon, wythnos ar ôl wythnos. Ac yn yr Alban, bydd llai o hynny, o ganlyniad i'r penderfyniadau y mae Llywodraeth yr Alban wedi eu gwneud. Ac, mae'n dweud wrthyf i y dylem ni eu dilyn nhw ac y dylem ni gymryd £120 miliwn allan o wasanaeth y GIG a'i ddefnyddio i ychwanegu at gyflogau gweithwyr. Wel, mae hynny'n iawn, gall wneud y ddadl honno; rydym ninnau wedi craffu ar y ddadl honno hefyd, ac rydym ni wedi penderfynu, o ystyried y straen a'r anawsterau yr ydym ni'n eu gweld yn y GIG bob dydd, lle'r ydym ni'n gweld yr angen o hyd i wella yn sgil COVID, gyda phobl yn aros am driniaethau y bydden nhw fel arall wedi eu cael, nid tynnu £120 miliwn allan o'r ymdrech honno a'i gyfrannu at gyflogau fyddai'r dewis y byddem ni'n ei wneud. Rwy'n cytuno â'r hyn a ddywedodd llefarydd iechyd yr wrthblaid yn Lloegr; roedd yn gynnig rhy dda i'w wrthod. Mae'n destun siom enfawr, rwy'n credu, pan gafodd Steven Barclay gyfle i gyfarfod â'r Coleg Nyrsio Brenhinol, na ddaeth o hyd i ffordd o wneud gwell cynnig iddyn nhw, oherwydd byddem ni wedi cael y cyfle wedyn i wneud y gwell cynnig hwnnw yma yng Nghymru.
I think it's astonishing that you're attacking the Tories in Westminster when you're doing exactly the same in Wales in refusing to talk about pay to the unions. I just disagree philosophically with the First Minister: I do not see that actually investing in better pay and conditions for the workforce is actually diverting money out of the NHS; it's investing in the long-term, sustainable future of the NHS, because, without those nurses, those doctors and NHS staff, what future is there for the service at all?
You referred to the independent pay review body. Why not, as the unions are calling for you to do—? If you're not prepared to have face-to-face negotiations over pay, why not actually turn to the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service and have independent arbitration? This is what we've heard from the Labour Party in other trade union disputes, and yet you're not prepared to actually practice what you preach in terms of your own values. You yourself have said that any dispute, ultimately, has to be ended through negotiation. Why not have the negotiation to avert the strikes rather than actually have the strikes continue right through the winter, adding pain upon pain in the crisis that we're already facing? Surely there's a better way forward, First Minister.
Rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n syfrdanol eich bod chi'n ymosod ar y Torïaid yn San Steffan pan ydych chi'n gwneud yn union yr un fath yng Nghymru trwy wrthod siarad am gyflogau gyda'r undebau. Rwy'n anghytuno'n athronyddol gyda'r Prif Weinidog: nid wyf i'n gweld bod buddsoddi mewn gwell cyflog ac amodau i'r gweithlu mewn gwirionedd yn dargyfeirio arian allan o'r GIG; mae'n fuddsoddiad yn nyfodol hirdymor, cynaliadwy'r GIG, oherwydd, heb y nyrsys hynny, y meddygon hynny a staff y GIG, pa ddyfodol sydd i'r gwasanaeth o gwbl?
Fe wnaethoch chi gyfeirio at y corff adolygu cyflogau annibynnol. Beth am, fel mae'r undebau yn galw arnoch chi i'w wneud—? Os nad ydych chi'n barod i gael trafodaethau wyneb yn wyneb ynghylch cyflogau, beth am droi at y Gwasanaeth Cynghori, Cymodi a Chyflafareddu a chael cyflafareddu annibynnol? Dyma'r hyn yr ydym ni wedi ei glywed gan y Blaid Lafur mewn anghydfodau undebau llafur eraill, ac eto dydych chi ddim yn barod i wneud fel rydych chi'n ei ddweud o ran eich gwerthoedd eich hun. Rydych chi eich hun wedi dweud bod yn rhaid dod ag unrhyw anghydfod i ben, yn y pen draw, drwy drafodaethau. Beth am gael y trafodaethau i osgoi'r streiciau yn hytrach na chael y streiciau'n parhau'r holl ffordd drwy'r gaeaf, gan ychwanegu poen at y boen yn yr argyfwng rydym ni eisoes yn ei wynebu? Siawns nad oes ffordd well ymlaen, Prif Weinidog.

The difference between us, Llywydd, is not philosophical at all; it's simply practical. He wants to take £120 million out of activity that the NHS in Wales is committed to undertake, and would use that money to pay people. That's a practical choice; our choice has had to be different because we see the enormous pressures that the NHS faces every single day. Now, I repeat what I said: all disputes in the end end by negotiation. I urge the Westminster Government to negotiate in a way that allows us in Wales to be able to do what we would wish to do, and that is to make sure that the people who carry out those front-line services, the things we rely on all the time, are properly rewarded for their service. But, without the funding that we need to be able to do that, the idea that you can dream up—and we've had it dreamed up on both sides of the Chamber this afternoon—magical solutions that say that somehow we are in a position in Wales to do something uniquely that isn't available across the border—. By raising taxes, according to the Tories—astonishing, absolutely astonishing. 'Use the powers you've got', I keep hearing from the leader of the opposition, and the powers we've got, that he points to, are to take more money in taxes from people in Wales. So, it's 'raise taxes' on one side of the Chamber, and it's 'take money away from services in the NHS' on the other. This Government has made its decision. We support all those people whose working lives have been so badly affected by a decade of austerity and the profound economic mismanagement that has led us to the position of the economy in the UK today. And when fair pay is available through the UK Government, then we will make sure that we use any of that money to advance the cause of fair pay here in Wales.
Nid yw'r gwahaniaeth rhyngom ni yn athronyddol o gwbl, Llywydd; yn syml, mae'n ymarferol. Mae ef eisiau cymryd £120 miliwn allan o weithgarwch y mae'r GIG yng Nghymru wedi ymrwymo i'w gyflawni, a byddai'n defnyddio'r arian hwnnw i dalu pobl. Dewis ymarferol yw hwnnw; bu'n rhaid i'n dewis ni fod yn wahanol gan ein bod ni'n gweld y pwysau enfawr y mae'r GIG yn eu hwynebu bob dydd. Nawr, fe wnaf i ailadrodd yr hyn a ddywedais: daw pob anghydfod i ben yn y pen draw drwy drafodaethau. Rwy'n erfyn ar Lywodraeth San Steffan i drafod mewn ffordd sy'n caniatáu i ni yng Nghymru allu gwneud yr hyn y byddem ni'n dymuno ei wneud, sef gwneud yn siŵr bod y bobl sy'n darparu'r gwasanaethau rheng flaen hynny, y pethau rydym ni'n dibynnu arnyn nhw drwy'r amser, yn cael eu gwobrwyo'n briodol am eu gwasanaeth. Ond, heb y cyllid sydd ei angen arnom ni i allu gwneud hynny, mae'r syniad y gallwch chi freuddwydio i fodolaeth—ac fe'i breuddwydiwyd i fodolaeth ar ddwy ochr y Siambr y prynhawn yma—atebion hudolus sy'n dweud ein bod ni rywsut mewn sefyllfa yng Nghymru i wneud rhywbeth unigryw nad yw ar gael dros y ffin—. Trwy godi trethi, yn ôl y Torïaid—rhyfeddol, cwbl ryfeddol. 'Defnyddiwch y pwerau sydd gennych chi', rwy'n dal i glywed gan arweinydd yr wrthblaid, a'r pwerau sydd gennym ni, y mae'n cyfeirio atyn nhw, yw cymryd mwy o arian mewn trethi gan bobl yng Nghymru. Felly, mae'n fater o 'godi trethi' ar un ochr i'r Siambr, ac yn fater o 'dynnu arian oddi wrth wasanaethau yn y GIG' ar y llall. Mae'r Llywodraeth hon wedi gwneud ei phenderfyniad. Rydym ni'n cefnogi'r holl bobl hynny yr effeithiwyd mor ofnadwy ar eu bywydau gwaith gan ddegawd o gyni cyllidol a'r camreoli economaidd difrifol sydd wedi ein harwain at sefyllfa'r economi yn y DU heddiw. A phan fydd cyflogau teg ar gael drwy Lywodraeth y DU, yna byddwn yn gwneud yn siŵr ein bod ni'n defnyddio unrhyw ran o'r arian hwnnw i hybu achos cyflogau teg yma yng Nghymru.
Cwestiwn 3, Joel James.
Question 3, Joel James.
Sorry about that—
Mae'n ddrwg gennyf i am hynna—
That's okay.
Mae'n iawn.
—just a wardrobe malfunction there, sorry.
—dipyn o gamweithrediad wardrob yn y fan yna, mae'n ddrwg gennyf i.
3. Pa fuddion sydd wedi dod i Gymru o ganlyniad i daith y Prif Weinidog i Qatar yn ystod Cwpan y Byd? OQ58862
3. What benefits has the First Minister's trip to Qatar during the World Cup brought to Wales? OQ58862

I thank the Member for the question, Llywydd. Welsh Government presence at Qatar allowed us to amplify knowledge of Wales across the World and to speak up for the values that matter to us. Cultural—[Interruption.]
Diolch i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn, Llywydd. Fe wnaeth presenoldeb Llywodraeth Cymru yn Qatar ganiatáu i ni gynyddu ymwybyddiaeth o Gymru ar draws y byd a lleisio'r gwerthoedd sy'n bwysig i ni. Bydd manteision diwylliannol—[Torri ar draws.]
Sorry, First Minister, I think we have an issue with the tech for Joel. If it's okay, Joel, I'll postpone your question for now, and perhaps somebody can look at your tech issue. I'll come back to your question. I'll move to cwestiwn 4, Peredur Owen Griffiths.
Mae'n ddrwg gennyf i, Prif Weinidog, rwy'n credu bod gennym ni broblem gyda'r dechnoleg ar gyfer Joel. Os yw'n iawn, Joel, fe wnaf i ohirio eich cwestiwn am y tro, ac efallai y gall rhywun edrych ar eich problem dechnolegol. Fe wnaf i ddychwelyd at eich cwestiwn. Rwyf am symud at gwestiwn 4, Peredur Owen Griffiths.
4. Sut mae'r Llywodraeth yn helpu i drechu tlodi yn Nwyrain De Cymru yn ystod yr argyfwng costau byw? OQ58896
4. How is the Government helping to combat poverty in South Wales East during the cost-of-living crisis? OQ58896

Llywydd, citizens in Wales, including South Wales East, have benefitted from initiatives such as the £150 cost-of-living payment, the fuel support scheme and our Wales-only discretionary assistance fund. The Welsh Government will continue to support the most vulnerable households through this difficult period.
Llywydd, mae dinasyddion yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys Dwyrain De Cymru, wedi elwa yn sgil mentrau fel y taliad costau byw o £150, y cynllun cymorth tanwydd a'n cronfa cymorth dewisol Cymru yn unig. Bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i gynorthwyo'r aelwydydd mwyaf agored i niwed drwy'r cyfnod anodd hwn.
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. Yesterday marked four years since you took office as First Minister. In that time, we've seen an upturn in fortunes for some of our poorest—. We haven't seen an upturn—. Not even able to read my question, sorry. I'll start again. [Laughter.] Yes. In that time, we haven't seen an upturn in fortunes for some of our poorest communities. In fact, it has got a lot worse for many, and it will probably deteriorate even further. Visiting people in my region, I see this deterioration first-hand in many communities, some of which are the poorest communities in the country. Granted, much of the blame for this lies at the door of Westminster and a system that never recognises or prioritises Wales, but you cling on to it regardless. But there are things that we can do here in Wales. An anti-poverty strategy would be a great start. First Minister, why have you not implemented one in the last four years of your leadership to replace the anti-poverty strategy your Government axed in 2017?
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. Ddoe, roedd hi'n bedair blynedd ers i chi ddechrau ar eich swydd yn Brif Weinidog. Yn y cyfnod hwnnw, rydym ni wedi gweld gwelliant i sefyllfa rhai o'n cymunedau—. Nid ydym wedi gweld gwelliant—. Dydw i ddim hyd yn oed yn gallu darllen fy nghwestiwn, mae'n ddrwg gennyf i. Fe wnaf i ddechrau eto. [Chwerthin.] Ie. Yn y cyfnod hwnnw, nid ydym wedi gweld gwelliant i sefyllfa rhai o'n cymunedau tlotaf. A dweud y gwir, mae wedi gwaethygu'n fawr iawn i lawer, ac mae'n debyg y bydd yn dirywio hyd yn oed ymhellach. Wrth ymweld â phobl yn fy rhanbarth i, rwy'n gweld y dirywiad hwn yn uniongyrchol mewn llawer o gymunedau, y mae rhai ohonyn nhw'r cymunedau tlotaf yn y wlad. Mae'n wir mai San Steffan a system nad yw byth yn cydnabod nac yn blaenoriaethu Cymru sydd ar fai am lawer o hyn, ond rydych chi'n dal i ddal gafael ynddi beth bynnag. Ond mae pethau y gallwn ni eu gwneud yma yng Nghymru. Byddai strategaeth wrthdlodi yn ddechrau gwych. Prif Weinidog, pam nad ydych chi wedi rhoi un ar waith yn ystod pedair blynedd ddiwethaf eich arweinyddiaeth i gymryd lle'r strategaeth wrthdlodi a ddiddymwyd gan eich Llywodraeth yn 2017?

Well, Llywydd, I agree with what the Member says about the very tough time that faces so many communities here in Wales, particularly over this winter. The general background is not as bleak as he would portray it. I answered a question earlier this afternoon about the census, and, if you look at some of the figures in the latest releases from the census, it shows that household deprivation has fallen significantly in Wales over that decade. The census analyses deprivation against four areas. It looks at employment, education, health and disability, and housing. In 2011, 61 per cent of all Welsh households experienced at least one of those four dimensions of deprivation. By 2021, that had fallen to 54 per cent, and the biggest falls were in parts of the Member's own region. The biggest falls were in Blaenau Gwent, for example. So, while I'm agreeing with him about the challenges that are faced in the here and now and over this winter, I don't think it is fair to portray the whole of what has happened, either since I became First Minister or previously, as not having had a positive effect, because that is exactly what the census figures demonstrate.
And as to his point about a strategy, I'll repeat what I've said many times now, Llywydd, that what I want our civil service colleagues and those we work with to be focused on are those practical actions that make a difference in the lives of Welsh citizens. Writing strategies is not something that is going to put food on anybody's table or help anybody to meet their fuel bills this winter. We will publish a refreshed child poverty strategy next year, but, for me, in a cost-of-living crisis, what do I think the Welsh Government should be doing: writing more strategy documents or delivering the fuel bank to every community in Wales; delivering the winter fuel payment, uniquely here in Wales; making sure that we can invest in the discretionary assistance fund, available only here in Wales? For me, the focus of people's actions, the energy we have, the money we have, the time we have available, is better focused on those practical things that make a difference, and we will come to a renewed strategy when the immediate difficulties of this winter have begun to recede.
Wel, Llywydd, rwy'n cytuno â'r hyn mae'r Aelod yn ei ddweud am y cyfnod caled iawn y mae cynifer o gymunedau yma yng Nghymru yn ei wynebu, yn enwedig dros y gaeaf hwn. Nid yw'r cefndir cyffredinol mor llwm ag y byddai'n ei bortreadu. Atebais gwestiwn yn gynharach y prynhawn yma am y cyfrifiad, ac, os edrychwch chi ar rai o'r ffigurau yn y cyhoeddiadau diweddaraf o'r cyfrifiad, mae'n dangos bod amddifadedd aelwydydd wedi gostwng yn sylweddol yng Nghymru dros y degawd hwnnw. Mae'r cyfrifiad yn dadansoddi amddifadedd o'i gymharu â phedwar maes. Mae'n edrych ar gyflogaeth, addysg, iechyd ac anabledd, a thai. Yn 2011, fe wnaeth 61 y cant o holl aelwydydd Cymru ddioddef o leiaf un o'r pedwar dimensiwn hynny o amddifadedd. Erbyn 2021, roedd hynny wedi gostwng i 54 y cant, ac roedd y gostyngiadau mwyaf mewn rhannau o ranbarth yr Aelod ei hun. Roedd y gostyngiad mwyaf ym Mlaenau Gwent, er enghraifft. Felly, er fy mod i'n cytuno ag ef am yr heriau a wynebir nawr a thros y gaeaf hwn, nid wyf i'n credu ei bod hi'n deg portreadu'r cyfan o'r hyn sydd wedi digwydd, naill ai ers i mi ddod yn Brif Weinidog na chynt, fel methiant i gael effaith gadarnhaol, oherwydd dyna'n union y mae ffigurau'r cyfrifiad yn ei ddangos.
Ac o ran ei bwynt am strategaeth, fe wnaf i ailadrodd yr hyn yr wyf i wedi ei ddweud lawer gwaith bellach, Llywydd, mai'r hyn yr wyf i eisiau i'n cydweithwyr yn y gwasanaeth sifil a'r rhai rydym ni'n gweithio â nhw ganolbwyntio arnyn nhw yw'r camau ymarferol hynny sy'n gwneud gwahaniaeth ym mywydau dinasyddion Cymru. Nid yw ysgrifennu strategaethau yn rhywbeth sy'n mynd i roi bwyd ar fwrdd neb na helpu neb i dalu eu biliau tanwydd y gaeaf hwn. Byddwn yn cyhoeddi strategaeth tlodi plant ar ei newydd wedd y flwyddyn nesaf, ond, i mi, mewn argyfwng costau byw, beth wyf i'n ei gredu y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru ei wneud: ysgrifennu mwy o ddogfennau strategaeth neu ddarparu'r banc tanwydd i bob cymuned yng Nghymru; darparu taliad tanwydd y gaeaf, sy'n unigryw yma yng Nghymru; gwneud yn siŵr ein bod ni'n gallu buddsoddi yn y gronfa cymorth dewisol, sydd ar gael yma yng Nghymru yn unig? I mi, mae'n well canolbwyntio gweithredoedd pobl, yr egni sydd gennym ni, yr arian sydd gennym ni, yr amser sydd gennym ni ar gael, ar y pethau ymarferol hynny sy'n gwneud gwahaniaeth, a byddwn yn dod at strategaeth newydd pan fydd anawsterau uniongyrchol y gaeaf hwn wedi dechrau cilio.
First Minister, firstly, happy four-year anniversary, and I'd like to also ask: it's estimated that up to 80,000 people are actually poorer pensioners in Wales and missing out on pension credit, which is worth up to £65 a week on average, compared to those who claim, and that over £200 million goes unclaimed each year. In south-east Wales, nearly 17,500 people already claim pension credit, but it's estimated that around a quarter of people who could claim the extra help do not do so. Research has shown that many people don't claim because they don't think they're either eligible, as well as being reluctant to do so because of the embarrassment and stigma that's associated with it. The UK Conservative Government has launched a new campaign to boost the take-up of pension credit, as part of their package of measures to support people with the cost of living. So, First Minister, will you join me in welcoming this campaign by the UK Conservative Government? And what action are you taking, alongside the Ministers here, to make older people in Wales aware of their rights to claim this extra support to which they may be entitled, specifically those whose first language is not either English or Welsh? Thank you.
Prif Weinidog, yn gyntaf, llongyfarchiadau ar y pedair blynedd, a hoffwn ofyn hefyd: amcangyfrifir bod hyd at 80,000 o bobl yn bensiynwyr tlotach yng Nghymru mewn gwirionedd ac ar eu colled o ran credyd pensiwn, sydd werth hyd at £65 yr wythnos ar gyfartaledd, o'i gymharu â'r rhai sy'n hawlio, a bod dros £200 miliwn yn mynd heb ei hawlio bob blwyddyn. Yn y de-ddwyrain, mae bron i 17,500 o bobl eisoes yn hawlio credyd pensiwn, ond amcangyfrifir nad yw tua chwarter y bobl a allai hawlio'r cymorth ychwanegol yn gwneud hynny. Mae gwaith ymchwil wedi dangos nad yw llawer o bobl yn hawlio gan nad ydyn nhw'n credu eu bod nhw'n gymwys, yn ogystal â'r ffaith eu bod nhw'n amharod i wneud hynny oherwydd yr embaras a'r stigma sy'n gysylltiedig ag ef. Mae Llywodraeth Geidwadol y DU wedi lansio ymgyrch newydd i hybu'r nifer sy'n manteisio ar gredyd pensiwn, yn rhan o'u pecyn o fesurau i gynorthwyo pobl â chostau byw. Felly, Prif Weinidog, a wnewch chi ymuno â mi i groesawu'r ymgyrch hon gan Lywodraeth Geidwadol y DU? A pha gamau ydych chi'n eu cymryd, ochr yn ochr â'r Gweinidogion yma, i wneud pobl hŷn yng Nghymru yn ymwybodol o'u hawliau i hawlio'r cymorth ychwanegol hwn y gallai fod ganddyn nhw hawl iddo, ac yn benodol y rhai nad y Gymraeg neu'r Saesneg yw eu hiaith gyntaf? Diolch.

I thank the Member for that important question. As many Members of the Senedd will know, we created a new Cabinet committee back in September, which has met every week during this autumn, to look at cost-of-living measures. We were joined yesterday by the UK Minister for social mobility, and there was an opportunity there to discuss the need to improve the uptake of pension credit for all the reasons that Natasha Asghar has mentioned. We were able to talk about the actions we are taking as a Government, with our take-up campaigns and our 'make every contact count' campaign over this autumn, and how we can bring the actions we are taking, together with the new publicity that the UK Government is providing around the take-up of pension credit, together, so that we can have the maximum impact here in Wales. Pension credit is such an important benefit, Llywydd, because it's a gateway benefit. It opens the door to so many other things that people can get, and for that reason I agree with what the Member says. Anything we can do, across the Chamber, to improve the take-up of that benefit here in Wales will be time and investment well spent.
Diolch i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn pwysig yna. Fel y bydd llawer o Aelodau o'r Senedd yn gwybod, fe wnaethom ni greu pwyllgor Cabinet newydd yn ôl ym mis Medi, sydd wedi cyfarfod bob wythnos yn ystod yr hydref hwn, i edrych ar fesurau costau byw. Ddoe, ymunodd Gweinidog y DU dros symudedd cymdeithasol â ni, ac roedd cyfle yno i drafod yr angen i wella'r nifer sy'n manteisio ar gredyd pensiwn am yr holl resymau y mae Natasha Asghar wedi'u crybwyll. Cawsom gyfle i siarad am y camau rydym ni'n eu cymryd fel Llywodraeth, gyda'n hymgyrchoedd manteisio a'n hymgyrch 'gwneud i bob cyswllt gyfrif' dros yr hydref hwn, a sut y gallwn ni ddod â'r camau rydym ni'n eu cymryd, ynghyd â'r cyhoeddusrwydd newydd y mae Llywodraeth y DU yn ei ddarparu o ran manteisio ar gredyd pensiwn, ynghyd, fel y gallwn ni gael yr effaith fwyaf posibl yma yng Nghymru. Mae credyd pensiwn yn fudd-dal mor bwysig, Llywydd, gan ei fod yn fudd-dal porth. Mae'n agor y drws i gynifer o bethau eraill y gall pobl eu cael, ac am y rheswm hwnnw rwy'n cytuno â'r hyn y mae'r Aelod yn ei ddweud. Bydd unrhyw beth y gallwn ni ei wneud, ar draws y Siambr, i wella'r nifer sy'n manteisio ar y budd-dal hwnnw yma yng Nghymru yn werth chweil o ran amser a gymerir a buddsoddiad a wneir.
We'll return now to question 3, by Joel James.
Fe wnawn ni ddychwelyd nawr at gwestiwn 3, gan Joel James.
Thank you, Llywydd—really sorry about that.
Diolch, Llywydd—mae'n wir ddrwg gennyf i am hynna.
3. Pa fuddion sydd wedi dod i Gymru o ganlyniad i daith y Prif Weinidog i Qatar yn ystod Cwpan y Byd? OQ58862
3. What benefits has the First Minister's trip to Qatar during the World Cup brought to Wales? OQ58862

Llywydd, the Welsh Government's presence at Qatar allowed us to amplify knowledge of Wales across the world and to speak up for the values that matter to us. Cultural and economic benefits will be among the products of that engagement.
Llywydd, fe wnaeth presenoldeb Llywodraeth Cymru yn Qatar ganiatáu i ni gynyddu ymwybyddiaeth o Gymru ar draws y byd a lleisio'r gwerthoedd sy'n bwysig i ni. Bydd manteision diwylliannol ac economaidd ymhlith sgil-gynhyrchion yr ymgysylltu hwnnw.
Thank you, First Minister. The world cup has undoubtedly brought benefits through increasing the profile of Welsh football on the international stage, and I think we can all congratulate the Welsh team on their performance and look forward to one day seeing them—hopefully—in the world cup final. Despite our success, and I'm sure you will agree, it is with sadness that the competition took place in a country that has an appalling human rights record, particularly concerning the treatment of migrant workers and laws on homosexuality. You have received criticism for attending the world cup, and I do not wish to address that now, but I do fear that, if there is no follow-up action, then the opportunity will be forever lost to show how protecting workers' rights and having an inclusive culture can actually help improve everyone's life. I was delighted to hear that you have had those conversations already, but, with this in mind, and given what you have experienced—the conversations you've had and the contacts you have made in Qatar—what follow-up action are you now going to take with Qatari officials to promote the values and rights that we believe and hold dear in Wales? Thank you.
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. Nid oes amheuaeth bod cwpan y byd wedi dod â manteision trwy gynyddu proffil pêl-droed Cymru ar y llwyfan rhyngwladol, ac rwy'n credu y gallwn ni i gyd longyfarch tîm Cymru ar eu perfformiad ac edrych ymlaen at eu gweld nhw ryw ddydd—gobeithio—yn rownd derfynol cwpan y byd. Er ein llwyddiant, ac rwy'n siŵr y byddwch chi'n cytuno, gyda thristwch y cynhaliwyd y gystadleuaeth mewn gwlad sydd â hanes ofnadwy o ran hawliau dynol, yn enwedig o ran trin gweithwyr mudol a chyfreithiau ar gyfunrywioldeb. Rydych chi wedi cael eich beirniadu am fynd i gwpan y byd, ac nid wyf i eisiau trafod hynny nawr, ond rwy'n ofni, os na fydd camau dilynol, yna bydd y cyfle yn cael ei golli am byth i ddangos sut y gall amddiffyn hawliau gweithwyr a chael diwylliant cynhwysol helpu i wella bywyd pawb mewn gwirionedd. Roeddwn i wrth fy modd o glywed eich bod chi wedi cael y sgyrsiau hynny eisoes, ond, gyda hyn mewn golwg, ac o ystyried eich profiadau—y sgyrsiau rydych chi wedi eu cael a'r cysylltiadau rydych chi wedi eu creu yn Qatar—pa gamau dilynol ydych chi'n mynd i'w cymryd nawr gyda swyddogion yn Qatar i hyrwyddo'r gwerthoedd a'r hawliau rydym ni'n credu ynddyn nhw ac sy'n bwysig i ni yng Nghymru? Diolch.

Well, Llywydd, I thank the Member for that further question. Let me give him two examples of ways in which we will want to follow up our presence at the world cup in the areas that he mentions. So, I said in my original answer that there would be cultural follow-up to the visit. I was able to visit the Museum of Islamic Art while I was in Qatar. It's a most fantastic museum, and one of the most striking things about it is that it is run, at a senior level, almost exclusively by women, and that is undoubtedly unusual in Qatar. But the director general of the museum is a woman. Her two deputies were both women. And we want to do anything we can to encourage that sort of development. So, we will invite a group of young women educators involved in the museum service in Qatar to come to Wales in the summer of next year, and then we will have an exchange in return of young women from Wales visiting the museum service in Qatar. And that is a practical example of the way in which we can use the contacts that we've made and the platform that there is there now in order to advance some of the desirable outcomes that Joel James mentioned.
As far as workers' rights are concerned, before going to Qatar I met with the International Trade Union Confederation and, while in Qatar, my colleague Vaughan Gething met with the International Labour Organization. Those are the two organisations that have come together on the ground to try to improve the rights of workers in that part of the world. They both said to us that progress had been made—not enough, not quickly enough and with anxieties about that progress being entrenched when the eyes of the world are no longer on Qatar.
One of the ways, the practical ways, in which we can help to make that happen is through the migrant worker centre that the FAW and others are trying to make sure is guaranteed to be in Qatar after the world cup moves away. We will support them in that because while new rights have been established, those rights are not relevant if people don't know about them or know how to make sure that they are realised in their own places of work. A migrant workers centre would be somewhere where incoming workers could go, could be sure they are fully armed with all the new rights that exist, would know what means of redress exist if those new rights are not realised, and somewhere to go back to if they need further help in the future. They are just two practical actions, Llywydd, that follow on from the decision to attend the world cup in Qatar, in what was always a difficult and closely balanced decision, that show that there will be genuine advances that we will continue to be able to assist with when the world cup itself is over.
Wel, Llywydd, diolch i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn pellach yna. Gadewch i mi roi dwy enghraifft iddo o ffyrdd y byddwn ni eisiau dilyn ein presenoldeb yng nghwpan y byd yn y meysydd y mae'n eu crybwyll. Felly, dywedais yn fy ateb gwreiddiol y byddai camau diwylliannol dilynol i'r ymweliad. Llwyddais i ymweld â'r Amgueddfa Celf Islamaidd tra roeddwn i yn Qatar. Mae'n amgueddfa ardderchog iawn, ac un o'r pethau mwyaf trawiadol amdani yw ei bod hi'n cael ei rhedeg, ar lefel uwch, bron yn gyfan gwbl gan fenywod, ac mae hynny heb os yn anarferol yn Qatar. Ond menyw yw cyfarwyddwr cyffredinol yr amgueddfa. Roedd ei dau ddirprwy yn fenywod. Ac rydym ni eisiau gwneud unrhyw beth y gallwn ni i annog y math yna o ddatblygiad. Felly, byddwn yn gwahodd grŵp o addysgwyr benywaidd ifanc sy'n rhan o'r gwasanaeth amgueddfeydd yn Qatar i ddod i Gymru yn ystod haf y flwyddyn nesaf, ac yna byddwn yn cael trefn gyfnewid o fenywod ifanc o Gymru yn ymweld â'r gwasanaeth amgueddfeydd yn Qatar. Ac mae honno'n enghraifft ymarferol o'r ffordd y gallwn ni ddefnyddio'r cysylltiadau yr ydym ni wedi eu creu a'r llwyfan sydd yno nawr er mwyn hyrwyddo rhai o'r canlyniadau dymunol y soniodd Joel James amdanyn nhw.
O ran hawliau gweithwyr, cefais gyfarfod cyn mynd i Qatar gyda'r Conffederasiwn Undebau Llafur Rhyngwladol a thra oeddwn yn Qatar, fe wnaeth fy nghyd-Weinidog Vaughan Gething gyfarfod gyda'r Sefydliad Llafur Rhyngwladol. Dyna'r ddau sefydliad sydd wedi dod at ei gilydd ar lawr gwlad i geisio gwella hawliau gweithwyr yn y rhan honno o'r byd. Dywedodd y ddau wrthym ni fod cynnydd wedi cael ei wneud—dim digon, dim yn ddigon cyflym a chyda phryderon am y cynnydd hwnnw'n cael ei ymwreiddio pan nad yw llygaid y byd ar Qatar mwyach.
Un o'r ffyrdd, y ffyrdd ymarferol, y gallwn ni helpu i wneud i hynny ddigwydd yw trwy'r ganolfan gweithwyr mudol y mae Cymdeithas Bêl-droed Cymru ac eraill yn ceisio gwneud yn siŵr ei bod yn sicr o fod yn Qatar ar ôl i gwpan y byd symud i ffwrdd. Byddwn yn eu cefnogi nhw yn hynny oherwydd er bod hawliau newydd wedi cael eu sefydlu, nid yw'r hawliau hynny'n berthnasol os nad yw pobl yn gwybod amdanyn nhw neu'n gwybod sut i wneud yn siŵr eu bod nhw'n cael eu gwireddu yn eu gweithleoedd eu hunain. Byddai canolfan gweithwyr mudol yn rhywle lle gallai gweithwyr sy'n dod i mewn, fynd iddo, gan fod yn sicr eu bod nhw'n cael yr holl hawliau newydd sy'n bodoli, gan wybod pa foddau gwneud iawn sy'n bodoli os nad yw'r hawliau newydd hynny'n cael eu gwireddu, a rhywle i fynd yn ôl iddo os oes angen cymorth pellach arnyn nhw yn y dyfodol. Dwy weithred ymarferol yn unig yw'r rhain, Llywydd, sy'n dilyn ymlaen o'r penderfyniad i fynd i gwpan y byd yn Qatar, mewn penderfyniad a oedd bob amser yn anodd ac wedi'i fantoli'n agos iawn, sy'n dangos y bydd datblygiadau gwirioneddol y byddwn yn parhau i allu cynorthwyo â nhw pan fydd cwpan y byd ei hun wedi dod i ben.
Can I thank Joel James for bringing this question forward, and for his important supplementary? As Joel has said, we are all proud, aren't we, of our national team, both the men's and the women's, and the last six years of supporting Cymru have certainly been the very best of my lifetime, and I'm sure that's the same for many others here, albeit that mine might be a little shorter than others. [Laughter.] But that success doesn't happen by accident, Llywydd. It started with my childhood hero, Gary Speed, and, of course, in the Welsh women's team, Jayne Ludlow, and it continues with the current management now and the governance of Noel Mooney. But one of the legacies from this world cup, First Minister, has to be improved facilities.
I declare an interest, Llywydd: my local team, Connah's Quay Nomads Football Club, which I'm an ambassador for, had their game called off this weekend at Cymru Premier level. Just think how many games at grass-roots and children's level were the same. But, as we face the impact of austerity 2.0 from the United Kingdom Government, First Minister, do you agree with me that this will have an impact on football, and will you take every opportunity to remind the UK Tory Government that austerity does limit ambition and talent development in all walks of life, including pêl-droed?
A gaf i ddiolch i Joel James am gyflwyno'r cwestiwn hwn, ac am ei gwestiwn atodol pwysig? Fel y mae Joel wedi dweud, rydym ni i gyd yn falch, onid ydym ni, o'n tîm cenedlaethol, y dynion a'r menywod, ac mae'r chwe blynedd diwethaf o gefnogi Cymru yn sicr wedi bod y gorau yn fy oes i, ac rwy'n siŵr bod hynny yr un fath i lawer o bobl eraill yma, er efallai fod fy oes i ychydig yn fyrrach nag eraill. [Chwerthin.] Ond nid ar ddamwain y digwyddodd y llwyddiant hwnnw, Llywydd. Dechreuodd gydag arwr fy mhlentyndod, Gary Speed, ac, wrth gwrs, yn nhîm menywod Cymru, Jayne Ludlow, ac mae'n parhau gyda'r rheolwyr presennol nawr a llywodraethu Noel Mooney. Ond mae'n rhaid i well cyfleusterau fod yn un gwaddol y cwpan y byd hwn, Prif Weinidog.
Rwy'n datgan buddiant, Llywydd: cafodd gêm fy nhîm lleol, Clwb Pêl-droed Nomads Cei Connah, yr wyf i'n llysgennad drosto, ei gohirio dros y penwythnos hwn ar lefel y Cymru Premier. Meddyliwch faint o gemau ar lawr gwlad a lefel plant oedd yr un fath. Ond, wrth i ni wynebu effaith cyni 2.0 gan Lywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig, Prif Weinidog, a ydych chi'n cytuno â mi y bydd hyn yn cael effaith ar bêl-droed, ac a wnewch chi fanteisio ar bob cyfle i atgoffa Llywodraeth Dorïaidd y DU bod cyni yn cyfyngu ar uchelgais a datblygiad talent ym mhob rhan o fywyd, gan gynnwys pêl-droed?

Well, Llywydd, I absolutely agree with Jack Sargeant. One of the legacies of Wales's success in getting to the world cup final has to be in inspiring that new generation of young people to take part in sports of all kind, and if they're to do that, then investment in facilities is necessary. We work alongside the FAW, with significant investment through Sport Wales, both to invest in grass-roots football, but also to invest in other sports that we know are succeeding here in Wales.
Jack Sargeant can look forward to another year ahead, Llywydd, where Wales will be on that world stage. We will be in India for the Men's FIH Hockey World Cup final, and that's a huge thing. Hockey is an enormous sport in India—millions and millions of people across the world will see Wales again at a world cup final. Our women will be at the Netball World Cup final in South Africa later next year, and of course next year will be a year of the Rugby World Cup in France. So, Jack has been luckier than some of us in the time that he has been following Welsh sport, but the good news is that there's plenty more to come, and that should—as he said—be an inspiration to those young people across Wales to invest their time and their energy in pastimes in which we have seen such phenomenal success for Wales in recent times.
Wel, Llywydd, rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â Jack Sargeant. Mae'n rhaid mai un o waddolion llwyddiant Cymru i gyrraedd rownd derfynol cwpan y byd yw ysbrydoli'r genhedlaeth newydd honno o bobl ifanc i gymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon o bob math, ac os ydyn nhw'n mynd i wneud hynny, yna mae angen buddsoddi mewn cyfleusterau. Rydym ni'n gweithio ochr yn ochr â Chymdeithas Bêl-droed Cymru, gyda buddsoddiad sylweddol drwy Chwaraeon Cymru, i fuddsoddi mewn pêl-droed ar lawr gwlad, ond hefyd i fuddsoddi mewn campau eraill yr ydym ni'n gwybod eu bod nhw'n llwyddo yma yng Nghymru.
Gall Jack Sargeant edrych ymlaen at flwyddyn arall o'n blaenau, Llywydd, pan fydd Cymru ar lwyfan y byd. Byddwn ni yn India ar gyfer rownd derfynol Cwpan y Byd Hoci FIH y Dynion, ac mae hynny'n beth enfawr. Mae hoci yn gamp enfawr yn India—bydd miliynau ar filiynau o bobl ar draws y byd yn gweld Cymru eto mewn rownd derfynol cwpan y byd. Bydd ein menywod yn rownd derfynol Cwpan Pêl-rwyd y Byd yn Ne Affrica yn ddiweddarach y flwyddyn nesaf, ac wrth gwrs y flwyddyn nesaf bydd Cwpan Rygbi'r Byd yn Ffrainc. Felly, mae Jack wedi bod yn fwy ffodus na rhai ohonom ni yn yr amser y mae wedi bod yn dilyn chwaraeon Cymru, ond y newyddion da yw bod llawer mwy i ddod, a dylai hynny—fel y dywedodd—fod yn ysbrydoliaeth i'r bobl ifanc hynny ledled Cymru i fuddsoddi eu hamser a'u hegni mewn difyrion yr ydym ni wedi gweld llwyddiant mor rhyfeddol i Gymru ynddyn nhw yn y cyfnod diweddar.
5. Pa gamau mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i ddatblygu economi Abertawe? OQ58857
5. What action is the Welsh Government taking to develop the Swansea economy? OQ58857

Investment in infrastructure, skills and start-ups are the essential ingredients in Government action to develop our economy. The Swansea bay city deal digital district programme, part-funded by Welsh Government, is an example of how we are working together to support economic development and growth.
Buddsoddi mewn seilwaith, sgiliau a busnesau newydd yw'r cynhwysion hanfodol yng nghamau'r Llywodraeth i ddatblygu ein heconomi. Mae rhaglen ardal ddigidol bargen ddinesig bae Abertawe, wedi'i hariannu'n rhannol gan Lywodraeth Cymru, yn enghraifft o sut rydym ni'n gweithio gyda'n gilydd i gefnogi datblygiad economaidd a thwf.
On 1 December, I, alongside the First Minister, was at Veeqo's official office opening at Technium 2, following their being taken over by Amazon—a success story of bringing highly paid employment into Swansea. This happened at least in part due to the graduates being produced and the support of the local universities. What further support can the Welsh Government give to the university sector to develop more highly paid jobs in Swansea, and has the First Minister got any comment on Swansea University's warning about the impact of the UK Government's failure to secure participation in Horizon Europe? What impact is this having on Welsh universities being able to contribute to local economic development?
Ar 1 Rhagfyr, roeddwn i, ochr yn ochr â'r Prif Weinidog, yn agoriad swyddogol swyddfa Veeqo yn Technium 2, ar ôl i Amazon eu cymryd nhw drosodd—hanes o lwyddiant i ddod â swyddi cyflog uchel i Abertawe. Digwyddodd hyn yn rhannol o leiaf oherwydd y graddedigion sy'n cael eu cynhyrchu a chefnogaeth y prifysgolion lleol. Pa gymorth pellach all Llywodraeth Cymru ei roi i'r sector prifysgolion i ddatblygu rhagor o swyddi â chyflogau uchel yn Abertawe, ac a oes gan y Prif Weinidog unrhyw sylwadau ar rybudd Prifysgol Abertawe am effaith methiant Llywodraeth y DU i sicrhau cyfranogiad yn Horizon Ewrop? Pa effaith y mae hyn yn ei chael ar allu prifysgolion Cymru i gyfrannu at ddatblygiad economaidd lleol?

Llywydd, I thank Mike Hedges. It was very good to be in Swansea with him at the start of this month, and a chance to put on record once again: congratulations to Matt Warren, who founded Veeqo less than 10 years ago, and has made it such an outstanding success. In his contribution at that ceremony, he focused on the quality-of-life advantages that come with living in the Swansea area, the quality of the workforce that he had been able to recruit—particularly the level of skills that had been developed from young people in universities here in Wales—and he focused on the quality of infrastructure now available in that part of Swansea. And it is a genuine boost to the region's growing tech sector that we've seen such a success in a company that now operates on that global scale.
In terms of the second part of Mike Hedges's question, our universities undoubtedly face a series of headwinds when it comes to being able to invest in the sorts of new initiatives and skill development that led to Veeqo's success in Swansea. We know that we will not be able to replace for Swansea University the £135 million, which is the most conservative estimate of the benefits that they have derived from European funding in the last seven-year multi-annual framework. The UK Government has comprehensively failed to deliver the absolute guarantee that we were offered, that Wales would not be a penny worse off, and not only is the amount of money not available to Wales, but the people who benefited from it aren't able to benefit from it either. So, whereas, in Wales, the Welsh Government was able to benefit from that—that's how Business Wales has been developed; that's how the Development Bank of Wales has had some of its success—neither our universities, neither our private businesses, neither is the third sector able to take any advantage from the reduced funding that is available to us.
And at the same time, Swansea University particularly has drawn attention to the failure of the UK Government to reach an agreement over participation in the next iteration of the Horizon programme. Wales drew down a far greater proportion of funding out of Horizon than we would have been entitled to on a population-share basis, and Swansea University itself secured €18 million of EU funding with 51 different Horizon projects over the 2014 to 2020 period. Now there's nothing. We don't have association with Horizon and we don't have certainty from the UK Government about any plan B successor programme, and it is no wonder that the university has issued the warning it has about redundancies and retrenchment in those very areas where the Veeqo development shows how success can be created.
Llywydd, diolch i Mike Hedges. Roedd yn braf iawn bod yn Abertawe gydag ef ddechrau'r mis hwn, a chyfle i roi ar gof a chadw unwaith eto: llongyfarchiadau i Matt Warren, a sefydlodd Veeqo lai na 10 mlynedd yn ôl, ac sydd wedi ei wneud yn llwyddiant mor eithriadol. Yn ei gyfraniad yn y seremoni honno, canolbwyntiodd ar y manteision ansawdd bywyd a ddaw o fyw yn ardal Abertawe, ansawdd y gweithlu yr oedd wedi gallu ei recriwtio—yn enwedig lefel y sgiliau a ddatblygwyd gan bobl ifanc mewn prifysgolion yma yng Nghymru—a chanolbwyntiodd ar ansawdd y seilwaith sydd ar gael erbyn hyn yn y rhan honno o Abertawe. Ac mae'n hwb gwirioneddol i sector technoleg cynyddol y rhanbarth ein bod ni wedi gweld cymaint o lwyddiant mewn cwmni sydd bellach yn gweithredu ar y raddfa fyd-eang honno.
O ran ail ran cwestiwn Mike Hedges, nid oes amheuaeth bod ein prifysgolion yn wynebu cyfres o flaenwyntoedd pan ddaw hi'n fater o allu buddsoddi yn y mathau o fentrau newydd a datblygiad sgiliau a arweiniodd at lwyddiant Veeqo yn Abertawe. Rydym ni'n gwybod na fyddwn ni'n gallu rhoi y £135 miliwn i Brifysgol Abertawe, yn lle, gyda'r amcangyfrif mwyaf ceidwadol, y buddion y maen nhw wedi eu cael o arian Ewropeaidd yn y fframwaith aml-flynyddol saith mlynedd diwethaf. Mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi methu'n llwyr â rhoi'r sicrwydd absoliwt a gynigwyd i ni, na fyddai Cymru yr un geiniog yn waeth ei byd, ac nid yn unig nad yw'r swm o arian ar gael i Gymru, ond nid yw'r bobl a wnaeth elwa arno yn gallu elwa arno chwaith. Felly, er, yng Nghymru, bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gallu elwa ar hynny—dyna sut datblygwyd Busnes Cymru; dyna sut mae Banc Datblygu Cymru wedi cael rhywfaint o'i lwyddiant—nid yw ein prifysgolion, ein busnesau preifat na'r trydydd sector yn gallu manteisio o gwbl ar y cyllid is sydd ar gael i ni.
Ac ar yr un pryd, mae Prifysgol Abertawe yn arbennig wedi tynnu sylw at fethiant Llywodraeth y DU i ddod i gytundeb ynghylch cymryd rhan yn fersiwn nesaf rhaglen Horizon. Cafodd Gymru gyfran uwch o lawer o gyllid o Horizon na fyddai wedi bod gennym yr hawl iddo ar sail cyfran y boblogaeth, ac fe wnaeth Prifysgol Abertawe ei hun sicrhau €18 miliwn o gyllid UE gyda 51 o wahanol brosiectau Horizon dros gyfnod 2014 i 2020. Nawr does dim byd. Nid oes gennym ni gysylltiad â Horizon ac nid oes gennym ni unrhyw sicrwydd gan Lywodraeth y DU ynghylch unrhyw raglen olynol cynllun B, a does dim rhyfedd bod y brifysgol wedi datgan y rhybudd sydd ganddi am ddiswyddiadau a chwtogi yn yr union feysydd hynny lle mae datblygiad Veeqo yn dangos sut y gellir creu llwyddiant.
6. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y gwaith o sefydlu ysgol feddygol Bangor? OQ58870
6. Will the First Minister provide an update on the establishment of Bangor medical school? OQ58870

Diolch yn fawr i Siân Gwenllian, Llywydd. Mae’r niferoedd derbyn wedi cael eu cytuno, ac mae’r cyllid wedi cael ei gymeradwyo ar gyfer 140 o fyfyrwyr bob blwyddyn, pan fydd yr ysgol yn cyrraedd y capasiti uchaf. Cafodd llythyr o sicrwydd ei anfon at gydweithwyr y Cyngor Meddygol Cyffredinol ym mis Tachwedd i ganiatáu i Brifysgol Bangor barhau i fynd ymlaen drwy'r broses achredu.
I thank Siân Gwenllian, Llywydd. Intake numbers have been agreed and funding approved for 140 students per year, once the school reaches optimum capacity. A letter of assurance was sent to General Medical Council colleagues in November to allow Bangor University to continue their forward momentum through the accreditation process.
 ninnau ar fin trafod cyllideb ddrafft ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf, mae'n dda cofio bod sefydlu ysgol feddygol ym Mangor wedi deillio o gytundeb cyllidebol a arwyddwyd rhwng Plaid Cymru a'ch Llywodraeth chi rai blynyddoedd yn ôl bellach, ymhell cyn y cytundeb cydweithio, a dweud y gwir. Ac felly, mae'n dda gweld yr ymrwymiad yma'n parhau i gael ei gefnogi a'r cynllun yn mynd o nerth i nerth. Mae Bangor yn prysur ddatblygu'n ganolfan hyfforddi meddygol a iechyd. Mae academi ddeintyddol newydd wedi agor yno, gan esgor ar bosibiliadau ar gyfer dysgu deintyddiaeth ym Mangor. Mae yna drafodaeth yn mynd ymlaen hefyd am astudio fferylliaeth yn y ddinas. Ydych chi, fel Llywodraeth, yn cefnogi creu hwb hyfforddiant iechyd ym Mangor fyddai'n cynnwys nid yn unig yr ysgol feddygol newydd, ond deintyddiaeth a fferylliaeth hefyd?
As we are about to discuss the draft budget for the next year, it's good to remember that establishing a medical school in Bangor emanated from a budget agreement between Plaid Cymru and your Government several years ago now, long before the co-operation agreement, truth be told. So, it is good to see this commitment continuing to be supported and the plan going from strength to strength. Bangor is quickly developing as a centre of medical training and health training. A new dental academy has just opened there, leading to possibilities for the teaching of dentistry in Bangor. There is discussion ongoing about studying pharmacy in the city. Do you, as a Government, support the creation of a health training centre in Bangor that would contain not just the new medical school, but dentistry and pharmacy too?

Diolch yn fawr i Siân Gwenllian, Llywydd. Dwi'n cytuno, mae yn dda i weld popeth rydym ni'n ei wneud gyda'n gilydd i sefydlu ysgol feddygol ym Mangor yn mynd ymlaen mewn ffordd lwyddiannus, ac, wrth gwrs, fel Aelod lleol, mae uchelgais gyda Siân Gwenllian i ddefnyddio'r llwyddiant yng nghyd-destun yr ysgol feddygol i wneud mwy yn y dyfodol. Dwi wedi gweld yr ymatebion mae Eluned Morgan wedi eu rhoi i'r cwestiynau ysgrifenedig mae Siân Gwenllian wedi eu rhoi i lawr. Mae hyn yn dangos bod y brifysgol ym Mangor wedi dechrau nawr rhoi gradd ym maes pharmacology, ac ar ôl hwnna bod posibiliadau i ddod ymlaen i ddatblygu gradd mewn pharmacy yn gallu dod hefyd.
Yn y maes deintyddol, mae'n braf i weld yr academi nawr yn agor ac yn dechrau rhoi gwasanaethau i bobl leol. Mae cyfleusterau yna yn barod i helpu pobl sy'n hyfforddi fel dental hygenists ym Mangor, ac i ddweud y gwir, fel dwi wedi esbonio mwy nac unwaith ar lawr y Cynulliad, yn fy marn i, y flaenoriaeth yn y maes deintyddol yw nid canolbwyntio jest ar hyfforddiant deintyddion ond ar y tîm o bobl sy'n gallu rhoi gwasanaethau yn y maes yna. Ac yn y dyfodol, y gobaith yw y bydd cyfleon i bobl ym Mangor i wneud mwy i'n helpu ni i ehangu'r bobl sy'n gallu rhoi gwasanaethau i bobl yn y maes yna.
I thank Siân Gwenllian, Llywydd. I do agree that it is good to see everything that we've done together to establish a medical school in Bangor coming to fruition in a successful manner. And, of course, as the local Member, Siân Gwenllian has ambition about drawing on the success in the context of the medical school to do more for the future. I have seen the responses that Eluned Morgan has given to the written questions tabled by Siân Gwenllian. This demonstrates that the university in Bangor has now started to provide degrees in pharmacology, and, after that, there are possibilities in terms of developing degrees in pharmacy too.
In terms of dentistry, it is good to see the academy opening and providing services to local people. The facilities are already there to help those who are training as dental hygienists in Bangor, and indeed, as I've explained more than once on the floor of the Chamber, in my view, the priority in dentistry is not focusing only on training dentists, but also looking at the team around dentists that can provide services in that area. In future, the hope is that there will be opportunities for people in Bangor to do more to help us to expand the number of people who can provide services to people in that area.
7. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad ar ofal diwedd oes yng Nghymru? OQ58890
7. Will the First Minister make a statement on end-of-life care in Wales? OQ58890

Llywydd, the Welsh Government's review of hospice care has led to an uplift in hospice funding of £2.2 million from this financial year and onwards. That includes the fantastic St David’s Foundation Hospice Care that serves the Newport area. Phase 2 of the review considers broader end-of-life care services, including those provided by health, social care and the third sector.
Llywydd, mae adolygiad Llywodraeth Cymru o ofal hosbis wedi arwain at gynnydd o £2.2 miliwn i gyllid hosbisau o'r flwyddyn ariannol hon ac ymlaen. Mae hynny'n cynnwys gwasanaeth gwych Gofal Hosbis Sefydliad Dewi Sant sy'n gwasanaethu ardal Casnewydd. Mae Cyfnod 2 yr adolygiad yn ystyried gwasanaethau gofal diwedd oes ehangach, gan gynnwys y rhai a ddarperir gan feysydd iechyd, gofal cymdeithasol a'r trydydd sector.
Diolch, Brif Weinidog. Palliative care can represent a huge spectrum of different emotions. It's an incredibly sensitive time for all involved, individuals, families and friends. For many, the decision to move to palliative care comes far, far too soon. For others, it can be an accepted relief. What we must ensure is that, when those difficult conversations are being made when the time comes for those decisions, all respect is given to the individual and, most importantly, that their wishes and preferences are listened to and, as much as possible, accommodated. Good palliative care can make a huge difference to a person's quality of life, as well as for those who care for them, helping them to live as well as possible and to die with dignity. I fully welcome the Welsh Government's new vision for palliative care in Wales. How will these plans help to develop greater resilience and co-production within end-of-life care to ensure patient choice is at the forefront?
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. Gall gofal lliniarol gynrychioli sbectrwm enfawr o wahanol emosiynau. Mae'n gyfnod hynod sensitif i bawb dan sylw, unigolion, teuluoedd a ffrindiau. I lawer, mae'r penderfyniad i symud i ofal lliniarol yn dod yn llawer, llawer rhy fuan. I eraill, gall fod yn rhyddhad a dderbynnir. Yr hyn y mae'n rhaid i ni ei sicrhau yw, pan fydd y sgyrsiau anodd hynny'n cael eu cynnal pan ddaw'r amser ar gyfer y penderfyniadau hynny, y rhoddir pob parch i'r unigolyn ac, yn bwysicaf oll, bod rhywun yn gwrando ar eu dymuniadau a'u dewisiadau a, chyn belled â phosibl, yn ei hwyluso. Gall gofal lliniarol da wneud gwahaniaeth enfawr i ansawdd bywyd unigolyn, yn ogystal ag i'r rhai sy'n gofalu amdanyn nhw, gan eu helpu i fyw mor dda â phosibl a marw gydag urddas. Rwy'n croesawu gweledigaeth newydd Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer gofal lliniarol yng Nghymru yn llawn. Sut bydd y cynlluniau hyn yn helpu i ddatblygu mwy o gydnerthedd a chyd-gynhyrchu o fewn gofal diwedd oes i sicrhau bod dewis cleifion yn flaenllaw?

