Y Cyfarfod Llawn - Y Bumed Senedd
Plenary - Fifth Senedd
Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.
In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.
Cyfarfu'r Senedd drwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:30 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd met by video-conference at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Croeso, bawb, i'r Cyfarfod Llawn. Cyn i ni ddechrau, dwi eisiau nodi ychydig o bwyntiau. Mae Cyfarfod Llawn a gynhelir drwy gynhadledd fideo, yn unol â Rheolau Sefydlog Senedd Cymru, yn gyfystyr â thrafodion y Senedd at ddibenion Deddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006. Bydd rhai o ddarpariaethau Rheol Sefydlog 34 yn gymwys ar gyfer y Cyfarfod Llawn heddiw, ac mae'r rheini wedi'u nodi ar eich agenda chi. A dwi eisiau atgoffa'r Aelodau bod y Rheolau Sefydlog sy'n ymwneud â threfn yn y Cyfarfod Llawn yn berthnasol i'r cyfarfod yma.
Dwi hefyd eisiau hysbysu'r Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 26.75, fod Deddf Llywodraeth Leol ac Etholiadau (Cymru) 2021 wedi cael Cydsyniad Brenhinol heddiw.
Welcome, all, to this Plenary session. Before we begin, I want to set out a few points. A Plenary meeting held by video-conference, in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Welsh Parliament, constitutes Senedd proceedings for the purposes of the Government of Wales Act 2006. Some of the provisions of Standing Order 34 will apply for today's Plenary meeting, and those are set out on your agenda. And I would remind Members that Standing Orders relating to order in Plenary meetings apply to this meeting.
I also wish to inform the Senedd that, in accordance with Standing Order 26.75, the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 was given Royal Assent today.
Yr eitem gyntaf, felly, ar ein hagenda ni ar gyfer y prynhawn yma yw'r cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Jayne Bryant.
The first item on our agenda this afternoon is questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services, and the first question is from Jayne Bryant.
1. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am gyflwyno brechlyn COVID-19 yn ne-ddwyrain Cymru? OQ56151
1. Will the Minister provide an update on the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccine in south-east Wales? OQ56151
Thank you. On 11 January, I published our national vaccination plan, with key milestones and priorities for delivery. The plan reflects months of detailed NHS planning, together with support from colleagues in the military and local government. Within Gwent, 72 out of 74 GP practices are supporting the delivery of the vaccination programme, and five mass vaccination centres are also operational.
Diolch. Ar 11 Ionawr, cyhoeddais ein cynllun brechu cenedlaethol, gyda cherrig milltir a blaenoriaethau allweddol ar gyfer ei gyflawni. Mae'r cynllun yn adlewyrchu misoedd o waith cynllunio manwl gan y GIG, ynghyd â chefnogaeth gan gymheiriaid yn y lluoedd arfog a llywodraeth leol. Yng Ngwent, mae 72 o’r 74 practis meddyg teulu yn cefnogi’r gwaith o gyflawni'r rhaglen frechu, ac mae pum canolfan frechu torfol hefyd yn weithredol.
Thank you for that answer, Minister. It's really encouraging to hear that the roll-out rate is increasing at pace in the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board area. I know from anecdotal evidence and constituents getting in touch with me that this is indeed the case in Newport. What has been concerning my constituents is the communications and the suggestion that the Welsh Government's not going as quickly as possible. Many of those who are elderly and vulnerable in these first priority groups have been shielding for 10 months, and some have been outside only a handful of times. They and their families are desperate to know that they have not been forgotten and want to hear that the Government will leave no stone unturned to get this vaccine to them. Minister, please can you assure me and my constituents about the speed of the roll-out of the vaccine in Wales, and specifically in Newport, that the focus and priority is on delivering this vaccine as quickly and as safely as possible, and that those over 80 who haven't heard just yet will do so very, very soon?
Diolch am eich ateb, Weinidog. Mae'n galonogol iawn clywed bod y gyfradd frechu’n cynyddu’n gyflym yn ardal Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan. Gwn o dystiolaeth anecdotaidd a thrwy etholwyr sydd wedi cysylltu â mi fod hyn hefyd yn wir yng Nghasnewydd. Yr hyn sydd wedi bod yn peri pryder i fy etholwyr yw'r cyfathrebu a'r awgrym nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio mor gyflym â phosibl. Mae llawer o'r rheini sy'n oedrannus ac yn agored i niwed yn y grwpiau blaenoriaeth cyntaf hyn wedi bod ar y rhestr warchod ers 10 mis, ac mae rhai ohonynt ond wedi bod allan o’r tŷ lond llaw o weithiau. Maent hwy a'u teuluoedd yn ysu i wybod nad ydynt wedi cael eu hanghofio ac eisiau clywed y bydd y Llywodraeth yn gwneud ei gorau glas i sicrhau eu bod yn cael y brechlyn hwn. Weinidog, a allwch sicrhau fy etholwyr a minnau ynghylch cyflymder y broses o gyflwyno'r brechlyn yng Nghymru, ac yn benodol yng Nghasnewydd, fod y flaenoriaeth a'r ffocws ar ddarparu'r brechlyn cyn gynted ac mor ddiogel â phosibl, ac y bydd y bobl dros 80 oed nad ydynt wedi clywed unrhyw beth eto yn cael clywed cyn bo hir?
I can assure you we are going as fast as possible. In particular, over this week, we've released 60,000 Pfizer vaccines into the system to help in mass vaccination centres. We also have a significant increase in our supply from the UK procurement programme of the AstraZeneca vaccine, so we'll be able to go much faster—again, both the care home residents and the over-80s. That's why those 72 general practices across the Gwent area are so important to us in reaching those first two category groups. So, I expect that, every week, we'll be publishing now—as I've committed to—more information, showing where we are with those priority groups and the successful roll-out. And I've also indicated that I think that health boards across Wales will be starting to issue invites to the over-70s over the next week, because I am confident that we will have vaccinated a high number of over-80s by the end of this week as well. So, Powys are already doing so, and I don't think Aneurin Bevan will be far behind. Again, I just want to say 'thank you' to all those staff who really are working above and beyond to help protect people right across the country. Aneurin Bevan, I think, are doing a fine job within that, as indeed are other health boards.
Gallaf roi sicrwydd i chi ein bod yn mynd mor gyflym â phosibl. Yn fwyaf arbennig, yr wythnos hon, rydym wedi rhyddhau 60,000 o frechlynnau Pfizer i'r system i helpu mewn canolfannau brechu torfol. Rydym hefyd wedi cael cynnydd sylweddol yn ein cyflenwad o frechlyn AstraZeneca gan raglen gaffael y DU, felly bydd modd inni fynd ati’n llawer cyflymach—unwaith eto, preswylwyr cartrefi gofal a phobl dros 80 oed. Dyna pam fod y 72 practis meddyg teulu hynny ar draws ardal Gwent mor bwysig i ni er mwyn cyrraedd y ddau grŵp categori cyntaf hynny. Felly, rwy'n disgwyl nawr y byddwn yn cyhoeddi, bob wythnos—fel rwyf wedi ymrwymo i’w wneud—mwy o wybodaeth i ddangos ble rydym arni gyda'r grwpiau blaenoriaeth a’r gwaith o ddarparu’r brechlyn yn llwyddiannus. Ac rwyf hefyd wedi nodi fy mod yn credu y bydd byrddau iechyd ledled Cymru yn dechrau anfon gwahoddiadau at bobl dros 70 oed dros yr wythnos nesaf, gan fy mod yn hyderus y byddwn wedi brechu nifer uchel o bobl dros 80 oed erbyn diwedd yr wythnos hon hefyd. Felly, mae Powys eisoes yn gwneud hynny, ac ni chredaf y bydd Aneurin Bevan ymhell ar eu holau. Unwaith eto, hoffwn ddweud 'diolch' wrth yr holl staff sy'n gweithio hyd eithaf eu gallu i helpu i ddiogelu pobl ledled y wlad. Ac rwy'n credu bod Aneurin Bevan yn gwneud gwaith gwych yn hynny o beth, fel y byrddau iechyd eraill, yn wir.
Minister, I'd like to second that—I think Aneurin Bevan are doing a fantastic job, from what I can see, and everyone is working so hard to get this vaccine out as soon as possible. But there seems to be a lot of nonsensical stuff going on. I'm getting many, many e-mails in my inbox about couples not being vaccinated at the same time. Obviously, we're on the elderly at the moment, and we're going down to the 70-year-olds. Can you guarantee that you—? Or, what are you doing to look into the fact that one member of a couple is being told a vaccination date, and then the other person is getting a date far removed from that? It just doesn't make sense. Obviously, they're elderly and getting to those points is an issue as well. So, please can you look into that, if you haven't already? Or, what have you done to ensure that that won't carry on, because I'm getting a lot of e-mails about this? Thank you.
Weinidog, hoffwn eilio hynny—credaf fod Aneurin Bevan yn gwneud gwaith gwych, o'r hyn y gallaf ei weld, ac mae pawb yn gweithio mor galed i ddarparu’r brechlyn hwn cyn gynted â phosibl. Ond ymddengys bod llawer o bethau disynnwyr yn digwydd. Rwy'n cael llawer iawn o e-byst yn fy mewnflwch ynglŷn â chyplau nad ydynt yn cael eu brechu ar yr un pryd. Yn amlwg, rydym yn brechu’r henoed ar hyn o bryd, ac rydym yn mynd i lawr at y bobl 70 oed. A allwch warantu eich bod—? Neu beth rydych yn ei wneud ynglŷn â'r ffaith bod un aelod o bâr yn cael dyddiad brechu, ac yna caiff yr unigolyn arall ddyddiad sy'n bell oddi wrtho? Nid yw hynny'n gwneud synnwyr. Yn amlwg, maent yn oedrannus ac mae cyrraedd y mannau hynny’n her hefyd. Felly, a wnewch chi ymchwilio i hynny, os nad ydych wedi gwneud hynny eisoes? Neu beth rydych wedi'i wneud i sicrhau na fydd hynny'n parhau, gan fy mod yn cael llawer o e-byst ynglŷn â hyn? Diolch.
Well, it would help if you could provide me with detail of the instances that you refer to, and it would also help to be clear about whether you've raised these individuals either with a general practice or with the health board. We want to make sure that the vaccination programme is rolled out as fast as possible, but also in a way that provides confidence and understands the challenges of how people do and don't live their lives. I've seen many examples, actually, where couples have been deliberately invited together to make sure they can have the vaccine at the same time. So, I'm not aware of the issue that you refer to, but if you provide me with some more details, then I'll happily look at it to try to resolve the issue.
Wel, byddai'n ddefnyddiol pe gallech roi manylion i mi ynglŷn â’r achosion y cyfeiriwch atynt, a byddai hefyd o gymorth pe byddech yn dweud yn glir a ydych wedi codi achosion yr unigolion hyn naill ai gyda phractis cyffredinol neu gyda'r bwrdd iechyd. Rydym yn awyddus i sicrhau bod y rhaglen frechu’n cael ei chyflwyno cyn gynted â phosibl, ond hefyd mewn ffordd sy'n rhoi hyder ac sy’n deall yr heriau ynghylch sut y mae pobl yn byw eu bywydau. Rwyf wedi gweld llawer o enghreifftiau o ble mae cyplau wedi cael eu gwahodd gyda'i gilydd yn fwriadol i sicrhau y gallant gael y brechlyn ar yr un pryd. Felly, nid wyf yn ymwybodol o'r broblem y cyfeiriwch ati, ond os gallwch roi mwy o fanylion i mi, rwy’n fwy na pharod i edrych ar hynny er mwyn ceisio datrys y mater.
Across Islwyn, the Welsh national health service in its entirety is rising to the challenge of this pandemic, but there is still much concern about a misinformation campaign in circulation, namely that the vaccination programme is way off target and off track, and any such deliberate fear-mongering is exacerbating the anxiety and fear already present in our communities. The truth is, every day, we are vaccinating more and more people in Wales. The latest figures show that 161,900 people have had their first dose of the vaccine, an average of 10,000 people every day now receiving that first dose of the vaccine. So, every week, that vaccination programme is speeding up as more clinics are opened and more vaccines are available for the army of healthcare professionals administering vaccines, in 28 vaccination centres across Wales, increasing to 45, and 100 GP practices vaccinating, set to rise to 250 in the next fortnight. So, Minister, how would you assess the success of the vaccine roll-out currently across Islwyn with this backdrop, and how do you see that proceeding in the future?
Ar draws Islwyn, mae gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol Cymru yn ei gyfanrwydd yn ymateb i her y pandemig hwn, ond mae llawer o bryder o hyd ynglŷn ag ymgyrch i ledaenu camwybodaeth, sef yn benodol fod y rhaglen frechu ymhell o gyrraedd ei tharged a heb fod ar y trywydd cywir, ac mae unrhyw godi bwganod bwriadol o’r fath yn gwaethygu'r gorbryder a'r ofn sydd eisoes yn bodoli yn ein cymunedau. Y gwir amdani yw ein bod, bob dydd, yn brechu mwy a mwy o bobl yng Nghymru. Mae’r ffigurau diweddaraf yn dangos bod 161,900 o bobl wedi cael eu dos cyntaf o'r brechlyn, fod cyfartaledd o 10,000 o bobl bob dydd bellach yn cael y dos cyntaf o'r brechlyn. Felly, bob wythnos, mae'r rhaglen frechu'n cyflymu wrth i fwy o glinigau gael eu hagor ac wrth i fwy o frechlynnau ddod ar gael i'r llu o weithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol sy'n darparu’r brechlynnau, mewn 28 o ganolfannau brechu ledled Cymru, gan gynyddu i 45, a 100 o bractisau meddygon teulu sy'n darparu'r brechlyn, ffigur a fydd yn cynyddu i 250 yn ystod y pythefnos nesaf. Felly, Weinidog, sut y byddech yn asesu llwyddiant y broses o ddarparu’r brechlyn ar draws Islwyn ar hyn o bryd yn y cyd-destun hwn, a sut y gwelwch hynny'n parhau yn y dyfodol?
Well, I think it's fair to say that we've made a modest start in comparison to other UK countries, but in terms of other countries around the world, we've made a really rapid start in the first few weeks. If you think of what's happened in the last three weeks, you'll see a really significant increase in the pace of our vaccination effort, as the infrastructure has been put in place to allow more mass vaccination centres to be delivered, and that's really important for use of the Pfizer vaccine. As we're getting more of the AstraZeneca supply, our primary care professionals in particular—general practice, with pharmacy, dentistry and optometry—are making use of their staff coming on board in the very near future as well. Actually, the figures today have gone on even further. We have now vaccinated with at least one dose of the vaccine nearly 176,000 people in Wales, nearly 14,000 people in the figures we've provided for the last day, and you can expect that, by the end of this week, we'll have made another significant step forward compared to last week. So, the pace really is increasing. The numbers demonstrate that, and I look forward to people in Islwyn having their vaccine in the very near future in very large numbers, and I'm very grateful to every general practice within the Islwyn constituency that is playing their part to vaccinate and to protect their residents as quickly as possible.
Wel, credaf ei bod yn deg dweud ein bod wedi dechrau ar raddfa gweddol fach o gymharu â gwledydd eraill y DU, ond o gymharu â gwledydd eraill ym mhob rhan o'r byd, rydym wedi dechrau'n gyflym iawn dros yr ychydig wythnosau cyntaf. Os ystyriwch yr hyn sydd wedi digwydd yn ystod y tair wythnos diwethaf, fe welwch gynnydd sylweddol iawn yng nghyflymder ein hymdrech frechu, wrth roi'r seilwaith ar waith i ganiatáu i fwy o ganolfannau brechu torfol gael eu darparu, ac mae hynny'n bwysig iawn ar gyfer darparu brechlyn Pfizer. Wrth inni gael mwy o gyflenwad o frechlyn AstraZeneca, mae ein gweithwyr proffesiynol gofal sylfaenol yn benodol—ymarfer cyffredinol, gyda fferylliaeth, deintyddiaeth ac optometreg—yn defnyddio’r staff a fydd yn ymuno â hwy yn y dyfodol agos iawn hefyd. Mewn gwirionedd, mae'r ffigurau heddiw wedi cynyddu hyd yn oed yn fwy. Rydym bellach wedi brechu, gydag o leiaf un dos o'r brechlyn, bron i 176,000 o bobl yng Nghymru, bron i 14,000 o bobl yn y ffigurau rydym wedi'u darparu ar gyfer y diwrnod diwethaf, a gallwch ddisgwyl, erbyn diwedd yr wythnos hon, y byddwn wedi cymryd cam sylweddol arall ymlaen o gymharu â'r wythnos diwethaf. Felly, mae'n bendant yn cyflymu. Mae'r niferoedd yn dangos hynny, ac edrychaf ymlaen at weld nifer fawr o bobl yn Islwyn yn cael eu brechlyn yn y dyfodol agos iawn, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn i bob practis cyffredinol yn etholaeth Islwyn sy'n chwarae eu rhan yn y gwaith o frechu a diogelu eu trigolion cyn gynted â phosibl.
2. A wnaiff y Gweinidog amlinellu effaith y pandemig ar ddarparu gofal cartref gan y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol? OQ56130
2. Will the Minister outline the effect of the pandemic on the provision of homecare by social services? OQ56130
All those working in domiciliary care are making tremendous efforts to provide this vital service safely. There is a huge range of pressures, and we are working closely with local authorities, health boards and other stakeholders to help manage these pressures.
Mae’r holl bobl sy'n gweithio ym maes gofal cartref yn gwneud ymdrechion aruthrol i ddarparu'r gwasanaeth hanfodol hwn yn ddiogel. Ceir llu o wahanol fathau o bwysau, ac rydym yn gweithio'n agos gydag awdurdodau lleol, byrddau iechyd a rhanddeiliaid eraill i helpu i reoli'r pwysau hwn.
Can I thank the Minister for that response? I wish to stress the important work done by homecare. Sometimes, efficiency and transformation is confused with poorer service and poorer working conditions. Will the Minister support greater direct service provision by local authorities of homecare?
A gaf fi ddiolch i'r Gweinidog am ei hymateb? Hoffwn bwysleisio'r gwaith pwysig a wneir ym maes gofal cartref. Weithiau, ceir dryswch rhwng effeithlonrwydd a thrawsnewid a gwasanaeth salach ac amodau gwaith salach. A wnaiff y Gweinidog gefnogi awdurdodau lleol i ddarparu mwy o wasanaethau gofal cartref yn uniongyrchol?
I thank Mike Hedges for that response, and I'd like to echo his words about how vitally important homecare is. We're very aware of the challenges within that sector. Only 6 per cent, at the last reckoning, of domiciliary care services were managed by local authorities, which is obviously a very small amount. As the Member will be aware, we're looking at this balance of local authority and independent care providers in our White Paper on social care futures. And we've also recently set up the social care forum to look at how we can use the levers we've got available to us in Wales to improve working conditions in social care. So, yes, we are looking at the issue the Member raises.
Diolch i Mike Hedges am ei ymateb, a hoffwn adleisio ei eiriau ynglŷn â pha mor hanfodol bwysig yw gofal cartref. Rydym yn ymwybodol iawn o'r heriau yn y sector hwnnw. Ar y cyfrif diwethaf, dim ond 6 y cant o wasanaethau gofal cartref a gâi eu rheoli gan awdurdodau lleol, sy'n amlwg yn ffigur bach iawn. Fel y gŵyr yr Aelod, rydym yn edrych ar y cydbwysedd hwn rhwng darparwyr gofal annibynnol ac awdurdodau lleol yn ein Papur Gwyn ar ddyfodol gofal cymdeithasol. Ac yn ddiweddar hefyd, rydym wedi sefydlu'r fforwm gofal cymdeithasol i edrych ar sut y gallwn ddefnyddio'r ysgogiadau sydd ar gael i ni yng Nghymru i wella amodau gwaith ym maes gofal cymdeithasol. Felly, rydym yn edrych ar y mater y mae'r Aelod yn ei godi.
Minister, that's an encouraging answer, but I think we all acknowledge these are front-line workers and the importance of domiciliary care in allowing frail and older people to live to the maximum degree possible in terms of well-being is really crucial. And I'd like to know, given the fragmented service, much of it in the independent or private sector, what support is given to domiciliary care workers who need to isolate for whatever reason?
Weinidog, mae hwnnw’n ateb calonogol, ond credaf fod pob un ohonom yn cydnabod bod y rhain yn weithwyr rheng flaen, ac mae pwysigrwydd gofal cartref i ganiatáu i bobl eiddil a phobl hŷn fyw bywydau mor llawn â phosibl o ran llesiant yn hanfodol bwysig. Ac o ystyried y gwasanaeth tameidiog, gyda llawer ohono yn y sector annibynnol neu breifat, hoffwn wybod pa gefnogaeth a roddir i weithwyr gofal cartref sydd angen ynysu am ba reswm bynnag?
Well, as David Melding will know, the vast majority of domiciliary care providers are in the independent sector, and so, obviously, their employers are responsible for ensuring that they have the right working conditions and the right support. But, of course, if they are obliged to isolate, they will receive the same benefits as the people in the public sector, who will have their pay topped up and they will be looked after in the same sort of way. Because the sector is so fragmented, it's really important that we use all the levers we've got to try to reach them, and this is one of the key points in the White Paper that we've recently published.
Wel, fel y gŵyr David Melding, mae mwyafrif llethol y darparwyr gofal cartref yn y sector annibynnol, ac felly, yn amlwg, eu cyflogwyr sy’n gyfrifol am sicrhau bod ganddynt yr amodau gwaith cywir a'r gefnogaeth gywir. Ond wrth gwrs, os oes rhaid iddynt ynysu, byddant yn derbyn yr un budd-daliadau â'r bobl yn y sector cyhoeddus a fydd yn cael arian ychwanegol at eu cyflog, ac edrychir ar eu holau yn yr un math o ffordd. Gan fod y sector mor dameidiog, mae'n bwysig iawn ein bod yn defnyddio'r holl ysgogiadau sydd gennym i geisio eu cyrraedd, a dyma un o'r pwyntiau allweddol yn y Papur Gwyn rydym wedi'i gyhoeddi'n ddiweddar.
Minister, I have grave concerns about the safety of those in assisted living, particularly adults with learning difficulties. Understandably, the pandemic has put health and care systems under tremendous strain, but we can't neglect the most vulnerable or place them at greater risk. I've been contacted by constituents concerned about family members being put at greater risk of contracting COVID from the domiciliary carers entering their homes. So, Minister, will those living in assisted living be receiving the vaccine at the same time as those living in care homes, please?
Weinidog, mae gennyf bryderon dybryd ynglŷn â diogelwch pobl sy'n byw â chymorth, yn enwedig oedolion ag anawsterau dysgu. Yn ddealladwy, mae'r pandemig wedi rhoi systemau iechyd a gofal dan straen aruthrol, ond ni allwn esgeuluso'r bobl fwyaf agored i niwed na'u rhoi mewn mwy o berygl. Mae etholwyr wedi cysylltu â mi i fynegi pryderon am aelodau o'r teulu sy'n wynebu perygl mwy o ddal COVID gan y gweithwyr gofal cartref sy'n dod i mewn i'w cartrefi. Felly, Weinidog, a fydd pobl sy’n byw â chymorth yn cael y brechlyn ar yr un pryd â'r rheini sy'n byw mewn cartrefi gofal, os gwelwch yn dda?
Those that are living in assisted living places will be receiving the vaccine during the overall first tranche, which we hope to get completed by the middle of February. But I do accept that they are in a very vulnerable position and, as the Member will know, domiciliary care workers are now being tested, as well, which provides for increasing support. But I do understand that relatives are very concerned about some of their loved ones who are living in these situations, and many of them have contacted me as well. So, certainly you make a valid point, but we are doing what we can to protect those people.
Bydd y rheini sy'n byw mewn lleoliadau byw â chymorth yn cael y brechlyn yn rhan o'r gyfran gyffredinol gyntaf y gobeithiwn ei chwblhau erbyn canol mis Chwefror. Ond rwy'n derbyn eu bod mewn sefyllfa fregus iawn, ac fel y gŵyr yr Aelod, mae gweithwyr gofal cartref bellach yn cael eu profi hefyd, sy'n eu galluogi i roi cymorth cynyddol. Ond rwy'n deall bod perthnasau’n bryderus iawn am rai o'u hanwyliaid sy'n byw yn y sefyllfaoedd hyn, ac mae llawer ohonynt wedi cysylltu â minnau hefyd. Felly, yn sicr, rydych yn gwneud pwynt dilys, ond rydym yn gwneud yr hyn a allwn i ddiogelu'r bobl hynny.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Andrew R.T. Davies.
Questions now from the party spokespeople. The Conservatives spokesperson, Andrew R.T. Davies.
Thank you, Presiding Officer. Minister, earlier in the week, there were reports that 26,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine had to be put rejected at the testing stage. These doses were designated for Wales. Can you update the Plenary as to your understanding as to the reason for rejection and how that might affect supply in Wales?
Diolch, Lywydd. Weinidog, yn gynharach yr wythnos hon, cafwyd adroddiadau y bu’n rhaid gwrthod 26,000 dos o frechlyn AstraZeneca ar y cam profi. Roedd y dosau hyn wedi’u dynodi ar gyfer Cymru. A allwch roi diweddariad i'r Cyfarfod Llawn ynghylch eich dealltwriaeth o'r rheswm pam y cawsant eu gwrthod, a sut y gallai hynny effeithio ar y cyflenwad yng Nghymru?
Yes. It's actually about a delay to the doses in terms of the batch testing. So, we think there's going to be a delay to supply in Wales, as opposed to an entire loss, and it's an issue that affects the UK as well. So, I have another meeting with the vaccines Minister, Nadhim Zahawi, this week, from the UK Government. I have another meeting with Cabinet health Minister colleagues from across the UK this week as well. So, we are continuing to talk with each other about vaccine supply issues and delivery, and there isn't, as I understand it, a particular issue that I can give more detail on in the way that the Member asks, other than I hope to give what is a helpful reassurance about the fact the four nations are working together, and the delay to our supply is something we expect to be made up so that, of course, our hard-working, fantastic NHS staff and colleagues can get on with delivering the vaccine programme to help protect people right across the country.
Gallaf. Mae'n ymwneud ag oedi yn y broses o swp-brofi’r dosau. Felly, credwn y bydd oedi i'r cyflenwad yng Nghymru, yn hytrach na’u bod yn cael eu colli’n gyfan gwbl, ac mae'n fater sy'n effeithio ar y DU hefyd. Felly, mae gennyf gyfarfod arall gyda'r Gweinidog brechlynnau, Nadhim Zahawi, o Lywodraeth y DU yr wythnos hon. Rwy'n cael cyfarfod arall gyda Gweinidogion Cabinet cyfatebol ar gyfer iechyd o bob rhan o'r DU yr wythnos hon hefyd. Felly, rydym yn parhau i siarad gyda’n gilydd am faterion cyflenwi a darparu’r brechlyn, a hyd y gwelaf, nid oes problem benodol y gallaf roi mwy o fanylion yn ei chylch yn y ffordd y mae’r Aelod yn gofyn, heblaw dweud fy mod yn gobeithio rhoi sicrwydd defnyddiol ynghylch y ffaith bod y pedair gwlad yn gweithio gyda'i gilydd, ac mae'r oedi i'n cyflenwad yn rhywbeth rydym yn disgwyl gallu gwneud iawn amdano fel y gall ein staff a'n cydweithwyr gwych a gweithgar yn y GIG barhau i gyflwyno'r rhaglen frechu i helpu i ddiogelu pobl ledled y wlad.
Thank you for that answer, Minister. I just want to be clear: I was talking about the AstraZeneca vaccine, not the well-documented delays—
Diolch am eich ateb, Weinidog. Hoffwn gadarnhau: roeddwn yn sôn am frechlyn AstraZeneca, nid yr oedi tra hysbys—
No, I understand.
Na, rwy’n deall.
—with the reconfiguration of the factory and the Pfizer vaccine.
But if I could also ask you about evidence that appeared in the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies papers in relation to our BAME communities and work that SAGE has undertaken about the perception of the vaccine programme in those communities, the work that they undertook indicated a high percentage—72 per cent, in fact—of people questioned were either unlikely or very unlikely to have the vaccine. What work is the Welsh Government undertaking to allay people's fears within our BAME community and address this evidence that SAGE has put forward that there is reticence about taking up the vaccine in those communities?
—gydag ad-drefnu'r ffatri a brechlyn Pfizer.
Ond os caf eich holi hefyd ynglŷn â thystiolaeth a ymddangosodd ym mhapurau'r Grŵp Cynghori Gwyddonol ar Argyfyngau mewn perthynas â’n cymunedau o bobl dduon ac Asiaidd a lleiafrifoedd ethnig a'r gwaith y mae SAGE wedi'i wneud ar ganfyddiad y cymunedau hynny o’r rhaglen frechlyn, roedd y gwaith a wnaethant yn nodi bod canran uchel—72 y cant, mewn gwirionedd—o'r bobl a holwyd naill ai'n annhebygol neu'n annhebygol iawn o gael y brechlyn. Pa waith y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i dawelu ofnau pobl yn ein cymunedau o bobl dduon ac Asiaidd a lleiafrifoedd ethnig ac i fynd i'r afael â'r dystiolaeth y mae SAGE wedi'i chyflwyno fod y cymunedau hynny’n gyndyn o fanteisio ar y brechlyn?
Well, we are already working with not just figures who have helped us in the past—so Emmanuel Ogbonna and Ray Singh are also looking to be helpful—but also Race Council Cymru. We're looking to reach out to community leaders, as we have been doing, because I do recognise this is a real concern. So, you have this juxtaposition of, on the one hand, people from black and Asian origin communities being more likely to suffer harm from COVID, and, on the other, rather than being the keenest to get protection from the vaccine, it's actually where there is the largest amount of vaccine scepticism. And, as you will know, there is a lot of fake news being spread around about the vaccine, about its efficacy, about the whole COVID pandemic in any event, and it's one of those occasions when I actually think it's not just about this Government, but about all four Governments and all people at the responsible end of politics, regardless of which party we're in, having a unified message for our constituents, and that is that these vaccines are approved only by an independent regulator. No politician decides whether the vaccines are safe and effective. The regulator decides whether they can be used and how they can be used, and it's then the job of politicians and our health services to make sure they're delivered. So, I would encourage everyone, when it's your turn, to make sure you're ready, take the vaccine, have the protection and then you will be protecting yourselves, your loved ones, and, of course, many other people across the country too.
Wel, rydym eisoes yn gweithio nid yn unig gyda ffigurau sydd wedi ein helpu yn y gorffennol—felly mae Emmanuel Ogbonna a Ray Singh hefyd yn awyddus i fod o gymorth—ond hefyd Race Council Cymru. Rydym yn awyddus i estyn allan at arweinwyr cymunedol, fel rydym wedi bod yn ei wneud, gan fy mod yn cydnabod bod hyn yn bryder gwirioneddol. Felly, mae gennych y cyfosodiad hwn lle mae pobl o gymunedau o darddiad du ac Asiaidd ar y naill law yn fwy tebygol o ddioddef niwed yn sgil COVID, ac ar y llaw arall, yn hytrach na bod yn fwy awyddus i gael eu diogelu gan y brechlyn, dyna ble y ceir fwyaf o amheuaeth ynghylch y brechlyn. Ac fel y gwyddoch, mae llawer o newyddion ffug yn cael ei ledaenu ynglŷn â’r brechlyn, am ei effeithiolrwydd, am bandemig COVID yn gyffredinol a dweud y gwir, ac mae'n un o'r achlysuron pan nad yw'n ymwneud â'r Llywodraeth hon yn unig yn fy marn i, ond â'r pedair Llywodraeth a’r holl bobl ar ben cyfrifol gwleidyddiaeth, ni waeth o ba blaid, yn rhoi neges unedig i’n hetholwyr, sef bod y brechlynnau hyn wedi cael eu cymeradwyo gan reoleiddiwr annibynnol yn unig. Nid oes unrhyw wleidydd yn penderfynu a yw'r brechlynnau'n ddiogel ac yn effeithiol. Y rheoleiddiwr sy’n penderfynu a ellir eu defnyddio a sut y gellir eu defnyddio, a gwaith gwleidyddion a'n gwasanaethau iechyd wedyn yw sicrhau eu bod yn cael eu darparu. Felly, byddwn yn annog pawb, pan ddaw eich tro, i sicrhau eich bod yn barod, i gael y brechlyn, i gael eich diogelu a byddwch yn diogelu eich hunan, eich anwyliaid, ac wrth gwrs, llawer o bobl eraill ledled y wlad hefyd.
Thank you for that answer, Minister, and if you could provide us with a regular update as the progress and the vaccine roll-out goes forward here in Wales around these figures, because they're quite alarming—72 per cent in the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies papers. So, I think it's important that we try and allay any fears that might be pervading those communities to stop people taking up the vaccine.
