Written Questions tabled on 30/11/2023 for answer on 07/12/2023

Written Questions must be tabled at least five working days before they are to be answered. In practice, Ministers aim to answer within seven/eight days but are not bound to do so. Answers are published in the language in which they are provided, with a translation into English of responses provided in Welsh.

First Minister

WQ89990 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

How many Welsh Government Ministers, Deputy Ministers, or officials will be attending COP 28?

Answered by First Minister | Answered on 06/12/2023

Wales will be represented by three senior officials.

WQ89977 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

Does the First Minister have any plans to appoint a Minister for babies, children and young people with responsibility for tackling child poverty?

Answered by First Minister | Answered on 12/12/2023

The Minister for Social Justice has responsibility for co-ordinating measures across the Welsh Government to tackle poverty; our duty to tackle Child Poverty is cross-cutting and the responsibility of every Welsh Minister.

Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution

WQ90006 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

Will the Counsel General confirm whether legal difficulties were the reason behind the postponement of the publication of the Senedd Cymru (Electoral Candidate Lists) Bill?

Answered by Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution | Answered on 08/12/2023

As a result of further work required on the legislation, a decision was made not to introduce the Bill at the beginning of this week, as originally anticipated. This further work is ongoing and Members will be updated in due course.

As I have said previously, we are working to create a modern, representative Senedd which reflects the Wales we live in and which supports our democracy today and into the future. As part of our commitment to a stronger, and more representative Parliament, we want a Senedd which truly reflects the people of Wales.

This work is being carried out in collaboration with Rhun ap Iorwerth, the Plaid Cymru designated member, as part of the Co-operation Agreement between the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru.

Minister for Finance and Local Government

WQ89974 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

What discussions has the Minister had with local authorities in Wales regarding transparency in the process for senior appointments?

Answered by Minister for Finance and Local Government | Answered on 07/12/2023

I have had no recent discussions with local authorities on this matter.

While Local Authorities will have set out their policies and procedures for the appointment of staff generally, paragraph 1 of Schedule 1 to the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (Wales) Regulations 2006 provides that posts for chief officers with salaries of more than £100,000 must be publicly advertised in a way which is likely to bring it to the attention of persons who are qualified to apply for it.

Minister for Economy

WQ89995 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

Further to WQ89848, will the Welsh Government contact the Professional Darts Corporation to encourage them to host more darting events in Wales?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism | Answered on 05/12/2023

I am aware that there are already successful Professional Darts Corporation events hosted at the Utilita Arena. I would encourage any event organiser with an events proposition for Wales to contact my officials at eventwales@gov.wales in the first instance for an initial discussion.

WQ90004 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

Will the Minister provide an update on what discussions are taking place about hosting major e-sporting events in Wales?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism | Answered on 05/12/2023

We are in early discussions with Esports Wales regarding the opportunity to develop or host an Esport event in Wales.

WQ89964 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

What assessment has the Minister made as to whether the appeals process for arts and cultural organisations that have had Arts Council Wales funding withdrawn is appropriately determining the validity and consequences of the funding decisions?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism | Answered on 05/12/2023

The Arts Council of Wales is an arms-length body. Under the funding principle, the Welsh Government does not interfere in its funding decisions.

WQ90003 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

Will the Minister set out what support is available from the Welsh Government and public bodies to the e-sports sector ?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism | Answered on 07/12/2023

Welsh Government recognises the potential of the E Sports sector. In 2022, Creative Wales funded E-sports Wales with £25,000 to help them establish a Welsh league, secure coaching and training for staff and teams, enable the hosting of new in-person and awareness-raising events, and support membership growth and marketing. This was in readiness for their attendance at the Commonwealth Games championships. Creative Wales will consider further requests for funding on a case by case basis. All e-sports businesses are able to access the range of general start up and growth schemes from Business Wales, and may be able to access funding from the Development Bank for Wales where eligible.

WQ90007 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

Will the Minister provide an update on the position of the current lease agreement at Gilestone Farm?

Answered by Minister for Economy | Answered on 07/12/2023

Officials are working on a new lease agreement to properly manage and secure the property in the short-term. Once the full impact of the arrival of the Ospreys at Gilestone Farm has been fully assessed, we will share more information on this.

WQ90005 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

Will the Minister provide an update on what campaigns are being run to encourage visitors to major events to visit other tourist destinations in the local area?

