NDM8589 - Opposition Debate
Tabled on 15/05/2024 | For debate on 22/05/2024To propose that the Senedd:
1. Recognises the vital contribution that the tourism sector makes to Wales, accounting for over 150,000 jobs and 5 per cent of GDP.
2. Regrets that Wales’s tourism sector still hasn’t recovered to pre-pandemic levels.
3. Calls on the Welsh Government to support Wales’s tourism sector by:
a) freeing Welsh tourism by making Visit Wales independent;
b) scrapping the tourism tax;
c) reducing the 182-day occupancy threshold to 105 days;
d) introducing a tourism and hospitality academy to upskill the sector for the future; and
e) proactively capitalising on major events.
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Delete all and replace with:
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Recognises the vital contribution that the tourism sector makes to Wales.
2. Regrets that Wales’s tourism sector still hasn’t recovered to pre-pandemic levels.
3. Notes the Welsh Government’s support to the sector and the commitment to working with the sector and local authorities to:
a) introduce a visitor levy should they choose to, subject to consultation;
b) maintain the discretionary powers and guidance on council tax and second homes;
c) explore a tourism and hospitality academy to upskill the sector for the future; and
d) proactively capitalise on major events.
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Add as new point after point 2 and renumber accordingly:
Notes the effect of cost increases on businesses, as well as the effect that the cost-of-living crisis has had on expenditure by tourists in Wales.
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In point 3, delete sub-points (b) and (c).
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In sub-point (e) in point 3, after 'major events', insert 'by promoting events which are of cultural and economic benefit to Wales'.