Motions for debate on 30/12/2020

NDM7530 - Government Debate

Tabled on 29/12/2020 | For debate on 30/12/2020

To propose the Senedd:

1. Notes the agreement in principle reached by the UK Government and the EU on our long-term future relationship at the end of the transition period.

2. Notes the UK Government’s intention to implement the agreement via a European Union (Future Relationship) Bill.

3. Regrets that it is not in a position to determine legislative consent, given that the Bill has been provided to the Senedd at very short notice and contains provisions capable of impacting on the devolution settlement

4. Regrets that this damaging deal does not reflect the aspirations of the Senedd as reflected in ‘Securing Wales' Future’ and ‘The Future UK/EU Relationship: Negotiating Priorities for Wales’ but nevertheless, accepts that this deal is less damaging than leaving the transition period without a trade deal.

5. Supports the continued efforts to mitigate the short-term disruption and the long-term harm which will result from the change in our economic relationship with the EU and calls on the UK Government to work with the Welsh Government to that end.

Securing Wales’ Future

The future UK/EU relationship: negotiating priorities for Wales


NDM7530 - 1 | Tabled on 29/12/2020

Delete all after point 2 and replace with:

Regrets that the agreement does not fully reflect the will of the Welsh people, as expressed in the European Union referendum of June 2016, but notes that it does remove the United Kingdom from being subject to the European Union's laws, which has had a damaging impact on our economy and sovereignty, and brings to an end the divisive politics expressed by the denial of the democratic process by remain campaigners.

NDM7530 - 2 | Tabled on 29/12/2020

Delete all and replace with:

1. Welcomes the trade and cooperation agreement between the UK Government and the European Union.

2. Believes that it is in the interests of Wales to extend support for the agreement and to provide legislative consent for its implementation via a European Union (Future Relationship) Bill.

3. Calls upon the Welsh Government to work constructively with the UK Government to take advantage of new opportunities for Wales arising from the end of the post-Brexit transition period.

NDM7530 - 3 | Tabled on 29/12/2020

Delete points 3, 4 and 5.

NDM7530 - 4 | Tabled on 29/12/2020

Add as new point at end of motion:

Believes that the Welsh Government's current stance on the recent UK-EU trade agreement, and its ongoing references to its documents 'Securing Wales' Future' and 'The future UK/EU relationship: negotiating priorities for Wales', is totemic of its desire to sabotage and reverse the result of 2016 referendum which showed decisively, in the UK's largest democratic exercise, that the people of Wales and the UK wanted to leave the European Union.

NDM7530 - 5 | Tabled on 29/12/2020

Add as new point at end of motion:

Notes the statement issued by Fishing for Leave on the 24 December 2020, part of which suggests, in regards to the recent UK-EU trade agreement, that it is not a clean break from EU control over UK fishing and further suggests that Britain should fully take back control of its waters and move to rightful quota shares based on the international principle of zonal attachment.

Fishing for Leave: Fishing paid the ultimate price on the way in and it looks like a poor settlement to pay for a deal on the way out – 24 December 2020

NDM7530 - 6 | Tabled on 29/12/2020

In point 4, delete ‘but nevertheless, accepts that this deal is less damaging than leaving the transition period without a trade deal’ and replace with ‘and believes that it represents a hard Brexit for which there is no mandate and which is not in Wales’s interests’.

NDM7530 - 7 | Tabled on 29/12/2020

Add as new point at end of motion:

Believes that this deal does not fulfil the promises made in the 2016 referendum and is not an acceptable outcome for the people of Wales whichever way they voted in that referendum.

NDM7530 - 8 | Tabled on 29/12/2020

Add as new point at end of motion:

Believes that this deal will lead to a race to the bottom on workers’ rights and environmental standards and will be very damaging to the Welsh economy.

NDM7530 - 9 | Tabled on 29/12/2020

Add as new point at end of motion:

Does not support the Conservative UK Government’s deal and calls on Wales’s representatives in the UK Parliament to vote accordingly.

NDM7530 - 10 | Tabled on 29/12/2020

Add as new point at end of motion:

Calls on the Welsh Government to explore ways in which Wales might be able to re-join the Erasmus programme or work up its own Welsh alternative to Erasmus which would preserve the main benefits of the programme.


NDM7531 - Government Debate

Tabled on 29/12/2020 | For debate on 30/12/2020

To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Orders 33.6 and 33.8:

Suspends Standing Orders 12.20(i) and 12.22(i) to allow NDM7530 to be considered in Plenary on Wednesday 30 December 2020.