Answered by Minister for Economy | Answered on 12/12/2023

The Welsh Government collaborates with funded major event organisers to implement a pan-Wales approach to event promotion. This approach is a funding criterion for supported major events, regardless of the event's location.

For example, the WWE event in Cardiff attracted 62,000 visitors. Its pre-event promotion included a pan-Wales campaign that showcased tourism products in North Wales, encouraging visitors to extend their trips and explore all of Wales.

Planning is underway to position Euro 28 as a destination opportunity for Wales, promoting Cardiff as the host city while encouraging visitors to explore other parts of Wales between matches.

Visit Wales has also taken advantage of events taking place near the Welsh border, such as the Eurovision Song Contest in Liverpool in 2023, with content and social media campaigns to provide accommodation options and encourage extended stays in North Wales.

The Visit Wales website features a dedicated events editorial page and offers free listings to event organisers to promote their upcoming events.

Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd

WQ89967 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

What assessment has the Minister made of the success of the RSABI's new mental health app for farmers in Scotland, and what lessons can be learnt for Wales?

Answered by Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd | Answered on 07/12/2023

My officials are aware of the RSABI mental health app. I have not had any interactions with the RSABI concerning their new mental wellbeing app for Scottish farmers and possible lessons for Wales.

WQ89968 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

Has the Minister had any interactions with the RSABI concerning their new mental wellbeing app for Scottish farmers, and possible lessons for Wales?

Answered by Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd | Answered on 07/12/2023

My officials are aware of the RSABI mental health app. I have not had any interactions with the RSABI concerning their new mental wellbeing app for Scottish farmers and possible lessons for Wales.

WQ89969 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

Will the Minister outline how the Habitat Wales scheme will support and strengthen Welsh-speaking rural communities?

Answered by Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd | Answered on 07/12/2023

The Habitat Wales Scheme offers financial support to farmers to manage habitat land, including farmers not previously receiving agri-environmental support. This investment directly supports farm businesses, enhances the environment, which the tourism and activity sector is reliant on, and responds to climate change. All these benefits contribute to strengthening the resilience of Welsh-speaking rural communities.

WQ89970 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

Will the Minister confirm whether common land farming will be included in the universal payments in the sustainable farming scheme?

Answered by Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd | Answered on 07/12/2023

We are proposing to include support for common land as part of the Sustainable Farming Scheme. I will provide more detail in the upcoming consultation and will welcome views on the proposals before making a final decision.

WQ89971 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

Will the Minister set out the costs associated with the mapping of farmland areas for the Habitat Wales Scheme, including the cost of correcting the initial errors?

Answered by Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd | Answered on 07/12/2023

This information is not available.

WQ89972 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

What is the Welsh Government doing to support small-scale fruit and vegetable farms that are not large enough to qualify for subsidies?

Answered by Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd | Answered on 07/12/2023

The Welsh Government’s dedicated horticulture grant schemes do not have any minimum area eligibility requirements, so they offer support for fruit and vegetable farms of any size.

WQ90009 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

What discussions has the Minister had with representatives from Red Tractor concerning cases of animal abuse at dairy farms they have approved?

Answered by Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd | Answered on 07/12/2023


WQ89973 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

How is the Welsh Government supporting agricultural apprenticeships?

Answered by Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd | Answered on 12/12/2023

I will write to you with a substantive response and a copy of the letter will be published on the internet.

WQ89966 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the economic benefits to Welsh farmers of new opportunities to export Welsh lamb to Japan?

Answered by Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd | Answered on 12/12/2023

In 2019 a new trade deal between the UK and Japan opened the Japanese market to beef and lamb from the UK including Wales. 

It is important to capitalise on this opportunity, and I welcome the success HCC have had in securing deals for Welsh farmers to export lamb to Japan. 

Exports of meat and meat products were worth £265 million in 2022 – the latest official figures – and with just over a third of the value of all exports, they constitute the largest category for food and drink exports from Wales.

Minister for Climate Change

WQ89993 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

What assessment has the Minister made of planning application delays impeding the house building and construction sector's ability to take housing schemes forward?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 05/12/2023

My officials are currently conducting an analysis of this issue in relation to affordable housing. This work is ongoing but is pointing a wide variety of issues causing delays, many of which are outside the remit of the planning system.

WQ89996 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

Will the Minister or Deputy Minister be attending any virtual COP 28 events, and if so, which ones?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 05/12/2023

Whilst officials are attending COP28 this year, our focus is on Wales Climate Week. The theme of the week is ‘how do we tackle climate change in a fair way’ and I was delighted to be able to join the opening session on Monday 4 December.

