NDM8665 - Opposition Debate

Tabled on 18/09/2024 | For debate on 25/09/2024

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Notes the Welsh Government's statement of priorities.

2. Regrets:

a) that after 25 years in government, the latest Welsh Labour Government could not identify the priorities of the people of Wales without conducting the 'listening exercise' initiated by the First Minister; and

b) that any milestones, targets and delivery dates are absent from the First Minister's statement of priorities.

3. Calls on the Welsh Government to:

a) set a timetable for reducing NHS waiting lists;

b) publish a delivery plan based on the range of 'people’s priorities', including, but not limited to, milestones, targets, and delivery dates;

c) introduce an updated Programme for Government and Legislative Programme; and

d) honour its 'partnership in power' principle by using all intergovernmental channels to press on the UK Government for fair funding, devolution of the Crown Estate and the full devolution of justice.


NDM8665 - 1 | Tabled on 19/09/2024

Insert new sub-point at end of point 2:

that the Welsh Government is not listening to the hundreds of thousands of pensioners in Wales who will be adversely affected by UK Government cuts in winter fuel payments;

NDM8665 - 2 | Tabled on 19/09/2024

Delete sub-point 3(d) and replace with:

honour its 'partnership in power' principle by using all intergovernmental channels to press on the UK Government for consequentials from HS2 for Wales and to proceed with the electrification of the north Wales main line;