NDM7856 - Opposition Debate

Tabled on 24/11/2021 | For debate on 01/12/2021

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Notes the Bevan Foundation’s report on the impact of COVID-19 on household debt.

2. Notes the rising prices of utilities bills.

3. Notes the Welsh Government written statement on support for the winter fuel support scheme and household living costs.

4. Calls on the UK Government to reform the rural fuel duty relief scheme and increase in fuel duty in areas which have received above UK average public investment in public transport infrastructure.

5. Calls on the Welsh Government to:

a) work with local authorities to clear some of the significant council tax arrears that have been built up over the course of the pandemic;

b) work with the UK Government to establish a consistent baseline of support by energy suppliers for indebted customers;

c) explore the possibility of legislation that would place a duty on all public bodies, including schools and colleges, to prevent debt.

Debt in the pandemic - The Bevan Foundation

Written Statement: Welsh Government support for Winter Fuel Support Scheme and Household Living Costs


NDM7856 - 1 | Tabled on 26/11/2021

Delete point 4.

NDM7856 - 2 | Tabled on 26/11/2021

Add as new sub-points at end of point 5:

create and publish a cold weather plan;

expand the financial support available to assist those struggling to meet growing energy bills;

invest in home energy efficiency, prioritising the poorest households in the least efficient homes;

produce regular estimates of the number of fuel-poor households in Wales.

NDM7856 - 3 | Tabled on 26/11/2021

Delete 5(c) and replace with:

work with public bodies, including schools and colleges, to explore measures to prevent problem debt.