I thank Jayne Bryant for what she said about the palliative care quality statement, which my colleague Eluned Morgan publicised recently. It picks up many of the points that the Member has just made, Llywydd. We're not good at talking about these things in our culture. In many ways, those conversations need to start far earlier than when people are faced with those incredibly difficult end-of-life decisions.
I worked closely at one point with the Byw Nawr programme, led as it was by our former colleague Hywel Francis. That was all about encouraging people to have those conversations before you reach the point of needing to have them, to make advanced decisions, as you're able to make here in Wales, letting the system know how you would wish to be cared for should you find yourself in those circumstances. That sense of that being a genuine conversation between the individual, with rights, with ambitions for their own life, with decisions that they themselves can exercise, and the system that will help to care for them, was absolutely at the centre of that initiative. I'm sure that, as we move forward with that wider end-of-life development that I talked about, those qualities will be captured again in those conversations.
Diolch i Jayne Bryant am yr hyn y dywedodd hi am y datganiad ansawdd gofal lliniarol, y rhoddodd fy nghyd-Aelod Eluned Morgan gyhoeddusrwydd iddo yn ddiweddar. Mae'n codi llawer o'r pwyntiau y mae'r Aelod newydd eu gwneud, Llywydd. Dydym ni ddim yn dda am siarad am y pethau hyn yn ein diwylliant ni. Mewn sawl ffordd, mae angen i'r sgyrsiau hynny ddechrau llawer yn gynt na phan fydd pobl yn wynebu'r penderfyniadau diwedd oes anhygoel o anodd hynny.
Roeddwn i'n gweithio'n agos ar un adeg gyda'r rhaglen Byw Nawr, dan arweiniad ein cyn-Aelod Hywel Francis. Roedd hynny i gyd yn ymwneud ag annog pobl i gael y sgyrsiau hynny cyn i chi gyrraedd y pwynt o angen eu cael, i wneud penderfyniadau uwch, fel yr ydych chi'n gallu'u gwneud yma yng Nghymru, gan adael i'r system wybod sut y byddech chi'n dymuno cael gofal pe baech chi'n cael eich hun o dan yr amgylchiadau hynny. Roedd yr ymdeimlad hwnnw bod honno'n sgwrs wirioneddol rhwng yr unigolyn, gyda hawliau, gydag uchelgeisiau ar gyfer ei fywyd ei hun, gyda phenderfyniadau y gall ef ei hun ymarfer, a'r system a fydd yn helpu i ofalu amdano, yn gwbl ganolog i'r fenter honno. Rwy'n siŵr, wrth i ni fwrw ymlaen gyda'r datblygiad diwedd oes ehangach hwnnw y gwnes i sôn amdano, y bydd y rhinweddau hynny'n cael eu cynnwys eto yn y sgyrsiau hynny.
Diolch i'r Prif Weinidog.
Thank you, First Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf yw'r datganiad a chyhoeddiad busnes, a dwi'n galw ar y Trefnydd i wneud y datganiad hwnnw—Lesley Griffiths.
The next item is the business statement and announcement, and I call on the Trefnydd to make that statement—Lesley Griffiths.

There is one change to this week's business. The Non-Domestic Rating (Chargeable Amounts) (Wales) Regulations 2022 will be debated immediately after the debate on the draft budget statement. Draft business for the next three weeks of the spring term is set out in the business statement and announcement, which can be found amongst the meeting papers available to Members electronically.
Mae un newid i'r busnes yr wythnos hon. Bydd Rheoliadau Ardrethi Annomestig (Symiau a Godir) (Cymru) 2022 yn cael eu trafod yn syth wedi'r drafodaeth ar y datganiad drafft ar y gyllideb. Mae busnes drafft ar gyfer tair wythnos nesaf o dymor y gwanwyn wedi'i nodi yn y datganiad busnes a'r cyhoeddiad, sydd i'w weld ymhlith y papurau cyfarfod sydd ar gael i Aelodau yn electronig.
Minister, can I ask for a statement please from the Deputy Minister for Climate Change on further delays in completing the south Wales metro project? One of the main aims of the south Wales metro project is to encourage people off the roads and, naturally, to use public transport. In February 2021, the chief executive of Transport for Wales said the completion of the south Wales metro project would be delayed by months, not years, as a result of the pandemic, with the completion date remaining as 2023. In May this year, TfW said the cost of the metro project was likely to be significantly over its £734 million budget, with the overspend likely to run into tens of billions of pounds. Completion of the project will be put back now to 2024. Last month, further delays have been confirmed to upgrades, with the 'majority' of the work being finished in 2024, with no date for full completion of the project being given. One of the reasons given for this further delay was COVID, which TfW had earlier said would not cause any more delays beyond 2023. Can I please have a statement from the Deputy Minister to advise when the work on the south Wales metro will finally be completed and what is the latest estimate of the total cost of the Welsh Government's flagship project to get people off the roads and to finally use public transport? Thanks.
Gweinidog, a gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad os gwelwch chi'n dda gan y Dirprwy Weinidog Newid Hinsawdd ar oedi eto cyn cwblhau prosiect metro de Cymru? Un o brif amcanion prosiect metro de Cymru yw annog pobl i ddod oddi ar y ffyrdd ac, yn naturiol, defnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus. Ym mis Chwefror 2021, dywedodd prif weithredwr Trafnidiaeth Cymru y byddai oedi o ganlyniad i'r pandemig, a 2023 yn parhau i fod y dyddiad cwblhau. Ym mis Mai eleni, dywedodd Trafnidiaeth Cymru bod cost prosiect y Metro yn debygol o fod dros ei gyllideb o £734 miliwn yn sylweddol, a'r gorwariant yn debygol o fod yn ddegau o biliynau o bunnau. Bydd cwblhau'r prosiect yn cael ei symud nôl nawr i 2024. Fis diwethaf, cafodd oedi arall i'r gwaith uwchraddio ei gadarnhau, a'r 'rhan fwyaf' o'r gwaith yn cael ei orffen yn 2024, heb ddyddiad ar gyfer cwblhau'r prosiect yn llawn. Un o'r rhesymau a roddwyd am yr oedi pellach hwn oedd COVID, y dywedodd Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn gynharach na fyddai'n achosi mwy o oedi y tu hwnt i 2023. A gaf i ddatganiad gan y Dirprwy Weinidog i ddweud pryd fydd y gwaith ar fetro'r de yn cael ei gwblhau yn derfynol, a beth yw'r amcangyfrif diweddaraf o gyfanswm cost prosiect blaenllaw Llywodraeth Cymru i gael pobl oddi ar y ffyrdd ac i ddefnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus o'r diwedd? Diolch.
The Deputy Minister for Climate Change will be happy to do a written statement.
Bydd y Dirprwy Weinidog Newid Hinsawdd yn hapus i wneud datganiad ysgrifenedig.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (David Rees) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (David Rees) took the Chair.
I'd like to ask for a statement, please, relating to the support that's given to mothers and families who lose their babies before 24 weeks in Wales. At present, women who lose babies before that time don't receive a certificate of birth. Since July, in England, women who suffer miscarriage or ectopic or molar pregnancy before that date can receive a certificate, and many women have spoken publicly about how that can help with the grieving process.
Certificates alone aren't enough, of course. As I've raised before, I'd like further support given to mothers and families in Wales, like maternity and compassionate leave for those who lose babies earlier in their little lives. But introducing this change relating to birth certificates would truly help so many women come to terms with the loss they've suffered, and help them record and commemorate the lives of their children. I'd welcome a statement on this, please.
Hoffwn i ofyn am ddatganiad, os gwelwch yn dda, ynglŷn â'r gefnogaeth sy'n cael ei roi i famau a theuluoedd sy'n colli eu babanod cyn 24 wythnos yng Nghymru. Ar hyn o bryd, nid yw menywod sy'n colli babanod cyn hynny yn derbyn tystysgrif geni. Ers mis Gorffennaf, yn Lloegr, mae menywod sy'n dioddef camesgoriad neu feichiogrwydd ectopig neu molar cyn y dyddiad hwnnw yn gallu cael tystysgrif, ac mae llawer o fenywod wedi siarad yn gyhoeddus am sut y gall hynny helpu gyda'r broses o alaru.
Nid yw tystysgrifau yn unig yn ddigon, wrth gwrs. Fel yr wyf i wedi'i godi o'r blaen, hoffwn i fod cefnogaeth arall yn cael ei roi i famau a theuluoedd yng Nghymru, fel cyfnod mamolaeth a thosturiol i'r rhai sy'n colli babanod yn gynharach yn eu bywydau bach. Ond byddai cyflwyno'r newid hwn yn ymwneud â thystysgrifau geni wir yn helpu cymaint o fenywod i ddygymod â'r golled maen nhw wedi'i dioddef, ac yn eu helpu i gofnodi a choffáu bywydau eu plant. Byddwn i'n croesawu datganiad ar hyn, os gwelwch yn dda.
Thank you. I was reading a very interesting article on this issue yesterday. I know the Minister for Health and Social Services is aware, obviously, of what's happened in England, and is considering further action that might be necessary here in Wales. I'm sure she will do a statement when she's done that consideration.
Diolch. Roeddwn i'n darllen erthygl ddiddorol iawn ar y mater yma ddoe. Rwy'n gwybod bod y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol yn ymwybodol, yn amlwg, o'r hyn sydd wedi digwydd yn Lloegr, ac yn ystyried camau eraill a allai fod yn angenrheidiol yma yng Nghymru. Rwy'n siŵr y bydd hi'n gwneud datganiad pan fydd hi wedi ystyried hynny.
Will the Welsh Government make a statement on the effect of Airbnb on the rental housing market? Whilst there are some controls—I would argue not enough—on the development of houses in multiple occupation, there are no controls on Airbnb. What analysis of the effect of Airbnb on the housing market has been made, and is the Government considering curbs on the number of Airbnbs in any area, similar to HMO controls?
Secondly, will the Government make a statement on the relationship between housing and health, something the Attlee Government was well aware of? We have known for several years that there is a large discrepancy in healthy life expectancy depending on individual wealth, based upon the area where people live. Is it any surprise that those who live in dry, warm homes, eat a balanced diet, and do not spend their days worrying about heating their homes and feeding their families live longer and healthier lives?
A wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru wneud datganiad ar effaith busnesau Airbnb ar y farchnad dai rhent? Er bod yna rai rheolaethau—byddwn i'n dadlau nad oes digon—ar ddatblygu tai amlfeddiannaeth, nid oes rheolaethau ar fusnesau Airbnb. Pa ddadansoddiad o effaith busnesau Airbnb ar y farchnad dai sydd wedi'i wneud, ac a yw'r Llywodraeth yn ystyried gosod terfyn ar nifer y busnesau Airbnb mewn unrhyw ardal, yn debyg i reolaethau'r sector Tai amlfeddiannaeth?
Yn ail, a wnaiff y Llywodraeth wneud datganiad ar y berthynas rhwng tai ac iechyd, rhywbeth yr oedd Llywodraeth Attlee yn ymwybodol iawn ohono? Rydym ni'n gwybod ers sawl blwyddyn bod anghysondeb mawr mewn disgwyliad oes iach yn dibynnu ar gyfoeth yr unigolyn, yn seiliedig ar yr ardal lle mae pobl yn byw. A yw'n syndod bod y rhai sy'n byw mewn cartrefi sych, cynnes, yn bwyta diet cytbwys, ac nad ydyn nhw'n treulio'u dyddiau'n poeni am wresogi eu cartrefi a bwydo eu teuluoedd yn byw bywydau hirach ac iachach?
Absolutely, I agree with Mike Hedges. We obviously believe everyone should have access to a decent, affordable home. This is fundamental to people's mental and physical health, and of course their well-being as well. The Member will be aware that we're funding numerous programmes to increase access to those homes, including record funding for building low-carbon social houses for rent.
You'll be aware also that the First Minister and the leader of Plaid Cymru have previously confirmed their commitment, as part of the co-operation agreement, to introduce a statutory licence scheme for all visitor accommodation, and a consultation on proposals will be launched later this week. What that scheme will do is make it a requirement to obtain a licence to operate visitor accommodation. That includes short-term holiday lets, and will obviously help raise standards across the tourism industry and improve data supporting future planning decisions.
Yn bendant, rwy'n cytuno â Mike Hedges. Yn amlwg, rydym ni'n credu y dylai pawb gael mynediad i gartref digonol, fforddiadwy. Mae hyn yn hanfodol i iechyd meddwl a chorfforol pobl, ac wrth gwrs eu lles hefyd. Bydd yr Aelod yn ymwybodol ein bod yn ariannu nifer o raglenni i gynyddu mynediad i'r cartrefi hynny, gan gynnwys cofnodi cyllid ar gyfer adeiladu tai cymdeithasol carbon isel i'w rhentu.
Byddwch chi'n ymwybodol hefyd bod y Prif Weinidog ac arweinydd Plaid Cymru eisoes wedi cadarnhau eu hymrwymiad, fel rhan o'r cytundeb cydweithredu, i gyflwyno cynllun trwyddedau statudol ar gyfer pob llety ar gyfer ymwelwyr, a bydd ymgynghoriad ar gynigion yn cael ei lansio yn ddiweddarach yr wythnos hon. Yr hyn y bydd y cynllun hwnnw'n ei wneud yw ei gwneud hi'n ofynnol bod â thrwydded i weithredu llety ymwelwyr. Mae hynny'n cynnwys llety gwyliau tymor byr, a bydd yn amlwg yn helpu i godi safonau ar draws y diwydiant twristiaeth a gwella data sy'n cefnogi penderfyniadau cynllunio yn y dyfodol.
I'd like to ask for a Welsh Government statement on the announcement that Vivarail Ltd have gone bust. As you know, plans to increase rail services in the north Wales border area are now on hold, after the company, Vivarail Ltd, who were supplying these trains, went into administration. You'll recall that it was back in 2018 that Transport for Wales made the deal with Vivarail for refurbished trains to serve residents on the border, and this was supposed to be delivered in mid 2019. We're now three years down the line since that promise was made, and residents that I serve in Denbighshire, Flintshire and Wrexham still do not have that new rail service that they were promised. I'm sure you would agree, Trefnydd, that for your residents, as an MS in north Wales, it's not a good position to be in. As we know, Transport for Wales is wholly owned by the Welsh Government to deliver on the policies of this Government. I think it's time that a statement is brought to the Chamber explaining the situation and when those trains will be introduced into north Wales.
Hoffwn i ofyn am ddatganiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru ynglŷn â'r cyhoeddiad bod Vivarail Ltd wedi mynd i'r wal. Fel y gwyddoch chi, mae cynlluniau i gynyddu'r gwasanaethau trên yn ardal ffiniau'r gogledd nawr yn cael eu hatal, wedi i'r cwmni, Vivarail Ltd, a oedd yn cyflenwi'r trenau hyn, fynd i ddwylo'r gweinyddwyr. Byddwch chi'n cofio, nôl yn 2018 bod Trafnidiaeth Cymru wedi gwneud y cytundeb gyda Vivarail i drenau wedi'u hadnewyddu wasanaethu trigolion ar y ffin, ac roedd hyn i fod i gael ei gyflawni yng nghanol 2019. Rydym ni nawr dair blynedd i lawr y lein ers i'r addewid hwnnw gael ei wneud, ac nid oes gan drigolion yr wyf i'n eu gwasanaethu yn sir Ddinbych, sir y Fflint a Wrecsam y gwasanaeth rheilffordd newydd hwnnw a gafodd ei addo iddyn nhw. Rwy'n siŵr y byddech chi'n cytuno, Trefnydd, ar gyfer eich trigolion chi, fel AS yn y gogledd nad yw'n sefyllfa dda i fod ynddi. Fel y gwyddom ni, mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn eiddo'n llwyr i Lywodraeth Cymru i gyflawni polisïau'r Llywodraeth hon. Rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bryd dod â datganiad i'r Siambr yn egluro'r sefyllfa a phryd y bydd y trenau hynny'n cael eu cyflwyno i'r gogledd.
It is true that there have been a number of disappointing delays with bringing these new trains into service. They do include the need for Transport for Wales to rigorously ensure they're safe and they're reliable for passenger use, following some incidents during their testing. It's very unfortunate that Vivarail have entered administration, but that's obviously not the fault of Transport for Wales. They've invested significantly in the class 230 trains from Vivarail, and they have planned the additional services on the Wrexham to Bidston line on the use of these trains. I am aware that Transport for Wales are in liaison with the small number of other operators of Vivarail trains, and they're going to be discussing with them a longer term strategy on spares. I think one of the most significant challenges Transport for Wales have had, though, is the chaos caused by the UK Government's failure to resolve the industrial dispute with the rail unions. If Transport for Wales are unable to access the tracks, they can't test the trains or train their drivers on the new fleet. So, I really would urge the UK Government to step up and resolve these disputes now.
Mae'n wir bod nifer o gyfnodau o oedi siomedig wedi bod wrth ddod â'r trenau newydd hyn i wasanaeth. Maen nhw'n cynnwys yr angen i Trafnidiaeth Cymru sicrhau'n drwyadl eu bod yn ddiogel ac maen nhw'n ddibynadwy at ddefnydd teithwyr, yn dilyn rhai digwyddiadau yn ystod eu profion. Mae'n anffodus iawn bod Vivarail wedi mynd i ddwylo'r gweinyddwyr, ond yn amlwg nid Trafnidiaeth Cymru sydd ar fai am hynny. Maen nhw wedi buddsoddi'n sylweddol yn y trenau dosbarth 230 o Vivarail, ac maen nhw wedi cynllunio'r gwasanaethau ychwanegol ar y lein rhwng Wrecsam a Bidston ar ddefnyddio'r trenau hyn. Rwy'n ymwybodol bod Trafnidiaeth Cymru mewn cysylltiad â'r nifer bach eraill o weithredwyr trenau Vivarail, ac maen nhw'n mynd i fod yn trafod strategaeth tymor hirach ar rannau sbâr gyda nhw. Er hynny, rwy'n credu mai un o'r heriau mwyaf sylweddol mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru wedi'i chael, yw'r anrhefn a gafodd ei hachosi gan fethiant Llywodraeth y DU i ddatrys yr anghydfod diwydiannol gydag undebau'r rheilffyrdd. Os nad yw Trafnidiaeth Cymru'n gallu cael mynediad i'r traciau, nid ydyn nhw'n gallu profi'r trenau na hyfforddi eu gyrwyr ar y fflyd newydd. Felly, byddwn i wir yn annog Llywodraeth y DU i gamu i'r adwy a datrys yr anghydfodau hyn nawr.
Gaf i ofyn am ddiweddariad, os gwelwch yn dda, ynglŷn â'r adolygiad annibynnol o lifogydd, ac, yn benodol, sut y bydd Aelodau'n gallu cyflwyno tystiolaeth? Yn amlwg, mae hyn yn rhan o'r cytundeb cydweithio, a dwi'n gwybod bod gwaith yn mynd rhagddo, ond mae yna elfen bwysig o ran ein bod ni fel Aelodau etholedig yn gallu rhoi tystiolaeth. Mi fyddai cael eglurder ar hynna drwy ddatganiad ysgrifenedig neu lafar yn fuddiol dros ben. Diolch.
May I ask for an update, please, with regard to the independent review of floods, and, in particular, how Members will be able to submit evidence? Obviously, this is part of the co-operation agreement, and I know that work is ongoing, but there is an important element in terms of us as elected Members being able to submit evidence. Having clarity on that through a written or oral statement would be very beneficial. Thank you.
Thank you. I assume the process is still the same for Members to be able to give that evidence, but I will check with the Minister for Climate Change in relation to that.
Diolch. Rwy'n cymryd bod y broses yn dal yr un fath i Aelodau allu rhoi'r dystiolaeth honno, ond fe wnaf gadarnhau hynny gyda'r Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd.
May I ask for a statement regarding progress made over the last 12 months on delivery of the north Wales metro, and suggest that an annual statement would be very helpful for Members? I also ask for a statement regarding funding for bus services, given bus services are going to be so prominent in terms of delivery of the north Wales metro. Diolch.
Gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad ar y cynnydd sydd wedi'i wneud yn ystod y 12 mis diwethaf ar gyflwyno metro'r gogledd, ac awgrymu y byddai datganiad blynyddol o gymorth mawr i'r Aelodau? Rydw i hefyd yn gofyn am ddatganiad ynglŷn ag ariannu gwasanaethau bysiau, o ystyried bod gwasanaethau bysiau yn mynd i fod mor amlwg o ran darparu metro'r gogledd. Diolch.
Thank you. As I've committed the Deputy Minister for Climate Change to publish a written statement on the south Wales metro, I think it's only fair that he does one on the north Wales metro as well.
Diolch. Gan fy mod i wedi ymrwymo'r Dirprwy Weinidog Newid Hinsawdd i gyhoeddi datganiad ysgrifenedig am fetro'r de, rwy'n meddwl ei bod hi ond yn deg ei fod yn cyhoeddi un ar fetro'r gogledd hefyd.
I call for a statement on sports participation for school-aged children in Wales, and particularly north Wales. One of the three north Wales-based junior parkruns is called Prestatyn Prom, and it's suffering from a low take-up of participants and is at risk of closing. Junior parkruns, which are run by volunteers, are free, fun and friendly weekly 2 km events for children aged 4 to 14, to jog, run or walk every Sunday morning. Parkrun Cymru is very keen to help promote and grow this event to be as successful as other junior parkruns across Wales. Parkrun has already been identified as a model that fits the Welsh Government's proposed social prescribing framework through participation and volunteering. The Sport Wales 2022 school sport survey stated that only 39 per cent of pupils took part in organised sport outside of the curriculum three or more times a week, but that 93 per cent of pupils in Wales had a demand to do more sport. It is therefore vital that we grow free, accessible and enjoyable activities for children, such as junior parkrun, and I call for a Welsh Government statement outlining how this could be achieved. Thank you.
Rwy'n galw am ddatganiad ar gymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon i blant oed ysgol yng Nghymru, ac yn enwedig yn y gogledd. Enw un o'r tri parkrun iau yn y gogledd yw Prom Prestatyn, ac mae'n dioddef gan mai ychydig iawn o rai sy'n cymryd rhan ac mae perygl iddo gau. Mae digwyddiadau parkrun iau, sy'n cael eu cynnal gan wirfoddolwyr, yn ddigwyddiadau 2 km wythnosol cyfeillgar ac am ddim i blant rhwng 4 a 14 oed, i loncian, rhedeg neu gerdded bob bore Sul. Mae Parkrun Cymru yn awyddus iawn i helpu i hyrwyddo a thyfu'r digwyddiad hwn i fod yr un mor llwyddiannus â digwyddiadau parkrun iau eraill ledled Cymru. Mae parkrun eisoes wedi cael ei nodi yn fodel sy'n cyd-fynd â fframwaith rhagnodi cymdeithasol arfaethedig Llywodraeth Cymru drwy gymryd rhan a gwirfoddoli. Roedd arolwg chwaraeon ysgolion Chwaraeon Cymru 2022 yn nodi mai dim ond 39 y cant o ddisgyblion a oedd yn cymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon wedi'u trefnu y tu allan i'r cwricwlwm dair gwaith neu fwy yr wythnos, ond bod 93 y cant o ddisgyblion Cymru eisiau gwneud mwy o chwaraeon. Mae'n hanfodol felly ein bod ni'n tyfu gweithgareddau hygyrch, pleserus ac am ddim i blant, fel parkrun iau, ac rwy'n galw am ddatganiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru i amlinellu sut y byddai modd cyflawni hyn. Diolch.
Thank you. I'm very aware of junior parkruns. I have one in my own constituency, which my daughter, who does parkrun, has commandeered me into volunteering on. I think it is a good way of getting young people active, and certainly the ones that I have seen in Wrexham have been very well supported. You will be aware that in our schools both the Minister for Education and Welsh Language and the Deputy Minister with responsibility for sport fund a significant variety of sports to encourage young people. Obviously, Parkrun, as you say, is an organisation that really is run by volunteers, and I'm not aware of anything in the pipeline to support them.
Diolch. Rwy'n ymwybodol iawn o ddigwyddiadau parkrun iau. Mae gen i un yn fy etholaeth fy hun, ac mae fy merch, sy'n gwneud parkrun, wedi fy ngorchymyn i wirfoddoli arno. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn ffordd dda o gael pobl ifanc i fod yn egnïol, ac yn sicr mae'r rhai yr wyf i wedi'u gweld yn Wrecsam wedi cael eu cefnogi'n dda iawn. Byddwch chi'n ymwybodol, yn ein hysgolion ni, fod Gweinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg, a'r Dirprwy Weinidog sydd â chyfrifoldeb dros chwaraeon yn ariannu amrywiaeth sylweddol o chwaraeon i annog pobl ifanc. Yn amlwg, mae Parkrun, fel y dywedwch chi, yn sefydliad sydd wir yn cael ei gynnal gan wirfoddolwyr, ac nid ydw i'n ymwybodol o unrhyw gynlluniau i'w cefnogi.
Minister, I'd like to ask for a statement on support for veterans of atomic bomb testing, please, as 2022 marks the plutonium jubilee, 70 years since the first UK atomic bomb tests. Since then, scores of the people that participated in those tests—military veterans, scientists, indigenous peoples and their families—have suffered immeasurably. Not one of those people have been given the correct recognition for their sacrifices. Many of them were from Wales. LABRATS International are calling for a national apology, a medal to recognise the service and sacrifice of these veterans, financial support for veterans and families, an education programme on the tests and their impacts, and research for descendants. Some of these things are within the competence of this Senedd. So, will you work with LABRATS and other organisations to help achieve these aims? Can we have a statement from the Government on what steps you're taking to assist these people? Thank you. Diolch.
Gweinidog, hoffwn i ofyn am ddatganiad am gefnogaeth i gyn-filwyr profion bomiau atomig, os gwelwch yn dda, gan fod 2022 yn nodi'r jiwbilî plwtoniwm, 70 mlynedd ers y profion bom atomig cyntaf yn y DU. Ers hynny, mae ugeiniau o'r bobl a gymerodd ran yn y profion hynny—cyn-filwyr, gwyddonwyr, pobl frodorol a'u teuluoedd—wedi dioddef yn anfesuradwy. Nid oes yr un o'r bobl hynny wedi cael y gydnabyddiaeth gywir am eu haberthau. Roedd llawer ohonyn nhw'n dod o Gymru. Mae LABRATS International yn galw am ymddiheuriad cenedlaethol, medal i gydnabod gwasanaeth ac aberth y cyn-filwyr hyn, cefnogaeth ariannol i gyn-filwyr a theuluoedd, rhaglen addysg ar y profion a'u heffeithiau, ac ymchwil i ddisgynyddion. Mae rhai o'r pethau hyn o fewn cymhwysedd y Senedd hon. Felly, a wnewch chi weithio gyda LABRATS a sefydliadau eraill i helpu i gyflawni'r nodau hyn? A gawn ni ddatganiad gan y Llywodraeth ar ba gamau yr ydych chi'n eu cymryd i gynorthwyo'r bobl hyn? Diolch.
Thank you. I am aware the Deputy Minister for Social Justice works very closely with veterans services right across Wales on a variety of issues around health and housing, for instance. I'm not aware of anything specific about the group of people that you refer to, but I will certainly ask if there is anything specific that can be done, and, if so, there will be a statement.
Diolch. Rwy'n ymwybodol bod y Dirprwy Weinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol yn gweithio'n agos iawn gyda gwasanaethau cyn-filwyr ledled Cymru ar amrywiaeth o faterion yn ymwneud ag iechyd a thai, er enghraifft. Nid ydw i'n ymwybodol o unrhyw beth penodol am y grŵp o bobl yr ydych chi'n cyfeirio atyn nhw, ond yn sicr fe wnaf ofyn a oes unrhyw beth penodol y byddai modd ei wneud, ac, os felly, bydd datganiad.
Across Wales there are approximately 90 residential park home sites, which are home to over 3,000 households. Research undertaken in 2016 on behalf of the Welsh Government showed that there was evidence of fuel poverty on these sites. This situation will have no doubt worsened in the current cost-of-living crisis. The majority of park home residents are elderly and disproportionately likely to be less well-off. Park home owners are allowed to increase pitch fees on an annual basis by the rate of the consumer prices index, and, in light of the disastrous premiership of Liz Truss, which saw inflation rates roaring, it's currently at 11 per cent. An 11 per cent increase in pitch fees will push even more park home residents into poverty this winter. So, could I have a statement from the Minister for Climate Change regarding the Welsh Government's plans to protect park home residents from an 11 per cent increase in pitch fees, if that's possible? Thank you.
Ledled Cymru, mae tua 90 o safleoedd cartrefi preswyl mewn parciau, sy'n gartref i dros 3,000 o aelwydydd. Dangosodd gwaith ymchwil a gafodd ei gyflawni ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru yn 2016, bod tystiolaeth o dlodi tanwydd ar y safleoedd hyn. Mae'n siŵr y bydd y sefyllfa hon wedi gwaethygu yn yr argyfwng costau byw presennol. Mae'r mwyafrif o drigolion y cartrefi mewn parciau'n oedrannus ac yn anghymesur o debygol o fod yn llai cyfoethog. Mae perchnogion y cartrefi mewn parciau yn cael cynyddu ffioedd am leiniau yn flynyddol gan gyfradd mynegai prisiau defnyddwyr, ac, yn sgil prifweinidogaeth drychinebus Liz Truss, a welodd gyfraddau chwyddiant yn mynd yn rhemp, mae ar hyn o bryd ar 11 y cant. Bydd cynnydd o 11 y cant mewn ffioedd am leiniau yn gwthio hyd yn oed mwy o breswylwyr cartrefi mewn parciau i dlodi'r gaeaf hwn. Felly, a gawn ni ddatganiad gan y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd ynglŷn â chynlluniau Llywodraeth Cymru i amddiffyn preswylwyr cartrefi mewn parciau rhag cynnydd o 11 y cant mewn ffioedd am leiniau, os yw hynny'n bosibl? Diolch.
Thank you. We haven't been made aware or informed that park home occupiers have seen significant increases in pitch fees here in Wales, but obviously it's really important that we monitor the situation. Unlike in England, pitch fees here are based on the consumer price index and not the retail price index, so I think that is the significant difference. But, of course, we recognise the points that you raise around the cost of living and the inflationary increases—both the indices have increased. The regulations do identify there is a presumption, not an absolute requirement, that the pitch fee is to increase or decrease by a percentage that is no more than any percentage increase or decrease in the consumer price index.
Diolch. Nid ydym ni wedi cael gwybod na'n hysbysu bod deiliaid cartrefi mewn parciau wedi gweld cynnydd sylweddol mewn ffioedd am leiniau yma yng Nghymru, ond yn amlwg mae'n bwysig iawn ein bod ni'n monitro'r sefyllfa. Yn wahanol i Loegr, mae ffioedd am leiniau yma yn seiliedig ar y mynegai prisiau defnyddwyr ac nid y mynegai prisiau manwerthu, felly rwy'n credu mai dyna'r gwahaniaeth sylweddol. Ond, wrth gwrs, rydym ni'n cydnabod y pwyntiau yr ydych chi'n eu codi am gostau byw a'r cynnydd chwyddiant—mae'r ddau fynegai wedi cynyddu. Mae'r rheoliadau'n nodi bod tybiaeth, nid gofyniad pendant, bod y ffi am lain i gynyddu neu ostwng canran nad yw'n fwy nag unrhyw gynnydd neu ostyngiad yng nghanran y mynegai prisiau defnyddwyr.
Trefnydd, I'm asking for a ministerial statement from the Deputy Minister for sport on the proposals by the Liberal Democrat administration in Powys County Council to close leisure centres and pools across my constituency over Christmas and the new year, and potentially up to April and beyond, without any consultation with local residents. This will be devastating for people in my constituency and across Powys who rely on leisure centres to support their physical and mental health and also to keep our young children active. So, I'd welcome a statement from the Government outlining the benefits of leisure centres to our communities and what support the Welsh Government could give to keep them open, and also to remind local authorities about their obligations to consult with residents around any changes to leisure facilities in our communities.
Trefnydd, rwy'n gofyn am ddatganiad gweinidogol gan y Dirprwy Weinidog Chwaraeon ar y cynigion gan weinyddiaeth y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol yng Nghyngor Sir Powys i gau canolfannau hamdden a phyllau ar draws fy etholaeth dros y Nadolig a'r flwyddyn newydd, ac o bosibl hyd at fis Ebrill a thu hwnt, heb ymgynghori â thrigolion lleol. Bydd hyn yn drychinebus i bobl yn fy etholaeth i ac ar draws Powys sy'n dibynnu ar ganolfannau hamdden i gefnogi eu hiechyd corfforol a meddyliol a hefyd i gadw ein plant ifanc yn egnïol. Felly, byddwn i'n croesawu datganiad gan y Llywodraeth yn amlinellu manteision canolfannau hamdden i'n cymunedau ni a pha gefnogaeth y gallai Llywodraeth Cymru ei rhoi i'w cadw ar agor, a hefyd i atgoffa awdurdodau lleol am eu rhwymedigaethau i ymgynghori â thrigolion ynghylch unrhyw newidiadau i gyfleusterau hamdden yn ein cymunedau.
Thank you. We recognise all our local authorities, just the same as Welsh Government, are under severe budgetary difficulties, but the issue you raise is a matter for Powys County Council.
Diolch. Rydym ni'n cydnabod bod ein holl awdurdodau lleol, yn union yr un fath â Llywodraeth Cymru, o dan anawsterau cyllidebol difrifol, ond mater i Gyngor Sir Powys yw'r mater yr ydych chi'n ei godi.
Can we have a Government statement on the fire service please, Trefnydd? Like many who saw the ITN report on South Wales Fire and Rescue Service yesterday evening, I was horrified. There should not be any place for misogyny within the workplace, but this is especially the case with a public service like the fire brigade. I was extremely disappointed to discover that this behaviour has been found in the fire service and has not been dealt with. I am pleased that South Wales Fire and Rescue Service chief fire officer, Huw Jakeway, has announced a review into their culture, disciplinary processes and historic cases. I'm keen now to know, through a statement, what the Welsh Government makes of the situation and how they plan to act to support the processes to make the south Wales fire service a place that's a safe and welcoming place for women.
A gawn ni ddatganiad gan y Llywodraeth ar y gwasanaeth tân os gwelwch yn dda, Trefnydd? Fel llawer a welodd adroddiad ITN ar Wasanaeth Tân ac Achub De Cymru neithiwr, roeddwn i wedi dychryn. Ni ddylai fod unrhyw le i gasineb at fenywod o fewn y gweithle, ond mae hyn yn arbennig o wir gyda gwasanaeth cyhoeddus fel y frigâd dân. Roeddwn i'n hynod siomedig i ddarganfod bod yr ymddygiad yma wedi'i ganfod yn y gwasanaeth tân ac nad oes camau wedi'u cymryd i fynd i'r afael â hwn. Rwy'n falch bod prif swyddog tân Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub De Cymru, Huw Jakeway, wedi cyhoeddi adolygiad i'w diwylliant, prosesau disgyblu ac achosion hanesyddol. Rwy'n awyddus nawr i wybod, drwy ddatganiad, yr hyn y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud o'r sefyllfa a sut maen nhw'n bwriadu gweithredu er mwyn cefnogi'r prosesau i wneud gwasanaeth tân de Cymru yn lle diogel a chroesawgar i fenywod.
Thank you very much. Obviously, we strongly condemn behaviours like these. They have no place in the fire and rescue service, or anywhere else for that matter. It's really important that they are met with the absolute sternest possible sanctions from management. I was very pleased to see Huw Jakeway announce the independent inquiry. I am aware the Deputy Minister for Social Justice this morning met with the chair of South Wales Fire and Rescue Service.
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Yn amlwg, rydym ni'n condemnio ymddygiad fel hyn yn gryf. Nid oes unrhyw le iddo yn y gwasanaeth tân ac achub, nac unman arall o ran hynny. Mae'n bwysig iawn eu bod yn wynebu'r sancsiynau llymaf posibl gan reolwyr. Roeddwn i'n falch iawn o weld Huw Jakeway yn cyhoeddi'r ymchwiliad annibynnol. Rwy'n ymwybodol bod y Dirprwy Weinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol y bore yma wedi cyfarfod â chadeirydd Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub De Cymru.
Ac yn olaf, Mark Isherwood.
And finally, Mark Isherwood.
Diolch. I call for a statement on support for people with eating disorders in Wales. Research has found that using menu labels to limit calories has been shown to be related to binge eating amongst women and to be associated with more weight-related concerns, dieting and unhealthy weight-control behaviours amongst both women and men. Beat, the UK's eating disorder charity, met with Lynne Neagle MS, the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Well-being, last week to deliver an open letter signed by almost 700 people living in Wales who are urging the Welsh Government to reconsider introducing mandatory calorie labelling on menus. This follows a survey they conducted that asked those in Wales living with or affected by eating disorders to give their thoughts on the proposal, and 98 per cent of respondents felt that calorie labelling on menus would have a negative impact on those living with eating disorders. One said,
'I've already witnessed the fear she feels at the thought of being faced with calories on menus and slipping back into the grips of anorexia. This terrifies me too. The detrimental effect that this could have on people with eating disorders is huge.'
We therefore need to know if and how the Deputy Minister can justify implementing legislation that would cause harm to those suffering with eating disorders and risk isolating those who may already feel isolated from society even further. I call for a statement accordingly.
Diolch. Rwy'n galw am ddatganiad am gymorth i bobl ag anhwylderau bwyta yng Nghymru. Mae ymchwil, wedi dangos bod defnyddio labeli bwydlenni i gyfyngu ar galorïau yn gysylltiedig â gorfwyta mewn pyliau ymhlith menywod ac yn gysylltiedig â mwy o bryderon yn ymwneud â phwysau, mynd ar ddiet ac ymddygiad rheoli pwysau nad yw'n iach ymhlith menywod a dynion. Gwnaeth Beat, elusen anhwylderau bwyta'r Deyrnas Unedig, gyfarfod â Lynne Neagle AS, y Dirprwy Weinidog Iechyd Meddwl a Llesiant, yr wythnos diwethaf i gyflwyno llythyr agored wedi'i lofnodi gan bron i 700 o bobl sy'n byw yng Nghymru ac sy'n annog Llywodraeth Cymru i ailystyried cyflwyno labelu calorïau gorfodol ar fwydlenni. Daw hyn yn sgil arolwg a gafodd ei gynnal ganddyn nhw a ofynnodd i'r rhai yng Nghymru sy'n byw ag anhwylderau bwyta neu y mae anhwylderau bwyta'n effeithio arnyn nhw i roi eu syniadau ar y cynnig, ac roedd 98 y cant o'r ymatebwyr yn credu y byddai labelu calorïau ar fwydlenni yn cael effaith negyddol ar y rhai sy'n byw gydag anhwylderau bwyta. Dywedodd un,
"Rydw i eisoes wedi bod yn dyst i'r ofn y mae hi'n ei deimlo wrth feddwl am wynebu calorïau ar fwydlenni a llithro yn ôl i grafangau anorecsia. Mae hyn yn fy nychryn i hefyd. Mae'r effaith niweidiol y gallai hyn ei gael ar bobl ag anhwylderau bwyta yn enfawr.'
Felly, mae angen i ni wybod os, a sut, y gall y Dirprwy Weinidog gyfiawnhau gweithredu deddfwriaeth a fyddai'n achosi niwed i'r rhai sy'n dioddef o anhwylderau bwyta a risg o ynysu'r rhai a allai eisoes deimlo'n ynysig o gymdeithas hyd yn oed yn fwy. Rwy'n galw am ddatganiad yn unol â hynny.
Thank you. I think it is about a balance. I am aware the Deputy Minister had the meeting to which the Member alluded and is currently considering a way forward.
Diolch. Rwy'n meddwl ei fod yn ymwneud â chydbwysedd. Rwy'n ymwybodol bod y Dirprwy Weinidog wedi cael y cyfarfod y cyfeiriodd yr Aelod ato ac mae'n ystyried ffordd ymlaen ar hyn o bryd.
Diolch i'r Trefnydd.
I thank the Trefnydd.
Eitem 3 y prynhawn yma yw datganiad gan Weinidog yr Economi ar y warant i bobl ifanc. Galwaf ar y Gweinidog, Vaughan Gething.
Item 3 this afternoon is a statement by the Minister for Economy on the young person's guarantee. I call on the Minister, Vaughan Gething.

Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd. Last month saw the one-year anniversary of the launch of the young person's guarantee here in Wales. This key programme for government commitment provides under-25s in Wales with the offer of support to gain a place in education or training, support to find a job, or support to become self-employed. I recognise the importance of work for our young people, and I want all young people in Wales to be able to benefit from the rewards that good work brings—not just the financial rewards, but the sense of purpose and pride that comes from having a job. The weight of evidence also tells us that the interventions we make now will help young people maintain better paid work over the course of their working life.
Dirprwy Lywydd, we know that the pandemic has meant that many young people have lost out on valuable work experience and training opportunities very early on in their careers. Employers have lost out on recruiting prospective employees and opportunities to create a new, more dynamic workforce. The impact of the pandemic on our labour market is still unfolding, but we're clear about the need to learn lessons as we move forward.
In the wake of the disastrous UK Government mini budget mark 1, a bleak economic outlook from the Office for Budget Responsibility and Bank of England, and the loss of replacement EU funds, I am more concerned than ever about the employment prospects of our young people. And the recession is likely to cause higher unemployment. The loss of over £1 billion of EU replacement funds means that the Welsh Government is less able to prevent job losses or provide the same level of support for those impacted. Many businesses continue to face weakened trading conditions caused by significant problems with the trade and co-operation agreement with the European Union. Against this backdrop, and a smaller real-terms Welsh Government budget, I have worked to prioritise the young person's guarantee as far as possible to help protect the prospects of young people most at risk in the uncertain times that we face. The young person's guarantee draws on all programmes and provision across the training, education and employability sector to match the complex and diverse needs of young people across Wales. Since we launched the young person's guarantee, we have seen over 20,000 interventions delivered through our employability services alone, and 11,000 young people have started on Welsh Government-funded employability programmes. By April this year, there had already been over 18,600 all-age apprenticeship starts following the beginning of this Senedd term.
Young people have faced extraordinary circumstances and deep uncertainty in recent years. Rites of passage that many of us take for granted have been upended. We should pay tribute to the way that so many young people have adapted to plan for their future, support their peers, families and communities. That lived experience is something many of us would struggle to comprehend. It reinforces why we must listen to the voices of young people to ensure that the decisions that we take support their next steps. Those experiences and next steps will shape business operations, culture, health, education and our society in the years to come.
The Prince's Trust have reported that more than 60 per cent of people aged 16 to 25 have said they're scared about their generation's future, with one in three concerned that their job prospects will never recover from the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis. To help overcome these fears, we continue to run our Feed Your Positivity campaign, which aims to provide young people with positive messages and support to enable them to begin or change their life story. The campaign was a response to the impact of the COVID pandemic and has been designed to counter the negativity the economic backdrop injects into discussions around job prospects and challenges to mental health that young people are exposed to. Part of that campaign saw the Welsh Government sponsor October's Skills Cymru event—the first since the pandemic. I had the pleasure of seeing first hand the positive response from young people as they met local and national employers and high-quality education providers face to face, to gain expert career advice and to have a helping hand in planning their careers. This year saw over 5,000 young people and 45 exhibitors participate in Wales's largest free in-person careers, training and apprenticeship event.
Dirprwy Lywydd, the national conversation has been at the heart of the young person's guarantee, developing our ability to better understand the issues that young people face. At the beginning of last year, we set ourselves the challenge to address how to better reach young people, how to communicate in a way that wins and maintains trust.
We have found that generation Z, as some call them, are more prudent, serious and climate conscious than their predecessors, and that education, employment and their future prospects are top priorities. They are more likely to celebrate diversity, and are balancing their desire for constant connection and the latest technology with concerns about privacy and security. Unfortunately, it is also a generation that is facing significant mental health and confidence barriers. We are seeing more young people than ever who are economically inactive due to health reasons, not just here in Wales, but across the UK. What we can be sure of is that the scarring effect of the pandemic is beginning to take effect. That is why we have a continued focus on those who are most vulnerable. Focusing on those not in employment, education or training is crucial if we are to address the threat of a long tail of unemployment or economic inactivity in years to come. We have already acted decisively on ways to improve how we identify those young people who might need additional support the most. The refreshed youth engagement and progression framework, which Jeremy Miles, Lynne Neagle, Julie Morgan and I co-published in September, will play a key part in putting appropriate support or provision in place to ensure that young people are identified and supported before they reach a crisis point.
Jobs Growth Wales is already supporting over 3,000 young people—Jobs Growth Wales+, I should say, Dirprwy Lywydd—aiding their transition into the labour market and delivering catch-up activities for learners as a result of the impact of COVID. We've also linked up access to the basic income pilot and are looking at further collaboration to increase the package of support for those facing complex disadvantage. Over 2,700 young people have been supported by our front-line local authority-led service, Communities for Work+. That's up from 1,700 since my last statement. It is encouraging to see more young people come forward to receive one-to-one intensive employment support and training within their local community.
For those who have entrepreneurial ambitions, in a little over three months our young person's start-up grant already has 120 participants, working with business advisers to review their business ideas and help develop their business plans to apply for the grant. Seventy-five young people, in the brief period of time that the grant has been available, who were previously unemployed, have since been awarded a grant to help start their business. Every further education college in Wales now has a dedicated employment and enterprise bureau. They will be called different things in different colleges, but they are providing a breadth of employment support and opportunities to streamline the transition from learning to working.
We will continue to celebrate our success and promote Wales as a great place to live and work. That's why I was so pleased to see Wales's achievements at the World Skills UK finals in Cardiff last month, where, once again, Wales topped the leader board within the UK, with a total of 59 individuals winning awards. As shown in today's draft budget, the Welsh Government will continue to stand by, and stand up for, our young people. In the face of the worst financial outlook since devolution, I call again on the UK Government to do the same. The strength of our economy depends on acting with the right support now. Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd.
Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd. Fis diwethaf fe welwyd blwyddyn gyfan ers lansio'r warant i bobl ifanc yma yng Nghymru. Mae'r rhaglen allweddol hon ar gyfer ymrwymiad oddi wrth y llywodraeth yn rhoi cynnig o gefnogaeth i bobl dan 25 oed yng Nghymru i gael lle mewn addysg neu hyfforddiant, cefnogaeth i ddod o hyd i swydd, neu gefnogaeth i fynd yn hunangyflogedig. Rwy'n cydnabod pwysigrwydd gwaith i'n pobl ifanc ni, ac rwy'n awyddus i bob unigolyn ifanc yng Nghymru allu manteisio ar yr hyn sy'n dod yn sgil gwaith da—nid yn unig y gwobrau ariannol, ond yr ymdeimlad o bwrpas a balchder sy'n dod yn sgil bod â swydd. Mae swm y dystiolaeth yn dweud wrthym ni hefyd y bydd yr ymyriadau yr ydym ni'n eu gwneud nawr yn helpu pobl ifanc i gadw swyddi sy'n talu yn well dros gyfnod eu hoes waith nhw.
Dirprwy Lywydd, rydym ni'n gwybod bod y pandemig wedi golygu bod llawer o bobl ifanc ar eu colled o ran profiad gwaith gwerthfawr a chyfleoedd am hyfforddiant yn gynnar iawn yn eu gyrfaoedd nhw. Mae cyflogwyr ar eu colled o ran recriwtio darpar weithwyr ac ar gyfleoedd i greu gweithlu newydd, sy'n fwy deinamig. Mae effaith y pandemig ar ein marchnad lafur ni'n parhau i ddatblygu, ond rydym ni'n eglur o ran yr angen i ddysgu gwersi wrth i ni symud ymlaen.
Yn sgil cyllideb 'fechan' drychinebus gyntaf Llywodraeth y DU, rhagolygon economaidd llwm gan y Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol a Banc Lloegr, a cholli cyllid disodli cyllid yr UE, rwy'n poeni mwy nag erioed am ragolygon cyflogaeth ein pobl ifanc ni. Ac mae'r dirwasgiad yn debygol o achosi mwy o ddiweithdra. Mae colli dros £1 biliwn o gyllid disodli cyllid yr UE yn golygu y bydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru lai o allu i atal colli swyddi neu ddarparu'r un gyfradd o gefnogaeth i'r rhai yr effeithiwyd arnyn nhw. Mae llawer o fusnesau yn parhau i wynebu amodau masnachu heriol a achosir gan broblemau sylweddol gyda'r cytundeb masnach a chydweithredu â'r Undeb Ewropeaidd. Yn erbyn y cefndir hwn, a'r gyllideb sy'n llai mewn termau real sydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru, rwyf i wedi gweithio i flaenoriaethu'r warant i bobl ifanc cyn belled â phosibl i helpu i sicrhau rhagolygon y bobl ifanc sydd fwyaf mewn perygl yn y cyfnod ansicr hwn yr ydym ni'n ei wynebu. Mae'r warant i bobl ifanc yn tynnu ar bob rhaglen a darpariaeth ar draws y sector hyfforddiant, addysg a chyflogadwyedd i gyd-fynd ag anghenion cymhleth ac amrywiol pobl ifanc ledled Cymru. Ers i ni lansio'r warant i bobl ifanc, rydym ni wedi gweld dros 20,000 o ymyriadau yn cael eu darparu drwy ein gwasanaethau cyflogadwyedd yn unig, ac mae 11,000 o bobl ifanc wedi dechrau ar raglenni cyflogadwyedd sy'n cael eu hariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Erbyn mis Ebrill eleni, roedd dros 18,600 o brentisiaethau pob oed wedi cychwyn eisoes ers dechrau tymor y Senedd hon.
Mae pobl ifanc wedi wynebu amgylchiadau eithriadol ac ansicrwydd mawr yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf. Mae defodau newid byd y mae llawer ohonom yn eu cymryd yn ganiataol wedi diflannu. Fe ddylem ni roi teyrnged i'r ffordd y mae cymaint o bobl ifanc wedi addasu i gynllunio ar gyfer eu dyfodol nhw, a chefnogi eu cyfoedion nhw, eu teuluoedd a'u cymunedau nhw. Mae'r profiad bywyd hwnnw'n rhywbeth y byddai llawer ohonom ni'n ei chael hi'n anodd ei amgyffred. Mae hyn yn ategu pam mae'n rhaid i ni wrando ar leisiau pobl ifanc i sicrhau bod y penderfyniadau yr ydym ni'n eu gwneud yn cefnogi eu camau nesaf nhw. Fe fydd y profiadau hynny a'u camau nesaf nhw'n llywio ein gweithgarwch ni o ran busnes, diwylliant, iechyd, addysg ac yn ein cymdeithas yn y blynyddoedd sydd i ddod.
Mae Ymddiriedolaeth y Tywysog wedi dweud bod dros 60 y cant o bobl rhwng 16 a 25 oed yn mynegi eu pryderon am ddyfodol eu cenhedlaeth nhw, gydag un o bob tri yn poeni na fydd eu rhagolygon gwaith nhw fyth yn gwella wedi'r pandemig a'r argyfwng costau byw. Ar gyfer helpu i oresgyn y pryderon hyn, rydym ni'n parhau i redeg ein hymgyrch ni, sef Bydd Bositif, sy'n ceisio rhoi cyfarwyddyd a chefnogaeth gadarnhaol i bobl ifanc i'w galluogi nhw i ddechrau ar stori eu bywydau nhw, neu ei newid hi. Roedd yr ymgyrch yn ymateb i effaith pandemig COVID ac fe'i bwriadwyd hi i wrthsefyll digalondid y mae'r cefndir economaidd yn ei achosi yn rhan o'r trafodaethau ynghylch rhagolygon gwaith a'r heriau o ran iechyd meddwl y mae pobl ifanc yn agored iddyn nhw. Yn rhan o'r ymgyrch honno, cynhaliwyd digwyddiad gan Sgiliau Cymru ym mis Hydref a noddwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru—y cyntaf ers y pandemig. Fe gefais i'r pleser o weld â fy llygaid fy hun yr ymateb cadarnhaol a oedd gan bobl ifanc wrth gyfarfod â chyflogwyr lleol a chenedlaethol a darparwyr addysg o ansawdd uchel wyneb yn wyneb, ar gyfer cael cyngor arbenigol am yrfaoedd a chael cymorth wrth gynllunio eu gyrfaoedd nhw. Eleni, cymerodd dros 5,000 o bobl ifanc a 45 o arddangoswyr ran yn ystod digwyddiad mwyaf Cymru ynghylch gyrfaoedd, hyfforddiant a phrentisiaeth.
Dirprwy Lywydd, mae'r sgwrs genedlaethol wedi bod wrth wraidd y warant i bobl ifanc, gan ddatblygu ein gallu ni i fod â dealltwriaeth well o'r materion y mae pobl ifanc yn eu hwynebu. Ar ddechrau'r flwyddyn y llynedd, fe wnaethom ni ein herio ein hunain i fynd i'r afael â'r dull o gyrraedd at bobl ifanc yn well, a sut i gyfathrebu mewn ffordd sy'n ennill ac yn cadw eu hymddiriedaeth nhw.
Rydym ni wedi canfod bod cenhedlaeth Z, fel y'i gelwir hi gan rai, yn fwy darbodus, difrifol ac ymwybodol o hinsawdd na'u rhagflaenwyr nhw, a bod addysg, cyflogaeth a'u rhagolygon yn y dyfodol yn flaenoriaethau pennaf iddyn nhw. Maen nhw'n fwy tebygol o ddathlu amrywiaeth, a chydbwyso eu hawydd nhw am gysylltiad cyson a'r dechnoleg ddiweddaraf gyda phryderon o ran preifatrwydd a diogelwch. Yn anffodus, mae hon yn genhedlaeth sy'n wynebu rhwystrau sylweddol hefyd o ran iechyd meddwl a hyder. Rydym ni'n gweld mwy o bobl ifanc nag erioed sy'n segur yn economaidd am resymau iechyd, nid yn unig yma yng Nghymru, ond ledled y DU. Yr hyn y gallwn ni fod yn sicr ohono yw bod ôl-effeithiau'r pandemig yn dechrau dod i'r amlwg. Dyna pam rydym ni'n canolbwyntio yn barhaus ar y rhai sydd fwyaf agored i niwed. Mae canolbwyntio ar y rhai nad ydyn nhw mewn cyflogaeth, addysg neu hyfforddiant yn hanfodol os ydym ni am fynd i'r afael â bygythiad o gynffon hir o ddiweithdra neu anweithgarwch economaidd mewn blynyddoedd i ddod. Rydym ni eisoes wedi gweithredu yn gadarn ar ffyrdd o wella ein hymwybyddiaeth ni o'r bobl ifanc hynny a allai fod â'r angen mwyaf o gefnogaeth ychwanegol. Fe fydd y fframwaith ymgysylltiad a chynnydd ieuenctid a gafodd ei hadnewyddu, a gyhoeddwyd ar y cyd gan Jeremy Miles, Lynne Neagle, Julie Morgan a minnau ym mis Medi â rhan allweddol wrth roi cefnogaeth neu ddarpariaeth briodol ar waith i sicrhau bod pobl ifanc yn cael eu nodi a'u cefnogi cyn iddyn nhw gyrraedd sefyllfa o gyfyng gyngor.
Mae Twf Swyddi Cymru yn cefnogi dros 3,000 o bobl ifanc yng Nghymru—Twf Swyddi Cymru+, fe ddylwn ddweud, Dirprwy Lywydd—gan roi cymorth i'w pontio nhw i'r farchnad lafur a chyflwyno gweithgareddau dal i fyny i ddysgwyr o ganlyniad i effaith COVID. Rydym ni wedi cysylltu ffyrdd o gael gafael ar y cynllun treialu incwm sylfaenol hefyd ac rydym ni'n ystyried cydweithio pellach i gynyddu'r pecyn o gefnogaeth i'r rhai sy'n wynebu anfanteision cymhleth. Mae dros 2,700 o bobl ifanc wedi cael cefnogaeth gan ein gwasanaeth rheng flaen ni sy'n cael ei arwain gan awdurdodau lleol, Cymunedau am Waith+. Mae hynny i fyny o 1,700 ers fy natganiad diwethaf. Mae hi'n galonogol gweld mwy o bobl ifanc yn ymgyflwyno i gael cymorth a hyfforddiant gwaith dwys personol yn eu cymunedau lleol.
I'r rhai sydd ag uchelgeisiau entrepreneuraidd, mewn ychydig dros dri mis mae'r grant cychwyn sydd gennym ni i bobl ifanc â 120 o gyfranogwyr yn barod, sy'n gweithio gyda chynghorwyr busnes i adolygu eu syniadau nhw ynglŷn â busnesau a'u helpu i ddatblygu eu cynlluniau busnes nhw i wneud cais am y grant. Ers hynny mae 75 o bobl ifanc, yn y cyfnod byr y mae'r grant wedi bod ar gael, a oedd yn ddi-waith o'r blaen, wedi cael grant i helpu i gychwyn eu busnesau nhw. Erbyn hyn, mae gan bob coleg addysg bellach yng Nghymru fiwro penodol o ran cyflogaeth a menter. Fe fyddan nhw ag enwau gwahanol mewn gwahanol golegau, ond maen nhw'n darparu ehangder o gymorth cyflogaeth a chyfleoedd i symleiddio'r broses o bontio o ddysgu i weithio.
Fe fyddwn ni'n parhau i ddathlu ein llwyddiant ni a hyrwyddo Cymru fel lle gwych i fyw a gweithio ynddo. Dyna pam roeddwn i mor falch o weld llwyddiannau Cymru yn rowndiau terfynol WorldSkills y DU yng Nghaerdydd fis diwethaf, lle, unwaith eto, Cymru oedd ar frig y bwrdd o arweinwyr o fewn y DU, gyda chyfanswm o 59 o unigolion wedi ennill gwobrau. Fel mae'r gyllideb ddrafft yn dangos heddiw, fe fydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i sefyll gyda, a sefyll dros, ein pobl ifanc ni. Yn wyneb y rhagolygon ariannol gwaethaf ers datganoli, rwy'n galw unwaith eto ar Lywodraeth y DU i wneud yr un peth. Mae cryfder ein heconomi ni'n dibynnu ar weithredu gyda'r gefnogaeth gywir nawr. Diolch i chi, Dirprwy Lywydd.
Can I thank the Minister for his update on the young person's guarantee this afternoon? There has been some progress in securing opportunities for young people, either through education, training, employment or self-employment, and the Minister has highlighted some of the good practice that has taken place since the scheme was launched in November last year. When the Minister last gave a statement on the young person's guarantee, he was very frank about some of the practical barriers in getting people to engage in the service, and today's statement tells us a bit more about the work of Jobs Growth Wales+ in this area. The Minister also talks about further collaboration to increase the package of support for those facing complex disadvantage, so perhaps he could expand on the statement and tell us a bit more about the work that is being done here. Of course, as the young person's guarantee continues to deliver, it's vital that the views of young people across Wales are heard so that the Welsh Government can capture valued feedback about the delivery of the scheme and how it's supporting young people in practice.
Now, today's statement says that, at the beginning of last year, the Welsh Government set itself the challenge to address how to better reach young people and communicate in a way that wins and maintains trust. However, the statement doesn't tell us how the Welsh Government is addressing that challenge, and so, I hope that the Minister will tell us how the Welsh Government is better reaching young people and communicating with them so that the young person's guarantee can adapt, learn lessons and roll out good practice. Earlier this year, the Minister told us that the young person's guarantee is not a static offer, and I'm pleased to see that, from today's statement, it's evolving and exploring new ways of offering opportunities to young people. The education offer is, of course, a crucial part of the young person's guarantee, and today's statement tells us that every further education college in Wales now has a dedicated employment and enterprise bureau. Whilst I welcome that action, FE colleges and work-based learning providers ultimately remain concerned about future finance, particularly as many are facing increased costs in terms of delivery. Given the importance of the sector to the success of the young person's guarantee, perhaps he could give us some more information regarding the level of resources for the FE sector from the Welsh Government's upcoming budget.
Working with businesses is a critical part of the programme, and it's important that we see more and more employers buying into the scheme, so perhaps the Minister can tell us whether the number of businesses engaging has increased since the launch of the young person's guarantee last year.
Now, the young person's start-up grant offers up to £2,000 to help young people to start their own business, and I'm pleased to see investment being made, because as the Minister knows, issues like accessing finance and developing business knowledge and confidence are often barriers to young people starting a business. I'd be grateful if the Minister could provide some more information on the take-up of that grant, and whether the grant is reaching people across Wales. For example, is there any more that can be done to reach young entrepreneurs in rural areas, for example? And how is the Welsh Government ensuring that schools and education providers are promoting the grant so that young people are aware of it?
Now, the success of the young person's guarantee can be measured not just by the number of young people that are now in education, employment and training, but also in its diversity and scope, and with that in mind, it's important that opportunities are being made available to young people with additional learning needs, for example. So perhaps the Minister could tell us a bit more about how the Welsh Government is working to ensure that young adults with additional needs and disabilities are not being left behind.
Dirprwy Lywydd, it's vital that the resources supporting the young person's guarantee are sufficient, and today's statement makes it clear that the Welsh Government is prioritising the young person's guarantee as far as possible, but fails to tell us how. Therefore, perhaps the Minister can explain exactly how the Welsh Government's budget prioritises the young person's guarantee. Does this mean, then, that the budget for the young person's guarantee is actually being increased?
Finally, I just want to touch on green skills development and the need to ensure the development of apprenticeship frameworks and pathways so that young people can take advantage of the future green skills economy. Developing relationships with engineering businesses, the energy sector and industry is vital to develop a pipeline of talent for the future, so perhaps the Minister could also tell us how the Welsh Government is prioritising green skills development within the young person's guarantee umbrella so that we can learn more about how the Welsh Government is providing opportunities to young people in this area.
So, in closing, can I thank the Minister for his update? It's clear that the young person's guarantee is providing young people with much-needed opportunities, and it's vital that work is done to ensure that the programme remains effective and supports as many people as possible. Diolch.
A gaf i ddiolch i'r Gweinidog am yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y warant i bobl ifanc y prynhawn yma? Mae rhywfaint o gynnydd wedi bod o ran sicrhau cyfleoedd i bobl ifanc, naill ai drwy addysg, hyfforddiant, cyflogaeth neu hunangyflogaeth, ac mae'r Gweinidog wedi amlygu rhai o'r arferion da sydd wedi ymsefydlu ers lansio'r cynllun fis Tachwedd y llynedd. Pan roddodd y Gweinidog ddatganiad ddiwethaf am y warant i bobl ifanc, bu ef yn onest iawn o ran rhai o'r rhwystrau ymarferol ynglŷn â chael pobl i gymryd rhan yn y gwasanaeth, ac mae datganiad heddiw yn dweud ychydig mwy wrthym ni am waith Twf Swyddi Cymru+ yn y maes hwn. Mae'r Gweinidog yn sôn hefyd am gydweithio pellach i gynyddu'r pecyn cymorth ar gyfer y rhai sy'n wynebu anfantais gymhleth, felly efallai y gwnaiff ef ymhelaethu ar y datganiad a dweud ychydig mwy wrthym ni am y gwaith sy'n cael ei wneud yn hyn o beth. Wrth gwrs, wrth i'r warant i bobl ifanc barhau i gyflawni mwy, mae hi'n hanfodol fod barn pobl ifanc ledled Cymru yn cael ei chlywed er mwyn i Lywodraeth Cymru gael cipolwg gwerthfawr ar ddarpariaeth y cynllun a gweld sut gefnogaeth sydd i bobl ifanc yn ymarferol.
Nawr, mae datganiad heddiw yn dweud bod Llywodraeth Cymru, ar ddechrau'r llynedd, wedi ei herio ei hun i fynd i'r afael â dulliau gwell o fynd at bobl ifanc a chyfathrebu mewn ffordd sy'n ennill ac yn cadw eu hymddiriedaeth nhw. Serch hynny, nid yw'r datganiad yn dweud wrthym ni sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru am fynd i'r afael â'r her honno, ac felly, rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y Gweinidog yn dweud wrthym ni sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu mynd at y bobl ifanc mewn ffordd well a chyfathrebu â nhw fel gall y warant i bobl ifanc addasu, dysgu gwersi a chyflwyno arfer da. Yn gynharach eleni, dywedodd y Gweinidog wrthym ni nad yw'r warant i bobl ifanc yn gynnig disymud, ac rwy'n falch o weld, o'r datganiad heddiw, ei fod yn esblygu ac yn archwilio ffyrdd newydd o gynnig cyfleoedd i bobl ifanc. Mae'r cynnig o ran addysg, wrth gwrs, yn rhan hanfodol o'r warant i bobl ifanc, ac mae datganiad heddiw yn dweud wrthym ni fod gan bob coleg addysg bellach yng Nghymru fiwro penodol ar gyfer cyflogaeth a menter erbyn hyn. Er fy mod i'n croesawu'r gweithredu o ran y colegau addysg bellach a darparwyr dysgu rwy'n parhau i bryderu am gyllid yn y dyfodol, yn enwedig gan fod llawer yn wynebu costau uwch o ran y ddarpariaeth. O ystyried pwysigrwydd y sector i lwyddiant y warant i bobl ifanc, efallai y gwnaiff roi ychydig mwy o wybodaeth i ni ynglŷn â maint arfaethedig yr adnoddau o ran cyllid a fydd ar gael i'r sector AB oddi wrth Lywodraeth Cymru.
Mae gweithio gyda busnesau yn rhan hanfodol o'r rhaglen, ac mae hi'n bwysig ein bod ni'n gweld rhagor eto o gyflogwyr yn cyfranogi o'r cynllun, felly efallai y gwnaiff y Gweinidog ddweud wrthym ni a yw nifer y busnesau sydd wedi ymgysylltu wedi cynyddu ers lansio'r warant i bobl ifanc y llynedd.
Nawr, mae'r grant dechrau busnes bobl ifanc yn cynnig hyd at £2,000 i helpu pobl ifanc i ddechrau eu busnesau eu hunain, ac rwy'n falch o weld y buddsoddiad hwn yn cael ei wneud, oherwydd fel gŵyr y Gweinidog, mae materion fel cael gafael ar gyllid a datblygu gwybodaeth a hyder mewn busnes yn aml yn rhwystrau i bobl ifanc sy'n dechrau busnesau. Fe fyddwn i'n ddiolchgar pe byddai'r Gweinidog y rhoi ychydig mwy o wybodaeth i ni am faint sydd wedi cael y grant hwnnw, ac a yw'r grant ar gael ac yn mynd i bobl ledled Cymru. Er enghraifft, a oes mwy y gellir ei wneud i gyrraedd entrepreneuriaid ifanc yng ngefn gwlad, er enghraifft? A sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru am sicrhau bod ysgolion a darparwyr addysg yn hyrwyddo'r grant fel bydd pobl ifanc yn ymwybodol ohono?
Nawr, fe ellir mesur llwyddiant y warant i bobl ifanc nid yn unig yn ôl niferoedd y bobl ifanc sydd mewn addysg, cyflogaeth a hyfforddiant erbyn hyn, ond o ran ei hamrywiaeth a'i chwmpawd hefyd, a chyda hynny mewn golwg, mae hi'n bwysig bod cyfleoedd ar gael i bobl ifanc sydd ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol, er enghraifft. Felly efallai y gwnaiff y Gweinidog ddweud ychydig mwy wrthym ni ynglŷn â sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio i sicrhau nad yw oedolion ifanc ag anableddau ac anghenion ychwanegol yn cael eu gadael ar ôl.
Dirprwy Lywydd, mae hi'n hanfodol bod yr adnoddau sy'n cefnogi'r warant i bobl ifanc yn rhai digonol, ac mae datganiad heddiw yn ei gwneud hi'n eglur fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn rhoi blaenoriaeth i'r warant i bobl ifanc cyn belled ag y gellir gwneud felly, ond nid ydym ni'n cael gwybod ym mha fodd. Felly efallai y gwnaiff y Gweinidog egluro sut yn union y mae cyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru yn blaenoriaethu'r warant i bobl ifanc. A yw hyn yn golygu, felly, fod y gyllideb ar gyfer y warant i bobl ifanc yn cael ei chynyddu mewn gwirionedd?
Yn olaf, fe hoffwn i ddim ond cyffwrdd â datblygiad sgiliau gwyrdd a'r angen i sicrhau datblygiad fframweithiau a llwybrau prentisiaethau fel gall pobl ifanc fanteisio ar economi sgiliau gwyrdd y dyfodol. Mae datblygu perthynas gyda busnesau peirianneg, y sector ynni a'r diwydiant yn hanfodol ar gyfer datblygu piblinell o dalent i'r dyfodol, felly efallai y gwnaiff y Gweinidog ddweud wrthym ni hefyd sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn rhoi blaenoriaeth i ddatblygu sgiliau gwyrdd dan adain y warant i bobl ifanc fel y cawn ni ddysgu mwy ynglŷn â dulliau Llywodraeth Cymru o estyn cyfleoedd i bobl ifanc yn y maes hwn.
Felly, wrth gloi, a gaf i ddiolch i'r Gweinidog am ei ddiweddariad? Mae hi'n amlwg bod y warant i bobl ifanc yn estyn cyfleoedd y mae eu hangen nhw'n fawr ar bobl ifanc, ac mae hi'n hanfodol bod gwaith yn cael ei wneud i sicrhau bod y rhaglen yn parhau i fod yn effeithiol ac yn cefnogi cymaint o bobl â phosibl. Diolch.
Thank you for the series of questions and comments. Let me just go to some of the starting points he made. When it comes to how we're actually understanding who the young person's guarantee is reaching, and how we're actually dealing with a diverse range of young people, and the complexity, it's because of a number of things. So, some young people have a successful route already into work, education or training. High numbers of people go into post-16 education without the need for additional intervention—some of our challenge there is how we can help with the quality of what they choose, and making sure that the choices are appropriate for them, and they have a more open mind to the range of their career choices. That work actually takes place earlier on in education. When I had the pleasure of being before you in committee recently, we were talking about the need to go earlier into people's educational journey to make sure that people have a wider range of choices. There are still far too many professions where men and women—young boys and girls—make very different choices about what they can do. And actually, there's plenty of talent that isn't being taken advantage of. So, we think that we could do more in terms of getting to people earlier.
When it comes to those people who we are concerned may not take, if you like, the traditional route that is—[Inaudible.]—by many people, that's why the work we're doing on the youth engagement and progression framework is really important; the earlier you can identify people who are at risk of not being in education, employment or training, the better to support them. That's multi-agency, often, as well. And then to make sure that, when we go into the guarantee itself, to understand the experiences they are having. So, in the national conversation, that's a really important part of understanding that you have traditional survey-based work, people who are more likely to fill in surveys, but also a specific focus group, not just to get into more detail, but some of those groups that are less likely to fill in those traditional surveys. So, for example, care-experienced young people, young parents, people with mental health and people with neurodiversity—dealing with your point again about people with different abilities and disabilities.
So, we've been doing that deliberately to understand who we're reaching and what we can do to improve the offer. That's both the offer itself and your point about communication, because with perhaps the exception of one person we might hear from later on, most of us can't claim to be young anymore, objectively. And actually, the way that people think and see the world is entirely different, and so for us to able to ask them and to listen to them about what makes a difference, where they're getting their information from, and that they're aware of what the guarantee offers and then how they're taking it up. So, the work and employment bureau is for people in further education who might not come out with a further training or education employment outcome out of that, and basing those bureaux, opportunities to bring employers and young people together in a setting that they're familiar with, is really important to be able to do that.
So, it's one of the examples of how I want to communicate, as well as understanding where people get news, views and information from. I have to say, when I had the campaign entitled 'Feed your positivity', I wasn't sure whether I was talking about someone who was 50 and trying to pretend that I was really 15 again, but, actually, it came from direct evidence and feedback from young people themselves. So, I was reassured about that—that this was something that would be able to actually fit the people we're trying to reach as well, which is part of the point. It does require you to be, every now and again, a little uncomfortable, but that's the whole point of doing this.
And then, on your point around business engagement, it's hard to say exactly the numbers of businesses, because through the whole guarantee, you've got business engaging at different points in school and further education—for example, the employment bureaux—as well as those that are providing opportunities through Jobs Growth Wales+, for example. I will try to find, in our annual report, if there's a better way to try to highlight the number of businesses that are being engaged; rather than saying it's difficult, to find a way to give you something meaningful, because I do intend to publish an annual report in the new year. And when it comes to the nature of the offer, we have listened to what young people have said, and we've changed our Jobs Growth Wales+ programme. It's now targeted at 16 to 18-year-olds, based on the former traineeship model and what previously happened in Jobs Growth Wales. So, we are deliberately changing the offer itself.
On the barriers grant, I don't have information yet, but I will look to it to think about protected characteristics, background and geography for people who are taking that up, but it is—. Well, the figures I've told you about are within the first few months, so I wouldn't expect to have, necessarily, a wholly representative view at present, but I'll certainly look to how we can make that information available.
And when it comes to budget choices—I see the Minister for Finance and Local Government is sat next to me—I won't go through all of the choices as she'll be setting them out in more detail, but in prioritisng within my department the young person's guarantee and various parts of it, it's meant that I had to make painful choices in other parts of the budget. And every Minister could stand up and talk about the priorities they've made and the fact that we've had to pay for that by making different choices somewhere else. That doesn't mean that those things aren't of value, it's just that if you choose things that are your bigger priorities, you've got to make other choices, too, because sadly, there isn't a spare £0.5 billion that the finance Minister has kept somewhere to throw around to keep us all happy. So, we've got really big, difficult choices, and you'll see those in the detail in what the finance Minister says when get to more detailed committee scrutiny in the new year as well.
And on green skills, I expect to be publishing a net-zero action plan that will deal broadly with your points, and how that plays a part in the young person's guarantee early in 2023.
Diolch am y gyfres o gwestiynau a sylwadau. Gadewch i mi droi at rai o'r pwyntiau a wnaethoch chi i ddechrau. O ran sut yr ydym ni'n deall treiddiad gwirioneddol y warant i bobl ifanc, a sut rydym ni'n ymdrin mewn gwirionedd ag ystod amrywiol o bobl ifanc, a'r cymhlethdodau, mae hynny oherwydd nifer o bethau. Felly, mae gan rai pobl ifanc lwybr llwyddiannus i waith, addysg neu hyfforddiant eisoes. Mae niferoedd mawr o bobl yn mynd i addysg ôl-16 heb angen unrhyw ymyrraeth ychwanegol—rhan o'n her ni yn hynny yw sut y gallwn ni helpu gydag ansawdd yr hyn y maen nhw'n ei ddewis, a sicrhau bod y dewisiadau yn rhai sy'n briodol ar eu cyfer nhw, a bod meddwl mwy agored ganddyn nhw o ran ystod eu dewisiadau nhw o yrfa. Mae'r gwaith hwnnw'n digwydd, mewn gwirionedd, yn gynharach yn eu haddysg. Pan ges i'r pleser yn ddiweddar o fod ger bron eich pwyllgor chi, roeddem ni'n trafod yr angen i ymyrryd yn gynt ar daith addysgol unigolion i wneud yn siŵr bod gan bobl ystod ehangach o ddewisiadau. Ceir llawer gormod o broffesiynau o hyd lle mae dynion a menywod—bechgyn a merched ifanc—yn gwneud dewisiadau gwahanol iawn ynglŷn â'r hyn y gallan nhw ei wneud. Ac mewn gwirionedd, fe geir llawer iawn o dalent na fanteisir arno. Felly, rydym ni o'r farn fod mwy y gallem ni ei wneud o ran mynd at bobl yn gynt.
O ran y bobl hynny yr ydym ni'n pryderu efallai na fydden nhw'n dilyn, os mynnwch chi, y llwybr traddodiadol sy'n—[Anghlywadwy.]—gan lawer o bobl, dyna pam mae'r gwaith yr ydym ni'n ei wneud ynglŷn â'r fframwaith ymgysylltiad a chynnydd ieuenctid yn bwysig iawn; y cynharaf y dowch chi i wybod am bobl sydd mewn perygl o beidio â bod mewn addysg, cyflogaeth neu hyfforddiant, y rhwyddaf yw hi i'w cefnogi nhw. Mae hynny ar sail amlasiantaeth, yn aml, hefyd. Ac yna gwneud yn siŵr, pan fyddwn ni'n ystyried y warant ei hun, byddwn yn deall y profiadau y maen nhw'n eu cael. Felly, yn y sgwrs genedlaethol, mae honno'n rhan bwysig iawn o ddeall bod gennych chi waith traddodiadol ar sail arolwg, a phobl sy'n fwy tebygol o lenwi arolygon, ond grŵp ffocws penodol hefyd, nid yn unig i fanylu, ond sy'n cynnwys rhai o'r grwpiau hynny sy'n llai tebygol o lenwi'r arolygon traddodiadol hynny. Felly, er enghraifft, pobl ifanc sydd â phrofiad o ofal, rhieni ifanc, pobl â phroblemau iechyd meddwl a phobl â niwroamrywiaeth—gan ymdrin â'ch pwynt chi eto ynglŷn â phobl sydd â gwahanol alluoedd ac anableddau.
Felly, rydym ni wedi bod yn gwneud hynny'n fwriadol i ddeall pwy ydym ni'n eu cyrraedd a beth allwn ni ei wneud i wella'r cynnig. Dyna'r cynnig ei hun a'ch pwynt chi ynglŷn â chyfathrebu, oherwydd efallai heblaw am un unigolyn y gallem glywed ganddo yn nes ymlaen, ni all y rhan fwyaf ohonom ni yn y fan hon honni bod yn ifanc erbyn hyn, yn wrthrychol. Ac mewn gwirionedd, mae'r ffordd mae pobl yn ystyried ac yn gweld y byd yn hollol wahanol, ac felly rydym ni'n gallu gofyn iddyn nhw a gwrando arnyn nhw ynglŷn â'r hyn sy'n gwneud gwahaniaeth, o ble y cân nhw eu gwybodaeth, a'u bod nhw'n ymwybodol o'r hyn mae'r warant yn ei gynnig ac yna sut maen nhw am fanteisio arni. Felly, mae'r biwro cyflogaeth a menter ar gyfer pobl mewn addysg bellach nad ydyn nhw'n ymadael i hyfforddiant pellach neu ganlyniad addysg cyflogaeth yn sgil hynny, ac mae sefydlu'r biwroau hynny, sy'n rhoi cyfleoedd i ddod â chyflogwyr a phobl ifanc at ei gilydd mewn lleoliad sy'n gyfarwydd iddyn nhw, yn bwysig iawn ar gyfer gallu gwneud hynny.
Felly, dyma un o'r enghreifftiau o'r cyfathrebu yr wyf i'n awyddus i'w gael, yn ogystal â gallu deall o ble mae pobl yn cael eu newyddion, barn a gwybodaeth. Mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud, pan oedd yr ymgyrch o'r enw 'Bydd bositif' gennyf i, nid oeddwn i'n siŵr a oeddwn i'n siarad am rywun a oedd yn 50 oed ac yn ceisio esgus fy mod i'n 15 oed unwaith eto, ond, mewn gwirionedd, roedd y dystiolaeth uniongyrchol a'r adborth yn dod oddi wrth bobl ifanc eu hunain. Felly, fe gefais i sicrwydd yn hynny o beth—bod hwn yn rhywbeth a fyddai'n gallu bod yn addas i'r bobl yr ydym ni'n ceisio eu cyrraedd hefyd, sy'n rhan o'r pwynt. Mae'n gofyn i chi fod, bob hyn a hyn, ychydig yn anghyfforddus, ond dyna'r holl bwynt o wneud hyn.
Ac yna, ynglŷn â'ch pwynt chi ynghylch ymgysylltu â busnesau, mae hi'n anodd dweud yn union faint yw niferoedd y busnesau, oherwydd drwy'r holl warant, mae gennych chi fusnes yn ymgysylltu â gwahanol bwyntiau yn yr ysgol ac addysg bellach—er enghraifft, y biwro cyflogaeth—yn ogystal â'r rhai sy'n darparu cyfleoedd drwy Twf Swyddi Cymru+, er enghraifft. Rwyf i am geisio dod o hyd iddyn nhw, yn ein hadroddiad blynyddol ni, os oes yna ffordd well o geisio tynnu sylw at nifer y busnesau sy'n cael eu cynnwys; yn hytrach na dweud ei bod hi'n anodd, wrth ganfod ffordd o gyflwyno rhywbeth i chi sy'n ystyrlon, gan fy mod i'n bwriadu cyhoeddi adroddiad blynyddol yn y flwyddyn newydd. Ac o ran natur yr arlwy, rydym ni wedi gwrando ar yr hyn a ddywedodd pobl ifanc, ac rydym ni wedi newid ein rhaglen Twf Swyddi Cymru+. Mae honno wedi'u hanelu at bobl ifanc 16 i 18 oed erbyn hyn, ar sail y model hyfforddeiaeth blaenorol a'r hyn a ddigwyddodd yn flaenorol yn Twf Swyddi Cymru. Felly, rydym ni'n fwriadol yn gwneud newidiadau i'r cynnig ei hun.
O ran y grant rhwystrau, nid oes unrhyw wybodaeth gennyf i eto, ond byddaf i'n rhoi ystyriaeth i hyn wrth feddwl am nodweddion gwarchodedig, cefndir a daearyddiaeth pobl sy'n cyfranogi yn hyn, ond mae—. Wel, mae'r ffigyrau yr wyf i wedi dweud wrthych chi amdanyn nhw yn y misoedd cyntaf, felly ni fyddwn i'n disgwyl bod â barn, o reidrwydd, sy'n gwbl gynrychioliadol nawr, ond fe fyddaf i'n sicr yn ystyried sut y gallwn ni sicrhau bod yr wybodaeth honno ar gael.
Ac o ran dewisiadau cyllidol—rwy'n gweld bod y Gweinidog Cyllid a Llywodraeth Leol yn eistedd wrth fy ymyl—nid wyf i am fynd trwy'r dewisiadau i gyd gan y bydd hi'n eu rhoi nhw ger bron mewn mwy o fanylder, ond wrth flaenoriaethu'r warant i bobl ifanc a gwahanol rannau ohoni yn fy adran i, mae hynny wedi golygu ei bod hi'n rhaid i mi wneud dewisiadau anodd gyda rhannau eraill o'r gyllideb. Ac fe allai pob Gweinidog sefyll i siarad am y blaenoriaethau sydd ganddyn nhw a'r ffaith ein bod ni wedi gorfod talu am ein blaenoriaethau ni drwy wneud dewisiadau eraill mewn meysydd eraill. Nid yw hynny'n golygu nad yw'r pethau hynny o werth, dim ond os ydych chi'n dewis pethau sy'n fwy o flaenoriaethau i chi, mae'n rhaid i chi wneud dewisiadau eraill hefyd, oherwydd yn anffodus, nid oes £0.5 biliwn dros ben y mae'r Gweinidog cyllid yn ei gadw yn rhywle i'w daflu o gwmpas i'n cadw ni i gyd yn hapus. Felly, mae gennym ddewisiadau mawr, anodd iawn, ac fe fyddwch chi'n gweld rhai ohonyn nhw ym manylion yr hyn y bydd y Gweinidog cyllid yn ei ddweud wrth i ni gyrraedd y cam craffu mwy manwl yn y pwyllgor yn y flwyddyn newydd hefyd.
Ac o ran sgiliau gwyrdd, rwy'n bwriadu cyhoeddi cynllun gweithredu sero net a fydd yn ymdrin yn fras â'ch pwyntiau chi, a pha ran sydd i hynny yn y warant i bobl ifanc yn gynnar yn ystod 2023.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog am ei ddatganiad.
Thank you to the Minister for his statement.
Of course, the young person's guarantee is an important programme for Wales; I think it's fair to say that we all want to see this succeed. After all, we won't reach our targets around net zero, for example, unless we ensure that young people have the skills that they need in the future economy. Much, of course, has changed since it was first announced, however, there are always consistencies when there are economic downturns. One of those is the effect that it has on young people.
Now, much like the Prince's Trust, the End Child Poverty coalition found that 97 per cent of young people who they spoke to, aged 16 to 25, thought that the rising costs of living were a problem for young people today. Concerningly, 77 per cent of respondents said that thinking about the future and the cost-of-living crisis worries them a lot. I'm sure that a number of Members would have had first-hand testimony from NUS students on the steps of the Senedd today, calling for better support for students. One telling me that she couldn't afford to turn on the shower; another telling me that, after being on the steps of the Senedd, she'll only be returning to a cold house. Further figures, of course, 90 per cent of learners say that the cost of living has impacted their mental health; 42 per cent of learners are living on less than £100 per month after bills; but only 7 per cent agree that the Government has done enough.
Further, CollegesWales have voiced concerns regarding the Jobs Growth Wales+ scheme, as the allowance has not increased in line with the cost of living. They're worried that young people may be inclined to look for work in lower skilled areas instead, where the pay offer would be substantially more and therefore won't receive the support or education that their peers may be able to access. In a similar vein, we see the same issue with a reluctance from Welsh Government to increase the education maintenance allowance for those who need it most during this crisis. This, of course, is all interlinked with the young person's guarantee. So, would the Government consider increasing education allowances, to ensure that our young people are able to access education and training, and that we are maximising their skills and talents, not only for themselves but for wider society and the economy?
Now, the Social Mobility Foundation recently found that there is a £6,700 class pay gap in the UK. This means that working-class professionals are effectively working for free nearly one day a week in every seven, compared to their middle-class peers. This only further increases when working-class professionals are women, or from an ethnic minority background. Working-class people have to work significantly harder to achieve what is gifted to others. Meanwhile, the cost-of-living crisis and the pandemic have only further restricted social mobility. Young people from working-class backgrounds are much more likely to be needing this guarantee than their middle-class peers and, as CollegesWales have outlined, may be more inclined to take up employment offers due to stagnation in education allowances. Therefore, how is the Minister ensuring that the employment offered within the scheme is offering fair pay, helping to close the class pay gap, and ensure that those already at a disadvantage are not being funnelled into low-paid and precarious work?
And finally, it was important, of course, that young people's voices are heard within the impact assessment. The impact assessment also notes that an independent evaluation will be carried out at key points in the development and roll-out of the guarantee, including a gender budgeting review, and given that Oxfam Cymru and the Women's Equality Network Cymru found that the gender pay gap in Wales had increased between 2020 and 2022, and that women still face financial inequality in occupation segregation in the Welsh economy, when can this gender budgeting review of the young person's guarantee be expected? Has monitoring of the guarantee so far provided any interim data on gender differences within the scheme or revealed any trends regarding gendered occupational segregation? As I said when I opened my contribution, we all want to see this scheme succeed. The important thing is that it is reaching the people who need that extra bit of help and that people who are struggling as a result of the cost-of-living crisis are not being left at a disadvantage.
Wrth gwrs, mae'r warant i bobl ifanc yn rhaglen bwysig i Gymru; rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n deg dweud ein bod ni i gyd yn awyddus i weld hon yn llwyddo. Wedi'r cyfan, ni fyddwn ni'n cyrraedd ein nodau ynghylch sero net, er enghraifft, oni bai ein bod ni'n sicrhau bod y sgiliau sydd eu hangen ar bobl ifanc ganddyn nhw yn economi'r dyfodol. Mae llawer, wrth gwrs, wedi newid ers iddi gael ei chyhoeddi gyntaf, serch hynny, mae yna gysondebau bob amser pan fo dirywiad economaidd. Un o'r rhain yw'r effaith hynny ar bobl ifanc.
Nawr, yn debyg iawn i Ymddiriedolaeth y Tywysog, canfu cynghrair End Child Poverty fod 97 y cant o bobl ifanc y buon nhw'n siarad â nhw, rhwng 16 a 25 oed, yn credu bod costau byw cynyddol yn broblem i bobl ifanc heddiw. Yn bryderus iawn, fe ddywedodd 77 y cant o'r ymatebwyr fod meddwl am y dyfodol a'r argyfwng costau byw yn poeni llawer arnyn nhw. Rwy'n siŵr y byddai nifer o Aelodau wedi cael tystiolaeth uniongyrchol gan fyfyrwyr UCM ar risiau'r Senedd heddiw, yn galw am well cefnogaeth i fyfyrwyr. Roedd un yn dweud wrthyf i nad oedd hi'n gallu fforddio defnyddio'r gawod; un arall yn dweud wrthyf i, ar ôl bod ar risiau'r Senedd, mai dim ond i dŷ oer y byddai hi'n dychwelyd. Mae yna ffigyrau pellach, wrth gwrs, 90 y cant o ddysgwyr yn dweud bod costau byw wedi effeithio ar eu hiechyd meddwl; mae 42 y cant o ddysgwyr yn byw ar lai na £100 y mis ar ôl biliau; ond dim ond 7 y cant sy'n cytuno bod y Llywodraeth wedi gwneud digon.
Yn ogystal â hynny, mae ColegauCymru wedi lleisio pryderon am gynllun Twf Swyddi Cymru+, gan nad yw'r lwfans wedi cynyddu yn unol â chostau byw. Maen nhw'n poeni y gallai pobl ifanc fod yn dueddol o chwilio am waith mewn ardaloedd â sgiliau is yn lle hynny, lle byddai'r cynnig cyflog yn sylweddol fwy ac felly ni fyddan nhw'n cael y gefnogaeth na'r addysg y gallai eu cyfoedion fod yn manteisio arnyn nhw. Yn yr un cywair, fe welwn ni'r un mater yn codi gydag amharodrwydd Llywodraeth Cymru i gynyddu'r lwfans cynnal a chadw addysg i'r rhai sydd a'r angen mwyaf amdano yn yr argyfwng hwn. Mae hyn, wrth gwrs, yn cydblethu â'r warant i bobl ifanc. Felly, a fyddai'r Llywodraeth yn ystyried cynyddu lwfansau addysg, i sicrhau bod ein pobl ifanc ni'n gallu cael addysg a hyfforddiant, a'n bod ni'n sicrhau'r sgiliau a'r doniau gorau iddyn nhw, nid yn unig er eu mwyn eu hunain ond er mwyn y gymdeithas ehangach a'r economi?
Nawr, roedd y Sefydliad Symudedd Cymdeithasol yn mynegi tystiolaeth yn ddiweddar o ran bod bwlch cyflog o £6,700 rhwng dosbarthiadau cymdeithasol yn y DU. Mae hyn yn golygu bod gweithwyr proffesiynol dosbarth gweithiol i bob pwrpas yn gweithio am ddim bron ar un diwrnod ym mhob saith, o'i gymharu â'u cyfoedion dosbarth canol. Dim ond ehangu ymhellach a wna hynny pan fo'r gweithwyr proffesiynol dosbarth gweithiol hynny yn fenywod, neu o gefndir lleiafrif ethnig. Mae'n rhaid i bobl dosbarth gweithiol weithio yn sylweddol galetach i ennill yr hyn a roddir i eraill. Yn y cyfamser, dim ond rhagor o symudedd cymdeithasol cyfyngedig sydd wedi bod yn yr argyfwng costau byw a'r pandemig. Mae pobl ifanc o gefndiroedd dosbarth gweithiol yn llawer mwy tebygol o fod ag angen am y warant hon na'u cyfoedion dosbarth canol nhw ac, fel roedd ColegauCymru yn amlinellu, efallai eu bod nhw'n fwy tueddol o dderbyn cynigion cyflogaeth oherwydd y diffyg twf mewn lwfansau addysg. Felly, sut mae'r Gweinidog am sicrhau bod y gyflogaeth sy'n cael ei chynnig o fewn y cynllun yn cynnig cyflog teg, gan helpu i gau'r bwlch cyflog rhwng dosbarthiadau, a sicrhau nad yw'r rhai sydd dan anfantais eisoes yn cael eu denu i mewn i waith cyflog isel ac ansicr?
Ac yn olaf, roedd hi'n bwysig, wrth gwrs, fod lleisiau pobl ifanc yn cael eu clywed o fewn yr asesiad effaith. Mae'r asesiad effaith yn nodi hefyd y bydd gwerthusiad annibynnol yn cael ei gynnal ar adegau allweddol yn natblygiad a chyflwyno'r warant, gan gynnwys adolygiad o gyllidebu ar sail rhyw, ac o gofio bod Oxfam Cymru a Rhwydwaith Cydraddoldeb Menywod Cymru wedi canfod bod y bwlch cyflog rhwng y rhywiau yng Nghymru wedi ehangu rhwng 2020 a 2022, a bod menywod yn parhau i wynebu anghyfartaledd ariannol ar sail rhyw o fewn gwaith yn economi Cymru, pryd gellir disgwyl yr adolygiad cyllidebu ar sail rhyw hwn o'r warant i bobl ifanc? A yw monitro'r warant wedi darparu unrhyw ddata dros dro hyd yn hyn o ran gwahaniaethau rhwng y rhywiau o fewn y cynllun neu a yw wedi datgelu unrhyw dueddiadau ynghylch gwahanu galwedigaethol ar sail rhyw? Fel dywedais i wrth agor fy nghyfraniad i, rydym ni i gyd yn awyddus i weld llwyddiant i'r cynllun hwn. Y peth pwysig yw ei fod yn cyrraedd y bobl sydd angen yr hwb ychwanegol yna ac nad yw pobl sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd o ganlyniad i'r argyfwng costau byw yn cael eu rhoi dan anfantais.
Thank you. On your point about the take-up of opportunities between different genders, I'll look again at that, but I want to be clear about the budget review that we've got and actually starting off the guarantee and understanding where we go, because in some parts of it, it'll be clear. We already collect data, for example, on who goes into further education, it's an easy thing to collect, as well as collecting the data on, for example, those people accessing different opportunities—Jobs Growth Wales+, ReAct+ and other employability programmes—we'll have the data on that. We'll also have some data that will understand a number of other programmes.
But I want to see if we're then reaching people, because it's part of the point about the young person's conversation. You know, there are young parents who are mums and dads, but, actually, we know that there's often a differential when it comes to things like childcare costs and what that does to people's practical ability to access opportunities. So, we'll look not just at who's accessing them, but what we're then doing to try and make sure that opportunities are opened up as well, to try to make sure that there's a meaningful response to the point that I understand that the Member is making.
On your points about the cost-of-living crisis and young people, we've heard very directly from young people, both through the national conversation that we've had about the young person's guarantee, but also through the Cabinet sub-committee on the cost-of-living crisis. We heard just a few weeks ago from young people—and I made this point, I think, in committee, when you were there as well. They were speaking very directly about their own experiences, about the realities of changes to benefit rules, the reality of the cost-of-living crisis for themselves, and the choices that we hear far too often—the choice between heating, eating, and what that does for their physical well-being as well as their mental health and more general well-being as well. It's what is borne out in every survey of young people across Wales and the wider UK: there is a significant challenge being built up in young people's mental health and well-being post the pandemic, and reinforced by the challenges in the cost-of-living crisis. That is certainly one of the things that we're trying to take account of in what we're doing, because having employment, education or training is a protective characteristic to help support good mental health and well-being for young people. That goes then to your point about fair pay as well.
And, look, when it comes to Jobs Growth Wales+, we're not suggesting that the money we're providing is the only money that should be available; it is a wage subsidy to help make it more attractive for young people to gain an opportunity into the world of work, and over half the people who go into Jobs Growth Wales+ have a positive outcome at the end of it, whether that's going into further work or training, or, indeed, considering the opportunities for self employment themselves. The good news is that, in the initial review from Estyn, they're positive about the impact of that programme.
On your point about the class divide between professional pay, between working-class professionals and others, it would be helpful, I think, if you perhaps sent me a note that I can respond to properly, because I want to understand whether the point you're making is about access to opportunities, where we do know that, for lots of professions, who you know really matters—not just the grades you get, but who you know to practically get an opportunity, whether it's the work experience or whether it's the practical opportunities for starting jobs as well—or whether you're talking about starting pay depending on your own family background, or if you're talking about progression through work as well, because I know, again, from a previous life as well as this one, that all of those things matter. So, I'd want to understand the point you're making before responding properly.
Diolch i chi. Ynglŷn â'ch pwynt chi o ran y niferoedd sy'n manteisio ar gyfleoedd rhwng y rhywiau, fe fyddaf i'n edrych ar hynny eto, ond rwy'n dymuno bod yn eglur am yr adolygiad cyllideb sydd gennym ni a chychwyn y warant mewn gwirionedd a'r ddealltwriaeth o ran ein cyfeiriad ni, oherwydd mewn rhai rhannau ohoni, fe fydd hynny'n eglur. Rydym ni'n casglu data eisoes, er enghraifft, am y rhai sy'n mynd i addysg bellach, maen nhw'n bethau rhwydd i'w casglu, yn ogystal â chasglu'r data ar, er enghraifft, y bobl hynny sy'n defnyddio cyfleoedd gwahanol—Twf Swyddi Cymru+, ReAct+ a rhaglenni cyflogadwyedd eraill—fe fydd data ar hynny gennym ni. Fe fydd gennym ni rywfaint o ddata hefyd a fydd yn rhoi dealltwriaeth am nifer o raglenni eraill.
Ond rwy'n awyddus i weld a ydym ni'n cyrraedd pobl, oherwydd dyna ran o ddiben cynnal sgwrs â phobl ifanc. Wyddoch chi, mae yna rieni ifanc sy'n famau a thadau, ond, mewn gwirionedd, rydym ni'n gwybod y ceir gwahaniaeth sylweddol yn aml o ran pethau fel costau gofal plant a beth mae hynny'n ei wneud i allu ymarferol pobl i gael cyfleoedd. Felly, fe fyddwn ni'n edrych nid yn unig ar bwy sy'n manteisio arnyn nhw, ond beth rydym ni'n ei wneud wedyn i geisio sicrhau bod cyfleoedd yn cael eu hehangu hefyd, i geisio sicrhau bod ymateb ystyrlon i'r pwynt yr wyf i'n deall y mae'r Aelod yn ei wneud.
Ynglŷn â'ch pwyntiau chi am yr argyfwng costau byw a phobl ifanc, rydym ni wedi clywed yn uniongyrchol iawn gan bobl ifanc, drwy'r sgwrs genedlaethol yr ydym wedi ei chael am y warant i bobl ifanc, ond drwy is-bwyllgor y Cabinet ar yr argyfwng costau byw hefyd. Fe glywsom ni ychydig wythnosau yn ôl gan bobl ifanc—ac fe wnes i'r pwynt hwn, rwy'n credu, yn y pwyllgor, pan oeddech chithau yno hefyd. Roedden nhw'n siarad yn uniongyrchol iawn am eu profiadau eu hunain, am effaith wirioneddol y newidiadau i reolau budd-daliadau, ac effaith wirioneddol yr argyfwng costau byw arnyn nhw eu hunain, a'r dewisiadau yr ydym ni'n clywed amdanyn nhw'n llawer rhy aml—y dewis rhwng gwresogi, bwyta, a'r hyn a wna hynny i'w llesiant corfforol nhw'n ogystal â'u hiechyd meddwl a'u llesiant hefyd yn fwy cyffredinol. Dyma sy'n cael ei gadarnhau ym mhob arolwg o bobl ifanc ledled Cymru a'r DU yn fwy eang: mae her sylweddol yn codi o ran iechyd meddwl a llesiant pobl ifanc wedi'r pandemig, ac sy'n cael ei hatgyfnerthu gan heriau'r argyfwng costau byw. Yn sicr, dyna un o'r pethau yr ydym ni'n ceisio eu hystyried yn yr hyn a wnawn ni, oherwydd mae bod â chyflogaeth, addysg neu hyfforddiant yn nodwedd amddiffynnol i helpu i gefnogi iechyd meddwl da a llesiant i bobl ifanc. Mae hynny'n cyffwrdd wedyn â'ch pwynt chi hefyd ynglŷn â chyflog teg.
Ac, edrychwch chi, o ran Twf Swyddi Cymru+, nid ydym ni'n awgrymu mai'r arian yr ydym ni'n ei ddarparu yw'r unig arian a ddylai fod ar gael; cymhorthdal cyflog ydyw i helpu i'w gwneud hi'n fwy deniadol i bobl ifanc fod â chyfle ym myd gwaith, ac mae dros hanner y bobl sy'n cael mynediad i Twf Swyddi Cymru+ yn cael canlyniad cadarnhaol ar ddiwedd hynny, boed hynny'n waith neu hyfforddiant pellach, neu, yn wir, ystyried y cyfleoedd o ran hunan-gyflogaeth. Y newyddion da yw eu bod nhw, yn yr adolygiad cychwynnol gan Estyn, yn gadarnhaol ynglŷn ag effaith y rhaglen honno.
Ynglŷn â'ch pwynt chi am y rhaniad rhwng dosbarthiadau cymdeithasol o ran cyflogau proffesiynol, rhwng gweithwyr proffesiynol dosbarth gweithiol a rhai eraill, fe fyddai hi'n ddefnyddiol, rwy'n credu, i chi anfon nodyn ataf i, efallai, er mwyn i mi ymateb yn llawn iddo, oherwydd rwy'n awyddus i ddeall a yw'r pwynt yr ydych chi'n ei wneud yn ymwneud â pha mor hawdd yw dod o hyd i gyfleoedd, pan wyddom ni, i lawer o broffesiynau, pwy yr ydych yn ei adnbaod sy'n bwysig iawn—nid yn unig y graddau a gewch chi, ond pwy rydych chi'n ei adnabod er mwyn cael cyfle yn ymarferol, boed hwnnw'n brofiad gwaith neu'n gyfle ymarferol i ddechrau swydd hefyd—neu ai sôn yr ydych chi am ddechrau ennill cyflog yn dibynnu ar eich cefndir teuluol chi eich hunan, neu a ydych chi'n siarad am gynnydd trwy waith hefyd, oherwydd fe wn i, eto, o yrfa flaenorol yn ogystal â hon, fod y pethau hynny i gyd yn bwysig. Felly, fe fyddwn i'n dymuno deall pa bwynt yr ydych chi'n ei wneud cyn ymateb yn llawn i hwnnw.
Ac yn olaf, Jenny Rathbone.
And finally, Jenny Rathbone.
Thank you very much, and congratulations to the 59 people from Wales who won the WorldSkills award—that's really fantastic. I'll look them up, and see what it is they won for.
It's also good to know that young people are more prudent, serious and climate conscious than their predecessors, but they also are struggling with, as you say, significant mental health and confidence barriers. On the work that you're doing to prioritise the young person's guarantee to protect the prospects of young people most at risk, those with disabilities often face the greatest challenges in finding suitable employment. Can the Minister tell us about the work of Engage to Change to match the more complex needs of young people so that all young people have the dignity of work? Because I think that they're the ones who are most likely to be struggling in the middle of a recession.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, a llongyfarchiadau i'r 59 o bobl o Gymru a enillodd wobr WorldSkills—mae hynny'n wych. Rwyf am fynd i ddarllen amdanyn nhw, i weld am beth y gwnaethon nhw ennill.
Mae hi'n dda cael gwybod hefyd fod pobl ifanc yn fwy darbodus, difrifol ac yn ymwybodol o'r hinsawdd na'u rhagflaenwyr, ond maen nhw'n yn dod ar draws rhwystrau sylweddol hefyd, fel rydych chi'n dweud, o ran iechyd meddwl a hyder. O ran y gwaith yr ydych chi'n ei wneud i flaenoriaethu'r warant i bobl ifanc ar gyfer amddiffyn rhagolygon pobl ifanc sydd fwyaf mewn perygl, mae'r rhai sydd ag anableddau yn aml yn wynebu'r heriau mwyaf un o ran dod o hyd i gyflogaeth briodol. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddweud wrthym ni am waith Engage to Change i gydweddu anghenion mwy cymhleth pobl ifanc fel bydd urddas gwaith gan bob unigolyn ifanc? Oherwydd rwyf i o'r farn mai nhw yw'r rhai sydd fwyaf tebygol o fod yn ei chael hi'n anodd yng nghanol dirwasgiad.
Yes. We've done some direct work with Engage to Change; I've met them directly myself as well to understand what more we can do. Part of the point is that, when you look at economic access for disabled people in every age sphere, it's significantly less than the rest of the population, so it's again one of the strands I was trying to respond to in some of Paul Davies's questions, about understanding who we need to work with and who we need to listen to to understand what we can do more successfully and to make sure that both employers, education and training providers—make sure that their provision is available and that they're proactively looking for it, as well as matching people with the opportunities that exist. You'll see that running through the different parts of what we're trying to do in the guarantee. I'd encourage the Member and anyone else, particularly if they have constituents who are coming through it, if they have a good or an indifferent experience of some of these programmes, to let me know, because the feedback directly is often helpful about understanding what works, as well as the organisations that we directly work with to try to make sure that lived experience informs what we do in communication and the design and delivery of our programmes.
And on your starting point, which I'll finish with, the 59 Welsh winners in the WorldSkills finals, co-hosted around the UK; the sessions in Cardiff were part of that. And if the Member has difficulty finding out who the winners are—I'm sure she’ll have some constituents who are winners as well—then I'll be happy to help her find the information to make sure they receive congratulations from across the Chamber as well as the Member herself.
Do. Rydym ni wedi gwneud gwaith uniongyrchol gydag Engage to Change; rwyf i fy hunan wedi cwrdd â nhw'n uniongyrchol hefyd ar gyfer deall beth arall y gallwn ni ei wneud. Rhan o'r pwynt yw, pan fyddwch chi'n edrych ar fynediad economaidd ar gyfer pobl anabl ym mhob ystod oedran, mae'n llawer mwy cyfyng nag i weddill y boblogaeth, felly dyma eto un o'r llinynnau yr oeddwn i'n ceisio ymateb iddyn nhw yn rhai o gwestiynau Paul Davies, ynghylch deall â phwy y mae angen i ni weithio a phwy y dylem ni wrando arnyn nhw i ddeall yr hyn y gallwn ni ei wneud yn fwy llwyddiannus a sicrhau bod cyflogwyr, darparwyr addysg a hyfforddiant—yn sicrhau bod eu darpariaeth nhw ar gael a'u bod yn chwilio yn rhagweithiol amdani, yn ogystal â pharu pobl â'r cyfleoedd sydd i'w cael. Fe welwch chi hynny'n rhedeg drwy'r gwahanol rannau o'r hyn yr ydym ni'n ceisio ei wneud yn y warant. Fe fyddwn i'n annog yr Aelod ac unrhyw un arall, yn enwedig os oes ganddyn nhw etholwyr sy'n mynd drwy hyn, os oes ganddyn nhw brofiad da neu weddol o rai o'r rhaglenni hyn, i roi gwybod i mi, oherwydd mae'r adborth uniongyrchol yn aml yn ddefnyddiol o ran deall yr hyn sy'n gweithio, yn ogystal â'r sefydliadau yr ydym ni'n gweithio gyda nhw'n uniongyrchol i geisio sicrhau bod profiad bywyd yn llywio'r hyn yr ydym ni'n ei wneud gyda chyfathrebu a dylunio a chyflawni ein rhaglenni ni.
Ac ynghylch eich pwynt cyntaf chi, y byddaf i'n dod i ben gyda hwnnw, y 59 enillydd o Gymru yn rowndiau terfynol WorldSkills, sy'n cael eu cynnal ar y cyd ledled y DU; roedd y sesiynau yng Nghaerdydd yn rhan o hynny. Ac os yw'r Aelod yn ei chael hi'n anodd darganfod pwy yw'r enillwyr—rwy'n siŵr y bydd ganddi hi rai etholwyr sy'n enillwyr hefyd—yna fe fyddaf i'n hapus i'w helpu hi i ddod o hyd i'r wybodaeth i sicrhau eu bod nhw'n cael eu llongyfarch gan bob rhan o'r Siambr yn ogystal â'r Aelod ei hun.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog.
I thank the Minister.
Eitem 4 yw'r ddadl ar ddatganiad: cyllideb ddrafft 2023-24, a galwaf ar y Gweinidog Cyllid a Llywodraeth Leol, Rebecca Evans.
Item 4 is the debate on a statement: the draft budget for 2023-24, and I call on the Minister for Finance and Local Government, Rebecca Evans.

