NDM6110 - Assembly Debates

Tabled on 28/09/2016 | For debate on 28/09/2016

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

Believes that the HS2 project should be scrapped and the capital savings used to enhance the existing rail network, including:

(a) fully funding the electrification of the south Wales main line, and the south Wales metro project; and

(b) an extensive upgrading of the north Wales rail network.


NDM6110-1 | Tabled on 29/09/2016

Delete all and replace with:

1. Recognises the social and economic benefits that HS2 will have for the people of mid and north Wales.

2. Calls on the Welsh Government to work constructively with the UK Government and regional transport bodies to ensure services and timetabling are organised to deliver maximum benefits of HS2 to the people of mid and north Wales.

NDM6110-2 | Tabled on 30/09/2016

Delete all and replace with:

1. Recognises the social and economic benefits that HS2 will have for the people of mid and north Wales.

2. Calls on the Welsh Government to work constructively with the UK Government and regional transport bodies to ensure services and timetabling are organised to deliver maximum benefits of HS2 to the people of mid and north Wales.

3. Calls on the UK Government to:

(a) publish a timetable for electrification of the south Wales main line to Swansea;

(b) fully fund electrification of the north Wales mainline and south Wales valleys lines;

(c) guarantee all European Union funding planned for the South Wales Metro; and

(d) Begin negotiations to transfer funding and responsibility for rail infrastructure to Welsh Ministers.

NDM6110-3 | Tabled on 30/09/2016

Delete all and replace with:

1. Believes that the HS2 project is an England only infrastructure project and that Wales should receive a Barnett consequential that reflects this.

2. Believes that the funds received as a Barnett consequential should be used to create an effective transport infrastructure that links together all the regions of Wales, and that this should include the following projects:

(a) improving transport connections within Wales; improving links between north and south; and creating regional networks in our main urban areas such as the south Wales metro project and an extensive north Wales metro project;

(b) transport solutions that work for rural Wales and its particular demographic and geographic challenges; and

(c) the electrification of the north and south Wales main railway lines, and extensive upgrading of the broader Welsh rail network.