Written Questions tabled on 05/03/2024 for answer on 12/03/2024

Written Questions must be tabled at least five working days before they are to be answered. In practice, Ministers aim to answer within seven/eight days but are not bound to do so. Answers are published in the language in which they are provided, with a translation into English of responses provided in Welsh.

First Minister

WQ91711 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

What is the total number of miles that ministerial cars have undertaken in the last 2 years?

Answered by First Minister | Answered on 15/03/2024

The total mileage undertaken by the Welsh Government Official Car Service vehicles for financial years 22-23 & 23-24 to date, is 278,969.

WQ91712 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

How much money has been spent on repairs on the ministerial cars in the last 2 years?

Answered by First Minister | Answered on 15/03/2024

The Welsh Government Official Car Service spend on maintenance, service and repair for financial years 22-23 & 23-24 to date, is £13,577.

WQ91713 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

Are any of the ministerial cars hybrid or fully electric?

Answered by First Minister | Answered on 15/03/2024

Yes, details as per recent FOI response attached: https://www.gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2024-02/atisn20059.pdf

Minister for Finance and Local Government

WQ91695 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

What consideration has the Welsh Government given to a potential voluntary merger of all local authorities in North Wales?

Answered by Minister for Finance and Local Government | Answered on 08/03/2024


The Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 provides for two or more local authorities to make an application to Welsh Government to consider a merger.  No representations have been made to date. 

Before making an application for merger, local authorities must undertake a consultation, including with local people.  

The 2021 Act also provided for the establishment of the North Wales Corporate Joint Committees to support regional collaboration between all local authorities in that region. It is for councils to come forward with proposals for additional functions to be exercised in this way.


What support has the Welsh Government offered to Pembrokeshire County Council in light of the suggested 16.3 per cent council tax increase?

Answered by Minister for Finance and Local Government | Answered on 19/03/2024

In 2024-25, Pembrokeshire will receive £218.9m from the Welsh Government in core revenue funding and non-domestic rates to spend on delivering key services. This is an increase of £5.9m on the current year on a like for like basis. The setting of budgets, and in turn council tax, is the responsibility of each local authority.

The Welsh Government £800,000 Improvement Programme funds, through the WLGA, activities to support authorities to improve and transform service delivery. It seeks to balance targeted individual authorities’ improvement needs with a wider strategic agenda for collective improvement.


What consideration has the Minister given to introducing longer-term rates relief for businesses operating in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors?

Answered by Minister for Finance and Local Government | Answered on 13/03/2024

As a result of our generous package of permanent reliefs, over 75,000 ratepayers benefit from reduced rates bills and almost half of all ratepayers pay no rates at all. This includes many businesses in the retail, leisure and hospitality sectors.

I have committed to reviewing all existing rates relief schemes in this Senedd term. We provide over £250m of permanent support each year and it is important these relief schemes continue to be targeted appropriately.

Minister for Economy

WQ91708 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

What assessment has the Minister made of the impact of proposed 2024-25 Jobs Growth Wales+ contract cuts on the young person’s guarantee?

To be answered by: Minister for Economy

WQ91714 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

Will the Minister confirm what support is available to under 18 year olds who want to start their own businesses?

Answered by Minister for Economy | Answered on 11/03/2024

Big Ideas Wales is available to support young people under 25 years who want to start their own businesses and help remove barriers which may stopping them from starting a business. Big Ideas Wales delivers a range of support including webinars and workshops for young people on becoming self-employed, including industry specific workshops. Business advisers are available to provide dedicated support to encourage and inspire young people to start a business.

Big Ideas Wales advice includes a tailored programme of events, workshops and one-to-one advice to help young people build confidence in business, develop their ideas and support them to start a business. This also includes a network of Big Ideas Wales Role Models who raise awareness of what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur, deliver inspirational workshops and coach future entrepreneurs.

In addition, our Young Person's Start Up Grant, which has been developed as part of our commitment to the Young Person's Guarantee, offers up to £2,000 per business. This grant targets young people aged 16-24 who are not in education, employment or training to start their own business, create a social enterprise, or become self-employed, a freelancer or social entrepreneur in Wales.

WQ91715 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

Will the Minister provide an update on the advice being provided to under 18 year olds on setting up their own businesses?

Answered by Minister for Economy | Answered on 11/03/2024

Big Ideas Wales is available to support young people under 25 years who want to start their own businesses and help remove barriers which may stopping them from starting a business. Big Ideas Wales delivers a range of support including webinars and workshops for young people on becoming self-employed, including industry specific workshops. Business advisers are available to provide dedicated support to encourage and inspire young people to start a business.