WQ89994 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

What discussions is the Minister having with local authorities in relation to filling staffing vacancies in planning departments?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 06/12/2023

My officials have regular discussions with the Planning Officers Society Wales on this matter.


Will the Minister provide a description of the traffic signals due to be installed at the Nash Fingerpost junction on the A477, outlining if they are traffic lights, or any other form of traffic signals?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 06/12/2023

Design work for the installation of a traffic light signal controlled junction is underway.

As part of the design, active travel, and the provision of street lighting will be considered and a road safety audit will be completed.

The traffic lights will be controlled using an intelligent traffic control system to minimise congestion.

WQ89985 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

Will the Minister define what they would consider as a last resort that would result in the Welsh Government using road-charging powers?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 08/12/2023

There are no plans to introduce road user charging on the strategic road network in Wales.

Last resort means that we would only consider using these powers if other mitigations proved ineffective. Depending on the location such mitigations may include, for example, reduced speed limits, variable diversions, junction closures, or ramp metering to better regulate traffic flows.

There are no sites where we currently have evidence that charging would be an effective measure to support compliance with statutory air pollution limits and reductions in population exposure.

WQ89991 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

With the closure of Ffos y Fran, which the Welsh Government supported, what consideration has the Minister given to the impact the closure will have on Welsh Government climate change targets due to the need to import coal to fill the gap in supply left by the mine's closure?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 08/12/2023

The decision to close the Ffos-y-Fran mine was not one taken by the Welsh Government, but was made by the operator, Merthyr (South Wales) Limited, after it failed to acquire an extension to its planning permission from the local planning authority. Global net-zero targets can only be met if known fossil fuel reserves are not extracted and consumed. Increasing the domestic extraction of fossil-fuels would add to the global supply of coal, having a significant effect on Wales’ and the UK’s legally binding carbon budgets as well as international efforts to limit the impact of climate change. The Welsh Government’s established policy objective is therefore to avoid the continued extraction and consumption of fossil fuels.

WQ90008 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

Will the Minister outline how the Welsh Government is working with local authorities to utilise disused buildings on farmland in Wales?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 08/12/2023

We continue to work with and support local authorities with the implementation of national policy.

National planning guidance supports the re-use and adaptation of rural buildings where the nature and extent of the new use proposed is acceptable in planning terms. The re-use and adaptation of existing rural buildings can support local need for commercial and industrial development, tourism, sport and recreation. Local planning authorities should adopt a positive approach to the conversion of rural buildings for business re-use, including diversification projects, especially within or adjoining farm building complexes. Conversion proposals should respect the landscape and local building styles and materials.

Residential conversion of rural buildings which have ceased being used for commercial or industrial purposes, including agriculture, need to be carefully assessed for their impact on the local area including local employment priorities.

TAN 6 and TAN 23 set out planning advice and criteria that should be met when the re-use of rural buildings, including for residential, is proposed.

WQ89981 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

What assessment has the Minister made of the impact of the Warm Homes programme being delayed until the end of April 2024?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 12/12/2023

This year, we are investing more than £30 million to reduce the number of low-income households living in cold, damp homes. The existing Nest programme will continue to provide essential support to eligible households this winter as we transition to the new scheme. This extension will ensure there is no gap in delivery.

We are also supporting local authorities to roll-out the Energy Company Obligation Flex and Great British Insulation Scheme Flex schemes across Wales, increasing the support to further households. Taken in combination, we are aiming to reach more people this winter than last.

WQ89982 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

What plans does the Minister have to ensure the restoration of the area following the closure of Ffos y Fran opencast mine in Merthyr Tydfil?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 12/12/2023

The Council and the site operator are discussing the restoration plan in the first instance.  I wish to see full restoration of the site in line with the planning permission.

WQ89986 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

Will the Welsh Government be providing any new support for low income households to make their homes more energy efficient, in light of the Warm Homes programme being delayed until the end of April 2024?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 12/12/2023

Alongside continuing our Warm Homes Nest scheme throughout the winter, we are also supporting local authorities to roll-out the Energy Company Obligation Flex and Great British Insulation Scheme Flex schemes across Wales. This investment will leverage funding from energy companies and make support available to a greater number of households.

WQ89988 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

What assessment has the Minister made of Marie Curie's calls for those with terminal illnesses to be included in the Warm Homes programme?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 12/12/2023

I met representatives of Marie Curie on Wednesday 29 November to receive their open letter seeking the inclusion of those with terminal illnesses within the Warm Homes programme. My officials have started discussions with the Marie Curie team to explore the full range of options available to support those with terminal illnesses and medical needs with their fuel costs.

