Y Cyfarfod Llawn - Y Bumed Senedd
Plenary - Fifth Senedd
Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.
In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.
Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:29 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:29 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Croeso, bawb, i'r Cyfarfod Llawn. Cyn i ni ddechrau, dwi angen nodi ychydig o bwyntiau. Cynhelir y cyfarfod hwn ar ffurf hybrid, gyda rhai Aelodau yn Siambr y Senedd ac eraill yn ymuno drwy gyswllt fideo. Bydd yr holl Aelodau sy'n cymryd rhan yn nhrafodion y Senedd, lle bynnag y bônt, yn cael eu trin yn gyfartal. Mae Cyfarfod Llawn a gynhelir drwy gynhadledd fideo, yn unol â Rheolau Sefydlog Senedd Cymru, yn gyfystyr â thrafodion y Senedd at ddibenion Deddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006. Bydd rhai o ddarpariaethau Rheol Sefydlog 34 yn gymwys ar gyfer Cyfarfod Llawn heddiw, ac mae'r rheini wedi'u nodi ar eich agenda chi. A dwi eisiau atgoffa'r Aelodau fod y Rheolau Sefydlog sy'n ymwneud â threfn yn y Cyfarfod Llawn yn berthnasol i'r cyfarfod yma, ac yr un mor berthnasol i Aelodau yn y Siambr â'r rhai sy'n ymuno drwy gyswllt fideo.
Welcome to this Plenary session. Before we begin, I want to set out a few points. This meeting will be held in hybrid format, with some Members in the Senedd Chamber and others joining by video-conference. All Members participating in proceedings of the Senedd, wherever they may be, will be treated equitably. A Plenary meeting held using video-conference, in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Welsh Parliament, constitutes Senedd proceedings for the purposes of the Government of Wales Act 2006. Some of the provisions of Standing Order 34 will apply for today's Plenary meeting, and these are noted on your agenda. And I would remind Members that Standing Orders relating to order in Plenary meetings apply to this meeting, and apply equally to Members in the Chamber as to those joining virtually.
Yr eitem gyntaf yw'r cwestiynau i'r Prif Weinidog, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Mark Reckless.
The first item is questions to the First Minister, and the first question is from Mark Reckless.
1. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o lefel y gefnogaeth ar gyfer ei chyfyngiadau coronafeirws? OQ56070
1. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the level of support for its coronavirus restrictions? OQ56070
Llywydd, tests of public opinion continue to indicate strong majority support for the actions being taken by the Welsh Government to keep Wales safe.
Llywydd, mae profion o farn y cyhoedd yn parhau i ddangos cefnogaeth fwyafrifol gref i'r camau sy'n cael eu cymryd gan Lywodraeth Cymru i gadw Cymru yn ddiogel.
Well, First Minister, the YouGov poll published this morning showed support falling from 66 per cent to 45 per cent, with 47 per cent now opposed. And I just wonder whether you might find more support for your policy if you worked with the opposition rather than calling them disgraceful, and welcomed a royal visit to thank key workers rather than calling them divisive. Instead you, and I quote from your statement:
'set out how and when Wales will move between alert levels with all-Wales measures. We must do the same in Swansea as in Anglesey so long as it's different from England.'
First Minister, wouldn't we be better with a united UK approach?
Wel, Prif Weinidog, dangosodd arolwg barn YouGov a gyhoeddwyd y bore yma bod y gefnogaeth wedi gostwng o 66 y cant i 45 y cant, gyda 47 y cant bellach yn gwrthwynebu. Ac rwy'n meddwl tybed a allech chi ddod o hyd i fwy o gefnogaeth i'ch polisi pe byddech chi'n gweithio gyda'r wrthblaid yn hytrach na'u galw yn warthus, ac yn croesawu ymweliad brenhinol i ddiolch i weithwyr allweddol yn hytrach na'u galw yn rhwygol. Yn hytrach, rydych chi, a dyfynnaf o'ch datganiad:
yn nodi sut a phryd y bydd Cymru yn symud rhwng lefelau rhybudd gyda mesurau Cymru gyfan. Mae'n rhaid i ni wneud yr un fath yn Abertawe ag yn Ynys Môn cyn belled â'i fod yn wahanol i Loegr.
Prif Weinidog, oni fyddai'n well i ni fod â dull unedig y DU?
Llywydd, as far as I'm aware, neither Swansea nor Anglesey are in England. I've looked at the poll to which the Member refers. Voters in Wales were asked whether they preferred the approach taken by the Welsh Government or the approach taken by the English Government. Fifty-three per cent of people said they preferred the approach taken in Wales, 15 per cent preferred the approach that the Member continuously advocates here.
Llywydd, hyd y gwn i, nid yw Abertawe nac Ynys Môn yn Lloegr. Rwyf i wedi edrych ar yr arolwg y mae'r Aelod yn cyfeirio ato. Gofynnwyd i bleidleiswyr yng Nghymru pa un a oedd yn well ganddyn nhw'r dull a fabwysiadwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru neu'r dull a fabwysiadwyd gan Lywodraeth Lloegr. Dywedodd 53 y cant o bobl eu bod nhw'n ffafrio'r dull a fabwysiadwyd yng Nghymru, roedd yn well gan 15 y cant y dull y mae'r Aelod yn ei gefnogi yn barhaus yn y fan yma.
First Minister, one of the big calls that has been made in recent weeks is obviously the changing restrictions over the Christmas period by the four nations of the United Kingdom. The situation here in Wales has moved on since that call was made, and I respect the climate in which that call was made by your good self as the First Minister. What do you think the public's reaction is to, and perception of, those changes that will happen over Christmas, given the circumstances that the Welsh Government obviously outline Wales is facing at the moment, both in its health service, the national health service here in Wales, but also the community transmission rates?
Prif Weinidog, un o'r penderfyniadau mawr a wnaed yn yr wythnosau diwethaf yn amlwg yw newid y cyfyngiadau dros gyfnod y Nadolig gan bedair gwlad y Deyrnas Unedig. Mae'r sefyllfa yma yng Nghymru wedi symud ymlaen ers gwneud y penderfyniad hwnnw, ac rwy'n parchu'r sefyllfa y gwnaed y penderfyniad hwnnw ynddi gennych chi fel y Prif Weinidog. Beth ydych chi'n feddwl yw ymateb y cyhoedd i'r newidiadau hynny a fydd yn digwydd dros y Nadolig, a'u tybiaeth ohonyn nhw, o gofio'r amgylchiadau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn amlwg yn amlinellu bod Cymru yn eu hwynebu ar hyn o bryd, yn ei gwasanaeth iechyd, y gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol yma yng Nghymru, ond hefyd y cyfraddau trosglwyddo cymunedol?
I thank Andrew R.T. Davies for that question, Llywydd. He will know that the four-nation agreement over Christmas was hammered out in detail over four different meetings between the four nations. It was a hard-won agreement; I will not lightly put it aside. I have a meeting later today with the First Minister of Scotland, First and Deputy First Ministers of Northern Ireland, and Michael Gove, as the Minister in charge of the Cabinet Office, and no doubt this issue will be discussed again there. The choice is a grim one, Llywydd, isn't it? I have read in my own e-mail account over the last couple of days heartrending pleas from people not to reverse what we have agreed for Christmas—people who live entirely alone and who have made their arrangements to be with people for the first time in many months, and who say to me that this is the only thing that they have been able to look forward to in recent weeks. And yet we know that if people do not use the modest amount of additional freedom available to them over the Christmas period responsibly, then we will see an impact of that on our already hugely hard-pressed health service.
So, I think the choice is an incredibly difficult one. At the moment, we have a four-nation agreement. I will discuss that later today. We will look at the figures again together. I still think that the arguments for having a rule-based approach to Christmas, modestly increased amounts of freedom for people, but where they know where the rules lie, is preferable to a free-for-all in which we have a situation where people simply aren't willing to go along with what is proposed and therefore make the rules up for themselves. So, as I said, Llywydd, in whichever way the Governments of the United Kingdom resolve this issue, it will be a very, very finely balanced set of judgments between different sorts of harms that are caused, whichever course of action you embark on.
Diolchaf i Andrew R.T. Davies am y cwestiwn yna, Llywydd. Bydd ef yn gwybod bod y cytundeb pedair gwlad ynghylch y Nadolig wedi cael ei negodi yn fanwl dros bedwar gwahanol gyfarfod rhwng y pedair gwlad. Roedd yn gytundeb y gweithiwyd yn galed i'w sicrhau; nid wyf i'n mynd i'w roi o'r neilltu ar chwarae bach. Mae gen i gyfarfod yn ddiweddarach heddiw gyda Phrif Weinidog yr Alban, Prif Weinidog a Dirprwy Brif Weinidogion Gogledd Iwerddon, a Michael Gove, fel y Gweinidog sy'n gyfrifol am Swyddfa'r Cabinet, ac mae'n siŵr y bydd y mater hwn yn cael ei drafod unwaith eto yn y fan honno. Mae'r dewis yn un difrifol, Llywydd, onid yw? Rwyf i wedi darllen yn fy nghyfrif e-bost fy hun dros yr ychydig ddyddiau diwethaf pledio torcalonnus gan bobl i beidio â gwrthdroi'r hyn yr ydym ni wedi ei gytuno arno ar gyfer y Nadolig—pobl sy'n byw ar eu pennau eu hunain yn llwyr ac sydd wedi gwneud eu trefniadau i fod gyda phobl am y tro cyntaf ers misoedd lawer, ac sy'n dweud wrthyf i mai dyma'r unig beth y maen nhw wedi gallu edrych ymlaen ato yn yr wythnosau diwethaf. Ac eto, rydym ni'n gwybod os na fydd pobl yn defnyddio'r rhyddid ychwanegol cymedrol sydd ar gael iddyn nhw dros gyfnod y Nadolig yn gyfrifol, yna byddwn ni'n gweld effaith hynny ar ein gwasanaeth iechyd sydd eisoes o dan bwysau aruthrol.
Felly, rwy'n credu bod y dewis yn un anodd dros ben. Ar hyn o bryd, mae gennym ni gytundeb pedair gwlad. Byddaf yn trafod hynny yn ddiweddarach heddiw. Byddwn yn edrych ar y ffigurau unwaith eto gyda'n gilydd. Rwy'n dal i gredu bod y dadleuon dros gael dull seiliedig ar reolau ar gyfer y Nadolig, cynnydd cymedrol i ryddid pobl, ond lle maen nhw'n gwybod beth yw'r rheolau, yn well na sefyllfa pawb drostynt eu hunain lle mae gennym ni sefyllfa pan nad yw pobl yn barod i gyd-fynd â'r hyn sy'n cael ei gynnig ac felly'n gwneud y rheolau drostynt eu hunain. Felly, fel y dywedais, Llywydd, ym mha ffordd bynnag y bydd Llywodraethau'r Deyrnas Unedig yn datrys y mater hwn, bydd yn gyfres o ddyfarniadau wedi'u pwyso a'u mesur yn ofalus dros ben rhwng gwahanol fathau o niwed a achosir, pa gamau bynnag y byddwch chi'n eu cymryd.
First Minister, I see on the 1 o'clock news today that Michael Gove is going to be writing to you shortly, to see whether there's going to be any development of the four-nation approach to Christmas. At the same time, we see across the UK and across Europe, and indeed in other parts of the world, significant actions being taken by Governments there, who are affected in exactly the same way as we are now, with increasing infection rates, but also the increasing public anxiety that actually exists. I'm wondering, First Minister, what you might be saying to Michael Gove in terms of how we might co-operate, but also what lessons are there that we can learn from what is happening in the rest of the world at the moment, where they're facing an almost identical, very similar situation to ourselves.
Prif Weinidog, rwy'n gweld ar y newyddion 1 o'r gloch heddiw y bydd Michael Gove yn ysgrifennu atoch chi yn fuan, i weld a fydd unrhyw ddatblygiad o'r dull pedair gwlad ar gyfer y Nadolig. Ar yr un pryd, rydym ni'n gweld ledled y DU a ledled Ewrop, ac mewn rhannau eraill o'r byd yn wir, gamau sylweddol yn cael eu cymryd gan Lywodraethau yno, sy'n cael eu heffeithio yn yr un ffordd yn union ag yr ydym ni'n cael ein heffeithio nawr, gyda chyfraddau heintio sy'n cynyddu, ond hefyd y pryder cynyddol sy'n bodoli ymhlith y cyhoedd. Rwy'n meddwl tybed, Prif Weinidog, beth allech chi fod yn ei ddweud wrth Michael Gove o ran sut y gallem ni gydweithredu, ond hefyd pa wersi sydd yna y gallwn ni eu dysgu o'r hyn sy'n digwydd yng ngweddill y byd ar hyn o bryd, lle maen nhw'n wynebu sefyllfa debyg iawn, bron yn union yr un fath â ninnau.
Well, the lesson, Llywydd, that I draw from the rest of the world is exactly the point that Mick Antoniw made, that Governments across Europe and more widely are having to take action in the face of the resurgence of this virus during winter conditions, with a virulence that was not predicted in the modelling that was carried out in many parts of the world. And, of course, we watched very carefully what happened yesterday in Germany, in Holland, in Italy. And I will be discussing with Michael Gove, directly, later today whether the four-nation agreement that we struck continues to have marginally more advantages than disadvantages, or whether there is a different balance that we ought to strike. In either direction, Llywydd, harm is done. Harm is done whether people get together over Christmas in a way that isn't responsible and doesn't observe all the advice we have given to people, or, if we seek to prevent people from meeting over Christmas, a different sort of harm will be done—to people's sense of mental health, to people's sense of how they can survive through this incredibly difficult year together. It is not at all a choice between one course of action that has clearly all the advantages and none of the disadvantages, and another course of action where all the disadvantages are to be found. In any direction, it is a very careful and difficult balance, with pluses and minuses on both sides of the ledger.
Wel, y wers, Lywydd, yr wyf i'n ei chymryd gan weddill y byd yw'r union bwynt a wnaeth Mick Antoniw, fod Llywodraethau ledled Ewrop ac yn ehangach yn gorfod gweithredu yn wyneb ton newydd o'r feirws hwn yn ystod amodau'r gaeaf, gyda ffyrnigrwydd na ragwelwyd yn y modelu a wnaed mewn sawl rhan o'r byd. Ac, wrth gwrs, roeddem ni'n gwylio yn ofalus iawn yr hyn a ddigwyddodd ddoe yn yr Almaen, yn yr Iseldiroedd, yn yr Eidal. A byddaf yn trafod gyda Michael Gove, yn uniongyrchol, yn ddiweddarach heddiw pa un a yw'r cytundeb pedair gwlad a sicrhawyd gennym ni yn dal i fod ag ychydig mwy o fanteision nag anfanteision, neu a oes gwahanol gydbwysedd y dylem ni ei daro. I'r naill gyfeiriad neu'r llall, Llywydd, bydd niwed yn cael ei wneud. Bydd niwed yn cael ei wneud pa un a yw pobl yn dod at ei gilydd dros y Nadolig mewn ffordd nad yw'n gyfrifol ac nad yw'n cadw at yr holl gyngor yr ydym ni wedi ei roi i bobl, neu, os byddwn ni'n ceisio atal pobl rhag cyfarfod dros y Nadolig, bydd gwahanol fath o niwed yn cael ei wneud—i synnwyr pobl o iechyd meddwl, i synnwyr pobl o sut y gallan nhw ymdopi drwy'r flwyddyn arbennig o anodd hon gyda'i gilydd. Nid yw'n ddewis llwyr rhwng un cam gweithredu sydd â'r holl fanteision yn amlwg a dim o'r anfanteision, a thrywydd arall lle gellir canfod yr holl anfanteision. I unrhyw gyfeiriad, mae'n gydbwysedd gofalus ac anodd iawn, â manteision ac anfanteision ar ddwy ochr y fantol.
2. A oes gan Lywodraeth Cymru unrhyw gynlluniau i adolygu'r cyngor y mae wedi'i gael ynghylch mynd i'r afael â phandemig y coronafeirws? OQ56051
2. Does the Welsh Government have any plans to review the advice it has received in relation to tackling the coronavirus pandemic? OQ56051
I thank the Member for the question, Llywydd. The technical advisory cell provides co-ordination of the latest scientific and technical advice to support the Welsh Government decision making. This includes regular reviews of the evidence, analysis and advice from the UK’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies and a wide range of other national and international sources.
Diolchaf i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn, Llywydd. Mae'r gell cyngor technegol yn cydgysylltu'r cyngor gwyddonol a thechnegol diweddaraf i gynorthwyo penderfyniadau Llywodraeth Cymru. Mae hyn yn cynnwys adolygiadau rheolaidd o'r dystiolaeth, dadansoddiad a chyngor gan Grŵp Cynghori Gwyddonol y DU ar Argyfyngau ac amrywiaeth eang o ffynonellau cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol eraill.
Thank you, First Minister. Throughout the pandemic, you have followed the advice provided to you by the technical advisory cell, yet the pandemic is raging out of control in Wales. Therefore, many people are concluding that there is a problem either with the advice or with its implementation. And as we cannot see the advice given to Ministers, just summaries, we can only conclude that the advice given could be suspect. First Minister, science doesn't operate in secret, it relies on rigorous peer review. So, will you commit to fully publishing all scientific advice given to Ministers, and establish a scientific review board to red-team all COVID-19 control measures before they're introduced? Thank you. Diolch.
Diolch yn fawr, Prif Weinidog. Drwy gydol y pandemig, rydych chi wedi dilyn y cyngor a roddwyd i chi gan y gell cyngor technegol, ac eto mae'r pandemig yn ymledu'n ffyrnig ac allan o reolaeth yn llwyr yng Nghymru. Felly, mae llawer o bobl yn dod i'r casgliad bod problem naill ai gyda'r cyngor neu gyda'i weithrediad. A gan na allwn ni weld y cyngor a roddir i Weinidogion, dim ond crynodebau, yr unig gasgliad y gallwn ni ddod iddo yw y gallai'r cyngor sy'n cael ei roi fod yn amheus. Prif Weinidog, nid yw gwyddoniaeth yn gweithredu yn gyfrinachol, mae'n dibynnu ar adolygiad trylwyr gan gymheiriaid. Felly, a wnewch chi ymrwymo i gyhoeddi'n llawn yr holl gyngor gwyddonol a roddir i Weinidogion, a sefydlu bwrdd adolygu gwyddonol i gynnal efelychiad tîm coch o'r holl fesurau rheoli COVID-19 cyn iddyn nhw gael eu cyflwyno? Diolch.
Well, Llywydd, the problem is not with the advice or with its implementation. The problem is the virus. If the advice was wrong uniquely here in Wales, then how is it that, as we heard in the last question, Governments in other parts of the world are facing exactly the same dilemmas? We are dealing with a virus that doesn't behave in the way that models always predict, doesn't respond to some of the measures that were expected to be efficacious, where we saw yesterday evidence of a new variant emerging, which will potentially pose new challenges to us. The problem is not the advice; the advice is as good advice as you can get. The problem is dealing with a virus that is full of unexpected and difficult surprises, and where there is no single, simple approach to be found anywhere in the world that can be picked up from one part of the globe and dropped down in another with a guarantee of success.
Wel, Llywydd, nid y cyngor na'i weithrediad yw'r broblem. Y feirws yw'r broblem. Os oedd y cyngor yn anghywir yn unigryw yma yng Nghymru, yna sut gallai fod yn wir, fel y clywsom ni yn y cwestiwn diwethaf, bod Llywodraethau mewn rhannau eraill o'r byd yn wynebu'r un cyfyng-gyngor yn union? Rydym ni'n ymdrin â feirws nad yw'n ymddwyn yn y ffordd y mae modelau bob amser yn ei rhagweld, nad yw'n ymateb i rai o'r mesurau y disgwyliwyd iddyn nhw fod yn effeithiol, lle gwelsom ni dystiolaeth ddoe o amrywiolyn newydd yn dod i'r amlwg, a fydd o bosibl yn creu heriau newydd i ni. Nid y cyngor yw'r broblem; mae'r cyngor gystal cyngor ag y gallwch chi ei gael. Y broblem yw ymdrin â feirws sy'n llawn bethau annisgwyl ac anodd, a lle nad oes un dull syml i'w ganfod yn unman yn y byd y gellir ei godi o un rhan o'r byd a'i ollwng mewn un arall gyda sicrwydd o lwyddiant.
First Minister, recent correspondence from my constituents shows that this period has, understandably, taken a negative toll on the mental health of the population's most vulnerable. This correspondence, of course, is indicative of a larger scale and immediate problem that is facing the Welsh public as a whole. In fact, the results of a recent survey by Swansea and Cardiff universities revealed that approximately half of its 13,000 participants reported clinically significant psychological distress, with about 20 per cent saying they were suffering severe effects. However, there is very little mention or acknowledgement noted in the technical advisory cell briefings. So, I believe that it's crucial now, as we're moving towards more stringent measures, that this Welsh Government does all it can to ensure that access to loneliness support groups and mental health support services is ensured. So, is it possible that, when you are working with your scientific advisers and you are publishing the TACs, you could possibly give acknowledgement to those suffering with the mental health impacts to ensure that these briefings consider the impact—and the severe impact, I should say—of restrictions on loneliness, social isolation and mental health issues? Thank you.
Prif Weinidog, mae gohebiaeth ddiweddar gan fy etholwyr yn dangos bod y cyfnod hwn, yn ddealladwy, wedi cael effaith negyddol ar iechyd meddwl y rhai mwyaf agored i niwed yn y boblogaeth. Mae'r ohebiaeth hon, wrth gwrs, yn arwydd o broblem ar raddfa fwy ac uniongyrchol sy'n wynebu'r cyhoedd yng Nghymru yn gyffredinol. Yn wir, datgelodd canlyniadau arolwg diweddar gan brifysgolion Abertawe a Chaerdydd bod tua hanner y 13,000 o bobl a gymerodd ran wedi nodi gofid seicolegol clinigol sylweddol, a dywedodd tua 20 y cant eu bod nhw'n dioddef effeithiau difrifol. Fodd bynnag, ychydig iawn o sôn na chydnabyddiaeth a geir ym mhapurau briffio'r gell cyngor technegol. Felly, rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n hanfodol nawr, gan ein bod ni'n symud tuag at fesurau llymach, bod y Llywodraeth Cymru hon yn gwneud popeth o fewn ei gallu i sicrhau bod mynediad at grwpiau cymorth unigrwydd a gwasanaethau cymorth iechyd meddwl yn cael ei sicrhau. Felly, a yw hi'n bosibl, pan fyddwch chi'n gweithio gyda'ch cynghorwyr gwyddonol ac yn cyhoeddi papurau briffio'r gell cyngor technegol, y gallech chi gydnabod y rhai sy'n dioddef o'r effeithiau iechyd meddwl i sicrhau bod y papurau briffio hyn yn ystyried yr effaith—a'r effaith ddifrifol, dylwn i ddweud—cyfyngiadau ar unigrwydd, ynysu cymdeithasol a phroblemau iechyd meddwl? Diolch.
Llywydd, well, I do think that the technical advisory group does, very regularly, provide advice to us on the wider harms. Our chief medical officer has from the very beginning pointed to the four different sort of harms that come from coronavirus, and the impact on people's sense of mental health and mental well-being is absolutely part of what we always weigh up. I was trying to do it in my answer to Andrew R.T. Davies's question—the advice we are seeing today from people about taking more stringent measures over Christmas to reduce the ability of people to get together. But that will have an impact on all the issues that Janet Finch-Saunders has just raised with me. Those were the e-mails that I was referring to , from people pleading that we should allow them to be able to get together over Christmas because of the impact on their mental health and well-being.
I took part myself, yesterday, Llywydd, in an initiative that is simply asking people to phone somebody else over Christmas who lives alone, and I had a very striking conversation with somebody living in the Rhondda Cynon Taf area, who has been three months without being able to see anybody else because of his own health and the impact that has on other people. And the Christmas period matters a lot to people, doesn't it? So, I just want to say to the Member that, of course, we weigh those things up, and, of course, we try and make judgments that attend to the impact on people's physical health and on our services, on the current state of coronavirus, while never losing sight of the fact that, when restrictions are placed on people's ability to meet others, which may be entirely necessary to control the virus, there are other effects that we must weigh up and try and mitigate.
Llywydd, wel, rwy'n credu bod y grŵp cynghori technegol yn rhoi cyngor i ni, yn rheolaidd iawn, ar y niweidiau ehangach. O'r cychwyn cyntaf, mae ein prif swyddog meddygol wedi tynnu sylw at y pedwar gwahanol fath o niwed sy'n deillio o goronafeirws, ac mae'r effaith ar synnwyr pobl o iechyd meddwl a llesiant meddwl yn sicr yn rhan o'r hyn yr ydym ni bob amser yn ei bwyso a'i fesur. Roeddwn i'n ceisio gwneud hynny yn fy ateb i gwestiwn Andrew R.T. Davies—y cyngor yr ydym ni'n ei weld heddiw gan bobl ynglŷn â chymryd camau llymach dros y Nadolig i leihau gallu pobl i ddod at ei gilydd. Ond bydd hynny yn cael effaith ar yr holl faterion y mae Janet Finch-Saunders newydd eu codi gyda mi. Dyna'r negeseuon e-bost yr oeddwn i'n cyfeirio atyn nhw, gan bobl yn pledio y dylem ni ganiatáu iddyn nhw gael dod at ei gilydd dros y Nadolig oherwydd yr effaith ar eu hiechyd a'u llesiant meddwl.
Cymerais ran fy hun, ddoe, Llywydd, mewn menter sy'n gofyn yn syml i bobl ffonio rhywun arall dros y Nadolig sy'n byw ar ei ben ei hun, a chefais sgwrs drawiadol iawn gyda rhywun sy'n byw yn ardal Rhondda Cynon Taf, sydd wedi bod heb allu gweld neb arall ers tri mis oherwydd ei iechyd ei hun a'r effaith y mae hynny yn ei chael ar bobl eraill. Ac mae cyfnod y Nadolig yn bwysig iawn i bobl, onid yw? Felly, hoffwn ddweud wrth yr Aelod ein bod ni, wrth gwrs, yn pwyso a mesur y pethau hynny, ac, wrth gwrs, rydym ni'n ceisio gwneud penderfyniadau sy'n rhoi sylw i'r effaith ar iechyd corfforol pobl ac ar ein gwasanaethau, ar y sefyllfa bresennol o ran y coronafeirws, heb fyth golli golwg ar y ffaith, pan gyflwynir cyfyngiadau ar allu pobl i gyfarfod â phobl eraill, a all fod yn gwbl angenrheidiol i reoli'r feirws, bod effeithiau eraill y mae'n rhaid i ni eu pwyso a'u mesur a cheisio eu lliniaru.
First Minister, could I ask what efforts you have made to reach out to the main party leaders in order to keep them informed of the medical and scientific advice and the data and the difficult choices to be made? At this time of a continuing national crisis, facing a continuing pandemic, the people of Wales would hope that all political leaders and spokespeople would seek every opportunity to be well informed and would also expect the First Minister to make those opportunities available to the opposition. So, can I ask, have you had that good and timely engagement with the main opposition party leaders so that they can themselves engage as fully as possible in the challenges we face in Wales, and so that their public pronouncements can be well informed and promote this message of saving lives, protecting our precious NHS and the people who at this very moment are working on the front line in dangerous and difficult circumstances?
Prif Weinidog, a gaf i ofyn pa ymdrechion yr ydych chi wedi eu gwneud i gysylltu gydag arweinyddion y prif bleidiau er mwyn rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf iddyn nhw am y cyngor meddygol a gwyddonol a'r data a'r dewisiadau anodd sydd i'w gwneud? Ar yr adeg hon o argyfwng cenedlaethol parhaus, gan wynebu pandemig parhaus, byddai pobl Cymru yn gobeithio y byddai pob arweinydd a llefarydd gwleidyddol yn ceisio manteisio ar bob cyfle i fod yn wybodus a bydden nhw hefyd yn disgwyl i'r Prif Weinidog sicrhau bod y cyfleoedd hynny ar gael i'r wrthblaid. Felly, a gaf i ofyn, a ydych chi wedi cael yr ymgysylltiad da ac amserol hwnnw gydag arweinyddion y prif wrthbleidiau fel y gallan nhw eu hunain gymryd rhan mor llawn â phosibl yn yr heriau sy'n ein hwynebu ni yng Nghymru, ac fel y gall eu datganiadau cyhoeddus fod yn wybodus a hyrwyddo'r neges hon o achub bywydau, diogelu ein GIG gwerthfawr a'r bobl sydd ar yr union adeg hon yn gweithio ar y rheng flaen o dan amgylchiadau peryglus ac anodd?
Llywydd, I thank Huw Irranca-Davies for that. For many months now, we have had a pattern on a Wednesday morning of a meeting involving both the leader of the opposition and the leader of Plaid Cymru to make sure that we are able to share with them, sometimes on a reasonably confidential—necessarily confidential—basis the advice that comes to Welsh Government, and I'm very grateful to both of them for the time that they've taken and the efforts they've made to be available and to participate in those meetings. I don't think the leader of Plaid Cymru has missed a single one of them. And I have done my best, when we are coming to major decisions and major announcements, to make a telephone call to the leaders of the Conservative Party and Plaid Cymru in advance of that, so that they are at least sighted on what it is that we are trying to achieve. And I agree with what Huw Irranca-Davies said, that the more those opportunities are taken, the better able we are to try and, where we are able to do so, send common messages out to people in Wales about the nature of the public health emergency we continue to be gripped by and the actions that we can take in our own lives as well as the action that the Government can take to make a difference to it.
Llywydd, diolchaf i Huw Irranca-Davies am hynna. Ers misoedd bellach, rydym ni wedi cael patrwm ar fore Mercher o gyfarfod sy'n cynnwys arweinydd yr wrthblaid ac arweinydd Plaid Cymru i wneud yn siŵr ein bod ni'n gallu rhannu gyda nhw, weithiau ar sail weddol gyfrinachol—anghenrheidiol gyfrinachol—y cyngor sy'n dod i Lywodraeth Cymru, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn i'r ddau ohonyn nhw am yr amser y maen nhw wedi ei roi a'r ymdrechion y maen nhw wedi eu gwneud i fod ar gael ac i gymryd rhan yn y cyfarfodydd hynny. Nid wyf i'n credu bod arweinydd Plaid Cymru wedi colli yr un ohonyn nhw. Ac rwyf i wedi gwneud fy ngorau, pan fyddwn ni'n dod at benderfyniadau mawr a chyhoeddiadau mawr, i wneud galwad ffôn i arweinyddion y Blaid Geidwadol a Phlaid Cymru ymlaen llaw, fel eu bod nhw o leiaf yn ymwybodol o'r hyn yr ydym ni'n ceisio ei gyflawni. Ac rwy'n cytuno â'r hyn a ddywedodd Huw Irranca-Davies, mai'r mwyaf o'r cyfleoedd hynny a gymerir, y gorau y byddwn ni'n gallu ceisio, lle gallwn ni wneud hynny, anfon negeseuon cyffredin i bobl yng Nghymru am natur yr argyfwng iechyd cyhoeddus yr ydym ni'n dal yn ei afael a'r camau y gallwn ni eu cymryd yn ein bywydau ein hunain yn ogystal â'r camau y gall y Llywodraeth eu cymryd i wneud gwahaniaeth i hynny.
Cwestiynau nawr gan arweinwyr y pleidiau, ac felly yn gyntaf arweinydd y Ceidwadwyr, Paul Davies.
Questions now from the party leaders. First of all, the leader of the Conservatives, Paul Davies.
Diolch, Llywydd. First Minister, as you know, unfortunately, Wales has the highest COVID-19 infection rate in the UK, and eight of the UK's top-10 worst infected areas are currently in Wales, with Merthyr Tydfil, Neath Port Talbot and Bridgend all in the top three. Naturally, speculation still remains over whether further measures will be introduced and how those restrictions could affect people's lives and livelihoods. First Minister, with cases so high in Wales, can you tell us when you intend to make a decision on any further restrictions in Wales? And given that the Welsh Government's own coronavirus control plan confirms that a case rate of more than 300 cases per 100,000 people is under alert level 4, can you tell us whether you are now looking to escalate Wales to the next level?
Diolch, Llywydd. Prif Weinidog, fel y gwyddoch, yn anffodus, Cymru sydd â'r gyfradd heintio COVID-19 uchaf yn y DU, ac mae wyth o'r 10 ardal fwyaf heintiedig yn y DU yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd, gyda Merthyr Tudful, Castell-nedd Port Talbot a Phen-y-bont ar Ogwr i gyd yn y tri uchaf. Yn naturiol, ceir dyfalu o hyd ynghylch pa un a fydd mesurau pellach yn cael eu cyflwyno a sut y gallai'r cyfyngiadau hynny effeithio ar fywydau a bywoliaeth pobl. Prif Weinidog, gydag achosion mor niferus yng Nghymru, a allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni pryd yr ydych chi'n bwriadu gwneud penderfyniad am unrhyw gyfyngiadau pellach yng Nghymru? Ac o gofio bod cynllun rheoli coronafeirws Llywodraeth Cymru ei hun yn cadarnhau bod cyfradd achos o fwy na 300 o achosion fesul 100,000 o bobl o dan lefel rhybudd 4, a allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni pa un a ydych chi'n bwriadu symud Cymru i fyny i'r lefel nesaf erbyn hyn?
