NDM6117 - Government Debate

Tabled on 11/10/2016 | For debate on 11/10/2016

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:
Acknowledges the Welsh Language Commissioner's Annual Report for 2015-16, which details the work undertaken by the Commissioner to promote and facilitate the use of the Welsh language.

The Welsh Language Commissioner's Annual Report for 2015-16


NDM6117-1 | Tabled on 13/10/2016

Add new point at end of motion:

Notes the importance of workforce planning to provide services through the medium of Welsh as a central aspect to the efforts of government to reach the target of a million Welsh speakers by 2050.

NDM6117-2 | Tabled on 13/10/2016

Add new point at end of motion:

Calls on the Welsh Government to work with the Welsh Language Commissioner to present a national Welsh language strategy in the workplace in order to increase the use of Welsh in the workplace and promote and raise awareness of the right to receive services through the medium of Welsh. 

NDM6117-3 | Tabled on 13/10/2016

Add new point at end of motion:

Calls on the Welsh Government to work with the Welsh Language Commissioner to implement recommendation 4 in the report of the Working Group on the Welsh Language and Local Government: Language, work and bilingual services, to place a statutory duty on local authorities, including in their role as local education authorities, to undertake workforce planning in terms of linguistic skills, and to provide suitable training to meet those needs.

'Language, Work and Bilingual Services