Big Ideas Wales advice includes a tailored programme of events, workshops and one-to-one advice to help young people build confidence in business, develop their ideas and support them to start a business. This also includes a network of Big Ideas Wales Role Models who raise awareness of what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur, deliver inspirational workshops and coach future entrepreneurs.

In addition, our Young Person's Start Up Grant, which has been developed as part of our commitment to the Young Person's Guarantee, offers up to £2,000 per business. This grant targets young people aged 16-24 who are not in education, employment or training to start their own business, create a social enterprise, or become self-employed, a freelancer or social entrepreneur in Wales.


What financial incentives are available from the Welsh Government for growers and garden centres with large roofs to utilise this space for solar panels?

Answered by Minister for Economy | Answered on 12/03/2024

The Development Bank offers a wide portfolio of funds; a number of these funds can provide support for decarbonisation projects.

In 2023 the Development Bank of Wales launched a new ‘invest to save’ offer, the Green Business Loans Scheme. The Scheme offers discounted interest rates and patient capital to support businesses undertaking energy efficiency and decarbonisation projects. The Scheme offers funding from £1,000 and £1.5m and provides access to fully and part-funded consultancy support.

Projects which could be supported include:

  • Investing in renewable energy technology.
  • Improving the fabric of premises and energy efficiencies within the building.
  • Upgrading systems or machinery to reduce energy use.
  • Water usage and waste reduction/improvements.

Details, including eligibility criteria, can be found on the Development Bank of Wales website. Funds We Manage - Dev Bank (developmentbank.wales)

Business Wales can also support businesses to access finance, help ensure they are lending ready and provide impartial advice on a range of financial support available as well as links to the Development Bank of Wales. In addition, the Business Wales website has a business finance zone offering specialised guidance and information to help people identify appropriate finance as well as a finance locator https://businesswales.gov.wales/businessfinance/ .

WQ91698 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

What steps is the Minister taking to facilitate Rolls Royce's investment in North Wales?

Answered by Minister for Economy | Answered on 15/03/2024

In January 2022, Rolls-Royce SMR (RR SMR) announced that it was seeking a site on which to locate its Heavy Pressure Vessel (HPV) factory - the first of three factories required in its Small Modular Reactor (SMR) power station programme. The potential investment associated with this factory amounts to up to £200 million with 200 jobs expected to be created, 100 of which are expected to be highly skilled engineering & manufacturing jobs.

Following discussion with regional stakeholders, details were submitted on three sites in North East Wales, two of which - Deeside Gateway, Sealand and Tata Steel Site, Shotton - were selected on the initial shortlist. Officials subsequently hosted a RR SMR team site visit to both the Deeside Gateway and Tata sites in November 2022 and a further, more detailed site visit in February 2023, once it became clear that the Deeside Gateway had made it to a final shortlist of three sites (along with two others from Tyneside and Teesside).

A decision on the preferred site was then expected in Q2 2023 but RR SMR informed us in March last year that in light of the UK Government’s decision to launch a competitive SMR technology selection process (announced within the context of creating the Great British Nuclear delivery vehicle) it has, for the time being paused the HPV factory site selection work.   

We understand that the RR SMR factory team is currently planning its MEP Factory (Mechanicals, Electrics & Plumbing) – the second of its three planned factories - and that this may be built before the original High Pressure Vessel Factory which will now follow at a later date.

Officials continue to maintain contact with RR SMR in order to maximise opportunities to anchor investment in North Wales.

WQ91705 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

What assessment has the Minister made of the impact that reductions to the apprenticeship programme will have on inward investment?

Answered by Minister for Economy | Answered on 15/03/2024

The Strategic Integrated Impact Assessment (SIIA) outlines the impacts of budget decisions, which is available at WG SIIA Draft Budget 2024 to 2025. Alongside this, responses of individual Ministers to their respective policy committees with the associated consideration of impacts is available at WG Draft Budget 2024-25 web page.

The Strategic Integrated Impact Assessment was undertaken for the Draft Budget; £5.25m was reallocated to apprenticeships in the Final Budget.

WQ91706 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

What assessment has the Government made of the impact of reductions to the apprenticeship programme budget on the health and social care workforce?

Answered by Minister for Economy | Answered on 15/03/2024

The Strategic Integrated Impact Assessment (SIIA) outlines the impacts of budget decisions, which is available at WG SIIA Draft Budget 2024 to 2025. Alongside this, responses of individual Ministers to their respective policy committees with the associated consideration of impacts is available at WG Draft Budget 2024-25 web page.

The Strategic Integrated Impact Assessment was undertaken for the Draft Budget; £5.25m was reallocated to apprenticeships in the Final Budget.

WQ91707 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

What assessment has the Government made of the sectors that will be most affected by the reductions in funding for the apprenticeship budget?