Llywydd, I thank Paul Davies for that question. We will be looking every single day this week at the way that the figures in Wales are moving. I said at my press conference on Friday that unless we see signs that the current rise is being arrested and reversed, then it is inevitable that further measures will be needed. Now, we took an important set of measures a week ago last Friday in relation to attractions and hospitality. We took further measures last week in relation to schools and outdoor attractions. We have to be able to allow those interventions an opportunity to work. If we do not see them working, as I said on Friday, then it is I think inevitable that further actions will be necessary in order to stem the flow of coronavirus as we see it in Wales today. And I'll be doing that every day this week.
Llywydd, diolchaf i Paul Davies am y cwestiwn yna. Byddwn yn edrych bob un dydd yr wythnos hon ar y ffordd y mae'r ffigurau yng Nghymru yn symud. Dywedais yn fy nghynhadledd i'r wasg ddydd Gwener, oni bai ein bod ni'n gweld arwyddion bod y cynnydd presennol yn cael ei atal a'i wrthdroi, yna mae'n anochel y bydd angen mesurau pellach. Nawr, cyflwynwyd cyfres bwysig o fesurau wythnos i ddydd Gwener diwethaf o ran atyniadau a lletygarwch. Cymerwyd mesurau pellach gennym ni yr wythnos diwethaf o ran ysgolion ac atyniadau awyr agored. Mae'n rhaid i ni allu rhoi cyfle i'r ymyraethau hynny weithio. Os na fyddwn ni'n eu gweld nhw'n gweithio, fel y dywedais ddydd Gwener, yna rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n anochel y bydd angen cymryd camau pellach i atal llif y coronafeirws fel y'i gwelwn yng Nghymru heddiw. A byddaf yn gwneud hynny bob dydd yr wythnos hon.
I'm grateful for that answer, First Minister, and I know that the health Minister confirmed yesterday that nothing, of course, is off the table when it comes to more COVID restrictions over Christmas, and I very much accept and understand that, and I appreciate that you'll be having further discussions with other UK Governments later on this afternoon about the Christmas restrictions as well.
Now, of course, Wales has more than twice as many COVID-19 cases compared to other parts of the UK, and two health boards have now confirmed that they will suspend some non-urgent treatment, and so we're also looking at a crisis perhaps actually taking place as well in the new year. You will have seen the concerns of the Welsh Intensive Care Society, which has warned that critical care services will not be able to cope over the winter period without intervention at the highest level, and with the relaxation of rules for a few days over Christmas there will be even more pressure, as you've just said, on NHS services in the coming weeks and months. I'm pleased that the UK Government has today offered to treat non-COVID patients in England to help ease the pressures on Welsh hospitals and to do all it can to help.
Given the seriousness of the issue, can you tell us what assessment the Welsh Government has made of the rise in cases on hospital capacity across Wales? Secondly, in light of the calls for intervention from some in the medical profession, can you tell us what discussions you've had with the local health boards about their plans for delivering elective surgery and routine care over the coming weeks? And can you also tell us whether you will be taking up the UK Government's offer of enabling non-COVID Welsh patients to be treated in English hospitals if necessary?
Rwy'n ddiolchgar am yr ateb yna, Prif Weinidog, a gwn fod y Gweinidog iechyd wedi cadarnhau ddoe nad oes dim, wrth gwrs, oddi ar y bwrdd o ran mwy o gyfyngiadau COVID dros y Nadolig, ac rwy'n derbyn ac yn deall hynny yn llwyr, ac rwy'n sylweddoli y byddwch chi'n cael trafodaethau pellach gyda Llywodraethau eraill y DU yn ddiweddarach y prynhawn yma am gyfyngiadau'r Nadolig hefyd.
Nawr, wrth gwrs, mae gan Gymru fwy na dwywaith cymaint o achosion COVID-19 o'i chymharu â rhannau eraill o'r DU, ac mae dau fwrdd iechyd wedi cadarnhau erbyn hyn y byddan nhw'n gohirio rhywfaint o driniaeth nad yw'n driniaeth frys, ac felly rydym ni hefyd yn edrych ar argyfwng a fydd yn digwydd yn y flwyddyn newydd hefyd efallai. Byddwch wedi gweld pryderon Cymdeithas Gofal Dwys Cymru, sydd wedi rhybuddio na fydd gwasanaethau gofal critigol yn gallu ymdopi dros gyfnod y gaeaf heb ymyrraeth ar y lefel uchaf, ac yn sgil llacio rheolau am ychydig ddyddiau dros y Nadolig bydd hyd yn oed mwy o bwysau, fel yr ydych chi newydd ei ddweud, ar wasanaethau'r GIG yn yr wythnosau a'r misoedd nesaf. Rwy'n falch bod Llywodraeth y DU heddiw wedi cynnig trin cleifion nad ydyn nhw'n gleifion COVID yn Lloegr i helpu i leddfu'r pwysau ar ysbytai Cymru ac i wneud popeth o fewn ei gallu i helpu.
O ystyried difrifoldeb y mater, a allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ei wneud o'r cynnydd i nifer yr achosion o ran capasiti ysbytai ledled Cymru? Yn ail, yng ngoleuni'r galwadau am ymyrraeth gan rai yn y proffesiwn meddygol, a allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni pa drafodaethau yr ydych chi wedi eu cael gyda'r byrddau iechyd lleol am eu cynlluniau ar gyfer darparu llawdriniaeth ddewisol a gofal rheolaidd dros yr wythnosau nesaf? Ac a allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni hefyd pa un a fyddwch chi'n manteisio ar gynnig Llywodraeth y DU i alluogi cleifion nad ydynt yn gleifion COVID i gael eu trin mewn ysbytai yn Lloegr os oes angen?
Llywydd, I think it's fair for me to point out that Wales is, as the leader of the opposition says, at the highest level of coronavirus in the United Kingdom today. At various points, all four nations have been in that position. England was in it earlier in the summer, Northern Ireland was in that position a few weeks ago, Scotland have had the same experience in relation to the central belt. So, this is an evolving pattern in which spikes occur in different places.
As far as capacity in the health service is concerned, there are two sorts of capacity that we're talking about. There's physical capacity in terms of bed numbers: 16 per cent of acute beds in the Welsh NHS are not occupied today. So, physical capacity is stretched, but not stretched to breaking point. The other capacity we're talking about is staff, and that's where the current difficulties I think are at their most acute. We have the highest number of staff at any point during this year who are self-isolating and for other reasons not available to be in work; 1,500 more people last week than was the case in September. And the problem that has been faced in some parts of the NHS, and the reason why some non-urgent treatments are being suspended, is because we simply don't have staff in place to keep everything that the health service wants to do going, and we're having to concentrate the staff resources we have on those most urgent things, including providing for the rising number of people suffering from coronavirus. So, we rely on a regular engagement with all our health boards, to look at the capacity of the system to continue to do things other than coronavirus, and that varies from health board to health board at the moment, but it is a daily engagement that we have with them in order to make sure that, as far as possible, the health service does all the things we would all want it to do.
As to the letter on mutual aid, of course, I will reply to it, once again endorsing the principle of mutual aid that has been there through coronavirus. Wales has supplied 11 million items of PPE to the English NHS during this crisis as part of our mutual aid, and the letter that I've received today restates that, and I'm very happy to once again endorse it.
Llywydd, rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n deg i mi dynnu sylw at y ffaith fod Cymru, fel y mae arweinydd yr wrthblaid yn ei ddweud, ar y lefel uchaf o goronafeirws yn y Deyrnas Unedig heddiw. Ar wahanol adegau, mae pob un o'r pedair gwlad wedi bod yn y sefyllfa honno. Roedd Lloegr ynddi yn gynharach yn yr haf, roedd Gogledd Iwerddon yn y sefyllfa honno ychydig wythnosau yn ôl, mae'r Alban wedi cael yr un profiad o ran stribed y canolbarth. Felly, mae hwn yn batrwm sy'n esblygu lle mae cynnydd sydyn i nifer yr achosion yn digwydd mewn gwahanol leoedd.
O ran capasiti yn y gwasanaeth iechyd, ceir dau fath o gapasiti yr ydym ni'n sôn amdanyn nhw. Ceir capasiti ffisegol o ran nifer y gwelyau: mae 16 y cant o welyau acíwt yn GIG Cymru nad ydyn nhw'n cael eu defnyddio heddiw. Felly, mae capasiti ffisegol yn cael ei ymestyn, ond nid yw'n cael ei ymestyn i'r pwynt o dorri. Y capasiti arall yr ydym ni'n sôn amdano yw staff, a dyna lle mae'r anawsterau presennol ar eu mwyaf difrifol yn fy marn i. Mae gennym ni'r nifer uchaf o staff ar unrhyw adeg yn ystod eleni sy'n hunanynysu ac am resymau eraill ddim ar gael i fod yn y gwaith; 1,500 yn fwy o bobl yr wythnos diwethaf nag oedd yn wir ym mis Medi. A'r broblem a wynebwyd mewn rhai rhannau o'r GIG, a'r rheswm pam mae rhai triniaethau nad ydynt yn rhai brys yn cael eu gohirio, yw oherwydd nad oes gennym ni staff ar gael i barhau â phopeth y mae'r gwasanaeth iechyd eisiau ei wneud, ac rydym ni'n gorfod canolbwyntio'r adnoddau staff sydd gennym ni ar y pethau mwyaf brys hynny, gan gynnwys darparu ar gyfer y nifer gynyddol o bobl sy'n dioddef o goronafeirws. Felly, rydym ni'n dibynnu ar ymgysylltiad rheolaidd â'n holl fyrddau iechyd, i edrych ar allu'r system i barhau i wneud pethau heblaw coronafeirws, ac mae hynny yn amrywio o un bwrdd iechyd i'r llall ar hyn o bryd, ond mae'n ymgysylltiad dyddiol sydd gennym ni gyda nhw i wneud yn siŵr, cyn belled â phosibl, bod y gwasanaeth iechyd yn gwneud yr holl bethau y byddem ni i gyd eisiau iddo eu gwneud.
O ran y llythyr ar gyd-gymorth, wrth gwrs, byddaf yn ymateb iddo, gan gymeradwyo eto yr egwyddor o gyd-gymorth sydd wedi bod yno drwy'r coronafeirws. Mae Cymru wedi cyflenwi 11 miliwn o eitemau o gyfarpar diogelu personol i GIG Lloegr yn ystod yr argyfwng hwn yn rhan o'n cyd-gymorth, ac mae'r llythyr a gefais heddiw yn ailddatgan hynny, ac rwy'n hapus iawn i'w gymeradwyo unwaith eto.
First Minister, whilst the COVID pandemic continues to escalate in most parts of Wales, there are still some valid concerns from many across the country about the negative consequences of further restrictions, in particular, as you said earlier, the effect on people's mental health. As my colleague the Member for Aberconwy said earlier, last month, Mind Cymru teamed up with researchers at Cardiff and Swansea universities to speak to more than 13,000 people about the impact of the pandemic on mental health in Wales, and their research showed that around half of the participants showed clinically significant psychological distress, with around 20 per cent reporting severe effects. Therefore, we can't be under any illusions that further restrictions could make life difficult for a lot of people, and it's crucial that the Welsh Government signposts support and ensures that mental health services are accessible to those who actually need them.
As the Welsh Government makes its decision on the next steps for Wales, can you tell us what mental health impact assessment has been carried out in relation to any further restrictions? Could you tell us what additional support will be made available to people who need it, and how will the Welsh Government signpost services and encourage people to ask for help should they feel that their mental health is suffering as a result of any further restrictions?
Prif Weinidog, er bod pandemig COVID yn parhau i waethygu yn y rhan fwyaf o rannau o Gymru, ceir rhai pryderon dilys o hyd gan lawer ledled y wlad am ganlyniadau negyddol cyfyngiadau pellach, yn enwedig, fel y dywedasoch yn gynharach, yr effaith ar iechyd meddwl pobl. Fel y dywedodd fy nghyd-Aelod, yr Aelod dros Aberconwy yn gynharach, fis diwethaf, aeth Mind Cymru ati gydag ymchwilwyr ym mhrifysgolion Caerdydd ac Abertawe i siarad â mwy na 13,000 o bobl am effaith y pandemig ar iechyd meddwl yng Nghymru, a dangosodd eu gwaith ymchwil bod tua hanner y rhai a gymerodd ran yn dangos gofid seicolegol clinigol sylweddol, gyda thua 20 y cant yn adrodd effeithiau difrifol. Felly, allwn ni ddim twyllo ein hunain na allai cyfyngiadau pellach wneud bywyd yn anodd i lawer o bobl, ac mae'n hanfodol bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn cyfeirio at gymorth ac yn sicrhau bod gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl yn hygyrch i'r rhai sydd eu hangen mewn gwirionedd.
Wrth i Lywodraeth Cymru wneud ei phenderfyniad ar y camau nesaf i Gymru, a allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni pa asesiad o'r effaith ar iechyd meddwl sydd wedi cael ei gynnal o ran unrhyw gyfyngiadau pellach? A allech chi ddweud wrthym ni pa gymorth ychwanegol a fydd ar gael i bobl sydd ei angen, a sut y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn cyfeirio gwasanaethau ac yn annog pobl i ofyn am gymorth os ydyn nhw'n teimlo bod eu hiechyd meddwl yn dioddef o ganlyniad i unrhyw gyfyngiadau pellach?
Well, I thank the Member. It's an absolutely important area, of course. It comes up in all the conversations that I have when I'm talking to people beyond the Senedd. It comes up in conversations with our health workers, who've gone through a year not simply torrid in terms of the physical strain of the job that they do, but the emotional wear and tear that it has of seeing people who would otherwise be fit and well suffering from this awful disease. It comes up very regularly in the discussions that I have with young people, who are very alert to the impact that this year will have had on their sense of resilience and looking to the future.
I think what we have learnt through the many different impact assessments that we have done is that mental health services have to be provided in a range of different ways, because the sort of help that any one person might wish will vary from the way that other people will wish to access it. It's why we have the range of services that we do: a 24-hour, seven days a week telephone helpline for people who want to talk to somebody who they don't need to meet again, and for some people that is the best way of dealing with it. They don't want to have a conversation continuously; they want to be able to speak to somebody knowing that that person is skilled and able to help them, and knowing that, when they put the phone down, that's the end of the conversation. Our young people are often inclined to prefer online types of help with mental health and well-being issues. They like to use the exercises and help that is available in that way, and other people would prefer to sit down face-to-face with somebody and know that, if they need to speak to that person again next week, that person will be available to them. We have strengthened all of those strands in the response that we have made over the past months, to try to respond to the impact on people's sense of well-being.
The signposting to those services relies not simply on what the Welsh Government does, but on our partners in the third sector, such as Mind Cymru, and in our public services as well. As we go into next year, where we hope very much that there will be some more reasons for being optimistic that this experience will come to an end, we will still need to attend not just to the immediate impacts of the virus, but the long impact that coronavirus can have on people's physical, but also their mental well-being.
Wel, diolchaf i'r Aelod. Mae'n faes hollol bwysig, wrth gwrs. Mae'n codi yn yr holl sgyrsiau yr wyf i'n eu cael pan fyddaf yn siarad â phobl y tu hwnt i'r Senedd. Mae'n codi mewn sgyrsiau gyda'n gweithwyr iechyd, sydd wedi bod trwy flwyddyn ofnadwy nid yn unig o ran straen corfforol y gwaith y maen nhw'n ei wneud, ond y traul emosiynol sy'n cael ei achosi o weld pobl a fyddai fel arall yn heini ac iach yn dioddef o'r clefyd ofnadwy hwn. Mae'n codi yn rheolaidd iawn yn y trafodaethau yr wyf i'n eu cael gyda phobl ifanc, sy'n effro iawn i'r effaith y bydd eleni wedi ei chael ar eu synnwyr o wydnwch ac edrych i'r dyfodol.
Rwy'n credu mai'r hyn yr ydym ni wedi ei ddysgu drwy'r llu o wahanol asesiadau effaith yr ydym ni wedi eu cynnal yw bod yn rhaid darparu gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl mewn amrywiaeth o wahanol ffyrdd, oherwydd bydd y math o gymorth y gallai unrhyw berson unigol ddymuno ei gael amrywio o'r ffordd y bydd pobl eraill yn dymuno cael gafael arno. Dyna pam mae gennym ni'r amrywiaeth o wasanaethau sydd gennym ni: llinell gymorth 24 awr, saith diwrnod yr wythnos i bobl sydd eisiau siarad â rhywun nad ydyn nhw angen ei gyfarfod eto, ac i rai pobl dyna'r ffordd orau o ymdrin ag ef. Dydyn nhw ddim eisiau cael sgwrs yn barhaus; maen nhw eisiau gallu siarad gyda rhywun gan wybod bod y person hwnnw yn fedrus ac yn gallu eu helpu, a chan wybod, pan fyddan nhw'n rhoi'r ffôn i lawr, mai dyna ddiwedd y sgwrs. Mae ein pobl ifanc yn aml yn tueddu i ffafrio mathau o gymorth ar-lein gyda phroblemau iechyd a llesiant meddwl. Maen nhw'n hoffi defnyddio'r ymarferion a'r cymorth sydd ar gael yn y ffordd honno, a byddai'n well gan bobl eraill eistedd wyneb yn wyneb â rhywun a gwybod, os bydd angen siarad â'r person hwnnw eto yr wythnos nesaf, y bydd y person hwnnw ar gael iddyn nhw. Rydym ni wedi cryfhau'r holl feysydd hynny yn yr ymateb yr ydym ni wedi ei wneud dros y misoedd diwethaf, i geisio ymateb i'r effaith ar synnwyr pobl o lesiant.
Mae cyfeirio at y gwasanaethau hynny yn dibynnu nid yn unig ar yr hyn y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud, ond ar ein partneriaid yn y trydydd sector, fel Mind Cymru, ac yn ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus hefyd. Wrth i ni gychwyn y flwyddyn nesaf, pryd yr ydym ni'n gobeithio yn fawr iawn y bydd mwy o resymau dros fod yn obeithiol y bydd y profiad hwn yn dod i ben, bydd angen i ni roi sylw o hyd nid yn unig i effeithiau uniongyrchol y feirws, ond yr effaith hirdymor y gall coronafeirws ei chael ar lesiant corfforol pobl, ond hefyd eu llesiant meddyliol.
Arweinydd Plaid Cymru, Adam Price.
Plaid Cymru leader, Adam Price.
Diolch, Llywydd. The UK Prime Minister has repeatedly scored own goals by only partially and belatedly heeding Marcus Rashford's call to provide free schools meals in England. While the Conservative Government has an ideological objection to helping the most vulnerable in society, in Wales, we have a moral obligation. Providing free school meals is one of the best ways of mitigating the worst effects of a second wave of Tory austerity, which will hit the poorest hardest, as the Marmot review, published today, has shown. In its own report in June last year, the Bevan Foundation found a number of shortcomings with the current free school meal system in Wales. The value from the support, they say, is not sufficient to lift enough children out of food poverty. With 180,000 children living in poverty in Wales, do you regret dropping the long-standing target to eradicate child poverty by this year, and does that place a greater responsibility on you now to act?
Diolch, Llywydd. Mae Prif Weinidog y DU wedi rhoi'r bêl yn ei rwyd ei hun dro ar ôl tro drwy ddim ond rhoi sylw rhannol a hwyr i alwad Marcus Rashford i ddarparu prydau ysgol am ddim yn Lloegr. Er bod gan y Llywodraeth Geidwadol wrthwynebiad ideolegol i helpu'r bobl fwyaf agored i niwed mewn cymdeithas, yng Nghymru, mae gennym ni rwymedigaeth foesol. Darparu prydau ysgol am ddim yw un o'r ffyrdd gorau o liniaru effeithiau gwaethaf ail don o gyni cyllidol y Torïaid, a fydd yn taro'r tlotaf galetaf, fel y mae adolygiad Marmot, a gyhoeddwyd heddiw, wedi ei ddangos. Yn ei adroddiad ei hun ym mis Mehefin y llynedd, canfu Sefydliad Bevan nifer o ddiffygion gyda'r system prydau ysgol am ddim bresennol yng Nghymru. Nid yw'r gwerth o'r cymorth, dywedant, yn ddigonol i godi digon o blant allan o dlodi bwyd. Gyda 180,000 o blant yn byw mewn tlodi yng Nghymru, a ydych chi'n difaru cael gwared ar y targed hirsefydlog i ddileu tlodi plant erbyn eleni, ac a yw hynny yn rhoi mwy o gyfrifoldeb arnoch chi erbyn hyn i weithredu?
Llywydd, I think the Welsh Government's record in relation to free school meals during this pandemic will stand up to very close examination. We were the first part of the United Kingdom to guarantee free school meals during the early part of the pandemic, and we were the first part of the United Kingdom to guarantee that we would continue to provide free school meals right through the autumn and into the spring of next year. The allowance that we provide for free school meals per pupil is higher than England, higher than Scotland—in fact, the highest in the United Kingdom.
Of course child poverty matters hugely to us, and there are more things that we would wish to do. It's why, during this term, we have doubled and then doubled again the number of times during a child's school career that they're able to take advantage of what was once called the school uniform grant. As from next calendar year, we will begin to roll out an additional sum of money available to pupils in year 7, the first year of secondary school—an additional sum of money to their free school meal allowance every day to make sure that those children do not have to choose between eating breakfast or eating lunch.
Llywydd, rwy'n credu y bydd hanes Llywodraeth Cymru o ran prydau ysgol am ddim yn ystod y pandemig hwn yn gwrthsefyll archwiliad gofalus iawn. Ni oedd y rhan gyntaf o'r Deyrnas Unedig i sicrhau prydau ysgol am ddim yn ystod rhan gynnar y pandemig, a ni oedd y rhan gyntaf o'r Deyrnas Unedig i sicrhau y byddem ni'n parhau i ddarparu prydau ysgol am ddim drwy'r hydref a hyd at wanwyn y flwyddyn nesaf. Mae'r lwfans yr ydym ni'n ei ddarparu ar gyfer prydau ysgol am ddim fesul disgybl yn uwch nag yn Lloegr, yn uwch nag yn yr Alban—yr uchaf yn y Deyrnas Unedig, mewn gwirionedd.
Wrth gwrs, mae tlodi plant yn bwysig iawn i ni, ac mae mwy o bethau yr hoffem ni eu gwneud. Dyna pam, yn ystod y tymor hwn, yr ydym ni wedi dyblu ac yna dyblu eto nifer yr adegau yn ystod gyrfa ysgol plentyn y caiff fanteisio ar yr hyn a elwid ar un adeg yn grant gwisg ysgol. O'r flwyddyn galendr nesaf ymlaen, byddwn yn dechrau cyflwyno swm ychwanegol o arian sydd ar gael i ddisgyblion ym mlwyddyn 7, blwyddyn gyntaf yr ysgol uwchradd—swm ychwanegol o arian i'w lwfans prydau ysgol am ddim bob dydd i wneud yn siŵr nad oes yn rhaid i'r plant hynny ddewis rhwng bwyta brecwast neu fwyta cinio.
First Minister, as you are aware, the Scottish Government has recently committed to universal free school meals for all primary school children. In 1943, Finland introduced a law clearly requiring free school meals to be served to all children, a policy that is in place still today. And as the Finnish experience has shown—we've modelled much of our education system on them, and actually this commitment is right at the heart of the model, because it's food education in schools, it's a holistic tool that they use to deliver far-reaching benefits beyond the school canteen. Figures from the Child Poverty Action Group show that over 70,000 children living below the poverty line in Wales are not currently eligible for free school meals. To right this wrong, a Plaid Cymru Government would raise the eligibility threshold so that children in every household in receipt of universal credit would receive free school meals, and we'd set a clear timetable to extend free-school-meal provision to every pupil, on the Finnish model, beginning with universal free school meals for infants. First Minister, would you support this endeavour?
Prif Weinidog, fel y gwyddoch, mae Llywodraeth yr Alban wedi ymrwymo yn ddiweddar i brydau ysgol am ddim cyffredinol i bob plentyn ysgol gynradd. Ym 1943, cyflwynodd y Ffindir gyfraith yn ei gwneud yn gwbl ofynnol i brydau ysgol am ddim gael eu gweini i bob plentyn, polisi sy'n dal i fod ar waith heddiw. Ac fel y mae profiad y Ffindir wedi ei ddangos—rydym ni wedi modelu llawer o'n system addysg arnyn nhw, ac mewn gwirionedd mae'r ymrwymiad hwn yn gwbl ganolog i'r model, gan ei fod yn addysg fwyd mewn ysgolion, mae'n arf cyfannol y maen nhw'n ei ddefnyddio i sicrhau manteision pellgyrhaeddol y tu hwnt i ffreutur yr ysgol. Mae ffigurau gan y Grŵp Gweithredu ar Dlodi Plant yn dangos bod dros 70,000 o blant sy'n byw islaw'r llinell dlodi yng Nghymru nad ydynt yn gymwys i gael prydau ysgol am ddim ar hyn o bryd. I unioni'r cam hwn, byddai Llywodraeth Plaid Cymru yn codi'r trothwy cymhwysedd fel y byddai plant ym mhob cartref sy'n cael credyd cynhwysol yn cael prydau ysgol am ddim, a byddem ni'n cyflwyno amserlen eglur i ymestyn y ddarpariaeth prydau ysgol am ddim i bob disgybl, ar sail model y Ffindir, gan ddechrau gyda phrydau ysgol am ddim i fabanod. Prif Weinidog, a fyddech chi'n cefnogi'r ymdrech hon?
I will want to see the detail of what Plaid Cymru is proposing. In particular, Llywydd, I will want to see where the money is to be taken from in order to pay for such a commitment, because when you are in Government that is the choice you face—that money spent on one purpose cannot be spent on something else. We spend our budget every year right up to the maximum, and this year and next year we will be drawing additional money out of reserves in order to be able to continue to defend our public services here in Wales. So, I will look at the detail of what the Member is proposing, not simply the headline that he's offered us this afternoon, but how much this will cost and where he thinks the money will come from in order to pay for it. And if I can see the detail of that, I'll be happy to consider it.
Let me agree with what Adam Price said, though, in opening, because, of course, a meal in school is far more than just food. The campaign for free school meals was launched here in Cardiff in 1906 in City Hall here in Cardiff, where the Fabian Society published a pamphlet that has one of my favourite titles of all political pamphlets, because the title of the pamphlet was, 'And they shall have flowers on the table'. It is a beautiful title and what it tells you is that the case for free school meals was not simply feeding children, but it was valuing children. It was telling children who came to school that they were people that their society invested in and wanted to do the best by—'They shall have flowers on the table'. And in the sense of the Finnish experiment and the things that Adam Price said, I absolutely share the view that providing a meal for a child in school is more than just putting food in their stomachs; it is about the value that we place on that child, and the clear signal that we give to them about an investment that society makes in their future.
Byddaf eisiau gweld manylion yr hyn y mae Plaid Cymru yn ei gynnig. Yn arbennig, Llywydd, byddaf eisiau gweld o ble y bydd yr arian yn cael ei gymryd er mwyn talu am ymrwymiad o'r fath, oherwydd pan eich bod chi mewn Llywodraeth, dyna'r dewis yr ydych chi'n ei wynebu—na ellir gwario arian sy'n cael ei wario ar un diben ar rywbeth arall. Rydym ni'n gwario ein cyllideb bob blwyddyn hyd at yr uchafswm, ac eleni a'r flwyddyn nesaf byddwn yn tynnu arian ychwanegol allan o gronfeydd wrth gefn er mwyn gallu parhau i amddiffyn ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yma yng Nghymru. Felly, byddaf yn edrych ar fanylion yr hyn y mae'r Aelod yn ei gynnig, nid dim ond y pennawd y mae wedi ei gynnig i ni y prynhawn yma, ond faint y bydd hyn yn ei gostio ac o ble y mae'n credu y bydd yr arian yn dod i dalu amdano. Ac os caf weld manylion hynny, byddaf yn hapus i'w ystyried.
Gadewch i mi gytuno â'r hyn a ddywedodd Adam Price, serch hynny, ar y cychwyn, oherwydd, wrth gwrs, mae pryd o fwyd yn yr ysgol yn llawer mwy na bwyd yn unig. Lansiwyd yr ymgyrch dros brydau ysgol am ddim yma yng Nghaerdydd yn 1906 yn Neuadd y Ddinas yma yng Nghaerdydd, lle cyhoeddodd Cymdeithas Fabian bamffled sydd ag un o fy hoff deitlau o bob pamffled wleidyddol, oherwydd teitl y pamffled oedd, 'And they shall have flowers on the table'. Mae'n deitl hyfryd a'r hyn y mae'n ei ddweud wrthych chi yw nad bwydo plant yn unig oedd y ddadl dros brydau ysgol am ddim, ond gwerthfawrogi plant. Roedd yn fater o ddweud wrth blant a oedd yn dod i'r ysgol eu bod nhw'n bobl yr oedd eu cymdeithas yn buddsoddi ynddyn nhw ac eisiau gwneud eu gorau drostyn nhw—'They shall have flowers on the table'. Ac yn ystyr arbrawf y Ffindir a'r pethau a ddywedodd Adam Price, rwy'n rhannu yn llwyr y farn bod darparu pryd o fwyd i blentyn yn yr ysgol yn fwy na dim ond rhoi bwyd yn eu stumogau; mae'n ymwneud â'r gwerth yr ydym ni'n ei neilltuo i'r plentyn hwnnw, a'r arwydd eglur yr ydym ni'n ei roi iddo am fuddsoddiad y mae cymdeithas yn ei wneud yn ei ddyfodol.
I don't need to tell you about the value of progressive universalism; the point of universality is that you ensure then that everyone who needs it gets it. In relation to your point about finite resources, we need to be smart, so we need policies that deliver more than one objective. And so you can see, with universal free school meals, if you link it, for example, with the foundational economy—a square meal produced within the square mile, the foundation phase and the foundational economy, ensuring local procurement, children learning where their food comes from at the same time as helping the local food-producing businesses that were really hammered hard by the pandemic and, who knows, maybe by a 'no deal' Brexit—surely that's the kind of smart policy that we need, First Minister, that delivers to a preventative model savings even in financial terms because of the better health and educational outcomes for the children concerned and, indeed, their economic life chances, but also does it in a holistic way for the economy, for a better environment, for better health at the same time.
Nid oes angen i mi ddweud wrthych chi am werth cyffredinoliaeth gynyddol; diben cyffredinoliaeth yw eich bod chi'n sicrhau bryd hynny bod pawb sydd ei angen yn ei gael. O ran eich pwynt am adnoddau cyfyngedig, mae angen i ni fod yn ddeallus, felly mae angen polisïau sy'n cyflawni mwy nag un amcan arnom ni. Ac felly gallwch weld, gyda phrydau ysgol am ddim i bawb, os byddwch chi'n ei gysylltu, er enghraifft, â'r economi sylfaenol—pryd sylweddol wedi'i gynhyrchu o fewn y filltir sgwâr, y cyfnod sylfaen a'r economi sylfaenol, gan sicrhau caffael lleol, plant yn dysgu o ble y daw eu bwyd ar yr un pryd â helpu'r busnesau cynhyrchu bwyd lleol a gafodd eu taro'n galed iawn gan y pandemig a, phwy a ŵyr, efallai gan Brexit 'dim cytundeb'—siawns mai dyna'r math o bolisi deallus sydd ei angen arnom ni, Prif Weinidog, sy'n darparu i fodel ataliol arbedion hyd yn oed o safbwynt ariannol oherwydd y canlyniadau iechyd ac addysgol gwell i'r plant dan sylw ac, yn wir, eu cyfleoedd bywyd economaidd, ond sydd hefyd yn ei wneud mewn ffordd gyfannol i'r economi, i gael gwell amgylchedd, i gael gwell iechyd ar yr un pryd.
Llywydd, all those arguments were arguments that led a Labour Government to introduce universal free meals in primary schools, because we have free breakfasts in primary schools that are free to all children. And it was exactly that sort of multiple objective that led the Cabinet at the time to find the money to invest in it. Free breakfasts provide food for children who otherwise would go without, they make their learning more effective because they have food in their stomachs and are able to concentrate on their learning, it provides particularly for those families who are on the edge of working, because if you don't have to pay for the child to be looked after or the child to be fed, then your ability to take up a job or to carry out more hours in that work are improved as well. So, the smart bringing together of multiple objectives is exactly what any Government would wish to do and, as I say, you can see it every single day in that progressive and universal service that free breakfasts in our primary schools represent.