WQ89997 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

What assessment has the Minister made of the Office of Rail and Road's findings of poor train punctuality and reliability and a declining service in Wales in comparison to the rest of the UK?

Answered by Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 18/12/2023
WQ90002 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

What airline companies has the Minister or Deputy held meetings with regarding bringing more carriers of international flights to Cardiff Airport?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Climate Change | Answered on 18/12/2023

Minister for Education and the Welsh Language

WQ89978 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

How is the Welsh Government supporting the non-Welsh-speaking parents and guardians of children who attend Welsh-medium schools to engage with the language and assist their children with schoolwork?

Answered by Minister for Education and the Welsh Language | Answered on 08/12/2023

We have funded RhAG (Rhieni dros addysg Gymraeg) to create a website Welsh4parents and a forum for parents, in particular non-Welsh speaking parents with children in Welsh-medium education. Their website will soon contain information and online resources about Welsh-medium education in 14 community languages.

We also fund several organisations such as Mudiad Meithrin, the Urdd, Mentrau Iaith and the Young Farmers Clubs, to create opportunities for children, young people and their families to engage and enjoy a broad range of Welsh language activities and experiences inside and outside of school.

The National Centre for Learning Welsh offers tailored Welsh at Home courses to support parents and carers. The National Centre also runs the Clwb Cwtsh scheme in partnership with Mudiad Meithrin. Clwb Cwtsh offers informal, light-hearted learning sessions which are free of charge. The Centre also has free online resources on its website for parents with young or school-aged children: Supporting Parents and Families | Learn Welsh.

WQ89979 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

What assessment has the Welsh Government made of school support staff in Wales using their own funds to help pay for pupil's essentials such as food and clothing?

Answered by Minister for Education and the Welsh Language | Answered on 08/12/2023

Ensuring all our school children fulfil their potential is a key priority for this government.  We recognise the challenge of the cost-of-living crisis from parents and guardians to teachers and school support staff.

It is deeply concerning to hear that school support staff are supporting children from their own pockets. The Welsh Government provides funding for the School Essentials Grant (formerly PDG Access), which is distributed to families via local authorities. It has made a significant difference to many lower income families across Wales, helping to reduce the worry surrounding the purchase of school uniform and equipment, enabling children to attend school and take part in activities at the same level as their peers. £13.6m has been made available for the School Essentials Grant in 2023-24.

In 2021/22 the grant was extended to eligible children and young people in all compulsory school years, meaning that even more families can now benefit from this support. The grant can be used to pay for school uniform, coats and shoes, sports kit and equipment, and classroom essentials, like pens, pencils and bags.

Additionally, all primary school children in Wales will be offered a free school meal by September 2024, as part of our Co-operation Agreement with Plaid Cymru. We maintain our commitment to free breakfasts in primary schools and continue to work with local authorities to increase take-up.

The universal provision of free school meals in primary schools is being carried out in collaboration with Siân Gwenllian MS, the Plaid Cymru lead designated member, as part of the Co-operation Agreement between the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru.

WQ89980 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

Will the Minister detail who the Welsh Government has consulted regarding the potential mental health implications for school staff of shortening the school summer holidays in Wales?

Answered by Minister for Education and the Welsh Language | Answered on 08/12/2023

Supporting the wellbeing of school staff and learners is a key element under-pinning the proposals set out in the Consultation on the School Year which was published on 21 November and will run for 12 weeks, closing on 12 February 2024.

Research we published earlier in 2023, found that “the wellbeing and fatigue of learners and school practitioners were universally and proactively identified by stakeholders (learners, parents and school practitioners) as the element most negatively impacted by the current school year calendar”.  Andrews, G et al (2023).

It is important to note that proposals set out in the consultation are not about reducing school holidays and there will be no changes to the overall number of holidays for learners and staff.  Furthermore, any changes to the school year, would be subject to the consultation findings and any wider concerns will be considered in alignment with the Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA).  

This work is being carried out in collaboration with Sian Gwenllian, the Plaid Cymru Designated Member, as part of the Co-operation Agreement between the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru.

(Full Research Report: Andrews, G., Howells, J., KilBride, K., Richardson, M., Wheeler, S., Miller Research, Roberts, M. (2023). Research exploring perceptions and experiences of the current school calendar in Wales. Cardiff: Welsh Government, GSR report number 89/2023 Available at: Research exploring perceptions and experiences of the current school calendar in Wales (gov.wales))

WQ89984 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

Will the Minister provide an update on work by the Welsh Government to reform the school day?