Answered by Minister for Economy | Answered on 15/03/2024

The Strategic Integrated Impact Assessment (SIIA) outlines the impacts of budget decisions, which is available at WG SIIA Draft Budget 2024 to 2025. Alongside this, responses of individual Ministers to their respective policy committees with the associated consideration of impacts is available at WG Draft Budget 2024-25 web page.

The Strategic Integrated Impact Assessment was undertaken for the Draft Budget; £5.25m was reallocated to apprenticeships in the Final Budget.


Has the Welsh Government undertaken an assessment of the possibility of a Welsh-specific, non-profit business membership organisation similar to Guaranteed Irish, where the Guaranteed Irish symbol is awarded to companies which create quality jobs, contribute to local communities and are committed to Irish provenance?

Answered by Minister for Economy | Answered on 15/03/2024

The Welsh Government has not undertaken an assessment of the possibility of an equivalent Welsh organisation that brings together the specific elements of Guaranteed Irish and is constituted as a non-profit business membership organisation.

We have a successful track record supporting food and drink businesses to gain protected status for a diverse range of products, first under the EU geographic indicator (GI) schemes, more latterly under successor UK GI schemes, and then in promoting those products and businesses through our trade programmes.

Whilst some consideration has been given to a sustainability mark for Welsh food and drink, the sector is highly integrated across UK markets and supply chains, and the GI schemes referred to are widely recognised in UK and export markets. For these reasons the right policy is to continue to support our businesses and products in this way.

Factors such as the quality of work and community contribution are integral elements of our Economic Contract, our commitment to provide public investment that prioritises the social and environmental needs of Wales whilst building a more resilient and prosperous wellbeing economy. It is a requirement of the Food Business Accelerator Scheme (FBAS) that applicants are required to sign up to the Economic Contract prior to offer of award.

I will consider with interest the benefits of the Irish model to better understand where we may be able to learn from best practice.


Will the Minister provide an update on the development of Wales's two freeports?

Answered by Minister for Economy | Answered on 14/03/2024

We continue to work with the UK Government and partners across Wales to make sure our freeports are supported to harness Wales’ economic potential and contribute to ambitions in our Economic Mission for a more prosperous, equal, and greener economy.

In December 2023, the Celtic and Anglesey freeport consortia submitted their Outline Business Cases (OBCs). These have been jointly assessed by officials from both the Welsh and UK governments and have been through a joint government moderation process. Advice and recommendations from officials are being sent in parallel to Welsh and UK Ministers for decision.

I also refer the Member to the written statement I published on 6 March.

WQ91700 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

What Welsh Government support is available to professional photographers?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism | Answered on 12/03/2024

Welsh Government support for the Arts is channelled through the Arts Council of Wales (ACW) who operate at arm’s length from Government. All individual funding decisions are made by ACW and the Welsh Government does not intervene in these decisions.

ACW’s Create scheme, supported through National Lottery funds, is open to individuals, including photographers, to apply for up to £50k to develop and create work, as well as to develop their own training and skills.

Through its grant-in-aid funding, ACW also funds Ffotogallery, which specialises in photography and lens-based media in Wales and beyond, encouraging public understanding of and deeper engagement with photography and its value to society.

WQ91701 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

What Welsh Government support is available to freelance photographers?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism | Answered on 12/03/2024

Welsh Government support for the Arts is channelled through the Arts Council of Wales (ACW) who operate at arm’s length from Government. All individual funding decisions are made by ACW and the Welsh Government does not intervene in these decisions.

ACW’s Create scheme, supported through National Lottery funds, is open to individuals, including freelance photographers, to apply for up to £50k to develop and create work, as well as to develop their own training and skills.

Through its grant-in-aid funding, ACW also funds Ffotogallery, which specialises in photography and lens-based media in Wales and beyond, encouraging public understanding of and deeper engagement with photography and its value to society.

WQ91702 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

What Welsh Government support is available for freelance illustrators?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism | Answered on 12/03/2024

Creative Wales recognises the contribution of freelance illustrators. Creative Wales ensures a wide range of freelance roles are routinely available in the screen and digital sectors by funding a range of indigenous and inward investment productions across HETV, film, animation and games. All of these productions incentivise the use of Welsh based talent. Creative Wales support for the publishing sector through the Books Council of Wales is also contributing to the availability of work for freelance illustrators.

Freelance illustrators working in the media sector can also apply for the freelancer development fund provided by media.cymru. This provides up to £1,500 per person to cover loss of earning during eligible training undertaken by the applicant, as well as further funds towards the training itself provided through the Welsh Government’s Flexible Skills Programme. In addition, they can currently apply for up to £10,000 to Research and Develop ideas for new products and services and experiences via the media.cymru seed fund, supported by Creative Wales. In addition, Business Wales offers general advice and guidance to all businesses in the sector including marketing, business planning and sales advice.