Llywydd, roedd yr holl ddadleuon hynny yn ddadleuon a arweiniodd at Lywodraeth Lafur yn cyflwyno prydau am ddim i bawb mewn ysgolion cynradd, oherwydd mae gennym ni frecwastau am ddim mewn ysgolion cynradd sydd am ddim i bob plentyn. A dyna'r union fath o amcan lluosog a arweiniodd at i'r Cabinet ar y pryd ddod o hyd i'r arian i fuddsoddi ynddo. Mae brecwast am ddim yn darparu bwyd i blant y bydden nhw fel arall yn mynd hebddo, mae'n gwneud eu dysgu yn fwy effeithiol oherwydd bod ganddyn nhw fwyd yn eu stumogau ac yn gallu canolbwyntio ar eu dysgu, mae'n darparu yn arbennig ar gyfer y teuluoedd hynny sydd ar gyrion gweithio, oherwydd os nad oes rhaid i chi dalu am ofal i'r plentyn neu am i'r plentyn gael ei fwydo, yna mae eich gallu i gymryd swydd neu i wneud mwy o oriau yn y gwaith hwnnw yn cael ei wella hefyd. Felly, dod ag amcanion lluosog at ei gilydd yn ddeallus yw'r union beth y byddai unrhyw Lywodraeth yn dymuno ei wneud ac, fel y dywedais, gallwch ei weld bob dydd yn y gwasanaeth blaengar a chyffredinol hwnnw y mae brecwastau am ddim yn ein hysgolion cynradd yn ei gynrychioli.
3. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i gynnal o'r capasiti sydd ar gael i ddarparu brechiadau COVID-19? OQ56032
3. What assessment has the Welsh Government undertaken of the capacity available to deliver the COVID-19 vaccination? OQ56032
I thank the Member for that question, Llywydd. Immediately following regulatory approval of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, NHS Wales mobilised and administered over 4,000 doses within the first 48 hours of its availability. Detailed workforce modelling is under way, ahead of regulatory approval of subsequent vaccines. NHS Wales is prepared and ready for the task that lies ahead.
Diolchaf i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn yna, Llywydd. Yn syth ar ôl i frechlyn Pfizer/BioNTech gael ei gymeradwyo yn rheoleiddiol, dosbarthodd GIG Cymru dros 4,000 o ddosau a'u rhoi i bobl o fewn y 48 awr cyntaf iddo fod ar gael. Mae gwaith modelu gweithlu manwl ar y gweill, cyn i frechlynnau dilynol gael eu cymeradwyo yn rheoleiddiol. Mae GIG Cymru wedi paratoi ac yn barod ar gyfer y dasg sydd o'n blaenau.
Thank you, First Minister. I'm pleased to hear that progress is being made, even at this early stage, on the rolling out of the vaccine. I understand that health boards have been asking some former nurses to return to work to help with the roll-out of the vaccine. I wonder if you could confirm that that is the situation, and also, is there any capacity within other organisations across Wales that might be able to help out with that vaccination programme? I think the sooner it can happen the better.
And also, if I could just add, in terms of the wider capacity issue, I know that in the news recently there have been some concerns about the number of COVID-19 cases at the new Grange University Hospital in Cwmbran, which is obviously being used as a centre for that. But there are concerns about that, with other patients being told to stay away. I wonder if you've had any discussions about any additional resourcing that could be made available to the Aneurin Bevan health board at this time, to make sure that that hospital, whilst bedding in—if you pardon the pun—in its early days, is able to cope with the number of cases there.
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. Rwy'n falch o glywed bod cynnydd yn cael ei wneud, hyd yn oed ar y cam cynnar hwn, o ran cyflwyno'r brechlyn. Rwy'n deall bod byrddau iechyd wedi bod yn gofyn i rai gyn-nyrsys ddychwelyd i'r gwaith i helpu i ddarparu'r brechlyn. Tybed a allech chi gadarnhau mai dyna'r sefyllfa, a hefyd, a oes unrhyw gapasiti mewn sefydliadau eraill ledled Cymru a allai helpu gyda'r rhaglen frechu honno? Rwy'n credu mai'r gorau po gyntaf y gall hynny ddigwydd.
A hefyd, a gaf i ychwanegu, o ran y mater capasiti ehangach, gwn y bu rhai pryderon yn y newyddion yn ddiweddar am nifer yr achosion o COVID-19 yn Ysbyty Athrofaol newydd y Faenor yng Nghwmbrân, sy'n amlwg yn cael ei ddefnyddio fel canolfan ar gyfer hynny. Ond ceir pryderon ynglŷn â hynny, ar ôl i gleifion eraill gael cyfarwyddyd i gadw draw. Tybed a ydych chi wedi cael unrhyw drafodaethau am unrhyw adnoddau ychwanegol y gellid eu darparu i fwrdd iechyd Aneurin Bevan ar hyn o bryd, i wneud yn siŵr bod yr ysbyty hwnnw, yn ystod y cyfnod cynefino, yn ei ddyddiau cynnar, yn gallu ymdopi â nifer yr achosion yno.
Well, Llywydd, I can give Nick Ramsay an assurance on that final point that discussions are, of course, ongoing with Aneurin Bevan about any mutual aid that can be provided or any further measures that can be taken to support the hospitals in that part of Wales, which are under some of the greatest strains, given the numbers of people in that part of Wales who are suffering from coronavirus.
In relation to vaccination, I say to Nick Ramsay that the approach we have taken in Wales is to contact all four contractor professions—so, not simply GPs, but also pharmacists, optometrists and dentists—to see what contribution they may able to make to a mass vaccination programme, because all of those are professions where people carry out injections and other forms of clinical intervention every single day. I was very heartened yesterday to see the very positive responses we have had from all four of those professions—all of them offering to be part of a mass vaccination programme. I think that will give us an extra resilience here in Wales, as well as being able to draw in a wider range of experienced clinical professionals who can safely administer the vaccination. That will sometimes involve asking people who have recently retired to come back and be part of that effort, and I think that's very sensible as well. But I think, in Wales, we're drawing on the range of primary care professionals we have who are willing to make a contribution. We know that pharmacists carry out flu vaccinations in increasing numbers every year in Wales, and optometrists and dentists have skills, experiences and abilities that they, too, are willing to contribute to that effort, and that is how we are planning the future of our vaccination programme in Wales.
Wel, Llywydd, gallaf roi sicrwydd i Nick Ramsay ar y pwynt olaf yna bod trafodaethau, wrth gwrs, yn parhau gydag Aneurin Bevan ynghylch unrhyw gymorth cydfuddiannol y gellir ei ddarparu neu unrhyw fesurau pellach y gellir eu cymryd i gynorthwyo'r ysbytai yn y rhan honno o Gymru, sydd o dan y straen mwyaf, o gofio nifer y bobl yn y rhan honno o Gymru sy'n dioddef o'r coronafeirws.
O ran brechu, dywedaf wrth Nick Ramsay mai'r dull yr ydym ni wedi ei ddefnyddio yng Nghymru yw cysylltu â phob un o'r pedwar proffesiwn contractwyr—felly, nid meddygon teulu yn unig, ond hefyd fferyllwyr, optometryddion a deintyddion—i weld pa gyfraniad y gallan nhw ei wneud at raglen frechu torfol, oherwydd mae'r rheini i gyd yn broffesiynau lle mae pobl yn rhoi pigiadau a mathau eraill o ymyrraeth glinigol bob dydd. Cefais fy nghalonogi yn fawr ddoe o weld yr ymatebion cadarnhaol iawn yr ydym ni wedi eu cael gan bob un o'r pedwar proffesiwn hynny—pob un ohonyn nhw'n cynnig bod yn rhan o raglen frechu torfol. Rwy'n credu y bydd hynny yn rhoi cydnerthedd ychwanegol i ni yma yng Nghymru, yn ogystal â gallu tynnu amrywiaeth ehangach o weithwyr clinigol proffesiynol profiadol i mewn sy'n gallu rhoi'r brechiad yn ddiogel. Bydd hynny weithiau'n golygu gofyn i bobl sydd wedi ymddeol yn ddiweddar ddod yn ôl a bod yn rhan o'r ymdrech honno, ac rwy'n credu bod hynny'n synhwyrol iawn hefyd. Ond rwy'n credu, yng Nghymru, ein bod ni'n manteisio ar yr amrywiaeth o weithwyr gofal sylfaenol proffesiynol sydd gennym ni sy'n barod i wneud cyfraniad. Rydym ni'n gwybod bod fferyllwyr yn rhoi brechiadau rhag y ffliw mewn niferoedd cynyddol bob blwyddyn yng Nghymru, ac mae gan optometryddion a deintyddion sgiliau, profiadau a galluoedd y maent hwythau hefyd yn barod i'w cyfrannu at yr ymdrech honno, a dyna sut yr ydym ni'n cynllunio dyfodol ein rhaglen frechu yng Nghymru.
4. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am hyrwyddo treftadaeth canolbarth Cymru? OQ56034
4. Will the First Minister make a statement on the promotion of the heritage of mid Wales? OQ56034
The Welsh Government, through Visit Wales and Cadw, promotes the unique character and value of our heritage to the people of Wales and the world, and that includes, of course, the rich heritage of mid Wales.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru, drwy Croeso Cymru a Cadw, yn hyrwyddo cymeriad a gwerth unigryw ein treftadaeth i bobl Cymru a'r byd, ac mae hynny yn cynnwys, wrth gwrs, treftadaeth gyfoethog canolbarth Cymru.
Thank you, First Minister. There is indeed a rich heritage in mid Wales. We are here in the Senedd this afternoon, but of course the first Senedd in Wales was believed to have been in Machynlleth, in my own constituency. I'm keen that we have an exciting and meaningful future for the Senedd-dy in Machynlleth. I would certainly like to see the Owain Glyndŵr Centre used by this Senedd and the Welsh Government, perhaps to a greater extent than it has been since devolution. So, can I ask you, First Minister, to commit to liaising with your officials to explore how the Senedd-dy in Machynlleth can be used by the Welsh Government, particularly when it's hosting events and promoting Wales around the world to emphasise the heritage and culture that we have here in Wales, and in doing so, reach out to the trustees of the centre to support them in their ambitions for the Senedd-dy?
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. Yn wir, mae treftadaeth gyfoethog yn y canolbarth. Rydym ni yma yn y Senedd y prynhawn yma, ond wrth gwrs credir mai ym Machynlleth, yn fy etholaeth i, oedd y Senedd gyntaf yng Nghymru. Rwy'n awyddus i ni gael dyfodol cyffrous ac ystyrlon i'r Senedd-dy ym Machynlleth. Yn sicr, hoffwn weld Canolfan Owain Glyndŵr yn cael ei defnyddio gan y Senedd hon a Llywodraeth Cymru, efallai i raddau helaethach nag y'i defnyddiwyd ers datganoli. Felly, a gaf i ofyn i chi, Prif Weinidog, ymrwymo i drafod â'ch swyddogion i archwilio sut y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ddefnyddio'r Senedd-dy ym Machynlleth, yn enwedig pan fydd yn cynnal digwyddiadau ac yn hyrwyddo Cymru ledled y byd i bwysleisio'r dreftadaeth a'r diwylliant sydd gennym ni yma yng Nghymru, ac wrth wneud hynny, estyn allan at ymddiriedolwyr y ganolfan i'w cynorthwyo yn eu huchelgeisiau ar gyfer y Senedd-dy?
I thank Russell George for that. Of course, Machynlleth has a very particular place in Welsh history and the Llywydd will have heard what Russell George said about the Senedd itself making use of that historic location. When the Welsh Government is in a position to welcome visitors to Wales, we often try and make sure that we hold those meetings in parts of Wales that showcase everything that Wales has to offer, and that certainly includes mid Wales, Llywydd. When I saw this question at the weekend, I was reminded that it is a year ago almost exactly—it will be a year to next week—when I was making a journey to north Wales, just personally, and took the opportunity to call in at two of the great mid Wales heritage sites of Abbeycwmhir, which I was visiting, I'm ashamed to say, for the very first time, and Gregynog, which I've been to many times, and those are just two examples of what we have in mid Wales.
I know that Russell George will be interested to know, because he's been a strong supporter of the Montgomery canal, that the Welsh Government has just awarded £250,000 to the Canal and River Trust to allow that fantastic work that's going on in restoring the canal to be taken forward. And, Llywydd, a week ago, I participated in a rare event these days outside the Senedd and Government buildings at the St Fagans museum in Cardiff, together with the Japanese ambassador, planting cherry trees there to mark the friendship between Japan and Wales. Mid Wales is to have a very significant share of the 1,000 cherry trees that will be planted this year to mark that friendship. So, just as we celebrate and mark the long history that we have, so we make history ourselves every day. Those cherry trees, which will be planted in mid Wales and in all other parts of Wales this year, will be there long after probably many of us will be there to see them and they will become part of the rich heritage of Wales for the future.
Diolchaf i Russell George am hynna. Wrth gwrs, mae gan Fachynlleth le arbennig iawn yn hanes Cymru a bydd y Llywydd wedi clywed yr hyn a ddywedodd Russell George am y Senedd ei hun yn gwneud defnydd o'r lleoliad hanesyddol hwnnw. Pan fydd Llywodraeth Cymru mewn sefyllfa i groesawu ymwelwyr i Gymru, rydym ni'n aml yn ceisio gwneud yn siŵr ein bod ni'n cynnal y cyfarfodydd hynny mewn rhannau o Gymru sy'n arddangos popeth sydd gan Gymru i'w gynnig, ac mae hynny'n sicr yn cynnwys y canolbarth, Llywydd. Pan welais y cwestiwn hwn dros y penwythnos, fe'm hatgoffwyd ei bod flwyddyn yn ôl bron yn union—bydd yn flwyddyn i'r wythnos nesaf—pan oeddwn i'n mynd ar daith i'r gogledd, dim ond yn bersonol, a manteisiais ar y cyfle i alw yn nau o safleoedd treftadaeth pwysig y canolbarth, sef Abaty Cwm Hir, yr oeddwn i'n ymweld ag ef, mae gen i gywilydd dweud, am y tro cyntaf erioed, a Gregynog, yr wyf i wedi bod yno droeon, a dim ond dwy enghraifft yw'r rheini o'r hyn sydd gennym ni yn y canolbarth.
Gwn y bydd gan Russell George ddiddordeb mewn gwybod, oherwydd mae wedi bod yn gefnogwr brwd o gamlas Maldwyn, bod Llywodraeth Cymru newydd ddyfarnu £250,000 i Glandŵr Cymru i ganiatáu i'r gwaith ardderchog hwnnw sy'n cael ei wneud i adfer y gamlas barhau. A, Llywydd, wythnos yn ôl, cymerais ran mewn digwyddiad prin y dyddiau hyn y tu allan i adeiladau'r Senedd a'r Llywodraeth yn amgueddfa Sain Ffagan yng Nghaerdydd, ynghyd â llysgennad Japan, gan blannu coed ceirios yno i nodi'r cyfeillgarwch rhwng Japan a Chymru. Bydd gan y canolbarth gyfran sylweddol iawn o'r 1,000 o goed ceirios a fydd yn cael eu plannu eleni i nodi'r cyfeillgarwch hwnnw. Felly, yn union fel yr ydym ni'n dathlu ac yn nodi'r hanes maith sydd gennym ni, felly hefyd yr ydym ni'n gwneud hanes ein hunain bob dydd. Bydd y coed ceirios hynny, a fydd yn cael eu plannu yn y canolbarth ac ym mhob rhan arall o Gymru eleni, yno ymhell ar ôl i lawer ohonom ni fod yno i'w gweld, mae'n debyg, a byddan nhw'n dod yn rhan o dreftadaeth gyfoethog Cymru ar gyfer y dyfodol.
5. Pa gyllid y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i ddarparu i fusnesau yng Nghanol De Cymru yn ystod pandemig COVID-19? OQ56071
5. What funding has the Welsh Government provided to businesses in South Wales Central during the COVID-19 pandemic? OQ56071
Business support for the region includes £137.6 million for over 10,000 business via the COVID-19 non-domestic business rates grant scheme and over £66 million through the first three phases of the economic resilience fund.
Mae cymorth busnes i'r rhanbarth yn cynnwys £137.6 miliwn i dros 10,000 o fusnesau drwy gynllun grant ardrethi busnes annomestig COVID-19 a thros £66 miliwn trwy dri cham cyntaf y gronfa cadernid economaidd.
Thanks for that response. I’ve been contacted by various constituents who are community pharmacists and I’m asking what point the Welsh Government has reached in its negotiations with Community Pharmacy Wales—negotiations that have been going on for some months now—over compensating this sector for the financial costs that it incurred when pharmacists had to pay for their own PPE equipment at the start of the pandemic. The community pharmacists in Wales have done us proud in how they’ve responded to this pandemic and we’re now the only region in the UK where this sector hasn’t been compensated for the costs it incurred. We were promised a statement on this by the Trefnydd as soon as the outcome was known, so I’m just asking for an update on the situation.
Diolch am yr ymateb yna. Mae amrywiaeth o etholwyr sy'n fferyllwyr cymunedol wedi cysylltu â mi ac rwy'n gofyn pa bwynt y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ei gyrraedd yn ei thrafodaethau â Fferylliaeth Gymunedol Cymru—trafodaethau sydd wedi bod yn cael eu cynnal am rai misoedd bellach—ynghylch digolledu'r sector hwn am y costau ariannol yr aeth iddyn nhw pan fu'n rhaid i fferyllwyr dalu am eu cyfarpar diogelu personol eu hunain ar ddechrau'r pandemig. Mae'r fferyllwyr cymunedol yng Nghymru wedi bod yn glod i ni o ran y ffordd maen nhw wedi ymateb i'r pandemig hwn a ni yw'r unig ranbarth yn y DU erbyn hyn lle nad yw'r sector hwn wedi cael ei ddigolledu am y costau yr aeth iddyn nhw. Addawyd datganiad i ni ar hyn gan y Trefnydd cyn gynted ag y byddai'r canlyniad yn hysbys, felly dim ond gofyn am yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y sefyllfa ydw i.
I thank the Member for that supplementary question. He’s right that negotiations with community pharmacy have been proceeding over recent months. There was a further offer made by the Welsh Government some weeks ago. The health Minister has a meeting with Community Pharmacy Wales on Thursday of this week, when those negotiations will continue.
Diolchaf i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn atodol yna. Mae e'n iawn bod trafodaethau gyda fferylliaeth gymunedol wedi bod yn mynd rhagddynt dros y misoedd diwethaf. Gwnaed cynnig pellach gan Lywodraeth Cymru rai wythnosau yn ôl. Mae'r Gweinidog iechyd yn cael cyfarfod â Fferylliaeth Gymunedol Cymru ddydd Iau yr wythnos hon, pryd y bydd y trafodaethau hynny yn parhau.
First Minister, the Business Wales barriers grant scheme is to prioritise those most affected by COVID-19, such as women, disabled people, people from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds, and young people not in education or training, and it's to give some financial support to those people who will want to set up a business in the next few months. I wonder when this scheme will be evaluated, because I do think that promoting enterprise in groups that perhaps have traditionally found it difficult to access is a really worthy initiative.
Prif Weinidog, diben cynllun grant rhwystrau Busnes Cymru yw blaenoriaethu'r rhai y mae COVID-19 yn effeithio fwyaf arnyn nhw, fel menywod, pobl anabl, pobl o gefndiroedd pobl dduon, Asiaidd a lleiafrifoedd ethnig, a phobl ifanc nad ydynt mewn addysg na hyfforddiant, ac i roi rhywfaint o gymorth ariannol i'r bobl hynny a fydd eisiau sefydlu busnes yn ystod y misoedd nesaf. Tybed pryd y bydd y cynllun hwn yn cael ei werthuso, oherwydd rwy'n credu bod hyrwyddo menter mewn grwpiau sydd, efallai, wedi ei chael hi'n anodd cael mynediad yn draddodiadol yn fenter wirioneddol deilwng.
I thank David Melding for the way he described the initiative, and it is exactly to do what he has described. It is to try and make sure that the talent, commitment and sense of enterprise that is absolutely to be found in those communities, and among those young people, does not become suppressed by the impact of the virus. That means we have to work harder to make sure that the help is available to them—help both in terms of the advice that they need and the mentoring that they may need, but sometimes in hard cash that they need in order to be able to move their ideas for new businesses forward.
I think it will be important to allow the scheme to have a run and to evaluate partly as we go along, but not to hold up the ambitions we have from it by trying to pause it too soon in order to assess its effectiveness. In the current, extraordinary circumstances, I wanted to see that scheme push ahead. I wanted to even take a few risks, in a way that Governments sometimes find difficult. Because if you are dealing with people who have new ideas and who want to try something that hasn't been tried before, if you are not prepared sometimes to back a young person or back somebody who has got that idea, recognising that not all those ideas will succeed, then you don't get the scheme off the ground. That's the spirit in which I would like the scheme to be taken forward.
Diolchaf i David Melding am y ffordd y disgrifiodd y fenter, a'i diben yw gwneud yn union yr hyn y mae ef wedi ei ddisgrifio. Ei diben yw ceisio gwneud yn siŵr nad yw'r ddawn, yr ymrwymiad a'r synnwyr o fentergarwch sy'n sicr i'w canfod yn y cymunedau hynny, ac ymhlith y bobl ifanc hynny, yn cael eu rhwystro gan effaith y feirws. Mae hynny'n golygu bod yn rhaid i ni weithio yn galetach i wneud yn siŵr bod y cymorth ar gael iddyn nhw—cymorth o ran y cyngor sydd ei angen arnyn nhw a'r mentora y gallai fod ei angen arnyn nhw, ond weithiau mewn arian sychion sydd ei angen arnyn nhw er mwyn gallu symud eu syniadau ar gyfer busnesau newydd ymlaen.
Rwy'n credu y bydd yn bwysig caniatáu i'r cynllun fynd rhagddo ac i werthuso yn rhannol wrth i ni fynd ymlaen, ond nid atal yr uchelgeisiau sydd gennym ni ohono trwy geisio ei oedi yn rhy fuan er mwyn asesu ei effeithiolrwydd. O dan yr amgylchiadau eithriadol presennol, roeddwn i eisiau gweld y cynllun hwnnw yn bwrw ymlaen. Roeddwn i eisiau cymryd ychydig o risgiau hyd yn oed, mewn ffordd y mae Llywodraethau yn ei chael hi'n anodd weithiau. Oherwydd os ydych chi'n ymdrin â phobl sydd â syniadau newydd ac sydd eisiau rhoi cynnig ar rywbeth na roddwyd cynnig arno o'r blaen, os nad ydych chi'n barod weithiau i gefnogi person ifanc neu gefnogi rhywun sydd wedi cael y syniad hwnnw, gan gydnabod na fydd yr holl syniadau hynny yn llwyddo, yna ni fydd y cynllun yn cael ei roi ar waith. Dyna'r ysbryd yr hoffwn i'r cynllun gael ei ddatblygu ynddo.
First Minister, businesses in my constituency are very thankful that the Welsh Government has supported them throughout the coronavirus pandemic, with the most generous package of business support anywhere in the UK, including the latest injection of £340 million to support hospitality, tourism and other businesses that have been affected by the most recent restrictions. What assessment have you made of how the business support in Wales compares to that on offer in other parts of the UK?
Prif Weinidog, mae busnesau yn fy etholaeth i yn ddiolchgar iawn bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi eu cefnogi drwy gydol pandemig y coronafeirws, gyda'r pecyn mwyaf hael o gymorth busnes yn unrhyw le yn y DU, gan gynnwys y cyfraniad diweddaraf o £340 miliwn i gynorthwyo busnesau lletygarwch, twristiaeth a busnesau eraill y mae'r cyfyngiadau diweddaraf wedi effeithio arnyn nhw. Pa asesiad ydych chi wedi ei wneud o sut y mae'r cymorth busnes yng Nghymru yn cymharu â'r hyn a gynigir mewn rhannau eraill o'r DU?
Llywydd, I thank Vikki Howells for that. She is right to say that our scheme of business support in Wales, we believe, is the most generous available to any business in any part of the United Kingdom. I'm pleased to report this afternoon, Llywydd, following questions on the floor over the last couple of weeks, that the help that we are offering to hospitality businesses affected by the restrictions that had to be introduced about 10 days ago—that that money has now begun to make its way into the pockets of those businesses.
Hundreds of businesses have now received that help. Millions of pounds have been paid out to them. That is at a point where 14 of our 22 local authorities have yet to make returns on the help that has been provided. So, not only is the help generous, but the help is getting to where we needed it to go. Vikki Howells pointed to the £340 million that we are making available to support those businesses, and I cannot help but contrast it with the fact that the UK Government has provided £40 million for the whole of wet pubs in England affected by the restrictions that they have had to introduce there.
Llywydd, diolchaf i Vikki Howells am hynna. Mae hi'n iawn i ddweud mai ein cynllun cymorth busnes yng Nghymru, yn ein barn ni, yw'r mwyaf hael sydd ar gael i unrhyw fusnes mewn unrhyw ran o'r Deyrnas Unedig. Rwy'n falch o adrodd y prynhawn yma, Llywydd, yn dilyn cwestiynau ar y llawr dros yr wythnos neu ddwy ddiwethaf, bod y cymorth yr ydym ni'n ei gynnig i fusnesau lletygarwch sydd wedi cael eu heffeithio gan y cyfyngiadau y bu'n rhaid eu cyflwyno tua 10 diwrnod yn ôl—bod yr arian hwnnw wedi dechrau mynd i bocedi'r busnesau hynny erbyn hyn.
Mae cannoedd o fusnesau wedi cael y cymorth hwnnw erbyn hyn. Mae miliynau o bunnoedd wedi eu talu iddyn nhw. Mae hynny ar adeg pan nad yw 14 o'n 22 awdurdod lleol wedi gwneud datganiadau ar y cymorth a ddarparwyd eto. Felly, nid yn unig y mae'r cymorth yn hael, ond mae'r cymorth yn cyrraedd y mannau lle'r oeddem ni angen iddo fynd. Cyfeiriodd Vikki Howells at y £340 miliwn yr ydym ni'n ei ddarparu i gynorthwyo'r busnesau hynny, ac ni allaf ond ei gyferbynnu â'r ffaith fod Llywodraeth y DU wedi darparu £40 miliwn i holl dafarndai gwlyb Lloegr yr effeithiwyd arnyn nhw gan y cyfyngiadau y bu'n rhaid iddyn nhw eu cyflwyno yno.
6. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am effaith y coronafeirws ar economi Dwyrain De Cymru? OQ56047
6. Will the First Minister make a statement on the impact of coronavirus on the economy of South Wales East? OQ56047
Llywydd, an analysis by the Bank of England and the Office for Budget Responsibility demonstrates the damaging impact of coronavirus on our economy, including that of south-east Wales. Both bodies suggest a relatively rapid rebound in the second quarter of 2021, provided that that is not undone by the catastrophe of a 'no deal' Brexit.
Llywydd, mae dadansoddiad gan Fanc Lloegr a'r Swyddfa Cyfrifoldeb Cyllidebol yn dangos effaith niweidiol coronafeirws ar ein heconomi, gan gynnwys y de-ddwyrain. Mae'r ddau gorff yn awgrymu adferiad cymharol gyflym yn ail chwarter 2021, cyn belled nad yw hynny'n cael ei ddadwneud gan drychineb Brexit 'dim cytundeb'.
I thank the Minister for that answer. First Minister, the Welsh Government were highly successful in bringing the Spanish train manufacturing company CAF to South Wales East, with the potential to bring 300-plus skilled engineering jobs to the area. CAF secured a contract to supply 77 state-of-the-art diesel multiple units to Transport for Wales. Delivery was scheduled for 2022. Could the Minister update us as to whether the COVID crisis has delayed supply of these units?
Diolchaf i'r Gweinidog am yr ateb yna. Prif Weinidog, bu Llywodraeth Cymru yn hynod lwyddiannus o ran dod â'r cwmni gweithgynhyrchu trenau o Sbaen, CAF, i Ddwyrain De Cymru, gyda'r potensial i ddod â 300 a mwy o swyddi peirianneg medrus i'r ardal. Sicrhaodd CAF gontract i gyflenwi 77 o unedau lluosog diesel o'r radd flaenaf i Trafnidiaeth Cymru. Bwriadwyd iddynt gael eu darparu ar gyfer 2022. A allai'r Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i ni ynghylch pa un a yw'r argyfwng COVID wedi oedi cyflenwad yr unedau hyn?
Well, Llywydd, first of all, let me say that I think the fact that CAF are now operating out of south-east Wales is a huge benefit to Wales. I was lucky enough to be able to meet the whole of the board of CAF when they visited Wales. They'd come from a visit to one of their investments in the United States of America, and they said to me that the thing that they were most struck by, visiting Wales, was the strong sense of attachment to the company that the workforce here demonstrated during their visit. That sense of a loyal, committed highly skilled workforce, and they were hugely complimentary of it.
Coronavirus has had an enormous impact on the rail sector. The Welsh Government is providing over £100 million simply to sustain that part of our public transport network during these extraordinarily difficult days. We do look forward to the point where the delivery of new rolling stock to Wales will allow us to get back to the plan that we had originally set out, which, as the Member knows, is to improve services, to create a new metro system here in south Wales and to provide the travelling public with the sort of experience that they look for and deserve. Whether the plans are capable of being implemented to the original timetable is something that we continue to discuss very regularly with Transport for Wales. I had a meeting with them myself only this week, and that can only really be finally determined as we see, as we hope we will, a recovery in the economy next year, allowing passengers to return to the railway safely and the revenues that they bring with them to flow into the industry.
Wel, Llywydd, yn gyntaf oll, gadewch i mi ddweud fy mod i'n credu bod y ffaith bod CAF bellach yn gweithredu o'r de-ddwyrain yn fantais enfawr i Gymru. Roeddwn i'n ddigon ffodus i allu cyfarfod â bwrdd cyfan CAF pan wnaethon nhw ymweld â Chymru. Roedden nhw wedi dod o ymweliad ag un o'u buddsoddiadau yn Unol Daleithiau America, a dywedasant wrthyf mai'r peth a wnaeth eu taro fwyaf, wrth ymweld â Chymru, oedd y synnwyr cryf o ymlyniad i'r cwmni a ddangoswyd gan y gweithlu yma yn ystod eu hymweliad. Y synnwyr hwnnw o weithlu teyrngar, ymroddedig, hynod fedrus, ac roedden nhw'n llawn canmoliaeth iddo.
Mae coronafeirws wedi cael effaith enfawr ar y sector rheilffyrdd. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn darparu dros £100 miliwn dim ond i gynnal y rhan honno o'n rhwydwaith trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yn ystod y dyddiau eithriadol o anodd hyn. Edrychwn ymlaen at yr adeg pan fydd y ddarpariaeth o gerbydau newydd i Gymru yn caniatáu i ni ddychwelyd at y cynllun yr oeddem ni wedi ei gyflwyno yn wreiddiol, sef, fel y mae'r Aelod yn gwybod, gwella gwasanaethau, creu system metro newydd yma yn y de a rhoi'r math o brofiad y maen nhw ei eisiau ac yn ei haeddu i'r cyhoedd sy'n teithio. Mae pa un a ellir gweithredu'r cynlluniau yn unol â'r amserlen wreiddiol yn rhywbeth yr ydym ni'n parhau i'w drafod yn rheolaidd iawn gyda Trafnidiaeth Cymru. Cefais gyfarfod â nhw fy hun dim ond yr wythnos hon, a gall hynny gael ei benderfynu yn derfynol mewn gwirionedd dim ond pan fyddwn ni'n gweld, fel y gobeithiwn y byddwn, adferiad yn yr economi y flwyddyn nesaf, gan ganiatáu i deithwyr ddychwelyd i'r rheilffyrdd yn ddiogel a'r refeniw a ddaw gyda nhw i lifo i'r diwydiant.
7. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am gymorth i fusnesau Ynys Môn yn ystod y pandemig? OQ56065
7. Will the First Minister make a statement on support for businesses in Ynys Môn during the pandemic? OQ56065
Diolch i Rhun ap Iorwerth am y cwestiwn, Llywydd. Mae busnesau yn Ynys Môn wedi derbyn gwerth bron i £30 miliwn o grantiau cymorth gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn ystod y pandemig, heb gynnwys cam diweddaraf y gronfa cadernid economaidd. Bydd difrod economaidd Brexit heb gytundeb lawer yn waeth na'r anawsterau y mae busnesau ar yr ynys yn eu hwynebu yn sgil COVID-19.
I thank Rhun ap Iorwerth for the question, Llywydd. The Welsh Government grant support to businesses in Ynys Mon during the pandemic now totals almost £30 million, not including the latest phase of the economic resilience fund. The difficulties faced by businesses on the island, as a result of COVID-19, will be far exceeded by the economic damage of a 'no deal' Brexit.
Dwi'n cyd-fynd, yn sicr, ar y rhagolygon hynny, yn anffodus. O ran COVID, un sector sydd wedi dioddef yn drwm iawn ydy'r sector lletygarwch a thwristiaeth sy'n cael eu taro'n galed eto gan y cyfyngiadau diweddaraf, wrth gwrs. Mae llawer wedi penderfynu cau yn gyfan gwbl. Yn gyntaf, a all y Prif Weinidog ddweud wrthon ni pa bryd y gallan nhw ddechrau derbyn y taliadau grant diweddaraf? Achos er bod y cwsmeriaid yn gorfod cadw draw, mae'r biliau, wrth gwrs, yn dal angen eu talu.