Answered by Minister for Education and the Welsh Language | Answered on 08/12/2023

The Welsh Government continues to consider the structure of the school day in the context of wider education policies and reform.

There are no proposals around the structure of the school day contained in the Consultation on the School Year, which was published on 21 November 2023. It is therefore important that the two are not conflated.

This work is being carried out in collaboration with Sian Gwenllian, the Plaid Cymru Designated Member, as part of the Co-operation Agreement between the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru.

WQ90000 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

Further to WQ89816, what consideration has the Minister given to families outside of lower socioeconomic groups who are concerned about the potential rising cost of holidays abroad, in light of the proposals to change school holidays?

Answered by Minister for Education and the Welsh Language | Answered on 08/12/2023

Further to WQ89816, the Consultation on the School Year was published on 21 November and will run for 12 weeks, closing on 12 February 2024. It is important to note that proposals set out in the consultation are not about reducing school holidays and there will be no changes to the overall number of holidays for learners and teachers and families outside of the lower socioeconomic groups.   

Any changes to the school year, would therefore be subject to the findings and any wider concerns will be considered in alignment with the Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA). Furthermore, any changes would not be implemented until the 2025/26 school year, enabling an opportunity to consider holiday arrangements for all concerned.

This work is being carried out in collaboration with Sian Gwenllian, the Plaid Cymru Designated Member, as part of the Co-operation Agreement between the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru.

WQ89983 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the extent of racism present in Welsh schools?

Answered by Minister for Education and the Welsh Language | Answered on 07/12/2023

The Welsh Government’s Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan, launched in June 2022 sets out a number of actions which aim to embed anti-racism within our education system and create a truly anti-racist Wales by 2030.  

The Action Plan sets out the evidence and context of racism in the education system in Wales. The Action Plan acknowledges that children and young people from Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority communities experience barriers to education and learning due to racism.

I met with the Children’s Commissioner for Wales at a quarterly meeting on 14th November, during which we discussed the publication of her report “Take it Seriously”: children’s experiences of racism in secondary schools, published on 28th November.

While this report makes for difficult reading, it is vital that we listen to children and young people and effectively address the issues they are facing in education. I will carefully consider the Children’s Commissioner’s recommendations and respond in due course.

WQ89992 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

What assessment has the Minister made of the Children's Commissioner for Wales's report on children's experiences of racism in secondary school?

Answered by Minister for Education and the Welsh Language | Answered on 07/12/2023

The Welsh Government’s Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan, launched in June 2022 sets out a number of actions which aim to embed anti-racism within our education system and create a truly anti-racist Wales by 2030.  

The Action Plan sets out the evidence and context of racism in the education system in Wales. The Action Plan acknowledges that children and young people from Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority communities experience barriers to education and learning due to racism.

I met with the Children’s Commissioner for Wales at a quarterly meeting on 14th November, during which we discussed the publication of her report “Take it Seriously”: children’s experiences of racism in secondary schools, published on 28th November.

While this report makes for difficult reading, it is vital that we listen to children and young people and effectively address the issues they are facing in education. I will carefully consider the Children’s Commissioner’s recommendations and respond in due course.

WQ89999 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the potential impact of the Welsh Government's plans to alter school holidays on attendance to summer agriculture shows in Wales?

Answered by Minister for Education and the Welsh Language | Answered on 07/12/2023

The Consultation on the School Year was published on 21 November and will run for 12 weeks, closing on 12 February 2024.

We would not wish to pre-judge the findings of the consultation. However, any changes to the school year, would be subject to those findings, and any wider concerns will be considered in alignment with the Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA).

It is important we hear the views of all the stakeholders ranging from the education workforce, teaching unions, learners, families, businesses, farming community, and the wider community. In the meantime, and we will continue to engage with key individuals and organisations. 

Minister for Health and Social Services

WQ89965 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

What measures is the Minister taking to prevent any outbreak of swine flu in Wales, following the first confirmed case of a new strain of swine flu being detected in a human in the UK?

Answered by Minister for Health and Social Services | Answered on 08/12/2023

Following the detection of a single human case of influenza A(H1N2)v in England, the United Kingdom Health Security Agency (UKHSA) established an enhanced national incident and is working with partners to deliver a rapid response based on a precautionary containment approach. Public Health Wales (PHW) is attending UKHSA’s daily Incident Management Team (IMT) meetings to ensure we in Wales have the latest information as it emerges from the case and contacts in England. The investigation into this incident is continuing and PHW is providing the Welsh Government with regular updates as they emerge.

