NDM8041 - Opposition Debate

Tabled on 22/06/2022 | For debate on 29/06/2022

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Notes that over 209,015 people in Wales live with diabetes and that Wales has the highest prevalence of diabetes of the UK nations.

2. Expresses concern about the rapid increase in the diagnosis of diabetes over the last 20 years.

3. Recognises the continued adverse impact of the coronavirus pandemic on waiting times, access to services, diagnostic tests, prevention and care for people with diabetes in Wales.

4. Acknowledges the need for a renewed commitment to improving outcomes for people with and at risk of diabetes to uphold the National Service Framework for Diabetes.

5. Calls upon the Welsh Government to publish the quality statement for diabetes before the end of July and commit to developing a new action plan for diabetes within 12 months.

National Service Framework for Diabetes in Wales 


NDM8041 - 1 | Tabled on 24/06/2022

Add as new point after point 4 and renumber accordingly:

Believes that investing in preventative measures could lead to a significant reduction in type 2 diabetes, and result in major savings for the NHS.

NDM8041 - 2 | Tabled on 24/06/2022

Add as new point at end of motion:

Calls upon the Welsh Government to publish a diabetes prevention plan focused on diet and physical activity, with appropriate funding.

NDM8041 - 3 | Tabled on 24/06/2022

Add as new point at end of motion:

Further calls upon the Welsh Government to increase availability of specialist and embedded psychological support for those living with diabetes.

NDM8041 - 4 | Tabled on 24/06/2022

Delete all after point 2 and replace with:

Recognises that work is underway to recover routine services for people with diabetes following the impact of the pandemic.

Recognises the commitment that exists within the NHS in Wales to:

a) ensure that people are supported to make healthy choices which reduce their likelihood of developing type-2 diabetes;

b) make progress towards offering those diagnosed with type-2 diabetes in the last six years the opportunity to access a remission service;

c) ensure accessible and patient-centred care for people with diabetes, as well as the use of technology and education to help them better manage their condition.

Notes that work is underway with stakeholders to develop a diabetes quality statement for publication in the autumn.