Mae yna fusnesau eraill sydd ddim wedi gallu gweithredu o gwbl, mwy neu lai, ers mis Mawrth, a dim syniad pryd fyddan nhw'n gallu dechrau chwaith—busnesau mewn digwyddiadau, priodasau, canolfannau awyr agored; mae eraill yn gorfod mynd i gysgu rŵan am y gaeaf. Cwmni cychod cyflym ar y Fenai, er enghraifft, oedd wedi gwerthu nifer dda o docynnau ar gyfer y Nadolig rŵan yn gorfod talu'r arian hwnnw yn ôl. Pa ystyriaeth arbennig sy'n cael ei roi i fusnesau felly sydd mwy neu lai yn mynd i aeafgwsg, neu hibernation, rŵan, hyd y gallwn ni ei rhagweld?
Ac a gaf i hefyd wneud apêl ar ran y busnesau hynny sy'n dal yn disgyn rhwng y craciau am gymorth ariannol? Mae peidio â thalu cyflogau drwy PAYE neu ddim bod wedi cofrestru ar gyfer treth ar werth yn dal yn broblem i lawer. Un arall wedi methu dangos maint ei golledion o, er bod incwm wedi 'collapse-io' yn llwyr, mwy neu lai, eleni—cwmni tripiau cychod ydy hwnnw. A gaf i ofyn sut mae'r Llywodraeth wedi, neu yn mynd i, wneud mwy i adnabod y bylchau mae busnesau'n dal i ddisgyn trwyddyn nhw, a sut gallwn ni fel Aelodau'r Senedd helpu i basio gwybodaeth am y trafferthion mae busnesau yn eu hwynebu o hyd?
I would certainly agree with those forecasts, unfortunately. In terms of COVID, one sector that's suffered greatly is tourism and hospitality, which are being hit hard once again by the latest restrictions. Many have decided to close entirely. First of all, can the First Minister tell us when they can expect to receive the latest grant payments? Because although the customers have to stay away, the bills still have to be paid.
There other businesses who haven't been able to operate at all, virtually, since March, and they have no idea when they'll be able to recommence—businesses in events, weddings, outdoor pursuit centres; others are having to remain dormant for the winter. The speedboat company on the Menai, which had sold a great many tickets for Christmas, are now having to repay that money. So, what special consideration is given to such businesses who more or less will have to go into hibernation now, as far as we can see?
And can I also make an appeal on behalf of those businesses who still fall between the cracks in terms of financial support? Not paying salaries through PAYE or not being registered for VAT is still a problem for many. Another failed to show the scale of his losses, although income had collapsed almost entirely this year—that was a boat trip company. So, can I ask how the Government has, or is, going to do more to identify those gaps that businesses are still falling into, and how can we as Senedd Members help to pass information on about those difficulties faced by those businesses?
Wel, Llywydd, diolch i Rhun ap Iorwerth am y nifer o gwestiynau ychwanegol yna. Wel, jest i ddweud, i ddechrau, bod cymorth dan y cynllun diweddaraf wedi dechrau mynd mas o ddwylo'r awdurdodau lleol a syth i fusnesau. Fel y dywedais i mewn ateb i gwestiynau eraill y prynhawn yma: mae cannoedd o fusnesau wedi cael y cymorth yna yn barod, ac mae'r miloedd o bunnoedd yna wedi mynd yn syth atyn nhw, a'r gobaith yw y bydd y nifer yn cynyddu a'r swm yn cynyddu dros yr wythnos hon.
Ac, wrth gwrs, rydyn ni yn ymwybodol am yr amser heriol y mae'r sector lletygarwch a thwristiaeth wedi'i wynebu, ac rydyn ni'n dal i siarad gyda nhw; mae'r Gweinidog gyda'r cyfrifoldeb yn siarad â nhw bob wythnos i dreial cynllunio ymlaen at y dyfodol ac at y flwyddyn newydd. A'r gobaith yw, os allwn ni—dydyn ni ddim yn y sefyllfa yna heddiw, fel dŷn ni wedi bod yn trafod—ond yn y dyfodol, y gobaith yw, wrth gwrs, i ailagor y sectorau yna ac i'w helpu nhw i weithio fel maen nhw eisiau gweithio—nid yn dibynnu ar grantiau o'r Llywodraeth, ond i godi arian drwy'r busnesau maen nhw'n gwneud.
Ac ar y pwynt olaf, rŷn ni wedi treial yn barod i fod yn fwy hyblyg yn y ffordd rŷn ni'n cymryd tystiolaeth a gwybodaeth oddi wrth fusnesau i roi help iddyn nhw. Ar ddiwedd y dydd, Llywydd, yr arian yw arian y cyhoedd, ac mae'n rhaid i ni fel Llywodraeth fod yn siŵr, pan rŷn ni am roi cymorth a phan rŷn ni am roi help mas i'r busnesau, eu bod nhw'n fusnesau go iawn. Dyna pam, ambell waith, rŷn ni'n gofyn am bethau maen nhw'n gallu rhoi i ni i ddangos eu bod nhw pwy maen nhw'n dweud ydyn nhw, ac yn gallu rhoi arian iddyn nhw gyda'r hyder ein bod ni'n gallu esbonio i bobl, a siŵr a fod pwyllgorau yma yn y Senedd hefyd yn y dyfodol, ein bod ni wedi'i wneud e mewn ffordd sy'n ofalus ar un ochr, ond hyblyg ar yr ochr arall.
Well, Llywydd, may I thank Rhun ap Iorwerth for that series of supplementary questions? Just to say, in the first place, that support under the most recent scheme has already started to be issued by the local authorities directly to businesses. And as I said in response to other questions this afternoon: hundreds of businesses have received that support already, and millions of pounds have gone directly to them, and the hope is that the sum will increase over this week.
And, of course, we are aware of the challenging times that the hospitality and tourism sectors are facing, and we continue to speak to them; the Minister responsible for them speaks to them every week to try and plan ahead for the future and for the new year. And the hope is that, if we can—we are not in that position today, as we've already been discussing—but in the future, the hope is to reopen those sectors and to support them to work as they would wish to work—not be dependant on Government grants, but to generate income through their own businesses.
And on that final point, we have endeavoured already to be more flexible in the way in which we take information or the evidence of their balance sheets, so that we can help them. Ultimately, Llywydd, the funding is public money, and we as a Government have to be certain, when we do give these businesses financial support, that we must ensure that they are genuine businesses. That is why, sometimes, we ask for evidence from them to demonstrate that they are who they say they are, and that we can then give them the funding in the knowledge that we can explain in the future that we did so in a way that is cautious on one side, but flexible at the same time.
Ac yn olaf, cwestiwn 8, Hefin David.
And finally, question 8, Hefin David.
8. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y cynnydd a wnaed o ran rheoli achosion COVID-19 yng Nghaerffili? OQ56069
8. Will the First Minister provide an update on progress in containing COVID-19 cases in Caerphilly? OQ56069
Llywydd, can I thank Hefin David? Progress on containing cases in Caerphilly has been reinforced by Welsh Government action in relation to indoor attractions, hospitality, education, the health service and, as of yesterday, closure of outdoor attractions as well. I thank, as ever, Llywydd, the residents of Caerphilly for everything they do to help contain this deadly virus.
Lywydd, a gaf i ddiolch i Hefin David? Atgyfnerthwyd y cynnydd o ran rheoli achosion yng Nghaerffili gan gamau Llywodraeth Cymru yn gysylltiedig ag atyniadau dan do, lletygarwch, addysg, y gwasanaeth iechyd ac, o ddoe ymlaen, cau atyniadau awyr agored hefyd. Diolchaf, fel arfer, Llywydd, i drigolion Caerffili am bopeth y maen nhw'n ei wneud i helpu i reoli'r feirws marwol hwn.
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board put out an unprecedented call to citizens of Caerphilly and beyond in their area to not attend health services where they don't need to, and to recognise that they need to make the right choices. And I have to say to the people of Caerphilly who have been in touch with me, on the whole—almost the entire number of people who have been in touch with me via my Facebook page, Facebook live sessions—have been supportive and have recognised what they need to do. However, and I'm almost reluctant to do this, there have been a small number of people who have said some extraordinary things. I'll give you an example: one person said to me last week, 'This is no different, this winter, to any other.' Someone else said: 'Most of those dying from COVID are elderly or vulnerable, and would probably have died of cold, flu or pneumonia instead.' These are some of the statements that were made last week by a very small minority of people, but, nonetheless, those people have a huge impact. Will the First Minister explain, again, how this is an unprecedented crisis, how it's having a huge effect on our NHS, and that the rules that are in place are the very maximum people should do, and should not be an invitation to do anything further? We need to take this seriously.
Gwnaeth Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan alwad ddigynsail i ddinasyddion Caerffili a thu hwnt yn eu hardal i beidio â mynd i wasanaethau iechyd pan nad oes angen iddyn nhw wneud hynny, ac i gydnabod bod angen iddyn nhw wneud y dewisiadau cywir. Ac mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud bod pobl Caerffili sydd wedi bod mewn cysylltiad â mi, ar y cyfan—bron yr holl bobl sydd wedi bod mewn cysylltiad â mi drwy fy nhudalen Facebook, sesiynau byw Facebook—wedi bod yn gefnogol ac wedi cydnabod yr hyn y mae angen iddyn nhw ei wneud. Fodd bynnag, ac rwyf i bron yn amharod i wneud hyn, ceir nifer fach o bobl sydd wedi dweud rhai pethau anhygoel. Rhoddaf enghraifft i chi: dywedodd un person wrthyf yr wythnos diwethaf, 'Nid yw hyn yn wahanol, y gaeaf hwn, i unrhyw un arall.' Dywedodd rhywun arall: 'Mae'r rhan fwyaf o'r rhai sy'n marw o COVID yn oedrannus neu'n agored i niwed, ac mae'n debyg y bydden nhw wedi marw o annwyd, ffliw neu niwmonia yn hytrach.' Dyma rai o'r datganiadau a wnaed yr wythnos diwethaf gan leiafrif bach iawn o bobl, ond, serch hynny, mae'r bobl hynny yn cael effaith enfawr. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog esbonio, unwaith eto, sut y mae hwn yn argyfwng na welwyd ei debyg o'r blaen, sut y mae'n cael effaith enfawr ar ein GIG, ac mai'r rheolau sydd ar waith yw'r mwyaf un y dylai pobl ei wneud, ac na ddylen nhw fod yn wahoddiad i wneud dim ychwanegol? Mae angen i ni gymryd hyn o ddifrif.
Well, Llywydd, I couldn't agree more with that. We have lived through unprecedented times this year, and the impact on all our lives and all our public services is absolutely profound. Those people who have somehow become convinced or convinced themselves that this is all a got-up job, and there's nothing that they need to worry about, I'm afraid coronavirus is no respecter of them either. All of us will have seen accounts from people who thought that, somehow, coronavirus was a mild illness that had no impact, only to find that when they themselves contracted it, or someone who is dear to them contracted it, it turned out to be very different indeed. That is why we make the appeal that we do to people in Wales not to lean on the rules, not to try and find ways of stretching the rules, but to think in each one of our daily lives what we should do, rather than what we can do. And if we do what we should do, then we will avoid contact with other people when we don't need it, we'll travel only when we must, we will work from home wherever possible, and we will certainly observe the advice that comes from the health service as to how only those who need to be in a hospital should be in a hospital. And that advice that people in Caerphilly and the Gwent area have had from the Aneurin Bevan health board, I'm sure, as Hefin David said, will be very carefully observed by the vast majority of people. The sad thing about coronavirus, Llywydd, is that it only takes a small minority to believe that they are somehow beyond the rules to have a far disproportionate impact on the spread of the virus to everybody else.
Wel, Llywydd, allwn i ddim cytuno'n fwy â hynny. Rydym ni wedi byw trwy gyfnod na welwyd ei debyg o'r blaen eleni, ac mae'r effaith ar ein bywydau i gyd a'n holl wasanaethau cyhoeddus yn gwbl ddybryd. Mae'r bobl hynny sydd rywsut wedi cael eu hargyhoeddi neu wedi argyhoeddi eu hunain mai sefyllfa gwbl ddychmygus yw hyn i gyd, ac nad oes dim y mae angen iddyn nhw boeni amdano, mae gen i ofn nad yw coronafeirws yn eu parchu hwythau ychwaith. Bydd pob un ohonom ni wedi gweld sylwadau gan bobl a oedd yn credu, rywsut, bod coronafeirws yn salwch ysgafn nad oedd yn cael unrhyw effaith, dim ond i ganfod, pan wnaethon nhw eu hunain ei ddal, neu rywun sy'n annwyl iddyn nhw ei ddal, ei bod hi'n sefyllfa wahanol iawn yn wir. Dyna pam yr ydym ni'n gwneud yr apêl yr ydym ni'n ei gwneud i bobl yng Nghymru i beidio â phwyso ar y rheolau, i beidio â cheisio dod o hyd i ffyrdd o ymestyn y rheolau, ond i feddwl ym mhob un o'n bywydau beunyddiol yr hyn y dylem ni ei wneud, yn hytrach na'r hyn y gallwn ni ei wneud. Ac os byddwn ni'n gwneud yr hyn y dylem ni ei wneud, yna byddwn yn osgoi cyswllt â phobl eraill pan nad oes ei angen arnom ni, byddwn yn teithio dim ond pan fydd yn rhaid i ni, byddwn yn gweithio gartref pryd bynnag y bo hynny'n bosibl, a byddwn yn sicr yn dilyn y cyngor a ddaw gan y gwasanaeth iechyd ynghylch sut mai'r rhai y mae angen iddyn nhw fod mewn ysbyty yw'r unig rai a ddylai fod mewn ysbyty. A bydd y cyngor hwnnw y mae pobl yng Nghaerffili ac ardal Gwent wedi ei gael gan fwrdd iechyd Aneurin Bevan, rwy'n siŵr, fel y dywedodd Hefin David, yn cael ei ddilyn yn ofalus gan y mwyafrif llethol o bobl. Y peth trist am goronafeirws, Llywydd, yw mai dim ond lleiafrif bach sydd eu hangen i gredu eu bod nhw rywsut y tu hwnt i'r rheolau i gael effaith anghymesur iawn ar ledaeniad y feirws i bawb arall.
Diolch i'r Prif Weinidog.
Thank you, First Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf felly yw'r cwestiynau i'r Dirprwy Weinidog a'r Prif Chwip, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Vikki Howells.
The next item is questions to the Deputy Minister and Chief Whip, and the first question is from Vikki Howells.
1. A wnaiff y Dirprwy Weinidog ddatganiad am gefnogaeth i lochesi i fenywod yng Nghymru yn ystod pandemig COVID-19? OQ56035
1. Will the Deputy Minister make a statement on support for women’s refuges in Wales during the COVID-19 pandemic? OQ56035
This year, we have invested over £4 million of additional funding in the violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence sector. This includes £1.3 million of new money for disbursed community-based accommodation, which will free up refuge space. And during the pandemic, I've repurposed funding to support refuges and published guidance for providers.
Eleni, rydym ni wedi buddsoddi dros £4 miliwn o gyllid ychwanegol yn y sector trais yn erbyn menywod, cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol. Mae hyn yn cynnwys £1.3 miliwn o arian newydd ar gyfer llety cymunedol a alldalwyd, a fydd yn rhyddhau lleoedd lloches. Ac yn ystod y pandemig, rwyf i wedi ailgyfeirio cyllid i gynorthwyo llochesi ac wedi cyhoeddi canllawiau i ddarparwyr.
Thank you, Deputy Minister, and I acknowledge that support and welcome it greatly. I've recently spoken to Rhondda Cynon Taf Women's Aid, who tell me that they can't get onsite COVID-19 testing for staff or residents of refuges, which is causing them problems and impacting on their ability to help people in need. Can you raise this with colleagues in Welsh Government, so that women's refuges can perhaps be treated in the same way as care homes for the purpose of COVID testing?
Diolch, Dirprwy Weinidog, ac rwy'n cydnabod y cymorth hwnnw ac yn ei groesawu'n fawr. Rwyf i wedi siarad yn ddiweddar gyda Cymorth i Fenywod Rhondda Cynon Taf, sy'n dweud wrthyf na allan nhw gael profion COVID-19 ar y safle i staff na phreswylwyr llochesi, sy'n achosi problemau iddyn nhw ac yn effeithio ar eu gallu i helpu pobl mewn angen. A allwch chi godi hyn gyda chyd-Weinidogion yn Llywodraeth Cymru, fel y gellir trin llochesi i fenywod yn yr un modd â chartrefi gofal efallai, at ddibenion profion COVID?
I thank Vikki Howells for that important question, and I have raised this with the violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence strategic group. That meets regularly with all the service providers, and they invited the test, trace and protect officials to attend the meeting to discuss this with the strategic group, to answer questions and address concerns. So, Welsh Government is currently considering access to testing for asymptomatic underrepresented groups. This would include both workers and clients in hospitals, as well as refuges, because they are being considered as part of this work. And I think test, trace and protect protocols would apply, of course. If anyone living or working in a refuge is able to access testing, they obviously have to show symptoms of coronavirus. But, those in refuges who have vulnerabilities and receive support services, we need to ensure that we can access this, and I believe the discussions ongoing with the providers, and Women's Aid, of course, will lead us to the right outcome.
Diolchaf i Vikki Howells am y cwestiwn pwysig yna, ac rwyf i wedi codi hyn gyda'r grŵp strategol trais yn erbyn menywod, cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol. Mae hwnnw yn cyfarfod yn rheolaidd gyda'r holl ddarparwyr gwasanaeth, a gwahoddwyd y swyddogion profi, olrhain a diogelu ganddyn nhw i ddod i'r cyfarfod i drafod hyn gyda'r grŵp strategol, i ateb cwestiynau a mynd i'r afael â phryderon. Felly, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wrthi'n ystyried mynediad at brofion ar gyfer grwpiau asymptomatig nad ydyn nhw wedi'u cynrychioli yn ddigonol. Byddai hyn yn cynnwys gweithwyr a chleientiaid mewn ysbytai, yn ogystal â llochesi, oherwydd maen nhw'n cael eu hystyried yn rhan o'r gwaith hwn. Ac rwy'n credu y byddai protocolau profi, olrhain a diogelu yn berthnasol, wrth gwrs. Os gall unrhyw un sy'n byw neu'n gweithio mewn lloches gael profion, mae'n amlwg bod yn rhaid iddyn nhw ddangos symptomau coronafeirws. Ond, o ran y rhai mewn llochesi sy'n agored i niwed ac yn derbyn gwasanaethau cymorth, mae angen i ni sicrhau y gallwn ni gael mynediad at hyn, ac rwy'n credu y bydd y trafodaethau sy'n parhau gyda'r darparwyr, a Cymorth i Fenywod, wrth gwrs, yn ein harwain at y canlyniad iawn.
Deputy Minister, a report from the National Rural Crime Network last year, highlighted by Welsh Women's Aid, found that, for victims of domestic violence in rural areas, and I'm going to quote directly here, 'barriers to action' are
'far more complicated and inhibiting'
in rural areas than in urban areas;
'in rural areas it seems likely victims do not know where to go to for the type of support required; it is harder to coordinate or access and the fear of any approaches becoming known is higher.'
Given that fewer survivors in rural settings disclose, services obviously will need to be based on need rather than demand, and it requires a deliberate strategy to ensure research, data and analysis are not skewed towards the urban demands and are fully inclusive of our rural communities. So, I just wondered, Deputy Minister, if you could outline what actions your Government has taken to redress this urban bias, and to ensure that the needs of rural victims of domestic violence are also fully addressed.
Dirprwy Weinidog, canfu adroddiad gan y Rhwydwaith Troseddau Gwledig Cenedlaethol y llynedd, a amlygwyd gan Cymorth i Fenywod Cymru, i ddioddefwyr trais domestig mewn ardaloedd gwledig, ac rwy'n mynd i ddyfynnu'n uniongyrchol yn y fan yma, bod 'rhwystrau i weithredu' yn
llawer mwy cymhleth a llesteiriol
mewn ardaloedd gwledig nag mewn ardaloedd trefol;
mae'n ymddangos yn debygol mewn ardaloedd gwledig nad yw dioddefwyr yn gwybod ble i fynd i gael y math o gymorth sydd ei angen; mae'n fwy anodd ei gydgysylltu neu gael gafael arno ac mae'r ofn y bydd unrhyw gysylltiad yn cael ei ddarganfod yn uwch.
O gofio bod llai o oroeswyr mewn lleoliadau gwledig yn datgelu, mae'n amlwg y bydd angen i wasanaethau fod yn seiliedig ar angen yn hytrach na galw, ac mae'n gofyn am strategaeth fwriadol i sicrhau nad yw ymchwil, data a dadansoddi yn cael eu hystumio tuag at y gofynion trefol a'u bod nhw'n gwbl gynhwysol o'n cymunedau gwledig. Felly, roeddwn i'n meddwl tybed, Dirprwy Weinidog, a allech chi amlinellu pa gamau y mae eich Llywodraeth wedi eu cymryd i unioni'r duedd drefol hon, ac i sicrhau bod anghenion dioddefwyr trais domestig gwledig yn cael sylw llawn hefyd.
Thank you to Angela Burns for that important question. And the issues of rurality are being addressed. In fact, I thank Joyce Watson, who convened and hosted a meeting on the White Ribbon Week that specifically focused, with the National Federation of Women's Institutes, on issues of domestic violence in rural areas. And issues—. For example, the ways in which we can support and help have been made available. We've got six video-conferencing suites across Dyfed-Powys, in your region, to make it easier to hold those all-important, cross-sector case conferences, the multi-agency risk assessment conferences. We've provided additional funding for disbursed community-based accommodation, provided funding to enable witnesses to give evidence remotely, with support from service providers. And indeed, in terms of that extra money for community-based accommodation, £427,543 has been allocated directly to Mid and West Wales. But training is crucially important—around 30,000 professionals trained through our national training framework in Mid and West Wales last year. So, it has to be an all-Wales response. But rurality, I can assure the Member, is crucial in terms of reaching out and providing that support.
Diolch i Angela Burns am y cwestiwn pwysig yna. Ac mae materion gwledigrwydd yn cael sylw. Yn wir, diolchaf i Joyce Watson, a gynullodd ac a gynhaliodd gyfarfod ar Wythnos y Rhuban Gwyn a oedd yn canolbwyntio yn benodol, gyda Ffederasiwn Cenedlaethol Sefydliadau'r Merched, ar faterion trais domestig mewn ardaloedd gwledig. A materion—. Er enghraifft, mae'r ffyrdd y gallwn ni gefnogi a helpu wedi eu rhoi ar gael. Mae gennym ni chwe ystafell fideo-gynadledda ar draws Dyfed-Powys, yn eich rhanbarth chi, i'w gwneud yn haws cynnal y cynadleddau achos traws-sector hollbwysig hynny, y cynadleddau asesu risg amlasiantaeth. Rydym ni wedi darparu cyllid ychwanegol ar gyfer llety cymunedol a alldalwyd, wedi darparu cyllid i alluogi tystion i roi tystiolaeth o bell, gyda chymorth gan ddarparwyr gwasanaeth. Ac yn wir, o ran yr arian ychwanegol hwnnw ar gyfer llety cymunedol, dyrannwyd £427,543 yn uniongyrchol i Ganolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru. Ond mae hyfforddiant yn hanfodol bwysig—hyfforddwyd tua 30,000 o weithwyr proffesiynol drwy ein fframwaith hyfforddi cenedlaethol yng Nghanolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru y llynedd. Felly, mae'n rhaid iddo fod yn ymateb Cymru gyfan. Ond mae gwledigrwydd, gallaf sicrhau'r Aelod, yn hanfodol o ran estyn allan a darparu'r cymorth hwnnw.
2. A wnaiff y Dirprwy Weinidog ddatganiad am ymdrechion i wella cydlyniant cymunedol yng Ngogledd Cymru? OQ56038
2. Will the Deputy Minister make a statement on efforts to improve community cohesion in North Wales? OQ56038
We've invested an additional £1.52 million since April in our community cohesion programme. The regional cohesion teams in north Wales work closely with key partners, including local government, the police, third sector, fostering cohesive communities, providing support and information, and monitoring and mitigating community tensions.
Rydym ni wedi buddsoddi £1.52 miliwn yn ychwanegol ers mis Ebrill yn ein rhaglen cydlyniant cymunedol. Mae'r timau cydlyniant rhanbarthol yn y gogledd yn gweithio'n agos gyda phartneriaid allweddol, gan gynnwys llywodraeth leol, yr heddlu, y trydydd sector, gan feithrin cymunedau cydlynol, darparu cymorth a gwybodaeth, a monitro a lliniaru tensiynau cymunedol.
Thank you, Minister. I read the report of the task and finish group led by Gaynor Legall with interest. Now that relevant monuments have been identified, I'm interested to hear your plans for the next steps, and your assessment as to how those steps will impact community cohesion in my region, and indeed in the rest of Wales. Thank you.
Diolch, Gweinidog. Darllenais adroddiad y grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen o dan arweiniad Gaynor Legall gyda diddordeb. Gan fod henebion perthnasol wedi eu nodi erbyn hyn, mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn clywed eich cynlluniau ar gyfer y camau nesaf, a'ch asesiad o sut y bydd y camau hynny yn effeithio ar gydlyniant cymunedol yn fy rhanbarth i, ac yng ngweddill Cymru yn wir. Diolch.
Thank you to the Member for that question. And I'm sure she would have welcomed the audit that was undertaken, led by Gaynor Legall, looking at those monuments and also street names, and recognising also not only have we got to address these issues, but also we have got to look at how we can celebrate those who have played such an important role—particularly in terms of black, Asian and minority ethnic members of the community, and indeed in terms of historical perspectives. But I'm also very pleased that our own culture committee is going to be undertaking their own inquiry and following up that review.
Diolch i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn yna. Ac rwy'n siŵr y byddai wedi croesawu'r archwiliad a gynhaliwyd, o dan arweiniad Gaynor Legall, yn edrych ar yr henebion hynny a hefyd enwau strydoedd, ac yn cydnabod hefyd nid yn unig bod yn rhaid i ni roi sylw i'r materion hyn, ond hefyd mae'n rhaid i ni edrych ar sut y gallwn ni ddathlu'r rhai sydd wedi chwarae rhan mor bwysig—yn enwedig o ran pobl dduon, Asiaidd a lleiafrifoedd ethnig yn y gymuned, ac yn wir o ran safbwyntiau hanesyddol. Ond rwyf i hefyd yn falch iawn y bydd ein pwyllgor diwylliant ein hunain yn cynnal ei ymchwiliad ei hun ac yn gwneud gwaith dilynol ar yr adolygiad hwnnw.
Deputy Minister, the pandemic has had a profound impact on the way our constituents meet their loved ones, their support networks, and indeed how they conduct their business on a daily basis. A stable digital broadband connection is now more important than ever, so that people can feel part of an inclusive and cohesive community. You'll be aware of the recent Red Cross report, calling for strategic investment in tackling digital isolation, so that people can stay connected throughout future restrictions. And according to a recent update from Openreach Cymru, 39,000 of the hardest-to-reach properties will be connected under the fibre roll-out scheme by June 2022. Now, we have heard this before, and some of those ambitions have never been fulfilled. However, if they are, for many, that is still too long to wait. So, can you explain whether you as a Government, and as Deputy Minister—whether you're going to look at a more ambitious target to implement, in light of the need for more people now to work from home, and also outline how this will be approached strategically to combat such digital exclusion? Thank you.
Dirprwy Weinidog, mae'r pandemig wedi cael effaith ddofn ar y ffordd y mae ein hetholwyr yn cyfarfod â'u hanwyliaid, eu rhwydweithiau cymorth, ac yn wir sut y maen nhw'n cyflawni eu busnes yn ddyddiol. Mae cysylltiad band eang digidol sefydlog yn bwysicach nag erioed erbyn hyn, fel y gall pobl deimlo'n rhan o gymuned gynhwysol a chydlynol. Byddwch yn ymwybodol o adroddiad diweddar y Groes Goch, yn galw am fuddsoddiad strategol i fynd i'r afael ag ynysigrwydd digidol, fel y gall pobl gadw mewn cysylltiad drwy gydol cyfyngiadau'r dyfodol. Ac yn ôl diweddariad diweddar gan Openreach Cymru, bydd 39,000 o'r eiddo anoddaf eu cyrraedd yn cael eu cysylltu o dan y cynllun cyflwyno ffibr erbyn mis Mehefin 2022. Nawr, rydym ni wedi clywed hyn o'r blaen, ac mae rhai o'r uchelgeisiau hynny nad ydyn nhw erioed wedi eu cyflawni. Fodd bynnag, os byddan nhw, i lawer, mae hynny'n dal yn rhy hir i aros. Felly, a allwch chi esbonio pa un a ydych chi fel Llywodraeth, ac fel Dirprwy Weinidog—a ydych chi'n mynd i edrych ar darged mwy uchelgeisiol i'w weithredu, yng ngoleuni'r angen i fwy o bobl weithio gartref nawr, a hefyd amlinellu sut yr eir ati'n strategol i fynd i'r afael ag allgáu digidol o'r fath? Diolch.
Combating digital exclusion is crucial in terms of enhancing and supporting community cohesion, but particularly reaching out to the most vulnerable people in our communities, as you say, Janet Finch-Saunders, affected by coronavirus. And I think what we have been able to do over the last nine months—and certainly through my budget, through the third sector and equality budget—is repurpose some of our funding to ensure that we can provide not just equipment, but training and support to many of those who have been excluded and disadvantaged because they haven't had that access. And indeed, this is very much a cross-Government initiative, led by the Deputy Minister for economy and transport, in terms of not only addressing digital exclusion, but actually focusing on how we can include those communities as we move to more remote working, but also not exclusively addressing those issues where people have not got access in a digital way.
Mae mynd i'r afael ag allgáu digidol yn hanfodol o ran gwella a chynorthwyo cydlyniant cymunedol, ond yn enwedig estyn allan i'r bobl fwyaf agored i niwed yn ein cymunedau, fel y dywedwch, Janet Finch-Saunders, sy'n cael eu heffeithio gan goronafeirws. Ac rwy'n credu mai'r hyn yr ydym ni wedi gallu ei wneud dros y naw mis diwethaf—ac yn sicr drwy fy nghyllideb i, trwy gyllideb y trydydd sector a chydraddoldeb—yw ail-bwrpasu rhywfaint o'n cyllid i sicrhau y gallwn ni ddarparu nid yn unig offer, ond hyfforddiant a chymorth i lawer o'r rhai sydd wedi cael eu hallgáu a'u rhoi o dan anfantais gan nad ydyn nhw wedi cael y mynediad hwnnw. Ac yn wir, mae hon yn sicr yn fenter draws-Lywodraeth, o dan arweiniad Dirprwy Weinidog yr economi a thrafnidiaeth, o ran nid yn unig mynd i'r afael ag allgáu digidol, ond canolbwyntio mewn gwirionedd ar sut y gallwn ni gynnwys y cymunedau hynny wrth i ni symud tuag at fwy o weithio o bell, ond hefyd nid mynd i'r afael â'r materion hynny lle nad oes gan bobl fynediad mewn ffordd ddigidol yn unig.
3. Sut y mae'r Dirprwy Weinidog yn ymgysylltu â phobl ifanc yng Nghymru mewn perthynas â materion cydraddoldeb a hawliau dynol? OQ56030
3. How does the Deputy Minister engage with young people in Wales in relation to equality and human rights matters? OQ56030
During these difficult times, I've engaged as widely as possible on the work we are undertaking to strengthen and advance equality and human rights in Wales. This has included online meetings with young people to hear their lived experiences and what changes they want to see, but, particularly, I would say, recently, in terms of reaching out to young people, to help inform our new Wales race equality action plan.
Yn ystod y cyfnod anodd hwn, rwyf i wedi ymgysylltu mor eang â phosibl ar y gwaith yr ydym ni'n ei wneud i gryfhau a hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb a hawliau dynol yng Nghymru. Mae hyn wedi cynnwys cyfarfodydd ar-lein gyda phobl ifanc i glywed eu profiadau byw a pha newidiadau y maen nhw eisiau eu gweld, ond, yn arbennig, byddwn i'n dweud, yn ddiweddar, o ran estyn allan at bobl ifanc, i helpu i lywio ein cynllun gweithredu ar gydraddoldeb hiliol newydd i Gymru.
Deputy Minister, that's really good to hear, and can I draw attention to our local Bridgend Youth Council, which has got some excellent representatives, including the recently elected youth mayor Megan Stone, and the deputy youth mayor Tino Kaseke, whose three main priorities for this term this year are youth mental health awareness and supporting schools, ending racism and injustice through education, and supporting LGBTQ+ rights? And, of course, there are also the equalities officers, Cameron Richards and Megan Lambert. So, clearly there's a read-across with your responsibilities as Deputy Minister. So, can I ask how do you engage with these young people on the equalities and human rights issues, which are important to them, and, specifically, whether she can engage with members of the Bridgend Youth Council on these shared priorities?