PHW issued a briefing to key partners in the NHS on 29 November and is maintaining a dynamic risk assessment specific to Influenza A H1N2.

Welsh Government officials are considering with PHW the contingency arrangements necessary if a case is detected in Wales. This includes capacity and capabilities in key areas including surveillance, testing and sampling, contact tracing, guidance to the health and care system, isolation facilities, vaccination and public information and guidance.

WQ89987 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

Will the Minister confirm the current waiting times for ADHD diagnosis once a child has been referred by a school?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Social Services | Answered on 07/12/2023

A neurodevelopmental assessment is currently carried out by children’s neurodevelopmental services. Schools play an important role in the referral process but are not responsible for the assessment.

The Additional Learning Needs (ALN) system takes a person-centred and needs-led approach that focuses on meeting the learner’s needs rather than on the type of disability or learning difficulty they have.

A diagnosis of a condition is not required for a decision on a learner’s ALN. Wherever possible, the learner’s additional learning provision, as described in their individual development plan, should not be delayed while waiting for an assessment or diagnosis.

The NHS Delivery Unit is undertaking a mapping exercise to better understand the complexities of the assessment process for children and young people. We are focused on addressing the barriers; getting urgent support and making services sustainable.

The Neurodivergence Improvement Programme is addressing immediate pressures on assessment waiting times by developing sustainable integrated needs-led services with a skilled and resilient workforce, which includes supporting schools and teaching staff. It will also include additional advice and support services for parents and carers.

We do not hold data on who makes a referral for assessment by children’s neurodevelopmental services.

WQ89989 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

Will the Minister confirm what the current waiting times are for a neurodivergent assessment within schools in Wales?

Answered by Deputy Minister for Social Services | Answered on 07/12/2023

A neurodevelopmental assessment is currently carried out by children’s neurodevelopmental services. Schools play an important role in the referral process but are not responsible for the assessment.

The Additional Learning Needs (ALN) system takes a person-centred and needs-led approach that focuses on meeting the learner’s needs rather than on the type of disability or learning difficulty they have.

A diagnosis of a condition is not required for a decision on a learner’s ALN. Wherever possible, the learner’s additional learning provision, as described in their individual development plan, should not be delayed while waiting for an assessment or diagnosis.

The NHS Delivery Unit is undertaking a mapping exercise to better understand the complexities of the assessment process for children and young people. We are focused on addressing the barriers; getting urgent support and making services sustainable.

The Neurodivergence Improvement Programme is addressing immediate pressures on assessment waiting times by developing sustainable integrated needs-led services with a skilled and resilient workforce, which includes supporting schools and teaching staff. It will also include additional advice and support services for parents and carers.

We do not hold data on who makes a referral for assessment by children’s neurodevelopmental services.

WQ89998 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

Is the Minister aware of the number of children on NHS Wales waiting lists, as at October 2023?

Answered by Minister for Health and Social Services | Answered on 18/12/2023

Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip

WQ89975 (e) Tabled on 30/11/2023

What assessment has the Minister made of the fact that children living in poverty are four times more likely to develop a mental health problem by the age of 11?

Answered by Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip | Answered on 07/12/2023

Poverty can be both a cause and a consequence of mental health problems. We commissioned research from the Wales Centre for Public Policy on what works in tackling poverty, which highlighted the mental load and mental health affecting people living in poverty. We have also taken on board the findings of research from organisations such as the Public Health Wales and the Children’s Commissioner for Wales.

The work of the Joint Ministerial Task and Finish Group on a Whole School Approach to Emotional and Mental Wellbeing has informed our response to the mental wellbeing of children and young people and the development of mental health provision for them. Regional Partnership Boards are implementing the NEST Planning Framework at a local level. We have just published a good practice examples document detailing NEST in action, with examples of the NEST framework making a difference in the delivery of face-to-face services.

Significant work has also been undertaken to develop our new mental health strategy, which will be published for consultation early next year. The draft strategy has been informed by a wide range of evidence, reports, stakeholders and the views of service users. Pre-engagement and consultation evidence from the development of the Child Poverty Strategy has also been included. This wide range of evidence has resulted in our draft strategy including a focus on babies and children and young people as it recognises the social and emotional wellbeing needs and development of children in the earliest years of life.