I'm pleased to make a statement on the Welsh Government's draft budget for 2023-24, which has been laid this afternoon. This is a draft budget unlike any other that we've laid since the start of devolution. It's been one of the toughest that we've ever made, reflecting the perfect storm of economic and budgetary pressures faced in Wales, none of which are of our making.
A decade of austerity has been compounded by the ongoing and long-term impacts of Brexit, the pandemic and our recovery from it, the economic and humanitarian consequences of the war in Ukraine, and now an unprecedented cost-of-living crisis, which affects every aspect of daily life and business. The UK is in recession, inflation is at a 40-year high, and energy prices are soaring at the same time as standards of living are falling. Our economy and public services are very fragile and are not able to withstand further shocks. People and communities across Wales are grappling every day with the challenge of just getting by.
Our funding settlement is not sufficient to meet all of these extraordinary pressures, let alone our priorities in 2023-24. Even after the additional funding that we received in the autumn statement—£1.2 billion over two years—our settlement is still worth up to £3 billion less in real terms, and up to £1 billion less in 2023-24. And just as the UK was falling into recession, the UK Government took the incredible decision not to make any more capital funding available to stimulate our economy. The UK enters recession in the worst shape of any of the G7 economies, and our capital budget will be 8.1 per cent lower in real terms, falling far short of what we need to meet our ambitious plans.
Llywydd, in this budget process, Welsh Ministers have made some very difficult decisions to ensure every pound that we have invested makes the greatest positive impact. The 2023-24 draft budget builds on the indicative spending plans that we set out in last year's three-year Welsh spending review. In this budget process, all Ministers have worked hard to refocus funding from within existing plans to reprioritise it towards where it will have the greatest impact. Together with additional revenue funding provided through the autumn statement, we have made some additional allocations, focused on three main priorities: protecting front-line public services and our ambitions for the future as far as we possibly can; continuing to provide help to those most affected by the cost-of-living crisis; and supporting our economy through recessionary times.
Recognising our commitment to protecting front-line public services, this includes an extra £165 million for NHS Wales to help protect front-line services. An additional £227 million is being provided to local government through the settlement to help local authorities safeguard the important and wide range of services that they provide, including directly funding schools. As a result of the spending decisions made in relation to education in England, Wales received a consequential of £117 million a year in the autumn statement. Through the choices we have taken, this is being provided in full to local government. We will also provide funding, through the local government settlement and the health budget, to continue to deliver the real living wage in social care—an important investment in the people who work in social care and the wider health and care system. More detail about the provisional local government settlement will be available tomorrow.
Wales is proud to be a nation of sanctuary and has welcomed thousands of people fleeing the conflict in Ukraine. Over the last year, we have created and funded our own supersponsor route, which has helped almost 3,000 people come to Wales. In the absence of any firm funding from the UK Government for the second year of its Homes for Ukraine scheme, we will continue to provide funding to support our humanitarian response, making sure people from Ukraine in Wales receive a warm welcome and the support that they need while they're here. The draft budget includes an allocation of £40 million in 2023-24 and a further £20 million in 2024-25.
Of all the challenges facing Wales today, the cost-of-living crisis is the one that bites hardest for most people. The draft budget provides an additional £18.8 million for the discretionary assistance fund, which provides a lifeline for many tens of thousands of people facing financial hardship. An extra £10 million is invested in homelessness prevention and relief interventions across Wales.
The crisis facing our economy is also at the forefront of our minds. This draft budget contains £319 million for a package of non-domestic rates support for businesses in 2023-24, and a further £145 million for 2024-25. We're also investing £18 million for employability programmes to support people in work and help those who are without employment with the skills that they need to enter and to remain in work.
This is a budget that seeks to balance the short-term need to protect people in the face of the immediate cost-of-living crisis whilst also ensuring our public services remain sustainable in the longer term. We're today making an extra £40 million available to support public transport, helping create a sustainable and greener transport system. A £20 million capital grant will help local authorities decarbonise their buildings, building on the success of similar public sector schemes, such as the solar farm at Morriston Hospital in Swansea, which is now supplying a quarter of the hospital's power needs.
In addition to our funding allocations, details of the proposed rates for Welsh taxes for 2023-24 are published as part of this draft budget. There will be no change to any of the current rates for Welsh rates of income tax for 2023-24. This means that the three rates—the basic, higher and additional—will remain at 10p in the pound. Landfill disposal tax rates will be increased in line with retail price index forecast inflation, with effect from 1 April 2023. There will be no further changes to the rates and bands for main residential land transaction tax rates following those changes that were introduced on 10 October. Similarly, no changes are proposed to the higher residential or non-residential land transaction tax rates introduced on 22 December 2020. I am issuing a separate written statement today setting out further details about our tax plans.
We continue to publish an extensive suite of documentation as part of our draft budget package, enabling a high level of transparency for Senedd members, our public service partners, social partners, the third sector, and indeed the people of Wales. Our chief economist's report and the Wales infrastructure investment strategy project pipeline are part of this package, all of which are published today on the Welsh Government's website and shared with the Senedd. I am particularly proud that our budget improvement plan, created with the budget impact and improvement advisory group, maintains our commitment to provide transparency around improving budget and tax processes.
I'm very grateful to my Cabinet colleagues for their commitment and hard work during this process, and I also want to thank Siân Gwenllian, lead designated Member for the co-operation agreement, for the ongoing engagement and close working relationship during this process.
Llywydd, this is a draft budget made in hard times for hard times. It reflects the constraints of our funding settlement but not a lack of ambition. It maintains our commitment to prioritise the most vulnerable, and public services, whilst continuing to create a stronger, fairer and greener Wales for all.
Rwy'n falch o wneud datganiad ar gyllideb ddrafft Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer 2023-24, a osodwyd y prynhawn yma. Mae hon yn gyllideb ddrafft sy'n wahanol i unrhyw un arall yr ydym ni wedi'i gosod ers dechrau datganoli. Mae wedi bod yn un o'r anoddaf a wnaethom ni erioed, gan adlewyrchu'r storm berffaith o bwysau economaidd a chyllidebol a wynebir yng Nghymru, ac nid ydym ni yn gyfrifol am unrhyw un ohonyn nhw.
Ychwanegwyd at broblemau degawd o gyni gan effeithiau parhaus a hirdymor Brexit, y pandemig a'n hadferiad ohono, canlyniadau economaidd a dyngarol y rhyfel yn Wcráin, a nawr argyfwng costau byw na welwyd ei debyg o'r blaen, sy'n effeithio ar bob agwedd ar fywyd bob dydd a busnes. Mae'r DU mewn dirwasgiad, mae chwyddiant ar ei uchaf ers 40 mlynedd, ac mae prisiau ynni'n codi'n aruthrol ar yr un pryd ag y mae safonau byw yn gostwng. Mae ein heconomi a'n gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn fregus iawn a dydyn nhw ddim yn gallu gwrthsefyll mwy o ysgytwadau. Mae pobl a chymunedau ledled Cymru yn ymrafael bob dydd gyda'r her o ymdopi yn unig.
Nid yw ein setliad cyllid yn ddigon i ymdrin â'r holl bwysau eithriadol hyn, heb sôn am ein blaenoriaethau yn 2023-24. Hyd yn oed ar ôl y cyllid ychwanegol a gawsom yn natganiad yr hydref—£1.2 biliwn dros ddwy flynedd—mae ein setliad yn dal yn werth hyd at £3 biliwn yn llai mewn termau real, a hyd at £1 biliwn yn llai yn 2023-24. Ac yn union fel yr oedd y DU yn mynd i ddirwasgiad, fe wnaeth Llywodraeth y DU y penderfyniad anhygoel hwnnw i beidio â sicrhau bod mwy o gyllid cyfalaf ar gael i ysgogi ein heconomi. Mae'r DU yn mynd i mewn i ddirwasgiad mewn sefyllfa sy'n waeth na sefyllfa unrhyw un o economïau eraill y G7, a bydd ein cyllideb gyfalaf 8.1 y cant yn is mewn termau real, gan ddisgyn yn is na'r hyn sydd ei angen arnom i gyflawni ein cynlluniau uchelgeisiol.
Llywydd, ym mhroses y gyllideb hon, mae Gweinidogion Cymru wedi gwneud penderfyniadau anodd iawn i sicrhau bod pob punt yr ydym wedi'i buddsoddi yn cael yr effaith gadarnhaol fwyaf. Mae cyllideb ddrafft 2023-24 yn adeiladu ar y cynlluniau gwariant dangosol a nodwyd gennym yn adolygiad gwariant tair blynedd Cymru y llynedd. Ym mhroses y gyllideb hon, mae pob Gweinidog wedi gweithio'n galed i ail gyfeirio cyllid o gynlluniau presennol i le y bydd yn cael yr effaith fwyaf. Ynghyd â chyllid refeniw ychwanegol a ddarperir drwy ddatganiad yr hydref, rydym wedi gwneud rhai dyraniadau ychwanegol, yn canolbwyntio ar dair prif flaenoriaeth: diogelu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus rheng flaen a'n huchelgeisiau ar gyfer y dyfodol gymaint ag y gallwn ni; parhau i ddarparu cymorth i'r rhai yr effeithir arnyn nhw fwyaf gan yr argyfwng costau byw; a chefnogi ein heconomi drwy gyfnod o ddirwasgiad.
Gan gydnabod ein hymrwymiad i ddiogelu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus rheng flaen, mae hyn yn cynnwys £165 miliwn yn ychwanegol i GIG Cymru er mwyn helpu i ddiogelu gwasanaethau rheng flaen. Mae £227 miliwn ychwanegol yn cael ei ddarparu i lywodraeth leol drwy'r setliad i helpu awdurdodau lleol ddiogelu'r ystod bwysig ac eang o wasanaethau y maen nhw'n eu darparu, gan gynnwys ariannu ysgolion yn uniongyrchol. O ganlyniad i'r penderfyniadau gwariant a wnaed mewn cysylltiad ag addysg yn Lloegr, cafodd Cymru gyllid canlyniadol o £117 miliwn y flwyddyn yn natganiad yr hydref. Trwy'r dewisiadau yr ydym ni wedi'u gwneud, mae hwn yn cael ei ddarparu'n llawn i lywodraeth leol. Byddwn ni hefyd yn darparu cyllid, drwy'r setliad llywodraeth leol a'r gyllideb iechyd, i barhau i ddarparu'r cyflog byw go iawn ym maes gofal cymdeithasol—buddsoddiad pwysig yn y bobl sy'n gweithio ym maes gofal cymdeithasol a'r system iechyd a gofal ehangach. Bydd mwy o fanylion am y setliad llywodraeth leol dros dro ar gael yfory.
Mae Cymru yn falch o fod yn genedl noddfa sydd wedi croesawu miloedd o bobl sy'n ffoi rhag y gwrthdaro yn Wcráin. Dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, rydym wedi creu ac ariannu ein llwybr uwch-noddwr ein hunain, sydd wedi helpu bron i 3,000 o bobl i ddod i Gymru. Yn absenoldeb unrhyw gyllid cadarn gan Lywodraeth y DU am yr ail flwyddyn yn ei chynllun Cartrefi i'r Wcráin, byddwn yn parhau i ddarparu cyllid i gefnogi ein hymateb dyngarol, gan sicrhau bod pobl o Wcráin yng Nghymru yn cael croeso cynnes a'r gefnogaeth sydd ei hangen arnyn nhw yn ystod eu cyfnod yma. Mae'r gyllideb ddrafft yn cynnwys dyraniad o £40 miliwn yn 2023-24 a £20 miliwn ychwanegol yn 2024-25.
O'r holl heriau sy'n wynebu Cymru heddiw, yr argyfwng costau byw yw'r un sy'n brathu galetaf i'r rhan fwyaf o bobl. Mae'r gyllideb ddrafft yn rhoi £18.8 miliwn yn ychwanegol ar gyfer y gronfa cymorth dewisol, sy'n darparu achubiaeth i ddegau o filoedd o bobl sy'n wynebu caledi ariannol. Mae £10 miliwn yn ychwanegol yn cael ei fuddsoddi mewn ymyriadau atal a lleddfu digartrefedd ledled Cymru.
Mae'r argyfwng y mae ein heconomi yn ei wynebu hefyd ar flaen ein meddyliau. Mae'r gyllideb ddrafft hon yn cynnwys £319 miliwn ar gyfer pecyn o gymorth trethi annomestig i fusnesau yn 2023-24, a £145 miliwn ychwanegol ar gyfer 2024-25. Rydym hefyd yn buddsoddi £18 miliwn ar gyfer rhaglenni cyflogadwyedd i gefnogi pobl mewn gwaith a helpu'r rhai hynny sydd heb waith gyda'r sgiliau sydd eu hangen arnyn nhw i fynd i mewn i fyd gwaith ac aros mewn gwaith.
Dyma gyllideb sy'n ceisio cydbwyso'r angen tymor byr i amddiffyn pobl yn wyneb yr argyfwng costau byw uniongyrchol gan hefyd sicrhau bod ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn parhau i fod yn gynaliadwy yn y tymor hirach. Heddiw rydym yn sicrhau bod £40 miliwn yn ychwanegol ar gael i gefnogi trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, gan helpu i greu system drafnidiaeth gynaliadwy a gwyrddach. Bydd grant cyfalaf o £20 miliwn yn helpu awdurdodau lleol i ddatgarboneiddio eu hadeiladau, gan adeiladu ar lwyddiant cynlluniau tebyg yn y sector cyhoeddus, fel y fferm solar yn Ysbyty Treforys yn Abertawe, sydd bellach yn cyflenwi chwarter anghenion pŵer yr ysbyty.
Yn ogystal â'n dyraniadau ariannol, mae manylion y cyfraddau arfaethedig ar gyfer trethi Cymru ar gyfer 2023-24 yn cael eu cyhoeddi yn rhan o'r gyllideb ddrafft hon. Ni fydd unrhyw newid i unrhyw un o'r cyfraddau presennol ar gyfer cyfraddau treth incwm Cymru ar gyfer 2023-24. Mae hyn yn golygu y bydd y tair cyfradd—y rhai sylfaenol, uwch ac ychwanegol—yn aros yn 10c yn y bunt. Bydd cyfraddau treth gwaredu tirlenwi'n cael eu cynyddu yn unol â rhagolwg chwyddiant y mynegai prisiau manwerthu, a ddaw i rym ar 1 Ebrill 2023. Ni fydd newidiadau pellach i'r cyfraddau a bandiau ar gyfer prif gyfraddau treth trafodiadau tir preswyl yn dilyn y newidiadau hynny a gyflwynwyd ar 10 Hydref. Yn yr un modd, ni chynigir unrhyw newidiadau i gyfraddau treth uwch trafodiadau tir preswyl neu amhreswyl a gyflwynwyd ar 22 Rhagfyr 2020. Rwy'n cyhoeddi datganiad ysgrifenedig ar wahân heddiw yn nodi manylion ychwanegol am ein cynlluniau treth.
Rydym yn parhau i gyhoeddi cyfres helaeth o ddogfennau fel rhan o'n pecyn cyllideb ddrafft, gan alluogi lefel uchel o dryloywder ar gyfer aelodau'r Senedd, ein partneriaid gwasanaeth cyhoeddus, partneriaid cymdeithasol, y trydydd sector, ac yn wir bobl Cymru. Mae adroddiad ein prif economegydd a phiblinell prosiect strategaeth buddsoddi seilwaith Cymru yn rhan o'r pecyn hwn, a'r cyfan yn cael ei gyhoeddi heddiw ar wefan Llywodraeth Cymru a'i rannu â'r Senedd. Rwy'n arbennig o falch bod ein cynllun gwella cyllideb, a grëwyd gyda'r grŵp cynghori ar effaith a gwelliant y gyllideb yn cynnal ein hymrwymiad i ddarparu tryloywder ynghylch gwella prosesau cyllideb a threthi.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn i fy nghydweithwyr yn y Cabinet am eu hymrwymiad a'u gwaith caled yn ystod y broses hon, ac rwyf am ddiolch hefyd i Siân Gwenllian, Aelod Dynodedig Arweiniol ar gyfer y Cytundeb Cydweithredu, am yr ymgysylltu parhaus a'r berthynas waith agos yn ystod y broses hon.
Llywydd, dyma gyllideb ddrafft a wneir mewn cyfnod caled ar gyfer cyfnod caled. Mae'n adlewyrchu cyfyngiadau ein setliad cyllid ond nid diffyg uchelgais. Mae'n cadw ein hymrwymiad i flaenoriaethu'r mwyaf agored i niwed, a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, wrth barhau i greu Cymru gryfach, decach a gwyrddach i bawb.
Daeth y Llywydd i’r Gadair.
The Llywydd took the Chair.
Can I thank you, Minister, for your statement, as well as thanking you and your officials for meeting with me earlier to discuss the budget proposals? I thought it was very helpful, and I hope that the Minister and I can continue to work together through the budget process, particularly to consider some of the additional things that we on this side may wish to see included in the final budget next year.
Presiding Officer, I don't doubt that this is a difficult time for the Welsh Government as it seeks to plan its budget, and this is something that was referred to by the Minister in her statement. I know that these challenges will have budgetary impacts in the medium term at the very least, and that this means that there are difficult decisions ahead.
A gaf i ddiolch i chi, Gweinidog, am eich datganiad, yn ogystal â diolch i chi a'ch swyddogion am gyfarfod â mi yn gynharach i drafod cynigion y gyllideb? Roeddwn i'n credu ei fod o gymorth mawr, ac rwy'n gobeithio y gall y Gweinidog a minnau barhau i gydweithio drwy broses y gyllideb, yn enwedig i ystyried rhai o'r pethau ychwanegol y byddwn ni ar yr ochr hon yn dymuno eu gweld yn cael eu cynnwys yn y gyllideb derfynol y flwyddyn nesaf.
Llywydd, nid wyf yn amau bod hwn yn gyfnod anodd i Lywodraeth Cymru wrth iddi geisio cynllunio ei chyllideb, ac mae hwn yn rhywbeth y cyfeiriwyd ato gan y Gweinidog yn ei datganiad. Rwy'n gwybod y bydd yr heriau hyn yn cael effeithiau cyllidebol yn y tymor canolig o leiaf, a bod hyn yn golygu bod penderfyniadau anodd o'n blaenau.
But what we need to see from the Welsh Government is a budget of delivery, because the current difficulties cannot be used as an excuse for not addressing the structural issues that we face here in Wales. What people's priorities are, and what my priorities are, include unblocking the social care system, tackling waiting times within the Welsh NHS, investing in councils and public services and boosting our economy, supporting our schools and young people, and, importantly, helping families with the cost-of-living crisis. I'm not for a moment suggesting that any of these challenges are easy; they are all things that we need to tackle over the longer term. But many of them existed before the current economic issues, and prior to the pandemic as well. They've just been exacerbated by the challenges that we've faced in recent years.
Presiding Officer, I would now like to turn my attention to some of those priorities that I mentioned earlier. The package of support for businesses announced in the budget is much needed, and comes at a time of significant pressure as a result of things like inflation and energy costs. I particularly welcome the increase in the relief scheme for eligible businesses in the retail, leisure and hospitality sectors to 75 per cent. This now matches the support offered to such businesses in England, which was announced in the recent autumn statement. But whilst I welcome these announcements, they must also not detract from the debate that we need to be having, and that is how we more effectively balance the need for business taxation to help fund public services whilst providing an environment that encourages growth.
Minister, are you confident that your planned reform of non-domestic rates, as previously announced, will actually encourage business creation and growth, or is there a risk of it just tinkering with the edges? And should we not be looking at more fundamental reforms whilst the NDR freeze is in place, such as reducing the multiplier for small businesses in the longer term, or taking a tapered approach to NDR for start-ups, so that we can encourage innovation and entrepreneurship as a way to stimulate the Welsh economy further?
Turning to local government and public services, the increased funding for councils over the next two years is much needed, but what is important is that we don't see additional moneys finding their way into council reserves, but that they use them to support services and residents, as well as unlocking the useable reserves they currently do have to help those most in need. We know that councils are facing cost pressures. Now is the time for them to use all of the levers at their disposal, because what is clear is that taxpayers do not have the capacity to pay more in council tax than they currently do. Yet, you already have, for example, Newport City Council suggesting that they may increase council tax by 9.5 per cent next year. And I'm sure others are looking at similar figures, which is completely unfair given the current financial climate.
Minister, what assessment have you made of the adequacy of the funding in meeting the pressures faced by councils? And what discussions have you had with our local government colleagues about the importance of supporting families by keeping council tax as low as possible? Also, your statement made no reference to budgetary pressures as a result of public sector pay increases. So, could you outline whether councils will be expected to pay for this through the money that you have announced today, meaning less support will be available for public services?
Turning to social care, I think we all welcome the uplifting of funding to ensure that social care workers continue to receive the increased real living wage, but I note that workers will not receive this until June 2023. So, in light of the current cost-of-living pressures, as well as recruitment and retention issues within the sector, I wonder whether this could be brought forward to fill vacancies more quickly, as well as ensuring that social care staff and members receive the support that they deserve.
However, despite welcoming this announcement, it does seem as if it will be funded through the local government settlement and existing health and social care budgets. So, it's all still a little bit of smoke and mirrors. Despite the headline £70 million figure, it's not actually new money, meaning less will be available for front-line services. And, so, I would be interested to know how this will actually be funded. Will the local government and health portfolios share the burden equally, or will one portfolio fund a larger proportion?
On the subject of healthcare, the NHS in Wales is clearly facing a number of challenges at the current time. It is imperative that it receives the support that it needs. So, whilst the additional £165 million for front-line services is a positive step, there is a disappointing level of detail about how this will be allocated. For example, what transformational changes would you expect to see so that more people can be moved from much-needed hospital beds and into more appropriate care facilities, and how will staff shortages in our hospitals be met to ensure that hospitals meet safe staffing levels, so that we can better spend the millions of pounds that are currently spent on agency staff? And so, Minister, I think we would all appreciate more information in your response about the Welsh Government plans for the NHS and social care sectors.
The Welsh Government also allocates £3 million to the UK COVID-19 inquiry. Does the Minister not think that this funding would have been better spent on a Wales-specific inquiry instead, so that we can learn more about what we did well here in Wales, and what we could do better?
Finally, Presiding Officer, I would like to mention the cost-of-living crisis. I appreciate that more money has been allocated to the discretionary assistance fund, but I would like to ask whether this means that the eligibility criteria will be expanded, so that more people can access the scheme, particularly those who are not in receipt of benefits but find themselves in difficulties. And in these difficult times, many people across Wales will wonder whether the £800,000 allocated to Senedd reform could be better spent on providing additional cost-of-living help. And around that point, there needs to be some clarity, because there seems to be a commitment in the budget expenditure line table of £2.2 million, which is different to what's said in this narrative of £800,000.
In summary, I welcome the opportunity to debate the budget statement today, and I reaffirm what I said earlier: this has to be and it needs to be a budget of delivery. The Welsh Government needs to show that it has a plan to spend the money in a way that financially tackles the long-standing issues that we face in Wales, as well as responding to the issues we currently face. Thank you.
Ond yr hyn sydd angen i ni ei weld gan Lywodraeth Cymru yw cyllideb sy'n cyflawni, oherwydd ni ellir defnyddio'r anawsterau presennol fel esgus dros beidio â mynd i'r afael â'r materion strwythurol sy'n ein hwynebu ni yma yng Nghymru. Mae blaenoriaethau pobl, a fy mlaenoriaethau i, yn cynnwys dadflocio'r system gofal cymdeithasol, mynd i'r afael ag amseroedd aros o fewn GIG Cymru, buddsoddi mewn cynghorau a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus a rhoi hwb i'n heconomi, cefnogi ein hysgolion a phobl ifanc, ac, yn bwysig hefyd, helpu teuluoedd gyda'r argyfwng costau byw. Dydw i ddim am eiliad yn awgrymu bod unrhyw un o'r heriau hyn yn hawdd; maen nhw i gyd yn bethau y mae angen i ni fynd i'r afael â nhw dros y tymor hirach. Ond roedd llawer ohonyn nhw'n bodoli cyn y problemau economaidd presennol, a chyn y pandemig hefyd. Maen nhw newydd gael eu gwaethygu gan yr heriau yr ydym ni wedi'u hwynebu yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf.
Llywydd, hoffwn yn awr droi fy sylw at rai o'r blaenoriaethau hynny y soniais amdanyn nhw yn gynharach. Mae mawr angen y pecyn cymorth i fusnesau a gyhoeddwyd yn y gyllideb, ac fe ddaw ar adeg o bwysau sylweddol o ganlyniad i bethau fel chwyddiant a chostau ynni. Rwy'n croesawu'n benodol y cynnydd yn y cynllun rhyddhad i fusnesau cymwys yn y sectorau manwerthu, hamdden a lletygarwch i 75 y cant. Mae hyn nawr yn cyfateb i'r gefnogaeth a gynigir i fusnesau o'r fath yn Lloegr, a gafodd ei gyhoeddi yn natganiad yr hydref yn ddiweddar. Ond er fy mod yn croesawu'r cyhoeddiadau hyn, rhaid iddyn nhw hefyd beidio â thynnu oddi ar y ddadl y mae angen ei chael, a dyna sut rydym yn cydbwyso'n effeithiol yr angen i drethu busnes i helpu i ariannu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus tra ein bod yn darparu amgylchedd sy'n annog twf.
Gweinidog, ydych chi'n ffyddiog y bydd eich diwygiad arfaethedig o drethi annomestig, fel y cyhoeddwyd eisoes, yn annog creu a thyfu busnes mewn gwirionedd, neu a oes risg y bydd dim ond yn dablan ar yr ymylon? Ac oni ddylem fod yn edrych ar ddiwygiadau mwy sylfaenol tra bod rhewi ardrethi annomestig ar waith, megis lleihau'r lluosydd ar gyfer busnesau bach yn y tymor hwy, neu ddefnyddio dull graddedig ar gyfer ardrethi annomestig ar gyfer busnesau newydd, fel y gallwn annog arloesedd ac entrepreneuriaeth fel ffordd o ysgogi economi Cymru ymhellach?
Gan droi at lywodraeth leol a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, mae mawr angen y cynnydd mewn cyllid i gynghorau dros y ddwy flynedd nesaf, ond yr hyn sy'n bwysig yw nad ydym yn gweld arian ychwanegol yn mynd i gronfeydd wrth gefn y cyngor, ond eu bod yn cael eu defnyddio i gefnogi gwasanaethau a thrigolion, yn ogystal â datgloi'r cronfeydd wrth gefn y gellir eu defnyddio, sydd ganddyn nhw ar hyn o bryd i helpu'r rhai sydd fwyaf mewn angen. Rydym yn gwybod bod cynghorau yn wynebu pwysau costau. Dyma'r amser iddyn nhw ddefnyddio'r holl ysgogiadau sydd ar gael iddyn nhw, oherwydd yr hyn sy'n amlwg yw nad oes gan drethdalwyr y capasiti i dalu mwy ar gyfer y dreth gyngor nag y maen nhw ar hyn o bryd. Eto i gyd, mae Cyngor Dinas Casnewydd er enghraifft yn awgrymu y gallan nhw gynyddu treth y cyngor 9.5 y cant y flwyddyn nesaf. Ac rwy'n siŵr bod eraill yn edrych ar ffigyrau tebyg, sy'n gwbl annheg o ystyried yr hinsawdd ariannol sydd ohoni.
Gweinidog, pa asesiad ydych chi wedi'i wneud o ddigonolrwydd yr arian wrth ymdrin â'r pwysau y mae cynghorau yn eu hwynebu? A pha drafodaethau ydych chi wedi eu cael gyda'n cydweithwyr mewn llywodraeth leol am bwysigrwydd cefnogi teuluoedd trwy gadw'r dreth gyngor mor isel â phosib? Hefyd, ni wnaeth eich datganiad gyfeirio at bwysau cyllidebol o ganlyniad i godiadau cyflog yn y sector cyhoeddus. Felly, a wnewch chi amlinellu a fydd disgwyl i gynghorau dalu am hyn drwy'r arian yr ydych chi wedi'i gyhoeddi heddiw, sy'n golygu y bydd llai o gymorth ar gael i wasanaethau cyhoeddus?
Gan droi at ofal cymdeithasol, credaf ein bod i gyd yn croesawu'r codiad i sicrhau bod gweithwyr gofal cymdeithasol yn parhau i gael y cyflog byw gwirioneddol uwch, ond nodaf na fydd gweithwyr yn cael hwn tan fis Mehefin 2023. Felly, yn sgil y pwysau costau byw presennol, yn ogystal â materion recriwtio a chadw o fewn y sector, tybed a ellid cyflwyno hyn er mwyn llenwi swyddi gwag yn gynt, yn ogystal â sicrhau bod staff ac aelodau gofal cymdeithasol yn cael y cymorth y maen nhw'n ei haeddu.
Fodd bynnag, er fy mod yn croesawu'r cyhoeddiad hwn, mae'n ymddangos fel pe bai'n cael ei ariannu drwy'r setliad llywodraeth leol a chyllidebau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol presennol. Felly, mae'r cyfan yn dal i fod yn dipyn o guddio a chelu. Er gwaethaf y prif ffigur o £70 miliwn, nid arian newydd mohono mewn gwirionedd, sy'n golygu y bydd llai ar gael ar gyfer gwasanaethau rheng flaen. Ac, felly, byddai gennyf ddiddordeb mewn gwybod sut y bydd hyn yn cael ei ariannu mewn gwirionedd. A fydd portffolios llywodraeth leol ac iechyd yn rhannu'r baich yn gyfartal, neu a fydd un portffolio yn ariannu cyfran fwy?
O ran gofal iechyd, mae'r GIG yng Nghymru yn amlwg yn wynebu nifer o heriau ar hyn o bryd. Mae'n hanfodol ei bod yn cael y cymorth sydd ei angen arno. Felly, er bod y £165 miliwn ychwanegol ar gyfer gwasanaethau rheng flaen yn gam cadarnhaol, mae lefel y manylion yn siomedig ynghylch sut y bydd hyn yn cael ei ddyrannu. Er enghraifft, pa newidiadau trawsnewidiol y byddech chi'n disgwyl eu gweld fel bod modd symud mwy o bobl o welyau ysbyty y mae mawr eu hangen i gyfleusterau gofal mwy priodol, a sut yr eir i'r afael â phrinder staff yn ein hysbytai i sicrhau bod ysbytai'n cyflawni lefelau staffio diogel, fel y gallwn wario'n well y miliynau o bunnoedd sy'n cael ei wario ar staff asiantaeth ar hyn o bryd? Ac felly, Gweinidog, rwy'n credu y byddem i gyd yn gwerthfawrogi mwy o wybodaeth yn eich ymateb chi am gynlluniau Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer y GIG a'r sectorau gofal cymdeithasol.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru hefyd yn dyrannu £3 miliwn i ymchwiliad COVID-19 y DU. Onid yw'r Gweinidog yn credu y byddai'r arian yma wedi cael ei wario'n well ar ymchwiliad penodol i Gymru yn lle hynny, er mwyn i ni ddysgu mwy am yr hyn a wnaethom ni'n dda yma yng Nghymru, a beth allen ni ei wneud yn well?
Yn olaf, Llywydd, hoffwn sôn am yr argyfwng costau byw. Rwy'n gwerthfawrogi bod mwy o arian wedi'i ddyrannu i'r gronfa cymorth dewisol, ond hoffwn ofyn a yw hyn yn golygu y bydd y meini prawf cymhwysedd yn cael eu hehangu, fel y gall mwy o bobl gael mynediad i'r cynllun, yn enwedig y rhai nad ydyn nhw'n derbyn budd-daliadau ond yn cael eu hunain mewn trafferthion. Ac yn y cyfnod anodd hwn, bydd nifer o bobl ledled Cymru yn meddwl tybed a allai'r £800,000 a ddyrannwyd i ddiwygio'r Senedd gael ei wario'n well ar ddarparu cymorth costau byw ychwanegol. Ac ynghylch y pwynt hwnnw, mae angen rhywfaint o eglurder, oherwydd mae'n ymddangos bod ymrwymiad yn nhabl y llinell wariant yn y gyllideb o £2.2 miliwn, sy'n wahanol i'r hyn a ddywedir yn y naratif hwn sef £800,000.
I grynhoi, rwy'n croesawu'r cyfle i drafod y datganiad cyllideb heddiw, ac rwy'n ailddatgan yr hyn a ddywedais yn gynharach: mae'n rhaid i hon fod ac mae angen iddi fod yn gyllideb sy'n cyflawni. Mae angen i Lywodraeth Cymru ddangos bod ganddi gynllun i wario'r arian mewn ffordd sy'n mynd i'r afael yn ariannol â'r problemau hirsefydlog yr ydym yn eu hwynebu yng Nghymru, yn ogystal ag ymateb i'r problemau yr ydym yn eu hwynebu ar hyn o bryd. Diolch.
There can be few more difficult jobs at the moment in politics than being a finance Minister, in any Government in the world, so I do think that Rebecca Evans deserves our understanding in that regard. Because she, like every finance Minister, is facing complex, difficult challenges, trade-offs, which are really at the heart of any budget-setting process, made more difficult of course at the current time because of the global context. We face the horrendous trinity, don't we, of the war in Ukraine and its impact, the energy crisis, and, of course, the aftermath of the pandemic. And that comes, in the UK and in the Welsh context, of course, on the back of the lost decade, and more, of austerity. And as a result of that, our society, our public services, every part of our nation, really, are dealing with a situation where we have the opposite of resilience—we have fragility, we have brittleness. There's a sense in which things are breaking apart—systems, services, et cetera—because of the sustained and cumulative pressure on people who work in those services and on the people who rely on them.
And of course, there is a global context there as well, but politicians can make difficult situations better by the choices that they make, or they can make difficult situations even worse, and, unfortunately, we've had the latter time after time after time from the Conservative Government—most graphically of all recently in the mini-budget from hell, which drove an already parlous situation in terms of public finances almost through the floor, or literally through the floor at one point. There is the legacy that we have and that we have to deal with, and the crisis that we're facing, in many ways, is a crisis of Westminster's making—it is a Westminster crisis. I think that is absolutely true, and we should hold them to account for that.
We are to a great extent, of course, boxed in, aren't we, in this financial and political straightjacket that we are as a devolved institution within this very unequal state. It's almost ironically called the 'United Kingdom' because it's certainly not united or equal in any political or economic sense. And we face an inability—constraints—in terms of our sphere of autonomy in the financial realm as well: the ability to borrow flexibly. We don't even have the same powers as Scotland, do we, in terms of the ability to set bands and thresholds in terms of the income tax powers. So, there are many, many reasons why we should hold Westminster to account for the terrible situation that we find ourselves in, but the fact that we are limited in our power doesn't mean that we are completely powerless, of course. We do now have this institution—the Senedd, as our elected parliament—and we have a Government of our own, and we have to be as creative and agile as we can be within the constraints I've referred to.
Go brin fod swyddi anoddach ar hyn o bryd mewn gwleidyddiaeth na bod yn Weinidog cyllid, mewn unrhyw Lywodraeth yn y byd, felly rwy'n credu bod Rebecca Evans yn haeddu'n dealltwriaeth ni yn hynny o beth. Gan ei bod hi, fel pob Gweinidog cyllid, yn wynebu heriau cymhleth, anodd, cyfnewidiadau sydd wir wrth wraidd unrhyw broses o osod cyllideb, wedi ei gwneud yn anoddach wrth gwrs ar hyn o bryd oherwydd y cyd-destun byd-eang. Rydym yn wynebu'r drindod erchyll, onid ydym, y rhyfel yn Wcráin a'i effaith, yr argyfwng ynni, ac, wrth gwrs, problemau yn sgil y pandemig. A daw hynny, yn y DU ac yng nghyd-destun Cymru, wrth gwrs, ar gefn degawd a mwy a gollwyd oherwydd cyni. Ac o ganlyniad i hynny, mae ein cymdeithas, ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, pob rhan o'n cenedl, mewn gwirionedd, yn ymdrin â sefyllfa lle mae gennym y gwrthwyneb i gydnerthedd—mae gennym freuder, mae gennym fregusrwydd. Ceir y synnwyr bod pethau'n torri—systemau, gwasanaethau, ac ati—oherwydd y pwysau parhaus a chronnus ar bobl sy'n gweithio yn y gwasanaethau hynny ac ar y bobl sy'n dibynnu arnyn nhw.
Ac wrth gwrs, mae cyd-destun byd-eang yma hefyd, ond gall gwleidyddion wneud sefyllfaoedd anodd yn well drwy'r dewisiadau y maen nhw'n eu gwneud, neu gallan nhw wneud sefyllfaoedd anodd hyd yn oed yn waeth, ac, yn anffodus, rydym ni wedi cael yr olaf dro ar ôl tro gan y Llywodraeth Geidwadol—yr amlycaf ohonyn nhw i gyd yn ddiweddar oedd y gyllideb fach o uffern, wnaeth yrru sefyllfa a oedd eisoes yn enbyd o ran cyllid cyhoeddus bron trwy'r llawr, neu'n llythrennol drwy'r llawr ar un adeg. Dyna'r gwaddol sydd gennym ni a dyna'r hyn y mae'n rhaid i ni ymdrin ag ef, ac mae'r argyfwng yr ydym ni'n ei wynebu, mewn sawl ffordd, yn argyfwng a achoswyd gan San Steffan—mae'n argyfwng San Steffan. Rwy'n credu bod hynny'n hollol wir, a dylem ni eu dwyn i gyfrif am hynny.
Rydym ni i raddau helaeth, wrth gwrs, wedi ein llyffetheirio, onid ydym ni, yn y siaced gaeth ariannol a gwleidyddol hon yr ydym ni fel sefydliad datganoledig o fewn y wladwriaeth anghyfartal iawn hon. Mae'n eironig ei bod yn cael ei galw'n 'Deyrnas Unedig' oherwydd yn sicr nid yw'n unedig nac yn gyfartal mewn unrhyw ystyr wleidyddol nac economaidd. Ac rydym ni'n wynebu anallu—cyfyngiadau—o ran ein meysydd o hunanlywodraeth yn yr amgylchfyd ariannol hefyd: y gallu i fenthyg yn hyblyg. Does gennym ni ddim hyd yn oed yr un pwerau â'r Alban o ran y gallu i osod bandiau a throthwy o ran y pwerau treth incwm. Felly, mae yna lawer, llawer o resymau pam y dylem ni ddal San Steffan i gyfrif am y sefyllfa ofnadwy yr ydym ni ynddi, ond nid yw'r ffaith ein bod ni'n gyfyngedig o ran ein pŵer yn golygu ein bod ni'n gwbl ddi-rym, wrth gwrs. Mae gennym y sefydliad hwn nawr—y Senedd, fel ein senedd etholedig—ac mae gennym Lywodraeth ein hunain, ac mae'n rhaid i ni fod mor greadigol ac ystwyth ag y gallwn fod o fewn y cyfyngiadau yr wyf wedi cyfeirio atyn nhw.
In terms of the position that we are facing, of course, many of the pressures that the Welsh Government faces are also the same pressures that local government themselves are going to be facing, as has already been referred to. And it would be useful, I think, if we had a sense from the Government as to what you believe now—. We will obviously see the local government settlement detail in due course. What is the quantum of the funding gap that local government is facing following the publication of the draft budget? We've seen different local authorities quoting different figures, haven't we, in the last few days. Rhondda Cynon Taf—. The head of the WLGA—the leader of the WLGA—referring, I think, only this morning to a £47 million budget gap, and that's repeated authority by authority across Wales, and you tot up the sums and you come up to a very, very considerable figure indeed. So, it would be useful to get, certainly, acknowledgement from the Welsh Government that there will remain a funding gap. And those local authorities are going to face a very difficult financial decision-making challenge themselves, aren't they, between cutting services or hiking council tax, possibly by double figures, as Peter Fox referred to in some cases, or probably doing both in many cases as well.
To what extent has the Government, in that context, looked at things it can do to help local government, for example, lifting some of the expenditure pressures that they might be facing? Some local authorities have raised with me, for example, the money that they have to pass on to the new corporate joint committees. Obviously, we're not massive fans of the corporate joint committees on this side, but it's not the reason that I'm raising it in this context. Postponing some of these necessary financial commitments in order to give greater flexibility—. A constant theme from local government is, if only they could be given greater flexibility in some of the grants that they're offered. Even to the extent that you could bundle them all together in a global grant and allow them greater flexibility over time to deliver the same commitments, in terms of the national policy goals, but allow local government to flex a little bit while they're under the financial pressure that they are facing.
We have made the case that we believe that the Welsh Government itself needs to look at using the income tax powers that it has available to it. We realise this isn't a cost-free or a pain-free option; it has its own difficulties. But we are in a time of crisis, and we campaigned for those income tax powers for a reason, didn't we, so that we could avail ourselves of them at times precisely like these. And it strikes me, when we're talking about council tax, for example, it is certainly the case that the income tax powers, even given the constraints that we're under—we're not allowed to create new bands and change the thresholds—even then they are much more progressive than the council tax, which is the most regressive tax of all. We're obviously working together through the co-operation agreement to reform council tax, in order to make it fairer and to replace it possibly with a much fairer system of taxation overall, but, while we're here, isn't there an argument that rather than using council tax as one of the main mechanisms whereby new additional revenue is going to be raised in Wales, we should actually be looking at a progressive use of the income tax power?
Business rates: obviously huge pressure as well on small and medium-sized enterprises right throughout Wales, and it's absolutely the right thing to do, to provide additional support there. I just raise the question that the Wales Governance Centre has raised, which is: is this the only way or the best way that that help could be provided? Could it be provided in a more flexible, targeted way, rather than simply using a business rate subsidy?
In terms of your draft budget for next year, it would be very useful, going back to the theme of First Minister's questions today, if you could let us know what the assumption is that you've made in terms of public sector pay. The UK Government has made an assumption of 3 per cent, I believe, for the next financial year. What is the Welsh Government's assumption in terms of public sector pay? Because if it is as low as that, that will lead to a situation where we will almost inevitably be facing disputes next year again because it'll be below the projected inflation level.
I notice the additional money for public transport, which is very welcome. I'm wondering if you are able to share with us at this stage—and apologies if I've missed this already—what is the decision in terms of rail fare increases next year and whether part of that additional money is going to be used in order to limit the increase in rail fare below the current level of CPI, which is I think what it would normally rise by.
In the context of the co-operation agreement, we're glad to see that the commitments have been protected as part of that. We look forward now, between the draft budget and the final budget, as set out in the co-operation agreement, to bringing wider influence to bear on the Welsh budget, and we will seek to be continuing the conversation in relation to the many themes that I've raised in my speech this afternoon.
O ran y sefyllfa sy'n ein hwynebu, wrth gwrs, mae llawer o'r pwysau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu hwynebu hefyd yr un pwysau y mae llywodraeth leol eu hunain yn mynd i'w hwynebu, fel y cyfeiriwyd ato eisoes. A byddai'n ddefnyddiol, rwy'n credu, pe baem yn cael rhyw synnwyr oddi wrth y Llywodraeth o ran yr hyn yr ydych chi'n ei gredu nawr—. Yn amlwg fe welwn ni fanylion setliad llywodraeth leol maes o law. Beth yw cwantwm y bwlch ariannu y mae llywodraeth leol yn ei wynebu yn dilyn cyhoeddi'r gyllideb ddrafft? Rydym wedi gweld gwahanol awdurdodau lleol yn dyfynnu ffigyrau gwahanol, onid ydym ni, yn ystod y dyddiau diwethaf. Rhondda Cynon Taf—. Mae pennaeth Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru—yr arweinydd—yn cyfeirio, rwy'n credu, dim ond y bore yma at fwlch yn y gyllideb o £47 miliwn, ac mae hynny'n cael ei ailadrodd gan awdurdodau ledled Cymru, ac rydych chi'n adio'r symiau ac rydych chi'n cael ffigur sylweddol iawn, iawn yn wir. Felly, byddai'n ddefnyddiol cael, yn sicr, gydnabyddiaeth gan Lywodraeth Cymru y bydd y bwlch ariannu yn parhau. Ac mae'r awdurdodau lleol hynny'n mynd i wynebu her wrth wneud penderfyniadau ariannol anodd iawn eu hunain, onid ydyn nhw, rhwng torri gwasanaethau neu gynyddu treth y cyngor, o bosib gyda ffigyrau dwbl, fel y cyfeiriodd Peter Fox atyn nhw mewn rhai achosion, neu i wneud y ddau beth mewn sawl achos hefyd mae'n debyg.
I ba raddau mae'r Llywodraeth, yn y cyd-destun hwnnw, wedi edrych ar bethau y gall eu gwneud i helpu llywodraeth leol, er enghraifft, codi rhai o'r pwysau gwariant y gallen nhw fod yn eu hwynebu? Mae rhai awdurdodau lleol wedi sôn wrthyf er enghraifft, am yr arian y mae'n rhaid iddyn nhw ei basio ymlaen i'r cyd-bwyllgorau corfforaethol newydd. Yn amlwg, nid ydym yn gefnogwyr brwd o'r cyd-bwyllgorau corfforaethol ar yr ochr yma, ond nid dyna'r rheswm fy mod i'n ei godi yn y cyd-destun hwn. Gohirio rhai o'r ymrwymiadau ariannol angenrheidiol hyn er mwyn rhoi mwy o hyblygrwydd—. Thema gyson gan lywodraeth leol yw, pe bai ond modd rhoi mwy o hyblygrwydd iddyn nhw o ran rhai o'r grantiau a gynigir iddyn nhw. Hyd yn oed i'r graddau y gallech eu bwndelu i gyd gyda'i gilydd mewn grant cyffredinol a chaniatáu mwy o hyblygrwydd iddyn nhw dros amser i gyflawni'r un ymrwymiadau, o ran y nodau polisi cenedlaethol, ond caniatáu i lywodraeth leol ystwytho ychydig tra eu bod o dan y pwysau ariannol y maen nhw'n eu hwynebu.
Rydym ni wedi dadlau'r achos ein bod yn credu bod angen i Lywodraeth Cymru ei hun ystyried defnyddio'r pwerau treth incwm sydd ganddi. Rydym yn sylweddoli nad yw hyn yn ddewis di-gost nac yn ddewis di-boen; mae ganddo ei anawsterau ei hun. Ond rydym ni mewn cyfnod o argyfwng, ac fe wnaethom ni ymgyrchu dros y pwerau treth incwm hynny am reswm, oni wnaethom ni, er mwyn i ni allu manteisio arnyn nhw ar adegau yn union fel hon. Ac mae'n fy nharo i, pan ydym ni'n siarad am y dreth gyngor, er enghraifft, mae'n sicr yn wir fod y pwerau treth incwm, hyd yn oed o ystyried y cyfyngiadau sydd arnom—nid ydym yn cael creu bandiau newydd a newid y trothwyon—hyd yn oed wedyn maen nhw'n llawer mwy blaengar na'r dreth gyngor, sef y dreth fwyaf atchweliadol. Mae'n amlwg ein bod ni'n cydweithio drwy'r cytundeb cydweithredu i ddiwygio'r dreth gyngor, er mwyn ei gwneud yn decach ac i roi system drethu lawer tecach yn ei lle yn gyffredinol, ond, gan ein bod ni yma, onid oes yna ddadl, yn hytrach na defnyddio'r dreth gyngor fel un o'r prif fecanweithiau er mwyn codi refeniw ychwanegol newydd yng Nghymru, mewn gwirionedd, dylem ni fod yn edrych ar ddefnydd blaengar o'r pŵer treth incwm?
Trethi busnes: yn amlwg mae pwysau aruthrol hefyd ar fentrau bach a chanolig ledled Cymru, ac mae'n hollol gywir rhoi cymorth ychwanegol yna. Rwy'n codi'r cwestiwn y mae Canolfan Llywodraethiant Cymru wedi ei godi, sef: ai dyma'r unig ffordd neu'r ffordd orau y gellid darparu'r cymorth hwnnw? A ellid ei ddarparu mewn ffordd fwy hyblyg, wedi'i dargedu, yn hytrach na defnyddio cymhorthdal cyfradd busnes yn unig?
O ran eich cyllideb ddrafft ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf, byddai'n ddefnyddiol iawn, gan fynd yn ôl at thema cwestiynau'r Prif Weinidog heddiw, pe gallech roi gwybod i ni beth yw eich rhagdybiaeth o ran cyflog yn y sector cyhoeddus. Mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi rhagdybio 3 y cant, rwy'n credu, ar gyfer y flwyddyn ariannol nesaf. Beth yw rhagdybiaeth Llywodraeth Cymru o ran cyflog yn y sector cyhoeddus? Oherwydd os yw mor isel â hynny, bydd hynny'n arwain at sefyllfa lle byddwn bron yn anochel yn wynebu anghydfod y flwyddyn nesaf eto oherwydd bydd yn is na'r lefel chwyddiant a ragwelir.
Rwy'n sylwi ar yr arian ychwanegol ar gyfer trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, ac mae croeso mawr i hwnnw. Tybed a ydych chi'n gallu rhannu â ni ar hyn o bryd—ac ymddiheuriadau os ydw i wedi colli hyn yn barod—beth yw'r penderfyniad o ran codiadau mewn prisiau tocynnau trên y flwyddyn nesaf ac a yw rhan o'r arian ychwanegol hwnnw'n mynd i gael ei ddefnyddio er mwyn cyfyngu ar y cynnydd mewn prisiau tocynnau trên o dan lefel bresennol y CPI, sef yr hyn rwy'n credu y byddai'n codi fel arfer.
Yng nghyd-destun y cytundeb cydweithredu, rydym yn falch o weld bod yr ymrwymiadau wedi'u diogelu fel rhan o hynny. Edrychwn ymlaen nawr, rhwng y gyllideb ddrafft a'r gyllideb derfynol, fel y nodir yn y cytundeb cydweithredu, at ddod â dylanwad ehangach ar gyllideb Cymru, a byddwn ni'n ceisio parhau â'r sgwrs mewn cysylltiad â'r themâu niferus a godais yn fy araith y prynhawn yma.
It's obvious that the UK Government has not provided Wales with adequate funding to meet the current pressures. I appreciate that Welsh Ministers have had to make some very difficult decisions during the budgetary process. There was initial funding for Wales of £1.2 billion over two years in the autumn statement. Over half of this came from a decision made about a non-domestic rates policy in England, which has been replicated in Wales. Even after the additional funding in the autumn statement, our settlement is still worth up to £1 billion less next year in real terms. I agree with the Minister; the key priorities must be protecting front-line public services, continuing to provide help to those most affected by the cost-of-living crisis, and supporting our economy through recessionary times.
I welcome the commitment made previously by Peter Fox to produce a Conservative budget. Just a reminder, Peter, that the reduction in tax that your party has suggested needs to be shown on the expenditure line. I normally ask Plaid Cymru at this stage to produce an indicative independent Wales budget. Whilst we have not had that, we have had two suggestions from Plaid Cymru. One is to stop funding the state retirement pension, and the other is to not pay Wales's share of national debt. If breaking away absolved countries of their share of a national debt, we would have a world of microcountries.
Looking at the budget, on taxation, I ideologically would like to see an increase from 45 per cent to 50 per cent for higher income individuals. Those who have got the most money ought to be paying the most—45 per cent is very low for very rich people. But it would only take just over 11 per cent to become taxpayers in England rather than Wales for the increase to raise no money at all. If that went up to 15 per cent, we'd actually take less money. The problem we've got is our border with England. Lots of people who are very rich have houses both sides of the border, and sometimes they make a decision as to where their main residence will be. If we add 5 per cent, not many of them are going to choose their main residence in Wales.
I welcome the additional money for local government. Important as education and social services are, local government is an awful lot more than that. Education is a key economic driver. The more educated the workforce, the better paid they are. If you look at successful economies around the world, they do not pay subsidies; what they do is provide good-quality education, meaning there's a highly educated and skilled workforce. Social care is usually discussed in terms of delayed transfers out of hospital. Good-quality social care can also prevent people needing to go into hospital. I welcome the Welsh Government's commitment to paying social care workers the real living wage. I would go further and bring social care back to being staffed by directly employed local authority staff.
We have, of course, the Brexit dividend. We no longer have to make farm basic payments. The basic payment scheme, which was a European Union scheme, no longer has to be followed. They were being paid per hectare of eligible land used for farming. The Welsh Government no longer needs to pay it, and that will release money to fund pay increases for those in the health service. Whilst I would abolish it, I am asking the Welsh Government to cap it. While I would cap it at the level of universal credit, because that's what the Government at Westminster and the Conservatives are saying is enough for people to live on, I do not expect the Government to go that far, but I am asking for a cap. For those people who have very large farms, we should stop stuffing their pockets with gold.
These debates normally revolve around increasing and decreasing expenditure and are not about outcomes. We've got structural problems in Wales, and they need addressing. There is a belief held right the way across the Chamber that bigger organisations provide better services, despite the examples of the Welsh ambulance service, Natural Resources Wales, Digital Health and Care Wales and Betsi Cadwaladr health board. Instead of producing bigger and bigger organisations, we need to restructure organisations to the right size. An area that could be cut to provide the money is Help to Buy; effectively, all it does is help to inflate house prices. I don't believe enterprise zones are cost-effective and they should be reconsidered. Using money to bring branch factories into Wales has not worked. We've seen a number of them come, and we've seen most of them go. If we are using money for economic development, then a better use would be to support start-up companies.
Governments like to legislate, and the opposition would like to legislate. I am asking that priority is given to areas such as animal welfare, action on greyhound racing—legislation that costs little money.
Finally, on capital expenditure, unused land could be sold off to generate capital receipts, as councils across Wales do. Every person who has led a council in this room will know that they've got land they didn't need, didn't use, and they then sold it on and used that money for the betterment of where they lived. What we have is land banking by the Welsh Government, and by the health service especially, in areas where selling that land could certainly do the Welsh economy a lot of good. Finally, I think the Government are moving in the right direction, but I'd like to see more things done.
Mae'n amlwg nad yw Llywodraeth y DU wedi rhoi cyllid digonol i Gymru i ymdrin â'r pwysau presennol. Rwy'n gwerthfawrogi bod Gweinidogion Cymru wedi gorfod gwneud penderfyniadau anodd iawn yn ystod proses y gyllideb. Roedd yna gyllid cychwynnol i Gymru o £1.2 biliwn dros ddwy flynedd yn natganiad yr hydref. Daeth dros hanner hwn o benderfyniad a wnaed ynglŷn â pholisi ardrethi annomestig yn Lloegr, sydd wedi ei efelychu yng Nghymru. Hyd yn oed wedi'r cyllid ychwanegol yn natganiad yr hydref, mae ein setliad yn dal werth hyd at £1 biliwn yn llai y flwyddyn nesaf mewn termau real. Rwy'n cytuno â'r Gweinidog; y blaenoriaethau allweddol o reidrwydd yw amddiffyn gwasanaethau cyhoeddus rheng flaen, gan barhau i ddarparu cymorth i'r rhai yr effeithir arnyn nhw fwyaf gan yr argyfwng costau byw, a chefnogi ein heconomi drwy gyfnod o ddirwasgiad.
Rwy'n croesawu'r ymrwymiad a wnaed yn flaenorol gan Peter Fox i gynhyrchu cyllideb Geidwadol. Dim ond i'ch atgoffa, Peter, bod angen dangos y gostyngiad mewn treth y mae eich plaid wedi awgrymu ar y llinell wariant. Fel arfer rwy'n gofyn i Blaid Cymru yn y cyfnod hwn i lunio cyllideb annibynnol ddangosol ar gyfer Cymru. Er nad ydym wedi cael honno, rydym wedi cael dau awgrym gan Blaid Cymru. Un yw rhoi'r gorau i ariannu pensiwn ymddeol y wladwriaeth, a'r llall yw peidio â thalu cyfran Cymru o'r ddyled genedlaethol. Pe byddai torri'n rhydd yn rhyddhau gwledydd o'u cyfran o ddyled genedlaethol, byddai gennym fyd o ficrowladwriaethau.
Wrth edrych ar y gyllideb, ar drethiant, hoffwn yn ideolegol weld cynnydd o 45 y cant i 50 y cant ar gyfer unigolion incwm uwch. Dylai'r rhai sydd â mwy o arian dalu mwy—mae 45 y cant yn isel iawn i bobl gyfoethog iawn. Ond byddai dim ond yn cymryd ychydig dros 11 y cant i fod yn drethdalwyr yn Lloegr yn hytrach na Chymru a'r cynnydd y codi dim arian o gwbl. Pe bai hynny'n codi i 15 y cant, byddem mewn gwirionedd yn cymryd llai o arian. Y broblem sydd gennym ni yw ein ffin â Lloegr. Mae gan lawer o bobl sy'n gyfoethog iawn dai ar bob ochr y ffin, ac weithiau maen nhw'n gwneud penderfyniad ynglŷn â lle fydd eu prif breswylfa. Pe byddem ni'n ychwanegu 5 y cant, does dim llawer ohonyn nhw'n mynd i ddewis Cymru ar gyfer eu prif breswylfa.
Rwy'n croesawu'r arian ychwanegol i lywodraeth leol. Er mor bwysig yw addysg a gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, mae llywodraeth leol yn llawer iawn mwy na hynny. Mae addysg yn sbardun economaidd allweddol. Po fwyaf addysgedig yw'r gweithlu, y mwyaf yw eu cyflog. Os edrychwch chi ar economïau llwyddiannus ledled y byd, nid ydyn nhw'n talu cymorthdaliadau; yr hyn maen nhw'n ei wneud yw darparu addysg o ansawdd da, sy'n golygu bod gweithlu hynod addysgedig a medrus. Fel arfer, trafodir gofal cymdeithasol yn nhermau oedi wrth drosglwyddo cleifion allan o'r ysbyty. Gall gofal cymdeithasol o ansawdd da hefyd atal pobl rhag gorfod mynd i'r ysbyty. Rwy'n croesawu ymrwymiad Llywodraeth Cymru i dalu'r cyflog byw gwirioneddol i weithwyr gofal cymdeithasol. Byddwn yn mynd ymhellach a dychwelyd at y drefn lle mae gofal cymdeithasol yn cael ei staffio gan staff sy'n cael eu cyflogi'n uniongyrchol gan awdurdodau lleol.
Mae gennym ni, wrth gwrs, ddifidend Brexit. Does dim rhaid i ni wneud taliadau fferm sylfaenol mwyach. Does dim rhaid dilyn y cynllun taliadau sylfaenol, sef cynllun yr Undeb Ewropeaidd, bellach. Roedden nhw'n cael eu talu fesul hectar o dir cymwys a oedd yn cael ei ddefnyddio i ffermio. Does dim angen i Lywodraeth Cymru ei dalu mwyach, a bydd hynny'n rhyddhau arian i dalu am godiadau cyflog i'r rhai yn y gwasanaeth iechyd. Er y byddwn i'n ei ddiddymu, rwy'n gofyn i Lywodraeth Cymru ei gapio. Er y byddwn yn ei gapio ar lefel y credyd cynhwysol, oherwydd dyna mae'r llywodraeth yn San Steffan a'r Ceidwadwyr yn ei ddweud sy'n ddigon i bobl fyw arno, nid wyf yn disgwyl i'r Llywodraeth fynd mor bell â hynny, ond rwy'n gofyn am gap. I'r bobl hynny sydd â ffermydd mawr iawn, dylem ni beidio â stwffio'u pocedi ag aur mwyach.
Mae'r dadleuon hyn fel arfer yn troi o gwmpas cynyddu a lleihau gwariant ac nid ydyn nhw'n ymwneud â chanlyniadau. Mae gennym broblemau strwythurol yng Nghymru, ac mae angen mynd i'r afael â nhw. Mae yna gred ar draws y Siambr bod sefydliadau mwy yn darparu gwell gwasanaethau, er gwaethaf enghreifftiau gwasanaeth ambiwlans Cymru, Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, Iechyd a Gofal Digidol Cymru a bwrdd iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr. Yn hytrach na chynhyrchu sefydliadau mwy a mwy, mae angen i ni ailstrwythuro sefydliadau i'r maint cywir. Maes y gellid ei thorri i ddarparu'r arian yw Cymorth i Brynu; i bob pwrpas, y cyfan mae'n ei wneud yw helpu i chwyddo prisiau tai. Dydw i ddim yn credu bod parthau menter yn gost-effeithiol a dylid eu hailystyried. Nid yw defnyddio arian i ddod â ffatrïoedd cangen i Gymru wedi gweithio. Rydym ni wedi gweld nifer ohonyn nhw'n dod, ac rydym ni wedi gweld y rhan fwyaf ohonyn nhw'n mynd. Os ydym yn defnyddio arian ar gyfer datblygu economaidd, yna gwell defnydd fyddai cefnogi cwmnïau newydd.
Mae llywodraethau'n hoffi deddfu, a byddai'r gwrthbleidiau yn hoffi deddfu. Rwy'n gofyn i flaenoriaeth gael ei rhoi i feysydd megis lles anifeiliaid, gweithredu ar rasio milgwn—deddfwriaeth sy'n costio ychydig iawn o arian.
Yn olaf, ar wariant cyfalaf, gallai tir nad yw'n cael ei ddefnyddio gael ei werthu i gynhyrchu derbyniadau cyfalaf, fel y mae cynghorau ar draws Cymru yn ei wneud. Bydd pob person sydd wedi arwain cyngor yn yr ystafell hon yn gwybod bod ganddyn nhw dir nad oedd ei angen arnyn nhw, nad oedd yn cael ei ddefnyddio, ac roedden nhw wedyn yn ei werthu ac yn defnyddio'r arian hwnnw i wella lle roedden nhw'n byw. Yr hyn sydd gennym yw bancio tir gan Lywodraeth Cymru, a gan y gwasanaeth iechyd yn enwedig, mewn ardaloedd lle gallai gwerthu'r tir hwnnw yn sicr wneud llawer o les i economi Cymru. Yn olaf, rwy'n credu bod y Llywodraeth yn symud i'r cyfeiriad cywir, ond hoffwn weld mwy o bethau'n cael eu gwneud.
The Welsh budget should, of course, be about how the Welsh Government cuts its cloth, about its spending priorities, but listening to the exchange between the First Minister and the leader of the opposition this morning, I have to wonder why we're having this debate. Too often, I wonder why constantly the Welsh Government points its finger at Westminster rather than making this about the Welsh Government's priorities. This should be about the Welsh Government's priorities, and that's what this budget debate should be about. I couldn't follow the First Minister's logic earlier toda. He seems to want the UK Government to raise taxes so Wales can have more funding, but then makes the argument that he won't raise taxes in Wales because they're too high. We can't have it both ways, and it seems to me that what the First Minister is effectively saying is that he's not prepared to make decisions within his competence.
The subject of the exchange this morning between Andrew R.T. Davies and the First Minister was about nurses' pay. Well, £133 million was spent on agency nurses in the 2021-22 financial year. If successive Labour-led Welsh Governments managed the workforce better, that funding could, if the Welsh Government chose, be spent on raising nurses' pay. Andrew R.T. Davies was making the point this morning about the tools that the Welsh Government has got to raise nurses' pay, the ability it's got to do that, but I would also point to the past 20 years as well. There are decisions that have been made here, due to the poor workforce within the Welsh NHS, that mean that the Welsh health budget does not have the capacity that it could have to raise nurses' pay, had it made decisions better. You can't possibly point the finger to Westminster when it comes to the management of the Welsh NHS workforce.
The health Minister also often makes the point about capital funding—a lack of capital funding for hospitals or regional surgical hubs. It's a lack of capital funding, when I've raised those questions previously. But we have to address the backlog within the Welsh NHS with some urgency. This has got to be a priority for the Welsh Government in its budget this year. We've got tens of thousands of people suffering in pain across Wales, waiting for more than two years for treatment, and that figure has virtually been wiped out in England. When it comes to capital spending, I'd ask the Minister for finance: are other Cabinet Ministers making better cases than the health Minister for capital spending within their portfolio? Surely health has to be priority for the Welsh Government, to reduce the backlog times. Tell us what's in the budget to deliver regional surgical hubs. And again, no finger-pointing to the Westminster Government here: we know that, for every £1 spent in England on health, there's a Barnett consequential of £1.20. England have 91 surgical hubs with more en route, and you have none.
I would ask the Welsh Government and the finance Minister to set out in this budget: what are you going to do to support reducing the waiting times in Wales, in terms of those who are waiting in pain for more than two years? What are you doing to reduce the backlog and support our Welsh NHS in this budget?
Wrth gwrs, dylai cyllideb Cymru fod ynglŷn â sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n torri ei brethyn, am ei blaenoriaethau gwariant, ond wrth wrando ar y ffeirio geiriau rhwng y Prif Weinidog ac arweinydd yr wrthblaid y bore 'ma, mae'n rhaid i mi ofyn i mi fy hun pam yr ydym yn cael y ddadl hon. Yn rhy aml, rwy'n meddwl tybed pam y mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n gyson yn pwyntio ei bys at San Steffan yn hytrach nag ymdrin â blaenoriaethau Llywodraeth Cymru. Dylai hyn fod ynghylch blaenoriaethau Llywodraeth Cymru, a dyna ddylai byrdwn y ddadl hon fod. Doeddwn i ddim yn gallu dilyn rhesymeg y Prif Weinidog yn gynharach heddiw. Mae'n ymddangos ei fod eisiau i Lywodraeth y DU godi trethi er mwyn i Gymru gael mwy o gyllid, ond yna mae'n dadlau na fydd yn codi trethi yng Nghymru am eu bod yn rhy uchel. Ni allwn ei chael hi'r ddwy ffordd, ac mae'n ymddangos i mi mai'r hyn y mae'r Prif Weinidog yn ei ddweud i bob pwrpas yw nad yw'n barod i wneud penderfyniadau o fewn ei gymhwysedd.
Roedd testun y ffeirio geiriau y bore 'ma rhwng Andrew R.T. Davies a'r Prif Weinidog yn ymwneud â chyflog nyrsys. Wel, cafodd £133 miliwn ei wario ar nyrsys asiantaeth yn y flwyddyn ariannol 2021-22. Pe bai Llywodraethau dilynol Cymru, sy'n cael eu harwain gan Lafur, wedi rheoli'r gweithlu'n well, gallai'r cyllid hwnnw, pe bai Llywodraeth Cymru'n dewis hynny, gael ei wario ar godi cyflog nyrsys. Roedd Andrew R.T. Davies yn gwneud y pwynt y bore 'ma am y dulliau gweithredu sydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru i godi cyflog nyrsys, y gallu sydd ganddi i wneud hynny, ond mi fyddwn i hefyd yn pwyntio at yr 20 mlynedd diwethaf hefyd. Mae 'na benderfyniadau sydd wedi eu gwneud yma, oherwydd y gweithlu gwael o fewn GIG Cymru, sy'n golygu nad oes gan gyllideb iechyd Cymru y capasiti i godi cyflog nyrsys, y gallai fod wedi bod yn bosibl pe bai wedi gwneud penderfyniadau'n well. Fedrwch chi ddim pwyntio bys at San Steffan pan ddaw at reoli gweithlu GIG Cymru.
Mae'r Gweinidog iechyd hefyd yn aml yn gwneud y pwynt ynghylch cyllid cyfalaf—diffyg cyllid cyfalaf ar gyfer ysbytai neu ganolfannau llawfeddygol rhanbarthol. Diffyg cyllid cyfalaf yw e, pan godais y cwestiynau hynny o'r blaen. Ond mae'n rhaid i ni fynd i'r afael â'r ôl-groniad o fewn GIG Cymru gyda rhywfaint o frys. Mae'n rhaid i hyn fod yn flaenoriaeth i Lywodraeth Cymru yn ei chyllideb eleni. Mae gennym ddegau o filoedd o bobl yn dioddef mewn poen ledled Cymru, yn aros am dros ddwy flynedd am driniaeth, ac mae'r ffigur hwnnw bron wedi cael ei ddileu yn Lloegr. O ran gwariant cyfalaf, byddwn yn gofyn i'r Gweinidog cyllid: a yw Gweinidogion Cabinet eraill yn gwneud achosion gwell na'r Gweinidog Iechyd am wariant cyfalaf o fewn eu portffolio? Heb os nac oni bai mae'n rhaid i iechyd fod yn flaenoriaeth i Lywodraeth Cymru, er mwyn lleihau'r ôl-groniad o ran amseroedd. Dywedwch wrthym beth sydd yn y gyllideb ar gyfer darparu canolfannau llawfeddygol rhanbarthol. Ac eto, dim pwyntio bys at Lywodraeth San Steffan yma: rydym ni'n gwybod, am bob £1 sy'n cael ei wario yn Lloegr ar iechyd, fod yna gyllid canlyniadol Barnett o £1.20. Mae gan Loegr 91 o ganolfannau llawfeddygol a mwy ar y ffordd, a does gennych chi ddim un.
Byddwn yn gofyn i Lywodraeth Cymru a'r Gweinidog cyllid nodi yn y gyllideb hon: beth ydych chi'n mynd i'w wneud i gefnogi lleihau'r amseroedd aros yng Nghymru, o ran y rhai sy'n aros mewn poen am fwy na dwy flynedd? Beth ydych chi'n ei wneud i leihau'r ôl-groniad a chefnogi GIG Cymru yn y gyllideb hon?
Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. Dwi'n colli fy llais, dwi'n meddwl. Allwn ni ddim gorbwysleisio arwyddocâd y datganiad yma. Mae cyhoeddi’r gyllideb yn un o uchafbwyntiau’r flwyddyn yn seneddol bob amser, wrth reswm, ond mae’r arwyddocâd yn fwy fyth eleni, wrth i Lywodraeth Cymru orfod cyllido yng nghyd-destun sefyllfa economaidd enbyd o anodd. Dwi’n cyd-fynd efo’r Gweinidog cyllid yn ei beirniadaeth hi o’r llanast economaidd sydd wedi bod yn gymaint o nodwedd o Lywodraeth Geidwadol y DU. Mae wedi ein gadael ni’n dlotach, onid ydy hi, mewn cymaint o ffyrdd, efo’r tlotaf yn cario’r mwyaf o’r baich, ac mae wedi gadael coffrau cyhoeddus yn llawer gwacach nag y dylen nhw fod.
Ond er y cyfrifoldeb amlwg hwnnw ar Whitehall, all Llywodraeth Cymru ddim cuddio y tu ôl i hynny yn llwyr, chwaith. Dyma’r sefyllfa yr ydym ni ynddi hi, y cardiau wedi cael eu delio i ni fel hyn, a gwaith Llywodraeth sydd heb ei Thrysorlys sofran ei hun, yn anffodus, ydy blaenoriaethu o fewn y ffiniau gwariant sydd ganddi hi. Pan fo’r ffiniau hynny wedi cael eu gosod mor afresymol o dynn, mae’r gwaith o gyllido yn mynd yn anoddach. Dwi’n cydnabod hynny, wrth gwrs, ond dyna ydy’r her.
Mi allwn i dreulio amser yn peintio senario arall lle byddai gan Gymru annibynnol ei gallu cyllidol a ffisgal ei hun, ond at ddiwrnod arall mae hynny. Beth ydyn ni’n gorfod dibynnu arno fo rŵan ydy arloesi, meddwl ffres, gwneud pethau'n wahanol. Pan ydyn ni’n wynebu streic gan nyrsys, streic gan weithwyr ambiwlans, ill dau wedi cyrraedd pen eu tennyn—nid rŵan, ond ar ôl blynyddoedd o ddiffyg cefnogaeth ariannol a fel arall—mae'n rhaid gwthio ffiniau beth sydd yn bosib. Mae'n rhaid edrych ar y bil yna o £133 miliwn am nyrsys asiantaeth, a meddwl sut mae tynnu hwnnw i lawr fel bod y gyllideb yma heddiw ond yn gorfod dod o hyd i ychydig ddegau o filiynau i wneud cynnig cyflog gwell i nyrsys er mwyn, ie, osgoi streic, rhywbeth yr ydym ni i gyd a bob nyrs eisiau ei osgoi, ond yn fwy na hynny, dangos y gwerthfawrogiad sydd ei angen ei ddangos i nyrsys ac sy’n buddsoddi ym morâl y gweithlu.
Mae’r diffyg morâl yna, y niferoedd sy’n gadael nyrsio yn llawer, llawer rhy gynnar, yn rhan fawr iawn o beth sy’n gwneud yr NHS yn anghynaliadwy, ac anghynaladwy fydd o hefyd os ydyn ni’n parhau i weld y lefelau o afiechyd ac anghydraddoldebau iechyd rydyn ni’n eu profi yng Nghymru flwyddyn ar ôl blwyddyn, degawd ar ôl degawd. Ydy, mae cyd-destun y gyllideb yma yn hynod, hynod o anodd, ond dydy hi ddim wastad wedi bod felly. Mae’r Gweinidog yn peintio darlun o hon yn benodol eleni fel cyllideb ddigynsail, cyllideb argyfwng, bron, lle gwarchod gwasanaethau rheng flaen ydy’r flaenoriaeth. Wrth gwrs bod yna elfen anochel i hynny, ond dro ar ôl tro, mae Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru wedi methu â newid cyfeiriad, wedi methu ag arloesi, yn benodol—rhywbeth sy'n golygu llawer iawn i mi—methu â buddsoddi mewn trawsnewid gwasanaethau, buddsoddiad go-iawn—go iawn rŵan—yn yr agenda ataliol, yn cadw ni'n iach, taclo anghydraddoldebau o ddifrif. A heb wneud hynny, yn ôl yn fan hyn fyddwn ni, yn ôl yn y sefyllfa yma dro ar ôl tro, a phan fo'r sefyllfa ariannol yn dynn, fel ag y mae hi rŵan, mae'r gost yna o fethu â thrawsnewid iechyd y wlad yn mynd yn fwy a mwy o fwrn, fel mae hi rŵan.
Wrth gwrs bod ysbytai'n llawn, wrth gwrs bod rhesi o ambiwlansys yn aros y tu allan i'r ysbytai hynny. Wrth gwrs bod gwasanaethau cymdeithasol yn gwegian. Efallai rhyw ddiwrnod y cawn ni gyllideb sydd yn trio torri'r cylch dieflig yna yn hytrach na gorfod delio efo'r aciwt. Nid hon ydy'r gyllideb honno, dwi’n ofni. Oes, mae yna lanast economaidd, ac ydy, mae'r llanast hwnnw gan y Ceidwadwyr yn sail i'r cyd-destun anodd a'r sefyllfa fyd-eang ehangach. Ond dyna pam bod arloesi gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn bwysicach nag erioed.
Thank you very much, Llywydd. I'm losing my voice, I think. I can't overemphasise the significance of this statement. Announcing the budget is one of the highlights of the year in parliamentary terms every year, but the significance is even greater this year, as the Welsh Government has to budget in a difficult economic situation. I agree with the Minister about the economic mess that has been such a characteristic of the UK Conservative Government. It's left us poorer, hasn't it, in so many ways, with the poorest shouldering the greatest burden, and it’s left public coffers far emptier than they should be.
But despite that clear responsibility on Whitehall, the Welsh Government can't hide behind that entirely, either. This is the situation that we are facing; the cards have been dealt in this way, and it's the work of a Government that doesn't have its own sovereign Treasury, unfortunately, to prioritise within the spending envelope that it has. When that envelope has been set out so tightly, the work of setting the budget gets harder, and I acknowledge that, because, but that is the challenge.
I could spend some time painting another scenario where an independent Wales would have its own fiscal abilities, but that's for another day. What we do have to depend on now is innovation, fresh thinking, doing things differently. When we do face a strike from nurses, a strike by ambulance workers, both having reached their limit—not just now, but after years of a lack of financial support and otherwise—we do need to push the boundaries in terms of what's possible. We have to look at that bill of £133 million for agency nurses and think how can we bring that down, so that the budget today only has to find a few tens of millions to make a better wage offer to nurses, yes, to avoid a strike, something that we all and every nurse wants to avoid, but more than that, to show the appreciation that needs to be shown to nurses and that invests in the morale of the workforce.
That lack of morale, the numbers leaving nursing far too early, is a major part of what makes the NHS unsustainable, and it will be unsustainable if we continue to see the levels of sickness and sickness inequalities that we see in Wales year after year, decade after decade. Yes, the context of this budget is very, very difficult, but it hasn't always been so. The Minister paints a picture that specifically this year is an unprecedented budget, a crisis budget, where safeguarding front-line services is the priority. Of course, there is an inevitable element of that, but time and time again, the Labour Welsh Government has failed to change direction, has failed to innovate, specifically on something that means a great deal to me—it’s failed to invest in the transformation of services, genuine investment—genuine investment—in the preventative agenda, keeping us well, tackling inequalities genuinely. Without doing that, we will be in this situation again. We'll be facing this situation time and time again. And when the financial situation is tight, as it currently is, that cost of failing to transform the health of the nation is going to become an increasing burden, as it currently is.
Of course hospitals are full, of course there are long queues of ambulances outside those hospitals. Of course social services are struggling. Perhaps one day we will have a budget that does try to cut that vicious cycle, rather than having to deal with the acute cases. This isn't that budget, I'm afraid. Yes, there is an economic mess, and yes, that mess, made by the Conservatives, is the basis for this difficult context, and the wider global context too, but that's why innovation by the Welsh Government is more important than ever before.
I do concur with Adam Price's assessment of your job, Minister. It is certainly the last job in the world that I would want to do, and I do thank you so much for your work and the engagement by you and your officials as well, certainly with me: thank you so much.
It feels like in these debates, it's always tempting to make a long list of things that we want, and I do also think it's important to look back on what has been funded—in my view, very progressive policies: universal basic income for care leavers, and an ongoing commitment to a UBI for transition; a publicly owned energy company; a review of our roads, with a focus possibly on that moving to increasing our public transport; a ban on single-use plastics. These are really important, progressive policies that do need to be funded, and there are others, I know. And I'll just slip in that I'm also hoping for a ban on greyhound racing, which, hopefully, won't cost us much.
But I think it's so important that we also use this time to think how we can look at the future in this time of crisis, as we've heard. These are absolutely exceptional times, and we need to think how we can focus in on the most needy in our society. I'm interested to hear from Mike Hedges that he knows of farmers with pockets full of gold. I'd love to be introduced to them, please. [Laughter.] In all seriousness, I would like to make a point that, actually, most of the farmers I know are struggling—they are really struggling—and it's really important that we make sure that we continue to support them.
The budget that I've seen so far, and I know there's more detail to come, for me—and I disagree here totally with Peter Fox—does focus on delivery. We've got funding for homelessness services increased; we've got a welcome funding for Ukrainian refugees, which should be funded by the UK Government; business rates support; an increase in the discretionary assistance fund for our poorest; and funding for our local authorities—they do need more, they are really facing severe cuts and really difficult choices—and there's the increase in funding for our care workers.
But you won't be surprised to know that I'm just going to finish with the absolute challenge in our health services. We've heard a lot about the strike that nurses will be undertaking. I understand that midwives have now made a decision to strike as well. These are really, really difficult times, and so, I would join with Plaid Cymru here in urging you to look at our tax-raising powers. I would like to see, for example, some modelling on how we can look at the upper bands of tax and what that could deliver to your budget in Wales. It's very easy for us to say, 'Spend the money,' but we need to be sure that that is funded. So, going ahead, I look forward to continuing to meet with you, Minister. I do hope that we're able to continue the really healthy discussions, and I look forward to the detail that I know will be coming soon in relation to some of those key areas. Thank you. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Rwy'n cytuno ag asesiad Adam Price o'ch swydd, Gweinidog. Yn sicr, dyma'r swydd olaf yn y byd y byddwn i eisiau ei gwneud, ac rwy'n diolch o galon am eich gwaith ac ymgysylltiad chi a'ch swyddogion hefyd, yn sicr â mi: diolch yn fawr.
Mae'n teimlo, yn y dadleuon hyn, fel ei bod bob amser yn demtasiwn i wneud rhestr hir o bethau yr ydym eu heisiau, ac rwyf hefyd yn credu ei bod yn bwysig edrych yn ôl ar yr hyn sydd wedi'i ariannu—yn fy marn i, polisïau blaengar iawn: incwm sylfaenol cyffredinol i bobl sy'n gadael gofal, ac ymrwymiad parhaus i incwm sylfaenol cyffredinol ar gyfer pontio; cwmni ynni dan berchnogaeth gyhoeddus; adolygiad o'n ffyrdd gyda phwyslais o bosib ar symud i gynyddu ein trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus; gwahardd plastig untro. Mae'r rhain yn bolisïau pwysig iawn, blaengar sydd angen eu hariannu, ac mae yna eraill, fe wn i. Ac rwyf am grybwyll hefyd fy mod yn gobeithio am waharddiad ar rasio milgwn, na fydd, gobeithio, yn costio llawer i ni.
Ond rwy'n credu ei bod hi mor bwysig ein bod ni hefyd yn defnyddio'r amser hwn i feddwl am sut allwn ni edrych ar y dyfodol yn y cyfnod yma o argyfwng, fel rydym ni wedi clywed. Mae'n gyfnod hollol eithriadol, ac mae angen i ni feddwl ynghylch sut y gallwn ganolbwyntio ar y mwyaf anghenus yn ein cymdeithas. Mae'n ddiddorol clywed gan Mike Hedges ei fod yn gwybod am ffermwyr â phocedi yn llawn aur. Byddwn i wrth fy modd yn cael fy nghyflwyno iddyn nhw, os gwelwch yn dda. [Chwerthin.] Ond o ddifrif, hoffwn wneud pwynt, mewn gwirionedd, mae'r rhan fwyaf o'r ffermwyr rwy'n eu hadnabod yn ei chael hi'n anodd—maen nhw'n ei chael hi'n anodd iawn—ac mae'n bwysig iawn ein bod ni'n gwneud yn siŵr ein bod ni'n parhau i'w cefnogi.
Mae'r gyllideb yr ydw i wedi'i gweld hyd yma, ac rwy'n gwybod bod mwy o fanylion i ddod, i mi—ac rwy'n anghytuno'n llwyr â Peter Fox yma—yn canolbwyntio ar gyflawni. Mae gennym ni gyllid ar gyfer gwasanaethau digartrefedd wedi cynyddu; mae gennym ni gyllid i groesawu ffoaduriaid Wcreinaidd, a ddylai gael ei ariannu gan Lywodraeth y DU; cymorth trethi busnes; cynnydd yn y gronfa cymorth dewisol ar gyfer ein tlotaf; a chyllid i'n hawdurdodau lleol—mae angen mwy arnyn nhw, maen nhw wir yn wynebu toriadau difrifol a dewisiadau anodd iawn—ac mae'r cynnydd yn y cyllid i'n gweithwyr gofal.
Ond ni fyddwch chi'n synnu o wybod fy mod i am orffen gyda'r her absoliwt yn ein gwasanaethau iechyd. Rydym ni wedi clywed llawer am y streic y bydd nyrsys yn ei chynnal. Rwy'n deall bod bydwragedd bellach wedi gwneud penderfyniad i streicio hefyd. Mae'n gyfnod anodd iawn, iawn, ac felly, byddwn i'n ymuno gyda Phlaid Cymru yma i'ch annog i edrych ar ein pwerau codi trethi. Er enghraifft, hoffwn weld rhywfaint o fodelu ynghylch sut y gallwn edrych ar y bandiau treth uchaf a beth allai hynny ei gyflawni ar gyfer eich cyllideb yng Nghymru. Mae'n hawdd iawn i ni ddweud, 'Gwariwch yr arian,' ond mae angen bod yn sicr bod hynny'n cael ei ariannu. Felly, wrth symud ymlaen, edrychaf ymlaen at barhau i gwrdd â chi, Gweinidog. Rwy'n gobeithio ein bod yn gallu parhau â'r trafodaethau iach iawn, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at y manylion y gwn y byddant yn dod yn fuan mewn cysylltiad â rhai o'r meysydd allweddol hynny. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Interesting contributions across the Chamber. I agree with Jane Dodds that we also need to look back at some of the achievements we've made, and I'd like to inform Lee Waters that the well-being of future generations commissioner was particularly praiseworthy of the radical roads review in the session we had yesterday in the Equality and Social Justice Committee. We absolutely do need to be thinking outside the box if we're going to deliver on the challenges that we have with less money.
Cyfraniadau diddorol ar draws y Siambr. Rwy'n cytuno â Jane Dodds bod angen i ni hefyd edrych yn ôl ar rai o'r pethau a gyflawnwyd gennym, a hoffwn roi gwybod i Lee Waters fod comisiynydd llesiant cenedlaethau'r dyfodol llawn canmoliaeth i'r adolygiad ffyrdd radical yn y sesiwn a gawsom ddoe yn y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol. Mae angen i ni feddwl y tu allan i'r bocs os ydym ni'n mynd i gyflawni yn wyneb yr heriau sydd gennym ni gyda llai o arian.
I just wanted to pick up on what Rebecca Evans said—that we've got £3 billion less overall, and that's £1 billion less for the upcoming year in 2023-24. Does that mean that we'll have £2 billion less in our budget for 2024-25, under the current circumstances as known, because, obviously, that makes it even more challenging to look forward to the following year? And it's certainly the way in which Cardiff Council is approaching its challenges in that this year is very difficult, but I'm sure they'll be mightily relieved to hear about the additional millions that are going to be put into the local government settlement. But what they're saying is that the situation financially next year, the following year, 2024-25, is really, really frightening. So, we all need to think about how we're going to get through the next couple of years and, hopefully, have a change of tack after that.
I agree with some of what Mike Hedges says, and not about the not-really very many millionaire farmers. I'm hoping that the sustainable farming scheme is going to deal with farmers who pollute the landscape—we can't have that; we can't be paying people to pollute our rivers. But I'm confident the sustainable farming scheme will deliver on our food security, which is absolutely essential.
I want to pick up on this point about 'no to land banking' by health boards—absolutely right—or by any other public bodies, except that we have to be precautionary that we're not going to need to buy that land back at a much higher price because of some future needs. So, I think what we need to do is, in line with 'Future Wales', we really do need to think very, very hard about what we're going to need, certainly over the next five years, in terms of future development of services, to ensure that the land that we currently control is not being given away when we may need it, for example, for affordable housing.
I really welcome the nearly £19 million increase in the discretionary assistance fund, because that is absolutely crucial for anybody who has their washing machine break down. If they haven't got any resources, if they're struggling to even buy the food and pay their bills, they're never going to have the money to buy a new washing machine, and, without it, if you've got young children, it's a total disaster. But it could be something just as basic as having a bed for a child to sleep on as opposed to sleeping on the floor, or an electric blanket to keep an elderly person warm. These are really, really important things. I also applaud the £10 million more for the homeless. The First Minister had already told us about the rise and rise every single month in the numbers who are finding themselves chucked out of their homes. I visited Cardiff Council's self-contained bedsit accommodation, which is being developed in Adamstown to provide over 100 units for people who've previously been homeless. And, in this weather, it is completely terrifying to think of anybody sleeping outside. But, sadly, this is an increasing problem, and therefore we need to build more council housing, frankly, because otherwise, we're never going to deal with the numbers who desperately need new homes.
I welcome the £20 million capital grant for local authorities to decarbonise, because they're supposed to be—our aim is that they're all decarbonising their buildings by 2030. So, more projects like the solar farms at Morriston Hospital need to be headlined so that others are working out how they're going to invest in order to save on their energy bills. What resources, therefore, will be deployed to spread that word, and what reward can we also offer to home owners? Forty per cent of houses are owned by people who own them outright. What consideration has the Minister given to varying the amount of the land value transaction tax to reward those who decarbonise their homes, which will benefit future generations when they move on?
Roeddwn i eisiau gwneud sylw ar yr hyn a ddywedodd Rebecca Evans—bod gennym ni £3 biliwn yn llai yn gyffredinol, ac mae hynny £1 biliwn yn llai ar gyfer y flwyddyn sydd i ddod yn 2023-24. Ydy hynny'n golygu y bydd gennym ni £2 biliwn yn llai yn ein cyllideb ar gyfer 2024-25, o dan yr amgylchiadau presennol sy'n hysbys, oherwydd, yn amlwg, mae hynny'n ei gwneud hi'n fwy heriol fyth i edrych ymlaen at y flwyddyn ganlynol? Ac yn sicr, dyma'r ffordd y mae Cyngor Caerdydd yn ymdrin â'i heriau gan fod eleni yn anodd iawn, ond rwy'n siŵr y byddan nhw'n teimlo rhyddhad anferth o glywed am y miliynau ychwanegol sy'n mynd i gael eu rhoi yn y setliad llywodraeth leol. Ond yr hyn maen nhw'n ei ddweud yw bod y sefyllfa ariannol y flwyddyn nesaf, y flwyddyn ganlynol, 2024-25, yn wirioneddol frawychus. Felly, mae angen i ni gyd feddwl sut rydym ni'n mynd i fynd trwy'r ddwy flynedd nesaf a, gobeithio, gweld newid trywydd ar ôl hynny.
Rwy'n cytuno â rhywfaint o'r hyn y mae Mike Hedges yn ei ddweud, ac nid am y llu o ffermwyr â miliynau yn eu pocedi, nad yw'n wir o gwbl. Rwy'n gobeithio bod y cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy yn mynd i ymdrin â ffermwyr sy'n llygru'r dirwedd—ni allwn dderbyn hynny; ni allwn dalu pobl i lygru ein hafonydd. Ond rwy'n ffyddiog y bydd y cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy yn sicrhau diogelwch ein bwyd, sy'n gwbl hanfodol.
Rwyf eisiau codi'r pwynt hwn am 'na i fancio tir' gan fyrddau iechyd—yn hollol gywir—neu gan unrhyw gyrff cyhoeddus eraill, ond mae'n rhaid i ni fod yn rhagofalus na fydd angen i ni brynu'r tir hwnnw yn ôl am bris llawer uwch oherwydd rhai anghenion yn y dyfodol. Felly, rwy'n credu mai'r hyn sydd angen i ni ei wneud yw, yn unol â 'Cymru'r Dyfodol', mae gwir angen i ni feddwl yn galed iawn, iawn am beth fydd ei angen arnom, yn sicr dros y pum mlynedd nesaf, o ran datblygu gwasanaethau yn y dyfodol, er mwyn sicrhau nad yw'r tir yr ydym yn ei reoli ar hyn o bryd yn cael ei roi i ffwrdd pan fyddwn efallai ei angen arnom, er enghraifft, ar gyfer tai fforddiadwy.
Rwy'n croesawu'r cynnydd o bron i £19 miliwn yn y gronfa cymorth dewisol, oherwydd mae honno'n gwbl hanfodol i'r rhai hynny pan fydd eu peiriant golchi yn torri i lawr. Os nad oes ganddyn nhw unrhyw adnoddau, os ydyn nhw'n ei chael hi'n anodd hyd yn oed prynu'r bwyd a thalu eu biliau, dydyn nhw byth yn mynd i gael yr arian i brynu peiriant golchi newydd, ac, hebddo, os oes gennych chi blant ifanc, mae'n drychineb llwyr. Ond fe allai fod yn rhywbeth mor sylfaenol â chael gwely i blentyn gysgu arno yn hytrach na chysgu ar y llawr, neu flanced drydan i gadw person oedrannus yn gynnes. Mae'r rhain yn bethau pwysig iawn, iawn. Canmolaf hefyd y £10 miliwn yn fwy i'r digartref. Roedd y Prif Weinidog eisoes wedi dweud wrthym am y cynnydd, y cynnydd bob mis yn y niferoedd sy'n cael eu taflu allan o'u cartrefi. Fe wnes i ymweld â fflatiau un ystafell hunangynhwysol Cyngor Caerdydd, sydd wedi'u datblygu yn Adamsdown i ddarparu dros 100 o unedau i bobl sydd wedi bod yn ddigartref yn y gorffennol. Ac, yn y tywydd hwn, mae'n hollol frawychus meddwl am unrhyw un yn cysgu tu allan. Ond, yn anffodus, mae hon yn broblem gynyddol, ac felly mae angen i ni adeiladu mwy o dai cyngor, a dweud y gwir, oherwydd fel arall, ni fyddwn ni byth yn mynd i'r afael â'r niferoedd sydd wir angen cartrefi newydd.
Rwy'n croesawu'r grant cyfalaf o £20 miliwn i helpu awdurdodau lleol i ddatgarboneiddio, oherwydd eu bod nhw i fod—ein nod yw eu bod i gyd yn datgarboneiddio eu hadeiladau erbyn 2030. Felly mae angen amlygu mwy o brosiectau fel y ffermydd solar yn Ysbyty Treforys fel bod eraill yn gweithio allan sut maen nhw'n mynd i fuddsoddi er mwyn arbed ar eu biliau ynni. Pa adnoddau, felly, fydd yn cael eu defnyddio i ledaenu'r gair hwnnw, a pha wobr y gallwn ni hefyd ei chynnig i berchnogion cartrefi? Mae 40% o dai yn eiddo pobl sy'n berchen arnyn nhw'n llwyr. Pa ystyriaeth y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'i roi i amrywio maint y dreth trafodiadau gwerth tir er mwyn gwobrwyo'r rhai sy'n datgarboneiddio eu cartrefi, a fydd o fudd i genedlaethau'r dyfodol pan fyddan nhw'n symud ymlaen?
Thank you for your draft budget statement, Minister. My focus, given my shadow portfolio, of course, will be on education, and I can only go on what’s in front of me.
Last month, we saw the UK Government’s autumn statement put young people at the forefront of their agenda, with an increase in funding for education. I called for this to be matched in Wales the week after the autumn statement was announced, so, initially, I was delighted to hear that, apparently, it would be matched in Wales. However, upon further reading, it wasn’t clear to me, Minister, if the £117 million figure that you received from the UK Government as a consequential of the English education budget increase, has been lumped in with the local government budget and is part of the £227 million figure in your statement, or, if the £117 million was a stand-alone figure, which is actually in addition to the £227 million announced for local government. So, some clarity on that would be greatly appreciated.
If the £117 million figure in the budget is falling in with the £227 million for local government, and the extra £117 million isn’t being ring-fenced specifically for education, then obviously, this raises some concerns. The money—the £117 million—intended for education won’t necessarily go into education, given all the extra pressures on our local authorities. As moneys potentially could be spent elsewhere, of course, and not go to where they are desperately needed in front-line education, and at a time when school budgets are stretched to the max and there are a lot of extra pressures on education in Wales, you have only announced, actually, £20 million to directly go to education in your draft budget statement. Also, does the £227 million or the £117 million announced today include money for the teachers’ pay increases, or will that come out of another pot of money?
Finally, Minister, would you be able to give a breakdown of those £227 million and £117 million figures, announced today, because I’m hoping that that will go some way to alleviating the concerns that are obviously raised by this statement today? But it is crucially important that the funding in education gets to where it’s most needed on the front line, so that it can help to relieve those severe pressures that schools are facing at the moment, and, of course, to fund the many directives put upon them by the Welsh Government.
The UK Government managed to react to the current pressures and announced extra money for education, which is going directly to education. In Wales, you have only managed to announce, as I have said, £20 million to directly go into education. The rest is not guaranteed to go into education. It seems that, once again, this draft budget statement is failing Welsh education in Wales.
Diolch am eich datganiad drafft ar y gyllideb, Gweinidog. Bydd fy mhwyslais i, o ystyried fy mhortffolio cysgodol, wrth gwrs, ar addysg, a gallaf dim ond gwneud sylw ar yr hyn sydd gennyf o fy mlaen i.
Fis diwethaf, gwelsom ddatganiad hydref Llywodraeth y DU yn rhoi pobl ifanc ar flaen eu hagenda, gyda chynnydd yn y cyllid ar gyfer addysg. Galwais am gynnydd tebyg yng Nghymru yr wythnos wedi i ddatganiad yr hydref gael ei gyhoeddi, felly, i ddechrau, roeddwn yn falch iawn o glywed y byddai cynnydd cyfatebol yng Nghymru, mae'n debyg. Fodd bynnag, ar ôl darllen ymhellach, nid oedd yn glir i mi, Gweinidog, a yw'r ffigur o £117 miliwn a gawsoch gan Lywodraeth y DU fel cyllid canlyniadol yn sgil y cynnydd yng nghyllideb addysg Lloegr, wedi'i gynnwys gyda chyllideb llywodraeth leol a'i fod yn rhan o'r ffigur o £227 miliwn yn eich datganiad, neu, a oedd y £117 miliwn yn ffigur ar wahân, sydd mewn gwirionedd yn ychwanegol at y £227 miliwn a gyhoeddwyd ar gyfer llywodraeth leol. Felly, byddai rhywfaint o eglurder ar hynny yn cael ei werthfawrogi'n fawr.
Os yw'r ffigwr o £117 miliwn yn y gyllideb i mewn gyda'r £227 miliwn i lywodraeth leol, ac nid yw'r £117 miliwn ychwanegol yn cael ei glustnodi'n benodol ar gyfer addysg, yna yn amlwg, mae hyn yn codi rhai pryderon. Ni fydd yr arian—y £117 miliwn—a fwriedir ar gyfer addysg o reidrwydd yn mynd i fyd addysg, o ystyried yr holl bwysau ychwanegol ar ein hawdurdodau lleol. Gan y gallai arian o bosibl gael ei wario mewn mannau eraill, wrth gwrs, a pheidio mynd i'r man lle mae ei angen yn ddirfawr mewn addysg rheng flaen, ac ar adeg pan fo cyllidebau ysgolion wedi'u hymestyn i'r eithaf gyda llawer o bwysau ychwanegol ar addysg yng Nghymru, Dim ond £20 miliwn yr ydych chi wedi'i gyhoeddi, mewn gwirionedd, sydd i fynd i addysg yn uniongyrchol yn eich datganiad cyllideb ddrafft. Hefyd, ydy'r £227 miliwn neu'r £117 miliwn a gyhoeddwyd heddiw yn cynnwys arian ar gyfer codiadau cyflog athrawon, neu a fydd hynny'n dod allan o bot arall o arian?
Yn olaf, Gweinidog, a fyddech chi'n gallu rhoi dadansoddiad o'r ffigyrau £227 miliwn a £117 miliwn hynny, a gyhoeddwyd heddiw, oherwydd rwy'n gobeithio y bydd hynny'n mynd rhywfaint o'r ffordd i leddfu'r pryderon sy'n amlwg yn cael eu codi gan y datganiad hwn heddiw? Ond mae'n hanfodol bwysig bod y cyllid mewn addysg yn cyrraedd lle mae ei angen fwyaf ar y rheng flaen, fel y gall helpu i leddfu'r pwysau difrifol hynny y mae ysgolion yn eu hwynebu ar hyn o bryd, ac, wrth gwrs, i ariannu'r cyfarwyddebau niferus a roddwyd arnyn nhw gan Lywodraeth Cymru.
Llwyddodd Llywodraeth y DU i ymateb i'r pwysau presennol gan gyhoeddi arian ychwanegol i addysg, sy'n mynd yn uniongyrchol i addysg. Yng Nghymru, rydych chi dim ond wedi llwyddo i gyhoeddi, fel y dywedais i, £20 miliwn i fynd i addysg yn uniongyrchol. Nid yw'n sicr y bydd y gweddill yn mynd i fyd addysg. Mae'n ymddangos, unwaith eto, bod y datganiad drafft ar gyfer y gyllideb yn golygu bod addysg yng Nghymru ar ei cholled.
Dwi am ddechrau fy nghyfraniad drwy sôn am dai. Ddydd Sadwrn oedd Diwrnod Hawliau Dynol y byd, ac mae’n rhaid inni sicrhau bod gan bawb yng Nghymru do uwch eu pennau. Mi oeddwn i’n falch, felly, o glywed y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd, mewn ymateb i gwestiwn gen i rai wythnosau yn ôl, yn dweud yn ddiamwys:
I want to start my contribution by mentioning housing. Saturday was world Human Rights Day, and we must ensure that everyone in Wales has a roof above their heads. I was pleased, therefore, to hear the Minister for Climate Change, in response to a question from me some weeks ago, saying unambiguously:
‘I would like the right to adequate housing to be more than just an idea, but to be an enforceable individual right’.
'Hoffwn pe bai’r hawl i gartref digonol yn fwy na syniad yn unig, ac yn hawl y gellir ei gorfodi i unigolyn'.
Dyma gydnabyddiaeth bod angen cynyddu’r stoc tai. Felly, mae’n rhaid inni weld buddsoddiad difrifol i mewn i dai cyhoeddus.
This is recognition that we need an increase in the housing stock. So, we must see real investment in public housing.
Research commissioned by Tai Pawb, Shelter Cymru and the Chartered Institute of Housing Cymru found that introducing the right to adequate housing would generate significant savings for the public purse. Indeed, the independent analysis identified benefits to the public purse worth £11.5 billion, against overall costs of £5 billion over a 30-year period. It's projected that those benefits could start to outweigh costs after just six years. It would save £5.5 billion in improving well-being, £2 billion from local council budgets, £1 billion for the NHS, £1 billion for the criminal justice system, and it would generate £1 billion in additional economic activity.
By investing in adequate housing for all, through spending on social and affordable housing in Wales, you could make vital and significant savings in the long run. So, today, I'd like to urge the Welsh Government to think differently about spending decisions. A slight increase in the social housing grant is welcomed, but we need to see much more going into this pot if we're to achieve our ambitions. It's also disappointing to see funding to achieve quality housing decrease by some 7.5 per cent from the original February indicative budget, on top of the squeeze brought about by huge inflation in the housing sector. How can you hope to achieve your ambitions across the board if you don't properly fund the most basic of essentials, housing? In the short term, it's also disappointing that we've seen no increase in the housing support grant. We've heard this Government rightly make a lot of noise about the UK Government's failure to increase the local housing allowance, but these complaints ring very hollow when we see that this Government is giving a flat settlement, a real-terms cut, for the housing support grant here. This is something we can do here in Wales, and we should be doing.
I note that the budget for building safety has been slashed by a third, from £9.5 million to £6 million, and I question whether that's a wise decision, and whether it's worth the risk and reputational damage for what is, in the grand scheme of things, a small amount.
Yn ôl ymchwil a gomisiynwyd gan Tai Pawb, Shelter Cymru a'r Sefydliad Tai Siartredig Cymru byddai cyflwyno'r hawl i gartref digonol yn creu arbedion sylweddol i'r pwrs cyhoeddus. Yn wir, nododd y dadansoddiad annibynnol fuddion i'r pwrs cyhoeddus gwerth £11.5 biliwn, o'u cymharu â chostau cyffredinol o £5 biliwn dros gyfnod o 30 mlynedd. Rhagamcanir y gallai'r manteision hynny ddechrau gorbwyso costau ar ôl dim ond chwe blynedd. Byddai'n arbed £5.5 biliwn o ran gwella llesiant, £2 biliwn o gyllidebau cynghorau lleol, £1 biliwn i'r GIG, £1 biliwn i'r system cyfiawnder troseddol, a byddai'n cynhyrchu £1 biliwn mewn gweithgarwch economaidd ychwanegol.
Trwy fuddsoddi mewn cartrefi digonol i bawb, drwy wario ar dai cymdeithasol a fforddiadwy yng Nghymru, gallech wneud arbedion hanfodol ac arwyddocaol yn y tymor hir. Felly heddiw, hoffwn annog Llywodraeth Cymru i feddwl yn wahanol am benderfyniadau gwario. Mae cynnydd bach yn y grant tai cymdeithasol i'w groesawu, ond mae angen i ni weld llawer mwy yn mynd i'r pot hwn os ydym am gyflawni ein huchelgeisiau. Mae'n siomedig hefyd gweld cyllid i sicrhau tai o ansawdd yn gostwng tua 7.5 y cant o gymharu â'r gyllideb ddangosol wreiddiol ym mis Chwefror, ar ben y wasgfa a ddaeth yn sgil chwyddiant enfawr yn y sector tai. Sut allwch chi obeithio cyflawni eich uchelgeisiau ar draws y bwrdd os nad ydych chi'n ariannu'r mwyaf sylfaenol o hanfodion, tai? Yn y tymor byr, mae hefyd yn siomedig nad ydym wedi gweld unrhyw gynnydd yn y grant cymorth tai. Rydym ni wedi clywed bod y Llywodraeth hon yn gwneud llawer o sŵn, yn briodol, am fethiant Llywodraeth y DU i gynyddu'r lwfans tai lleol, ond mae'r cwynion hyn fel geiriau gwag iawn pan welwn fod y Llywodraeth hon yn rhoi setliad gwastad, toriad mewn termau real, ar gyfer y grant cymorth tai yma. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth y gallwn ei wneud yma yng Nghymru, a dylem ni fod yn ei wneud.
Nodaf fod y gyllideb ar gyfer diogelwch adeiladau wedi'i thorri o £9.5 miliwn i £6 miliwn, sef traean, ac rwy'n cwestiynu a yw hynny'n benderfyniad doeth, ac a yw'n werth y risg a'r niwed i enw da am yr hyn sydd, yn y cynllun mawr yn swm bach.
Dwi hefyd am wneud ple ar ran ein pysgotwyr morol a busnesau bwyd mor. Mewn cyflwyniad i'r grŵp trawsbleidiol newydd ar bysgodfeydd a dyframaeth, mi gawson ni ddarlun trychinebus o’r sector yma, efo faint o bysgod sy’n cael ei glanio yn disgyn, incwm yn disgyn a llai o swyddi. Mae yna botensial aruthrol i'r sector, ond mae’r sector ar fin mynd i ddifancoll heb gefnogaeth sylweddol o du ein Llywodraeth. Dwi’n pledio arnoch chi i wneud buddsoddiad er mwyn sicrhau parhad y diwydiannau yn y sector yma.
Yn olaf, os caf i sôn am amaeth, dwi’n nodi bod bron i £9 miliwn yn llai yn cael ei wario ar raglen economaidd a chynaliadwy gwledig. Mewn cyfnod o ansicrwydd, wrth i ffermwyr orfod addasu i’r Ddeddf amaeth newydd, yr hyn sydd ei hangen arnyn nhw ydy sicrwydd a chefnogaeth er mwyn medru addasu yn llwyddiannus. Felly, a gawn ni’r sicrwydd hwnnw fod yna fuddsoddiad am fod y sector er mwyn galluogi ffermwyr Cymru i addasu mewn da bryd? Diolch yn fawr iawn.
I also want to make a plea in terms of our sea fishers and the industry in general. There was a presentation to the cross-party group on fisheries and aquaculture that gave us a disastrous picture of the sector, with the number of fish landed falling, income falling and jobs reducing. There is huge potential in the sector, but it’s about to be destroyed without significant support from our Government, and I urge you to make real investment in order to secure the survival of industries in this sector.
Finally, if I could talk about agriculture, I note that almost £9 million less will spent on the sustainable economic programme. In a period of uncertainty, as farmers have to adapt to the new agriculture Act, what they need is assurance and support in order to adapt successfully. So, can we have that assurance that there will be investment in the sector to enable Welsh farmers to adapt in good time? Thank you very much.
Huw Irranca-Davies.
Huw Irranca-Davies.
Dim o gwbl, diolch.
No thanks.
It’s unlike you to turn down an opportunity like this.
Nid yw fel chi i wrthod cyfle fel hwn.
Dwi’n siarad y prynhawn yma, ond yn nes ymlaen.
I’m speaking this afternoon, but later on.
Yn iawn. Ymddiheuriadau. Gareth Davies.
Okay. Apologies. Gareth Davies.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. I’d like to thank the Welsh Government, firstly, for listening to Welsh Conservative calls to increase pay for our hard-working social carers throughout Wales. It’s been a long time coming, but we’ve finally got there, so da iawn ti. And it’s high time they are rewarded for their commitment and dedication to supporting others. However, the industry is struggling from a series of problems that an increase in pay is unable to solve, unfortunately. Although further support to social care workers is a right move forward, the Government must focus on the retention of care workers.
A care home owner contacted me recently to express her frustration with how staff who have given dedicated service to residents over a sustained period of time are leaving to seek new employment due to no longer wanting to work in the care sector—and working conditions, hours required to work, and pay have all been factors in why they are leaving. Equally, the continued use of agency staff, as mentioned earlier in the debate, has left the industry unable to function as professionally as it should, and, as we have seen recently, has proven to show significant flaws in the care provided. Increased pay will begin to soften some of the problems, but it falls on the Welsh Government to encourage carers not to work for an agency, but to seek care as a fulfilling and rewarding career.
I firmly believe that not enough is being done to encourage young people that care is a vocation for life, and not just a job that follows on from A-level or BTEC qualifications at school. Therefore, this budget shows that one problem has been addressed, but the roots of the issue start at schools, and I call on the Welsh Government to ensure that care is not just seen as a job. Equally, it should be pushed that it is a career that has multiple routes for progression and further training opportunities if staff so wish to pursue those options. You hear me a lot banging on about the fact that I worked in the NHS for 11 years, and that’s true; prior to that I worked in social care, and that was a big concern among a lot of staff, particularly ones who aspired to have promotion in their field of work, and career progression, and they felt that they were hitting a glass ceiling because the training opportunities weren’t available on an internal basis. So, I'd like the Minister please to address that in responding to the debate: what aspect of this budget in regard to social care will incorporate some of those training needs that are needed in the sector, so that we're indeed giving the most vulnerable people in our society the best care and treatment they deserve by people who feel rewarded in those careers? Thank you very much.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. Hoffwn ddiolch i Lywodraeth Cymru, yn gyntaf, am wrando ar alwadau'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig i gynyddu cyflogau ein gofalwyr cymdeithasol gweithgar ledled Cymru. Mae wedi bod yn amser hir yn dod, ond rydym wedi cyrraedd yno o'r diwedd, felly da iawn ti. Ac mae'n hen bryd iddyn nhw gael eu gwobrwyo am eu hymrwymiad a'u hymroddiad i gefnogi eraill. Ond mae'r diwydiant yn cael trafferthion gyda chyfres o broblemau nad yw cynnydd mewn cyflog yn gallu eu datrys, yn anffodus. Er bod cefnogaeth bellach i weithwyr gofal cymdeithasol yn gam cywir ymlaen, mae'n rhaid i'r Llywodraeth ganolbwyntio ar gadw gweithwyr gofal.
Cysylltodd perchennog cartref gofal â mi yn ddiweddar i fynegi ei rhwystredigaeth ynghylch sut mae staff sydd wedi rhoi gwasanaeth ymroddedig i breswylwyr dros gyfnod hir yn gadael i chwilio am gyflogaeth newydd oherwydd nad ydyn nhw bellach eisiau gweithio yn y sector gofal—ac amodau gwaith, oriau sy'n ofynnol iddyn nhw eu gweithio, ac mae cyflogau i gyd wedi bod yn ffactorau yn y rheswm pam y maen nhw'n gadael. Yn yr un modd, mae'r defnydd parhaus o staff asiantaeth, fel y crybwyllwyd yn gynharach yn y ddadl, wedi golygu nad yw'r diwydiant yn gallu gweithredu mor broffesiynol ag y dylai, ac, fel y gwelsom ni yn ddiweddar, mae wedi dangos diffygion sylweddol yn y gofal a ddarperir. Bydd mwy o gyflog yn dechrau lliniaru rhai o'r problemau, ond mae'n gyfrifoldeb ar Lywodraeth Cymru i annog gofalwyr i beidio â gweithio i asiantaeth, ond i edrych ar ofal fel gyrfa gwerth chweil sy'n rhoi boddhad.
Rwy'n credu'n gryf nad oes digon yn cael ei wneud i argyhoeddi pobl ifanc bod gofal yn alwedigaeth am oes, ac nid swydd yn unig sy'n dilyn cymwysterau Safon Uwch neu BTEC yn yr ysgol. Felly, mae'r gyllideb hon yn dangos yr ymdriniwyd ag un broblem, ond mae gwraidd y broblem yn dechrau mewn ysgolion, ac rwy'n galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i sicrhau nad yw gofal yn cael ei weld fel swydd yn unig. Yn yr un modd, dylid gwthio'r ffaith ei bod yn yrfa sydd â sawl llwybr ar gyfer symud ymlaen gyda chyfleoedd hyfforddi pellach os yw staff yn dymuno dilyn y dewisiadau hynny. Rydych chi'n fy nghlywed i'n aml yn mynd ymlaen am y ffaith y bûm i'n gweithio yn y GIG am 11 mlynedd, ac mae hynny'n wir; cyn hynny roeddwn i'n gweithio ym maes gofal cymdeithasol, ac roedd pryder mawr ymhlith llawer o staff, yn enwedig y rhai oedd yn dyheu am gael dyrchafiad yn eu maes gwaith, a dilyniant gyrfa, ac roedden nhw'n teimlo eu bod nhw'n taro nenfwd gwydr oherwydd nad oedd y cyfleoedd hyfforddi ar gael yn fewnol. Felly, hoffwn i'r Gweinidog fynd i'r afael â hynny wrth ymateb i'r ddadl: pa agwedd o'r gyllideb hon o ran gofal cymdeithasol fydd yn ymgorffori rhai o'r anghenion hyfforddi hynny sydd eu hangen yn y sector, fel bod y rhai mwyaf agored i niwed yn ein cymdeithas yn cael y gofal a'r driniaeth orau y maen nhw'n ei haeddu gan bobl sy'n teimlo eu bod yn cael boddhad o'r gyrfaoedd hynny? Diolch yn fawr iawn.
The draft budget is being set in some of the most challenging of times in recent memory for Welsh Government, and I welcome the way in which Welsh Government has continued to provide support throughout the cost-of-living crisis to those most in need, in spite of too often being handcuffed by Westminster. To be consistent, I'm going to make a plea for highway resilience funding to be put back in place for councils to be able to maintain our network. We cannot continue to fund new designated routes or roads when we need to maintain our existing network of roads, pavements and bridges that are deteriorating rapidly. They're also used for active travel, for walking, cycling, buses, as well as motor vehicles.
We must be honest about the reality the Senedd is facing, the reality our local authorities are facing, and the reality our residents are facing. Twelve years of austerity has withered the fabric of this country, making Wales and the UK poorer, impacting on public services, health, transport, housing, welfare, local authority budgets, arts and culture. All were led like lambs to the slaughter, all to be sacrificed on the altar of austerity. This, we were told by Westminster, was a price worth paying in order to restore economic credibility. The Tory Government waxed lyrical about how their scorched earth policy to the building blocks of our society would succeed in bringing down the debt, except it catastrophically failed, even by their own measures. Debt as a percentage of gross domestic product is now at its highest rate for more than 60 years.
The results of the last 12 years are impossible to escape: the worst fall in living standards since records began; real-term wage cuts for workers, the NHS on the brink, and a demoralised public sector workforce; a housing market completely out of control; and more food banks than branches of McDonalds. It is truly worthy of eternal shame and one only sustained by divide-and-rule tactics, designed to put worker against worker, industry against industry, and person against person. But, in the face of that, we must take hope from the rising unity of workers and unions across this country, forced into strike action to defend their pay and working conditions.
The UK Government completely and utterly squandered its years of low interest rates. Instead of cutting, they could and should have invested in those building blocks—in a nationalised public transport network, in new social housing, in properly funded public services, and in a green new deal. It is economically illiterate to do otherwise. Many forms of public spending end up returning far more economic value than they initially cost. Metaphorically speaking, the UK Government had the chance to fix the roof while the sun was shining. Instead, they simply ripped up even more tiles.
We have to be honest here in Wales about too often being unable to have made those investments ourselves. Comparatively speaking, we essentially have no substantial ability to borrow to invest because of Westminster-imposed borrowing restrictions. From refusing to provide Wales with a penny of HS2 funding to threatening to overrule the Welsh Government on trade union legislation, in this Chamber we have first-hand experience of the way in which Wales is shortchanged by a UK Government who seem to have no problem whatsoever with undermining the union.
Unlike the UK Government, who made a choice not to borrow to invest, the Welsh Government is all too often restricted from even having that choice. The fact is that without prudential borrowing powers Wales will continue to fall behind, and we will continue to be hamstrung in our own ability to invest in the future of our nation. So, it's no good us simply hoping for a change of Government in Westminster; we must embrace every opportunity we have here in Wales to lead, but we need the tools to be able to lead properly, and that is why prudential borrowing is so important.
In that regard, I hope that, moving forward, we can use the budget-setting process as a platform on which to build a cross-party Senedd campaign for Welsh prudential borrowing powers, alongside an updated Welsh Government case for those powers. And I want Wales to maximise its ability to craft our own unique future, led by a Government with the financial power to make transformational change that improves living standards for all, and let's build a greener, fairer Wales that is fit for the challenges of our future. Diolch.
Mae'r gyllideb ddrafft yn cael ei llunio mewn cyfnod sydd gyda'r mwyaf heriol mewn cof diweddar i Lywodraeth Cymru, ac rwy'n croesawu'r ffordd mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi parhau i ddarparu cymorth drwy gydol yr argyfwng costau byw i'r rhai sydd fwyaf anghenus, er gwaethaf bod yn hualau San Steffan yn rhy aml. I fod yn gyson, rydw i'n mynd i wneud apêl am adsefydlu cyllid cydnerthedd priffyrdd i gynghorau allu cynnal ein rhwydwaith. Ni allwn ni barhau i ariannu llwybrau neu ffyrdd dynodedig newydd pan fydd angen i ni gynnal ein rhwydwaith presennol o ffyrdd, palmentydd a phontydd sy'n dirywio'n gyflym. Maen nhw hefyd yn cael eu defnyddio ar gyfer teithio llesol, ar gyfer cerdded, beicio, bysiau, yn ogystal â cherbydau modur.
Mae'n rhaid i ni fod yn onest am y realiti mae'r Senedd yn ei wynebu, y realiti mae ein hawdurdodau lleol yn ei wynebu, a'r realiti y mae ein trigolion yn ei wynebu. Mae 22 mlynedd o gyni wedi gwanhau gwead y wlad hon, gan wneud Cymru a'r DU yn dlotach, gan effeithio ar wasanaethau cyhoeddus, iechyd, trafnidiaeth, tai, lles, cyllidebau awdurdodau lleol, y celfyddydau a diwylliant. Arweiniwyd pob un fel ŵyn i'r lladdfa, pob un i'w aberthu ar allor cyni. Roedd hyn, dywedwyd wrthym ni gan San Steffan, yn bris gwerth ei dalu er mwyn adfer hygrededd economaidd. Roedd y Llywodraeth Dorïaidd yn telynegu am sut y byddai eu polisi gwastrodi i sylfeini ein cymdeithas yn llwyddo i ddod â'r ddyled i lawr, heblaw iddo fethu'n drychinebus, hyd yn oed wrth eu mesurau eu hunain. Mae dyled fel canran o gynnyrch mewnwladol crynswth bellach ar ei gyfradd uchaf ers dros 60 mlynedd.
Mae'n amhosib dianc o ganlyniadau'r 12 mlynedd diwethaf: y cwymp gwaethaf mewn safonau byw ers i gofnodion ddechrau; toriadau cyflog real i weithwyr, y GIG ar ymyl y dibyn, a gweithlu sector cyhoeddus digalon; marchnad dai allan o reolaeth yn llwyr; a mwy o fanciau bwyd na changhennau o McDonalds. Mae'n wirioneddol deilwng o gywilydd tragwyddol ac yn cael ei gynnal un yn unig gan dactegau rhannu a rheoli, a gynlluniwyd i roi gweithiwr yn erbyn gweithiwr, diwydiant yn erbyn diwydiant, a pherson yn erbyn person. Ond, yn wyneb hynny, mae'n rhaid i ni weld gobaith o undod cynyddol gweithwyr ac undebau ledled y wlad hon, wedi eu gorfodi i streicio i amddiffyn eu tâl a'u hamodau gwaith.
Fe wnaeth Llywodraeth y DU wastraffu ei blynyddoedd o gyfraddau llog isel yn gyfan gwbl ac yn llwyr. Yn hytrach na thorri, gallent a dylent fod wedi buddsoddi yn y sylfeini hynny—mewn rhwydwaith trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus wedi'i wladoli, mewn tai cymdeithasol newydd, mewn gwasanaethau cyhoeddus sydd wedi'u hariannu'n iawn, ac mewn bargen newydd werdd. Mae'n anllythrennog economaidd i wneud fel arall. Mae sawl math o wariant cyhoeddus yn dychwelyd llawer mwy o werth economaidd yn y pen draw nag y maen nhw'n ei gostio i ddechrau. A siarad yn drosiadol, fe gafodd Llywodraeth y DU gyfle i drwsio'r to tra bod yr haul yn tywynnu. Yn hytrach, yn syml, fe wnaethon nhw rwygo hyd yn oed mwy o deils.
Mae'n rhaid i ni fod yn onest yma yng Nghymru am fethu yn rhy aml â bod wedi gwneud y buddsoddiadau hynny ein hunain. A siarad yn gymharol, yn y bôn, nid oes gennym ni unrhyw allu sylweddol i fenthyg i fuddsoddi oherwydd cyfyngiadau benthyca a osodwyd yn San Steffan. O wrthod rhoi ceiniog o gyllid HS2 i Gymru a bygwth diystyru Llywodraeth Cymru ar ddeddfwriaeth undebau llafur, yn y Siambr hon cawn brofiad uniongyrchol o'r modd y caiff Cymru fargen wael gan Lywodraeth y DU yr ymddengys nad oes ganddi broblem o gwbl gyda thanseilio'r undeb.
Yn wahanol i Lywodraeth y DU, a wnaeth ddewis i beidio â benthyg i fuddsoddi, gwarafunir y dewis hwnnw i Lywodraeth Cymru hyd yn oed. Y ffaith yw, heb bwerau benthyg darbodus, bydd Cymru'n parhau i lusgo ar ei hôl hi, ac fe fyddwn ni'n parhau i fod yn fethedig yn ein gallu ein hunain i fuddsoddi yn nyfodol ein cenedl. Felly, waeth inni heb â gobeithio am newid Llywodraeth yn San Steffan yn unig; rhaid i ni gofleidio pob cyfle sydd gennym ni yma yng Nghymru i arwain, ond mae angen yr offer arnom ni i allu arwain yn iawn, a dyna pam mae benthyca darbodus mor bwysig.
Yn hynny o beth, rwy'n gobeithio, yn y dyfodol, y gallwn ni ddefnyddio'r broses o osod cyllidebau fel modd o adeiladu ymgyrch drawsbleidiol yn y Senedd ar gyfer pwerau benthyca darbodus Cymreig, ochr yn ochr ag achos wedi'i ddiweddaru gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer y pwerau hynny. Ac rwyf am i Gymru wneud y mwyaf o'i gallu i saernïo ein dyfodol unigryw ein hunain, dan arweiniad Llywodraeth sydd â'r pŵer ariannol i wneud newid trawsnewidiol sy'n gwella safonau byw i bawb, a gadewch i ni adeiladu Cymru werddach a thecach sy'n addas ar gyfer heriau ein dyfodol. Diolch.
Diolch, Weinidog. I would like to echo many of the comments. It's not an easy decision, and, in very many ways, it's a very sad budget. You look at it and think of the difficult decisions that are having to be made, but also knowing that, for many people, it's not going to make a huge difference to their lives.
Diolch, Weinidog. Hoffwn adleisio llawer o'r sylwadau. Nid yw yn benderfyniad hawdd, ac, mewn sawl ffordd, mae'n gyllideb drist iawn. Rydych chi'n edrych arno ac yn meddwl am y penderfyniadau anodd y mae'n rhaid eu gwneud, ond hefyd o wybod, i lawer o bobl, nad yw'n mynd i wneud gwahaniaeth enfawr i'w bywydau.
Someone wrote to me this week: 'Nothing is getting better; everything is getting worse day by day. Even some of the handouts that I have received are just not making any difference. What will change for me and what promises can you make?' Well, it's extremely difficult, because, even looking at this budget, the questions that we are being asked are not going to be solved or addressed. There are some things, of course, that will be beneficial, but, overall, our hands are still tied. And I do hope that, whilst we are emphasising the problems because of the UK Government's prioritisations—and the wrong priorities, I would say, in terms of the UK Government—I hope those representations are being made now to the shadow Labour UK Government, because, obviously, they, if they are successful in the next general election, will be that UK Government, and we would need to see that being re-addressed here in Wales, so that we are able to take account here and be properly funded for some of the things that we are not at the moment. All those lies—and they were lies—during the Brexit campaign of how much funding would come to Wales—well, where is that money now, because certainly our communities are not benefiting from those promises that were made?
I would like to echo just some of the comments in terms of teachers' pay. Crucially, we know that teachers' pay is a contentious issue and that they are still not happy and are balloting at present. Well, there is money in the budget in terms of retention, with the recruit, recover and raise standards programme, which is of course welcome. But we know that we are losing teachers in the first five years in the profession. We know, and have been told consistently, that pay is a real issue, so how is this budget going to address that?
I also welcome the announcement around public transport. Is this going to be specifically for young people? We've seen that a barrier to getting to schools or extracurricular activities has been the cost of transport, so will some of this be allocated specifically to support our young people?
I am looking forward to looking in greater detail at the budget, but from glancing at those that have been released now, I see, in terms of culture and sport specifically, that there are some cuts to those budgets. I just wondered—. In terms of looking specifically there, that's quite a small proportion of the budget but makes a huge difference in terms of what those organisations are able to do. And following on from the theme of my colleague Rhun ap Iorwerth in terms of prevention, many of the sports and cultural facilities do have that well-being. So, tackling obesity, for instance, it's really crucial in terms of participation. For mental health, a number of other programmes—we've seen the waiting list for CAMHS and so on—but the benefit of some of the sports and cultural activities are equally felt. And I do worry to see those cuts, especially when we know, looking at the Arts Council of Wales's budget as well, we've been told consistently, as a culture committee, of that increase of costs in terms of maintaining the services that are currently there.
So, I would just like to see how have the decisions been measured against the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 and the well-being goals, all of those, because it's still very much, in my mind, a budget that is in silos rather than one that actually brings the future generations Act to life in terms of thinking, cross-Government, what impact certain cuts would then have on consequences, for instance, for health.
The other key thing to emphasise is obviously to welcome the free school meals roll-out and the continuation of that as part of our co-operation agreement. I mentioned that the budget is a sad one in many ways, because we are talking about helping people just be able to have their basic needs met—to be able to have a warm meal at least once a day; to be able to have a warm home. So, I think the fact that so much money has to be allocated with the discretionary assistance fund—yes, it's welcome, but, again, it's a very tragic reflection of our society. It shows that difficult decisions will be required, but, in terms of the money that is there, I do hope that we will be able to work together, so that it's not just responding to urgent need, but also investing in the future and prevention, because I believe that a more equal and fairer Wales is possible. I think this budget does have some element of that, but there is so much more that we need to be doing together and not just blame Westminster; there are decisions that can be taken here in Wales that need to be taken.
Ysgrifennodd rhywun ata i yr wythnos hon: 'Does dim byd yn gwella; mae popeth yn gwaethygu o ddydd i ddydd. Nid yw hyd yn oed rhai o'r cyfraniadau a gefais yn gwneud unrhyw wahaniaeth. Beth fydd yn newid i mi a pha addewidion allwch chi eu gwneud?' Wel, mae'n anodd dros ben, oherwydd, hyd yn oed o edrych ar y gyllideb hon, nid yw'r cwestiynau a ofynnir yn mynd i gael eu datrys nac yn mynd i gael sylw. Mae rhai pethau, wrth gwrs, a fydd o fantais, ond, ar y cyfan, mae ein dwylo ni yn dal wedi'u clymu. Ac rwyf yn gobeithio, er ein bod ni'n pwysleisio'r problemau oherwydd blaenoriaethu Llywodraeth y DU—a'r blaenoriaethau anghywir, byddwn i'n dweud, o ran Llywodraeth y DU—rwy'n gobeithio y gwneir y sylwadau hynny nawr i Lywodraeth wrthblaid Lafur y DU, oherwydd, yn amlwg, nhw, os ydyn nhw'n llwyddiannus yn yr etholiad cyffredinol nesaf, fydd Llywodraeth y DU, a byddai angen i ni weld hynny'n cael sylw eto yma yng Nghymru, fel ein bod yn gallu ystyried yma a chael ein hariannu'n iawn am rai o'r pethau nad ydym ni ar hyn o bryd. Mae'r holl gelwyddau hynny—ac roedden nhw'n gelwyddau—yn ystod ymgyrch Brexit ynghylch faint o gyllid fyddai'n dod i Gymru—wel, ble mae'r arian hwnnw nawr, oherwydd yn sicr nid yw ein cymunedau'n elwa o'r addewidion hynny a wnaed?
Hoffwn adleisio dim ond rhai o'r sylwadau o ran tâl athrawon. Yn allweddol, rydym ni'n gwybod bod cyflog athrawon yn fater dadleuol a'u bod yn dal ddim yn hapus ac yn cynnal pleidlais ar hyn o bryd. Wel, mae arian yn y gyllideb o ran cadw, gyda'r rhaglen recriwtio, adfer a chodi safonau, sydd i'w groesawu wrth gwrs. Ond rydym ni'n gwybod ein bod ni'n colli athrawon yn y pum mlynedd gyntaf yn y proffesiwn. Rydym ni'n gwybod, ac wedi cael gwybod yn gyson, bod cyflog yn fater gwirioneddol, felly sut fydd y gyllideb hon yn mynd i'r afael â hynny?
Rydw i hefyd yn croesawu'r cyhoeddiad am drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus. Ydy hyn yn mynd i fod yn benodol i bobl ifanc? Rydym ni wedi gweld fod cost trafnidiaeth yn rhwystr i gyrraedd ysgolion neu weithgareddau allgyrsiol, felly a gaiff peth o hyn ei ddyrannu'n benodol i gefnogi ein pobl ifanc?
Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at graffu'n fanylach ar y gyllideb, ond o edrych ar y rhifau sydd wedi'u rhyddhau nawr, gwelaf, o ran diwylliant a chwaraeon yn benodol, bod yna rai toriadau i'r cyllidebau hynny. Dim ond pendroni oeddwn i—. O ran edrych yn benodol yn y fan yna, mae hynny'n gyfran eithaf bach o'r gyllideb ond yn gwneud gwahaniaeth enfawr o ran yr hyn mae'r sefydliadau hynny'n gallu ei wneud. Ac yn dilyn thema fy nghyd-Aelod Rhun ap Iorwerth o ran atal, mae gan lawer o'r cyfleusterau chwaraeon a diwylliannol ar agwedd les honno. Felly, mae mynd i'r afael â gordewdra, er enghraifft, yn hanfodol iawn o ran cymryd rhan. O ran iechyd meddwl, mae nifer o raglenni eraill—rydym ni wedi gweld y rhestr aros am CAMHS ac yn y blaen—ond mae budd rhai o'r gweithgareddau chwaraeon a diwylliannol yr un mor fawr.
Ac rwyf yn poeni o weld y toriadau hynny, yn enwedig pan fyddwn yn gwybod, wrth edrych ar gyllideb Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru hefyd, rydym ni wedi cael gwybod yn gyson, fel pwyllgor diwylliant, o'r cynnydd costau hwnnw o ran cynnal y gwasanaethau sydd yna ar hyn o bryd. Felly, fe hoffwn i weld sut mae'r penderfyniadau wedi'u mesur yn erbyn Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015 a'r nodau llesiant, rheini i gyd, oherwydd mae hi'n dal i raddau helaeth iawn, yn fy meddwl i, yn gyllideb sydd mewn adrannau yn hytrach nag un sydd mewn gwirionedd yn dod â Deddf cenedlaethau'r dyfodol yn fyw o ran meddwl, yn draws-Lywodraethol, beth fyddai effaith rhai toriadau wedyn ar ganlyniadau, er enghraifft, iechyd.
Y peth allweddol arall i bwysleisio yn amlwg yw croesawu'r cyflwyno prydau ysgol am ddim a pharhau â hynny fel rhan o'n cytundeb cydweithio. Soniais fod y gyllideb yn un trist mewn sawl ffordd, oherwydd rydym ni'n siarad am helpu pobl dim ond i allu diwallu eu hanghenion sylfaenol—i allu cael pryd cynnes o leiaf unwaith y dydd; gallu cael cartref cynnes. Felly, rwy'n credu bod yn rhaid dyrannu cymaint o arian gyda'r gronfa cymorth dewisol—ie, mae croeso iddo, ond, unwaith eto, mae'n adlewyrchiad trasig iawn o'n cymdeithas. Mae'n dangos y bydd angen penderfyniadau anodd, ond, o ran yr arian sydd yno, rwyf yn gobeithio y byddwn ni'n gallu cydweithio, fel nad ymateb i'r angen brys yn unig y bydd, ond hefyd yn buddsoddi yn y dyfodol ac atal, oherwydd rwy'n credu bod Cymru fwy cyfartal a thecach yn bosib. Rwy'n credu bod gan y gyllideb hon ryw elfen o hynny, ond mae cymaint mwy y mae angen i ni fod yn ei wneud gyda'n gilydd ac nid dim ond beio San Steffan; mae yna benderfyniadau y gellir eu gwneud yma yng Nghymru sydd angen eu gwneud.
Because I'm going to be talking about properties, I'll declare my own interest in terms of property ownership.
I think it's probably one of the most difficult budgets for us all that we, as Members here, have faced. I've not heard too much about the awful two years plus that we went through of the pandemic. When everybody's slating the UK Government, we cannot forget that I think it was about £8.5 billion that came into Wales. When people talk about austerity, when you think and consider the number of businesses that were supported by the UK Government with furlough schemes, and then who would have thought, just as we were coming out of that dark period—and, in some ways, the pandemic still affects members of our staff, and, in turn, affects our economy—but, who would have thought that then the war in Ukraine, a war that we thought we'd seen the end of after the second world war, that we wouldn't see war in Europe again? So, put this together with the fact of our energy crisis and the food price pressures and everything, and I don't know how anyone could ever have estimated that this would be an easy budget, either for the UK Government or indeed the Welsh Government, but we have to put this in perspective, and to just keeping knocking the UK Government doesn't really sort it, in my opinion.
We've got to also remember that this is taxpayers' money—hard-working taxpayers. This isn't Welsh Government money; it belongs to the taxpayers, and yet, in this time of crisis and this cost-of-living crisis and homelessness like nothing I've ever known before in Wales, we see the Wales state energy company, Ynni Cymru, and we talk about £814,000 on setting up a company and then another—[Interruption.]
Oherwydd y byddaf yn siarad am eiddo, fe wna i ddatgan buddiant o ran perchnogaeth eiddo.
Rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n debyg o fod yn un o'r cyllidebau anoddaf i ni gyd yr ydym ni, fel Aelodau yma, wedi ei hwynebu. Dydw i ddim wedi clywed rhyw lawer am y ddwy flynedd a mwy ofnadwy yr aethom drwyddyn nhw o'r pandemig. Wrth i bawb ladd ar Lywodraeth y DU, ni allwn ni anghofio am yr oddeutu £8.5 biliwn a ddaeth i Gymru, rwy'n credu. Pan fydd pobl yn siarad am gyni, pan fyddwch chi'n meddwl ac yn ystyried nifer y busnesau a gafodd gefnogaeth gan Lywodraeth y DU gyda chynlluniau ffyrlo, ac yna pwy fyddai wedi meddwl, yn union fel roedden ni'n dod allan o'r cyfnod tywyll hwnnw—ac, mewn rhai ffyrdd, mae'r pandemig yn dal i effeithio ar aelodau o'n staff, ac, yn ei dro, yn effeithio ar ein heconomi—ond, pwy fyddai wedi meddwl wedyn y rhyfel yn Wcráin, rhyfel yr oedden ni'n meddwl y gwelsom ni ei diwedd ar ôl yr ail ryfel byd, na fydden ni'n gweld rhyfel yn Ewrop eto? Felly, rhowch hyn at ei gilydd gyda'r ffaith bod ein hargyfwng ynni a'r pwysau prisiau bwyd a phopeth, ac nid wyf yn gwybod sut y gallai unrhyw un erioed fod wedi amcangyfrif y byddai hon yn gyllideb hawdd, naill ai i Lywodraeth y DU nac yn wir i Lywodraeth Cymru, ond mae'n rhaid i ni roi hyn mewn persbectif, ac nid yw parhau i ladd ar Lywodraeth y DU yn mynd i'w ddatrys mewn gwirionedd, yn fy marn i.
Mae'n rhaid i ni gofio hefyd mai arian trethdalwyr yw hwn—trethdalwyr sy'n gweithio'n galed. Nid arian Llywodraeth Cymru yw hwn; mae'n perthyn i'r trethdalwyr, ac eto, yn y cyfnod hwn o argyfwng a'r argyfwng costau byw hwn a'r digartrefedd fel dim yr wyf erioed wedi'i adnabod o'r blaen yng Nghymru, gwelwn gwmni ynni gwladol Cymru, Ynni Cymru, ac rydym yn siarad am £814,000 ar sefydlu cwmni ac yna —[Torri ar draws.]
Will the Member take an intervention?
A wnaiff yr Aelod dderbyn ymyriad?
Yes, sorry, Jack.
Gwnaf, mae'n ddrwg gennyf, Jack.
Thank you, Janet. Just referring back to your statement on taxpayers' money, I just wondered if you agree with me that the PPE scandal in Westminster, where they wasted taxpayers' money and just gave it to their friends in the Lords, do you agree with me that that is an actual disgrace, and that that could have been spent better in the UK and in Wales?
Diolch, Janet. Dim ond cyfeirio'n ôl at eich datganiad am arian trethdalwyr, tybed a ydych chi'n cytuno â mi fod y sgandal cyfarpar diogelu personol yn San Steffan, lle roedden nhw'n gwastraffu arian trethdalwyr a'i roi i'w cyfeillion yn Nhŷ'r Arglwyddi, ydych chi'n cytuno â mi bod hynny'n warth gwirioneddol, ac y gellid bod wedi gwario hwnnw'n well yn y DU ac yng Nghymru?
At the end of the day, Jack, we had a massive emergency on our hands. We had to protect—[Interruption.] Jack, we had to protect—. It's fair to say that the UK Government just wanted to protect the most vulnerable in dealing with the pandemic. How would you have done it any differently? [Interruption.] Yes, but you didn't—[Interruption.] You did not—[Interruption.]
Ar ddiwedd y dydd, Jack, roeddem ni'n wynebu argyfwng enfawr. Roedd rhaid i ni amddiffyn—[Torri ar draws.] Jack, roedd rhaid inni amddiffyn—. Mae'n deg dweud nad oedd ar Lywodraeth y DU ond eisiau amddiffyn y rhai mwyaf bregus wrth ymdrin â'r pandemig. Sut fyddech chi wedi ei wneud yn wahanol? [Torri ar draws.] Do, ond wnaethoch chi ddim—[Torri ar draws.] Wnaethoch chi ddim—[Torri ar draws.]
Allow Janet Finch-Saunders to carry on. Can we allow Janet Finch-Saunders to carry on?
Caniatewch i Janet Finch-Saunders barhau. A allwn ni ganiatáu i Janet Finch-Saunders barhau?
Thank you, Llywydd. I know it's Christmas nearly, and I know it's pantomime season, but this budget is actually a very serious issue.
Now, if we want to be encouraging renewable energy production in Wales, we should be empowering local businesses to achieve it. The Welsh Government could do this by reintroducing the business rate relief that you took away from our privately owned hydro power schemes. That means that private hydro schemes would not have to consider closing down; it would make Wales a far more appealing location for renewable power generation.
We need a marine development plan for Wales, which has already been endorsed by the Senedd through my own legislative proposal. Clearly, more needs to be done here. Again, from the Finance Committee's report, some stakeholders noted the lack of progress in marine recovery, and want to see this implemented and escalated.
We also need to be providing leadership on creating low-carbon homes. Scotland have a hydrogen neighbourhood by 2023, and England a hydrogen village by 2025. We have no such commitment here. Already, Gateshead, in north-east England, has hydrogen homes. We are so behind, and these are the kinds of initiatives we need. We need to see a clear pledge to back hydrogen in this budget, otherwise Wales will fall even further behind Great Britain.
Now, remaining on the topic of housing, the scale of homelessness in Wales, reflected in the huge number of people in emergency or temporary accommodation, is putting acute pressure on all our services and our staff responsible for delivering them. Now, this was a consistent theme of the Finance Committee's report on the draft budget. They noted that, according to one stakeholder, homelessness has been a huge challenge, identifying a £1 million funding gap. They're also contending with implementation of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016, and trying to engage in the planned transition to rapid rehousing. We've said it so many times on these benches; it's just leading to a major increase in eviction notices and demand for temporary accommodation, resulting in local authority budgets for homelessness, such as those in my own local authority, increasing rapidly.
If housing support providers are unable to maintain their service provision, the negative impact will not be limited to homelessness, but will also be felt by health, social care, and criminal justice services. Community Housing Cymru have said that they need more resources to retrain and recruit more staff, expand provision, and maintain the delivery of these critical services. Research conducted by Cardiff Metropolitan University has demonstrated that homelessness and housing support services deliver significant benefits to other public services, with a net saving of £1.40 for every £1 invested in the housing support grant. However, financial pressures on emergency housing services are being made worse by the Welsh Labour Government's Renting Homes (Wales) Act. It's just making everybody's job more arduous. This Act should be suspended immediately, and this would ultimately reduce the pressure on housing, local authority and health budgets.
Clearly, the Welsh Government needs to assess its priorities. With a need to be fiscally responsible, it would be better for the state to do a few things well than do many things badly. This budget is going to be another test as to whether you do really tackle the housing and climate crisis effectively. I feel that you will fail, but let me just say on behalf of all those people who come to my office for help—and hopefully we try and help them, but we cannot conjure houses up—please, Welsh Government, every single one of you as Cabinet Ministers, you have a duty to the people of Wales to build the houses and bring back the empty houses that are in stock. Stop concentrating on second homes and things like that. You really, really now need to start putting together a plan, and what's more, what is needed here in this Government is a strategic rented social housing plan, because I've never ever in my lifetime witnessed the lack of ambition in providing those much needed homes for those requiring social housing. Thank you.
Diolch, Llywydd. Rwy'n gwybod ei bod hi'n Nadolig bron, ac rwy'n gwybod ei bod hi'n dymor pantomeim, ond mae'r gyllideb hon mewn gwirionedd yn fater difrifol iawn.
Nawr, os oes arnom ni eisiau annog cynhyrchu ynni adnewyddadwy yng Nghymru, dylem fod yn grymuso busnesau lleol i gyflawni hynny. Gallai Llywodraeth Cymru wneud hyn trwy ailgyflwyno'r rhyddhad ardrethi busnes y gwnaethoch chi ei dileu o'n cynlluniau pŵer hydro sydd dan berchnogaeth breifat. Mae hynny'n golygu na fyddai'n rhaid i gynlluniau ynni dŵr preifat ystyried cau; byddai'n gwneud Cymru'n lleoliad llawer mwy apelgar i gynhyrchu pŵer adnewyddadwy.
Mae angen cynllun datblygu morol i Gymru, sydd eisoes wedi'i gymeradwyo gan y Senedd trwy fy nghynnig deddfwriaethol fy hun. Yn amlwg, mae angen gwneud mwy. Unwaith eto, o adroddiad y Pwyllgor Cyllid, nododd rhai rhanddeiliaid y diffyg cynnydd mewn adferiad morol, ac awydd i weld hyn yn cael ei weithredu a'i ehangu.
Mae angen i ni hefyd fod yn rhoi arweiniad ar greu cartrefi carbon isel. Bydd gan yr Alban gymdogaeth hydrogen erbyn 2023, a Lloegr pentref hydrogen erbyn 2025. Does gennym ni ddim ymrwymiad o'r fath yma. Eisoes, mae gan Gateshead, yng ngogledd-ddwyrain Lloegr, gartrefi hydrogen. Rydym ni mor bell ar ei hôl hi, a dyma'r math o fentrau sydd eu hangen arnom ni. Mae angen i ni weld addewid clir i gefnogi hydrogen yn y gyllideb hon, neu bydd Cymru'n disgyn ymhellach fyth y tu ôl i Brydain.
Bellach, gan aros ar y mater o dai, mae graddfa digartrefedd yng Nghymru, a adlewyrchir yn y nifer enfawr o bobl mewn llety brys neu lety dros dro, yn rhoi pwysau dybryd ar ein holl wasanaethau ac ar ein staff sy'n gyfrifol am eu darparu. Nawr, roedd hon yn thema gyson o adroddiad y Pwyllgor Cyllid ar y gyllideb ddrafft. Nodwyd y bu digartrefedd, yn ôl un rhanddeiliaid, yn her enfawr, a chanfuwyd bwlch ariannol o £1 miliwn. Maen nhw hefyd yn ymrafael gyda gweithredu Deddf Rhentu Cartrefi (Cymru) 2016, ac yn ceisio cymryd rhan yn y cyfnod pontio arfaethedig i ailgartrefu'n gyflym. Rydym ni wedi dweud hyn gymaint o weithiau ar y meinciau hyn; mae'n arwain at gynnydd mawr mewn hysbysiadau troi allan a'r galw am lety dros dro, gan arwain at gyllidebau awdurdodau lleol ar gyfer digartrefedd, fel y rhai yn fy awdurdod lleol fy hun, yn cynyddu'n gyflym.
Os na fydd darparwyr cymorth tai yn gallu cynnal eu darpariaeth gwasanaeth, ni fydd yr effaith negyddol yn gyfyngedig i ddigartrefedd, ond hefyd yn effeithio ar wasanaethau iechyd, gofal cymdeithasol, a chyfiawnder troseddol. Mae Cartrefi Cymunedol Cymru wedi dweud bod angen mwy o adnoddau arnyn nhw i ailhyfforddi a recriwtio mwy o staff, ehangu'r ddarpariaeth, a chynnal y gwaith o ddarparu'r gwasanaethau hollbwysig yma. Mae ymchwil a gynhaliwyd gan Brifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd wedi dangos bod gwasanaethau digartrefedd a thai cymorth yn darparu manteision sylweddol i wasanaethau cyhoeddus eraill, gydag arbediad net o £1.40 ar gyfer pob £1 a fuddsoddwyd yn y grant cymorth tai. Ond mae pwysau ariannol ar wasanaethau tai brys yn waeth oherwydd Deddf Rhentu Cartrefi (Cymru) Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru. Mae'n gwneud gwaith pawb yn fwy trafferthus. Dylid atal y Ddeddf hon ar unwaith, a byddai hyn yn y pen draw yn lleihau'r pwysau ar gyllidebau tai, awdurdodau lleol ac iechyd.
Yn amlwg, mae angen i Lywodraeth Cymru asesu ei blaenoriaethau. Gydag angen bod yn gyfrifol yn gyllidol, byddai'n well i'r wladwriaeth wneud ambell beth yn dda na gwneud llawer o bethau'n ddrwg. Bydd y gyllideb hon yn brawf arall a ydych chi wir yn mynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng tai a hinsawdd yn effeithiol. Rwy'n teimlo y byddwch chi'n methu, ond gadewch i mi ddweud ar ran yr holl bobl hynny sy'n dod i'm swyddfa am gymorth—a gobeithio y byddwn ni'n ceisio eu helpu, ond allwn ni ddim peri i dai ymddangos—os gwelwch yn dda, Llywodraeth Cymru, pob un ohonoch chi fel Gweinidogion y Cabinet, mae gennych chi ddyletswydd i bobl Cymru i adeiladu'r tai a dod â'r tai gwag sydd ar gael yn ôl i ddefnydd. Rhowch y gorau i ganolbwyntio ar ail gartrefi a phethau felly. Mae gwir angen i chi ddechrau llunio cynllun, a beth sy'n fwy, yr hyn sydd ei angen yma yn y Llywodraeth hon yw cynllun strategol tai cymdeithasol ar rent, oherwydd nid wyf erioed yn fy myw wedi gweld y diffyg uchelgais wrth ddarparu'r cartrefi y mae mawr eu hangen ar gyfer y rhai sydd angen tai cymdeithasol. Diolch.
I thank the Minister for bringing forward today's statement on the draft budget. I gather I'm probably towards the end of this debate today, and there's been quite a range of contributions, and listening to a number of the contributions, you'd think we'd be living in a time and a place that is pretty dire. But I just want to remind us all that we are probably living in one of the greatest times in the human race to be alive, and in one of the greatest countries on earth. At the moment, we're living in a time when people are living longer and healthier lives than ever before. We have a freedom of democracy and rule of law in this country that allow us to have this kind of robust debate, to disagree, but also to get along as well. We live in a country of great opportunity, of enterprise, of business, of near full employment at the moment across the United Kingdom—
Diolch i'r Gweinidog am gyflwyno'r datganiad heddiw ar y gyllideb ddrafft. Rwy'n casglu fy mod i tua diwedd y ddadl hon heddiw mae'n siŵr, ac mae yna dipyn o gyfraniadau wedi bod, a gwrando ar nifer o'r cyfraniadau, byddech chi'n meddwl y bydden ni'n byw mewn cyfnod a lle sy'n go enbyd. Ond fe hoffwn i ein hatgoffa ni gyd ein bod ni, mae'n debyg, yn byw yn un o'r cyfnodau gorau yn yr hil ddynol i fod yn fyw, ac yn un o'r gwledydd gorau ar y ddaear. Ar hyn o bryd, rydym ni'n byw mewn cyfnod lle mae pobl yn byw bywydau hirach ac iachach nag erioed o'r blaen. Mae gennym ni ryddid democratiaeth a chyfraith yn y wlad hon sy'n caniatáu inni gael y math hwn o ddadl gadarn, i anghytuno, ond hefyd i gyd-dynnu. Rydym ni'n byw mewn gwlad o gyfleoedd gwych, o fenter, o fusnes, o bron iawn cyflogaeth lawn ar hyn o bryd ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig—
Will you take an intervention?
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad?
Certainly, I'd love to hear the intervention.
Yn sicr, byddwn i wrth fy modd yn clywed yr ymyriad.
I would ask you which country you're talking about actually—[Interruption.] But do you recognise that life expectancy has been falling for the first time in many, many generations?
Hoffwn ofyn i chi am ba wlad rydych chi'n siarad amdani mewn gwirionedd—[Torri ar draws.] Ond ydych chi'n cydnabod y bu disgwyliad oes yn gostwng am y tro cyntaf ers llawer, llawer cenhedlaeth?
We're living in a place and a time where it's better to be alive than ever before, and we've heard contributions today that seem so negative about this country. It's pretty depressing. We have a welfare system that is one of the most supportive in the world, and we're making great strides towards a sustainable and green country across the United Kingdom and here in Wales. And of course, there are parts of this budget statement here today that I completely disagree with, and I would want to see things completely different, but I'm optimistic about the future of the United Kingdom and Wales's place within the United Kingdom as well. I just wanted to make that point, Llywydd, because I was getting pretty depressed listening to contributions from across the Chamber this afternoon.
But, Llywydd, you won't be surprised and the Minister won't be surprised that the meat of my contribution today is going to be in relation to local government and our fantastic councils that are at the forefront of delivering these really important local services that our communities rely on. Minister, I appreciate that it's a budget made during challenging times, as has been expressed, and you've made a welcome announcement of an additional £227 million to be provided to local government through the settlement. You've also stated today that funding will be provided to deliver the real living wage in social care. I just wanted to be clear as to whether that £227 million is the money you're talking about to deliver that real living wage or whether there is additional money to enable local authorities to do that.
There are a couple of other points where I'd like clarity, if you don't mind, as well. Clearly, there's a big proportion of this local government settlement increase that will be used for those staffing cost increases. So, I just wonder, in your mind, what proportion of that £227 million you expect to enable local authorities to survive and deliver business as usual versus what proportion of that money you think councils will be able to use to deliver additional services in our communities.
Rydym ni'n byw mewn lle ac amser lle mae'n well bod yn fyw nag erioed o'r blaen, ac rydym ni wedi clywed cyfraniadau heddiw sy'n ymddangos mor negyddol am y wlad hon. Mae'n eithaf digalon. Mae gennym ni system les sydd yn un o'r rhai mwyaf cefnogol yn y byd, ac rydym ni'n cymryd camau breision tuag at fod yn wlad werdd a chynaliadwy ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig ac yma yng Nghymru. Ac wrth gwrs, mae rhannau o'r datganiad cyllideb yma heddiw yr wyf i'n anghytuno'n llwyr â nhw, a byddwn i eisiau gweld pethau'n hollol wahanol, ond rwy'n obeithiol am ddyfodol y Deyrnas Unedig a lle Cymru o fewn y Deyrnas Unedig hefyd. Dim ond eisiau gwneud y sylw hwnnw, Llywydd, oherwydd roeddwn i'n mynd yn eithaf digalon yn gwrando ar gyfraniadau o bob rhan o'r Siambr y prynhawn yma.
Ond, Llywydd, ni fyddwch yn synnu ac ni fydd y Gweinidog yn synnu y bydd craidd fy nghyfraniad heddiw mewn perthynas â llywodraeth leol a'n cynghorau gwych sydd ar flaen y gad o ran darparu'r gwasanaethau lleol hynod bwysig hyn y mae ein cymunedau yn dibynnu arnynt. Gweinidog, rwy'n sylweddoli ei bod yn gyllideb a wnaed yn ystod cyfnod heriol, fel y mynegwyd, ac rydych chi wedi gwneud cyhoeddiad croesawus o £227 miliwn ychwanegol i'w ddarparu i lywodraeth leol drwy'r setliad. Rydych chi hefyd wedi dweud heddiw y caiff y cyllid ei ddarparu i roi'r cyflog byw gwirioneddol ym maes gofal cymdeithasol. Roeddwn i eisiau bod yn glir ai £227 miliwn yw'r arian rydych chi'n sôn amdano i ddarparu'r cyflog byw gwirioneddol hwnnw neu a oes arian ychwanegol i alluogi awdurdodau lleol i wneud hynny.
Mae yna ambell beth arall yr hoffwn i eglurder yn eu cylch, os nad oes ots gennych chi, hefyd. Yn amlwg, caiff cyfran fawr o'r cynnydd hwn o ran y setliad llywodraeth leol ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer y cynnydd mewn costau staffio hynny. Felly, tybed yn eich meddwl chi, pa gyfran o'r £227 miliwn hwnnw rydych chi'n disgwyl i alluogi awdurdodau lleol i oroesi a gweithredu yn ôl yr arfer a pha gyfran o'r arian hwnnw rydych chi'n meddwl y bydd cynghorau'n gallu ei ddefnyddio i ddarparu gwasanaethau ychwanegol yn ein cymunedau.
Would you take an intervention?
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad?
I'd welcome an intervention. Yes, no problem at all.
Byddwn i'n croesawu ymyrraeth. Dim problem o gwbl.
Thank you very much. You mentioned £227 million for local government, but of course there is the £31 billion Government loans scheme that was just handed back. They didn't pursue it, they just threw our money away. They're just completely careless with public money. And that's on top of the £200 million PPE scandal. So, that makes a total of £31.2 billion on those two items alone, where you've actually failed as a Tory Government to be custodians of the public purse.
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Fe wnaethoch chi sôn am £227 miliwn ar gyfer llywodraeth leol, ond wrth gwrs dyna i chi'r cynllun benthyciadau £31 biliwn gan y Llywodraeth a gafodd ei drosglwyddo'n ôl. Aethon nhw ddim ar drywydd hynny, fe daflon nhw ein harian i ffwrdd. Maen nhw'n hollol ddiofal gydag arian cyhoeddus. Ac mae hynny ar ben y sgandal cyfarpar diogelu personol gwerth £200 miliwn. Felly, mae hynny'n gwneud cyfanswm o £31.2 biliwn ar y ddwy eitem hynny yn unig, lle rydych chi mewn gwirionedd wedi methu fel Llywodraeth Dorïaidd i fod yn geidwaid y pwrs cyhoeddus.
I'm sure that's a very helpful contribution, Llywydd. We're here to scrutinise and talk about the Welsh Government budget and statement made here today. I'm sure the Member would like to get elected to Westminster if she wants to scrutinise the Westminster budget in the future.
Secondly, Minister, there are some serious questions to ask here about your consideration of council reserves, in terms of the settlement that's going to be announced tomorrow and what part that has played in your decision-making process.
And finally, Minister, in terms of the provision for local government settlement announcement to be made tomorrow, I wonder how discussions with local government colleagues have influenced so far any changes to the funding formula. I know it's something you've looked at with the WLGA and will continue to look at, I'm sure, but I was reminded again earlier this week that, for example, Denbighshire County Council receives on average 17 per cent more per head than a neighbouring local authority in north Wales with a seemingly very similar demographic. How is work progressing in terms of the funding formula? How has that influenced your intended settlement announcement that you're going to make tomorrow? Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd.
Rwy'n siŵr fod hynny'n gyfraniad defnyddiol iawn, Llywydd. Rydym ni yma i graffu ar gyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru a'r datganiad a wnaed yma heddiw a siarad am hynny. Rwy'n siŵr yr hoffai'r Aelod gael ei hethol i San Steffan os oes arni eisiau craffu ar gyllideb San Steffan yn y dyfodol.
Yn ail, Gweinidog, mae rhai cwestiynau difrifol i'w gofyn yma am eich ystyriaeth o gronfeydd wrth gefn cynghorau, o ran y setliad a gyhoeddir yfory a pha ran fu i hynny yn eich proses o wneud penderfyniadau.
Ac yn olaf, y Gweinidog, o ran y ddarpariaeth ar gyfer cyhoeddi setliad llywodraeth leol yfory, tybed sut mae trafodaethau gyda chydweithwyr llywodraeth leol wedi dylanwadu hyd yma ar unrhyw newidiadau i'r fformiwla ariannu. Rwy'n gwybod ei fod yn rhywbeth rydych chi wedi edrych arno gyda Chymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru ac y byddwch yn parhau i edrych arno, rwy'n siŵr, ond cefais fy atgoffa eto yn gynharach yr wythnos hon bod Cyngor Sir Ddinbych, er enghraifft, yn derbyn 17 y cant yn fwy y pen ar gyfartaledd nag awdurdod lleol cyfagos yng ngogledd Cymru gyda demograffeg sy'n ymddangos yn debyg iawn. Sut mae gwaith yn mynd rhagddo o ran y fformiwla ariannu? Sut mae hynny wedi dylanwadu ar y setliad arfaethedig y bwriadwch ei gyhoeddi yfory? Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd.
Y Gweinidog cyllid nawr i ymateb i'r ddadl. Rebecca Evans.
The Minister for finance now to reply to the debate. Rebecca Evans.