WQ91703 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

Will the Minister provide an update on what Welsh Government support is available for professional singers?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism | Answered on 12/03/2024

Welsh Government support for the Arts is channelled through the Arts Council of Wales (ACW) who operate at arm’s length from Government. All individual funding decisions are made by ACW and the Welsh Government does not intervene in these decisions.

Following its recent Investment Review, ACW is committed to investing in a number of music organisations that provide employment opportunities for musicians and singers. 2024/25 will see £1,702,772 and £4,214,136 committed to music and opera organisations respectively. These organisations include BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Canolfan Gerdd William Mathias, Live Music Now Wales, Music Theatre Wales and Welsh National Opera. ACW also provide support to TÅ· Cerdd, Community Music Wales and Focus Wales who provide a number of development and showcase opportunities for music creators.

Creative Wales channels support for artists via organisations including PRS Momentum, Beacons and Power Up. Creative Wales supports with showcasing Welsh artists, through Focus Wales, The Great Escape, and other smaller music events as well as amplifying Welsh artists through a monthly Spotify playlist and signposting artists to advice available from other third-party organisations. Creative Wales has three established stakeholder groups for artists, industry professionals, and music spaces respectively which enables it to be aware of issues and consider ideas and solutions put forward from various elements of the Music industry.

WQ91704 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

Will the Minister provide an update on what Welsh Government support is available for professional musicians?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism | Answered on 12/03/2024

The Welsh Government provides support for professional musicians through both The Arts Council of Wales and Creative Wales, who are both investors in the music sector in Wales. Music is identified as a shared priority in the Memorandum of Understanding between the two organisations.

The Arts Council of Wales (ACW) operate at arm’s length from Government. Following its recent Investment Review, ACW is committed to investing in a number of music organisations that provide employment opportunities for musicians and singers. 2024/25 will see £1,702,772 and £4,214,136 committed to music and opera organisations respectively. These organisations include BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Canolfan Gerdd William Mathias, Live Music Now Wales, Music Theatre Wales and Welsh National Opera. ACW also provide support to TÅ· Cerdd, Community Music Wales and Focus Wales who provide a number of development and showcase opportunities for music creators.

Creative Wales channels support for artists through organisations including PRS Momentum, Beacons and Power Up. Creative Wales supports with showcasing Welsh artists, through Focus Wales, The Great Escape, and other smaller music events as well as amplifying Welsh artists through a monthly Spotify playlist and signposting artists to advice available from other third-party organisations. Creative Wales has three established stakeholder groups for artists, industry professionals, and music spaces respectively which enables it to be aware of issues and consider ideas and solutions put forward from various elements of the Music industry.

WQ91732 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

Will the Minister provide an update on how they are working with Sport Wales to increase participation in cricket?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism | Answered on 12/03/2024

Our Term of Government remit letter to Sport Wales, supported by a budget of £39.2m in 2023-24, sets out our expectation that Sport Wales will promote equal access to sport, supporting young and talented athletes and grassroots clubs, thereby improving access and participation for all. The Member is already aware through my answer to WQ90442 that the Welsh Government provides funding to Sport Wales which in turn is used to support National Governing Bodies, sports organisations and individual clubs via a range of grant schemes and initiatives, including support for participation campaigns.

Cricket Wales runs several programmes focused on increasing participation for all ages, including the Wicketz programme, All Stars and Dynamos, and the Chance to Shine Street programme. Further efforts to support the growth of female participation include a partnership with the Girl Guides. Cricket Wales will also shortly be hosting their first big showcase event of Table Cricket, which is specially designed to give young people with a disability the chance to play and compete.

Cricket Wales is also making progress in growing the number of teams as transition from entry level programmes, with overall junior growth of 71% over 10 years. This has been particularly evident in the last year in the girl’s game, where there is a 35% increase in girl’s teams (91 teams) and girl’s sections are in place at a quarter of clubs (53 clubs). A key feature in the growth of participation can be linked to Activator & Coaching Workforce, which has increased by 23% in a year.

WQ91733 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

Will the Minister provide an update on how they are working with Sport Wales to increase the number of girls participating in football?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism | Answered on 12/03/2024

Our Term of Government remit letter to Sport Wales, supported by a budget of £39.2m in 2023-24, sets out our expectation that Sport Wales will promote equal access to sport, supporting young and talented athletes and grassroots clubs, thereby improving access and participation for all. The Member is already aware through my answer to WQ90442 that the Welsh Government provides funding to Sport Wales which in turn is used to support National Governing Bodies, sports organisations and individual clubs via a range of grant schemes and initiatives, including support for participation campaigns.