Dirprwy Weinidog, mae'n braf iawn clywed hynny, ac a gaf i dynnu sylw at ein Cyngor Ieuenctid lleol ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr, sydd â rhai cynrychiolwyr rhagorol, gan gynnwys y maer ieuenctid, Megan Stone, a etholwyd yn ddiweddar, a'r dirprwy faer ieuenctid, Tino Kaseke, sydd â'r tair prif flaenoriaeth ar gyfer y tymor hwn eleni o ymwybyddiaeth o iechyd meddwl ieuenctid a chynorthwyo ysgolion, rhoi terfyn ar hiliaeth ac anghyfiawnder drwy addysg, a chefnogi hawliau LGBTQ+? Ac, wrth gwrs, ceir y swyddogion cydraddoldeb, Cameron Richards a Megan Lambert, hefyd. Felly, mae'n amlwg bod cyfatebiaeth o ran eich cyfrifoldebau fel Dirprwy Weinidog. Felly, a gaf i ofyn sut yr ydych chi'n ymgysylltu â'r bobl ifanc hyn ar faterion cydraddoldeb a hawliau dynol, sy'n bwysig iddyn nhw, ac, yn benodol, pa un a all hi ymgysylltu ag aelodau Cyngor Ieuenctid Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr ar y blaenoriaethau cyffredin hyn?
I thank Huw Irranca-Davies for that important question, because the pandemic has led to an unprecedented level of engagement with all our stakeholders, including reaching out to young people, but also to many of our equality fora and groups. I mentioned the race equality action plan, and that has enabled me to meet with many young people through the Ethnic Youth Support Team, Race Council Cymru and the wonderful Privilege Cafe. I think we need to link members of the Bridgend Youth Council to many of those fora to enable them to have their say.
I have met with young people from Bridgend recently, and they are formidable in terms of their commitment, particularly around those issues relating to equality and LGBTQI+ rights. So, I hope that they will also be able to inform the research and consultation that we're undertaking with the race equality action plan, but also on the LGBT+ action plan, and the work that we're doing in strengthening equality and advancing human rights in Wales, where we are, obviously, moving forward with not just research, but looking at legislative models, which I would hope they could engage with. But I would very much like to meet with the Bridgend Youth Council.
Diolchaf i Huw Irranca-Davies am y cwestiwn pwysig yna, oherwydd mae'r pandemig wedi arwain at lefel ddigynsail o ymgysylltu â'n holl randdeiliaid, gan gynnwys estyn allan at bobl ifanc, ond hefyd at lawer o'n fforymau a grwpiau cydraddoldeb. Soniais am y cynllun gweithredu ar gydraddoldeb hiliol, ac mae hwnnw wedi caniatáu i my gyfarfod â llawer o bobl ifanc drwy'r Tîm Cymorth Ieuenctid Ethnig, Race Council Cymru a'r Privilege Cafe ardderchog. Rwy'n credu bod angen i ni gysylltu aelodau Cyngor Ieuenctid Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr â llawer o'r fforymau hynny i ganiatáu iddyn nhw gael dweud eu dweud.
Rwyf i wedi cyfarfod â phobl ifanc o Ben-y-bont ar Ogwr yn ddiweddar, ac maen nhw'n ddygn dros ben o ran eu hymrwymiad, yn enwedig o ran y materion hynny sy'n ymwneud â chydraddoldeb a hawliau LGBTQI+. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio y byddan nhw hefyd yn gallu llywio'r gwaith ymchwil ac ymgynghori yr ydym ni'n ei wneud gyda'r cynllun gweithredu ar gydraddoldeb hiliol, ond hefyd y cynllun gweithredu LGBT+, a'r gwaith yr ydym ni'n ei wneud i gryfhau cydraddoldeb a hyrwyddo hawliau dynol yng Nghymru, lle'r ydym ni, yn amlwg, yn symud ymlaen nid yn unig gydag ymchwil, ond yn edrych ar fodelau deddfwriaethol, y byddwn yn gobeithio y gallen nhw ymgysylltu â nhw. Ond hoffwn yn fawr gyfarfod â Chyngor Ieuenctid Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr.
Laura Anne Jones.
Laura Anne Jones.
Sorry, I haven't got—.
Mae'n ddrwg gen i, nid oes gen i—.
Okay, okay. Fine.
Iawn, iawn. Popeth yn iawn.
Cwestiwn 4, Paul Davies.
Question 4, Paul Davies.
4. A wnaiff y Dirprwy Weinidog ddatganiad am gefnogaeth i'r trydydd sector yng Nghymru, mewn ymateb i bandemig COVID-19? OQ56024
4. Will the Deputy Minister make a statement on support for the third sector in Wales, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic? OQ56024
The Welsh Government has already provided £24 million to support the third sector in Wales through the pandemic. This recognised the vital role the sector has played in the response to COVID-19. And I am now making an additional £2.5 million available to ensure this support continues until the end of March.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru eisoes wedi darparu £24 miliwn i gynorthwyo'r trydydd sector yng Nghymru drwy'r pandemig. Roedd hyn yn cydnabod y rhan hanfodol y mae'r sector wedi ei chwarae yn yr ymateb i COVID-19. Ac rwyf i bellach yn darparu £2.5 miliwn yn ychwanegol i sicrhau bod y cymorth hwn yn parhau hyd at ddiwedd mis Mawrth.
I'm grateful to the Deputy Minister for that response. Now, as you know, the COVID-19 pandemic has hit many charities across Wales very, very hard and had a huge impact on their funding streams. Now, this is particularly important for medical research charities, and some estimates suggest that the pandemic may set medical research back by as much as 10 years. Can you tell us what the Welsh Government's latest assessment is of the impact of COVID-19 on medical charities in particular? And what further assistance can you offer the sector to ensure life-saving medical research will actually continue to be funded here in Wales?
Rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r Dirprwy Weinidog am yr ymateb yna. Nawr, fel y gwyddoch, mae pandemig COVID-19 wedi taro llawer o elusennau ledled Cymru yn galed iawn, iawn ac wedi cael effaith enfawr ar eu ffrydiau ariannu. Nawr, mae hyn yn arbennig o bwysig i elusennau ymchwil meddygol, ac mae rhai amcangyfrifon yn awgrymu y gallai'r pandemig roi ymchwil feddygol yn ôl gymaint â 10 mlynedd. A allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni beth yw asesiad diweddaraf Llywodraeth Cymru o effaith COVID-19 ar elusennau meddygol yn arbennig? A pha gymorth pellach allwch chi ei gynnig i'r sector i sicrhau y bydd gwaith ymchwil meddygol sy'n achub bywydau yn parhau i gael ei ariannu yma yng Nghymru?
I thank Paul Davies for that important question, and, of course, the loss of fundraising has particularly hit those medical charities, indeed, we have to say all charities, but those where perhaps there has been a crucial response—Marie Curie. We look to so many of those medical charities that often come here in order to launch, for example, the daffodil campaign. The emergency fund has, of course, provided close to £7 million, enabling 156 organisations to support both volunteers and beneficiaries, and that, of course, has now been replaced by the voluntary services recovery fund, because we have to ensure that we sustain those organisations, even with their loss of income. But I will also look at the particular impact on medical charities and report back to the Senedd on that particular sector in our third sector and charity organisations.FootnoteLink
Diolchaf i Paul Davies am y cwestiwn pwysig yna, ac, wrth gwrs, mae colli cyllid wedi taro'r elusennau meddygol hynny yn arbennig, yn wir, mae'n rhaid i ni ddweud pob elusen, ond y rhai lle cafwyd ymateb hollbwysig efallai—Marie Curie. Rydym ni'n meddwl am gynifer o'r elusennau meddygol hynny sy'n aml yn dod yma er mwyn lansio, er enghraifft, yr ymgyrch cennin Pedr. Mae'r gronfa frys, wrth gwrs, wedi darparu bron i £7 miliwn, gan alluogi 156 o sefydliadau i gynorthwyo gwirfoddolwyr a buddiolwyr, a disodlwyd honno erbyn hyn, wrth gwrs, gan y gronfa adfer gwasanaethau gwirfoddol, oherwydd mae'n rhaid i ni sicrhau ein bod ni'n cynnal y sefydliadau hynny, hyd yn oed gyda'u colled incwm. Ond byddaf hefyd yn edrych ar yr effaith benodol ar elusennau meddygol ac yn adrodd yn ôl i'r Senedd ar y sector penodol hwnnw yn ein trydydd sector a sefydliadau elusennol.FootnoteLink
5. Pa gymorth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei ddarparu i fynd i'r afael â thrais domestig yng Ngorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro? OQ56052
5. What support is the Welsh Government providing to tackle domestic violence in Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire? OQ56052
This year, the violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence sector has received over £4 million of new money, much of it to respond to the challenges posed by the pandemic. The mid and west Wales regional partnership received over £685,000 this year.
Eleni, mae'r sector trais yn erbyn menywod, cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol wedi cael dros £4 miliwn o arian newydd, lawer ohono i ymateb i'r heriau sydd wedi codi yn sgil y pandemig. Cafodd partneriaeth ranbarthol canolbarth a gorllewin Cymru dros £685,000 eleni.
Thank you for that, and thank you for the support you give the victims of domestic violence. I know that this is a cause incredibly dear to your heart, and I'm grateful for everything that you do. Basically, I wanted to know if you would help me recognise the Royal Mail, because they've recently launched an online safe space portal, and, as we know, because of the COVID crisis, so many people aren't able to go out there and get help, there are so many people trapped in their own homes, not able to get away from an abusive or coercively controlling partner, but this safe space portal you can get to from any website, there's no record of internet trace history, and it does help and can help people. It's been developed in conjunction with Hestia. First of all, Deputy Minister, would you also welcome this amazing initiative? Secondly, perhaps you could just outline other ways in which the Welsh Government could work with organisations such as the Royal Mail to reach out and give that lifeline to people who are feeling utterly, utterly trapped at the moment.
Diolch am hynny, a diolch am y gefnogaeth yr ydych chi'n ei rhoi i ddioddefwyr trais domestig. Rwy'n gwybod bod hwn yn achos eithriadol o agos at eich calon, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar am bopeth yr ydych chi'n ei wneud. Yn y bôn, roeddwn i eisiau gwybod a fyddech chi'n fy helpu i gydnabod y Post Brenhinol, oherwydd yn ddiweddar maen nhw wedi lansio porth lle diogel ar-lein, ac, fel y gwyddom ni, oherwydd argyfwng COVID, mae cymaint o bobl yn methu mynd allan a chael help, mae cymaint o bobl wedi'u caethiwo yn eu cartrefi eu hunain, heb allu dianc rhag partner sy'n cam-drin neu'n rheoli drwy orfodaeth, ond gallwch gyrraedd y porth lle diogel hwn o unrhyw wefan. Nid oes cofnod o hanes olrhain y rhyngrwyd, ac mae'n helpu ac yn gallu helpu pobl. Cafodd ei ddatblygu ar y cyd â Hestia. Yn gyntaf oll, Dirprwy Weinidog, a fyddech chi hefyd yn croesawu'r fenter ryfeddol hon? Yn ail, efallai y gallech chi amlinellu ffyrdd eraill y gallai Llywodraeth Cymru weithio gyda sefydliadau fel y Post Brenhinol i estyn at eraill a rhoi'r achubiaeth honno i bobl sy'n teimlo'n gwbl, gwbl gaeth ar hyn o bryd.
I thank Angela Burns for that question and for her earlier questions this afternoon. I certainly endorse and welcome Royal Mail's initiative with their new portal. Indeed, I'm very impressed, across the public and private sectors, by the ways in which organisations are responding to this need. It's not just for the public sector; it is, indeed, for all those organisations who have a role to play and who are actually in touch with people on a daily basis.
I think it's important that we also just share today, as we move towards the Christmas period, recognising that is not an easy period for many in terms of how home is not always a safe place, that we're launching another phase of the 'Home shouldn't be a place of fear' campaign during Christmas and the new year. It'll be aired on tv, radio and digital platforms to reach the most vulnerable so that victims will know about the services that are operating, and it's back to encouraging bystanders and concerned others to access help and information, with the dial 999 plus 555, which is, of course, where you can get police support as well. So, I thank the Member very much for raising this, and hope that all Members across this Chamber will respond to our call in terms of making the Live Fear Free helpline widely understood and known across Wales.
Diolch i Angela Burns am y cwestiwn hwnnw ac am ei chwestiynau cynharach y prynhawn yma. Yn sicr, rwy'n cymeradwyo ac yn croesawu menter y Post Brenhinol gyda'u porth newydd. Yn wir, mae'r ffyrdd y mae sefydliadau'n ymateb i'r angen hwn wedi creu argraff fawr arnaf i, ar draws y sectorau cyhoeddus a phreifat. Nid mater i'r sector cyhoeddus yn unig yw hyn; yn wir, mae ar gyfer yr holl sefydliadau hynny sydd â rhan i'w chwarae ac sydd mewn cysylltiad â phobl bob dydd.
Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig ein bod ni hefyd yn rhannu heddiw, wrth inni symud tuag at gyfnod y Nadolig, gan gydnabod nad yw hynny'n gyfnod hawdd i lawer gan nad yw'r cartref bob amser yn lle diogel, ein bod ni'n lansio cyfnod arall o'r ymgyrch 'Ddylai neb deimlo'n ofnus gartre' yn ystod y Nadolig a'r flwyddyn newydd. Bydd yn ymddangos ar y teledu, ar y radio ac ar lwyfannau digidol i gyrraedd y rhai mwyaf agored i niwed fel y bydd dioddefwyr yn gwybod am y gwasanaethau sy'n gweithredu, ac mae'n annog gwylwyr ac eraill pryderus i gael gafael ar gymorth a gwybodaeth drwy alw 999 a 555, lle y gallwch, wrth gwrs, gael cymorth gan yr heddlu hefyd. Felly, rwy'n diolch yn fawr iawn i'r Aelod am godi hyn, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd pob Aelod ledled y Siambr hon yn ymateb i'n galwad ni o ran gwneud yn siŵr bod llinell gymorth Byw Heb Ofn yn cael ei deall a'i hadnabod yn eang ledled Cymru.
Diolch i'r Dirprwy Weinidog.
Thank you, Deputy Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw'r datganiad a chyhoeddiad busnes, a dwi'n galw ar y Trefnydd i wneud y datganiad hwnnw—Rebecca Evans.
The next item is the business statement and announcement, and I call on the Trefnydd to make that statement—Rebecca Evans.
Diolch, Llywydd. I have several changes to this week's business. Immediately after this business statement, I will seek a suspension of Standing Orders in order for us to debate the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 4) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2020, the Public Health (Protection from Eviction) (Wales) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020 and the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (School Premises and Further Education Institution Premises) (Wales) Regulations 2020, and the new coronavirus restrictions. I've also added an oral statement on the end of the transition period. In order to accommodate these additions, the statement on the publication of the national policy on Welsh language transmission and use in families has been postponed. Finally, the motion to agree the legislative consent motion on the Trade Bill has also been postponed. Draft business for the next three weeks is set out on the business statement and announcement, which can be found amongst the meeting papers available to Members electronically.
Diolch, Llywydd. Mae gennyf i sawl newid i fusnes yr wythnos hon. Yn union ar ôl y datganiad busnes hwn, byddaf i'n ceisio atal y Rheolau Sefydlog er mwyn inni drafod Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Rhif 4) (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2020, Rheoliadau Iechyd y Cyhoedd (Gwarchodaeth rhag Troi Allan) (Cymru) (Coronafeirws) 2020 a Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Safleoedd Ysgolion ac Adeiladau Sefydliadau Addysg Bellach) (Cymru) 2020, a'r cyfyngiadau coronafeirws newydd. Rwyf i hefyd wedi ychwanegu datganiad llafar ar ddiwedd y cyfnod pontio. Er mwyn darparu ar gyfer yr ychwanegiadau hyn, mae'r datganiad ar gyhoeddi'r polisi cenedlaethol ar drosglwyddo a defnyddio'r Gymraeg mewn teuluoedd wedi'i ohirio. Yn olaf, mae'r cynnig i gytuno ar y cynnig cydsyniad deddfwriaethol ar y Bil Masnach hefyd wedi'i ohirio. Mae'r busnes drafft ar gyfer y tair wythnos nesaf wedi'i nodi ar y datganiad a chyhoeddiad busnes, sydd i'w weld ymhlith papurau'r cyfarfod sydd ar gael i'r Aelodau'n electronig.
On 3 December, crime and justice specialist Crest Advisory published a report on county lines and looked-after children. Based on that report, I called for a Welsh Government statement on support for looked-after children in north Wales. Using police data and stakeholder interviews in north Wales and Merseyside chosen to reflect exploitation at both ends of a county line, they found that almost all known county lines activity in north Wales originates in Merseyside, that the lines travel into north Wales firstly across the Welsh border into Flintshire and Wrexham local authorities, and secondly to coastal towns, including Rhyl, Colwyn Bay, Abergele, Llandudno and Bangor; that although looked-after children are taken into local authority care to improve their welfare, they are over-represented in child criminal county lines exploitation and are therefore far from being effectively safeguarded; that children placed in residential care homes and unregulated settings are at a higher risk of going missing, with 31 per cent of missing incidents in north Wales in the last two years reported from care; and that although looked-after children are disproportionately represented in county lines networks, they are not being systematically identified by police or local authorities. I think this is an urgent matter, a pressing matter, and one that must not be overlooked because of COVID, and I call for an urgent statement accordingly.
Ar 3 Rhagfyr, cyhoeddodd yr arbenigwr troseddau a chyfiawnder Crest Advisory adroddiad ar linellau cyffuriau a phlant sy'n derbyn gofal. Yn seiliedig ar yr adroddiad hwnnw, galwais am ddatganiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar gefnogaeth i blant sy'n derbyn gofal yng ngogledd Cymru. Gan ddefnyddio data'r heddlu a chyfweliadau rhanddeiliaid yng ngogledd Cymru a Glannau Mersi a gafodd eu dewis i adlewyrchu camfanteisio ar ddau ben llinell gyffuriau, darganfuwyd bod bron pob gweithgaredd llinell gyffuriau hysbys yn y gogledd yn dechrau yng Nglannau Mersi, bod y llinellau'n teithio i ogledd Cymru, yn gyntaf dros ffin Cymru i awdurdodau lleol Sir y Fflint a Wrecsam, ac yn ail i drefi arfordirol, gan gynnwys y Rhyl, Bae Colwyn, Abergele, Llandudno a Bangor; ac er bod plant sy'n derbyn gofal yn cael eu cymryd i ofal awdurdod lleol i wella eu lles, mae yna orgynrychiolaeth o'r plant hynny sy'n cael eu hecsbloetio ar linellau cyffuriau troseddol, ac felly maen nhw ymhell o gael eu diogelu'n effeithiol; ac mae plant sy'n cael eu rhoi mewn cartrefi gofal preswyl a lleoliadau heb eu rheoleiddio mewn mwy o berygl o fynd ar goll, gyda 31 y cant o ddigwyddiadau pobl yn mynd ar goll yn y gogledd yn ystod y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf yn cael eu hadrodd o wasanaethau gofal; ac er bod plant sy'n derbyn gofal yn cael eu cynrychioli'n anghymesur mewn rhwydweithiau llinellau cyffuriau, nid ydynt yn cael eu hadnabod yn systematig gan yr heddlu nac awdurdodau lleol. Rwy'n credu bod hwn yn fater brys, yn fater pwysig, ac yn un na ddylid ei anwybyddu oherwydd COVID, ac rwy'n galw am ddatganiad brys yn unol â hynny.
I am grateful to Mark Isherwood for raising what is a really, really important issue. Any suggestion of looked-after children being exploited is clearly something that we must take very seriously, and the issue of county lines is one that is of huge concern and is a real challenge, both for social services locally and for the police. I know that Mark Isherwood will be taking this issue up with North Wales Police, but I will ask the Minister with responsibility for social services to also provide him with an update on what social services can do to ensure that looked-after children in their care are kept as safe as possible and are educated about the dangers of county lines and protected from individuals who would seek to exploit them. So, I'd be very happy to find an opportunity for him to be updated on that.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar i Mark Isherwood am godi'r hyn sy'n fater gwirioneddol bwysig. Mae unrhyw awgrym o gamfanteisio ar blant sy'n derbyn gofal yn amlwg yn rhywbeth y mae'n rhaid inni ei gymryd o ddifrif, ac mae mater llinellau cyffuriau'n un sy'n peri pryder enfawr ac sy'n her wirioneddol, i'r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol yn lleol ac i'r heddlu. Rwy'n gwybod y bydd Mark Isherwood yn codi'r mater hwn gyda Heddlu Gogledd Cymru, ond rwy'n gofyn i'r Gweinidog sy'n gyfrifol am wasanaethau cymdeithasol roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf iddo hefyd o ran yr hyn y gall gwasanaethau cymdeithasol ei wneud i sicrhau bod plant sy'n derbyn gofal sydd yn eu gofal yn cael eu cadw mor ddiogel â phosibl a'u bod yn cael eu haddysgu ynghylch peryglon llinellau cyffuriau a'u hamddiffyn rhag unigolion a fyddai'n ceisio manteisio arnyn nhw. Felly, byddwn i'n hapus iawn i ddod o hyd i gyfle iddo gael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ynghylch hynny.
I'd just like to say I share the concerns of Mark Isherwood, and it is not just looked-after children who are being targeted by county lines. I'm afraid it's a lot of other vulnerable young people as well. So, I would welcome very much a statement from the Government on that matter.
I just wanted to raise another matter, which is that the people of Wales are very generous at giving to charities throughout the year, but they're especially generous at Christmas time. And I just need to raise the fact that, unfortunately, it also attracts the attention of criminals, who either pretend to be representing a charity or set themselves up as bogus charities. And £350,000 was lost in the last Christmas period to criminals, and so I just want to point out that it is really important that people do not give their personal details to any unsolicited calls over the phone, particularly their financial details, and that they need to look for the charity number on all bona fide registered charities and, if they're collecting on the street, where's the badge that shows that they are actually collecting for that charity. Given that even very small sums going astray causes huge distress to the individuals who are giving, even if they have very little money, I just wondered what the Welsh Government can do to highlight this problem as well as supporting the action by the Charity Commission in driving down this horrible, horrible crime.
Hoffwn i ddweud fy mod i'n rhannu pryderon Mark Isherwood, ac nid plant sy'n derbyn gofal yn unig sy'n cael eu targedu gan linellau cyffuriau. Rwy'n ofni bod hynny'n wir am lawer o bobl ifanc eraill sy'n agored i niwed hefyd. Felly, byddwn i'n croesawu datganiad gan y Llywodraeth ar y mater hwnnw.
Roeddwn i eisiau codi mater arall, sef bod pobl Cymru yn hael iawn yn rhoi i elusennau drwy gydol y flwyddyn, ond maen nhw'n arbennig o hael adeg y Nadolig. Ac mae angen imi godi'r ffaith ei fod, yn anffodus, hefyd yn denu sylw troseddwyr, sydd naill ai'n esgus bod yn cynrychioli elusen neu'n sefydlu eu hunain fel ffug elusennau. Collwyd £350,000 yn ystod y cyfnod Nadolig diwethaf i droseddwyr. Hoffwn dynnu sylw at y ffaith ei bod yn bwysig iawn nad yw pobl yn rhoi eu manylion personol i unrhyw alwadau digymell dros y ffôn, yn enwedig eu manylion ariannol, a bod angen iddyn nhw chwilio am rif yr elusen ar bob elusen gofrestredig ddilys ac, os ydyn nhw'n casglu ar y stryd, ble mae'r bathodyn sy'n dangos eu bod yn wirioneddol gasglu dros yr elusen honno. O ystyried bod hyd yn oed symiau bach iawn sy'n mynd ar goll yn achosi trallod enfawr i'r unigolion sy'n rhoi, hyd yn oed os mai ychydig iawn o arian sydd ganddyn nhw, tybed beth all Llywodraeth Cymru ei wneud i dynnu sylw at y broblem hon yn ogystal â chefnogi'r camau gan y Comisiwn Elusennau i chwalu'r drosedd erchyll, erchyll hon.
It is indeed the season of goodwill and, as Jenny Rathbone says, the people of Wales are an incredible group of people in terms of the generosity that they demonstrate to their neighbours and to strangers, and we've seen so much of that through the coronavirus pandemic. The Charity Commission is currently running a really important campaign that is providing people with advice as to how they can give safely this Christmas and to ensure that they're not being exploited by people who would wish to take their financial details, and so on, or to encourage them to donate to a charity that isn't a bona fide charity. As Jenny Rathbone said, one of the easiest things that people can do is to check out the registered number of the charity to ensure that the place where they are providing their charitable support is one that is legitimate and that will not abuse their generous nature. So, thank you to Jenny Rathbone for offering the opportunity to highlight that particularly important campaign by the Charity Commission.
Mae'n wir yn dymor ewyllys da ac, fel y mae Jenny Rathbone yn ei ddweud, mae pobl Cymru yn grŵp anhygoel o bobl o ran yr haelioni y maen nhw'n ei ddangos i'w cymdogion ac i ddieithriaid, ac rydym ni wedi gweld cymaint o hynny drwy'r pandemig coronafeirws. Ar hyn o bryd mae'r Comisiwn Elusennau yn cynnal ymgyrch bwysig iawn sy'n rhoi cyngor i bobl ar sut y gallan nhw roi yn ddiogel y Nadolig hwn ac i sicrhau nad ydyn nhw'n cael eu hecsbloetio gan bobl a fyddai'n dymuno cymryd eu manylion ariannol, ac yn y blaen, neu i'w hannog i roi i elusen nad yw'n elusen ddilys. Fel y dywedodd Jenny Rathbone, un o'r pethau hawsaf y gall pobl ei wneud yw edrych ar rif cofrestredig yr elusen i sicrhau bod y lle maen nhw'n darparu eu cymorth elusennol yn un sy'n ddilys ac na fydd yn camfanteisio ar eu natur hael. Felly, diolch i Jenny Rathbone am gynnig y cyfle i dynnu sylw at yr ymgyrch arbennig o bwysig honno gan y Comisiwn Elusennau.
In view of the apparent continuing impasse in three critical areas in the Brexit negotiations, could we have a statement on what concessions the Welsh Government would be willing to make in order to avoid a 'no deal' scenario? Would it be to concede on our fishing grounds—which, incidentally, at this moment are being plundered by giant trawlers dredging up 250 tonnes of fish a day, with disastrous environmental consequences—or would it be to give way on the so-called level playing fields, meaning of course that the UK Government would, amongst other crucial economic interventions, remain very restricted by state-aid rules, disallowing us to help our steel industries in the way that we would want to? Or would it be to keep the European Court of Justice supremacy over UK law, something that people who voted for Brexit were implacably against?
O ystyried yr anghytundeb llwyr mewn tri maes allweddol yn nhrafodaethau Brexit, a gawn ni ddatganiad am y cyfaddawdau y byddai Llywodraeth Cymru yn barod i'w gwneud i osgoi sefyllfa 'heb gytundeb'? A fyddai'n cyfaddawdu o ran ein pysgodfeydd—sydd, gyda llaw, ar hyn o bryd yn cael eu dihysbyddu gan longau enfawr yn tynnu rhwydi hyd at 250 tunnell o bysgod y dydd, â chanlyniadau amgylcheddol trychinebus—neu a fyddai'n cyfaddawdu ar y cae chwarae gwastad honedig, fel y'i gelwir, sy'n golygu, wrth gwrs, y byddai Llywodraeth y DU, ymhlith ymyriadau economaidd hanfodol eraill, yn parhau i fod yn gyfyngedig iawn oherwydd rheolau cymorth gwladwriaethol, gan ein rhwystro ni rhag helpu ein diwydiannau dur yn y ffordd y byddem yn ei dymuno? Neu a fyddai'n cyfaddawdu drwy gadw at oruchafiaeth Llys Cyfiawnder Ewrop dros gyfraith y DU, sef rhywbeth yr oedd y bobl a bleidleisiodd o blaid Brexit yn ei wrthwynebu?
[Inaudible.]—the UK Government and the EU to come to that agreement amongst themselves. The Welsh Government has been very clear all along about the kind of Brexit that we would have liked to have seen—one that would have provided the best opportunity possible to protect people's jobs and their livelihoods. Unfortunately, the UK Government has taken a very different road and has provided us with a very difficult road ahead of us. So, clearly those are questions that the UK Government are going to have to answer as they seek to move forward, and we very much hope that they do strike a deal and that we aren't faced with a 'no deal' Brexit at the end of this month, which, as we all appreciate, will be catastrophic.
[Anhyglyw.]—Llywodraeth y DU a'r UE i ddod i'r cytundeb hwnnw ymysg ei gilydd. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yn glir iawn drwy'r amser am y math o Brexit y byddem ni wedi hoffi ei weld—un a fyddai wedi rhoi'r cyfle gorau posibl i ddiogelu swyddi pobl a'u bywoliaeth. Yn anffodus, mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi cymryd llwybr gwahanol iawn ac wedi rhoi ffordd anodd iawn o'n blaenau. Felly, mae'n amlwg bod y rheini'n gwestiynau y bydd yn rhaid i Lywodraeth y DU eu hateb wrth iddyn nhw geisio symud ymlaen, ac rydym ni'n gobeithio'n fawr eu bod yn taro bargen ac nad ydym ni'n wynebu Brexit 'dim cytundeb' ddiwedd y mis hwn, a fydd, fel yr ydym ni i gyd yn sylweddoli, yn drychinebus.
I very much hope that we do get some form of deal at the end of this, despite the eleventh hour, so any input that the Welsh Government can have into that process would, I'm sure, be beneficial.
Two issues if I may raise with you, Trefnydd. Firstly, the issue I raised with the First Minister earlier: could we have a statement from the health Minister on addressing the capacity issues in the NHS, given the spiralling number of cases now of COVID-19? I refer the health Minister to the situation in the new Grange University Hospital in south-east Wales. That is already, I believe, at capacity in terms of COVID cases, and patients are being told not to go there unless they really have to with other conditions. That's obviously causing concern, so could we just have an update on what can be done to try and alleviate the situation there?
Secondly and finally is the issue that's been raised by Jenny Rathbone and my colleague Mark Isherwood on care-experienced children, and the specific issue he raised in north Wales. It reminded me as Chair of the Public Accounts Committee of the work we did earlier in this Assembly term on care-experienced children, and we took a fair amount of evidence from young people themselves who'd been through the care system, and there were issues raised particularly around placements. I wonder, as time has passed since the first part of that inquiry, whether we could have an update from the Welsh Government on what's been done to implement the recommendations that we came forward with at that time. Thank you. Diolch.
Rwy'n gobeithio'n fawr y cawn ni ryw fath o gytundeb ar ddiwedd hyn, er gwaethaf yr unfed awr ar ddeg, felly byddai unrhyw fewnbwn y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei gael i'r broses honno, rwy'n siŵr, yn fuddiol.
Os caf i godi dau fater gyda chi, Trefnydd, yn gyntaf, y mater y codais i gyda'r Prif Weinidog yn gynharach: a gawn ni ddatganiad gan y Gweinidog iechyd ar fynd i'r afael â materion capasiti yn y GIG, o gofio'r nifer cynyddol o achosion sydd bellach yn ymwneud â COVID-19? Rwy'n cyfeirio'r Gweinidog iechyd at y sefyllfa yn Ysbyty Athrofaol newydd y Faenor yn y de-ddwyrain. Rwy'n credu bod hwnnw eisoes yn llawn o ran achosion COVID, ac mae cleifion yn cael gwybod i beidio â mynd yno oni bai bod gwir angen iddyn nhw wneud hynny â chyflyrau eraill. Mae hynny'n amlwg yn peri pryder, felly a allwn ni gael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf o ran yr hyn y mae modd ei wneud i geisio lliniaru'r sefyllfa yno?
Yn ail ac yn olaf mae'r mater a gafodd ei godi gan Jenny Rathbone a fy nghyd-Aelod Mark Isherwood ar blant sydd â phrofiad o ofal, a'r mater penodol a gododd ef yn y gogledd. Cefais i fy atgoffa fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Cyfrifon Cyhoeddus o'r gwaith a wnaethom ni'n gynharach yn nhymor y Cynulliad hwn ar blant â phrofiad o ofal. Cymerwyd llawer iawn o dystiolaeth gan y bobl ifanc eu hunain a oedd wedi bod drwy'r system ofal, a chafodd materion eu codi, yn arbennig ynghylch lleoliadau. Tybed, wrth i amser fynd heibio ers rhan gyntaf yr ymchwiliad hwnnw, a allwn ni gael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf gan Lywodraeth Cymru am yr hyn sydd wedi'i wneud i weithredu'r argymhellion a gyflwynwyd gennym bryd hynny. Diolch.
Thank you for raising both of those issues. I do believe the health Minister has provided a written statement that sets out some of the actions that the NHS organisations will be taking over the course of the winter in order to free up some of that capacity in order to respond to the challenges of the COVID pandemic—for example, not continuing with so many elective surgeries, and so on. Difficult choices of course for the NHS, because they will inevitably have a knock-on impact on individuals, which is why it's incumbent on all of us to follow the rules and to do as much as we possibly can to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
And on the issue of looked-after children, I can see that there is a strong interest across parties for a statement on Welsh Government support for looked-after children, so I will speak to the Minister to explore whether an update can be forthcoming and which goes beyond just the county lines issue and looks more widely at the issues affecting looked-after children.