Diolch, Llywydd, and thank you to all colleagues for what I think has been a really constructive set of comments and representations this afternoon. And I know that, once colleagues have had the chance to digest the full suite of budget information, there will inevitably be lots more questions and comments, so I'm more than happy to continue that dialogue as we move forward towards the publication of the final budget next year.
So, as I said in my opening statement, this is very much a draft budget that is unlike any other that we've laid since the start of devolution, and I think that colleagues have recognised the difficult choices that we've faced in delivering it. But we haven't shied away from difficult decisions and, despite the difficult times that we are in, we have delivered a budget for Wales that is grounded in our Welsh values of social, economic and environmental justice. And we've also sought to maximise every penny available to support the Wales of today whilst also laying the foundations for the Wales of tomorrow.
There were lots of detailed questions about some of my colleagues' portfolio areas, which I know committees will want to get into in more detail, around housing, energy, social care, transport and health, for example, so I'll just try to respond to as much as I can within the time available to me this afternoon, but there will be lots more opportunities for scrutiny and discussion.
The overall context was set out, and I know a number of colleagues have referred to it and how difficult it is. And even with the additional funding made available through the autumn statement of £1.2 billion over two years, it still doesn't begin, really, to fill the gap that there is in terms of public services, so there have been some really difficult choices made. Our focus really has been on protecting front-line services and, of course, our ambitions for the future in our programme for government, continuing to provide help to those who are in need most as a result of the crises that we're facing, and also supporting our economy through recessionary times.
Diolch, Llywydd, a diolch i bob cyd-Aelod am yr hyn a gredaf a fu'n gyfres adeiladol iawn o sylwadau a chynrychioliadau y prynhawn yma. Ac rwy'n gwybod, ar ôl i gyd-Aelodau gael cyfle i dreulio'r holl wybodaeth am y gyllideb, mae'n anochel y bydd llawer mwy o gwestiynau a sylwadau, felly rwy'n fwy na pharod i barhau â'r drafodaeth honno wrth i ni fwrw ymlaen i gyhoeddi'r gyllideb derfynol y flwyddyn nesaf.
Felly, fel y dywedais i yn fy natganiad agoriadol, mae hon i raddau helaeth iawn yn gyllideb ddrafft sy'n wahanol i unrhyw un arall yr ydym ni wedi'i chyflwyno ers dechrau datganoli, ac rwy'n credu bod cyd-Aelodau wedi cydnabod y dewisiadau anodd yr ydym ni wedi eu hwynebu wrth ei chyflwyno. Ond dydyn ni ddim wedi osgoi penderfyniadau anodd ac, er gwaetha'r cyfnod anodd rydym ni ynddo, rydym ni wedi darparu cyllideb i Gymru sydd wedi ei gwreiddio yn ein gwerthoedd Cymreig o gyfiawnder cymdeithasol, economaidd ac amgylcheddol. Ac rydym ni hefyd wedi ceisio gwneud y gorau o bob ceiniog sydd ar gael i gefnogi Cymru heddiw gan osod y sylfeini ar gyfer Cymru yfory yn ogystal.
Roedd llawer o gwestiynau manwl am rai o feysydd portffolio fy nghyd-Aelodau, ac rwy'n gwybod y bydd ar bwyllgorau eisiau craffu'n fanylach, o ran tai, ynni, gofal cymdeithasol, trafnidiaeth ac iechyd, er enghraifft, felly byddaf ond yn ceisio ymateb i gymaint ag y gallaf o fewn yr amser sydd ar gael i mi y prynhawn yma, ond bydd llawer mwy o gyfleoedd i graffu a thrafod.
Nodwyd y cyd-destun cyffredinol, ac rwy'n gwybod bod nifer o gyd-Aelodau wedi cyfeirio ato a pha mor anodd yw hi. A hyd yn oed gyda'r cyllid ychwanegol sydd ar gael drwy ddatganiad yr hydref o £1.2 biliwn dros ddwy flynedd, nid yw'n dechrau, mewn gwirionedd, llenwi'r bwlch sydd o ran gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, felly mae rhai dewisiadau anodd iawn wedi eu gwneud. Bu ein pwyslais mewn gwirionedd ar ddiogelu gwasanaethau rheng flaen ac, wrth gwrs, ein huchelgeisiau ar gyfer y dyfodol yn ein rhaglen lywodraethu, gan barhau i ddarparu cymorth i'r rhai sydd mewn angen fwyaf o ganlyniad i'r argyfyngau sy'n ein hwynebu, a hefyd cefnogi ein heconomi drwy gyfnod o ddirwasgiad.
One of the things that I am disappointed not to be able to do is make further significant capital allocations. That was a matter of deep regret, that there was no further capital as a result of the autumn statement. Our capital budget will be 8.1 per cent lower in 2024-25 than in the current year. And, of course, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the London School of Economics Growth Commission and the UK Government's own National Infrastructure Commission have all said that investment in infrastructure and investment in skills absolutely is the way in which we should be growing the economy and investing at this point. So, that is particularly of concern.
Some interesting points were made about releasing land, so just to confirm that the Welsh Government does release land from time to time. For example, within this financial year, there's been a release of land from within the economy portfolio; you'll see details of that within the supplementary budget, which will be published in February. We do acquire and release land from time to time. In terms of Welsh Government land, though, we are taking a different approach following the setting up of the land division, and that's very much about looking at the land that Welsh Government holds and first and foremost asking ourselves is this land that could be used for housing, is this land that could be used to help develop our social housing in Wales. We are making some progress on that as well.
Turning to the reprioritisation exercise that we undertook, colleagues will have heard me say that that released £87.4 million from our existing plans. That was really about refocusing to those areas where we think the need is greatest. That's been a really painful exercise for all colleagues, and I know that committees will get into that in more detail. But I just thought I'd share with you how we undertook that exercise. Certain areas were given a degree of protection from reprioritisation. They included the revenue support grant for local authorities in the finance and local government main expenditure group, NHS and social care funding under the health and social services MEG, and part of the education MEG as well. That was important to us because those are the areas where you see the front-line service delivery, which is exactly what we're trying to support through the reprioritisation.
Some Ministers have gone to areas that are demand led and had the potential to have surplus funding, and released funding, depending on what they understand uptake to be. Other options have been about reviewing contracts; some could be terminated or relet. Our e-procurement contract, for example, was coming to an end, and we were able to reprocure that at a cheaper cost. Other approaches by Ministers have been about looking to issue a kind of blanket reduction across other parts of the MEG as well. So, there have been different approaches to get us to where we are today. But inevitably, I think that that leads us then to some real difficulties in terms of looking at how we will deliver things.
You will see in the budget, and in our Wales infrastructure investment strategies pipeline, which sits underneath it, that there are areas where we will have to deliver potentially over a longer period, or not deliver as much. Sustainable communities for learning, for example, could be affected by the current economic conditions, including high inflation and, of course, delays in the supply chains affecting the building sector. We do remain committed to investing more than £1.5 billion in the next phase of delivery, but of course, the economic conditions may mean that we end up delivering less for that money. So, those are just to give a little bit of flavour, really, to the difficult choices that we've had to make and what the implications might be.
Thinking ahead now to the final budget, I can't see any scope for allocating further funding based on the way in which we've taken our approach to reserves for next year. What we can do, of course, is to make changes between the draft budget and the final budget, thinking of the recommendations that will come forward from committees and the representations that we will have from colleagues within the Senedd, and, of course, organisations outside it. Because our approach, as colleagues will remember, which we set out at the start of the three-year spending review, was not to hold unallocated DEL in the next financial year, but to manage the pressures within the year from within the Wales reserve. You'll see from the plans published today that plans for next year already draw down £38 million of the potential £125 million annual drawdown, so things are extremely tight, and, of course, we maintain our capital overprogramme. Next year, that will be £98.5 million, so no general capital will be available to allocate. I do intend to make allocations in respect of financial transactions capital between the draft and the final budget, however. So, again, that will be an area for some further discussion.
Thinking about the local government settlement in particular, there were some particular questions there. I just want to make the point that the £227 million for next year is obviously additional funding, but that does include the £117 million that we received in consequential funding in the autumn statement in respect of education. It also includes local government's share of the £70 million in respect of the real living wage for social care workers. Not all of it goes through local government, of course, some goes through the health MEG as well. That said, I think the overall settlement might be a little bit more generous than local government was expecting, or certainly not as bad as local government was fearing, but, of course, the details of that will be published tomorrow.
Local government has been very clear all along that its big pressures are education and social care, so we expect local government to want to put additional funding in those particular areas. One of the reasons why things are different here is because, of course, we continue to fund schools through local government, rather than funding schools directly as they do across the border. But even with that, we have provided additional funding through the education MEG for the work that they're doing on the recruit and raise standards side of things, additional funding for the pupil deprivation grant, recognising how important that is for families who may be struggling, and also additional funding in respect of delivering our additional learning needs work as well, which is really important.
On the health side of things, the £165 million uplift will be targeted to protecting core NHS services. It does mean that there will be some refocusing of spending in other areas, for example, such as establishing the NHS executive. The impact there would be a reduction in scope and capacity over the short to medium term. That's another example of the decisions that have been taken by colleagues, but it's very much about recognising the impact of inflation on the NHS.
I was really pleased to make the announcement in respect of non-domestic rates to support businesses across Wales. Obviously, we've frozen the multiplier, we've provided transitional relief to support businesses across the tax base that have been affected by the revaluation in April 2023. I won't talk too much about that, because I can see my time is running out, and we have the next item of business this afternoon to debate that, but we're also extending and enhancing the existing relief for retail, leisure and hospitality. What I will say there is it cost us more to do the same thing in Wales because of the nature of our tax base, but we were able to provide what is a very, very good package, and that is drawing on some funding that we'd already allocated within the non-domestic rates space.
And then, just finally, I can confirm that the funding that we had in consequentials from the UK Government in respect of social care and education has all been passed on in full and, actually, has gone over and above the funding that we received in consequentials, because I know that's of particular interest to many colleagues. I could go on forever, but my time is up. Thank you.
Un o'r pethau rwy'n siomedig i beidio â gallu ei wneud yw gwneud dyraniadau cyfalaf sylweddol pellach. Roedd hynny'n destun gofid mawr, nad oedd cyfalaf pellach o ganlyniad i ddatganiad yr hydref. Bydd ein cyllideb gyfalaf 8.1 y cant yn is yn 2024-25 nag yn y flwyddyn bresennol. Ac, wrth gwrs, mae'r Sefydliad Dros Gydweithio a Datblygu Economaidd, Comisiwn Twf Economeg Llundain a Chomisiwn Seilwaith Cenedlaethol Llywodraeth y DU ei hun i gyd wedi dweud mai buddsoddi mewn seilwaith a buddsoddi mewn sgiliau yn wir yw'r ffordd y dylem ni fod yn tyfu'r economi a buddsoddi ar hyn o bryd. Felly, mae hynny'n arbennig o bryderus.
Gwnaed rhai pwyntiau diddorol ynglŷn â rhyddhau tir, felly dim ond i gadarnhau bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn rhyddhau tir o bryd i'w gilydd. Er enghraifft, yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon, bu rhyddhau tir o fewn portffolio'r economi; fe welwch chi fanylion am hynny yn y gyllideb atodol, a gyhoeddir ym mis Chwefror. Rydym ni yn caffael ac yn rhyddhau tir o bryd i'w gilydd. Er hynny, o ran tir Llywodraeth Cymru rydym ni'n mynd ati mewn ffordd wahanol yn dilyn sefydlu'r gyfadran tir, ac mae hynny'n ymwneud yn fawr ag edrych ar y tir y sydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru ac yn bennaf yn gofyn i ni'n hunain a ellid defnyddio'r tir hwn ar gyfer tai, a ellid defnyddio'r tir hwn i helpu i ddatblygu ein tai cymdeithasol yng Nghymru. Rydym ni'n gwneud rhywfaint o gynnydd gyda hynny hefyd.
Gan droi at yr ymarfer ail-flaenoriaethu y bu inni ei gynnal, bydd cyd-Aelodau wedi fy nghlywed yn dweud i hynny ryddhau £87.4 miliwn o'n cynlluniau presennol. Roedd hynny wir yn ymwneud â chanolbwyntio ar yr ardaloedd hynny lle rydyn ni'm meddwl fod yr angen fwyaf. Mae hynny wedi bod yn ymarfer poenus iawn i bob cyd-Aelod, ac rwy'n gwybod y bydd pwyllgorau yn craffu ar hynny'n fanylach. Ond dim ond meddwl oeddwn i y byddwn i'n rhannu gyda chi sut hwyl gawsom ni ar yr ymarfer yna. Rhoddwyd rhywfaint o amddiffyniad i rai ardaloedd rhag ail-flaenoriaethu. Roedden nhw'n cynnwys y grant cymorth refeniw ar gyfer awdurdodau lleol yn y prif grŵp gwariant cyllid a llywodraeth leol, y GIG a chyllid gofal cymdeithasol o dan y prif grŵp gwariant iechyd a gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, a rhan o'r prif grŵp gwariant addysg hefyd. Roedd hynny'n bwysig i ni oherwydd dyna'r meysydd lle rydych chi'n gweld y darparu gwasanaethau rheng flaen, sef yr union beth rydym ni'n ceisio ei gefnogi drwy'r ail-flaenoriaethu.
Mae rhai Gweinidogion wedi edrych ar feysydd sy'n cael eu harwain gan y galw lle roedd posib cael cyllid dros ben, a rhyddhau cyllid, yn dibynnu ar y niferoedd y credent sy'n derbyn y gwasanaeth. Mae dewisiadau eraill wedi bod ynghylch adolygu contractau; gellid terfynu neu ailosod rhai ohonynt. Roedd ein contract e-gaffael, er enghraifft, yn dod i ben, ac roeddem yn gallu ail-lunio hynny ar gost ratach. Mae Gweinidogion wedi mynd ati mewn ffyrdd eraill hefyd fel ystyried cyhoeddi math o ostyngiad cynhwysfawr ar draws rhannau eraill o'r prif grŵp gwariant hefyd. Felly, bu dulliau gwahanol o'n cael ni i ble rydyn ni heddiw. Ond yn anochel, rwy'n credu bod hynny'n ein harwain ni wedyn at rai anawsterau gwirioneddol o ran edrych ar sut y byddwn ni'n cyflawni pethau.
Fe welwch chi yn y gyllideb, ac yn llif prosiectau strategaethau buddsoddi yn seilwaith Cymru, sydd oddi tano, bod meysydd lle bydd yn rhaid i ni gyflawni o bosibl dros gyfnod hirach, neu beidio â chyflawni cymaint. Gallai'r amodau economaidd presennol effeithio ar gymunedau dysgu cynaliadwy, er enghraifft, gan gynnwys chwyddiant uchel ac, wrth gwrs, oedi yn y cadwyni cyflenwi sy'n effeithio ar y sector adeiladu. Rydym ni yn parhau i fod yn ymrwymedig i fuddsoddi mwy na £1.5 biliwn yn y cam cyflwyno nesaf, ond wrth gwrs, gall yr amodau economaidd olygu ein bod yn darparu llai ar gyfer yr arian hwnnw yn y pen draw. Felly, mae'r rheiny dim ond i roi ychydig o flas, mewn gwirionedd, o'r dewisiadau anodd rydym ni wedi gorfod eu gwneud a beth allai'r goblygiadau fod.
Wrth feddwl ymlaen nawr i'r gyllideb derfynol, ni allaf weld unrhyw le ar gyfer dyrannu cyllid pellach yn seiliedig ar y ffordd yr ydym ni wedi ystyried cronfeydd wrth gefn ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf. Yr hyn y gallwn ni ei wneud, wrth gwrs, yw gwneud newidiadau rhwng y gyllideb ddrafft a'r gyllideb derfynol, gan feddwl am yr argymhellion a gyflwynir o'r pwyllgorau a'r sylwadau a gawn gan gyd-Aelodau yn y Senedd, ac, wrth gwrs, sefydliadau y tu allan iddi. Oherwydd ein dull o weithredu, fel y bydd cyd-Aelodau yn cofio, a nodwyd gennym ar ddechrau'r adolygiad gwariant tair blynedd, oedd peidio â chynnal terfyn gwario adrannol heb ei ddyrannu yn y flwyddyn ariannol nesaf, ond i reoli pwysau'r flwyddyn o gronfa wrth gefn Cymru. Fe welwch o'r cynlluniau a gyhoeddwyd heddiw bod cynlluniau ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf eisoes yn tynnu £38 miliwn o'r dyraniad blynyddol posibl o £125 miliwn, felly mae pethau'n dynn dros ben, ac, wrth gwrs, rydym yn cynnal ein gor-raglen cyfalaf. Y flwyddyn nesaf, bydd hynny'n £98.5 miliwn, felly ni fydd unrhyw gyfalaf cyffredinol ar gael i'w dyrannu. Rwy'n bwriadu gwneud dyraniadau mewn perthynas â chyfalaf trafodion ariannol rhwng y drafft a'r gyllideb derfynol, fodd bynnag. Felly, eto, bydd hynny'n faes i drafod ymhellach.
O feddwl am y setliad llywodraeth leol yn benodol, roedd rhai cwestiynau penodol yn y fan yna. Hoffwn wneud y pwynt bod y £227 miliwn ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf yn amlwg yn gyllid ychwanegol, ond mae hynny'n cynnwys y £117 miliwn a gawsom mewn cyllid canlyniadol yn natganiad yr hydref mewn perthynas ag addysg. Mae hefyd yn cynnwys cyfran llywodraeth leol o'r £70 miliwn o ran y cyflog byw gwirioneddol i weithwyr gofal cymdeithasol. Nid yw'r cyfan yn mynd i lywodraeth leol, wrth gwrs, gan fod peth yn mynd trwy'r prif grŵp gwariant iechyd hefyd. Wedi dweud hynny, rwy'n credu y gallai'r setliad cyffredinol fod ychydig yn fwy hael nag yr oedd llywodraeth leol yn ei ddisgwyl, neu'n sicr ddim cynddrwg ag yr oedd llywodraeth leol yn ei ofni, ond, wrth gwrs, cyhoeddir manylion hynny yfory.
Mae llywodraeth leol wedi bod yn glir iawn ar hyd yr amser mai ei phwysau mawr yw addysg a gofal cymdeithasol, felly rydym ni'n disgwyl i lywodraeth leol fod eisiau rhoi cyllid ychwanegol i'r meysydd penodol hynny. Un o'r rhesymau pam fod pethau'n wahanol yma yw oherwydd, wrth gwrs, rydym ni'n parhau i ariannu ysgolion trwy lywodraeth leol, yn hytrach na chyllido ysgolion yn uniongyrchol fel maen nhw dros y ffin. Ond hyd yn oed gyda hynny, rydym ni wedi darparu cyllid ychwanegol drwy'r prif grŵp gwariant addysg ar gyfer y gwaith maen nhw'n ei wneud ar y recriwtio a chodi'r agwedd safonau ar bethau, cyllid ychwanegol ar gyfer y grant amddifadedd disgyblion, gan gydnabod pa mor bwysig yw hynny i deuluoedd a allai fod yn ei chael hi'n anodd, a hefyd cyllid ychwanegol mewn perthynas â darparu ein gwaith anghenion dysgu ychwanegol hefyd, sy'n bwysig iawn.
O ran iechyd pethau, targedir y codiad o £165 miliwn at ddiogelu gwasanaethau craidd y GIG. Mae'n golygu y bydd rhywfaint o ailganolbwyntio gwariant mewn meysydd eraill, er enghraifft, megis sefydlu pwyllgor gwaith y GIG. Byddai effaith hynny yn lleihau o ran cwmpas a chapasiti dros y tymor byr i'r tymor canolig. Mae hynny'n enghraifft arall o'r penderfyniadau a wnaed gan gyd-Aelodau, ond mae'n ymwneud yn fawr â chydnabod effaith chwyddiant ar y GIG.
Roeddwn yn falch iawn o wneud y cyhoeddiad o ran trethi annomestig i gefnogi busnesau ledled Cymru. Yn amlwg, rydym ni wedi rhewi'r lluosydd, rydym ni wedi darparu rhyddhad trosiannol i gefnogi busnesau ar draws y sylfaen dreth sydd wedi cael eu heffeithio gan yr ailbrisio ym mis Ebrill 2023. Wna i ddim yn siarad gormod am hynny, oherwydd gallaf weld bod fy amser yn brin, ac mae gennym ni'r eitem nesaf o fusnes y prynhawn yma i drafod hynny, ond rydym ni hefyd yn ymestyn ac yn gwella'r rhyddhad presennol ar gyfer manwerthu, hamdden a lletygarwch. Yr hyn y byddaf yn ei ddweud ynghylch hynny yw ei fod yn costio mwy i ni wneud yr un peth yng Nghymru oherwydd natur ein sylfaen dreth, ond roeddem yn gallu darparu'r hyn sy'n becyn da iawn, iawn, ac mae hynny'n tynnu ar rywfaint o gyllid yr oeddem ni eisoes wedi'i ddyrannu o fewn y gofod ardrethi annomestig.
Ac yna, yn olaf, gallaf gadarnhau bod yr arian canlyniadol a gawsom ni gan Lywodraeth y DU mewn perthynas â gofal cymdeithasol ac addysg i gyd wedi'i drosglwyddo'n llawn ac, mewn gwirionedd, wedi mynd y tu hwnt i'r cyllid canlyniadol a gawsom ni, oherwydd gwn fod hynny o ddiddordeb arbennig i lawer o gyd-Aelodau. Buaswn yn gallu mynd ymlaen am byth, ond mae fy amser ar ben. Diolch.
Thank you, Minister, for your statement on the budget.
Diolch, Gweinidog, am eich datganiad ar y gyllideb.
Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw eitem 5, y Rheoliadau Ardrethu Annomestig (Symiau a Godir) (Cymru) 2022, a dwi'n galw ar y Gweinidog cyllid unwaith eto i wneud y cynnig yma. Rebecca Evans.
The next item, therefor, is item 5: the Non-Domestic Rating (Chargeable Amounts) (Wales) Regulations 2022, and I call on the Minister for finance once again to move the motion. Rebecca Evans.
Cynnig NDM8163 Lesley Griffiths
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 27.5;
1. Yn cymeradwyo bod y fersiwn ddrafft o Reoliadau Ardrethu Annomestig (Symiau a Godir) (Cymru) 2022 yn cael ei llunio yn unol â’r fersiwn ddrafft a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 6 Rhagfyr 2022.
Motion NDM8163 Lesley Griffiths
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:
1. Approves that the draft The Non-Domestic Rating (Chargeable Amounts) (Wales) Regulations 2022 is made in accordance with the draft laid in the Table Office on 6 December 2022.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.

