NDM8692 - Opposition Debate
Tabled on 09/10/2024 | For debate on 16/10/2024To propose that the Senedd:
1. Recognises the valuable contribution that council-owned farms play in supporting food production and enabling young entrants into farming.
2. Regrets that selling council-owned farms risks reducing Wales’s food security and traditional farming practices, causing a shifting towards less sustainable practices.
3. Calls on the Welsh Government to impose a moratorium on the sale of council-owned farms owned by local authorities in Wales.
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NDM8692 - 1 | Tabled on
Delete points 2 and 3 and replace with:
Welcomes that the proposed sustainable farming scheme will be accessible to and will support farmers on council-owned farms.
Notes that the management of council-owned farms is ultimately a matter for Welsh local authorities.