Diolch am godi'r ddau fater hynny. Rwy'n credu bod y Gweinidog iechyd wedi darparu datganiad ysgrifenedig sy'n nodi rhai o'r camau y bydd sefydliadau'r GIG yn eu cymryd yn ystod y gaeaf i ryddhau rhywfaint o'r capasiti hwnnw er mwyn ymateb i heriau pandemig COVID—er enghraifft, peidio â pharhau â chymaint o lawdriniaeth ddewisol, ac yn y blaen. Dewisiadau anodd wrth gwrs i'r GIG, oherwydd mae'n anochel y byddan nhw'n cael effaith ganlyniadol ar unigolion. A dyna pam mae'n ddyletswydd ar bob un ohonom ni i ddilyn y rheolau ac i wneud cymaint ag y gallwn i atal lledaeniad y coronafeirws.
Ac o ran plant sy'n derbyn gofal, gallaf weld bod diddordeb mawr ar draws y pleidiau am ddatganiad ar gefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru i blant sy'n derbyn gofal, felly fe fyddaf yn siarad â'r Gweinidog i archwilio a oes modd cael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf sy'n mynd y tu hwnt i fater llinellau cyffuriau yn unig ac sy'n edrych yn ehangach ar y materion sy'n effeithio ar blant sy'n derbyn gofal.
Can I ask for a Government debate on regional policy in Wales? And whilst the Welsh unionists are unable to identify the needs of the different parts of Wales, I would like a debate to discuss how we can improve the economy in the different regions of Wales, identified by the four economic deals in the national development framework. Can I ask for the following statements, which, due to lack of time, may need to be written: one on the progress of the enhanced Lucy's law that the Welsh Government has promised to deliver this term, and one on the enhanced use of the port in Swansea for trade with Ireland, linking across to Cork?
A gaf i ofyn am ddadl gan y Llywodraeth ar bolisi rhanbarthol yng Nghymru? Ac er na all undebwyr Cymru nodi anghenion y gwahanol rannau o Gymru, hoffwn gael dadl i drafod sut y gallwn ni wella'r economi yng ngwahanol ranbarthau Cymru, sydd wedi'u nodi gan y pedwar cytundeb economaidd yn y fframwaith datblygu cenedlaethol. A gaf i ofyn am y datganiadau canlynol, y gallai fod angen eu hysgrifennu oherwydd diffyg amser: un ar y cynnydd i gyfraith Lucy y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi addo ei chyflawni y tymor hwn, ac un ar ddefnydd gwell o borthladd Abertawe ar gyfer masnach ag Iwerddon, gan gysylltu â Cork?
Thank you to Mike Hedges for raising those issues. I do know that the Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs has questions tomorrow, and there are a number of opportunities there to raise questions in relation to animal welfare, so that might be a chance to have a very quick update on the approach to Lucy's law.
In regard to regional economic development and a regional approach to supporting local economies, I know that the Minister for Economy, Transport and North Wales is very keen on that approach, and I know that he'll be keen to update colleagues on his thoughts on that in due course as well. Then the further issues, I think, were relating to the ports, and I think that I'll ask the Minister to provide you with a written update on that particular issue as well.
Diolch i Mike Hedges am godi'r materion hynny. Rwy'n gwybod bod gan Weinidog yr Amgylchedd, Ynni a Materion Gwledig gwestiynau yfory, ac mae nifer o gyfleoedd yno i godi cwestiynau ynglŷn â lles anifeiliaid, felly gallai hynny fod yn gyfle i gael diweddariad cyflym iawn ar y dull o ymdrin â chyfraith Lucy.
O ran datblygu economaidd rhanbarthol a dull rhanbarthol o gefnogi economïau lleol, rwy'n gwybod bod Gweinidog yr Economi, Trafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru yn frwd iawn dros y dull gweithredu hwnnw, ac rwy'n gwybod y bydd yn awyddus i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i gydweithwyr am ei syniadau ynghylch hynny maes o law hefyd. Yna, roedd y materion eraill, rwy'n credu, yn ymwneud â'r porthladdoedd, a byddaf i'n gofyn i'r Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ichi yn ysgrifenedig o ran y mater penodol hwnnw hefyd.
Minister, can I have a statement from the Welsh Government on a number of flood-related matters? Firstly, obviously, I'm very pleased with your success in securing £31 million from the UK Government as, certainly, a part payment towards some of the promised moneys for the extraordinary flood damages that we have. Of course, this was on the back of a strong campaign by Labour Members of the Senedd in the Rhondda Cynon Taf and Merthyr areas, slightly more broadly, and from local Members of Parliament as well. We had to drag the UK Government kicking and screaming to make this first payment. Can we have a statement to deal with the further negotiations that will now need to take place in respect of the remainder of the flood damage money that was promised, and in respect of the work that's needed with regard to coal tips? Secondly, can that statement also deal with the issue of support for domestic flood resilience measures in the Rhondda Cynon Taf area, particularly in the Pontypridd, Taff Ely area, which I understand Natural Resources Wales is currently discussing with Welsh Government?
Gweinidog, a gaf i ddatganiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar nifer o faterion sy'n ymwneud â llifogydd? Yn gyntaf, yn amlwg, rwy'n falch iawn o'ch llwyddiant yn sicrhau £31 miliwn gan Lywodraeth y DU, sydd yn sicr yn daliad rhannol tuag at beth o'r arian a gafodd ei addo ar gyfer y difrod llifogydd eithriadol sydd gennym. Wrth gwrs, roedd hyn yn dilyn ymgyrch gref gan Aelodau Llafur y Senedd yn ardaloedd Rhondda Cynon Taf a Merthyr, ychydig yn ehangach, ac Aelodau Seneddol lleol hefyd. Bu'n rhaid inni lusgo Llywodraeth y DU yn erbyn ei hewyllys i wneud y taliad cyntaf hwn. A gawn ni ddatganiad i ymdrin â'r trafodaethau eraill y bydd angen eu cynnal nawr ar weddill yr arian difrod llifogydd a gafodd ei addo, ac ar y gwaith sydd ei angen o ran tipiau glo? Yn ail, a wnaiff y datganiad hwnnw hefyd ymdrin â'r mater o gefnogi mesurau atal llifogydd domestig yn ardal Rhondda Cynon Taf, yn enwedig yn ardal Pontypridd, Taf Elái, yr wyf yn deall bod Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru yn ei drafod ar hyn o bryd gyda Llywodraeth Cymru?
Thank you to Mick Antoniw for that question. I was very pleased to be able to secure £31 million in-year from the UK Government reserve in order to help us respond to the impacts of flooding in Mick Antoniw's constituency and others. I'd like to take this opportunity to put on record my thanks to the Members of Parliament and also the Members of the Senedd, including Mick Antoniw, who have taken a leading role in campaigning for that additional funding to come forward to their constituencies. Unfortunately, the response on additional funding for next year was not positive, which means that Welsh Government has some difficult decisions to make in terms of allocating funding there.
But on the wider issue of Natural Resources Wales and the property flood resilience projects, I understand that they are likely to be delivered next year and we do await a bid now from Natural Resources Wales for these projects, following successful applications from local authorities. This year, the Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs has provided 100 per cent grant funding for emergency repairs to damaged flood assets across Wales, totalling £5 million, and the Minister's also promoted the use of property flood resilience, such as floodgates, for example, to help communities that have suffered from flooding. She's already provided over £1 million of support for such measures, which will benefit up to 594 different homes.
Diolch i Mick Antoniw am y cwestiwn hwnnw. Roeddwn i'n falch iawn o allu sicrhau £31 miliwn yn ystod y flwyddyn o gronfa wrth gefn Llywodraeth y DU er mwyn ein helpu i ymateb i effeithiau llifogydd yn etholaeth Mick Antoniw ac eraill. Hoffwn fanteisio ar y cyfle hwn i gofnodi fy niolch i'r Aelodau Seneddol a hefyd i Aelodau'r Senedd, gan gynnwys Mick Antoniw, sydd wedi cymryd rhan flaenllaw yn y gwaith o ymgyrchu dros gyflwyno'r arian ychwanegol hwnnw i'w hetholaethau. Yn anffodus, nid oedd yr ymateb ar gyllid ychwanegol ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf yn gadarnhaol, sy'n golygu bod gan Lywodraeth Cymru rai penderfyniadau anodd eu gwneud o ran dyrannu cyllid yno.
Ond o ran mater ehangach Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru a'r prosiectau cadernid llifogydd i eiddo, rwy'n deall eu bod yn debygol o gael eu cyflawni y flwyddyn nesaf ac rydym ni'n aros am gais nawr gan Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ar gyfer y prosiectau hyn, yn dilyn ceisiadau llwyddiannus gan awdurdodau lleol. Eleni, mae Gweinidog yr Amgylchedd, Ynni a Materion Gwledig wedi darparu cyllid grant o 100 y cant ar gyfer atgyweiriadau brys i asedau llifogydd wedi'u difrodi ledled Cymru, sef cyfanswm o £5 miliwn. Mae'r Gweinidog hefyd wedi hyrwyddo'r defnydd o gadernid llifogydd i eiddo, megis llifddorau, er enghraifft, i helpu cymunedau sydd wedi dioddef llifogydd. Mae eisoes wedi darparu dros £1 miliwn o gymorth ar gyfer mesurau o'r fath, a fydd o fudd i hyd at 594 o wahanol gartrefi.
Minister, would it be possible to have a statement on the impact of the UK Government's awful decision to suspend tariffs on US aerospace imports in January 2021? This decision essentially discriminates against Airbus and every single business in their supply chain, and is against Welsh wings and in favour of US-produced wings. Can you also update the Chamber, Minister, on any conversations you have had in your role as finance Minister with the UK Treasury on the aerospace industry in Wales? Would you commit to meeting with myself and Airbus to help aid these conversations in the future?
Gweinidog, a fyddai'n bosibl cael datganiad ynghylch effaith penderfyniad ofnadwy Llywodraeth y DU i atal tariffau ar fewnforion awyrofod yr Unol Daleithiau ym mis Ionawr 2021? Mae'r penderfyniad hwn yn ei hanfod yn gwahaniaethu yn erbyn Airbus a phob busnes unigol yn eu cadwyn gyflenwi, ac mae yn erbyn adenydd Cymru ac o blaid adenydd sydd wedi'u cynhyrchu yn yr Unol Daleithiau. A allwch chi hefyd roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Siambr, Gweinidog, ynghylch unrhyw sgyrsiau yr ydych chi wedi'u cael yn eich swydd fel Gweinidog cyllid â Thrysorlys y DU ar y diwydiant awyrofod yng Nghymru? A fyddech chi'n ymrwymo i gyfarfod â mi ac Airbus i helpu i gynorthwyo'r sgyrsiau hyn yn y dyfodol?
Thank you to Jack Sargeant for raising this issue. On the Airbus-Boeing dispute, our understanding is that after the end of the transition period, the UK Government will suspend our retaliatory tariffs against the US, which were imposed in November as part of the EU-wide position. These tariffs were imposed in November as part of the award given to the EU by the World Trade Organization. We are concerned that the UK Government has made this offer without gaining any similar offer from the US to lower its tariffs against us, and we share the UK Government's ambition to reach a negotiated settlement as quickly as possible on this long-running dispute, but we will be seeking some clarification now on this approach from them. And clearly, as Jack Sargeant has said many, many times, a 'no deal' Brexit will be extremely damaging for the UK aerospace industry and for his constituents who are employed in that sector and, therefore, it's important that the UK Government does secure that comprehensive trade deal with the EU, with tariff-free access to EU markets. Of course, I'd be very, very happy to meet with Jack Sargeant to discuss this further.
Diolch i Jack Sargeant am godi'r mater hwn. O ran anghydfod Airbus-Boeing, ein dealltwriaeth ni yw y bydd Llywodraeth y DU, ar ôl diwedd y cyfnod pontio, yn atal ein tariffau ad-daliadol yn erbyn yr Unol Daleithiau, a gafodd eu gosod ym mis Tachwedd fel rhan o sefyllfa'r UE gyfan. Cafodd y tariffau hyn eu gosod ym mis Tachwedd fel rhan o'r dyfarniad a roddodd Sefydliad Masnach y Byd i'r UE. Rydym yn pryderu bod Llywodraeth y DU wedi gwneud y cynnig hwn heb gael unrhyw gynnig tebyg gan yr Unol Daleithiau i ostwng ei thariffau yn ein herbyn ni, ac rydym yn rhannu uchelgais Llywodraeth y DU i gyrraedd setliad wedi'i negodi cyn gynted ag y bo modd ar yr anghydfod hirdymor hwn, ond byddwn yn gofyn am rywfaint o eglurhad nawr ar y dull hwn. Ac yn amlwg, fel y mae Jack Sargeant wedi dweud droeon, bydd Brexit 'dim cytundeb' yn niweidiol iawn i ddiwydiant awyrofod y DU ac i'w etholwyr ef sy'n cael eu cyflogi yn y sector hwnnw. Felly, mae'n bwysig bod Llywodraeth y DU yn sicrhau'r cytundeb masnach cynhwysfawr hwnnw gyda'r UE, gyda mynediad di-dariff i farchnadoedd yr UE. Wrth gwrs, byddwn i'n hapus iawn i gwrdd â Jack Sargeant i drafod hyn ymhellach.
Trefnydd, I wonder if we could have a statement—and a written statement would do—giving clarity on what the arrangements are after the Christmas period for priority slots for people who were previously shielding, that have been made a priority by retailers, whether those are going to continue. Now, the reason I ask for this is that I know that the Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs meets regularly with the Welsh Retail Consortium and with the large supermarkets, and I have had some disturbing calls from constituents where the retailers have told them that, as from 2 January, those priority slots will be disappearing, that there's no need for them anymore. Well, actually, if we're going into perhaps more stringent measures after Christmas, as somebody who has had one constituent writing to me who has diabetes and asthma, and is very worried about going out physically shopping, they want to know that they can still have a priority shop. They pay for this shopping; they just want to make sure that they can get it as a priority vulnerable customer. So, could we have a statement on that as soon as possible, hopefully before we rise for the Christmas recess?
Trefnydd, tybed a gawn ni ddatganiad—a byddai datganiad ysgrifenedig yn gwneud y tro—yn egluro pa drefniadau ar ôl cyfnod y Nadolig fydd ar gyfer slotiau blaenoriaeth i bobl a oedd gynt yn gwarchod, sydd wedi cael blaenoriaeth gan fanwerthwyr, a yw'r rheini'n mynd i barhau neu beidio. Nawr, y rheswm rwy'n gofyn hyn yw fy mod yn gwybod bod Gweinidog yr Amgylchedd, Ynni a Materion Gwledig yn cyfarfod yn rheolaidd â Chonsortiwm Manwerthu Cymru ac â'r archfarchnadoedd mawr, ac rwyf wedi cael rhai galwadau ffôn pryderus gan etholwyr lle mae'r manwerthwyr wedi dweud wrthyn nhw y bydd y slotiau blaenoriaeth hynny'n diflannu o 2 Ionawr ymlaen, ac nad oes eu hangen mwyach. Wel, mewn gwirionedd, os ydym ni'n mynd i gael mesurau llymach o bosibl ar ôl y Nadolig, fel rhywun y mae un etholwr, sydd â diabetes ac asthma, ac sy'n poeni'n fawr am fynd allan yn gorfforol i siopa, wedi sgwennu ataf eisiau gwybod sut y gall ef fod yn flaenoriaeth o hyd wrth siopa. Mae e'n talu am y siopa hwn; ac mae eisiau gwneud yn siŵr fod ganddo flaenoriaeth fel cwsmer sy'n agored i niwed. Felly, a gawn ni ddatganiad ar hynny cyn gynted ag y bo modd, gobeithio cyn toriad y Nadolig?
I thank Huw Irranca-Davies for raising this important issue, and I do think that we should put on record our thanks to all the retailers who have been maintaining priority slots for shielding people at what is a really difficult time and, of course, there's a lot of pressure on those delivery slots at this time of year, but to see those slots prioritised still for shielding people and vulnerable people, I think, is really important. The Minister, as Huw Irranca-Davies says, does meet regularly with the Welsh Retail Consortium and also with the supermarkets. I do know that there's been a discussion with one of the larger supermarkets just this morning, and they have no plans to end the priority slots for those people who have been advised to shield, or who are otherwise vulnerable. So, I think that's a positive sign and I would hope that all of the other supermarkets would follow their lead.
Diolch i Huw Irranca-Davies am godi'r mater pwysig hwn, ac rwy'n credu y dylem gofnodi ein diolch i'r holl fanwerthwyr sydd wedi bod yn cynnal slotiau blaenoriaeth ar gyfer pobl sy'n gwarchod ar adeg anodd iawn ac, wrth gwrs, mae llawer o bwysau ar y slotiau cyflenwi hynny yr adeg hon o'r flwyddyn. Ond rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn bod y slotiau hynny'n dal i gael eu blaenoriaethu ar gyfer pobl sy'n gwarchod a phobl sy'n agored i niwed. Mae'r Gweinidog, fel y dywed Huw Irranca-Davies, yn cyfarfod yn rheolaidd â Chonsortiwm Manwerthu Cymru a hefyd â'r archfarchnadoedd. Rwy'n gwybod bod trafodaeth wedi bod gydag un o'r archfarchnadoedd mawr y bore yma, ac nid oes ganddyn nhw unrhyw gynlluniau i roi terfyn ar y slotiau blaenoriaeth i'r bobl hynny sydd wedi cael eu cynghori i warchod, neu sydd fel arall yn agored i niwed. Felly, rwy'n credu bod hynny'n arwydd cadarnhaol a byddwn i'n gobeithio y byddai'r holl archfarchnadoedd eraill yn dilyn eu harweiniad nhw.
Diolch i'r Trefnydd.
I thank the Trefnydd.
Yr eitem nesaf felly yw'r cynnig i atal Rheolau Sefydlog dros dro, a gwneud hynny i alluogi dadleuon ar eitemau 7, 8 a 9. Dwi'n galw ar y Trefnydd i wneud y cynnig hwnnw.
The next item is the motion to suspend Standing Orders, and to do that to allow items 7, 8 and 9 to be debated. I call on the Trefnydd to move that motion.
Cynnig NDM7527 Rebecca Evans
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheolau Sefydlog 33.6 a 33.8:
Yn atal Rheolau Sefydlog 12.20(i) a’r rhan honno o Reol Sefydlog 11.16 sy’n ei gwneud yn ofynnol bod y cyhoeddiad wythnosol o dan Reol Sefydlog 11.11 yn darparu’r amserlen ar gyfer busnes yn y Cyfarfod Llawn yr wythnos ganlynol, er mwyn caniatáu i NNDM7522, NNDM7525, NNDM7526 gael eu hystyried yn y Cyfarfod Llawn ddydd Mawrth 15 Rhagfyr 2020.
Motion NDM7527 Rebecca Evans
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Orders 33.6 and 33.8:
Suspends Standing Orders 12.20(i) and that part of Standing Order 11.16 that requires the weekly announcement under Standing Order 11.11 to constitute the timetable for business in Plenary for the following week, to allow NNDM7522, NNDM7525, NNDM7526 to be considered in Plenary on Tuesday 15 December 2020.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Yes, formally.
Ydw, yn ffurfiol.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid atal Rheolau Sefydlog dros dro i alluogi dadleuon ar eitemau 7, 8 a 9? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu hynny? Na, dwi ddim yn gweld gwrthwynebiad i hynny, ac felly mae'r cynnig yn cael ei dderbyn yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
The proposal is to suspend Standing Orders to allow items 7, 8 and 9 to be debated. Does any Member object? No, I see no objections, therefore the motion is agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Ac yn ail felly, cynnig i atal Rheolau Sefydlog dros dro i alluogi dadl ar eitem 17. Galw ar y Trefnydd i wneud y cynnig hwnnw'n ffurfiol.
Secondly, a motion to suspend Standing Orders to allow a debate on item 17. I call on the Trefnydd to formally move.
Cynnig NDM7524 Rebecca Evans
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheolau Sefydlog 33.6 a 33.8:
Yn atal Rheolau Sefydlog 12.20(i), 12.22(i) a’r rhan honno o Reol Sefydlog 11.16 sy’n ei gwneud yn ofynnol bod y cyhoeddiad wythnosol o dan Reol Sefydlog 11.11 yn darparu’r amserlen ar gyfer busnes yn y Cyfarfod Llawn yr wythnos ganlynol, er mwyn caniatáu i NNDM7523 gael ei ystyried yn y Cyfarfod Llawn ddydd Mawrth 15 Rhagfyr 2020.
Motion NDM7524 Rebecca Evans
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Orders 33.6 and 33.8:
Suspends Standing Orders 12.20(i), 12.22(i) and that part of Standing Order 11.16 that requires the weekly announcement under Standing Order 11.11 to constitute the timetable for business in Plenary for the following week, to allow NNDM7523 to be considered in Plenary on Tuesday 15 December 2020.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Yn ffurfiol.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid atal Rheolau Sefydlog dros dro er mwyn galluogi dadl ar eitem 17? Oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu i hynny? Dwi ddim yn gweld gwrthwynebiad i hynny, ac felly mae'r cynnig yna wedi'i dderbyn yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
The proposal is to suspend Standing Orders to allow item 17 to be debated. Does any Member object? I see no objections to that, and therefore that motion is agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Mae eitem 3 wedi ei ohirio ac felly fe fyddwn ni'n cymryd egwyl fer nawr tra bod yna newidiadau yn cael eu caniatáu yn y Siambr. Egwyl fer, felly.
Item 3 has been postponed and we will now take a short break whilst changeovers take place in the Siambr. A short break.
Ataliwyd y Cyfarfod Llawn am 15:09.
Plenary was suspended at 15:09.
Ailymgynullodd y Senedd am 15:19, gyda'r Dirprwy Lywydd (Ann Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd reconvened at 15:19, with the Deputy Presiding Officer (Ann Jones) in the Chair.
We reconvene with item 4 on our agenda, which is a statement by the Counsel General and Minister for European Transition. I call on the Counsel General to make the statement—Jeremy Miles.
Rydym ni am ailddechrau'r cyfarfod llawn gydag eitem 4 ar ein hagenda, sef datganiad gan y Cwnsler Cyffredinol a'r Gweinidog Pontio Ewropeaidd. Rwy'n galw ar y Cwnsler Cyffredinol i wneud y datganiad—Jeremy Miles.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Ddydd Sul, pasiwyd carreg milltir arall fyth yn y trafodaethau ar berthynas y Deyrnas Unedig gyda'r Undeb Ewropeaidd yn y dyfodol, eto heb ddod i gytundeb. Roeddwn i'n disgwyl gallu rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ichi heddiw ar union natur ein perthynas gyda'r Undeb Ewropeaidd yn y dyfodol. Roeddwn i'n disgwyl gallu crybwyll y camau allweddol y bydd nawr angen i fusnesau, dinasyddion a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus eu cymryd i baratoi ar gyfer y newidiadau sydd o'n blaenau ni mewn dim ond 16 diwrnod. Mae'n amlwg nad ydw i mewn sefyllfa i wneud hynny, sy'n gwbl annerbyniol. Sut y gall busnesau baratoi'n effeithiol heb wybod ar gyfer beth y maen nhw'n paratoi, a heb wybod a fydd yna dariffau neu fiwrocratiaeth ychwanegol? Sut y gall yr heddlu a'r gwasanaethau diogelwch ein diogelu ni fis nesaf heb wybod a fydd ganddyn nhw fynediad at systemau a data hanfodol? Sut gall unrhyw un sydd angen teithio gynllunio pan nad ydym yn gwybod pa wasanaethau hedfan fydd yn gweithredu?
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. On Sunday, yet another milestone in the negotiations on the UK’s future relationship with the EU passed, again without a breakthrough. I was expecting to be able to update you today on the precise nature of our future relationship with the EU. I had hoped to mention the key actions that businesses, citizens and public services would now need to take to prepare for the changes that we will face in just 16 days’ time. Clearly, I'm not in a position to do that, which is completely unacceptable. How can businesses prepare effectively when they don't know what they are preparing for, and without knowing whether tariffs and additional bureaucracy will be in place? How can police and security services protect us next month if they don't know whether they will have access to crucial systems and data? How can anyone who needs to travel plan when they don't know which air services will be operating?
We were told at the start of the negotiations that the Prime Minister had an oven-ready deal. Well, where is it? And we were told by the UK Government that by insisting, in the face of all logic, to push ahead with the 31 December deadline for the end of transition, despite the COVID pandemic, they would bring an end to the uncertainty that has dogged the UK for the last four years. Well, the reality is very different. We are 16 days from leaving the transition period, and we are no clearer in knowing whether we will be leaving with a deal or not.
Dirprwy Lywydd, it's clearly important that the UK Government and the European Commission have agreed to continue to talk. The absolute priority must be to avoid the outcome where we leave the transition period without an agreement. If that happens, we will see short-term chaos and long-term damage: disruption at our borders, posing risks to the supply of critical goods; higher costs of food and other basics; lower exports and more red tape for businesses, leading to less investment and ultimately to lost jobs and lower wages. That is not to mention the increased risks to the safety for our citizens, which is supposedly the first duty of a Government, from terrorists and organised crime.
Our position has been clear ever since the referendum. At every stage of negotiations, however far from our preferred outcome the UK Government has taken us, we have argued for maintaining the closest possible relationship with the European Union. Of the alternatives that we all face today, a deal, however thin, is the best way to achieve that. So, today I call again on the UK Government and on the EU to show the flexibility and the compromise that are needed to find an agreement. We live in a world of interdependence, not independence. The UK Government has to accept the fact that entering any trade deal necessarily limits sovereignty. This is the reality for ensuing the fullest access to markets for domestic goods and for services, and for avoiding higher prices for our consumers. And the European Union is by far our largest market.
The issues that remain unresolved are important, but they are not more important than the millions of jobs across the United Kingdom that rely on trade with the European Union, and they are not more important than the safety and security of our citizens. Although recent developments give some grounds for hope, as a responsible Government, we've been planning for the worst-case scenario of a 'no deal', and we will continue to do that. Over the coming weeks, our priorities are, as we set out in our end of transition plan published over a month ago: mitigating the disruption in the supply of critical goods; encouraging and supporting businesses to make the necessary preparations for the upheaval of leaving the single market and the customs union; and doing whatever we can to bolster the resilience of our citizens and public services.
We cannot wait for the clarity that we need. That is why we are already utilising our existing warehouse capacity to stockpile medical devices and consumables. We have contracted international trade advisers to support businesses to prepare for the changes in trading arrangements. And we are redeploying resources to stand up our civil contingencies response. There is no escaping the enormous challenges that lie ahead, and the fact that there is precious little time in which to prepare. But, we are working hard with our partners and our message is clear: we are here to support you. In the crucial final stages of the negotiations, we will continue to press the UK Government to set the dogma of sovereignty aside for the good of our jobs and livelihoods in Wales.
At this stage, with only 16 days to go, a deal—even as thin as this one would be—is better than no deal. The deal on the table should not be seen as a success. It lacks ambition and is far from the deal we would have wanted. However, it would avoid some of the worst effects of a disorderly 'no deal' end of transition and would give us something to build upon in the future. It will keep our relationship with the European Union from entirely breaking down and keeps open the prospect of building a set or arrangements in the future that can protect jobs, the economy and ensure the safety and well-being of our citizens.
Leaving the transition period without a deal would be a historic failure by the United Kingdom Government—failure that would be a product of poor negotiating tactics and of elevating political symbolism above the jobs of people. There are stark choices that lie ahead for the UK Government: prioritise the red lines and the soundbites or prioritise the jobs that give the citizens of the UK the livelihoods that they depend upon.
Fe ddywedwyd wrthym ar ddechrau'r trafodaethau fod cytundeb parod i'r ffwrn gan y Prif Weinidog. Wel, ble mae hwnnw? Ac fe ddywedwyd wrthym gan Lywodraeth y DU y byddai mynnu, yn groes i bob rheswm, fwrw ymlaen â'r dyddiad cau o 31 Rhagfyr ar gyfer diweddu'r cyfnod pontio, er gwaethaf pandemig COVID, yn dod â'r ansicrwydd a fu'n rhemp yn y DU am y pedair blynedd diwethaf i ben. Wel, gwahanol iawn yw'r realiti. Mae 16 diwrnod arall ar ôl cyn diwedd y cyfnod pontio, ac nid ydym damaid callach o ran gwybod a fyddwn ni'n gadael gyda chytundeb neu beidio.
Dirprwy Lywydd, mae'n amlwg ei bod yn bwysig i Lywodraeth y DU a'r Comisiwn Ewropeaidd gytuno i ddal ati i drafod. Y brif flaenoriaeth yw osgoi sefyllfa o adael y cyfnod pontio heb gytundeb. Pe bai hynny'n digwydd, fe fyddem ni'n gweld anhrefn yn y tymor byr a difrod yn yr hirdymor: tarfu ar ein ffiniau, gan achosi risgiau i gyflenwad o nwyddau hanfodol; costau uwch o ran bwyd a hanfodion eraill; llai o allforio a mwy o fiwrocratiaeth i fusnesau, gan arwain at lai o fuddsoddiad ac yn y pen draw at golli swyddi a chyflogau is. A hynny heb sôn am y risgiau cynyddol i ddiogelwch ein dinasyddion ni, sef dyletswydd gyntaf honedig Llywodraeth, rhag terfysgwyr a throseddau cyfundrefnol.
Mae ein safbwynt ni wedi bod yn eglur ers y refferendwm. Ar bob cam o'r trafodaethau, pa mor bell bynnag y mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi ein cymryd ni oddi wrth ein canlyniad dewisol, rydym wedi dadlau o blaid cadw'r berthynas agosaf bosibl â'r Undeb Ewropeaidd. O blith y dewisiadau eraill sy'n ein hwynebu ni heddiw, cytundeb yw'r ffordd orau o wneud hynny, ni waeth pa mor gyfyng fo hynny. Felly, rwy'n galw heddiw eto ar Lywodraeth y DU ac ar yr UE i ddangos yr hyblygrwydd a'r cyfaddawd sydd eu hangen i ddod o hyd i gytundeb. Rydym ni'n byw mewn byd o gyd-ddibyniaeth, nid annibyniaeth. Mae'n rhaid i Lywodraeth y DU dderbyn y ffaith bod cytuno ar unrhyw fargen fasnach o reidrwydd yn cyfyngu ar sofraniaeth. Dyma'r realiti ar gyfer diogelu'r mynediad llawnaf i farchnadoedd i nwyddau domestig ac i wasanaethau, ac er mwyn osgoi prisiau uwch i'n defnyddwyr. A'r Undeb Ewropeaidd yw ein marchnad fwyaf ni o bell ffordd.
Mae'r materion sydd heb eu datrys hyd yn hyn yn bwysig, ond nid ydynt yn bwysicach na'r miliynau o swyddi ledled y Deyrnas Unedig sy'n dibynnu ar fasnach gyda'r Undeb Ewropeaidd, ac nid ydynt yn bwysicach na diogelwch ein dinasyddion ni. Er bod datblygiadau diweddar yn rhoi rhywfaint o obaith, gan ein bod yn Llywodraeth gyfrifol, rydym ni wedi bod yn cynllunio ar gyfer y sefyllfa waethaf o fod 'heb gytundeb', ac fe fyddwn ni'n parhau i wneud hynny. Dros yr wythnosau nesaf, ein blaenoriaethau ni, fel y nodwyd gennym yn ein cynllun pontio a gyhoeddwyd dros fis yn ôl, yw: lliniaru'r tarfu a fyddai'n digwydd ar y cyflenwad o nwyddau hanfodol; annog a chefnogi busnesau i wneud y paratoadau angenrheidiol ar gyfer y newid chwyldroadol o adael y farchnad sengl a'r undeb tollau; a gwneud beth bynnag a allwn ni i gryfhau cydnerthedd ein dinasyddion a'n gwasanaethau cyhoeddus ni.
Nid ydym yn gallu aros am yr eglurder sydd ei angen arnom ni. Dyna pam rydym eisoes yn defnyddio ein gallu presennol i gadw nwyddau traul a dyfeisiau meddygol mewn ystordai sydd gennym ni'n barod. Rydym ni wedi contractio cynghorwyr masnach rhyngwladol i gefnogi busnesau i baratoi ar gyfer y newidiadau o ran trefniadau masnachu. Ac rydym ni'n adleoli adnoddau i ategu ein hymateb i argyfyngau sifil posibl. Nid oes dianc rhag yr heriau enfawr sydd o'n blaenau ni, a'r gwir amdani yw mai ychydig iawn o amser sydd yna i baratoi. Ond, rydym yn gweithio'n galed gyda'n partneriaid ac mae ein neges yn eglur: rydym ni yma i'ch cefnogi chi. Yng nghamau olaf tyngedfennol y trafodaethau, fe fyddwn ni'n parhau i bwyso ar Lywodraeth y DU i ddiystyru athrawiaeth sofraniaeth er lles swyddi a bywoliaeth pobl yng Nghymru.