But also, evidence is now emerging, as we're getting further into the vaccine programme that, in care homes, for example, one in five staff members are refusing to have the vaccine. Now, that is a choice, because obviously, people are offered the vaccine and there is no compunction, but that does have an effect, if one in five staff members are refusing to have the vaccine, on residents, in particular, obviously, who might have all accepted the vaccine. Do you recognise that figure of one in five not taking up the offer of a vaccine? And if you do recognise it, what work has been undertaken to reassure staff members, who are in a vulnerable location, that the vaccine is a safe bet and ultimately a safe bet to protect the residents that the staff are so dedicated to?
Diolch am eich ateb, Weinidog, ac os gallech roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf inni yn rheolaidd ar y ffigurau hyn wrth i'r broses o gyflwyno'r brechlyn yma yng Nghymru fynd rhagddi, gan eu bod yn eithaf brawychus—72 y cant ym mhapurau’r Grŵp Cynghori Gwyddonol ar Argyfyngau. Felly, credaf ei bod yn bwysig ein bod yn ceisio tawelu unrhyw ofnau a allai fod yn treiddio i'r cymunedau hynny gan atal pobl rhag cael y brechlyn.
Ond hefyd, mae tystiolaeth yn dod i'r amlwg bellach, wrth i’r rhaglen frechu fynd rhagddi, fod un o bob pum aelod o staff cartrefi gofal, er enghraifft, yn gwrthod cael y brechlyn. Nawr, dyna yw eu dewis, oherwydd yn amlwg, mae pobl yn cael cynnig y brechlyn ac nid oes unrhyw orfodaeth, ond os yw un o bob pum aelod o staff yn gwrthod cael y brechlyn, mae hynny'n cael effaith, yn arbennig wrth gwrs, ar breswylwyr, a allai fod wedi cael y brechlyn. A ydych yn ymwybodol o’r ffigur hwnnw o un o bob pump yn gwrthod manteisio ar y brechlyn? Ac os ydych yn ymwybodol ohono, pa waith sydd wedi'i wneud i dawelu meddwl aelodau staff, sydd mewn lleoliad bregus, fod y brechlyn yn ddiogel ac yn y pen draw yn ddiogel ar gyfer diogelu'r preswylwyr y mae'r staff mor ymroddedig iddynt?
Yes, I'm aware there's an issue with some staff not taking up the protection that the vaccine offers. In fact, I had a conversation with Vikki Howells about this yesterday on the work that we're looking to do, not just with providers and commissioners, but also with trade union representatives to reinforce to their members, again, the point that I made in your second question: the vaccines are only made available if the independent regulator approves them as being safe and effective and there are conditions upon their use as well.
So, it's really important to say that loud and clear from all political perspectives: to encourage staff to take up the offer of the vaccine when it's made available; to recognise that they're in a position where they're caring for some of our most vulnerable citizens—it's about protecting them, the people they work with, the people they care for, as well as people in their families and communities. We will continue to look at uptake rates to make sure we're providing the whole-community coverage and protection that we all want to see from the vaccine and a path out of this crisis. When the pandemic will eventually end, at some point, we'll still be left with a significant job of work to do in recovery, healthcare and economic terms. We can get there much sooner, though, if we can deliver the vaccine programme as quickly as possible and if people take up their vaccines when they're offered the chance to do so.
Ydw, rwy'n ymwybodol fod problem gyda rhai staff yn gwrthod manteisio ar yr amddiffyniad y mae'r brechlyn yn ei gynnig. Mewn gwirionedd, cefais sgwrs gyda Vikki Howells ynglŷn â hyn ddoe ar y gwaith rydym yn bwriadu ei wneud, nid yn unig gyda darparwyr a chomisiynwyr, ond hefyd gyda chynrychiolwyr undebau llafur i bwysleisio i'w haelodau, unwaith eto, y pwynt a wneuthum yn eich ail gwestiwn: nid yw’r brechlynnau’n cael eu darparu oni bai bod y rheoleiddiwr annibynnol yn eu cymeradwyo fel rhai diogel ac effeithiol, a cheir amodau ar gyfer eu defnydd hefyd.
Felly, mae'n bwysig iawn dweud hynny'n uchel ac yn glir o bob safbwynt gwleidyddol: annog staff i dderbyn y brechlyn pan fydd ar gael; i gydnabod eu bod mewn sefyllfa lle maent yn gofalu am rai o'n dinasyddion mwyaf bregus—mae'n ymwneud â'u diogelu hwy, y bobl y maent yn gweithio gyda hwy, y bobl y maent yn gofalu amdanynt, yn ogystal â phobl yn eu teuluoedd a'u cymunedau. Byddwn yn parhau i edrych ar gyfraddau derbyn i sicrhau ein bod yn darparu amddiffyniad y brechlyn i gymunedau cyfan, fel y mae pob un ohonom yn dymuno’i weld, a llwybr allan o'r argyfwng hwn. Pan ddaw’r pandemig i ben yn y pen draw ar ryw bwynt, bydd gennym gryn dipyn o waith ar ôl i'w wneud o hyd mewn perthynas ag adfer, darparu gofal iechyd ac mewn termau economaidd. Fodd bynnag, gallwn gyrraedd yno’n gynt o lawer os gallwn gyflwyno'r rhaglen frechu cyn gynted â phosibl ac os yw pobl yn derbyn eu brechlynnau pan gânt gynnig cyfle i wneud hynny.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Diolch, Llywydd. Y bore yma, mae yna awgrym y gallai'r JCVI argymell newid y grwpiau blaenoriaeth ar gyfer brechu os ydy tystiolaeth, sy'n dechrau ymddangos rŵan, yn dangos fod brechu yn cael effaith ar sut mae'r feirws yn cael ei drosglwyddo hefyd. Hynny ydy, ei fod o nid yn unig yn stopio rhywun rhag mynd yn sâl ond yn gwarchod pobl eraill o'u cwmpas nhw hefyd. Dwi'n gwybod mai dilyn cyngor y JCVI ydy polisi Llywodraeth Cymru, ond all y Gweinidog ddweud wrthym ni pa mor barod ydy'r Llywodraeth i newid y strategaeth, os oes angen, o ran yr isadeiledd digidol angenrheidiol ac ati? Ydy'r Llywodraeth yn gallu gweithredu polisi newydd ar fyr rybudd os mai dyna ydy'r cyngor mae'r Llywodraeth yn ei gael?
Thank you, Llywydd. This morning there's been a suggestion that the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation could recommend changes to the priority groups for vaccination if evidence, which is starting to emerge, demonstrates that vaccination has an impact on the transfer of the virus too—not only does it prevent people from becoming ill, but it protects those around them too. I know that following the advice of the JCVI is the Welsh Government's policy, but can the Minister tell us how willing the Government is to change strategy, if necessary, in terms of the necessary digital infrastructure and so on? Can the Government implement a new policy at short notice if that is the advice the Government receives?
Well, there's a bit of a hypothetical question there about what we can do if a certain change is or isn't made. What I think is much clearer though, and I think it is a fair question to ask, is if the JCVI—the independent expert group that has given us advice on how to make the best use of vaccines, how to have the greatest public health benefit and how to save the greatest number of lives—if their advice were to change, what would be the position of Ministers? I think that's a fair question and I'm happy to say that if the JCVI do change their advice, I'll obviously consider it with the advice that I get from my chief medical officer and I would expect that the position and the policy direction of the Welsh Government would then change as well. Because throughout this, I've been interested in making choices that follow the advice as clearly as possible and help to save lives. If the JCVI think there is a different way or a better way to do that, as we understand more about the vaccines we have available, as we understand more about COVID and its various strains and types, then, of course I'll be prepared to change my decision and what that means for the Welsh Government and our national health service and vaccination programme.
Wel, mae cwestiwn damcaniaethol yno i raddau ynglŷn â'r hyn y gallwn ei wneud os caiff newid penodol ei wneud neu beidio. Yr hyn y credaf sy'n llawer cliriach, serch hynny, a chredaf ei fod yn gwestiwn teg i'w ofyn, pe bai'r Cyd-bwyllgor ar Imiwneiddio a Brechu—y grŵp arbenigol annibynnol sydd wedi rhoi cyngor i ni ar sut i wneud y defnydd gorau o frechlynnau, sut i sicrhau’r budd iechyd y cyhoedd mwyaf a sut i achub y nifer fwyaf o fywydau—pe bai eu cyngor yn newid, beth fyddai safbwynt y Gweinidogion? Credaf fod hwnnw'n gwestiwn teg, ac rwy'n barod i ddweud, pe bai'r Cyd-bwyllgor ar Imiwneiddio a Brechu yn newid eu cyngor, byddwn yn amlwg yn ei ystyried gyda'r cyngor a gaf gan fy mhrif swyddog meddygol a byddwn yn disgwyl wedyn i safbwynt a chyfeiriad polisi Llywodraeth Cymru newid hefyd. Oherwydd drwy gydol hyn, rwyf wedi bod yn awyddus i wneud dewisiadau sy'n dilyn y cyngor mor agos â phosibl, a helpu i achub bywydau. Pe bai'r Cyd-bwyllgor ar Imiwneiddio a Brechu o'r farn fod ffordd wahanol neu ffordd well o wneud hynny, wrth inni ddod i ddeall mwy am y brechlynnau sydd ar gael gennym, wrth inni ddeall mwy am COVID a'i wahanol straeniau a mathau, yna wrth gwrs, rwy’n barod i newid fy mhenderfyniad a’r hyn y mae hynny'n ei olygu i Lywodraeth Cymru a'n gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol a’n gwasanaeth brechu.
Dydy hynny ddim yn ateb fy nghwestiwn i. Nid gofyn a fyddech chi'n newid y polisi y gwnes i ond: ydy'r capacity gennych chi? Ydy'r gallu gennych chi o fewn eich systemau i ddilyn trywydd newydd os oes angen? A pha baratoadau sy'n cael eu gwneud am hynny?
Os caf i symud ymlaen, mae'n amlwg mai'r brechlyn Rhydychen-AstraZeneca sydd wedi bod yn cael ei ffafrio, achos ei fod yn fwy hyblyg; yn haws i'w ddefnyddio o ran ei storio a'i drosglwyddo, ac yn y blaen. Ond, wrth i dystiolaeth ein cyrraedd ni, o Israel yn arbennig, dwi'n meddwl, am sut mae'r feirws yn cael ei drosglwyddo gan bobl sydd wedi cael eu brechu, mae'n edrych yn bosib—ac nid rhywbeth rhethregol ydy hyn, achos mae angen paratoi ar gyfer pob amgylchedd gwahanol—mai dim ond yr un Pfizer fyddai'n dangos y gwelliant yma o ran trosglwyddiad. Rŵan, mae hwn yn fath newydd iawn o frechiad. Mae'r dechnoleg newydd yma, mRNA, yn debyg o fod yn rhan amlwg iawn wrth ddelio efo pandemigau yn y dyfodol. Mi fydd angen isadeiledd, wedyn, sy'n caniatáu rholio allan y brechlynnau mRNA yn gyflym iawn a'r angen i'w cadw nhw'n oer, ac ati. Ydy'r Llywodraeth rŵan, yng nghanol y pandemig yma, â'i llygaid ar ddatblygu'r math yna o isadeiledd ar gyfer y dyfodol, yn ogystal â gweld pa mor gyflyn mae'n bosib ei rolio allan ar gyfer y broblem dŷn ni'n ei wynebu heddiw?
That doesn't answer my question. I wasn't asking whether you would change policy, I was asking if you had the capacity within your systems to take a new path if necessary and what preparations are being made for that.
If I may move on, clearly, the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine that has been favoured, because it is more flexible; it's easier to store and to transport and so on and so forth. But, as evidence reaches us, from Israel particularly, in terms of how the virus is transferred by those people who have been vaccinated, it does appear possible—and this is not a rhetorical issue, because we need to make preparations for all eventualities—that only the Pfizer vaccine would provide this improvement in terms of transmission. Now, this is a very new kind of vaccination. This new mRNA technology is likely to be a prominent part of dealing with future pandemics. We will need infrastructure in place that would allow the roll-out of these new mRNA vaccines very quickly and the need to keep them cold, and so on. In the midst of this pandemic, does the Government have its eye on developing that kind of infrastructure for the future, as well as seeing how quickly it can be rolled out for the problem that we are currently facing?
Well, of course we'll consider the developing evidence base on the effectiveness and characteristics of vaccines and the threats that we're looking to combat. I think going beyond that is rather unhelpful and speculative, because we need to understand the confirmed evidence, rather than what may or may not be developing. There is always the potential for different things to happen at various points in time. I'm confident, though, that the flexibility and the can-do attitude that our NHS has shown throughout this crisis is something that will also help us with future events, as well.
It's also worth pointing out, I think, that I do think we should look forward to a more optimistic end to 2021 than the year we've just gone through, but that doesn't mean that the year will be risk-free. Even as we vaccinate the adult population, I don't think people can look forward to going back to entirely the way things were at this point in January 2020. I think the challenge is that we're going to be living with COVID for some time. Once we have protections from the vaccine, we'll have the changes that you and I would see every year with the flu, for example, where different strains emerge and there's a need to consider how we best protect people and what we need to build in as a regular part of our infrastructure, and that will, of course, also feature in how we deal with new and emerging threats, whether they're from a different strain of COVID or, indeed, other healthcare threats, as well.
Wel, wrth gwrs, byddwn yn ystyried y sylfaen dystiolaeth sy'n datblygu ar effeithiolrwydd a nodweddion brechlynnau a'r bygythiadau rydym yn ceisio ymladd yn eu herbyn. Credaf fod mynd y tu hwnt i hynny braidd yn ddi-fudd ac yn ddamcaniaethol, gan fod angen inni ddeall y dystiolaeth sydd wedi’i chadarnhau, yn hytrach na'r hyn a allai fod yn datblygu neu beidio. Ceir posibilrwydd bob amser y bydd gwahanol bethau’n digwydd ar wahanol adegau. Rwy'n hyderus, serch hynny, fod yr hyblygrwydd a'r agwedd gadarnhaol y mae ein GIG wedi eu dangos drwy gydol yr argyfwng hwn yn rhywbeth a fydd hefyd yn ein helpu gyda digwyddiadau yn y dyfodol.
Credaf ei bod yn werth nodi hefyd y dylem edrych ymlaen at ddiwedd mwy optimistaidd i 2021 na'r flwyddyn rydym newydd ddod drwyddi, ond nid yw hynny'n golygu y bydd y flwyddyn yn ddi-risg. Hyd yn oed wrth inni frechu'r boblogaeth o oedolion, ni chredaf y gall pobl edrych ymlaen at ddychwelyd yn gyfan gwbl at y ffordd roedd pethau ar y pwynt hwn ym mis Ionawr 2020. Credaf mai'r her yw ein bod yn mynd i orfod byw gyda COVID am beth amser. Ar ôl inni gael ein diogelu gan y brechlyn, bydd gennym y newidiadau y byddech chi a minnau'n eu gweld bob blwyddyn gyda'r ffliw, er enghraifft, lle mae gwahanol straeniau’n dod i'r amlwg ac mae angen ystyried y ffordd orau o ddiogelu pobl a'r hyn y mae angen i ni ei adeiladu'n rhan reolaidd o'n seilwaith, a bydd hynny, wrth gwrs, hefyd yn rhan o'r ffordd rydym yn ymdrin â bygythiadau newydd a bygythiadau sy'n dod i'r amlwg, boed yn straen gwahanol o COVID, neu'n wir, yn fygythiadau gofal iechyd eraill yn ogystal.
Diolch. I must say, I'm disappointed that you seem to be brushing off my questions as being hypothetical ones. I want to see Welsh Government preparing for different eventualities, because if we've learnt something of the last year, it's that this pandemic can throw all sorts of curve balls at us and we need to be preparing for different outcomes.
Now, with case numbers thankfully falling, as well, many people are suffering, after almost a year of severe restrictions on their lives, will understandably want to know now the timescale for when they can get their lives back on track. Now, I'm not going to ask you today to give us that timescale, because, as I say, this pandemic has been a tale of surprise after surprise, so things can change even in a few weeks, but what I do want is an assurance that the Welsh Government does recognise the real hardships and health problems caused by the lockdowns themselves, and that the central focus of Government is to have an exit strategy from the cycle of lockdowns, and that there will be a recovery period that addresses the harms that have occurred, particularly, for example, to children and young people.
Diolch. Mae’n rhaid imi ddweud, rwy'n siomedig eich bod yn ymddangos fel pe baech yn diystyru fy nghwestiynau fel rhai damcaniaethol. Rwyf am weld Llywodraeth Cymru yn paratoi ar gyfer gwahanol sefyllfaoedd, oherwydd os ydym wedi dysgu unrhyw beth dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, rydym wedi gweld y gall y pandemig hwn daflu pob math o bethau atom ac mae angen inni baratoi ar gyfer gwahanol ganlyniadau.
Nawr, gyda niferoedd yr achosion yn gostwng, diolch byth, mae llawer o bobl yn dioddef hefyd ar ôl bron i flwyddyn o gyfyngiadau difrifol ar eu bywydau, ac yn ddealladwy, byddant yn awyddus i wybod yn awr beth yw'r amserlen ar gyfer pa bryd y gallant roi eu bywydau yn ôl ar y trywydd iawn. Nawr, nid wyf am ofyn i chi roi'r amserlen honno i ni heddiw, oherwydd, fel y dywedaf, mae'r pandemig hwn wedi bod yn un syndod ar ôl y llall, felly gall pethau newid mewn ychydig wythnosau, hyd yn oed, ond yr hyn rwy’n awyddus i’w gael yw sicrwydd fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn cydnabod y caledi a'r problemau iechyd gwirioneddol a achosir gan y cyfyngiadau symud eu hunain, ac mai ffocws canolog y Llywodraeth yw cael strategaeth i ymadael â'r cylch o gyfyngiadau symud, ac y byddwn yn cael cyfnod adfer sy'n mynd i'r afael â'r niwed a wnaed, yn enwedig, er enghraifft, i blant a phobl ifanc.
Well, of course we recognise that lockdown comes with harms as well as benefits, and we've been very upfront about that in statements made by myself, by the First Minister and by the evidence papers that we've published from our technical advisory group, and, indeed, the statements published by our chief medical officer. So, this isn't a new factor for us to take into account. It's always a balance between the harm that a lockdown can cause in terms of the greater sense of isolation, the dislocation between different people and the impact on children and young people, and that's why we've been so keen to try to maintain face-to-face learning for as long as possible; it's why it's our first significant priority, as we've always said, in terms of being able to come out of level 4 lockdown measures as they currently stand today.
So, we recognise the longer term impact of the lockdown measures we're taking, together with the significant benefits that lockdown is providing in helping to reduce infection rates, and helping to prevent people acquiring COVID and the harm that would cause. We've already seen eye-watering and shocking statistics on the number of people who are in hospital now, the number of people who've lost their lives and the percentage of excess deaths, matching and exceeding the excess deaths that we've not seen since the second world war. These are extraordinary times we live through and lockdown is an extraordinary set of measures.
The recovery will need to be economic, and people's loss of work produces health harms as well. We know there'll be physical harm to recover and to account for, and not just in conditions like stroke and cancer, but also a significant challenge in terms of mental health and well-being as well. So, we recognise that the health recovery will be long and significant, but I am confident that our NHS will stand up to that challenge. It will require our support, it will require our understanding and it will require us to make choices about the budgets we have available to us.
The next year, though, even though it will be difficult—the next term of this Senedd, even though it will be full of COVID-related challenges—is a much more optimistic one to look forward to with that sense of recovery, as opposed to the last 10 or 11 months we've just gone through. So, I think all of us can have confidence our NHS will still be here and fit for purpose, as long as we make choices about how we support it as elected Members here in the Senedd.
Wel, wrth gwrs, rydym yn cydnabod bod cyfyngiadau symud yn achosi niwed yn ogystal â manteision, ac rydym wedi bod yn onest iawn ynglŷn â hynny mewn datganiadau a wnaed gennyf fi, gan y Prif Weinidog a chan y papurau tystiolaeth rydym wedi'u cyhoeddi gan ein grŵp cynghori technegol, ac yn wir, y datganiadau a gyhoeddwyd gan ein prif swyddog meddygol. Felly, nid yw hyn yn ffactor newydd i ni ei ystyried. Mae bob amser yn gydbwysedd rhwng y niwed y gall cyfyngiadau symud ei achosi ar ffurf mwy o arwahanrwydd, y dadleoli rhwng gwahanol bobl a'r effaith ar blant a phobl ifanc, a dyna pam ein bod wedi bod mor awyddus i geisio cynnal dysgu wyneb yn wyneb cyhyd ag y bo modd; dyna pam mai hon yw ein blaenoriaeth arwyddocaol gyntaf, fel rydym wedi’i ddweud bob amser, o ran gallu dod allan o gyfyngiadau symud lefel 4 fel y maent heddiw.
Felly, rydym yn cydnabod effaith mwy hirdymor y cyfyngiadau symud rydym yn eu rhoi ar waith, ynghyd â'r manteision sylweddol y mae cyfyngiadau symud yn eu darparu i helpu i leihau cyfraddau heintio, a helpu i atal pobl rhag dal COVID a'r niwed y byddai hynny’n ei achosi. Rydym eisoes wedi gweld ystadegau brawychus ac ofnadwy ar nifer y bobl sydd yn yr ysbyty ar hyn o bryd, nifer y bobl sydd wedi colli eu bywydau a chanran y marwolaethau ychwanegol, sy'n gymaint ac yn fwy nag unrhyw ganran o farwolaethau ychwanegol a welwyd ers yr ail ryfel byd. Rydym yn byw drwy gyfnod eithriadol ac mae cyfyngiadau symud yn set eithriadol o fesurau.
Bydd angen i'r adferiad fod yn economaidd, ac mae colli gwaith yn creu niwed i iechyd pobl hefyd. Gwyddom y bydd niwed corfforol i wella ohono ac i roi cyfrif amdano, ac nid yn unig ar ffurf cyflyrau fel strôc a chanser, ond bydd her sylweddol hefyd o ran iechyd meddwl a llesiant. Felly, rydym yn cydnabod y bydd yr adferiad iechyd yn hir ac yn sylweddol, ond rwy'n hyderus y bydd ein GIG yn goresgyn yr her honno. Fe fydd arno angen ein cefnogaeth, bydd arno angen ein dealltwriaeth a bydd arno angen inni wneud dewisiadau am y cyllidebau sydd ar gael i ni.
Er y bydd y flwyddyn nesaf yn anodd—tymor nesaf y Senedd hon, er y bydd yn llawn o heriau sy'n gysylltiedig â COVID—fe fydd yn flwyddyn lawer mwy optimistaidd i edrych ymlaen ati gyda'r ymdeimlad hwnnw o adferiad, yn hytrach na’r 10 neu 11 mis diwethaf rydym newydd ddod drwyddynt. Felly, credaf y gall pob un ohonom fod yn hyderus y bydd ein GIG yn dal i fod yma ac yn addas at y diben, cyhyd â'n bod yn gwneud dewisiadau ynglŷn â sut rydym yn ei gefnogi fel Aelodau etholedig yma yn y Senedd.
3. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am nifer y cleifion yn Nwyrain De Cymru sy'n aros mwy na 36 wythnos rhwng triniaeth ac atgyfeiriad? OQ56152
3. Will the Minister make a statement on the number of patients in South Wales East waiting more than 36 weeks for treatment from their referral? OQ56152
Thank you. During the pandemic, the available capacity has reduced to enable appropriate social distancing and improved infection-prevention and control measures to be implemented. As I've stated previously on a number of occasions, these measures, and increased personal protective equipment usage and requirements, have significantly reduced throughput in our NHS. Health boards have concentrated on treating the most urgent patients and, unfortunately, this has resulted in significantly longer waits for some patients.
Diolch. Yn ystod y pandemig, mae'r capasiti sydd ar gael i alluogi mesurau cadw pellter cymdeithasol priodol wedi lleihau, ac mae angen rhoi gwell mesurau atal a rheoli heintiau ar waith. Fel rwyf wedi’i ddweud o'r blaen ar sawl achlysur, mae'r mesurau hyn, a chynnydd yn y defnydd a’r gofynion ar gyfer cyfarpar diogelu personol, wedi lleihau cyfraddau llif cleifion yn ein GIG yn sylweddol. Mae byrddau iechyd wedi canolbwyntio ar drin y cleifion sydd â'r anghenion mwyaf, ac yn anffodus, mae hyn wedi arwain at amseroedd aros cryn dipyn yn hirach i rai cleifion.
Thank you, Minister. According to research by the South Wales Argus, over 32,000 patients had waited beyond the 36-week period in Gwent up to October, which was the latest date when they had figures available. One of the key reasons for the delays is that not enough staff are available due to being off sick or self-isolating.
According to the British Medical Association, the Welsh Government recently changed its policy for vaccinating NHS staff, forcing many to wait 12 weeks for their second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. This goes against the World Health Organization advice of giving it within three weeks, and certainly no longer than six weeks. This means that doctors who volunteered to work on the front line don't feel safe to do so until they know that they're fully inoculated.
Huw Edwards reported yesterday that a senior clinician suggested it could be deemed a criminal act if a staff member died due to being infected while on duty between receiving their first and second dose. I cannot understate how strongly doctors feel about this. Will the Minister, therefore, overturn this policy and resume giving front-line health workers their second dose within three weeks, in order to protect our front-line workers and allow them to return to work to keep us safe and sound?
Diolch, Weinidog. Yn ôl ymchwil gan y South Wales Argus, roedd dros 32,000 o gleifion wedi aros y tu hwnt i'r cyfnod o 36 wythnos yng Ngwent hyd at fis Hydref, sef y dyddiad diweddaraf roedd ganddynt ffigurau ar ei gyfer. Un o'r prif resymau dros yr oedi yw nad oes digon o staff ar gael gan eu bod adref o’r gwaith yn sâl neu'n hunanynysu.
Yn ôl Cymdeithas Feddygol Prydain, newidiodd Llywodraeth Cymru ei pholisi ar gyfer brechu staff y GIG yn ddiweddar, gan orfodi llawer i aros 12 wythnos am eu hail ddos o frechlyn Pfizer. Mae hyn yn mynd yn groes i gyngor Sefydliad Iechyd y Byd y dylid ei roi o fewn tair wythnos, ac yn sicr heb fod yn hwy na chwe wythnos. Mae hyn yn golygu nad yw meddygon a wirfoddolodd i weithio ar y rheng flaen yn teimlo'n ddiogel i wneud hynny tan eu bod yn gwybod eu bod wedi'u brechu'n llawn.
Adroddodd Huw Edwards ddoe fod uwch-glinigydd wedi awgrymu y gellid ei hystyried yn weithred droseddol pe bai aelod o staff yn marw o ganlyniad i gael eu heintio tra ar ddyletswydd rhwng cael y dos cyntaf a’r ail ddos. Ni allaf orbwysleisio pa mor gryf y mae meddygon yn teimlo ynglŷn â hyn. A wnaiff y Gweinidog, felly, wrthdroi’r polisi hwn ac ailddechrau rhoi eu hail ddos i weithwyr iechyd rheng flaen o fewn tair wythnos, er mwyn diogelu ein gweithwyr rheng flaen a chaniatáu iddynt ddychwelyd i’r gwaith i’n cadw’n ddiogel ac yn iach?
I understand there's real anxiety from everyone who's a front-line health and care worker, but I really don't think it was Huw Edwards's finest hour to promote on social media that incendiary comment that doesn't actually have a basis, I think, in the public health advice we've received and are following.
It might be helpful for me to explain to the Member how we get to this point again. So, I explained earlier that vaccines are only approved when the independent regulator approves their use. The advice we are following, then, on the deployment of those vaccines has to comply with the conditions they've imposed. It also, then, goes through the independent Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation to give advice to all four Governments in the UK about how to make the best use of those vaccines.
Their advice, which has been endorsed by all four chief medical officers in the UK, including our own chief medical officer, Frank Atherton, of course, is that the right thing to do is to provide the protection the vaccine offers to as many people with the first dose as quickly as possible and to think about it in these ways: if you have two doses of the vaccine available and you have two doctors or two nurses, you could choose to give both of those doses, within an interval, to one doctor or one nurse, and then the other one would have to wait until more supplies are available much later on. So, that person would be working without any protection. The good news is that the two vaccines we have available provide a high level of protection with their first dose. So, you have a choice between providing as many people as possible with good protection as quickly and as broadly as possible, or you can provide excellent protection and then leave other people bearing a different risk in having no protection at all. I think it's very easy to understand public health advice—endorsed by Public Health Wales too. That's the advice I have received as Minister.
It's also been very clear that not following that advice would mean not only that I would turn over the direct advice of the chief medical officer and the direct advice of the JCVI, I'd be doing that on a basis where the understanding is, and the advice I've been given, that that would lead to hundreds of avoidable deaths. So, we're doing the right thing in terms of the public health advice we've received, and made that clear on many occasions. And it's the advice that my decision is to follow, just as, indeed, an Ulster Unionist health Minister has done in Northern Ireland, a Scottish Nationalist Party health Minister in Scotland, and a Conservative health Minister in England. This is straightforward public health advice, and it's the way we're going to roll out this programme to protect as many people as possible, including those NHS and social care staff working on the front line, and I'm tremendously grateful for all they've done for us and they will continue to do as this crisis unfolds and eventually ends.
Rwy'n deall bod pryder gwirioneddol gan bawb sy'n weithiwr iechyd a gofal rheng flaen, ond ni chredaf ei bod yn gymwys i Huw Edwards hyrwyddo, ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol, y sylw tanllyd hwnnw nad oes iddo unrhyw sail yn y cyngor iechyd cyhoeddus rydym wedi'i dderbyn ac yn ei ddilyn.
Efallai y byddai'n ddefnyddiol pe bawn yn egluro i'r Aelod sut rydym yn cyrraedd y pwynt hwn unwaith eto. Felly, eglurais yn gynharach mai dim ond pan fydd y rheoleiddiwr annibynnol yn rhoi cymeradwyaeth i’w defnyddio y caiff brechlynnau eu cymeradwyo. Mae’n rhaid i'r cyngor rydym yn ei ddilyn, felly, ar ddarparu’r brechlynnau hynny gydymffurfio â'r amodau a osodwyd ganddynt. Wedyn, mae hefyd yn mynd drwy'r Cyd-bwyllgor ar Imiwneiddio a Brechu er mwyn cynghori pedair Llywodraeth y DU sut i wneud y defnydd gorau o'r brechlynnau hynny.
Eu cyngor, sydd wedi'i gymeradwyo gan y pedwar prif swyddog meddygol yn y DU, gan gynnwys ein prif swyddog meddygol ein hunain, Frank Atherton wrth gwrs, yw mai'r peth iawn i'w wneud yw darparu'r amddiffyniad y mae'r brechlyn yn ei gynnig gyda’r dos cyntaf i gynifer o bobl â phosibl cyn gynted â phosibl ac i feddwl amdano yn y ffyrdd hyn: os oes gennych ddau ddos o'r brechlyn ar gael a dau feddyg neu nyrs, gallech ddewis rhoi'r ddau ddos hynny, o fewn cyfnod o amser, i un meddyg neu un nyrs, ac yna byddai'n rhaid i'r llall aros hyd nes bod mwy o gyflenwadau ar gael yn llawer hwyrach. Felly, byddai'r unigolyn hwnnw'n gweithio heb unrhyw amddiffyniad. Y newyddion da yw bod y ddau frechlyn sydd ar gael gennym yn darparu lefel uchel o amddiffyniad gyda'u dos cyntaf. Felly, mae gennych ddewis rhwng darparu amddiffyniad da i gymaint o bobl â phosibl mor gyflym ac mor eang â phosibl, neu gallwch ddarparu amddiffyniad rhagorol, a gadael i bobl eraill wynebu risg wahanol drwy fod heb unrhyw amddiffyniad o gwbl. Credaf ei bod yn hawdd iawn deall cyngor iechyd y cyhoedd—wedi'i gymeradwyo gan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru hefyd. Dyna'r cyngor rwyf wedi’i gael fel Gweinidog.