Sport Wales invests in the Football Association of Wales (FAW) who are responsible for the development of football opportunities in Wales. The FAW prioritise the female game as a core focus within their strategy 'Our Wales', with a target of having 20,000 female players by 2026. There are currently approximately 13,000 female players, with an estimated 6,000 casual players through the informal offer 'Huddle', which aims to break down barriers for girls aged 5-11 accessing football in a fun and friendly environment prior to competitive football.

In addition to club football and Huddle, the FAW also delivers Disney Playmakers (aimed at 5-8 year old girls) in primary schools, BE Football programme (11-16 year old girls) in secondary schools and the BE Football mentoring programme (18-24 year old females) for those wanting to start a career in the football industry. In 2022, the FAW launched their 'Environments for her' resource pack, aimed at club personnel or facility providers who currently or have ambition to cater for girls' football. It aims to build confidence and awareness of some of the common challenges girls face in accessing sport, particularly a sport that is heavily dominated by male participation.

WQ91734 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

Will the Minister provide an update on how they are working with Sport Wales to increase participation in mixed martial arts?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism | Answered on 12/03/2024

Our Term of Government remit letter to Sport Wales, supported by a total budget of £39.2m in 2023-24, sets out our expectation that Sport Wales will promote equal access to sport, supporting young and talented athletes and grassroots clubs, thereby improving access and participation for all. The Member is already aware through my answer to WQ90442 that the Welsh Government provides funding to Sport Wales which in turn is used to support National Governing Bodies, sports organisations and individual clubs via a range of grant schemes and initiatives, including support for participation campaigns.

However, Mixed Martial Arts is not currently recognised as a sport by the UK Sport Councils and therefore no National Governing Body is recognised for it either, which means it is currently ineligible for any support. Furthermore, the Governance Team at Sport Wales has not had any enquiries or engagement with any mixed martial art body in Wales relating to recognition, or any other areas.

Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd

How is the Welsh Government supporting fisheries and fishermen in Wales?

Answered by Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd | Answered on 08/03/2024

The Welsh Government is supporting fisheries and fishers in Wales in a number of ways, including through financial support and our sustainable management approaches and delivery tools.

On 29 February I announced the opening of the application window for funding round 4 of the Welsh Marine and Fisheries Scheme which will close on 10 May 2024. The scheme aims to ensure environmentally and economically sustainable growth in the sector and help coastal communities prosper into the future.

£1 million of Welsh Government funding is being made available and in line with stakeholder identified requirements, funding round four has a combination of revenue and capital funding available.

As set out in the Joint Fisheries Statement (JFS), Fisheries Management Plans (FMPs) will be key tools to deliver sustainable and well-managed fisheries. FMPs will set strategic direction and provide a ‘road map’ for the management of key stocks including the development of future management measures, and I am committed to publishing the delivery of the FMP programme as outlined in the JFS. 

I published the first FMPs, with DEFRA, for Sea Bass and King Scallop on 14 December 2023. I directed officials to establish new Bass and Scallop Advisory Groups, which have begun meeting this year, to assist in the implementation of the FMP actions in Wales over the next 6 years. 


What support has the Minister offered to Wales Federation of Young Farmers Clubs through grants or other means, in the last 5 years?

Answered by Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd | Answered on 15/03/2024

The Wales Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs received £1,177,916.50 from Welsh Government over the last five years.

Minister for Climate Change

WQ91709 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

Further to WQ91534, does the Minister or her officials have plans to visit the Toys R Us site?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 11/03/2024

There are no plans to visit the former emergency accommodation based at the Toys R Us site, which the local authority has now closed with all individuals offered alternative accommodation.

WQ91726 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

What discussions has the Welsh Government had with Cardiff Council about its plans for the units being built at the former gasworks site near Ikea in Cardiff?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 11/03/2024

The former gasworks site in Cardiff is one of the sites funded by our Transitional Accommodation Capital Programme (TACP). Therefore, we have regular discussions with Cardiff Council to ensure effective delivery of the site and programme.

TACP funded properties must be allocated to people who are currently living in temporary accommodation, or those who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. However, Welsh Government does not determine which groups of people should be housed in TACP funded homes. Properties are allocated, based on local needs and circumstances, in accordance with the allocation policy in place in the relevant local authority area.


Will the Minister provide an update on the traffic light installation at the Nash Fingerpost junction?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 12/03/2024

I can confirm that the electricity power supply has been connected on site by National Grid to the newly installed feeder pillar in readiness for the new traffic signals at A477, Nash Fingerpost junction.

