NDM8667 - Opposition Debate

Tabled on 18/09/2024 | For debate on 25/09/2024

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Recognises the default 20mph speed limit has been in place in Wales for over one year.

2. Notes:

a) the 469,571 signatories to the Senedd petition: 'We want the Welsh Government to rescind and remove the disastrous 20mph law';

b) the Welsh Government’s own Explanatory Memorandum to The Restricted Roads (20 mph Speed Limit) (Wales) Order 2022 which identified an economic dis-benefit of up to £8.9 billion arising from longer journey times associated with the default 20mph speed limit policy;

c) the former Deputy Minister for Transport’s comments that ‘more common sense’ should have been used when implementing Wales’s 20mph speed limit;

d) Transport for Wales’s air quality monitoring report wherein half of tested areas saw rises in nitrogen dioxide levels inside 20mph zones compared with outside; and

e) Welsh local authorities have received requests for thousands of roads to revert from 20mph to 30mph.

3. Calls on the Welsh Government to:

a) repeal the default 20mph speed limit; and

b) work with Welsh local authorities to deliver a targeted approach to 20mph speed limits with the consent of local people.