Mae wedi bod yn amlwg iawn hefyd y byddai peidio â dilyn y cyngor hwnnw nid yn unig yn golygu y byddwn yn anwybyddu cyngor uniongyrchol y prif swyddog meddygol a chyngor uniongyrchol y Cyd-bwyllgor ar Imiwneiddio a Brechu, ond byddwn yn gwneud hynny ar sail y ddealltwriaeth, a'r cyngor a roddwyd i mi, y byddai hynny'n arwain at gannoedd o farwolaethau y gellir eu hosgoi. Felly, rydym yn gwneud y peth iawn o ran y cyngor iechyd y cyhoedd rydym wedi'i dderbyn, ac rydym wedi dweud hynny'n glir ar sawl achlysur. A dyna'r cyngor rwyf wedi penderfynu ei ddilyn, yn yr un modd ag y mae Gweinidog iechyd Unoliaethwyr Ulster wedi’i wneud yng Ngogledd Iwerddon, Gweinidog iechyd Plaid Genedlaethol yr Alban wedi’i wneud yn yr Alban, a Gweinidog iechyd Ceidwadol wedi’i wneud yn Lloegr. Mae hwn yn gyngor iechyd y cyhoedd syml, a dyma'r ffordd rydym yn mynd i gyflwyno'r rhaglen hon i amddiffyn cymaint o bobl â phosibl, gan gynnwys staff y GIG a'r staff gofal cymdeithasol sy'n gweithio ar y rheng flaen, ac rwy'n hynod ddiolchgar am bopeth y maent wedi’i wneud drosom ac y byddant yn parhau i'w wneud wrth i'r argyfwng hwn ddatblygu a dod i ben yn y pen draw.
In terms of the ability to deal with the coronavirus in south-east Wales, I wonder if you could update us, Minister, on the Grange University Hospital and the role of that in providing treatment for those suffering from COVID-19.
O ran y gallu i ymdrin â'r coronafeirws yn ne-ddwyrain Cymru, tybed a allech roi diweddariad i ni, Weinidog, ar Ysbyty Athrofaol y Faenor a’i rôl yn darparu triniaeth i bobl sy'n dioddef o COVID-19.
In direct conversations I've had with the health board—and I'm sure the Member has engaged in the regular briefings that the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board provides—the provision and the early completion of the Grange hospital is a key part of the practical COVID response. It allows for much easier and greater isolation, because of the single rooms that are provided throughout the facility. It allows much greater space than the former infrastructure that existed in the Royal Gwent, and the hospital in Abergavenny that I know that many of the Member's constituents will have gone to, and it's where, of course, my own father passed away as well. So, this isn't to criticise those hospitals or that infrastructure—it's a recognition that it needed to be updated. That's why the Member, and indeed other Members from across the political spectrum, including, of course, Lynne Neagle—I should mention her—were campaigning for the completion of the Clinical Futures vision, with the Grange at its centre. We didn't know at the time that I made that choice to go ahead with that hospital within this term that it would play such a key part in the pandemic response. It's also, of course, provided a much better place for emergency care to be delivered as well. So, I think that the decision to complete the Grange University Hospital, to accelerate its completion, has already stood the test of time, and I'm sure, as you do, if you listen to the voices of staff who work in that hospital, then they will say it has been a real benefit to them and the people they serve and care for to have it as part of our healthcare infrastructure.
Mewn sgyrsiau uniongyrchol rwyf wedi'u cael gyda'r bwrdd iechyd—ac rwy'n siŵr fod yr Aelod wedi bod rhan o’r sesiynau briffio rheolaidd y mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan yn eu darparu—mae darparu a chwblhau ysbyty’r Faenor yn gynnar yn rhan allweddol o'r ymateb ymarferol i COVID. Mae'n caniatáu ar gyfer ynysu llawer haws a gwell, oherwydd yr ystafelloedd sengl a ddarperir yn y cyfleuster drwyddo draw. Mae'n caniatáu llawer mwy o le na'r hen seilwaith a oedd yn bodoli yn Ysbyty Brenhinol Gwent, a'r ysbyty yn y Fenni y gwn y bydd llawer o etholwyr yr Aelod wedi bod ynddi, a dyna ble y bu farw fy nhad innau hefyd wrth gwrs. Felly, nid wyf yn beirniadu'r ysbytai hynny na'r seilwaith hwnnw—dim ond cydnabod bod angen ei ddiweddaru. Dyna pam y bu’r Aelod, ac Aelodau eraill o bob rhan o'r sbectrwm gwleidyddol yn wir, gan gynnwys Lynne Neagle wrth gwrs—dylwn ei chrybwyll—yn ymgyrchu dros gwblhau gweledigaeth Dyfodol Clinigol, gydag ysbyty’r Faenor yn ganolog ynddi. Nid oeddem yn gwybod pan wneuthum y dewis i fwrw ymlaen â'r ysbyty hwnnw o fewn y tymor hwn y byddai'n chwarae rhan mor allweddol yn yr ymateb i’r pandemig. Mae hefyd, wrth gwrs, wedi darparu lle llawer gwell ar gyfer darparu gofal brys hefyd. Felly, credaf fod y penderfyniad i gwblhau Ysbyty Athrofaol y Faenor, i gyflymu’r gwaith o’i gwblhau, eisoes wedi sefyll prawf amser, ac os gwrandewch, fel y gwnewch, ar leisiau staff sy'n gweithio yn yr ysbyty hwnnw, rwy'n sicr y byddant yn dweud bod ei gael yn rhan o'n seilwaith gofal iechyd wedi bod o fudd gwirioneddol iddynt hwy a'r bobl y maent yn eu gwasanaethu ac yn gofalu amdanynt.
4. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am gyflwyno'r brechlyn i'r rhai sy'n gweithio ym maes gofal cymdeithasol? OQ56135
4. Will the Minister provide an update on the roll-out of the vaccine for those working in social care? OQ56135
Thank you. The Welsh Government accepts and has followed the recommendations of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, and is committed to ensuring that front-line social care workers are vaccinated as a priority. Front-line social care workers are, of course, in the current list of priority groups. Care home residents, and the staff that care for them, are in the highest group of priority for vaccination.
Diolch. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn derbyn ac wedi dilyn argymhellion y Cyd-bwyllgor ar Imiwneiddio a Brechu, ac wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau bod gweithwyr gofal cymdeithasol rheng flaen yn cael eu brechu fel blaenoriaeth. Mae gweithwyr gofal cymdeithasol rheng flaen, wrth gwrs, yn y rhestr gyfredol o grwpiau â blaenoriaeth. Mae preswylwyr cartrefi gofal, a'r staff sy'n gofalu amdanynt, yn y grŵp blaenoriaeth uchaf ar gyfer cael eu brechu.
Thank you for that answer, Minister. I'd like to raise the matter of those providing domiciliary care, those going into the homes of the elderly and the vulnerable to provide care, particularly those who have been taken on by direct payments, or those providing care privately. I've spoken to some in the workforce, and they are in some doubt about whether they will form part of the social care workforce that will be prioritised for vaccination. Are you able to provide any clarification for them, please?
Diolch am eich ateb, Weinidog. Hoffwn godi mater pobl sy'n darparu gofal cartref, y rheini sy'n mynd i mewn i gartrefi'r henoed a phobl agored i niwed er mwyn darparu gofal, yn enwedig y rheini a gyflogir drwy daliadau uniongyrchol, neu'r rheini sy'n darparu gofal yn breifat. Rwyf wedi siarad â rhai yn y gweithlu, ac maent yn ansicr a fyddant yn rhan o'r gweithlu gofal cymdeithasol a gaiff eu blaenoriaethu i gael eu brechu. A allwch ddarparu unrhyw eglurhad iddynt, os gwelwch yn dda?
Yes. Domiciliary care workers are social care workers. People going in to deliver care in people's homes are certainly front-line workers, and you wouldn't just hear that from me. I can see not just my deputy—I see former Ministers who have occupied that brief—and they will recognise that these front-line workers, I think, have got greater recognition as heroes within our health and social care system, where they weren't recognised not that long ago. So, I expect them to be covered in the first few priority groups, and hope the Member will join with others across the political spectrum in encouraging them to take up the vaccine offer, when they're offered it, for the protection it will provide for them and the people that they care for.
Gallaf. Mae gweithwyr gofal cartref yn weithwyr gofal cymdeithasol. Mae pobl sy'n mynd i mewn i gartrefi pobl i ddarparu gofal yn sicr yn weithwyr rheng flaen, ac nid gennyf fi yn unig y byddech yn clywed hynny. Gallaf weld nid fy unig fy nirprwy—gwelaf gyn-Weinidogion sydd wedi bod yn gyfrifol am y briff hwnnw—ac rwy'n credu y byddant yn cydnabod bod y gweithwyr rheng flaen hyn wedi cael mwy o gydnabyddiaeth fel arwyr yn ein system iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, lle nad oeddent yn cael cydnabyddiaeth heb fod mor bell yn ôl â hynny. Felly, rwy'n disgwyl y cânt eu cynnwys yn yr ychydig grwpiau blaenoriaeth cyntaf, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd yr Aelod yn ymuno ag eraill ar draws y sbectrwm gwleidyddol i'w hannog i dderbyn y brechlyn pan fydd yn cael ei gynnig iddynt, er mwyn iddynt gael yr amddiffyniad y bydd yn ei roi iddynt a'r bobl y maent yn gofalu amdanynt.
It could well be that that question has arisen because so much emphasis has been on social care workers within care homes. I've got a question about those who administer personal and intimate care to children in school settings. I think we can agree that the communication of prioritising these individuals wasn't fantastic—you admitted as much last week, Minister. But the education Minister further clarified that all staff, whether they're in special schools, mainstream schools or further education colleges, if they're involved in the intimate care of pupils, will be classed as social care staff. So, that will include relevant teachers, I'm assuming. How will the information on who all the relevant staff are—how is that going to be fed into the lists that the local health boards are operating, especially as it sounds as if they're going to be late additions to this priority list under the heading of social care staff?
Mae’n ddigon posibl y gallai’r cwestiwn hwnnw fod wedi codi gan fod cymaint o bwyslais wedi’i roi ar weithwyr gofal cymdeithasol mewn cartrefi gofal. Mae gennyf gwestiwn am y rheini sy'n rhoi gofal personol i blant mewn ysgolion. Credaf y gallwn gytuno nad oedd y cyfathrebu ynghylch blaenoriaethu'r unigolion hyn yn wych—gwnaethoch gyfaddef hynny i bob pwrpas yr wythnos diwethaf, Weinidog. Ond eglurodd y Gweinidog addysg ymhellach y bydd yr holl staff, boed mewn ysgolion arbennig, ysgolion prif ffrwd neu golegau addysg bellach, os ydynt yn ymwneud â gofal personol disgyblion, yn cael eu categoreiddio fel staff gofal cymdeithasol. Felly, bydd hynny'n cynnwys athrawon perthnasol, rwy'n cymryd. Sut y bydd y wybodaeth ynglŷn â phwy yw'r holl staff perthnasol—sut y mae’r wybodaeth honno’n mynd i gael ei chynnwys ar y rhestrau y mae'r byrddau iechyd lleol yn eu gweithredu, yn enwedig gan ei bod yn swnio fel pe baent yn ychwanegiadau diweddar at y rhestr flaenoriaeth hon o dan y pennawd staff gofal cymdeithasol?
We're working through that with colleagues not just here in education—and the education Minister and I have a very constructive and good working relationship in sharing information and decision making—but also, of course, with staff within local government and within the school sector to identify relevant staff, to make sure they're identified for the vaccination process. We'll need to continue to work through that to make sure we do understand who those people are, so they can get invited for their vaccination. If the Member has individual examples where she's concerned people may be missed, then I'd be happy to consider those together with my colleague, the education Minister.
Rydym yn gweithio drwy hynny gyda chymheiriaid nid yn unig yma ym maes addysg—ac mae gan y Gweinidog addysg a minnau berthynas waith adeiladol a da iawn wrth rannu gwybodaeth a gwneud penderfyniadau—ond hefyd, wrth gwrs, gyda staff mewn llywodraeth leol ac yn y sector ysgolion i nodi staff perthnasol, i sicrhau y cânt eu nodi ar gyfer y broses frechu. Bydd angen inni barhau i weithio drwy hynny i sicrhau ein bod yn deall pwy yw'r bobl hynny, fel y gellir eu gwahodd i gael eu brechu. Os oes gan yr Aelod enghreifftiau unigol lle mae'n poeni y gallai fod rhai pobl heb eu cynnwys, rwy’n fwy na pharod i ystyried y rheini gyda fy nghyd-Aelod, y Gweinidog addysg.
5. Pa asesiad y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'i wneud o unrhyw fylchau rhwng y cyflenwad o frechlynnau a'r capasiti i ddefnyddio'r brechiadau hynny yng Nghymru? OQ56124
5. What assessment has the Minister made of any gaps between the supply of vaccines and the capacity to deploy those vaccinations in Wales? OQ56124
8. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad ynghylch cyflymder cyflwyno’r brechlyn yng Nghymru? OQ56138
8. Will the Minister make a statement on the pace of vaccine roll-out in Wales? OQ56138
Thank you. And, Presiding Officer, I understand you've given your permission for questions 5 and 8 to be grouped. All health boards are geared up for significant expansion of capacity in January, with the coming onstream of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine. Our plans are dependent on Wales receiving vaccine supplies in fair proportion and in good time. Supply is outside of our control, but the UK vaccines Minister has further reconfirmed his indications previously that vaccine supply to Wales will be delivered on time and in that fair proportion.
Diolch. Lywydd, rwy'n deall eich bod wedi rhoi eich caniatâd i gwestiynau 5 ac 8 gael eu grwpio. Mae'r holl fyrddau iechyd yn paratoi i ehangu capasiti’n sylweddol ym mis Ionawr, pan fydd brechlyn Rhydychen-AstraZeneca yn dechrau cael eu darparu. Mae ein cynlluniau’n dibynnu ar weld Cymru'n derbyn ei chyfran deg o’r brechlyn mewn da bryd. Mae'r cyflenwad y tu hwnt i'n rheolaeth, ond mae Gweinidog brechlynnau'r DU wedi ail-gadarnhau ei sylwadau blaenorol y bydd ei chyfran deg o'r cyflenwad o'r brechlyn yn cael ei darparu i Gymru ar amser.
Thank you, Minister, and that assurance is good to hear, because we have, of course, heard separate stories over the last few days of some supply chain and production challenges, and we should anticipate that there will be glitches as we go along; it's not going to be perfect. Firstly, we heard of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine challenges, because one of the four batches of the vaccine over the weekend produced for Wales was delayed. And then we heard, of course, of six EU health Ministers putting in writing to the European Commission their severe concerns about delivery delays on the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. So, can you tell the Senedd whether these sorts of challenges that will happen from time to time with the supply chain and manufacture will impact on the safe and rapid deployment of the vaccines in Wales and across the UK, or whether the planning that you've got in place can mitigate these problems in the vaccine supply and manufacture?
Diolch, Weinidog, ac mae’n braf clywed y sicrwydd hwnnw, gan ein bod, wrth gwrs, wedi clywed gwahanol straeon dros yr ychydig ddyddiau diwethaf am heriau gyda'r cynhyrchiant a'r gadwyn gyflenwi, a dylem ragweld y bydd camgymeriadau bach wrth inni fynd yn ein blaenau; nid yw pethau'n mynd i fod yn berffaith. Yn gyntaf, clywsom am heriau gyda brechlyn Rhydychen-AstraZeneca, gan y bu oedi dros y penwythnos gydag un o’r pedwar swp o’r brechlyn a gynhyrchwyd ar gyfer Cymru. Ac yna clywsom wrth gwrs am chwe Gweinidog iechyd yn yr UE yn ysgrifennu at y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd ynglŷn â’u pryderon difrifol ynghylch oedi yn y broses o gyflenwi brechlyn Pfizer-BioNTech. Felly, a allwch ddweud wrth y Senedd p'un a fydd y mathau hyn o heriau a fydd yn digwydd o bryd i'w gilydd gyda'r gadwyn gyflenwi a gweithgynhyrchu yn effeithio ar y gwaith o ddarparu’r brechlynnau yn ddiogel ac yn gyflym yng Nghymru a ledled y DU, neu a all y cynlluniau sydd gennych ar waith liniaru'r problemau hyn gyda chyflenwi a gweithgynhyrchu brechlynnau?
I think it's a fair question, and I thank the Member for the way he's put the question as well, because it's important we don't stoke people's fears, in terms of the roll-out. I think Pfizer-BioNTech themselves have made a public statement that they're reassessing their own manufacturing process and there'll be a brief pause before they then have a more robust manufacturing process for the increased volume of their vaccine they are producing in Belgium. So, we may see a slight reduction for a period of time in the Pfizer vaccines coming into the UK, but the manufacturers have been clear that they think they'll then have an increased and more robust supply coming into us.
And with the AstraZeneca supply, it's easier in terms of supply chain, because some of it has been manufactured in Germany, but we expect the delivery unit in Wrexham to be delivering more and more of the UK's supply. But we do then understand the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency quite rightly undertake batch testing to make sure that batches are properly tested and assured before they're released into the system. So, we've seen a pause in that, a delay in one of the batches. We can expect that; we can also expect that to be smoothed out over time, as AstraZeneca have committed to provide significantly increased amounts of that vaccine to all nations in the UK. And it is important. With relatively complex supply and delivery chains, there may be some bumps. If those are material, then I will report those openly, and what it means in terms of vaccine supply. I'll be clear about whether that pauses or moves backwards any of the milestones we have. But what I can say is that, as soon as we get vaccine that our health service can use and deliver, it'll be supplied to go to people as quickly as possible. I'd ask the public to bear with our NHS. No-one will be left behind; people won't be forgotten. Working all together, I'm confident we can do something that Wales can be really proud of with our NHS-led vaccination programme.
Credaf ei fod yn gwestiwn teg, a diolch i'r Aelod am y ffordd y gofynnodd y cwestiwn hefyd, gan ei bod yn bwysig nad ydym yn bwydo ofnau pobl mewn perthynas â chyflwyno’r brechlyn. Credaf fod Pfizer-BioNTech wedi gwneud datganiad cyhoeddus eu bod yn ailasesu eu proses weithgynhyrchu eu hunain a bydd saib byr cyn y bydd ganddynt broses weithgynhyrchu gadarnach wedyn ar gyfer cynhyrchu’r brechlyn ar raddfa fawr yng Ngwlad Belg. Felly, efallai y byddwn yn gweld gostyngiad bach am gyfnod o amser yn nifer y brechlynnau Pfizer a ddaw i'r DU, ond mae'r gwneuthurwyr wedi dweud yn glir eu bod yn credu y bydd ganddynt fwy o gyflenwad mwy cadarn yn dod i ni wedyn.
A chyda chyflenwad AstraZeneca, mae'n haws o ran y gadwyn gyflenwi, gan fod peth ohono wedi'i gynhyrchu yn yr Almaen, ond rydym yn disgwyl i'r uned ddosbarthu yn Wrecsam fod yn cyflenwi mwy a mwy o gyflenwad y DU. Ond rydym yn deall wedyn fod yr Asiantaeth Rheoleiddio Meddyginiaethau a Chynhyrchion Gofal Iechyd, yn gwbl briodol, yn swp-brofi er mwyn sicrhau bod sypiau'n cael eu profi a'u gwarantu'n iawn cyn iddynt gael eu rhyddhau i'r system. Felly, rydym wedi gweld saib yn hynny, oedi i un o'r sypiau. Gallwn ddisgwyl hynny; gallwn hefyd ddisgwyl y bydd hynny’n llyfnhau dros amser, gan fod AstraZeneca wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu niferoedd sylweddol uwch o'r brechlyn hwnnw i bob gwlad yn y DU. Ac mae'n bwysig. Gyda chadwyni cyflenwi a dosbarthu cymharol gymhleth, efallai y bydd rhai problemau bach yn codi. Os yw'r rheini'n berthnasol, byddaf yn adrodd arnynt yn agored, a'r hyn y maent yn ei olygu o ran y cyflenwad o'r brechlyn. Byddaf yn nodi’n glir p’un a yw hynny'n gohirio neu'n symud unrhyw un o'r cerrig milltir sydd gennym. Ond yr hyn y gallaf ei ddweud yw, cyn gynted ag y cawn frechlyn y gall ein gwasanaeth iechyd ei ddefnyddio a'i ddosbarthu, bydd yn cael ei ddarparu i'w roi i bobl cyn gynted â phosibl. Hoffwn ofyn i'r cyhoedd fod yn amyneddgar gyda'n GIG. Ni fydd neb yn cael ei adael ar ôl; ni fydd pobl yn cael eu hanghofio. Gan weithio gyda'n gilydd, rwy'n hyderus y gallwn wneud rhywbeth y gall Cymru fod yn wirioneddol falch ohono gyda'n rhaglen frechu dan arweiniad y GIG.
Minister, may I associate myself and my party with your remarks about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine? I—and, I think, all of us—would encourage people to take the vaccine as soon as it is offered to them. May I ask you: following the First Minister saying he'd clarified his remarks, could you clarify—has he actually retracted his statement that we should make the Pfizer vaccine last until the next delivery is scheduled, or his statement that the reason for that is to avoid any risk of vaccinators being left standing around with nothing to do?
Weinidog, a gaf fi a fy mhlaid ategu’ch sylwadau am ddiogelwch ac effeithiolrwydd y brechlyn? Byddwn i—a phob un ohonom, rwy'n credu—yn annog pobl i gael y brechlyn cyn gynted ag y caiff ei gynnig iddynt. A gaf fi ofyn i chi: ar ôl i’r Prif Weinidog ddweud ei fod wedi egluro ei sylwadau, a allech chi egluro—a yw wedi tynnu’n ôl ei ddatganiad y dylem wneud i'r brechlyn Pfizer bara hyd nes bod y cyflenwad nesaf wedi'i drefnu, neu ei ddatganiad mai'r rheswm am hynny yw er mwyn osgoi unrhyw risg y bydd brechwyr yn cicio'u sodlau heb ddim i'w wneud?
The First Minister has clarified his position on several occasions, and I answered not just questions in the media, but about 20 minutes' worth of the emergency question yesterday. I recognise there's a lot of public interest in this.
Mae’r Prif Weinidog wedi egluro ei safbwynt ar sawl achlysur, ac atebais nid yn unig y cwestiynau yn y cyfryngau, ond oddeutu 20 munud o gwestiwn brys ddoe. Rwy'n cydnabod bod cryn dipyn o ddiddordeb cyhoeddus yn hyn.
But has he retracted? You haven't answered.
Ond a yw wedi’i dynnu'n ôl? Nid ydych wedi ateb.
I don't think I can be any clearer about the actual position—that the vaccine isn't being held back, it's being delivered to our NHS as quickly as the NHS can deliver itself, and our infrastructure has increased significantly to allow even more of those supplies to go out, and we'll carry on doing so. And I should say that we're in the same position as other UK nations in having a store of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine that is being stored in significant storage facilities to then be delivered as quickly as all nations can have it. So, the Pfizer vaccine delivered today in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland is from a delivery they will already have had, just as it is here in Wales, and it's about the capacity of each of our delivery systems to be able to deliver that into the arms of the public. And I look forward to figures for the end of this week to see the significant increase that I fully expect in the delivery both of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and the AstraZeneca one, and I look forward to people across the Chamber welcoming and celebrating the success of our NHS in doing so.
Ni chredaf y gallaf fod yn gliriach ynglŷn â'r safbwynt—nad yw'r brechlyn yn cael ei ddal yn ôl, mae’n cael ei gyflenwi i'n GIG cyn gynted ag y gall y GIG ei ddarparu, ac mae ein seilwaith wedi cynyddu'n sylweddol i ganiatáu ar gyfer darparu mwy fyth o'r cyflenwadau hynny, a byddwn yn parhau i wneud hynny. A dylwn ddweud ein bod yn yr un sefyllfa â gwledydd eraill y DU yn yr ystyr fod gennym gyflenwad o frechlyn Pfizer-BioNTech wedi’i storio mewn cyfleusterau storio sylweddol i'w ddosbarthu cyn gynted ag y gall pob gwlad ei gael. Felly, mae'r brechlyn Pfizer sy’n cael ei ddarparu heddiw yn Lloegr, yr Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon yn dod o gyflenwad y byddant eisoes wedi'i gael, yn union fel y mae yma yng Nghymru, ac mae'n ymwneud â chapasiti pob un o'n systemau cyflenwi i allu ei ddarparu i freichiau'r cyhoedd. Ac edrychaf ymlaen at y ffigurau ar gyfer diwedd yr wythnos hon i weld y cynnydd sylweddol rwy’n ei ddisgwyl yn y cyflenwad o'r brechlyn Pfizer-BioNTech a'r brechlyn AstraZeneca, ac edrychaf ymlaen at weld pobl ar draws y Siambr yn croesawu ac yn dathlu llwyddiant ein GIG wrth i hynny ddigwydd.
Well, the gap between the supply of vaccines and the capacity to deploy those vaccinations in Wales is causing particular concern when it comes to police officers. Responding to you last week, I referred to calls by the North Wales Police Federation for policing to be considered for some—not full, but some—priority on the COVID-19 vaccination programme. Many current and former North Wales Police officers have written to me since stating that, 'Every single day, police officers and staff run the risk of coming into contact with a person with COVID, contracting it themselves and then bringing the killer virus back into their own homes', and asking for the Welsh Government to commit to giving policing some priority. And on Monday, the North Wales Police Federation told me they were contacted last weekend by, quote, 'Very reliable sources working within the vaccination centres', who advised that hospital secretaries and even social workers working from home are receiving the vaccine, yet front-line policing is still not considered to be a risk, or even being allowed to use up any spare or unused vaccines. How do you therefore respond to their specific statement that even getting front-line police officers on a stand-by list, like is happening in some parts of England, might be a start?
Wel, mae'r bwlch rhwng y cyflenwad o'r brechlynnau a'r capasiti i ddarparu’r brechlynnau hynny yng Nghymru yn achosi pryder arbennig mewn perthynas â swyddogion yr heddlu. Wrth ymateb i chi yr wythnos diwethaf, cyfeiriais at alwadau gan Ffederasiwn Heddlu Gogledd Cymru am weld ystyriaeth o rywfaint o flaenoriaeth i blismona—nid blaenoriaeth lawn, ond rhywfaint o flaenoriaeth—yn y rhaglen frechu COVID-19. Mae llawer o swyddogion presennol a chyn swyddogion Heddlu Gogledd Cymru wedi ysgrifennu ataf ers hynny yn nodi, 'Bob dydd, mae swyddogion yr heddlu a staff yn mentro dod i gysylltiad ag unigolyn â COVID, ei ddal eu hunain a dod â'r feirws angheuol yn ôl i'w eu cartrefi eu hunain', ac yn gofyn i Lywodraeth Cymru ymrwymo i roi rhywfaint o flaenoriaeth i blismona. A ddydd Llun, dywedodd Ffederasiwn Heddlu Gogledd Cymru wrthyf, ac rwy’n dyfynnu, fod ‘Ffynonellau dibynadwy iawn sy'n gweithio yn y canolfannau brechu’ wedi cysylltu â hwy y penwythnos diwethaf i ddweud bod ysgrifenyddion ysbytai a hyd yn oed gweithwyr cymdeithasol sy'n gweithio gartref yn cael y brechlyn, ac eto nid yw plismona ar y rheng flaen yn cael ei ystyried yn risg, na hyd yn oed yn cael defnyddio unrhyw frechlyn sbâr neu heb ei ddefnyddio. Beth yw eich ymateb felly i'w datganiad penodol y gallai hyd yn oed rhoi swyddogion heddlu rheng flaen ar restr wrth gefn, fel sy'n digwydd mewn rhai rhannau o Loegr, fod yn fan cychwyn?
Well, I think I should go back to some of the points I rehearsed with both Delyth Jewell and others on the prioritisation list. The independent, expert JCVI have given us advice on how to make best use of the vaccines that we have available; chief medical officers have endorsed that advice, because it will help to save as many lives as possible. The current priority list one to nine that the JCVI have recommended—and every Government, including your Conservative colleagues in England, has followed that prioritisation, because it should mean that 99 per cent of the hospitalisations and deaths that take place will be covered within those first nine priority groups. The JCVI will be considering advice to give to chief medical officers and Ministers like myself in all four Governments on the next phase of the vaccination that is to come. And I'm looking forward to receiving that advice and an understanding if they'll give advice on occupational risk groups for that second vaccination stage—whether people are teachers, police officers, taxi drivers or bus drivers, people need to consider the risk to different occupations of the harm that can be caused by COVID. When I get that advice, I'll then make a decision. I'll be open and transparent about what it is, but you can rely on the fact that my choice will be about the public health case, to save the greatest number of lives as quickly as possible.
Wel, credaf y dylwn fynd yn ôl at rai o'r pwyntiau y bûm yn eu hailadrodd wrth Delyth Jewell ac eraill ynglŷn â'r rhestr flaenoriaethu. Mae'r Cyd-bwyllgor ar Imiwneiddio a Brechu, sy’n bwyllgor annibynnol ac arbenigol, wedi rhoi cyngor i ni ar sut i wneud y defnydd gorau o'r brechlynnau sydd ar gael gennym; mae prif swyddogion meddygol wedi cymeradwyo'r cyngor hwnnw, gan y bydd yn helpu i achub cymaint o fywydau â phosibl. Mae'r rhestr flaenoriaeth un i naw gyfredol y mae'r Cyd-bwyllgor ar Imiwneiddio a Brechu wedi'i hargymell—ac mae pob Llywodraeth, gan gynnwys eich cymheiriaid Ceidwadol yn Lloegr, wedi dilyn y flaenoriaeth honno, gan y dylai hynny olygu y bydd 99 y cant o'r bobl sy'n cael eu derbyn i ysbytai a'r marwolaethau wedi’u cynnwys yn y naw grŵp blaenoriaeth cyntaf hynny. Bydd y Cyd-bwyllgor ar Imiwneiddio a Brechu yn ystyried cyngor i'w roi i brif swyddogion meddygol a Gweinidogion fel fi ym mhob un o'r pedair Llywodraeth ar gam nesaf y brechu sydd i ddod. Ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at dderbyn y cyngor hwnnw a dealltwriaeth, os byddant yn rhoi cyngor ar grwpiau risg galwedigaethol ar gyfer ail gam y brechu—boed yn athrawon, swyddogion yr heddlu, gyrwyr tacsi neu yrwyr bysiau, mae angen i bobl ystyried risg y niwed y gall COVID ei achosi i wahanol alwedigaethau. Pan gaf y cyngor hwnnw, byddaf yn gwneud penderfyniad. Byddaf yn agored ac yn dryloyw ynghylch y penderfyniad hwnnw, ond gallwch ddibynnu ar y ffaith y bydd fy newis yn seiliedig ar iechyd y cyhoedd, er mwyn achub y nifer fwyaf o fywydau cyn gynted â phosibl.
6. Pa fesurau sydd ar waith i sicrhau y gall ysbytai barhau i ddarparu gofal acíwt nad yw'n gysylltiedig â COVID-19? OQ56140
6. What measures are in place to ensure that hospitals can continue to provide acute care not related to COVID-19? OQ56140
Thank you. The ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic has seen considerable change to acute care services in Wales. Practitioners continue to respond with agility and innovation to meet the requirements of this exceptional situation that balances an increase in demand with the levels of COVID-19 cases and the resulting and unavoidable pressures.
Diolch. Mae'r ymateb parhaus i bandemig COVID-19 wedi arwain at newid sylweddol i wasanaethau gofal acíwt yng Nghymru. Mae ymarferwyr yn parhau i ymateb gyda hyblygrwydd ac arloesedd i fodloni gofynion y sefyllfa eithriadol hon sy'n cydbwyso cynnydd yn y galw â lefelau achosion o COVID-19 a'r pwysau na ellir ei osgoi o ganlyniad.
Thank you for that answer, Minister. I'm sure we would all in the Senedd want to pass our congratulations on to healthcare staff who've been able to provide a remarkable amount of non-related-to-COVID care in this terrible public health emergency. However, we now know that, as the second wave has been so much more serious than the first, even, nearly half of in-patients, for example, in Cwm Taf Morgannwg are there with COVID, and I don't think that pattern is atypical to many other areas around the United Kingdom and Wales, and that, unfortunately, some urgent operations are now being cancelled. We need a plan as we move out of the COVID phase with the vaccination, so that those who had urgent operations postponed are treated as soon as possible and that we make a very careful risk assessment of all the people who had elective surgery and urgent surgery delayed.
Diolch am eich ateb, Weinidog. Rwy'n siŵr y byddai pob un ohonom yn y Senedd yn awyddus i longyfarch staff gofal iechyd sydd wedi gallu darparu cryn dipyn o ofal nad yw'n gysylltiedig â COVID yn ystod yr argyfwng iechyd cyhoeddus ofnadwy hwn. Fodd bynnag, gan fod yr ail don wedi bod cymaint yn fwy difrifol na'r gyntaf hyd yn oed, gwyddom bellach fod bron i hanner y cleifion mewnol, er enghraifft, yng Nghwm Taf Morgannwg yno gyda COVID, ac ni chredaf fod y patrwm hwnnw’n wahanol iawn i lawer o ardaloedd eraill ledled y Deyrnas Unedig a Chymru, ac yn anffodus, mae rhai llawdriniaethau brys bellach yn cael eu canslo. Mae angen cynllun arnom wrth inni symud allan o gyfnod COVID gyda'r brechiad, er mwyn sicrhau bod y bobl y gohiriwyd eu llawdriniaethau brys yn cael eu trin cyn gynted â phosibl a'n bod yn gwneud asesiad risg gofalus iawn o'r holl bobl y gohiriwyd eu llawdriniaethau dewisol a llawdriniaethau brys.