We are continuing to finalise the street lighting and traffic signals design, along with the environmental, active travel engineering solutions and road safety audits as part of the design process.

The temporary speed limit traffic order process has been completed and new temporary signs for the reduced speed limit for 40mph are now in place on approach to the junction. The permanent speed limit order process is underway and is being progressed. In addition, new give way signing has now been installed on the A4075 county side road approaching the junction.

Our intention is to achieve substantial completion of the new measures, including the installation of permanent traffic signals, by the end of July 2024.


Will the Minister provide an update regarding the possible installation of flood defences along the quay in Carmarthen, following the well-documented floods in this area?

Answered by Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd | Answered on 13/03/2024

Natural Resources Wales is the Risk Management Authority (RMA) responsible for managing the risk of flooding from the River Towy in Carmarthen. The decision on whether a flood alleviation scheme is brought forward at Carmarthen Quay rests with it.

RMAs must prioritise investment towards homes and communities, where reducing risk to life takes priority. Flood alleviation schemes which only benefit businesses are eligible for funding from our flood and coastal erosion risk management programme. This approach is set out in our National Strategy. However, any RMA which pursues such a scheme would need to justify why it is diverting funding away from other high-risk communities elsewhere in Wales.

WQ91739 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

How many adults have died whilst living in temporary accommodation in Wales over the past two financial years?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 11/03/2024

The Welsh Government does not collect or hold such data.

The Office for National Statistics publishes data on deaths of homeless people in England and Wales, including those using temporary accommodation at or around the time of death. The most recent publication was in November 2022.

WQ91740 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

How many children under 14 years old have died whilst living in temporary accommodation in Wales over the past three financial years?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 11/03/2024

The Welsh Government does not collect or hold such data.

The Office for National Statistics publishes data on deaths of homeless people in England and Wales, including those using temporary accommodation at or around the time of death. The most recent publication was in November 2022.

Minister for Education and the Welsh Language

WQ91710 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

How much has the consultation on revising the school calendar cost?

Answered by Minister for Education and the Welsh Language | Answered on 11/03/2024

£130,000, excluding VAT.

This work is being carried out in collaboration with Sian Gwenllian, the Plaid Cymru Designated Member, as part of the Co-operation Agreement between the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru.


What support has the Minister given to Wales Federation of Young Farmers Clubs via grants or other means over the last 5 years?

Answered by Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd | Answered on 15/03/2024

The Wales Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs received £1,177,916.50 from Welsh Government over the last five years.

Minister for Health and Social Services

WQ91699 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

What consideration has the Minister given to bringing forward the Childcare Offer for Wales hourly rate review from February 2025?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Social Services | Answered on 12/03/2024

We are committed to reviewing the rate at which the Offer is paid every three years, with the next review taking place during the 2024/25 financial year.  

Preliminary steps towards the review have already begun and my officials are meeting with Cwlwm partners and local authority Childcare Offer leads to build the necessary evidence base to inform the review.

Our funding position remains incredibly difficult, and the outcome of the review will need to be considered alongside wider budget considerations.

WQ91694 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

How is the Welsh Government addressing the rising competition for specialty medical training in Wales, caused by a static number of training posts and an increasing number of graduating doctors?

Answered by Minister for Health and Social Services | Answered on 15/03/2024

The Welsh Government has and will continue to invest in the workforce required to support our health system in Wales. £281.98 million was invested in 2023-24, this included an additional £7.14m for medical training places and we will maintain this level for 2024-25. This will support education and training programmes for healthcare professionals in Wales. 

Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) produce an annual Education and Training Plan following engagement with stakeholders and health boards which is then submitted to Welsh Government for Ministerial approval. Details of the approved plan for 24/25 which includes an increase in speciality medical training places can be found here:  

Education and Training Plan - HEIW (nhs.wales)

Over recent years we have significantly increased the number of medical training places in Wales, including speciality training posts. We have provided funding for an additional 55 medical students per year, in addition to the creation of the additional places provided by the C21NW Programme. The new North Wales Medical School will also commence direct intake this Autumn, with student numbers gradually increasing to full capacity of 140 students each year from 2029. This is being delivered alongside increases to specialty training places (3.4% increase in 23/24) and foundation training places (15% increase in 23/24) to ensure alignment across the medical training pipeline.


What support is available to patients in Hywel Dda University Health Board suffering with myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome?

Answered by Minister for Health and Social Services | Answered on 15/03/2024

Improvements in support for people with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) in Wales is being provided via our Adferiad (Recovery) programme, which was initially set up to support people with Long Covid.

