NDM8355 - Opposition Debate

Tabled on 13/09/2023 | For debate on 20/09/2023

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Notes that the outcome of the latest UK auction for offshore wind means there will be no new offshore wind farms developed in Wales for the foreseeable future.

2. Notes that the independent UK-wide Climate Change Committee’s latest report on the progress of the Welsh Government’s decarbonisation agenda concludes that Wales is currently not on track to meet its Net Zero goals by 2050.

3. Notes that a UN report on the Paris Agreement stresses the need for fossil fuel emissions to peak by no later than 2025 to ensure that global warming is limited to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels.

4. Believes that Wales has the potential to be a powerhouse for clean and renewable energy.

5. Believes that this potential is currently being squandered as a result of the policy approaches of the UK and Welsh Governments.

6. Calls on the Welsh Government to develop a new green industrial strategy for Wales to realise its economic potential in green energy and to ensure that progress towards its Net Zero goals is accelerated.

Progress report: Reducing emissions in Wales

United Nations: Technical dialogue of the first global stocktake


NDM8355 - 1 | Tabled on 15/09/2023

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Notes that the latest UK auction for renewable energy contracts resulted in 3.7GW from solar power, onshore wind and tidal power projects UK-wide.

NDM8355 - 2 | Tabled on 15/09/2023

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Regrets the withdrawal of business rates grants for small-scale hydroelectric projects by the Welsh Government.

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To propose that the Senedd:

1.    Congratulates public bodies and businesses in North Wales for their success in securing funding for the largest ever deployment of tidal stream energy technology in Wales through the most recent Contract for Difference Allocation Round 5.

2.    Calls on the Welsh Government and UK Government to work together to accelerate deployment of floating offshore wind, including by fully implementing the recommendations of the Offshore Wind Acceleration Taskforce.

3.    Acknowledges the establishment of Net Zero Industry Wales and calls on the Welsh Government and the UK Government to work together to support the development of industrial decarbonisation pathways.

4.    Calls on the Welsh Government to:

a)    respond urgently to the recommendations in the Climate Change Committee's latest Wales progress report, including to produce plans to deliver a 10% reduction in car-km per person by 2030, to set out a decarbonisation pathway for agriculture, and to accelerate rates of tree planting by removing non-financial barriers.

b)    ensure that Ynni Cymru enables communities to play a pivotal role in making Wales a powerhouse for clean and renewable energy.

c)    ensure that Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru helps to maximise the economic benefits to Wales of the energy transition by delivering income to the public purse and stimulating Welsh supply chains.  

5.      Agrees with the findings of the recent UN report on the Technical Dialogue of the first Global Stocktake on the implementation of the Paris Agreement that the worst impacts of climate change can be avoided if all nations follow bold targets with tough action to deliver them.

Offshore Wind Acceleration Taskforce

Climate Change Committee Progress Report: Reducing Emissions in Wales

UN report on the Technical Dialogue of the first Global Stocktake on the implementation of the Paris Agreement