Diolch, Llywydd. I move the motion to approve the Non-Domestic Rating (Chargeable Amounts) (Wales) Regulations 2022. The regulations provide transitional relief to ratepayers with increased liabilities as a result of the non-domestic rating revaluation taking effect on 1 April 2023. Relief will be provided in a similar way to the scheme we applied following the 2017 revaluation, but with eligibility extended across the whole of the tax base. This universal approach will provide greater clarity to ratepayers in Wales. Alongside our permanent reliefs and the other interventions I've announced as part of the draft budget, the regulations mean that we'll be providing over £550 million of fully funded rate support in 2023-24. I'm grateful to the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee for its consideration of the regulations. No issues have been raised. I therefore ask Members to approve the regulations today.
Diolch, Llywydd. Rwy'n cynnig y cynnig i gymeradwyo Rheoliadau Ardrethu Annomestig (Symiau a Godir) (Cymru) 2022. Mae'r rheoliadau'n rhoi rhyddhad trosiannol i drethdalwyr gyda rhwymedigaethau uwch o ganlyniad i'r ailbrisiad ardrethu annomestig sy'n dod i rym ar 1 Ebrill 2023. Darperir rhyddhad mewn ffordd debyg i'r cynllun a ddefnyddiwyd gennym ni yn dilyn ailbrisiad 2017, ond gyda chymhwysedd yn cael ei ymestyn ar draws y sylfaen dreth gyfan. Bydd y dull cyffredinol hwn yn rhoi mwy o eglurder i drethdalwyr yng Nghymru. Ochr yn ochr â'n rhyddhad parhaol a'r ymyriadau eraill rwyf wedi'u cyhoeddi fel rhan o'r gyllideb ddrafft, mae'r rheoliadau'n golygu y byddwn yn darparu dros £550 miliwn o gymorth ardrethi a ariennir yn llawn yn 2023-24. Rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad am ystyried y rheoliadau. Does dim problemau wedi'u codi. Felly, gofynnaf i Aelodau gymeradwyo'r rheoliadau heddiw.
Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad, Huw Irranca-Davies.
Chair of the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee, Huw Irranca-Davies.
Diolch, Llywydd. Fe wnaethom ni drafod y rheoliadau hyn brynhawn ddoe ac mae ein hadroddiad hefyd wedi'i osod i hysbysu Aelodau y prynhawn yma.
Thank you, Llywydd. We considered these regulations yesterday afternoon and our report has also been laid to inform Membesr this afternoon.
These regulations prescribe rules to be used to calculate the chargeable amount for hereditaments with increased non-domestic rates liability of over £300, as a result of the increase in rateable value of their hereditament, following the compilation of the new NDR rating list on 1 April 2023. Following a request from the Minister, we expedited our scrutiny of the regulations so the debate could happen this afternoon and the Senedd could be asked to approve the regulations so that they may be in force prior to 1 January of the year of a revaluation. Our report contains one merits reporting point. We've noted the phased introduction of the increase in NDR liability from 1 April 2023 onwards, and the cost of this to the Welsh Government as set out in the regulatory impact assessment, which totals £112.8 million over a two-year period.
Minister, we've received several requests from Welsh Ministers in the past few weeks to expedite scrutiny of regulations so that debates may happen before the Senedd breaks for its Christmas recess. We understand that, on this occasion, the delay was caused because the Welsh Government needed further information from the UK Government's autumn statement, and that's understandable. We try to respond positively to every request from the Welsh Government to expedite our scrutiny, but, in my remarks today, if I might take the opportunity just to gently remind the Welsh Government that really good scrutiny is really, really important, as this afternoon's discussions on subsequent regulations will illustrate. Llywydd, we'll endeavour to expedite our consideration of regulations whenever we can and wherever it is appropriate to do so, but we're going to have to make these decisions on a case-by-case basis, being mindful of the need to have sufficient time to undertake our scrutiny function and to ensure that the people we serve here are not being placed at a disadvantage. We may not always, therefore, be in a position to assist in the way we've been trying to do so recently. Diolch.
Mae'r rheoliadau hyn yn pennu rheolau i'w defnyddio i gyfrifo'r swm y gellir ei godi ar gyfer hereditamentau gyda mwy o atebolrwydd cyfraddau annomestig o dros £300, o ganlyniad i'r cynnydd mewn gwerth ardrethol eu hereditamentau, yn dilyn llunio'r rhestr ardrethi cyfraddau annomestig newydd ar 1 Ebrill 2023. Yn dilyn cais gan y Gweinidog, aethom ati ar fyrder i graffu ar y rheoliadau fel y gallai'r ddadl ddigwydd y prynhawn yma ac y gellid gofyn i'r Senedd gymeradwyo'r rheoliadau fel y gallant fod mewn grym cyn 1 Ionawr ar flwyddyn yr ailbrisio. Mae ein hadroddiad yn cynnwys un pwynt adrodd teilyngdod. Rydym ni wedi nodi cyflwyniad graddol mewn atebolrwydd cyfraddau annomestig o 1 Ebrill 2023 ymlaen, ac mae cost hyn i Lywodraeth Cymru yn unol â'r asesiad effaith rheoleiddiol, sy'n gyfanswm o £112.8 miliwn dros gyfnod o ddwy flynedd.
Gweinidog, rydym ni wedi derbyn sawl cais gan Weinidogion Cymru yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf i hwyluso'r broses o graffu ar reoliadau fel y gellir cynnal dadleuon cyn i'r Senedd ymneilltuo am ei hegwyl Nadolig. Rydym yn deall, y tro hwn, y bu oedi oherwydd bod Llywodraeth Cymru angen mwy o wybodaeth o ddatganiad Llywodraeth y DU yn yr hydref, ac mae hynny'n ddealladwy. Rydym ni'n ceisio ymateb yn gadarnhaol i bob cais gan Lywodraeth Cymru er mwyn cyflymu'r broses graffu, ond, yn fy sylwadau heddiw, os caf i achub ar y cyfle dim ond i atgoffa Llywodraeth Cymru'n dyner bod craffu da iawn mewn gwirionedd, yn bwysig iawn, fel y bydd trafodaethau'r prynhawn yma ar y rheoliadau dilynol yn dangos. Llywydd, byddwn ni'n ymdrechu i gyflymu ein hystyriaeth o reoliadau pryd bynnag y gallwn ni a lle bynnag y mae'n briodol gwneud hynny, ond bydd yn rhaid i ni wneud y penderfyniadau hyn fesul achos, gan fod yn ymwybodol o'r angen i gael digon o amser i ymgymryd â'n swyddogaeth graffu ac i sicrhau nad yw'r bobl yr ydym yn eu gwasanaethu yma yn cael eu rhoi dan anfantais. Efallai nad ydym ni bob amser, felly, mewn sefyllfa i gynorthwyo yn y ffordd rydym ni wedi bod yn ceisio ei wneud yn ddiweddar. Diolch.
The Minister to respond.
Y Gweinidog i ymateb.

