NDM8027 - Opposition Debate

Tabled on 08/06/2022 | For debate on 15/06/2022

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Notes:

a) the importance of developing green hydrogen production to help release Wales’s renewables potential to decarbonise energy, help replace fossil fuels and help provide a long-term solution to the cost of living crisis;

b) that developing the hydrogen sector can help transform Wales’s circular and foundational economy in line with the localisation agenda.

2. Calls on the Welsh Government to:

a) produce a Wales hydrogen strategy with the aim of being among the countries at the forefront of the development of this new sector;

b) ensure Welsh control and ownership of this new sector is maximised as part of its strategy.


NDM8027 - 1 | Tabled on 09/06/2022

Add as new sub-point at the end of point 2:

deliver a hydrogen neighbourhood trial by 2023, followed by a large hydrogen village trial by 2025, and potentially a hydrogen town pilot before the end of the decade.