I think the Member makes a very sensible point. If you get your news from BBC, then you'll have seen this week the series they're running on the very real pressures in our healthcare system. The hospital may be in England, but, actually, the pressures are real in every part of the United Kingdom, and that COVID care does mean we've had to interrupt non-COVID care. I have explained previously that the expansion of critical care up to about 150 per cent of capacity, in terms of its use, means that people have had to be deployed from other areas. Other areas like theatres have had to be turned over for use in a critical care-style environment. That means we can't undertake non-COVID care in the same way, and it's not just elective care. There are urgent services that are being interrupted because of the measures we are having to take to save as many lives as possible.
That, in itself, will produce anxiety and frustration, but also, potentially, greater harm, because the NHS may not be able to recover all of the harm that is caused. It's why we all need to pull together to do the right thing through this extraordinary crisis we're living through, but the Member and others can have confidence that not only is our NHS doing the right thing through the height of the pandemic, but we are, of course, planning for the necessary recovery, including the point the Member makes about trying to risk assess and understand the change in the position of people who have had their treatment delayed. That's why I say that this mammoth task will dominate the whole of the next Welsh Parliament in healthcare terms. Recovery won't be easy or quick, but it's entirely necessary, and our NHS understands and is already trying to plan for that reality.
Credaf fod yr Aelod yn gwneud pwynt synhwyrol iawn. Os ydych yn cael eich newyddion gan y BBC, byddwch wedi gweld y gyfres y maent yn ei dangos yr wythnos hon ar y pwysau gwirioneddol ar ein system gofal iechyd. Efallai fod yr ysbyty yn Lloegr, ond mae'r pwysau'n real ym mhob rhan o'r Deyrnas Unedig, ac mae’r gofal COVID hwnnw’n golygu ein bod wedi gorfod tarfu ar ofal nad yw'n ofal COVID. Rwyf wedi egluro o'r blaen fod ymestyn gofal critigol hyd at oddeutu 150 y cant o'i gapasiti, o ran ei ddefnydd, yn golygu y bu’n rhaid defnyddio pobl o fannau eraill. Mae mannau eraill fel theatrau wedi gorfod cael eu trosglwyddo i'w defnyddio fel amgylcheddau gofal critigol. Golyga hynny na allwn ddarparu gofal nad yw'n ofal COVID yn yr un modd, ac nid yw hynny’n golygu gofal dewisol yn unig. Ceir tarfu ar wasanaethau brys oherwydd y mesurau sy'n rhaid inni eu rhoi ar waith i achub cymaint o fywydau â phosibl.
Bydd hynny ynddo'i hun yn arwain at bryder a rhwystredigaeth, ond at fwy o niwed hefyd o bosibl, oherwydd efallai na fydd y GIG yn gallu unioni'r holl niwed sy’n cael ei achosi. Dyma pam fod angen i bob un ohonom weithio gyda'n gilydd i wneud y peth iawn drwy gydol yr argyfwng eithriadol hwn rydym yn byw drwyddo, ond gall yr Aelod ac eraill fod yn hyderus nid yn unig fod ein GIG yn gwneud y peth iawn drwy anterth y pandemig, ond wrth gwrs, rydym yn cynllunio ar gyfer yr adferiad sydd ei angen, gan gynnwys y pwynt a wna’r Aelod ynglŷn â cheisio asesu risg a deall y newid yn sefyllfa pobl y gohiriwyd eu triniaeth. Dyna pam rwy’n dweud y bydd y dasg enfawr hon yn dominyddu tymor cyfan Senedd nesaf Cymru o ran gofal iechyd. Ni fydd adferiad yn hawdd nac yn gyflym, ond mae'n gwbl angenrheidiol, ac mae ein GIG yn deall ac eisoes yn ceisio cynllunio ar gyfer y realiti hwnnw.
Ac yn olaf, cwestiwn 7, Helen Mary Jones.
Finally, question 7, Helen Mary Jones.
7. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am gyflwyno'r brechlyn yn Sir Gaerfyrddin? OQ56146
7. Will the Minister make a statement on the vaccine roll-out in Carmarthenshire? OQ56146
Thank you. On 11 January, I published the national vaccination plan, reflecting months of detailed NHS planning. The strategy set out a number of key milestones that the Member will be familiar with. Hywel Dda health board, which serve the population of Carmarthenshire, confirm that all general practices have signed up, and are increasing their mass vaccination centres from two overall to at least one per county.
Diolch. Ar 11 Ionawr, cyhoeddais y cynllun brechu cenedlaethol, a oedd yn adlewyrchu misoedd o waith cynllunio manwl gan y GIG. Roedd y strategaeth yn nodi nifer o gerrig milltir allweddol y bydd yr Aelod yn gyfarwydd â hwy. Mae bwrdd iechyd Hywel Dda, sy'n gwasanaethu poblogaeth Sir Gaerfyrddin, yn cadarnhau y bydd yr holl bractisau meddyg teulu yn cymryd rhan, ac yn cynyddu nifer eu canolfannau brechu torfol o gyfanswm o ddwy i o leiaf un ar gyfer pob sir.
I'm grateful to the Minister for his answer, and I'm very grateful to the staff for all that they are achieving in getting patients vaccinated. But I've received correspondence from the families of two patients over the age of 90 in Llanelli and one patient over the age of 90 in Llangennech, who, as yet, haven't heard from the NHS as to when they will get vaccinated. Now, obviously, these patients are in the very vulnerable age group, and given that this is more than one, I do have a concern that there may be an issue with the health board's communication with patients in this group. May I ask the Minister just to ask his officials to reassure themselves that Hywel Dda is effectively communicating? Because if these patients need to wait and there's a good reason why they need to wait, it's very important—I'm sure he would agree with me—that they and their families understand the situation and understand when they are likely to receive the vaccine.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog am ei ateb, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn i'r staff am bopeth y maent yn ei gyflawni i gael cleifion wedi'u brechu. Ond rwyf wedi cael gohebiaeth gan deuluoedd dau glaf dros 90 oed yn Llanelli ac un claf dros 90 oed yn Llangennech, nad ydynt, hyd yma, wedi clywed gan y GIG pa bryd y byddant yn cael eu brechu. Nawr, yn amlwg, mae'r cleifion hyn yn y grŵp oedran bregus iawn, ac o gofio bod yma fwy nag un, mae gennyf bryder y gallai fod problem gyda'r modd y mae'r bwrdd iechyd yn cyfathrebu â chleifion yn y grŵp hwn. A gaf fi ofyn i'r Gweinidog ofyn i'w swyddogion sicrhau bod Hywel Dda yn cyfathrebu'n effeithiol? Oherwydd os oes angen i'r cleifion hyn aros a bod rheswm da pam fod angen iddynt aros, mae'n bwysig iawn—rwy'n siŵr y byddai'n cytuno â mi—eu bod hwy a'u teuluoedd yn deall y sefyllfa ac yn deall pryd y maent yn debygol o gael y brechlyn.
I think it's fair to say there will be some people who won't have heard yet, because the NHS will be contacting more and more of those people progressively through not just this week, but the next week as well. And it's the case that, in other parts of the UK, there'll be people who won't have heard and people who won't have been invited to an appointment yet, including the over-80s and in some parts in care homes too. In Wales, I expect this week to make really significant progress on care home residents and the over-80s. You may well still, as indeed may other Members, get contact from people on Monday who say that they still haven't had their appointment, but I am confident that the pace will increase further this week. I am confident that more and more of our over-80s will receive their vaccines this week or will receive their appointment letters this week.
Powys have managed to act probably faster than any other health board in getting through their population, and that's why they're able to already start issuing invite letters to over-70s within that county. I expect every health board to rapidly get to that position over the next week or so. So, your constituents should either have received their jab or have received an invite letter in the coming days. I'll report openly about where we are with the overall pace of the programme once more, and I do just want to say that I think that Hywel Dda, throughout the whole of the COVID crisis, deserves a great deal of credit for the way they've organised themselves, the way they've gathered their staff and partners together, and I think they deserve a tremendous amount of praise. I hope that the public will not just reflect on that, but have some confidence that our NHS won't leave people behind. We know what we have to do to protect people, and the vaccination programme remains our No. 1 priority.
Credaf ei bod yn deg dweud y bydd rhai pobl heb glywed eto, gan y bydd y GIG yn cysylltu â mwy a mwy o'r bobl hynny'n gynyddol nid yn unig drwy’r wythnos hon, ond yr wythnos nesaf hefyd. Ac mae'n wir, mewn rhannau eraill o'r DU, y bydd pobl na fyddant wedi clywed a phobl na fyddant wedi cael gwahoddiad i apwyntiad eto, gan gynnwys pobl dros 80 oed ac mewn cartrefi gofal mewn rhai mannau hefyd. Yng Nghymru, rwy'n disgwyl gwneud cynnydd sylweddol iawn yr wythnos hon ar breswylwyr cartrefi gofal a phobl dros 80 oed. Efallai y bydd pobl yn cysylltu â chi, neu’r Aelodau eraill yn wir, ddydd Llun i ddweud eu bod yn dal heb gael eu hapwyntiad, ond rwy'n hyderus y bydd pethau'n cyflymu ymhellach yr wythnos hon. Rwy’n hyderus y bydd mwy a mwy o bobl dros 80 oed yn cael eu brechlynnau yr wythnos hon, neu’n cael eu llythyrau apwyntiad yr wythnos hon.
Mae Powys wedi llwyddo i weithredu'n gyflymach nag unrhyw fwrdd iechyd arall yn ôl pob tebyg ar fynd drwy eu poblogaeth, a dyna pam eu bod eisoes yn gallu dechrau dosbarthu llythyrau gwahoddiad i bobl dros 70 oed yn y sir honno. Rwy'n disgwyl i bob bwrdd iechyd gyrraedd y sefyllfa honno'n gyflym dros yr wythnos neu ddwy nesaf. Felly, dylai eich etholwyr naill ai gael eu pigiad neu dderbyn llythyr gwahoddiad yn y dyddiau nesaf. Unwaith eto, byddaf yn nodi’n agored ble rydym arni gyda chyflymder cyffredinol y rhaglen, a hoffwn ddweud fy mod yn credu bod Hywel Dda, drwy gydol argyfwng COVID, yn haeddu llawer o glod am y ffordd y maent wedi trefnu eu hunain, y ffordd y maent wedi dod â’u staff a'u partneriaid at ei gilydd, a chredaf eu bod yn haeddu canmoliaeth aruthrol. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y cyhoedd yn ystyried hynny, a bod ganddynt hyder na fydd ein GIG yn gadael pobl ar ôl. Gwyddom beth sy’n rhaid inni ei wneud i ddiogelu pobl, ac mae'r rhaglen frechu yn parhau i fod yn flaenoriaeth Rhif 1 i ni.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog.
Thank you, Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw'r cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Iechyd Meddwl, Llesiant a'r Gymraeg, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Jack Sargeant.
The next item is questions to the Minister for Mental Health, Wellbeing and the Welsh Language, and the first question is from Jack Sargeant.
1. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o sut mae pandemig y coronafeirws wedi cael effaith andwyol ar iechyd meddwl yng Nghymru? OQ56125
1. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of how the coronavirus pandemic has adversely affected mental health in Wales? OQ56125
Diolch, Jack. We continue to monitor the impact of the pandemic on mental health and well-being through a range of surveys and other evidence. Overall, levels of anxiety remain higher than pre-pandemic levels due to a range of concerns, including personal health, the health of loved ones, and of course finances.
Diolch, Jack. Rydym yn parhau i fonitro effaith y pandemig ar iechyd meddwl a lles drwy ystod o arolygon a thystiolaeth arall. At ei gilydd, mae lefelau gorbryder yn parhau i fod yn uwch na’r lefelau cyn y pandemig oherwydd amrywiaeth o bryderon, gan gynnwys iechyd personol, iechyd anwyliaid, a materion ariannol wrth gwrs.
Diolch, Minister, for that answer. One of my constituents today talked openly in The Leader newspaper about the impact of being excluded from the UK Government's financial support, and the effect that is having on people's mental health. I was also contacted by a business owner before the current lockdown, who told me of customers who were openly talking about ending their lives. And, as a fellow sufferer, someone with poor mental health, I really recognise these signs and feel strongly about this issue. Llywydd, we often talk incorrectly about one in four people having mental health problems; I think this vastly underplays reality. The old ways of reaching out aren't working. Hard-to-reach groups will clearly pay the price. Not only must we do more, we must do better. So, Minister, on that basis, how can you as a Welsh Government reach out better?
Diolch am eich ateb, Weinidog. Heddiw, siaradodd un o fy etholwyr yn agored ym mhapur newydd The Leader am effaith cael eu heithrio o gymorth ariannol Llywodraeth y DU, a’r effaith y mae hynny’n ei chael ar iechyd meddwl pobl. Cysylltodd perchennog busnes â mi hefyd cyn y cyfyngiadau symud cyfredol, a dywedodd wrthyf am gwsmeriaid a oedd yn siarad yn agored am roi diwedd arnynt eu hunain, ac fel cyd-ddioddefwr, rhywun ag iechyd meddwl gwael, rwy'n adnabod yr arwyddion hyn ac yn teimlo'n gryf ynglŷn â'r mater hwn. Yn aml, rydym yn sôn yn anghywir fod gan un o bob pedwar o bobl broblemau iechyd meddwl; credaf fod hyn yn llawer llai na’r realiti. Nid yw'r hen ffyrdd o estyn allan yn gweithio. Mae'n amlwg y bydd grwpiau anodd eu cyrraedd yn talu'r pris. Nid yn unig fod yn rhaid inni wneud mwy, mae'n rhaid inni wneud yn well. Felly, Weinidog, ar y sail honno, sut y gallwch chi fel Llywodraeth Cymru estyn allan yn well?
Diolch, Jack, and I'm really sorry to hear about your constituents. They are not on their own. I am really concerned about the pressure people are under. Anxiety levels have certainly increased. People are feeling very isolated, they're lonely, they're very concerned about losing their jobs, and a lot of people are concerned about family members. And, of course, we are concerned that we may see an increase in suicide rates, which is why, right at the outset of the pandemic, we commissioned the NHS delivery unit to work with Public Health Wales, and we asked Professor Ann John to chair a national advisory group to review deaths by suicide.
Now, obviously, what we want to do is to put measures in place to stop that from happening in the first place. I've just come off a call with Time to Change Wales, and you're familiar with that, Jack, because I know you were instrumental in asking me to make sure that we continue our funding to that organisation at a time when England stopped theirs. And I think that was a huge mistake, to stop people from talking about mental health issues in the middle of a pandemic, or to stop funding an organisation that encouraged that to happen.
It's absolutely clear that there are some groups that are more reluctant to reach out for help than others. We're particularly concerned about the black, Asian and minority ethnic community, which is why one of the things we've done is we've given additional support to Diverse Cymru, so that they can reach out and reach out to the communities that they're in touch with. But the other group that I'm particularly concerned about is middle-aged men, and that is a real problem that we have, which is why it's really important that we support groups like Men's Sheds, and it's really interesting to see that a lot of those now have recognised the importance of their work and are continuing their work online, and I'd like to encourage that to continue.
Diolch, Jack, ac mae'n ddrwg iawn gennyf glywed am eich etholwyr. Nid ydynt ar eu pen eu hunain. Rwy’n wirioneddol bryderus am y pwysau sydd ar bobl. Yn sicr, mae lefelau gorbryder wedi cynyddu. Mae pobl yn teimlo'n ynysig iawn, maent yn unig, maent yn bryderus iawn ynglŷn â cholli eu swyddi, ac mae llawer o bobl yn poeni am aelodau o'u teuluoedd. Ac wrth gwrs, rydym yn pryderu efallai y gwelwn gynnydd mewn cyfraddau hunanladdiad, a dyna pam, ar ddechrau'r pandemig, y gwnaethom gomisiynu uned gyflawni’r GIG i weithio gydag Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, a gofynasom i'r Athro Ann John gadeirio grŵp cynghori cenedlaethol i adolygu marwolaethau drwy hunanladdiad.
Nawr, yn amlwg, yr hyn rydym am ei wneud yw rhoi mesurau ar waith i atal hynny rhag digwydd yn y lle cyntaf. Rwyf newydd orffen galwad ffôn gydag Amser i Newid Cymru, ac rydych yn gyfarwydd â hwy, Jack, gan y gwn i chi fod yn allweddol yn gofyn i mi wneud yn siŵr ein bod yn parhau i gyllido'r sefydliad hwnnw ar adeg pan roddodd Lloegr y gorau i wneud hynny gyda’u hun hwy. A chredaf fod hynny'n gamgymeriad enfawr, atal pobl rhag siarad am faterion iechyd meddwl yng nghanol pandemig, neu roi'r gorau i ariannu sefydliad a oedd yn annog hynny i ddigwydd.
Mae'n gwbl amlwg fod rhai grwpiau'n fwy amharod nag eraill i ofyn am gymorth. Rydym yn arbennig o bryderus am gymunedau pobl dduon, Asiaidd a lleiafrifoedd ethnig, a dyna pam mai un o'r pethau rydym wedi’u gwneud yw rhoi cymorth ychwanegol i Diverse Cymru, fel y gallant roi cymorth i'r cymunedau sydd mewn cysylltiad â hwy. Ond y grŵp arall rwy'n arbennig o bryderus yn ei gylch yw dynion canol oed, ac mae honno'n broblem wirioneddol sydd gennym, a dyna pam ei bod yn bwysig iawn inni gefnogi grwpiau fel Siediau Dynion, ac mae'n ddiddorol iawn gweld bod llawer o'r rheini bellach wedi cydnabod pwysigrwydd eu gwaith ac yn parhau â'u gwaith ar-lein, a hoffwn annog hynny i barhau.
Minister, you will no doubt be aware that my constituency of Aberconwy sits within the Conwy County Borough, and that we have the highest percentage of old people aged 65 plus in Wales. We also have a number of 80 to 90-year-olds who have been shielding since last March, facing life like never before, living indoors, struggling with loneliness, fear and anxiety. I am reliably informed by those in medical practice here that treatment for mental health issues has exacerbated greatly amongst this age group and that this needs to be addressed quickly to avoid long-term life-threatening consequences. This has increased further as a result of the most current and recent lockdown as a result of a more highly infectious virus now in circulation. Our single biggest weapon providing assurance to these individuals is a quick vaccination process, however, that is not happening here. Worse still is the fact that these people have received no information whatsoever and their anxiety is increasing. Yesterday, the health Minister did promise in the Senedd that, within a week or so, seven out of 10 of those aged 80 years and older would be receiving their vaccination. Can you confirm to me today that this will indeed be the case, and that our most elderly and vulnerable with mental health issues will receive their vaccine within these timescales? Diolch, Llywydd.
Weinidog, mae'n siŵr y byddwch yn ymwybodol fod fy etholaeth, Aberconwy, ym Mwrdeistref Sirol Conwy, a bod gennym y ganran uchaf o hen bobl 65 oed a hŷn yng Nghymru. Mae gennym hefyd nifer o bobl rhwng 80 a 90 oed sydd wedi bod ar y rhestr warchod ers mis Mawrth diwethaf, yn wynebu bywyd mewn ffordd na wnaethant o'r blaen, yn byw y tu mewn, yn brwydro yn erbyn unigrwydd, ofn a gorbryder. Fe'm hysbysir yn ddibynadwy gan y rheini sydd yn y byd meddygol yma fod triniaeth ar gyfer problemau iechyd meddwl wedi gwaethygu'n sylweddol ymhlith y grŵp oedran hwn a bod angen mynd i'r afael â hyn yn gyflym er mwyn osgoi canlyniadau hirdymor sy'n peryglu bywydau. Mae hyn wedi cynyddu ymhellach o ganlyniad i'r cyfyngiadau symud mwyaf cyfredol a diweddar yn sgil lledaeniad feirws mwy heintus. Ein harf mwyaf i roi sicrwydd i'r unigolion hyn yw proses frechu gyflym, ond nid yw hynny'n digwydd yma. Yn waeth byth, nid yw'r bobl hyn wedi derbyn unrhyw wybodaeth o gwbl ac mae eu pryder yn cynyddu. Ddoe, addawodd y Gweinidog iechyd yn y Senedd y byddai saith o bob 10 o bobl 80 oed a hŷn yn cael eu brechu ymhen rhyw wythnos. A allwch gadarnhau i mi heddiw y bydd hyn yn digwydd, ac y bydd ein pobl fwyaf oedrannus ac agored i niwed gyda phroblemau iechyd meddwl yn cael eu brechu o fewn yr amserlenni hyn? Diolch, Lywydd.
Thanks very much, Janet, and we're particularly concerned about older people who are living in isolation, who've been on their own for a long time now, who are fearful of going out even to the shops, and we're very concerned about these people, which is why we have put some projects in place to make sure that we can stand by these people. So, one of the projects we've put in place is called Friend in Need, and we've got Age Cymru to help us out with that. So, I would encourage you to ask your constituents to link up with that scheme if they need some mental health support.
But we have given significant additional financial support to Betsi Cadwaladr, and in addition to that, we've just increased the mental health budget by £42 million. So, if you look at how much we spend on mental health now, it's about £783 million, so the key thing now is to make sure that that money gets to the right people. And I think it's that low-level intervention; it's not the kind of—. We need to get to the mass numbers now, which is why we need to increase—and we have increased—the tier 0 support.
Of course people are concerned about the vaccine and you've just heard the health Minister explain what the programme is in relation to the vaccine. My understanding is that Betsi Cadwaladr was ahead of lots of other parts of Wales in relation to the roll-out of the vaccine. I would listen to the assurances that have come from the health Minister in terms of those targets that have been set out.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Janet, ac rydym yn arbennig o bryderus am bobl hŷn sy'n byw ar eu pen eu hunain, sydd wedi bod ar eu pen eu hunain ers peth amser bellach, sy'n ofni mynd allan i'r siopau hyd yn oed, ac rydym yn poeni'n fawr am y bobl hyn, a dyna pam ein bod wedi rhoi rhai prosiectau ar waith i sicrhau ein bod yn gallu cefnogi’r bobl hyn. Felly, enw un o'r prosiectau rydym wedi'u rhoi ar waith yw Ffrind Mewn Angen, ac mae Age Cymru yn ein cynorthwyo gyda hynny. Felly, byddwn yn eich annog i ofyn i'ch etholwyr gysylltu â'r cynllun hwnnw os oes angen cymorth iechyd meddwl arnynt.
Ond rydym wedi rhoi cefnogaeth ariannol ychwanegol sylweddol i Betsi Cadwaladr, ac yn ychwanegol at hynny, rydym newydd ddarparu cynnydd o £42 miliwn i'r gyllideb iechyd meddwl. Felly, os edrychwch faint rydym yn ei wario ar iechyd meddwl nawr, mae oddeutu £783 miliwn, felly y peth allweddol nawr yw sicrhau bod yr arian hwnnw'n cyrraedd y bobl iawn. A chredaf mai'r ymyrraeth lefel isel honno ydyw; nid y math o—. Mae angen inni gyrraedd y niferoedd torfol nawr, a dyna pam fod angen inni gynyddu—ac rydym wedi cynyddu—y cymorth haen 0.
Wrth gwrs fod pobl yn poeni am y brechlyn ac rydych newydd glywed y Gweinidog iechyd yn egluro beth yw'r rhaglen mewn perthynas â'r brechlyn. Fy nealltwriaeth i yw bod Betsi Cadwaladr ar y blaen o gymharu â sawl rhan arall o Gymru mewn perthynas â chyflwyno'r brechlyn. Byddwn yn gwrando ar y sicrwydd a gafwyd gan y Gweinidog iechyd ynglŷn â'r targedau a nodwyd.
Minister, while I understand that the collation of suicide figures is often subject to a lapse of time due to the need for investigation and inquests, I would draw your attention to the comments of the north Wales coroner, John Gittins, in December, who presided over seven suicide cases from the summer in the same week. He noted the effects of lockdown as a contributory factor in all of those cases. It seems to me that continued lockdown, a climate of fear, and the effects of winter can only be causes for deep concern. Can you outline what additional support is available for those who are really struggling?
Weinidog, er fy mod yn deall ei bod yn cymryd amser i goladu ffigurau hunanladdiad oherwydd yr angen i gynnal ymchwiliadau a chwestau, hoffwn dynnu eich sylw at sylwadau crwner gogledd Cymru, John Gittins, ym mis Rhagfyr, a fu'n llywyddu dros saith achos o hunanladdiad dros yr haf yn yr un wythnos. Nododd effeithiau'r cyfyngiadau symud fel ffactor cyfrannol ym mhob un o'r achosion hynny. Ymddengys i mi fod cyfyngiadau symud parhaus, hinsawdd o ofn, ac effeithiau'r gaeaf yn destun pryder mawr. A allwch amlinellu pa gymorth ychwanegol sydd ar gael i'r rheini sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd iawn?
Thanks very much. We're very aware that we need to keep an eye on this, which is why we're not waiting until we get the inquests from the coroners, which can take up to a year. We need to get a better real-time sense of what's going on on the ground, which is why we're working with the police. We've got a range of services working together to make sure that we analyse the real-time data and put measures in place. One of the things that we're very anxious to make sure of is that the support for people who are contemplating suicide is in place. That's why we've got a 'Talk to me 2' programme, and one of the features within that programme is making sure that those people who've been bereaved, who may be feeling very low at the moment, are getting the support that they need, because it's very difficult for them to mourn in a normal way at the moment. We're making sure that that support is in place. I would encourage your constituents to get in touch, first of all, with the CALL mental health helpline, and they will then be able to direct your constituents to the most appropriate level of support.
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Rydym yn ymwybodol iawn fod angen inni gadw llygad ar hyn, a dyna pam nad ydym yn aros hyd nes y cawn y cwestau gan y crwneriaid, a all gymryd hyd at flwyddyn. Mae angen inni gael gwell ymdeimlad o'r hyn sy'n digwydd ar lawr gwlad mewn amser real, a dyna pam ein bod yn gweithio gyda'r heddlu. Mae gennym ystod o wasanaethau’n gweithio gyda'i gilydd i sicrhau ein bod yn dadansoddi'r data amser real ac yn rhoi mesurau ar waith. Un o'r pethau rydym yn awyddus iawn i’w sicrhau yw bod cymorth ar gael i bobl sy'n ystyried hunanladdiad. Dyna pam fod gennym raglen 'Siarad â Fi 2', ac un o nodweddion y rhaglen honno yw sicrhau bod pobl sydd wedi cael profedigaeth, a allai fod yn teimlo'n isel iawn ar hyn o bryd, yn cael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt, gan ei bod yn anodd iawn iddynt alaru mewn ffordd arferol ar hyn o bryd. Rydym yn sicrhau bod y gefnogaeth honno ar gael. Byddwn yn annog eich etholwyr i gysylltu yn gyntaf oll â llinell gymorth iechyd meddwl CALL, a byddant yn gallu cyfeirio eich etholwyr at y lefel fwyaf priodol o gymorth.
2. Pa asesiad y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'i wneud o effaith pandemig COVID-19 ar iechyd meddwl amenedigol yng Nghymru? OQ56142
2. What assessment has the Minister made of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on perinatal mental health in Wales? OQ56142
Perinatal services have been positioned, as you know, as an essential service during the pandemic. Community teams have worked hard to ensure that that support has remained accessible, including through digital and telephone-based support. We're continuing to monitor the evidence to inform our approach, for instance with the 'Babies in Lockdown' report and the Born in Wales study.
Fel y gwyddoch, mae gwasanaethau amenedigol wedi'u dynodi'n wasanaeth hanfodol yn ystod y pandemig. Mae timau cymunedol wedi gweithio'n galed i sicrhau bod y cymorth hwnnw wedi parhau i fod ar gael, gan gynnwys drwy gymorth digidol a chymorth dros y ffôn. Rydym yn parhau i fonitro'r dystiolaeth i lywio ein dull o weithredu, er enghraifft gydag adroddiad 'Babies in Lockdown' ac astudiaeth Ganwyd yng Nghymru.
We know that the pandemic has meant unprecedented pressure, heightened anxiety, and a greater risk of mental health problems for new parents. We know too that all this is happening at a time that is absolutely critical—those first 1,000 days of a baby's life, which can influence their development throughout their lives. Before Christmas, this Senedd passed a motion, tabled by myself, Bethan Sayed, and Leanne Wood, calling for a focused effort to support new parents during the pandemic, and also calling for ring-fenced funding for perinatal mental health. While I welcome your assurance that you gave in the health committee this morning that you would look at ring-fenced funding, I think that needs to be done as a matter of urgency. Can I also ask what further update you can provide, particularly in terms of ensuring that health visiting support, and other services, are there? Because we can say as often as we like that these are designated essential services; in my experience, that is not the experience on the ground. Can I also ask if you'll agree to meet with the Maternal Mental Health Alliance in Wales, so that you can work in partnership with them to ensure that new parents do get the support they so desperately need?
Gwyddom fod y pandemig wedi golygu pwysau digynsail, mwy o bryder, a mwy o berygl o broblemau iechyd meddwl i rieni newydd. Gwyddom hefyd fod hyn i gyd yn digwydd ar adeg sy'n gwbl allweddol—y 1,000 diwrnod cyntaf o fywyd babi, a all ddylanwadu ar eu datblygiad drwy gydol eu hoes. Cyn y Nadolig, cymeradwyodd y Senedd hon gynnig, a gyflwynwyd gennyf fi, Bethan Sayed, a Leanne Wood, yn galw am ymdrech benodol i gefnogi rhieni newydd yn ystod y pandemig, ac yn galw hefyd am gyllid wedi'i glustnodi ar gyfer iechyd meddwl amenedigol. Er fy mod yn croesawu'r sicrwydd a roesoch yn y pwyllgor iechyd y bore yma y byddech yn edrych ar gyllid wedi'i glustnodi, credaf fod angen gwneud hynny ar frys. A gaf fi ofyn hefyd pa ddiweddariad pellach y gallwch ei ddarparu, yn enwedig mewn perthynas â sicrhau bod cymorth ymwelwyr iechyd, a gwasanaethau eraill, ar gael? Oherwydd gallwn ddweud a dweud bod y rhain yn wasanaethau hanfodol dynodedig; yn fy mhrofiad i, nid dyna'r profiad ar lawr gwlad. A gaf fi ofyn i chi gytuno hefyd i gyfarfod â Chynghrair Iechyd Meddwl Mamau Cymru, fel y gallwch weithio mewn partneriaeth â hwy i sicrhau bod rhieni newydd yn cael y cymorth y maent ei angen mor ddybryd?
Thanks very much, Lynne. Certainly, you'll be aware that we've refreshed our 'Together for Mental Health' delivery plan, and within that we have made sure that perinatal services are absolutely central to what we need to focus on. One of the key things we're trying to do is to make sure that we get all the health authorities to meet the standards that are set out by the Royal College of Psychiatrists—the quality standards that are set out there. Now, some authorities are further ahead than others in this space, and so what we need to do, and what I'll be looking at in response to your question today, is to see how far along some of these health boards are in terms of delivering on that. There will be an expectation that they will meet those service standards, and we will provide enough money to make sure that they can meet those standards. So, they'll be making their applications to us, effectively, and we will make sure that that money is there.
I guess, in some health boards, they may be able to reach those standards quicker than others, and they may want to release some of that money to, for example, give more support to eating disorders, or whatever else, if they have reached a certain standard. So, I think we can certainly look at—. I think what we've got to look at is outcomes, rather than money going in. That's my interest, as I informed the committee this morning—it's outcomes that are important, not the amount of money that goes in. If we're meeting those outcomes that are set out, then I don't think we'll need to put that ring fence in. But leave it with me, because I'm very anxious to look at that in more detail. You will be aware also that we've appointed a new clinical lead—Sharon Fernandez—and that's to help support those health boards to make sure that they reach those required standards that have been set out.
In terms of the visiting, I am aware that, in some areas—. You know, this can be a very lonely time. It's a very isolated time as a new parent. I'll never forget just waiting, desperately, for my husband to come home, to hand over the baby at the end of the day, because you're tearing your hair out. You do need that support, and lots of people don't have that support, which is why it's essential that we keep an eye on this space. That support is being given online, but if there is a medical reason why that needs to be face to face, then I think that is able to continue in this space.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Lynne. Yn sicr, fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol ein bod wedi adnewyddu ein cynllun cyflawni 'Law yn Llaw at Iechyd Meddwl', ac yn hwnnw rydym wedi sicrhau bod gwasanaethau amenedigol yn gwbl ganolog i'r hyn y mae angen i ni ganolbwyntio arno. Un o'r pethau allweddol rydym yn ceisio eu gwneud yw sicrhau ein bod yn cael yr holl awdurdodau iechyd i fodloni'r safonau a nodir gan Goleg Brenhinol y Seiciatryddion—y safonau ansawdd a nodir yno. Nawr, mae rhai awdurdodau ymhellach ar y blaen nag eraill yn hyn o beth, ac felly yr hyn sydd angen inni ei wneud, a'r hyn y byddaf yn ei wneud mewn ymateb i'ch cwestiwn heddiw, yw gweld pa mor bell y mae rhai o'r byrddau iechyd hyn wedi cyrraedd o ran cyflawni hynny. Disgwylir y byddant yn cyrraedd y safonau gwasanaeth hynny, a byddwn yn darparu digon o arian i sicrhau y gallant gyrraedd y safonau hynny. Felly, byddant yn gwneud eu ceisiadau i ni i bob pwrpas, a byddwn yn sicrhau bod yr arian hwnnw yno.