£8.3million of recurrent funding has been allocated to Health Boards across Wales since March 2023. This funding is being used to widen access to people with other long-term conditions whose rehabilitation and recovery needs are similar to people with long COVID – including those with ME/CFS, and to continue to develop and expand community focussed multi-disciplinary rehabilitation services, supported by referral pathways into secondary care for those who need it.

In Hywel Dda University Health Board support for people with ME/CFS will be delivered through the Post Viral Syndrome Service. This needs-led service will target recovery and rehabilitation needs focusing on proactive care with extensive input from a broad multidisciplinary team. The design of this service has been contributed to by multiple partners, including WAMES (Working for ME in Wales)/Welsh Association of ME & CFS Support.


Will the Minister breakdown the number of NHS dentistry spaces available each year in Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire, over the last 5 years?

Answered by Minister for Health and Social Services | Answered on 15/03/2024

The Welsh Government does not hold information on the number of dentistry spaces available.

Historical dental activity that is provided through the General Dental Service is available on the Stats Wales website on the following link:

Current contract (gov.wales)

The data is collated and recorded at Health Board level rather than local authority level. In 2022/23 128,064 courses of treatment were provided to patients in the Hywel Dda University Health Board area.

Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip

WQ91719 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

Is the Welsh Government still in contact with Ukrainians refugees fleeing war who wish to come to Wales?

Answered by Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip | Answered on 12/03/2024

The Wales Nation of Sanctuary Contact Centre attempts to contact all Ukrainians issued a visa under the Welsh Government Super Sponsor route. Contact happens at regular intervals to ascertain whether individuals travel plans have changed. The aim of contacting people is to provide advice and help to plan their safe passage to Wales. To date, over 3250 people have arrived safely in the UK through the Welsh Government Super Sponsor Scheme.

WQ91720 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

Are there any welcome centers for Ukrainian refugees still open in Wales?

Answered by Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip | Answered on 12/03/2024

There are two initial accommodation sites open to support people who have arrived under the Welsh Government Homes for Ukraine Super Sponsor route. These sites are currently accommodating less than 50 people. The final two sites are due to close this summer once the remaining guests have been supported to find longer-term accommodation. We will continue to ensure new super sponsor route arrivals are provided with accommodation upon arrival, as necessary.

WQ91725 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

What is the Welsh Government doing to support prepayment meter users struggling to top up from April onwards?

Answered by Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip | Answered on 12/03/2024

Our Discretionary Assistance Fund is available to support households who are struggling to pay their daily costs, including those in energy crisis. We have committed a further £0.5m in the next financial year to support the Fuel Bank Foundation’s crisis support to households that pre-pay for their fuel and are at risk of disconnection.

The next iteration of our Warm Homes Programme launches on 1 April. It will include an advice service and a scheme to deliver energy efficiency to low-income households living in hard to heat homes. Delivering this scheme and supporting Local Authorities to leverage funding from GB wide schemes will result in reduce energy use, lower bills and healthier homes in Wales.

WQ91724 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

What assessment has the Minister made of the impact of the ongoing conflict in Gaza on the objectives in the Welsh Government's Nation of Sanctuary plan?

Answered by Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip | Answered on 12/03/2024

The Welsh Government remains deeply concerned about the ongoing conflict and humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Too many civilians – including many women and children – are being killed and an acute humanitarian crisis is unfolding.

We have successfully welcomed people seeking sanctuary from across the globe, including Palestinians who have become contributing members of Welsh society. As a Nation of Sanctuary, we would ensure Wales plays a full part in any Gaza resettlement scheme.

I have asked UK Government Ministers on several occasions since October whether there will be a resettlement scheme. Most recently I asked this in a meeting alongside Scottish Government Ministers on 11 December.

The Welsh Government is in regular contact with UK Government to understand the situation but the UK Government has not made any commitment to a resettlement scheme for those from Israel-Gaza wishing to seek sanctuary.

We want to be proactive in supporting safe and legal routes for those who need our support but we can only do so within the parameters set by UK Government immigration routes.

WQ91723 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

How has the nation of sanctuary plan been applied to the ongoing conflict in Gaza?

Answered by Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip | Answered on 12/03/2024

The Welsh Government remains deeply concerned about the ongoing conflict and humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Too many civilians – including many women and children – are being killed and an acute humanitarian crisis is unfolding.

We have successfully welcomed people seeking sanctuary from across the globe, including Palestinians who have become contributing members of Welsh society. As a Nation of Sanctuary, we would ensure Wales plays a full part in any Gaza resettlement scheme.

I have asked UK Government Ministers on several occasions since October whether there will be a resettlement scheme. Most recently I asked this in a meeting alongside Scottish Government Ministers on 11 December.

The Welsh Government is in regular contact with UK Government to understand the situation but the UK Government has not made any commitment to a resettlement scheme for those from Israel-Gaza wishing to seek sanctuary.

