NDM7895 - Opposition Debate

Tabled on 19/01/2022 | For debate on 26/01/2022

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Regrets the adverse impact of COVID-19 restrictions on children and young people across Wales, including:

a) learners in Wales missing more days of their education than elsewhere in the UK during the pandemic;

b) Estyn’s conclusion that learners’ maths, reading, Welsh language and social skills have all suffered as a result of school closures.

2. Notes the persistent per pupil funding shortfall between Wales and other parts of the UK.

3. Calls on the Welsh Government to take action to overcome the impact of the pandemic on Welsh learners to ensure that every young person can reach their potential, by:

a) guaranteeing that schools will remain open;

b) removing the requirement to wear face coverings in schools and colleges as soon as possible;

c) accelerating the rollout of improved ventilation adaptations in learning environments;

d) levelling up school funding across Wales to address the shortfall between Wales and other UK nations.


NDM7895 - 1 | Tabled on 21/01/2022

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1. Regrets the adverse impact of COVID-19 on children and young people’s learning and wellbeing.

2. Believes that the Welsh Government must continue to take appropriate measures to ensure face to face teaching is prioritised and that decisions to reduce COVID protections in schools must be taken in accordance with the data.

3. Believes that prioritising the wellbeing of pupils and staff is essential as we respond to the pandemic.

4. Notes the Education Policy Institute’s findings that Wales is spending the largest amount per pupil on education recovery in the UK.

5. Welcomes that the Welsh Government recently announced:

a) £50m additional capital funding to enable schools to undertake repair and improvement work, with a focus on health and safety measures, such as improving ventilation;

b) £45m additional revenue funding to support schools as they continue to deal with the ongoing impacts of the pandemic and to prepare for the requirements of the new curriculum.

Comparing education catch-up spending within and outside the UK - Education Policy Institute (epi.org.uk)

NDM7895 - 2 | Tabled on 21/01/2022

Delete point 1 and replace with:

Regrets the adverse impact of COVID-19 restrictions on children and young people across Wales.

NDM7895 - 3 | Tabled on 21/01/2022

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Calls on the Welsh Government to ensure that any future impacts of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on children and young people, in particular in relation to learning and mental health, are minimised by investing in:

a) air filtration technology to ensure that every effort is made to keep schools open and safe; 

b) mental health provision to prioritise mental health and wellbeing.