Rwy'n tybio, mewn rhai byrddau iechyd, y gallant gyrraedd y safonau hynny'n gyflymach nag eraill, ac efallai y byddant eisiau rhyddhau rhywfaint o'r arian hwnnw i roi mwy o gymorth i anhwylderau bwyta, er enghraifft, neu beth bynnag arall, os ydynt wedi cyrraedd safon benodol. Felly, rwy'n credu'n sicr y gallwn edrych ar—. Rwy'n credu mai'r hyn sy'n rhaid inni edrych arno yw'r canlyniadau, yn hytrach na'r arian sy'n mynd i mewn. Dyna sydd o ddiddordeb imi, fel y dywedais wrth y pwyllgor y bore yma—canlyniadau sy'n bwysig, nid faint o arian sy'n mynd i mewn. Os ydym yn cyflawni'r canlyniadau a nodwyd, nid wyf yn credu y bydd angen i ni glustnodi arian. Ond gadewch y mater gyda mi, oherwydd rwy'n awyddus iawn i edrych ar hynny'n fanylach. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol hefyd ein bod wedi penodi arweinydd clinigol newydd—Sharon Fernandez—a phwrpas hynny yw helpu i gynorthwyo'r byrddau iechyd i sicrhau eu bod yn cyrraedd y safonau gofynnol a osodwyd.
O ran ymweliadau, rwy'n ymwybodol, mewn rhai ardaloedd—. Wyddoch chi, gall fod yn amser unig iawn. Mae'n gyfnod ynysig iawn i riant newydd. Ni wnaf byth anghofio aros, yn ysu i fy ngŵr ddod adref, i mi allu rhoi'r babi iddo ef ar ddiwedd y dydd, oherwydd rydych yn tynnu'ch gwallt o'ch pen. Mae angen y gefnogaeth honno arnoch, ac mae llawer o bobl yn methu cael y gefnogaeth honno, a dyna pam y mae'n hanfodol ein bod yn cadw llygad ar hyn. Mae'r cymorth yn cael ei roi ar-lein, ond os oes rheswm meddygol pam fod angen darparu'r cymorth hwnnw wyneb yn wyneb, rwy'n credu ei fod yn gallu parhau i'r perwyl hwn.
Minister, I concur with everything that's just been said by Lynne, and would support what she's said. I am very happy that the Welsh Government has classed this as essential, because it is critical care, the perinatal care. It's such an important time for the parents and for the children as well, as has already been outlined. Therefore, I welcome the extra money that's going towards mental health, and I'd ask too that a lot of it is pushed in this area particularly.
As you know, I've got a one-year-old myself. I'm lucky that he gets to see other children of his age in nursery twice a week, but a lot of children won't be able to see children of their age. It was a massive worry when we were in the proper lockdown, when nurseries closed too, that he didn't have that access to seeing other children, and obviously he couldn't hug anyone and see the people he would normally see. So, it is a worry about his development in that way. I wonder about the knock-on effects, and I wonder what the Government is doing in that regard.
But, also, for the parents—it really takes a village, not just parents, to raise a child, and as you just said, Eluned, you need that rest, you need to get some sleep, because some children don't sleep. My first didn't at all and it has a massive impact on your mental health to have that break. Has the Government looked into the possibility of maybe extending support bubbles for new parents in that regard, so maybe they see children or maybe they have that extra support themselves for their mental health issues?
Weinidog, rwy'n cytuno â phopeth y mae Lynne newydd ei ddweud, a byddwn yn cefnogi'r hyn y mae wedi'i ddweud. Rwy'n hapus iawn fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi nodi bod hyn yn hanfodol, oherwydd mae'n ofal critigol, y gofal amenedigol. Mae'n gyfnod mor bwysig i'r rhieni ac i'r plant hefyd, fel yr amlinellwyd eisoes. Felly, rwy'n croesawu'r arian ychwanegol sy'n mynd tuag at iechyd meddwl, a byddwn hefyd yn gofyn i lawer ohono gael ei gyfeirio at y maes hwn yn benodol.
Fel y gwyddoch, mae gennyf fi blentyn sy'n flwydd oed. Rwy'n lwcus ei fod yn cael gweld plant eraill ei oed yn y feithrinfa ddwywaith yr wythnos, ond bydd llawer o blant yn methu gweld plant yr un oed. Yn ystod y cyfyngiadau symud go iawn, pan gaeodd meithrinfeydd hefyd, roedd yn bryder enfawr na allai weld plant eraill, ac yn amlwg ni allai gofleidio neb na gweld y bobl y byddai'n eu gweld fel arfer. Felly, mae'n bryder ynglŷn â'i ddatblygiad yn y ffordd honno. Rwy'n meddwl am yr effeithiau canlyniadol, a tybed beth y mae'r Llywodraeth yn ei wneud yn hynny o beth.
Ond hefyd, i'r rhieni—mae'n cymryd pentref mewn gwirionedd, nid rhieni'n unig, i fagu plentyn, ac fel rydych newydd ddweud, Eluned, mae angen gorffwys arnoch, mae angen ichi gael rhywfaint o gwsg, oherwydd nid yw rhai plant yn cysgu. Nid oedd fy mhlentyn cyntaf yn cysgu o gwbl ac mae cael y seibiant hwnnw'n effeithio'n enfawr ar eich iechyd meddwl. A yw'r Llywodraeth wedi archwilio'r posibilrwydd o ymestyn swigod cymorth i rieni newydd yn hynny o beth, fel y gallant weld plant neu fel y gallant gael cymorth ychwanegol eu hunain ar gyfer eu problemau iechyd meddwl?
Can I start by saying, Laura, that you look amazing for someone with a one-year-old, I must say? I don't know you manage it. One of the things that we've tried to make sure is available is that childcare provision, because we recognise that that is important for so many people. Just in terms of support bubbles for new parents, obviously at alert level 4, we had to suspend the ability to form extended households, which meant that only single parents or single households were able to form support bubbles. But even for those who are not part of a support bubble, under our rules, parents of babies are allowed access to support from their families or close friends if they need to, and if there's no reasonable alternative. So, there is more space there perhaps than people recognise. But I must emphasise, having said this, that just because you can do it, it doesn't mean you should do it. I can't overstate the seriousness of the situation, and I think it is important that we ask everybody to think very carefully to protect their friends and families.
A gaf fi ddechrau drwy ddweud, Laura, eich bod yn edrych yn rhyfeddol am rywun sydd â phlentyn blwydd oed, mae'n rhaid imi ddweud? Nid wyf yn gwybod sut rydych yn llwyddo i wneud hynny. Un o'r pethau rydym wedi ceisio sicrhau eu bod ar gael yw darpariaeth gofal plant, oherwydd rydym yn cydnabod bod hynny'n bwysig i gymaint o bobl. O ran swigod cymorth i rieni newydd, yn amlwg ar lefel rhybudd 4, bu'n rhaid inni atal y gallu i ffurfio aelwydydd estynedig, a olygai mai dim ond rhieni sengl neu aelwydydd sengl oedd yn gallu ffurfio swigod cymorth. Ond hyd yn oed i'r rhai nad ydynt yn rhan o swigod cymorth, o dan ein rheolau ni, caniateir i rieni babanod gael cymorth gan eu teuluoedd neu eu ffrindiau agos os oes angen, ac os nad oes dewis rhesymol arall. Felly, mae mwy o le yno efallai nag y mae pobl yn ei gydnabod. Ond wedi dweud hynny, rhaid i mi bwysleisio nad yw'r ffaith eich bod yn cael ei wneud yn golygu y dylech ei wneud. Ni allaf orbwysleisio difrifoldeb y sefyllfa, ac rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig inni ofyn i bawb feddwl yn ofalus iawn er mwyn diogelu eu ffrindiau a'u teuluoedd.
Mae fy swyddfa i wedi cynnal arolwg drwy'r hydref a'r gaeaf y llynedd. Dŷn ni wedi cael 1,000 o ymatebion mewn un arolwg, a 300 yn yr arolwg dŷn ni wedi ei wneud yn fwyaf diweddar, yn gofyn i rieni am eu profiad nhw o wasanaethau perinatal. Dŷn ni wedi cael lot fawr o ymatebion, sydd yn dweud wrthym ni bod 80 y cant ohonyn nhw yn teimlo'n bryderus am y cyfyngiadau sy'n dal i fod yn y gwasanaethau mamolaeth, 68 y cant ohonyn nhw yn teimlo nad oedden nhw'n cael y gefnogaeth er gwaethaf profiadau gwael o ran anawsterau iechyd meddwl, ac wedyn 90 y cant ohonyn nhw'n dweud bod eu partner nhw heb gael unrhyw gyfle i drafod eu hiechyd meddwl nhw—tadau efallai'n cael eu hanghofio yn hyn oll yn aml iawn.
Beth ydych chi'n gallu ei wneud i amlinellu i ni beth yn fwy fedrwch chi ei wneud yn yr adran yma er mwyn sicrhau bod pethau yn gallu gweithredu yn well? A fyddech chi'n cytuno i gwrdd â fi, ynghyd â rhai o'r elusennau sy'n gweithio yn y maes, i drafod yr arolwg? Mae nifer o fanylion wedi dod gerbron gan famau yn yr arolwg sydd yn mynd i allu eich helpu chi fel Llywodraeth i lywio hwn yn fwy eglur, ac i helpu mamau a thadau i symud ymlaen yn gryfach mewn cyfnod, sydd wedi cael ei ddweud gan Lynne Neagle a Laura Anne Jones, sydd yn anodd iawn ar yr adegau gorau, heb sôn am roi genedigaeth yn ystod pandemig.
My office held a survey throughout the autumn and winter of last year. We got 1,000 responses to one, and 300 to another most recently, asking parents about their experience of perinatal services. We've had many responses, telling us that 80 per cent of them feel anxious about the restrictions that still exist in maternity services, 68 per cent feel that they didn't receive support, despite experiencing mental health problems, and 90 per cent saying that their partner had no opportunity to discuss their mental health—fathers perhaps being forgotten in all of this, very often.
What can you do to do more in this sphere to ensure that things can operate better? Would you agree to meet with me, along with some of the charities active in this area, to discuss our survey? A number of details have emerged in the survey that could help you as a Government to steer this, and to help mothers and fathers to move forward in a period, as Lynne Neagle and Laura Anne Jones said, that is very difficult even at the best of times, never mind giving birth during a pandemic?
Dwi wedi bod yn edrych ar yr atebion i'r arolwg. Dwi wedi bod yn dilyn beth roeddech chi'n eu cael fel canlyniadau, ac mae'n rhaid i fi ddweud, roeddwn i wedi fy syfrdanu eu bod nhw cweit mor uchel o ran peidio â chael dilyniant, ac roedd hwnna yn rhywbeth a oedd yn fy nhrafferthu i lot. Dyna pam rŷn ni yn mynd i roi fwy o arian ychwanegol i fewn, fel bod pobl yn y byrddau iechyd yn gallu cyrraedd y safonau yna sy'n ddisgwyliedig. Tu fewn i'r safonau hynny, mae yna ddealltwriaeth mai nid jest mamau sydd yn gorfod cael yr help yma; mae tadau hefyd yn gallu teimlo fel eu bod nhw'n cael eu gwthio allan, ac felly mae angen help arnyn nhw.
Dwi ddim wedi cwrdd â phobl ar y rheng flaen yn fy swydd newydd ar yr achos yma o perinatal. Felly, beth byddwn i'n licio awgrymu yw fy mod i'n dod â phobl ynghyd. Roedd Lynne Neagle wedi gofyn i fi hefyd os byddwn i'n cwrdd â phobl. Efallai gallem ni drefnu un cyfarfod mawr, ac wedyn byddwn i'n hapus iawn i glywed o'r rheng flaen am y sefyllfa. Dwi'n awyddus iawn i beidio â jest edrych ar ystadegau, ond i wrando ar brofiad gwirioneddol pobl.
I have been looking at the responses to the survey. I've been following that, and I must say I was surprised to see the figures quite so high in not seeing follow-up services, and that's something that worried me a great deal. That's why we are going to provide additional funding so that health boards can reach those standards that are expected. Within those standards, there is an understanding that it's not just mothers that need this help; fathers can also feel that they're being excluded, so they too need assistance.
I haven't met with people on the front line in my new post on this issue of perinatal services. So, what I would suggest is that I bring people together. Lynne Neagle also asked me if I would meet with certain groups and individuals. Perhaps we can arrange one big meeting, and then I'd be very happy to hear from the front line about what the situation is. I'm keen not to just look at statistics, but to hear people's front-line experiences.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Yn gyntaf heddiw, llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Questions now from the party spokespeople. First of all, Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Diolch yn fawr, Lywydd. Weinidog, mi gafodd adroddiad ei gyhoeddi ddoe a oedd yn dweud bod un o bob pedwar person ifanc wedi methu â dygymod efo heriau'r flwyddyn ddiwethaf yma. Mae'r rhesymau yn ddigon amlwg, ond os ydym ni am osgoi pandemig o broblemau iechyd meddwl mae'n rhaid rhoi gwasanaethau mewn lle rŵan i helpu'r bobl ifanc yma. Pa fuddsoddiadau mewn gwasanaethau ydych chi'n eu cynllunio?
Thank you very much, Llywydd. Minister, a report was published yesterday that stated that one in four young persons had failed to cope with the challenges of the past 12 months. The reasons for that are quite clear, but if we are to avoid a mental health pandemic, then we must put services in place now to assist these young people. So, what investments in services are you planning?
Dwi'n cydnabod bod rhaid inni ymyrryd yn gynnar, achos o beth dwi'n ei ddeall, mae 80 y cant o broblemau iechyd meddwl yn dechrau pan mae pobl yn blant ifanc neu yn bobl ifanc. Felly, mae'n gwneud synnwyr i ni ganolbwyntio unrhyw arian ychwanegol yn y maes yna. Dyna'n union beth rydym ni'n ei wneud. Rydym ni'n sicrhau bod £9.4 miliwn o arian ychwanegol yn mynd yn uniongyrchol tuag at helpu pobl ifanc. Bydd peth o hynny'n mynd drwy'r ysgolion, ond, wedyn, mae gwaith ychwanegol yn cael ei wneud i sicrhau ein bod ni yn cyflwyno nid yn unig CAMHS yn yr ysgolion—. Ar hyn o bryd maen nhw'n pilots, ond rydym ni'n gobeithio y byddwn ni, unwaith ein bod ni'n gwybod yn glir beth yw canlyniadau'r prosiect yna, yn gallu gweld hynny yn digwydd ar hyd Cymru. Felly, mae hwnna'n gam ymarferol rydym ni'n gwybod sy'n gweithio. Felly, byddwn ni eisiau gweld hwnna yn cael ei wneud o gwmpas Cymru. Ond hefyd, mae yna grŵp—y national early help and enhanced support framework—ac mae hwn yn rhywbeth rydym wedi gweld sydd wedi gweithio yn dda iawn yn ardal Gwent. Dwi'n awyddus iawn i weld y cynllun yna yn cael ei drosglwyddo drwy Gymru. Felly, dyna ddau beth yn uniongyrchol i helpu pobl ifanc.
I recognise that we must intervene at an early stage, because from my understanding, 80 per cent of mental health problems begin to occur when people are children or young people. Therefore, it makes sense for us to focus any additional funding in that area, and that's exactly what we're doing. We are ensuring that £9.4 million of additional funding is provided directly to assist young people. Some of that will be provided through schools, but there is also additional work being done to ensure that we introduce not only CAMHS in schools—. At the moment, they're pilots, but we hope that once we know what the outcomes of those pilots are, we will then be able to see that rolled out across Wales. So, that is a very practical step that we know works. We want to see that developed across Wales. But, also, there is the national early help and enhanced support framework group, and this is something that we have seen that has worked very well in the Gwent area. I'm very eager to see that programme being rolled out throughout Wales. So, those are the two things we're doing directly to assist young people.
Dwi'n edrych ymlaen at glywed rhywbeth ar sgêl llawer mwy ac â llawer mwy o frys. Rydym ni, dros gyfnod o flynyddoedd, mewn adroddiadau gan bwyllgorau yn y Senedd yma, gan randdeiliaid eraill, wedi gweld llu o dystiolaeth o ble dydyn ni ddim yn ei chael hi'n iawn yng Nghymru o ran helpu ein pobl ifanc ni efo problemau iechyd meddwl. Un o'r problemau ydy bod pobl sydd ddim yn ffitio rhyw fodel meddygol cul o broblem urgent—maen nhw'n methu â chael y gefnogaeth maen nhw ei eisiau. Maen nhw'n cael eu troi i ffwrdd o driniaeth neu, o bosib, mae eu triniaeth nhw yn cael ei orffen yn rhy fuan. Rydych chi wedi cyfeirio at ymyrryd yn gynharach, ac mae hynny'n gwbl allweddol, ond un peth arall sy'n gweithio—mae'r dystiolaeth yn dangos hynny, dwi'n credu—ydy pan mae person ifanc, ar ôl cael mynediad cynnar, yn gallu cadw'r cysylltiad yna, adeiladu'r berthynas yna efo cwnselydd dros amser hirach. Sut mae eich cynlluniau chi ar gyfer newid y ffordd mae gwasanaethau'n cael eu darparu a'u cyllido yn mynd i ganiatáu ac, yn wir, hybu'r math yna o berthynas hirach rhwng y person ifanc a'r sawl sy'n trio ei helpu o neu hi?
I do look forward to hearing something on a far greater scale with far more urgency. Over a period of years in reports from Senedd committees and from other stakeholders we've seen a great deal of evidence of where we're not getting things right in Wales in terms of assisting our young people with mental health problems. One of the problems is that people who don't fit the narrow medical model of an urgent problem can't access the support that they need. They're turned away from treatment or their treatments is concluded too soon. You've referred to earlier intervention and that is crucial. But another thing that works—and the evidence demonstrates that, I believe—is when a young person, having had early access to services, can keep that connection, can build that relationship with the counsellor over a longer period of time. So, how are your plans for changing the way in which services are provided and funded going to allow and, indeed, promote that kind of longer term relationship between the young person and those providing support?
Un peth dwi wedi ei ddysgu yn ystod y misoedd diwethaf yw bod yna lot o bobl sydd efallai ddim angen ymyrraeth meddygol, ond maen nhw angen lot o gefnogaeth, a'r bobl orau i roi'r gefnogaeth hynny yw pobl yn eu cymunedau nhw, pobl maen nhw'n dod ar eu traws bob amser—eu hathrawon nhw neu bobl yn eu cymunedau nhw. Felly, y syniad yma gyda'r model sydd yn gweithio yn arbennig o dda yn ardal Gwent yw eich bod chi yn hyfforddi pobl yn y cymunedau, yn hytrach na'ch bod chi'n disgwyl i arbenigwyr fod yna trwy'r amser. Felly, bydd y parhad yna wedyn ar gael ar gyfer y bobl ifanc yma, fel eu bod nhw'n gallu tapio i mewn iddo fe ac nad yw e jest yn un peth sydd yn digwydd unwaith ac wedyn yn cael ei dynnu i ffwrdd oddi wrthyn nhw. Ond mae yna lot o hyfforddiant sydd angen ei wneud yn y maes yma.
One thing that I have learnt over the past few months is that there are many people who perhaps don't need medical intervention, but they do need a great deal of support, and the best people to provide that support are people within their communities, people they see regularly—their teachers or members of the community. So, the idea with the model that's working particularly well in the Gwent area is that you train people within communities rather than expect specialists to always be available. So, that continuity will be available for those young people so that they can tap into services where necessary, and so that it's not just a one-off event that is then withdrawn. But there's a great deal of training that needs to be done in that area.
A dwi'n canmol y gwaith sy'n cael ei wneud yng Ngwent hefyd. Rwyf innau wedi bod yn cadw llygad ar y ddarpariaeth sydd yna, ar gael. Ond mae'n rhaid i'r ddarpariaeth fod ar gael ym mhob rhan o Gymru, wrth gwrs, a dwi'n cytuno'n llwyr efo chi am yr angen i sicrhau bod yna argaeledd yn ein cymunedau ni ar draws Cymru, ac mae yna frys i wneud hyn. Mi fyddwch chi wedi fy nghlywed i'n sôn am y one-stop shops rydw i a Phlaid Cymru wedi eu hargymell a fydd yn gallu helpu pobl efo problemau iechyd meddwl a phroblemau eraill mae pobl ifanc yn eu hwynebu hefyd, yn sgil diweithdra neu broblemau tai gwael, iechyd rhyw, ac yn y blaen. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth a fyddai'n gallu cael ei sefydlu ar draws Cymru ar frys, ac mae'n fy nharo i, yn sgil y problemau sydd wedi codi yn ystod y pandemig yma, a'i effaith o ar bobl ifanc, mai rŵan ydy'r amser i wneud hyn. A wnewch chi felly greu'r math o wasanaethau rydyn ni'n galw amdanyn nhw fel arwydd clir i'r un person ifanc o bob pedwar yna nad ydyn nhw wedi cael eu hanghofio dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf?
And I applaud the work being done in Gwent too. I've been keeping an eye on the provision available there, but that provision needs to be available in all parts of Wales. And I agree entirely with you on the need to ensure availability within communities across Wales, and there's an urgency here. You will have heard me mention one-stop shops, which I and Plaid Cymru have been recommending, which could assist people with mental health problems and other problems that young people face too, as a result of unemployment or poor housing, sexual health, and so on. This is something that could be established across Wales as a matter of urgency, and it strikes me, in light of the problems that have arisen during this pandemic, and its impact on young people, that now is that time to do that. Will you therefore create the kinds of services that we are calling for as a clear sign to that one young person in four that they haven't been forgotten in the past 12 months?
Wel, dwi wedi bod yn edrych ar y syniadau yna a dwi wedi bod yn edrych ar beth sy'n digwydd yn Seland Newydd. Dwi'n meddwl bod pethau y gallwn ni eu dysgu, ond hefyd mae'n rhaid inni fod yn ofalus nad yw'r canolfannau hynny'n dod yn rhywle lle dyw pobl ddim eisiau cael eu gweld, ac felly mae stigma yn rhywbeth y mae'n rhaid inni fod yn ymwybodol ohono yma. Mae yna hubs ar gael mewn rhai llefydd ar draws Cymru eisoes, ac felly dwi'n meddwl mai ein diddordeb ni yw gwneud mwy o ran hubs iechyd, fel ei fod yn ehangach na jest rhywbeth sy'n ymwneud ag iechyd meddwl. So, rŷn ni'n edrych ar beth sy'n bosibl, ond dwi'n meddwl bod hyd yn oed beth mae Plaid Cymru yn ei awgrymu—. Lefel fach iawn yw hi, yn ôl beth yw'r angen, dwi'n meddwl, o ran hubs. Felly, dwi'n meddwl y byddai'n well gyda fi i weld sut y gallwn ni gael y ddarpariaeth yna mewn hubs cymunedol ehangach sydd eisoes yn bodoli.
Well, I have been looking at those ideas and I've been looking at what's happening in New Zealand. I think there are lessons to be learnt, but also, we must be careful that those centres don't become places where people don't want to be seen and therefore, stigma is something that we need to be aware of in this area. There are hubs available in some areas across Wales already, and our interest, therefore, is in doing more in terms of health hubs, so that it's broader than simply focusing on mental health. So, we are looking at what's possible, but I think even what Plaid Cymru is suggesting—. It's at a low level in relation to the need, in terms of hubs, in my view. I think I would prefer to see how we can make that provision available in broader community hubs that already exist.
Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Suzy Davies.
The Conservative spokesperson, Suzy Davies.
Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. Gweinidog, mae nifer yr athrawon sy'n siarad neu sy'n gallu gweithio trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg wedi parhau yn weddol sefydlog ers sawl blwyddyn erbyn hyn. Mae Estyn yn disgrifio ceisiadau eleni am hyfforddiant i athrawon cychwynnol fel ymchwydd, er bod Cyngor y Gweithlu Addysg yn llai hyperbolic ac yn dipyn bach mwy realistig na hynny. Pam na wnaeth mwy o'r cohort newydd gais i ddysgu Cymraeg neu i ddysgu trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg? A ydych chi wedi cyrraedd y targed ar nifer y bobl sy'n cael eu hyfforddi trwy'r Gymraeg?
Thank you very much, Llywydd. Minister, the number of teachers who speak or are able to work through the medium of Welsh has remained quite stable over a period of years now. Estyn describes applications this year for initial teacher training as an increase, although the Education Workforce Council is a little more guarded on the issue and a little more realistic than that. So, why didn't more of the new cohort make applications to teach Welsh or to teach through the medium of Welsh? And have you reached your target in terms of the number of people being trained through the medium of Welsh?
Wel, fel rŷch chi'n ymwybodol, Suzy, rŷn ni wedi bod yn trio gwneud lot o waith yn y maes yma. Mae targedau gyda ni ac, a bod yn onest, rŷn ni'n cael trafferth i gyrraedd y targedau hynny pan fydd hi'n dod i gynyddu nifer yr athrawon, o ran ein targed ni yn arbennig mewn ysgolion uwchradd. Dyna pam rŷn ni wedi rhoi £5,000 yn ychwanegol i bobl sydd yn hyfforddi i fod yn athrawon trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, i geisio cael mwy ohonyn nhw i ymddiddori mewn rhoi'r gwasanaeth yna. Rŷn ni wedi rhoi £150,000 yn ychwanegol i weld a allwn ni gael mwy o blant i ymddiddori mewn cymryd lefel A trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. A hefyd, wrth gwrs, mae'n bosibl nawr i bobl hyfforddi i fod yn athrawon o bell, a dwi yn gobeithio y bydd hwnna'n rhywbeth—. Mae'n gam newydd sydd ar gael nawr, fel bod pobl, er enghraifft, sydd yn byw yng Ngheredigion ddim yn gorfod mynd i ffwrdd i goleg ond eu bod nhw'n gallu dysgu i fod yn athro o bell. Felly, rŷn ni'n gwneud beth rŷn ni'n gallu. Rwy'n gofyn byth a hefyd a oes syniadau ychwanegol gan bobl ynglŷn â beth allwn ni ei wneud ac, felly, os oes syniadau ychwanegol gan bobl, rwy'n fwy na pharod i wrando achos rŷn ni'n cael trafferth yn y maes yma.
Well, as you'll be aware, Suzy, we have been trying to do a great deal of work in this area. We do have targets in place, and to be honest, we're having difficulty in delivering those targets when it comes to increasing the number of teachers, particularly in secondary schools. That is why we have provided an additional £5,000 to people who are training to teach through the medium of Welsh, so that we can encourage more of them to take an interest in providing that service. We've provided an additional £150,000 to see whether we can get more children to take an interest in taking A-levels through the medium of Welsh. And also it's possible now for people to train as teachers through distance learning and that, hopefully, will be—. It's a new initiative that is now available, so that those living in, for example, Ceredigion don't have to go away to college but can train to become a teacher remotely. So, we're doing all that we can. I am always asking whether there are additional ideas out there in terms of what we should be doing, and so, if there are ideas out there, then I would be more than happy to listen to those because we are having difficulty in this area.
Diolch am hynny. Rwy'n gwybod ei bod hi'n anodd, ond roeddwn i'n meddwl a oes gyda chi unrhyw ddiddordeb mewn prentisiaethau safon gradd, er enghraifft, i athrawon sy'n dod o gefndiroedd galwedigaethol gwahanol yn hytrach na thrwy'r system rŷm ni'n ei gweld ar hyn o bryd. Efallai fod hynny'n rhywbeth i'w ystyried.
Hoffwn symud ymlaen nawr at rywbeth arall. Bron yn syth ar ôl dechrau'r cyfnod clo, clywom ni fod y galw am gyrsiau blasu ar-lein gan y Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol wedi cynyddu, a newyddion da iawn oedd hynny. Rwy'n deall bod oedi ar ddata ar draws eich meysydd cyflawni polisi, ond efallai y gallwch chi gadarnhau eich bod chi wedi llwyddo i ddal lan tipyn bach â hynny. A allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni faint o ddiddordeb cynnar yn y cyrsiau sydd wedi parhau, a beth sy'n newid, beth sy'n gweithio, i gadw'r dysgwyr hynny i lynu ato am gyfnod hirach?
Thank you for that. I know that it is difficult, but I was wondering whether you'd be interested in degree-level apprenticeships, for example, for teachers who come via different vocational backgrounds rather than through the academic system that we're seeing at the moment. That could be something to be considered.
I'd like to move on now to another issue. Almost immediately after the beginning of lockdown, we heard that the demand for online taster sessions from the National Centre for Learning Welsh had increased. That was very good news. Now, I understand that there are delays in providing data across your policy areas, but perhaps you can confirm that you may have caught up with that. So, can you tell us to what extent that early interest in the courses has remained? What actually works in retaining those learners so that they persevere with learning Welsh?
Diolch. Rŷn ni wedi gweld bod yna gynnydd aruthrol wedi bod yn nifer y bobl a oedd yn ymddiddori mewn dysgu Cymraeg, ac nid oedd hynny jest wedi digwydd trwy'r Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol. Byddwch chi'n ymwybodol bod Duolingo a Say Something in Welsh, a'r rheini i gyd, wedi gweld cynnydd, felly mae'r rheini i gyd yn bethau rŷn ni'n eu croesawu. Wrth gwrs, y cwestiwn yw, fel ŷch chi'n gofyn, ydy pobl yn mynd i barhau i ddysgu wrth i'r pandemig yma ddod i ben, a hwnna yw'r sialens. Dŷn ni ddim yn gwybod eto, ond, yn sicr, rŷn ni wedi gweld y cynnydd yn dal i fod yna. Ond dyw'r data diweddaraf ddim gyda fi i weld a yw pobl wedi dal ati yn ystod y cyfnod, ac felly, wrth gwrs, gallaf i ddod nôl atoch chi gyda manylion ar hynny pe byddai hwnna'n helpu.
Thank you very much. We have seen a huge increase in the number of people who did take an interest in learning Welsh, and that didn't just happen through the National Centre for Learning Welsh. You will be aware that Duolingo and Say Something in Welsh and many other services have seen these increases, and these are all things that we welcome, of course. The question, as you said, is whether people will continue to learn as the pandemic comes to an end, and that's the challenge. We don't yet know, but certainly that initial surge in interest has been maintained. But I don't have the latest data to see whether people have persevered through the period, and, of course, I can come back to you with details on that if that would be of assistance.
Diolch am hynny. Gobeithio y byddwch chi'n gallu rhannu unrhyw ddata newydd sy'n dangos cynnydd cyflawniad ar bolisi 2050, gan gynnwys unrhyw syniadau newydd sy'n gweithio nad ydym ni wedi'u hystyried o'r blaen.
Nawr, hoffwn i glywed yn arbennig am unrhyw gynnydd ar brentisiaethau iaith Gymraeg, a sut i brif-ffrydio mwy o sgiliau Cymraeg mewn prentisiaethau cyfrwng Saesneg. Byddwn ni yn canolbwyntio, yn amlwg iawn, ar y llwybrau galwedigaethol i ragoriaeth ym maniffesto'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, achos rydym yn gweld hon fel strategaeth a all helpu gyda nod 2050 trwy greu gofod cynhwysol a phwrpasol ar gyfer tyfu defnydd bob dydd o'r Gymraeg sy'n berthnasol i waith, hefyd.
Rwy'n siŵr eich bod chi wedi edrych ar gynllun ieithoedd swyddogol y Senedd, achos mae yna syniadau da iawn yn fanna hefyd. Ond ydy e'n bosibl i ddweud faint o brentisiaethau Cymraeg neu ddwyieithog rydyn ni wedi eu colli oherwydd COVID? Beth ydych chi'n gwneud i ledu sectorau'r prentisiaethau cyfrwng Cymraeg yn y pen draw, y tu hwnt i'r Mudiad Meithrin a'r Urdd, gan gadw'r rhain hefyd, wrth gwrs?
Yes, thank you for that. I hope you will be able to share any new data that shows any progress on the Cymraeg 2050 target, including any new ideas that we may not have considered in the past and which would work.