We want to be proactive in supporting safe and legal routes for those who need our support but we can only do so within the parameters set by UK Government immigration routes.

WQ91717 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

What lessons has the Welsh Government learnt from its Homes for Ukraine programme?

Answered by Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip | Answered on 11/03/2024

I am proud that Wales has welcomed just under 7,500 Ukrainians under the Homes for Ukraine scheme, including almost 3,300 under our super sponsor route. Local authorities have supported over 2,500 of our guests who arrived via the super sponsor route to move on to longer-term accommodation, with more than 1,600 now settled in Wales embodying our Nation of Sanctuary approach. The success of the super-sponsor scheme is down to our Team Wales approach, which has seen local authorities, third sector organisations and local communities coming together to collectively support our guests.

Our super sponsor route was developed through learning we gathered from Afghan and asylum schemes. We have iterated and evolved our approach throughout our response since March 2022. I have given regular statements to the Senedd and appeared at Committees to explain how we have adapted our approach. This is an ongoing process to ensure we provide a warm Welsh welcome to any further super sponsor arrivals and to ensure we are ready for future resettlement schemes. We are currently undertaking a refresh of our Nation of Sanctuary Plan which will encapsulate learning from recent schemes.

WQ91718 (e) Tabled on 05/03/2024

What support is the Welsh Government providing refugees and asylum seekers whose mental health has been impacted by war?

Answered by Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip | Answered on 11/03/2024

Refugees and asylum seekers often arrive in Wales following traumatic experiences in their countries of origin and on their journeys to the UK. As a Nation of Sanctuary, we want to ensure that these individuals are supported to rebuild their lives and make a full contribution to Welsh society.

All refugees and asylum seekers in Wales are able to register with a GP and access mainstream health services – this includes mental health services.

Health support for asylum seekers arriving in Wales is provided in line with Welsh Government 2018 Guidance for Health Boards on the Health and Wellbeing of Asylum Seekers and Refugees.

On 20 February, we published our new Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy for public consultation.  The strategy specifically identifies asylum seekers, refugees and migrants as an under-served group, and recognises that they may be at greater risk of mental health conditions.

Welsh Government is also working to help Wales become a trauma-informed nation. It has supported the development of the Trauma-Informed Wales Framework, which is helping raise awareness and understanding of trauma and how to support those impacted by it in services.

Welsh Government funds Traumatic Stress Wales (£1.2milion annually) which aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people of all ages living in Wales who have been affected by traumatic events, with a particular focus on those at risk of developing or with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD).

The Traumatic Stress Wales initiative includes a specific workstream focussing on asylum seekers, refugees and forced migrants. This workstream has developed a network for sharing good-practice, supporting the creation of culturally-applicable and co-produced resources and training for staff supporting the refugee, asylum seeker and forced migrant populations affected by traumatic events. 

A range of materials have been translated and shared with stakeholders via the Traumatic Stress Wales website to support mental health, wellbeing and initial stabilisation for people seeking sanctuary in Wales.

The CALL Mental Health Helpline is also available to support those arriving in Wales and their families.  CALL has access to Language Line and can be used when someone would prefer to access help in a language other than English and Welsh.  


How is the Welsh Government supporting Wales's Jewish communities, given the rise in antisemitism?

Answered by Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip | Answered on 11/03/2024

We are committed to embedding anti-racism within everything we do and have set out our ambitions in the Anti-racist Wales Action Plan.

The First Minister and I along with other Cabinet colleagues have met with leaders and members of the Jewish community multiple times since the start of the conflict on 7th October to offer our condolences to all affected by the current crisis and to hear from them about the impacts the current situation is having on our communities.  We will continue to do so.

Following discussions with both Jewish and Muslim faith leaders, in December 2023, I along with the Minister for Education and Welsh Language wrote to schools to highlight the statutory anti-bullying guidance 'Rights, Respect, Equality' for education settings and governing bodies to tackle prejudice-related bullying and harassment, including tackling Islamophobia and antisemitism. We also highlighted the availability of professional learning resources to support senior leaders, teachers and education practitioners in undertaking a dialogue around the conflict appropriately and tackling all forms of racism.

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language also wrote to colleges and universities regarding this issue.

Through our anti-hate crime campaign Hate Hurts Wales, we are raising awareness of religious hate, encouraging the reporting of it, and highlighting the supporting available via the Wales Hate Support Centre. We continue to fund the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust to deliver its important engagement work in Wales and raise the dangers of antisemitism and other forms of identity-based hate.

Through the Wales Faith Communities Form, co-chaired by the First Minister and myself, we work closely with faith representatives on matters affecting the social, economic and cultural life of Wales.