NDM8131 - Member Debates

Tabled on 10/11/2022 | For debate on 08/03/2023

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Notes that the prevalent collection and use of biometric data within schools across Wales is putting children’s personal data and privacy at risk.

2. Calls on the Welsh Government to introduce legislation that would: 

a) ensure that Article 16 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, a child's right to privacy, is upheld within Wales; 

b) ensure that schools and childcare settings are using non-biometric technologies for services, rather than using biometric systems that may compromise the security of children's biometric data; 

c) ensure appropriate risk assessments and procurement processes of technology companies within educational settings are put in place; 

d) acknowledge the potential harms from the unregulated use of biometric data; 

e) acknowledge the lack of consent by young people and children within current usages of biometric data within schools.