I'd just like to thank the Chair very much for those comments, and also thank the Chair and the committee for looking so quickly at the regulations and dealing with them so speedily. I'm grateful to him for his recognition of the particular context within which these regulations were laid. Thank you.
Hoffwn ddiolch yn fawr i'r Cadeirydd am y sylwadau hynny, a diolch hefyd i'r Cadeirydd a'r pwyllgor am edrych mor gyflym ar y rheoliadau ac ymdrin â nhw mor gyflym. Rwy'n ddiolchgar iddo am ei gydnabyddiaeth o'r cyd-destun penodol y gosodwyd y rheoliadau hyn ynddo. Diolch.
Y cwestiwn, felly, yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Unrhyw wrthwynebiad? Nac oes. Felly, mae'r cynnig yna wedi'i dderbyn o dan eitem 5.
The proposal, therefore, is to agree the motion. Does any Member object? Any objection? No. Therefore, the motion is agreed under item 5.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Eitem 6 sydd nesaf, a hwn yw Rheoliadau'r Fasnach mewn Anifeiliaid a Chynhyrchion Perthynol (Diwygio a Swyddogaethau Deddfwriaethol) ac Iechyd Anifeiliaid (Diwygiadau Amrywiol) (Cymru) (Ymadael â'r UE) 2022. Dwi'n galw ar y Gweinidog materion gwledig i wneud y cynnig yma—Lesley Griffiths.
Item 6 is next, and this is the Trade in Animals and Related Products (Amendment and Legislative Functions) and Animal Health (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2022. I call on the Minister for rural affairs to move the motion—Lesley Griffiths.
Cynnig NDM8164 Lesley Griffiths
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 27.5:
1. Yn cymeradwyo bod y fersiwn ddrafft o Reoliadau’r Fasnach mewn Anifeiliaid a Chynhyrchion Perthynol (Diwygio a Swyddogaethau Deddfwriaethol) ac Iechyd Anifeiliaid (Diwygiadau Amrywiol) (Cymru) (Ymadael â’r UE) 2022 yn cael ei llunio yn unol â’r fersiwn ddrafft a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 22 Tachwedd 2022.
Motion NDM8164 Lesley Griffiths
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:
1. Approves that the draft The Trade in Animals and Related Products (Amendment and Legislative Functions) and Animal Health (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2022 is made in accordance with the draft laid in the Table Office on 22 November 2022.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.

Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the background to today's debate on the Trade in Animals and Related Products (Amendment and Legislative Functions) and Animal Health (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2022. Trade in animals and animal products is regulated by a suite of domestic legislation and retained EU law, and import controls are implemented and enforced at our border by the Trade in Animals and Related Products (Wales) Regulations 2011. These regulations relate to the continuation of the existing trade rules. Imported goods will continue to meet current import health requirements, such as those relating to the health status of the country of origin, appropriate testing and veterinary certification, among others.
While the withdrawal Act retained a good deal of EU law in domestic law, the law in this area was, in part, governed at an EU level by directives that were not retained by that Act. These regulations are the final piece in a long series of statutory instruments that have been made to ensure that all outstanding EU exit-related corrections in the animal health and welfare space are captured in the domestic statute book.
These regulations deal with those parts of the 11 EU directives that we want to retain in the Welsh statute book; specifically, animal health import standards and administrative and legislative powers. These regulations are drafted by reference to the EU directives, as modified by the regulations, and contain new Welsh Ministers’ administrative and regulation-making powers, equivalent to the functions previously held at EU level under these directives. They also make more minor operability amendments.
These regulations are made using the affirmative procedure, utilising powers conferred on the Welsh Ministers by the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, and in relation to a small number of amendments to domestic legislation, Regulation (EU) 2017/625 on official controls, the official control regulation. They were laid before the Senedd on 22 November and are due to come into force on 16 December should they be approved.
The Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee has scrutinised the draft regulations and prepared a report, and I recognise the number of scrutiny points raised by the LJC committee in its report, and welcome its valuable feedback and scrutiny. My officials provided a full response to the LJCC report. This has been an extremely long and technically complex 100-page instrument for my officials to draft, which is a consequence of the already complex legislative context that the regulations will operate in, namely 11 EU directives, nine retained EU regulations and two domestic sets of regulations, totalling several hundred pages of legislation.
The Welsh Government has carefully considered the points raised by the LJCC, and understands the committee’s concerns. However, I am confident that they can be resolved, because they do not have a substantial impact upon the operation of the regulations, and on balance, should not prevent the regulations from being made. The Welsh Government has considered the urgent powers under the withdrawal Act as a means of correcting the defective drafting. However, it was not deemed to be a workable solution, and this is explained in the response to the LJCC’s letter of 12 December.
Of the 34 reporting points, it is proposed that a short amending instrument will resolve two of the reporting points. The amending instrument will be made as soon as is practicable. In the short intervening period before the amendment is made, these discrepancies can be managed operationally, and there will be no adverse impact on traders nor any risk of compromising animal health and welfare. Twelve reporting points are minor errors that can be corrected on publication. In relation to 18 points, officials are content that they can provide a rationale for the drafting that should resolve the LJCC’s concerns. The final three reporting points do not require a Government response or action.
I am asking Senedd Members to support the draft regulations because they contain new administrative and legislative powers for the Welsh Ministers, which will be lost if these regulations cannot be made. The enabling powers in the withdrawal Act cease to be available after 31 December 2022. Similar regulations have been made by the Secretary of State that will apply in relation to England and Scotland. If the regulations are not made, Welsh Ministers will not have the same suite of powers as the other UK administrations, which are needed to respond swiftly to dynamic animal disease risks that can affect trade.
These regulations will ensure that the collective legal framework, side by side with the common UK animal health and welfare framework governing imports, is consistent across Great Britain and provides stability and reassurance to traders and authorities throughout Wales.
Diolch am y cyfle i drafod cefndir y ddadl heddiw ar Reoliadau’r Fasnach mewn Anifeiliaid a Chynhyrchion Perthynol (Diwygio a Swyddogaethau Deddfwriaethol) ac Iechyd Anifeiliaid (Diwygiadau Amrywiol) (Cymru) (Ymadael â’r UE) 2022. Caiff masnach mewn anifeiliaid a chynhyrchion anifeiliaid ei reoleiddio gan gyfres o ddeddfwriaeth ddomestig a chyfraith yr UE a ddargedwir, ac mae rheolaethau mewnforio yn cael eu gweithredu a'u gorfodi ar ein ffin gan Reoliadau Masnach mewn Anifeiliaid a Chynhyrchion Perthynol (Cymru) 2011. Mae'r rheoliadau hyn yn ymwneud â pharhad y rheolau masnach presennol. Bydd nwyddau sy'n cael eu mewnforio yn parhau i fodloni'r gofynion iechyd mewnforio presennol, fel y rhai sy'n ymwneud â statws iechyd y wlad y dônt ohoni, profion priodol ac ardystiad milfeddygol, ymhlith eraill.
Er i'r Ddeddf ymadael gadw cyfran dda o gyfraith yr UE mewn cyfraith ddomestig, roedd y gyfraith yn y maes hwn, yn rhannol, yn cael ei llywodraethu ar lefel yr UE gan gyfarwyddebau na ddargadwyd gan y Ddeddf honno. Y rheoliadau hyn yw'r darn olaf mewn cyfres hir o offerynnau statudol sydd wedi'u gwneud i sicrhau bod pob cywiriad rhagorol sy'n gysylltiedig ag ymadael â'r UE yn y maes iechyd a lles anifeiliaid yn ar y llyfr statud domestig.
Mae'r rheoliadau hyn yn ymdrin â'r rhannau hynny o'r 11 cyfarwyddeb UE yr ydym ni am eu cadw yn llyfr statudau Cymru; yn benodol, safonau iechyd anifeiliaid a gaiff eu mewnforio a phwerau gweinyddol a deddfwriaethol. Mae'r rheoliadau hyn wedi'u drafftio drwy gyfeirio at gyfarwyddebau'r UE, fel y'u haddaswyd gan y rheoliadau, ac maent yn cynnwys pwerau newydd sydd gan Weinidogion Cymru o ran gweinyddu a gwneud rheoliadau, sy'n cyfateb i'r swyddogaethau a fodolai yn flaenorol ar lefel yr UE o dan y cyfarwyddebau hyn. Maen nhw hefyd yn gwneud mwy o fân ddiwygiadau o ran eu gweithredu.
Gwneir y rheoliadau hyn drwy ddefnyddio'r weithdrefn gadarnhaol, gan ddefnyddio pwerau a roddwyd i Weinidogion Cymru gan Ddeddf yr Undeb Ewropeaidd (Ymadael) 2018, ac mewn perthynas â nifer fach o ddiwygiadau i ddeddfwriaeth ddomestig, Rheoliad (UE) 2017/625 ar reolaethau swyddogol, y rheoliad rheoli swyddogol. Fe gawson nhw eu cyflwyno gerbron y Senedd ar 22 Tachwedd, ac mae disgwyl iddyn nhw ddod i rym ar 16 Rhagfyr pe baen nhw'n cael eu cymeradwyo.
Mae'r Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad wedi craffu ar y rheoliadau drafft ac wedi paratoi adroddiad, ac rwy'n cydnabod nifer y pwyntiau craffu a godwyd gan y pwyllgor yn ei adroddiad, ac yn croesawu ei adborth a'i waith craffu gwerthfawr. Rhoddodd fy swyddogion ymateb llawn i adroddiad y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad. Mae hwn wedi bod yn offeryn 100 tudalen hynod o hir a thechnegol gymhleth i'm swyddogion ddrafftio, sy'n ganlyniad i'r cyd-destun deddfwriaethol sydd eisoes yn gymhleth y bydd y rheoliadau'n gweithredu ynddo, sef 11 o gyfarwyddebau'r UE, naw rheoliad a ddargadwyd gan yr UE a dwy gyfres ddomestig o reoliadau, gyda chyfanswm o gannoedd o dudalennau o ddeddfwriaeth.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ystyried y pwyntiau a godwyd gan y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad yn ofalus, ac maen nhw'n deall pryderon y pwyllgor. Fodd bynnag, rwy'n hyderus y gellir eu datrys, oherwydd nad ydynt yn cael effaith sylweddol ar weithrediad y rheoliadau, ac ar y cyfan, ni ddylent atal llunio'r rheoliadau. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ystyried y pwerau brys o dan y Ddeddf Ymadael fel ffordd o gywiro'r drafftio diffygiol. Fodd bynnag, ni ystyriwyd ei fod yn ateb ymarferol, ac eglurir hyn yn yr ymateb i lythyr y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad ar 12 Rhagfyr.
O'r 34 pwynt adrodd, cynigir y bydd offeryn diwygio byr yn datrys dau o'r pwyntiau adrodd. Llunnir yr offeryn diwygio cyn gynted ag y bo'n ymarferol. Yn y cyfnod ymyrryd byr cyn gwneud y gwelliant, gellir rheoli'r anghysondebau hyn yn weithredol, ac ni fydd unrhyw effaith andwyol ar fasnachwyr nac unrhyw risg o beryglu iechyd a lles anifeiliaid. Mae deuddeg pwynt adrodd yn fân wallau y gellir eu cywiro wrth eu cyhoeddi. O ran 18 o bwyntiau, mae swyddogion yn fodlon y gallant ddarparu rhesymeg dros y drafftio a ddylai ddatrys pryderon y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad. Nid oes angen ymateb na gweithredu'r Llywodraeth ar y tri phwynt adrodd terfynol.
Rwy'n gofyn i Aelodau'r Senedd gefnogi'r rheoliadau drafft oherwydd eu bod yn cynnwys pwerau gweinyddol a deddfwriaethol newydd i Weinidogion Cymru, a gollir os na ellir gwneud y rheoliadau hyn. Ni fydd y pwerau galluogi yn y Ddeddf Ymadael ar gael ar ôl 31 Rhagfyr 2022. Gwnaed rheoliadau tebyg gan yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol a fydd yn gymwys yng nghyswllt Lloegr a'r Alban. Os na wneir y rheoliadau, ni fydd gan Weinidogion Cymru yr un gyfres o bwerau â gweinyddiaethau eraill y DU, y mae eu hangen i ymateb yn gyflym i risgiau sylweddol o ran clefydau anifeiliaid a all effeithio ar fasnach.
Bydd y rheoliadau hyn yn sicrhau bod y fframwaith cyfreithiol ar y cyd, ochr yn ochr â fframwaith gyffredin iechyd a lles anifeiliaid y DU sy'n llywodraethu mewnforion, yn gyson ym Mhrydain ac yn darparu sefydlogrwydd a sicrwydd i fasnachwyr ac awdurdodau ledled Cymru.
Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad nawr—Huw Irranca-Davies.
The Chair of the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee now—Huw Irranca-Davies.
Diolch eto, Llywydd.
Thank you again, Llywydd.
Thank you again. We considered these regulations yesterday afternoon in our committee, and again, our report has been laid to inform Members this afternoon. I would also like to draw Members' attention to a letter that we wrote to the Minister yesterday afternoon, which is of great significance to this afternoon's discussion as well.
The Minister has explained today the purpose of these regulations—and her view on the importance of these, and of course, the cut-off date of 31 December—that they seek to address failures of retained EU law to operate effectively, and to address other deficiencies arising from the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. The regulations seek to do this by modifying retained EU law and by amending regulations made in 2011 and 2018, and the Minister has also made clear the complexity of this, and the detail that her team of advisers and legal advisers and drafters have entailed in working through this. We understand that complexity because we've been going through that as well. But I do have to say, as Chair of the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee, I am in a slightly unusual and difficult and challenging position this afternoon, because our report, released last week and sent to the Minister last week, highlights 27 technical points. Five of those relate to defective drafting, 10 relate to inconsistencies between the English and Welsh versions, 12 have asked for further explanation, and our report also contains seven merits points. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, the Welsh Government did not respond to our report in time for our meeting yesterday afternoon, so we were not able to take into account its views before we proceeded with that as a committee and made a final report for the Senedd.
The Welsh Government response was issued late this morning. Having only had the time to briefly read what we’ve been sent, it looks like, as the Minister has said, there's agreement with roughly half of our reporting points, but we've not had time, I have to say, to fully analyse the response in detail. Now, based on past experience, Llywydd, we would normally expect regulations of this type now to be withdrawn, to be re-laid, and for this debate to have been rescheduled. But as the Minister has said, there is an issue here because there is a relevant enabling power in the EU Withdrawal Act 2018 switching off at the end of this month.
So, as a committee, we have concerns that the Senedd is being asked to approve regulations that contain multiple identified known errors and deficiencies and which, in the committee’s view, in many respects make it inaccessible. We don't have the time to engage in detailed debate on this because we have not been able to consider the Minister's repose as a committee. My committee will need time to fully assess the response but, Minister, my initial reaction is that, in some of these matters, we still don't have an adequate response to explain the concerns that we have raised. Let me give you an example: in reporting points 2 and 5, or point 30. In points 2 and 5, we have highlighted that the regulations do not contain a definition of 'the appropriate authority' for the purpose of these regulations. You’ve told us that regulations 5(1) and (2) confer the role of appropriate authority on Welsh Ministers, but it is not clear how you can arrive at that view. It may be helpful if you can expand on that in your answer. On point 30, we noted the creation of a new Henry VIII power that will allow regulations that amend primary legislation—and those regulations will be subject to the negative procedure. Now, this goes against a principle that my committee and its predecessor committees have long advocated—that regulations amending primary legislation should be subject to the affirmative procedure.
Minister, you state that the regulation-making power is limited, and that may be the case in mind of what you intend to do with this, but, Minister, such regulations can do things for supplementary reasons. As the Chair of the committee that looks at regulations regularly, and the use of executive powers on a weekly basis, I can say that ‘supplementary’ can be used as a way of doing many, many things. I wonder if, assuming the Welsh Government does have the powers, the Minister would be content to give a commitment today to bring forward regulations early in the new year to change the procedure for this from negative to affirmative.
Minister, we took the decision to write to you urgently after our meeting yesterday afternoon because of our continuing concerns with these regulations, and we asked you to address a number of questions, so that Members of the Senedd could make an informed decision today. We received your response this afternoon, just after 3 p.m., so again, it has not been possible to fully assess what we have been told. But I do note, Minister, that you believe that it is appropriate to proceed with submitting the regulations to the Senedd, and to a vote if necessary this afternoon, and that you are confident that the issues we have raised can be resolved because they do not, in your view, have a substantial impact upon the operation of the regulations.
You have also said—Llywydd, I'm conscious that I'm slightly over, but I have a couple of points—
Diolch eto. Fe wnaethon ni ystyried y rheoliadau hyn brynhawn ddoe yn ein pwyllgor, ac unwaith eto, mae ein hadroddiad wedi ei gyflwyno i hysbysu Aelodau y prynhawn yma. Hoffwn hefyd dynnu sylw'r Aelodau at lythyr a ysgrifennom ni at y Gweinidog brynhawn ddoe, sydd o arwyddocâd mawr i drafodaeth y prynhawn yma hefyd.
Mae'r Gweinidog wedi egluro heddiw beth yw diben y rheoliadau hyn—a'i barn am bwysigrwydd y rhain, ac wrth gwrs, y dyddiad terfyn sef 31 Rhagfyr—eu bod yn ceisio mynd i'r afael â methiannau cyfraith yr UE a ddargedwir i weithredu'n effeithiol, ac i fynd i'r afael â diffygion eraill sy'n deillio o ymadawiad y Deyrnas Unedig o'r Undeb Ewropeaidd. Mae'r rheoliadau'n ceisio gwneud hyn drwy addasu cyfraith yr UE a ddargedwir a thrwy ddiwygio rheoliadau a wnaed yn 2011 a 2018, ac mae'r Gweinidog hefyd wedi egluro cymhlethdod hyn, a'r manylion y mae ei thîm o gynghorwyr a chynghorwyr cyfreithiol a drafftwyr wedi'u golygu wrth weithio drwy hyn. Rydym ni'n deall y cymhlethdod hwnnw oherwydd roeddem ni yn yr amgylchiadau hynny hefyd. Ond mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud, fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad, rwyf mewn sefyllfa ychydig yn anarferol ac anodd a heriol y prynhawn yma, oherwydd mae ein hadroddiad, a ryddhawyd yr wythnos diwethaf ac a anfonwyd at y Gweinidog yr wythnos diwethaf, yn tynnu sylw at 27 pwynt technegol. Mae pump o'r rheiny'n ymwneud â drafftio diffygiol, 10 yn ymwneud ag anghysondebau rhwng y fersiynau Cymraeg a Saesneg, mae 12 wedi gofyn am esboniad pellach, ac mae ein hadroddiad hefyd yn cynnwys saith pwynt teilyngdod. Yn anffodus, am ba bynnag reswm, ni ymatebodd Llywodraeth Cymru i'n hadroddiad mewn pryd ar gyfer ein cyfarfod brynhawn ddoe, felly ni lwyddwyd i ystyried ei sylwadau cyn i ni fwrw ati gyda hynny fel pwyllgor a gwneud adroddiad terfynol ar gyfer y Senedd.
Cyhoeddwyd ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru yn hwyr y bore 'ma. A ninnau ond wedi cael yr amser i ddarllen yn fyr yr hyn anfonwyd atom ni, mae'n ymddangos, fel mae'r Gweinidog wedi dweud, y cytunir â thua hanner ein pwyntiau adrodd, ond nid ydym wedi cael amser, mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud, i ddadansoddi'r ymateb yn llawn nac yn fanwl. Nawr, yn seiliedig ar brofiad y gorffennol, Llywydd, byddem fel arfer yn disgwyl i reoliadau o'r math hwn i gael eu tynnu'n ôl, eu hailgyflwyno, ac i'r ddadl hon gael ei haildrefnu. Ond fel mae'r Gweinidog wedi dweud, mae yna broblem yma oherwydd bod pŵer galluogi perthnasol yn Neddf Ymadael yr UE 2018 yn dod i ben ddiwedd y mis hwn.
Felly, fel pwyllgor, mae gennym ni bryderon bod gofyn i'r Senedd gymeradwyo rheoliadau sy'n cynnwys gwallau a diffygion hysbys lluosog ac sydd, ym marn y pwyllgor, mewn sawl ffordd yn ei gwneud yn anhygyrch. Does gennym ni ddim yr amser i gymryd rhan mewn dadl fanwl ar hyn oherwydd nid ydym ni wedi gallu ystyried ymateb y Gweinidog fel pwyllgor. Bydd angen amser ar fy mhwyllgor i asesu'r ymateb yn llawn ond, Gweinidog, fy ymateb cychwynnol yw nad oes gennym ni ymateb digonol o hyd i esbonio'r pryderon yr ydym ni wedi eu codi. Gadewch i mi roi enghraifft i chi: ym mhwyntiau adrodd 2 a 5, neu bwynt 30. Ym mhwyntiau 2 a 5, rydym ni wedi amlygu nad yw'r rheoliadau'n cynnwys diffiniad o 'yr awdurdod priodol' at ddiben y rheoliadau hyn. Rydych chi wedi dweud wrthym ni fod rheoliadau 5(1) a (2) yn rhoi rôl awdurdod priodol i Weinidogion Cymru, ond nid yw'n glir sut y gallwch chi ddod i'r farn honno. Gallai fod yn ddefnyddiol os gallwch ehangu ar hynny yn eich ateb. O ran pwynt 30, nodwyd creu pŵer Harri'r VIII newydd a fydd yn caniatáu rheoliadau sy'n diwygio deddfwriaeth sylfaenol—a bydd y rheoliadau hynny'n ddarostyngedig i'r weithdrefn negyddol. Nawr, mae hyn yn mynd yn groes i egwyddor bod fy mhwyllgor a'i bwyllgorau rhagflaenol wedi dadlau ers tro—y dylai rheoliadau sy'n diwygio deddfwriaeth gynradd fod yn destun y weithdrefn gadarnhaol.
Gweinidog, rydych chi'n dweud bod y pŵer i wneud rheoliadau yn gyfyngedig, ac efallai bod hynny'n wir gyda golwg ar yr hyn rydych chi'n bwriadu ei wneud gyda hyn, ond, Gweinidog, gall rheoliadau o'r fath wneud pethau am resymau atodol. Gan fod Cadeirydd y pwyllgor sy'n edrych ar reoliadau yn rheolaidd, a'r defnydd o bwerau gweithredol yn wythnosol, gallaf ddweud y gellir defnyddio 'atodol' fel ffordd o wneud llawer iawn o bethau. Tybed a yw'r Gweinidog, gan dybio bod gan Lywodraeth Cymru'r pwerau, yn fodlon rhoi ymrwymiad heddiw i gyflwyno rheoliadau yn gynnar yn y flwyddyn newydd i newid y drefn ar gyfer hyn o fod yn negyddol i gadarnhaol.
Gweinidog, gwnaethom y penderfyniad i ysgrifennu atoch ar frys ar ôl ein cyfarfod brynhawn ddoe oherwydd ein pryderon sy'n parhau â'r rheoliadau hyn, a gwnaethom ofyn i chi fynd i'r afael â nifer o gwestiynau, fel y gallai Aelodau'r Senedd wneud penderfyniad gwybodus heddiw. Cawsom eich ymateb y prynhawn yma, ychydig ar ôl 3 p.m., felly eto, nid yw wedi bod yn bosib asesu'n llawn yr hyn a ddywedwyd wrthym ni. Ond sylwaf, Gweinidog, eich bod yn credu ei bod yn briodol bwrw ymlaen â chyflwyno'r rheoliadau i'r Senedd, ac i bleidlais os oes angen y prynhawn yma, a'ch bod yn hyderus y gellir datrys y materion a godwyd gennym ni oherwydd nad ydynt, yn eich barn chi, yn cael effaith sylweddol ar weithrediad y rheoliadau.
Rydych chi hefyd wedi dweud—Llywydd, rwy'n ymwybodol fy mod i ychydig dros fy amser, ond mae gen i ambell bwynt—
It's okay. You carry on.
Mae'n iawn. Cariwch chi ymlaen.
Minister, you've also said that you've decided against the use of the urgent made affirmative procedure, which is an option that's open under the EU (Withdrawal) Act 2018 as a means of correcting the defective drafting highlighted by the committee, because you did not consider it to be a workable solution. We have not, of course, had the time to consider this response fully either.
You have confirmed that a correcting instrument, which you propose to make in early January using powers in the Animal Health Act 1981, will be needed to address two errors, while you will be asking for 12 others to be corrected before the regulations are published by the National Archives. It is, I would say on behalf of the committee, regrettable having to rely on such an approach in relation to what are important regulations.
So, to my fellow Senedd Members in conclusion, I would simply highlight my committee’s view that there are still remaining many issues with these regulations, albeit with the Minister signalling to us that the axe drops on midnight 31 December. So, should Members of the Senedd accept the Welsh Government’s arguments today, there are a number of questions and important matters that remain, not least the issues I have highlighted this afternoon. The Senedd is being asked to pass a defective instrument, and from my committee's standing, that is strange. So, Minister, I'd welcome your assurance that such a request will not be put in front of the Senedd again on behalf of Welsh Government, and that the Welsh Government will provide detail to my committee and to the Senedd on how it can avoid this happening in future. Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd.
Gweinidog, rydych chi hefyd wedi dweud eich bod chi wedi penderfynu peidio â defnyddio'r weithdrefn gadarnhaol a wnaed ar frys, sy'n opsiwn sy'n agored o dan Ddeddf yr UE (Ymadael) 2018 fel modd o gywiro'r drafftio diffygiol a amlygwyd gan y pwyllgor, oherwydd nad oeddech o'r farn ei fod yn ateb ymarferol. Nid ydym ni, wrth gwrs, wedi cael yr amser i ystyried yr ymateb hwn yn llawn ychwaith.
Rydych chi wedi cadarnhau y bydd angen offeryn cywiro, yr ydych yn bwriadu ei wneud ddechrau mis Ionawr gan ddefnyddio pwerau yn Neddf Iechyd Anifeiliaid 1981, i fynd i'r afael â dau gamgymeriad, a byddwch yn gofyn i 12 arall gael eu cywiro cyn i'r rheoliadau gael eu cyhoeddi gan yr Archifau Cenedlaethol. Byddwn i'n dweud, ar ran y pwyllgor, fod gorfod dibynnu ar ddull o'r fath mewn cysylltiad â'r hyn sy'n rheoliadau pwysig yn anffodus.
Felly, i fy nghyd-Aelodau o'r Senedd, i gloi, byddwn i yn tynnu sylw at farn fy mhwyllgor bod llawer o broblemau'n parhau gyda'r rheoliadau hyn, er bod y Gweinidog yn rhoi arwydd i ni fod y terfyn am hanner nos 31 Rhagfyr. Felly, pe bai Aelodau'r Senedd yn derbyn dadleuon Llywodraeth Cymru heddiw, mae nifer o gwestiynau a materion pwysig o hyd, nid lleiaf y materion yr wyf i wedi tynnu sylw atyn nhw y prynhawn yma. Gofynnir i'r Senedd basio offeryn diffygiol, ac o safbwynt fy mhwyllgor i, mae hynny'n rhyfedd. Felly, Gweinidog, byddwn i'n croesawu eich sicrwydd na fydd cais o'r fath yn cael ei roi o flaen y Senedd eto ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru, ac y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn darparu manylion i fy mhwyllgor ac i'r Senedd ar sut y gall osgoi hyn rhag digwydd yn y dyfodol. Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd.
Before I start, I want to put on record that my group have no objection to the regulations, but we do have objections to the way that the Welsh Government has presented these to the Senedd today. Is it right that we as Senedd Members have to vote on poorly worded regulations that are, in fact, defective? The Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee, which I sit on, identified 34 technical and merits points. In addition, I'm led to believe that there are also 70 other issues with grammar that have been noted in these regulations. I've sat on that committee for a short time, but having this amount of errors in regulations is unprecedented.
My group are disappointed that the vote on this is even happening today, considering the large amounts of defective elements in these regulations, and it has given the committee a lack of time to scrutinise this legislation and regulations properly. A letter arrived in my inbox at 15:18 today. I don't think that that's enough time for me, as a member of that committee, to sit down to scrutinise it properly, while having to do other commitments here in this Chamber today.
My group also want to know, Minister, how we've ended up in this situation. If these regulations have been in train for a long time, why is the lateness of laying these regulations coming today, and why are we forcing the Senedd to vote on defective legislation? I don't think it's right. What I'd like to know is what process are you going to use if we pass this today to amend these regulations, what timescale you will be working to, and what procedure you'll be using to amend these regulations. My group today will be voting against these regulations, as I've said earlier, not because we disagree with the regs, but due to the Welsh Government using Senedd Members to pass defective legislation and regulations that we don't know the consequences of doing. And in my view, if we vote for these today, we could be putting this Parliament at risk.
Secondly, the Government is wasting Senedd time doing this, it's wasting Government time, and it's also going to be wasting committee time to go back to amend these regulations, which the Government should have got right in the first instance and not have to put this through today. As a Parliament, we have a duty to ensure that the best legislation and regulations are put through this Senedd, and putting this through today, I and my group believe sets a very dangerous precedent of putting poorly worded, defective legislation through, putting it on the statute book, which we don't believe is appropriate for a modern, effective Parliament. And I would just like to ask the Minister, in closing: have you had any discussions with your officials about whether there's any potential risk with us putting this through today, and about any reputational damage that this could cause for the Senedd? Diolch, Llywydd.
Cyn i mi gychwyn, rwyf eisiau cofnodi nad oes gan fy ngrŵp wrthwynebiad i'r rheoliadau, ond mae gennym ni wrthwynebiadau i'r ffordd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyflwyno'r rhain i'r Senedd heddiw. A yw hi'n iawn i ni fel Aelodau o'r Senedd bleidleisio ar reoliadau sydd wedi'u geirio'n wael ac sydd, mewn gwirionedd, yn ddiffygiol? Nododd y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad, yr wyf i'n eistedd arno, 34 o bwyntiau technegol a phwyntiau rhinweddau. Yn ogystal â hyn, rwy'n deall bod 70 o faterion eraill hefyd ynghylch gramadeg sydd wedi'u nodi yn y rheoliadau hyn. Rwyf wedi eistedd ar y pwyllgor hwnnw am gyfnod byr, ond mae bod â chymaint â hyn o wallau mewn rheoliadau yn ddigynsail.
Mae fy ngrŵp yn siomedig bod y bleidlais ar hyn hyd yn oed yn digwydd heddiw, o ystyried yr holl elfennau diffygiol yn y rheoliadau hyn, ac nid yw wedi rhoi digon o amser i'r pwyllgor graffu ar y ddeddfwriaeth a'r rheoliadau hyn yn iawn. Cyrhaeddodd llythyr yn fy mewnflwch am 15:18 heddiw. Dydw i ddim yn credu bod hynny'n ddigon o amser i mi, fel aelod o'r pwyllgor hwnnw, i eistedd i lawr i graffu arno'n iawn, gan orfod ymgymryd ag ymrwymiadau eraill yma yn y Siambr hon heddiw.
Mae fy ngrŵp hefyd eisiau gwybod, Gweinidog, sut rydym ni wedi cael ein hunain yn y sefyllfa hon. Os yw'r rheoliadau hyn wedi bod ar y gweill ers amser maith, pam mae'r rheoliadau hyn yn cael eu gosod mor hwyr heddiw, a pham ydym ni'n gorfodi'r Senedd i bleidleisio ar ddeddfwriaeth ddiffygiol? Dydw i ddim yn credu bod hyn yn iawn. Yr hyn yr hoffwn i ei wybod yw pa broses ydych chi'n mynd i'w defnyddio, os ydym ni'n pasio hyn heddiw, i ddiwygio'r rheoliadau hyn, pa amserlen y byddwch chi'n gweithio iddi, a pha weithdrefn fyddwch chi'n ei defnyddio i ddiwygio'r rheoliadau hyn. Bydd fy ngrŵp heddiw yn pleidleisio yn erbyn y rheoliadau hyn, fel y dywedais i yn gynharach, nid oherwydd ein bod ni'n anghytuno â'r rheoliadau, ond oherwydd bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn defnyddio Aelodau'r Senedd i basio deddfwriaeth a rheoliadau diffygiol nad ydym yn gwybod beth fydd canlyniadau gwneud hynny. Ac yn fy marn i, os ydym ni'n pleidleisio o blaid y rhain heddiw, gallem fod yn peryglu'r Senedd hon.
Yn ail, mae'r Llywodraeth yn gwastraffu amser y Senedd yn gwneud hyn, mae'n gwastraffu amser y Llywodraeth, ac mae hefyd yn mynd i fod yn gwastraffu amser pwyllgor i fynd yn ôl i ddiwygio'r rheoliadau hyn, y dylai'r Llywodraeth fod wedi eu cael yn iawn yn y lle cyntaf a pheidio â gorfod rhoi hyn drwodd heddiw. Fel Senedd, mae'n ddyletswydd arnom i sicrhau bod y ddeddfwriaeth a'r rheoliadau gorau yn cael eu rhoi drwy'r Senedd hon, ac o roi hyn drwodd heddiw, rwyf i a fy ngrŵp yn credu bod hyn yn gosod cynsail peryglus iawn o roi deddfwriaeth ddiffygiol sydd wedi'i geirio'n wael drwodd, ei rhoi ar y llyfr statud, nad ydym ni'n credu ei bod yn briodol ar gyfer Senedd effeithiol, gyfoes. A hoffwn i ofyn i'r Gweinidog, wrth gloi: ydych chi wedi cael unrhyw drafodaethau gyda'ch swyddogion ynglŷn ag a oes unrhyw risg posib wrth i ni roi hyn drwodd heddiw, ac am unrhyw niwed i enw da y gallai hyn ei achosi i'r Senedd? Diolch, Llywydd.
These regulations in front of us today are a real cause for concern. Huw Irranca-Davies, Chair of the LJC committee, has eloquently and powerfully explained the details of the concerns regarding what is an extraordinarily defective piece of work. I understand that you will be concerned that this has to be passed before the end of this year, and I would echo the LJC's question: what are the implications if this was not passed? I look forward to hearing the Minister's response to this vital question. Also, did the Minister think about this before presenting the defective set of regulations so late in the day? I'd further ask the Minister and the Government to consider carefully how we reached this point in the first place. There are numerous flaws in the definitions, which is no small matter. There are differences between the Welsh and the English versions. It includes incorrect references. If this were course work submitted for grading, then it would have failed miserably. But it's not; it's far more serious than that. This isn't a case of arguing on policy; it's nothing to do with policy. We support the general thrust of the policy, which is sound, but we cannot in good conscience allow a flawed piece of work to become law. Someone somewhere would have to pay a heavy price for this mess, were it to be on the statute book. The Government really shouldn't be presenting this to us today. Not only is it shoddy in the extreme, but, by having poor legislation like this, with mistakes that renders the whole document useless, it potentially undermines trust in devolution and our ability to legislate properly.
I understand full well that, if this is not passed, that regulations will not be in place, and that sits uneasily with me. But, at the end of the day, that's not our fault; that responsibility sits entirely on the shoulders of the Government. It's not a case of 'better to have poor legislation than no legislation at all'—that's completely the wrong attitude. We need legislation that a court of law can uphold; we need correct legislation. This is not it. I understand that you've given assurances and that some corrections will be made as soon as is practicable, but the fact remains that we will therefore be voting on the wording in front of us today to become law—a flawed piece of work. We can't allow that and we are therefore minded to vote against these regulations. I'd finally urge this Government not to put us in this situation again.
Mae'r rheoliadau hyn ger ein bron heddiw yn achos pryder gwirioneddol. Mae Huw Irranca-Davies, Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad, wedi egluro manylion y pryderon yn huawdl ac yn bwerus ynghylch yr hyn sy'n ddarn o waith rhyfeddol o ddiffygiol. Rwy'n deall y byddwch chi'n pryderu bod yn rhaid pasio hyn cyn diwedd y flwyddyn, a byddwn yn adleisio cwestiwn y pwyllgor: beth yw'r goblygiadau pe na bai hyn yn cael ei basio? Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at glywed ymateb y Gweinidog i'r cwestiwn hollbwysig hwn. Hefyd, a feddyliodd y Gweinidog am hyn cyn cyflwyno'r set ddiffygiol o reoliadau mor hwyr yn y dydd? Byddwn i'n gofyn hefyd i'r Gweinidog a'r Llywodraeth ystyried yn ofalus sut gyrhaeddon ni'r pwynt hwn yn y lle cyntaf. Mae nifer o ddiffygion yn y diffiniadau, nad yw'n fater bach. Mae yna wahaniaethau rhwng y fersiynau Cymraeg a'r Saesneg. Mae'n cynnwys cyfeiriadau anghywir. Pe bai hyn yn waith cwrs a gyflwynwyd i'w raddio, yna byddai wedi methu'n llwyr. Ond dydi o ddim; mae'n llawer mwy difrifol na hynny. Nid yw hyn yn achos o ddadlau ar bolisi; dyw e ddim byd i wneud â pholisi. Rydym ni'n cefnogi byrdwn cyffredinol y polisi, sy'n gadarn, ond allwn ni ddim â chydwybod lân ganiatáu i ddarn o waith diffygiol ddod yn gyfraith. Byddai'n rhaid i rywun yn rhywle dalu pris trwm am y llanast yma, pe byddai ar y llyfr statud. Ni ddylai'r Llywodraeth fod yn cyflwyno hyn i ni heddiw o gwbl. Nid yn unig y mae'n eithriadol o wael, ond, drwy fod â deddfwriaeth wael fel hyn, gyda chamgymeriadau sy'n golygu bod y ddogfen gyfan yn ddiwerth, gallai danseilio ffydd mewn datganoli a'n gallu i ddeddfu'n iawn.
Rwy'n deall yn iawn, os nad yw hyn yn cael ei basio, na fydd rheoliadau yn eu lle, ac mae hynny'n beth anghyfforddus i mi. Ond, ar ddiwedd y dydd, nid ein bai ni yw hynny; mae'r cyfrifoldeb hwnnw'n eistedd yn llwyr ar ysgwyddau'r Llywodraeth. Mae'r agwedd 'mae'n well bod â deddfwriaeth wael na dim deddfwriaeth o gwbl'—yn gwbl anghywir. Mae angen deddfwriaeth y gall llys barn ei chynnal; mae angen deddfwriaeth gywir arnom. Nid dyna yw hon. Rwy'n deall eich bod chi wedi rhoi sicrwydd ac y bydd rhai cywiriadau yn cael eu gwneud cyn gynted ag y bo'n ymarferol, ond erys y ffaith y byddwn felly yn pleidleisio ar y geiriad sydd o'n blaenau heddiw i ddod yn gyfraith—darn o waith diffygiol. Ni allwn ganiatáu hynny ac felly rydym yn bwriadu pleidleisio yn erbyn y rheoliadau hyn. I gloi, byddwn i'n annog y Llywodraeth hon i beidio â'n rhoi ni yn y sefyllfa hon eto.
Y Gweinidog materion gwledig, Lesley Griffiths, i ymateb.
The Minister for rural affairs, Lesley Griffiths, to reply.

Thank you very much, and I'd like to thank Members for their contributions to this debate, particularly Huw Irranca-Davies as Chair of the LJCC, and other members of that committee as well, and I absolutely understand and appreciate the concerns that have been raised by all Members who contributed in this debate. I will certainly endeavour to ensure this does not happen again, and certainly those discussions I will be continuing to have with officials. And I'm grateful to the Chair of the LJCC for the two meetings we held over the last 24 hours. So, thank you very much for that.
I've already committed to bringing forward amendments to the regulations in the new year, and I will do that as soon as is practicable, and I commit to changing the negative to affirmative procedure, which the Chair requested I do. As I said, the changes made by these regulations are required to ensure that the vast programme of previous corrective SIs operate within the correct reference to the EU directives that aid their function, and they will help traders by providing a consistent set of controls across Great Britain, whilst also safeguarding Welsh Ministers' ability to diverge in future, if they should wish to do so. The changes are important to ensure that we have minimal disruption to imports, when the transitional staging period ends at the end of the year and new import controls apply fully to EU imports, once phasing in of the import checks is complete, in line with the UK Government's future borders target operating model. The regulations have been designed following an extensive review by officials of EU law that was, until now, not part of our statute book—laws that are really essential for the proper functioning of our border controls, which in turn protect both public and animal health and welfare here in Wales, and I would ask Members to support. Diolch.
Diolch yn fawr, a hoffwn ddiolch i'r Aelodau am eu cyfraniadau i'r ddadl hon, yn enwedig Huw Irranca-Davies fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad ac aelodau eraill o'r pwyllgor hwnnw hefyd, ac rwy'n deall ac yn gwerthfawrogi'n llwyr y pryderon sydd wedi eu codi gan yr holl Aelodau a gyfrannodd yn y ddadl hon. Byddaf yn sicr yn ymdrechu i sicrhau nad yw hyn yn digwydd eto, ac yn sicr byddaf yn parhau i gael y trafodaethau hynny gyda swyddogion. Ac rwy'n ddiolchgar i Gadeirydd y pwyllgor am y ddau gyfarfod a gynhaliwyd gennym dros y 24 awr diwethaf. Felly, diolch yn fawr am hynny.
Rwyf eisoes wedi ymrwymo i gyflwyno diwygiadau i'r rheoliadau yn y flwyddyn newydd, a byddaf yn gwneud hynny cyn gynted ag y bo'n ymarferol, ac rwy'n ymrwymo i newid y weithdrefn negyddol i gadarnhaol, y gofynnodd y Cadeirydd i mi ei wneud. Fel y dywedais i, mae'n ofynnol i'r newidiadau a wnaed gan y rheoliadau hyn sicrhau bod y rhaglen helaeth o offerynnau statudol cywiro blaenorol yn gweithredu o fewn y cyfeiriad cywir at gyfarwyddebau'r UE sy'n cynorthwyo eu swyddogaeth, a byddant yn helpu masnachwyr drwy ddarparu set gyson o reolaethau ar draws Prydain Fawr, gan hefyd ddiogelu gallu Gweinidogion Cymru i ymwahanu yn y dyfodol, os ydyn nhw'n dymuno gwneud hynny. Mae'r newidiadau'n bwysig er mwyn sicrhau mai ychydig iawn o darfu sydd gennym ni ar fewnforion, pan ddaw'r cyfnod graddoli trosiannol i ben ar ddiwedd y flwyddyn a phan fydd rheolaethau mewnforio newydd yn gymwys yn llawn i fewnforion yr UE, pan fydd y broses o gyflwyno'r gwiriadau mewnforio yn raddol wedi'i chwblhau, yn unol â model gweithredu targed ffiniau Llywodraeth y DU yn y dyfodol. Mae'r rheoliadau wedi'u cynllunio yn dilyn adolygiad helaeth gan swyddogion cyfraith yr UE nad oedd, tan nawr, yn rhan o'n llyfr statud—deddfau sy'n wirioneddol hanfodol ar gyfer gweithredu ein rheolaethau ffiniau yn briodol, sydd yn ei dro yn diogelu iechyd a lles y cyhoedd ac anifeiliaid yma yng Nghymru, a byddwn i'n gofyn i'r Aelodau gefnogi. Diolch.
A question was asked during the debate, of me, on whether there would be any reputational risk of passing these regulations today for the Senedd: I would say that that is a matter for all of you to consider, when casting your vote, on deciding whether the regulations should be passed today or not.
Gofynnwyd cwestiwn yn ystod y ddadl, i mi, ynghylch a fyddai unrhyw risg i enw da'r senedd drwy basio'r rheoliadau hyn heddiw: byddwn i'n dweud bod hynny'n fater i bob un ohonoch chi ei ystyried, wrth fwrw eich pleidlais, wrth benderfynu a ddylid pasio'r rheoliadau heddiw ai peidio.
Y cwestiwn felly yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Felly, fe fydd yna bleidlais ar y rheoliadau yma yn ystod y cyfnod pleidleisio.
The proposal therefore is to agree the motion. Does any Member object? [Objection.] There will be a vote on these regulations during voting time.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
Item 7 sydd nesaf, y Rheoliadau Bwyd a Bwyd Anifeiliaid (Diwygiadau Amrywiol) (Cymru) (Ymadael â’r UE) 2022, a dwi'n galw nawr ar y Dirprwy Weinidog Iechyd Meddwl a Llesiant i wneud y cynnig. Lynne Neagle.
Item 7 is next, the Food and Feed (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2022, and I call now on the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Well-being to move the motion. Lynne Neagle.
Cynnig NDM8162 Lesley Griffiths
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 27.5:
1. Yn cymeradwyo bod y fersiwn ddrafft o Reoliadau Bwyd a Bwyd Anifeiliaid (Diwygiadau Amrywiol) (Cymru) (Ymadael â’r UE) 2022 yn cael ei llunio yn unol â’r fersiwn ddrafft a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 22 Tachwedd 2022.
Motion NDM8162 Lesley Griffiths
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:
1. Approves that the draft The Food and Feed (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2022 is made in accordance with the draft laid in the Table Office on 22 November 2022.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.

Diolch, Llywydd. I move the motion. The regulations that we are debating today make amendments to domestic legislation applying in relation to Wales on food and feed safety and hygiene. These amendments are required to improve the clarity and accessibility of Welsh domestic food and feed safety and hygiene legislation following the withdrawal of the UK from the EU, and to correct references defining enforcement authorities in relation to animal feed.
The Welsh Government's priority is to maintain the high standards of food safety and consumer protection we have established. Therefore, this instrument does not introduce any relaxation of the robust legal regime we have in Wales now. This instrument does not introduce any changes that will impact the day-to-day operation of food businesses, nor does it introduce any new regulatory burden. The essence of legislation is unchanged.
At this point, I would like to thank the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee for their detailed report on the proposed instrument. I acknowledge and accept the five technical scrutiny points that have been identified. I will seek that these are rectified at the earliest opportunity. Of the points identified by the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee, we will seek that two are rectified as correction slips, with the remaining three being rectified within another statutory instrument that is due to be laid during the first half of 2023.
As the scrutiny points do not have a substantive impact on the operability of this instrument, I would therefore ask that the proposed amendments in this instrument are supported, to avoid losing the powers in the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 required to make the majority of the amendments. These powers will expire on 31 December 2022.
Alternative powers are available for most provisions, with the exception that there are no alternative powers available to make regulation 4(8). This provision is a new regulation-making power for the Welsh Ministers to amend the lists of undesirable substances in relation to animal feed. Not proceeding with these proposed changes would create a period of divergence in terms of accessibility for the relevant legislation within Wales compared to England and Scotland until such time as it might be possible to bring the Welsh regulations into alignment with the other GB regulations. If approved, this instrument will come into force on 31 December 2022. Diolch.
Diolch, Llywydd. Rwy'n cynnig y cynnig. Mae'r rheoliadau yr ydym yn eu trafod heddiw yn gwneud gwelliannau i ddeddfwriaeth ddomestig sy'n berthnasol i Gymru ar ddiogelwch a hylendid bwyd anifeiliaid. Mae'r diwygiadau hyn yn ofynnol er mwyn gwella eglurder a hygyrchedd deddfwriaeth diogelwch a hylendid bwyd domestig a bwyd anifeiliaid Cymru yn dilyn ymadawiad y DU o'r UE, ac i gywiro cyfeiriadau sy'n diffinio awdurdodau gorfodi o ran bwyd anifeiliaid.
Blaenoriaeth Llywodraeth Cymru yw cynnal y safonau uchel o ddiogelwch bwyd a diogelwch defnyddwyr yr ydym wedi eu sefydlu. Felly, nid yw'r offeryn hwn yn cyflwyno unrhyw lacio ar y drefn gyfreithiol gadarn sydd gennym yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd. Nid yw'r offeryn hwn yn cyflwyno unrhyw newidiadau a fydd yn effeithio ar weithrediad busnesau bwyd o ddydd i ddydd, ac nid yw'n cyflwyno unrhyw faich rheoleiddio newydd. Nid yw hanfod y ddeddfwriaeth wedi newid.
Ar y pwynt hwn, hoffwn ddiolch i'r Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad am eu hadroddiad manwl ar yr offeryn arfaethedig. Rwy'n cydnabod ac yn derbyn y pum pwynt craffu technegol sydd wedi'u nodi. Byddaf yn ceisio sicrhau bod y rhain yn cael eu cywiro ar y cyfle cyntaf. O'r pwyntiau a nodwyd gan y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad, byddwn yn ceisio sicrhau bod dau yn cael eu cywiro fel slipiau cywiro, a'r tri arall yn cael eu cywiro o fewn offeryn statudol arall sydd i fod i gael ei osod yn ystod hanner cyntaf 2023.
Gan nad yw'r pwyntiau craffu yn cael effaith sylweddol ar y gallu i weithredu'r offeryn hwn, byddwn i felly'n gofyn i'r diwygiadau arfaethedig yn yr offeryn hwn gael eu cefnogi, er mwyn osgoi colli'r pwerau yn Neddf yr Undeb Ewropeaidd (Ymadael) 2018 sydd eu hangen i wneud y mwyafrif o'r diwygiadau. Bydd y pwerau hyn yn dod i ben ar 31 Rhagfyr 2022.
Mae pwerau amgen ar gael ar gyfer y rhan fwyaf o ddarpariaethau, ac eithrio nad oes pwerau amgen ar gael i wneud rheoliad 4(8). Mae'r ddarpariaeth hon yn bŵer newydd i Weinidogion Cymru ddiwygio'r rhestrau o sylweddau annymunol o ran bwyd anifeiliaid. Byddai peidio â bwrw ymlaen â'r newidiadau arfaethedig hyn yn creu cyfnod o ymwahanu o ran hygyrchedd ar gyfer y ddeddfwriaeth berthnasol yng Nghymru o'i gymharu â Lloegr a'r Alban tan yr adeg y gallai fod yn bosibl sicrhau bod rheoliadau Cymru'n cyd-fynd â rheoliadau eraill Prydain Fawr. Os caiff ei gymeradwyo, bydd yr offeryn hwn yn dod i rym ar 31 Rhagfyr 2022. Diolch.
Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad—Huw Irranca-Davies.
Chair of the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee—Huw Irranca-Davies.
Diolch, Llywydd. Thank you.
In opening our remarks, I note that two of the arguments put forward by the Deputy Minister and also the Minister, in terms of the previous instrument in front of us, are, if not identical, very similar. One is that, in passing these instruments today, even with the defective aspects that we've identified, it wouldn't have an impact on the operability of this instrument on the ground, in effect, but secondly that failure to do so would result in a period of divergence from the rest of the UK in both this and the previous one.
However, we did consider these regulations on 5 December and we've had a chance to review the Government’s response to our report yesterday. We thank the Deputy Minister and her officials for providing your response to it. So, our report and the Welsh Government response are available via today’s Plenary agenda.
So, as the Deputy Minister has said, these regulations make amendments to subordinate legislation in the fields of food and feed safety and hygiene. Our report contained five technical reporting points, two of which relate to defective drafting and three of which highlight inconsistencies between the English and Welsh texts. And as the Deputy Minister has said, the Welsh Government has accepted all of the five points we've raised, and we recognise that, and that, we think, is a good way forward. But this means that the regulations we're now voting on this afternoon will need correcting in the future.
The Deputy Minister has confirmed to my committee that three of the points we have raised will need to be addressed via a further statutory instrument in the new year, and, Deputy Minister, you touched on that.
Llywydd, in the previous debate I mentioned that we'd written to the Minister for rural affairs in a fairly rapid and urgent fashion following our meeting yesterday in respect of the regulations we have only just debated. That letter was also addressed to the Deputy Minister, because there are similar issues, although not on the same scale, existing within these regulations. Now, I mentioned that the letter we received in response only arrived late this afternoon, so we're not fully able to asses what we've been told and explore it.
Deputy Minister, one of the things we asked you to confirm was which powers the Welsh Government has available to it to make the appropriate correcting statutory instruments you spoke of in the response we received to our report. You've told us that you can use powers in the Food Safety Act 1990 and the Agriculture Act 1970, so you have identified a way forward to make the correction. But, Deputy Minister, you'll understand for our committee it's of concern that you are unlikely to make these corrections until the first or the second quarter of 2023.
Deputy Minister, I also note that you have confirmed that only one provision in the regulations could not be made using alternative powers, if this instrument was withdrawn. I wonder if you can say a little bit more about that in your closing remarks, and also what thought you gave to using powers contained in—and I mentioned this before, this afternoon—the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 to permit the use of the urgent made affirmative procedure as a means of correcting the five points highlighted by the committee.
Llywydd, the Deputy Minister will also be seeking to make the adjustments needed to address the other two points in our report via correction slips. We will be writing to the Welsh Government, but, to give some advance notice, several Government responses to our reports in recent months have stated that correction slips will be sought from the registrar to address errors in regulation. So, we will be pushing on what guidance is used by Welsh Government and the registrar to determine what can and what cannot or should not be fixed in this way.
So, as I said in the previous debate, should Senedd Members accept the Welsh Government's arguments, the fact remains that the Senedd is being asked to pass a defective instrument, albeit the scale is somewhat different. So, Deputy Minister, I would also welcome any assurances from yourself that you, also, along with the Minister in the previous debate, will do all you can to ensure that a request to pass a defective instrument will not be put in front of the Senedd again. Thank you.
Diolch, Llywydd.
Wrth agor ein sylwadau, nodaf fod dwy o'r dadleuon a gyflwynwyd gan y Dirprwy Weinidog a hefyd y Gweinidog, o ran yr offeryn blaenorol ger ein bron, yn debyg iawn, os nad yn union yr un fath. Un yw, wrth basio'r offerynnau hyn heddiw, hyd yn oed gyda'r agweddau diffygiol yr ydym wedi'u nodi, na fyddai'n cael effaith ar y gallu i weithredu'r offeryn hwn ar lawr gwlad, i bob pwrpas, ond yn ail y byddai methu â gwneud hynny yn arwain at gyfnod o ymwahanu o weddill y DU yn hwn a'r un blaenorol.
Fodd bynnag, fe wnaethom ni ystyried y rheoliadau hyn ar 5 Rhagfyr ac rydym wedi cael cyfle i adolygu ymateb y Llywodraeth i'n hadroddiad ddoe. Diolchwn i'r Dirprwy Weinidog a'i swyddogion am ddarparu eich ymateb iddo. Felly, mae ein hadroddiad ni ac ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru ar gael drwy agenda Cyfarfod Llawn heddiw.
Felly, fel y dywedodd y Dirprwy Weinidog, mae'r rheoliadau hyn yn gwneud diwygiadau i is-ddeddfwriaeth ym meysydd diogelwch a hylendid bwyd a bwyd anifeiliaid. Roedd pum pwynt adrodd technegol yn ein hadroddiad, dau ohonyn nhw'n ymwneud â drafftio diffygiol a thri ohonyn nhw'n amlygu anghysondebau rhwng y testunau Cymraeg a Saesneg. Ac fel mae'r Dirprwy Weinidog wedi dweud, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi derbyn pob un o'r pum pwynt yr ydym ni wedi'u codi, ac rydym ni'n cydnabod hynny, ac mae hynny, yn ein barn ni, yn ffordd dda ymlaen. Ond mae hyn yn golygu y bydd angen cywiro'r rheoliadau yr ydym ni nawr yn pleidleisio arnyn nhw y prynhawn yma yn y dyfodol.
Mae'r Dirprwy Weinidog wedi cadarnhau wrth fy mhwyllgor y bydd angen mynd i'r afael â thri o'r pwyntiau yr ydym ni wedi'u codi drwy offeryn statudol arall yn y flwyddyn newydd, a, Dirprwy Weinidog, fe wnaethoch chi gyffwrdd â hynny.
Llywydd, yn y ddadl flaenorol soniais ein bod wedi ysgrifennu at y Gweinidog materion gwledig mewn modd eithaf cyflym a gyda brys yn dilyn ein cyfarfod ddoe mewn cysylltiad â'r rheoliadau yr ydym ni dim ond newydd eu trafod. Cafodd y llythyr hwnnw hefyd ei gyfeirio at y Dirprwy Weinidog, oherwydd bod materion tebyg, er nad ydynt ar yr un raddfa, yn bodoli o fewn y rheoliadau hyn. Nawr, soniais fod y llythyr a gawsom mewn ymateb dim ond wedi cyrraedd yn hwyr y prynhawn yma, felly nid ydym yn gallu asesu yn llawn yr hyn a ddywedwyd wrthym a'i archwilio.
Dirprwy Weinidog, un o'r pethau y gwnaethom ni ofyn i chi eu cadarnhau oedd pa bwerau sydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar gael iddi i wneud yr offerynnau statudol cywiro priodol y gwnaethoch chi sôn amdanyn nhw yn yr ymateb a gawsom i'n hadroddiad. Rydych chi wedi dweud wrthym y gallwch ddefnyddio pwerau yn Neddf Diogelwch Bwyd 1990 a Deddf Amaethyddiaeth 1970, felly rydych chi wedi nodi ffordd ymlaen i wneud y cywiriad. Ond, Dirprwy Weinidog, byddwch yn deall, i'n pwyllgor ni, ei bod yn destun pryder eich bod yn annhebygol o wneud y cywiriadau hyn tan chwarter cyntaf neu ail chwarter 2023.
Dirprwy Weinidog, nodaf hefyd eich bod wedi cadarnhau mai dim ond un ddarpariaeth sydd yn y rheoliadau na ellid ei gwneud gan ddefnyddio pwerau amgen, pe byddai'r offeryn hwn yn cael ei dynnu'n ôl. Tybed a allwch chi ddweud ychydig mwy am hynny yn eich sylwadau cau, a hefyd pa ystyriaeth a roddwyd gennych i ddefnyddio pwerau sydd wedi'u cynnwys—a soniais am hyn o'r blaen, y prynhawn yma—yn Neddf yr Undeb Ewropeaidd (Ymadael) 2018 i ganiatáu defnyddio'r weithdrefn gadarnhaol a wnaed ar frys fel modd o gywiro'r pum pwynt a amlygwyd gan y pwyllgor.
Llywydd, bydd y Dirprwy Weinidog hefyd yn ceisio gwneud yr addasiadau y mae eu hangen i fynd i'r afael â'r ddau bwynt arall yn ein hadroddiad drwy slipiau cywiro. Byddwn yn ysgrifennu at Lywodraeth Cymru, ond, i roi rhywfaint o rybudd ymlaen llaw, mae sawl ymateb gan y Llywodraeth i'n hadroddiadau yn ystod y misoedd diwethaf wedi datgan y gofynnir am slipiau cywiro gan y cofrestrydd i fynd i'r afael â gwallau wrth reoleiddio. Felly, byddwn yn gofyn pa ganllawiau sy'n cael eu defnyddio gan Lywodraeth Cymru a'r cofrestrydd i benderfynu beth all a beth na ellir neu na ddylid ei ddatrys fel hyn.
Felly, fel y dywedais i yn y ddadl flaenorol, pe bai Aelodau'r Senedd yn derbyn dadleuon Llywodraeth Cymru, y ffaith o hyd yw y gofynnir i'r Senedd basio offeryn diffygiol, er bod y raddfa rywfaint yn wahanol. Felly, Dirprwy Weinidog, byddwn i hefyd yn croesawu unrhyw sicrwydd gennych chi y byddwch chi, hefyd, ynghyd â'r Gweinidog yn y ddadl flaenorol, yn gwneud popeth o fewn eich gallu i sicrhau na fydd cais i basio offeryn diffygiol yn cael ei roi ger bron y Senedd eto. Diolch.
I'd just like to take this opportunity to ask the Deputy Minister, when you're reviewing this legislation in line with the request by the legislative and constitutional committee, to have a look at the labelling on baby food, because this has long been something that concerns me, because in the past it has certainly been raised with me that sugar is put into baby food, and salt. Both of these items should be absent from baby food, because neither of them are necessary if the food that's being presented as suitable for babies is decent food that doesn't need the addition of either sugar or salt. Very small children shouldn't eat either of them. So, I wondered if you could look at that as a specific, as to whether we need to tighten up the legislation on baby food, (a) so that we endeavour to ensure that the industry does not add either of these harmful items to products that they are marketing as suitable for infants, once they're ready to move on from milk—hopefully, breast milk. This is an opportunity to do that, so I'd be very grateful if you could confirm that in your response.
Hoffwn gymryd y cyfle hwn i ofyn i'r Dirprwy Weinidog, pan fyddwch chi'n adolygu'r ddeddfwriaeth hon yn unol â'r cais gan y pwyllgor deddfwriaethol a chyfansoddiadol, i gael golwg ar y labelu ar fwyd babanod, oherwydd mae hyn wedi bod yn rhywbeth sy'n fy mhryderu ers amser maith, oherwydd yn y gorffennol mae'n sicr wedi cael ei godi gyda mi bod siwgr yn cael ei roi mewn bwyd babanod, a halen. Dylai'r ddwy eitem hyn fod yn absennol o fwyd babi, oherwydd nid oes angen yr un ohonyn nhw os yw'r bwyd sy'n cael ei gyflwyno'n addas i fabanod yn fwyd gweddus nad oes angen ychwanegu naill ai siwgr neu halen. Ni ddylai plant bach iawn fwyta'r naill na'r llall. Felly, tybed a allech chi edrych ar hynny fel rhywbeth penodol, o ran a oes angen i ni dynhau'r ddeddfwriaeth ar fwyd babanod, (a) fel ein bod yn ymdrechu i sicrhau nad yw'r diwydiant yn ychwanegu'r naill na'r llall o'r eitemau niweidiol hyn i gynhyrchion y maen nhw'n eu marchnata fel rhai addas ar gyfer babanod, pan fyddan nhw'n barod i symud ymlaen o laeth—gobeithio, llaeth y fron. Dyma gyfle i wneud hynny, felly mi fyddwn yn ddiolchgar iawn petaech chi'n gallu cadarnhau hynny yn eich ymateb.
Y Dirprwy Weinidog i ymateb. Lynne Neagle.
The Deputy Minister to reply. Lynne Neagle.

Diolch, Llywydd, and can I thank Huw Irranca-Davies for his contribution and also Jenny Rathbone for her contribution to the debate today? I'm also very happy to give the assurance that I will take what you've said away and do whatever I can to make sure that we aren't in this position again. So, you have my very firm commitment on that. As I've already highlighted, the instrument makes no changes to policy or how food and feed businesses are regulated, but I do accept that it's not ideal that you should have to highlight these points in the way that you have, and I will certainly take that forward.
Jenny, in relation to your points, I would have to follow up with you by letter on that as to whether this would be the appropriate vehicle to pursue the issues that you've raised, but I'm very happy to do that. Can I just reiterate my thanks to the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee for the report and reiterate my commitment to rectify the five technical scrutiny points at the earliest opportunity? As the errors are of a minor nature and do not substantively affect the operability of the proposed regulation or the operability of the legislation as amended, I would therefore ask that the proposed amendments in this instrument be supported. Diolch.
Diolch, Llywydd, ac a gaf i ddiolch i Huw Irranca-Davies am ei gyfraniad a hefyd Jenny Rathbone am ei chyfraniad i'r ddadl heddiw? Rwyf hefyd yn hapus iawn i roi'r sicrwydd y byddaf yn nodi'r hyn yr ydych chi wedi'i ddweud ac yn gwneud beth bynnag a allaf i sicrhau nad ydym yn y sefyllfa hon eto. Felly, mae gennych chi fy ymrwymiad cadarn iawn ar hynny. Fel yr wyf eisoes wedi'i amlygu, nid yw'r offeryn yn gwneud unrhyw newidiadau i bolisi na sut mae busnesau bwyd a bwyd anifeiliaid yn cael eu rheoleiddio, ond rwy'n derbyn nad yw'n ddelfrydol eich bod yn gorfod tynnu sylw at y pwyntiau hyn yn y ffordd y gwnaethoch chi, a byddaf i'n sicr yn gwneud hynny yn y dyfodol.
Jenny, o ran eich pwyntiau chi, byddai'n rhaid i mi ymdrin â'r rheini gyda chi drwy lythyr ynghylch a fyddai hwn yn gyfrwng priodol i ymdrin â'r materion yr ydych chi wedi'u codi, ond rwy'n hapus iawn i wneud hynny. A gaf i ailadrodd fy niolch i'r Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad am yr adroddiad ac ailadrodd fy ymrwymiad i unioni'r pum pwynt craffu technegol ar y cyfle cyntaf? Gan fod y gwallau yn rhai mân ac nid ydynt yn effeithio'n sylweddol ar allu'r rheoliad arfaethedig na gallu'r ddeddfwriaeth fel y'i diwygiwyd i weithredu, byddwn felly'n gofyn i'r diwygiadau arfaethedig yn yr offeryn hwn gael eu cefnogi. Diolch.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, mae yna wrthwynebiad i'r cynnig yma, felly fe wnawn ni ohirio'r bleidlais ar y cynnig yna o dan eitem 7 hefyd i'r cyfnod pleidleisio.
The proposal is to agree the motion. Does any Member object? [Objection.] There is objection to this motion, and therefore we will defer voting on that motion under item 7 to voting time.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
Sy'n dod â ni i'r cyfnod pleidleisio, ac oni bai bod tri Aelod yn gofyn i fi ganu'r gloch fe allaf i symud yn syth i'r cyfnod pleidleisio. Dwi ddim yn gweld bod angen canu'r gloch, felly fe wnawn ni gynnal y bleidlais gyntaf, ac mae'r bleidlais gyntaf ar Rheoliadau’r Fasnach mewn Anifeiliaid a Chynhyrchion Perthynol (Diwygio a Swyddogaethau Deddfwriaethol) ac Iechyd Anifeiliaid (Diwygiadau Amrywiol) (Cymru) (Ymadael â’r UE) 2022. Dwi'n galw am bleidlais ar y cynnig, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Lesley Griffiths. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 25, neb yn ymatal, 24 yn erbyn. Ac felly mae'r cynnig wedi cael ei gymeradwyo.
That brings us to voting time, and unless three Members wish for the bell to be rung I will proceed directly to voting time. I don't see that there's a request to ring the bell, so we will move to our first vote, and that first vote is on the Trade in Animals and Related Products (Amendment and Legislative Functions) and Animal Health (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2022. I call for a vote on the motion, tabled in the name of Lesley Griffiths. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 25, no abstentions, 24 against. Therefore the motion is agreed.
Eitem 6. Rheoliadau’r Fasnach mewn Anifeiliaid a Chynhyrchion Perthynol (Diwygio a Swyddogaethau Deddfwriaethol) ac Iechyd Anifeiliaid (Diwygiadau Amrywiol) (Cymru) (Ymadael Ô’r UE) 2022: O blaid: 25, Yn erbyn: 24, Ymatal: 0
Derbyniwyd y cynnig
Item 6. The Trade in Animals and Related Products (Amendment and Legislative Functions) and Animal Health (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2022: For: 25, Against: 24, Abstain: 0
Motion has been agreed
Yr eitem nesaf fydd y Rheoliadau Bwyd a Bwyd Anifeiliaid (Diwygiadau Amrywiol) (Cymru) (Ymadael â’r UE) 2022. Galwaf am bleidlais ar y cynnig, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Lesley Griffiths. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 34, neb yn ymatal, 15 yn erbyn. Ac felly mae'r cynnig yna hefyd wedi cael ei gymeradwyo.
The next item is the Food and Feed (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2022. I call for a vote on the motion, tabled in the name of Lesley Griffiths. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 34, no abstentions, 15 against. Therefore, that motion is also agreed.
Eitem 7. Rheoliadau Bwyd a Bwyd Anifeiliaid (Diwygiadau Amrywiol) (Cymru) (Ymadael Ô’r UE) 2022: O blaid: 34, Yn erbyn: 15, Ymatal: 0
Derbyniwyd y cynnig
Item 7. The Food and Feed (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2022: For: 34, Against: 15, Abstain: 0
Motion has been agreed
Dyna ni, dyna ddiwedd ar ein cyfnod pleidleisio ni y prynhawn yma a diwedd ar ein gwaith ni heddiw.
That concludes voting time for today and concludes our business for today, too.
Daeth y cyfarfod i ben am 17:33.
The meeting ended at 17:33.