I'd now like to look particularly at any progress in Welsh language apprenticeships, and how we can mainstream more Welsh language skills in English-medium apprenticeships. We will be focusing on vocational apprenticeships towards excellence in the Welsh Conservatives manifesto, because we see this as a way of delivering the Cymraeg 2050 targets in terms of creating an inclusive and appropriate space for increasing the use of the Welsh language on a daily basis in the workplace.
I'm sure you will have looked at the Senedd official languages scheme, because there are very good ideas contained within it, But could you tell us how many Welsh language or bilingual apprenticeships we have lost as a result of COVID, and what are you doing to broaden the Welsh-medium apprenticeship sectors beyond Mudiad Meithrin, the Urdd, and so on, whilst also retaining those?
Diolch. Dwi'n meddwl bod yna le i ni weld beth mwy y gallwn ni ei wneud i gael pobl i flasu beth mae hi fel i ddysgu, a dyna pam dwi'n gwerthfawrogi'r hyn y mae rhai ysgolion yn ei wneud, lle maen nhw'n gofyn i gynorthwywyr ysgol i ddechrau. Mae projectau, er enghraifft, mewn rhai ysgolion lle maen nhw'n gofyn i bobl a oedd yn y chweched dosbarth ddod nôl yn y flwyddyn ganlynol i ddysgu am flwyddyn, i gael blas ar ddysgu. Gobeithio y bydd hwnna yn helpu cael mwy o bobl i ymddiddori mewn ymgymryd â hyfforddi i fod yn athrawon Cymraeg.
Wrth gwrs, o ran y prentisiaethau, ar hyn o bryd—ac rydyn ni'n dal i fod yn y dyddiau cynnar ar hyn—trwy'r Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, beth rŷn ni wedi'i wneud hyd yn hyn yw canolbwyntio ar jest ychydig o lefydd. Un yw gofal plant a'r llall yw gofal henoed. Mae'n darpariaeth ni ar hyn o bryd wedi ffocysu ar hynny.
O ran prentisiaethau Cymraeg, un o'r problemau a oedd gyda ni oedd bod lot o brentisiaethau Cymraeg wedi dod trwy'r Urdd, ac, wrth gwrs, mae'r Urdd wedi cael ergyd aruthrol yn ystod y pandemig yma ac mae hi wedi bod yn anodd iawn iddyn nhw, o ran prentisiaethau chwaraeon yn arbennig. Mae wedi bod yn drasiedi i weld hwnna, ac rŷn ni'n siarad â'r Urdd yn gyson i weld beth allwn ni ei wneud i'w helpu nhw, achos yn y gorffennol roedden nhw'n gallu defnyddio'r arian a oedd yn dod o'r gwersylloedd i'w helpu nhw i dalu am y core funding ar gyfer prentisiaethau. So, rŷm ni'n dal i fod mewn trafodaethau gyda'r Urdd ynglŷn ag a oes yna bosibilrwydd i ni wneud mwy yn y maes yna, achos maen nhw'n gwneud gwaith anhygoel.
Thank you very much. I think there is scope for us to see what more can be done in order to encourage people to dip their toe into learning Welsh, and that's why I appreciate what some schools are doing, which is that they ask teaching assistants to assist. There are projects in some schools where they ask sixth-formers to return for the following year so that they get a taste for teaching. I hope that will encourage more people to take an interest in undertaking teacher training, and to teach through the medium of Welsh.
Now of course, in terms of apprenticeships, at the moment—and we're still at the early stages in this—through the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, what we have done is to focus on a few specific areas. One is childcare and the other is elder care. Therefore, our provision is focused in those areas at the moment.
In terms of Welsh language apprenticeships, one of the problems we had, of course, was that many of the apprenticeships were with the Urdd, and, of course, the Urdd has suffered a great deal during this pandemic and so it's been very difficult for them, particularly in terms of sports apprenticeships. It's been a tragedy to see that, and we are having regular discussions with the Urdd to see what we can do to assist them, because in the past they could use funding that came from their residential centres to help pay for the core funding for apprenticeships. So, we're still in discussion with the Urdd as to whether we could do more in that area, because they do excellent work.
3. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am y ddarpariaeth o ofal iechyd meddwl yn Sir Gaerfyrddin? OQ56145
3. Will the Minister make a statement on mental health care provision in Carmarthenshire? OQ56145
Diolch, Helen. Rydyn ni’n disgwyl i bob bwrdd iechyd gynnal gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl ac i fonitro ac ymateb i newidiadau mewn anghenion iechyd meddwl. Nododd y byrddau iechyd eu cynlluniau yn fframwaith gweithredol yr NHS ar gyfer chwarter 3 a chwarter 4. Roedd y rhain wedi eu cyflwyno ym mis Rhagfyr. Byddan nhw'n cynhyrchu cynllun blynyddol ar gyfer 2021-22 a fydd yn cydfynd â’r blaenoriaethau sydd wedi'u nodi yn fframwaith cynllunio blynyddol yr NHS ar gyfer eleni.
Thank you, Helen. We expect all health boards to maintain mental health services and to monitor and respond to changing mental health needs. Health boards set out their plans in the quarter 3 and 4 NHS operational framework, submitted in December. They will produce an annual plan for 2021-22, in line with the priorities set out in the NHS annual planning framework for this year.
I'm grateful to you for your answer, Minister, but just in the last three weeks I've received a number of constituency contacts from people in the east of Carmarthenshire county, in Llanelli and surrounding communities, that I'm really concerned about. One was around the lack of support for survivors of sexual abuse, and very long waits where there is support; a case of a constituent being told to go to A&E when they were having suicidal thoughts and expected to make their own way there; people waiting over a year for counselling through talking therapies, when we know how important that can be; and no support for talking therapies through the medium of Welsh, which can be particularly important here. If somebody has a mental health problem, being able to express themselves around those issues in their language of choice or their first language is so important.
We would all acknowledge that the Welsh Government has made some big financial investments in mental health, but I would suggest to you that those issues coming out from Llanelli and surrounding communities suggest that we really need to take a long hard look at how those resources are being used. And I have a particular concern about that lack of specialist support for survivors of sexual abuse, and about the lack of access to talking therapies. In the end, Minister, we can end up spending a lot of money in these communities on drug therapies, but those don't solve people's problems; they just help them manage them. So, if I write to you with these cases—and I don't want to mention individuals' names or circumstances here—will you undertake to contact the health board to take a look at what's going on? These may be problems, of course, that are being exacerbated by the COVID situation, but these are people in severe distress and they really should not be being treated in this way.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar i chi am eich ateb, Weinidog, ond yn ystod y tair wythnos diwethaf cysylltodd nifer o etholwyr â mi, pobl yn nwyrain sir Gaerfyrddin, yn Llanelli a'r cymunedau cyfagos, ac rwy'n pryderu'n fawr am yr hyn a oedd ganddynt i'w ddweud. Roedd un yn sôn am y diffyg cymorth i oroeswyr camdriniaeth rywiol, a lle ceir cymorth, roedd rhaid aros yn hir iawn amdano; dywedwyd wrth un etholwr a oedd yn cael meddyliau hunanladdol am fynd i'r adran ddamweiniau ac achosion brys ac roedd disgwyl iddynt wneud eu ffordd eu hunain yno; pobl yn aros dros flwyddyn am gwnsela drwy therapïau siarad, pan ydym yn gwybod pa mor bwysig y gall hynny fod; a dim cymorth ar gyfer therapïau siarad drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, a all fod yn arbennig o bwysig yma. Os oes gan rywun broblem iechyd meddwl, mae'n hollbwysig eu bod yn gallu mynegi eu hunain mewn perthynas â'r problemau hynny yn eu dewis iaith neu yn eu hiaith gyntaf.
Byddai pawb ohonom yn cydnabod bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gwneud rhai buddsoddiadau ariannol mawr ym maes iechyd meddwl, ond rwy'n awgrymu i chi fod y materion sy'n codi yn Llanelli a'r cymunedau cyfagos yn awgrymu bod gwir angen inni edrych yn ofalus iawn ar sut y mae'r adnoddau hynny'n cael eu defnyddio. Ac mae gennyf bryder penodol am y diffyg cefnogaeth arbenigol i oroeswyr camdriniaeth rywiol, ac am y diffyg mynediad at therapïau siarad. Yn y pen draw, Weinidog, gallwn wario llawer o arian yn y cymunedau hyn ar therapïau cyffuriau, ond nid yw'r rheini'n datrys problemau pobl; nid ydynt ond yn eu helpu i'w rheoli. Felly, os ysgrifennaf atoch mewn perthynas â'r achosion hyn—ac nid wyf eisiau crybwyll enwau neu amgylchiadau unigolion yma—a wnewch chi ymrwymo i gysylltu â'r bwrdd iechyd i edrych ar yr hyn sy'n digwydd? Efallai fod y rhain yn broblemau sy'n cael eu gwaethygu gan y sefyllfa COVID wrth gwrs, ond mae'r rhain yn bobl sydd mewn trallod difrifol ac ni ddylent gael eu trin fel hyn.
Thanks, Helen. I think it's really important for us to underline that the health route is not the only route—that, actually, the third sector can do a lot of amazing work in this space. And one of the things that I'm really keen to do is to develop the confidence of GPs, in particular, to feel that they can refer on to other places as well as the medical route. So, I had meetings with the Royal College of General Practitioners last week, just to talk about what more we need to do to increase their confidence that, if they refer to a third sector organisation, they will know that there will be quality associated with that and a consistency in terms of where that can be delivered. So, I think those are conversations that need to continue.
That specialist support, you see, is not necessarily something that the health board is best placed to do. There are third sector organisations who can do this probably better than the health board, because of the sensitivities surrounding them, because of lived experience, or whatever. So, for me, that additional support for tier 0, for that third sector, is absolutely where it's at, but now we've got to build that confidence between the medical, the primary care settings and the third sector. It works brilliantly in some areas, but it's not a consistent picture across the whole of Wales.
Diolch, Helen. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn inni bwysleisio nad y llwybr iechyd yw'r unig lwybr—gall y trydydd sector wneud llawer o waith anhygoel yn y maes hwn mewn gwirionedd. Ac un o'r pethau rwy'n awyddus iawn i'w wneud yw datblygu hyder meddygon teulu, yn arbennig, i deimlo y gallant gyfeirio at leoedd eraill yn ogystal â'r llwybr meddygol. Felly, cefais gyfarfodydd gyda Choleg Brenhinol yr Ymarferwyr Cyffredinol yr wythnos diwethaf i drafod beth arall y mae angen inni ei wneud i gynyddu eu hyder fel y gallant fod yn sicr, os ydynt yn cyfeirio rhywun at sefydliad trydydd sector, y bydd ansawdd yn gysylltiedig â hynny a chysondeb o ran ble y gellir darparu hynny. Felly, rwy'n credu bod angen i'r sgyrsiau hynny barhau.
Welwch chi, nid yw'r cymorth arbenigol hwnnw o reidrwydd yn rhywbeth y mae'r bwrdd iechyd yn y sefyllfa orau i'w wneud. Mae yna sefydliadau trydydd sector sy'n gallu gwneud hyn yn well na'r bwrdd iechyd, mae'n debyg, oherwydd y sensitifrwydd sy'n gysylltiedig â'r materion hynny, oherwydd profiad bywyd, neu beth bynnag. Felly, i mi, mae'r cymorth ychwanegol ar gyfer haen 0, ar gyfer y trydydd sector, yn union lle dylai fod, ond nawr mae'n rhaid inni fagu hyder rhwng y lleoliadau meddygol, y lleoliadau gofal sylfaenol a'r trydydd sector. Mae'n gweithio'n wych mewn rhai ardaloedd, ond nid yw'n ddarlun cyson ar draws Cymru gyfan.
4. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am y cymorth iechyd meddwl sydd ar gael yng Ngorllewin De Cymru? OQ56150
4. Will the Minister make a statement on the availability of mental health support in South Wales West? OQ56150
Diolch yn fawr. Rydyn ni wedi dynodi gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl fel gwasanaethau hanfodol yn ystod y pandemig. Mae hyn yn golygu ein bod ni’n disgwyl i wasanaethau gael eu cynnal, er ein bod ni yn derbyn efallai fod angen addasu modelau cyflenwi o ganlyniad i’r cyfyngiadau.
Thank you very much. We've positioned mental health services as essential services during the pandemic. This means that we expect services to be maintained, although we accept that delivery models may need to be adapted due to the restrictions.
Diolch am hynna.
Thank you for that.
Following on from Helen Mary Jones's question, and the answer, actually, obviously we know as a result of the many pressures—[Inaudible.]—waiting times are incredibly long and services are stretched. Now, in some areas there is little or no support available. However, we also know that there are independent counsellors across Wales who are prepared to help the NHS in dealing with this issue now, but simply need to be paid to do it. I realise there are all these arguments about workforce planning and time lags and stuff, but these are qualified people now working in the independent sector. As well as that, many people can't afford to go private to access that support. Therefore, will the Government commit to proactively contacting all qualified counsellors in Wales and pay them NHS rates in order to increase the availability of counselling and mental health support services?
Yn dilyn cwestiwn Helen Mary Jones, a'r ateb, mewn gwirionedd, rydym yn amlwg yn gwybod o ganlyniad i'r pwysau helaeth—[Anghlywadwy.]—fod amseroedd aros yn eithriadol o hir a bod gwasanaethau dan bwysau. Nawr, mewn rhai ardaloedd nid oes llawer o gymorth ar gael, os o gwbl. Fodd bynnag, gwyddom hefyd fod yna gwnselwyr annibynnol ledled Cymru sy'n barod i helpu'r GIG i ymdrin â hyn nawr, ond bod angen eu talu i wneud hynny. Rwy'n sylweddoli bod gennym yr holl ddadleuon hyn ynglŷn â chynllunio'r gweithlu ac oedi ac yn y blaen, ond mae'r rhain yn bobl gymwysedig sydd bellach yn gweithio yn y sector annibynnol. Yn ogystal â hynny, mae llawer o bobl yn methu fforddio mynd yn breifat i gael y cymorth hwnnw. Felly, a wnaiff y Llywodraeth ymrwymo i fynd ati'n rhagweithiol i gysylltu â phob cwnselydd cymwysedig yng Nghymru a thalu cyfraddau'r GIG iddynt er mwyn sicrhau bod mwy o wasanaethau cwnsela a chymorth iechyd meddwl ar gael?
I think it would be very difficult for me to commit to contacting all the people in this space who are available, but I certainly recognise that there is a pool of experts that we could be making use of, and I think one of the things that I'm keen to do is to work with the health boards on this additional funding that we'll be putting in place for that tier 0 level support. There's no reason why those health boards then can't determine that they will effectively contract out some of that work from the health board, which is effectively what they're doing through third sector organisations. I'd rather, if I was honest, see that done through third sector organisations, but I recognise that at the moment there's a shortage of experts and we need to make use of those who are there. So, we can keep an eye on that, but I think when we're dealing with a system that has to cover the whole of Wales, you need big systems in place, rather than a system that tries to connect everybody individually.
Rwy'n credu y byddai'n anodd iawn i mi ymrwymo i gysylltu â'r holl bobl sydd ar gael yn y maes hwn, ond rwy'n sicr yn cydnabod bod cronfa o arbenigwyr y gallem fod yn eu defnyddio, ac rwy'n credu mai un o'r pethau rwy'n awyddus i'w wneud yw gweithio gyda'r byrddau iechyd ar y cyllid ychwanegol y byddwn yn ei roi yn ei le ar gyfer y cymorth lefel haen 0 hwnnw. Nid oes unrhyw reswm pam na all y byrddau iechyd benderfynu rhoi rhywfaint o'r gwaith hwnnw ar gontract allanol, sef yr hyn y maent yn ei wneud drwy sefydliadau'r trydydd sector i bob pwrpas. A bod yn onest, byddai'n well gennyf weld hynny'n cael ei wneud drwy sefydliadau'r trydydd sector, ond rwy'n cydnabod bod prinder arbenigwyr ar hyn o bryd a bod angen inni ddefnyddio'r rhai sydd ar gael. Felly, gallwn gadw llygad ar hynny, ond wrth ymdrin â system sy'n gorfod darparu ar gyfer Cymru gyfan, mae angen systemau mawr ar waith, yn hytrach na system sy'n ceisio cysylltu pawb yn unigol.
Can I express my support for the Minister and my belief in the importance of mental health support, and can I go along with what Dai Lloyd said about using everybody who can help? I think that excluding any one group of people will only be to the detriment of mental health in Wales. My question is: from my experience, bereavement is a major cause of mental health deterioration—what additional bereavement support is being made available?
A gaf fi fynegi fy nghefnogaeth i'r Gweinidog a fy nghred ym mhwysigrwydd cymorth iechyd meddwl, ac a gaf fi gytuno â'r hyn a ddywedodd Dai Lloyd am ddefnyddio pawb a all helpu? Rwy'n credu y bydd eithrio unrhyw grŵp o bobl yn niweidiol i iechyd meddwl yng Nghymru. Fy nghwestiwn yw: o fy mhrofiad i, mae profedigaeth yn un o brif achosion dirywiad iechyd meddwl—pa gymorth profedigaeth ychwanegol sy'n cael ei ddarparu?
Thanks very much, Mike. There is significant additional bereavement support that has been made available, and there's a recognition, in particular after suicide, that people may need some additional bereavement support under those situations. We've got to recognise that there are tens of thousands of people in Wales now who have lost loved ones during this crisis, and we need to make sure that there is support for them. That bereavement support is in place. If we find that there is a need for more, then we'll look at that, but certainly, one of the things that I've been very keen to do in recent weeks is to make sure that people know where they can access the support easily, and I've been pushing in particular for health boards to make it easy for people to navigate to where they can find help, and I hope you, along with all the other Senedd Members, received a letter from me last week, indicating where people can go to for help, and we've ensured that every health board now has that information clearly set out on their web pages, which is something that was very much welcomed by the children's commissioner. She asked for that to be done in a much clearer way, so that it's easier for people to navigate.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Mike. Mae cryn dipyn o gymorth profedigaeth ychwanegol ar gael, ac mae cydnabyddiaeth, yn enwedig ar ôl hunanladdiad, y gallai fod angen cymorth profedigaeth ychwanegol ar bobl yn y sefyllfaoedd hynny. Mae'n rhaid i ni gydnabod bod degau o filoedd o bobl yng Nghymru bellach wedi colli anwyliaid yn ystod yr argyfwng hwn, ac mae angen inni sicrhau bod cymorth ar gael iddynt. Mae'r cymorth profedigaeth hwnnw ar waith. Os gwelwn fod angen mwy, byddwn yn ystyried hynny, ond yn sicr, un o'r pethau rwyf wedi bod yn awyddus iawn i'w wneud yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf yw sicrhau bod pobl yn gwybod ble y gallant gael gafael ar gymorth yn hawdd, ac rwyf wedi bod yn pwyso'n arbennig ar fyrddau iechyd i'w gwneud yn hawdd i bobl ddod o hyd i gymorth, ac rwy'n gobeithio eich bod chi, ynghyd â holl Aelodau eraill y Senedd, wedi cael llythyr gennyf yr wythnos diwethaf, yn nodi ble y gall pobl fynd am help, ac rydym wedi sicrhau bod pob bwrdd iechyd wedi nodi'r wybodaeth honno'n glir ar eu tudalennau gwe erbyn hyn, sy'n rhywbeth a groesawyd yn fawr gan y comisiynydd plant. Gofynnodd i hynny gael ei wneud mewn ffordd lawer cliriach, fel ei bod yn haws i bobl ddod o hyd i'r wybodaeth.
5. Pa fesurau sydd ar waith i gefnogi cleifion sydd â chyflyrau iechyd meddwl yn dilyn triniaeth COVID-19? OQ56141
5. What measures are in place to support patients with mental health conditions following COVID-19 treatment? OQ56141
8. Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i gefnogi iechyd meddwl a llesiant teuluoedd y mae'r coronafeirws wedi effeithio arnynt? OQ56149
8. What action is the Welsh Government taking to support the mental health and well-being of families affected by coronavirus? OQ56149
Thanks, David, and I understand that there's been permission given to group this with question 8. Is that right? Great.
The Welsh Government published a national rehabilitation framework underpinning population-specific guidance in May 2020 to help services to consider increasing the demand for rehabilitation, reablement and recovery throughout health and social care services. Mental health and well-being needs are embedded across the populations identified in that framework.
Diolch, David, a deallaf fod caniatâd wedi'i roi i grwpio'r cwestiwn hwn gyda chwestiwn 8. A yw hynny'n gywir? Gwych.
Cyhoeddodd Llywodraeth Cymru fframwaith adsefydlu cenedlaethol yn sail i ganllawiau ar gyfer poblogaethau penodol ym mis Mai 2020 i helpu gwasanaethau i ystyried cynyddu'r galw am adsefydlu, ailalluogi ac adfer ym mhob rhan o'r gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol. Mae anghenion iechyd meddwl a llesiant wedi'u gwreiddio ar draws y poblogaethau a nodir yn y fframwaith hwnnw.
Thank you, Minister. Can I urge that the mental health ministerial delivery oversight board that you have established looks at this? You also reflect on the recent report of the Senedd's Health, Social Care and Sport Committee, which looked at the pandemic and its implications. We will have people with long COVID, we've become increasingly aware of post syndromes—post polio, for instance, those who had polio in the last great epidemic in the 1950s presenting with problems and mental health is often one of them directly associated. And also, there will be people who would've been quite traumatized by their treatment, just because of the invasive nature of it. They are going to present with some very real mental health concerns that will require quite a specific response that relates to the context of those mental health difficulties being created.
Diolch i chi, Weinidog. A gaf fi annog bwrdd cyflawni a throsolwg y Gweinidog ar iechyd meddwl a sefydlwyd gennych i edrych ar hyn? Rydych hefyd yn ystyried adroddiad diweddar Pwyllgor Iechyd, Gofal Cymdeithasol a Chwaraeon y Senedd, a oedd yn edrych ar y pandemig a'i oblygiadau. Bydd gennym bobl â COVID hir, rydym wedi dod yn fwyfwy ymwybodol o ôl-syndromau—fel polio, er enghraifft, unigolion a gafodd polio yn ystod yr epidemig mawr diwethaf yn y 1950au sydd â phroblemau ac mae problemau iechyd meddwl yn aml yn un ohonynt sy'n uniongyrchol gysylltiedig. A hefyd, byddai'r driniaeth, oherwydd ei natur ymyrrol, wedi bod yn brofiad trawmatig iawn i rai pobl. Bydd ganddynt broblemau iechyd meddwl real iawn a fydd yn galw am ymateb eithaf penodol sy'n ymwneud â chyd-destun yr anawsterau iechyd meddwl sy'n cael eu creu.
Thanks very much, David. We absolutely recognise not just that long COVID is something that people are going to have to live with, and as you've seen, we've developed an app to try and help recovery for people, which we've launched this week. But also, we've got to focus, I think, on particular groups. Some of those are people who've had a prolonged time in hospital and critical care, so that's one group of people we've got to understand. People who, perhaps, are not being directly impacted by COVID, but have been indirectly in the sense that they were waiting for a different kind of operation, and that can lead to mental health issues. There are people, of course, who've avoided accessing services because they were concerned that they may catch COVID, or whatever, while they're in there. And also, there are socially isolated groups where lockdown has really increased the pressure that they have felt, and that lack of social connectivity. So, there is a lot, I think, that we need to recognise, and slightly different aspects.
It's clear that every person who lives with a mental health issue has to be dealt with as an individual, and that it is a uniquely individual issue that needs to be understood. But I do think that we, as a community now, need to understand that we have gone through trauma, as a society, and that trauma-informed approach needs to inform our response to the pandemic. Certainly, the oversight board will have COVID as something that we keep an eye on and that we need to remain flexible with.
The other issue that I think is probably worth noting is that there will be a particular issue, I think, with people on the front line. And it was interesting to speak to the Royal College of Physicians last week about what they see as being an issue in terms of the longer term, that, actually, people on the front line have not got time to think at the moment, but when this is over, the kind of post-traumatic stress could really kick in and they're suggesting that that could take about three or four years to actually hit. So, we've got to put all of that provision in place to prepare for what could be quite a significant impact on the people who are on the front line.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, David. Rydym yn llwyr gydnabod nid yn unig fod COVID hir yn rhywbeth y bydd yn rhaid i bobl fyw gydag ef, ac fel rydych wedi gweld, rydym wedi datblygu ap i geisio helpu adferiad pobl, ac rydym wedi'i lansio yr wythnos hon. Ond hefyd, rwy'n credu bod rhaid inni ganolbwyntio ar grwpiau penodol. Mae rhai o'r rheini'n bobl sydd wedi treulio amser hir yn yr ysbyty a gofal critigol, felly dyna un grŵp o bobl y mae'n rhaid i ni eu deall. Pobl nad ydynt, efallai, yn cael eu heffeithio'n uniongyrchol gan COVID, ond sydd wedi cael eu heffeithio'n anuniongyrchol yn yr ystyr eu bod yn aros am fath gwahanol o lawdriniaeth, a gall hynny arwain at broblemau iechyd meddwl. Mae yna bobl, wrth gwrs, sydd wedi osgoi troi at wasanaethau oherwydd eu bod yn pryderu y gallent ddal COVID, neu beth bynnag, tra byddant yno. A hefyd, ceir grwpiau sydd wedi'u hynysu'n gymdeithasol lle mae'r cyfyngiadau symud wedi cynyddu'r pwysau y maent wedi'i deimlo, a diffyg cysylltedd cymdeithasol. Felly, credaf fod llawer o bethau y mae angen inni eu cydnabod, ac agweddau ychydig yn wahanol.
Mae'n amlwg fod rhaid ymdrin â phob person sy'n byw gyda phroblem iechyd meddwl fel unigolyn, a'i bod yn broblem unigol unigryw sydd angen ei deall. Ond rwy'n credu bod angen i ni ddeall nawr fel cymuned ein bod wedi profi trawma, fel cymdeithas, a bod angen dull wedi'i lywio gan drawma i lywio ein hymateb i'r pandemig. Yn sicr, bydd y bwrdd trosolwg wedi nodi COVID fel mater rydym yn cadw llygad arno a mater y bydd angen i ni barhau i fod yn hyblyg yn ei gylch.
Y mater arall sy'n werth ei nodi, mae'n debyg, yw y bydd problem benodol gyda phobl ar y rheng flaen. Ac roedd yn ddiddorol siarad â Choleg Brenhinol y Meddygon yr wythnos diwethaf ynglŷn â'r hyn y maent yn ei weld fel problem yn y tymor hwy, sef nad oes gan bobl ar y rheng flaen amser i feddwl ar hyn o bryd mewn gwirionedd, ond pan ddaw hyn i ben, mae'n bosibl y gallai straen o'r fath ar ôl trawma eu taro o ddifrif ac maent yn awgrymu y gallai hynny gymryd tua thair neu bedair blynedd i daro pobl mewn gwirionedd. Felly, mae'n rhaid inni roi'r darpariaethau hynny i gyd ar waith i baratoi ar gyfer yr hyn a allai fod yn effaith eithaf sylweddol ar y bobl sydd ar y rheng flaen.
Minister, the amount of questions you've received today from Members regarding the impact of COVID on mental well-being, I think, highlights the challenges that are ahead of us in addressing some of those issues. And it's not often that we talk about the individuals in relation to this, but of course, the individuals are part of a family unit, very often, and families are also affected by their trauma—and I think the word you used in answer to David Melding, 'trauma', was correct, and we need to address this.
Mike Hedges highlighted the bereavement issue and there'll be challenges there with people who feel guilty because they weren't at the end of life for the individual because they weren't allowed to be. So, it's a large trauma upon our families, and my colleague in my neighbouring constituency of Neath, Jeremy Miles, has initiated a trauma awareness programme that he runs with Neath Port Talbot Mind. What discussions is the Welsh Government having with the third sector organisations and mental health charities to discuss how they're going to address the trauma awareness agenda, which is definitely going to be coming down the line to families as well as individuals?
Weinidog, rwy'n credu bod nifer y cwestiynau rydych wedi'u cael gan Aelodau heddiw ynghylch effaith COVID ar lesiant meddyliol yn tynnu sylw at yr heriau sydd o'n blaenau wrth fynd i'r afael â rhai o'r materion hynny. Ac nid yn aml y byddwn yn sôn am yr unigolion mewn perthynas â hyn, ond wrth gwrs, mae'r unigolion yn rhan o uned deuluol yn aml iawn, ac mae eu trawma hefyd yn effeithio ar deuluoedd—a chredaf fod y gair a ddefnyddiwyd gennych wrth ateb David Melding, 'trawma', yn gywir, ac mae angen inni fynd i'r afael â hyn.
Tynnodd Mike Hedges sylw at brofedigaeth a bydd heriau yno gyda phobl sy'n teimlo'n euog am nad oeddent yno gyda'r unigolyn pan ddaeth eu bywyd i ben a hynny am nad oeddent yn cael bod yno. Felly, mae'n drawma mawr i'n teuluoedd, ac mae Jeremy Miles, fy nghyd-Aelod yn yr etholaeth gyfagos yng Nghastell-nedd, wedi cychwyn rhaglen ymwybyddiaeth trawma gyda Mind Castell-nedd Port Talbot. Pa drafodaethau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cael gyda sefydliadau'r trydydd sector ac elusennau iechyd meddwl i drafod sut y byddant yn mynd i'r afael â'r agenda ymwybyddiaeth trawma, a fydd yn sicr o wynebu teuluoedd yn ogystal ag unigolion?
Thanks very much, David. I meet very regularly with the third sector and it was there where there were people who emphasised the importance of understanding trauma. They're the people who have really made sure that I've understood that that is fundamental to the way we move forward as a society—that we have been through a traumatic experience as a society. But of course, you're quite right, there are individuals who are affected, but the individuals within the families may then have a ripple effect on other members in the family, and those are things that we need to keep an eye on as well.
There are different projects that we're funding. Certainly, we've given about £750,000 to Action for Children and Mind Active Monitoring. So, we're recognising that there's a family issue here that needs to be addressed. Also, we have given an additional £900,000 to our hospices and bereavement people to make sure that there is that support there to help those families through what is a very, very difficult time in their lives.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, David. Rwy'n cyfarfod yn rheolaidd iawn â'r trydydd sector ac roedd yno bobl yn pwysleisio pa mor bwysig yw deall trawma. Hwy yw'r bobl sydd wedi gwneud yn siŵr fy mod wedi deall bod hynny'n hanfodol i'r ffordd rydym yn symud ymlaen fel cymdeithas—ein bod wedi bod drwy brofiad trawmatig fel cymdeithas. Ond wrth gwrs, rydych yn llygad eich lle, mae yna unigolion sy'n cael eu heffeithio, ond efallai y bydd yr unigolion hynny'n cael effaith ganlyniadol ar aelodau eraill yn y teulu, ac mae'r rheini'n bethau y mae angen i ni gadw llygad arnynt hefyd.
Rydym yn ariannu gwahanol brosiectau. Yn sicr, rydym wedi rhoi tua £750,000 i Gweithredu dros Blant a Monitro Gweithredol Mind. Felly, rydym yn cydnabod bod problem yma sy'n galw am sylw o safbwynt teuluoedd. Hefyd, rydym wedi rhoi £900,000 ychwanegol i'n hosbisau a'n gweithwyr profedigaeth i sicrhau bod y cymorth hwnnw ar gael i helpu'r teuluoedd hynny drwy gyfnod anodd iawn yn eu bywydau.
Minister, those fortunate enough to leave hospital following admission for COVID-19 not only face many months of physical recuperation, they also have to come to terms with the mental trauma they have suffered. New research shows that one in five survivors will develop mental illness and many survivors struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder for months after leaving hospital. It has also been discovered that survivors are at a greater risk of developing dementia. Minister, how will the Welsh Government ensure all survivors are closely monitored and receive the necessary support early enough to stave off the most severe complications? Diolch.
Weinidog, mae'r rhai sy'n ddigon ffodus i adael yr ysbyty ar ôl derbyn triniaeth ar gyfer COVID-19 nid yn unig yn wynebu misoedd lawer o wella corfforol, mae'n rhaid iddynt hefyd ddod i delerau â'r trawma meddyliol y maent wedi'i ddioddef. Mae ymchwil newydd yn dangos y bydd un o bob pump o oroeswyr yn datblygu salwch meddwl ac mae llawer o oroeswyr yn cael trafferth gydag anhwylder straen wedi trawma am fisoedd ar ôl gadael yr ysbyty. Canfuwyd hefyd fod goroeswyr mewn mwy o berygl o ddatblygu dementia. Weinidog, sut y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn sicrhau bod pob goroeswr yn cael eu monitro'n ofalus ac yn cael y cymorth angenrheidiol yn ddigon cynnar i osgoi'r cymhlethdodau mwyaf difrifol? Diolch.
Thanks very much, and you're absolutely right, Caroline, that we must recognise that when people have a physical problem in these very difficult circumstances, there is a real possibility that there will be a spillover into a mental health problem. In particular, those who've had, frankly, a confrontation with death—there are a lot of people who've come very, very close, and that in itself is a traumatic experience. That's why we recognise that PTSD is likely to become something that we need to pay more attention to in future. Also, we need to monitor people who have left hospital. Obviously, at the moment, people are very focused on just getting people well, but there has been follow-up in local authorities just to make sure that people are on the right track.
Dementia is another point that you mentioned. I think one of the things that is clear to me is that a lot of people who are, perhaps, beginning to have an issue with dementia—we've seen that the isolation that many have felt has actually increased the speed at which that dementia has taken hold. So, that is, again, something that we need to keep an eye on, and you'll be aware that we've got a £10 million programme addressing the issue of dementia in Wales.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, ac rydych yn llygad eich lle, Caroline, fod yn rhaid i ni gydnabod, pan fydd gan bobl broblem gorfforol yn yr amgylchiadau anodd hyn, fod posibilrwydd gwirioneddol y bydd hynny'n arwain at broblem iechyd meddwl. Yn fwyaf arbennig, mae'r rheini sydd wedi bod ar eu gwely angau—mae llawer o bobl wedi bod yn agos iawn at farw ac mae hynny ynddo'i hun yn brofiad trawmatig. Dyna pam ein bod yn cydnabod bod anhwylder straen wedi trawma yn debygol o ddod yn rhywbeth y mae angen inni roi mwy o sylw iddo yn y dyfodol. Hefyd, mae angen inni fonitro pobl sydd wedi gadael yr ysbyty. Yn amlwg, ar hyn o bryd, mae pobl yn canolbwyntio'n fawr ar wella pobl, ond mae gwaith dilynol wedi bod mewn awdurdodau lleol i sicrhau bod pobl ar y trywydd iawn.
Mae dementia yn bwynt arall y sonioch chi amdano. Rwy'n credu mai un o'r pethau sy'n amlwg i mi yw bod llawer o bobl yn dechrau cael problem gyda dementia o bosibl—rydym wedi gweld bod yr unigrwydd y mae llawer wedi'i deimlo wedi cynyddu cyflymder dementia. Felly, mae hwnnw, unwaith eto, yn rhywbeth y mae angen inni gadw llygad arno, ac fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol fod gennym raglen gwerth £10 miliwn sy'n mynd i'r afael â dementia yng Nghymru.
6. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad ynghylch y ddarpariaeth o wasanaethau iechyd meddwl yng Ngogledd Cymru? OQ56153
6. Will the Minister make a statement on the provision of mental health services in North Wales? OQ56153
Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr yn gyfrifol am sicrhau bod darpariaeth gwasanaethau yn cwrdd ag anghenion y gymuned leol, gan gynnwys iechyd meddwl. Nododd y byrddau iechyd eu cynlluniau ar gyfer chwarter 3 a chwarter 4 yn y fframwaith gweithredol.
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board is responsible for ensuring service provision meets the needs of the local community, including for mental health. Health boards set out their plans for quarter 3 and 4 in the operational framework.
Wel, mae yna amheuon mawr ynghylch a ddylai gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl Betsi Cadwaladr fod wedi cael eu tynnu mas o fesurau arbennig oherwydd y gwendidau sy'n parhau o fewn y gwasanaeth. Mewn adroddiad diweddar i'r bwrdd iechyd, fe restrodd y cyfarwyddwr nyrsio dros dro amryw o wendidau o fewn y gwasanaeth, ac mae'n rhestr ddamniol, mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud. Mi orffennodd yr adroddiad drwy ddweud ar y foment na allai roi sicrwydd llawn i'r bwrdd ynglŷn ag ansawdd y gwasanaeth. Felly, os nad yw e yn medru rhoi sicrwydd ynghylch y gwasanaeth, sut allwch chi?
Well, there are grave concerns as to whether mental health services in Betsi Cadwaladr should have been taken out of special measures because of the ongoing weaknesses within the service. In a recent report to the health board, the interim nursing director listed a number of weaknesses within the service. The report concluded that at the moment it couldn't give a full assurance to the board on the quality of the service provided. So, if he can't provide assurances on the service, how can you?
Diolch. Dwi'n meddwl ei bod yn werth dweud, jest achos ein bod ni wedi tynnu allan o fod yn gyfrifol yn uniongyrchol, fel Llywodraeth, dyw e ddim yn golygu ein bod ni wedi camu yn ôl yn llwyr. Mae targeted intervention, sef y polisi rŷn ni'n ei weithredu ar hyn o bryd, yn dal yn fesur sy'n golygu ymyrraeth a sicrhau ein bod ni'n edrych yn fanwl ar beth sy'n digwydd.
Yn ogystal â hynny, cyn i ni ddod at y pwynt yna, ac mae'n werth dweud nad ni oedd wedi gwneud y penderfyniad yna—gwnaethon ni'r penderfyniad ar ôl clywed yr hyn yr oedd gan yr arbenigwyr i'w ddweud—mi oedd yna £12 miliwn yn ychwanegol wedi'i roi yn uniongyrchol i helpu iechyd meddwl yn Betsi Cadwaladr achos ein bod ni'n ymwybodol bod lot fawr o waith eto i'w wneud yn y gogledd. Dwi'n gwybod bod yr hubs I CAN—maen nhw wedi bod yn effeithiol, ac mi fyddwn ni yn edrych ar sut maen nhw'n gweithredu yn y dyfodol.
Thank you. I think it's worth saying that just because the board is no longer in special measures and that we, as a Government, aren't directly responsible, it doesn't mean that we have stepped back entirely. The targeted intervention policy that's in place at the moment is still a measure that requires intervention. It ensures that we look in detail at what's happening.
In addition to that, before we came to that point, and it's worth saying that it wasn't us who made the decision—we made the decision having heard what experts had to say—there was an additional £12 million provided directly to assist with mental health issues within Betsi Cadwaladr, because we were aware that there's a great deal of work still to be done in north Wales. I do know that the I CAN hubs have been effective, and we will be looking at how they operate in the future.
7. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am lefel y cymorth iechyd meddwl a ddarperir i bobl Sir Benfro am y 12 mis nesaf? OQ56129
7. Will the Minister make a statement on the level of mental health support that will be provided to the people of Pembrokeshire for the next 12 months? OQ56129
Dwi'n falch o adrodd bod bwrdd iechyd Hywel Dda wedi gweithio'n agos gyda rhanddeiliaid dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf i ddatblygu eu rhaglen trawsnewid iechyd meddwl, ac maen nhw wedi adlewyrchu anghenion iechyd meddwl newidiol y gymuned yn y fframwaith gweithredol sydd wedi'i diweddaru ac a gyflwynwyd ym mis Rhagfyr.
I’m pleased to report that the Hywel Dda health board has worked closely with stakeholders over the past few years to develop its mental health transformation programme and they have reflected the changing mental health needs of the community in the updated framework.
Wel, dwi'n ddiolchgar ichi, Gweinidog, am yr ymateb yna. Efallai eich bod chi'n ymwybodol bod gwasanaeth cymorth cwnsela lles emosiynol ar-lein newydd i bobl ifanc rhwng 11 a 18 oed wedi'i lansio gan Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda. Mae'r gwasanaeth digidol hwn yn gam enfawr ymlaen. Bydd pobl ifanc yn gallu derbyn cefnogaeth yn ddienw ar ffurf cwnsela a chefnogaeth cymar i gymar, yn ogystal â chael mynediad at ystod eang o ddeunyddiau hunangymorth. Gweinidog, pa drafodaethau ydych chi wedi'u cael gyda'r bwrdd iechyd am y gwasanaeth hwn? Ac a allwch chi ddweud wrthym sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn hyrwyddo'r gefnogaeth hon ymhlith bobl ifanc ledled sir Benfro? A hefyd, allwch ddweud wrthym ni am un gwelliant gwasanaeth iechyd meddwl penodol sydd wedi digwydd ers i chi gael eich penodi'n Weinidog sy'n gyfrifol am iechyd meddwl?
Well, I’m grateful to you for that response, Minister. You may be aware that the online well-being and mental health counselling service for young people has been launched by the Hywel Dda University Health Board, and this digital service is a huge step forward. Young people will be able to receive anonymous support in counselling and peer-to-peer services, as well as to access a broad range of self-help materials. Minister, what discussions have you had with the health board on this service? Can you tell us how the Welsh Government is promoting this support among young people across Pembrokeshire? Also, can you tell us one specific mental health service improvement that has taken place since you were appointed Minister with responsibility for this area?
Diolch yn fawr. Yn sicr, dwi yn cwrdd â'r bwrdd iechyd yn aml, ac mi ges i gyfarfod gyda nhw i glywed beth oedd eu bwriadau nhw ar gyfer transforming mental health. Dwi'n falch iawn o weld eu bod nhw wedi cyflwyno y mesur yma sydd wedi'i dargedu at bobl ifanc. Mae Kooth yn rhywbeth sydd wedi profi i fod yn help mewn rhai llefydd eisoes yng Nghymru, felly mae'n dda i weld bod hynny'n digwydd. Dwi'n gwybod bod Public Health Wales wedi bod, yn sicr, yn gefnogol i sicrhau bod pobl yn ymwybodol o'r help sydd ar gael ar gyfer pobl ifanc, ac un o'r pethau cyntaf wnes i pan ddes i i mewn i'r swydd oedd gofyn i Public Health Wales ac i'n tîm ein hunain ni i sicrhau ein bod ni'n targedu'r wybodaeth yna at lefydd lle roedd pobl ifanc yn ei gweld hi—felly, sicrhau ei bod ar Tik Tok a llefydd fel hynny. Does dim pwynt rhoi hi mewn llefydd lle, efallai, rŷn ni fel oedolion â diddordeb i weld pethau, ond i sicrhau ein bod ni'n mynd atyn nhw. Felly, mae hynny'n rhywbeth uniongyrchol dwi wedi sicrhau sy'n digwydd. Dwi'n meddwl bod y ffaith bod bobl nawr gydag ymwybyddiaeth o beth sydd ar gael, fod e ar bob gwefan y byrddau iechyd, fod hynny lot yn gliriach i'w weld, y ffaith fy mod i'n gwbl glir bod yn rhaid inni fwrw ymlaen yn lot cyflymach—a dyna pam dwi wedi dechrau'r grŵp newydd yma i sicrhau ein bod yn gyrru ymlaen y polisïau sydd eisoes mewn lle, ond hefyd wedi sicrhau bod £40 miliwn yn ychwanegol wedi dod i mewn i'r cynllun ar gyfer y maes pwysig yma.
Thank you very much. I meet with the health board regularly and I did have a meeting with them to hear what their intentions were for transforming mental health. I'm very pleased to see that they have taken these steps that are targeted at young people. Kooth has proved to be of assistance in other areas already, so it’s good to see that being developed. I do know that Public Health Wales has certainly been supportive in ensuring that people are aware of the assistance available to young people. One of the first things I did on appointment to this post was to ask Public Health Wales and our team to ensure that we target that information at areas where young people could access it—so, we ensured that it was on Tik Tok and so on, because there's no point putting that information in places where we as adults might see it; we also need to ensure that we take it to young people. So, that's a thing that I have ensured has happened. I think the fact that people now have an awareness of what is available and that it's available on all health board websites, and it's more clearly available, the fact that I am entirely clear that we must make far quicker progress—and that’s why I have established this new group in order to ensure that we do drive forward these policies that are already in place, but we’ve also ensured that an additional £40 million is available for this important area.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog.
Thank you, Minister.
Does dim cwestiynau amserol na datganiadau 90 eiliad heddiw o dan eitemau 3 a 4.
There are no topical questions or 90-second statements today under items 3 and 4.
Felly rŷn ni'n symud i eitem 5. Yr eitem honno yw'r ddadl ar y ddeiseb i ddeddfu i atal newid enwau Cymraeg tai. Dwi'n galw ar Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Deisebau i wneud y cynnig—Janet Finch-Saunders.
So, we move to item 5, the debate on the petition to legislate to prevent people from changing Welsh house names. I call on the Chair of the Petitions Committee—Janet Finch-Saunders.
Cynnig NDM7550 Janet Finch-Saunders
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
Yn nodi’r ddeiseb 'P-05-1032 Deddfu i atal newid enwau Cymraeg tai' a gasglodd 18,103 o lofnodion.
Motion NDM7550 Janet Finch-Saunders
To propose that the Senedd:
Notes the petition 'P-05-1032 Legislate to prevent people from changing Welsh house names' which received 18,103 signatures.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Diolch, Llywydd. On behalf of the Petitions Committee, I am pleased to open this debate on a petition calling for steps to be taken to help prevent Welsh house names being changed and lost. This was submitted by Robin Aled Davies, having collected more than 18,000 signatures, a fact that I believe demonstrates how many people feel strongly about this issue, and about the protection of Welsh language and heritage more widely. Now, though the petition received signatures from across Wales—as well as further afield—I wanted to note the particularly strong support from the west and north-west of Wales, where this is perhaps seen as an especially important issue.
The Petitions Committee considered the petition in November last year, noting some of the previous efforts that have been made to provide protection to Welsh place names in recent years. Those have included a Member's Bill proposal put forward by Dr Dai Lloyd MS in 2017 and an inquiry by the Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee into the historic environment, also in 2017. Now, Members who were directly involved in those pieces of work may wish to say more about them, though the Petitions Committee has noted that this inquiry led to a recommendation that the Government should keep the issue under review and introduce further protection if the current approach does not prove effective. I'm also aware that the Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee intends to follow this issue up as part of its legacy work.
Now, of course, with the end of this Senedd term—it is now rapidly approaching, and the Petitions Committee recognises that there is simply not sufficient time remaining to directly enact the petition's call to introduce new legislation before that time. However, we did not feel that fact should prevent a debate on the issue and I hope the sources of protection that could be provided to historic names, both now and in the longer term. There are roles for a range of bodies in providing those protections, including the Welsh Government, local authorities and Cadw. The approach needed will also depend upon the type of name being considered.
Now, this petition itself is very specific, directly concerning only individual house names. However, it is part of a wider issue, including the names of settlements and other larger places, natural features, farms and large buildings, down to individual properties. At the largest scale, measures such as the Welsh language standards do already provide a degree of protection for our cities, towns and villages, with duties on local authorities, for example, in relation to signage. Names of historic places have also been maintained in a register since 2017, with statutory guidance in place for public bodies.
Then, at the smallest scale, protecting house names is likely to be more difficult in practice, and the Minister has pointed out some of those difficulties in her written response to our Petitions Committee. Where a property is only known by its name, owners must apply to their local authority to change it. Now, I'm aware that some authorities provide guidance to actually encourage owners to use Welsh names on their properties, though this is not to be considered mandatory. In addition, where a property is known primarily by a number, owners may be able to add or change a name without requiring approval. And, for example, an owner can operate a business from a property, such as a farm, under a different name. So, this is by no means a simple issue, and, as the petition does help to demonstrate, it is one that prompts strong feelings and reactions. This should be expected, given the importance that names can have in reinforcing who we are and the history of the communities that we live in and we wish to identify with. I hope that this debate can help us today to take stock of the situation and to consider what more could be done to protect traditional or historic names. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch, Lywydd. Ar ran y Pwyllgor Deisebau, mae'n bleser gennyf agor y ddadl hon ar ddeiseb yn galw am gamau gweithredu i helpu i atal newid a cholli enwau Cymraeg tai. Cyflwynwyd y ddeiseb gan Robin Aled Davies, a chasglwyd mwy na 18,000 o lofnodion, ffaith sydd, yn fy marn i, yn dangos faint o bobl sy'n teimlo'n gryf am y mater hwn, ac am ddiogelu'r Gymraeg a threftadaeth Cymru yn ehangach. Nawr, er i'r ddeiseb ddenu llofnodion o bob rhan o Gymru—yn ogystal â thu hwnt—roeddwn eisiau nodi'r gefnogaeth arbennig o gryf yng ngorllewin a gogledd-orllewin Cymru, lle gwelir hyn fel mater arbennig o bwysig.
Ystyriodd y Pwyllgor Deisebau y ddeiseb ym mis Tachwedd y llynedd, gan nodi rhai o'r ymdrechion blaenorol a wnaed i ddiogelu enwau Cymraeg lleoedd yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf. Mae'r rheini wedi cynnwys cynnig Bil Aelodau a gyflwynwyd gan Dr Dai Lloyd AS yn 2017 ac ymchwiliad gan y Pwyllgor Diwylliant, y Gymraeg a Chyfathrebu i'r amgylchedd hanesyddol, hefyd yn 2017. Nawr, efallai y bydd yr Aelodau a oedd yn ymwneud yn uniongyrchol â'r gwaith hwnnw yn hoffi dweud mwy amdanynt, er bod y Pwyllgor Deisebau wedi nodi bod yr ymchwiliad hwn wedi arwain at argymhelliad y dylai'r Llywodraeth barhau i adolygu'r mater a chyflwyno gwarchodaeth bellach os nad yw'r dull presennol yn effeithiol. Rwyf hefyd yn ymwybodol fod y Pwyllgor Diwylliant, y Gymraeg a Chyfathrebu yn bwriadu mynd ar drywydd y mater hwn fel rhan o'i waith etifeddol.
Nawr, wrth gwrs, gyda diwedd tymor y Senedd—mae'n prysur agosáu, ac mae'r Pwyllgor Deisebau'n cydnabod nad oes digon o amser ar ôl ar gyfer gweithredu galwad uniongyrchol y ddeiseb i gyflwyno deddfwriaeth newydd cyn hynny. Fodd bynnag, nid oeddem yn teimlo y dylai'r ffaith honno atal dadl ar y mater na'r ffynonellau gwarchodaeth y gobeithiaf y gellid eu darparu i enwau hanesyddol, yn awr ac yn y tymor hwy. Ceir rolau i amrywiaeth o gyrff ddarparu'r warchodaeth honno, gan gynnwys Llywodraeth Cymru, awdurdodau lleol a Cadw. Bydd y dull sydd ei angen hefyd yn dibynnu ar y math o enw sy'n cael ei ystyried.
Nawr, mae'r ddeiseb hon ei hun yn benodol iawn, yn ymwneud yn uniongyrchol ag enwau tai unigol yn unig. Fodd bynnag, mae'n rhan o fater ehangach, gan gynnwys enwau aneddiadau a lleoedd eraill sy'n fwy o ran maint, nodweddion naturiol, ffermydd ac adeiladau mawr, yn ogystal ag eiddo unigol. Ar y raddfa fwyaf, mae mesurau fel safonau'r Gymraeg eisoes yn darparu rhywfaint o warchodaeth i'n dinasoedd, ein trefi a'n pentrefi, gyda dyletswyddau ar awdurdodau lleol, er enghraifft, mewn perthynas ag arwyddion. Mae enwau lleoedd hanesyddol hefyd wedi'u cadw ar gofrestr ers 2017, gyda chanllawiau statudol ar waith ar gyfer cyrff cyhoeddus.
Wedyn, ar y raddfa leiaf, mae diogelu enwau tai yn debygol o fod yn anos yn ymarferol, ac mae'r Gweinidog wedi tynnu sylw at rai o'r anawsterau hynny yn ei hymateb ysgrifenedig i'n Pwyllgor Deisebau. Os mai drwy ei enw'n unig y gellir adnabod eiddo, rhaid i berchnogion wneud cais i'w hawdurdod lleol i'w newid. Nawr, rwy'n ymwybodol fod rhai awdurdodau'n darparu canllawiau i annog perchnogion i ddefnyddio enwau Cymraeg ar eu heiddo, er nad ystyrir bod hyn yn orfodol. Yn ogystal, os yw eiddo'n cael ei adnabod yn bennaf drwy rif, efallai y bydd perchnogion yn gallu ychwanegu neu newid enw heb fod angen cymeradwyaeth. Ac er enghraifft, gall perchennog weithredu busnes o eiddo, megis fferm, o dan enw gwahanol. Felly, nid yw hwn yn fater syml o bell ffordd, ac fel y mae'r ddeiseb yn helpu i'w ddangos, mae'n un sy'n ysgogi teimladau ac ymatebion cryf. Dylid disgwyl hyn, o ystyried pa mor bwysig yw enwau i gadarnhau pwy ydym ni a hanes y cymunedau rydym yn byw ynddynt ac rydym am uniaethu â hwy. Gobeithio y gall y ddadl hon heddiw ein helpu i edrych ar y sefyllfa ac i ystyried beth arall y gellid ei wneud i ddiogelu enwau traddodiadol neu hanesyddol. Diolch yn fawr.
Can I thank, first of all, Janet Finch-Saunders as Chair of the Petitions Committee, and also the petitioner and the 18,000-plus people who signed the petition? As alluded, this is an issue close to my heart. That's why I presented a Bill to the Assembly—the Senedd now—in 2017, seeking to protect historic place names in Wales. As part of that Bill, I also wanted to look at protecting historical house names.
A gaf fi ddiolch, yn gyntaf oll, i Janet Finch-Saunders fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Deisebau, a hefyd i'r deisebydd a'r 18,000 a mwy o bobl a lofnododd y ddeiseb? Fel y crybwyllwyd, mae hwn yn fater sy'n agos at fy nghalon. Dyna pam y cyflwynais Fil i'r Cynulliad—y Senedd bellach—yn 2017, i geisio diogelu enwau lleoedd hanesyddol yng Nghymru. Fel rhan o'r Bil hwnnw, roeddwn hefyd am edrych ar ddiogelu enwau tai hanesyddol.
Mae enwau tai, enwau ffermydd ac enwau llefydd yn gyffredinol yn bwysig iawn i gof cenedl. Yn aml, mae ganddynt gysylltiad uniongyrchol efo hanes a daearyddiaeth y lle neu gysylltiad efo pobl enwog, digwyddiadau o fri, fel brwydrau am ein hannibyniaeth fel cenedl, ac elfennau pwysig yn hanes Cymru, gyda chysylltiadau i draddodiadau hynafol, diwydiant hanesyddol a chwedlau cyfoethog ein tir.
House names, the names of farms and places more generally are very important for a nation's memory and history. Often, they have a direct link to the history and geography of the area or a link with famous names, events such as battles for our independence as a nation, and important elements in Welsh history, with links to ancient traditions, historical industry and the myths and legends of our lands.
We know that, across Wales, names of historic farmhouses and homes are being lost. Losing these names means that we are losing part of our local and national heritage. It was disappointing that the Government in 2017 voted against the principle of developing legislation in this area, and I still believe that there is more that the Welsh Government can do to protect these names—mere guidance does not do it. There is currently no legal protection for house names in Wales. It is clear that there are a range of ways in which the Government could do that, and we know that there are organisations and academics who support further Government intervention in this area. A number of countries worldwide have identified that historical place names are important and have developed legislation in order to protect such names. So, there is certainly potential there to learn from others. There may be scope, for example, to create a requirement for an individual to seek legal consent from an authority when seeking to change the name of a house or any other place. This authority might be the local planning authority, as is the case now with listed building consent. Currently, if a householder wants to change the name of their house, they must apply to their local authority department responsible for street naming and numbering. However, the local authority doesn't generally have any powers to reject a name change, apart from instances where there may be duplication of the name locally.
In cases of applications for changes to property names, current Welsh Government guidance sets out that local authorities are expected to check the national list of historic place names, mentioned by Janet, when processing such applications. If a historic name appears on that list, or if an officer is aware of one from another source, the applicant should be encouraged to retain that name. Unfortunately, as I have argued on a number of occasions, encouragement doesn't guarantee the protection of historical house or place names. Legislation does, which is why the Welsh Government should explore this further. Diolch yn fawr.
Gwyddom fod enwau ffermdai a chartrefi hanesyddol yn cael eu colli ledled Cymru. Mae colli'r enwau hyn yn golygu ein bod yn colli rhan o'n treftadaeth leol a chenedlaethol. Roedd yn siomedig fod y Llywodraeth yn 2017 wedi pleidleisio yn erbyn yr egwyddor o ddatblygu deddfwriaeth yn y maes hwn, ac rwy'n dal i gredu bod mwy y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei wneud i ddiogelu'r enwau hyn—nid yw canllawiau'n unig yn gwneud hynny. Ar hyn o bryd nid oes unrhyw warchodaeth gyfreithiol ar gyfer enwau tai yng Nghymru. Mae'n amlwg fod yna amrywiaeth o ffyrdd y gallai'r Llywodraeth wneud hynny, a gwyddom fod yna sefydliadau ac academyddion sy'n cefnogi ymyrraeth bellach gan y Llywodraeth yn y maes hwn. Mae nifer o wledydd ym mhob cwr o'r byd wedi nodi bod enwau lleoedd hanesyddol yn bwysig ac wedi datblygu deddfwriaeth er mwyn diogelu enwau o'r fath. Felly, yn sicr mae potensial yno i ddysgu oddi wrth eraill. Efallai fod lle, er enghraifft, i greu gofyniad i unigolyn ofyn am ganiatâd cyfreithiol gan awdurdod wrth geisio newid enw tŷ neu unrhyw le arall. Efallai mai'r awdurdod cynllunio lleol fydd yr awdurdod hwn, fel sy'n digwydd nawr gyda chaniatâd adeilad rhestredig. Ar hyn o bryd, os yw deiliad tŷ eisiau newid enw ei dŷ, rhaid iddynt wneud cais i'r adran awdurdod lleol sy'n gyfrifol am enwi a rhifo strydoedd. Fodd bynnag, yn gyffredinol, nid oes gan yr awdurdod lleol unrhyw bwerau i wrthod newid enw, ar wahân i achosion lle gallai'r enw fod mewn defnydd eisoes yn lleol.
Mewn achosion o geisiadau i newid enw eiddo, mae canllawiau cyfredol Llywodraeth Cymru yn nodi bod disgwyl i awdurdodau lleol wirio'r rhestr genedlaethol o enwau lleoedd hanesyddol a grybwyllwyd gan Janet wrth brosesu ceisiadau o'r fath. Os oes enw hanesyddol yn ymddangos ar y rhestr honno, neu os yw swyddog yn ymwybodol o un o ffynhonnell arall, dylid annog yr ymgeisydd i gadw'r enw hwnnw. Yn anffodus, fel rwyf wedi dadlau droeon, nid yw anogaeth yn gwarantu y caiff enwau tai neu leoedd hanesyddol eu gwarchod. Mae deddfwriaeth yn gwneud hynny, a dyna pam y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru archwilio hyn ymhellach. Diolch yn fawr.
Y Gweinidog Iechyd Meddwl, Llesiant a'r Gymraeg i gyfrannu i'r ddadl—Eluned Morgan.
The Minister for Mental Health, Wellbeing and Welsh Language to contribute to the debate—Eluned Morgan.
Diolch yn fawr, a diolch am y cyfle i drafod y pwnc pwysig yma. Mae'r ffaith bod y ddeiseb wedi denu cymaint o lofnodion yn dangos bod yna deimladau cryf iawn ynglŷn â hyn. Ac mae'n rhaid imi gyfaddef bod hwn yn fater dwi yn poeni amdano, ond mae yna broblemau ymarferol mae'n rhaid inni edrych arnyn nhw.
Y ffaith yw bod hawl gan bobl i enwi eu tai, er da neu ddrwg. Gall unrhyw un jest rhoi plac ar flaen eu cartref heb hysbysu'r awdurdod lleol, os yw'r cartref hwnnw yn cael ei adnabod wrth enw stryd. Ond dwi yn meddwl bod rhoi enw ar dŷ yn erbyn ewyllys pobl leol yn gallu teimlo fel torri llinyn rhyngom ni a'n cymuned ni. Fe wnes i roi ymateb i'r ddeiseb yma i'r pwyllgor. Roedd hwnna yn tanlinellu'r ffaith ein bod ni eisoes wedi gweithredu o ran dinasoedd, trefi a phentrefi, ein bod ni wedi gofyn i Gomisiynydd y Gymraeg i roi cyngor i unigolion a sefydliadau am ffurfiau safonol enwau lleoedd yng Nghymru. A dwi'n meddwl bod y safonau Cymraeg yna wedi gwneud jobyn eithaf da. Mae'r ffaith ein bod ni'n gweld yr enwau yma yn golygu ein bod ni wedi gweld newid yma.
Dwi'n meddwl bod ein canllawiau statudol ni yn gofyn i awdurdodau cyhoeddus penodol i ystyried rhestr o enwau lleol hanesyddol yn eu swyddogaethau enwi. Felly, mae hwnna yn bwynt sydd yn statudol ar hyn o bryd, ac mae'n rhaid i awdurdod lleol gydnabod pwysigrwydd enwau hanesyddol yn eu polisïau ar gyfer enwau strydoedd a rhifo tai. Ac os yw'r awdurdod lleol yn cael cais newydd i newid enw hanesyddol, dylai'r cyngor yna annog yr ymgeisydd i ailystyried a chadw'r enw hanesyddol. A dyma ble dwi'n gweld pwynt Dai: ydyn ni'n gallu mynd ymhellach? Ydyn ni'n gallu dweud—yn lle ein bod chi'n gofyn yn neis, ydy e'n bosibl inni fynd ymhellach a deddfu a thynhau y canllawiau statudol yna? Felly, mae'n rhaid imi gyfaddef bod gen i lot o gydymdeimlad yn hyn o beth, a byddwn i'n eithaf hapus i siarad gydag, efallai, aelodau'r pwyllgor a Dai, i weld beth yn union y gallwn ni ei wneud i dynhau pethau fel ein bod ni ddim yn gweld mwy o hyn yn digwydd. Un enghraifft rŷn ni wedi ei gweld—. Dwi'n meddwl ei bod hi'n werth dweud, does dim byd yn atal perchennog eiddo ag enw hanesyddol rhag rhoi enw ychwanegol iddo—enw busnes, er enghraifft. So, un enghraifft sy'n gwylltio lot o bobl yw Happy Donkey Hill. Hwnna yw'r enw newydd arno, ond Faerdre Fach yw enw'r fferm o hyd, a dyw'r enw ddim wedi newid yn swyddogol, ond mae yna blac newydd ar y wal ar gyfer y busnes. Felly, mae'n rhaid i ni jest fod yn ymwybodol bod yna broblemau yn y fan hyn, ond dwi yn ddigon bodlon i weithio i weld a yw hi'n bosibl i ni dynhau yn y maes yma.
Ond dwi yn meddwl ei bod hi'n werth dweud bod y dystiolaeth rŷn ni wedi ei gweld yn dangos, mewn rhai siroedd, fod mwy o geisiadau yn eu cyrraedd nhw i roi enwau Cymraeg ar dai na'r gwrthwyneb. Er enghraifft, yng Ngheredigion, lle, chwarae teg, maen nhw rili wedi gwneud ymdrech yn y maes yma, dim ond un cais roedden nhw wedi ei gael i newid enw tŷ o'r Gymraeg i'r Saesneg, er eu bod nhw wedi cael 10 cais i newid o'r Saesneg i Gymraeg. Felly, mae rhywbeth yn gweithio yng Ngheredigion, ac efallai ei bod hi'n werth i ni edrych a oes yna bethau y mae pobl eraill yn gallu eu dysgu yn fanna.
Ond dwi hefyd yn meddwl bod gweithredu lleol—pwysau cymuned—yn gallu'n helpu ni yn y maes yma. Os ŷch chi'n edrych ar beth sydd wedi digwydd, er enghraifft, ym Mhlas Glynllifon: roedden nhw wedi trio newid yr enw yn fanna i Wynnborn Mansion, ond fe wnaeth y gymuned godi a stopio hynny rhag digwydd. Felly, mae hi'n bosibl i'r gymuned stopio'r pethau yma rhag digwydd.
Ond, diolch yn fawr i Janet. Dwi ddim yn meddwl bod hwn jest yn rhywbeth sydd yn ymwneud â thai. Dwi'n awyddus i weld ble rŷn ni'n gallu mynd ymhellach, er enghraifft, llynnoedd—mae hwnna'n rhywbeth y mae'n rhaid i ni edrych arno nesaf. A hefyd, rŷn ni wedi helpu, er enghraifft, i roi arian i ddatblygu ap sydd yn dangos enwau mynyddoedd yn y gogledd-ddwyrain yng Nghymru. Felly, mae yna bethau rŷn ni'n gallu eu gwneud, ond dwi yn hapus i weld a yw hi'n bosibl i ni wneud rhywbeth yn statudol hefyd. Ond, mae'n rhaid i fi ddweud, dwi ddim yn siŵr a yw hi'n bosibl, ond dwi'n fwy na hapus i weld a allwn ni symud ymhellach yn y maes yma.
Thank you very much, and thank you for the opportunity to discuss this important issue. The fact that the petition has attracted so much support does demonstrate that there are very strong feelings about this issue. And I have to admit that this is an issue that I am concerned about, but there are practical problems that we need to look at.
The fact is that people have a right to name their homes, for better or for worse. Anyone can put a plaque on their home without informing the local authority, if that home has a street number. But I do think that naming a house against the will of the local populace can feel like actually cutting that tie between ourselves and our community. I did respond to this petition through this committee, which highlighted the fact that we had already taken action in terms of cities, towns and villages, that we'd asked the Welsh Language Commissioner to provide advice to individuals and organisations on the standardised forms of place names in Wales. And I think that those standards have done a good job. The fact that we are seeing these names now does mean that we have seen a shift in this area.
I do feel that our statutory guidance does require particular public authorities to consider a list of historic place names in their naming functions. That is a statutory issue and that is already in place, and a local authority has to recognise the importance of historical place names in naming streets and house numbers. And if a local authority has an application for a historical place name to be changed, then that council should encourage the applicant to reconsider. And that's where I see Dai's point: can we go further? Can we say that—rather than asking nicely that individuals change their minds, can we go further and can we legislate and tighten the guidance that is in place? So, I must admit to having a great deal of sympathy with that view, and I would be more than happy to speak to committee members and Dai, to see exactly what we can do to tighten things up, so that we don't see more of this happening. One example that we've seen cited—. I think it's worth saying that there's nothing preventing the owner of a property with a historical name giving an additional name to that property—a business name, for example. So, there's one example that's angered a lot of people: Happy Donkey Hill. That's the new name, but the farm is still called Faerdre Fach, and the name hasn't officially changed, but there is a new plaque on the wall for the business. So, we do just have to be aware that there are practical problems in this area, but I'm quite happy to work to see if it's possible for us to tighten up in this area.
But I think it's worth saying that the evidence we've seen shows that, in some counties, they’re receiving more applications to put Welsh names on houses than vice versa. For example, in Ceredigion, where, fair play, they really have made an effort in this area, they've received only one application to change the name of a house from Welsh to English, although they have had 10 requests to change from English to Welsh. Therefore, something is working in Ceredigion, and perhaps it's worth us looking to see whether there are things that other people could learn from there.
But I also think that local action—community pressure—can help us in this area. If you look at what happened, for example, at Plas Glynllifon: they tried to change the name there to Wynnborn Mansion, but the community rose up and stopped that from happening. Therefore, it is possible for the community to stop these things from happening.
However, thank you very much to Janet. I don't think that this is just something to do with houses. I want to see where we can go further, for example, lakes—that is something that we have to look at next. And also, we have helped, for example, by providing funding to develop an app that shows the names of mountains in north-east Wales. So, there are things we can do, but I'm happy to see whether it's possible for us to do something on a statutory basis as well. But, I have to say, I'm not sure if it's possible, but I'm more than happy to see if we can move further in this area.
Cadeirydd y pwyllgor i ymateb i'r ddadl, felly—Janet Finch-Saunders.
The Chair of the committee to reply to the debate—Janet Finch-Saunders.
Thank you, Minister, for your response, and to Dai Lloyd, as a Member, for your contributions today. In concluding this debate, I also wish to thank the petitioner, Robin Aled Davies, for bringing this petition forward, and to all 18,000 people who signed this, and who themselves have engaged with the petitions process within our Senedd. I do hope that the points raised today will contribute to future decision making. The Petitions Committee will return to consider the petition at a future meeting, when we do hope to receive further reflections from the petitioner and anyone else who has followed the petition or today's proceedings. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch am eich ymateb, Weinidog, ac i Dai Lloyd, fel Aelod, am eich cyfraniadau heddiw. Wrth gloi'r ddadl, hoffwn ddiolch hefyd i'r deisebydd, Robin Aled Davies, am gyflwyno'r ddeiseb, ac i bob un o'r 18,000 o bobl a'i llofnododd, ac sydd eu hunain wedi defnyddio'r broses ddeisebu yn ein Senedd. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y pwyntiau a godwyd heddiw yn cyfrannu at wneud penderfyniadau yn y dyfodol. Bydd y Pwyllgor Deisebau yn dychwelyd i ystyried y ddeiseb mewn cyfarfod yn y dyfodol, pan fyddwn yn gobeithio cael ystyriaethau pellach gan y deisebydd ac unrhyw un arall sydd wedi dilyn y ddeiseb neu'r trafodion heddiw. Diolch yn fawr.
Y cynnig yw i nodi'r ddeiseb yma. A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Dwi ddim yn gweld nac yn clywed gwrthwynebiad, ac felly fe dderbynnir y cynnig yna yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
The proposal is to note the petition. Does any Member object? I don't see or hear an objection, therefore the motion is agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw'r ddadl ar adroddiad y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg ar hawliau plant yng Nghymru. Dwi'n galw ar Gadeirydd y pwyllgor i gyflwyno'r ddadl, Lynne Neagle.
The next item is the debate on the Children, Young People and Education Committee's report on children's rights in Wales. I call on the Chair of the committee to open the debate, Lynne Neagle.
Cynnig NDM7549 Lynne Neagle
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
Yn nodi Adroddiad y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg, 'Hawliau plant yng Nghymru', a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 11 Awst 2020.
Motion NDM7549 Lynne Neagle
To propose that the Senedd:
Notes the Children, Young People and Education Committee Report, 'Children’s rights in Wales', which was laid in the Table Office on 11 August 2020.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Thank you, Llywydd. Ten years ago, a new law, the Rights of Children and Young Persons (Wales) Measure 2011, put children’s rights on a legal footing in Wales. It’s now more than six years since all parts of this legislation have been fully in force. This means that Welsh Ministers must now have regard to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child when exercising any of their functions. What’s clear is that this legislation has never been more important.
The COVID-19 pandemic means that our children are not going into their schools. Their playgrounds were shut at the start of the pandemic. They can't hang out with their friends, and they've got restrictions on going to their usual clubs and leisure activities. Some children may be more at risk of being harmed at home. This is less likely to be picked up by front-line services because children are not being seen as much in school, and they're less likely to have face-to-face contact with social services. We also know that looked-after children have had restricted contact with friends and family. What we know for sure is that, for many children and young people, their mental health and well-being is being seriously affected. If any adult needed an example of what children’s rights are, and why they matter, then this pandemic illustrates the point in the sharpest of ways.
Diolch, Lywydd. Ddeng mlynedd yn ôl, rhoddodd cyfraith newydd, Mesur Hawliau Plant a Phobl Ifanc (Cymru) 2011, sail gyfreithiol i hawliau plant yng Nghymru. Mae dros chwe blynedd bellach ers i bob rhan o'r ddeddfwriaeth hon ddod yn weithredol yn llawn. Mae hyn yn golygu bod rhaid i Weinidogion Cymru ddilyn Confensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau'r Plentyn bellach wrth arfer unrhyw un o'u swyddogaethau. Yr hyn sy'n amlwg yw nad yw'r ddeddfwriaeth hon erioed wedi bod yn bwysicach.
Mae pandemig COVID-19 yn golygu nad yw ein plant yn mynd i'w hysgolion. Caewyd eu meysydd chwarae ar ddechrau'r pandemig. Ni allant gymdeithasu â'u ffrindiau, ac mae cyfyngiadau ar fynd i'w clybiau a'u gweithgareddau hamdden arferol. Efallai y bydd rhai plant mewn mwy o berygl o gael eu niweidio gartref. Mae'n llai tebygol y bydd gwasanaethau rheng flaen yn canfod hynny am nad yw plant yn cael eu gweld gymaint yn yr ysgol, ac maent yn llai tebygol o gael cyswllt wyneb yn wyneb â'r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol. Gwyddom hefyd mai cyswllt cyfyngedig y mae plant sy'n derbyn gofal wedi'i gael â ffrindiau a theulu. I lawer o blant a phobl ifanc, yr hyn y gwyddom i sicrwydd yw bod eu hiechyd meddwl a'u llesiant yn cael eu heffeithio'n ddifrifol. Os oedd angen enghraifft ar unrhyw oedolyn o beth yw hawliau plant, a pham eu bod yn bwysig, mae'r pandemig hwn yn gwneud y pwynt yn y ffyrdd mwyaf llym.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (Ann Jones) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (Ann Jones) took the Chair.
The Children, Young People and Education Committee has worked hard to ensure that children’s rights have been at the heart of all our work during this fifth Assembly. Children’s rights matter in everything we do. This has been the case whether we are scrutinising Government policy on youth services or mental health, whether we are considering the need for legislation about the physical punishment of children, or whether we were looking at school funding.
In June 2019, almost a decade since the introduction of the rights of the child Measure, we felt it was the right time to examine whether this legislation has been working effectively. In 2011, this law was seen as breaking new ground and led to Wales getting international recognition, but the measure of its success must be whether it has actually made a real difference to the lives of children and young people in Wales.
The first thing we did was look at how this law is having an impact on Welsh Government’s decision making. We also wanted to know whether it has made any difference to the way the Welsh Government allocates its funding. We heard clear frustrations from stakeholders about the pace at which the Measure has influenced policy and spending. They told us that there is a lack of reference to children’s rights in key strategic documents. They also told us there is insufficient evidence that the duties in the Measure are being delivered across the whole of the Welsh Government. It’s not clear whether there is systematic consideration of children’s rights across Government. Whilst there are good examples in some departments, more progress must be made. As well as the obvious examples, such as education and social services, policy areas such as housing, health, planning, the economy, the environment and transport have a massive impact on children’s daily lives. Children’s rights must have an impact on decision making across all ministerial portfolios, and proof that this is happening must be more transparent.
Next, we looked at the duties within this new legislation that are intended to make children’s rights a reality. We wanted to know if the right mechanisms are in place to deliver change. We heard that child rights impact assessments are an important tool to support the implementation of this legislation. These assessments should analyse whether Welsh Government actions will have a negative, neutral or positive impact on children’s rights. The intention is that they are used at an early stage of decision making in order to inform that process. The committee heard concerns that these impact assessments are often produced too late in the policy development process. There were also concerns that they are sometimes written in a way that looks as if they are explaining policy decisions that have already been taken, rather than informing decisions that are yet to be made. This demonstrates to us that children’s rights are not driving the Welsh Government’s decision making as the legislation intended.
More recently, it’s pleasing to hear the Children’s Commissioner for Wales’s view that the quality and detail within some of these impact assessments have improved. One positive example relates to the level of detail and analysis published by the education department about school provision during the pandemic.
The 2011 legislation also placed a duty on the Welsh Government to make sure adults and children know about the UNCRC. This was so that adults and children understand what children’s rights are and why the law is in place. However, many of the children and young people we heard from made it clear to us that there has been no systematic approach to telling them about their rights. Our evidence also showed us there is a real gap in the knowledge and understanding of children’s rights amongst the general public.
In light of this, 10 years since this legislation was enacted, we conclude that a national awareness-raising strategy is long overdue. We have also recommended that the Welsh Government should tell children and young people how to complain if they think that this new law is not working well. This information must be given to them in a way that is easy to understand.
Since our report’s publication, the Welsh Government has published a new children’s rights scheme for consultation. This is a plan it's required to have by law, and which sets out how it intends to deliver the legislation in practice. We are pleased to see that an awareness-raising strategy and a child-friendly complaints process has been included in the new scheme. What we must see next is the detail behind it and a commitment as to when these outputs will be delivered.
One other important aspect of our inquiry was to look at how well the Welsh Government is implementing article 12 of the UNCRC. It says that children have the right to have their say when adults are making decisions that affect them and to have their opinions taken into account. It’s vital that children and young people have an influence on decisions that affect them, not just because they have a legal right to do so, but because, more importantly, it leads to better decisions and better outcomes. We recommended that the Welsh Government set out in its revised children’s rights scheme a clear strategy to ensure the participation of children and young people in discussions on Government decisions that affect them. We welcome the fact that this has been included in the new draft children’s rights scheme. We will monitor how this progresses in the remaining months before the election.
The final recommendation that I would like to focus on today is about strengthening the legal position of children’s rights. Never has the extent of local authorities’ influence on children’s daily lives been more visible. Yet, while public bodies, including health boards, play a pivotal role in delivering services to children and young people, and receive significant amounts of public money, the rights of the child Measure does not impose duties on them. We heard that the Welsh Government is therefore not always able to ensure that children’s rights have a direct influence on the services children and young people receive, or the decisions these public bodies make. We were persuaded by the evidence we received that extending the duties in the Measure to bodies such as local authorities and health boards will help deliver this change.
In drawing my opening remarks to a close, I have already said that the COVID-19 pandemic has meant that the rights of the child Measure has never been more important. But what we must remember is that implementing this legislation properly has always been important. As a committee, we believe there must be a renewed emphasis on getting the implementation of the Measure right. We also note that the United Nations is scrutinising progress on implementing the UNCRC across the UK in 2021.
Before the pandemic, we heard from children and young people about the rights that are important to them and what can happen when they are not made a reality. It was great to hear from nearly 1,000 young people from all five Senedd regions. It was also wonderful to meet the children from the Lleisiau Bach projects in north and south Wales. They gave us a really warm welcome and were keen to tell us what children’s rights meant to their lives. One of the rights that was clearly important to the young people we spoke to was the right to be safe: the right to be safe at home; the right to be safe in their communities; the right be safe online. A stark reminder, if any was needed, of the lives that some children and young people in Wales are living. A reminder of what children’s rights mean in reality.
I would like to thank all those who have helped us with this work. The detailed input from stakeholders and the views of children and young people have been invaluable to our scrutiny. We are particularly grateful to those who have waited patiently for our report, which we postponed to enable all efforts to be focused on the public service response to the pandemic, and to those who provided feedback to us on the Welsh Government’s response, in order to inform today’s debate. With their help, we have made a set of practical recommendations that we believe have the potential to make rights a reality for all children and young people in Wales. Ten years on, it is now over to the Welsh Government to put renewed emphasis on getting this right. Diolch yn fawr.
Mae'r Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg wedi gweithio'n galed i sicrhau bod hawliau plant wedi bod wrth wraidd ein holl waith yn ystod y pumed Cynulliad hwn. Mae hawliau plant yn bwysig ym mhob dim a wnawn. Mae hyn wedi bod yn wir pan fyddwn yn craffu ar bolisi'r Llywodraeth ar wasanaethau ieuenctid neu iechyd meddwl pobl ifanc, pan fyddwn yn ystyried yr angen am ddeddfwriaeth ar gosbi plant yn gorfforol, neu pan fyddwn yn edrych ar ariannu ysgolion.
Ym mis Mehefin 2019, bron i ddegawd ers cyflwyno'r Mesur hawliau plant, roeddem yn teimlo ei bod yn bryd archwilio a yw'r ddeddfwriaeth hon wedi bod yn gweithio'n effeithiol. Yn 2011, ystyrid bod y gyfraith hon yn torri tir newydd ac arweiniodd at gydnabyddiaeth ryngwladol i Gymru, ond rhaid mesur ei llwyddiant yn ôl y graddau y mae wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth go iawn i fywydau plant a phobl ifanc yng Nghymru.
Y peth cyntaf a wnaethom oedd edrych ar sut y mae'r gyfraith hon yn effeithio ar y ffordd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n gwneud penderfyniadau. Roeddem hefyd yn awyddus i wybod a yw wedi gwneud unrhyw wahaniaeth i'r ffordd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn dyrannu ei chyllid. Clywsom am rwystredigaethau amlwg rhanddeiliaid ynglŷn â pha mor gyflym y mae'r Mesur wedi dylanwadu ar bolisi a gwariant. Dywedasant wrthym nad oes digon o gyfeirio at hawliau plant mewn dogfennau strategol allweddol. Dywedasant wrthym hefyd nad oes digon o dystiolaeth fod y dyletswyddau yn y Mesur yn cael eu cyflawni ar draws Llywodraeth Cymru. Nid yw'n glir fod hawliau plant yn cael eu hystyried yn systematig ar draws y Llywodraeth. Er bod enghreifftiau da mewn rhai adrannau, rhaid gwneud mwy o gynnydd. Yn ogystal â'r enghreifftiau amlwg, megis addysg a gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, mae meysydd polisi fel tai, iechyd, cynllunio, yr economi, yr amgylchedd a thrafnidiaeth yn effeithio'n enfawr ar fywydau plant o ddydd i ddydd. Rhaid i hawliau plant effeithio ar benderfyniadau ar draws portffolio pob Gweinidog, a rhaid cael prawf mwy tryloyw fod hyn yn digwydd.
Wedyn, edrychwyd ar y dyletswyddau yn y ddeddfwriaeth newydd y bwriadwyd iddynt sicrhau bod hawliau plant yn cael eu gwireddu. Roeddem am wybod a yw'r mecanweithiau cywir ar waith i sicrhau newid. Clywsom fod asesiadau o'r effaith ar hawliau plant yn arf pwysig i gynnal y gwaith o weithredu'r ddeddfwriaeth hon. Dylai'r asesiadau hyn ddadansoddi i ba raddau y bydd camau gweithredu Llywodraeth Cymru yn cael effaith negyddol, niwtral neu gadarnhaol ar hawliau plant. Y bwriad yw sicrhau eu bod yn cael eu defnyddio'n gynnar yn y broses o wneud penderfyniadau er mwyn llywio'r broses honno. Clywodd y pwyllgor bryderon fod yr asesiadau effaith hyn yn aml yn cael eu cynhyrchu'n rhy hwyr yn y broses o ddatblygu polisi. Mynegwyd pryderon hefyd eu bod weithiau'n cael eu hysgrifennu mewn ffordd sy'n edrych fel pe baent yn esbonio penderfyniadau polisi sydd eisoes wedi'u gwneud, yn hytrach na llywio penderfyniadau sydd eto i'w gwneud. Mae hyn yn dangos inni nad hawliau plant sy'n sbarduno penderfyniadau Llywodraeth Cymru yn ôl bwriad y ddeddfwriaeth.
Yn fwy diweddar, mae'n braf clywed barn Comisiynydd Plant Cymru fod ansawdd a manylion rhai o'r asesiadau effaith hyn wedi gwella. Mae un enghraifft gadarnhaol yn ymwneud â lefel y manylder a'r dadansoddiad a gyhoeddwyd gan yr adran addysg am ddarpariaeth ysgolion yn ystod y pandemig.
Roedd deddfwriaeth 2011 hefyd yn gosod dyletswydd ar Lywodraeth Cymru i sicrhau bod oedolion a phlant yn gwybod am Gonfensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau'r Plentyn. Gwnaed hyn er mwyn i oedolion a phlant ddeall beth yw hawliau plant a pham y mae'r gyfraith mewn grym. Fodd bynnag, roedd llawer o'r plant a'r bobl ifanc y clywsom ganddynt yn dweud yn glir na fu dull systematig o'u hysbysu am eu hawliau. Dangosodd ein tystiolaeth hefyd fod bwlch gwirioneddol yn y wybodaeth a'r ddealltwriaeth o hawliau plant ymysg y cyhoedd.
Yng ngoleuni hyn, 10 mlynedd ers i'r ddeddfwriaeth gael ei rhoi mewn grym, rydym yn casglu ei bod yn hen bryd cael strategaeth genedlaethol i godi ymwybyddiaeth. Rydym hefyd wedi argymell y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru ddweud wrth blant a phobl ifanc sut i gwyno os ydynt o'r farn nad yw'r gyfraith newydd hon yn gweithio'n dda. Rhaid rhoi'r wybodaeth hon iddynt mewn ffordd sy'n hawdd ei deall.
Ers cyhoeddi ein hadroddiad, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyhoeddi cynllun hawliau plant newydd ar gyfer ymgynghori yn ei gylch. Cynllun sy'n rhaid iddi ei chael yn ôl y gyfraith yw hwn, un sy'n nodi sut y mae'n bwriadu cyflawni'r ddeddfwriaeth yn ymarferol. Rydym yn falch o weld bod strategaeth codi ymwybyddiaeth a phroses gwyno sy'n ystyriol o blant wedi'u cynnwys yn y cynllun newydd. Yr hyn y mae'n rhaid inni ei weld nesaf yw'r manylion sy'n sail iddo ac ymrwymiad ynglŷn â pha bryd y caiff y camau hyn eu cyflawni.
Un agwedd bwysig arall ar ein hymchwiliad oedd edrych ar ba mor dda y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithredu erthygl 12 y Confensiwn. Mae'n dweud bod gan blant hawl i leisio barn pan fydd oedolion yn gwneud penderfyniadau sy'n effeithio arnynt ac i'w barn gael ei hystyried. Mae'n hanfodol fod plant a phobl ifanc yn cael dylanwadu ar benderfyniadau sy'n effeithio arnynt, nid yn unig am fod ganddynt hawl gyfreithiol i wneud hynny, ond yn bwysicach, am fod hynny'n arwain at well penderfyniadau a chanlyniadau gwell. Gwnaethom argymell bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn nodi strategaeth glir yn ei chynllun hawliau plant diwygiedig i sicrhau bod plant a phobl ifanc yn cymryd rhan mewn trafodaethau ar benderfyniadau'r Llywodraeth sy'n effeithio arnynt hwy. Rydym yn croesawu'r ffaith bod hyn wedi'i gynnwys yn y drafft newydd o'r cynllun hawliau plant. Byddwn yn monitro sut y mae'n mynd rhagddo yn y misoedd sy'n weddill cyn yr etholiad.
Mae'r argymhelliad olaf yr hoffwn ganolbwyntio arno heddiw yn ymwneud â chryfhau sefyllfa gyfreithiol hawliau plant. Nid yw graddau dylanwad awdurdodau lleol ar fywydau beunyddiol plant erioed wedi bod yn fwy gweladwy. Ac eto, er bod cyrff cyhoeddus, gan gynnwys byrddau iechyd, yn chwarae rhan ganolog yn darparu gwasanaethau i blant a phobl ifanc, ac yn cael symiau sylweddol o arian cyhoeddus, nid yw'r Mesur hawliau plant yn gosod dyletswydd arnynt. Clywsom felly nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru bob amser yn gallu sicrhau bod hawliau plant yn dylanwadu'n uniongyrchol ar y gwasanaethau y mae plant a phobl ifanc yn eu cael, na'r penderfyniadau y mae'r cyrff cyhoeddus hyn yn eu gwneud. Cawsom ein darbwyllo gan y dystiolaeth a ddaeth i law y bydd ymestyn y dyletswyddau yn y Mesur i gynnwys cyrff fel awdurdodau lleol a byrddau iechyd yn helpu i gyflawni'r newid hwn.
Wrth dynnu fy sylwadau agoriadol i ben, rwyf eisoes wedi dweud bod pandemig COVID-19 wedi golygu nad yw'r Mesur hawliau plant erioed wedi bod mor bwysig. Ond mae'n rhaid inni gofio bod gweithredu'r ddeddfwriaeth hon yn briodol bob amser wedi bod yn bwysig. Fel pwyllgor, credwn fod yn rhaid cael pwyslais o'r newydd ar sicrhau bod y Mesur yn cael ei weithredu'n iawn. Nodwn hefyd fod y Cenhedloedd Unedig yn craffu ar gynnydd o ran gweithredu'r Confensiwn ledled y DU yn 2021.
Cyn y pandemig, clywsom gan blant a phobl ifanc am yr hawliau sy'n bwysig iddynt hwy a'r hyn a all ddigwydd pan nad ydynt yn cael eu gwireddu. Roedd yn wych clywed gan bron i 1,000 o bobl ifanc o bob un o bum rhanbarth y Senedd. Roedd hefyd yn wych cyfarfod â'r plant o brosiectau Lleisiau Bach yng ngogledd a de Cymru. Rhoesant groeso cynnes iawn i ni ac roeddent yn awyddus i ddweud wrthym beth oedd hawliau plant yn ei olygu i'w bywydau. Un o'r hawliau a oedd yn amlwg yn bwysig i'r bobl ifanc y buom yn siarad â hwy oedd yr hawl i fod yn ddiogel: yr hawl i fod yn ddiogel gartref; yr hawl i fod yn ddiogel yn eu cymunedau; yr hawl fod yn ddiogel ar-lein. Roedd yn ein hatgoffa'n glir, os oedd angen gwneud hynny, sut fywydau y mae rhai plant a phobl ifanc yng Nghymru yn eu byw. Roedd yn ein hatgoffa beth y mae hawliau plant yn ei olygu mewn gwirionedd.
Hoffwn ddiolch i bawb sydd wedi ein helpu gyda'r gwaith hwn. Mae'r mewnbwn manwl gan randdeiliaid a barn plant a phobl ifanc wedi bod yn amhrisiadwy i'n gwaith craffu. Rydym yn arbennig o ddiolchgar i'r rhai sydd wedi aros yn amyneddgar am ein hadroddiad, a ohiriwyd gennym i'n galluogi i ganolbwyntio pob ymdrech ar ymateb y gwasanaethau cyhoeddus i'r pandemig, ac i'r rhai a roddodd adborth i ni ar ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru, er mwyn llywio'r ddadl heddiw. Gyda'u cymorth hwy, rydym wedi gwneud cyfres o argymhellion ymarferol sydd â photensial yn ein barn ni i wneud hawliau'n realiti i holl blant a phobl ifanc Cymru. Ddeng mlynedd yn ddiweddarach, mater i Lywodraeth Cymru yn awr yw rhoi pwyslais o'r newydd ar gael hyn yn iawn. Diolch yn fawr.
Thank you. Am I okay to speak now, Deputy Presiding Officer? I can't hear you. Sorry, if I'm—. Can everyone hear me? Yes, good. Okay. I take it that's for me to speak. Okay, thank you.
I'd like to start by thanking Lynne Neagle and the committee and all who have inputted into this important work for all the hard work they've put into it. I welcome this report and its aim of measuring progress in Wales towards the principles set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. The report was agreed before lockdown and before the full impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the lives, health and well-being of children and young people were known. We now know that the consequences have been severe. So, this report is timely and is a relevant milestone in enhancing children's rights in Wales.
The committee makes 16 recommendations to the Welsh Government and I wish to address some of those in my remarks today. The first three recommendations relate directly to the Welsh Government. In her report to the committee, the children's commissioner said that there is no training for Ministers on how to exercise due regard to children's rights through their role. The commissioner called for compulsory training for Ministers—a point repeated by Save the Children UK, which said that
'without a strong body of knowledge about children’s rights amongst all officials and Ministers, it will be difficult to ensure that the due regard duty will be effective across Welsh Government cabinet portfolios and policy.'
We also believe that a ministerial role should be created at the earliest opportunity, with clear and defined responsibilities for children and young people.
The committee was also concerned about the gaps in knowledge of children's rights that exist amongst both adults and children. Efforts to promote awareness and understanding of their rights are not reaching all children, including those who may be disadvantaged or less engaged. Significant improvements are needed in letting those children most in need know about their rights. We call upon the Welsh Government to develop and publish a strategy to raise national awareness with measurable outcomes to promote wider knowledge and understanding amongst the public. By widening knowledge of their rights, it also follows that there could be an increase in complaints by children who feel that the Welsh Government has not complied with its requirements under the Rights of Children and Young Persons (Wales) Measure 2011. As such, we need to ensure that the complaints mechanism is fit for purpose.
At present, the complaints system outlined in the children's rights scheme is being underused and needs to be improved. Criticism was also made that it is geared towards an adult audience and that it is neither accessible nor suitable for children. The Welsh Government must address this and include a strengthened and child-friendly complaints mechanism in its revised children's rights scheme to ensure that our children and young people can seek to protect their rights.
In 2016, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child gave its verdict on progress to deliver and enhance children's rights in Wales. Although they recognise that progress has been made, concerns were expressed about whether the Welsh Government's response to the concluding observations is strategic and systematic. The children's commissioner said that the concluding observations were a really useful guide for the Government as to what they should be doing and that the lack of a detailed response from the Welsh Government was a missed opportunity. We call on the Welsh Government to publish a detailed strategic response in the next six months, detailing progress made and outlining action being taken in addressing the concluding observations, and to update this on an annual basis.
Presiding Officer, I believe the recommendations contained in this report will greatly progress the rights of children and young people in Wales. I would encourage everyone to look at the good practice that I've seen since joining the children and young people committee last year and how they're doing things. I think it's been a very welcome move and I've been very impressed with what's going on there. So, if we could repeat that throughout the Parliament, that would be fantastic. I believe that this is a positive move by the Senedd and I look forward to a response by the Minister.
Diolch. A yw hi'n iawn i mi siarad nawr, Ddirprwy Lywydd? Ni allaf eich clywed. Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, os ydw i—. A all pawb fy nghlywed? Gallwch, da iawn. O'r gorau. Rwy'n cymryd mai fi sydd i siarad. Iawn, diolch.
Hoffwn ddechrau drwy ddiolch i Lynne Neagle a'r pwyllgor a phawb sydd wedi cyfrannu at y gwaith pwysig hwn am yr holl waith caled y maent wedi'i wneud arno. Rwy'n croesawu'r adroddiad a'i nod o fesur cynnydd yng Nghymru tuag at yr egwyddorion a nodir yng Nghonfensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau'r Plentyn. Cafodd yr adroddiad ei gytuno cyn y cyfyngiadau symud a chyn i effaith lawn y pandemig coronafeirws ar fywydau, iechyd a llesiant plant a phobl ifanc ddod yn hysbys. Gwyddom bellach fod y canlyniadau wedi bod yn ddifrifol. Felly, mae'r adroddiad hwn yn amserol ac mae'n garreg filltir berthnasol ar gyfer gwella hawliau plant yng Nghymru.
Mae'r pwyllgor yn gwneud 16 o argymhellion i Lywodraeth Cymru a hoffwn roi sylw i rai o'r rheini yn fy sylwadau heddiw. Mae'r tri argymhelliad cyntaf yn ymwneud yn uniongyrchol â Llywodraeth Cymru. Yn ei hadroddiad i'r pwyllgor, dywedodd y comisiynydd plant nad oes hyfforddiant ar gael i Weinidogion ar sut i roi sylw dyledus i hawliau plant drwy eu rôl. Galwodd y comisiynydd am hyfforddiant gorfodol i Weinidogion—pwynt a ailadroddwyd gan Achub y Plant y DU, a ddywedodd
heb gorff cadarn o wybodaeth am hawliau plant ymhlith yr holl swyddogion a Gweinidogion, bydd yn anodd sicrhau y bydd y ddyletswydd sylw dyledus yn effeithiol ar draws portffolios cabinet a pholisi Llywodraeth Cymru.
Credwn hefyd y dylid creu rôl weinidogol cyn gynted â phosibl, gyda chyfrifoldebau clir a diffiniedig ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc.
Roedd y pwyllgor hefyd yn pryderu am y bylchau yn y wybodaeth am hawliau plant sy'n bodoli ymhlith oedolion a phlant. Nid yw'r ymdrechion i hybu ymwybyddiaeth a dealltwriaeth o'u hawliau yn cyrraedd pob plentyn, gan gynnwys y rhai a allai fod â llai o ymgysylltiad neu dan anfantais. Mae angen gwelliannau sylweddol er mwyn rhoi gwybod i'r plant sydd â'r anghenion mwyaf am eu hawliau. Rydym yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i ddatblygu a chyhoeddi strategaeth i godi ymwybyddiaeth genedlaethol gyda chanlyniadau mesuradwy i wella gwybodaeth a hybu dealltwriaeth ehangach ymhlith y cyhoedd. Drwy gynyddu gwybodaeth am eu hawliau, mae hefyd yn dilyn y gallai fod cynnydd yn y cwynion gan blant sy'n teimlo nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cydymffurfio â'u gofynion o dan Fesur Hawliau Plant a Phobl Ifanc (Cymru) 2011. Felly, mae angen inni sicrhau bod y mecanwaith cwynion yn addas i'r diben.
Ar hyn o bryd, nid yw'r system gwynion a amlinellir yn y cynllun hawliau plant yn cael ei defnyddio'n ddigonol ac mae angen ei gwella. Cafwyd beirniadaeth hefyd ei bod wedi'i hanelu at oedolion ac nad yw'n hygyrch nac yn addas i blant. Rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru fynd i'r afael â hyn a chynnwys mecanwaith cwynion cryfach sy'n ystyriol o blant yn ei chynllun hawliau plant diwygiedig er mwyn sicrhau y gall ein plant a'n pobl ifanc ddiogelu eu hawliau.
Yn 2016, rhoddodd Pwyllgor y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau'r Plentyn ei ddyfarniad ar y cynnydd a wnaed ar gyflawni a gwella hawliau plant yng Nghymru. Er eu bod yn cydnabod bod cynnydd wedi'i wneud, mynegwyd pryderon ynglŷn â pha mor strategol a systematig yw ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru i'r sylwadau terfynol. Dywedodd y comisiynydd plant fod y sylwadau terfynol yn ganllaw defnyddiol iawn i'r Llywodraeth o ran yr hyn y dylent fod yn ei wneud a bod diffyg ymateb manwl gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn gyfle a gollwyd. Rydym yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i gyhoeddi ymateb strategol manwl yn ystod y chwe mis nesaf, yn manylu ar y cynnydd a wnaed ac yn amlinellu'r camau sydd ar waith i ateb y sylwadau terfynol, ac i ddiweddaru hyn yn flynyddol.