Ar hyn o bryd, gyda dim ond 16 diwrnod i fynd, fe fyddai cytundeb—hyd yn oed mor gyfyng ag y gallai hwnnw fod—yn well na dim cytundeb o gwbl. Ni ddylid ystyried y cytundeb sydd ar y bwrdd yn llwyddiant. Nid oes uchelgais ar ei gyfyl ac mae ymhell o fod yn gytundeb sy'n ddymunol i ni. Eto i gyd, fe fyddai hwn yn osgoi rhai o'r effeithiau gwaethaf ar ddiwedd cyfnod pontio 'heb gytundeb' anniben ac fe fyddai'n rhoi rhywbeth inni adeiladu arno i'r dyfodol. Fe fyddai'n cadw ein perthynas ni â'r Undeb Ewropeaidd rhag chwalu'n llwyr ac yn cadw'r posibilrwydd o adeiladu cyfres o drefniadau yn y dyfodol a allai ddiogelu swyddi a'r economi a sicrhau diogelwch a lles ein dinasyddion ni.
Fe fyddai gadael y cyfnod pontio heb gytundeb yn fethiant hanesyddol gan Lywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig—methiant a fyddai'n deillio o dactegau negodi gwael ac o ganlyniad i ddyrchafu delwedd wleidyddol uwchlaw swyddi pobl. Mae dewisiadau anodd o flaen Llywodraeth y DU: rhoi'r flaenoriaeth i'r llinellau cochion a'r geiriau slic neu roi blaenoriaeth i'r swyddi sy'n cynnig y fywoliaeth y mae dinasyddion y DU yn ddibynnol arni.
Can I thank the Counsel General and Brexit Minister for a copy of his statement, which was circulated in advance? Although I have to say, it does remain apparent that the Welsh Government still has not come to terms with the referendum result in June 2016. It seems very clear to me that, as we near the end of this transition period, the UK Government has been working extremely hard to secure the best possible deal for the whole of the United Kingdom, and, of course, that includes all parts of the UK, including here in Wales. And the reality is that you will never get a good deal unless you're prepared to walk away without one. I don't want to see the UK, and Wales as a constituent part of the UK, tied into a deal in perpetuity that is a bad deal for Wales.
It's very disappointing, Minister, to hear the Welsh Government's position, articulated yet again, that they're prepared to accept any deal at all that might be on the table, even if that's a horrific deal that is bad for businesses in Wales and bad for the people in Wales. I happen to believe, and so do all Welsh Conservatives, that Wales will prosper outside of the EU, even if we don't have a deal. It would be far better, of course, to leave with a deal, and that is what I very much hope will be negotiated in the coming days. But if we don't, then so be it.
You made reference, in your statement, to an oven-ready deal: 'Where is it?', you cry. Well, of course, you know as well as I do that the oven-ready deal that the Prime Minister referred to in the general election period in 2019 was the withdrawal agreement deal, which was oven ready and ready to go, and was, in fact, delivered. That withdrawal deal is the deal that was done, that was on the table, and that people had the opportunity to express support for, or not, in the general election. And, of course, they expressed their support in very significant numbers. Can I ask you: do you accept that a bad deal is better than no deal at all? Because I think it would be good to get some clarity on that from the Welsh Government. If you think that getting a bad deal is the right thing to do—at any cost, we need a deal—then it would be good to have a very clear expression of that.
You make reference to the fact that the UK Government should have to set aside its ideological underpinning and attachment to sovereignty. Why should it? Why should it set aside its attachment to sovereignty? Canada didn't set aside its sovereignty in order to enter an EU trade agreement. Japan hasn't set aside its sovereignty in order to enter a trade agreement with the EU. And, in fact, the deals that we have signed now, which are ready to go from 1 January, with Canada, with Japan and with a whole host of other countries, have not set aside any of our sovereignty in order to be achieved. So, why should the UK Government cede some sovereignty to the EU in order to get a deal? Perhaps you can explain to me why that should be the case.
You seem to suggest, also, that you've got some insight into what the deal might look like. You actually said, I think, 'At this stage, with only 16 days to go, a deal—even a deal as thin as this one—would be better than no deal.' Well, how do you know? You haven't seen the deal. You haven't seen the deal that's being negotiated. You said the deal on the table should not be seen as a success. You haven't seen the deal on the table, because there isn't one yet that has been published. Now, either you're some sort of clairvoyant or you're just using rhetoric here because you're disappointed that some progress is being made.
I've been very pleased to hear the media reports over the past 24 hours that do seem to suggest that there's some movement on both sides. I accept that there's going to need to be some compromise from both the UK Government on behalf of the people of Wales and the rest of the UK, and on the side of the EU. I want to see a deal, but I don't think that any of us in this Senedd should dare to cross the wishes, and dare to try to frustrate the wishes of the people of Wales in leaving the EU, to take control of our own waters, our borders, our laws and our money, and that is the situation that we are in.
Now, you made reference to some of the preparations that you as a Welsh Government have been undertaking. I think it's wise to prepare for all eventualities; I've said that in this Chamber in the past, and I reiterate that again today. I think it's right that you're preparing for a 'no deal' scenario, just in case that's the way things end up. Can you tell us what sort of investment you have had to make as a Welsh Government for the preparations that you have made to date? Obviously, we've had plenty of time to make those preparations; are there any that you are concerned about in terms of where things might end up? Can you tell us, also, what opportunities you foresee as a Welsh Government in terms of trade opportunities from the trade deals, which are set up and ready to go from 1 January? And how do you envisage people can plug in to the opportunities that that represents, particularly people in the business community and those exporters that might be able to take advantage? And do you also accept—
A gaf i ddiolch i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol a'r Gweinidog Brexit am y copi o'i ddatganiad ef, a ddosbarthwyd ymlaen llaw? Er bod yn rhaid imi ddweud, mae'n amlwg o hyd nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn dal i fod wedi dod i delerau â chanlyniad y refferendwm ym mis Mehefin 2016. Mae'n ymddangos yn glir iawn i mi, wrth inni agosáu at ddiwedd y cyfnod pontio hwn, fod Llywodraeth y DU wedi bod yn gweithio'n eithriadol o galed i sicrhau'r cytundeb gorau posibl i'r Deyrnas Unedig gyfan, ac, wrth gwrs, mae hynny'n cynnwys pob rhan o'r DU, gan gynnwys Cymru. A'r gwir amdani yw na chewch chi byth gytundeb da heb fod yn barod i gerdded i ffwrdd heb yr un. Nid wyf i'n dymuno gweld y DU, a Chymru fel rhan gyfansoddol o'r DU, ynghlwm â chytundeb bythol sy'n gytundeb gwael i Gymru.
Siomedig iawn, Gweinidog, yw clywed safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru, a fynegwyd unwaith eto, eu bod nhw'n barod i dderbyn unrhyw fargen o gwbl a allai fod ar y bwrdd, hyd yn oed pe byddai honno'n fargen erchyll sy'n llesteiriol i fusnesau yng Nghymru ac yn llesteiriol i bobl Cymru. Rwy'n digwydd credu, ynghyd â'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig i gyd, y bydd Cymru'n ffynnu y tu allan i'r UE, hyd yn oed heb gytundeb. Fe fyddai'n llawer gwell, wrth gwrs, inni adael gyda chytundeb, a dyna'r hyn yr wyf i'n gobeithio'n fawr y caiff ei sicrhau yn y dyddiau nesaf. Ond os na chawn ni un, bydded felly.
Fe wnaethoch chi gyfeirio, yn eich datganiad, at gytundeb parod i'r ffwrn: eich cri yw 'Ble mae ef?' Wel, wrth gwrs, fe wyddoch chi gystal â minnau mai'r cytundeb parod y cyfeiriodd y Prif Weinidog ato yng nghyfnod yr etholiad cyffredinol yn 2019 oedd y cytundeb ymadael, a oedd yn barod i'w goginio ac yn barod i fynd, ac a gafodd, yn wir, ei gyflwyno. Y cytundeb ymadael hwnnw yw'r fargen a wnaed, honno oedd ar y bwrdd, ac roedd gan bobl gyfle i fynegi eu cefnogaeth nhw iddi, neu beidio, yn yr etholiad cyffredinol. Ac, wrth gwrs, fe wnaeth niferoedd sylweddol iawn roi eu cefnogaeth i'r fargen honno. A gaf i ofyn i chi: a ydych chi'n derbyn bod cytundeb gwael yn well na bod heb gytundeb o gwbl? Oherwydd rwyf i o'r farn y byddai'n beth da inni gael rhywfaint o eglurder ar hynny gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Os ydych chi'n credu mai cael cytundeb gwael yw'r peth priodol i'w wneud—ar unrhyw gost, mae angen cytundeb—yna da o beth fyddai mynegiant clir iawn o hynny.
Rydych yn cyfeirio at y ffaith y dylai Llywodraeth y DU geisio rhoi ei sail ideolegol a'i chysylltiad â sofraniaeth o'r neilltu. Ond i ba bwrpas? Pam ddylai hi roi ei hymlyniad i sofraniaeth o'r neilltu? Ni wnaeth Canada roi ei sofraniaeth hi o'r neilltu ar gyfer ymrwymo i gytundeb masnach yr UE. Nid yw Japan wedi rhoi ei sofraniaeth hithau o'r neilltu ar gyfer ymrwymo i gytundeb masnach gyda'r UE. Ac, mewn gwirionedd, nid yw'r cytundebau a lofnodwyd nawr, sy'n barod i fynd o 1 Ionawr, gyda Chanada a Japan a llu o wledydd eraill, wedi rhoi i'r naill ochr unrhyw fath o sofraniaeth er mwyn eu cwblhau Felly, pam ddylai Llywodraeth y DU ildio unrhyw gyfran o'i sofraniaeth i'r UE ar gyfer cael cytundeb? Efallai y gallwch egluro i mi pam ddylai hynny ddigwydd.
Mae'n ymddangos eich bod yn awgrymu hefyd bod gennych chi rywfaint o fewnwelediad i sut un fydd y cytundeb. Roeddech chi'n dweud, rwy'n credu, 'Ar hyn o bryd, gyda dim ond 16 diwrnod i fynd, fe fyddai cytundeb—hyd yn oed mor gyfyng ag y gallai hwnnw fod—yn well na dim cytundeb o gwbl'. Wel, sut ydych chi'n gwybod? Nid ydych chi wedi gweld y cytundeb. Nid ydych chi wedi gweld y fargen a drafodir. Roeddech chi'n dweud na ddylid ystyried bod y fargen sydd ar y bwrdd yn llwyddiant. Nid ydych wedi gweld y fargen ar y bwrdd, oherwydd ni chyhoeddwyd yr un hyd yn hyn. Nawr, rydych naill ai'n meddu ar y gallu i weld i'r dyfodol neu rydych yn defnyddio rhethreg yma oherwydd eich bod chi'n siomedig am fod rhywfaint o gynnydd yn cael ei wneud.
Testun balchder i mi oedd clywed yr adroddiadau yn y cyfryngau dros y 24 awr ddiwethaf sydd fel pe bydden nhw'n awgrymu bod rhywfaint o symud wedi bod ar y ddwy ochr. Rwy'n derbyn y bydd angen cyfaddawdu rhywfaint gan Lywodraeth y DU ar ran pobl Cymru a gweddill y DU, ac o du'r UE hefyd. Rwyf innau'n awyddus i weld cytundeb, ond nid wyf i'n credu y dylai'r un ohonom ni sydd yn y Senedd hon feiddio a diystyru dyheadau, na meiddio ceisio rhwystro dyheadau pobl Cymru wrth adael yr UE, i gymryd rheolaeth o'n dyfroedd ni ein hunain, ein ffiniau ni, ein cyfreithiau ni a'n harian ni, a dyna'r sefyllfa yr ydym ynddi ar hyn o bryd.
Nawr, fe wnaethoch chi gyfeirio at rai o'r paratoadau yr ydych chi yn Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yn ymgymryd â nhw. Rwy'n credu mai peth call yw paratoi ar gyfer pob posibilrwydd; rwyf wedi dweud hynny yn y Siambr hon yn y gorffennol, ac rwy'n ailadrodd hynny eto heddiw. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn iawn eich bod chi'n paratoi ar gyfer senario 'heb gytundeb', rhag ofn mai i hynny y bydd hi'n dod. A wnewch chi ddweud wrthym pa fath o fuddsoddiad y bu'n rhaid ichi ei wneud yn Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer y paratoadau a wnaed gennych hyd yn hyn? Yn amlwg, rydym wedi cael digon o amser i wneud y paratoadau hynny; a oes unrhyw rai yr ydych chi'n pryderu yn eu cylch nhw o ran ble y gallai pethau orffen? A wnewch chi ddweud wrthym hefyd pa gyfleoedd yr ydych chi'n eu rhagweld yn Llywodraeth Cymru o ran cyfleoedd masnach o'r cytundebau masnach, sydd wedi eu sefydlu ac yn barod i gychwyn o 1 Ionawr? A sut ydych chi'n rhagweld y gallai pobl fanteisio ar y cyfleoedd hynny, yn enwedig pobl yn y gymuned fusnes a'r allforwyr a allai elwa ar hyn? Ac a ydych chi'n derbyn hefyd—
Can you wind up, please?
A wnewch chi roi pen ar y mwdl, os gwelwch chi'n dda?
I will. And do you also accept that there are a whole host of powers? You asked me for a copy of the list of powers last week. I've got a copy of them in my hand, which I'll be happy to present to you outside of the Chamber. But there are scores of new powers—a big transfer of powers—coming to Wales as a result of our departure from the EU, and I would very much hope that you would welcome them. And just in case you—. This is the one thing that you don't seem to appear to have any knowledge of, but I've got a copy of them here. I'd be happy to relay that to you outside the Chamber later on. Thank you.
Fe wnaf i. Ac a ydych chi'n derbyn hefyd fod yna lu o bwerau? Fe wnaethoch chi ofyn imi yr wythnos ddiwethaf am gopi o'r rhestr o bwerau. Mae gennyf gopi yn fy llaw, ac fe fyddaf i'n hapus i'w roi ichi y tu allan i'r Siambr. Ond mae ugeiniau o bwerau newydd—trosglwyddiad mawr o bwerau—yn dod i Gymru o ganlyniad i'n hymadawiad â'r UE, ac fe fyddwn i'n gobeithio'n fawr y byddech chi'n eu croesawu nhw. A rhag ofn ichi—. Dyma'r un peth nad yw'n ymddangos bod gennych unrhyw wybodaeth ohono, ond mae gennyf gopi yma. Fe fyddwn i'n hapus i'w trosglwyddo nhw i chi y tu allan i'r Siambr yn nes ymlaen. Diolch.
We'll just clarify a couple of things for the record, shall we? The oven-ready deal is absolutely not as the Member describes it, and I'm sure that the Prime Minister will be extremely grateful to him for reading out so faithfully the salvaged lines, which, clearly, have been circulated in Westminster to try and change the perceptions around that. And on the list of powers that he's brandishing in his hand, there's never been any dispute that powers returned to this place is a consequence of leaving the European Union. He knows full well that the point he was making in the debate when we last faced each other across the Chamber was around the internal market Bill, and I asked him to point me to the section in that Bill that provided any new powers to Wales, and I note from his last contribution that he didn't take the opportunity to do that.
He asked me whether I preferred the deal, which is apparently being negotiated, or no-deal; I think the entirety of my statement gives him the answer to that question. He is right to say that we don't have visibility of the deal on the table; I'm sure he would agree with me that we should, as a Government that will be significantly impacted, on behalf of the people of Wales. But he's right to say that we don't have the detail. We've been very clear: these have been the UK Government's negotiations, and the devolved Governments have not had the role in those that I'm sure Members of this Senedd, generally, would feel was appropriate. My description of it as a thin deal is based on the maximum ambition that the UK Government has for the relationship. Even if that was delivered in its entirety at this stage, it would be a thin deal. So, we can take that, I think, for read.
He explores, in his question, the question of sovereignty. It's an important question, but it's essentially illusory in the context of international trade negotiations, because in order to gain advantage, you have to concede in order to secure any sort of agreement—it's in the nature of a negotiation. So, describing this as a battle between sovereignty is entirely missing the point. He speaks about Canada, he speaks about a range of other countries; if he would like us to have the level of trade with the EU that those countries have, that would be a significant diminution in our trading capability with the European Union—a significant diminution.
He asked me for opportunities, and yet he asked me to follow the principles that Canada and other countries have followed. Those two points are fundamentally at odds with each other, and I think the Member must be aware of that. In terms of opportunities from other deals, there are opportunities, we are pursuing them, but even at their most ambitious, they are a fraction of the impact on our GDP of a good trading relationship with the European Union, which is why we've put that at the top of our list of priorities.
Finally, he says, 'Will we prosper outside the European Union?' This Government will want Wales to prosper in whatever relationship we have with any part of the world, but we have to look at the evidence and not defy the reality of our current arrangements, and how we can build upon those, not undermine them. That is what we seek to do as a Government here, and that is what we want the UK Government to do on our behalf.
A gawn ni egluro un neu ddau o bethau ar gofnod, felly? Nid yw'r fargen barod i'r ffwrn yn ddim byd tebyg i'r hyn y mae'r Aelod yn ei ddisgrifio, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd Prif Weinidog y DU yn hynod ddiolchgar iddo am ddarllen allan mor ffyddlon y sbwriel sydd, yn amlwg, wedi cael ei ddosbarthu yn San Steffan i geisio newid y ddirnadaeth o ran hynny. Ac o ran y rhestr o bwerau y mae ef yn ei chwifio yn ei law, ni fu unrhyw ddadl o gwbl mai o ganlyniad i adael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd y caiff pwerau eu dychwelyd i'r fan hon. Mae e'n gwybod yn iawn fod y pwynt yr oedd yn ei wneud yn y ddadl pan ddaethom wyneb yn wyneb y tro diwethaf ar draws y Siambr yn ymwneud â Bil y farchnad fewnol, ac fe ofynnais iddo fy nghyfeirio i at yr adran yn y Bil hwnnw sy'n rhoi unrhyw bwerau newydd i Gymru, ac rwy'n nodi o'i gyfraniad diwethaf na fanteisiodd ef ar y cyfle i wneud hynny.
Fe ofynnodd imi a oedd yn well gennyf i'r cytundeb sydd, i bob golwg, yn cael ei negodi, neu fod heb gytundeb; rwyf i o'r farn fod fy natganiad i yn ei gyfanrwydd yn rhoi'r ateb iddo i'r cwestiwn hwnnw. Mae'n gywir i ddweud na allwn ragweld y cytundeb sydd ar y bwrdd eto; rwy'n siŵr y byddai ef yn cytuno â mi y dylem gael golwg arno, fel Llywodraeth a gaiff ei heffeithio yn sylweddol, ar ran pobl Cymru. Ond mae'n iawn i ddweud nad yw'r manylion gennym. Rydym wedi bod yn eglur iawn: trafodaethau gan Lywodraeth y DU fu'r rhain, ac nid yw'r Llywodraethau datganoledig wedi cael rhan ynddynt yr wyf i'n siŵr y byddai Aelodau'r Senedd hon, yn gyffredinol, yn teimlo eu bod yn ei theilyngu. Mae fy nisgrifiad i o hwn fel cytundeb cyfyng yn seiliedig ar yr uchelgais mwyaf sydd gan Lywodraeth y DU i'r berthynas. Hyd yn oed pe bai hwnnw'n cael ei gyflawni yn ei gyfanrwydd ar y cam hwn, cytundeb cyfyng fyddai. Felly, fe allwn ni gymryd hynny'n ganiataol, rwy'n credu.
Mae ef, yn ei gwestiwn, yn ymhél â mater sofraniaeth. Mae'n gwestiwn pwysig, ond yn ei hanfod mae hynny'n rhithiol yng nghyd-destun trafodaethau masnach rhyngwladol, oherwydd er mwyn cael mantais mae'n rhaid i rywun ildio rhywbeth er mwyn sicrhau unrhyw fath o gytundeb—dyna yw natur negodi. Felly, mae disgrifio hon yn frwydr am sofraniaeth yn hollol gyfeiliornus. Mae'n sôn am Ganada, ac yn sôn am amryw o wledydd eraill; os yw'n dymuno bod gennym ni yr un lefel o fasnach gyda'r UE â'r hyn sydd gan y gwledydd hynny, fe fyddai hynny'n golygu lleihad sylweddol yn ein gallu ni i fasnachu â'r Undeb Ewropeaidd—fe fyddai'n ostyngiad sylweddol.
Fe ofynnodd imi am gyfleoedd, ac eto i gyd fe ofynnodd imi ddilyn yr egwyddorion fel y gwnaeth Canada a gwledydd eraill. Mae'r ddau bwynt hynny'n gwbl groes i'w gilydd, ac rwy'n credu bod yn rhaid bod yr Aelod yn ymwybodol o hynny. O ran cyfleoedd o gytundebau eraill, mae yna gyfleoedd, ac rydym yn dilyn eu trywydd. Ond hyd yn oed ar eu mwyaf uchelgeisiol, cyfran fechan o'r effaith ar ein CMC ni yw'r cyfleoedd hynny, o'u cymharu â pherthynas fasnachu dda â'r Undeb Ewropeaidd, a dyna pam rydym ni wedi rhoi hynny ar frig ein rhestr ni o flaenoriaethau.
Yn olaf, mae e'n dweud, 'A fyddwn ni'n ffynnu y tu allan i'r Undeb Ewropeaidd?' Bydd y Llywodraeth hon yn awyddus i Gymru allu ffynnu ym mha berthynas bynnag sydd gennym ni ag unrhyw ran o'r byd, ond mae'n rhaid ystyried y dystiolaeth a pheidio â herio sefyllfa wirioneddol ein trefniadau presennol ni, ac ystyried sut y gallwn ni adeiladu ar y rhain, ac nid eu tanseilio nhw. Dyna'r hyn yr ydym ni'n ceisio ei wneud yn y Llywodraeth yn y fan hon, a dyna'r hyn yr ydym ni'n dymuno i Lywodraeth y DU ei wneud ar ein rhan ni.
Diolch i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol am ei ddatganiad. Fel rydyn ni'n gwybod, gyda dyddiau yn unig i fynd, mae'r trafodaethau rhwng y Deyrnas Unedig a'r Undeb Ewropeaidd yn parhau. Os oes cytundeb yn cael ei gyflwyno gerbron Senedd San Steffan, bydd Plaid Cymru'n ystyried yr addewidion a gafodd eu rhoi yn 2016 a 2019. Fe wnaeth Boris Johnson addo na fydd Cymru'n derbyn ceiniog yn llai, y byddwn yn derbyn yr un buddion, ac y bydd ein ffermwyr yn gallu gwerthu i'r Undeb Ewropeaidd fel o'r blaen. A fydd y cytundeb yn cyflawni? Bydd angen i ni weld manylion y cytundeb, ond mae Plaid Cymru yn glir ein bod ni'n methu â chefnogi cytundeb sydd yn niweidiol i bobl a busnesau Cymru. 'Ffwrn-barod'—oven-ready—a'r 'cytundeb rhwyddaf yn y byd', dyna beth a oedd wedi cael ei addo, ond nid dyna beth sydd wedi digwydd. Cytundeb neu ddim cytundeb—does dim digon o amser ar ôl i alluogi busnesau Cymru, a hyd yn oed Llywodraeth Cymru, i baratoi yn llawn ar gyfer pa bynnag amgylchiadau y byddwn yn ffeindio ein hunain ynddynt ar 1 Ionawr. Mae llinellau coch Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig ers 2017 o adael y farchnad sengl a'r undeb tollau yn golygu bod tarfu yn anochel, beth bynnag a ddaw o'r cytundeb.
Felly, allaf i ofyn: beth ydi rôl Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yn hyn i gyd, yntau ydych chi fel Llywodraeth wedi cael eich anwybyddu unwaith eto gan Lywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig? Allwch chi gadarnhau beth ydy'r sefyllfa ddiweddaraf gyda storio cyffuriau yn sgil COVID a Brexit? Ac ydych chi fel Llywodraeth yn disgwyl oedi i feddyginiaethau—hynny yw, delays—yn ein porthladdoedd, sydd angen dod o Ewrop ar just-in-time basis? Dwi'n gwybod beth ydych chi'n ei ddweud ynglŷn â stocpeilio, ond nid yw'n bosib stocpeilio rhai meddyginiaethau achos maen nhw dim ond yn para rhai oriau. Felly, ydych chi'n pryderu ynglŷn ag oedi rhai meddyginiaethau allweddol, fel radioisotopes i'n gwlad? Ydych chi, ymhellach, Weinidog, yn pryderu hyd yn oed os oes cytundeb y bydd cyfnod o amser ble, i bob pwrpas, y byddwn ni mewn sefyllfa o ddim cytundeb oherwydd natur hwyr y trafodaethau? Ac i gloi, dwi'n cydnabod bod pobl yn gweithio rownd y cloc ar y trefniadau posib, a hyn i gyd yng nghanol pandemig angeuol—mae'r sefyllfa yn heriol tu hwnt. Diolch yn fawr, Ddirprwy Lywydd.
Thank you to the Counsel General for the statement. As we know, with just days to go, the negotiations between the UK and the European Union continue. If a deal is put before Parliament in Westminster, Plaid Cymru will consider the pledges made in 2016 and 2019. Boris Johnson pledged that Wales would not receive a penny less, that we would receive the same benefits, and that our farmers could sell into the European market as they have done in the past. We will need to see the detail of the deal, but Plaid Cymru is clear that we couldn't support a deal that would be damaging to the people and businesses of Wales. 'Oven-ready' and 'the easiest deal in the world'—that's what was pledged, but that is not what has happened. A deal or 'no deal', there's not enough time to enable Welsh businesses, or even the Welsh Government, to prepare fully for whatever circumstances we find ourselves in on 1 January. The UK Government's red lines since 2017, leaving the single market and the customs union, do mean that some disruption is inevitable, whatever happens with the deal.
So, can I ask: what's the role of the Welsh Government been in all of this, or have you as a Government been ignored once again by the UK Government? Can you confirm what the latest situation is with the storage of drugs as a result of COVID and Brexit? And do you as Government expect delays in the delivery of medicines in our ports, which need to come in on a just-in-time basis? I hear what you say about stockpiling, but it's not possible to stockpile some medicines, because they will only last a few hours. So, are you concerned about the delays and disruption to some crucial medicines, such as radioisotopes? Further, Minister, are you concerned that, even if there is a deal, there will be a period of time where, to all intents and purposes, we will be in a 'no deal' scenario because of the nature of the discussions taking place late in the day? And to conclude, I recognise that people are working around the clock on possible arrangements, and all this in the midst of a deadly pandemic—the situation is extremely challenging. Thank you very much.
Gaf i gytuno gyda'r pwynt diwethaf yna, i ategu sylwadau Dai Lloyd ynglŷn â'r gwaith sy'n mynd rhagddo ar draws Cymru i baratoi ar gyfer hyn, yn Llywodraeth Cymru, ond gyda'n partneriaid ni hefyd ac mewn sectorau lu, ar gyfer diwedd y cyfnod pontio, sydd ddim ond 16 diwrnod i fynd? Felly, mae Dai Lloyd yn iawn i ddweud bod tarfu o ryw fath yn anochel yn y ddwy senario sydd o'n blaenau ni ar hyn o bryd, oherwydd yr ansicrwydd sydd wedi bod a'r tâp coch newydd y mae Llywodraeth San Steffan yn ei gyflwyno ar fusnesau ac allforion yma yng Nghymru.
Fe wnaeth yr Aelod ofyn tri chwestiwn. Yn gyntaf, beth oedd rôl Llywodraeth Cymru yn y negodiadau? Wel, mae rôl gyda ni wedi bod, wrth gwrs, yn y fframweithiau cyffredin, ac yn paratoi'r ddeddfwriaeth, ac yn y broses o baratoi. Ond fel y mae e'n gwybod o'n trafodaethau ni yn y gorffennol, dyw rôl y Llywodraethau datganoledig ddim wedi bod beth y dylai e fod yn y broses o negodi. Felly, negodiadau Llywodraeth San Steffan yw'r rhain—er gwell neu er gwaeth. Mae blaenoriaethau pobl Cymru, trwy Lywodraeth Cymru, ddim wedi cael y lle iawn yn y broses o gytuno safbwynt ar draws Llywodraethau'r Deyrnas Gyfunol, ac wedyn cael dylanwad felly ar y negodiadau. Mae elfennau o ddylanwad wedi bod, ond ddim strwythur y byddai'r Senedd hon yn ei mynnu ar ran pobl Cymru.
O ran yr ail gwestiwn, meddyginiaethau, mae trefniadau ar waith ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig. Rôl a phŵer Llywodraeth San Steffan yw mewnforio meddyginiaethau o dramor i Brydain, wrth gwrs, ond mae trefniadau ar waith i sicrhau bod hynny'n gallu digwydd yn y cyd-destun mae e'n disgrifio, hynny yw, pan mae meddyginiaethau ddim yn gallu cael eu storio, bod rhaid iddyn nhw gael eu cludo ar fyrder. Pe buasai tarfu yn y porthladdoedd, mae systemau ar waith i'w hedfan nhw i mewn er mwyn sicrhau eu bod nhw'n gallu cyrraedd mewn da bryd. Mae trefniadau wedi eu cytuno rhwng y pedair Llywodraeth, fel bod rhannu hafal o'r rheini'n digwydd ar draws y pedair cenedl, gyda dylanwad clinigol y chief medical officers yn bwysig yn hynny i sicrhau bod y dosbarthu'n digwydd o safbwynt hafal.
Ac yn y cwestiwn diwethaf gwnaeth e ofyn ynglŷn â'r cytundeb ac ati, rwy'n cytuno gyda beth mae Dai Lloyd yn ei ddweud. Dyw'r cytundeb hwn ddim yn adlewyrchu beth fyddem ni moyn gweld ar ran pobl Cymru. Dyw e ddim yn rhoi digon o sicrwydd i'n heconomi ni, i'n hallforwyr ni ac i'n cyflogwyr ni. Ond mae cytundeb o'r math hwn yn mynd i fod yn gytundeb sy'n well na dim cytundeb. Ac mae gyda ni senario, o bosib, yn y flwyddyn newydd, ac mae Dai Lloyd yn cydnabod, bod efallai cytundeb wedi ei gyrraedd ond bod e ddim mewn grym eto, neu efallai ei fod e wrthi'n cael ei negodi, neu efallai ei fod wedi cael ei negodi ond heb gael ei arwyddo. Felly, mae pob un o'r senarios hynny'n bosib, ac, wrth gwrs, ni'n gweithio i edrych ar beth gall ddigwydd yn y senarios hynny. Fel bydd e'n gwybod, mae'r trefniadau ni wedi bod yn eu gwneud, hyd yn hyn, ar sail gadael heb unrhyw fath o gytundeb. Felly, mae gyda ni'r worst-case senario hynny fel rhan o'n cynllunio ni hefyd.
May I agree with that final point, and endorse Dai Lloyd's comments on the work that is being done across Wales to prepare for this, with the Welsh Government, but also with our partners and the various sectors, in preparation for the end of the transition period, which is just 16 days away? So, Dai Lloyd is right to say that some disruption is inevitable in both scenarios facing us, because of the uncertainties and the new red tape that the Westminster Government has imposed on businesses and exports here in Wales.
The Member asked three questions. First of all, what has the role of the Welsh Government been in negotiations? Well, our role has been in common frameworks and in preparing legislation, and preparing for what the outcome will be. But as he knows from discussions we've had in the past, the roles of the devolved Governments haven't been what they should have been in the negotiation process. So, these are the UK Government's negotiations—for better or for worse. The priorities of the people of Wales, expressed through the Welsh Government, haven't been given a proper place in the process of agreeing a position across the Governments of the UK and then having an influence on the negotiations through doing so. There have been elements of influence, but there hasn't been the structure that this Senedd would have expected on behalf of the people of Wales.
In terms of the second question, on medicines, arrangements are in place across the UK. It's the role of the UK Government to import medicines from abroad into the UK, but arrangements are in place, in order to ensure that that can happen in the context that he describes, that is to say when medicines can't be stored and they have to be transported urgently. If there was any disruption in ports, then there are systems in place to bring them in by air freight to ensure that they arrive in good time. And arrangements have been agreed with the four Governments, so that there is equal sharing of those across the four nations, with the clinical influence of the chief medical officers being very important in that in ensuring that that distribution happens on an equal basis.
And in terms of the final question on a deal, well, I agree with what Dai Lloyd has said that this deal doesn't reflect what we would want to see on behalf of the people of Wales. It doesn't provide sufficient assurances for our economy, our employers and our exporters. But a deal of this kind would be better than no deal. And we do have a possible scenario in the new year, as Dai Lloyd has recognised, that a deal may have been reached but that it hadn't been ratified, or that it's still being negotiated, or it has been negotiated but hasn't been signed off. So, all of those scenarios are possible, and, of course, we are looking at what could happen in those scenarios. As he will know, the arrangements that we have put in place, to date, are on the basis of exiting with no deal. So, we have that worst-case scenario as part of our planning, too.
Thank you for the statement, Counsel General. A hearing of the Welsh Affairs Select Committee earlier this month was told that 61 per cent of exports from Wales go to the EU, compared with 43 per cent of all UK exports. Wales also has a high proportion of industries that are expected to face high tariffs if no deal is reached, and to name a few: automotive, dairy, meat and aerospace. The apparent oven-ready deal and easy agreements were fictitious, as we now all know. About as oven-ready as a deeply frozen Christmas turkey. So, safety and security is also a key area to resolve, and, so, I very much welcome the preparedness of the Welsh civil contingency planning preparations and our medicines availability. This is not about illusionary sovereignty.
So, Counsel General, the Confederation of British Industry Wales has clearly stated that a Brexit deal between the UK and the EU is essential. The CBI are clear, as is this Government, that no one has voted for lesser security, or 'no deal' devastation of our trade and economy, or higher food prices, or scarcer medicine availability, or UK border ports congestion and what that would mean. Counsel General, then, what are the consequences of any 'no deal' on the Welsh economy and the relationship between Wales and Europe in 2021? And, critically, what would this mean for the people of Wales, whether you are a leaver or a remainer?
Diolch am y datganiad, Cwnsler Cyffredinol. Fe ddywedwyd wrth wrandawiad o'r Pwyllgor Dethol ar Faterion Cymreig yn gynharach y mis hwn fod 61 y cant o allforion Cymru yn mynd i'r UE, o'i gymharu â 43 y cant o holl allforion y DU. Mae gan Gymru gyfran uchel o ddiwydiannau hefyd y disgwylir iddyn nhw fod yn wynebu tariffau uchel os na chawn gytundeb, gan enwi rhai yn unig: modurol, llaeth, cig ac awyrofod. Roedd y fargen parod i'r ffwrn a'r cytundebau hawdd yn ffantasïol, fel y gwyddom ni i gyd nawr. Tua'r un mor barod i'w goginio â thwrci Nadolig wedi ei rewi'n gorn. Felly, mae diogelwch a sicrwydd yn faes allweddol i'w ddatrys hefyd, ac, felly, rwy'n croesawu'r paratoadau cynllunio sifil wrth gefn a'r meddyginiaethau sydd ar gael i ni yng Nghymru. Nid yw hynny'n ymwneud â sofraniaeth afreal.
Felly, Cwnsler Cyffredinol, mae Cydffederasiwn Diwydiant Prydain yng Nghymru wedi datgan yn hyglyw fod cytundeb Brexit rhwng y DU a'r UE yn hanfodol. Mae'r CBI yn glir, fel y mae'r Llywodraeth hon, nad oes neb wedi pleidleisio o blaid llai o ddiogelwch, na dinistr 'heb gytundeb' ar ein masnach a'n heconomi ni, na phrisiau bwyd uwch, na mwy o brinder y meddyginiaethau sydd ar gael, na thagfeydd mewn porthladdoedd ar y ffiniau yn y DU a'r hyn y byddai hynny'n ei olygu. Cwnsler Cyffredinol, felly, beth yw canlyniadau dim cytundeb ar economi Cymru a'r berthynas rhwng Cymru ac Ewrop yn 2021? Ac, yn hollbwysig, beth fyddai hyn yn ei olygu i bobl Cymru, os ydych yn dymuno gadael neu aros?
I thank Rhianon Passmore for that question. She is right to say that Wales has a larger percentage of our exports to the European Union than any other part of the United Kingdom. In order to support our exporters in the months that lie ahead, the Welsh Government has contracted the services of a cohort of international trade advisers, who will be available to support exporters to navigate the new red tape, which the United Kingdom's negotiating position will effectively be introducing on our businesses.
Many exporters, of course, will have already taken into account the fact they face a whole slew of new customs-related export documentation requirements, which obviously will load significant additional costs on to their businesses. But they won't yet have been able to quantify the question of tariffs or how the products that they export are taken into account, how components in those products are treated, how standards are recognised mutually across the Channel. So, all of those are very significant questions in the minds of many business that export, at this point in time, and, I just repeat, that we have 16 days to to before the end of the transition period. So, that's why it's so important to give, even at this late hour, the clarity that businesses need in Wales to support their prosperity and support the livelihoods that depend on them.
I do think it's right to say the CBI and other business organisations are clear that a deal is in the best interests of the UK economy and the Welsh economy. Our most recent academic analyses of the long-term impact of a 'no deal' scenario on the Welsh and the UK-wide economy is of an economy that is about 8 per cent less than it would have been over a 10-year period. Now, that's at the same time that businesses are suffering the impacts of COVID and plainly will take a significant period of time to recover from that. We think it's unconscionable to add to the involuntary damage of COVID the voluntary damage of leaving the transition period without a deal.
Diolch i Rhianon Passmore am y cwestiwn yna. Mae hi'n iawn i ddweud bod gan Gymru ganran fwy o allforion i'r Undeb Ewropeaidd nag unrhyw ran arall o'r Deyrnas Unedig. I gefnogi ein hallforwyr ni yn y misoedd sydd i ddod, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi contractio gwasanaethau carfan o gynghorwyr masnach rhyngwladol, a fydd ar gael i gefnogi allforwyr i lywio'r fiwrocratiaeth newydd, y bydd safbwynt negodi'r Deyrnas Unedig yn ei rhoi ar ein busnesau ni, i bob pwrpas.
Fe fydd llawer o allforwyr, wrth gwrs, eisoes wedi ystyried y ffaith eu bod yn wynebu llu o ofynion dogfennau allforio newydd sy'n gysylltiedig â'r tollau, a fydd yn amlwg yn golygu llwyth o gostau ychwanegol sylweddol i'w busnesau. Ond ni fyddant hyd yn hyn wedi gallu meintioli mater y tariffau na sut y caiff y cynhyrchion y maent yn eu hallforio eu trin, sut y caiff cydrannau'r cynhyrchion hynny eu hystyried, sut y caiff safonau eu cydnabod dros y Sianel. Felly, mae pob un o'r rhain yn gwestiynau o bwys mawr ym meddyliau llawer o fusnesau sy'n allforio, ar hyn o bryd, ac rwy'n dweud eto mai 16 diwrnod sydd gennym ni ar ôl o'r cyfnod pontio. Felly, dyna pam mae mor bwysig, hyd yn oed ar yr unfed awr ar ddeg fel hyn, roi'r eglurder sydd ei angen ar fusnesau yng Nghymru i gefnogi eu ffyniant a chefnogi'r bobl sy'n dibynnu arnyn nhw am fywoliaeth.
Rwy'n credu ei bod yn iawn dweud bod y CBI a sefydliadau busnes eraill yn eglur bod cytundeb yn fanteisiol i economi'r DU ac economi Cymru. Mae ein dadansoddiadau academaidd diweddaraf ni o effaith hirdymor senario 'heb gytundeb' ar economi Cymru a'r DU gyfan yn dangos economi sydd tua 8 y cant yn llai nag y byddai wedi bod dros gyfnod o 10 mlynedd. Nawr, mae hynny ar yr un pryd ag y mae busnesau yn dioddef yn sgil effeithiau COVID ac mae'n amlwg y bydd yn cymryd cyfnod sylweddol o amser i wella o hynny. Rydym ni o'r farn nad oes unrhyw reswm o fath yn y byd i ychwanegu at ddinistr diofyn COVID gyda dinistr gwirfoddol o adael y cyfnod pontio heb gytundeb.
Can I thank the Counsel General for his statement? I applaud the Welsh Government's preparation for a number of Brexit scenarios. It is both prudent and sensible. But, Counsel General, you continue to bemoan the fact that, after four years, you have come down to the last few days, but how much is that down to the stance of the remainers, including you and the Welsh Government, by your continually trying to undermine the people's democratic decision in June 2016? This stance has undeniably undermined the efforts of the UK negotiators in getting the EU to accept a reasonable and acceptable Brexit deal.
There are three crucial areas said to be the main stumbling blocks to a deal. So, earlier today, I called for a Welsh Government statement of what concessions it would make in order to avoid a 'no deal' scenario with the European Union. Given that I had no real answer to my questions, I make no apology for repeating those questions now: what concessions would the Welsh Government be willing to make in order to avoid a 'no deal' scenario? Would it be to concede on our fishing grounds—which, incidentally, are at this moment being plundered by giant French, Dutch and Spanish trawlers, dredging up to 250 tonnes of fish a day, with disastrous environmental consequences—or would it be to give way on the so-called level playing field, meaning, of course, that the UK Government would, amongst other crucial economic interventions, remain very restricted by state-aid rules, disallowing us from helping our steel industries in the way we would want, or would it be to give the European Court of Justice supremacy over UK law, something that the people who voted for Brexit were implacably against? Please, Counsel General, no obfuscations, just a straight answer to the questions.
A gaf i ddiolch i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol am ei ddatganiad? Rwy'n cymeradwyo gwaith paratoi Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer nifer o senarios Brexit. Mae hynny'n rhywbeth darbodus a synhwyrol. Ond, Cwnsler Cyffredinol, rydych chi'n parhau i alaru'r ffaith eich bod chi, ar ôl pedair blynedd, wedi cyrraedd y dyddiau olaf, ond faint o hynny sy'n deillio o safbwynt y rhai nad oedd yn dymuno Brexit o gwbl, gan eich cynnwys chi a Llywodraeth Cymru, drwy geisio tanseilio'n barhaus benderfyniad democrataidd y bobl ym mis Mehefin 2016 yn barhaus? Mae'n anochel bod y safiad hwn wedi tanseilio ymdrechion negodwyr y DU i gael yr UE i dderbyn cytundeb Brexit rhesymol a derbyniol.
Fe ddywedir bod tri maes hollbwysig yn brif rwystrau i gytundeb. Felly, yn gynharach heddiw, fe alwais i am ddatganiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru ynglŷn â pha gyfaddawdau y byddai'n rhaid eu gwneud i osgoi sefyllfa 'heb gytundeb' gyda'r Undeb Ewropeaidd. O ystyried na chefais i ateb gwirioneddol i'm cwestiynau, nid wyf yn ymddiheuro am ailadrodd y cwestiynau hynny nawr: pa gyfaddawdau y byddai Llywodraeth Cymru yn barod i'w gwneud i osgoi sefyllfa 'heb gytundeb'? A fyddai hynny'n golygu cyfaddawdu o ran ein pysgodfeydd—sydd, gyda llaw, ar hyn o bryd yn cael eu dihysbyddu gan longau enfawr o Ffrainc, yr Iseldiroedd a Sbaen, gan dynnu rhwydi hyd at 250 tunnell o bysgod y dydd, â chanlyniadau amgylcheddol trychinebus—neu a fyddai'n cyfaddawdu ar y maes chwarae gwastad fel y'i gelwir, sy'n golygu, wrth gwrs, y byddai Llywodraeth y DU, ymhlith ymyriadau economaidd hanfodol eraill, yn parhau i fod yn gyfyngedig iawn oherwydd rheolau cymorth gwladwriaethol, gan ein rhwystro ni rhag helpu ein diwydiannau dur yn y ffordd y byddem yn ei dymuno, neu a fyddai'n cyfaddawdu drwy gadw at oruchafiaeth Llys Cyfiawnder Ewrop dros gyfraith y DU, sef rhywbeth yr oedd y bobl a bleidleisiodd o blaid Brexit yn ei wrthwynebu? A fyddech chi, Cwnsler Cyffredinol, gystal â rhoi ateb syml i'r cwestiynau, heb unrhyw ddryswch.
[Inaudible.]—three letters on fisheries, level playing field and governance, which I sent to Michael Gove a number of weeks ago, that set out our preferred position in relation to each of those outstanding areas. I've asked for the opportunity, in more than one Joint Ministerial Committee (EU Negotiations), to be party to the strategic trade-offs that the UK Government is considering in these closing weeks, and we've been denied the opportunity of participating in that. So, in the absence of that—. And I refer him to the letters, which I'm sure he would have read, that set out very faithfully the Welsh Government's position in relation to how this should be negotiated. These are the UK Government's negotiations, they're not the Welsh Government's negotiations, and the reason we are 16 days away from the end of transition without an agreement is not the responsibility of the Welsh Government; it is the responsibility of the Government of the United Kingdom.
[Anhyglyw.]—tri llythyr ynglŷn â physgodfeydd, maes chwarae teg a llywodraethu, a anfonais i at Michael Gove nifer o wythnosau yn ôl, a oedd yn nodi ein safbwynt dewisol ni o ran pob un o'r meysydd hynny sydd ar ôl. Rwyf wedi gofyn am gyfle, mewn mwy nag un o gyfarfodydd y Cyd-bwyllgor Gweinidogion (Negodiadau’r UE), i fod â rhan yn y trafodaethau strategol y mae Llywodraeth y DU yn eu hystyried yn yr wythnosau diwethaf hyn, ac nid ydym wedi cael y cyfle i gymryd rhan yn y rhain. Felly, yn absenoldeb hynny—. Ac rwy'n ei gyfeirio at y llythyrau, ac rwy'n siŵr ei fod wedi eu darllen nhw, sy'n nodi safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru yn gywir iawn o ran sut y dylid trafod hyn. Trafodaethau Llywodraeth y DU yw'r rhain, nid trafodaethau Llywodraeth Cymru, ac nid Llywodraeth Cymru sy'n gyfrifol ein bod ni 16 diwrnod oddi wrth ddiwedd y cyfnod pontio heb gytundeb; Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig sy'n gyfrifol am hynny.
The Counsel General is so transparent. He never wanted Brexit, he's done everything he possibly could in the last four and a half years to sabotage it, he just failed to give David Rowlands an answer to his question. It's perfectly clear from his statement that his idea of a negotiation is for us simply to accept meekly whatever demands, however absurd or unreasonable, Monsieur Barnier makes—the kind of negotiation that Marshal Pétain conducted with Hitler in 1940.
In his statement, he said this, that the UK Government and the EU should
'show the flexibility and the compromise that are needed to find an agreement.'
Could he just tell me now what is the compromise that the EU should be making in order to reach an agreement with the UK Government? Is it a compromise on their demand that they should continue to legislate for us, even though we no longer have a voice or a vote in the councils of the EU? Is it that we should continue to allow European countries to have unfettered access to British waters so that they can hoover up as many fish as possible? Exactly what are the compromises that he thinks that the EU should be making at this time in order to get a deal?
Mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol yn dryloyw iawn. Nid oedd ef erioed wedi dymuno Brexit, mae wedi gwneud popeth o fewn ei allu yn y pedair blynedd a hanner diwethaf i'w danseilio, ac fe fethodd â rhoi ateb i gwestiwn David Rowlands. Mae'n gwbl amlwg o'i ddatganiad mai ei syniad ef o drafodaeth yw ein bod yn derbyn yn syml pa ofynion bynnag a wnaiff Monsieur Barnier, waeth pa mor hurt neu afresymol ydynt—y math o drafodaethau a gynhaliwyd gan Marshal Pétain gyda Hitler ym 1940.
Yn ei ddatganiad, fe ddywedodd hyn, y dylai Llywodraeth y DU a'r UE
'ddangos yr hyblygrwydd a'r cyfaddawd sydd eu hangen i ddod o hyd i gytundeb.'
A wnaiff ef ddweud wrthyf i nawr beth fydd yr UE yn ei gyfaddawdu ar gyfer dod i gytundeb â Llywodraeth y DU? A yw hynny'n gyfaddawdu o ran eu galw nhw y dylen nhw barhau i ddeddfu ar ein rhan ni, er nad oes gennym ni lais na phleidlais mwyach yng nghynghorau’r UE? A ddylem ni barhau i ganiatáu i wledydd Ewrop gael rhwydd hynt i bysgota cymaint o bysgod a phosibl o ddyfroedd Prydain? Beth yn union yw'r cyfaddawdau y mae ef yn credu y dylai'r UE fod yn eu gwneud nawr i gael cytundeb?
Well, I think the answer to Neil Hamilton's question is the same answer that I gave to David Rowlands's question.
Wel, rwy'n credu mai'r un yw'r ateb i gwestiwn Neil Hamilton ag a roddais i gwestiwn David Rowlands.
Thank you very much, Counsel General.
We now move on. In accordance with Standing Order 12.24, unless a Member objects, the three motions under items 5, 6 and 7 on our agenda, the health protection (coronavirus restrictions) regulations 2020, will be grouped for debate, but with a separate vote. I see no objections to that proposal.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Cwnsler Cyffredinol.
Rydym yn symud ymlaen nawr. Yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.24, oni bai bod Aelod yn gwrthwynebu, bydd y tri chynnig o dan eitemau 5, 6 a 7 ar ein hagenda ni, y rheoliadau diogelu iechyd (cyfyngiadau coronafeirws) 2020, yn cael eu grwpio i'w trafod, ond gyda phleidlais ar wahân. Nid wyf i'n gweld unrhyw wrthwynebiadau i'r cynnig hwnnw.
So, we'll move on and I'll call on the Minister for Health and Social Services, Vaughan Gething.
Felly, fe symudwn ni ymlaen ac rwyf i am alw ar Vaughan Gething, y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol.
Cynnig NDM7512 Rebecca Evans
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 27.5:
1. Yn cymeradwyo Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws a Swyddogaethau Awdurdodau Lleol) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2020 a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 3 Rhagfyr 2020.
Motion NDM7512 Rebecca Evans
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:
1. Approves The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions and Functions of Local Authorities) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2020 laid in the Table Office on 3 December 2020.
Cynnig NDM7516 Rebecca Evans
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 27.5:
1. Yn cymeradwyo Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Coronafeirws, Teithio Rhyngwladol a Chyfyngiadau) (Diwygio) (Rhif 3) (Cymru) 2020 a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 8 Rhagfyr 2020.
Motion NDM7516 Rebecca Evans
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:
1. Approves The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Restrictions) (Amendment) (No. 3) (Wales) Regulations 2020 laid in the Table Office on 8 December 2020.
Cynnig NNDM7526 Rebecca Evans
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 27.5:
1. Yn cymeradwyo Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Rhif 4) (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2020 a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 11 Rhagfyr2020.
Motion NNDM7526 Rebecca Evans
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:
1. Approves The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 4) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 laid in the Table Office on 11 December 2020.
Cynigiwyd y cynigion.
Motions moved.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. I move the series of motions before us.
Last week, we saw the start of the COVID-19 vaccination programme in Wales. That is clearly very encouraging and optimistic news. The vaccination process will, however, take time, so we must continue to focus our efforts right across Wales to help control the spread of coronavirus. And sadly, coronavirus is once again accelerating across Wales. The genuine gains that we all made at great cost during the firebreak have been eroded. The seven-day rolling incidence rate of coronavirus across Wales has risen to well over 400 cases per 100,000 people. There are currently well over 2,000 people in NHS hospitals in Wales being treated for coronavirus, and we see continued rises in the number of confirmed coronavirus cases. There are now more than 500 extra people in NHS beds in Wales being treated for coronavirus than in the April peak.
As I have set out previously, the advice from our chief medical officer is that we need to take action to help us enter the festive period with as low an infection rate as possible. Today, three recent regulations are being debated, which have contributed to our response to the pandemic.
Firstly, Members will be aware that, on 30 November, the First Minister set out additional all-Wales restrictions in relation to the hospitality sector. These further measures are provided for by the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions and Functions of Local Authorities) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2020. They came into force on Friday, 4 December, and are targeted to prevent the spread of transmission where people meet indoors. We had a take-note debate on these matters last week. So, pubs, bars, restaurants and cafes across Wales must now close by 6 p.m. and are not allowed to serve alcohol. After 6 p.m., they will only be able to provide takeaway services. These regulations also require indoor entertainment venues and indoor visitor attractions to close. I sympathise entirely with the people and the businesses that these restrictions impact. I've seen first hand the hard work that these businesses have entered into to try to make sure that their businesses are COVID-safe. To mitigate the financial impact and to support the hospitality, leisure and retail sectors, we have a £340 million package of support. That includes a specific £180 million fund for hospitality and leisure businesses. There is increasing scientific and observation evidence highlighting the role of hospitality in disease transmission. In keeping with the clear and repeated advice of SAGE on what has worked in other parts of the UK, these restrictions are, I am afraid, necessary to help reduce transmission.
Secondly, the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 4) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 require all outdoor attractions, including funfairs, to close. It also makes clear that trampoline parks and indoor skating parks must close. These further measures came into effect yesterday, on 14 December.
Finally, the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Restrictions) (Amendment) (No. 3) (Wales) Regulations 2020 were laid on 8 December. These provide that a person required to isolate as a result of having had close contact with a person who has tested positive for coronavirus must now isolate for 10 days, instead of the previous 14-day period. This follows the advice of the chief medical officer and SAGE, and similar advice has been given to other administrations in the UK, who are all following suit in changing the time frame for self-isolation in their own relative Parliaments. The international travel restrictions requiring people to quarantine when coming to Wales from certain countries have similarly been reduced to 10 days. These regulations also permit a child who is required to isolate to move to another household during the period of isolation if this is in line with existing arrangements relating to custody and contact with that child's parents.
The Welsh Government remains very grateful to people and businesses across Wales for observing these often very challenging restrictions. They do remain essential, however, to protect our NHS and save lives. Yesterday, the Welsh Government published an updated COVID control plan, including a new set of four alert levels. It describes the measures that will be put in place depending on the rates of the virus and the level of risk. We're scheduled to discuss a motion relating to this plan later on in today's business. I ask Members to support the motion before us and the three sets of regulations. Thank you, Deputy Llywydd.
Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd. Rwy'n cynnig y gyfres o gynigion sydd gerbron.
Yr wythnos diwethaf, fe welsom ni ddechrau rhaglen frechu COVID-19 yng Nghymru. Mae hynny'n amlwg yn newyddion calonogol a gobeithiol iawn. Er hynny, fe fydd y broses frechu yn cymryd amser, felly mae'n rhaid inni barhau i ganolbwyntio ein hymdrechion ni ledled Cymru ar helpu i reoli ymlediad coronafeirws. Ac yn anffodus, mae'r coronafeirws yn carlamu unwaith eto ledled Cymru. Mae'r enillion gwirioneddol a wnaed ar gost enfawr yn ystod y cyfnod atal byr wedi eu herydu. Mae cyfradd dreigl saith diwrnod coronafeirws ledled Cymru wedi codi i ymhell dros 400 o achosion fesul 100,000 o bobl. Ar hyn o bryd mae ymhell dros 2,000 o bobl yn ysbytai'r GIG yng Nghymru yn cael eu trin am y coronafeirws, ac fe welwn ni gynnydd parhaus yn nifer yr achosion coronafeirws a gadarnhawyd. Erbyn hyn mae yna fwy na 500 o bobl ychwanegol yng ngwelyau'r GIG yng Nghymru yn cael eu trin oherwydd coronafeirws nag yn y penllanw a gafwyd ym mis Ebrill.
Fel y nodais o'r blaen, y cyngor gan ein prif swyddog meddygol yw bod angen inni gymryd camau i'n helpu i ddechrau ar gyfnod y gwyliau gyda chyfradd heintio mor isel â phosibl. Heddiw, mae tri rheoliad diweddar yn cael eu trafod, sydd wedi cyfrannu at ein hymateb ni i'r pandemig.
Yn gyntaf, fe fydd yr Aelodau yn ymwybodol bod y Prif Weinidog, ar 30 Tachwedd, wedi nodi cyfyngiadau ychwanegol ar gyfer Cymru gyfan o ran y sector lletygarwch. Fe ddarperir ar gyfer y mesurau pellach hyn gan Reoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau a Swyddogaethau Awdurdodau Lleol) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2020. Gan ddod i rym ddydd Gwener, 4 Rhagfyr, fe'u targedir at atal trosglwyddiad lle mae pobl yn cyfarfod dan do. Fe gawsom ni ddadl ar y materion hyn yr wythnos diwethaf. Felly, mae'n rhaid i dafarndai, bariau, bwytai a chaffis ledled Cymru gau erbyn 6 p.m. ac ni chaniateir iddyn nhw weini alcohol. Ar ôl 6 p.m., dim ond gwasanaethau cludo allan y byddan nhw'n gallu eu cynnig. Mae'r rheoliadau hyn hefyd yn ei gwneud hi'n ofynnol cau lleoliadau adloniant dan do ac atyniadau ymwelwyr dan do. Rwy'n cydymdeimlo'n fawr â'r bobl a'r busnesau y mae'r cyfyngiadau hyn yn effeithio arnynt. Rwyf wedi gweld drosof fy hun y gwaith caled a wnaeth y busnesau hyn i geisio sicrhau bod eu busnesau nhw'n ddiogel rhag COVID. I liniaru'r effaith ariannol a chefnogi'r sectorau lletygarwch, hamdden a manwerthu, mae gennym becyn cymorth gwerth £340 miliwn. Mae hwnnw'n cynnwys cronfa arbennig o £180 miliwn ar gyfer busnesau lletygarwch a hamdden. Fe geir tystiolaeth wyddonol ac arsylwi cynyddol sy'n dangos peryglon lletygarwch o ran trosglwyddo clefydau. Yn unol â chyngor clir a pharhaus SAGE ar yr hyn sydd wedi gweithio mewn rhannau eraill o'r DU, mae arnaf i ofn bod angen y cyfyngiadau hyn i helpu i gyfyngu ar y trosglwyddiad.
Yn ail, mae Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Rhif 4) (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2020 yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol cau pob atyniad awyr agored, gan gynnwys ffeiriau. Mae'r rhain hefyd yn ei gwneud hi'n glir bod yn rhaid cau parciau trampolîn a pharciau sglefrio dan do. Fe ddaeth y mesurau pellach hyn i rym ddoe, ar 14 Rhagfyr.
Yn olaf, fe osodwyd Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Coronafeirws, Teithio a Chyfyngiadau Rhyngwladol) (Diwygio) (Rhif 3) (Cymru) 2020 ar 8 Rhagfyr. Mae'r rhain yn darparu bod yn rhaid i unigolyn y mae'n ofynnol iddo ynysu o ganlyniad i fod mewn cysylltiad agos â rhywun sydd wedi profi'n bositif am goronafeirws bellach orfod ynysu am 10 diwrnod, yn hytrach na'r cyfnod o 14 diwrnod a oedd mewn grym yn flaenorol. Mae hyn yn dilyn cyngor y prif swyddog meddygol a SAGE, a rhoddwyd cyngor tebyg i weinyddiaethau eraill yn y DU, sydd i gyd yn dilyn y patrwm wrth newid yr amserlen ar gyfer hunanynysu yn eu Seneddau nhw eu hunain. Mae'r cyfyngiadau teithio rhyngwladol sy'n ei gwneud hi'n ofynnol i bobl fod mewn cwarantin wrth ddod i Gymru o wledydd arbennig wedi gostwng i 10 diwrnod yn yr un modd. Mae'r rheoliadau hyn yn caniatáu hefyd i blentyn y mae'n ofynnol iddo ynysu allu symud i aelwyd arall yn ystod y cyfnod ynysu os yw hyn yn unol â'r trefniadau presennol sy'n ymwneud â gofal a chyswllt â rhieni'r plentyn hwnnw.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i fod yn ddiolchgar iawn i bobl a busnesau ledled Cymru am gadw at y cyfyngiadau hyn sy'n heriol iawn yn aml. Er hynny, maen nhw'n parhau i fod yn hanfodol ar gyfer diogelu ein GIG ac achub bywydau. Ddoe, fe gyhoeddodd Llywodraeth Cymru gynllun rheoli COVID a ddiweddarwyd, gan gynnwys cyfres newydd o bedair lefel o rybudd. Mae'r cynllun yn disgrifio'r mesurau a fydd yn cael eu rhoi ar waith yn ôl cyfraddau'r feirws a lefel y risg. Rydym wedi trefnu i drafod cynnig sy'n ymwneud â'r cynllun hwn yn nes ymlaen yn ystod busnes heddiw. Rwy'n gofyn i'r Aelodau gefnogi'r cynnig sydd gerbron a'r tair set o reoliadau. Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd.
Thank you. I call on the Chair of the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee, Mick Antoniw.
Diolch i chi. Rwy'n galw ar Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Deddfau, Cyfiawnder a Chyfansoddiad, Mick Antoniw.
Thank you, Deputy Llywydd. Members will know that the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 4) (Wales) Regulations 2020 are the principal regulations on coronavirus in Wales, and, as the Minister has said, the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions and Functions of Local Authorities) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2020 amend the principal regulations and also make technical amendments to existing regulations on coronavirus restrictions and the functions of local authorities.
As the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee, we've had the opportunity to scrutinise these regulations, and our report on these regulations identified four merits points. In our first point, we note the Welsh Government's justification for any potential interference with human rights. Our second merits point draws attention to the significant direct economic impact the regulations will have on businesses, particularly within the hospitality sector, or for those who provide goods and services to that sector. As a result, our report seeks information about the financial support available to businesses. Our third merits point notes some typographical errors in the explanatory note to these regulations, and our fourth point highlights that no regulatory impact assessment has been prepared for the regulations. However, we have requested clarification of when the Government intends to publish its summary integrated impact assessment.
I turn now to the second set of regulations, the Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Restrictions) (Amendment) (No. 3) (Wales) Regulations 2020, which, as the Minister said, came into force on 10 December. They also amend the principal regulations as well as the international travel regulations. Our three reporting points cover familiar ground, noting the Welsh Government's justification for any potential interference with human rights, that there's been no formal consultation on the regulations, and, finally, that there is no equality impact assessment for these regulations.
Turning now to the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 4) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2020, which again also amend the principal regulations and came into force yesterday, the first of our two reporting points notes the Welsh Government's comments in the explanatory memorandum regarding the human rights impact of these regulations. However, we have noted that the comments in the explanatory memorandum amount to just the statement that the regulations are justified and proportionate. There is no analysis of how that conclusion was reached. Our second reporting point noted the lack of formal consultation on the regulations, although recognising the circumstances in which these regulations have been brought forward. Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Mae'r Aelodau yn gwybod mai Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Rhif 4) (Cymru) 2020 yw'r prif reoliadau o ran coronafeirws yng Nghymru, ac, fel y dywedodd y Gweinidog, mae Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau a Swyddogaethau Coronafeirws Awdurdodau Lleol) (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2020 yn diwygio'r prif reoliadau ac yn gwneud diwygiadau technegol hefyd i reoliadau presennol ar gyfyngiadau coronafeirws a swyddogaethau awdurdodau lleol.
Yn y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a Chyfansoddiad, rydym ni wedi cael cyfle i graffu ar y rheoliadau hyn, ac fe nododd ein hadroddiad yn y rheoliadau hyn bedwar pwynt o ran rhinweddau. Yn ein pwynt cyntaf, rydym ni'n nodi cyfiawnhad Llywodraeth Cymru dros unrhyw ymyrraeth bosibl â hawliau dynol. Mae ein hail bwynt o ran rhinweddau yn tynnu sylw at yr effaith economaidd uniongyrchol sylweddol y bydd y rheoliadau'n ei chael ar fusnesau, yn enwedig o fewn y sector lletygarwch, neu ar y rhai sy'n darparu nwyddau a gwasanaethau i'r sector hwnnw. O ganlyniad i hyn, mae ein hadroddiad ni'n gofyn am wybodaeth ynglŷn â'r cymorth ariannol sydd ar gael i fusnesau. Mae ein trydydd pwynt o ran rhinweddau yn nodi rhai gwallau teipograffyddol yn y nodyn esboniadol i'r rheoliadau hyn, ac mae ein pedwerydd pwynt yn tynnu sylw at y ffaith nad oes yna asesiad effaith rheoleiddiol wedi cael ei baratoi ar gyfer y rheoliadau. Eto i gyd, rydym ni wedi gofyn am eglurhad ynghylch pryd mae'r Llywodraeth yn bwriadu cyhoeddi ei hasesiad integredig cryno o effaith.
Rwyf i am droi nawr at yr ail gyfres o reoliadau, Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Coronafeirws, Teithio a Chyfyngiadau Rhyngwladol) (Diwygio) (Rhif 3) (Cymru) 2020, a ddaeth i rym, fel y dywedodd y Gweinidog, ar 10 Rhagfyr. Maen nhw hefyd yn diwygio'r prif reoliadau yn ogystal â'r rheoliadau teithio rhyngwladol. Mae ein tri phwynt adrodd ni'n cwmpasu tir cyfarwydd, gan nodi cyfiawnhad Llywodraeth Cymru dros unrhyw ymyrraeth bosibl â hawliau dynol, na fu yna ymgynghoriad ffurfiol ar y rheoliadau ac, yn olaf, nad oes asesiad o effaith y rheoliadau hyn ar gydraddoldeb.
Gan droi nawr at Reoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Rhif 4) (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2020, sydd unwaith eto yn diwygio'r prif reoliadau hefyd ac a ddaeth i rym ddoe, mae'r cyntaf o'n dau bwynt adrodd yn nodi sylwadau Llywodraeth Cymru yn y memorandwm esboniadol ynghylch effaith y rheoliadau hyn ar hawliau dynol. Serch hynny, rydym ni wedi nodi bod y sylwadau yn y memorandwm esboniadol yn gyfystyr yn unig â'r datganiad bod cyfiawnhad a chymesuroldeb i'r rheoliadau. Nid oes dadansoddiad o sut y daethpwyd i'r casgliad hwnnw. Fe nododd ein hail bwynt adrodd ni'r diffyg ymgynghori ffurfiol ar y rheoliadau, er ei fod yn cydnabod amgylchiadau cyflwyno'r rheoliadau hyn. Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd.